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Xavier University College of Law-Zamboanga

in consortium wit
Ateneo !e Zamboanga University
Constitutional Law "ne Atty# $!ilwasif T#
First 'emester( )*&&-)*&) 'atur!ay( &*am-&+m
Re,uire! Te-tboo.
Bernas S.J., Fr. Joaquin (2011) The 1987 Philippine Constitution ! Co"prehensi#e
$e#ie%er, &anila $e' Boo( Store, )n*.
Bernas S.J., Fr. Joaquin (200+) The 1987 Constitution o, the $epu-li* o, the
Philippines ! Co""entar., &anila $e' Boo( Store, )n*.
/a*hura, !ntonio (2000) 1utline $e#ie%er in Politi*al 2a%, 3ue4on Cit. 5J 6raphil
!rts, )n*.
Classroom /olicies
Stu7ents are e'pe*te7 to ha#e rea7 the assi8ne7 "aterials ,or the *lass sessions
an7 "a. -e *alle7 upon to re*ite.
!tten7an*e is *he*(e7.
9ni#ersit. rules 8o#ernin8 *uts an7 a-sen*es are o-ser#e7. ), .ou e'*ee7 the total
allo%a-le *uts, then .ou %ill -e 7roppe7 ,ro" the *ourse.

Cell phones an7 other ele*troni* 7e#i*es "ust -e (ept in silent "o7e. )t is i"perati#e
that stu7ents a#oi7 usin8 these 7e#i*es 7urin8 *lassroo" sessions.
), .ou ,ail to su-"it a require"ent on ti"e, .ou %ill re*ei#e 7e7u*tions ,ro" .our total
"ar(. :ou %ill o-tain a 8ra7e o, ;0 points in the e#ent o, ,ailure to su-"it a paper
require"ent or to sho% up 7urin8 a s*he7ule7 lon8 or ,inal e'a".
Pla8iaris" an7 *heatin8 are 8ra#e o,,enses o, intelle*tual 7ishonest. an7 are
punisha-le -. uni#ersit. rules.
Consultation an7 7is*ussion is a#aila-le upon request o, the stu7ent. <"ail
Atty. Edilwasif T. Baddiri has a Masters in Public Administration Degree from the John F. ennedy !chool of
"o#ernment$ %ar#ard &ni#ersity. %e recei#ed his A.B. Political !cience Degree and Juris Doctor Degree from
the Ateneo de Manila &ni#ersity.

Article 01 Te 2ational Territory
$.!. 92;; or the /e% Baselines 2a% o, 2009.
1982 9/ Con#ention on the 2a% o, the Sea
Reagan v# Commissioner( 3* 'CRA 456
>illia" $ea8an, a *i#ilian e" o, an !"eri*an *orporation pro#i7in8 te*hni*al
assistan*e to the 9nite7 States !ir For*e in the Philippines, 7ispute7 the pa."ent o,
the in*o"e ta' assesse7 on hi" -. respon7ent Co""issioner o, )nternal $e#enue
on an a"ount reali4e7 -. hi" on a sale o, his auto"o-ile to a "e"-er o, the 9nite7
States &arine Corps. The transa*tion too( pla*e at the Clar( Fiel7 !ir Base at
Pa"pan8a. )t is his *ontention that the sale %as "a7e outsi7e the Philippine territor.
an7 there,ore -e.on7 the Philippines? @uris7i*tional po%er to ta'.
>hether or not the *olle*tion o, the assesse7 in*o"e ta' is %ithin the @uris7i*tion o,
the PhilippinesA
The Court 7enie7 the petition. The Court o, !ppeals, in its 7e*ision o, ,in7in8 nothin8
o-@e*tiona-le in the assess"ent an7 therea,ter the pa."ent o, P2,979.00 as in*o"e
ta' #ali7 %as also a,,ir"e7 -. the Bi8h Court. Further"ore, the Court rule7 that the
Philippines -ein8 in7epen7ent an7 so#erei8n, its authorit. "a. -e e'er*ise7 o#er its
entire 7o"ain. There is no portion thereo, that is -e.on7 its po%er. >ithin its li"its,
its 7e*rees are supre"e, its *o""an7s para"ount. )ts la%s 8o#ern therein, an7 to %ho" it applies "ust su-"it to its ter"s. >ith re8ar7 to -ases un7er
lease to the !"eri*an ar"e7 ,or*es -. #irtue o, the "ilitar. -ases a8ree"ent o,
19C7, the. are not an7 *annot -e ,orei8n territor.. The Court ,urther rule7 that the
,irst an7 *ru*ial error i"pute7 to the Court o, Ta' !ppeals to the e,,e*t that it shoul7
ha#e hel7 that Clar( !ir For*e is ,orei8n soil or territor. ,or purposes o, in*o"e ta'
le8islation is *learl. %ithout support in la%. There is nothin8 in the &ilitar. Bases
!8ree"ent that len7s to support to the assertion that "ilitar. -ases ha#e -e*o"e
,orei8n soil or territor.. There,ore, the *ountr.?s @uris7i*tional ri8hts, *ertainl. not
e'*lu7in8 the po%er to ta', ha#e -een preser#e7.
/eo+le v# 7o8o( 93 'CRA :;5
6o4o -ou8ht a house an7 lot %hi*h is lo*ate7 in the 9S /a#al reser#ation
%hi*h is %ithin the territorial @uris7i*tion o, 1lon8apo Cit.. 9pon a7#i*e o, an
assistant in the &a.or?s o,,i*e an7 so"e nei8h-ors, she 7e"olishe7 the house
%ithout o-tainin8 ne*essar. per"its an7 then later ere*te7 another house. She %as
*har8e7 -. the Cit. <n8ineer?s 1,,i*e ,or #iolatin8 &uni*ipal 1r7er /u"-er 1C Series

o, 190C %hi*h requires her to se*ure per"its ,or an.Dor *onstru*tion %ithin the
pre"ises o, the Cit.. She %as *on#i*te7 in #iolation thereo, -. the lo%er *ourt. She
appeale7 an7 *ountere7 that the Cit. o, 1lon8apo has no a7"inistrati#e @uris7i*tion
o#er the sai7 lot -e*ause it is %ithin the ,orei8n /a#al Base.
>hether or not the State *an e'er*ise a7"inistrati#e @uris7i*tion %ithin the
/a#al Base o, a ,orei8n *ountr.
B<2E The Philippine 6o#ern"ent has not renoun*e7 its so#erei8nt. o#er the -ases
as part o, the Philippine territor. or 7i#este7 itsel, *o"pletel. o, @uris7i*tion
o#er o,,enses *o""itte7 therein. 9n7er the ter"s o, the treat., the 9nite7
States 6o#ern"ent has prior or pre,erential -ut not e'*lusi#e @uris7i*tion o,
su*h o,,enses. The Philippine 6o#ern"ent retains not onl. @uris7i*tional li8hts
not 8rante7, -ut also all su*h *e7e7 ri8hts as the 9nite7 States &ilitar.
authorities ,or reasons o, their o%n 7e*line to "a(e use o, (&ilitar. Bases
!8ree"ent). Ben*e, in the e'er*ise o, its so#erei8nt., the State throu8h the
Cit. o, 1lon8apo 7oes ha#e a7"inistrati#e @uris7i*tion o#er the lot lo*ate7
%ithin the 9S /a#al Base.
Article 001 Declaration of /rinci+les an! 'tate /olicies
Legal <alue of Article 00
Ton!o =e!ical v# CA( 9); 'CRA ;:5 >)**;?
Fa*ts Presi7ent <stra7a issue7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 102, entitle7F$e7ire*tin8 the
Fun*tions an7 1perations o, the Eepart"ent o, Bealth,G %hi*h pro#i7e7 ,or the
*han8es in the roles, ,un*tions,an7 or8ani4ational pro*esses o, the E1B. 9n7er the
assaile7 e'e*uti#e or7er, the E1B re,o*use7 its "an7ate ,ro" -ein8 thesole
pro#i7er o, health ser#i*es to -ein8 a pro#i7er o, spe*i,i* health ser#i*es an7
te*hni*al assistan*e, as a result o, the 7e#olution o, -asi* ser#i*es to lo*al
8o#ern"ent units.

)ssue >1/ <1102 is *onstitutionalA

$ulin8 :<S. 6enerall.,, *onstitutional pro#isions are seH,I e'e*utin8 -ut so"e ha#e
-een spe*i,ie7 not tp -e su*h. Petitioners alle8e that the BS$! shoul7 -e 7e*lare7
#oi7, sin*e it runs *ounter to the aspiration an7 i7eals o, the Filipino people as
e"-o7ie7 in the Constitution. The. *lai" that the BS$!?s poli*ies o, ,is*al
autono"., in*o"e 8eneration, an7re#enue enhan*e"ent #iolate Se*tions ;, 9, 10,
11, 1+, 1; an718 o, !rti*le )), Se*tion 1 o, !rti*le )))H Se*tions 11 an7 1C o, !rti*le
J)))H an7 Se*tions 1 an7 + o, !rti*le J5 o, the 1987 Constitution. Su*h poli*ies
alle8e7l. resulte7 in "a(in8 ina**essi-le ,ree "e7i*ine an7 ,ree "e7i*al ser#i*es.
This *ontention is un,oun7e7 -e*ause the sai7 poli*ies are not sel,Ie'e*utin8. )t
nee7s le8islati#e a*tion. (Ea87a8)

%ases Conversion an! Develo+ment Autority v# Commission on Au!it( 96*
'CRA )49
The Boar7 o, the Bases Con#ersion an7 Ee#elop"ent !uthorit., ,in thie e'er*ise o,
its po%er a7opte7 a *o"pensation an7 -ene,it s*he"e that in*lu7e7 a P 10,000
.earIen7 -ene,it 8rant to ea*h *ontra*tual e", re8ular e" an7 Boar7
"e"-er. This %as su-"itte7 to the then presi7ent, Fi7el 5. $a"os %ho appro#e7 it.
This %as later in*rease7 to P +0,000 an7 %as 8rante7 e#en to the ,ullIti"e
*onsultants o, the a8en*.. 2ater, the State !u7itor issue7 a "e"oran7u"
7isallo%in8 the :<B ,or the Boar7 "e"-ers an7 the *onsultants -e*ause it *ontrar.
to a EB& *ir*ular %hi*h too( e,,e*t earlier o, that .ear.
)ssue (as relate7 to our 7is*ussion on the Constitution)
>hether or not the BCE! Boar7 "e"-ers an7 *onsultants are entitle7 to the :<B
as it is *onsistent %ith Se*tions ; an7 18 o, !rti*le )) o, the Philippine Constitution.
!rti*le )) o, the Constitution is entitle7 Ee*laration o, Prin*iples an7 State Poli*ies. )t
is a state"ent o, 8eneral i7eolo8i*al prin*iples an7 poli*ies, an7 not a sour*e o,
en,or*ea-le ri8hts. )n Ton7o &e7i*al Center <"plo.ees !sso*iation #. Court o,
!ppeals, the Court hel7 that Se*tions ; an7 18, !rti*le )) o, the Constitution are not
sel,Ie'e*utin8 pro#isions. )n that *ase, the Court hel7 that So"e o, the *onstitutional
pro#isions in#o(e7 in the present *ase %ere ta(en ,ro" !rti*le )) o, the Constitution
spe*i,i*all., Se*tions ; an7 18 the pro#isions o, %hi*h the Court *ate8ori*all. rule7
to -e non sel,Ie'e*utin8. Petition %as partiall. 8rante7, the -oar7 "e"-ers an7
*onsultants %ere no lon8er require7 to re,un7 the -ene,its the. ha#e alrea7.
Se*tion 1. Philippines as a Ee"o*rati* an7 $epu-li*an State
)n re 2etter o, !sso*iate Justi*e Puno, 210 SC$! ;88
- Presi7ent !quino?s rise to po%er %as -. %a. o, resolution, an7 %as not -.
*onstitutional pro*ess. But in ,a*t a*hie#e7 -. 7e,ian*e o, the pro#isions o,
the 197+ *onstitution. &a(in8 her 8o#ern"ent a re#olutionar. one, as her
po%er are a 7ire*t "an7ate -. the people.
- That the Court o, !ppeals %as esta-lishe7 -. <.1. ++
- !s the hea7 o, a re#olutionar. 8o#ern"ent the presi7ent *an 7isre8ar7 an.
pre*e7en*e or seniorit. ran(in8 in the *ourts.

- !sso*iate Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno ,ile7 2 requests ,or the *orre*tion o, the
or7er in hierar*h. at the Court o, !ppeals at the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent -ut
%as 7enie7 -. the sa"e o,,i*e.
- Petitioner !sso*iate Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno %rote a letter to the Supre"e
Court see(in8 the *orre*tion ,or his ran(in8s in the Court o, !ppeals.
- That !sso*iate Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno %as a ,or"er "e"-er o, the
)nter"e7iate !ppellate Court.
- /o#. 29, 1990 the Supre"e Court 8rante7 the petition.
- ! "otion ,or re*onsi7eration %as i""e7iatel. ,ile7 -. !sso*iate Justi*es Jose
Ca"pos @r. an7 2uis Ja#ellana as the. %ere 7ire*tl. a,,e*te7 -. the -. the
or7ere7 *orre*tion o, the supre"e *ourt.
- )s the esta-lishin8 o, the Court o, !ppeals -. <.1. ++ a *reation o, a ne%
*ourt or entit.A
- Shoul7 hierar*h. or seniorit. -e ,ollo%e7 in the Court o, !ppealsA
- Shoul7 !sso*iate Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno?s petition -e reall. 8rante7A
- >as the ran(in8 o, !sso*iate Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno an errorA
- Eue to the ,a*t that the !quino 6o#ern"ent %as a $e#olutionar.
6o#ern"ent. $e#olutionar. in a sense that it 7e,ie7 e'istin8 le8al pro*ess.
This %oul7 *learl. sho% that it 7oes not re*o8ni4e the ,or"er #alues an7
pra*ti*es o, the o#erthro%n 8o#ern"entH an7 thus -uil7in8 a ne% 8o#ern"ent
o, its o%n, "a(in8 <.1. ++ or *reation o, the Court o, !ppeals a ne% *ourt or
- That sin*e the Court o, !ppeals is a ne% Court or <ntit.. There is no hierar*h.
to -e ,ollo%e7 as o, the "o"ent as appointe7 is *onsi7ere7 as ne%
"e"-ers o, the *ourt.
- !sso*iate Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno?s Petition is not to -e 8rante7 as the Court
o, !ppeals is a ne% entit. an7 he has no pre*e7ent position in its *ourt. !n7 it
is the still the presi7ent?s prero8ati#e on to %here she %oul7 %ant the
petitioner to -e pla*e7 at the Court o, !ppeals hierar*h.
- The ran(in8 %as o-#iousl. not an error 7ue to the ,a*t that %hen the petitioner
,ile7 a request ,or *orre*tion, his request %as not 8rante7 t%i*e.
$epu-li* #., 6$ /o. 10C708, Jul. 21, 200+

The Presi7ential Co""ission on 6oo7 6o#ern"ent (PC66) in#esti8ates an7
prose*utes &a@. 6en. Josephus 3. $a"as an7 <li4a-eth Ei"aano on 8roun7s o,
ille8all. 8ainin8 %ealth ,ro" ha#in8 *lose asso*iation %ith the 7epose7 Presi7ent
Fer7inan7 &ar*os. Consequentl., the PC66 issues a %arrant o, sear*h an7
sei4ure on the properties o, the respon7ents. Bo%e#er, the respon7ents, $a"as
an7 Ei"aano, ar8ues that the PC66 7o not ha#e the @uris7i*tion to in#esti8ate,
prose*ute, an7 sei4e their properties on the 8roun7s o, ha#in8 no pri"a ,a*ie
e#i7en*e o, *lose asso*iation %ith the 7epose7 presi7ent, ha#in8 no 7ire*t or7er
,ro" the seate7 Presi7ent Cora4on !quino, an7 ha#in8 #iolate7 their
*onstitutional ri8hts.
)ssue >hether or not the sear*h an7 sei4ure %ere #ali7.
$ulin81 /o. !lthou8h the *ountr. te*hni*all. 7i7 not ha#e a *onstitution at that ti"e,
the *ountr. ne#ertheless %as -oun7 -. international la%s to %hi*h it %as a si8nator..
The Philippine 6o#ern"ent a**epte7 spe*i,i* international la%s *alle7 the
)nternational Co#enant on Ci#il an7 Politi*al $i8hts an7 9ni#ersal Ee*laration o,
Bu"an $i8hts as the nation?s 7e,ault Bill o, $i8hts as 8eneral a**epte7 prin*iple o,
international la%. !lthou8h the transitional 8o#ern"ent, %hi*h the past 197+
Constitution -ein8 a-ro8ate7 an7 the ,uture 1987 Constitution -ein8 7ra,te7, 7o not
ha#e its o%n *onstitution as a -asis o, *i#il, politi*al an7 hu"an ri8hts, the nation?s
people still possess these ri8hts. Constitutionalit. is i""aterial %hen uni#ersalit. o,
ri8hts e'ists to all nations. (Cata.lo)
Co @im Cam v# <al!e8 Tan @e( ;9 /A0L &&3 >&4:9?
FA+T!, +o im +han had a -ending ci#il case$ initiated during the Ja-anese occu-ation$
with the +ourt of First .nstance of Manila. After the /iberation of the Manila and the
American occu-ation$ Judge Arsenio Di0on refused to continue hearings on the case$ saying
that a -roclamation issued by "eneral Douglas Mac Arthur had in#alidated and nullified all
1udicial -roceedings and 1udgments of the courts of Phili--ines and$ without an enabling law$
lower courts ha#e no 1urisdiction to ta2e cogni0ance of and continue 1udicial -roceedings
-ending in the courts of defunct 3e-ublic of the Phili--ines.
4hether or not 1udicial -roceedings and decisions made during the Ja-anese occu-ation were
#alid and remained #alid e#en after the American occu-ation5
4hether or not the 6ctober '($ 177) -roclamation of MacArthur issued in which he declared
that 8all laws$ regulations and -rocesses of any go#ernment in the Phili--ines than that of the
said +ommonwealth are null and #oid without legal effect in areas of Phili--ines free of
enemy occu-ation and control9 in#alidated all 1udgments and 1udicial acts and -roceedings of
the courts
4hether or not if they were not in#alidated by MacArthur:s -roclamation$ those courtscould
continue hearing the cases -ending before them.

%E/D, 4rit of Mandamus issued to the 1udge of the +F. of Manila$ ordering him to ta2e
cogni0ance of and continue to final 1udgment the -roceedings in the ci#il case.
&nder international law$ s-ecifically the %ague +on#entions$ the functioning of courts and
munici-al laws remain #alid during occu-ation. This reduces the harm done to the -eo-le of
the occu-ied territory$ and re#ersing 1udicial -rocesses stri-s -arties$ without due -rocess$ of
#ested rights ac<uired under these -rocesses.
6nly legislati#e$ constitutional and administrati#e -rocesses are affected$ and these are the
8-rocesses9 MacArthur:s -roclamation was construed to refer to.
Motion for reconsideration denied.
ACCFA v# CU7C"( 3* 'CRA 5:4 >&454?
!8ri*ultural Cre7it an7 Cooperati#e Finan*in8 !7"inistration (!CCF!) %as a
8o#ern"ent a8en*. *reate7 un7er $epu-li* !*t no. 821, as a"en7e7. )ts
a7"inistrati#e "a*hiner. %as reor8ani4e7 an7 its na"e *han8e7 to !8ri*ultural
Cre7it !7"inistration (!C!) un7er the 2an7 $e,or" Co7e ($epu-li* !*t /o. +8CC). )t
%as esta-lishe7 to e'ten7 *re7it an7 si"ilar assistan*e to a8ri*ulture. 1n Septe"-er
C, 1901, a *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ent, %hi*h %as to -e e,,e*ti#e ,or a perio7 o,
one .ear ,ro" Jul. 1, 1901 %as entere7 into -. an7 -et%een the 9nions an7 the
1n 1*to-er +0, 1902 the 9nions, to8ether %ith its "other union, the
Con,e7eration o, 9nions in 6o#ern"ent Corporations an7 1,,i*es (C96C1), ,ile7 a
*o"plaint %ith the Court o, )n7ustrial $elations a8ainst !CCF! ,or ha#in8 alle8e7l.
*o""itte7 a*ts o, un,air la-or pra*ti*e (#iolation o, the *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8
a8ree"ent, 7is*ri"ination an7 re,usal to -ar8ain).
1. >hether or not the Court o, )n7ustrial $elations has @uris7i*tion o#er the
*ase, %hi*h in turn 7epen7s on %hether or not the !CCF! e'er*ise7
8o#ern"ental or proprietar. ,un*tions
2. >hether or not it is %ithin the *o"peten*e o, the *ourt to en,or*e *olle*ti#e
-ar8ainin8 a8ree"ent -et%een the petitioner an7 the respon7ent unions,
the sa"e ha#in8 alrea7. e'pire7
!CCF!, in e,,e*t, *hallen8es the @uris7i*tion o, the C)$ to entertain the
petition o, the 9nions on the 8roun7 that it is en8a8e7 in 8o#ern"ental ,un*tions.
The 9nions *onten7 that !CCF! per,or"s proprietar. ,un*tions.
C$ el! in te ACCFA case( tus1
The !C! is a 8o#ern"ent o,,i*e or a8en*. en8a8e7 in 8o#ern"ental not
proprietar. ,un*tions. There *an -e no 7ispute as to the ,a*t that the lan7 re,or"

pro8ra" *onte"plate7 in the sai7 Co7e is -e.on7 the *apa-ilities o, an. pri#ate
enterprise to translate into realit.. )t is a purel. 8o#ern"ental ,un*tion. )n #ie% o, the
,ore8oin8 pre"ises, %e hol7 that the respon7ent 9nions are not entitle7 to the
*erti,i*ation ele*tions sou8ht -. the" nor, *onsequentl., to -ar8ain *olle*ti#el. %ith
the petitioner, no ,urther ,rin8e -ene,its "a. -e 7e"an7e7 on the -asis o, an.
*olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ent.
The 8ro%in8 *o"ple'ities o, "o7ern so*iet., ho%e#er, ha#e ren7ere7 this
tra7itional *lassi,i*ation o, the ,un*tions o, 8o#ern"ent quite unrealisti*, not to sa.
o-solete. The areas %hi*h use7 to -e le,t to pri#ate enterprise an7 initiati#e an7
%hi*h the 8o#ern"ent %as *alle7 upon to enter optionall., an7 onl. K-e*ause it %as
-etter equippe7 to a7"inister ,or the pu-li* %el,are than is an. pri#ate in7i#i7ual or
8roups o, in7i#i7uals,K *ontinue to lose their %ellI7e,ine7 -oun7aries an7 to -e
a-sor-e7 %ithin a*ti#ities that the 8o#ern"ent "ust ha#e un7erta(en in its so#erei8n
*apa*it. i, it is to "eet the in*reasin8 so*ial *hallen8es o, the ti"es. Bere as al"ost
e#er.%here, else, the ten7en*. is un7ou-te7l. to%ar7s a 8reater so*iali4ation o,
e*ono"i* ,or*es. Bere o, *ourse, this 7e#elop"ent %as en#isione7 in7ee7 a7opte7
as a national poli*., -. the Constitution itsel, in its 7e*laration o, prin*iple *on*ernin8
the pro"otion o, so*ial @usti*e.
/AAC v Court of 0n!ustrial Relations( &9* 'CRA )45
The People?s Bo"esite an7 Bousin8 Corporation %as appealin8 to the
Supre"e Court ,or the re#ersal o, the $esolution o, the Court o, )n7ustrial $elations,
or7erin8 the PBBC to pa. pri#ate respon7ents %a8e 7i,,erentials ,or %or( ren7ere7
,ro" Jul. 2;, 1907 to Fe-. 1908.
>hether or no the C)$ has @uris7i*tion o#er PBBC, a 8o#ern"ent o%ne7
an7Dor *ontrolle7 *orporation, an7 i, the PBBC is per,or"in8 a 8o#ern"ental o,
propriet. ,un*tions.
The PBBC is a 8o#ern"ental institution per,or"in8 8o#ern"ental ,un*tions,
-e*ause it is tas(e7 %ith the "ass housin8 an7 resettle"ent pro8ra" to "eet the
nee7s o, Filipinos ,or 7e*ent housin8. The C)$ has @uris7i*tion o#er la-or 7isputes
in#ol#in8 8o#ern"ent o%ne7 or *ontrolle7 *orporation per,or"in8 propriet. ,un*tions,
-ut not those per,or"in8 8o#ern"ental ,un*tions.
The petition is 8rante7. The assaile7 resolution o, the Court o, )n7ustrial
$elations is S<T !S)E<.
Spouses Fontanilla #. Bon. &alia"an, 6$ /os. ;;90+, Fe-ruar. 27, 1991

/eo+le v# 7o8o( 93 'CRA :;5 >&4;3?
F!CTS2oreta 6o4o -ou8ht a house an7 lot lo*ate7 insi7e the 9nite7 States /a#al
$eser#ation %ithin the territorial @uris7i*tion o, 1lon8apo Cit.. She 7e"olishe7 the
house an7 -uilt another one in its pla*e, %ithout a -uil7in8 per"it ,ro" the Cit.
&a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit., -e*ause she %as tol7 -. an assistant in the Cit. &a.orKs
o,,i*e an7 nei8h-ors in the area, that su*h -uil7in8 per"it %as not ne*essar. ,or the
*onstru*tion o, the house. 1n 29 Ee*e"-er 1900, the -uil7in8 an7 lot inspe*tor o,
the Cit. <n8ineerKs 1,,i*e to8ether %ith a patrol"an o, the 1lon8apo Cit. poli*e ,or*e
apprehen7e7 an7 interro8ate7 ,our *arpenters %or(in8 on the house o, the &s.
6o4o. !,ter 7ue in#esti8ation, &s. 6o4o %as *har8e7 %ith #iolation o, &uni*ipal
1r7inan*e /o. 1C, S. o, 190C %ith the Cit. Fis*alKs 1,,i*e. The Cit. Court o,
1lon8apo Cit. ,oun7 her 8uilt. o, #iolatin8 &uni*ipal 1r7inan*e /o. 1C, Series o,
190C an7 senten*e7 her to an i"prison"ent o, one "onth as %ell as to pa. the
The Court o, )nstan*e o, La"-ales, on appeal, ,oun7 her 8uilt. -ut %oul7 senten*e
her "erel. to pa. a ,ine o, P200.00 an7 to 7e"olish the house thus ere*te7. She ele#ate7
the *ase to the Court o, !ppeals an7 she %oul7 put in issue the #ali7it. o, su*h an or7inan*e
on *onstitutional 8roun7. !**or7in8l., the Court o, !ppeals, in a resolution o, Januar. 29,
197+, notin8 the *onstitutional question raise7, *erti,ie7 the *ase to this Court.
)SS9<S Eoes the "uni*ipal *orporation lose a7"inistrati#e @uris7i*tion o#er ,orei8n "ilitar.
-ase %ithin its territor.A
>ithin the li"its o, "uni*ipal territor., %hate#er statutor. po%ers are #este7 upon it
"a. -e #ali7l. e'er*ise7. !n. resi7ual authorit. an7 therein *on,erre7, %hether e'pressl. or
i"plie7l., -elon8s to the national 8o#ern"ent, not to an alien *ountr.. >hat is e#en "ore to
-e 7eplore7 in this stan7 o, appellant is that no su*h *lai" is "a7e -. the !"eri*an na#al
authorities, not that it %oul7 7o the" an. 8oo7 i, it %ere so asserte7.
The Philippine 6o#ern"ent "erel. *onsents that the 9nite7 States e'er*ise
@uris7i*tion in *ertain *ases. The *onsent %as 8i#en purel. as a "atter o, *o"it., *ourtes.,
or e'pe7ien*.. The Philippine 6o#ern"ent has not a-7i*ate7 its so#erei8nt. o#er the -ases
as part o, the Philippine territor. or 7i#este7 itsel, *o"pletel. o, @uris7i*tion o#er o,,enses
*o""itte7 therein. 9n7er the ter"s o, the treat., the 9nite7 States 6o#ern"ent has prior or
pre,erential -ut not e'*lusi#e @uris7i*tion o, su*h o,,enses. The Philippine 6o#ern"ent
retains not onl. @uris7i*tional ri8hts not 8rante7, -ut also all su*h *e7e7 ri8hts as the 9nite7
States &ilitar. authorities ,or reasons o, their o%n 7e*line to "a(e use o,. The ,irst
proposition is i"plie7 ,ro" the ,a*t o, Philippine so#erei8nt. o#er the -asesH the se*on7 ,ro"
the e'press pro#isions o, the treat..
/othin8 is -etter settle7 than that the Philippines -ein8 in7epen7ent an7 so#erei8n,
its authorit. "a. -e e'er*ise7 o#er its entire 7o"ain. There is no portion thereo, that is
-e.on7 its po%er. >ithin its li"its, its 7e*rees are supre"e, its *o""an7s para"ount. )ts
la%s 8o#ern therein, an7 to %ho" it applies "ust su-"it to its ter"s. That is the
e'tent o, its @uris7i*tion, -oth territorial an7 personal. /e*essaril., li(e%ise, it has to -e
e'*lusi#e. ), it %ere not thus, there is a 7i"inution o, so#erei8nt..
CF) !FF)$&<E.

Se*tion 2. 6enerall. !**epte7 Prin*iples o, )nternational 2a%
!8ustin #. <7u, 88 SC$! 19;
This *ase is a petition assailin8 the #ali7it. or the *onstitutionalit. o, a 2etter o,
)nstru*tion /o. 229, issue7 -. Presi7ent Fer7inan7 <. &ar*os, requirin8 all #ehi*le
o%ners, users or 7ri#ers to pro*ure earl. %arnin8 7e#i*es to -e installe7 a 7istan*e
a%a. ,ro" su*h #ehi*le %hen it stalls or is 7isa-le7. )n *o"plian*e %ith su*h letter o,
instru*tion, the Co""issioner o, the 2an7 Transportation 1,,i*e issue7
!7"inistrati#e 1r7er /o. 1 7ire*tin8 the *o"plian*e thereo,. This petition alle8es that
su*h letter o, instru*tion an7 su-sequent a7"inistrati#e or7er are unla%,ul an7
un*onstitutional as it #iolates the pro#isions on 7ue pro*ess, equal prote*tion o, the
la% an7 un7ue 7ele8ation o, poli*e po%er.
0ssue1 >hether or not the 2etter o, )nstru*tion /o. 229 an7 the su-sequent
!7"inistrati#e 1r7er issue7 is un*onstitutional
Ruling1 /o. The !.1 o, 2T1 is #ali7 an7 *onstitutional -e*ause it is in a**or7an*e
%ith the 5ienna Con#ention to %hi*h the *ountr. is a si8nator.. The Supre"e Court
rule7 ,or the 7is"issal o, the petition. The statutes in question are 7ee"e7 not
un*onstitutional. These %ere 7e,initel. in the e'er*ise o, poli*e po%er as su*h %as
esta-lishe7 to pro"ote pu-li* %el,are an7 pu-li* sa,et.. )n ,a*t, the letter o,
instru*tion is -ase7 on the *onstitutional pro#ision o, a7aptin8 to the 8enerall.
a**epte7 prin*iples o, international la% as part o, the la% o, the lan7. The letter o,
instru*tion "entions, as its pre"ise an7 -asis, the resolutions o, the 1908 5ienna
Con#ention on $oa7 Si8ns an7 Si8nals an7 the 7is*ussions on tra,,i* sa,et. -. the
9nite7 /ations I that su*h letter %as issue7 in *onsi7eration o, a 8ro%in8 nu"-er o,
roa7 a**i7ents 7ue to stalle7 or par(e7 #ehi*les on the streets an7 hi8h%a.s. (<@e)
D%L Reyes v# %agatsing( 7R 2o# 59355( "ctober )9( &463
3etired Justice 3eyes in behalf of the members of the Anti?Bases +oalition sought a
-ermit to rally from /uneta Par2 until the front gate of the &! embassy which is less than two
bloc2s a-art. The -ermit has been denied by then Manila mayor Bagatsing. The mayor
claimed that there ha#e been intelligence re-orts that indicated that the rally would be
infiltrated by lawless elements. %e also issued +ity 6rdinance @o. ='7* to -rohibit the
staging of rallies within the *AA meter radius of the &! embassy. Bagatsing -ointed out that it
was his intention to -ro#ide -rotection to the &! embassy from such lawless elements in
-ursuant to Art '' of the Bienna +on#ention on Di-lomatic 3elations. And that under our
constitution we 8adhere to generally acce-ted -rinci-les of international law9.

ISSUE: 4hether or not the duty to -rotect the -remises of embassies and legations in this
case #iolate the constitutional rights to free s-eech and -eacable assemblyC

Des. .ndeed$ the recei#ing state is tas2ed$ as -art of international law under the
Bienna +on#ention on Di-lomatic 3elations$ to -rotect the -remises of embassies and
legations for the -rotection of foreign di-lomats from any lawless element. But the same
cannot be in#o2ed as defense to the -rimacy of the Phili--ine +onstitution which u-holds
and guarantees the rights to free s-eech and -eacable assembly. At the same time$ the +ity
6rdinance issued by res-ondent mayor cannot be in#o2ed if the a--lication thereof would
collide with a constitutionally guaranteed rightEs.
Tana!a v# Angara( );) 'CRA &6 >&44;?
1n !pril 1;, 199C, the Philippine 6o#ern"ent represente7 -. its Se*retar. o, the
Eepart"ent o, Tra7e an7 )n7ustr. si8ne7 the Final !*t -in7in8 the Philippine
6o#ern"ent to su-"it to its respe*ti#e *o"petent authorities the >T1 (>orl7 Tra7e
1r8ani4ation) !8ree"ents to see( appro#al ,or su*h. 1n Ee*e"-er 1C, 199C,
$esolution /o. 97 %as a7opte7 -. the Philippine Senate to rati,. the >T1
This is a petition assailin8 the *onstitutionalit. o, the >T1 a8ree"ent as it #iolates
Se* 19, !rti*le )), pro#i7in8 ,or the 7e#elop"ent o, a sel, reliant an7 in7epen7ent
national e*ono"., an7 Se*tions 10 an7 12, !rti*le J)), pro#i7in8 ,or the FFilipino ,irstG
>hether or not the $esolution /o. 97 rati,.in8 the >T1 !8ree"ent is
/o. The Supre"e Court rule7 the $esolution /o. 97 is not un*onstitutional. >hile
the *onstitution "an7ates a -ias in ,a#or o, Filipino 8oo7s, ser#i*es, la-or an7
enterprises, at the sa"e ti"e, it re*o8ni4es the nee7 ,or -usiness e'*han8e %ith the
rest o, the %orl7 on the -ases o, equalit. an7 re*ipro*it. an7 li"its prote*tion o,
Filipino interests onl. a8ainst ,orei8n *o"petition an7 tra7e pra*ti*es that are un,air.
)n other %or7s, the Constitution 7i7 not inten7 to pursue an isolationalist poli*..
Further"ore, the *onstitutional poli*. o, a Fsel,Ireliant an7 in7epen7ent national
e*ono".G 7oes not ne*essaril. rule out the entr. o, ,orei8n in#est"ents, 8oo7s an7
ser#i*es. )t *onte"plates neither Fe*ono"i* se*lusionG nor F"en7i*an*. in the
international *o""unit..G The Senate, a,ter 7eli-eration an7 #otin8, 8a#e its *onsent
to the >T1 !8ree"ent there-. "a(in8 it Fa part o, the la% o, the lan7G. The
Supre"e Court 8a#e 7ue respe*t to an equal 7epart"ent in 8o#ern"ent. )t
presu"es its a*tions as re8ular an7 7one in 8oo7 ,aith unless there is *on#in*in8
proo, an7 persuasi#e a8ree"ents to the *ontrar.. !s a result, the rati,i*ation o, the
>T1 !8ree"ent li"its or restri*ts the a-soluteness o, so#erei8nt.. ! treat.
en8a8e"ent is not a "ere o-li8ation -ut *reates a le8all. -in7in8 o-li8ation on the
parties. ! state %hi*h has *ontra*te7 #ali7 international o-li8ations is -oun7 to "a(e

its le8islations su*h "o7i,i*ations as "a. -e ne*essar. to ensure the ,ul,ill"ent o,
the o-li8ations un7erta(en. (Sinon)
%ayan v# Zamora( 7R &369;*( "ctober &*( )***
1n &ar*h 1C, 19C7, the Philippines an7 the 9nite7 States o, !"eri*a ,or8e7 a
"ilitar. -ases a8ree"ent %hi*h ,or"ali4e7, a"on8 others, the use o, installations in
the Philippine territor. -. the 9S "ilitar. personnel. To ,urther stren8then their
7e,ense an7 se*urit. relationship, the Philippines an7 the 9S entere7 into a &utual
Ee,ense Treat. on !u8ust +0, 19;1. 9n7er the treat., the parties a8ree7 to respon7
to an. e'ternal ar"e7 atta*( on their territor., ar"e7 ,or*es, pu-li* #essels an7
)n 1991, %ith the e'piration o, $PI9S &ilitar. Bases !8ree"ent, the perio7i*
"ilitar. e'er*ises -et%een the t%o *ountries %ere hel7 in*e. Bo%e#er, the
7e,ense an7 se*urit. relationship *ontinue7 pursuant to the &utual Ee,ense Treat..
1n Jul. 18, 1997 $P an7 9S e'*han8e7 notes an7 7is*usse7, a"on8 other thin8s,
the possi-le ele"ents o, the 5isitin8 For*es !8ree"ent (5F!). /e8otiations -. -oth
panels on 5F! le7 to a *onsoli7ate7 7ra,t te't an7 a series o, *on,eren*es.
<#entuall., Presi7ent Fi7el 5. $a"os appro#e7 the 5F!.
1n 1*to-er ;, 1998 Presi7ent Joseph <. <stra7a rati,ie7 the 5F! thru
respon7ent Se*retar. o, Forei8n !,,airs. 1n 1*to-er 0, 1998, the Presi7ent, a*tin8
thru <'e*uti#e Se*retar. La"ora o,,i*iall. trans"itte7 to the Senate, the )nstru"ent
o, $ati,i*ation, letter o, the Presi7ent an7 the 5F! ,or appro#al. )t %as appro#e7 -.
the Senate -. a 2D+ #ote o, its "e"-ers. 1n June 1, 1999, the 5F! o,,i*iall. entere7
into ,or*e a,ter an e'*han8e o, notes -et%een Se*retar. Sia4on an7 9S
!"-assa7or Bu--ar7.
The 5F! pro#i7es ,or the "e*hanis" ,or re8ulatin8 the *ir*u"stan*es an7
*on7itions un7er %hi*h 9S !r"e7 For*es an7 7e,ense personnel "a. -e present in
the Philippines. Ben*e this petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition, assailin8 the
*onstitutionalit. o, the 5F! an7 i"putin8 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion to respon7ents in
rati,.in8 the a8ree"ent.

>hether or not the 5F! treat. is re*o8ni4e7, a**epte7 an7 a8ree7 upon -.
the t%o *ontra*tin8 statesA
The 1987 Philippine Constitution *ontains t%o pro#isions requirin8 the
*on*urren*e o, the Senate on treaties or international a8ree"ents. !ll treaties an7
international a8ree"ents entere7 into -. the Philippines, re8ar7less o, su-@e*t
"atter, *o#era8e or parti*ular 7esi8nation requires the *on*urren*e o, the Senate to
-e #ali7 an7 e,,e*ti#e. 1ther pro#ision pro#i7e7 -. the Constitution applies to treaties
%hi*h in#ol#e presen*e o, ,orei8n "ilitar. -ases, troops an7 ,a*ilities in the
Philippines. Both *onstitutional pro#isions share so"e *o""on 8roun7. The ,a*t
that the Presi7ent re,erre7 the 5F! to the Senate un7er Se*. 21 !rt. 5)), an7 that the
Senate e'ten7e7 its *on*urren*e un7er the sa"e pro#ision is i""aterial.
9n7ou-te7l., Se*. 2; !rt. J5))) %hi*h spe*i,i*all. 7eals %ith treaties in#ol#in8
,orei8n "ilitar. -ases an7 troops shoul7 appl. in the instant *ase. Ben*e, ,or 5F! to
-e *onstitutional it "ust su,,i*ientl. "eet the ,ollo%in8 requisites
a) )t "ust -e un7er a treat.
-) The treat. "ust -e 7ul. *on*urre7 in -. the Senate, an7 %hen so require7 -.
Con8ress, rati,ie7 -. a "a@orit. o, #otes *ast -. the people in a national re,eren7u"
*) $e*o8ni4e7 as a treat. -. the other *ontra*tin8 State
There is no 7ispute in the presen*e o, the ,irst t%o requisites. The thir7
requisite i"plies that the other *ontra*tin8 part. a**epts or a*(no%le78es the
a8ree"ent as a treat.. &oreo#er, it is in*onsequential %hether the 9S treats the
5F! onl. as an e'e*uti#e a8ree"ent -e*ause, un7er international la%, an e'e*uti#e
a8ree"ent is as -in7in8 as a treat.. The. are equall. -in7in8 o-li8ations upon
nations. There,ore, there is in7ee7 "ar(e7 *o"plian*e %ith the "an7ate o, the
*onstitution. The *ourt also ,in7s that there is no 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion on the
part o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent as to their po%er to rati,. the 5F!.
Lim v# $-ecutive 'ecretary( 7R &9&::9( A+ril &&( )**)

This case in#ol#es a -etition for certiorari and -rohibition as well as a -etition?in?
inter#ention$ -raying that res-ondents be restrained from -roceeding with the so?called
FBali2atan A'?1F and that after due notice and hearing$ that 1udgment be rendered issuing a
-ermanent writ of in1unction andEor -rohibition against the de-loyment of &.!. troo-s in
Basilan and Mindanao for being illegal and in #iolation of the +onstitution
Arthur D. /im and Paulino 3. Ersando$ herein -etitioner$ assail the constitutionality of
Bali2atan A' G 1 for being #iolati#e of !ec ' Article' of the +onstitution. Petitioners resort to
a s-ecial ci#il action for certiorari due to the transcendental im-ortance of the matter
in#ol#ing the constitutionality of the BFA treaty which is a affirmation of the earlier Mutual
Defense Treaty. They were 1oined subse<uently by !A@/AA! and PA3T.D6 @"
MA@""A"A4A$ both -arty?.ist organi0ations$ who filed a -etition?in?inter#ention on
February 11$ 'AA'.
The assailed -art of the BFA reads as,
.. Policy /e#el
1. The EHercise shall be consistent with the Phili--ine +onstitution and all its
acti#ities shall be in consonance with the laws of the land and the
-ro#isions of the 3P?&! Bisiting Forces Agreement IBFAJ
(. @o -ermanent &! basing and su--ort facilities shall be established.
Tem-orary structures such as those for troo- billeting$ classroom
instruction and messing may be set u- for use by 3P and &! Forces
during the EHercise.
;. The EHercise is a mutual counter?terrorism ad#ising$ assisting and training
EHercise relati#e to Phili--ine efforts against the A!"$ and will be
conducted on the .sland of Basilan. Further ad#ising$ assisting and training
eHercises shall be conducted in Malagutay and the Kamboanga
area. 3elated acti#ities in +ebu will be for su--ort of the EHercise.
>. &! eHercise -artici-ants shall not engage in combat$ without
-re1udice to their right of self?defense.
... ELE3+.!E /EBE/
1. T3A.@.@"
a. The EHercise shall in#ol#e the conduct of mutual military assisting$
ad#ising and training of 3P and &! Forces with the -rimary
ob1ecti#e of enhancing the o-erational ca-abilities of both forces to
combat terrorism.
b. At no time shall &! Forces o-erate inde-endently within 3P
c. Flight -lans of all aircraft in#ol#ed in the eHercise will com-ly with
the local air traffic regulations.
.n his +omment$ the !olicitor "eneral infirm that the case is de#oid in substance
because -etitioner lac2 taH-ayer suit and locus standi in a#ailing of the s-ecial ci#il action for
certiorari and that -etitioners are merely indulging in s-eculation since the Terms of
3eference of the BFA is clear that &! Forces are not to engage in any eHercise beyond
ad#ising$ assisting$ training and may not engage in combat without -re1udice with self?
4hether or not the Terms of 3eference IT63J of the BFA is unconstitutional insofar
as it allows &! Forces to conduct certain eHercises within Phili--ine Territory

The -etition and the -etition?in?inter#ention are hereby D.!M.!!ED without
-re1udice to the filing of a new -etition sufficient in form and substance in the -ro-er
3egional Trial +ourt.
The T63 is clear and unambiguous in its inter-retation that &! Forces may engage in
combat only for self G defense5 and 8eHercise9 is defined as ad#ising$ assisting and training of
3P -ersonnel and in no way authori0es &! Forces to o-erate inde-endently within Phili--ine
Also$ !E+T.6@ (. .@TE3P3ETAT.6@ 6F T3EAT.E!,
Article (1
"eneral rule of inter-retation
1. A treaty shall be inter-reted in good faith ill accordance with the ordinary meaning to be
gi#en to the tenus of the treaty in their conteHt and in the light of its ob1ect and -ur-ose.
&i@ares #. $ana7a, 6$ 1+9+2;, !pril 12, 200;
'angri-La v# Develo+ers( 7R &94436( =arc 3&( )**5
At the core of the contro#ersy are the F!hangri?/aF mar2 and F!F logo. 3es-ondent D"+.
claims ownershi- of said mar2 and logo in the Phili--ines on the strength of its -rior use
thereof within the country. As D"+. stresses at e#ery turn$ it filed on 6ctober 1>$ 17>' with
the Bureau of Patents$ Trademar2s and Technology Transfer IBPTTTJ -ursuant to !ections '
and ) of 3e-ublic Act I3AJ @o. 1;;$
as amended$ an a--lication for registration co#ering
the sub1ect mar2 and logo. 6n May (1$ 17>($ the BPTTT issued in fa#or of D"+. the
corres-onding certificate of registration therefor$ i.e.$ 3egistration @o. (17A). !ince then$
D"+. started using the F!hangri?/aF mar2 and F!F logo in its restaurant business.
6n the other hand$ the uo2 family owns and o-erates a chain of hotels with interest in hotels
and hotel?related transactions since 17;7. As far bac2 as 17;'$ it ado-ted the name F!hangri?
/aF as -art of the cor-orate names of all com-anies organi0ed under the aegis of the uo2
"rou- of +om-anies Ithe uo2 "rou-J. The uo2 "rou- has used the name F!hangri?/aF in
all !hangri?/a hotels and hotel?related establishments around the world which the uo2
Family owned.
All hotels owned$ o-erated and managed by the aforesaid !/.%M "rou- of +om-anies
ado-ted and used the distincti#e lettering of the name F!hangri?/aF as -art of their trade
The uo2 "rou- andEor -etitioner !/.%M caused the registration of$ and in fact registered$
the F!hangri?/aF mar2 and F!F logo in the -atent offices in different countries around the
The -etitioners accused D"+. of a--ro-riating and illegally using the F!hangri?/aF mar2 and
F!F logo$ adding that the legal and beneficial ownershi- thereof -ertained to !/.%M and that
the uo2 "rou- and its related com-anies had been using this mar2 and logo since March
17;' for all their cor-orate names and affairs. .n this regard$ they -oint to the Paris
+on#ention for the Protection of .ndustrial Pro-erty as affording security and -rotection to

!/.%MMs eHclusi#e right to said mar2 and logo. They further claimed ha#ing used$ since late
17=*$ the internationally?2nown and s-ecially?designed F!hangri?/aF mar2 and F!F logo for
all the hotels in their hotel chain.
4hile the Paris +on#ention -rotects internationally 2nown mar2s$ 3.A. @o. 1;; still re<uires
use in commerce in the Phili--ines. Accordingly$ and on the -remise that international
agreements$ such as Paris +on#ention$ must yield to a munici-al law$ the <uestion on the
eHclusi#e right o#er the mar2 and logo would still de-end on actual use in commerce in the
&nder the -ro#isions of the former trademar2 law$ 3.A. @o. 1;;$ as amended$ which was in
effect u- to December (1$ 177=$ hence$ the law in force at the time of res-ondentMs
a--lication for registration of trademar2$ the root of ownershi- of a trademar2 is actual use in
commerce. !ection ' of said law re<uires that before a trademar2 can be registered$ it must
ha#e been actually used in commerce and ser#ice for not less than two months in the
Phili--ines -rior to the filing of an a--lication for its registration.
Munici-al law on trademar2s 3A 1;; #s. Paris +on#ention
The Paris +on#ention mandates that -rotection should be afforded to internationally 2nown
mar2s as signatory to the Paris +on#ention$ without regard as to whether the foreign
cor-oration is registered$ licensed or doing business in the Phili--ines. .t goes without saying
that the same runs afoul to 3e-ublic Act @o. 1;;$ which re<uires the actual use in commerce
in the Phili--ines of the sub1ect mar2 or de#ise. The a--arent conflict between the two I'J
was settled by the !u-reme +ourt in this wise ?
FFollowing uni#ersal ac<uiescence and comity$ our municipal law on trademark
re!ardin! t"e re#uirement o$ actual ue in t"e %"ilippine mut u&ordinate an
international a!reement inasmuch as the a--arent clash is being decided by a munici-al
tribunal IMortensen #s. Peters$ "reat Britain$ %igh +ourt of Judiciary of !cotland$ 17A;$ >
!essions 7(5 Paras$ .nternational /aw and 4orld 6rgani0ation$ 17=1 Ed.$ -. 'AJ. 4ithal$ the
fact that international law has been made -art of the law of the land does not by any means
im-ly the -rimacy of international law o#er national law in the munici-al s-here. &nder the
doctrine of incor-oration as a--lied in most countries$ rules of international law are gi#en a
standing e<ual$ not su-erior$ to national legislati#e enactments I!alonga and Da-$ Public
.nternational /aw$ Fourth ed.$ 17=)$ -. 1;J.F
NEm-hasis su--liedO
+onse<uently$ the -etitioners cannot claim -rotection under the Paris +on#ention.
@e#ertheless$ with the double infirmity of lac2 of two?month -rior use$ as well as bad faith in
the res-ondentMs registration of the mar2$ it is e#ident that the -etitioners cannot be guilty of
infringement. .t would be a great in1ustice to ad1udge the -etitioners guilty of infringing a
mar2 when they are actually the originator and creator thereof.
4%E3EF63E$ the instant -etition is "3A@TED. The assailed Decision and 3esolution of
the +ourt of A--eals dated May 1*$ 'AA( and !e-tember 1*$ 'AA($ res-ecti#ely$ and the
Decision of the 3egional Trial +ourt of Pue0on +ity dated March >$ 177; are hereby !ET
A!.DE. Accordingly$ the com-laint for infringement in +i#il +ase @o. P?71?>)=; is ordered

/armaceutical v# D"A( 7R &;3*3:( "ctober 4( )**;
This *ase in#ol#e7 the $e#ise7 )"ple"entin8 $ules an7 $e8ulations ($)$$) issue7
-. the E1B in pursuan*e to <.1. /o. ;1 *alle7 the &il( Co7e issue7 -. ,or"er
Presi7ent !quino. So"e o, the pro#isions o, $)$$ prohi-it the a7#ertisin8,
pro"otion, sponsorships or "ar(etin8 "aterials an7 a*ti#ities ,or -reast "il(
su-stitutes. The petitioners represent those %hose enterprises are pri"aril. in sellin8
"il( su-stitutes. ! petition ,or *ertiorari %as initiate7 to nulli,. $)$$ -e*ause it is
alle8e7l. -e.on7 the pro#isions o, the &il( *o7e, there-., a"en7in8 an7 e'pan7in8
the *o#era8e o, the sai7 la%. The petitioner posits that the o,,i*ers o, E1B a*te7
%ithout or in e'*ess o, @uris7i*tion or %ith 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to
la*( or e'*ess o, @uris7i*tion an7 in #iolation o, the pro#isions o, the Constitution in
pro"ul8atin8 the $)$$.
>hether or not the "il( *o7e an7 the $)$$ is *onstitutional in as "u*h as it *o"es
un7er the pur#ie% o, se*tion 2 arti*le )) o, the Constitution %hi*h states that the
Philippines a7opts the 8enerall. a**epte7 prin*iples o, international la% as part o,
the la% o, the lan7A
The Supre"e Court P!$T)!22: 6$!/T<E the petition. Se*tions C(,), 11 an7 C0 o,
!7"inistrati#e 1r7er /o. 2000I0012 7ate7 &a. 12, 2000 are 7e*lare7 /922 an7 51)E ,or -ein8
ultra #ires. The Eepart"ent o, Bealth an7 respon7ents are P$1B)B)T<E ,ro"
i"ple"entin8 sai7 pro#isions -ut the rest o, the pro#isions o, the $)$$ are 7ee"e7
part o, the la% o, the lan7 as un7er se*. 2 arti*le ))H hen*e, #ali7. 9n7er the 1987
Constitution, international la% *an -e*o"e part o, the sphere o, 7o"esti* la% either -.
trans,or"ation or in*orporation. The trans,or"ation "etho7 requires that an
international la% -e trans,or"e7 into a 7o"esti* la% throu8h a *onstitutional
"e*hanis" su*h as lo*al le8islation. 6enerall. a**epte7 prin*iples o, international
la% re,ers to nor"s o, 8eneral or *usto"ar. international la% %hi*h are -in7in8 on all
states. The &il( Co7e is a #er-ati" repro7u*tion o, the )nternational Co7e o,
&ar(etin8 o, Breast"il( Su-stitutes ()C&BS) a7opte7 -. the >orl7 Bealth !sse"-l.
(>B!), -ut it 7i7 not prohi-it a7#ertisin8 or other ,or"s o, pro"otion to the 8eneral
pu-li* o, -reast "il( su-stitute pro7u*ts. )nstea7, the &il( Co7e e'pressl. pro#i7es
that a7#ertisin8, pro"otion, or other "ar(etin8 "aterials "a. -e allo%e7 i, su*h
"aterials are 7ul. authori4e7 an7 appro#e7. $espon7ents ha#e not presente7 an.
e#i7en*e to pro#e that the >B! $esolutions, althou8h si8ne7 -. "ost o, the "e"-er states, %ere
in ,a*t en,or*e7 or pra*ti*e7 -. at least a "a@orit. o, the "e"-er states an7 o-li8ator. in
nature. The pro#isions o, the >B! $esolutions *annot -e *onsi7ere7 as part o, the
la% o, the lan7 that *an -e i"ple"ente7 -. e'e*uti#e a8en*ies %ithout the nee7 o, a
la% ena*te7 -. the le8islature. 1n the other han7, the petitioners also ,aile7 to
e'plain an7 pro#e -. *o"petent e#i7en*e @ust e'a*tl. ho% su*h prote*ti#e re8ulation
%oul7 result in the restraint o, tra7e. Sin*e all the re8ulator. pro#isions un7er the
&il( Co7e appl. equall. to -oth "anu,a*turers an7 7istri-utors, the Court sees no

har" in the $)$$. <'*ept Se*tions C(,), 11 an7 C0, the rest o, the pro#isions o, the $)$$ are in
*onsonan*e %ith the o-@e*ti#e, purpose an7 intent o, the &il( Co7e.
Se*tion +. Ci#ilian Supre"a*. an7 !FP $ole
0%/ v# Zamora( 336 'CRA 6& >)***?
The is an Spe*ial Ci#il !*tion ,or Certiorari an7 Prohi-ition %as -rou8ht to the
Supre"e Court -. the )nte8rate7 Bar o, the Philippines to question the
*onstitutionalit. o, the or7er o, then Presi7ent Joseph <@er*ito <stra7a re8ar7in8 the
7eplo."ent o, the Philippine &arines to @oin the Philippine /ational Poli*e in
*on7u*tin8 @oint #isi-ilit. patrols in &etro &anila. The )BP *onten7e7 that that the
sai7 or7er #iolates !rti*le 2, Se*tion + o, the 1987 Constitution. This presi7ential
"an7ate %as pre*e7e7 -. the rash o, -o"-in8s an7 ro--eries that ha#e -een ta(in8
pla*e in the &etro. The @oint #isi-ilit. patrols %ere un7er the lea7ership o, the Chie,
o, the /ational Capital $e8ion Poli*e 1,,i*e. )t %as "eant to suppress *ri"e an7
other threats to national se*urit..
Eoes the *allin8 o, the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines to assist the Philippine
/ational Poli*e in @oint #isi-ilit. patrols #iolate the *onstitutional pro#ision on *i#ilian
The petition %as 7is"isse7 on -ein8 %ithout "erit. The Court rule7 that the
7eplo."ent o, &arines is not a -rea*h o, the *i#ilian supre"a*. *lause. The
pro#isions o, the 2etter o, )nstru*tion spe*i,i*all. outline ho% the &arines %ill
parti*ipate in the @oint #isi-ilit. patrols an7 %hat their li"its are. )n ,a*t, the o#er all
*o""an7er o, the sai7 @oint #isi-ilit. patrol is /C$P1 Chie,.
Se*tion C. Eut. o, 6o#ern"ent to the People
Se*tion ;. &aintenan*e o, Pea*e an7 1r7er
Se*tion 0. Separation o, Chur*h an7 State
Se*tion 7. )n7epen7ent Forei8n Poli*.
2i" #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ 1;1CC;, !pril 11, 2002
F!CTS1 Be8innin8 Januar. o, .ear 2002, personnel ,ro" the ar"e7 ,or*es o, the
9nite7 States o, !"eri*a starte7 arri#in8 in &in7anao to ta(e part, in *on@un*tion
%ith the Philippine "ilitar., in FBali(atan 02I1.G The. are a si"ulation o, @oint "ilitar.
"aneu#ers pursuant to the &utual Ee,ense Treat. a -ilateral 7e,ense a8ree"ent
entere7 into -. the Philippines an7 the 9nite7 States in 19;1. )ts ai" is to
enhan*e the strate8i* an7 te*hnolo8i*al *apa-ilities o, our ar"e7 ,or*es throu8h @oint
trainin8 %ith its !"eri*an *ounterpartsH the FBali(atanG is the lar8est su*h trainin8

e'er*ise 7ire*tl. supportin8 the &ET?s o-@e*ti#es. )t is this treat. to %hi*h the 5F!
a7#erts an7 the o-li8ations thereun7er %hi*h it see(s to rea,,ir".
1n Fe-ruar. 1, 2002, petitioners !rthur E. 2i" an7 Paulino P. <rsan7o ,ile7
this petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition, atta*(in8 the *onstitutionalit. o, the @oint
)SS9< >hether FBali(atan 02I1G a*ti#ities *o#ere7 -. the 5isitin8 For*es
!8ree"ent (5F!)A
$92)/6Petition is 7is"isse7. The 5F! itsel, per"its 9S personnel to en8a8e on an
i"per"anent -asis, in Fa*ti#itiesG, the e'a*t "eanin8 o, %hi*h is le,t un7e,ine7. The
sole en*u"-ran*e pla*e7 on its 7e,inition is *ou*he7 in the ne8ati#e, in that the 9S
personnel F"ust a-stain ,ro" an. a*ti#it. in*onsistent %ith the spirit o, this
a8ree"ent, an7 in parti*ular, ,ro" an. politi*al a*ti#it..G
9n7er these auspi*es, the 5F! 8i#es le8iti"a*. to the *urrent Bali(atan e'er*ises. )t
is onl. lo8i*al to assu"e that FBali(atan 02I1M N a "utual anti terroris" a7#isin8
assistin8 an7 trainin8 e'er*ise ,alls un7er the u"-rella o, san*tione7 or allo%a-le
a*ti#ities in the *onte't o, the a8ree"ent. Both the histor. an7 intent o, the &utual
Ee,ense Treat. an7 the 5F! support the *on*lusion that *o"-atIrelate7 a*ti#ities N
as oppose7 to *o"-at itsel, N su*h as the one su-@e*t o, the instant petition, are
in7ee7 authori4e7.
Se*tion 8. Free7o" ,ro" /u*lear >eapons
%ayan v# Zamora( 7R &369;*( "ctober &*( )***
F!CTS )n #ie% o, the i"pen7in8 e'piration o, the $PI9S &ilitar. Bases !8ree"ent
in 1991, the Philippines an7 the 9S ne8otiate7 ,or a possi-le e'tension o, the "ilitar.
-ases a8ree"ent. 1n Septe"-er 10, 1991, the Philippine Senate re@e*te7 the
propose7 $PI9S Treat. o, Frien7ship, Cooperation an7 Se*urit. %hi*h %oul7 ha#e
e'ten7e7 the presen*e o, 9S "ilitar. -ases in the Philippines.
1n Jul. 18, 1997, the 9S panel "et %ith the Philippine panel to ne8otiate
possi-le ele"ents o, the 5isitin8 For*es !8ree"ent (5F!). The 5F! stipulate7 the
trans,er an7 "ana8e"ent o, 9S "ilitar. personnel. /e8otiations *ul"inate7 in
&anila on Januar. 1+, 1998. Therea,ter, then Presi7ent $a"os appro#e7 the 5F!,
%hi*h %as respe*ti#el. si8ne7 -. Forei8n !,,airs Se*retar. Eo"in8o Sia4on an7 9S
!"-assa7or Tho"as Bu--ar7 on Fe-ruar. 10, 1998.
1n 1*to-er ;, 1998, Presi7ent <stra7a, throu8h the Se*retar. o, Forei8n
!,,airs, rati,ie7 the 5F!.
1n 1*to-er 0, 1998, the Presi7ent, a*tin8 throu8h respon7ent <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. La"ora, o,,i*iall. trans"itte7 to the Senate, the )nstru"ent o, $ati,i*ation,
the letter o, the Presi7ent an7 the 5F!, ,or *on*urren*e pursuant to Se*tion 21,
!rti*le 5)) o, the 1987 Constitution. The Senate re,erre7 the 5F! to its Co""ittee on
Forei8n $elations an7 its Co""ittee on /ational Ee,ense an7 Se*urit.. Therea,ter,
@oint pu-li* hearin8s %ere hel7 -. the t%o Co""ittees.

1n &a. +, 1999, the Co""ittees su-"itte7 Propose7 Senate $esolution /o.
CC+ re*o""en7in8 the *on*urren*e o, the Senate to the 5F! an7 the *reation o, a
2e8islati#e 1#ersi8ht Co""ittee to o#ersee its i"ple"entation. Ee-ates then
1n &a. 27, 1999, Propose7 Senate $esolution /o. CC+ %as appro#e7 -. the
Senate, -. a t%oIthir7s (2D+) #ote o, its "e"-ers.
)SS9<1 Ei7 the Presi7ent *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to la*( or
e'*ess o, @uris7i*tion -. rati,.in8 the 5F!A
The Presi7ent a*te7 %ithin the po%ers #este7 -. the Constitution. The Presi7ent, as
the Bea7 o, State, is the sole or8an an7 authorit. in the e'ternal a,,airs o, the
*ountr.. The Con8ress is po%erless to in#a7e into the ne8otiations that *on*lu7e7
the 5F!. &oreo#er, the Presi7ent *o"plie7 %ith Constitutional "an7ate o,
su-"ittin8 the 5F! to the Senate ,or *on*urren*e ,or su*h to -e e,,e*ti#e.
)SS9<2 Ei7 the Senate *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to la*( or
e'*ess o, @uris7i*tion -. not *o"pl.in8 %ith the *on7itions pro#i7e7 in Se*tion 2; o,
!rti*le J5))) o, the ConstitutionA
The Senate a*te7 %ithin the Constitutional "an7ate. Se*tion 2;, !rti*le J5)))
7isallo%s ,orei8n "ilitar. -ases, troops, or ,a*ilities in the *ountr., unless the
,ollo%in8 *on7itions are su,,i*ientl. "et (a) it "ust -e un7er a treat.H (-) the treat.
"ust -e 7ul. *on*urre7 in -. the Senate an7, %hen so require7 -. *on8ress, rati,ie7
-. a "a@orit. o, the #otes *ast -. the people in a national re,eren7u"H an7 (*)
re*o8ni4e7 as a treat. -. the other *ontra*tin8 state.
5F! is *learl. a treat. sin*e international a8ree"ent is -in7in8 as a treat. as
pro#i7e7 -. international la%s. &oreo#er, *on*urren*e o, the Senate is *o"plie7
pursuant Se*tion 21 o, !rti*le 5)). Bo%e#er, the pro#ision requirin8 rati,i*ation -. a
"a@orit. o, the #otes *ast in a national re,eren7u" -ein8 unne*essar. sin*e
Con8ress has not require7 it. Finall., the phrase Fre*o8ni4e7 as a treat.G "eans that
the other *ontra*tin8 part. a**epts or a*(no%le78es the a8ree"ent as a treat.. )t is
in*onsequential %hether the 9nite7 States treats the 5F! onl. as an e'e*uti#e
a8ree"ent -e*ause, un7er international la%, an e'e*uti#e a8ree"ent is as -in7in8
as a treat.. The na"es or titles o, international a8ree"ents in*lu7e7 un7er the
8eneral ter" treat. ha#e little or no le8al si8ni,i*an*e.
P<T)T)1/S E)S&)SS<E.
Se*on7 #ersion (sa"e *ase)
+onfronting the +ourt for resolution in the instant consolidated -etitions for certiorari
and -rohibition are issues relating to$ and borne by$ an agreement forged in the turn of the last

century between the 3e-ublic of the Phili--ines and the &nited !tates of America ?the
Bisiting Forces Agreement.6n March 1)$ 17)=$ the Phili--ines and the &nited !tates of
America forged a Military Bases Agreement which formali0ed$ among others$ the use of
installations in the Phili--ine territory by &nited !tates military -ersonnel. To further
strengthen their defense and security relationshi-$ the Phili--ines and the &nited !tates
entered into a Mutual Defense Treaty on August (A$ 17*1. &nder the treaty$ the -arties
agreed to res-ond to any eHternal armed attac2 on their territory$ armed forces$ -ublic #essels$
and aircraft.
ISSUE: Does the BFA #iolate the Prohibition against nuclear wea-ons under Article ..$
!ection >C
The court ruled that it does not #iolate Article '$ section > of the constitution.
84%E3EA!$ by #irtue of Article .. of the BFA$ the &nited !tates commits to res-ect the
laws of the 3e-ublic of the Phili--ines$ including the +onstitution$ which declares in Article
..$ !ection > thereof$ a -olicy of freedom from nuclear wea-ons consistent with the national
interest.9 This matter was settled in the discussion of one of the drafters of the constitution
stating that it does not #iolate Article '$ section > of the constitution. Moreo#er$ military
bases established within the territory of another state is no longer #iable because of the
alternati#es offered by new means and wea-ons of warfare such as nuclear wea-ons$ guided
missiles as well as huge sea #essels that can stay afloat in the sea e#en for months and years
without returning to their home country. These military warshi-s are actually used as
substitutes for a land?home base not only of military aircraft but also of military -ersonnel
and facilities. Besides$ #essels are mobile as com-ared to a land?based military head<uarters.
)HE'EFO'E$ in light of the foregoing dis<uisitions$ the instant -etitions are hereby
Se*tion 9. So*ial 1r7er
Se*tion 10. So*ial Justi*e
Se*tion 11. Personal Ei8nit. an7 Bu"an $i8hts
Se*tion 12. Fa"il. 2i,eH &otherH 9n-orn
Roe v# Ca!e( :&* U' &&3 >&4;3?
Facts, A -regnant single woman I3oeJ brought a class action challenging the constitutionality
of the TeHas criminal abortion laws$ which -roscribe -rocuring or attem-ting an abortion
eHce-t on medical ad#ice for the -ur-ose of sa#ing the motherMs life. A licensed -hysician
I%allfordJ$ who had two state abortion -rosecutions -ending against him$ was -ermitted to
inter#ene. A childless married cou-le Ithe DoesJ$ the wife not being -regnant$ se-arately
attac2ed the laws$ basing alleged in1ury on the future -ossibilities of contrace-ti#e failure$
-regnancy$ un-re-aredness for -arenthood$ and im-airment of the wifeMs health. A three?
1udge District +ourt$ which consolidated the actions$ held that 3oe and %allford$ and
members of their classes$ had standing to sue and -resented 1usticiable contro#ersies. 3uling
that declaratory$ though not in1uncti#e$ relief was warranted$ the court declared the abortion
statutes #oid as #ague and o#erbroadly infringing those -laintiffsM @inth and Fourteenth
Amendmentrights. The court ruled the DoesM com-laint not 1usticiable. A--ellants directly

a--ealed to this +ourt on the in1uncti#e rulings$ and a--ellee cross?a--ealed from the District
+ourtMs grant of declaratory relief to 3oe and %allford.
.ssue, 4hether or not the TeHas criminal abortion law is unconstitutional that 3oe may abort
her -regnancy.
The +ourt decided that a right to -ri#acy under the due -rocess clause in the Fourteenth
Amendment to the &nited !tates +onstitution eHtends to a womanMs decision to ha#e an
abortion$ but that right must be balanced against the stateMs two legitimate interests for
regulating abortions, -rotecting -renatal life and -rotecting the motherMs health. !aying that
these state interests become stronger o#er the course of a -regnancy$ the +ourt resol#ed
this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the motherMs current trimester of
=eyer v# 2ebras.a( )5) U' 34* >&4))?
F!CTS &, a tea*her, use7 a 6er"an Bi-le to tea*h in 8ra7e s*hool.
!**or7in8 to hi", this ser#e7 a 7ou-le purpose tea*hin8 6er"an lan8ua8e an7
reli8ious instru*tions. !,ter -ein8 *har8e7 %ith #iolation o, /e-ras(a?s statute, he
too( his *ase to the Supre"e Court, *lai"in8 that his ri8ht an7 the ri8hts o, parents
%ere #iolate7.
)SS9<>hether or not the la% #iolate7 peopleKs li-ert., as prote*te7 -. the
Fourteenth !"en7"ent
$92)/6The Court hel7 that it %as in7ee7 a #iolation o, the Eue Pro*ess Clause.
!lthou8h the Constitution 7oes not spe*i,i*all. 8rant parents the ri8ht to tea*h their
*hil7ren a ,orei8n lan8ua8e, Justi*e &*$e.nol7s state7 in the "a@orit. opinion that
The Court has ne#er atte"pte7 to 7e,ine, %ith e'a*tness, the li-ert. 8uarantee7 -.
the Fourteenth !"en7"ent. >ithout 7ou-t, it 7enotes not "erel. ,ree7o" ,ro"
-o7il. restraint -ut also the ri8ht o, the in7i#i7ual to *ontra*t, to en8a8e in an. o, the
*o""on o**upations o, li,e, to a*quire use,ul (no%le78e, to "arr., esta-lish a ho"e
an7 -rin8 up *hil7ren, to %orship 6o7 a**or7in8 to the 7i*tates o, his o%n
*ons*ien*e, an7 8enerall. to en@o. those pri#ile8es lon8 re*o8ni4e7 at *o""on la%
as essential to the or7erl. pursuit o, happiness -. ,ree "en.
Certainl. e7u*ation an7 the pursuit o, (no%le78e shoul7 -e en*oura8e7. &ere
(no%le78e o, the 6er"an lan8ua8e *annot -e loo(e7 upon as har",ul. &e.erKs ri8ht
to tea*h an7 the ri8ht o, parents to hire hi" so to tea*h %ere %ithin the li-ert. o, this
!lthou8h the Court a**epte7 that the State "a. ha#e @usti,i*ation in ,osterin8 unit.
a"on8 the popula*e, the. rule7 that this parti*ular atte"pt rea*he7 too ,ar into
li-ert. o, parents to tea*h %hat the. %ante7 to their *hil7ren.

Pier*e #. So*iet. o, Sisters, 202 9S ;10 (192;)
Co"pulsor. <7u*ation !*t Oa7opte7 /o#e"-er 7, 1922, un7er the initiati#e pro#ision
o, her Constitution -. the #oters o, 1re8on requirin8 parents an7 others ha#in8
*ontrol o, .oun8 *hil7ren to sen7 the" to the pri"ar. s*hools o, the State. There are
e'e"ptions ,or *hil7ren %ho are not nor"al, or %ho ha#e *o"plete7 his ei8hth
8ra7e, or %ho resi7e at *onsi7era-le 7istan*es ,ro" an. pu-li* s*hool, or %hose
parents or 8uar7ians hol7 spe*ial per"its ,ro" the Count. Superinten7ent. This is an
unreasona-le inter,eren*e %ith the li-ert. o, the parents an7 8uar7ians to 7ire*t the
up-rin8in8 o, the *hil7ren, an7 in that respe*t #iolates the Fourteenth !"en7"ent.
The plainti,,s %ere t%o 1re8on *orporations o%nin8 an7 *on7u*tin8 s*hools. )n a
proper sense, it is true that *orporations *annot *lai" ,or the"sel#es the li-ert.
8uarantee7 -. the Fourteenth !"en7"ent, an7, in 8eneral, no person in an.
-usiness has su*h an interest in possi-le *usto"ers as to ena-le hi" to restrain
e'er*ise o, proper po%er -. the State upon the 8roun7 that he %ill -e 7epri#e7 o,
patrona8eH But %here *orporations o%nin8 an7 *on7u*tin8 s*hools are threatene7
%ith 7estru*tion o, their -usiness an7 propert. throu8h the i"proper an7
unconstitutional com+ulsion e-ercise! by tis statute u+on +arents an!
guar!ians, their interest is 7ire*t an7 i""e7iate, an7 entitles the" to prote*tion -.
>hether or not su*h is #ali7 an7 *onstitutional.
$ulin8 /o. The Co"pulsor. e7u*ation a*t is 7ee"e7 un*onstitutional. The la%
*onsi7ers the ,a"il. as an autono"ous so*ial institution. The -rin8in8 up o, the
*hil7ren shall -e the sole 7ut. o, the parents an7 shall 7epen7 on the 7is*retion o,
the latter. The state shall not inter,ere %ith su*h 7e*isions -. i"posin8 su*h a la%
that %ill pro#i7e ,or a "an7ator. e7u*ation as it "a. *ontra7i*t the pro#ision o, la%.
Cisconsin v# Eo!er :* LC ::;5 >&4;)?
Fa*ts o, the Case
Eue to their parents? reli8ious -elie,s, three !"ish stu7ents ,ro" 7i,,erent ,a"ilies
pre#iousl. enrolle7 in /e% 6larus Bi8h S*hool stoppe7 s*hoolin8 a,ter the ei8hth
8ra7e, #iolatin8 >is*onsinKs *o"pulsor. s*hool atten7an*e la% (%hi*h requires a
*hil7Ks s*hool atten7an*e until a8e 10) -. 7e*linin8 to sen7 their *hil7ren to pu-li* or
pri#ate s*hool a,ter the. ha7 8ra7uate7 ,ro" the sai7 8ra7e. The. %ere *on#i*te7 in
the 6reen Count. Court, an7 that rulin8 %as uphel7 in the appeals *ourt. <a*h
7e,en7ant %as ,ine7 the su" o, ; 7ollars. Therea,ter, the >is*onsin Supre"e
Court ,oun7 in :o7erKs ,a#or. !t this point >is*onsin appeale7 that rulin8 in the 9. S.
Supre"e Court.

>hether or not the ri8hts un7er the Free <'er*ise Clause o, the First !"en7"ent o,
the 9S Constitution out%ei8he7 the Co"pulsor. !tten7an*e 2a% o, >is*onsin.
The >is*onsin Supre"e Court Psustaine7 respon7entsK *lai" that appli*ation o, the
*o"pulsor. s*hoolIatten7an*e la% to the" #iolate7 their ri8hts un7er the Free
<'er*ise Clause o, the First !"en7"ent, "a7e appli*a-le to the States -.
the Fourteenth !"en7"ent.
The 9.S. Supre"e Court hel7 that the states *annot ,or*e in7i#i7uals to atten7
s*hool %hen it in,rin8es on their First !"en7"ent ri8hts %hi*h states that FCon8ress
shall "a(e no la% respe*tin8 an esta-lish"ent o, reli8ion or prohi-itin8 the e'er*ise
thereo,QG )n this *ase, the state o, >is*onsin inter,ere7 %ith the pra*ti*e o, a
le8iti"ate reli8ious -elie,. The !"ish %a. o, li,e is one o, 7eep reli8ious *on#i*tions
that ste"s ,ro" the Bi-le. )t is 7eter"ine7 -. their reli8ion, %hi*h in#ol#es their
re@e*tion o, %orl7l. 8oo7s an7 their li#in8 in the Bi-li*al si"pli*it.. The "o7ern
*o"pulsor. se*on7ar. e7u*ation is in sharp *on,li*t %ith their %a. o, li,e.Thus, the
7e*ision o, the >is*onsin Supre"e Court %as a,,ir"e7.
6ins-er8 #. /e% :or(, +90 9S 029 (1908)
I6ins-er8 an7 his %i,e operate7 Sa"Ks Stationer. an7 2un*heonette in
Bell"ore, 2on8 )slan7 %herein the. sol7 "a8a4ines in*lu7in8 those 7ee"e7
to -e P8irlieP.
I 6ins-er8 %as *on#i*te7 o, sellin8 P8irlieP "a8a4ines to a 10I.earIol7 -o. in
#iolation o, R C8CIh o, the /e% :or( Penal 2a%. The statute "a(es it unla%,ul
P(no%in8l. to sell . . . to a "inorP un7er 17 P(a) an. pi*ture . . . %hi*h 7epi*ts
nu7it. . . . an7 %hi*h is har",ul to "inors,P an7 P(-) an. . . . "a8a4ine . . .
%hi*h *ontains Ssu*h pi*turesT an7 %hi*h, ta(en as a %hole, is har",ul to
>hether or not the sale o, su*h o-s*ene "aterials to "inors is la%,ul an7 i,
su*h sale is to -e re8ulate7 -. the state
The >arren Court rule7 that "aterial that is not o-s*ene "a. nonetheless -e
har",ul ,or *hil7ren, an7 its "ar(etin8 "a. -e re8ulate7.
)n this *ase, the 9.S. Supre"e Court re*o8ni4e7 that the Ppo%er o, the state
to *ontrol the *on7u*t o, *hil7ren rea*hes -e.on7 the s*ope o, its authorit. o#er
a7ults,P that the *lai" o, parents Pto 7ire*t the rearin8 o, their *hil7ren is -asi* in the
stru*ture o, our so*iet.,P an7 that the state Phas an in7epen7ent interest in the %ellI
-ein8 o, its .outh.P >ith these ,a*tors in "in7, the Court hel7 that the 8o#ern"ent
*an *onstitutionall. prohi-it Pthe sale to "inors . . . o, "aterial 7e,ine7 to -e o-s*ene
on the -asis o, its appeal to the" %hether or not it %oul7 -e o-s*ene to a7ults.P )n
other %or7s, the 8o#ern"ent *an prohi-it *hil7ren ,ro" ha#in8 a**ess to *ertain
t.pes o, se'uall. e'pli*it "aterial that it *annot *onstitutionall. -an ,or a7ults.

(a) The State has po%er to a7@ust the 7e,inition o, o-s*enit. as applie7 to "inors, ,or
e#en %here there is an in#asion o, prote*te7 ,ree7o"s, Pthe po%er o, the state to
*ontrol the *on7u*t o, *hil7ren rea*hes -e.on7 the s*ope o, its authorit. o#er
(-) Constitutional interpretation has *onsistentl. re*o8ni4e7 that the parentsK *lai"
to authorit. in the rearin8 o, their *hil7ren is -asi* in our so*iet., an7 the le8islature
*oul7 properl. *on*lu7e that those pri"aril. responsi-le ,or *hil7renKs %ell-ein8 are
entitle7 to the support o, la%s 7esi8ne7 to ai7 7is*har8e o, that responsi-ilit..
(*) The State has an in7epen7ent interest in prote*tin8 the %el,are o, *hil7ren an7
sa,e8uar7in8 the" ,ro" a-uses.
Se*tion 1+. 5ital $ole o, :outh
Se*tion 1C. $ole o, >o"en an7 <qualit. o, &en an7 >o"en
Se*tion 1;. $i8ht to Bealth
Se*tion 10. $i8ht to a Balan*e7 an7 Bealth,ul <*olo8.
1posa #. Fa*toran, 22C SC$! 792 (199+)
1posa et al 7e"an7e7 that E</$ Se*retar. Ful8en*io S. Fa*toran, Jr shoul7
i""e7iatel. *an*el all Ti"-er 2i*ense !8ree"ents (T2!?s) an7 stop ,uture issuan*e
,or the preser#ation o, health. e*olo8. that *an -e en@o.e7 -. ,uture health.
8enerations as 7e*lare -. !rt )) Se* 1; to 10 o, the 1987 Constitution. Bo%e#er, the
E</$ Se*retar. re,uses sin*e *an*ellation o, T2!?s is -e.on7 his @uris7i*tion an7 he
%ill -e lia-le ,or -rea*h o, *ontra*ts. To "ateriali4e their 7e"an7, 1posa et al ,ile7 a
*lass suit a8ainst E</$ Se*retar. Ful8en*io S. Fa*toran, Jr ,or 8ra#e a-use o,
7is*retion in the $e8ional Trial Court o, &a(ati %ith Presi7in8 Ju78e <ri-erto 9.
$osario. 9n,ortunatel., Ju78e $osario 7is"isse7 the *ase on the 8roun7 o, ha#in8
no *ause o, a*tion.
0''U$1 Are rigts of aving a ealty future wit a ealty ecology
enforceable altoug witout legislative actionF
$ulin8 :es. Se*tion 10 poses an en,or*ea-le ri8ht, thus parties "a. #ali7l. *lai"
su*h. The Supre"e Court 8rante7 the petition o, 1posa et al on -asis o, e'pert
testi"on., pri"a ,a*ie e#i7en*e an7 pu-li* interest althou8h there %ere no statutor.
ri8hts -ein8 #iolate7. The Supre"e Court set asi7e the $TC Presi7in8 @u78e
7e*ision o, *ase 7is"issal on the 8roun7s that ,a*ts an7 pri"a ,a*ie e#i7en*e o, the
*ase are #ali7 ,or a *ause o, a*tion althou8h there %ere no statutor. ri8hts -ein8
#iolate7. The Supre"e Court a8ree7 %ith E</$ Se*retar.?s *ontention that
*an*ellation an7 nonIissuan*e o, ,uture T2!?s is -e.on7 his *ontrol. The E</$
Se*retar. *an onl. *an*el T2!?s %hen the 8rantees are pro#en to ha#e -ro(en the
ter"s an7 *on7itions o, the a8ree"ent. )n ,a*t, the *ourt esta-lishe7 that it is onl.

the Presi7ent as the Chie, <'e*uti#e *an i""e7iatel. *an*el T2!?s in the interest
to7a.?s an7 to"orro%?s 8eneration. Further"ore, the Con8ress, not the E</$, *an
ena*t la%s preser#in8 our rain,orest. The Supre"e Court *har8e7 the petitioners to
i"plea7 the re*ipients o, T2!?s an7 a"en7 their *o"plaint. The *ourt i"plie7 that
the. shoul7 ha#e "a7e a proper *o"plaint a8ainst the 8rantees o, T2!?s ,ro" the
-e8innin8. (Cata.lo)
22E! #. C!, 2+1 SC$! 292 (199C) an7 2;1 SC$! C2 (199;)
==DA v# Resi!ents of =anila %ay( 7R 2o# &;&4:;( December &6( )**6
The *ase in#ol#es the &anila Ba. CleanI9p Pro8ra", %herein the &etropolitan
&anila Ee#elop"ent !uthorit. (&&E!) ser#es as the lea7 a8en*.. The a8en*. is
tas(e7 to to 7is"antle an7 re"o#e all stru*tures, *onstru*tions, an7 other
en*roa*h"ents esta-lishe7 or -uilt in #iolation o, $! 7279, an7 other appli*a-le la%s
alon8 the Pasi8I&ari(inaISan Juan $i#ers, the /ational Capital $e8ion (ParaUaqueI
Lapote, 2as PiUas) $i#ers, the /a#otasI&ala-onITullahanITene@eros $i#ers, an7
*onne*tin8 %ater%a.s an7 esteros in &etro &anila.
The *onstitutionalit. o, the *leanIup pro8ra"
)n a unani"ous +0Ipa8e 7e*ision, the Supre"e Court or7ere7 petitioner 8o#ern"ent
a8en*ies to *oor7inate the *leanIup, restoration, an7 preser#ation o, the %ater
qualit. o, the &anila Ba. in line %ith the *ountr.?s 7e#elop"ent o-@e*ti#e to attain
e*ono"i* 8ro%th in a "anner *onsistent %ith the prote*tion, preser#ation, an7
re#i#al o, our "arine %aters.
The Court *lari,ie7 that its 7ire*ti#e *o#ers su""ar. e#i*tion an7 stru*tures,
*onstru*tions, an7 en*roa*h"ents that either ,all (1) %ithin the PE 1007Ipros*ri-e7
threeI"eterD20I"eterDC0I"eter 4one, as the *ase "a. -e or (2) those *onsi7ere7 as
pu-li* nuisan*es an7 7an8er areas as 7e,ine7 in $! 7279. )t sai7 that the e#i*tion
pro*ess that %ill appl. %ill 7epen7 on the *lassi,i*ation o, the settler or o**upant. ),
the settler is a squatter %hose stru*ture or 7%ellin8 %as -uilt a,ter the e,,e*ti#it. o,
$! 7279 on &ar*h 29, 1992 un7er )te" 1, se*. 2 o, $! 7279 or a pro,essional
squatter un7er )te" 2, se*. 2 o, the sa"e la%, then he *an -e su""aril. e#i*te7, -ut
he is entitle7 to an e#i*tion noti*e. 1nl. %hen a settler has -een i7enti,ie7 as
un7erpri#ile8e7 an7 ho"eless %ill all the require"ents un7er se*. 28 o, $! 7279 on,

a"on8 others, noti*e, *onsultation, an7 resettle"ent, -e *o"plie7 %ith, hel7 the
The 7e*ision also require7 the sai7 8o#ern"ent a8en*ies to ea*h su-"it to the
Court a quarterl. pro8ressi#e report o, the a*ti#ities un7erta(en in line %ith the
prin*iple o, F*ontinuin8"an7a "us.G
Notes: Some provisions from RA 7279 (Urban Development and Housing Act of
Se*tion 2. Ee*laration o, State Poli*. an7 Pro8ra" 1-@e*ti#es. )t shall -e the poli*.
o, the State to un7erta(e, in *ooperation %ith pri#ate se*tor, a *o"prehensi#e an7
*ontinuin8 9r-an Ee#elop"ent an7 Bousin8 Pro8ra", hereina,ter re,erre7 to as the
Pro8ra", %hi*h shall
a) 9pli,t the *on7itions o, the un7erpri#ile8e7 an7 ho"eless *iti4ens in ur-an areas
an7 in resettle"ents areas -. "a(in8 a#aila-le to the" 7e*ent housin8 at a,,or7a-le
*ost, -asi* ser#i*es, an7 e"plo."ent opportunitiesH
-) Pro#i7e ,or the rational use an7 7e#elop"ent o, ur-an lan7 in or7er to -rin8 a-out
the ,ollo%in8
(1) <quita-le utili4ation o, resi7ential lan7s in ur-an an7 ur-ani4a-le areas %ith
parti*ular attention to the nee7s an7 require"ents o, the un7erpri#ile8e7 an7
ho"eless *iti4ens an7 not "erel. on the -asis o, "ar(et ,or*esH
(C) $e7u*tion in ur-an 7.s,un*tions, parti*ularl. those that a7#ersel. a,,e*t pu-li*
health, sa,et. an7 e*olo8.H an7
Se*tion 17. <7u*ation, S*ien*e an7 Te*hnolo8., !rts, Culture an7 Sports
Se*tion 18. 2a-or Prote*tion
Se*tion 19. Sel,I$eliant an7 )n7epen7ent /ational <*ono".
7arcia v# %"0( &4& 'CRA )66 >&44*?
Tai%anese in#estors in a petro*he"i*al pro@e*t ,or"e7 the Bataan
Petro*he"i*al Corporation (BPC) an7 applie7 %ith B1) ,or re8istration as a ne%
7o"esti* pro7u*er o, petro*he"i*als. )ts appli*ation spe*i,ie7 Bataan as the plant
site. 1ne o, the ter"s an7 *on7itions ,or the re8istration o, the pro@e*t %as the use o,
Pnaphtha *ra*(erP an7 PnaphthaP as ,ee7sto*( or ,uel ,or its petro*he"i*al plant. The
petro*he"i*al pro@e*t %as to -e a @oint #enture %ith P/1C. BPC %as issue7 a
Certi,i*ate o, $e8istration on Fe-ruar. 2C, 1988 -. B1).
)n Fe-ruar. 1989, !. T. Chon8, *hair"an o, 9S) Far <ast Corporation, the
"a@or in#estor in BPC personall. 7eli#ere7 to Tra7e Se*retar. Jose Con*ep*ion a
letter 7ate7 Januar. 2;, 1989, a7#isin8 hi" o, BPCKs 7esire to a"en7 the ori8inal
re8istration *erti,i*ate o, its pro@e*t -. *han8in8 the @o- site ,ro" 2i"a., Bataan, to
Batan8as (!nne' F, p. ;1, $ollo). /e%s o, the shi,t %as pu-lishe7 -. one o, the
"a@or Philippine 7ailies %hi*h 7is*lose7 that the *ause o, the relo*ation o, the pro@e*t

is the insur8en*. an7 unsta-le la-or situation in Bataan. The presen*e in Batan8as
o, a hu8e lique,ie7 petroleu" 8as (2P6) 7epot o%ne7 -. the Pilipinas Shell
Corporation %as another *onsi7eration.
Bo%e#er, 7espite spee*hes in the Senate an7 in the Bouse opposin8 the
trans,er o, the pro@e*t to Batan8as, BPC ,ile7 in the B1) on !pril 11, 1989 a request
,or Pappro#al o, an a"en7"ent o, its in#est"ent appli*ation ... ,or esta-lishin8 a
petro*he"i*al *o"ple' in the Philippines.P (!nne' F, p. ;1, $ollo.) The a"en7"ents
*onsiste7 o,. (1) in*reasin8 the in#est"ent a"ount ,ro" 9SV220 "illion to 9SV+20
"illionH (2) in*reasin8 the pro7u*tion *apa*it. o, its naphtha *ra*(er, pol.ethe.lene
plant an7 pol.prop.lene plantH (+) *han8in8 the ,ee7sto*( ,ro" naphtha onl. to
Pnaphtha an7Dor lique,ie7 petroleu" 8asHP (C) trans,errin8 the @o- site ,ro" 2i"a.,
Bataan to Batan8as (!nne' F, p. ;1, $ollo).
There is -e,ore us an a*tual *ontro#ers. %hether the petro*he"i*al plant
shoul7 re"ain in Bataan or shoul7 -e trans,erre7 to Batan8as, an7 %hether its
,ee7sto*( ori8inall. o, naphtha onl. shoul7 -e *han8e7 to naphtha an7Dor lique,ie7
petroleu" 8as as the appro#e7 a"en7e7 appli*ation o, the BPC, no% 2u4on
Petro*he"i*al Corporation (2PC), sho%s. !n7 in the li8ht o, the *ate8ori*al
a7"ission o, the B1) that it is the in#estor %ho has the ,inal *hoi*e o, the site an7
the 7e*ision on the ,ee7sto*(, %hether or not it *onstitutes a 8ra#e a-use o,
7is*retion ,or the B1) to .iel7 to the %ishes o, the in#estor, national interest
DecisionBs1#irtual la
The Court, there,ore, hol7s an7 ,in7s that the B1) *o""itte7 a 8ra#e a-use o,
7is*retion in appro#in8 the trans,er o, the petro*he"i*al plant ,ro" Bataan to
Batan8as an7 authori4in8 the *han8e o, ,ee7sto*( ,ro" naphtha onl. to naphtha
an7Dor 2P6 ,or the "ain reason that the final sa" is in t#e investor all ot#er
circumstances to t#e contrar" not$it#standing. /o *o8ent a7#anta8e to the
8o#ern"ent has -een sho%n -. this trans,er. This is a repu7iation o, the
in7epen7ent poli*. o, the 8o#ern"ent e'presse7 in nu"erous la%s an7 the
Constitution to run its o%n a,,airs the %a. it 7ee"s -est ,or the national interest. la%
>B<$<F1$<, the petition is here-. 8rante7. The 7e*ision o, the respon7ent
Boar7 o, )n#est"ents appro#in8 the a"en7"ent o, the *erti,i*ate o, re8istration o,
the 2u4on Petro*he"i*al Corporation on &a. 2+, 1989 un7er its $esolution /o. 19+,
Series o, 1989, (!nne' F to the Petition) is S<T !S)E< as /922 an7 51)E. The
ori8inal *erti,i*ate o, re8istration o, BPCK (no% 2PC) o, Fe-ruar. 2C, 1988 %ith
Bataan as the plant site an7 naphtha as the ,ee7sto*( is, there,ore, or7ere7
Tana7a #. !n8ara, 272 SC$! 18 (1997)
Se*tion 20. $ole o, Pri#ate Se*tor

Se*tion 21. Pro"otion o, Co"prehensi#e $ural an7 !8rarian Poli*.
Se*tion 22. Pro"otion o, $i8hts o, )n7i8enous Cultural Co""unities
Se*tion 2+. Co""unit.IBase7 Pri#ate 1r8ani4ations
Se*tion 2C. 5ital $ole o, Co""uni*ations
Se*tion 2;. 2o*al <*ono".
Se*tion 20. <qual !**ess to Politi*al 1pportunities an7 Politi*al E.nasties
/amatong v# C"=$L$C( :); 'CRA 45 >)**:?
Rev. Elly Velez Pamatong filed his Certificate of Candidacy for President on 17
December !!". #he Commission on Elections $C%&E'EC( ref)sed to give d)e co)rse to
Pamatong*s Certificate of Candidacy in its Resol)tion +,,- dated 17 .an)ary !!/. #he
decision0 ho1ever0 1as not )nanimo)s since Commissioners ')zviminda 2. #ancangco and
&ehol 3. 4adain voted to incl)de Pamatong as they believed he had 5arties or movements
bac6 )5 his candidacy. %n 1, .an)ary !!/0 Pamatong moved for reconsideration of
+,,-. #he C%&E'EC0 acting on Pamatong*s &otion for Reconsideration $4PP 7&P8 !/-!!1(
and on similar motions filed by other as5irants for national elective 5ositions0 denied the
)nder the aegis of %mnib)s Resol)tion ++!/ dated 11 Febr)ary !!/.
#he C%&E'EC declared Pamatong and ", others n)isance candidates 1ho co)ld not
1age a nation1ide cam5aign and9or are not nominated by a 5olitical 5arty or are not
by a registered 5olitical 5arty 1ith a national constit)ency. Commissioner 4adain maintained
vote for Pamatong. :y then0 Commissioner #ancangco had retired. Pamatong filed the
For ;rit of Certiorari0 see6ing to reverse the resol)tions 1hich 1ere allegedly rendered in
violation of his right to <e=)al access to o55ort)nities for 5)blic service< )nder 4ection +0
>rticle ?? of the 1@-7 Constit)tion0 by limiting the n)mber of =)alified candidates only to those
1ho can afford to 1age a nation1ide cam5aign and9or are nominated by 5olitical 5arties.
Pamatong arg)ed that C%&E'EC indirectly amended the constit)tional 5rovisions on the
electoral 5rocess and limited the 5o1er of the sovereign 5eo5le to choose their leaders.
C%&E'EC s)55osedly erred in dis=)alifying him since he is the most =)alified among all the
5residential candidates0 i.e.0 he 5ossesses all the constit)tional and legal =)alifications for
office of the 5resident0 he is ca5able of 1aging a national cam5aign since he has n)mero)s
national organizations )nder his leadershi50 he also has the ca5acity to 1age an
cam5aign since he has 5racticed la1 in other co)ntries0 and he has a 5latform of
Pamatong also attac6ed the validity of the form for the Certificate of Candidacy 5re5ared by
C%&E'EC. Ae claimed that the form did not 5rovide clear and reasonable g)idelines for
determining the =)alifications of candidates since it did not as6 for the candidate*s bio-data

his 5rogram of government.
;hether or not Elly Pamatong has a constit)tional right to r)n for or hold 5)blic office
and0 5artic)larly0 to see6 candidacy for 5residency of the Re5)blic of the Phili55ines.
Elly Pamatong has no constit)tional right to r)n for or hold 5)blic office and0
5artic)larly0 to see6 the 5residency. ;hat is recognized is merely a 5rivilege s)bBect to
limitations im5osed by la1. 4ection +0 >rticle ?? of the Constit)tion neither besto1s s)ch a
nor elevates the 5rivilege to the level of an enforceable right. #here is nothing in the 5lain
lang)age of the 5rovision 1hich s)ggests s)ch a thr)st or B)stifies an inter5retation of the
#he <e=)al access< 5rovision is a s)bs)med 5art of >rticle ?? of the Constit)tion0 entitled
<Declaration of Princi5les and 4tate Policies.< #he 5rovisions )nder the >rticle are generally
considered not self-eCec)ting0 and there is no 5la)sible reason for according a different
to the <e=)al access< 5rovision. 'i6e the rest of the 5olicies en)merated in >rticle ??0 the
5rovision does not contain any B)dicially enforceable constit)tional right b)t merely s5ecifies
g)ideline for legislative or eCec)tive action. #he disregard of the 5rovision does not give rise
any ca)se of action before the co)rts. >n in=)iry into the intent of the framers 5rod)ces the
determination that the 5rovision is not self-eCec)tory. #he original 1ording of the 5resent
4ection +0 >rticle ?? had read0 <#he 4tate shall broaden o55ort)nities to 5)blic office and
5rohibit 5)blic dynasties.< Commissioner $no1 Chief .)stice( Ailario Davide0 .r. s)ccessf)lly
bro)ght forth an amendment that changed the 1ord <broaden< to the 5hrase <ens)re e=)al
access0< and the s)bstit)tion of the 1ord <office< to <service.< #he 5rovision is not intended to
com5el the 4tate to enact 5ositive meas)res that 1o)ld accommodate as many 5eo5le as
into 5)blic office. #he a55roval of the <Davide amendment< indicates the design of the
to cast the 5rovision as sim5ly en)nciatory of a desired 5olicy obBective and not reflective of
im5osition of a clear 4tate b)rden. &oreover0 the 5rovision as 1ritten leaves m)ch to be
if it is to be regarded as the so)rce of 5ositive rights. ?t is diffic)lt to inter5ret the cla)se as
o5erative in the absence of legislation since its effective means and reach are not 5ro5erly
defined. :roadly 1ritten0 the co)ntless of claims that can be s)bs)med )nder this iss)e
a55ear to
be entirely o5en-ended. ;ords and 5hrases s)ch as <e=)al access0< <o55ort)nities0< and
service< are s)sce5tible to limitless inter5retations o1ing to their inherent im5reciseness.
Certainly0 it 1as not the intention of the framers to inflict on the 5eo5le an o5erative b)t
amor5ho)s fo)ndation from 1hich innately )nenforceable rights may be so)rced. #he
of e=)al access to o55ort)nities to 5)blic office may be s)bBected to limitations. 4ome valid
limitations s5ecifically on the 5rivilege to see6 elective office are fo)nd in the 5rovisions of
%mnib)s Election Code on <D)isance Candidates< and C%&E'EC Resol)tion +/,1! dated
December !! o)tlining the instances 1herein the C%&E'EC may ref)se to give d)e
co)rse to

or cancel a Certificate of Candidacy. >s long as the limitations a55ly to everybody e=)ally
1itho)t discrimination0 ho1ever0 the e=)al access cla)se is not violated. E=)ality is not
sacrificed as long as the b)rdens engendered by the limitations are meant to be borne by
any one
Se*tion 27. Bonest. an7 )nte8rit. in Pu-li* Ser#i*e
Se*tion 28. Full Pu-li* Eis*losure
Article <01 Te Legislative De+artment
Se*tion 1. 2e8islati#e Po%erH /onIEele8ation
!raneta #. 6at"aitan, 101 PB)2 +28 (19;7)
!n authori4ation 8rante7 -. the *on8ress in ,a#or o, the Se*retar. o,
!8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es to pro"ul8ate rules an7 re8ulations *on*ernin8
tra%l ,ishin8 %hi*h po%er %as 7ire*tl. e'er*ise7 -. the Presi7ent $a"on
& ! 8roup o, 1tter tra%l operators too( the "atter to the *ourt -. ,ilin8 a
*o"plaint ,or in@un*tion an7Dor 7e*larator. relie, %ith preli"inar. in@un*tion %ith the
Court o, First )nstan*e o, &anila, pra.in8 that a %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion -e
issue7 to restrain the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es an7 the
Eire*tor o, Fisheries ,ro" en,or*in8 sai7 e'e*uti#e or7erH to 7e*lare the sa"e null
an7 #oi7, an7 ,or su*h other relie, as "a. -e @ust an7 equita-le in the pre"ises.
0ssue1 >hether or not the re8ulation pro"ul8ate7 -. the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7
/atural $esour*es is unreasona-leA
The *ourt rule7 in ne8ati#e. The pro"ul8ation "a7e -. the Se*retar. o,
!8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es satis,ies all the requisite o, a #ali7 a7"inistrati#e
re8ulation. The pri"ar. purpose o, the rule %as that tra%l ,ishin8 *ause7 the
7epletion o, the "arine resour*es. !lso in the Fisheries !*t it pro#i7e7 that the
Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es has the po%er to pro"ul8ate su*h
re8ulations as %oul7 prote*t the aquati* resour*es o, the lan7. (<@e)
Rubi v# /rovincial %oar!( 34 /A0L 55* >&4&6-&4&4?
1. !ppli*ation o, Ba-eas Corpus %as "a7e in ,a#or o, Plainti,,s, $u-i an7 his
*o"panions %ho %ere alle8e7 to -e hel7 on the reser#ation esta-lishe7 at
Ti8-ao, &in7oro, a8ainst their %ill, an7 one Ea-alos is sai7 to -e i"prisone7 ,or
ha#in8 ran a%a. ,ro" reser#ation.
2. Ee,en7ant, Pro#in*ial Boar7 o, &in7oro, throu8h the Soli*itor 6eneral o, the
Philippines ar8ue7 the ,ollo%in8

<'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 2 or7erin8 all the &an8.ans in se#eral i7enti,ie7
to%nships to resettle in Ti8-ao, /au@an 2a(e is -ase7 on Se*. 21C; o, the
!7"inistrati#e Co7e (1917).
<'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 2 i"prisonin8 ,or a perio7 o, not e'*ee7in8 si't. 7a.s
an. & %ho shall re,use to *o"pl. %ith this or7er is in a**or7an*e %ith
se*tion Se*. 27;9 o, the !7"inistrati#e Co7e (1917).
Sai7 resolution o, the pro#in*ial -oar7 o, &in7oro %ere *lai"e7 as ne*essar.
"easures ,or the prote*tion o, the &an8.anes o, &in7oro as %ell as the
prote*tion o, pu-li* ,orests in %hi*h the. roa", an7 to intro7u*e *i#ili4e7
*usto"s a"on8 the".
C"2 <1 no. 2 *onstitutes #ali7 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%erA
1. 6i#en the poli*e po%er o, the State, se*tion 21C; o, the !7"inistrati#e Co7e is
a le8iti"ate e'ertion o, this po%er #este7 upon the 2e8islati#e Eepart"ent to
ena*t this la%.
2. This is ,or the 8oo7 o, the &an8.ans 8i#en their un*i#ili4e7 status as a tri-e
an7, also, the 8eneral 8oo7 o, the State.
!ssi8ne7 as reasons ,or the a*tion (1) atte"pts ,or the a7#an*e"ent o, the nonI
Christian people o, the pro#in*eH an7 (2) the onl. su**ess,ull. "etho7 ,or e7u*atin8
the &an8uianes %as to o-li8e the" to li#e in a per"anent settle"ent. The Soli*itorI
6eneral a77s the ,ollo%in8H (+) The prote*tion o, the &an8uianesH (C) the prote*tion
o, the pu-li* ,orests in %hi*h the. roa"H (;) the ne*essit. o, intro7u*in8 *i#ili4e7
*usto"s a"on8 the &an8uianes.
People #. &a*eren, 79 SC$! C;0 (1977)
F!CTSJose Buena#entura, 6o7o,re7o $, Ben@a"in $, /a4ario !quino
an7 Carlito $osario %ere *har8e7 -. a Consta-ular. in#esti8ator in the "uni*ipal
*ourt o, Sta. Cru4, 2a8una %ith ha#in8 #iolate7 Fisheries !7"inistrati#e 1r7er 8CI1.
)t %as alle8e7 that the ,i#e a**use7 resorte7 to ele*tro ,ishin8 in the %aters o, Barrio
San Pa-lo /orte, Sta. Cru4.
The Fisheries 2a% 7oes not e'pressl. punish Fele*tro ,ishin8G. /ot%ithstan7in8 the
silen*e o, the la%, the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es, upon the
re*o""en7ation o, the Co""issioner o, Fisheries, pro"ul8ate7 Fisheries
!7"inistrati#e 1r7er /o. 8C, prohi-itin8 ele*tro ,ishin8 in all Philippine %aters
)SS9<>hether or not the re8ulation penali4in8 ele*tro ,ishin8 in ,resh %ater
,isheries, pro"ul8ate7 -. the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es an7
the Co""issioner o, Fisheries un7er the ol7 Fisheries 2a% an7 the la% *reatin8 the
Fisheries Co""ission, is #ali7.

$92)/6The Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es an7 the Co""issioner
o, Fisheries e'*ee7e7 their authorit. in issuin8 Fisheries !7"inistrati#e 1r7ers /os.
8C an7 8CI1, an7 that those or7ers are not %arrante7 un7er the Fisheries
Co""ission, $epu-li* !*t /o. +;12. The Fisheries 2a% 7oes not e'pressl. prohi-it
ele*tro ,ishin8. !s su*h is the *ase, the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural
$esour*es an7 the Co""issioner o, Fisheries are po%erless to penali4e it.
!7"inistrati#e 1r7ers /os. 8C an7 8CI1 are 7e#oi7 o, an. le8al -asis.
The la%"a(in8 -o7. *annot 7ele8ate to an e'e*uti#e o,,i*ial the po%er to 7e*lare
%hat a*ts shoul7 *onstitute a *ri"inal o,,ense. )t *an authori4e the issuan*e o,
re8ulations an7 the i"position o, penalt. pro#i7e7 ,or in the la% itsel,. )t has -een
hel7 that Fto 7e*lare %hat shall *onstitute a *ri"e an7 ho% it shoul7 -e punishe7 is a
po%er #este7 e'*lusi#el. in the le8islature, an7 it "a. not -e 7ele8ate7 to an. other
-o7. or a8en*.G
)t has -een hel7 that the pro"ul8ation o, the Se*retar. Fis equi#alent to le8islatin8 on
that "atter, a po%er %hi*h has not -een an7 *annot -e 7ele8ate7 to hi", it -ein8
e'pressl. reser#e7G to the la%"a(in8 -o7.. F Su*h an a*t *onstitutes not onl. an
e'*ess o, the re8ulator. po%er *on,erre7 upon the Se*retar. -ut also an e'er*ise o,
a le8islati#e po%er %hi*h he 7oes not ha#e, an7 there,oreG the sai7 pro#ision Fis null
an7 #oi7 an7 %ithout e,,e*tG.
<astern Shippin8 2ines #. P1<!, 100 SC$! ;++ (1988)
5italiano Sa*o %as Chie, 1,,i*er o, the &D5 <astern Polaris %hen he %as (ille7 in an
a**i7ent in To(.o, Japan, &ar*h 1;, 198;. Bis %i7o% sue7 ,or 7a"a8es un7er
<'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 797 an7 &e"oran7u" Cir*ular /o. 2 o, the P1<!. The
petitioner, as o%ner o, the #essel, ar8ue7 that the *o"plaint %as *o8ni4a-le not -.
the P1<! -ut -. the So*ial Se*urit. S.ste" an7 shoul7 ha#e -een ,ile7 a8ainst the
State )nsuran*e Fun7. The P1<! ne#ertheless assu"e7 @uris7i*tion an7 a,ter
*onsi7erin8 the position papers o, the parties rule7 in ,a#or o, the *o"plainant. The
7e*ision is *hallen8e7 -. the petitioner on the prin*ipal 8roun7 that the P1<! ha7
no @uris7i*tion o#er the *ase as the hus-an7 %as not an o#erseas %or(er.
The petitioner 7oes not *onten7 that Sa*o %as not its e" or that the *lai" o,
his %i7o% is not *o"pensa-le. >hat it 7oes ur8e is that he %as not an o#erseas
%or(er -ut a K7o"esti* e" an7 *onsequentl. his %i7o%Ks *lai" shoul7 ha#e
-een ,ile7 %ith So*ial Se*urit. S.ste", su-@e*t to appeal to the <"plo.ees
Co"pensation Co""ission.
>hether or not P1<! has @uris7i*tion o#er the *ase.
$ulin8 The "e"oran7u" is a "ani,estation o, the State?s *on*ern ,or the %or(in8
*lass. Further, this is *onsistent %ith the *onstitutional pro#ision on so*ial @usti*e.
The Philippine 1#erseas <"plo."ent !7"inistration %as *reate7 un7er <'e*uti#e
1r7er /o. 797, pro"ul8ate7 on &a. 1, 1982, to pro"ote an7 "onitor the o#erseas
e"plo."ent o, Filipinos an7 to prote*t their ri8hts. )t repla*e7 the /ational Sea"en
Boar7 *reate7 earlier un7er !rti*le 20 o, the 2a-or Co7e in 197C. 9n7er Se*tion C(a)
o, the sai7 e'e*uti#e or7er, the P1<! is #este7 %ith Pori8inal an7 e'*lusi#e
@uris7i*tion o#er all *ases, in*lu7in8 "one. *lai"s, in#ol#in8 e"plo.eeIe"
relations arisin8 out o, or -. #irtue o, an. la% or *ontra*t in#ol#in8 Filipino *ontra*t

%or(ers, in*lu7in8 sea"en.P But the petitioner questions the #ali7it. o, &e"oran7u"
Cir*ular /o. 2 itsel, as #iolati#e o, the prin*iple o, nonI7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er.
)t *onten7s that no authorit. ha7 -een 8i#en the P1<! to pro"ul8ate the sai7
re8ulationH an7 e#en %ith su*h authori4ation, the re8ulation represents an e'er*ise
o, le8islati#e 7is*retion %hi*h, un7er the prin*iple, is not su-@e*t to 7ele8ation.
&e"oran7u" Cir*ular /o. 2 is an a7"inistrati#e re8ulation. The "o7el *ontra*t
pres*ri-e7 there-. has -een applie7 in a si8ni,i*ant nu"-er o, the *ases %ithout
*hallen8e -. the e" The po%er o, the P1<! (an7 -e,ore it the /ational
Sea"en Boar7) in requirin8 the "o7el *ontra*t is not unli"ite7 as there is a
su,,i*ient stan7ar7 8ui7in8 the 7ele8ate in the e'er*ise o, the sai7 authorit.. That
stan7ar7 is 7is*o#era-le in the e'e*uti#e or7er itsel, %hi*h, in *reatin8 the Philippine
1#erseas <"plo."ent !7"inistration, "an7ate7 it to prote*t the ri8hts o, o#erseas
Filipino %or(ers to P,air an7 equita-le e"plo."ent pra*ti*es.P The petition is
7is"isse7, %ith *osts a8ainst the petitioner. (Sinon)
Tablarin v# 7utierre8( &9) 'CRA ;3* >&46;?
Teresita Ta-larin, &a. 2u4 Ciria*o, &a. /i",a B. $o#ira, an7 <#an8elina S.
2a-ao sou8ht a7"ission into *olle8es or s*hools o, "e7i*ine ,or the s*hool .ear
1987I1988. Bo%e#er, the. either 7i7 not ta(e or 7i7 not su**ess,ull. ta(e the
/ational &e7i*al !7"ission Test (/&!T) require7 -. the Boar7 o, &e7i*al
<7u*ation an7 a7"inistere7 -. the Center ,or <7u*ational &easure"ent (C<&).
1n ; &ar*h 1987, Ta-larin, et. al., in -ehal, o, appli*ants ,or a7"ission into
the &e7i*al Colle8es %ho ha#e not ta(en up or su**ess,ull. passe7 the /&!T, ,ile7
%ith the $e8ional Trial Court ($TC), /ational Capital Ju7i*ial $e8ion, a Petition ,or
Ee*larator. Ju78"ent an7 Prohi-ition %ith a ,or Te"porar. $estrainin8 1r7er
(T$1) an7 Preli"inar. )n@un*tion, to en@oin the Se*retar. o, <7u*ation, Culture an7
Sports, the Boar7 o, &e7i*al <7u*ation an7 the Center ,or <7u*ational &easure"ent
,ro" en,or*in8 Se*tion ; (a) %o determine and prescribe re&uirements for admission
into a recogni'ed college of medicineH an7 (,) %o accept applications for certification
for admission to a medical sc#ool and (eep a register of t#ose issued said
certificate) and to collect from said applicants t#e amount of t$ent" * five pesos
eac# $#ic# s#all accrue to t#e operating fund of t#e +oard of ,edical -ducationH o,
$epu-li* !*t 2+82, as a"en7e7, an7 &<CS 1r7er ;2 (series o, 198;), 7ate7 2+
!u8ust 198; as an a77itional require"ent ,or issuan*e o, a *erti,i*ate o, eli8i-ilit. ,or
a7"ission into "e7i*al s*hools o, the Philippines, -e8innin8 %ith the s*hool .ear
1980I1987 an7 ,ro" requirin8 the ta(in8 an7 passin8 o, the /&!T as a *on7ition ,or
se*urin8 *erti,i*ates o, eli8i-ilit. ,or a7"ission, ,ro" pro*ee7in8 %ith a**eptin8
appli*ations ,or ta(in8 the /&!T an7 ,ro" a7"inisterin8 the /&!T as s*he7ule7 on
20 !pril 1987 an7 in the ,uture. !,ter hearin8 on the petition ,or issuan*e o,
preli"inar. in@un*tion, the trial *ourt 7enie7 sai7 petition on 20 !pril 1987.
The /&!T %as *on7u*te7 an7 a7"inistere7 as pre#iousl. s*he7ule7.
Ta-larin, et. al. a**or7in8l. ,ile7 a Petition ,or Certiorari %ith the Supre"e Court to
set asi7e the 1r7er o, the $TC @u78e 7en.in8 the petition ,or issuan*e o, a %rit o,
preli"inar. in@un*tion.

>hether or not the la% authori4in8 the &e7i*al Boar7 o, <'a"inations to
7e#ise entran*e tests ,or entran*e to "e7i*al s*hools *onstitutes #ali7 7ele8ation o,
le8islati#e po%erA
The Petition ,or Certiorari is 7is"isse7 an7 the 1r7er o, the respon7ent trial
*ourt 7en.in8 the petition ,or a %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion is a,,ir"e7. $epu-li* !*t
/o. 2+82 an7 &<CS 1r7er /o. ;2 s 198; requires the ta(in8 an7 passin8 o, the
/&!T. That the Boar7 ,or &e7i*al <7u*ation is the 8o#ernin8 -o7. %ith le8islati#e
an7 a7"inistrati#e po%ers to *on7u*t the /&!T an7 requirin8 *ertain "ini"u"
s*ores therein as a *on7ition ,or a7"ission to "e7i*al s*hools in the Philippines 7o
not *onstitute an un*onstitutional i"position.
Ce-u 1'.8en !*et.lene Co. #. Erilon, 170 SC$! 2C (1989)
Fa*tsCe-u 1'.8en, !*et.lene an7 Central <"plo.ees !sso*iation
(C1!5<!) entere7 into a *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ent (CB!) *o#erin8 the .ears
1980 to 1988. Pursuant thereto, the "ana8e"ent 8a#e salar. in*reases as ,ollo%s
1) For the ,irst .ear %hi*h %ill -e pai7 on Januar. 1C, 1980 W P200 to ea*h
*o#ere7 e"
2) For the se*on7 .ear %hi*h %ill -e pai7 on Januar. 10, 1987IP 200 to ea*h
*o#ere7 e"
+) For the thir7 .ear %hi*h %ill -e pai7 on Januar. 10, 1988 W P+00 to ea*h
*o#ere7 e"
1n Ee*e"-er 1C, 1987, $epu-li* !*t /o. 00C0 %as passe7 in*reasin8 the "ini"u"
%a8e, "ini"u" %a8e, Se*tion 8 o, the i"ple"entin8 rules prohi-its the e"
,ro" *re7itin8 anni#ersar. %a8e in*reases ne8otiate7 un7er a *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8
a8ree"ent a8ainst su*h %a8e in*reases "an7ate7 -. $epu-li* !*t /o. 00C0.
1n Fe-ruar. 22, 1988, a 2a-or an7 <"plo."ent Ee#elop"ent 1,,i*er, pursuant to
)nspe*tion !uthorit. /o. 0;8I88, *o""en*e7 a routine inspe*tion o, petitionerKs
esta-lish"ent. 9pon *o"pletion o, the inspe*tion on &ar*h 10, 1988, an7 -ase7 on
pa.rolls an7 other re*or7s, he ,oun7 that petitioner *o""itte7 #iolations o, the la% as
1. 9n7er pa."ent o, Basi* >a8e per $.!. /o. 00C0 *o#erin8 the perio7 o, t%o (2)
"onths representin8 208 e"plo.ees %ho are not re*ei#in8 %a8es a-o#e P100D7a.
prior to the e,,e*ti#it. o, $.!. /o. 00C0 in the a88re8ate a"ount o, <)6BT: TB$<<
TB19S!/E !/E T>1 B9/E$<E P<S1S (P8+,200.00)H an7
2. 9n7er pa."ent o, 1+th "onth pa. ,or the .ear 1987, representin8 208 e"plo.ees
%ho are not re*ei#in8 %a8es a-o#e P 100D7a. prior to the e,,e*ti#it. o, $.!. /o.
00C0 in the a88re8ate a"ount o, F1$T: <)6BT TB19S!/E !/E F1$T: <)6BT
P<S1S (PC8,0C8.00).
0''U$1%hether or not an )"ple"entin8 1r7er o, the Se*retar. o, 2a-or an7
<"plo."ent (E12<) *an pro#i7e ,or a prohi-ition not *onte"plate7 -. the la% it
see(s to i"ple"ent.
!s to the issue o, the #ali7it. o, Se*tion 8 o, the rules i"ple"entin8 $epu-li* !*t /o.
00C0,%hi*h prohi-its the e" ,ro" *re7itin8 the anni#ersar. %a8e in*reases

pro#i7e7 in*olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ents, it is a ,un7a"ental rule that
i"ple"entin8 rules *annot a77 or 7etra*t ,ro" the pro#isions o, la% it is 7esi8ne7 to
i"ple"ent. The pro#isions o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 00C0, 7o not prohi-it the *re7itin8 o,
CB! anni#ersar. %a8e in*reases ,or purposes o, *o"plian*e %ith $epu-li* !*t /o.
00C0. The i"ple"entin8 rules *annot pro#i7e ,or su*h a prohi-ition not *onte"plate7
-. the la%. !7"inistrati#e re8ulations a7opte7 un7er le8islati#e authorit. -. a
parti*ular 7epart"ent "ust -e in har"on. %ith the pro#isions o, the la%, an7 shoul7
-e ,or the sole purpose o, *arr.in8 into e,,e*t its 8eneral pro#isions. The la% itsel,
*annot -e e'pan7e7 -. su*h re8ulations. !n a7"inistrati#e a8en*. *annot a"en7
an a*t o, Con8ress.
Thus petitionerKs *ontention that the salar. in*reases 8rante7 -. it pursuant to the
e'istin8 CB! in*lu7in8 anni#ersar. %a8e in*reases shoul7 -e *onsi7ere7 in
7eter"inin8 *o"plian*e %ith the %a8e in*rease "an7ate7 -. $epu-li* !*t /o. 00C0,
is *orre*t. Bo%e#er, the a"ount that shoul7 onl. -e *re7ite7 to petitioner is the %a8e
in*rease ,or 1987 un7er the CB! %hen the la% too( e,,e*t. The %a8e in*rease ,or
1980 ha7 alrea7. a**rue7 in ,a#or o, the e"plo.ees e#en -e,ore the sai7 la% %as
>B<$<F1$<, the petition is here-. 6$!/T<E. Se*tion 8 o, the rules
i"ple"entin8 $epu-li*00C0, is here-. 7e*lare7 null an7 #oi7 in so ,ar as it e'*lu7es
the anni#ersar. %a8e in*reases ne8otiate7 un7er *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ents
,ro" -ein8 *re7ite7 to the %a8e in*rease pro#i7e7 ,or un7er $epu-li* !*t /o. 0CC0.
1s"ena #. 1r-os, 220 SC$! 70+
F!CTS 1n 1*to-er 10, 198C, Pres. &ar*os issue7 P.E. 19;0 *reatin8 a Spe*ial
!**ount in the 6eneral Fun7, 7esi8nate7 as the 1il Pri*e Sta-ili4ation Fun7 (1PSF).
The 1PSF %as 7esi8ne7 to rei"-urse oil *o"panies ,or *ost in*reases in *ru7e oil
an7 i"porte7 petroleu" pro7u*ts resultin8 ,ro" e'*han8e rate a7@ust"ents an7 ,ro"
in*reases in the %orl7 "ar(et pri*es o, *ru7e oil.
Su-sequentl., the 1PSF %as re*lassi,ie7 into a Ptrust lia-ilit. a**ount,P in #irtue o,
<.1. 102C, an7 or7ere7 release7 ,ro" the /ational Treasur. to the &inistr. o,
Pres. !quino, a"en7e7 P.E. 19;0. She pro"ul8ate7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 1+7 on
Fe-ruar. 27, 1987, e'pan7in8 the 8roun7s ,or rei"-urse"ent to oil *o"panies ,or
possi-le *ost un7er re*o#er. in*urre7 as a result o, the re7u*tion o, 7o"esti* pri*es
o, petroleu" pro7u*ts, the a"ount o, the un7er re*o#er. -ein8 le,t ,or 7eter"ination
-. the &inistr. o, Finan*e.
The petitioner also *onten7s that the P7ele8ation o, le8islati#e authorit.P to the <$B.
)SS9< >hether or /ot the un*onstitutionalit. o, 8, para8raph 1 (*) o, P.E. /o.
19;0, as a"en7e7 -. <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 1+7, ,or P-ein8 an un7ue an7 in#ali7
7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er to the <ner8. $e8ulator. Boar7.
$92)/6 >ith re8ar7 to the alle8e7 un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er, the Court
,in7s that the pro#ision *on,errin8 the authorit. upon the <$B to i"pose a77itional
a"ounts on petroleu" pro7u*ts pro#i7es a su,,i*ient stan7ar7 -. %hi*h the authorit.

"ust -e e'er*ise7. )n a77ition to the 8eneral poli*. o, the la% to prote*t the lo*al
*onsu"er -. sta-ili4in8 an7 su-si7i4in8 7o"esti* pu"p rates, R 8(*) o, P.E. 19;0
e'pressl. authori4es the <$B to i"pose a77itional a"ounts to au8"ent the
resour*es o, the Fun7.
Ciongbian v# "rbos( ):9 'CRA )93 >&449?
The *ase starte7 in pursuan*e to se*. 18 arti*le J o, the Constitution that allo%e7
Con8ress to ena*t $.!. /o. 07+C. This la% *alle7 ,or a ple-is*ite to -e hel7 in
se#eral *ities an7 pro#in*es. Four pro#in*es #ote in ,a#or o, the *reation o, !$&&.
9n7er $.!. 07+C those pro#in*es an7 *ities that ,a#ore7 the *reation o, the !$&&
shall -e in*lu7e7 in the sai7 ne% re8ion %hile those %hi*h 7i7 not #ote ,or in*lusion
in the !$&& shall re"ain in the e'istin8 a7"inistrati#e re8ions pro#i7e7 ho%e#er,
that the Presi7ent "a. -. a7"inistrati#e 7eter"ination "er8e the e'istin8 re8ions.
Basin8 on this pro#ision, then Presi7ent !quino issue7 <.1. C29 %hi*h pro#i7e7 ,or
the reor8ani4ation o, the a7"inistrati#e re8ions in &in7anao. The petitioners %ho are
"e"-ers o, Con8ress *onten7e7 that there %as no la% %hi*h authori4e7 the
Presi7ent to rearran8e the or8ani4ation o, *ities an7 pro#in*es. The petitioners
assert that the pro#ision in $.!. 07+C that allo%s the presi7ent to reor8ani4e *ities
an7 pro#in*es is un*onstitutional -e*ause it un7ul. 7ele8ates le8islati#e po%er to the
>1/ the pro#ision in $.!. 07+C that allo%s the presi7ent to reor8ani4e *ities an7
pro#in*es *onstitutes #ali7 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%erA
The Supre"e Court 7e*lare7 that the *ontention has no "erit. >hile !rt. J)J, Se*.
1+ pro#i7es that PThe pro#in*es an7 *ities %hi*h 7o not #ote ,or in*lusion in the
!utono"ous $e8ion shall re"ain in the e'istin8 a7"inistrati#e re8ions,P this
pro#ision is su-@e*t to the quali,i*ation that Pthe Presi7ent "a. -. a7"inistrati#e
7eter"ination "er8e the e'istin8 re8ions.P This "eans that %hile nonIassentin8
pro#in*es an7 *ities are to re"ain in the re8ions as 7esi8nate7 upon the *reation o,
the !utono"ous $e8ion, the. "a. ne#ertheless -e re8roupe7 %ith *onti8uous
pro#in*es ,or"in8 other re8ions as the e'i8en*. o, a7"inistration "a. require. The
re8roupin8 is 7one onl. on paper. )t in#ol#es no "ore than "ere 7e,inition or
re7ra%in8 o, the lines separatin8 a7"inistrati#e re8ions ,or the purpose o, ,a*ilitatin8
the a7"inistrati#e super#ision o, lo*al 8o#ern"ent units -. the Presi7ent an7
insurin8 the e,,i*ient 7eli#er. o, essential ser#i*es. There %ill -e no Ptrans,erP o, lo*al
8o#ern"ents ,ro" one re8ion to another e'*ept as the. "a. thus -e re8roupe7 so
that a pro#in*e li(e 2anao 7el /orte, %hi*h is at present part o, $e8ion J)), %ill
-e*o"e part o, $e8ion )J. The re8roupin8 o, *onti8uous pro#in*es is not e#en
analo8ous to a re7istri*tin8 or to the 7i#ision or "er8er o, lo*al 8o#ern"ents, %hi*h

all ha#e politi*al *onsequen*es on the ri8ht o, people resi7in8 in those politi*al units
to #ote an7 to -e #ote7 ,or. )t *annot -e o#ere"phasi4e7 that a7"inistrati#e re8ions
are "ere 8roupin8s o, *onti8uous pro#in*es ,or a7"inistrati#e purposes, not ,or
politi*al representation. The *han8e o, re8ional *enter ,ro" Pa"pan8a to Pa8a7ian
is -ase7 on the po%er o, the Presi7ent. The trans,er is a77resse7 to the %is7o",
not the le8alit. o, the Presi7ent. The Court *annot inter,ere.
$o7ri8o #., +09 SC$! 001
People #. 5era, 0; PB)2 ;0 (19+7I19+8)
Cu 9n@ien8 %as *on#i*te7 -. the trial *ourt in &anila. Be ,ile7 ,or re*onsi7eration
%hi*h %as ele#ate7 to the SC an7 the SC re"an7e7 the appeal to the lo%er *ourt ,or
a ne% trial. >hile a%aitin8 ne% trial, he appeale7 ,or pro-ation alle8in8 that the he is
inno*ent o, the *ri"e he %as *on#i*te7 o,. Ju78e Tuason o, the &anila CF) 7ire*te7
the appeal to the )nsular Pro-ation 1,,i*e. The )P1 7enie7 the appli*ation. Bo%e#er,
Ju78e 5era upon another request -. Cu 9n@ien8 allo%e7 the petition to -e set ,or
hearin8. The Cit. Prose*utor *ountere7 alle8in8 that 5era has no po%er to pla*e Cu
9n@ien8 un7er pro-ation -e*ause it is in #iolation o, !*t /o. C221 %hi*h pro#i7es that
the *ertain se*tion o, the a*t are un*onstitutional.
0''U$1 >hether or not the un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islature po%er is #ali7 un7er our
RUL0271The po%er to "a(e la%s or the le8islati#e po%er is #este7 in a -i*a"eral
2e8islature -. the Jones 2a% (se*. 12) an7 in a uni*a"eral /ational !sse"-l. -.
the Constitution (!*t. 5), se*. 1, Constitution o, the Philippines). The Philippine
2e8islature or the /ational !sse"-l. "a. not es*ape its 7uties an7 responsi-ilities
-. 7ele8atin8 that po%er to an. other -o7. or authorit.. !n. atte"pt to a-7i*ate the
po%er is un*onstitutional an7 #oi7, on the prin*iple that potestasdelegata non
The rule, ho%e#er, %hi*h ,or-i7s the 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er, is not a-solute
an7 in,le'i-le. )t a7"its o, e'*eptions. !n e'*eption san*tione7 -. i""e"orial
pra*ti*e per"its the *entral le8islati#e -o7. to 7ele8ate le8islati#e po%ers to lo*al
authoritiesH an7 the Constitution itsel, "i8ht in spe*i,i* instan*es allo% 7ele8ation o,
le8islati#e po%er.
The s*ope is onl. as ,ar as Con8ress allo%s it. Thus, 7ele8ate7 le8islation "a. not
#iolate a statute.
Se*on7 #ersion (sa"e *ase)
F!CTS The People o, the Philippines an7 BSBC are the plainti,, an7 the o,,en7e7
part. an7 &ariano Cu 9n@ien8 is the 7e,en7ant in a *ri"inal *ase %here Supre"e
Court Ju78e Bon. Jose 1. 5era hear7 the appli*ation o, Cu 9n@ien8 ,or pro-ation in
the a,oresai7 *ri"inal *ase. The *ri"inal *ase %as ,irst ,ile7 in the CF) %hi*h
ren7ere7 a @u78"ent o, *on#i*tion senten*in8 9n@ien8 to in7eter"inate penalt. o, C
.rs an7 2 "os. To 8 .ears an7 to pa. *osts. 9pon appeal, the *ourt "o7i,ie7 the

senten*e to an in7eter"inate penalt. o, ,ro" ;.rs an7 0"os to, 0"os an7 27
7a.s an7 a,,ir"e7 the @u78"ent in all other aspe*ts. 9n@ien8 ,ile7 a "otion ,or
re*onsi7eration an7 ,our su**essi#e "otions ,or ne% trial %hi*h %ere all 7enie7.
9pon his petition ,or *ertiorari to the SC *ourt, su*h %as also 7e*line7 -. the SC an7
,inal @u78"ent %as a**or7in8l. entere7 in Ee*. 18, 19+;.in 19+0, upon 9n@ien8?s
,ilin8 o, a se*on7 alternati#e "otion ,or re*onsi7eration o, ne% trial, the SC 7enie7
the peititon an7 re"an7e7 the *ase to the *ourt o, ori8in ,or e'e*ution o, @u78"ent.
The CF) o, &anila, Ju78e 5era presi7in8, set the petition ,or hearin8 ,or pro-ation
%ith the Fis*al o, the Cit. o, &anila ,ilin8 an opposition to su*h. The pri#ate
prose*ution ,ile7 a supple"entar. opposition ela-oratin8 on the alle8e7
un*onstitutionalit. o, !*t C221, as un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er to the
pro#in*ial -oar7s o, se#eral pro#in*es. Ju78e 5era pro"ul8ate7 a resolution
*on*lu7in8 9n@ien8 as es Fino*ente por 7u7a ra*ionalG o, the *ri"e -ut 7en.in8 his
petition ,or pro-ation.
<#i7en*e as to the *ir*u"stan*es un7er %hi*h sai7 "otion ,or lea#e to inter#ene as
a"i*i *uriae %as si8ne7 an7 su-"itte7 to *ourt %as to ha#e -een hear7 on !u8ust
19, 19+7. But at this @un*ture, herein petitioners *a"e to this *ourt on e'traor7inar.
le8al pro*ess to put an en7 to %hat the. alle8e7 %as an inter"ina-le pro*ee7in8 in
the Court o, First )nstan*e o, &anila %hi*h ,ostere7 Pthe *a"pai8n o, the 7e,en7ant
&ariano Cu 9n@ien8 ,or 7ela. in the e'e*ution o, the senten*e i"pose7 -. this
Bonora-le Court on hi", e'posin8 the *ourts to *riti*is" an7 ri7i*ule -e*ause o, the
apparent ina-ilit. o, the @u7i*ial "a*hiner. to "a(e e,,e*ti#e a ,inal @u78"ent o, this
*ourt i"pose7 on the 7e,en7ant &ariano Cu 9n@ien8.P
This *ourt "a. re#ie% the a*tuations o, the a,oresai7 Court o, First )nstan*e in
*ri"inal *ase /o. C20C9 entitle7 PThe People o, the Philippine )slan7s #s. &ariano
Cu 9n@ien8, et al.P, "ore parti*ularl. the appli*ation o, the 7e,en7ant &ariano Cu
9n@ien8 therein ,or pro-ation un7er the pro#isions o, !*t /o. C221, an7 therea,ter
prohi-it the sai7 Court o, First )nstan*e ,ro" ta(in8 an. ,urther a*tion or entertainin8
,urther the a,ore"entione7 appli*ation ,or pro-ation, to the en7 that the 7e,en7ant
&ariano Cu 9n@ien8 "a. -e ,orth%ith *o""itte7 to prison in a**or7an*e %ith the
,inal @u78"ent o, *on#i*tion ren7ere7 -. this *ourt in sai7 *ase
)SS9< >hether !*t /o. C221 is un*onstitutional
$92)/6 !*t /o. C221 is here-. 7e*lare7 un*onstitutional an7 #oi7 an7 the %rit o,
prohi-ition is, a**or7in8l., 8rante7. >ithout an. pronoun*e"ent re8ar7in8 *osts. So
or7ere7. >e *on*lu7e that se*tion 11 o, !*t /o. C221 *onstitutes an i"proper an7
unla%,ul 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e authorit. to the pro#in*ial -oar7s an7 is, ,or this
reason, un*onstitutional an7 #oi7. !*t /o. C221 is tanta"ount to an un7ue
7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er. The po%ers o, the 8o#ern"ent are 7istri-ute7 a"on8
three *oor7inate an7 su-stantiall. in7epen7ent or8ans the le8islati#e, the e'e*uti#e
an7 the @u7i*ial. <a*h o, the 7epart"ents o, the 8o#ern"ent 7eri#es its authorit.
,ro" the Constitution.
Soli*itor 6eneral #. &&!, 20C SC$! 8+7 (1991)
! *ase o, 6onon8 is the sour*e o, so"e pro#isionH thus, it is *alle7 the 6onon8
Ee*ision. This is the *ase %here the issue o, *on,is*ation o, 7ri#er?s li*ense an7

li*ense plates %as 7e*i7e7. !**or7in8 to this, the *on,is*ation "entione7 shoul7 not
-e 7one e'*ept onl. %hen ille8all. par(e7 in the streets o, &anila. This 7e*ision %as
supporte7 -. PE 100;.
T%o a8en*ies are no% *lai"in8 to ha#e authorit. to "a(e or7inan*es to -e a-le to
a*t as su*h. These are the &&! an7 &etrpolitan Poli*e Co""an7.
&&! pla*e7 t%o or7inan*es. 1r7inan*e 8 an7 11.
Soli*itor 6eneral su-"itte7 a petition *lai"in8 the or7inan*es are not to -e 7one
sin*e the one ena*tin8 it 7oes not ha#e total le8islati#e po%er.
>hether the 7ele8ate7 po%er is #ali7 or not.
/o, 7espite o, &&!?s "erits, PE 100; still pre#ails. &&! *annot purel. use the
7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%ers in *reatin8 the sai7 or7inan*es. Thus, 1r7inan*es 11
an7 8 are /ull an7 5oi7. (Ea87a8)
Aba.a!a 7uro /arty List v# /urisima( 95) 'CRA )9&
Facts1 So"eti"e in 200; $! 9++;, also (no%n as the attrition a*t, %as
institute7. This la% i"pose7 a s.ste" o, re%ar7s an7 punish"ent upon 8o#ern"ent
o,,i*ials %ho -elon8e7 to the Bureau o, Custo"s an7 the Bureau o, )nternal
$e#enue. The "ain 8ist o, the la% %as that o,,i*ials -elon8in8 to these 7epart"ents
%oul7 -e re%ar7e7 ,or *olle*tions in e'*ess o, the set quotas, an7 punishe7 -.
7is"issal i, una-le to rea*h the sa"e quotas. !-a(a7a 6uro Part. 2ist *ontests the
*onstitutionalit. o, the la%, *lai"in8 a"on8 "an. other alle8e7 ne8ati#e e,,e*ts, that
it %ill en*oura8e the pu-li* o,,i*ials o, -oth these 7epart"ents to -e*o"e
"er*enaries an7 lea7 the" a%a. ,ro" the proper per,or"an*e o, their 7uties.
0ssue1 >hether or not the re8ularit. o, the per,or"an*e o, the 7uties o, the o,,i*ials
o, the Bureau o, Custo"s an7 the Bureau o, )nternal $e#enue -e *ast into 7ou-t as
a result o, $! 9++;.
Ael!1 Pu-li* o,,i*ers en@o. the presu"ption o, re8ularit. in the per,or"an*e o, their
7uties. This presu"ption ne*essaril. o-tains in ,a#or o, B)$ an7 B1C o,,i*ials an7
e"plo.ees. $! 9++; operates on the -asis thereo, an7 rein,or*es it -. pro#i7in8 a
s.ste" o, re%ar7s an7 san*tions ,or the purpose o, en*oura8in8 the o,,i*ials an7
e"plo.ees o, the B)$ an7 the B1C to e'*ee7 their re#enue tar8ets an7 opti"i4e
their re#enueI8eneration *apa-ilit. an7 *olle*tion.
The presu"ption is 7isputa-le -ut proo, to the *ontrar. is require7 to re-ut it. )t
*annot -e o#erturne7 -. "ere *on@e*ture or 7enie7 in a7#an*e (as petitioners %oul7
ha#e the Court 7o) espe*iall. in this *ase %here it is an un7erl.in8 prin*iple to
a7#an*e a 7e*lare7 pu-li* poli*..

Petitioners? *lai" that the i"ple"entation o, $! 9++; %ill turn B)$ an7 B1C o,,i*ials
an7 e"plo.ees into F-ount. hunters an7 "er*enariesG is not onl. %ithout an. ,a*tual
an7 le8al -asisH it is also purel. spe*ulati#e. ! la% ena*te7 -. Con8ress en@o.s the
stron8 presu"ption o, *onstitutionalit.. To @usti,. its nulli,i*ation, there "ust -e a
*lear an7 unequi#o*al -rea*h o, the Constitution, not a 7ou-t,ul an7 equi#o*al one.
To in#ali7ate $! 9++; -ase7 on petitioners? -aseless supposition is an a,,ront to the
%is7o" not onl. o, the le8islature that passe7 it -ut also o, the e'e*uti#e %hi*h
appro#e7 it. Pu-li* ser#i*e is its o%n re%ar7. /e#ertheless, pu-li* o,,i*ers "a. -.
la% -e re%ar7e7 ,or e'e"plar. an7 e'*eptional per,or"an*e. ! s.ste" o, in*enti#es
,or e'*ee7in8 the set e'pe*tations o, a pu-li* o,,i*e is not anathe"a to the *on*ept
o, pu-li* a**ounta-ilit.. )n ,a*t,it re*o8ni4es an7 rein,or*es 7e7i*ation to 7ut.,
in7ustr., e,,i*ien*. an7 lo.alt. to pu-li* ser#i*e o, 7eser#in8 8o#ern"ent personnel.
9nite7 States #. !n8 Tan8 Bo, C+ Phil 1
IThe Philippine 2e8islature passe7 !*t /o. 2808, entitle7 P!n !*t penali4in8 the
"onopol. an7 hol7in8 o,, an7 spe*ulation in, pala., ri*e, an7 *orn un7er
e'traor7inar. *ir*u"stan*es, re8ulatin8 the 7istri-ution an7 sale thereo,, an7
authori4in8 the 6o#ernorI6eneral, %ith the *onsent o, the Coun*il o, State, to issue
the ne*essar. rules an7 re8ulations there,or, an7 "a(in8 an appropriation ,or this
Se*tion 1. The 6o#ernorI6eneral is here-. authori4e7, %hene#er, ,or an. *ause,
*on7itions arise resultin8 in an e'traor7inar. rise in the pri*e o, pala., ri*e or *orn, to
issue an7 pro"ul8ate, %ith the *onsent o, the Coun*il o, State, te"porar. rules an7
e"er8en*. "easures ,or *arr.in8 out the purpose o, this !*t,
I!n8 Tan8 Bo, sol7 one 8anta o, ri*e at the pri*e o, ei8ht. *enta#os (P.80), %hi*h is
a pri*e 8reater than that ,i'e7 -. <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. ;+ o, the 6o#ernorI6eneral o,
the Philippines. 9pon this *har8e, he %as trie7, ,oun7 8uilt. an7 senten*e7 to ,i#e
"onthsK i"prison"ent an7 to pa. a ,ine o, P;00, ,ro" %hi*h he appeale7 to this
)SS9< >hether or not the 2e8islature 7ele8ate its la%"a(in8 po%er
$92)/6The 2e8islati#e po%er shall -e #este7 in the Con8ress o, the Philippines
%hi*h shall *onsist o, a Senate an7 Bouse o, $epresentati#es, e'*ept to the e'tent
reser#e7 to the people -. the pro#ision on initiati#e an7 re,eren7u". (!$T)C2< 5)
Se*tion 1)
B. the or8ani* la% o, the Philippine )slan7s all po%ers are #este7 in the 2e8islati#e,
<'e*uti#e an7 Ju7i*iar.. )t is the 7ut. o, the 2e8islature to "a(e the la%H o, the
<'e*uti#e to e'e*ute the la%H an7 o, the Ju7i*iar. to *onstrue the la%. !ll le8islati#e
po%er is #este7 in the 2e8islature, an7 the po%er *on,erre7 upon the 2e8islature to
"a(e la%s *annot -e 7ele8ate7 to the 6o#ernorI6eneral, or else. The
2e8islature *annot 7ele8ate the le8islati#e po%er to ena*t an. la%.
>e are *learl. o, the opinion an7 hol7 that !*t /o. 2808, in so ,ar as it un7erta(es to
authori4e7 the 6o#ernorI6eneral in his 7is*retion to issue a pro*la"ation, ,i'in8 the

pri*e o, ri*e, an7 to "a(e the sale o, ri*e in #iolation o, the pri*e o, ri*e, an7 to "a(e
the sale o, ri*e in #iolation o, the pro*la"ation a *ri"e, is un*onstitutional an7 #oi7.
That po%er *an ne#er -e 7ele8ate7 un7er a repu-li*an ,or" o, 8o#ern"ent.
The @u78"ent o, the lo%er *ourt is re#erse7, an7 the 7e,en7ant 7is*har8e7
<"plo.ers Con,e7eration #. /ational >a8es an7 Pro7u*ti#it. Co""ission, 6$ /o.
<C1P 7e"an7s nulli,i*ation o, the >a8e 1r7er /o /C$I01a an7 the
reinstate"ent o, >a8e 1r7er /o /C$I01 on the -asis that esta-lishin8 salar. *eilin8
is 7one throu8h *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ent in the Con8ress an7 not throu8h an
a7"inistrati#e or e'e*uti#e or7er. Bo%e#er, the />PC an7 >a8es Boar7I/C$ hol7
on to >a8e 1r7er /o /C$I01a on the 8roun7 that the Con8ress 8a#e the"
@uris7i*tion to pree"pt *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ent -. pres*ri-in8 ,loor %a8e an7
salar. *eilin8 to ,i' %a8e 7istortions, an7 thus e,,e*ti#el. settle la-or 7isputes.
)ssue Can pres*ri-in8 salar. *eilin8 an7 ,loor %a8e 7one %ithin the Con8ress
/1. The Con8ress #ali7l. 7ele8ates it?s authorit. o, pres*ri-in8 ,loor %a8e
an7 salar. *eilin8 to a %a8e -oar7. The Supre"e Court rule7 in ,a#or o, the
$! 0727 inten7s to "ini"i4e -loo7. or ris(. *olle*ti#e -ar8ainin8 a8ree"ents
-. e"po%erin8 a %a8e -oar7 to ,i' %a8e 7istortions throu8h pres*ri-in8 ,loor %a8e
an7 salar. *eilin8. This a*t *a"e into -ein8 %hen the Con8ress ,oun7 *olle*ti#e
-ar8ainin8 a8ree"ents i"pra*ti*al, -loo7., an7 in*apa-le in qui*(l. settlin8 la-or
7isputes. $! 0727 also e"po%ers a %a8e *o""ission in resear*hin8 so*ioI
e*ono"i* status an7 in7e' that *an ,airl. set a stan7ar7 ,or %a8es.
)t is true that !rt 5) Se* 1 o, the 1987 Constitution 7e*lares that the Con8ress
has the e'*lusi#e po%er to "a(e la%s in*lu7in8 settin8 %a8es -ut this *ase is an
e'*eption. )n this *ase, the Con8ress still has the po%er to set %a8es -ut the. *an
ena*t a la% 8i#in8 enou8h stan7ar7 to a -oar7 to ,ollo%. The Con8ress *an still
o#erthro% the %a8e *o""ission an7 %a8e -oar7s a7"inistrati#e or7er -ut our
Con8ress *hose not to on the *onstitutional 8roun7s o, so*ial @usti*e (!rt )) Se* 18)
the State prote*ts the ri8hts o, %el,are o, %or(ers, (!rt J)) Se* 0) the State *an
re8ulate properties an7 propert. relations ,or the *o""on 8oo7, (!rt J))) Se* 1) the
Con8ress prioriti4es the @ust 7istri-ution o, %ealth an7 properties an7, (!rt )) Se* 20)
the State "ust -alan*e the %el,are o, %or(ers an7 pro,it o, the pri#ate se*tors.
People #. $osenthal, 08 PB)2 +28
!8ustin #. <7u, 88 SC$! 1

This *ase is a petition assailin8 the #ali7it. or the *onstitutionalit. o, a 2etter o,
)nstru*tion /o. 229, issue7 -. Presi7ent Fer7inan7 <. &ar*os, requirin8 all #ehi*le
o%ners, users or 7ri#ers to pro*ure earl. %arnin8 7e#i*es to -e installe7 a 7istan*e
a%a. ,ro" su*h #ehi*le %hen it stalls or is 7isa-le7. )n *o"plian*e %ith su*h letter o,
instru*tion, the Co""issioner o, the 2an7 Transportation 1,,i*e issue7
!7"inistrati#e 1r7er /o. 1 7ire*tin8 the *o"plian*e thereo,. This petition alle8es that
su*h letter o, instru*tion an7 su-sequent a7"inistrati#e or7er are unla%,ul an7
un*onstitutional as it #iolates the pro#isions on 7ue pro*ess, equal prote*tion o, the
la% an7 un7ue 7ele8ation o, poli*e po%er.
0ssue1 >hether or not the 2etter o, )nstru*tion /o. 229 an7 the su-sequent
!7"inistrati#e 1r7er issue7 is un*onstitutional
The Supre"e Court rule7 ,or the 7is"issal o, the petition. The statutes in question
are 7ee"e7 not un*onstitutional. These %ere 7e,initel. in the e'er*ise o, poli*e
po%er as su*h %as esta-lishe7 to pro"ote pu-li* %el,are an7 pu-li* sa,et.. )n ,a*t,
the letter o, instru*tion is -ase7 on the *onstitutional pro#ision o, a7aptin8 to the
8enerall. a**epte7 prin*iples o, international la% as part o, the la% o, the lan7. The
letter o, instru*tion "entions, as its pre"ise an7 -asis, the resolutions o, the 1908
5ienna Con#ention on $oa7 Si8ns an7 Si8nals an7 the 7is*ussions on tra,,i* sa,et.
-. the 9nite7 /ations I that su*h letter %as issue7 in *onsi7eration o, a 8ro%in8
nu"-er o, roa7 a**i7ents 7ue to stalle7 or par(e7 #ehi*les on the streets an7
hi8h%a.s. (<@e)
Enot v# 0AC( &:6 'CRA 594
Petitioner %as *har8e7 o, #iolation o, <1 020 %hen he transporte7 si'
*ara-aos in a pu"p -oat ,ro" &as-ate to )loilo on Januar. 1+, 198C, %hen
the. %ere *on,is*ate7 -. the poli*e station *o""an7er o, Barota* /ue#o,
)loilo, ,or #iolation o, the a-o#e "easure. 1 The petitioner sue7 ,or re*o#er.,
an7 the $e8ional Trial Court o, )loilo Cit. issue7 a %rit o, reple#in upon his
,ilin8 o, a superse7eas -on7 o, P12,000.00.
Petitioner raise7 the issue o, <1?s *onstituitonalit. an7 ,ile7 *ase in the
lo%er *ourt. Bo%e#er, the *ourt sustaine7 the the *on,is*ation o, the *ara-aos
an7, sin*e the. *oul7 no lon8er -e pro7u*e7, or7ere7 the *on,is*ation o, the
-on7. The *ourt also 7e*line7 to rule on the *onstitutionalit. o, the e'e*uti#e
or7er, as raise7 -. the petitioner. There,ore, petitioner appeale7 the 7e*sion
to )!C %ith the ,ollo%in8 *ontentions.
>hether or not the issue7 7e*ree is an <'e*uti#e 1r7er is a la%.
The *hallen8e7 "easure is 7eno"inate7 an e'e*uti#e or7er -ut it is reall.
presi7ential 7e*ree, pro"ul8atin8 a ne% rule instea7 o, "erel. i"ple"entin8 an

e'istin8 la%. )t %as issue7 -. Presi7ent &ar*os not ,or the purpose o, ta(in8 *are
that the la%s %ere ,aith,ull. e'e*ute7 -ut in the e'er*ise o, his le8islati#e authorit.
un7er !"en7"ent /o. 0. )t %as pro#i7e7 thereun7er that %hene#er in his @u78"ent
there e'iste7 a 8ra#e e"er8en*. or a threat or i""inen*e thereo, or %hene#er the
le8islature ,aile7 or %as una-le to a*t a7equatel. on an. "atter that in his @u78"ent
require7 i""e7iate a*tion, he *oul7, in or7er to "eet the e'i8en*., issue 7e*rees,
or7ers or letters o, instru*tion that %ere to ha#e the ,or*e an7 e,,e*t o, la%. !s there
is no sho%in8 o, an. e'i8en*. to @usti,. the e'er*ise o, that e'traor7inar. po%er then,
the petitioner has reason, in7ee7, to question the #ali7it. o, the e'e*uti#e or7er.
/e#ertheless, sin*e the 7eter"ination o, the 8roun7s %as suppose7 to ha#e -een
"a7e -. the Presi7ent Pin his @u78"ent, P a phrase that %ill lea7 to protra*te7
7is*ussion not reall. ne*essar. at this ti"e, %e reser#e resolution o, this "atter until
a "ore appropriate o**asion. For the non*e, %e *on,ine oursel#es to the "ore
,un7a"ental question o, 7ue pro*ess.
Unite! 'tates v# /anlilio( )6 /A0L 5*6
The a**use7 %as *on#i*te7 o, #iolation o, !*t 1700 relatin8 to the quarantinin8
o, ani"als su,,erin8 ,ro" 7an8erous *o""uni*a-le or *onta8ious 7iseases an7
senten*in8 hi" to pa. a ,ine o, PC0 %ith su-si7iar. i"prison"ent in *ase o,
insol#en*. an7 to pa. the *osts o, trial. )t is alle8e7 that the a**use7 ille8all. an7
%ithout -ein8 authori4e7 to 7o so, an7 %hile quarantine a8ainst the sai7 *ara-aos
e'pose7 to rin7erpest %as still in e,,e*t, per"itte7 an7 or7ere7 sai7 *ara-aous to -e
ta(en ,ro" the *orral in %hi*h the. %ere quarantine7 an7 7ro#e the" ,ro" one pla*e
to another. The a**use7 *onten7s that the ,a*ts alle8e7 in the in,or"ation an7
pro#e7 on the trial 7o not *onstitute a #iolation o, !*t /o. 1700
>hether a**use7 *an -e penali4e7 ,or #iolation o, the or7er o, the Bureau o,
B<2E/1. /o%here in the la% is the #iolation o, the or7ers o, the Bureau o,
!8ri*ulture prohi-ite7 or "a7e unla%,ul, nor is there pro#i7e7 an. punish"ent ,or a
#iolation o, su*h or7ers. Se*tion 8 o, !*t /o. 1700 pro#i7es that an. person #iolatin8
an. o, the pro#isions o, the !*t shall, upon *on#i*tion, -e punishe7. Bo%e#er, the
onl. se*tions o, the !*t %hi*h prohi-it a*ts an7 pronoun*e the" as unla%,ul are
Se*tions +, C an7 ;. This *ase 7oes not ,all %ithin an. o, the". ! #iolation o, the
or7ers o, the Bureau o, !8ri*ulture, as authori4e7 -. para8raph, is not a #iolation o,
the pro#ision o, the !*t. The or7ers o, the Bureau o, !8ri*ulture, %hile the. "a.
possi-l. -e sai7 to ha#e the ,or*e o, la%, are statutes an7 parti*ularl. not penal
statutes, an7 a #iolation o, su*h or7ers is not a penal o,,ense unless the statute itsel,
so"e%here "a(es a #iolation thereo, unla%,ul an7 penali4es it. /o%here in !*t /o.
1700 is a #iolation o, the or7ers o, the Bureau o, !8ri*ulture "a7e a penal o,,ense,
nor is su*h #iolation punishe7 in an. %a. therein. Bo%e#er, the a**use7 7i7 #iolate
!rt. ;81, X2 o, the Penal Co7e %hi*h punishes an. person %ho #iolates re8ulations
or or7inan*es %ith re,eren*e to epi7e"i* 7isease a"on8 ani"als.
%#e orders (rules and regulations! of an administrative officers or bod" issued
pursuant to a statute #ave t#e force of la$ but are not penal in nature and a violation

of suc# orders is not a offense punis#able b" la$ unless t#e statute e.pressl"
penali'es suc# violation/
'ecurities an! $-cange Commission v# 0nter+ort Resources Cor+oration( 95;
'CRA 39:
FA+T!, .3+ alleged that a -ress release announcing the a--ro#al of the agreement was sent
through faH to Phili--ine !toc2 EHchange IP!EJ and the !E+$ but that the faH machine of
!E+ could not recei#e it. &-on the ad#ice of !E+$ .3+ sent the -ress release on the morning
of 7 Aug 177). !E+ a#erred that it recei#ed re-orts that .3+ failed to ma2e timely -ublic
disclosures of its negotiations with "%B and that some of its directors hea#ily traded .3+
shares utili0ing this material insider information. !E+ +hairman then issued an 6rder finding
that .3+ #iolated the 3ules on Disclosure when it failed to ma2e timely disclosure$ and that
some of the officers and directors of the .3+ entered into transactions in#ol#ing .3+ shares
in #iolation of !ec (A$ in relation to !ec (; of the 3e#ised !ecurities Act. .3+ filed an
6mnibus Motion alleging that !E+ had no authority to in#estigate the sub1ect matter$ since
under !ec > of PD 7A'?A$ as amended by PD 1=*>$ 1urisdiction was conferred u-on the
Prosecution and Enforcement De-t IPEDJ of !E+. .3+ also claimed that !E+ #iolated their
right to due -rocess when it ordered that the res-ondents a--ear before !E+ and show cause
why no administrati#e$ ci#il or criminal sanctions should be im-osed on them$ and thus$
shifted the burden of -roof to the res-ondents. They filed a Motion for +ontinuance of
Proceedings. %ence a motion for reconsideration.
1. Do sections >$ (A$ and (; of the 3e#ised !ecurities Act re<uire the
enactment of im-lementing rules to ma2e them binding and effecti#eC
'. Does the right to cross?eHamination be demanded during in#estigati#e
-roceedings before the PEDC @o.
(. May a criminal case still be filed against the res-ondents des-ite there
a--eal of !ections >$ (A$ and (; of the 3e#ised !ecurities ActC Des.
). Did !E+ retain the 1urisdiction to in#estigate #iolations of the 3e#ised
!ecurities Act$ re?enacted in the !ecurities 3egulations +ode$ des-ite the abolition of
the PEDC Des.
*. Does the instant case -rescribed alreadyC @o.;. .s +A 1ustified in denying
!E+:s Motion for /ea#e to Puash !E+ 6mnibus 6rdersC Des
1. @6. !ections >$ (A and (; of the 3e#ised !ecurities Act do not re<uire the enactment
of im-lementing rules to ma2e them binding and effecti#e. The +ourt of A--eals
ruled that absent any im-lementing rules for !ections >$ (A and (; of the 3e#ised
!ecurities Act$ no ci#il$ criminal or administrati#e actions can -ossibly be had against
the res-ondents without #iolating their right to due -rocess and e<ual -rotection is
'. @6. The right to cross?eHamination is not absolute and cannot be demanded during
in#estigati#e -roceedings before the PED.

(. DE!. The !ecurities 3egulations +ode did not re-eal !ections >$ (A and (; of the
3e#ised !ecurities Act since said -ro#isions were reenacted in the new law. The
!ecurities 3egulations +ode absolutely re-ealed the 3e#ised !ecurities Act. 4hile
the absolute re-eal of a law generally de-ri#es a court of its authority to -enali0e the
-erson charged with the #iolation of the old law -rior to its a--eal$ an eHce-tion to
this rule comes about when the re-ealing law -unishes the act -re#iously -enali0ed
under the old law.
). DE!. The !E+ retained the 1urisdiction to in#estigate #iolations of the 3e#ised
!ecurities Act$ reenacted in the !ecurities 3egulations +ode$ des-ite the abolition of
the PED. !ection *( of the !ecurities 3egulations +ode clearly -ro#ides that criminal
com-laints for #iolations of rules and regulations enforced or administered by the
!E+ shall be referred to the De-artment of Justice ID6JJ for -reliminary
in#estigation$ while the !E+ ne#ertheless retains limited in#estigatory -owers.
*. DE!. The instant case has not yet -rescribed. 3es-ondents ha#e ta2en the -osition
that this case is moot and academic$ since any criminal com-laint that may be filed
against them resulting from the !E+:s in#estigation of this case has already
7eroci v# D$2R( 7R 2o# &94;45( Duly &;( )**;
Con8ress ena*te7 the <le*tri* Po%er )n7ustr. $e,or" !*t o, 2001 (<P)$!) on June
8, 2001H on June 20, 2001, it too( e,,e*t.

/ational Po%er CorporationIStrate8i* Po%er 9tilities 6roup (/PCISP96) ,ile7 %ith
respon7ent <ner8. $e8ulator. Co""ission (<$C) a petition ,or the a#ail"ent ,ro"
the 9ni#ersal Char8e o, its share ,or &issionar. <le*tri,i*ation.

/PC ,ile7 another petition %ith <$C, 7o*(ete7 as <$C Case /o. 2002I19C, pra.in8
that the propose7 share ,ro" the 9ni#ersal Char8e ,or the <n#iron"ental *har8e o,
P0.002; per (ilo%attIhour (D(>h), or a total o, P119, C88,8C7.;9, -e appro#e7 ,or
%ith7ra%al ,ro" the Spe*ial Trust Fun7 (STF) "ana8e7 -. respon7ent Po%er
Se*tor !ssets an7 2ia-ilities &ana8e"ent 6roup (PS!2&) ,or the reha-ilitation an7
"ana8e"ent o, %atershe7 areas.

<$C then issue7 an 1r7er in <$C Case /o. 2002I10;pro#isionall. appro#in8 the
*o"pute7 a"ount o, P0.0108D(> has the share o, the /PCISP96 ,ro" the
9ni#ersal Char8e ,or &issionar. <le*tri,i*ation an7 authori4in8 the /ational
Trans"ission Corporation (T$!/SC1) an7 Eistri-ution 9tilities to *olle*t the sa"e
,ro" its en7Iusers on a "onthl. -asis.

1n the -asis o, the sai7 <$C 7e*isions, respon7ent Pana. <le*tri* Co"pan., )n*.
(P<C1) *har8e7 petitioner $o"eo P. 6ero*hi an7 all other en7Iusers %ith the

9ni#ersal Char8e as re,le*te7 in their respe*ti#e ele*tri* -ills startin8 ,ro" the "onth
o, Jul. 200+.
0ssue1 >1/ the 9ni#ersal Char8e un7er the <P)$! is a ta'A

/1. The po%er to ta' is an in*i7ent o, so#erei8nt. an7 is unli"ite7 in its
ran8e, a*(no%le78in8 in its #er. nature no li"its, so that se*urit. a8ainst its a-use is
to -e ,oun7 onl. in the responsi-ilit. o, the le8islature %hi*h i"poses the ta' on the
*onstituen*. that is to pa. it. )t is -ase7 on the prin*iple that ta'es are the li,e-loo7 o,
the 8o#ern"ent, an7 their pro"pt an7 *ertain a#aila-ilit. is an i"perious nee7. Thus,
the theor. -ehin7 the e'er*ise o, the po%er to ta' e"anates ,ro" ne*essit.H %ithout
ta'es, 8o#ern"ent *annot ,ul,ill its "an7ate o, pro"otin8 the 8eneral %el,are an7
%ellI-ein8 o, the people.

1n the other han7, poli*e po%er is the po%er o, the state to pro"ote pu-li* %el,are
-. restrainin8 an7 re8ulatin8 the use o, li-ert. an7 propert.. )t is the "ost per#asi#e,
the least li"ita-le, an7 the "ost 7e"an7in8 o, the three ,un7a"ental po%ers o, the
State. The @usti,i*ation is ,oun7 in the 2atin "a'i"s salus populiest supre"a le' (the
%el,are o, the people is the supre"e la%) an7 si* utere tuo ut alienu" non lae7as
(so use .our propert. as not to in@ure the propert. o, others). !s an inherent attri-ute
o, so#erei8nt. %hi*h #irtuall. e'ten7s to all pu-li* nee7s, poli*e po%er 8rants %i7e
panopl. o, instru"ents throu8h %hi*h the State, as parens patriae, 8i#es e,,e*t to a
host o, its re8ulator. po%ers.

>e ha#e hel7 that the po%er to Pre8ulateP "eans the po%er to prote*t, ,oster,
pro"ote, preser#e, an7 *ontrol, %ith 7ue re8ar7 to the interests, ,irst an7 ,ore"ost, o,
the pu-li*, then o, the utilit. an7 o, its patrons. (<@e)
/'L 0nc#( v# LLDA 5*6 'CRA ::)
+. Petitioner, PS2, is a *o"pan. en8a8e7 in laun7r. -usiness.
C. B. not "eetin8 the %aste%ater stan7ar7, 22E! penali4e7 PS2 to pa.
P1,000.00 per 7a. *o"pute7 ,ro" the 7ate o, inspe*tion an7 a ,ine o,
P;,000.00 per .ear.
;. 22E! then ,ile7 a *ase a8ainst PS2 ,or not -ein8 a-le to *orre*t its #iolation -ut
su-sequentl. 7is"isse7 %hen it ,inall. %as a-le to *o"pl. %ith the stan7ar7.
0. Bo%e#er, 22E! is 7e"an7in8 ,or the pa."ent o, penalt. *o"pute7 ,ro" the
7ate o, inspe*tion to the 7ate it o, the latest request ,or resinspe*tion.
7. PS2 ar8ue7 that
its %aste%ater 7is*har8e is not on a 7ail. -asis
the #iolation an7 the i"position o, the penalt. ha7 no le8al an7 ,a*tual -asis
-e*ause it %as alrea7. a-le to *o"pl. %ith the stan7ar7s
8. 22E! *ountere7 PS2?s ar8u"ents
su-sequent *orre*tion 7oes not ne8ate the pre#ious "ista(e
su*h "ista(e is penali4e7 un7er PE 98C

$espon7ent 7i7 not su-"it an. proo, o, its a*tual operation, hen*e, the
penalt. shall -e *o"pute7 ,or ,i#e (;) %or(in8 7a.s per %ee( e'*lu7in8
holi7a.s or 172 7a.s a"ountin8 to P172,000.00 in total.
1. C"2, 22E! ha#e the i"plie7 po%er to i"pose ,ines as set ,orth in PE 98CA
2. C"2, the 8rant o, i"plie7 po%er to 22E! to i"pose penalties #iolate the rule
on nonI7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%ers
0ssue G&1 YES
1. Per Se*. 9 o, PE 98C states that it *an i"pose penalties.
2. Se*. C o, <1 927 e#en e'ten7e7 the po%er o, 22E! in i"posin8 penalties re
F<'er*ise su*h po%ers an7 per,or" su*h other ,un*tions as "a. -e ne*essar.
to *arr. out its 7uties an7 responsi-ilities un7er this <'e*uti#e or7er.G
0ssue G)1 NO
1. 22E!?s po%ers *a"e ,ro" the 2e8islati#e throu8h $! C8;0 %hi*h *reate7 it.
2. The e'e*uti#e -ran*h onl. i"ple"ents the statute throu8h issuan*e o, PE 98C
an7 <1 927 7ire*tin8 22E!.
+. The i"plie7 po%ers o, 22E! to i"pose penalties is not restri*te7 in the #er. ,irst
pla*e in #ie% o, Se*. C o, <1 927. )"posin8 penalties in line %ith is i"plie7
po%er 7oes not equate to ena*tin8 la%s sin*e the la% is alrea7. present.
People #. 3ue Po 2a., 9C Phil 0C0
Celestino &aton7o, Se8un7ino Ca#al an7 Cirilo Lanorio, pu-li* s*hools
o,,i*ials o, 2e.te %ere *har8e7 -e,ore the &uni*ipal Court ,or #iolation o, $! C070.
9pon arrai8n"ent, the a**use7 plea7e7 not 8uilt.. )""e7iatel. therea,ter, the.
orall. "o#e7 to quash the *o"plaint ,or la*( o, @uris7i*tion o#er the o,,ense alle8e7l.
7ue to the *orre*tional nature o, the penalt. o, i"prison"ent pres*ri-e7 ,or the
o,,ense %hi*h %as 7enie7. &otion ,or $e*onsi7eration %as ,ile7 on the sa"e ,a*ts
*onsi7erin8 that Se*. +2 o, the la% is null an7 #oi7 ,or -ein8 un*onstitutional ,or the
,ollo%in8 reasons that it i"poses a *ruel an7 unusual punish"ent, the ter" o,
i"prison"ent -ein8 un,i'e7 an7 "a. "ean prision "a.or to re*lusion perpetuaH an7
it also *onstitutes an un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er, the 7uration o, the
penalt. o, i"prison"ent -ein8 solel. le,t to the 7is*retion o, the *ourt.
Se*. +2. 0enal 0rovision. W ! person %ho shall %il,ull. inter,ere %ith, restrain
or *oer*e an. tea*her in the e'er*ise o, his ri8hts 8uarantee7 -. this !*t or %ho
shall in an. other "anner *o""it an. a*t to 7e,eat an. o, the pro#isions o, this !*t
shall, upon *on#i*tion, -e punishe7 -. a ,ine o, not less than one hun7re7 pesos nor
"ore than one thousan7 pesos, or b" imprisonment, in the 7is*retion o, the *ourt.

>hether or not the Se*tion +2 *onstitutes un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er as it
allo%s the *ourt to 7eter"ine the i"position o, the ter" o, i"prison"entA
$! C070 #ests in the *ourts the 7is*retion, not to ,i' the perio7 o,
i"prison"ent, -ut to *hoose %hi*h o, the alternati#e penalties shall -e i"pose7.
>hat #ali7 7ele8ation presupposes an7 san*tions is an e'er*ise o, 7is*retion to ,i'
the len8th o, ser#i*e o, the ter" o, i"prison"ent %hi*h "ust -e en*o"passe7 %ithin
spe*i,i* or 7esi8nate7 li"its pro#i7e7 -. la%, the a-sen*e o, %hi*h 7esi8nate7 li"its
%ill *onstitute su*h e'er*ise as an un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er.
>hen the 7o*trine o, separation o, po%ers is in#o(e7, the le8islati#e *annot 7ele8ate
a po%er that is onl. 7ele8ate7 to the" -. the Constitution. The i"position o, a ,ine
*an stan7 alone o, the i"position o, the i"prison"ent as it is un*onstitutional an7
%hen su*h *ases arise, *ertain *lauses %hi*h *an -e 7eter"ine7 in7epen7ent *an
stan7 alone o, the un*onstitutional *lause o, the pro#ision. The. *an, in ,a*t, onl.
7ele8ate to the 7is*retion o, the *ourt to i"pose the pro#ision o, ,ine an7
i"prison"ent -ut not to 7eter"ine the "ini"u" or "a'i"u" perio7 ,or
i"prison"ent as it %ill -e 7ee"e7 un*onstitutional.
/eo+le v# Dacuycuy( &;3 'CRA 4* >&464?
%erein$ -ri#ate res-ondents$ +elestino !. Matondo$ !egundino A. +a#al and +irilo M.
Kanoria$ -ublic school officials of /eyte$ were charged before the Munici-al +ourt of
%indang$ /eyte in +riminal +ase @o. *** thereof for #iolation of 3e-ublic Act @o. );=A$
otherwise$ 2nown as the Magna +arta for Public !chool Teachers. They alleged that the facts
charged do not constitute an offense since the -enal -ro#ision$ which is !ection (' of said
law$ is unconstitutional for the following reasons, I1J .t im-oses a cruel and unusual
-unishment$ the term of im-risonment being unfiHed and may run to reclusion -er-etua5 and
I'J .t also constitutes an undue delegation of legislati#e -ower$ the duration of the -enalty of
im-risonment being solely left to the discretion of the court as if the latter were the legislati#e
de-artment of the "o#ernment. !ection (' thereof -ro#ides,
!ec. ('. Penal Pro#ision. Q A -erson who shall wilfully interfere with$ restrain or coerce any
teacher in the eHercise of his rights guaranteed by this Act or who shall in any other manner
commit any act to defeat any of the -ro#isions of this Act shall$ u-on con#iction$ be -unished
by a fine of not less than one hundred -esos nor more than one thousand -esos$ or by
im-risonment$ in the discretion of the court. IEm-hasis su--liedJ.

ISSUE: .s !ection (' of 3.A. @o. );=A #alidC
@o. .t is not for the courts to fiH the term of im-risonment where no -oints of
reference ha#e been -ro#ided by the legislature. 4hat #alid delegation -resu--oses and
sanctions is an eHercise of discretion to fiH the length of ser#ice which must be ser#ed within
the s-ecific or designated limits -ro#ided by law$ the absence of which designated limits will
constitute such eHercise as undue delegation$ if not an outright intrusion or assum-tion$ of
legislati#e -ower.
Se*tion 2. Senate Co"position
Se*tion +. 3uali,i*ations o, Senator
Se*tion C. Senator Ter" o, 1,,i*eH 5oluntar. $enun*iation
Se*tion ;. Co"position o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#esH !pportion"entH Part. 2ist
To-ias #. !-alos, 2+9 SC$! 100 (199C)
F!CTSPrior to $epu-li* !*t /o., 707; also (no%n as F!n !*t Con#ertin8 the
&uni*ipalit. o, &an7alu.on8 into a Bi8hl. 9r-ani4e7 Cit. to -e (no%n as the Cit. o,
&an7alu.on8G, &an7alu.on8 an7 San Juan -elon8e7 to onl. one le8islati#e 7istri*t.
! ple-is*ite %as hel7 ,or the people o, &an7alu.on8 %hether or not the. appro#e7 o,
the sai7 *on#ersion. The ple-is*ite %as onl. 1C.C1Y o, the sai7 *on#ersion.
/e#ertheless, 18,021 #ote7 F.esG %hereas F7, 911G #ote7 FnoG.
)SS9<>hether or not the rati,i*ation o, $!707; %as un*onstitutional *itin8 !rti*le
5), Se*tions ;(1), C an7 20(1).
!ppl.in8 li-eral *onstru*tion the Supre"e Court 7is"isse7 the *ontention o,
*onstitutionalit. pertainin8 to !rt 5) 20(1) sa.in8 Pshoul7 -e 8i#en a pra*ti*al rather
than a te*hni*al *onstru*tion. )t shoul7 -e su,,i*ient *o"plian*e %ith su*h
require"ent i, the title e'presses the 8eneral su-@e*t an7 all the pro#isions are
8er"ane to that 8eneral su-@e*t.P
!s to !rti*le 5) Se* ;(1), the *lause Punless other%ise pro#i7e7 -. la%P %as
en,or*e7 @usti,.in8 the a*t o, the le8islature to in*rease the nu"-er o, the "e"-ers
o, the *on8ress.
!rti*le 5) Se* ; (C) %as also o#errule7 as it %as the Con8ress itsel, %hi*h 7ra,te7 the
-ill reapportionin8 the le8islati#e 7istri*t.
)n #ie% o, the ,ore8oin8 ,a*ts, the petition %as 7is"isse7 ,or la*( o, "erit.
=ariano v# C"=$L$C( ):) 'CRA )&& >&449?
Fa*ts Petitioners *onten7 that Se*. 2, ;1, an7 ;2 o, $! 78;C is un*onstitutional on
the ,ollo%in8 8roun7s Se*. 2 7i7 not properl. i7enti,. the lan7 area or territorial
@uris7i*tion o, &a(ati -. "etes an7 -oun7s, %ith te*hni*al 7es*riptions, as require7

-. Se*. 10, !rt. J o, the Constitution, in relation to Se*. 7 an7 C;0 o, the 26CH Se*.
;1 atte"pts to alter or restart the FthreeI*onse*uti#e ter"G li"it ,or lo*al ele*ti#e
o,,i*ialsH Se*. ;2 in*rease7 the le8islati#e 7istri*t o, &a(ati onl. -. spe*ial la%, %hi*h
is not e'presse7 in the title o, the -ill, an7 sur#e. is C;0,000 people onl.. &oreo#er it
is not pro#i7e7 ,or in !rt. 5), Se*. ;(C) o, the Constitution,
)ssue >hether or not Se*. ;2, $! 78;C is un*onstitutional.
$ulin8 /e8ati#e. $eapportion"ent o, le8islati#e 7istri*ts "a. -e "a7e throu8h a
spe*ial la%, su*h as a *harter o, a ne% *it..
This *hallen8e on the *ontro#ers. *annot -e entertaine7 as the pre"ise on the issue
is on the o**urren*e o, "an. *ontin8ent e#ents. Consi7erin8 that these e#ents "a.
or "a. not happen, petitioners "erel. pose a h.potheti*al issue %hi*h has .et to
ripen to an a*tual *ase or *ontro#ers.. &oreo#er, onl. &ariano a"on8 the
petitioners is a resi7ent o, Ta8ui8 an7 is not the proper parties to raise this a-stra*t
The petitioners in the *ase ha#e not 7e"onstrate7 that the 7elineation o, the lan7
area o, the propose7 area o, &a(ati (%ithout "etes an7 -oun7s) %ill *ause
*on,usion as to its -oun7aries. Con8ress has re,raine7 ,ro" usin8 "etes an7
-oun7s 7es*ription o, lan7 areas o, other lo*al 8o#ern"ent units.
Se"a #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 177;97, Jul. 10, 2008
1n 28 !u8ust 2000, the !$&&?s le8islature, the !$&& $e8ional !sse"-l., *reate7
the Pro#in*e o, Shari,, Za-unsuan *o"pose7 o, the ei8ht "uni*ipalities in the ,irst
7istri*t o, &a8uin7anao. &&! !*t 201 pro#i7es 2ater, three ne% "uni*ipalities
%ere *ar#e7 out o, the ori8inal nine "uni*ipalities *onstitutin8 Shari,, Za-unsuan,
-rin8in8 its total nu"-er o, "uni*ipalities to 11. Thus, %hat %as le,t o, &a8uin7anao
%ere the "uni*ipalities *onstitutin8 its se*on7 le8islati#e 7istri*t. Cota-ato Cit.,
althou8h part o, &a8uin7anao?s ,irst le8islati#e 7istri*t, is not part o, the Pro#in*e o,
&a8uin7anao. 1n 0 Fe-ruar. 2007, the San88unian8 Panlun8so7 o, Cota-ato Cit.
passe7 $esolution /o. +999 requestin8 the C1&<2<C to F*lari,. the status o,
Cota-ato Cit. in #ie% o, the *on#ersion o, the First Eistri*t o, &a8uin7anao into a
re8ular pro#in*eG un7er &&! !*t 201.
)ssue >hether Se*tion 19, !rti*le 5) o, $! 90;C, 7ele8atin8 to the !$&& $e8ional
!sse"-l. the po%er to *reate pro#in*es, *ities, "uni*ipalities an7 -aran8a.s, is
The Supre"e Court 7e*lare7 that se*tion 19, !rti*le 5) o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 90;C is
un*onstitutional inso,ar as it 8rants to the $e8ional !sse"-l. o, the !utono"ous
$e8ion in &usli" &in7anao the po%er to *reate pro#in*es an7 *ities. Thus, %e

7e*lare 51)E &usli" &in7anao !utono". !*t /o. 201 *reatin8 the Pro#in*e o,
Shari,, Za-unsuan.
Ba8a-u.o #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 170970, Ee*e"-er 8, 2008
!quino ))) #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 18979+, !pril 17, 2010
This *ase *o"es -e,ore this Court -. %a. o, a Petition ,or Certiorari an7
Prohi-ition un7er $ule 0; o, the $ules o, the Court. Petitioners Senator Beni8no
!quino ))) an7 &a.or Jessie $o-re7o see(s the nulli,i*ation as un*onstitutional o,
$epu-li* !*t /o. 9710, entitle7 F!n !*t $eapportionin8 the Co"position o, the First
) an7 Se*on7 (2
) 2e8islati#e Eistri*ts in the Pro#in*e o, Ca"arines Sur an7
There-. Creatin8 a /e% 2e8islati#e Eistri*t Fro" Su*h $eapportion"ent.G
Petitioners hope that the respon7ent Co""ission on <le*tions -e restraine7 ,ro"
"a(in8 an. issuan*e an7 ,ro" ta(in8 an. steps to the i"ple"entation o, the sai7
!*t. Prior to $! no. 9710, the pro#in*e o, Ca"arines Sur has C 7istri*ts, -ut
,ollo%in8 the ena*t"ent o, the sai7 !*t, the ,irst an7 se*on7 7istri*ts "uni*ipalities
%ere re*on,i8ure7 an7 *o"-ine7 to ,or" an a77itional le8islati#e 7istri*t ,or the
pro#in*e. Petitioners asserts that the reapportion"ent intro7u*e7 in the sai7 a*t,
runs a,oul o, the e'pli*it *onstitutional stan7ar7 that requires a "ini"u" population
o, t%o hun7re7 ,i,t. hun7re7 (2;0,000) ,or *reation o, a ne% le8islati#e 7istri*t.
Petitioners *lai" that the re*on,i8uration o, the !*t o, the ,irst an7 se*on7 7istri*ts o,
Ca"arines Sur %as un*onstitutional, -e*ause the ,irst 7istri*t %ill en7 up %ith a
population less than the require7 2;0,000.
)SS9<%hether or not the re*on,i8uration o, the ,irst an7 se*on7 2e8islati#e Eistri*ts
o, Ca"arines Sur to 8i#e %a. ,or an a77itional le8islati#e 7istri*t #iolates Se*tion
;,!rti*le 5)H "a(in8 it un*onstitutional in the 8roun7s o, Philippine Constitution.
The *ourt 7enie7 the petition. 6oin8 -a*( to the -asi*s, an. la% ena*te7 -. the
Con8ress *arries %ith it the presu"ption o, *onstitutionalit.. Be,ore an. la% is
7e*lare7 un*onstitutional, there "ust -e a *lear *ut sho%in8 that a spe*i,i* pro#ision
o, the ,un7a"ental la% has -een #iolate7. There is no spe*i,i* pro#ision in the
Constitution that ,i'es a 2;0,000 "ini"u" population that "ust *o"pose a
le8islati#e 7istri*t. The petitioners relie7 on the -asis o, the se*on7 senten*e o,
Se*tion ;, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution to a7opt a "ini"u" 2;0,000 population ,or
ea*h le8islati#e 7istri*t. But the pro#ision 7ra%s a plain an7 *lear 7istin*tion -et%een
the entitle"ent o, a *it. to a 7istri*t on one han7, an7 the entitle"ent o, a pro#in*e to
the 7istri*t o, another. The Se*tion states that a pro#in*e is entitle7 to at least a
representati#e, %ith nothin8 "entione7 a-out population, an7 a *it. "ust ,irst "eet
the requisite o, ha#in8 at least 2;0,000 "ini"u" populations to -e entitle7. )n
a77ition, the usa8e o, *o""a in the su-@e*t pro#ision points out the 7istin*tion o, a
*it.?s requisite to -e a 7istri*t %ith a pro#in*e.
!l7a-a #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 188078, Januar. 2;, 2010

The Cit. o, &alolos an7 the &uni*ipalities o, Ba8ono., Calu"pit, Pulilan, Bula*an,
an7 Pao"-on8 *o"prise the *urrent ,irst 7istri*t o, the pro#in*e o, Bula*an. )n 2007
the population o, &alolos Cit. %as 22+,009. The /S1 pro@e*te7 that, usin8 the
esta-lishe7 population 8ro%th rate o, +.78 per*ent -et%een 199; an7 2000, its
population in 2010 %ill -e 2;C,0+0.
1n &a. 1, 2009 Con8ress ena*te7 $epu-li* !*t ($.!.) 9;91, to a"en7 Se*tion ;7
o, $.!. 87;C, the *harter o, the Cit. o, &alolos, "a(in8 the *it. a separate 7istri*t
,ro" the e'istin8 ,irst le8islati#e 7istri*t o, Bula*an.
1n June 10, 2009 petitioners 5i*torino !l7a-a, Carlo Jolette S. Fa@ar7o, Julio 6.
&ora7a, an7 &iner#a !l7a-a &ora7a, all *lai"in8 to -e ta'pa.ers ,ro" &alolos Cit.,
,ile7 the present a*tion, assailin8 the *onstitutionalit. o, $.!. 9;91. The. point out a)
that the la% ,aile7 to *o"pl. %ith the require"ent o, Se*tion ;(C), !rti*le 5) o, the
1987 Constitution that a *it. "ust ha#e a population o, at least 2;0,000H (2) that the
*reation o, a separate 7istri*t a"ounts to a *on#ersion an7 requires the *on7u*t o, a
ple-is*iteH an7 (+) that the la% #iolates Se*tion ;(+), !rti*le 5) %hi*h pro#i7es that
ea*h 7istri*t shall *o"prise as ,ar as pra*ti*a-le, *onti8uous, *o"pa*t an7 a7@a*ent
0ssue1 Constitutionalit. o, $! 9;91 as ,ar as the population require"ent is
>e 8rant the petition an7 7e*lare $! 9;91 un*onstitutional ,or #iolatin8 Se*tion
;(+), !rti*le 5) o, the 1987 Constitution an7 Se*tion + o, the 1r7inan*e appen7e7 to
the 1987 Constitution. (Ea87a8)
"cam+o v# AR$T( 7R 2o# &96:55( Dune &9( )**:
&ario Crespo %on as the Con8ress"an o, the Si'th Eistri*t o, &anila. Bo%e#er, he
%as 7e*lare7 inelli8i-le -. the Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal (B$<T).
The petitioner, 1*a"po, a#erre7 that sin*e the Crespo %as 7isquali,ie7 as a
*an7i7ate, his #otes shoul7 not -e *ounte7 an7 that he, -ein8 se*on7 to latter in the
Con8ressional ra*e, shoul7 -e 7e*lare7 as the %inner.
)SS9< )s Crespo entitle7 to the Con8ressional seat sin*e he pla*e7 se*on7 a,ter a
7isquali,ie7 *an7i7ateA
!s in other *ases rule7 -. the Court, the settle7 @urispru7en*e that the su-sequent
7isquali,i*ation o, a *an7i7ate %ho o-taine7 the hi8hest nu"-er o, #otes 7oes not
entitle the *an7i7ate %ho 8arnere7 the se*on7 hi8hest nu"-er o, #otes to -e
7e*lare7 the %inner, it applies to this *ase as %ell. Conseqentl., %hen the person

%ho %as "an7ate7 -. the "a@orit. is 7isquali,ie7 ,ro" hol7in8 the post he %as
ele*te7 to, the onl. re"e7. to ,ill the position is to hol7 another ele*tion.
)n this *ase, althou8h 1*a"po pla*e7 se*on7 a,ter a 7isquali,ie7 *an7i7ate, Crespo,
it 7oes not entitle hi" to -e 7e*lare7 the %innerH ,or to 7o su*h %oul7 ha#e
7isen,ran*hise7 the "a@orit. o, the #oters o, the si'th Eistri*t o, &anila. Further"ore,
the a*t %oul7 ha#e -een *ontrar. to the prin*iples 8o#ernin8 the State 7e"o*ra*.
an7 repu-li*anis".
Part. 2ist
!n8 Ba8on8 Ba.ani #. C1&<2<C, +;9 SC$! 098 (2001)
F!CTS Petitioners see( the 7isquali,i*ation o, pri#ate respon7ents, ar8uin8 "ainl.
that the part.Ilist s.ste" %as inten7e7 to -ene,it the "ar8inali4e7 an7
un7errepresente7H not the "ainstrea" politi*al parties, the nonI"ar8inali4e7 or
)SS9<S>hether or not politi*al parties "a. parti*ipate in the part.Ilist ele*tions.
>hether or not the part.Ilist s.ste" is e'*lusi#e to K"ar8inali4e7 an7
un7errepresente7K se*tors an7 or8ani4ations.
$92)/6 The 1,,i*e o, the Soli*itor 6eneral, li(e the i"plea7e7 politi*al parties,
su-"its that the Constitution an7 $! /o. 79C1 allo% politi*al parties to parti*ipate in
the part.Ilist ele*tions. )t ar8ues that the part.Ilist s.ste" is, in ,a*t, open to all
Pre8istere7 national, re8ional an7 se*toral parties or or8ani4ations.P
>e no% rule on this issue. 9n7er the Constitution an7 $! 79C1, pri#ate respon7ents
*annot -e 7isquali,ie7 ,ro" the part.Ilist ele*tions, "erel. on the 8roun7 that the.
are politi*al parties. Se*tion ;, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution, pro#i7es that "e"-ers
o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es "a. P-e ele*te7 throu8h a part.Ilist s.ste" o,
re8istere7 national, re8ional, an7 se*toral parties or or8ani4ations.P
That politi*al parties "a. parti*ipate in the part.Ilist ele*tions 7oes not "ean,
ho%e#er, that an. politi*al part. W or an. or8ani4ation or 8roup ,or that "atter W
"a. 7o so. The requisite *hara*ter o, these parties or or8ani4ations "ust -e
*onsistent %ith the purpose o, the part.Ilist s.ste", as lai7 7o%n in the Constitution
an7 $! 79C1. Se*tion ;, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution, pro#i7es as ,ollo%s
F(1) The Bouse o, $epresentati#es shall -e *o"pose7 o, not "ore than t%o
hun7re7 an7 ,i,t. "e"-ers, unless other%ise ,i'e7 -. la%, %ho shall -e ele*te7 ,ro"
le8islati#e 7istri*ts apportione7 a"on8 the pro#in*es, *ities, an7 the &etropolitan
&anila area in a**or7an*e %ith the nu"-er o, their respe*ti#e inha-itants, an7 on
the -asis o, a uni,or" an7 pro8ressi#e ratio, an7 those %ho, as pro#i7e7 -. la%,
shall -e ele*te7 throu8h a part.Ilist s.ste" o, re8istere7 national, re8ional, an7
se*toral parties or or8ani4ations.
(2) The part.Ilist representati#es shall *onstitute t%ent. per *entu" o, the total
nu"-er o, representati#es in*lu7in8 those un7er the part. list. For three *onse*uti#e
ter"s a,ter the rati,i*ation o, this Constitution, oneIhal, o, the seats allo*ate7 to
part.Ilist representati#es shall -e ,ille7, as pro#i7e7 -. la%, -. sele*tion or ele*tion

,ro" the la-or, peasant, ur-an poor, in7i8enous *ultural *o""unities, %o"en, .outh,
an7 su*h other se*tors as "a. -e pro#i7e7 -. la%, e'*ept the reli8ious se*tor.G
<C Ca!angen( et al v# C"=$L$C( 7R 2o# &;;&;4( Dune 9( )**4
F!CTS !llian*e o, Ci#il Ser#ants, )n*. (Ci#il Ser#ants) ,ile7 a re8istration as a
se*toral or8ani4ation un7er $.!. no. 79C1 or the Part.I2ist S.ste" !*t. Ci#il
Ser#ants *lai"e7 that it ha7 -een in e'isten*e sin*e Ee*e"-er 200C an7 it sou8ht to
represent past an7 present 8o#ern"ent e"plo.ees in the part.Ilist s.ste".
The C1&<2<C 2
Ei#ision issue7 an or7er requirin8 Ci#il ser#ants to ,ile a
"e"oran7u" that %oul7 pro#e its presen*e or e'isten*e nation%i7e, tra*( re*or7,
,inan*ial *apa-ilit. to %a8e a nation%i7e *a"pai8n, plat,or" o, 8o#ern"ent, o,,i*ers
an7 "e"-ership, an7 *o"plian*e %ith the pro#isions o, the Part.I2ist S.ste" !*t
an7 the ei8htIpoint 8ui7eline lai7 7o%n -. the Supre"e Court in !n8 Ba8on8
Ba.aniI1F> 2a-or Part. #. C1&<2<C.
The Ci#il Ser#ants *o"plie7 %ith the sai7 or7er an7 also ,ile7 a &ani,estation
o, intent to parti*ipate in the 1C &a. 2007 /ational an7 2o*al <le*tions.
The C1&<2<C 2
Ei#ision 7is"isse7 the Ci#il Ser#ant?s petition on the
8roun7 that the latter 7i7 not *o"pl. %ith the ei8htIpoint 8ui7eline lai7 out in !n8
Ba8on8 Ba.aniI1F> 2a-or Part. #. C1&<2<C. &oreo#er, Ci#il Ser#ants issue7 an
untruth,ul state"ent in their "e"oran7u" %here the. liste7 nation%i7e o,,i*es,
-ran*hes, o,,i*ers, an7 "e"-ership, -ut, in a #eri,ie7 report, the C1&<2<C
7is*o#ere7 that the. onl. ha#e -ran*hes an7 "e"-ership in ParaUaque an7 3ue4on
Cit.. Ben*e, the. ,aile7 to pro#e nation%i7e representation o, the "ar8inali4e7 an7
Ci#il Ser#ants "o#e7 ,or re*onsi7eration to C1&<2<C en -an* an7 ar8ue7
that the la% 7oes not require nation%i7e presen*e ,or it to -e re8istere7 un7er the
part.Ilist s.ste" -ut *oul7 a,,e*t appropriate le8islation to o, the %hole nation.
Bo%e#er, C1&<2<C en -an* 7enie7 the "otion an7 asserte7 the 2
B<2E The C1&<2<C 7enie7 the re8istration -ase7 on the or8ani4ation or part.?s
,ailure to sho% that it represents or upli,ts the "ar8inali4e7 an7 un7errepresente7
se*tors an7 not on the ,ailure to pro#e nation%i7e presen*e.
&oreo#er, the re8istration o, a part., or8ani4ation, or *oalition, un7er the
Part.I2ist S.ste" !*t, the C1&<2<C "a. require the su-"ission o, an. rele#ant
in,or"ationH an7 it "a. re,use, a,ter 7ue noti*e an7 hearin8, re8istration o, an.
national, re8ional or se*toral part., or8ani4ation or *oalition on 8roun7s ,oun7 in
se*tion 0 o, the a-o#eI"entione7 !*t, one is 7e*laration o, untruth,ul state"ents in
its petition. The C1&<2<C ,oun7 that the petitioner "a7e an untruth,ul state"ent in
its plea7in8s an7 7o*u"ents.
P<T)T)1/ E)S&)SS<E.
<eterans Fe!eration /arty v# C"=$L$C( 3:) 'CRA ):: >)***?

3es-ondent -roclaimed 1) -arty?list re-resentati#es from 1( -arties which obtained at
least 'R of the total number of #otes cast for the -arty?list system as members of the %ouse
of 3e-resentati#es. &-on -etition for res-ondents$ who were -arty? list organi0ations$ it
-roclaimed (> additional -arty?list re-resentati#es although they obtained less than 'R of the
total number of #otes cast for the -arty?list system on the ground that under the +onstitution$
it is mandatory that at least 'AR of the members of the %ouse of 3e-resentati#es come from
the -arty?list re-resentati#es.
ISSUE: 4hether or not the 'R threshold re<uirement is constitutionalC
@o. .t is not mandatory. .t merely -ro#ides a ceiling for the -arty?list seats in the
%ouse of 3e-resentati#es. The +onstitution #ested +ongress with the broad -ower to define
and -rescribe the mechanics of the -arty?list system of re-resentati#es. .n the eHercise of its
constitutional -rerogati#e$ +ongress deemed it necessary to re<uire -arties -artici-ating in the
system to obtain at least 'R of the total #otes cast for the -arty list system to be entitled to a
-arty?list seat. +ongress wanted to ensure that only those -arties ha#ing a sufficient number
of constituents deser#ing of re-resentation are actually re-resented in +ongress.
/arti!o v# C"=$L$C( 7R 2o# &5:;*)( =arc &9( )**5
The petition in#ol#es the ,or"ula ,or *o"putin8 the a77itional seats 7ue, i, an., ,or
%inners in part.Ilist ele*tions. Se#eral part.Ilist parti*ipants sent queries to the
respon7ent C1&<2<C re8ar7in8 the ,or"ula to -e a7opte7 in *o"putin8 the
a77itional seats ,or the part.Ilist %inners in the &a. 10, 200C ele*tions. )n response,
the respon7ent Co""ission issue7 $esolution /o. 08+;, a7optin8 the si"pli,ie7
,or"ula o, Pone a77itional seat per a77itional t%o per*ent o, the total part.Ilist #otes.
>hether or not P& is entitle7 to a77itional seats
! rulin8 e'pressl. quali,ie7 as pro ha* #i*e (,or this one parti*ular o**asion). *annot
-e relie7 upon as a pre*e7ent to 8o#ern other *ases. )t %as there,ore erroneous ,or
respon7ent Co""ission to appl. the /o#e"-er 20, 200+ $esolution an7 rule that
the ,or"ula in 5eterans has -een a-an7one7.
The *on,usion in the petition at -ar "ust ha#e -een *reate7 -. the %a. the 5eterans
,or"ula %as *ite7 in the June 2;, 200+ $esolution o, the Court in !n8 Ba8on8
Ba.ani. Be that as it "a., %e reiterate that the pre#ailin8 ,or"ula ,or the *o"putation
o, a77itional seats ,or part.Ilist %inners is the ,or"ula state7 in the lan7"ar( *ase o,
5eterans, #i4
seats ,or
[ /o. o, #otes
o, *on*erne7
' /o. o,
a77itional seats

/o. o, #otes
o, the ,irst
allo*ate7 to ,irst
!ppl.in8 sai7 ,or"ula to the un7ispute7 ,i8ures in Part.I2ist Can#ass $eport /o. 20,
%e 7o not ,in7 petitioners entitle7 to an. a77itional seat. Thus
!77itional seats ,or P& [
' 2
[ 0.7C
!77itional seats ,or B9T)2 [
' 2
[ 0.71
)/ 5)<> >B<$<1F, the petition is E</)<E
2o(in, Jr. #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /os. 179C+1I+2, June 22, 2010
F!CTS The Citi4ens? Battle !8ainst Corruption (C)B!C) is one o, the or8ani4e7
8roups 7ul. re8istere7 un7er the part.Ilist s.ste" o, representation. Throu8h its
presi7ent, <""anuel Joel J. 5illanue#a, su-"itte7 a list o, ,i#e no"inees. The list o,
no"inees are 1) 5illanue#aH (2) herein petitioner 2o(in, Jr.H (+) Cru4I6on4alesH (C)
Tu8naH an7 (;) 6alan8.
Bo%e#er, prior to ele*tion, C)B!C a"en7e7 its list, %here-. it %ith7re% the
no"inations o, 2o(in, Tu8na an7 6alan8 an7 su-stitute7 !r"i Jane $. Bor@e as one
o, the no"inees. The a"en7e7 list o, no"inees o, C)B!C thus in*lu7e7 (1)
5illanue#a, (2) Cru4I6on4ales, an7 (+) Bor@e.
)SS9< >hether or not the C1&<2<C *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion
a"ountin8 to la*( or e'*ess o, @uris7i*tion in appro#in8 the %ith7ra%al o, the
no"inees o, C)B!C an7 allo%in8 the a"en7"ent o, the list o, no"inees o, C)B!C
%ithout an. -asis in ,a*t or la% an7 a,ter the *lose o, the polls, an7 in rulin8 on
"atters that %ere intraI*orporate in nature.
B<2ESe*tion 8 o, $.!. /o. 79C1 enu"erates onl. three instan*es in %hi*h the
part.Ilist or8ani4ation *an su-stitute another person in pla*e o, the no"inee %hose
na"e has -een su-"itte7 to the C1&<2<C, na"el. (a) %hen the no"inee 7iesH (-)
%hen the no"inee %ith7ra%s in %ritin8 his no"inationH an7 (*) %hen the no"inee
-e*o"es in*apa*itate7.
The a"en7"ent on the list o, no"inees %ere #oi7 an7 thus 2o(in %as
pro*lai"e7 as the representati#e ,or C)B!C.
Se*tion 0. 3uali,i*ations o, $epresentati#es
A,uino v# C"=$L$C( ):3 'CRA :** >&449?

6n March 'A$ 177*$ herein -etitioner Aga-ito A<uino filed his +ertificate of
+andidacy for the -osition of 3e-resentati#e of the '
/egislati#e District of Ma2ati +ity. .n
his +6+$ he stated that he had been a resident of Ma2ati +ity for 1A months. Ma2ati Mo#e
and Mateo Bedon then filed a -etition to deny his candidacy due to the residence ineligibility.
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration which was granted. The +6ME/E+ en banc$
due &rgent Motion Ad +autelum to !us-end Proclamation, issued an order withholding
-etitioner:s -roclamation after garnering the most #otes in the election. Petitioner claims that
+6ME/E+ has lost 1urisdiction since he already won the election.
The +6ME/E+ en banc issued a 3esolution whereby declaring Aga-ito A<uino
ineligible and thus dis<ualified as a candidate. %ence$ this -etition for certiorari.
4hether or not -etitioner is eligible for the electi#e -osition
4hether or not the %3ET and not the +6ME/E+ has 1urisdiction o#er the case
The -etition is dismissed. The re<uirement for office is one year and -etitioner is
clearly lac2ing in this item. Petitioner cannot assert his residency in Ma2ati as he has only
leased a -ro-erty and there is no clear -roof of an actual and constructi#e residence in said
city. Furthermore$ -etitioner has li#ed in Tarlac for *' years$ his domicile of origin is Tarlac
and he is a registered #oter of the same.
Petitioner is confused with the 1urisdiction. %3ET only assumes 1urisdiction of cases
o#er their res-ecti#e members and since -etitioner:s -roclamation was ordered to be sto--ed$
+6ME/E+ retained its 1urisdiction o#er the case since -etitioner had yet to be declared as
winner of the office.
=arcos v# C"=$L$C( ):6 'CRA 3** >&449?
$o. &onte@o questione7 &ar*os? *an7i7a*. as representati#e o, the
1st7istri*t o, 2e.te on the 8roun7 that she is not a resi7ent thereo, as require7-. the
Constitution. &onte@o *onten7e7 that Ta*lo-an %as &ar*os? 7o"i*ileo, ori8in
-e*ause she 7i7 not li#e there until she %as ei8ht (8) .ears ol7.&oreo#er, &ar*os
resi7e7 an7 use7 to -e a re8istere7 #oter in San Juan an7in &anila.
>hether or not &rs. &ar*os "eets the resi7en*. require"ent to run as
representati#e in 2e.te
:es. &ar*os is 7o"i*ile7 in Ta*lo-an, hen*e she "eets theConstitutional
require"ent on resi7en*.. $esi7en*e an7 7o"i*ile ares.non."ous in ele*tion la%.
&ere a-sen*e o, an in7i#i7ual ,ro" hisDherper"anent resi7en*e %ithout the intention
to a-an7on it 7oes not result in aloss or *han8e o, 7o"i*ile. !lso, %hen she "arrie7
the ,or"er Presi7ent&ar*os in 19;C, she (ept her 7o"i*ile o, ori8in an7 "erel.

8aine7 a ne%ho"e, not a domicilium necessarium. The Supre"e Court hel7 that e#en
the"atter o, a *o""on resi7en*e -et%een the hus-an7 an7 the %i,e 7urin8
the"arria8e is not an ironI*la7 prin*iple. )n *ases appl.in8 the Ci#il Co7e on
thequestion o, *o""on "atri"onial resi7en*e, our @urispru7en*e has
re*o8ni4e*ertain situations %here the spouses *oul7 not -e *o"pelle7 to li#e
%ithea*h other su*h that the %i,e is either allo%e7 to "aintain a resi7en*e7i,,erent
,ro" that o, her hus-an7 or, ,or o-#iousl. pra*ti*al reasons, re#ertto her ori8inal
7o"i*ile (apart ,ro" -ein8 allo%e7 to opt ,or a ne% one).
Domino v# C"=$L$C( 7R &3:*&9 >Duly &4( &444?
9. Petitioner J9!/ E1&)/1 ,ile7 Certi,i*ate o, Can7i7a*. (C1C) ,or
Con8ress"an o, the Pro#in*e o, Saran8ani.
10. Be in7i*ate7 that he has resi7e7 in Saran8ani ,or one .ear an7 t%o "onths.
11. C1&<2<C 7isquali,ie7 Eo"ino in the &a. 11, 1998 ele*tions ,or la*( o, oneI
.ear resi7en*e require"ent -ase7 on the ,ollo%in8
Bis 5oter?s $e8istration $e*or7 7ate7 June 22, 1997 sho%e7 that he is a
resi7en*e o, 3ue4on Cit.. Supposin8 he trans,erre7 a 7o"i*ile *losest
,ro" sai7 7ate to &a. 11, 1998 is short o, one .ear.
Be e#en ran ,or Con8ress"an in the +
Eistri*t o, 3C in 199;.
12. Eo"ino ,ile7 a "otion ,or re*onsi7eration on the ,ollo%in8 8roun7s
Be %as 7e*lare7 -. the &etropolitan Trial Court o, 3C as a resi7ent o,
Saran8ani an7 not o, 3C.
Be has e,,e*ti#el. a-an7one7 his resi7en*e in 3C an7 has esta-lishe7 a
7o"i*ile o, *hoi*e in Saran8ani -. reason o, leasin8 a house in Januar.
Be an7 his ,a"il. li#e7 in sai7 house as atteste7 (%ith a,,i7a#itDun7er oath)
-. his nei8h-ors.
C1&<2<C *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to e'*ess or
la*( o, @uris7i*tion %hen it rule7 that he 7i7 not "eet the oneI.ear resi7en*e
1. C"2, C1&<2<C is -oun7 -. the 7e*ision o, the &TC 7e*larin8 Eo"ino a
resi7ent o, Saran8aniA
2. C"2, Eo"ino has resi7e7 in Saran8ani ,or at least one .ear i""e7iatel.
pre*e7in8 the &a. 11, 1998 ele*tionsA
0ssue G&1 NO
+. C1&<2<C has @uris7i*tion as pro#i7e7 in the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e (!rt. )J,
Se*. 78) an7 the Constitution (!rt. )J, Se*. 2) o#er a petition to 7en. 7ue *ourse
to or *an*el C1C.

C. >ith this @uris7i*tion, it has the *o"peten*e an7 the ri8ht to 7eter"ine %hether
,alse representation as to "aterial ,a*t %as "a7e in the C1C in*lu7in8
;. C1&<2<C?s 7e*ision %as tena-le 8i#en the ar8u"ents un7er )ssue \2.
0ssue G)1 NO
C. $esi7en*e is equal to 7o"i*ile has the intention to a*quire a pla*e to li#e an7
a*tuall. "a(es the sa"e a per"anent ho"e.
;. $e*or7s sho% that that Eo"ino?s 7o"i*ile o, ori8in %as Can7on, )lo*os Sur
,ollo%e7 -. a ne% 7o"i*ile in 3C.
0. Be 7i7 not "eet the requisites in *han8in8 a 7o"i*ile
a*tual re"o#al or *han8e o, 7o"i*ile intention to a-an7on
ori8inal 7o"i*ile an7 esta-lish a ne% one a*t a**or7in8 to
su*h intention
7. Si8ns o, no intention to esta-lish ne% 7o"i*ile
Eo"ino %as re8istere7 as a #oter o, 3C in June 22, 1997 an7 *an*elle7
the sa"e onl. in
1*to-er 22, 1997.
Be @ust lease7 a house in Saran8ani an7 -ou8ht it onl. on 1*to-er 22,
8. Supposin8 he trans,erre7 to Saran8ani *losest ,ro" June 22, 1997 to &a. 11,
1998 is still short o, one .ear.
&aquera #. Boraa, 1; SC$! 7
! question o, *onstitutionalit. o, $epu-li* !*t CC21 %as ,ile7 -. 2eon 6. &aquera
$epu-li* !*t /o. CC21 requires a *an7i7ate to post suret. -on7 equi#alent to oneI
.ear salar.o, position to %hi*h he is a *an7i7ate, %hi*h -on7 shall -e ,or,eite7 in
,a#or o, the 8o#ern"ent, i, the*an7i7ate, e'*ept %hen 7e*lare7 %inner, ,ails to o-tain
at lest 10Y o, the #otes *ast ,or the o,,i*e,there -ein8 not "ore than ,our *an7i7ates
,or the sa"e o,,i*e
>hether or not $epu-li* !*t CC21 is un7e"o*rati* an7 *ontrar. to the letter an7
spirit o, the Constitution.
The Court $<S125<E, %ithout pre@u7i*e to ren7erin8 an e'ten7e7 7e*ision, to
7e*lare that sai7 $epu-li* !*t /o. CC21 is un*onstitutional an7 hen*e null an7 #oi7,
an7, hen*e, to en@oin respon7ents herein, as %ell as their representati#es an7
a8ents, ,ro" en,or*in8 an7Dor i"ple"entin8 sai7 *onstitutional ena*t"ent.
The a#o%e7 purpose o, $epu-li* !*t CC21 in requirin8 a *an7i7ate to post a -on7
equal to a .earKs salar. o, the o,,i*e ,or %hi*h he %ill run is to *ur- the pra*ti*e o, soI
*alle7 nuisan*e *an7i7ates.

Su*h an o-@e*ti#e is in7ee7 %ithin the *o"peten*e o, the le8islature to pro#i7e ,or.
/onetheless, t#e purpose alone 7oes not resol#e the *onstitutionalit. o, a statute. )t
"ust also -e as(e7 %hether t#e effect o, sai7 la% is or is not to trans8ress the
,un7a"ental la%.
The test "ust -e the a"ount at %hi*h the -on7 is ,i'e7. >here it is ,i'e7 at an
a"ount that %ill i"pose no har7ship on an. person ,or %ho" there shoul7 -e an.
7esire to #ote as a no"inee ,or an o,,i*e, an7 .et enou8h to pre#ent the ,ilin8 o,
*erti,i*ates o, *an7i7ates -., re8ar7less o, %hether or not he is a 7esira-le
*an7i7ate, it is a reasona-le "eans to re8ulate ele*tions. 1n the other han7, i, it puts
a real -arrier that %oul7 stop "an. suita-le "en an7 %o"en ,ro" presentin8
the"sel#es as prospe*ti#e *an7i7ates, it -e*o"es un@usti,ia-le, ,or it %oul7 7e,eat its
#er. o-@e*ti#e o, se*urin8 the ri8ht o, honest *an7i7ates to run ,or pu-li* o,,i*e.
$epu-li* !*t CC21, "oreo#er, relates a personKs ri8ht to run ,or o,,i*e to the 7e8ree
o, su**ess he %ill sho% at the polls. ! *an7i7ate, ho%e#er, has no less a ri8ht to run
%hen he ,a*es prospe*ts o, 7e,eat as %hen he is e'pe*te7 to %in. Consequentl., ,or
the la% to i"pose on sai7 *an7i7ate W shoul7 he lose -. the ,atal "ar8in W a
,inan*ial penalt. not i"pose7 on others %oul7 unreasona-l. 7en. hi" equal
prote*tion o, the la%. )t is, also, in ". opinion, un*onstitutional on this a**ount. (Se*.
1, !rt. ))), Phil. Const.) /uisan*e *an7i7ates, as an e#il to -e re"e7ie7, 7o not @usti,.
the a7option o, "easures that %oul7 -ar poor *an7i7ates ,ro" runnin8 ,or o,,i*e.
$epu-li* !*t CC21 in ,a*t ena-les ri*h *an7i7ates, %hether nuisan*e or not, to
present the"sel#es ,or ele*tion. Consequentl., it *annot -e sustaine7 as a #ali7
re8ulation o, ele*tions to se*ure the e'pression o, the popular %ill. (Sinon)
So*ial Justi*e So*iet. #. Ean8erous Eru8s Boar7, 6$ /o. 1;7870, /o#e"-er +,
SJS ,ile7 a petition to prohi-it the en,or*in8 o, para8raphs (*), (7), (,) an7 (8)
o, $! 910; %hi*h it 7ee"e7 as un*onstitutional. /imentel( Dr# also file! a +etition
tat an a!!itional re,uirement for an electe! official to ol! +ublic office is
$! 910; Se* +0 !rt )))
(*) Stu7ents o, se*on7ar. an7 tertiar. s*hools. N Stu7ents o, se*on7ar. an7
tertiar. s*hools shall, pursuant to the relate7 rules an7 re8ulations as *ontaine7 in
the s*hoolKs stu7ent han7-oo( an7 %ith noti*e to the parents, un7er8o a ran7o"
7ru8 testin8 Pro#i7e7, That all 7ru8 testin8 e'penses %hether in pu-li* or pri#ate
s*hools un7er this Se*tion %ill -e -orne -. the 8o#ern"entH
(7) 1,,i*ers an7 e"plo.ees o, pu-li* an7 pri#ate o,,i*es. N 1,,i*ers an7
e"plo.ees o, pu-li* an7 pri#ate o,,i*es, %hether 7o"esti* or o#erseas, shall -e
su-@e*te7 to un7er8o a ran7o" 7ru8 test as *ontaine7 in the *o"pan.Ks %or( rules
an7 re8ulations, %hi*h shall -e -orne -. the e", ,or purposes o, re7u*in8 the
ris( in the %or(pla*e. !n. o,,i*er or e" ,oun7 positi#e ,or use o, 7an8erous

7ru8s shall -e 7ealt %ith a7"inistrati#el. %hi*h shall -e a 8roun7 ,or suspension or
ter"ination, su-@e*t to the pro#isions o, !rti*le 282 o, the 2a-or Co7e an7 pertinent
pro#isions o, the Ci#il Ser#i*e 2a%H
(,) !ll persons *har8e7 -e,ore the prose*utorKs o,,i*e %ith a *ri"inal o,,ense
ha#in8 an i"posa-le penalt. o, i"prison"ent o, not less than si' (0) .ears an7 one
(1) 7a. shall ha#e to un7er8o a "an7ator. 7ru8 testH an7
>g? All can!i!ates for +ublic office weter a++ointe! or electe! bot in
te national or local government sall un!ergo a man!atory !rug test#
>hether or not the i"position o, a "an7ator. 7ru8 test un7er $! 910; is
*onstitutional inso,ar as it i"poses an a77itional require"ent ,or *an7i7ates ,or
The Supre"e Court 8rants that Se* +0 (*) an7 (7) to -e *onstitutional an7
Se* +0 (,) an7 (8) to -e un*onstitutional.
Se*. +0(8) is un*onstitutional, the Court sai7 that the sa"e Fun"ista(a-l.
requires a *an7i7ate ,or senator to -e *erti,ie7 ille8alI7ru8 *lean, o-#iousl. as a preI
*on7ition to the #ali7it. o, a *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. ,or senator or, %ith li(e e,,e*t, a
*on7ition sine qua non to -e #ote7 upon an7, i, proper, -e pro*lai"e7 senatorIele*t,G
a77in8 that the assaile7 pro#ision o, the la% an7 the C1&<2<C $esolution Fa77
another to %hat the 1987 Constitution, at the "ini"u", requires ,or
"e"-ership in the Senate.G
Se*tion 7. Ter" o, $epresentati#es
Ei"aporo #. &itra, 202 SC$! 779
F!CTSEi"aporo %as ele*te7 as a representati#e ,or the se*on7 le8islati#e 7istri*t
o, 2anao 7el Sur 7urin8 the1987 *on8ressional ele*tions.
Ei"aporo ,ile7 a *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. ,or the position o, 8o#ernor o, !$&&.
Se*retar. an7 Spea(er o, the Bouse e'*lu7e7 the na"e o, Ei"aporo ,ro" the $oll
o, &e"-ers o, Bouse $epresentati#e 9n7er !rt )J o, Se* 07 o, the 1"ni-us
<le*tion Co7e. the Bonora-le !li Ei"aporo re"o#e7 hi"sel, ,ro" the $olls o, the
Bouse o, $epresentati#esH an7, there,ore, his na"e has not -een *arrie7 in to7a.Ks
$oll an7 %ill not -e *arrie7 in the ,uture $olls o, the Bouse. Then Ei"aporo lost the
ele*tion %rote a letter inten7in8 to resu"e per,or"in8 his 7uties an7 ,un*tions as an
ele*te7 "e"-er o, the Con8ress. 9n,ortunatel., he %as not a-le to re8ain his seat in
the Con8ress.
Ei"aporo *onten7e7 that he 7i7 not lose his seat as a Con8ress"an -e*ause !rt. )J
Se*. 07 o, BP 881 is
not operati#e in the present *onstitution, an7 there,ore not appli*a-le to the
"e"-ers o, Con8ress.
)SS9<>hether or not Ei"aporo *an still -e *onsi7ere7 as a "e"-er o, Con8ress,
e#en a,ter he has ,ile7 ,or another 8o#ern"ent post.

$92)/6)n the 19+; Constitution it %as pro#i7e7 that Pu-li* o,,i*e is a pu-li* trust.
Pu-li* o,,i*ers an7 e"plo.ees shall ser#e %ith the hi8hest 7e8ree o, responsi-ilit.,
inte8rit., lo.alt. an7 e,,i*ien*. an7 shall re"ain a**ounta-le to the people. !l
ele*ti#e pu-li* o,,i*ials shoul7 honor the "an7ate the. ha#e 8otten ,ro" the people.
!rt. )) o, repu-li* a*t no. 180 Se*. 27.Can7i7ate hol7in8 o,,i*e. W !n. ele*ti#e
pro#in*ial, "uni*ipal or *it. o,,i*ial runnin8 ,or an o,,i*e, other than the one %hi*h he
is a*tuall. hol7in8, shall -e *onsi7ere7 resi8ne7 ,ro" o,,i*e ,ro" the "o"ent o, the
,ilin8 o, his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*..
Se*. 2C.Can7i7ate hol7in8 ele*ti#e o,,i*e. W !n. ele*ti#e pro#in*ial, su-Ipro#in*ial,
*it., "uni*ipal or "uni*ipal 7istri*t o,,i*er runnin8 ,or an o,,i*e other than the one
%hi*h he is hol7in8 in a per"anent *apa*it. shall -e *onsi7ere7 ipso ,a*to resi8ne7
,ro" his o,,i*e ,ro" the "o"ent o, the ,ilin8 o, his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*..
)n *on*lusion, the *ourt reiterates the -asi* *on*ept that a pu-li* o,,i*e is a pu-li*
trust. )t is *reate7 ,or the interest an7 -ene,it o, the people. !s su*h, the hol7er
thereo, is su-@e*t to su*h re8ulations an7 *on7itions as the la% "a. i"pose an7 he
*annot *o"plain o, an. restri*tions %hi*h pu-li* poli*. "a. 7i*tate on his o,,i*e. The
instant petition %as 7is"isse7 ,or la*( o, "erit, an7 Ei"aporo is no lon8er
*onsi7ere7 as a "e"-er o, *on8ress.
Farinas #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ 1C7+87 (Ee*. 10, 200+)
! house -ill is -ein8 passe7 in the *on8ress. The Bi*a"eral Con,eren*e
Co""ittee su-"itte7 the report re*o""en7in8 its appro#al o, the -ill as re*on*ile7
an7 appro#e7 -. the *on,erees. Eurin8 a plenar. session, it %as propose7 that the
report is to -e returne7 to the BCC ,or proper a*tion. >ith this, a ne% set o, BCC
*on,erees %as ele*te7 to 7o a re#ie% an7 proper a*tion. !,ter proper a*tion %as
institute7, the Bouse pro*ee7e7 to #ote on the appro#al o, the Bouse Bill. 12; #ote7
as a,,ir"ati#e %hile + #ote7 as ne8ati#e %ith no a-stainer. )n the sa"e 7a., Senate
appro#e7 the -ill an7 P6&! si8ne7 the $! 9000 into la%.
The Petitioners presente7 -e,ore the *ourt a petition to 7e*lare Se*.1C o,
$!9000 (The ,air ele*tion a*t) as un*onstitutional in the 8roun7 that it #iolates ri8hts
o, equal prote*tion, inso,ar as it e'pressl. repeals Se*.07 o, BP 881(The 1"ni-us
<le*tion Co7e) ,ile7 -. Farinas an7 "inorit. "e"-ers o, the "inorit. -lo* in the
Bouse o, $epresentati#e. )"plea7e7 as respon7ents are the <'e*uti#e se*, Spea(er
o, the Bouse an7 others.
$<SP1/E</TS !$69&</T %#e respondents1 t#roug# t#e 2ffice of t#e
Solicitor 3eneral1 urge t#is 4ourt to dismiss t#e petitions contending t#at t#e
petitioners #ave no legal standing to institute t#e present suit/ -.cept for t#e fact
t#at t#eir negative votes $ere overruled b" t#e ma5orit" of t#e members of t#e House
of Representatives1 t#e petitioners #ave not s#o$n t#at t#e" #ave suffered #arm as
a result of t#e passage of Rep/ Act No/ 9667/ Neit#er do petitioners #ave an"
interest as"ers since t#e assailed statute does not involve t#e e.ercise b"
4ongress of its or spending po$er/
>hether or not Se*tion 07, !rti*le )J o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e, BP Bl8 881 still
ta(e e,,e*t

This is no lon8er in e,,e*t ha#in8 -een repeale7 -. the Fair <le*tion la%. The
1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e %as repeale7 an7 it %as rena"e7 as Fair <le*tion 2a%.
C19$T $92)/6 4ongress is not precluded from repealing Section 77 b" t#e
ruling of t#e 4ourt in Dimaporo v/ ,itra up#olding t#e validit" of t#e provision and b"
its pronouncement in t#e same case t#at t#e provision #as a laudable
purpose/ 2ver time1 4ongress ma" find it imperative to repeal t#e la$ on its belief
t#at t#e election process is t#ereb" en#anced and t#e paramount ob5ective of
election la$s * t#e fair1 #onest and orderl" election of trul" deserving members of
4ongress * is ac#ieved/
Huinto v# C"=$L$C( 7R 2o# &64546( December &( )**4
The petitioners in this *ase %ere <lea4ar 3uinto an7 6erino Tolentino %ho ha7
intentions o, runnin8 ,or pu-li* o,,i*e 7urin8 the &a. 10, 2010 ele*tions. The.
assaile7 the *onstitutionalit. o, the resolution issue7 -. Co"ele* in *o"plian*e %ith
$. !. 9+09 %hi*h a"on8 other thin8s 7e*lare7 that an. person hol7in8 a pu-li*
appointi#e o,,i*e or position, in*lu7in8 a*ti#e "e"-ers o, the ar"e7 ,or*es, an7
o,,i*ers an7 e"plo.ees in 8o#ern"entIo%ne7 or I*ontrolle7 *orporations, shall -e
*onsi7ere7 ipso facto resi8ne7 ,ro" hisDher o,,i*e an7 "ust #a*ate the sa"e at the
start o, the 7a. o, the ,ilin8 o, hisDher *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*.. The petitioners *onten7
that it is 7is*ri"inator. an7 is a #iolation o, equal prote*tion *lause o, the
)ssue >hether or not the sai7 pro#ision in the C1&<2<C $esolution is
The Supre"e Court 7e*lare7 that su*h pro#ision is in7ee7 un*onstitutional. The e#il
sou8ht to -e pre#ente7 -. the resolution in 7e*larin8 that all appointi#e o,,i*ials an7
e"plo.ees are 7ee"e7 ipso ,a*tor resi8ne7 upon ,ilin8 o, their C1Cs also e'ists in
the *ase o, ele*ti#e o,,i*ialsH hen*e, the 7istin*tion -et%een the" is not 8er"ane to
the purpose o, the la%. The Supre"e Court rule7 that appointi#e o,,i*ials %ho %ish to
run are not ipso ,a*tor resi8ne7 upon ,ilin8 o, their C1Cs.
/ote 9pon "otion ,or re*onsi7eration this 7e*ision %as re#erse7.
Se*tion 8.$e8ular <le*tions
Co7illa #. Ee 5ene*ia 6$ /o. 1;000;, Ee*e"-er 10, 2002
F!CTSPetitioner an7 respon7ent %ere opposin8 *an7i7ates ,or representati#es. !
#oter ,ile7 %ith the C1&<2<C a petition to 7isquali,. petitioner on the 8roun7 that
petitioner, %ho %as then "a.or, #iolate7 Se*tion 08 o, 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e -.
7istri-utin8 8ra#el an7 san7 to #oters to in7u*e the" to #ote ,or hi". The C1&<2<C
7ele8ate7 the hearin8 to $e8ional Eire*tor. 1n ele*tion 7a., no hearin8 has -een
7one .et. Petitioner %on. $espon7ent inter#ene7 in the 7isquali,i*ation *ase an7
pra.e7 ,or the suspension o, the pro*la"ation -e*ause o, the seriousness o, the

alle8ations a8ainst petitioner. Petitioner has not -een ser#e7 an. su""ons.
Petitioner ,ile7 his ans%er. Be alle8e7 that the repair o, the roa7s %as un7erta(en
%ithout his authorit.. !,ter a hearin8 on the "otion to suspen7 the pro*la"ation o,
petitioner, the C1&<2<C issue7 a resolution 7isquali,.in8 petitioner an7 7e*larin8
the i""e7iate pro*la"ation o, the *an7i7ate %ho re*ei#e7 the hi8hest nu"-er o,
#otes. The #otes o, petitioner %ere 7e*lare7 stra.. $espon7ent %as pro*lai"e7
ele*te7 an7 she assu"e7 o,,i*e. Petitioner ,ile7 a "otion ,or re*onsi7eration. The
C1&<2<C en -an* nulli,ie7 the pro*la"ation o, respon7ent an7 or7ere7 the
pro*la"ation o, the petitioner. $espon7ent 7i7 not appeal ,ro" the 7e*ision. She
ar8ue7 that sin*e she assu"e7 o,,i*e, the C1&<2<C 7oesn?t ha#e @uris7i*tion to
annul her pro*la"ation. Petitioner then %rote a letter to pu-li* respon7ent Ee
5ene*ia to in,or" hi" that he has ri8ht,ull. pro*lai"e7 as the $epresentati#e o, the
Eistri*t o, 2e.te. Pu-li* respon7ent ho%e#er states that it *annot 7o an.thin8
sin*e pri#ate respon7ent 2o*sin alrea7. state7 that she %ill openl. 7e,. an7 7iso-e.
sai7 C1&<2<C 7e*ision.
)SS9< >hether or not Petitioner Co7illa has le8al @uris7i*tion to assu"e the
seat as the C
2e8islature Eistri*t $epresentati#e o, 2e.te.
:<S. The Court rule7 that the pro*la"ation o, respon7ent 2o*sin is not #ali7.
Petitioner %as not a**or7e7 %ith 7ue pro*ess 7urin8 the entire pro*ee7in8s lea7in8
to the pro*la"ation o, respon7ent 2o*sin. Petitioner %as not noti,ie7 o, the petition
,or his 7isquali,i*ation throu8h the ser#i*e o, su""ons nor o, the &otions to suspen7
his pro*la"ation. &oreo#er the pro*la"ation o, the petitioner %as suspen7e7 in
8ross #iolation o, se*tion 72 o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e %hi*h pro#i7es that an.
*an7i7ate %ho has -een 7e*lare7 -. ,inal @u78"ent to -e 7isquali,ie7 shall not -e
#ote7 ,or, an7 the #otes *ast ,or hi" shall not -e *ounte7. )n the instant *ase,
petitioner has not -een 7isquali,ie7 -. ,inal @u78"ent %hen the ele*tions %here
*on7u*te7. The $e8ional <le*tion Eire*tor has .et to *on7u*t hearin8 on the petition
,or his 7isquali,i*ation.
COURT RULING:8H-R-291 t#e 0etition for ,andamus is granted/ 0ublic
Spea(er of t#e House of Representatives s#all administer t#e oat# of
petitioner -U9R24:N2 ,/ 42D:;;A1 SR/1 as t#e dul"<elected
Representative of t#e =
legislative district of ;e"te/ 0ublic respondent
Secretar"<3eneral s#all li(e$ise register t#e name of t#e petitioner in t#e Roll
of ,embers of t#e House of Representatives after #e #as ta(en #is oat# of
office/ %#is decision s#all be immediatel" e.ecutor"/
Se*tion 9. Spe*ial <le*tions
Tolentino #. C1&<2<C, 6$ 1C8++C, Januar. 21, 200C
Follo%in8 Senator 6uin8ona?s *on,ir"ation to -e the 5i*eIpresi7ent, the Senate on
Fe-ruar. 8, 2001 passe7 $esolution /o 8C *erti,.in8 #a*an*. in the Senate. The
$esolution *alle7 on C1&<2<C to ,ill the #a*an*. throu8h spe*ial ele*tion to -e
hel7 si"ultaneousl. %ith the re8ular ele*tions on &a. 1C 2001. T%el#e Senators,
%ith 0I.ear ter", %ere 7ue to -e ele*te7 in that ele*tion. The $esolution ,urther
pro#i7es that the Senatorial *an7i7ate 8arnerin8 the 1+
hi8hest nu"-er o, #otes
shall ser#e onl. ,or the une'pire7 ter" o, the ,or"er Senator Teo,isto T. 6uin8onaJr
%hi*h en7s on June +0 200C. !,ter C1&<2<C ha7 *an#asse7 the ele*tion results,

C1&<2<C issue7 $esolution /o 01I00; pro#isionall. pro*lai"in8 1+ *an7i7ates as
the ele*te7 Senators. )t also pro#i7e7 that the ,irst 12 Senators shall ser#e ,or a ter"
o, si'I.ears an7 the 1+
Senator shall ser#e onl. the une'pire7 ter" o, three .ears.
Petitioners state that the C1&<2<C issue7 $esolution /o. 01I00; %ithout
@uris7i*tion -e*ause it ,aile7 to noti,. the ele*torate o, the position to -e ,ile7 in the
spe*ial ele*tion as require7 in the Se*tion 2 o, the $epu-li* !*t /o. 00C;, it also
,aile7 to require senatorial *an7i7ates to in7i*ate in their *erti,i*ates o, *an7i7a*.
%hether the. see( ele*tion un7er the spe*ial ele*tions, an7 lastl. it ,aile7 to spe*i,.
in the 5oters )n,or"ation Sheet the *an7i7ates un7er the spe*ial or re8ular
senatorial ele*tions. )n #ie% o, issuan*e o, $esolution /o 001I000, Petitioners ,ile7
an a"en7e7 petition to their ori8inal petition an7 sou8ht ,or nulli,i*ation o, the
$esolution /o. 01I000. C1&<2<C an7 Bonasan ,urther raise preli"inar. issues on
the *ontro#ersial o, the petition an7 on petitionersK stan7in8 to ta(e le8al a*tions.
Bonasan also *lai"s that the petition, %hi*h see(s the nullit. o, his pro*la"ation as
Senator, is a*tuall. a &uo $arranto petition an7 the Court shoul7 7is"iss the sa"e
,or la*( o, @uris7i*tion. For his part, $e*to, as the 12th ran(in8 Senator, *onten7s he
is not a proper part. to this *ase -e*ause the petition onl. in#ol#es the #ali7it. o, the
pro*la"ation o, the 1+th pla*er in the 1C &a. 2001 senatorial ele*tions.
)SS9< ), %hether or not the spe*ial ele*tion ,or the #a*ant threeI.ear ter"
Senate seat %as #ali7l. hel7 last &a. 1C 2001 senatorial ele*tions in the 8roun7s o,
Philippine Constitution.
$92)/6 9n7er the Se*tion 9, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution, a spe*ial ele*tion "a.
-e *alle7 to ,ill an. #a*an*. in the Senate an7 the Bouse o, $epresentati#es Fin the
"anner pres*ri-e7 -. la%,G thus, in *ase o, #a*an*. in the Senate o, in the Bouse o,
$epresentati#esH a spe*ial ele*tion "a. -e *alle7 to ,ille7 su*h #a*an*.. But the
ele*te7 Senator or house o, $epresentati#e shall ser#e onl. ,or the une'pire7 ter".
)n the pro#ision o, the Constitution, Con8ress passe7 $! 00C; %hi*h states that a
spe*ial ele*tion is #ali7 i, the #a*an*. arises in the Senate at least ei8hteen "onths
or in the B1$ at least one .ear -e,ore the ne't re8ular ele*tion. )n *ase a #a*an*.
arises, C1&<2<C shall ,i' a 7ate not earlier than C; 7a.s an7 not later than 90
7a.s. Se*tion C o, $! 7100 su-sequentl. a"en7e7 Se*tion 2 o, $! 00C; as ,ollo%s
i, a per"anent #a*an*. arises the C1&<2<C shall ,i' a 7ate not earlier than 00 7a.s
an7 not later than 90 7a.s. Bo%e#er, in the *ase o, su*h #a*an*. in the Senate, a
spe*ial ele*tion shall -e hel7 si"ultaneousl. %ith the ne't su**ee7in8 re8ular
C"URT RUL027 %#e calling of a special election1 if necessar"1 and t#e
giving of notice to t#e electorate of necessar" information regarding a special
election1 are central to an informed e.ercise of t#e rig#t of suffrage/ 8#ile t#e
circumstances attendant to t#e present case #ave led us to conclude
t#at 42,-;-4>s failure to so call and give notice did not invalidate t#e special
senatorial election #eld on = ,a" 2661 42,-;-4 s#ould not ta(e c#ances in
future elections/ 8e remind 42,-;-4 to compl" strictl" $it# all t#e re&uirements
under applicable la$s relative to t#e conduct of regular elections in general and
special elections in particular/
8H-R-92R-1 $e D:S,:SS t#e petition for lac( of merit/

Se*tion 10. Salaries
/ilconsa v# =atay( &6 'CRA 3** >&455?
Petitioner has ,ile7 a suit a8ainst the ,or"er !*tin8 !u7itor 6eneral o, the Philippines
an7 the !u7itor o, the Con8ress o, the Philippines see(in8 to per"anentl. en@oin
the" ,ro" authori4in8 or passin8 in au7it the pa."ent o, the in*rease7 salaries
authori4e7 -. $! C1+C to the Spea(er an7 "e"-ers o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es -e,ore Ee*e"-er +0, 1909.
The 190;I1900 Bu78et i"ple"ente7 the in*rease in salar. o, the Spea(er an7
"e"-ers o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es set -. $! C1+C, appro#e7 @ust the
pre*e7in8 .ear 190C. Petitioner *onten7s that su*h i"ple"entation is #iolati#e o,
!rti*le 5), Se*. 1C(no% Se*. 10) o, the Constitution. The reason 8i#en -ein8 that the
ter" o, the 8 senators ele*te7 in 190+, an7 %ho too( part in the appro#al o, $!
C1+C, %oul7 ha#e e'pire7 onl. on Ee*e"-er +0, 1909H %hile the ter" o, the
"e"-ers o, the Bouse %ho parti*ipate7 in the appro#al o, sai7 !*t e'pire7 on
Ee*e"-er +0, 190;.
Eoes Se*. 1C(no% Se*. 10) o, the Constitution require that not onl. the ter" o, all
the "e"-ers o, the Bouse -ut also that o, all the Senators %ho appro#e7 the
in*rease "ust ha#e ,ull. e'pire7 -e,ore the in*rease -e*o"es e,,e*ti#eA
)n esta-lishin8 %hat "i8ht -e ter"e7 a %aitin8 perio7 -e,ore the in*rease7
*o"pensation ,or le8islators -e*o"es ,ull. e,,e*ti#e, the Constitutional pro#ision
re,ers to Fall "e"-ers o, the Senate an7 the Bouse o, $epresentati#esG in the sa"e
senten*e, as a sin8le unit, %ithout 7istin*tion or separation -et%een the". This
unitar. treat"ent is e"phasi4e7 -. the ,a*t that the pro#ision spea(s o, the
Fe'piration o, the ,ull ter"G o, the Senators an7 $epresentati#es that appro#e7 the
"easure, usin8 the sin8ular ,or" an7 not the plural, there-. ren7erin8 "ore e#i7ent
the intent to *onsi7er -oth houses ,or the purpose as in7i#isi-le *o"ponents o, one
sin8le 2e8islature. The use o, the %or7 Fter"G in the sin8ular, %hen *o"-ine7 %ith
the ,ollo%in8 phrase Fall the "e"-ers o, the Senate an7 the Bouse,G un7ers*ores
that in the appli*ation o, !rt. 5), Se*. 1C(no% Se*. 10), the ,un7a"ental
*onsi7eration is that the ter"s o, o,,i*e o, all "e"-ers o, the 2e8islature that
ena*te7 the "easure "ust ha#e e'pire7 -e,ore the in*rease in *o"pensation *an
-e*o"e operati#e.
The Court a8ree7 %ith petitioner that the in*rease7 *o"pensation pro#i7e7 -. $!
C1+C is not operati#e until Ee*e"-er +0, 1909, %hen the ,ull ter" o, all "e"-ers o,
the Senate an7 Bouse that appro#e7 it %ill ha#e e'pire7.
Se*tion 11. Pri#ile8e ,ro" !rrestH Parlia"entar. Free7o" o, Spee*h
/eo+le v# DalosIos( 3): 'CRA 564

!**use7Iappellant $o"eo 6. Jalos@os is a ,ullI,le78e7 "e"-er o, Con8ress %ho is
no% *on,ine7 at the national penitentiar. %hile his *on#i*tion ,or 2 *ounts o, statutor.
rape an7 0 *ounts o, las*i#iousness is pen7in8 appeal. Be ,ile7 a "otion as(in8 that
he -e allo%e7 to ,ull. 7is*har8e the 7uties o, Con8ress"an, in*lu7in8 atten7an*e at
le8islati#e sessions an7 *o""ittee "eetin8s 7espite his ha#in8 -een *on#i*te7 in
the ,irst instan*e o, a nonI-aila-le o,,ense. Be ar8ues that the so#erei8n ele*torate
o, the 1st Eistri*t o, La"-oan8a 7el /orte *hose hi" as their representati#e in
Con8ress. Ba#in8 -een reIele*te7 -. his *onstituents, he has the 7ut. to per,or"
the ,un*tions o, a Con8ress"an.
>hether or not the ,irst senten*e o, se*. 11 o, arti*le 5) %hi*h states that a senator
or "e"-er o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es shall, in all o,,enses punisha-le -. not
"ore than 0 .ears i"prison"ent, -e pri#ile8e7 ,ro" arrest %hile Con8ress is in
session appl. to hi" allo%in8 hi" to atten7 *on8ressional sessions 7espite his
True, ele*tion is the e'pression o, the so#erei8n po%er o, the people. )n the e'er*ise
o, su,,ra8e, a ,ree people e'pe*ts to a*hie#e the *ontinuit. o, 8o#ern"ent an7 the
perpetuation o, its -ene,itsH ho%e#er, in spite o, its i"portan*e, the pri#ile8es an7
ri8hts arisin8 ,ro" ha#in8 -een ele*te7 "a. -e enlar8e7 or restri*te7 -. la%. 1ur
,irst tas( is to as*ertain the appli*a-le la%.
The i""unit. ,ro" arrest or 7etention o, Senators an7 "e"-ers o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, the later *usto"aril. a77resse7 as Con8ress"en, arises ,ro" a
pro#ision o, the Constitution parti*ularl. se*. 11 o, arti*le 5). The histor. o, the
pro#ision sho%s that the pri#ile8e has al%a.s -een 8rante7 in a restri*ti#e sense.
The pro#ision 8rantin8 an e'e"ption as a spe*ial pri#ile8e *annot -e e'ten7e7
-e.on7 the or7inar. "eanin8 o, its ter"s. )t "a. not -e e'ten7e7 -. inten7"ent,
i"pli*ation or equita-le *onsi7erations.
! Con8ress"an li(e the a**use7Iappellant, *on#i*te7 un7er Title <le#en o, the
$e#ise7 Penal Co7e *oul7 not *lai" parlia"entar. i""unit. ,ro" arrest. Be %as
su-@e*t to the sa"e 8eneral la%s 8o#ernin8 all persons still to -e trie7 or %hose
*on#i*tions %ere pen7in8 appeal. For o,,enses punisha-le -. "ore than si' .ears
i"prison"ent, there %as no i""unit. ,ro" arrest. The a**use7Iappellant ar8ues
that a "e"-er o, Con8ress? ,un*tion to atten7 sessions is un7ers*ore7 -. Se*tion
10 (2) , !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution. Bo%e#er, the a**use7Iappellant has not 8i#en
an. reason %h. he shoul7 -e e'e"pte7 ,ro" the operation o, Se*tion 11, !rti*le 5)
o, the Constitution. The "e"-ers o, Con8ress *annot *o"pel a-sent "e"-ers to
atten7 sessions i, the reason ,or the a-sen*e is a le8iti"ate one. The *on,ine"ent o,
a Con8ress"an *har8e7 %ith a *ri"e punisha-le -. i"prison"ent o, "ore than si'
.ears is not "erel. authori4e7 -. la%, it has *onstitutional ,oun7ations.
Dimene8 v# Cabangbang( &; 'CRA 6;5 >&455?

Ee,en7ant Ca-an8-an8 %as a "e"-er o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es an7
Chair"an o, its Co""ittee on /ational Ee,ense. Be %rote an open letter to the
Presi7ent an7 *ause7 its pu-li*ation in se#eral ne%spapers o, 8eneral *ir*ulation
e'posin8 the alle8e7l. operational plans -. so"e a"-itious !FP o,,i*ers re8ar7in8 a
"assi#e politi*al -uil7Iup o, then Se*retar. o, /ational Ee,ense, Jesus 5ar8as, to
prepare hi" to -e*o"e a *an7i7ate ,or Presi7ent in 1901.
>hether or not the pu-li*ation in question is a pri#ile8e7 *o""uni*ationA
The 7eter"ination o, the issue 7epen7s on %hether or not the pu-li*ation ,alls %ithin
the pur#ie% o, the phrase Fspee*h or 7e-ate in Con8ressG as use7 in !rt. 5), Se*. 1;
(no% Se*. 11). Sai7 e'pression re,ers to utteran*es "a7e -. Con8ress"en in the
per,or"an*e o, their o,,i*ial ,un*tions, su*h as spee*hes 7eli#ere7, state"ents
"a7e, or #otes *ast in the halls o, Con8ress, %hile the sa"e is in session, as %ell as
-ills intro7u*e7 in Con8ress, %hether the sa"e is in session or not, an7 other a*ts
per,or"e7 -. Con8ress"en, either in Con8ress or outsi7e the pre"ises housin8 its
o,,i*es, in the o,,i*ial 7is*har8e o, their 7uties as "e"-ers o, Con8ress an7 o,
Con8ressional Co""ittees 7ul. authori4e7 to per,or" its ,un*tions as su*h, at the
ti"e o, the per,or"an*e o, the a*ts in question.
The pu-li*ation in#ol#e7 in this *ase 7oes not -elon8 to this *ate8or.. )t %as an open
letter to the Presi7ent, %hen Con8ress presu"a-l. %as not in session, an7
7e,en7ant *ause7 sai7 letter to -e pu-lishe7 in se#eral ne%spapers o, 8eneral
*ir*ulation. )n *ausin8 the *o""uni*ation to -e so pu-lishe7, he %as not per,or"in8
his o,,i*ial 7ut., either as a "e"-er o, the Con8ress or as o,,i*er o, an. *o""ittee
thereo,. Ben*e, sai7 *o""uni*ation is not a-solutel. pri#ile8e7.
Antonino v# <alencia( 9; 'CRA ;*
This *ase starte7 %hen ,or"er senator !ntonino *lai"e7 that ,or"er se*retar. o,
Eept. o, Pu-li* >or(s an7 Bi8h%a.s (7e,en7ant) 5alen*ia sa-ota8e7 the *an7i7a*.
o, the o,,i*ial *an7i7ate o, 2P (2i-eral Part.) ,or the position o, 8o#ernor in Ea#aoH
hen*e, the o,,i*ial *an7i7ate o, 2P lost. The state"ents o, the senator %i7el. sprea7
in ne%spapers o, 8eneral *ir*ulation. &oreo#er, the senator also ,ile7 a ,or"al
request to the Senate Blue $i--on Co""ittee to in#esti8ate the ano"alous 7ee7s o,
the 7e,en7ant as se*retar. o, EP>B. !s a *onsequen*e, a 2Ipa8e press release
%as issue7 -. the 1,,i*e o, the Se*retar. o, EP>B %hi*h *ontaine7 "ali8nin8
state"ents a8ainst plainti,,. Plainti,, ,ile7 a *i#il *ase %hile the 7e,en7ant *lai"e7 in
his ans%er that he 7i7 not issue or *ause the pu-li*ation o, the 2I pa8e press release
an7 "ore i"portantl. su*h state"ents %ere 8o#erne7 un7er pri#ile8e
*o""uni*ation. The lo%er *ourt ,a#ore7 the plainti,,H hen*eH it %as raise7 7ire*tl.
-e,ore the SC.

>hether or not the state"ents "a7e -. the plainti,, (senator) that %as *o#ere7 in
ne%spapers as %ell as his state"ents in ,ront o, the Blue $i--on Co""ittee %ere
un7er the s*ope o, se*.11 arti*le )) parti*ularl. the pri#ile8e *o""uni*ationA
>hether or not the 2Ipress release "a7e -. the 7e,en7ant %as also un7er pri#ile8e
The Supre"e Court a,,ir"e7 in toto the 7e*ision o, the lo%er *ourt -. 7e*larin8 that
the 7e,en7antKs i"putations a8ainst plainti,, %ere not "a7e pri#atel. nor o,,i*iall. as
to -e quali,ie7l. pri#ile8e un7er !rti*le +;C o, the $e#ise7 Penal Co7e. )t %as also
pro#e7 that 7e,en7ant in7ee7 %as the *ulprit in *ausin8 the release o, the 2Ipa8e
press release an7 there,ore is lia-le ,or the li-elous *ontents o, the press release.
1n the other han7, the state"ents "a7e -. the plainti,, in Con8ress %ere un7er the
s*ope o, se*. 11 arti*le )) in as "u*h as it %as 7one as part o, his ,un*tions as
senator %hile *on8ress %as in session.
/ote The plainti,, 7ie7 in a plane *rash so he %as su-stitute7 -. his a7"inistratri'
pro-a-l. his %i,e or 7au8hter (&a8nolia !ntonino)]
)t %as raise7 7ire*tl. to the SC -e,ore at that ti"e, the "one. *lai"e7 %as 200,000
%hi*h %arrant a 7ire*t appeal to the SC or so"ethin8 li(e that.
/obre v# Defensor 'antiago( AC 2o# ;344( August )9( )**4
This *ase starte7 %hen Senator Santia8o 8a#e a pri#ile8e spee*h that *o"prise7
"ainl. o, 7ero8ator. re"ar(s to%ar7s the Supre"e Court. This pro"pte7 the
petitioner to ,ile a *o"plaint a8ainst the senator.
The ori8in ,or su*h re"ar(s %ere -ase7 on the o**asion that the Supre"e Court
sent out pu-li* in#itations ,or no"inations ,or the position o, Chie, Justi*e %hi*h at
that ti"e %ill soon -e #a*ate7 -. then Chie, Justi*e Pan8ani-an. The Supre"e
Court later in,or"e7 the pu-li* that onl. in*u"-ent @usti*es o, the Supre"e Court %ill
*onsi7ere7 as no"ineesH hen*e, the senator?s appli*ation %as not *onsi7ere7.
>hether or not the se*on7 senten*e o, se*. 11 arti*le 5) (,ree7o" o, spee*h *lause)
appl. to the pri#ile8e spee*h o, Senator Santia8oA
The Supre"e Court 7e*lare7 the Senator has #iolate7 se#eral other la%s in*lu7in8
*anon la%s an7 rules o, Senate -e*ause o, her "is*on7u*t. )n spite o, this, the
,ree7o" o, spee*h *lause un7er se*. 11 arti*le 5) still applies to her pri#ile8e
spee*hH hen*e, *ase 7is"isse7.
Se*tion 12. Eis*losure o, Finan*ial an7 Business )nterests
Se*tion 1+. Prohi-itions on &e"-ers o, Con8ress
Liban v# 7or!on( 7R 2o# &;939)( Duly &9( )**4

Dante B. /iban$ together with other -etitioners$ -etitioned in +ourt to declare 3ichard J.
"ordon as 8ha#ing forfeited his seat in the !enate.9 The -etitioners were officers of the Board
of Directors of the Pue0on +ity 3ed +ross +ha-ter$ while res-ondent is +hairman of the
Phili--ines @ational 3ed +ross IP@3+J Board of "o#ernors.
During "ordon:s incumbency as a member of the !enate of the Phili--ines$ he was elected
+hairman of the P@3+ during February '($ 'AA; meeting of the P@3+ Board of "o#ernors$
in which the -etitioners alleged that by acce-ting the res-onsibility$ "ordon deemed ceased
to be a member of the !enate as -ro#ided in !ec. 1($ Article B. of the 17>= +onstitution,
!ec 1(. @o !enator or Member of the %ouse of 3e-resentati#es may hold any other office or
em-loyment in the "o#ernment$ or any subdi#ision$ agency$ or instrumentality thereof$
including go#ernment?owned or controlled cor-orations or their subsidiaries$ during his term
without forfeiting his seatS.
3es-ondent contested that the -etitioners: citation of a constitutional -ro#ision had no basis$
since the P@3+ is not a go#ernment?owned or controlled cor-oration. Thus$ -rohibition
under !ec. 1($ Art. B. of the +onstitution did not a--ly to his case. Furthermore$ ser#ice
rendered in P@3+ is a #olunteer ser#ice to which is neither an office nor an em-loyment.
By acce-ting the P@3+ +hair$ did "ordon forfeit his !enate seatC
@o. The Phili--ine @ational 3ed +ross IP@3+J is a -ri#ate organi0ation -erforming -ublic
functions. .t does not ha#e go#ernment assets and does not recei#e any a--ro-riation from
the Phili--ine +ongress. The P@3+ is financed -rimarily by contributions from -ri#ate
indi#iduals and -ri#ate entities obtained through solicitation cam-aigns organi0ed by its
Board of "o#ernors. A-art from that$ P@3+ must not only be$ but must also be seen to be$
autonomous$ neutral and inde-endent to be able to conducts its acti#ities in accord to their
fundamental -rinci-les of humanity$ im-artiality$ neutrality$ inde-endence$ #oluntary ser#ice$
unity and uni#ersality. %ence$ Article B.$ !ection 1( could not a--ly to "ordon:s case$ in
acce-ting the -osition in the P@3+. The -etition was deemed to ha#e no merit.
Se*tion 1C. Prohi-itions $elate7 to the Pra*ti*e o, Pro,ession
/uyat v# De 7u8man( &&3 'CRA 3&
Fa*tsThis suit ,or *ertiorari an7 Prohi-ition %ith Preli"inar. )n@un*tion is poise7
a8ainst the 1r7er o, respon7ent !sso*iate Co""issioner o, the Se*urities an7
<'*han8e Co""ission (S<C) 8rantin8 !sse"-l."an <stanislao !. Fernan7e4 lea#e
to inter#ene in S<C Case /o. 17C7.
There %as an ele*tion ,or the -oar7 o, Eire*tors ,or )nternational Pipe
)n7ustries Corp. ()P)). The 8roup an7 the !*ero 8roup %ere in the seats as
7ire*tors, %here, the 8roup has *ontrol o, the Boar7 an7 "ana8e"ent o, the
The !*ero 8roup questione7 the ele*tion, that the sto*(hol7ers? #otes %ere
not *ounte7 properl.. Justi*e <stanislao !. Fernan7e4, then a "e"-er o, the
)nteri" Batasan8Pa"-ansa, orall. entere7 his appearan*e as *ounsel ,or

respon7ent !*ero to %hi*h the 6roup o-@e*te7 on Constitutional 8roun7s.
Justi*e Fernan7e4,-e*a"e a sto*(hol7er a 7a. prior to the hearin8 o, the *ase.
)SS9< The issue %hi*h %ill -e resol#e7 is %hether or not !sse"-l."an
Fernan7e4, as a then sto*(hol7er o, )P) "a. inter#ene in the S<C Case %ithout
#iolatin8 Se*tion 1C, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution.
$92)/6 )n -rie,, %e hol7 that the inter#ention o, !sse"-l."an Fernan7e4 in
S<C. /o. 17C7 ,alls %ithin the a"-it o, the prohi-ition *ontaine7 in Se*tion 1C,
!rti*le 5) o, the Constitution.
>B<$<F1$<, respon7ent Co""issionerKs 1r7er 8rantin8 !tt.. <stanislao !.
Fernan7e4 lea#e to inter#ene in S<C Case /o. 17C7 is here-. re#erse7 an7 set
asi7e. The te"porar. $estrainin8 1r7er hereto,ore issue7 is here-. "a7e
Se*tion 1;. $e8ular SessionH Spe*ial Session
Se*tion 10. 1,,i*ers o, Con8ressH 3uoro"H Eis*iplineH JournalD$e*or7s
>+ar# &? Defensor-'antiago v# 7uingona( 7R &3:9;; 2ovember &6( &446
During the first regular session of the ele#enth +ongress$ !enator Fernan was declared
the duly elected President of the !enate by a #ote of 'A to '. !enator Tatad manifested that$
with the agreement of !enator !antiago$ allegedly the only other member of the minority$ he
was assuming the -osition of minority leader. %e eH-lained that those who had #oted for
!enator Fernan com-rised the ma1ority$ while only those who had #oted for him$ the losing
nominee$ belonged to the minority. !enator Fla#ier manifested that the senators belonging to
the /a2as?@&+D?&MDP Party numbering = and$ thus$ also a minority had chosen !enator
"uingona as the minority leader. Thereafter$ the ma1ority leader informed the body that he
was in recei-t of a letter signed by the = /a2as?@&+D?&MDP senators$ stating that they had
elected !enator "uingona as the minority leader. By #irtue thereof$ the !enate President
formally recogni0ed !enator "uingona as the minority leader of the !enate. !enators
!antiago and Tatad filed a -etition for <uo warranto$ alleging that !enator "uingona had been
usur-ing$ unlawfully holding and eHercising the -osition of !enate minority leader$ a -osition
that$ according to them$ rightfully belonged to !enator Tatad.
ISSUE: 4hether or not Article ;$ !ection 1;I1J was #iolated in selecting the minority leader.
The inter-retation -ro-osed by -etitioners finds no clear su--ort from the
+onstitution$ the laws$ the 3ules of the !enate or e#en from -ractices of the &--er %ouse.
The term 8ma1ority$9 when referring to a certain number out of a total or aggregate$ it sim-ly
means the number greater than half or more than half of any total. .n effect$ while the
+onstitution mandates that the President of the !enate must be elected by a number
constituting more than one half of all the members thereof$ it does not -ro#ide that the
members who will not #ote for him shall i-so facto constitute the minority$ who could
thereby elect the minority leader. @o law or regulation states that the defeated candidate shall
automatically become the minority leader.

4hile the +onstitution is eH-licit in the manner of electing a !enate President and a %ouse
!-ea2er$ it is$ howe#er$ dead silent on the manner of selecting the other officers in both
chambers of +ongress. All that the +harter says under Art. B.$ !ec. 1;I1J is that 8each %ouse
shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary.9 The method of choosing who will
be such other officers is merely a deri#ati#e of the eHercise of the -rerogati#e conferred by
the said constitutional -ro#ision. Therefore$ such method must be -rescribed by the !enate
itself$ not by the +ourt.
(par. 1) !#elino #. Cuen*o, 8+ PB)2 17 (19C9)
The petitioners, Senator Jose !#elino, in a quo %arranto pro*ee7in8, as(e7
the *ourt to 7e*lare hi" the ri8ht,ul Senate Presi7ent an7 oust the respon7ent,
&ariano C9en*o.
)n a session o, the Senate, Tana7as request to 7eli#er a spee*h in or7er to ,or"ulate
*har8es a8ainst then Senate Presi7ent !#elino %as appro#e7. >ith the lea7ership o,
the Senate Presi7ent ,ollo%e7 -. his supporters, the. 7eli-eratel. trie7 to 7ela. an7
pre#ent Tana7a ,ro" 7eli#erin8 his spee*h. The SP %ith his supporters e"plo.e7
7ela.in8 ta*ti*s, the. trie7 to a7@ourn the session then %al(e7 out. 1nl. 12 Senators
%ere le,t in the hall.
The "e"-ers o, the senate le,t *ontinue7 the session an7 Senator Cuen*o %as
appointe7 as the !*tin8 Presi7ent o, the Senate an7 %as re*o8ni4e7 the ne't 7a. -.
the Presi7ent o, the Philippines.
1. >hether or not the *ourt has @uris7i*tion o, the *ase.
2. >hether or not $esolutions 07 ^ 08 %as #ali7l. appro#e7.
1. The Court has no @uris7i*tion o, the *ase -e*ause the su-@e*t "atter is politi*al in
nature an7 in 7oin8 so, the *ourt %ill -e a8ainst the 7o*trine o, separation o, po%ers.
To the ,irst question, the ans%er is in the ne8ati#e, in #ie% o, the separation o,
po%ers, the politi*al nature o, the *ontro#ers. (!le@an7rino #s. 3ue4on, C0 Phil., 8+H
5era #s. !#elino, 77 Phil., 192H &a-ana8 #s. 2ope4 5ito, 78 Phil., 1) an7 the
*onstitutional 8rant to the Senate o, the po%er to ele*t its o%n presi7ent, %hi*h
po%er shoul7 not -e inter,ere7 %ith, nor ta(en o#er, -. the @u7i*iar.. >e re,use7 to
ta(e *o8ni4an*e o, the 5era *ase e#en i, the ri8hts o, the ele*tors o, the suspen7e7
senators %ere alle8e7 a,,e*te7 %ithout an. i""e7iate re"e7.. ! ,ortiori %e shoul7
a-stain in this *ase -e*ause the sele*tion o, the presi7in8 o,,i*er a,,e*t onl. the
Senators the"sel#es %ho are at li-ert. at an. ti"e to *hoose their o,,i*ers, *han8e
or reinstate the". !n.%a., i,, as the petition "ust i"pl. to -e a**epta-le, the
"a@orit. o, the Senators %ant petitioner to presi7e, his re"e7. lies in the Senate
Session Ball W not in the Supre"e Court.
2. )t %as hel7 that there is a quoru" that 12 -ein8 the "a@orit. o, 2+.
)n ,ine, all the ,our @usti*e a8ree that the Court -ein8 *on,ronte7 %ith the pra*ti*al
situation that o, the t%ent. three senators %ho "a. parti*ipate in the Senate
7eli-erations in the 7a.s i""e7iatel. a,ter this 7e*ision, t%el#e senators %ill support
Senator Cuen*o an7, at "ost, ele#en %ill si7e %ith Senator !#elino, it %oul7 -e "ost
in@u7i*ious to 7e*lare the latter as the ri8ht,ul Presi7ent o, the Senate, that o,,i*e
-ein8 essentiall. one that 7epen7s e'*lusi#el. upon the %ill o, the "a@orit. o, the
senators, the rule o, the Senate a-out tenure o, the Presi7ent o, that -o7. -ein8
a"ena-le at an. ti"e -. that "a@orit.. !n7 at an. session herea,ter hel7 %ith
thirteen or "ore senators, in or7er to a#oi7 all *ontro#ers. arisin8 ,ro" the

7i#er8en*e o, opinion here a-out quoru" an7 ,or the -ene,it o, all *on*erne7,the
sai7 t%el#e senators %ho appro#e7 the resolutions herein in#ol#e7 *oul7 rati,. all
their a*ts an7 there-. pla*e the" -e.on7 the sha7o% o, a 7ou-t. (<@e)
>+ar# )? /eo+le v# DalosIos( 3): 'CRA 564
Facts, 3omeo ". Jalos1os is a full?fledged member of congress who is now confined at the
national -enitentiary while his con#iction for ' counts of statutory ra-e and ; courts of
lasci#iousness is -ending a--eal. %e filed a motion as2ing that he be allowed to fully
discharge the duties of congressman$ including attendance at legislati#e sessions and
committee meetings des-ite his ha#ing been con#icted in the first instance of a non?bailable
offense. %e argues that the so#ereign electorate of the 1
district of Kamboanga del @orte
chose him as their re-resentati#e in congress ha#ing been re?elected by his contituents$ he has
the duty to -erform the functions of a congressmen.
.ssue, 4hether or not the members of the congress can com-el Jalos1os to attend sessions of
the %ouse.
3uling, Election to high go#ernment office does not free the accused from the common
restraint of general law. &nder section 11$ article B. of the +onstitution$ a member of the
%ouse of 3e-resentati#es is -ri#ileged from arrest only if offense is -unishable by not more
than ; years im-risonment. +onfinement of a congressman charged with a crime -unishable
by more than ; years has constitutional foundations. .f allowed to attend the congressional
sessions$ the accused would be #irtually made a free man. 4hen he was elected into office$
the #oters were aware of his limitations on his freedom of action. +ongress can continue to
function e#en without all its members being -resent. Election to the -osition of congressman
is not a reasonable classification in criminal law enforcement.
Furthermore$ the members of congress cannot com-el absent members to attend
sessions if the reason for the absence is a legitimate one. The confinement of a congressman
charged with a crime -unishable by im-risonment of more than ; years is not merely
authori0ed by law$ it has constitutional foundations$ this is in accordance with section 1;$
article -ar. ' of the constitution.
>+ar# 3? Arroyo v# De <enecia( );; 'CRA )56 >&44;?
F!CTS house -ill \ 7198 that ori8inate7 ,ro" the house o, representati#es %as
appro#e7 -. the senate an7 house -i*a"eral *o""ittee an7 %as -ein8 interpolate7
in the *on8ress ,or its ,inal appro#al. Eurin8 interpolation $ep. !rro.o interrupte7 the
pro*ee7in8s an7 requeste7 ,or a7@ourn"ent 7ue to la*( o, quoru" , thus a roll *all
%as "a7e in %hi*h the *hair 7e*lare7 that there %as presen*e o, quoru". $ep.
!l-ano then pro*ee7e7 ,or rati,i*ation an7 appro#al o, the -ill. The then *alle7 out ,or
an. o-@e*tions then 7e*lare7G there -ein8 none !ppro#e7G. !t the sa"e ti"e $ep.
!rro.o %as as(in8 F %hat %as thatQQ &r. Spea(erAG the *hair an7 rep. !rro.o %ere
tal(in8 si"ultaneousl. at that ti"e. Thus rep. !rro.o o-@e*te7 to the "otion o, the
"a@orit. lea7er ,or appro#in8 the *o""ittee report.
The sai7 -ill %as then si8ne7 -. -oth the spea(er an7 the senate presi7ent on
the sa"e 7a., an7 then on %as si8ne7 -. the presi7ent to -e*o"e $.!. 82C0.
)SS9< )s $.!. 82C0 null an7 #oi7 7ue to so"e #iolations o, the house rules

B<2E )t %as hel7 that the -ill is not null an7 #oi7 as the house rules "a. -e su-@e*t
to re#o*ation or %ai#er at the pleasure o, the -o7. appl.in8 the". ! "ere ,ailure to
*on,or" to the rules 7oes not ha#e an e,,e*t on the a*t ta(en i, the require7 nu"-er
o, "e"-ers a8ree7 on that parti*ular "easure.
(par. +) 1s"ena #. Pen7atun, 109 PB)2 80+ (1900)
Fa*ts $ep. 1s"ena on his pri#ile8e7 spee*h in*lu7e7 serious alle8ations o, -ri-er.
a8ainst the presi7ent, -ein8 una-le to 8i#e e#i7en*e on his alle8ations $ep. os"ena
%as ,oun7 8uilt. o, serious 7isor7erl. -eha#ior -. the house, $ep. os"ena then
*ountere7 that the *onstitution 8a#e hi" parlia"entar. i""unit. so %or7s spo(en in
the house shoul7 not -e questione7.
)ssue is the 7is*iplinar. a*tion o, the house in #iolation o, the *onstitutionA
Bel7 7is*iplinar. a*tion to os"ena %as not in #iolation o, the *onstitution as it
in7i*ate7 F ,or an. spee*h or 7e-ate in *on8ress the senators or "e"-ers o, the
house o, representati#es shall not -e questione7 in an. other pla*eG. Thou the. are
e'e"pt ,ro" prose*ution or *i#il a*tions the. are not i""une ,ro" 7is*iplinar.
a*tions -. the house on it?s o%n "e"-ers -e*ause it is 8i#en po%er -. the sa"e
*onstitution to -e the one to question their o%n.
(par. +) Santia8o #., +;0 SC$! 0+0
(par. C) 9S #. Pons, +C PB)2 729 (1910)
>+ar# :? Casco /il Commercial Co# v# 7imine8( ; 'CRA 3:; >&453?
The *ase in#ol#e7 the petitioner %ho pur*hase7 urea ,or"al7eh.7e an7 pai7 a
su-stantial a"ount o, ta' %hi*h the. later on sou8ht to -e 8i#en -a*( to the" on the
-asis that urea ,or"al7eh.7e is e'e"pte7 ,ro" the 2;Y "ar8in ,eeH ho%e#er, the
re,un7 %hi*h the. sou8ht %as not a%ar7e7 to the"H hen*e, the petition ,or re#ie%
%as initiate7.
>hether or not urea ,or"al7eh.7e an7 urea an7 ,or"al7eh.7e is one an7 the sa"e
%hi*h %ill entitle the petitioner to a re,un7 o, %hat the. ha7 pai7
>hether or not there %as a "ista(e in the printin8 o, the -ill that in*lu7e7 urea an7
The Supre"e Court 7e*lare7 that urea ,or"al7eh.7e an7 urea an7 ,or"al7eh.7e
are o, 7i,,erent natureH hen*e, petitioners are not entitle7 to a re,un7. &oreo#er, ),
there has -een an. "ista(e in the printin8 o, the -ill -e,ore it %as *erti,ie7 -. the

o,,i*ers o, Con8ress an7 appro#e7 -. the <'e*uti#e W on %hi*h %e *annot
spe*ulate, %ithout @eopar7i4in8 the prin*iple o, separation o, po%ers an7
un7er"inin8 one o, the *ornerstones o, our 7e"o*rati* s.ste" W the re"e7. is -.
a"en7"ent or *urati#e le8islation, not -. @u7i*ial 7e*ree.
(par. C) !stor8a #. 5ille8as, ;0 SC$! 71C (197C)
F!CTS Bouse -ill /o. 9200 %hi*h %as passe7 in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es
%ithout a"en7"ents an7 sent to the senate ,or *on*urren*e, %hi*h %as
re*o""en7e7 -ut ha7 "inor a"en7"ent as re*o""en7e7 -. senator
$o'as(instea7 o, the Cit. <n8ineer it -e the Presi7ent Prote"pore o, the &uni*ipal
Boar7 %ho shoul7 su**ee7 the 5i*eI&a.or in *ase o, the latter?s in*apa*it. to a*t as
&a.or). !s the -ill %as 7is*usse7 on the ,loor senator Tolentino intro7u*e7
su-stan*ial a"en7"ents to se*tion 1 thus %as also appro#e7 in toto -. the senate.
>hen the se*retar. o, the senate sent a letter to the house o, representati#es
in7i*atin8 the house -ill has alrea7. -een appro#e7 -ut atta*hin8 the a"en7"ents
"a7e -. senator ro'as an7 not o, tolentino %hi*h %as appro#e7 -. the senate.
Printe7 *opies %ere *erti,ie7 an7 atteste7 -. the -. the se*retaries o, the senate,
house o, representati#es, an7 senate presi7ent. )t %as then si8ne7 -. the presi7ent
an7 na"e7 $!C00;
Senator tolentino later "a7e pu-li* that su-"itte7 *op. h-9200 that %as
"a7e into la% -. the presi7ent %as the %ron8 *op., an7 in %hi*h the senate
presi7ent *on*urre7 the "ista(e. as a result the presi7ent then %ith7re% his
si8nature ,ro" BB9200
The &a.or o, &anila then issue7 *ir*ulars or7erin8 to 7isre8ar7 the
pro#isions o, $! C00;. !lso he or7ere7 the re*allin8 o, the ; "e"-ers o, the poli*e
,or*e that %as assi8ne7 to the #i*eI"a.or presu"a-l. un7er the 8uise o, $!C00;.
5i*eI"a.or then ,ile7 a petition in the Supre"e *ourt to reinstate the
pro#isions o, $!C00;
)n %hi*h the respon7ents *onten7 that $! C00; %as ne#er a la% as it %as not
the -ill a*tuall. passe7 -. the Senate, an7 that the entries in the @ournal o, that -o7.
an7 not the enrolle7 -ill itsel, shoul7 -e 7e*isi#e in the resolution o, the issue
)SS9<)s the attestation -. the presi7in8 o,,i*ers o, the *on8ress enou8h proo, to
ena*t a Bill
)s $!C00; #ali7 in a-sen*e o, attestation
B<2E /o.Sin*e the senate Presi7ent in#ali7ate7 his si8nature an7 su-"itte7 a
*lari,i*ation on %h. he in#ali7ate7 it, their attestation is no lon8er #ali7, it "ust also
-e re"e"-ere7 that the attestation is a *erti,i*ation onl. "eant to authenti*ate the
7o*u"ents -ein8 su-"itte7 .thus the letter in#ali7atin8 it has "ore %ei8ht than that
o, the attestation. Thus the attestation is not enou8h proo, to ena*t a -ill.
/o. as there %as alrea7. a *lari,i*ation "a7e the senate presi7ent an7 in#ali7ate7
the attestation "a7e earlier. !n7 sin*e the attestation is no lon8er #ali7, then it is in
the re*or7 -oo(s o, the senate %ere it is to *on,ir"e7 i, the -ill %as *orre*t or not. !s
it is (no%n that the sai7 -ill *annot -e lo*ate7 there it in#ali7ates the sai7 a*t.

(par. C) Philippine Ju78es !sso*iation #. Pra7o, 227 SC$! 70+
The Philippine Postal Corporation issue7 *ir*ular /o. 92I28 to i"ple"ent Se*tion +;
o, $! 7+;C, Postal Ser#i*e !*t o, 1992, %ith7ra%in8 the ,ran(in8 pri#ile8e ,ro" the
SC, C!, $TCs, &eTCs, &TCs an7 2an7 $e8istration Co""ission an7 %ith *ertain
other 8o#ern"ent o,,i*es. The sai7 se*tion states,
Se*. +;. $epealin8 Clause. W !ll a*ts, 7e*rees, or7ers, e'e*uti#e or7ers,
instru*tions, rules an7 re8ulations or parts thereo, in*onsistent %ith the
pro#isions o, this !*t are repeale7 or "o7i,ie7 a**or7in8l..
!ll ,ran(in8 pri#ile8es authori4e7 -. la% are here-. repeale7, e'*ept those
pro#i7e7 ,or un7er Co""on%ealth !*t /o. 20;, $epu-li* !*ts /u"-ere7 09,
180, 1C1C, 2087, an7 ;0;9. The Corporation "a. *ontinue the ,ran(in8
pri#ile8e un7er Cir*ular /o. +; 7ate7 1*to-er 2C, 1977 an7 that o, the 5i*e
Presi7ent, un7er su*h arran8e"ents an7 *on7itions as "a. o-#iate a-use or
unauthori4e7 use thereo,.
PJ! assaile7 the sai7 la% *o"plainin8 that the la% %oul7 a7#ersel. i"pair the
*o""uni*ation %ithin the @u7i*iar. as it "a. i"pair the sen7in8 o, @u7i*ial noti*es.
PJ! a#erre7 that the la% is 7is*ri"inator. as it 7isallo%e7 the ,ran(in8 pri#ile8e o,
the Ju7i*iar. -ut has not 7isallo%e7 the ,ran(in8 pri#ile8e o, others su*h as the
e'e*uti#e, ,or"er e'e*uti#es an7 their %i7o%s a"on8 others. )n a77ition, the
petitioners raise7 the issue o, *onstitutionalit. an7 the "etho7s a7opte7 prior it
-e*o"in8 a la%.
0''U$1 0s 'ection 39 consistent to te title an! intent of RA ;39: as
guarantee! by our constitutionF
Te 'u+reme Court says tat Art <0 'ec )5>&? is not violate! since te
sectionJs a!o+tion is witin te terms +rescribe! by law# Te title of te bill is
not re,uire! to be a com+reensive in!e- to te bo!y of te act to cover every
single !etail of te measure#
Bo%e#er, Se* +; %as rule7 out to -e in #iolation o, the equal prote*tion
*lause. The 7istin*tion "a7e -. the la% is unsatis,a*tor. an7 not su-stantial that
"a(es real 7i,,eren*es -et%een the Ju7i*iar. an7 the 8rantees o, the ,ran(in8
TAU'( '$CT0"2 39 is unconstutional# (Cata.lo)
>+ar# :? Aba.a!a 7uro /arty List v# $rmita( :54 'CRA &
&otions ,or $e*onsi7eration ,ile7 -. petitioners, !B!Z!E! 6uro part. 2ist 1,,i*er
an7 et al.,insist that the -i*a"eral *on,eren*e *o""ittee shoul7 not e#en ha#e a*te7
on the no passIon pro#isions sin*e there is no 7isa8ree"ent -et%een Bouse Bill
/os. +70; an7 +;;; on the onehan7, an7 Senate Bill /o. 19;0 on the other, %ith
re8ar7 to the no passIon pro#ision ,or the saleo, ser#i*e ,or po%er 8eneration
-e*ause -oth the Senate an7 the Bouse %ere in a8ree"ent thatthe 5!T -ur7en ,or

the sale o, su*h ser#i*e shall not -e passe7 on to the en7I*onsu"er. !s tothe no
passIon pro#ision ,or sale o, petroleu" pro7u*ts, petitioners ar8ue that the ,a*t that
the presen*e o, su*h a no passIon pro#ision in the Bouse #ersion an7 the a-sen*e
thereo, in theSenate Bill "eans there is no *on,li*t -e*ause _a Bouse pro#ision
*annot -e in *on,li*t %ithso"ethin8 that 7oes not e'ist.`<s*u7ero, et. al., also
*onten7 that $epu-li* !*t /o. 9++7 8rossl. #iolates the *onstitutionali"perati#e on
e'*lusi#e ori8ination o, re#enue -ills un7er Se*tion 2C o, !rti*le 5) o, theConstitution
%hen the Senate intro7u*e7 a"en7"ents not *onne*te7 %ith 5!T.Petitioners
<s*u7ero, et al., also reiterate that $.!. /o. 9++7Xs stan7I -. authorit. to
the<'e*uti#e to in*rease the 5!T rate, espe*iall. on a**ount o, the re*o""en7ator.
po%er 8rante7to the Se*retar. o, Finan*e, *onstitutes un7ue 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e
po%er. The. su-"it thatthe re*o""en7ator. po%er 8i#en to the Se*retar. o,
Finan*e in re8ar7 to the o**urren*e o, either o, t%o e#ents usin8 the 6ross Eo"esti*
Pro7u*t (6EP) as a -en*h"ar( ne*essaril. an7inherentl. require7 e'ten7e7
anal.sis an7 e#aluation, as %ell as poli*. "a(in8.Petitioners also reiterate their
ar8u"ent that the input ta' is a propert. or a propert. ri8ht.Petitioners also *onten7
that e#en i, the ri8ht to *re7it the input 5!T is "erel. a statutor. pri#ile8e, it has
alrea7. e#ol#e7 into a #este7 ri8ht that the State *annot re"o#e.
>hether or not the $.!. /o. 9++7 or the 5at $e,or" !*t is *onstitutionalA
The Court is not persua7e7. !rti*le 5), Se*tion 2C o, the Constitution pro#i7es that
!llappropriation, re#enue or tari,, -ills, -ills authori4in8 in*rease o, the pu-li* 7e-t,
-ills o, lo*alappli*ation, an7 pri#ate -ills shall ori8inate e'*lusi#el. in the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, -ut theSenate "a. propose or *on*ur %ith a"en7"ents.
The Court reiterates that in "a(in8 his re*o""en7ation to the Presi7ent on the
e'isten*e o, either o, the t%o *on7itions, the Se*retar. o, Finan*e is not a*tin8 as the
alter e8o o, thePresi7ent or e#en her su-or7inate. Be is a*tin8 as the a8ent o, the
le8islati#e 7epart"ent, to7eter"ine an7 7e*lare the e#ent upon %hi*h its e'presse7
%ill is to ta(e e,,e*t. The Se*retar. o, Finan*e -e*o"es the "eans or tool -. %hi*h
le8islati#e poli*. is 7eter"ine7 an7 i"ple"ente7,*onsi7erin8 that he possesses all
the ,a*ilities to 8ather 7ata an7 in,or"ation an7 has a "u*h -roa7er perspe*ti#e to
properl. e#aluate the". Bis ,un*tion is to 8ather an7 *ollate statisti*al7ata an7 other
pertinent in,or"ation an7 #eri,. i, an. o, the t%o *on7itions lai7 out -. Con8ressis
present.)n the sa"e -reath, the Court reiterates its ,in7in8 that it is not a propert. or
a propert. ri8ht, an7a 5!TIre8istere7 personXs entitle"ent to the *re7ita-le input ta'
is a "ere statutor. pri#ile8e. !sthe Court state7 in its Ee*ision, the ri8ht to *re7it the
input ta' is a "ere *reation o, la%. &orei"portantl., the assaile7 pro#isions o, $.!.
/o. 9++7 alrea7. in#ol#e le8islati#e poli*. an7%is7o". So lon8 as there is a pu-li*
en7 ,or %hi*h $.!. /o. 9++7 %as passe7, the "eans throu8h%hi*h su*h en7 shall -e
a**o"plishe7 is ,or the le8islature to *hoose so lon8 as it is %ithin*onstitutional
-oun7s.The &otions ,or $e*onsi7eration are here-. E</)<E >)TB F)/!2)T:. The
te"porar.restrainin8 or7er issue7 -. the Court is 2)FT<E.
Se*tion 17. <le*toral Tri-unal
Angara v# $lectoral Commission( 53 /A0L &3: >&435?

F!CTS )n the ele*tions o, Septe"-er 19+;, Jose !n8ara, Pe7ro :nsua, &i8uel
Castillo an7 Eionisio &a.or %ere *an7i7ates #ote7 ,or the position o, "e"-er o, the
/ational !sse"-l. in the ,irst 7istri*t o, Ta.a-as. The Petitioner %as pro*lai"e7
"e"-erIele*t ,or the sai7 7istri*t ,or re*ei#in8 the "ost nu"-er o, #otes an7
therea,ter too( his oath in o,,i*e. ! &otion o, Protest %as ,ile7 -. :nsua a8ainst the
ele*tion o, the petitioner. The petitioner *ountere7 this %ith a &otion to Eis"iss the
Protest %hi*h %as 7enie7 -. the <le*toral Co""ission.
)SS9< >hether the sai7 <le*toral Co""ission a*te7 %ithout or in e'*ess o, its
@uris7i*tion in assu"in8 *o8ni4an*e o, the protest ,ile7 o#er the ele*tion o, herein
$92)/6 The separation o, po%ers is a ,un7a"ental prin*iple o, a s.ste", o,
8o#ern"ent, -ut it 7oes not ,ollo% ,ro" that ,a*t that the three po%ers are to -e (ept
separate an7 that the Constitution inten7e7 the" to -e a-solutel. restraine7 an7
in7epen7ent o, ea*h other. !lthou8h the <le*toral Co""ission "a. not -e inter,ere7
%ith, %hen an7 %hile a*tin8 %ithin the li"its o, its authorit., it 7oes not ,ollo% that it is
-e.on7 the rea*h o, the *onstitutional "e*hanis" a7opte7 -. the people an7 that it
is not su-@e*t to *onstitutional restri*tions. The *reation o, the <le*toral Co""ission
%as 7esi8ne7 to re"e7. *ertain errors o, %hi*h the ,ra"ers o, our Constitution %ere
*o8ni4ant. The <le*toral Co""ission is a*tin8 %ithin the le8iti"ate e'er*ise o, its
*onstitutional prero8ati#e in assu"in8 to ta(e *o8ni4an*e o, the protest ,ile7 -. the
respon7ent. The petition o, %rit o, prohi-ition a8ainst the <le*toral Co""ission is
here-. 7enie7.
5era #. !#elino, 77 PB)2 192 (19C0)
The Co""ission on <le*tions su-"itte7 last &a. 19C0 to the Presi7ent an7
the Con8ress a report re8ar7in8 the national ele*tions hel7 in 19C0. )t state7 that -.
reason o, *ertain spe*i,ie7 a*ts #iolen*e in *ertain pro#in*es, na"el. Pa"pan8a,
/ue#a <*i@a, Bula*an an7 Tarla*, the #otin8 in sai7 re8ion 7i7 not re,le*t the
a**urate ,ee7-a*( o, the lo*al ele*torate.
>hen the Senate *on#ene7, resolution %as appro#e7 usin8 to the report
or7erin8 that Jose 1. 5era, $a"on Eio(no an7 Jose <. $o"ero (all are pro*lai"e7
-. the Co""issions on <le*tions as %inners) shall not -e s%orn, nor seate7, as
"e"-ers o, the *ha"-er, pen7in8 the ter"ination o, the o, the protest lo78e7
a8ainst their ele*tion.
Petitioners thus i""e7iatel. institute7 an a*tion a8ainst their *ollea8ues
responsi-le ,or the resolution, an7 %ante7 an or7er to annul it an7 *o"pellin8
respon7ents to per"it the" to o**up. their seats an7 to e'er*ise their 7uties. The.
also alle8e that onl. the <le*toral Tri-unal ha7 @uris7i*tion o#er *ontests relatin8 to
their ele*tion, returns an7 quali,i*ations.
Can te 'u+reme Court reverse te resolution issue! by te res+on!ent-
senators wen tere is an $lectoral Tribunal tat can resolve election

2o# Te 'u+reme Court refuse! to interfere since te matters are
internal wit res+ect to te Legislative De+artment an! a++ro+riately resolve!
witin te $lectoral Tribunal# Te $lectoral Tribunal is te sole Iu!ge in
resolving election controversies# Tis is in e-ercise of te se+aration an!
balance of +owers# (Cata.lo)
Cave8 v# C"=$L$C( )&& 'CRA 3&9 >&44)?
1n &a. ;, 1992, this Court issue7 a $esolution 7isquali,.in8 &el*hor Cha#e4 ,ro"
runnin8 ,or the 1,,i*e o, Senator in the &a. 11, 1992 ele*tions.
The a-o#eI"entione7 resolution %as re*ei#e7 -. respon7ent Co"ele* on &a. 0,
1992. 1n the sa"e 7a., petitioner ,ile7 an ur8ent "otion %ith the Co"ele* pra.in8
that it (1) 7isse"inate throu8h the ,astest a#aila-le "eans this CourtKs $esolution
7ate7 &a. ;, 1992H an7 (2) or7er sai7 ele*tion o,,i*ials to 7elete the na"e o, &el*hor
Cha#e4 as printe7 in the *erti,ie7 list o, *an7i7ates tall. sheets, ele*tion returns an7
Pto *ount all #otes *ast ,or the 7isquali,ie7 &el*hor Cha#e4 in ,a#or o, Fran*is*o ).
Cha#e4 . . . .P
1n &a. 8, 1992, the Co"ele* issue7 $es. /o. 92I1+22 %hi*h resol#e7 to 7elete the
na"e o, &el*hor Cha#e4 ,ro" the list o, quali,ie7 *an7i7ates. Bo%e#er, it ,aile7 to
or7er the *re7itin8 o, all PCha#e4P #otes in ,a#or o, petitioner as %ell as the
*an*ellation o, &el*hor Cha#e4K na"e in the list o, quali,ie7 *an7i7ates.
1n &a. 11, 1992, Co""issioner $a"a o, respon7ent Co"ele* issue7 a 7ire*ti#e
o#er ra7io an7 T5 or7erin8 all PCha#e4P #otes to -e *re7ite7 in ,a#or o, petitioner. )n
a77ition on &a. 12, 1992, Co"ele* issue7 another $esolution 7ire*tin8 all "uni*ipal
an7 *it. ele*tion re8istrars throu8hout the *ountr. to e'a"ine the "inutes o, #otin8
su-"itte7 -. the B<)s an7 to *re7it all the PCha#e4P #otes, %hi*h ha#e -een
7e*lare7 stra. or in#ali7ate7 -. the B<)s, in ,a#or o, petitioner.
Petitioner "aintains that the sai7 resolution pro#e7 ,utile -e*ause it 7i7 not rea*h all
the #arious B<)s o, the 170,+;C ele*tion pre*in*ts throu8hout the *ountr. on ti"e ,or
i"ple"entation an7 that the "inutes o, #otin8 7i7 not in7i*ate the nu"-er o,
PCha#e4P #otes %hi*h %ere 7e*lare7 stra. or in#ali7ate7.
>hether or not the *ourt has @uris7i*tion to entertain the petition at han7A
The alle8e7 ina*tion o, respon7ent Co"ele* in or7erin8 the 7eletion o, &el*hor
Cha#e4Ks na"e in the list o, quali,ie7 *an7i7ates 7oes not *all ,or the e'er*ise o, the
CourtKs ,un*tion o, @u7i*ial re#ie%. This Court *an re#ie% the 7e*isions or or7ers o,

the Co"ele* onl. in *ases o, 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion *o""itte7 -. it in the
7is*har8e o, its quasiI@u7i*ial po%ers an7 not those arisin8 ,ro" the e'er*ise o, its
a7"inistrati#e ,un*tions. $espon7ent Co""issionKs alle8e7 ,ailure to i"ple"ent its
o%n resolution is un7ou-te7l. a7"inistrati#e in nature, hen*e, -e.on7 @u7i*ial
This Court has no @uris7i*tion to entertain the instant petition. )t is the Senate
<le*toral Tri-unal %hi*h has e'*lusi#e @uris7i*tion to a*t on the *o"plaint o,
petitioner in#ol#in8, as it 7oes, *ontest relatin8 to the ele*tion o, a "e"-er o, the
Senate. !s a,oresai7, petitionerKs proper re*ourse is to ,ile a re8ular ele*tion protest
-e,ore the Senate <le*toral Tri-unal a,ter the %innin8 senatorial *an7i7ates ha#e
-een pro*lai"e7.
A,uino v# C"=$L$C( ):3 'CRA :** >&449?
1n &ar*h 20, 199;, petitioner !8apito !. !quino ,ile7 his Certi,i*ate o, Can7i7a*. ,or
the position o, $epresentati#e ,or the ne% Se*on7 2e8islati#e Eistri*t o, &a(ati Cit..
)n his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*., !quino state7 that he %as a resi7ent o, the
a,ore"entione7 7istri*t ,or 10 "onths. Fa*e7 %ith a petition ,or 7isquali,i*ation, he
a"en7e7 the entr. on his resi7en*. in his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. to 1 .ear an7 1+
7a.s. The Co""ission on <le*tions 7is"isse7 the petition on 0 &a. an7 allo%e7
!quino to run in the ele*tion o, 8 &a.. !quino %on.
!*tin8 on a "otion ,or re*onsi7eration o, the a-o#e 7is"issal, the Co""ission on
<le*tion later issue7 an or7er suspen7in8 the pro*la"ation o, !quino until the
Co""ission resol#e7 the issue. 1n 2 June, the Co""ission on <le*tions ,oun7
!quino ineli8i-le an7 7isquali,ie7 ,or the ele*ti#e o,,i*e ,or la*( o, *onstitutional
quali,i*ation o, resi7en*e.
Petitioner #i8orousl. *onten7s that a,ter the &a. 8, 199; ele*tions, the C1&<2<C
lost its @uris7i*tion o#er the question o, petitionerKs quali,i*ations to run ,or "e"-er o,
the Bouse o, $epresentati#es. Be *lai"s that @uris7i*tion o#er the petition ,or
7isquali,i*ation is e'*lusi#el. lo78e7 %ith the Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral
Tri-unal (B$<T). 6i#en the .et unresol#e7 question o, @uris7i*tion, petitioner a#ers
that the C1&<2<C *o""itte7 serious error an7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion in
7ire*tin8 the suspension o, his pro*la"ation as the %innin8 *an7i7ate in the Se*on7
Con8ressional Eistri*t o, &a(ati Cit..
>hether or not the 7eter"ination o, the quali,i*ations o, petitioner a,ter the ele*tions
is lo78e7 e'*lusi#el. in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal pursuant to
Se*tion 17, !rti*le 5) o, the 1987 ConstitutionA
Petitioner *on#enientl. *on,uses the 7istin*tion -et%een an unpro*lai"e7 *an7i7ate
to the Bouse o, $epresentati#es an7 a "e"-er o, the sa"e. 1-tainin8 the hi8hest

nu"-er o, #otes in an ele*tion 7oes not auto"ati*all. #est the position in the %innin8
*an7i7ate. Se*tion 17 o, !rti*le 5) o, the 1987 Constitution rea7s The Senate an7
the Bouse o, $epresentati#es shall ha#e an <le*toral Tri-unal %hi*h shall -e the
sole @u78e o, all *ontests relatin8 to the ele*tion, returns an7 quali,i*ations o, their
respe*ti#e &e"-ers.
9n7er the a-o#eIstate7 pro#ision, the ele*toral tri-unal *learl. assu"es @uris7i*tion
o#er all *ontests relati#e to the ele*tion, returns an7 quali,i*ations o, *an7i7ates ,or
either the Senate or the Bouse onl. %hen the latter -e*o"emembers o, either the
Senate or the Bouse o, $epresentati#es. ! *an7i7ate %ho has not -een
pro*lai"e7 an7 %ho has not ta(en his oath o, o,,i*e *annot -e sai7 to -e a "e"-er
o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es su-@e*t to Se*tion 17 o, the Constitution. >hile the
pro*la"ation o, a %innin8 *an7i7ate in an ele*tion is "inisterial, B.P. 881 in
*on@un*tion %ith Se* 0 o, $.!. 00C0 allo%s suspension o, pro*la"ation un7er
*ir*u"stan*es "entione7 therein.
Petitioner *learl. la*(s one o, the essential quali,i*ations ,or runnin8 ,or "e"-ership
in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, not e#en the %ill o, a "a@orit. or pluralit. o, the
#oters o, the Se*on7 Eistri*t o, &a(ati Cit. %oul7 su-stitute ,or a require"ent
"an7ate7 -. the ,un7a"ental la% itsel,.
Abbas v# '$T( &55 'CRA 59& >&466?
This is a Spe*ial Ci#il !*tion ,or *ertiorari to nulli,. an7 set asi7e the $esolutions o,
the Senate <le*toral Tri-unal 7ate7 Fe-ruar. 12, 1988 an7 &a. 27, 1988, 7en.in8,
respe*ti#el., the petitionersK &otion ,or Eisquali,i*ation or )nhi-ition an7 their &otion
,or $e*onsi7eration therea,ter ,ile7.
The petitioners ,ile7 %ith the respon7ent Tri-unal a &otion ,or Eisquali,i*ation or
)nhi-ition o, the SenatorsI&e"-ers o, the Senate <le*toral Tri-unal ,ro" the hearin8
an7 resolution o, S<T Case /o. 002I87 (ele*tion *ontest a8ainst 22 *an7i7ates o,
the 2!B!/ *oalition %ho %ere pro*lai"e7 senatorsIele*t in the &a. 11, 1987
*on8ressional ele*tions -. the Co""ission on <le*tions) on the 8roun7 that all o,
the" are intereste7 parties to sai7 *ase, there,ore lea#in8 the Senate <le*toral
Tri-unal Fsenateless,G an7 all re"ainin8 "e"-ers *o"in8 ,ro" the @u7i*iar..
)s it *onstitutional to e'*lu7e the le8islati#e *o"ponent ,ro" parti*ipation in the
resolution o, the sai7 senatorial ele*tion *ontestA
To our "in7, this is the o#erri7in8 *onsi7erationWthat the Tri-unal -e not pre#ente7
,ro" 7is*har8in8 a 7ut. %hi*h it alone has the po%er to per,or", the per,or"an*e o,
%hi*h is in the hi8hest pu-li* interest as e#i7en*e7 -. its -ein8 e'pressl. i"pose7

-. no less than the ,un7a"ental la% (!rti*le 5), Se*tion 17, *reates the Senate
<le*toral Tri-unal, or7ains its *o"position an7 7e,ines its @uris7i*tion an7 po%ers).
2et us not -e "isun7erstoo7 as sa.in8 that no SenatorI&e"-er o, the Senate
<le*toral Tri-unal "a. inhi-it or 7isquali,. hi"sel, ,ro" sittin8 in @u78"ent on an.
*ase -e,ore sai7 Tri-unal. <#er. &e"-er o, the Tri-unal "a., as his *ons*ien*e
7i*tates, re,rain ,ro" parti*ipatin8 in the resolution o, a *ase %here he sin*erel. ,eels
that his personal interests or -iases %oul7 stan7 in the %a. o, an o-@e*ti#e an7
i"partial @u78"ent. >hat %e are "erel. sa.in8 is that in the li8ht o, the Constitution,
the Senate <le*toral Tri-unal *annot le8all. ,un*tion as su*h, a-sent its entire
members#ip o, Senators an7 that no a"en7"ent o, its $ules *an *on,er on the three
Justi*esI&e"-ers alone the po%er o, #ali7 a7@u7i*ation o, a senatorial ele*tion
The *har8e that the respon7ent Tri-unal 8ra#el. a-use7 its 7is*retion in its
7isposition o, the in*i7ents re,erre7 to "ust there,ore ,ail. )n the *ir*u"stan*es, it
a*te7 %ell %ithin la% an7 prin*iple in 7is"issin8 the petition ,or 7isquali,i*ation or
inhi-ition ,ile7 -. herein petitioners. The instant petition ,or *ertiorari is E)S&)SS<E
,or la*( o, "erit.
%on!oc v# /ine!a( )*& 'CRA ;4) >&44&?
)n the ele*tions hel7 on &a. 11, 1987, &ar*iano Pine7a o, the 2EP an7 <"i87io
Bon7o* o, the /P %ere *an7i7ates ,or the position o, $epresentati#e ,or the Fourth
Eistri*t o, Pa"pan8a. Pine7a %as pro*lai"e7 %inner. Bon7o* ,ile7 a protest in the
Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal (B$<T), %hi*h is *o"pose7 o, 9
"e"-ers, + o, %ho" are Justi*es o, the SC an7 the re"ainin8 0 are "e"-ers o, the
Bouse o, $epresentati#es (; "e"-ers -elon8 to the 2EP an7 1 "e"-er is ,ro" the
/P). Therea,ter, a 7e*ision ha7 -een rea*he7 in %hi*h Bon7o* %on o#er Pine7a.
Con8ress"an Ca"asura o, the 2EP #ote7 %ith the SC Justi*es an7 Con8ress"an
Cerilles o, the /P to pro*lai" Bon7o* the %inner o, the *ontest.
1n the e#e o, the pro"ul8ation o, the Bon7o* 7e*ision, Con8ress"an Ca"asura
re*ei#e7 a letter in,or"in8 hi" that he %as alrea7. e'pelle7 ,ro" the 2EP ,or
alle8e7l. helpin8 to or8ani4e the Parti7o Pilipino o, <7uar7o Co@uan8*o an7 ,or
alle8e7l. in#itin8 2EP "e"-ers in Ea#ao Eel Sur to @oin sai7 politi*al part.. 1n the
7a. o, the pro"ul8ation o, the 7e*ision, the Chair"an o, B$<T re*ei#e7 a letter
in,or"in8 the Tri-unal that on the -asis o, the letter ,ro" the 2EP, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es 7e*i7e7 to %ith7ra% the no"ination an7 res*in7 the ele*tion o,
Con8ress"an Ca"asura to the B$<T.

>hether or not the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, at the request o, the 7o"inant politi*al
part. therein, "a. *han8e that part.?s representation in the B$<T to th%art the
pro"ul8ation o, a 7e*ision ,reel. rea*he7 -. the tri-unal in an ele*tion *ontest
pen7in8 therein
The purpose o, the *onstitutional *on#ention *reatin8 the <le*toral Co""ission %as
to pro#i7e an in7epen7ent an7 i"partial tri-unal ,or the 7eter"ination o, *ontests to
le8islati#e o,,i*e, 7e#oi7 o, partisan *onsi7eration.
!s @u78es, the "e"-ers o, the tri-unal "ust -e nonIpartisan. The. "ust 7is*har8e
their ,un*tions %ith *o"plete 7eta*h"ent, i"partialit. an7 in7epen7en*e e#en
in7epen7en*e ,ro" the politi*al part. to %hi*h the. -elon8. Ben*e, 7islo.alt. to part.
an7 -rea*h o, part. 7is*ipline are not #ali7 8roun7s ,or the e'pulsion o, a "e"-er o,
the tri-unal. )n e'pellin8 Con8ress"an Ca"asura ,ro" the B$<T ,or ha#in8 *ast a
F*ons*ien*e #oteG in ,a#or o, Bon7o*, -ase7 stri*tl. on the result o, the e'a"ination
an7 appre*iation o, the -allots an7 the re*ount o, the #otes -. the tri-unal, the
Bouse o, $epresentati#es *o""itte7 a 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion, an in@usti*e an7 a
#iolation o, the Constitution. )ts resolution o, e'pulsion a8ainst Con8ress"an
Ca"asura is, there,ore, null an7 #oi7.
Robles v# AR$T( &6& 'CRA ;6* >&44*?
Petitioner 5ir8ilio $o-les an7 pri#ate respon7ent $o"eo Santos %ere *an7i7ates ,or
the position o, Con8ress"an o, the 1st 7istri*t o, Caloo*an Cit. in the last &a. 11,
1987 *on8ressional ele*tions. Petitioner $o-les %as pro*lai"e7 the %inner on
Ee*e"-er 2+, 1987.
1n Januar. ;, 1988, Santos ,ile7 an ele*tion protest %ith respon7ent B$<T. Be
alle8e7, a"on8 others, that the ele*tions in the 1st Eistri*t o, Caloo*an Cit. hel7 last
&a. 11, 1987 %ere *hara*teri4e7 -. the *o""ission o, ele*toral ,rau7s an7
irre8ularities in #arious ,or"s, on the 7a. o, ele*tions, 7urin8 the *ountin8 o, #otes
an7 7urin8 the *an#assin8 o, the ele*tion returns. Be li(e%ise pra.e7 ,or the
re*ountin8 o, the 8enuine -allots in all the +20 *onteste7 pre*in*ts.
9pon SantosK ,ilin8 o, his &otion to >ith7ra% Protest on 9nre#ise7 Pre*in*ts on
Septe"-er 12, 1988, no a*tion thereon %as ta(en -. respon7ent B$<T Contrar. to
petitionerKs *lai" that the "otion to %ith7ra% %as ,a#ora-l. a*te7 upon, the re*or7s
sho% that it %as onl. on Septe"-er 19, 1988 %hen respon7ent B$<T resol#e7 sai7
"otion to8ether %ith t%o other "otions. The questione7 resolution o, Septe"-er 19,
1988 resol#e7 three "otions na"el. (a) ProtesteeKs 9r8ent &otion to Suspen7
$e#ision 7ate7 Septe"-er 8, 1988H (-) ProtestantKs &otion to >ith7ra% Protest on
9nre#ise7 Pre*in*ts an7 &otion to Set Case ,or Bearin8 7ate7 Septe"-er 12, 1988H

an7 (*) ProtestantKs P9r8ent &otion to $e*all an7 Eisre8ar7 >ith7ra%al o, Protest,P
7ate7 Septe"-er 1C, 1988.
)t is petitionerKs "ain *ontention in this petition that %hen pri#ate respon7ent Santos
,ile7 the &otion to >ith7ra% Protest on 9nre#ise7 Pre*in*ts an7 &otion to Set Case
,or Bearin8 7ate7 Septe"-er 12, 1988, respon7ent B$<T lost its @uris7i*tion o#er
the *ase, hen*e, %hen respon7ent B$<T su-sequentl. or7ere7 the re#ision o, the
unre#ise7 proteste7 -allots, not%ithstan7in8 the %ith7ra%al o, the protest, it a*te7
%ithout @uris7i*tion or %ith 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion.
>hether or not there is 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion on the part o, respon7ent Bouse o,
$epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unalA
The "ere ,ilin8 o, the "otion to %ith7ra% protest on the re"ainin8 un*onteste7
pre*in*ts, %ithout an. a*tion on the part o, respon7ent tri-unal, 7oes not -. itsel,
7i#est the tri-unal o, its @uris7i*tion o#er the *ase. Juris7i*tion, on*e a*quire7, is not
lost upon the instan*e o, the parties -ut *ontinues until the *ase is ter"inate7.
Ju7i*ial re#ie% o, 7e*isions or ,inal resolutions o, the Bouse <le*toral Tri-unal is
(thus) possi-le onl. in the e'er*ise o, this CourtKs soI*alle7 e'traor7inar. @uris7i*tion,
upon a 7eter"ination that the tri-unalKs 7e*ision or resolution %as ren7ere7 %ithout
or in e'*ess o, its @uris7i*tion, or %ith 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion or, paraphrasin8
&orrera, upon a *lear sho%in8 o, su*h ar-itrar. an7 i"pro#i7ent use -. the Tri-unal
o, its po%er as *onstitutes a 7enial o, 7ue pro*ess o, la%, or upon a 7e"onstration o,
a #er. *lear un"iti8ate7 error, "ani,estl. *onstitutin8 su*h a 8ra#e a-use o,
7is*retion that there has to -e a re"e7. ,or su*h a-use.
Further, petitionerKs o-@e*tions to the resolutions issue7 -. respon7ent tri-unal
*enter "ainl. on pro*e7ural te*hni*alities, i/e/, that the "otion to %ith7ra%, in e,,e*t,
7i#este7 the B$<T o, @uris7i*tion o#er the ele*toral protest.
!CC1$E)/62:, ,in7in8 no 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion on the part o, respon7ent
Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal in issuin8 the assaile7 resolutions, the
instant petition is 7is"isse7.
Arroyo v# AR$T( ):5 'CRA 36: >&449?
S.@u*o ,ile7 an ele*toral pro*ess at the B$<T @ust ,i#e 7a.s a,ter the &a(ati Boar7 o,
Can#assers 7e*lare7 !rro.o as the *on8ress"an o, the lone 7istri*t o, &a(ati.
S.@u*o sou8ht ,or a re#ision o, !rro.o?s pro*la"ation *itin8 alle8e7
irre8ularitiesDano"alies in the ta-ulation an7 entries o, #otes an7 "assi#e ,rau7. Be
%ante7 a re*ountin8 o, -allots *asts *ast in 1,292 out o, the total 1,71C pre*in*ts o,
&a(ati ,ro" %hi*h result he ai"e7 to -e 7e*lare7 as the 7ul. ele*te7 *on8ress"an
o, &a(ati. B$<T 8rante7 S.@u*o?s request an7 a re*ountin8 %as 7one.

!rro.o ,ile7 a petition to sta. the B$<T 7e*ision sa.in8 that B$<T *o""itte7 8ra#e
a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to la*( o, @uris7i*tion.
>here,ore, in #ie% o, the ,ore8oin8, the petition is here-. 6$!/T<E, an7 pu-li*
respon7ent B$<TKKs "a@orit. 7e*ision 7ate7 Januar. 2;, 199; is S<T !S)E<. Pri#ate
respon7ent !u8usto 2. S.@u*o, Jr., ha#in8 -een ,oun7 8uilt. o, in7ire*t *onte"pt, is
here-. ,ine7 the a"ount o, one thousan7 pesos (P1,000.00) to -e pai7 %ithin ,i#e (;)
7a.s ,ro" re*eipt o, this 7e*ision
The Bi8h Tri-unal rule7 in ,a#or o, !rro.o sa.in8 it has #iolate7 the rules o, e#i7en*e
-. 8i#in8 pro-ati#e #alue to unauthenti*ate7 7o*u"ents an7 ,or 7isre8ar7in8 ele*tion
results on se#eral pre*in*ts on the -asis o, o"issions *o""itte7 either throu8h "ere
o#ersi8ht or plain ne8li8en*e on the part o, ele*tion o,,i*ials or e"plo.ees %hi*h is
not part o, the 8roun7s to nulli,. the #otes *asts -. the people in their e'er*ise o,
su,,ra8e in these pre*in*ts. FThe persistent an7 7eli-erate #iolation o, the Tri-unalKKs
o%n 8o#ernin8 rules an7 o, e#en the "ost -asi* rules o, e#i7en*e *annot -e
Pi"entel #. B$<T, 6$ 1C1C89 &a. 29, 2002
!88a-ao #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 10+7;0, Januar. 20, 200;
2i"(ai*hon8 #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1788+1, !pril 2009
2i"(ai*hon8 ran as a representati#e in the 1st Eistri*t o, /e8ros 1riental.
Paras, her ri#al, an7 so"e other *on*erne7 *iti4ens ,ile7 7isquali,i*ation *ases
a8ainst 2i"(ai*hon8. 2i"(ai*hon8 is alle8e7l. not a natural -orn *iti4en o, the
Philippines -e*ause %hen she %as -orn her ,ather %as still a Chinese an7 that her
"o", thou8h Filipino lost her *iti4enship -. #irtue o, her "arria8e to 2i"(ai*hon8?s
7a7. Eurin8 the pen7en*. o, the *ase a8ainst 2i"(ai*hon8 -e,ore the C1&<2<C,
<le*tion Ea. *a"e an7 #otes %ere *ast. $esults *a"e in an7 2i"(ai*hon8 %on o#er
her ri#al Paras. C1&<2<C a,ter 7ue hearin8 7e*lare7 2i"(ai*hon8 as 7isquali,ie7.
!-out 2 7a.s a,ter the *ountin8 o, #otes, C1&<2<C 7e*lare7 2i"(ai*hon8 as a
7isquali,ie7 *an7i7ate. 1n the ,ollo%in8 7a.s ho%e#er, not%ithstan7in8 their
pro*la"ation 7isquali,.in8 2i"(ai*hon8, the C1&<2<C issue7 a pro*la"ation
announ*in8 2i"(ai*hon8 as the %inner o, the re*entl. *on7u*te7 ele*tions. This is in
*o"plian*e %ith $esolution /o. 8002 a7optin8 the poli*.I8ui7elines o, not
suspen7in8 the pro*la"ation o, %innin8 *an7i7ates %ith pen7in8 7isquali,i*ation
*ases %hi*h shall -e %ithout pre@u7i*e to the *ontinuation o, the hearin8 an7
resolution o, the in#ol#e7 *ases. Paras *ountere7 the pro*la"ation an7 she ,ile7 a
petition -e,ore the C1&<2<C. 2i"(ai*hon8 assaile7 Paras? petitione7 ar8uin8 that
sin*e she is no% the pro*lai"e7 %inner, the C1&<2<C *an no lon8er e'er*ise
@uris7i*tion o#er the "atter. )t shoul7 -e the B$<T %hi*h shoul7 e'er*ise @uris7i*tion
,ro" then on. C1&<2<C a8ree7 %ith 2i"(ai*hon8.


0''U$1 >hether or not the pro*la"ation 7one -. the C1&<2<C is #ali7. >hether or
not the C1&<2<C shoul7 still e'er*ise @uris7i*tion o#er the "atter.

The pro*la"ation o, 2i"(ai*hon8 %as #ali7. The C1&<2<C Se*on7 Ei#ision
ren7ere7 its Joint $esolution 7ate7 &a. 17, 2007. 1n &a. 20, 2007, 2i"(ai*hon8
ti"el. ,ile7 %ith the C1&<2<C <n Ban* her "otion ,or re*onsi7eration as %ell as ,or
the li,tin8 o, the in*orporate7 7ire*ti#e suspen7in8 her pro*la"ation. The ,ilin8 o, the
"otion ,or re*onsi7eration e,,e*ti#el. suspen7e7 the e'e*ution o, the &a. 17, 2007
Joint $esolution. Sin*e the e'e*ution o, the &a. 17, 2007 Joint $esolution %as
suspen7e7, there %as no i"pe7i"ent to the #ali7 pro*la"ation o, 2i"(ai*hon8 as
the %inner. Se*tion 2, $ule 19 o, the C1&<2<C $ules o, Pro*e7ure pro#i7es

The B$<T "ust e'er*ise @uris7i*tion a,ter 2i"(ai*hon8?s pro*la"ation. The
SC has in#aria-l. hel7 that on*e a %innin8 *an7i7ate has -een pro*lai"e7, ta(en his
oath, an7 assu"e7 o,,i*e as a &e"-er o, the B1$, the C1&<2<CKs @uris7i*tion
o#er ele*tion *ontests relatin8 to his ele*tion, returns, an7 quali,i*ations en7s, an7
the B$<TKs o%n @uris7i*tion -e8ins. )t ,ollo%s then that the pro*la"ation o, a %innin8
*an7i7ate 7i#ests the C1&<2<C o, its @uris7i*tion o#er "atters pen7in8 -e,ore it at
the ti"e o, the pro*la"ation. The part. questionin8 his quali,i*ation shoul7 no%
present his *ase in a proper pro*ee7in8 -e,ore the B$<T, the *onstitutionall.
"an7ate7 tri-unal to hear an7 7e*i7e a *ase in#ol#in8 a &e"-er o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es %ith respe*t to the latterKs ele*tion, returns an7 quali,i*ations. The
use o, the %or7 FsoleG in Se*tion 17, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution an7 in Se*tion 2;0
o, the 1<C un7ers*ores the e'*lusi#it. o, the <le*toral Tri-unalsK @uris7i*tion o#er
ele*tion *ontests relatin8 to its "e"-ers. (<@e)
Banat #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 177;08, !u8ust 7, 2009
F!CTSBe,ore the *ourt is a petition ,or prohi-ition %ith a ,or the issuan*e o,
a te"porar. restrainin8 or7er or a %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion ,ile7 -. petitioner
Baran8a. !sso*iation ,or /ational !7#an*e"ent !n7 Transparen*. (B!/!T) Part.
list assailin8 the *onstitutionalit. o, $! 9+09#
$! 9+09 is an a"en7ator. a*t entitle7 F!n !*t !"en7in8 $epu-li* !*t /o. 8C+0,
<ntitle7 a!n !*t !uthori4in8 the Co""ission on <le*tions to 9se an !uto"ate7
<le*tion S.ste" in the &a. 11, 1998 /ational or 2o*al <le*tions an7 in Su-sequent
/ational an7 2o*al <le*toral <'er*ises, to <n*oura8e Transparen*., Cre7i-ilit.,
Fairness an7 !**ura*. o, <le*tions, !"en7in8 ,or the Purpose Batas Pa"-ansaBl8.
881, as !"en7e7, $epu-li* !*t /o. 7100 an7 1ther $elate7 <le*tion 2a%s,
Pro#i7in8 Fun7s There,or an7 For 1ther Purposes.?G
)SS9<S >hether $! 9+09 #iolates !rti*le 5) Se*tion 20 (1) o, the Constitution
$92)/6 Petitioner alle8es that the title o, $! 9+09 is "islea7in8 -e*ause it
spea(s o, poll auto"ation -ut *ontains su-stantial pro#isions 7ealin8 %ith the
"anual *an#assin8 o, ele*tion returns. Petitioner also alle8es that Se*tions +C, +7,
+8, an7 C+ are neither e"-ra*e7 in the title nor 8er"ane to the su-@e*t "atter o, $!

The title o, $! 9+09 is -roa7 enou8h to en*o"pass topi*s %hi*h 7eal not onl. %ith
the auto"ation pro*ess -ut %ith e#er.thin8 relate7 to its purpose en*oura8in8 a
transparent, *re7i-le, ,air, an7 a**urate ele*tions.
The *onstitutional require"ent that Fe#er. -ill passe7 -. the Con8ress shall
e"-ra*e onl. one su-@e*t %hi*h shall -e e'presse7 in the title thereo,G has al%a.s
-een 8i#en a pra*ti*al rather than a te*hni*al *onstru*tion. The require"ent is
satis,ie7 i, the title is *o"prehensi#e enou8h to in*lu7e su-@e*ts relate7 to the
8eneral purpose %hi*h the statute see(s to a*hie#e. The title o, a la% 7oes not
ha#e to -e an in7e' o, its *ontents an7 %ill su,,i*e i, the "atters e"-o7ie7 in the te't
are rele#ant to ea*h other an7 "a. -e in,erre7 ,ro" the title. &oreo#er, a title %hi*h
7e*lares a statute to -e an a*t to a"en7 a spe*i,ie7 *o7e is su,,i*ient an7 the
pre*ise nature o, the a"en7ator. a*t nee7 not -e ,urther state7.
Clearl., the su-@e*t "atter o, $! 9+09 *o#ers the a"en7"ents to $! 8C+0,
Batas Pa"-ansaBl8. 881 (BP 881), $epu-li* !*t /o. 7100 ($! 7100),
an7 other
relate7 ele*tion la%s to a*hie#e its purpose o, pro"otin8 transparen*., *re7i-ilit.,
,airness, an7 a**ura*. in the ele*tions. The pro#isions o, $! 9+09 assaile7 -.
petitioner 7eal %ith a"en7"ents to spe*i,i* pro#isions o, $! 7100 an7 BP 881,
spe*i,i*all. (1) Se*tions +C, +7 an7 +8 a"en7 Se*tions 20, +0 an7 1; o, $! 7100,
respe*ti#el.H an7 (2) Se*tion C+ o, $! 9+09 a"en7s Se*tion 20; o, BP
881. There,ore, the assaile7 pro#isions are 8er"ane to the su-@e*t "atter o, $!
9+09 %hi*h is to a"en7 $! 7100 an7 BP 881, a"on8 others.
Erilon, et al #. Spea(er, 6$ /o. 1800;;, Jul. +1, 2009
6uerrero #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1+700C, Jul. 20, 20006
1n June 10, 1998, petitioner herein ,ile7 his PPetitionI)nI)nter#entionP in C1&<2<C
Case /o. SP! 98I227. Petitioner a#erre7 that he %as the o,,i*ial *an7i7ate o, the
2i-eral Part. (2P) in sai7 ele*tions ,or Con8ress"an, an7 stoo7 to -e a7#ersel.
a,,e*te7 -. Case /o. SP! 98I227. 6uerrero *onten7e7 that FariUas, ha#in8 ,aile7 to
,ile his Certi,i*ate o, Can7i7a*. on or -e,ore the last 7a. there,or, -ein8 "i7ni8ht o,
&ar*h 27, 1998, FariUas ille8all. resorte7 to the re"e7. o, su-stitution pro#i7e7 ,or
un7er Se*tion 77 o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e

an7 thus, FariUas? 7isquali,i*ation
%as in or7er. 6uerrero then as(e7 that the position o, $epresentati#e o, the ,irst
7istri*t o, )lo*os /orte -e 7e*lare7 #a*ant an7 spe*ial ele*tions *alle7 ,or, -ut
7isallo%in8 the *an7i7a*. o, FariUas.
Petitioner 6uerrero ar8ues that the re,usal o, the C1&<2<C to rule on the #ali7it. or
in#ali7it. o, the *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. o, FariUas a"ounte7 to 8ra#e a-use o,
7is*retion on its part. Be *lai"s that C1&<2<C ,aile7 in its Constitutional 7ut. to
uphol7 an7 en,or*e all la%s relati#e to ele*tions.
Ei7 the C1&<2<C *o""it 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion in hol7in8 that the
7eter"ination o, the #ali7it. o, the *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. o, respon7ent FariUas is

alrea7. %ithin the e'*lusi#e @uris7i*tion o, the <le*toral Tri-unal o, the Bouse o,
/1. There %as no 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion on the part o, the C1&<2<C %hen it
hel7 that its @uris7i*tion o#er Case /o. SP! 98I277 ha7 *ease7 %ith the assu"ption
o, o,,i*e o, respon7ent FariUas as $epresentati#e ,or the ,irst 7istri*t o, )lo*os /orte.
9n7er !rti*le 5), Se*tion 17 o, the Constitution, the B$<T has sole an7 e'*lusi#e
@uris7i*tion o#er all *ontests relati#e to the ele*tion, returns, an7 quali,i*ations o,
"e"-ers o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es. Thus, on*e a %innin8 *an7i7ate has
-een pro*lai"e7, ta(en his oath, an7 assu"e7 o,,i*e as a "e"-er o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, C1&<2<C?s @uris7i*tion o#er ele*tion *ontests relatin8 to his
ele*tion, returns, an7 quali,i*ations en7s, an7 the B$<T?s o%n @uris7i*tion
-e8ins. Thus, the C1&<2<C?s 7e*ision to 7is*ontinue e'er*isin8 @uris7i*tion o#er
the *ase is @usti,ia-le, in 7e,eren*e to the B$<T?s o%n @uris7i*tion an7 ,un*tions.
6ar*ia #. B$<T, 6$ /o. 1+C792, !u8ust 12, 1999
Petitioners, all 7ul. re8istere7 #oters in the 7istri*t, ,ile7 a petition ,or &uo
$arranto -e,ore the Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal (B$<T) a8ainst
Con8ress"an Barr. !n8pin8. Petitioners questione7 the eli8i-ilit. o, Con8ress"an
!n8pin8 to hol7 o,,i*e in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, *lai"in8 that the latter %as
not a naturalI-orn *iti4en o, the Philippines, a *onstitutional require"ent
Bo%e#er, the B$<T issue7 a $esolution 7is"issin8 the petition ,or &uo $arranto ,or
,ailure to pa. the P;,000.00 *ash 7eposit require7 -. its $ules. !,ter re*ie#in8 a
*op. o, the a,oresai7 $esolution, petitioners pai7 the P;,000.00 *ash 7eposit on
June 20, 1998 an7 atta*he7 the *orrespon7in8 re*eipt to the &otion ,or
$e*onsi7eration the. ,ile7 %ith the B$<T on the sa"e 7a.. PetitionersK &otion ,or
$e*onsi7eration %as, ho%e#er, 7enie7, in #ie% o, $ule +2 o, the 1998 B$<T $ules
%hi*h require7 a P;,000.00 *ash 7eposit in a77ition to ,ilin8 ,ees ,or &uo
$arranto *ases.
Petitioners *lai" that B$<T *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion an7 that a**or7in8
to $ule 21 o, the 1998 $ules o, the B$<T, su""ar. 7is"issals "a. -e or7ere7 -.
the B$<T in *ase o, nonIpa."ent o, the require7 *ash 7eposit %ithin the pres*ri-e7
ti"e onl. in ele*tion protest *ases an7 not in &uo $arranto pro*ee7in8s.
>hether or not the B$<T has *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion in su""aril.
7is"issin8 the petition ,or &uo $arranto o, petitioners an7 in re,usin8 to reinstate the
sa"e e#en a,ter the pa."ent o, the require7 Fi#e Thousan7 Pesos (P;,000.00) *ash

The petition ,or &uo $arranto atta*(s the ineli8i-ilit. o, Con8ress"an !n8pin8 to hol7
o,,i*e as a "e"-er o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, not -ein8 a naturalI-orn *iti4en
o, the Philippines. This is a serious *har8e %hi*h, i, true, ren7ers Con8ress"an
!n8pin8 7isquali,ie7 ,ro" su*h o,,i*e. )n #ie% o, the 7eli*ate nature an7 i"portan*e
o, this *har8e, the o-ser#an*e o, the B$<T $ules o, Pro*e7ure "ust -e ta(en
seriousl. i, the. are to attain their o-@e*ti#e.
There,ore, %e ,in7 that the B$<T 7i7 not *o""it 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion in
appl.in8 its $ules stri*tl. an7 in 7is"issin8 the petition ,or &uo $arranto.
!**or7in8l., the instant petition ,or certiorari *annot prosper. (Ea87a8)
2a4atin #. B<T, 6$ /o. 8C297, Ee*e"-er 8, 1988
FACT'1 Petitioner an7 pri#ate respon7ent %ere a"on8 the *an7i7ates ,or
$epresentati#e o, the ,irst 7istri*t o, Pa"pan8a 7urin8 the ele*tions o, &a. 11, 1987.
Eurin8 the *an#assin8 o, the #otes, pri#ate respon7ent o-@e*te7 to the in*lusion o,
*ertain ele*tion returns. Still, 1n &a. 27, 1987, petitioner %as pro*lai"e7 as
Con8ress"anIele*t. Pri#ate respon7ent thus ,ile7 in the C1&<2<C a petition to
7e*lare petitioners pro*la"ation #oi7 a- initio. 2ater, pri#ate respon7ent also ,ile7 a
petition to prohi-it petitioner ,ro" assu"in8 o,,i*e. 1n Septe"-er 1;, 1987, the
C1&<2<C 7e*lare7 petitionerKs pro*la"ation #oi7 a- initio. Petitioner *hallen8e7 the
C1&<2<C resolution -e,ore this Court in a petition entitle7 ?4armelo 9/ ;a'atin v/
%#e 4ommission on -lections1 9rancisco R/ +uan1 @r/ and ;oren'o 3/
%imbol1? 7o*(ete7 as 6.$. /o. 80007. )n a 7e*ision pro"ul8ate7 on Januar. 2;,
1988, the Court set asi7e the C1&<2<CKs re#o*ation o, petitionerKs pro*la"ation.
1n Fe-ruar. 8, 1988, pri#ate respon7ent ,ile7 in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es
<le*toral Tri-unal
Petitioner "o#e7 to 7is"iss pri#ate respon7entKs protest on the 8roun7 that it ha7
-een ,ile7 late, *itin8 Se*. 2;0 o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e (B.P. Bl8. 881).
Bo%e#er, the B$<T ,ile7 that the protest ha7 -een ,ile7 on ti"e in a**or7an*e %ith
Se*. 9 o, the B$<T $ules. PetitionerKs "otion ,or re*onsi7eration %as also 7enie7.
Ben*e, petitioner has *o"e to this Court, *hallen8in8 the @uris7i*tion o, the B$<T
o#er the protest ,ile7 -. pri#ate respon7ent.
To support his *ontention, petitioner state7 that pri#ate respon7entKs protest ha7
-een ,ile7 out o, ti"e an7, there,ore, the B$<T 7i7 not a*quire @uris7i*tion o#er it
0''U$1 >hether or not pri#ate respon7entKs protest ha7 -een seasona-l. ,ile7 thus
"a(in8 B<T %hether o, le8al stan7in8 or not as ,ar as @uris7i*tion is *on*erne7.
RUL0271 >B<$<F1$<, the instant Petition is here-. E)S&)SS<E.
The Court is o, the #ie% that the protest ha7 -een ,ile7 on ti"e an7, hen*e, the
B$<T a*quire7 @uris7i*tion o#er it.
PetitionerKs relian*e on Se*. 2;0 o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e is "ispla*e7. Se*.
2;0 is *ou*he7 in una"-i8uous ter"s an7 nee7s no interpretation. )t applies onl. to
petitions ,ile7 before t#e 42,-;-4 *ontestin8 the ele*tion o, an" ,ember of t#e

+atasang 0ambansa, or an. re8ional, pro#in*ial or *it. o,,i*ial. Further"ore, Se*.
2;0 shoul7 -e rea7 to8ether %ith Se*. 2C9 o, the sa"e *o7e %hi*h pro#i7es that the
C1&<2<C Pshall -e the sole @u78e o, all *ontests relatin8 to the ele*tions, returns
an7 quali,i*ations o, all &e"-ers o, the Batasan8 Pa"-ansa, ele*ti#e re8ional,
pro#in*ial an7 *it. o,,i*ials.
The Constitution 8rants the B$<T the po%er to -e the sole @u78e o, all *ontests
relatin8 to the ele*tion, returns an7 quali,i*ations o, &e"-ers o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, an. ,inal a*tion ta(en -. the B$<T on a "atter %ithin its
@uris7i*tion shall, as a rule, not -e re#ie%e7 -. this Court. (Ea87a8)
Se*tion 18. Co""ission on !ppoint"ents
Ea4a #. Sin8son, 180 SC$! C90 (1989)
FACT'1 1n Septe"-er 10, 1988, the 2a-an n8 Ee"o(rati(on8 Pilipino %as
reor8ani4e7, resultin8 in a politi*al reali8n"ent in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es.
T%ent. ,our "e"-ers o, the 2i-eral Part. ,or"all. resi8ne7 ,ro" that part. an7
@oine7 the 2EP, there-. s%ellin8 its nu"-er to 1;9 an7 *orrespon7in8l. re7u*in8
their ,or"er part. to onl. 17 "e"-ers.
1n Ee*e"-er ;, 1988, the *ha"-er ele*te7 a ne% set o, representati#es *onsistin8
o, the ori8inal "e"-ers e-ce+t te +etitioner an7 in*lu7in8 therein respon7ent 2uis
C. Sin8son as the a77itional "e"-er ,ro" the 2EP.
The petitioner *a"e to this Court on Januar. 1+, 1989, to callenge is removal
from te Commission on A++ointments an7 te assum+tion of is seat by te
res+on!ent. Brie,l. state7, the *ontention o, the petitioner is that he cannot be
remove! from te Commission on A++ointments -e*ause his ele*tion thereto
is +ermanent un7er the 7o*trine announ*e7 in Cunanan v# Tan.
For his part, the respon7ent ar8ues that the ,uestion raise! by te +etitioner is
+olitical in nature an7 so -e.on7 the @uris7i*tion o, this Court. Be also "aintains
that he has -een im+ro+erly im+lea!e!, the real part. respon7ent -ein8 the Bouse
o, $epresentati#es %hi*h *han8e7 its representation in the Co""ission on
!ppoint"ents an7 re"o#e7 the petitioner. Finall., he stresses that no%here in the
Constitution is it require7 that the politi*al part. -e re8istere7 to -e entitle7 to
proportional representation in the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents.

0''U$1 >hether petitioner?s re"o#al is un*onstitutionalH
>hether the ele*tion o, Sen. Cuen*o an7 Eel8a7o to the <le*toral Tri-unal is

RUL0271 >B<$<F1$<, the petition is E)S&)SS<E. The te"porar. restrainin8
or7er 7ate7 Januar. 1+, 1989, is 2)FT<E. The Court hol7s that the respon7ent has
-een #ali7l. ele*te7 as a "e"-er o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents an7 is
entitle7 to assu"e his seat in that -o7. pursuant to !rti*le 5), Se*tion 18, o, the
Constitution. /o pronoun*e"ent as to *osts.

), -. reason o, su**ess,ul ele*tion protests a8ainst "e"-ers o, a Bouse, or o, their
e'pulsion ,ro" the politi*al part. to %hi*h the. -elon8e7 an7Dor o, their a,,iliation %ith
another politi*al part., the ratio in the representation o, the politi*al parties in the
Bouse is "ateriall. *han8e7, the Aouse is clote! wit autority to !eclare
vacant te necessary number of seats in te Commission on A++ointments
el! by members of sai! Aouse belonging to te +olitical +arty a!versely
affecte! by te cange an! ten fill sai! vacancies in conformity wit te
Constitution. (Ea87a8)
Coseteng v# =itra( &6; 'CRA 3;; >&44*?
Petitioner !nna Eo"inique Coseten8 %as the onl. *an7i7ate %ho %on a seat in the
Bouse o, $epresentati#es un7er the Z!)B! Part.. She %ante7 to -e*o"e a "e"-er
o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. She assaile7 that the ele*tion o, the
respon7ents %ho %ere "e"-ers o, the 2EP to the C! %as null an7 #oi7 sin*e it
#iolate7 the *onstitutional pro#ision on proportional representation. She also *lai"e7
that as the sole representati#e ,ro" the Z!)B! part., an7 ha#in8 8arnere7 the
support o, nine *on8ress"en, she "ust -e 8i#en a seat in the C!.
>hether or not petitioner is entitle7 to a seat in the Co""ission on !ppoint"entsA
The Court 7is"isse7 the petition. )t rule7 that the assaile7 *o"position %as -ase7 on
proportional representation o, the politi*al parties in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es.
There are 100 "e"-ers o, the Bouse, an7 the. represent 79Y o, its "e"-ership,
%hi*h *an -e roun7e7 o,, to 80Y. 80Y o, the 12 "e"-ers o, the C! %oul7 -e equal
to 9.0 "e"-ers or a-out 10 "e"-ers. The re"ainin8 t%o seats %ere apportione7 to
the 2i-eral Part. as the ne't lar8est part. an7 the ZB2 Part. as the prin*ipal
opposition part.. Z!)B!?s lone "e"-er represents onl. 0.CY o, the Bouse?s
"e"-ership an7 thus not entitle7 to a seat in the C!.
7uingona v# 7on8ales( )&: 'CRA ;64 >&44)?K =R( )&4 'CRA 3)5 >&443?
!,ter the 1992 ele*tions, the Senate %as *o"pose7 o, 1; 2EP Senators, ; /PC
Senators. + 2!Z!S Senators an7 1 2P N PEP N 2!B!/ Senator. 1n the -asis o,
proportional representation, there %ill -e 7.; "e"-ers o, 2EP, 2.; "e"-ers o, ,or
/PC, 1.; "e"-ers ,or 2!Z!S an7 0.; "e"-er ,or 2P N PEP N 2!B!/ o, the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. The 7.; "e"-er entitle"ent o, 2EP Senators %as
roun7e7 o,, to 8, an7 so 8 senators %ere no"inate7 ,or the C!. Petitioner, a "e"-er
o, 2!Z!S oppose7 sai7 roun7in8 o,, an7 alle8e7 that it is a8ainst the pro#ision on
proportional representation.

>hether or not the no"ination o, ei8ht senators ,ro" the 2EP is a8ainst the
pro#ision on proportional representationA
The Court rule7 in ,a#or o, the petitioner, statin8 that roun7in8 o,, 7.; to 8 an7 .; to 1
%as un*onstitutional -e*ause it 7epri#e7 2!Z!S an7 /PC o, .; ea*h. /or *oul7 the
hol7ers o, .; ea*h %hile -elon8in8 to 7istin*t parties, ,or" a unit. o, purposes o,
o-tainin8 a seat in the Co""ission. The Court ,urther rule7 that a ,ull *o"ple"ent o,
12 %as not "an7ator..
Drilon( et al v# ' 7R 2o# &6**99( Duly 3&( )**4
Petitioners %ent to respon7ent Spea(er Ee 5ene*ia to as( ,or a seat ,or the 2i-eral
Part. in the C!. Spea(er Ee 5ene*ia sai7 that he %oul7 stu7. the "atter. Eurin8 a
session in the Bouse, petitioner Tana7a requeste7 that one seat -e allo*ate7 ,or the
2i-eral Part. *onsi7erin8 that there are at least 20 "e"-ers that -elon8 to the
2i-eral Part.. $epresentati#e 6on4ales sai7 that the 2e8al Eepart"ent %ill also
stu7. the "atter -ut no report or re*o""en7ation %as su-"itte7 -. sai7
>hether or not the 2i-eral Part. is entitle7 to one seat in the C!A
Petitioners in this *ase ,ile7 a &otion %ith 2ea#e o, Court to >ith7ra% the Petition
statin8 that %ith the 7esi8nation o, $epresentati#e !l,onso 5. 9"ali, Jr. o, the 2i-eral
Part. as part o, the Bouse *ontin8ent in the C! ren7ere7 the instant petition as "oot
an7 a*a7e"i*.
Se*tion 19. Constitutions o, the <le*toral Tri-unal an7 the Co""ission on
Se*tion 20. $e*or7s an7 Boo(s o, !**ounts
Se*tion 21. )nquiries in !i7 o, 2e8islation
%eng8on v# 'enate %lue Ribbon Committee( )*3 'CRA ;5;
Senator <nrile 7eli#ere7 a spee*h on the alle8e7 ta(e N o#er o, $i*ar7o 2opa o,
S121)2, )n*., the ,la8ship o, the First &anila &ana8e"ent Co"panies, pre#iousl.
o%ne7 -. the $o"ual7e4es. &r. 2opa is Presi7ent !quino?s -rother N in N la%. <nrile

*alle7 up on the Senate to loo( into the possi-le #iolation o, the !nti N 6ra,t an7
Corrupt Pra*ti*es !*t, an7 re,erre7 the sa"e to the Senate Blue $i--on Co""ittee.
>hether or not the Senate Blue $i--on Co""ittee?s inquir. has a #ali7 le8islati#e
The Court rule7 that the in#esti8ation %as not in ai7 o, le8islation -e*ause the
spee*h o, <nrile *ontaine7 no su88estion o, *onte"plate7 le8islation -ut "erel.
pointe7 out the nee7 to 7eter"ine %hether &r. 2opa, a relati#e o, Presi7ent !quino,
#iolate7 the la%.
'tan!ar! Carter v# 'enate( 7R 2o# &5;&;3( December );( )**;
Stan7ar7 Charter Ban( %as in the -usiness o, sellin8 unre8istere7 ,orei8n se*urities
to the pu-li*. 9pon re*ei#in8 a *o"plaint re8ar7in8 the issue, the Senate passe7 a
resolution 7ire*tin8 the appropriate *o""ittee to *on7u*t an inquir., in ai7 o,
le8islation. Petitioners *onten7e7 that a nu"-er o, *i#il an7 *ri"inal a*tions are
alrea7. pen7in8 in *ourts a8ainst the".
>hether or not the Senate has @uris7i*tion to in#esti8ate in ai7 o, le8islation the
a-o#e *aseA
The Court 7enie7 the petition. The resolution passe7 -. the Senate ,or the *on7u*t
o, an inquir. %as e'pli*it a-out the su-@e*t an7 the nature o, the in#esti8ation to -e
*on7u*te7 -. respon7ent Co""ittee, %hi*h is in ai7 o, le8islation, to pre#ent the
o**urren*e o, a si"ilar ,rau7ulent a*ti#it. in the ,uture. The "ere ,ilin8 o, a *ri"inal
or *i#il *ase 7oes not -ar the *on7u*t o, le8islati#e in#esti8ation.
!rnault #. /a4areno, 87 PB)2 2; (1990)
Facts1 )n the latter part o, 1*to-er, 19C9, the Philippine 6o#ern"ent, throu8h the
$ural Pro8ress !7"inistration, -ou8ht t%o estates (no%n as Buena#ista an7
Ta"-o-on8 ,or the su"s o, PC,;00,000 an7 P;00,000, respe*ti#el.. P1,000,000
%as pai7 ,or the ,irst su" an7 P ;00,000 to the se*on7 su" -oth to <rnest B. Burt, a
nonresi7ent !"eri*an, thru his t%o attorne.IinI,a*t in the Philippines, as represente7
-. Jean 2. !rnault, ,or -oth estates respe*ti#el.. Bo%e#er, <rnest B. Burt %as not
the ori8inal o%ner o, the estate. Be -ou8ht the ,irst ,ro" San Juan 7e Eios hospital
an7 the se*on7 ,ro" the Philippine trust *o"pan.. )n -oth instan*es, Burt %as not
a-le to pa. the ne*essar. a"ount o, "one. to *o"plete his pa."ents. !s su*h, his
*ontra*ts %ith sai7 o%ners %ere *an*elle7.

1n Septe"-er C, 19C7, the Philippine Trust Co"pan. sol7, *on#e.e7, an7 7eli#ere7
the Ta"-o-on8 <state to the $ural Pro8ress !7"inistration -. an a-solute 7ee7 o,
sale in *onsi7eration o, the su" o, P7;0,000. The Philippine 6o#ern"ent then,
throu8h the Se*retar. o, Justi*e as Chair"an o, the Boar7 o, Eire*tors o, the $ural
Pro8ress !7"inistration an7 as Chair"an o, the Boar7 o, Eire*tors o, the Philippine
/ational Ban(, ,ro" %hi*h the "one. %as -orro%e7, a**o"plishe7 the pur*hase o,
the t%o estates in the latter part o, 1*to-er, 19C9, as state7 at the outset.
1n Fe-ruar. 27, 19;0, the Senate a7opte7 its $esolution /o. 8, %hi*h *reate7 a
spe*ial *o""ittee to in#esti8ate the transa*tions surroun7in8 the estates. The
spe*ial *o""ittee *reate7 -. the resolution *alle7 an7 e'a"ine7 #arious %itnesses,
a"on8 the "ost i"portant o, %ho" %as Jean 2. !rnault. !n intri8uin8 question
%hi*h the *o""ittee sou8ht to resol#e %as the apparent unne*essariness an7
irre8ularit. o, the 6o#ern"ent?s pa.in8 to Burt the total su" o, P1,;00,000 ,or his
alle8e7 interest o, onl. P20,000 in the t%o estates, %hi*h he see"e7 to ha#e
,or,eite7 an.%a. lon8 -e,ore 1*to-er, 19C9. The *o""ittee sou8ht to 7eter"ine %ho
%ere responsi-le ,or an7 %ho -ene,ite7 ,ro" the transa*tion at the e'pense o, the
!rnault testi,ie7 that t%o *he*(s pa.a-le to Burt a88re8atin8 P1,;00,000 %ere
7eli#ere7 to hi" on the a,ternoon o, 1*to-er 29, 19C9H that on the sa"e 7ate he
opene7 a ne% a**ount in the na"e o, <rnest B. Burt %ith the Philippine /ational
Ban( in %hi*h he 7eposite7 the t%o *he*(s a88re8atin8 P1,;00,000H an7 that on the
sa"e o**asion he 7re% on sai7 a**ount t%o *he*(sH one ,or P;00,000, %hi*h he
trans,erre7 to the a**ount o, the !sso*iate7 !8en*ies, )n*., %ith the Philippine
/ational Ban(, an7 another ,or PCC0,000 pa.a-le to *ash, %hi*h he hi"sel, *ashe7.
)t %as the 7esire o, the *o""ittee to 7eter"ine the ulti"ate re*ipient o, this su" o,
PCC0,000 that 8a#e rise to the present *ase. !s !rnault resiste7 to na"e the
re*ipient o, the "one., the senate then appro#e7 a resolution that *ite7 hi" ,or
*onte"pt. )t is this resolution %hi*h -rou8ht hi" to @ail an7 is -ein8 *onteste7 in this
1. >1/ the Senate has the po%er to punish !rnault ,or *onte"pt ,or re,usin8 to
re#eal the na"e o, the person to %ho" he 8a#e the PCC0,000.
2. >1/ the Senate la*(s authorit. to *o""it hi" ,or *onte"pt ,or a ter" -e.on7 its
perio7 o, le8islati#e session, %hi*h en7e7 on &a. 18, 19;0.
1. :<S. 1n*e an inquir. is a7"itte7 or esta-lishe7 to -e %ithin the @uris7i*tion o, a
le8islati#e -o7. to "a(e, the in#esti8atin8 *o""ittee has the po%er to require a
%itness to ans%er an. question pertinent to that inquir., su-@e*t o, *ourse to his
*onstitutional ri8ht a8ainst sel,Iin*ri"ination. The inquir., to -e %ithin the @uris7i*tion
o, the le8islati#e -o7. to "a(e, "ust -e "aterial or ne*essar. to the e'er*ise o, a
po%er in it #este7 -. the Constitution, su*h as to le8islate, or to e'pel a &e"-erH
an7 e#er. question %hi*h the in#esti8ator is e"po%ere7 to *oer*e a %itness to
ans%er "ust -e "aterial or pertinent to the su-@e*t o, the inquir. or in#esti8ation.
The "aterialit. o, the question "ust -e 7eter"ine7 -. its 7ire*t relation to the
su-@e*t o, the inquir. an7 not -. its in7ire*t relation to an. propose7 or possi-le
le8islation. The reason is, that the ne*essit. or la*( o, ne*essit. ,or le8islati#e a*tion
an7 the ,or" an7 *hara*ter o, the a*tion itsel, are 7eter"ine7 -. the su" total o, the

in,or"ation to -e 8athere7 as a result o, the in#esti8ation, an7 not -. a ,ra*tion o,
su*h in,or"ation eli*ite7 ,ro" a sin8le question.
2. /1. Senate is a *ontinuin8 -o7. an7 %hi*h 7oes not *ease to e'ist upon the
perio7i*al 7issolution o, the Con8ress or o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es. There is
no li"it as to ti"e to the Senate?s po%er to punish ,or *onte"pt in *ases %here that
po%er "a. *onstitutionall. -e e'erte7 as in the present *ase. Senate %ill not -e
7ispose7 to e'ert the po%er -e.on7 its proper -oun7s, i.e. a-use their po%er an7
(eep the %itness in prison ,or li,e. ), proper li"itations are 7isre8ar7e7, Court
isal%a.s open to those %hose ri8hts "i8ht thus -e trans8resse7. (<@e)
Sa-io #. 6or7on, ;0C SC$! 70C 1*to-er 17, 2000
1n Fe-ruar. 20, 2000, Sen &E Santia8o intro7u*e7 Senate $es. /o. C;;
F7ire*tin8 an inquir. in ai7 o, le8islation on the ano"alous losses in*urre7 -. the
Philippines 1#erseas Tele*o""uni*ations Corporation (P1TC), Philippine
Co""uni*ations Satellite Corporation (PB)2C1&S!T), an7 PB)2C1&S!T Bol7in8s
Corporation (PBC) 7ue to the alle8e7 i"proprieties in their operations -. their
respe*ti#e Boar7 o, Eire*tors.G Pursuant to this, on &a. 8, 2000, Sen 6or7on, %rote
Chair"an Sa-io o, the PC66 in#itin8 hi" to -e one o, the resour*e persons in the
pu-li* "eetin8 @ointl. *on7u*te7 -. the Co""ittee on 6o#ern"ent Corporations an7
Pu-li* <nterprises an7 Co""ittee on Pu-li* Ser#i*es. Chair"an Sa-io 7e*line7 the
in#itation -e*ause o, prior *o""it"ent.S7T !t the sa"e ti"e, he in#o(e7 Se*tion C(-)
o, <.1. /o. 1 F/o "e"-er or sta,, o, the Co""ission shall -e require7 to testi,. or
pro7u*e e#i7en*e in an. @u7i*ial, le8islati#e or a7"inistrati#e pro*ee7in8 *on*ernin8
"atters %ithin its o,,i*ial *o8ni4an*e.G !pparentl., the purpose is to ensure PC66?s
unha"pere7 per,or"an*e o, its tas(. 6or7on?s Su-poenae !7 Testi,i*an7u" %as
repeate7l. i8nore7 -. Sa-io hen*e he threatene7 Sa-io to -e *ite7 %ith *onte"pt.

0''U$1 &a. Se*tion C (-) o, <.1. /o. 1 -e in#o(e7 -. Chair"an Sa-io to @usti,.
nonIappearan*e on le8islati#e in#esti8ationsA
/o. Se*tion C (-) o, <.1. /o. 1 is 7e*lare7 $<P<!2<E -. the 1987
Constitution. The Con8ress? po%er o, inquir., -ein8 -roa7, en*o"passes e#er.thin8
that *on*erns the a7"inistration o, e'istin8 la%s as %ell as propose7 or possi-l.
nee7e7 statutes. )t e#en e'ten7s Fto 8o#ern"ent a8en*ies *reate7 -. Con8ress an7
o,,i*ers %hose positions are %ithin the po%er o, Con8ress to re8ulate or e#en
a-olish.G (Sa-io #s. 6or7on, 1*to-er 17, 2000)
/ote !rti*le 5), Se*tion 21 8rants the po%er o, inquir. not onl. to the Senate an7
the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, -ut also to an. o, their respe*ti#e *o""ittees. (<@e)
Senate Blue $i--on Co""ittee #. &a@a7u*on, 6$ 1+0700 Jul. 29, 200+
Senate #. <r"ita, C88 SC$! 1, 6$ 109777, !pril 20, 2000

1n Septe"-er 2+, 200;, the *o""ittee o, the senate as a %hole issue7
in#itations to #arious o,,i*ials o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent an7 &ilitar. o,,i*ials ,or
the" to appear as resour*e spea(ers in a pu-li* hearin8 on the /orth $ail Pro@e*t,
an7 on the issues o, F6loria8ate,G >ireItappin8 o, the Presi7ent, <le*toral ,rau7, as
%as sho%n in the respe*ti#e pri#ile8e7 spee*hes o, the Senators.
1n Septe"-er 27 ^ 28 200;, a,ter -ein8 in#ite7 "ost o, those Fresour*e personsG
%ere not a-le to "a(e it 7ue to prior *o""it"ents (i.e. "ilitar. o,,i*ials), %hile on 27
Septe"-er then Senate Presi7ent Erilon, re*ei#e7 a letter ,ro" <'e*uti#e Se*retar.
<r"ita requestin8 a postpone"ent o, the hearin8 (re /orthrail).
1n Septe"-er 28, 200; the presi7ent issue7 <.1 C0C, an7 <r"ita sent a letter to the
Senate Presi7ent, in,or"in8 hi" o, the <.1. an7 that the resour*e persons ,ro" the
e'e*uti#e 7ept %oul7 not -e a-le to atten7 %Do the *onsent o, the presi7ent. >ith
re8ar7 to the hearin8 on the %ireItappin8 o, the Presi7ent, Col. Balutan an7 6en.
6u7ani %ere relie#e7 ,ro" their "ilitar. posts an7 ,a*e7 *ourt "artial pro*ee7in8s
,or testi,.in8 %Do the presi7ent?s appro#al.
0''U$'1 )S <.1. C0C 5!2)EA
I The *on8ress has the po%er o, inquir. that is e'pressl. re*o8ni4e7 -. !$T 0.21 o,
the Constitution, %here *on8ress "a. *on7u*t inquiries in ai7 o, le8islation
I Sin*e *on8ress has authorit. to inquire into the operations o, the e'e*uti#e -ran*h,
it %oul7 -e in*onsistent to hol7 that the po%er o, inquir. 7oes not e'ten7 to e'e*uti#e
o,,i*ials %ho are the "ost ,a"iliar %ith an7 in,or"e7 on the e'e*uti#e operations,
althou8h there are e'e"ptions to the po%er o, inquir. %hi*h e'e"ptions ,all un7er
the ru-ri* o, Fe'e*uti#e pri#ile8eG (the po%er o, the 8o#ern"ent to %ithhol7 in,o ,ro"
the pu-li*, the *ourts, the *on8ress) it is onl. re*o8ni4e7 in relation to *ertain t.pes
o, in,or"ation o, a sensiti#e *hara*ter, an7 it is in*line7 hea#il. a8ainst se*re*. an7
in ,a#or o, 7is*losure.
I The po%er o, *on8ress to *o"pel the appearan*e o, e'e* o,,i*ials un7er se* 21
an7 the la*( o, it un7er se* 22 ,in7 their -asis in the prin*iple o, Separation o,
Po%ers. >hile the e'e* -ran*h is a *oIequal -ran*h o, the le8islature, it *annot
,rustrate the po%er o, *on8ress to le8islate -. re,usin8 to *o"pl. %D its 7e"an7s ,or
I Con8ress un7ou-te7l. has a ri8ht to in,or"ation ,ro" the e'e*uti#e -ran*h,
%hene#er it is sou8ht in ai7 o, le8islation. ), the e'e*uti#e -ran*h %ithhol7s su*h
in,or"ation on the 8roun7 that it is pri#ile8e7, it "ust so assert it an7 state the
reason there,ore an7 %h. it "ust -e respe*te7. P<T)T)1/S !$< P!$T2:
6$!/T<E, Se*(s) 2(-) ^+ o, <.1. C0C !$< E<C2!$<E 51)E. Se*(s) 1^2(a) !$<
B1><5<$, 5!2)E. (<@e)
/eri #. Senate, ;C9 SC$! 771
1n Septe"-er 20, 2007, /eriH appeare7 -e,ore the respon7ent *o""ittees an7
testi,ie7 ,or a-out on the "atters *on*ernin8 the /ational Broa7-an7 Pro@e*t, a
pro@e*t a%ar7e7 to a Chinese *o"pan. LT<. The Petitioner therein 7is*lose7 that

%hen he %as o,,ere7 -. !-alos a -ri-e o, 200 "illion pesos to appro#e the pro@e*t,
he in,or"e7 P6&! o, the atte"pt an7 she instru*te7 hi" not to a**ept the -ri-e.
Bo%e#er %hen he %as pro-e7 ,urther on P6&!?s an7 petitioner?s 7is*ussions
relatin8 to the /B/ Pro@e*t, petitioner re,use7 to ans%er, in#o(in8 e'e* pri#ile8e.
The questions that he re,use7 to ans%er %ere
1. %hether or not P6&! ,ollo%e7 up the /B/ Pro@e*t.
2. %hether or not P6&! 7ire*te7 hi" to prioriti4e it.
+. %hether or not P6&! 7ire*te7 hi" to appro#e it.
The petitioner 7i7 not appear -e,ore the respon7ent *o""ittees upon or7ers o, the
Presi7ent in#o(in8 e'e* pri#ile8e. Be e'plaine7 that the questions as(e7 o, hi" are
*o#ere7 -. e'e* pri#ile8e. Be %as *ite7 in *onte"pt o, respon7ent *o""ittees an7
an or7er ,or his arrest an7 7etention until su*h ti"e that he %oul7 appear an7 8i#e
his testi"on..
0ssue11. )s there a re*o8ni4e7 presu"pti#e presi7ential *o""uni*ations pri#ile8e in
our le8al s.ste"A
2. Ei7 the respon7ent *o""ittee *o""it a 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion in issuin8 the
*onte"pt or7erA
I :<S, presi7ential *o""uni*ations pri#ile8e is ,un7a"ental to the operation o,
8o#ern"ent an7 ine'tri*a-l. roote7 in the separation o, po%ers un7er the
I The *onstitutional in,ir"it. ,oun7 in the -lan(et authori4ation to in#o(e e'e*
pri#ile8e 8rante7 -. the Presi7ent to e'e* o,,i*ials in se* 2(-) o, <.1. C0C 7oes not
appl. in this *ase.
I )n this *ase, it %as the Presi7ent hersel,, throu8h e'e* se*. <r"ita, %ho in#o(e7
e'e* pri#ile8e on a spe*i,i* "atter in#ol#in8 an e'e* a8ree"ent -et%een Philippines
an7 China, %hi*h %as the su-@e*t o, the + questions as(e7.
I ), %hat is in#ol#e7 is the presu"pti#e pri#ile8e o, presi7ential *o""uni*ations %hen
in#o(e7 -. the Presi7ent on a "atter *learl. %ithin the 7o"ain o, the <'e*uti#e, the
sai7 presu"ption 7i*tates that the sa"e -e re*o8ni4e7.
I :<S, an un*onstraine7 *on8ressional in#esti8ati#e po%er, li(e an un*he*(e7
e'e*uti#e 8enerates its o%n a-uses.

I Constant e'posure to *on8ressional su-poena ta(es its toll on the a-ilit. o, the
e'e*uti#e to ,un*tion e,,e*ti#el..
I The 2e8islati#e inquir. "ust -e *on,ine7 to per"issi-le areas an7 thus pre#ent
Fro#in8 *o""issions.G
I The *ourt althou8h a *oIequal -ran*h o, 8o#ern"ent to the le8islature, "ust loo(
into the internal rules o, *on8ress %D re8ar7 to ensurin8 *o"plian*e -. *on8ress to it.
Sin*e, the issuan*e o, a *onte"pt or7er "ust -e 7one -. a #ote o, "a@orit. o, all its
"e"-ers. The issuan*e o, the or7er %as %Do *on*urren*e o, the "a@orit..
$<SP1/</TS C1&&)TT<<S? &1T)1/ F1$ $<C1/S)E<$!T)1/ E!T<E
08!P$)22008 )S B<$<B: E</)<E.
/eri #. Senate, ;0C SC$! 1;2
1n 21 !pril 2007, E1TC entere7 into a *ontra*t %ith Lhon8 Jin8
Tele*o""uni*ations <quip"ent (LT<) ,or the suppl. o, equip"ent an7 ser#i*es ,or
the /ational Broa7-an7 /et%or( (/B/) Pro@e*t in the a"ount o, V+29,C81,290.00
(appro'i"atel. P10 Billion Pesos). The Pro@e*t %as to -e ,inan*e7 -. the P$C. The
Senate passe7 #arious resolutions relati#e to the /B/ 7eal. 1n the other han7, Ee
5ene*ia issue7 a state"ent that se#eral hi8h e'e*uti#e o,,i*ials an7 po%er -ro(ers
%ere usin8 their in,luen*e to push the appro#al o, the /B/ Pro@e*t -. the /<E!.
/eri, the hea7 o, /<E!, %as then in#ite7 to testi,. -e,ore the Senate Blue $i--on.
Be appeare7 in one hearin8 %herein he %as interro8ate7 ,or 11 hrs an7 7urin8 %hi*h
he a7"itte7 that !-alos o, C1&<2<C trie7 to -ri-e hi" %ith P200& in e'*han8e ,or
his appro#al o, the /B/ pro@e*t. Be ,urther narrate7 that he in,or"e7 Presi7ent
!rro.o a-out the -ri-er. atte"pt an7 that she instru*te7 hi" not to a**ept the -ri-e.
Bo%e#er, %hen pro-e7 ,urther on %hat the. 7is*usse7 a-out the /B/ Pro@e*t,
petitioner re,use7 to ans%er, in#o(in8 Pe'e*uti#e pri#ile8eP. )n parti*ular, he re,use7
to ans%er the questions on (a) %hether or not Presi7ent !rro.o ,ollo%e7 up the /B/
Pro@e*t, (-) %hether or not she 7ire*te7 hi" to prioriti4e it, 7 an7 (*) %hether or not
she 7ire*te7 hi" to appro#e. Be later re,use7 to atten7 the other hearin8s an7
<r"ita sent a letter to the S$BC a#errin8 that the *o""uni*ations -et%een 6&!
an7 /eri is pri#ile8e7 an7 that the @urispru7en*e lai7 7o%n in Senate #s <r"ita -e
applie7. The S$BC *ite7 /eri ,or *onte"pt.

0''U$1 >hether or not the three questions sou8ht -. the S$BC to -e ans%ere7 ,alls
un7er e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e.

A$LD1 The o#ersi8ht ,un*tion o, Con8ress "a. -e ,a*ilitate7 -. *o"pulsor. pro*ess
onl. to the e'tent that it is per,or"e7 in pursuit o, le8islation.

The *o""uni*ations eli*ite7 -. the three (+) questions are covere! by te
+resi!ential communications +rivilege#

1st, the *o""uni*ations relate to a Pquintessential an7 nonI7ele8a-le po%erP o, the
Presi7ent, i.e. the po%er to enter into an e'e*uti#e a8ree"ent %ith other *ountries.

This authorit. o, the Presi7ent to enter into e'e*uti#e a8ree"ents %ithout the
*on*urren*e o, the 2e8islature has tra7itionall. -een re*o8ni4e7 in Philippine

2n7, the *o""uni*ations are Pre*ei#e7P -. a *lose a7#isor o, the Presi7ent. 9n7er
the Poperational pro'i"it.P test, petitioner *an -e *onsi7ere7 a *lose a7#isor, -ein8 a
"e"-er o, Presi7ent !rro.oKs *a-inet. !n7

+r7, there is no a7equate sho%in8 o, a *o"pellin8 nee7 that %oul7 @usti,. the
li"itation o, the pri#ile8e an7 o, the una#aila-ilit. o, the in,or"ation else%here -. an
appropriate in#esti8atin8 authorit.. (<@e)
6ar*illano #. Bouse o, $epresentati#es, 6$ /o. 170++8, Ee*e"-er 2+, 2008
)n 200;, tapes %hi*h alle8e7l. *ontaine7 a *on#ersation -et%een Presi7ent 6loria
&a*apa8alI!rro.o (6&!) an7 C1&<2<C Co""issioner 5ir8ilio6ar*illano sur,a*e7.
The sai7 *on#ersation *ontaine7 a plan to ri8 the ele*tions to ,a#or 6&!. The
re*or7in8s then -e*a"e su-@e*t to le8islati#e hearin8s *on7u*te7 separatel. -.
ea*h Bouse. )n his pri#ile8e spee*h, Sen. <s*u7ero "otione7 a *on8ressional
in#esti8ation @ointl. *on7u*te7 -. the Co""ittees on Pu-li* )n,or"ation, Pu-li*
1r7er an7 Sa,et., /ational Ee,ense an7 Se*urit., )n,or"ation an7 Co""uni*ations
Te*hnolo8., an7 Su,,ra8e an7 <le*toral $e,or"s (respon7ent Bouse Co""ittees).
Eurin8 the inquir., se#eral #ersions o, the %iretappe7 *on#ersation e"er8e7 an7 7
Fori8inalG tapes %ere a*quire7 -. the /B). 2a*son?s "otion ,or a senate inquir. %as
re,erre7 to the Co""ittee on /ational Ee,ense an7 Se*urit. hea7e7 -. Bia4on.
6ar*i su-sequentl. ,ile7 a petition to pre#ent the pla.in8 o, the tapes in the ea*h
house ,or the. are alle8e7 to -e ina7"issi-le. >hile Santia8o Ja#ier $ana7a an7
1s%al7o!8*aoili also ,ile7 a petition to prohi-it an7 stop the *on7u*t o, the Senate
inquir. on the %iretappe7 *on#ersation, -e*ause it is a #iolation o, 7ue pro*ess, 7ue
to the nonIpu-li*ation o, the Senate $ules o, Pro*e7ure 6o#ernin8 )nquiries in !i7 o,
)SS9< >hether or not to 8rant the petitions o, 6ar*i an7 $ana7a.
$92)/6 6ar*i?s petition to stri(e the tapes o,, the re*or7 *annot -e 8rante7. The
tapes %ere alrea7. pla.e7 in Con8ress an7 those tapes %ere alrea7. hi8hl.
pu-li*i4e7. The issue is alrea7. o#erta(en -. these in*i7ents hen*e it has -e*o"e
"oot an7 a*a7e"i*.
$ana7a an7 !8*aoili?s petition ho%e#er, "ust -e 8rante7. The Senate *annot -e
allo%e7 to *ontinue %ith the *on7u*t o, the questione7 le8islati#e inquir. %ithout 7ul.
pu-lishe7 rules o, pro*e7ure, in *lear 7ero8ation o, the *onstitutional require"ent.
Se*tion 21, !rti*le 5) o, the 1987 Constitution e'pli*itl. pro#i7es that PThe Senate or
the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, or an. o, its respe*ti#e *o""ittees "a. *on7u*t
inquiries in ai7 o, le8islation in a**or7an*e %ith its 7ul. pu-lishe7 rules o,
pro*e7ure.P The requisite o, pu-li*ation o, the rules is inten7e7 to satis,. the -asi*
require"ents o, 7ue pro*ess. Pu-li*ation is in7ee7 i"perati#e, ,or it %ill -e the hei8ht
o, in@usti*e to punish or other%ise -ur7en a *iti4en ,or the trans8ression o, a la% or
rule o, %hi*h he ha7 no noti*e %hatsoe#er, not e#en a *onstru*ti#e one. >hat
*onstitutes pu-li*ation is set ,orth in !rti*le 2 o, the Ci#il Co7e, %hi*h pro#i7es that
P2a%s shall ta(e e,,e*t a,ter 1; 7a.s ,ollo%in8 the *o"pletion o, their pu-li*ation

either in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette, or in a ne%spaper o, 8eneral *ir*ulation in the
The Senate a7"its in their plea7in8s an7 e#en on oral ar8u"ent that the Senate
$ules o, Pro*e7ure 6o#ernin8 )nquiries in !i7 o, 2e8islation ha7 -een pu-lishe7 in
ne%spapers o, 8eneral *ir*ulation onl. in 199; an7 in 2000. >ith respe*t to the
present Senate o, the 1Cth Con8ress, ho%e#er, o, %hi*h the ter" o, hal, o, its
"e"-ers *o""en*e7 on June +0, 2007, no e,,ort %as un7erta(en ,or the
pu-li*ation o, these rules %hen the. ,irst opene7 their session.
/e8ros 1 )) <le*. Coop #. San88unian8 Panlun8so7, 1;; SC$! C21 (1991)
F!CTS in 198;, the San88unian8Panlun8so7 (SP) o, Eu"a8uete sou8ht to *on7u*t
an in#esti8ation in *onne*tion %ith pen7in8 le8islation relate7 to the operations o,
pu-li* utilities. The. )n#ite7 in the hearin8 the hea7s o, /1$<C1 )) N Paterio Torres
an7 !rturo 9"-a*. /1$<C1 )) is alle8e7 to ha#e installe7 ine,,i*ient po%er lines in
the sai7 *it.. Torres an7 9"-a* re,use7 to appear -e,ore the SP an7 the. alle8e7
that the po%er to in#esti8ate, an7 to or7er the i"pro#e"ent o,, alle8e7 ine,,i*ient
po%er lines to *on,or" to stan7ar7s is lo78e7 e'*lusi#el. %ith the /ational
<le*tri,i*ation !7"inistration (/<!)H an7 neither the Charter o, the Cit. o,
Eu"a8uete nor the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e 8rants the SP. Then the SP a#erre7
that inherent in the le8islati#e ,un*tions per,or"e7 -. the respon7ent SP is the
po%er to *on7u*t in#esti8ations in ai7 o, le8islation an7 %ith it, the po%er to punish
,or *onte"pt in inquiries on "atters %ithin its @uris7i*tion.
)SS9< >hether or not 2o*al 6o#ern"ent 9nits, %hi*h possess 7ele8ate7 le8islati#e
po%er, ha#e the po%er to issue su-poenas an7 punish ,or *onte"pt.
$92)/6 There is no pro#ision in the Constitution, the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e, or
an. la% e'pressl. 8rantin8 lo*al le8islati#e -o7ies the po%er to su-poena %itnesses.
Su*h po%er is Ju7i*ial. To allo% lo*al le8islati#e -o7ies to e'er*ise su*h po%er
%ithout e'press statutor. -asis %oul7 #iolate the 7o*trine o, separation o, po%ers.
San88unian8Panlun8so7 also 7oes not ha#e the po%er to *ite ,or *onte"pt. There is
li(e%ise no pro#ision in the Constitution, the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e, or an. other
la%s 8rantin8 lo*al le8islati#e -o7ies the po%er to *ite ,or *onte"pt. Su*h po%er
*annot -e 7ee"e7 i"plie7 in the 7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er to lo*al le8islati#e
-o7ies, ,or the e'isten*e o, su*h po%er poses a potential 7ero8ation o, in7i#i7ual
There,ore the su-poena an7 the punish"ent o, *onte"pt, 7ue to nonI*o"plian*e o,
the su-poena, issue7 a8ainst petitioners Paterio Torres an7 !rturo 9"-a* are
7e*lare7 null an7 #oi7 7ue to ultra #ires (-e.on7 po%ers).
Se*tion 22. !ppearan*e o, Bea7s o, Eepart"ents in Con8ress
Se*tion 2+. Ee*laration o, a State o, >arH <"er8en*. Po%ers
Se*tion 2C. Bills 1ri8inatin8 in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es
Tolentino v# 'ecretary of Finance( )39 'CRA 53* >&44:?

These are "otions see(in8 re*onsi7eration o, the 7e*ision 7is"issin8 the petitions
,ile7 in the *ases ,or the 7e*laration o, un*onstitutionalit. o, $.!. /o. 7710, other%ise
(no%n as the <'pan7e7 5alueI!77e7 Ta' 2a%. )t is *onten7e7 -. the PP) that -.
re"o#in8 the e'e"ption o, the press ,ro" the 5!T %hile "aintainin8 those 8rante7
to others, the la% 7is*ri"inates a8ainst the press. !t an. rate, it is a#erre7, Pe#en
non7is*ri"inator. ta'ation o, *onstitutionall. 8uarantee7 ,ree7o" is
>hether or not sales ta' on -i-le sales #iolates reli8ious ,ree7o"H hen*e
The Supre"e Court %as spea(in8 in that *ase o, a li*ense ta', %hi*h, unli(e an
or7inar. ta', is "ainl. ,or re8ulation. )ts i"position on the press is un*onstitutional
-e*ause it la.s a prior restraint on the e'er*ise o, its ri8ht. Ben*e, althou8h its
appli*ation to others, su*h those sellin8 8oo7s, is #ali7, its appli*ation to the press or
to reli8ious 8roups, su*h as the Jeho#ahKs >itnesses, in *onne*tion %ith the latterKs
sale o, reli8ious -oo(s an7 pa"phlets, is un*onstitutional. !s the 9.S. Supre"e
Court put it, Pit is one thin8 to i"pose a ta' on in*o"e or propert. o, a prea*her. )t is
quite another thin8 to e'a*t a ta' on hi" ,or 7eli#erin8 a ser"on.P
The 5!T is, ho%e#er, 7i,,erent. )t is not a li*ense ta'. )t is not a ta' on the e'er*ise o,
a pri#ile8e, "u*h less a *onstitutional ri8ht. )t is i"pose7 on the sale, -arter, lease or
e'*han8e o, 8oo7s or properties or the sale or e'*han8e o, ser#i*es an7 the lease o,
properties purel. ,or re#enue purposes. To su-@e*t the press to its pa."ent is not to
-ur7en the e'er*ise o, its ri8ht an. "ore than to "a(e the press pa. in*o"e ta' or
su-@e*t it to 8eneral re8ulation is not to #iolate its ,ree7o" un7er the Constitution.
!l#are4 #. 6uin8ona, 6$ /o. 118+0+, Januar. +1, 1990
)n !pril 199+, Bouse Bill (BB) 8817 entitle7 F!n !*t Con#ertin8 the &uni*ipalit. o,
Santia8o into an )n7epen7ent Co"ponent Cit. to -e (no%n as the Cit. o, Santia8oG
%as passe7 in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es (B1$).
)n &a. 199+, a Senate -ill (SB) 12C+ o, si"ilar title an7 *ontent %ith that o, BB 8817
%as intro7u*e7 in the Senate.)n Januar. 199C, the BB 8817 %as trans"itte7 to the
Senate. )n Fe-ruar. 199C, the Senate *on7u*te7 a pu-li* hearin8 on SB 12C+. )n
&ar*h 199C, the Senate Co""ittee on 2o*al 6o#ern"ent rolle7 out its
re*o""en7ation ,or appro#al o, BB 8817 as it %as equal to SB 12C+. <#entuall., BB
8817 %as appro#e7 %ithout a"en7"ents an7 -e*a"e a la% ($! 7720).
/o% !l#are4 et al are assailin8 the *onstitutionalit. o, the sai7 la% on the 8roun7 that
the -ill *reatin8 the la% 7i7 not ori8inate ,ro" the lo%er house an7 that the Santia8o
%as not a-le to *o"pl. %ith the in*o"e o, at least P20& per annu" in or7er ,or it to
-e a *it.. That in the *o"putation o, the reporte7 a#era8e in*o"e o, P20,97C,;81.97
in*lu7e7 the )nternal $e#enue !llot"ents()$!), %hi*h shoul7 not -e in*lu7e7.
1. >hether or not $! 7720 #iolates !rt 5). Se* 2C o, the 1987 *onstitution, ,or
alle8e7l. not -ein8 ori8inall. ,ro" the Bouse o, $epresentati#es.

2. >hether or not the )$! shoul7 -e in*lu7e7 in the *o"putation o, an 269?s
1. /1, $! 7720 7oes not #iolate !rt 5). Se* 2C o, the 1987 *onstitution. The house
-ill %as ,ile7 ,irst -e,ore the senate -ill as the re*or7 sho%s. Further, the Senate hel7
in*e an. hearin8 on the sai7 SB %hile the BB %as on its 1st, 2n7 an7 +r7
rea7in8 in the B1$. The Senate onl. *on7u*te7 its 1st hearin8 on the sai7 SB one
"onth a,ter the BB %as trans"itte7 to the Senate in anti*ipation o, the sai7 BB as
%ell. The Bouse -ill %as then the -asis o, $! 7720, not the Senate -ill.
2. :<S. The )$! shoul7 -e a77e7 in the *o"putation o, an 269?s a#era8e annual
in*o"e as %as 7one in the *ase at -ar. The )$!s are ite"s o, in*o"e -e*ause the.
,or" part o, the 8ross a**retion o, the ,un7s o, the lo*al 8o#ern"ent unit. The )$!s
re8ularl. an7 auto"ati*all. a**rue to the lo*al treasur. %ithout nee7 o, an. ,urther
a*tion on the part o, the lo*al 8o#ern"ent unit. The. thus *onstitute in*o"e %hi*h
the lo*al 8o#ern"ent *an in#aria-l. rel. upon as the sour*e o, "u*h nee7e7 ,un7s.
To reiterate, )$!s are a re8ular, re*urrin8 ite" o, in*o"eH nil is there a -asis, too, to
*lassi,. the sa"e as a spe*ial ,un7 or trans,er, sin*e )$!s ha#e a te*hni*al 7e,inition
an7 "eanin8 all its o%n as use7 in the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e that unequi#o*all.
"a(es it 7istin*t ,ro" spe*ial ,un7s or trans,ers re,erre7 to %hen the Co7e spea(s o,
F,un7in8 support ,ro" the national 8o#ern"ent, its instru"entalities an7 8o#ern"entI
o%ne7IorI*ontrolle7 *orporations.G Te court ten rule! te +etition to be
6uin8ona Jr. #. Cara8ue, 190 SC$! 221 (1991)
The 1990 -u78et *onsists o, P98.C Billion in auto"ati* appropriation (%ith P80.8
Billion ,or 7e-t ser#i*e) an7 P1;;.+ Billion appropriate7 un7er $! 08+1, other%ise
(no%n as the 6eneral !pproriations !*t, or a total o, P2++.; Billion, %hile the
appropriations ,or the E<CS a"ount to P27 Billion.
The sai7 auto"ati* appropriation ,or 7e-t ser#i*e is authori4e7 -. PE /o. 18,
entitle7 F!"en7in8 Certain Pro#isions o, $epu-li* !*t /o. C800, as !"en7e7 ($e
Forei8n Borro%in8 !*t),G -. PE /o. 1177, entitle7 F$e#isin8 the Bu78et Pro*ess in
1r7er to )nstitutionali4e the Bu78etar. )nno#ations o, the /e% So*iet.,G an7 -. PE
/o.1907, entitle7 F!n !*t Stren8thenin8 the 6uarantee an7 Pa."ent Positions o, the
$epu-li* o, the Philippines on its Contin8ent 2ia-ilities !risin8 out o, $elent an7
6uarantee7 2oans -. !ppropriatin8 Fun7s For The Purpose.G
Petitioners state sai7 7e*rees #iolate Se*tion 29(l) o, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution
%hi*h pro#i7es as ,ollo%s NN Sec/ 29(l!/ No mone" s#all be paid out of t#e %reasur"
e.cept in pursuance of an appropriation made b" la$/ The. assert that there "ust -e
7e,initeness, *ertaint. an7 e'a*tness in an appropriationH other%ise it is an un7ue
7ele8ation o, le8islati#e po%er to the Presi7ent %ho 7eter"ines in a7#an*e the
a"ount appropriate7 ,or the 7e-t ser#i*e.

>hether or not the auto"ati* appropriation ,or ,orei8n 7e-t ser#i*e is #iolatin8
se*tion 29, !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution.
/o, there is no pro#ision in our Constitution that pro#i7es or pres*ri-es an. parti*ular
,or" o, %or7s or reli8ious re*itals in %hi*h an authori4ation or appropriation -.
Con8ress shall -e "a7e, e'*ept that it -e P"a7e -. la%,P su*h as pre*isel. the
authori4ation or appropriation un7er the questione7 presi7ential 7e*rees. )n other
%or7s, in ter"s o, ti"e hori4ons, an appropriation "a. -e "a7e i"plie7l. (as -. past
-ut su-sistin8 le8islations) as %ell as e'pressl. ,or the *urrent ,is*al .ear (as -.
ena*t"ent o, la%s -. the present Con8ress), @ust as sai7 appropriation "a. -e "a7e
in 8eneral as %ell as in spe*i,i* ter"s. The Con8ressional authori4ation "a. -e
e"-o7ie7 in annual la%s, su*h as a 8eneral appropriations a*t or in spe*ial
pro#isions o, la%s o, 8eneral or spe*ial appli*ation %hi*h appropriate pu-li* ,un7s ,or
spe*i,i* pu-li* purposes, su*h as the questione7 7e*rees. !n appropriation "easure
is su,,i*ient i, the le8islati#e intention *learl. an7 *ertainl. appears ,ro" the lan8ua8e
e"plo.e7, %hether in the past or in the present.
Con8ress is *ertainl. not %ithout an. po%er, 8ui7e7 onl. -. its 8oo7 @u78"ent, to
pro#i7e an appropriation, that *an reasona-l. ser#i*e our enor"ous 7e-tQ)t is not
onl. a "atter o, honor an7 to prote*t the *re7it stan7in8 o, the *ountr.. &ore
espe*iall., the #er. sur#i#al o, our e*ono". is at sta(e. Thus, i, in the pro*ess
Con8ress appropriate7 an a"ount ,or 7e-t ser#i*e -i88er than the share allo*ate7 to
e7u*ation, the Court ,in7s an7 so hol7s that sai7 appropriation *annot -e there-.
assaile7 as un*onstitutional.
Petition is E)S&)SS<E, %ithout pronoun*e"ent as to *osts. (Sinon)
Se*tion 2;. 2i"its on Po%er to !ppropriate
(par. 2) 6ar*ia #. &ata, 0; SC$! ;17 (197;)
This is a petition ,or certiorari to re#ie% the 7e*ision o, the Court o, First
)nstan*e o, 3ue4on Cit., Bran*h )J, in *i#il *ase 3I1+C00, entitle7 P<use-io B.
6ar*ia, petitioner, #ersus Bon. <rnesto &ata (Juan Pon*e <nrile), et al.,
respon7ents,P 7e*larin8 para8raph 11 o, the PSpe*ial Pro#isions ,or the !r"e7
For*es o, the PhilippinesP o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 1000
un*onstitutional an7 there,ore
in#ali7 an7 inoperati#e.
Petitioner %as a reser#e o,,i*er on a*ti#e 7ut. %ith the !r"e7 For*es o, the
Philippines until his re#ersion to ina*ti#e status on 1; /o#e"-er 1900, pursuant to
the pro#isions o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 2++2. !t the ti"e o, re#ersion, Petitioner hel7 the
ran( o, Captain %ith a "onthl. e"olu"ent o, PC78.00, *o"prisin8 his -ase an7
lon8e#it. pa., quarters an7 su-sisten*e allo%an*es.
1n Jul. 11, 19;0,
%hile the petitioner %as .et in the a*ti#e ser#i*e, $epu-li*
!*t 1000 %as ena*te7 into la%. Para8raph 11 o, the SP<C)!2 P$15)S)1/S F1$
TB< !$&<E F1$C<S 1F TB< PB)2)PP)/<S (on pa8e 892 o, the !*t) pro#i7e7 as
11. !,ter the appro#al o, this !*t, an7 %hen there is no e"er8en*., no reser#e
o,,i*er o, the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines "a. -e *alle7 to a tour o, a*ti#e 7ut.

,or "ore than t%o .ears 7urin8 an. perio7 o, ,i#e *onse*uti#e .ears P$15)E<E,
That herea,ter reser#e o,,i*ers o, the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines on a*ti#e 7ut.
,or "ore than t%o .ears on the 7ate o, the appro#al o, this !*t e'*ept those %hose
"ilitar. an7 e7u*ational trainin8, e'perien*e an7 quali,i*ations are 7ee"e7 essential
to the nee7s o, the ser#i*e, shall -e re#erte7 to ina*ti#e status %ithin one .ear ,ro"
the appro#al o, this !*t P$15)E<E, F9$TB<$, %#at reserve officers $it# at least
ten "ears of active accumulated commissioned service $#o are still on active dut" at
t#e time of t#e approval of t#is Act s#all not be reverted to inactive status e.cept for
cause after proper court<martial proceedings or upon t#eir re&uestH P$15)E<E,
F9$TB<$, That an. su*h reser#e o,,i*er re#erte7 to ina*ti#e status %ho has at least
,i#e o, a*ti#e *o""issione7 ser#i*e shall -e entitle7 to a 8ratuit. equi#alent to one
"onthKs authori4e7 -ase an7 lon8e#it. pa. in the ran( hel7 at the ti"e o, su*h
re#ersion ,or e#er. .ear o, a*ti#e *o""issione7 ser#i*eH P$15)E<E, F9$TB<$,
That an. reser#e o,,i*er %ho re*ei#es a 8ratuit. un7er the pro#isions o, this !*t shall
not e'*ept 7urin8 a /ational e"er8en*. or "o-ili4ation, -e *alle7 to a tour o, a*ti#e
7ut. %ithin ,i#e .ears ,ro" the 7ate o, re#ersion P$15)E<E, F9$TB<$, That the
Se*retar. o, /ational Ee,ense is authori4e7 to e'ten7 the tour o, a*ti#e 7ut. o,
reser#e o,,i*ers %ho are quali,ie7 "ilitar. pilots an7 7o*torsH P$15)E<E,
F9$TB<$, That an. sa#in8s in the appropriations authori4e7 in this !*t ,or the
Eepart"ent o, /ational Ee,ense not%ithstan7in8 an. pro#ision o, this !*t to the
*ontrar. an7 an. une'pen7e7 -alan*e o, *erti,i*ation to a**ounts pa.a-le sin*e 1
Jul. 19C9 re8ar7less o, purpose o, the appropriation shall -e "a7e a#aila-le ,or the
purpose o, this para8raph !/E P$15)E<E, F)/!22:, That the Se*retar. o,
/ational Ee,ense shall ren7er a quarterl. report to Con8ress as to the
i"ple"entation o, the pro#isions o, this para8raph. ( pp/ A92<A9B1 RA 766)
(e"phasis supplie7).
The *ontension, that the sai7 pro#ision has no rele#an*e or pertinen*e
%hatsoe#er to the -u78et in question or to an. appropriation ite" *ontaine7 therein,
an7 is there,ore pros*ri-e7 -. !rt. 5), Se*. 2;, par. 2
o, the Constitution o, the
!rt. 0 se*t. 2; par 2 states, that no pro#ision or ena*t"ent shall -e e"-ra*e7 in the
8eneral appropriation -ill unless it relates spe*i,i*all. to so"e parti*ular
appropriation thereinH an7 an. su*h pro#ision or ena*t"ent shall -e li"ite7 in its
operation to su*h appropriation.
! perusal o, the *hallen8e7 pro#ision o, $.!. 1000 ,ails to 7is*lose its rele#an*e or
relation to an. appropriation ite" therein, or to the !ppropriation !*t as a %hole.
Fro" the #er. ,irst *lause o, para8raph 11 itsel,, %hi*h rea7s,
After t#e approval of t#is Act1 and $#en t#ere is no emergenc"1 no reserve officer of
t#e Armed 9orces of t#e 0#ilippines ma" be called to a tour of active dut" for more
t#an t$o "ears during an" period of five consecutive "ears:
the in*on8ruit. an7 irrele#an*. are alrea7. e#i7ent. >hile $.!. 1000 appropriate7
"one. ,or the operation o, the 6o#ern"ent ,or the ,is*al .ear 19;0I19;7, the sai7
para8raph 11 re,ers to the ,un7a"ental 8o#ern"ent poli*. "atters o, the *allin8 to

a*ti#e 7ut. an7 the re#ersion to ina*ti#e status o, reser#e o,,i*ers in the !FP. The
in*on8ruit. an7 irrele#an*. *ontinue throu8hout the entire
para8raph.*hanro-les#irtuala%li-rar.*hanro-les #irtual la% li-rar.
)n the lan8ua8e o, the respon7entsIappellees, Pit $as indeed a non<appropriation
item inserted in an appropriation measure in #iolation o, the *onstitutional inhi-ition
a8ainst Pri7ersP to the 8eneral appropriation a*t.P )t %as in7ee7 a ne% an7 *o"pletel.
unrelate7 pro#ision atta*he7 to the !ppropriation !*t.
Ee"etria #. !l-a, 1C8 SC$! 208 (1987)
!ssaile7 in this petition ,or prohi-ition %ith ,or a %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion is
the *onstitutionalit. o, the ,irst para8raph o, Se*tion CC o, Presi7ential Ee*ree /o.
1177, other%ise (no%n as the PBu78et $e,or" Ee*ree o, 1977.P
Petitioners, %ho ,ile7 the instant petition as *on*erne7 *iti4ens o, this *ountr., as
"e"-ers o, the /ational !sse"-l.DBatasanPa"-ansa representin8 their "illions o,
*onstituents, as parties %ith 8eneral interest *o""on to all the people o, the
Philippines, an7 as ta'pa.ers %hose #ital interests "a. -e a,,e*te7 -. the out*o"e
o, the relie,s!ssaile7 in this petition ,or prohi-ition %ith ,or a %rit o, preli"inar.
in@un*tion is the *onstitutionalit. o, the ,irst para8raph o, Se*tion CC o, Presi7ential
Ee*ree /o. 1177, other%ise (no%n as the PBu78et $e,or" Ee*ree o, 1977G. )t states
The Presi7ent shall ha#e the authorit. to trans,er an. ,un7, appropriate7 ,or
the 7i,,erent 7epart"ents, -ureaus, o,,i*es an7 a8en*ies o, the <'e*uti#e
Eepart"ent, %hi*h are in*lu7e7 in the 6eneral !ppropriations !*t, to an. pro8ra",
pro@e*t or a*ti#it. o, an. 7epart"ent, -ureau, or o,,i*e in*lu7e7 in the 6eneral
!ppropriations !*t or appro#e7 a,ter its ena*t"ent.
)s the Presi7ential Ee*ree #ali7A
/o. Se*. 2; par. ;. /o la% shall -e passe7 authori4in8 an. trans,er o,
appropriations, ho%e#er, the Presi7ent, the Pri"e &inister, the Spea(er, the Chie,
Justi*e o, the Supre"e Court, an7 the hea7s o, *onstitutional *o""is ions "a. -.
la% -e authori4e7 to au8"ent an. ite" in the 8eneral appropriations la% ,or their
respe*ti#e o,,i*es ,ro" sa#in8s in other ite"s o, their respe*ti#e appropriations.
The prohi-ition to trans,er an appropriation ,or one ite" to another %as
e'pli*it an7 *ate8ori*al un7er the 197+ Constitution. Bo%e#er, to a,,or7 the hea7s o,
the 7i,,erent -ran*hes o, the 8o#ern"ent an7 those o, the *onstitutional
*o""issions *onsi7era-le ,le'i-ilit. in the use o, pu-li* ,un7s an7 resour*es, the
*onstitution allo%e7 the ena*t"ent o, a la% authori4in8 the trans,er o, ,un7s ,or the
purpose o, au8"entin8 an ite" ,ro" sa#in8s in another ite" in the appropriation o,
the 8o#ern"ent -ran*h or *onstitutional -o7. *on*erne7. The lee%a. 8rante7 %as

thus li"ite7. The purpose an7 *on7itions ,or %hi*h ,un7s "a. -e trans,erre7 %ere
spe*i,ie7, i.e. trans,er "a. -e allo%e7 ,or the purpose o, au8"entin8 an ite" an7
su*h trans,er "a. -e "a7e onl. i, there are sa#in8s ,ro" another ite" in the
appropriation o, the 8o#ern"ent -ran*h or *onstitutional -o7..
Pointin8 out that P.E. 1177 e"po%ere7 the Presi7ent Fto in7is*ri"inatel.
trans,er ,un7sQ%ithout re8ar7 as to %hether or not the ,un7s to -e trans,erre7 are
a*tuall. sa#in8s in the ite" ,ro" %hi*h the sa"e are to -e ta(en.
>B<$<F1$<, the instant petition is 8rante7. Para8raph 1 o, Se*tion CC o,
Presi7ential Ee*ree /o. 1177 is here-. 7e*lare7 null an7 #oi7 ,or -ein8
>+ar# 9? /ilconsa v# $nri,ue8( )39 'CRA 9*5 >&44:?
This *ase starte7 %ith $! 700+, an !*t !ppropriatin8 Fun7s ,or the 1peration o, the
6o#ern"ent o, the Philippines ,ro" Januar. 1 to Ee*e"-er 1, 199C, an7 ,or other
Purposes %hi*h %as appro#e7 -. the Presi7ent -ut #etoe7 so"e o, its pro#isions.
Petitioners assail the spe*ial pro#ision allo%in8 a "e"-er o, Con8ress to reali8n his
allo*ation ,or operational e'penses to an. other e'pense *ate8or. *lai"in8 that it
#iolates Se*. 2;, !rt 7 o, the Constitution. )ssues o, *onstitutionalit. %ere raise7
-e,ore the Supre"e Court. Phil*onsa pra.e7 ,or a %rit o, prohi-ition to 7e*lare
un*onstitutional an7 #oi7 arti*le 10 on the Countr.%i7e Ee#elop"ent Fun7 an7 the
#eto o, the Presi7ent o, the Spe*ial pro#ision o, !rt J25))) o, the 6!! o, 199C.
! total o, 10 "e"-ers o, the Senate sou8ht the issuan*e o, %rits o, *ertiorari,
prohi-ition an7 "an7a"us a8ainst the e'e*uti#e se*retar., the se*retar. o, the
Eepart"ent o, Bu78et an7 &ana8e"ent an7 the /ational Treasurer an7 questions
the *onstitutionalit. o, the *on7itions i"pose7 -. the Presi7ent in the ite"s o, the
6!! o, 199C an7 the *onstitutionalit. o, the #eto o, the spe*ial pro#ision in the
appropriation ,or 7e-t ser#i*es. Petitioners *ontest the *onstitutionalit. o, #eto on
,our spe*ial pro#isions a77e7 to ite"s in the 6!! o, 199C ,or the !FP an7 EP>B
an7 the *on7itions i"pose7 -. the Presi7ent in the i"ple"entation o, *ertain
appropriations ,or the C!F69?s, EP>B, an7 /at?l Bi8h%a. !uthorit..
>hether or not the #eto o, the presi7ent on ,our spe*ial pro#isions is *onstitutional
an7 #ali7A
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Ee-t Ceilin8 N Con8ress pro#i7e7 ,or a 7e-tI*eilin8. 5etoe7 -.
the Presi7ent %ithout #etoin8 the entire appropriation ,or 7e-t ser#i*e. The sai7

pro#isions are 8er"ane to ^ ha#e 7ire*t relation %ith 7e-t ser#i*e. The. are
appropriate pro#isions an7 *annot -e #etoe7 %ithout #etoin8 the entire
ite"DappropriationH hen*e the #eto is #oi7.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on $e#ol#in8 Fun7s ,or SC9?s N sai7 pro#ision allo%s ,or the use
o, in*o"e ^ *reation o, re#ol#in8 ,un7 ,or SC9?s. Pro#ision ,or >estern
State 9ni#. ^ 2e.te State Colle8es #etoe7 -. Pres. 1ther SC9?s en@o.in8 the
pri#ile8e 7o so -. e'istin8 la%. Pres. "erel. a*te7 in pursuan*e to e'istin8 la%.
5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on $oa7 &aintenan*e N Con8ress spe*i,ie7 +0Y ratio ,o %or(s ,or
"aintenan*e o, roa7s -e *ontra*te7 a**or7in8 to 8ui7elines set ,orth -. EP>B.
5etoe7 -. the Pres. %ithout #etoin8 the entire appropriation. )t is not an inappropriate
pro#isionH it is not alien to the su-@e*t o, roa7 "aintenan*e ^ *annot -e #etoe7
%ithout #etoin8 the entire appropriation. 5<T1 51)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Pur*hase o, &ilitar. <quip"ent N !FP "o7erni4ation, prior
appro#al o, Con8ress require7 -e,ore release o, "o7erni4ation ,un7s. )t is the soI
*alle7 le8islati#e #eto. !n. pro#ision -lo*(in8 an a7"in. a*tion in i"ple"entin8 a la%
or requirin8 le8islati#e appro#al "ust -e su-@e*t o, a separate la%. 5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on 9se o, Sa#in8s ,or !FP Pensions N allo%s Chie, o, Sta,, to
au8"ent pension ,un7s throu8h the use o, sa#in8s. !**or7in8 to the Constitution,
onl. the Pres. "a. e'er*ise su*h po%er pursuant to a spe*i,i* la%. Properl. #etoe7.
5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Con7itions ,or 7eIa*ti#ation o, C!F69?s N use o, spe*ial ,un7
,or the *o"pensation o, the sai7 C!F69?s. 5etoe7, Pres. requires his prior appro#al.
)t is also an a"en7"ent to e'istin8 la% (PE /o. 1;97 ^ $! /o. 07;8). ! pro#ision in
an appropriation a*t *annot -e use7 to repealDa"en7 e'istin8 la%s. 5<T1 5!2)E.
(par. ;) San*he4 #. C1!, ;;2 SC$! C71
)n 1991, Con8ress passe7 $epu-li* !*t /o. 7180 ($.!. 7180) other%ise
(no%n as the 6eneral !ppropriations !*t o, 1992. This la% pro#i7e7 an
appropriation ,or the E)26 un7er Title J))) an7 set asi7e the a"ount o,
P7;,000,000.00 ,or the E)26Ks Capa-ilit. Buil7in8 Pro8ra".
1n 11 /o#e"-er 1991, !tt.. Bira" C. &en7o4a (!tt.. &en7o4a), Pro@e*t
Eire*tor o, the Ad Hoc %as( 9orce for :nter<Agenc" 4oordination to :mplement ;ocal
Autonom", in,or"e7 then Eeput. <'e*uti#e Se*retar. Eionisio 7e la Serna o, the
proposal to *onstitute an7 i"ple"ent a Psha"ro*(P tas( ,or*e to i"ple"ent
lo*al autono". institutionali4e7 un7er the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e o, 1991.
The proposal %as a**epte7 -. the Eeput. <'e*uti#e Se*retar. an7 atteste7
-. then E)26 Se*retar. Cesar /. Sarino, one o, the petitioners herein, %ho
*onsequentl. issue7 a "e"oran7u" ,or the trans,er an7 re"ittan*e to the 1,,i*e o,
the Presi7ent o, the su" o, P+00,000.00 ,or the operational e'penses o, the tas(
,or*e. !n a77itional *ash a7#an*e o, P+00,000.00 %as requeste7. These a"ounts
%ere ta(en ,ro" the Fun7.
! /oti*e o, Eisallo%an*e 7ate7 29 &ar*h 199+ %as then sent to &r. Sarino,

et al/ hol7in8 the latter @ointl. an7 se#erall. lia-le ,or the a"ount an7 7ire*tin8 the"
to i""e7iatel. settle the 7isallo%an*e.
!88rie#e7 -. su*h a*tion, &r. Sarino, et al/ requeste7 re*onsi7eration o, the
)SS9< >hether or not the trans,er o, ,un7 %as *onstitutional.
)t is i"portant to un7ers*ore the ,a*t that the po%er to trans,er sa#in8s un7er
Se*. 2;(;), !rt. 5) o, the 1987 Constitution pertains e'*lusi#el. to the Presi7ent, the
Presi7ent o, the Senate, the Spea(er o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, the Chie,
Justi*e o, the Supre"e Court, an7 the hea7s o, Constitutional Co""issions an7 no
Thus, the su-"ission that there %as a #ali7 trans,er o, ,un7s %ithin the
<'e*uti#e Eepart"ent shoul7 -e re@e*te7 as it o#erloo(s the ,a*t that the po%er an7
authorit. to trans,er in this *ase %as e'er*ise7 not -. the Presi7ent -ut onl. at the
instan*e o, the Eeput. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., not the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. hi"sel,.
<#en i, the E)26 Se*retar. ha7 *orro-orate7 the initiati#e o, the Eeput. <'e*uti#e
Se*retar., it 7oes not e#en appear that the "atter %as authori4e7 -. the Presi7ent.
>B<$<F1$<, the instant petition is E)S&)SS<E an7 the assaile7 Ee*ision
o, the Co""ission on !u7it is !FF)$&<E. /o pronoun*e"ent as to *osts.
Se*tion 20. Su-@e*t an7 Title o, BillsH Three $ea7in8s
(par. 1) Cor7ero #. Ca-atuan7o, 0 SC$! C18 (1902)
Tenan*. Counsel 9nit o, the !8ri*ultural Tenan*. Co""ission o, the
Eepart"ent o, Justi*e, thru its Trial !ttorne. the herein petitioner &anuel !. Cor7ero
as *ounsel ,or in7i8ent petitioner tenant 5i*ente Sala4ar a8ainst respon7ent lan7lor7
2eonar7o Sta. $o"ana an7 others P,or reinstate"ent an7 reliqui7ation o, past
har#estsP, respon7ent lan7lor7 2eonar7o Sta. $o"ana ,ile P&otion to Eisquali,.
Counsel an7 To Set Bearin8 at Ca-anatuan Cit., pra.in8 a"on8 others ,or the
7isquali,i*ation o, petitioner &anuel !. Cor7ero to a*t as *ounsel tenant 5i*ente
The title o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 220+ rea7s as ,ollo%s P!/ !CT !&</E)/6
C<$T!)/ S<CT)1/S 1F $<P9B2)C !CT /9&B<$<E 1/< TB19S!/E 1/<
B9/E$<E /)/<T:I/)/<, 1TB<$>)S< Z/1>/ !S TB< !6$)C92T9$!2
T</!/C: !CT 1F TB< PB)2)PP)/<.P
Se*tion 19. Se*tion ,i,t.Ithree o, the sa"e !*t is here-. a"en7e7 to rea7 as ,ollo%s
PSe*. ;+. Euties o, Se*retar. o, Justi*e. The Se*retar. o, Justi*e, a*tin8 throu8h a
tenan*. "e7iation *o""ission shall *arr. out a rational en,or*e"ent pro8ra", %hi*h
shall in*lu7e a"on8 other thin8s, "e7iation o, tenan*. 7isputes.P
Se*tion 20. Se*tion ,i,t.I,our o, the sa"e a*t is here-. a"en7e7 to rea7 as ,ollo%s

PSe* ;C. $epresentation -. Counsel. )n all *ases herein a tenant *annot a,,or7 to -e
represente7 -. *ounsel, it shall -e the 7ut. o, the trial attorne. o, the tenan*.
"e7iation *o""ission to represent hi", upon proper noti,i*ation -. the part.
*on*erne7, or the *ourt o, *o"petent @uris7i*tion shall assi8n or appoint *ounsel 7e
o,i*io ,or the in7i8ent tenant.
>hether or not the a"en7ator. pro#isions spe*i,i*all. se*tions 19 an7 20 o,
$! 220+ *o#er su-@e*ts in*onsistent %ith the title o, sai7 $epu-li* !*t inso,ar as it
allo%s la%.ers ,ro" the Tenan*. Counsel 9nit to appear as *ounsels ,or in7i8ent
Se*tion 19 an7 20 o, $! 220+ are *onstitutional.
$! 220+ has a sin8le 8eneral su-@e*t %hi*h is the !8ri*ultural Tenan*. !*t an7 the
a"en7ator. pro#isions no "atter ho% 7i#erse the. "a. -e, so lon8 as the. are not
in*onsistent %ith or ,orei8n to the 8eneral su-@e*t, %ill -e re8ar7e7 as #ali7. To
7e*lare se*tions 19 an7 20 o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 2 null an7 #oi7 %oul7 in e,,e*t upset
the trans,er o, 7ut. o, representin8 in7i8ent tenants ,ro" the pu-li* 7e,en7ers o, the
Eepart"ent o, 2a-or to the trial attorne. in the &e7iation Ei#ision o, the !8ri*ultural
Tenan*. Co""ission o, the Eepart"ent o, Justi*e.
>+ar# &? /ilconsa v# 7imene8( &9 'CRA :;4 >&459?
Philippine Constitution !sso*iation, )n*. (Phil*onsa) see(s to question the
#ali7it. o, $! +8+0 as it a77e7 the retire"ent o, Senators an7 &e"-ers o, the
Bouse o, $epresentati#es an7 not onl. the retire"ent o, an. o,,i*ial or e",
appointi#e or ele*ti#e, re8ar7less o, a8e an7 e"plo."ent status, %ho has ren7ere7
a total o, at least t%ent. .ears o, ser#i*e, the last three .ears o, %hi*h are
*ontinuous. This pro#ision o, retire"ent 8ratuit. is entitle7 to "e"-ers o,
6o#ern"ent Ser#i*e )nsuran*e S.ste" an7 not "e"-ers o, the Senate or
>ith this in "in7, $! +8+0 see(s to allo% Senate an7 Con8ress to retire,
re8ar7less o, a8e, %ith the "ini"u" .ears o, ser#i*e o, 12 .ears not lo%er than C
.ears pa.a-le to a retirin8 senator, "e"-er o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#es, or
ele*ti#e o,,i*er, o, either Bouse, shall -e equi#alent to one .earKs salar. ,or e#er.
,our .ears o, ser#i*e.
$epu-li* !*t +8+0 see(s to a"en7 su-se*tion * Se*tion 12 o,
Co""on%ealth !*t 180 !/ !CT !&</E)/6 S9BS<CT)1/ (*), S<CT)1/
T><25< 1F C1&&1/><!2TB !CT /9&B<$<E 1/< B9/E$<E <)6BT:IS)J,
!S !&</E<E B: $<P9B2)C !CT /9&B<$<E TB)$T: B9/E$<E /)/<T:IS)J.
>hether or not $! +8+0 is *onstitutional on the 8roun7s that it *o#ers su-@e*ts
in*onsistent %ith its titleA

$epu-li* !*t /o. +8+0 is here-. 7e*lare7 null an7 #oi7, in so ,ar as it re,ers to
the retire"ent o, &e"-ers o, Con8ress an7 the ele*te7 o,,i*ials thereo,, as -ein8
un*onstitutional. The restrainin8 or7er issue7 in our resolution on Ee*e"-er 0, 190;
is here-. "a7e per"anent.
Su-se*tion * Se*tion 12 C! 180 spea(s onl. o, retire"ent o, "e"-ers o, 6S)SH the
a"en7in8 $! +8+0 see(s to in*lu7e non N 6S)S "e"-ers li(e "e"-ers o, Senate
an7 Con8ress %hi*h is not pro#i7e7 in its a"en7in8 title.
>+ar# &? 0nsular Lumber Com+any v# CTA( &*: 'CRA ;&* >&46&?
)nsular 2u"-er Co"pan., a li*ense7 ,orest *on*essionaire, pur*hase7 an7
use7 "anu,a*ture7 oil an7 "otor ,uel ,or its operation ,ro" Januar. 1, 190+ to !pril
29, 190+. )t *lai"e7 re,un7 o, P 19,921.+7 representin8 2;Y o, the spe*i,i* ta' pai7
,or the oil. $! 1C+; pro#i7es F!/ !CT T1 P$15)E< &<!/S F1$ )/C$<!S)/6
TB< B)6B>!: SP<C)!2 F9/E.G
The C)$ rule7 that )2C is not *o#ere7 -. su*h pro#ision -e*ause Se* ;, $!
1C+; is onl. e,,e*ti#e ; .ears ,ro" its ena*t"ent. Ben*e, in 1901 the pro#ision
*ease7 to -e e,,e*ti#e. )C2 appeale7 the issue to the Court o, Ta' !ppeal an7 the
CT! rule7 the operation o, a sa%"ill is 7istin*t ,ro" the operation o, a ,orest
*on*ession, hen*e, the re,un7 pro#ision o, Se* ;, $!1C+; allo%in8 partial re,un7 to
,orest an7 "inin8 *on*essionaires *annot -e e'ten7e7 to the operators o, a sa%"ill.
The title o, $! 1C+; is P!n !*t to Pro#i7e &eans ,or )n*reasin8 The Bi8h%a.
Spe*ial Fun7.P The C)$ *onten7s that the su-@e*t o, $! 1C+; %as to in*rease
Bi8h%a. Spe*ial Fun7. Bo%e#er, Se*tion ; o, the !*t 7eals %ith another su-@e*t
%hi*h is the partial e'e"ption o, "iners an7 lo88ers. !n7 this partial e'e"ption on
%hi*h the Co"pan. -ase7 its *lai" ,or re,un7 is *learl. not e'presse7 in the title o,
the a,oresai7 !*t. &ore i"portantl., Se*tion ; pro#i7es ,or a 7e*rease rather than an
in*rease o, the Bi8h%a. Spe*ial Fun7.
>hether or not Se*tion ; !rti*le 1C+; e"-o7ies another su-@e*t inso,ar as it
see(s to pro#i7e "eans ,or 7e*reasin8 rather than an in*rease o, the Bi8h%a.
Spe*ial Fun7
>e ,in7 no "erit in the ar8u"ent. $epu-li* !*t /o. 1C+; 7eals %ith onl. one
su-@e*t an7 pro*lai"s @ust one poli*., na"el., the ne*essit. ,or in*reasin8 the
Bi8h%a. Spe*ial Fun7 throu8h the i"position o, an in*rease7 spe*i,i* ta' on
"anu,a*ture7 oils. The pro#iso )7. Se*tion ; o, the la% is in e,,e*t a partial e'e"ption
,ro" the i"pose7 in*rease7 ta'. Sai7 pro#iso, %hi*h has re,eren*e to spe*i,i* ta' on
oil an7 ,uel, is not a 7e#iation ,ro" the 8eneral su-@e*t o, the la%.

The pri"ar. purpose o, the *onstitutional pro#ision is to prohi-it 7upli*it. in
le8islation the title o, %hi*h "i8ht *o"pletel. ,ail to apprise the le8islators or the
pu-li* o, the nature, s*ope an7 *onsequen*es o, the la% or its operation. This 7oes
not see" to this Court to ha#e -een i8nore7 in the passa8e o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 1C+;
sin*e, as the re*or7s o, its pro*ee7in8s -ear out, a ,ull 7e-ate on pre*isel. the issue
o, %hether its title re,le*ts its *o"plete su-@e*t %as hel7 -. Con8ress %hi*h passe7
Further"ore, in 7e*i7in8 the *onstitutionalit. o, a statute alle8e7 to -e 7e,e*ti#el.
title7, e#er. presu"ption ,a#ors the #ali7it. o, the !*t. !s is true repu-li* in *ases
presentin8 other *onstitutional issues, the *ourts a#oi7 7e*larin8 an !*t
un*onstitutional %hene#er possi-le. >here there is an. 7ou-t as to the insu,,i*ien*.
o, either the title, or the !rt, the le8islation shoul7 -e sustaine7.
)n the in*i7ent on
han7, this Court 7oes not e#en ha#e an. 7ou-t.
>+ar# &? /ili++ine Du!ges Association v# /ra!o( )); 'CRA ;*3 >&443?
The Philippine Ju78es !sso*iation assail the *onstitutionalit. o, Cir*ular /o.
92 N 98 in a**or7an*e %ith Se* +; o, $! 7+;C passe7 -. the Philippine Postal
Corporation. $.!. /o. 7+;C is entitle7 P!n !*t Creatin8 the Philippine Postal
Corporation, Ee,inin8 its Po%ers, Fun*tions an7 $esponsi-ilities, Pro#i7in8 ,or
$e8ulation o, the )n7ustr. an7 ,or 1ther Purposes Conne*te7 There%ith.P
S<CT)1/ +;. $epealin8 Clause. W !ll a*ts, 7e*rees, or7ers, e'e*uti#e or7ers,
instru*tions, rules an7 re8ulations or parts thereo, in*onsistent %ith the pro#isions o,
this !*t are repeale7 or "o7i,ie7 a**or7in8l..
!ll ,ran(in8 pri#ile8es authori4e7 -. la% are here-. repeale7, e'*ept those pro#i7e7
,or un7er Co""on%ealth !*t /o. 20;, $epu-li* !*ts /u"-ere7 09, 180, 1C1C,
2087, an7 ;0;9. The Corporation "a. *ontinue the ,ran(in8 pri#ile8e un7er Cir*ular
/o. +; 7ate7 1*to-er 2C, 1977 an7 that o, the 5i*e Presi7ent, un7er su*h
arran8e"ents an7 *on7itions as "a. o-#iate a-use or unauthori4e7 use thereo,.
>hether or not *ertain pro#ision o, $! 7+;C is un*onstitutional as it e"-o7ies
su-@e*ts not %ithin the *onte"plation o, its titleA
The petition is partiall. 6$!/T<E an7 Se*tion +; o, $.!. /o. 7+;C is
7e*lare7 9/C1/ST)T9T)1/!2. Cir*ular /o. 92I28 is S<T !S)E< inso,ar as it
%ith7ra%s the ,ran(in8 pri#ile8e ,ro" the Supre"e Court, the Court o, !ppeals, the
$e8ional Trial Courts, the &uni*ipal trial Courts, an7 the /ational 2an7 $e8istration
!uthorit. an7 its $e8ister o, Eee7s to all o, %hi*h o,,i*es the sai7 pri#ile8e shall -e
The purposes o, this rule are (1) to pre#ent ho78eIpo78e or Plo8Irollin8P
le8islationH (2) to pre#ent surprise or ,rau7 upon the le8islature -. "eans o,

pro#isions in -ills o, %hi*h the title 8i#es no inti"ation, an7 %hi*h "i8ht there,ore -e
o#erloo(e7 an7 *arelessl. an7 unintentionall. a7opte7H an7 (+) to ,airl. apprise the
people, throu8h su*h pu-li*ation o, le8islati#e pro*ee7in8s as is usuall. "a7e, o, the
su-@e*t o, le8islation that is -ein8 *onsi7ere7, in or7er that the. "a. ha#e
opportunit. o, -ein8 hear7 thereon, -. petition or other%ise, i, the. shall so 7esire.
The repeal o, a statute on a 8i#en su-@e*t is properl. *onne*te7 %ith the
su-@e*t "atter o, a ne% statute on the sa"e su-@e*tH an7 there,ore a repealin8
se*tion in the ne% statute is #ali7, not%ithstan7in8 that the title is silent on the
su-@e*t. )t %oul7 -e 7i,,i*ult to *on*ei#e o, a "atter "ore 8er"ane to an a*t an7 to
the o-@e*t to -e a**o"plishe7 there-. than the repeal o, pre#ious le8islations
*onne*te7 there%ith. >ith7ra%al o, the ,ran(in8 pri#ile8e ,ro" so"e a8en*ies is
8er"ane to the a**o"plish"ent o, the prin*ipal o-@e*ti#e, -. #irtue o, its nature as a
repealin8 *lauseH Se*tion +; 7i7 not ha#e to -e e'pressl. in*lu7e7 in the title o, the
sai7 la%.
Alalayan v# 2/C( ): 'CRA &;) >&456?
! an7 the Philippine Po%er an7 Ee#elop"ent Co"pan. see(s to
*lari,. the po%er #este7 in /!P1C1$ that Pin an. *ontra*t ,or the suppl. o, ele*tri*
po%er to a ,ran*hise hol7er,P re*ei#in8 at least ;0Y o, its ele*tri* po%er an7 ener8.
,ro" it to require as a *on7ition that su*h ,ran*hise hol7er Pshall not reali4e a net
pro,it o, "ore than t%el#e per*ent annuall. o, its in#est"ents plus t%oI"onth
operatin8 e'penses.P !lso it *oul7 Frene% all e'istin8 *ontra*ts %ith ,ran*hise hol7ers
,or the suppl. o, ele*tri* po%er an7 ener8.,P. This is all in pursuant to $! +0C+ an7
the a"en7"ents it o,,ere7 to $! 20C1. ! an7 PPEC are *ontra*tors %ith
/!P1C1$. The. are reIsuppliers o, po%er pro7u*e7 -. /!P1C1$. The. state7
that the pro#ision o, the sai7 $! is a ri7er an7 onl. "eant to in*rease the *apital
sto*( o, /!P1C1$.
$epu-li* !*t /o. +0C+ !/ !CT T1 F9$TB<$ !&</E C1&&1/><!2TB !CT
/9&B<$<E 1/< B9/E$<E T></T:, !S !&</E<E B: $<P9B2)C !CT
/9&B<$<E T></T:IS)J B9/E$<E !/E F1$T:I1/<.
'ection 3# The /ational Po%er Corporation is here-. authori4e7 to represent an7
transa*t ,or the -ene,it an7 in -ehal, o, the pu-li* *onsu"ers, an7 it shall in an.
*ontra*t ,or the suppl. o, ele*tri* po%er to a ,ran*hise hol7er require as a *on7ition
that the ,ran*hise hol7er, i, it re*ei#es at least ,i,t. per*ent o, its ele*tri* po%er an7
ener8. ,ro" the /ational Po%er Corporation, shall not reali4e a net pro,it o, "ore
than t%el#e per*ent annuall. o, its in#est"ents plus t%oI"onth operatin8 e'penses.
The /ational Po%er Corporation shall rene% all e'istin8 *ontra*ts %ith ,ran*hise
hol7ers ,or the suppl. o, ele*tri* po%er an7 ener8., in or7er to 8i#e e,,e*t to the
pro#isions hereo,. )n the e#ent that the net pro,it as #eri,ie7 -. the Pu-li* Ser#i*e
Co""ission shoul7 e'*ee7 the sai7 t%el#e per*ent, the Pu-li* Ser#i*e Co""ission
shall or7er su*h e'*ess to -e returne7 pro rata to the *usto"ers either in *ash or as
*re7it ,or the ,uture ele*tri* -ills.

C1&&1/><!2TB !CT /1. 120 I !/ !CT C$<!T)/6 TB< P/!T)1/!2 P1><$
C1$P1$!T)1/,P P$<SC$)B)/6 )TS P1><$S !/E !CT)5)T)<S,
!PP$1P$)!T)/6 TB< /<C<SS!$: F9/ES TB<$<F1$, !/E $<S<$5)/6 TB<
9/!PP$1P$)!T<E P9B2)C >!T<$S F1$ )TS 9S<
$<P9B2)C !CT /1. 20C1 I !/ !CT C1/5<$T)/6 TB< /!T)1/!2 P1><$
C1$P1$!T)1/ )/T1 ! ST1CZ C1$P1$!T)1/, !&</E)/6 F1$ TB< P9$P1S<
C1&&1/><!2TB !CT /9&B<$<E 1/< B9/E$<E T></T:
>hether or not Se*tion + $! +0C+ is @ust a ri7er an7 see(s to #iolate Se*tion 20
!rti*le 5) para8raph 1A
>B<$<F1$<, there -ein8 no sho%in8 that Se*tion + o, $epu-li* !*t /o. +0C+ is
un*onstitutional, the 7e*ision o, the lo%er *ourt, 7is"issin8 the petition, is a,,ir"e7.
>ith *osts a8ainst petitioner !
)t "ust -e 7ee"e7 su,,i*ient that the title -e *o"prehensi#e enou8h reasona-l. to
in*lu7e the 8eneral o-@e*t %hi*h the statute see(s to e,,e*t %ithout e'pressin8 ea*h
an7 e#er. en7 an7 "eans ne*essar. ,or its a**o"plish"ent. Thus, "ere 7etails
nee7 not -e set ,orth. The le8islature is not require7 to "a(e the title o, the a*t a
*o"plete in7e' o, its *ontents. The pro#ision "erel. *alls ,or all parts o, an a*t
relatin8 to its su-@e*t ,in7in8 e'pression in its title. &ore spe*i,i*all., i, the la%
a"en7s a se*tion or part o, a statute, it su,,i*es i, re,eren*e -e "a7e to the
le8islation to -e a"en7e7, there -ein8 no nee7 to state the pre*ise nature o, the
Tio #. 5i7eo8ra" $e8ulator. Boar7, 1;1 SC$! 208 (1987)
F!CTS 1n !pril 10. 1987,Presi7ential Ee*ree /o. 1987 entitle7 F!n !*t Creatin8
the 5i7eo8ra" $e8ulator. Boar7G %ith -roa7 po%ers to re8ulate an7 super#ise the
#i7eo8ra" in7ustr. (hereina,ter -rie,l. re,erre7 to as the B1!$E) too( e,,e*t.
Presi7ential Ee*ree /o. 199C a"en7e7 the /ational )nternal $e#enue Co7e
pro#i7in8, inter alia
S<C. 1+C. Cideo %apes. W There shall -e *olle*te7 on ea*h pro*esse7 #i7eoItape
*assette, rea7. ,or pla.-a*(, re8ar7less o, len8th, an annual ta' o, ,i#e pesosH
Pro#i7e7, That lo*all. "anu,a*ture7 or i"porte7 -lan( #i7eo tapes shall -e su-@e*t
to sales ta'.
Se*tion 10. %a. on Sale1 ;ease or Disposition of Cideograms. W /ot%ithstan7in8
an. pro#ision o, la% to the *ontrar., the pro#in*e shall *olle*t a ta' o, thirt. per*ent
(+0Y) o, the pur*hase pri*e or rental rate, as the *ase "a. -e, ,or e#er. sale, lease
or 7isposition o, a #i7eo8ra" *ontainin8 a repro7u*tion o, an. "otion pi*ture or
au7io#isual pro8ra". Fi,t. per*ent (;0Y) o, the pro*ee7s o, the ta' *olle*te7 shall
a**rue to the pro#in*e, an7 the other ,i,t. per*ent (;0Y) shall a*rrue to the
"uni*ipalit. %here the ta' is *olle*te7H P$15)E<E, That in &etropolitan &anila, the

ta' shall -e share7 equall. -. the Cit.D&uni*ipalit. an7 the &etropolitan &anila
)SS9< >hether Presi7ential Ee*ree /o. 1990 is *onstitutional sin*e Se*tion 10
thereo,, %hi*h i"poses a ta' o, +0Y on the 8ross re*eipts pa.a-le to the lo*al
8o#ern"ent is a $)E<$ an7 the sa"e is not 8er"ane to the su-@e*t "atter thereo,
$92)/6 The Constitutional require"ent that Fe#er. -ill shall e"-ra*e onl. one
su-@e*t %hi*h shall -e e'presse7 in the title thereo,G is su,,i*ientl. *o"plie7 %ith i,
the title -e *o"prehensi#e enou8h to in*lu7e the 8eneral purpose %hi*h a statute
see(s to a*hie#e. )t is not ne*essar. that the title e'press ea*h an7 e#er. en7 that
the statute %ishes to a**o"plish. The require"ent is satis,ie7 i, all the parts o, the
statute are relate7, an7 are 8er"ane to the su-@e*t "atter e'presse7 in the title, or
as lon8 as the. are not in*onsistent %ith or ,orei8n to the 8eneral su-@e*t an7
title. !n a*t ha#in8 a sin8le 8eneral su-@e*t, in7i*ate7 in the title, "a. *ontain an.
nu"-er o, pro#isions, no "atter ho% 7i#erse the. "a. -e, so lon8 as the. are not
in*onsistent %ith or ,orei8n to the 8eneral su-@e*t, an7 "a. -e *onsi7ere7 in
,urtheran*e o, su*h su-@e*t -. pro#i7in8 ,or the "etho7 an7 "eans o, *arr.in8 out
the 8eneral o-@e*t.G
The ,ore8oin8 pro#ision is allie7 an7 8er"ane to, an7 is reasona-l. ne*essar. ,or
the a**o"plish"ent o,, the 8eneral o-@e*t o, the E<C$<<, %hi*h is the re8ulation o,
the #i7eo in7ustr. throu8h the 5i7eo8ra" $e8ulator. Boar7 as e'presse7 in its title.
The ta' pro#ision is not in*onsistent %ith, nor ,orei8n to that 8eneral su-@e*t an7 title.
!s a tool ,or re8ulation
it is si"pl. one o, the re8ulator. an7 *ontrol "e*hanis"s
s*attere7 throu8hout the E<C$<<. The e'press purpose o, the E<C$<< to in*lu7e
ta'ation o, the #i7eo in7ustr. in or7er to re8ulate an7 rationali4e the hereto,ore
un*ontrolle7 7istri-ution o, #i7eo8ra"s is e#i7ent ,ro" Prea"-les 2 an7 ;, supra.
Those prea"-les e'plain the "oti#es o, the la%"a(er in presentin8 the "easure.
The title o, the E<C$<<, %hi*h is the *reation o, the 5i7eo8ra" $e8ulator. Boar7,
is *o"prehensi#e enou8h to in*lu7e the purposes e'presse7 in its Prea"-le an7
reasona-l. *o#ers all its pro#isions. )t is unne*essar. to e'press all those o-@e*ti#es
in the title or that the latter -e an in7e' to the -o7. o, the E<C$<<.
(par. 2) Tolentino #. Se*retar. o, Finan*e, 2+; SC$! 0+0 (199C)
The #alueIa77e7 ta' (5!T) is le#ie7 on the sale, -arter or e'*han8e o, 8oo7s an7
properties as %ell as on the sale or e'*han8e o, ser#i*es. )t is equi#alent to 10Y o,
the 8ross sellin8 pri*e or 8ross #alue in "one. o, 8oo7s or properties sol7, -artere7
or e'*han8e7 or o, the 8ross re*eipts ,ro" the sale or e'*han8e o, ser#i*es.
$epu-li* !*t /o. 7710, other%ise (no%n as the <'pan7e7 5alueI!77e7 Ta' 2a%.
See(s to %i7en the ta' -ase o, the e'istin8 5!T s.ste" an7 enhan*e its
a7"inistration -. a"en7in8 the /ational )nternal $e#enue Co7e.
The petitioner reiterates pre#ious *lai"s "a7e -. the" that $.!. /o. 7710 7i7 not
Fori8inate e'*lusi#el.G in the Bouse o, $epresentati#es as require7 -. !rt. 5), R2C o,
the Constitution. !lthou8h the. a7"it that B. /o. 11197 %as ,ile7 in the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es %here it passe7 three rea7in8s an7 that a,ter%ar7 it %as sent to the

Senate %here a,ter ,irst rea7in8 it %as re,erre7 to the Senate >a.s an7 &eans
Co""ittee, the. *o"plain that the Senate 7i7 not pass it on se*on7 an7 thir7
rea7in8s. )nstea7 %hat the Senate 7i7 %as to pass its o%n #ersion (S. /o. 10+0)
%hi*h it appro#e7 on &a. 2C, 199C. Petitioner Tolentino a77s that %hat the Senate
*o""ittee shoul7 ha#e 7one %as to a"en7 B. /o. 11197 -. stri(in8 out the te't o,
the -ill an7 su-stitutin8 it %ith the te't o, S. /o. 10+0. That %a., it is sai7, Fthe -ill
re"ains a Bouse -ill an7 the Senate #ersion @ust -e*o"es the te't ( onl" t#e te.t) o,
the Bouse -ill.G
)SS9< >hether there is 7e*laration o, un*onstitutionalit. o, $.!. /o. 7710 in
#iolation o, 20(2) !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution
$! /o. 7710 is *onstitutional.
S. /o. 10+0 7i7 not pass + rea7in8s on separate 7a.s as require7 -. the
Constitution -e*ause the se*on7 an7 thir7 rea7in8s %ere 7one on the sa"e 7a.. But
this %as -e*ause the Presi7ent ha7 *erti,ie7 S. /o. 10+0 as ur8ent. The presi7ential
*erti,i*ation 7ispense7 %ith the require"ent not onl. o, printin8 -ut also that o,
rea7in8 the -ill on separate 7a.s. That upon the *erti,i*ation o, a -ill -. the Presi7ent
the require"ent o, + rea7in8s on separate 7a.s an7 o, printin8 an7 7istri-ution *an
-e 7ispense7 %ith is supporte7 -. the %ei8ht o, le8islati#e pra*ti*e.
For i, it is onl. the printin8 that is 7ispense7 %ith -. presi7ential *erti,i*ation, the ti"e
sa#e7 %oul7 -e so ne8li8i-le as to -e o, an. use in insurin8 i""e7iate ena*t"ent. )t
"a. %ell -e 7ou-te7 %hether 7oin8 a%a. %ith the ne*essit. o, printin8 an7
7istri-utin8 *opies o, the -ill three 7a.s -e,ore the thir7 rea7in8 %oul7 insure spee7.
ena*t"ent o, a la% in the ,a*e o, an e"er8en*. requirin8 the *allin8 o, a spe*ial
ele*tion ,or Presi7ent an7 5i*eIPresi7ent.
To-ias #. !-alos, 2+9 SC$! 100 (199C)
)n#o(in8 their ri8hts as ta'pa.ers an7 as resi7ents o, &an7alu.on8, herein
petitioners assail the *onstitutionalit. o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 707;, other%ise (no%n as
P!n !*t Con#ertin8 the &uni*ipalit. o, &an7alu.on8 into a Bi8hl. 9r-ani4e7 Cit. to
-e (no%n as the Cit. o, &an7alu.on8.P
Prior to the ena*t"ent o, the assaile7 statute, the "uni*ipalities o,
&an7alu.on8 an7 San Juan -elon8e7 to onl. one le8islati#e 7istri*t. Bon. $onal7o
La"ora, the in*u"-ent *on8ressional representati#e o, this le8islati#e 7istri*t,
sponsore7 the -ill %hi*h e#entuall. -e*a"e $.!. /o. 707;. Presi7ent $a"os si8ne7
$.!. /o. 707; into la% on Fe-ruar. 9, 199C.

The o-@e*tion to the a,orequote7 pro#ision o, $.!. /o. 707; is that it
*ontra#enes the Pone su-@e*tIone -illP rule, as enun*iate7 in !rti*le 5), Se*tion 20(1)
o, the Constitution.
>B<$<F1$<, the petition is here-. E)S&)SS<E ,or la*( o, "erit.
! li-eral *onstru*tion o, the Pone titleIone su-@e*tP rule has -een in#aria-l.
a7opte7 -. this *ourt so as not to *ripple or i"pe7e le8islation. Thus, in Sumulong v/
4omelec(7+ Phil. 288 S19C1T), %e rule7 that the *onstitutional require"ent as no%
e'presse7 in !rti*le 5), Se*tion 20(1) Pshoul7 -e 8i#en a pra*ti*al rather than a
te*hni*al *onstru*tion. )t shoul7 -e su,,i*ient *o"plian*e %ith su*h require"ent i, the
title e'presses the 8eneral su-@e*t an7 all the pro#isions are 8er"ane to that 8eneral
Banat #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 177;08, !u8ust 7, 2009
F!CTS B!/!T ,ile7 a petition to pro*lai" the ,ull nu"-er o, part. list as pro#i7e7 in
the *onstitution -e,ore the /BC. B!/!T ,ile7 its petition -e*ause Fthe Chair"an an7
the &e"-ers o, the C1&<2<C ha#e re*entl. -een quote7 in the national papers
that the C1&<2<C is 7ut. -oun7 to an7 shall i"ple"ent the 5eterans rulin8, that is,
%oul7 appl. the Pan8ani-an ,or"ula in allo*atin8 part.I list seats.
&ean%hile, on 9 Jul. 2007, &una, !-ono, an7 ! Tea*her as(e7 the
C1&<2<C, a*tin8 as /BC, to re*onsi7er its 7e*ision to use the 5<T<$!/S ,or"ula
as state7 in its /BC $esolution /o. 07I00 -e*ause the 5eterans ,or"ula is #iolati#e
o, the Constitution an7 o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 79C1 ($.!. /o. 79C1). 1n the sa"e 7a.,
C1&<2<C 7enie7 re*onsi7eration 7urin8 the pro*ee7in8s o, the /BC.
)SS9< 1. is the 20Y allo*ation o, the part.list seat in the *on8ress "an7ator. or a
2. )s the t%o per*ent threshol7 pres*ri-e7 in Se*tion 11(-) o, $! 79C1*onstitutionalA
+. Bo% shall the part.Ilist representati#e seats -e allo*ate7A
1. /1. it is not "an7ator. as Se*tion ;(1), !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution states that
the FBouse o, $epresentati#es shall -e *o"pose7 o, not "ore than t%o hun7re7 an7
,i,t. "e"-ers, unless other%ise ,i'e7 -. la%.G this "eans that the le8islature *an
"o7i,. the nu"-er o, seats.

2. :<S, -ut onl. in allo*ation o, a77itional seats. Be*ause the 2Y threshol7 "a(es
thin8 "athe"ati*all. i"possi-le to "a(e the part.list representati#e e'*ee7 ;0 in the
nu"-er o, representati#es
+.the ,ollo%in8 pro*e7ures is to -e ,ollo%e7 in 7eter"inin8 the allo*ate7 seats ,or
part.Ilist representati#es un7er Se*tion 11 o, $.!. /o. 79C1
a. The parties, or8ani4ations, an7 *oalitions shall -e ran(e7 ,ro" the hi8hest to the
-ase7 on the nu"-er o, #otes the. 8arnere7 7urin8 the ele*tionsH
-. The parties, or8ani4ations, an7 *oalitions re*ei#in8 at least t%o per*ent (2Y) o,
the total
#otes *ast ,or the part.Ilist s.ste" shall -e entitle7 to one 8uarantee7 seat ea*hH
*. Those 8arnerin8 su,,i*ient nu"-er o, #otes, a**or7in8 to the ran(in8 in para8raph
1, shall -e entitle7 to a77itional seats in proportion to their total nu"-er o, #otes until
all the a77itional seats are allo*ate7H
7. <a*h part., or8ani4ation, or *oalition shall -e entitle7 to not "ore than three (+)
Se*tion 27. Passa8e o, -illsH )te" 5eto
C0R v# CTA( &69 'CRA 3)4 >&44*?
3es-ondent +ourt of TaH A--eals and Manila "olf and +ountry +lub assails that they
are eHem-ted from the im-osition of the (R caterer:s taH in !ection 171 G A of 3A ;11A
because !ection )' of %ouse Bill @o. 1=>(7$ where the -ro#iso originated$ was #etoed by
President Marcos.
President Marcos #etoed the -art which im-osed the (R caterer:s taH on hotels$
motels and restaurants which is referred herein as the 8item9. 3es-ondents claim that the #eto
of the item had$ in effect$ #etoed the entire section of the bill.
4hether or not the #eto referred to only the 8items9 or the entire bill
Petition is granted. An item in a re#enue bill does not refer to an entire section of a
bill but rather to the s-ecific items which the -resident may #eto and does not -roduce the
effect of in#alidating the entire bill. The law is constitutional and the im-osition of a caterer:s
taH is #alid.
Bolinao <le*troni*s #. 5alen*ia, 11 SC$! C80 (190C)
Bolinao <le*troni*s Corporation, Chroni*le Broa7*astin8 /et%or(, )n*., an7
&onserrat Broa7*astin8 S.ste", )n*., o%ners an7 operators o, ra7io an7 tele#ision
stations enu"erate7 therein, petitione7 ,or prohi-ition, "an7ator. in@un*tion %ith
preli"inar. in@un*tion ,ile7 a8ainst respon7ents Se*retar. o, Pu-li* >or(s an7
Co""uni*ations an7 !*tin8 Chie, o, the $a7io Control Ei#ision. 2ater the $epu-li*

o, the Philippines, as operator o, the Philippine Broa7*astin8 Ser#i*e, sou8ht an7
%as allo%e7 to inter#ene in this *ase, sai7 inter#enor ha#in8 -een 8rante7 a
*onstru*tion per"it to install an7 operate a tele#ision station in &anila.
There -ein8 no proo, that petitioner ha7 reall. %ai#e7 or renoun*e7 its ri8ht to
operate on Channel 9, respon7ents *o""itte7 error in re,usin8 to 8rant or appro#e
petitionerKs appli*ation ,or rene%al o, the li*ense ,or station ELJ2IT5 Channel 9.
!s re8ar7 inter#enorKs *lai" ,or 7a"a8es, it %oul7 ha#e -een su,,i*ient to state that it
ha#in8 ,aile7 to pro#e the alle8e7 a8ree"ent -et%een CB/ an7 sai7 inter#enor on
the e'*han8e o, use o, Channel 9 an7 10, no ri8ht -elon8in8 to sai7 inter#enor ha7
-een #iolate7 -. petitionerKs re,usal to 8i#e up its present operation o, Channel 9.
Bo%e#er, it "a. also -e a77e7 that as the re*or7s sho%, the appropriation to
operate Philippine Broa7*astin8 Ser#i*e as appro#e7 -. Con8ress an7 in*orporate7
in the 1902I190+ Bu78et o, the $epu-li* o, the Philippines.
(e) PB)2)PP)/< B$1!EC!ST)/6 S<$5)C<
)5 W SP<C)!2 P9$P1S<
1. For *ontri-ution to the operation o, the Philippine Broa7*astin8 Ser#i*e, ...
Pro#i7e7, That no portion o, this appropriation shall -e use7 ,or the operation o,
tele#ision stations in 2u4on or an. part o, the Philippines %here there are tele#ision
;. /o a"ount appropriate7 ,or tele#isions un7er Spe*ial Fun7 an7 6eneral Fun7
shall -e use7 ,or the operation o, tele#ision stations in 2u4on or an. part o, the
Philippines %here there are tele#ision stations.
>hether or not the Presi7ent "a. le8all. #eto a *on7ition atta*he7 to an
appropriation or ite" in the appropriation -illA
!s a 8eneral rule, i, the presi7ent
)t %as alrea7. 7e*lare7 that su*h a*tion -. the Chie, <'e*uti#e %as ille8al. State v/
Holder. This rulin8, that the e'e*uti#eKs #eto po%er 7oes not *arr. %ith it the po%er to
stri(e out *on7itions or restri*tions, has -een a7here7 to in su-sequent *ases.
), the #eto is un*onstitutional, it ,ollo%s that the sa"e pro7u*e7 no e,,e*t
%hatsoe#er, an7 the restri*tion i"pose7 -. the appropriation -ill, there,ore, re"ains.
!n. e'pen7iture "a7e -. the inter#enor PBS, ,or the purpose o, installin8 or
operatin8 a tele#ision station in &anila, %here there are alrea7. tele#ision stations in
operation, %oul7 -e in #iolation o, the e'press *on7ition ,or the release o, the
appropriation an7, *onsequentl., null an7 #oi7. )t is not 7i,,i*ult to see that e#en i, it

%ere a-le to pro#e its ri8ht to operate on Channel 9, sai7 inter#enor %oul7 not ha#e
-een entitle7 to rei"-urse"ent o, its ille8al e'pen7itures.
)/ 5)<> 1F TB< F1$<61)/6 C1/S)E<$!T)1/S, the %rit pra.e7 ,or -.
petitioners is here-. 8rante7. The %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion hereto,ore issue7 -.
this Court is "a7e per"anent. >ithout *osts. So or7ere7. (Sinon)
This is an ori8inal petition ,or prohi-ition, "an7ator. in@un*tion %ith
preli"inar. in@un*tion ,ile7 -. the Bolinao <le*troni*s Corporation, Chroni*le
Broa7*astin8 /et%or(, )n*., an7 &onserrat Broa7*astin8 S.ste", )n*., o%ners an7
operators o, ra7io an7 tele#ision stations enu"erate7 therein, a8ainst respon7ents
Se*retar. o, Pu-li* >or(s an7 Co""uni*ations an7 !*tin8 Chie, o, the $a7io
Control Ei#ision. 2ater the $epu-li* o, the Philippines, as operator o, the Philippine
Broa7*astin8 Ser#i*e, sou8ht an7 %as allo%e7 to inter#ene in this *ase, sai7
inter#enor ha#in8 -een 8rante7 a *onstru*tion per"it to install an7 operate a
tele#ision station in &anila.
(1) >hether the in#esti8ation -ein8 *on7u*te7 -. respon7ents, in *onne*tion %ith
petitionersK appli*ations ,or rene%al o, their station li*enses, has an. le8al -asisH
(2) >hether or not there %as a-an7on"ent or renun*iation -. the Chroni*le
Broa7*astin8 /et%or( (CB/) o, *hannel 9 in ,a#or o, PBSH an7
The *ourt rule7 that the in#esti8ation %as %ith le8al -asis. Se*tion + o, !*t
+8C0, as a"en7e7 -. $epu-li* !*t ;8C, on the po%ers an7 7uties o, the Se*retar.
o, Pu-li* >or(s an7 Co""uni*ations (,or"erl. Co""er*e !n7 Co""uni*ations),
pro#i7es that FBe "a. appro#e or 7isappro#e an. appli*ation ,or rene%al o, station
or operator li*enseH Pro#i7e7, ho%e#er, That no appli*ation ,or rene%al shall -e
7isappro#e7 %ithout 8i#in8 the li*ensee a hearin8G. )t is in the e'er*ise o, this po%er
that the respon7ents alle8e7l. are no% *on7u*tin8 the in#esti8ation in *onne*tion
%ith the petitions ,or rene%al. The ne't issue is %hether there %as a-an7on"ent or
renun*iation -. petitioner CB/ o, its ri8ht to operate on Channel 9. )t is a7"itte7 that
there %as no e'press a8ree"ent to this e,,e*t. The onl. -asis o, the *ontention o,
the respon7ents that there %as su*h renun*iation is the state"ent PChannel 10
assi8ne7 in lieu o, Channel 9P, appearin8 in the *onstru*tion per"it to trans,er
tele#ision station ELJ2IT5 ,ro" 3ue4on Cit. to Ba8uio Cit., issue7 to petitioner.
This state"ent alone, ho%e#er, 7oes not esta-lish an. a8ree"ent -et%een the ra7io
*ontrol authorit. an7 the station operator, on the s%it*h or *han8e o, operations o,
CB/ ,ro" Channel 9 to Channel 10. (<@e)
(par. 2) 6on4ales #. &a*arai8, 191 SC$! C;2 (1990)

Con8ress passe7 Bouse Bill 19180, or the 6eneral !ppropriations Bill ,or the Fis*al
:ear 1989. !s passe7, it eli"inate7 or 7e*rease7 *ertain ite"s in*lu7e7 in the
propose7 -u78et su-"itte7 -. the Presi7ent. Pursuant to the *onstitutional pro#ision
on the passa8e o, -ills, Con8ress presente7 the sai7 Bill to the Presi7ent ,or
*onsi7eration an7 appro#al.
The Presi7ent si8ne7 the Bill into la%, an7 7e*lare7 the sa"e to ha#e -e*o"e $!
0088. )n the pro*ess, 7 Spe*ial Pro#isions an7 Se*tion ;;, a P6eneral Pro#ision,P
%ere #etoe7.
The Senate, in $esolution +81 (P!uthori4in8 an7 Eire*tin8 the Co""ittee on Finan*e
to Brin8 in the /a"e o, the Senate o, the Philippines the Proper Suit %ith the
Supre"e Court o, the Philippines *ontestin8 the Constitutionalit. o, the 5eto -. the
Presi7ent o, Spe*ial an7 6eneral Pro#isions, parti*ularl. Se*tion ;;, o, the 6eneral
!ppropriation Bill o, 1989 (B.B. /o. 19180) an7 For 1ther PurposesP) %as a7opte7.
The Petition ,or Prohi-itionD &an7a"us %as ,ile7 -. /eptali !. 6on4ales, et al., %ith
a ,or the issuan*e o, a >rit o, Preli"inar. )n@un*tion an7 $estrainin8 1r7er,
assailin8 "ainl. the *onstitutionalit. or le8alit. o, the Presi7ential #eto o, Se*tion ;;,
an7 see(in8 to en@oin Catalino &a*arai8, Jr. et al. >hereas, 6on4ales et al.Ks *ause
is an*hore7 on the 8roun7s that the Presi7entKs lineI#eto po%er as re8ar7s
appropriation -ills is li"ite7 to ite"Ds an7 7oes not *o#er pro#isionsH there,ore, she
e'*ee7e7 her authorit. %hen she #etoe7 pro#isions.
>hether or not the Presi7ent e'*ee7e7 the ite"I#eto po%er a**or7e7 -. the
/1. The #eto po%er o, the Presi7ent is e'presse7 in !rti*le 5), Se*tion 27 o, the
1987 Constitution. Para8raph (1) re,ers to the 8eneral #eto po%er o, the Presi7ent
an7 i, e'er*ise7 %oul7 result in the #eto o, the entire -ill, as a 8eneral rule.
Para8raph (2) is %hat is re,erre7 to as the ite"I#eto po%er or the lineI#eto po%er. )t
allo%s the e'er*ise o, the #eto o#er a parti*ular ite" or ite"s in an appropriation,
re#enue, or tari,, -ill.
Se*tion ;; an7 Se*tion 10 are not pro#isions in the -u78etar. sense o, the ter".
Consequentl., Se*tion ;; an7 Se*tion 10 althou8h la-elle7 as Ppro#isions,P are
a*tuall. inappropriate pro#isions that shoul7 -e treate7 as ite"s ,or the purpose o,
the Presi7entKs #eto po%er. !s spe*i,ie7, the Presi7ent "a. not #eto less than all o,
an ite" o, an !ppropriations Bill. )n other %or7s, the po%er 8i#en the e'e*uti#e to
7isappro#e an. ite" or ite"s in an !ppropriations Bill 7oes not 8rant the authorit. to
#eto a part o, an ite" an7 to appro#e the re"ainin8 portion o, the sa"e ite".
/ot%ithstan7in8 the eli"ination in !rti*le 5), Se*tion 27 (2) o, the 1987 Constitution
o, an. re,eren*e to the #eto o, a pro#ision.
This "ar(s the Fdoctrine of inappropriate provisionsG, a pro#ision that is
*onstitutionall. inappropriate ,or an appropriation -ill "a. -e sin8le7 out ,or #eto
e#en i, it is not an appropriation or re#enue Fite"G. )n essen*e the Presi7ent "a.
#eto Fri7ersG in an appropriation -ill. (Sinon)

(par. 2) Phil*onsa #. <nrique4, 2+; SC$! ;00 (199C)
This Court is *alle7 upon to rule on the *on,li*tin8 *lai"s o, authorit. -et%een the
2e8islati#e an7 the <'e*uti#e in the *lash o, the po%ers o, the purse an7 the s%or7.
Pro#i7in8 the ,o*us ,or the *ontest -et%een the Presi7ent an7 the Con8ress o#er
*ontrol o, the national -u78et are the ,our *ases at -en*h. Ju7i*ial inter#ention is
-ein8 sou8ht -. a 8roup o, *on*erne7 ta'pa.ers on the *lai" that Con8ress an7 the
Presi7ent ha#e i"per"issi-l. e'*ee7e7 their respe*ti#e authorities, an7 -. se#eral
Senators on the *lai" that the Presi7ent has *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion or
a*te7 %ithout @uris7i*tion in the e'er*ise o, his #eto po%er.
$! 700+ (,or"er Bouse -ill /o. 10900, the 6eneral !ppropriations Bill o, 199C)
entitle7 F!n !*t !ppropriatin8 Fun7s ,or the 1peration o, the 6o#ern"ent o,
the Philippines ,ro" Januar. 1 to Ee*e"-er 1, 199C, , it i"pose7 *on7itions an7
li"itations on *ertain ite"s o, appropriations in the propose7 -u78et pre#iousl.
su-"itte7 -. the Presi7ent. )t also authori4e7 "e"-ers o, Con8ress to propose an7
i7enti,. pro@e*ts in the Ppor( -arrelsP allotte7 to the" an7 to reali8n their respe*ti#e
operatin8 -u78ets. Pursuant to the pro*e7ure on the passa8e an7 ena*t"ent o, -ills
as pres*ri-e7 -. the Constitution, Con8ress presente7 the sai7 -ill to the Presi7ent
,or *onsi7eration an7 appro#al. 1n the sa"e 7a., the Presi7ent 7eli#ere7 his
Presi7ential 5eto &essa8e, spe*i,.in8 the pro#isions o, the -ill he #etoe7 an7 on
%hi*h he i"pose7 *ertain *on7itions.
!lso, to the a"ount appropriate7 -. Con8ress ,or the *o"pensation an7 separation
-ene,its o, "e"-ers o, C!F69 %as atta*he7 a pro#ision that Fit shall -e use7 ,or the
*o"pensation o, C!F69?s in*lu7in8 the pa."ent o, their separation -ene,it not
e'*ee7in8 one (1) .ear su-sisten*e allo%an*e ,or the 11,000 "e"-er %ho %ill -e
7ea*ti#ate7. The presi7ent 7i7 not #eto the pro#ision -ut sai7 instea7 in his #eto
"essa8e that the i"ple"entation o, the pro#ision %oul7 -e su-@e*t to his prior
appro#al ta(in8 into *onsi7eration the pea*e an7 or7er situation in the a,,e*te7
/o step %as ta(en in either Bouse o, Con8ress to o#erri7e the #etoes.
>hether or not the #eto o, the presi7ent on spe*ial pro#ision re8ar7in8 is
*onstitutional an7 #ali7A
>B<$<F1$<, the petitions are E)S&)SS<E, e'*ept %ith respe*t to
(1) 6.$. /os. 11+10; an7 11+700 onl. inso,ar as the. pra. ,or the annul"ent o, the
#eto o, the spe*ial pro#ision on 7e-t ser#i*e spe*i,.in8 that the ,un7 therein
appropriate7 Pshall -e use7 ,or pa."ent o, the prin*ipal an7 interest o, ,orei8n an7
7o"esti* in7e-te7nessP prohi-itin8 the use o, the sai7 ,un7s Pto pa. ,or the lia-ilities
o, the Central Ban( Boar7 o, 2iqui7atorsP, an7 (2) 6.$. /o. 11+888 onl. inso,ar as it
pra.s ,or the annul"ent o, the #eto o, (a) the se*on7 para8raph o, Spe*ial Pro#ision
/o. 2 o, the ite" o, appropriation ,or the Eepart"ent o, Pu-li* >or(s an7 Bi8h%a.s

(6!! o, 199C, pp. 78;I780)H an7 (-) Spe*ial Pro#ision /o. 12 on the pur*hase o,
"e7i*ines -. the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines (6!! o, 199C, p. 7C8), %hi*h is
S1 1$E<$<E.
The presi7ent on the other han7 @usti,ie7 his i"poun7"ent o, the pro#ision on the
-asis o, his Co""an7erIinIChie, po%ers on the 7an8erous ar8u"ent that t#e dut"
to desist from implementing it $#en implementation $ould pre5udice public interest.
)"poun7"ent re,ers to a re,usal -. the Presi7ent, ,or %hate#er reason, to spen7
,un7s "a7e a#aila-le -. Con8ress. )t is the ,ailure to spen7 or o-li8ate -u78et
authorit. o, an.

Spe*ial Pro#ision on Ee-t Ceilin8 N Con8ress pro#i7e7 ,or a 7e-tI*eilin8. 5etoe7 -.
the Pres. %Do #etoin8 the entire appropriation ,or 7e-t ser#i*e. The sai7 pro#isions
are 8er"ane to ^ ha#e 7ire*t relation %D 7e-t ser#i*e. The. are appropriate
pro#isions ^ *annot -e #etoe7 %Do #etoin8 the entire ite"Dappropriation. 5<T1
Spe*ial Pro#ision on $e#ol#in8 Fun7s ,or SC9?s N sai7 pro#ision allo%s ,or the use
o, in*o"e ^ *reation o, re#ol#in8 ,un7 ,or SC9?s. Pro#ision ,or >estern State 9ni#. ^ 2e.te State Colle8es #etoe7 -. Pres. 1ther SC9?s en@o.in8
the pri#ile8e 7o so -. e'istin8 la%. Pres. "erel. a*te7 in pursuan*e to e'istin8 la%.
5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on $oa7 &aintenan*e N Con8ress spe*i,ie7 +0Y ratio ,o %or(s ,or
"aintenan*e o, roa7s -e *ontra*te7 a**or7in8 to 8ui7elines set ,orth -. EP>B.
5etoe7 -. the Pres. %Do #etoin8 the entire appropriation. )t is not an inappropriate
pro#isionH it is not alien to the su-@. o, roa7 "aintenan*e ^ *annot -e #eote7 %Do
#etoin8 the entire appropriation. 5<T1 51)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Pur*hase o, &ilitar. <quip. N !FP "o7erni4ation, prior appro#al
o, Con8ress require7 -e,ore release o, "o7erni4ation ,un7s. )t is the soI*alle7
le8islati#e #eto. !n. pro#. -lo*(in8 an a7"in. a*tion in i"ple"entin8 a la% or
requirin8 le8islati#e appro#al "ust -e su-@. o, a separate la%. 5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on 9se o, Sa#in8s ,or !FP Pensions N allo%s Chie, o, Sta,, to
au8"ent pension ,un7s throu8h the use o, sa#in8s. !**or7in8 to the Consttution,
onl. the Pres. "a. e'er*ise su*h po%er pursuant to a spe*i,i* la%. Properl. #etoe7.
5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Con7itions ,or 7eIa*ti#ation o, C!F69?s N use o, spe*ial ,un7
,or the *o"pensation o, the sai7 C!F69?s. 5etoe7, Pres. requires his prior appro#al.
)t is also an a"en7"ent to e'istin8 la% (PE /o. 1;97 ^ $! /o. 07;8). ! pro#ision in
an appropriation a*t *annot -e use7 to repealDa"en7 e'istin8 la%s. 5<T1 5!2)E.
(par. 2) Ben84on #. Erilon, 208 SC$! 1++
1n 1; Jan 1992, so"e pro#isions o, the Spe*ial Pro#ision ,or the Supre"e Court
an7 the 2o%er Court?s 6eneral !ppropriations %ere #etoe7 -. the Presi7ent
-e*ause a resolution -. the Court pro#i7in8 ,or appropriations ,or retire7 @usti*es has
-een ena*te7. The #etoe7 -ill pro#i7e7 ,or the in*rease o, the pensions o, the retire7
@usti*es o, the Supre"e Court, an7 the Court o, !ppeals as %ell as "e"-ers o, the
Constitutional Co""ission.

>hether or not the #eto o, the Presi7ent on that portion o, the 6eneral
!ppropriations -ill is *onstitutionalA

The Justi*es o, the Court ha#e #este7 ri8hts to the a**rue7 pension that is 7ue to
the" in a**or7an*e to $epu-li* !*t 1797. The presi7ent has no po%er to set asi7e
an7 o#erri7e the 7e*ision o, the Supre"e Court neither 7oes the presi7ent ha#e the

po%er to ena*t or a"en7 statutes pro"ul8ate7 -. her pre7e*essors "u*h less to the
repeal o, e'istin8 la%s. The #eto is un*onstitutional sin*e the po%er o, the presi7ent
to 7isappro#e an. ite" or ite"s in the appropriations -ill 7oes not 8rant the authorit.
to #eto part o, an ite" an7 to appro#e the re"ainin8 portion o, sai7 ite".

2"T$'1 Po*(et 5eto /ot !llo%e7

9n7er the Constitution, the Presi7ent 7oes not ha#e the soI*alle7 po*(etI#eto
po%er, i.e., 7isappro#al o, a -ill -. ina*tion on his part. The ,ailure o, the Presi7ent to
*o""uni*ate his #eto o, an. -ill represente7 to hi" %ithin +0 7a.s a,ter the re*eipt
thereo, auto"ati*all. *auses the -ill to -e*o"e a la%.
This rule *orre*ts the Presi7ential pra*ti*e un7er the 19+; Constitution o, releasin8
#eto "essa8es lon8 a,ter he shoul7 ha#e a*te7 on the -ill. )t also a#oi7s un*ertaint.
as to %hat ne% la%s are in ,or*e.

>hen is it allo%e7A

The e'*eption is pro#i7e7 in par (2),Se* 27 o, !rt 0 o, the Constitution %hi*h 8rants
the Presi7ent po%er to #eto an. parti*ular ite" or ite"s in an appropriation, re#enue
or tari,, -ill. The #eto in su*h *ase shall not a,,e*t the ite" or ite"s to %hi*h he 7oes
not o-@e*t.

+ %a.s ho% a -ill -e*o"es a la%.

1. >hen the Presi7ent si8ns it
2. >hen the Presi7ent #etoes it -ut the #eto is o#erri77en -. 2D+ #ote o, all the
"e"-ers o, ea*h BouseH an7
+. >hen the presi7ent 7oes not a*t upon the "easure %ithin +0 7a.s a,ter it shall
ha#e -een presente7 to hi". (Sinon)
Tana7a #. Tu#era, 1C0 SC$! CC0 (1980)
)n#o(in8 the peopleKs ri8ht to -e in,or"e7 on "atters o, pu-li* *on*ern, a ri8ht
re*o8ni4e7 in Se*tion 0, !rti*le )5 o, the 197+ Philippine Constitution, as %ell as the
prin*iple that la%s to -e #ali7 an7 en,or*ea-le "ust -e pu-lishe7 in the 1,,i*ial
6a4ette or other%ise e,,e*ti#el. pro"ul8ate7, petitioners see( a %rit o, "an7a"us to
*o"pel respon7ent pu-li* o,,i*ials to pu-lish, an7Dor *ause the pu-li*ation in the
1,,i*ial 6a4ette o, #arious presi7ential 7e*rees, letters o, instru*tions, 8eneral
or7ers, pro*la"ations, e'e*uti#e or7ers, letter o, i"ple"entation an7 a7"inistrati#e
The respon7ents, throu8h the Soli*itor 6eneral, %oul7 ha#e this *ase 7is"isse7
outri8ht on the 8roun7 that petitioners ha#e no le8al personalit. or stan7in8 to -rin8
the instant petition. The #ie% is su-"itte7 that in the a-sen*e o, an. sho%in8 that
petitioners are personall. an7 7ire*tl. a,,e*te7 or pre@u7i*e7 -. the alle8e7 nonI
pu-li*ation o, the presi7ential issuan*es in question sai7 petitioners are %ithout the
requisite le8al personalit. to institute this "an7a"us pro*ee7in8, the. are not -ein8
Pa88rie#e7 partiesP %ithin the "eanin8 o, Se*tion +, $ule 0; o, the $ules o, Court.

9pon the other han7, petitioners "aintain that sin*e the su-@e*t o, the petition
*on*erns a pu-li* ri8ht an7 its o-@e*t is to *o"pel the per,or"an*e o, a pu-li* 7ut.,
the. nee7 not sho% an. spe*i,i* interest ,or their petition to -e 8i#en 7ue *ourse.
>hether or not pu-li*ation o, la%s in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette prior to their e,,e*ti#it. -e
require7 -. la%A
:es, pu-li*ations is require7 ,or la% or in the *onte't o, this petition, the #arious
presi7ential 7e*rees, letters o, instru*tions, 8eneral or7ers, pro*la"ations, e'e*uti#e
or7ers, letter o, i"ple"entation an7 a7"inistrati#e or7ers.
$espon7ents ,urther *onten7 that pu-li*ation in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette is not a sine qua
non require"ent ,or the e,,e*ti#it. o, la%s %here the la%s the"sel#es pro#i7e ,or
their o%n e,,e*ti#it. 7ates. )t is thus su-"itte7 that sin*e the presi7ential issuan*es in
question *ontain spe*ial pro#isions as to the 7ate the. are to ta(e e,,e*t, pu-li*ation
in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette is not in7ispensa-le ,or their e,,e*ti#it.. The point stresse7 is
an*hore7 on !rti*le 2 o, the Ci#il Co7e
!rt. 2. 2a%s shall ta(e e,,e*t a,ter ,i,teen 7a.s ,ollo%in8 the *o"pletion o, their
pu-li*ation in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette, unless it is other%ise pro#i7e7,
The *lear o-@e*t o, the pro#ision is to 8i#e the 8eneral pu-li* a7equate noti*e o, the
#arious la%s %hi*h are to re8ulate their a*tions an7 *on7u*t as *iti4ens. >ithout
su*h noti*e an7 pu-li*ation, there %oul7 -e no -asis ,or the appli*ation o, the "a'i"
Pi8norantia le8is non e'*usat.P )t %oul7 -e the hei8ht o, in@usti*e to punish or
other%ise -ur7en a *iti4en ,or the trans8ression o, a la% o, %hi*h he ha7 no noti*e
%hatsoe#er, not e#en a *onstru*ti#e one.
The #er. ,irst *lause o, Se*tion ) o, Co""on%ealth !*t 0+8 rea7s PThere shall -e
pu-lishe7 in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette ... .P The %or7 PshallP use7 therein i"poses upon
respon7ent o,,i*ials an i"perati#e 7ut.. That 7ut. "ust -e en,or*e7 i, the
Constitutional ri8ht o, the people to -e in,or"e7 on "atters o, pu-li* *on*ern is to -e
8i#en su-stan*e an7 realit.. The la% itsel, "a(es a list o, %hat shoul7 -e pu-lishe7
in the 1,,i*ial 6a4ette. Su*h listin8, to our "in7, lea#es respon7ents %ith no
7is*retion %hatsoe#er as to %hat "ust -e in*lu7e7 or e'*lu7e7 ,ro" su*h
)t is nee7less to a77 that the pu-li*ation o, presi7ential issuan*es Po, a pu-li* natureP
or Po, 8eneral appli*a-ilit.P is a require"ent o, 7ue pro*ess. )t is a rule o, la% that
-e,ore a person "a. -e -oun7 -. la%, he "ust ,irst -e o,,i*iall. an7 spe*i,i*all.
in,or"e7 o, its *ontents.
>B<$<F1$<, the Court here-. or7ers respon7ents to pu-lish in the 1,,i*ial
6a4ette all unpu-lishe7 presi7ential issuan*es %hi*h are o, 8eneral appli*ation, an7
unless so pu-lishe7, the. shall ha#e no -in7in8 ,or*e an7 e,,e*t. (Sinon)

Se*tion 28. Po%er o, Ta'ationH 2i"itationsH <'e"ptions
Commissioner of 0nternal Revenue v# Lingayen 7ulf $lectric /ower Co#( 0nc(
&5: 'CRA );
1) 1n Jul. 19C0, 2in8a.en 6ul, %as 8rante7 a "uni*ipal ,ran*hise to operate as an
ele*tri* po%er plant in 2in8a.en an7 Bin"ale., Pan8asinan.
2) 9n7er this ,ran*hise, 2in8a.en 6ul, is to pa. 2Y o, its 8ross earnin8s.
+) 1n /o#e"-er 19;;, B)$ assesse7 a8ainst 2in8a.en 6ul, the total a"ount o,
P19,29+.C1 representin8 7e,i*ien*. ,ran*hise ta'es an7 sur*har8es ,or the .ears
C) B)$ applie7 the ,ran*hise ta' rate o, ;Y on 8ross re*eipts as pres*ri-e7 in
Se*tion 2;9 o, the /ational )nternal $e#enue Co7e in *ontrast to the 2Y ta' rate
pro#i7e7 -. the "uni*ipal ,ran*hise.
;) >hile the ta' *ase is pen7in8 ,or hearin8, a le8islati#e ,ran*hise (no%n as $!
/o. +8C+ ,or the operation o, ele*tri* li8ht, heat, an7 po%er s.ste" in the sa"e
"uni*ipalities o, Pan8asinan %as ena*te7 on June 190+.
0) >ith this, B)$ petitione7 that this la% is un*onstitutional on the 8roun7 that 2Y o,
8ross re*eipts is -ein8 i"pose7 to 2in8a.en 6ul, %hile other ta'pa.ers, si"ilarl.
situate7, are pa.in8 at ;Y ,ran*hise ta' per Se*tion 2;9 o, the Ta' Co7e.
>1/, Se*tion C o, $.!. /o. +8C+ is un*onstitutional ,or #iolatin8 the ta'ation the
uni,or"it. an7 equalit. *lause in ta'ation as pro#i7e7 -. the ConstitutionA
9ni,or"it. "eans that all propert. -elon8in8 to the sa"e *lass shall -e ta'e7 ali(e.
The 2e8islature has the inherent po%er not onl. to sele*t the su-@e*ts o, ta'ation -ut
to 8rant e'e"ptions. Ta' e'e"ptions ha#e ne#er -een 7ee"e7 #iolati#e o, the equal
prote*tion *lause. Charters or spe*ial la%s 8rante7 an7 ena*te7 -. the 2e8islature
are in the nature o, pri#ate *ontra*ts. The. 7o not *onstitute a part o, the "a*hiner.
o, the 8eneral 8o#ern"ent.
Tolentino v# 'ecretary of Finance( )39 'CRA );
1) 5!T ori8inate7 in <.1. /o. 27+ an7 $.!. /o. 7710 (<'pan7e7 5alueI!77e7 Ta'
2a%) %as ena*te7 to e'pan7 the -ase o, the ta' an7 re"o#in8 so"e e'e"ptions
,ro" 5!T.
2) 5arious petitioners *onteste7 in*lu7in8 C$<B!.

+) C$<B! *onteste7 that %hile a8ri*ultural pro7u*ts, ,oo7 ite"s, petroleu", an7
"e7i*al an7 #eterinar. ser#i*es %ere e'e"pte7, it 8rants no e'e"ption on the
sale o, real propert. to the less poor or the "i77le *lass (-e*ause onl. sale o,
real propert. ,or so*iali4e7 an7 lo%I*ost housin8 %ere e'e"pte7 to 5!T) an7
%hi*h is equall. essential.
C) C$<B!, there,ore, *lai"s that $.!. 7710 #iolates the rule that ta'es shoul7 -e
uni,or" an7 equita-le an7 that Con8ress shall Pe#ol#e a pro8ressi#e s.ste" o,
>1/, $.!. 7710 #iolates Se*tion 28 (1), !rti*le 5) o, the 1987 Philippine
2", -ase7 on the ,ollo%in8 8roun7s
1) There is a 7i,,eren*e -et%een the Pho"eless poorP an7 the Pho"eless less poorP
in the e'a"ple 8i#en -. petitioner, -e*ause the se*on7 8roup or "i77le *lass *an
a,,or7 to rent houses in the "eanti"e -ut the. *annot .et -u. their o%n ho"es.
The t%o so*ial *lasses are thus 7i,,erentl. situate7 in li,e.
2) <qualit. an7 uni,or"it. o, ta'ation "eans that all ta'a-le arti*les or (in7s o,
propert. o, the sa"e *lass -e ta'e7 at the sa"e rate. The ta'in8 po%er has the
authorit. to "a(e reasona-le an7 natural *lassi,i*ations ,or purposes o, ta'ation.
To satis,. this require"ent it is enou8h that the statute or or7inan*e applies
equall. to all persons, ,or"s an7 *orporations pla*e7 in si"ilar situation.
(J The Constitution 7oes not reall. prohi-it the i"position o, in7ire*t ta'es %hi*h,
li(e the 5!T, are re8ressi#e. >hat it si"pl. pro#i7es is that Con8ress shall
Pevolve a pro8ressi#e s.ste" o, ta'ation.P The *onstitutional pro#ision has -een
interprete7 to "ean si"pl. that P7ire*t ta'es are . . . to -e pre,erre7 San7T as
"u*h as possi-le, in7ire*t ta'es shoul7 -e "ini"i4e7.P
7arcia v# $-ecutive 'ecretary( 7R &*&);3( Duly 3( &44)
1) The Presi7ent issue7 an <1 %hi*h i"pose7, a*ross the -oar7, in*lu7in8 *ru7e
oil an7 other oil pro7u*ts, a77itional 7ut. a7 #alore" (a**or7in8 to #alue).
2) The Tari,, Co""ission (See Case /o. ; to (no% "ore a-out Tari,, Co""ission)
hel7 pu-li* hearin8s on sai7 <1 an7 su-"itte7 a report to the Presi7ent ,or
*onsi7eration an7 appropriate a*tion.
+) The Presi7ent, on the other han7 issue7 an <1 %hi*h le#ie7 a spe*ial 7ut. o,
P0.9; per liter o, i"porte7 *ru7e oil an7 P1.00 per liter o, i"porte7 oil pro7u*ts.

>1/, the Presi7ent "a. issue an <1 %hi*h is tanta"ount to ena*tin8 a -ill in the
nature o, re#enueI8eneratin8 "easuresA
:<S. The Court sai7 that, althou8h the ena*t"ent o, appropriation, re#enue an7
tari,, -ills is %ithin the authorit. o, the 2e8islati#e, it 7oes not ,ollo% that <1 in
question, assu"in8 the. "a. -e *hara*teri4e7 as re#enue "easure are prohi-ite7 to
the Presi7ent. Se*tion 28 (2) o, !rti*le 5) o, the 1987 Constitution pro#i7esFThe
Con8ress "a., -. la% authori4e the Presi7ent to ,i'Q tari,, rates an7 other 7uties or
i"postsQG The rele#ant Con8ressional statute is the Tari,, an7 Custo"s Co7e o, the
Philippines an7 Se*tions 10C an7 C01, the pertinent pro#isions thereo,.
C0R v# 'antos( 7R 2o# &&4)9)( August &6( &44;
1) $e8ional &ission 1r7er /o. 109I88 %as issue7 to B)$ o,,i*ers to *on7u*t
sur#eillan*e, "onitorin8, an7 in#entor. o, all i"porte7 arti*les o, "anu,a*turers o,
'J &ission 1r7er %as e'e*ute7 -. the B)$.
(J 1n /o#e"-er 29, 1988, pri#ate respon7ents !ntonio &. &ar*o an7 Je%elr. B.
&ar*o ^ Co., )n*. ,ile7 %ith the $TC see(in8 to 7e*lare
IIISe*tions 120, 127(a) an7 (-) an7 1;0 (a) o, the /ational )nternal $e#enue
Co7e an7 B78. /o 71.01, 71.02, 71.0+ an7 71.0C, Chapter 71 o, the Tari,, an7
Custo"s Co7e o, the Philippines as 9/C1/ST)T9T)1/!2 !/E 51)E.
IIICo""issioner o, )nternal $e#enue an7 Custo"s -e pre#ente7 or en@oine7
,ro" issuin8 "ission or7ers an7 other or7ers o, si"ilar nature.
)J )n support o, their petition, the pri#ate respon7ents su-"itte7 a position paper
purportin8 to -e an e'hausti#e stu7. o, the ta' rates on @e%elr. pre#ailin8 in other
!sian *ountries, in *o"parison to ta' rates le#ie7 on the sa"e in the Philippines
%hi*h is too e'or-itant.
;) %ase! on te +osition +a+er( RTC !eci!e! in favor of te +rivate
res+on!ents wic te +etitioners assaile!#
C"2, the $TC has authorit. to pass @u78"ent upon the ta'ation poli*. o, the
/1, -ase7 on the ,ollo%in8 8roun7s

1) )n a7#o*atin8 the a-olition o, lo*al ta' an7 7ut. on @e%elr. si"pl. -e*ause other
*ountries ha#e a7opte7 su*h poli*ies, the respon7ent @u78e o#erloo(e7 the ,a*t
that su*h "atters are not ,or hi" to 7e*i7e. There are reasons %h. @e%elr., a
nonIessential ite", is ta'e7 as it is in this *ountr., an7 these reasons, 7eli-erate
upon -. our le8islature, are -e.on7 the rea*h o, @u7i*ial questionin8.
'J The trial *ourt is not the proper ,oru" ,or the #entilation o, the issues raise7 -.
the pri#ate respon7ents. The ar8u"ents the. presente7 ,o*us on the %is7o" o,
the pro#isions o, la% %hi*h the. see( to nulli,.. $e8ional Trial Courts *an onl.
loo( into the #ali7it. o, a pro#ision, that is, %hether or not it has -een passe7
a**or7in8 to the pro*e7ures lai7 7o%n -. la%, an7 thus ,*annot inquire as to the
reasons ,or its e'isten*e.
'outern Cross v# /ili++ine Cement 7R 2o# &969:*( Duly 6( )**:
1J Philippine Ce"ent &anu,a*turers Corporation (PB)2C<&C1$) ,ile7 a petition
%ith the ET) to see( the i"position o, sa,e8uar7 "easures on 8ra. Portlan7
*e"ent in a**or7an*e %ith $! /o. 8800 or the Sa,e8uar7 &easures !*t (S&!)
%hi*h *ontrols i"portation to prote*t lo*al in7ustr..
'J Pursuant to the rules o, S&!, ET) Se*retar. re,erre7 to the Tari,, Co""ission to
7eter"ine the ne*essit. o, i"posin8 sai7 sa,e8uar7 "easures.
(J !,ter 7ue in#esti8ation, Tari,, Co""ission ,oun7 no ne*essit. an7 so, ET)
Se*retar. 7enie7 the petition o, PB)2C<&C1$.
)J PB)2C<&C1$ -rou8ht the *ase to the C! see(in8 a? to set asi7e the ,in7in8s o,
Tari,, Co""issionH an7 b?to 7ire*t the ET) Se*retar. to 7e*i7e in7epen7entl. o,
the Tari,, Co""ission?s ,in7in8s.
*J C!, *lai"in8 that it has @uris7i*tion o#er the issue, ,a#ore7 PB)2C<&C1$ e'*ept
on settin8 asi7e the ,in7in8s o, the Tari,, Co""ission.
;J ET) Se*retar. then i"ple"ente7 the sa,e8uar7 "easure in the a"ount o,
P20.00DC0 (8. -a8 ,or three .ears on i"porte7 8ra. Portlan7 Ce"ent.
=J 6i#en this latest 7e*ision o, the ET) Se*retar., Southern Cross ,ile7 a petition
ar8uin8 that a? the C! has no @uris7i*tion o#er Phil*e"*or?s petition, as the
proper re"e7. is a petition ,or re#ie% %ith the CT! *on,or"a-l. %ith the S&!H
an7 b? that the ,a*tual ,in7in8s o, the Tari,, Co""ission are -in7in8 upon the ET)
)SS9< >1/, the C! has @uris7i*tion o#er the *aseA
)SS9< ("ain issue relati#e to Se*tion 28 par. 2) >1/, ET) Se*retar. is -oun7
to o-e. the ,in7in8s o, Tari,, Co""ission -e,ore i"posin8 8eneral
sa,e8uar7 "easureA

)SS9< N2/ Se*tion 29 o, the S&! spe*i,i*all. sa.s that an. intereste7 part.
%ho is a7#ersel. a,,e*te7 -. the rulin8 o, the Se*retar. in *onne*tion %ith
the i"position o, a sa,e8uar7 "easure "a. ,ile %ith the CT!.
)SS9< N2/ Per Se*tion 28 (2) The 2e8islati#e Eepart"ent, in ena*tin8 the
S&!, authori4e7 the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent throu8h ET) Se*retar. to
i"pose sa,e8uar7 "easures (e.8. i"pose 7ut. on 8ra. Portlan7 Ce"ent)
an7 the sa"e is su-@e*te7 to li"itation an7 restri*tion throu8h the Tari,,
Co""ission. Se*tion ; o, the S!& states that the Se*retar. shall appl. a
8eneral sa,e8uar7 "easure 9P1/ a +ositive ,inal 7eter"ination o, the
STari,,T Co""ission.
>+ar# 3? Abra <alley College v# A,uino( &5) 'CRA &*5 >&466?
1) !-ra 5alle. is an e7u*ational *orporation an7 institution o, hi8her learnin8 7ul.
in*orporate7 %ith the Se*urities an7 <'*han8e Co""ission in 19C8
2) )t %as issue7 -. &uni*ipal Treasurer an7 Pro#in*ial Treasurer a P/oti*e o,
Sei4ureK an7 a P/oti*e o, SaleP o, its lot an7 -uil7in8 lo*ate7 at Ban8ue7, !-ra,
,or nonIpa."ent o, real estate ta'es an7 penalties a"ountin8 to P;,1C0.+1.
+) !8ra ,ile7 a petition to *an*el the noti*e.
C) The trial *ourt rule7 ,or the 8o#ern"ent, hol7in8 that the se*on7 ,loor o, the
-uil7in8 is -ein8 use7 -. the 7ire*tor ,or resi7ential purposes an7 that the 8roun7
,loor use7 an7 rente7 -. /orthern &ar(etin8 Corporation, a *o""er*ial
esta-lish"ent, an7 thus the propert. is not -ein8 use7 e'*lusi#el. ,or e7u*ational
>1/, !-ra 5alle.?s -uil7in8 is e'e"pt ,ro" realt. ta' A
/1 ,or the ,irst ,loor an7 :<S ,or the se*on7 ,loor. <'e"ption ,ro" realt. ta'es is
e'pressl. 8rante7 to parti*ular institutions as lon8 as the su-@e*t o, ta'ation is
a*tuall., 7ire*tl., an7 e'*lusi#el. use7 ,or reli8ious, *harita-le, or e7u*ational
purposes. $easona-le e"phasis has al%a.s -een "a7e that the e'e"ption
e'ten7s to ,a*ilities %hi*h are in*i7ental to an7 reasona-l. ne*essar. ,or the
a**o"plish"ent o, the "ain purposes. The use o, the s*hool -uil7in8 or lot ,or
*o""er*ial purposes is neither *onte"plate7 -. la%, nor -. @urispru7en*e. )n the
*ase at -ar, the lease o, the ,irst ,loor o, the -uil7in8 to the /orthern &ar(etin8
Corporation *annot -. an. stret*h o, the i"a8ination -e *onsi7ere7 in*i7ental to the
purpose o, e7u*ation. The test o, e'e"ption ,ro" ta'ation is the use o, the propert.

,or purposes "entione7 in the Constitution.
Lla!oc v# C0R( &: 'CRA )4)
! *ash 7onation o, Php 10,000 %as 8i#en to $e#. Fr. Crispin $ui4, then parish priest
o, 5i*torias, /e8ros 1**i7ental ,or the *onstru*tion o, a ne% *hur*h in the area. The
7onation %as spent ,or its purpose. The C)$ issue7 an assess"ent a8ainst the
parish ,or 8i,t ta' re*ei#e7. Petitioner, $ui4?s pre7e*essor, *lai"s that the parish is
e'e"pt un7er !rti*le 5) o, the Constitution.
>%hether or not the 8i,t re*ei#e7 -. a parish is e'e"pt ,ro" ta'ationA
/o, the 8i,t re*ei#e7 -. the parish is not e'e"pt ,ro" ta'. Se*tion 22 o, !rti*le 5) ( o,
the 190; Constitution) states that the e'e"ption ,ro" ta'es o, e7u*ational an7
reli8ious institutions , su*h as the parish o, 5i*torias, onl. *o#er real propert. ta'es
,or lan7s, -uil7in8s an7 i"pro#e"ents use7 e'*lusi#el. -. then ,or e7u*ational or
reli8ious purposes. This e'e"ption 7oes not in*lu7e 8i,t ta' re*ei#e7 -. the".
Central =in!anao University v# DAR( 7R &***4&( "ctober ))( &44)
The Eepart"ent o, !8rarian $e,or" !7@u7i*ation Boar7 (E!$!B) %as *reate7 -.
the Co"prehensi#e !8rarian $e,or" Pro8ra" (C!$P $! 00;7) to a7@u78e *ases
o, a8rarian re,or" un7er its !*t.
)n one o, its liti8ations, it or7ere7 the se8re8ation o, C00 he*tares o, suita-le,
*o"pa*t an7 *onti8uous portions o, the Central &in7anao 9ni#ersit. (C&9) lan7
an7 ,or 7istri-ution to quali,ie7 -ene,i*iaries, %hen a *ase %as raise7 a8ainst the
C&9 ,or nonIrene%al o, the *ontra*ts un7er the )n*o"e <nhan*e"ent Pro8ra" o,
the Colle8e -e*ause pri#ate petitioners in the *ase %ere nonIe"plo.ees an7 nonI
tenants o, the lan7.
The 7e*ision %as a,,ir"e7 -. the appellate *ourt.
The petitioners question the @uris7i*tion o, the E!$!B. Se*tion 10 o, the C!$P
pro#i7es that Flan7s a*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el. use7 an7 ,oun7 to -e
ne*essar. ,orQ s*hool sites an7 *a"puses in*lu7in8 e'peri"ental ,ar" stations
operate7 -. pu-li* or pri#ate s*hools ,or e7u*ational purposes, see7s an7 see7lin8s
resear*h an7 pilot pro7u*tion *enters.. shall -e e'e"pt ,ro" the *o#era8e o, this
1. Eoes E!$!B ha#e the @uris7i*tion to hear an7 7e*i7e the *ase re8ar7in8 the
lan7 un7er C!$PA

9n7er Se*tion 10 o, $.!. 00;7, it is *r.stal *lear that the @uris7i*tion o, the E!$!B is
li"ite7 onl. to "atters in#ol#in8 the i"ple"entation o, the C!$P. &ore spe*i,i*all., it
is restri*te7 to a8rarian *ases an7 *ontro#ersies in#ol#in8 lan7s ,allin8 %ithin the
*o#era8e o, the a,ore"entione7 pro8ra". )t 7oes not in*lu7e those %hi*h are
a*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el. use7 an7 ,oun7 to -e ne*essar. ,or, a"on8 su*h
purposes, s*hool sites an7 *a"puses ,or settin8 up e'peri"ental ,ar" stations,
resear*h an7 pilot pro7u*tion *enters,
Consequentl., the E!$!B has no po%er to tr., hear an7 a7@u7i*ate the *ase
pen7in8 -e,ore it in#ol#in8 a portion o, the C&9Ks title7 s*hool site, as the portion o,
the C&9 lan7 reser#ation or7ere7 se8re8ate7 is a*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el.
use7 an7 ,oun7 -. the s*hool to -e ne*essar. ,or its purposes.
Commissioner v# CA( 7R &):*:3( "ctober &:( &446
:oun8 &en?s Christian !sso*iation is a nonIsto*(, nonIpro,it institution that *on7u*ts
pro8ra"s -ene,i*ial to the pu-li*, espe*iall. .oun8 people, pursuant to its reli8ious
e7u*ational an7 *harita-le o-@e*ti#es. :&C! %as assesse7 -. the C)$ ,or in*o"e
ta' 8enerate7 ,or the lease o, its propert. an7 ,or par(in8 ,ees *olle*te7 ,ro"
non"e"-ers. :&C! protests that the. are e'e"pt ,ro" ta' -e*ause the earnin8s
are use7 7ire*tl. to ,un7 their pro8ra"s an7 a*ti#ities.
)s the in*o"e 7eri#e7 ,ro" the lease o, :&C!?s real propert. ta'a-leA
9n7er the pro#ision o, the *onstitution ,or e7u*ational institutions e'e"pt ,ro" ta'es,
only real +ro+erty ta- is e-em+te!H ho%e#er, in this *ase, althou8h :&C!?s
re#enues an7 assets o, real propert. are use7 a*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el. ,or
e7u*ational purposes, it 7oes not e'e"pt the" ,ro" the pa."ent o, in*o"e ta' o,
the rentals o, its propert..
Don Aay v# Lim( 7R &4;;9( "ctober ):( )**3
$! 7227 set poli*ies to a**elerate the *on#ersion o, ,or"er 9S "ilitar. -ases ,or
alternati#e pro7u*ti#e use. )t also *reate7 the Su-i* Spe*ial <*ono"i* LoneH
,urther"ore, se*tion 12 o, the la% e'pressl. 8rante7 Su-i* 7ut.I,ree i"portations
an7 ta' e'e"ptions ,or -usinesses therein.
Pro*la"ation /o. C20 "a7e -. Presi7ent $a"os, esta-lishe7 a Spe*ial <*ono"i*
Lone in the portion o, Ca"p John Ba., one o, the 9S "ilitar. -ases. Se*tion + o,
%hi*h e'pressl. 8rants that the John Ba. S<L shall ha#e all the appli*a-le
in*enti#es as those o, Su-i* as state7 in Se*tion 12 o, $! 7227.

Petitioners *hallen8e its *onstitutionalit., sin*e the pro*la"ation is a8ainst !rti*le 5)
o, the Constitution.
1. !re the S<Ls later *reate7 -. presi7ential pro*la"ation also 8rante7 ta'
e'e"ption an7 other in*enti#es as the Su-i* S<L in #irtue o, $! 7227A
2. )s the pro*la"ation *onstitutionalA
The pro#isions o, $! /o. 7227 are onl. appli*a-le to the Su-i* S<L, other S<Ls
*reate7 -. presi7ential pro*la"ations are not 8rante7 the ta' e'e"ption -ene,it as
the ,or"er. The presi7ent 7oes not ha#e the authorit. to ta' an7 8rant e'e"ptions,
-ase7 on !rti*le 5), se*. 28 o, the Constitution, onl. the le8islati#e, throu8h the
*on*urren*e o, a "a@orit. o, Con8ress, shall ha#e the po%er to 8rant e'e"ptions
,ro" ta' o, an. *lass, person or *orporation.
'ystems /lus Com+uter College v# Caloocan City( 7R 2o# &:536)( August ;(
S.ste"s Plus Co"puter Colle8e is a nonIsto*( an7 nonIpro,it e7u*ational institution
that leases part o, its lan7 to its sister *o"panies Consoli7ate7 !sse"-l., )n*. an7
Pair &ana8e"ent an7 Ee#elop"ent Corporation. S.ste"s Plus en@o.s ta'
e'e"ption 8rante7 -. the *onstitution. To e#a7e ta'ation, the three entere7 into
separate a8ree"ents an7 no#ate7 their *ontra*ts ,ro" leases to 7onations ,or the
-ene,i*ial use o, the S.ste"s Plus Co"puter Colle8e.
S.ste"s Plus %rote the Cit. !ssessor o, the 7onation an7 requestin8 hi" to 8rant its
sister *o"panies e'e"ption ,ro" real propert. ta'. )t %as 7enie7.
Co"in8 into an a8ree"ent ,or the 7onation o, the lan7 to an e7u*ational institution,
are Consoli7ate7 !sse"-l. an7 Pair &ana8e"ent 8rante7 the ta' e'e"ption that
their sister *o"pan. en@o.sA
/o, the. are not. Se*tion 28 o, !rti*le 5) pro#i7es ,or the e'e"ption o, lan7s,
-uil7in8s an7 i"pro#e"ents use7 a*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el. ,or e7u*ational
purposes, althou8h S.ste"s Plus Colle8e "a. ha#e -ene,ite7 ,ro" the use o, the
properties -elon8in8 to its sister *o"panies, there is no sho%in8 that the sa"e are
Fa*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el.G use7 either ,or reli8ious, *harita-le, or e7u*ational
Lung Center v# Hue8on City( 7R 2o# &::&*:( Dune )4( )**:
The 2un8 Center o, the Philippines, a nonIsto*( an7 nonIpro,it *harita-le institution
%as assesse7 ,or real propert. ta' -. the Cit. !ssessor o, 3ue4on Cit.. <re*te7 in

the "i77le o, the lot o%ne7 -. the *enter %as the hospital. ! portion o, the lan7 %as
-ein8 lease7 to a pri#ate entrepreneur. !n7 so"e areas on the 8roun7 ,loor %ere
lease7 to pri#ate pra*titioners an7 a *anteen. The petitioner a**epts pa.in8 an7 nonI
pa.in8 sta.Iin an7 out patients, an7 re*ei#es annual su-si7ies ,ro" the 8o#ern"ent.
The *enter *lai"s that it %as e'e"pt ,ro" the pa."ent o, ta'es -. Se*tion 28 (+) o,
!rti*le 5) o, the Constitution -e*ause it %as a *harita-le institution -ase7 on its
!rti*les o, )n*orporation an7 -e*ause all o, its in*o"e 7eri#e7 ,ro" the "eans state7
a-o#e %ere use7 to ren7er ser#i*es to the 8eneral pu-li*.
)s the petitioner e'e"pt ,ro" the pa."ent o, real propert. ta'A
:es, in essen*e, the petitioner is e'e"pt ,ro" ta'. Se*tion 28,par. + o, !rti*le 5)
pro#i7es that *harita-le institutions %hose lan7s, -uil7in8s an7 i"pro#e"ents are
-ein8 use7 a*tuall., 7ire*tl. an7 e'*lusi#el. ,or its purpose are not su-@e*t to
ta'ation. Bo%e#er, those areas su*h as the ones lease7 -. the petitioner to the
entrepreneur an7 pri#ate pra*titioners an7 the *anteen situate7 in the -uil7in8 not
-ein8 use7 7ire*tl. ,or the purpose to ren7er ,ree ser#i*es an7 ai7 to the 8eneral
pu-li*, e#en i, the in*o"e ,ro" the leases %ere use7 -. the *enter ,or its purposes,
are not e'e"pt ,or" propert. ta'.
/lanters /ro!ucts 0nc v# Ferti+il Cor+( 7R 2o# &55**5( =arc &:( )**6
Philippine Pro7u*ts, )n*. an7 Fertiphil Corporation are pri#ate *orporations en8a8e7
in the i"portation, pro7u*tion an7 7istri-ution o, ,ertili4ers in the *ountr.. Presi7ent
&ar*os, in the e'er*ise o, his le8islati#e ,un*tion, issue7 2etters o, )nstru*tion /o.
1C0; %hi*h pro#i7e7 ,or the i"position o, a *apital re*o#er. *o"ponent on the
7o"esti* sale o, all 8ra7es o, ,ertili4ers in the Philippines. ! P10 ta' %as i"pose7 -.
the Fertili4er an7 Pesti*i7e !uthorit. on e#er. -a8 o, ,ertili4er ,or the *apital to -e
raise7 to "a(e PP) #ia-le.9pon return o, 7e"o*ra*., the FP! stoppe7 the
i"position o, ta'.
Fertiphil 7e"an7e7 upon PP) to re,un7 the a"ounts pai7 to it -e*ause o, the 21),
%hi*h the latter re,use7. Fertiphil raise7 the issue that -e*ause the 21) solel.
,a#ore7 the PP), a pri#ate *orporation, there,ore, it %as un*onstitutional.
)s the ta' le#ie7 -. the 21) *onstitutionalA
Ta'es are e'a*te7 onl. ,or a pu-li* purpose. The P10 le#. i"pose7 -. 21) /o. 1C0;
is un*onstitutional -e*ause it %as not ,or a pu-li* purpose. The le#. %as i"pose7 to
8i#e un7ue -ene,it to PP), a pri#ate enterprise.
!n inherent li"itation on the po%er o, ta'ation is pu-li* purpose. Ta'es are e'a*te7
onl. ,or a pu-li* purpose. The. *annot -e use7 ,or purel. pri#ate purposes or ,or the
e'*lusi#e -ene,it o, pri#ate persons.

Se*tion 29. Fis*al Po%ers o, Con8ressH 2i"itationsH Spe*ial Fun7s
Pas*ual #. Se*retar. o, Pu-li* >or(s, 110 PB)2. ++1, 1900I01
)n 19;+, $! 920 %as passe7. This la% appropriate7 P8;,000.00 P,or the
*onstru*tion, re*onstru*tion, repair, e'tension an7 i"pro#e"entP o, PPasi8 ,ee7er
roa7 ter"inals. Pas*ual, then 8o#ernor o, $i4al, assaile7 the #ali7it. o, the la%. Be
*lai"e7 that the appropriation %as a*tuall. 8oin8 to -e use7 ,or pri#ate use ,or the
ter"inals sou8ht to -e i"pro#e7 %ere part o, the !ntonio Su-7i#ision. The sai7
Su-7i#ision is o%ne7 -. Senator Lulueta %ho %as a "e"-er o, the sa"e Senate
that passe7 an7 appro#e7 the sa"e $!. Pas*ual *lai"e7 that Lulueta
"isrepresente7 in Con8ress the ,a*t that he o%ns those ter"inals an7 that his
propert. %oul7 -e unla%,ull. enri*he7 at the e'pense o, the ta'pa.ers i, the sai7 $!
%oul7 -e uphel7. Pas*ual then pra.e7 that the Se* o, Pu-li* >or(s -e restraine7
,ro" releasin8 ,un7s ,or su*h purpose. Lulueta, on the other han7, perhaps as an
a,terthou8ht, 7onate7 the sai7 propert. to the Cit. o, Pasi8. $espon7ents "o#e7 to
7is"iss the petition upon the 8roun7 that petitioners *oul7 not assail the
appropriation in question -e*ause Pthere is no a*tual bona fide *ase . . . in %hi*h the
#ali7it. o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 920 is ne*essaril. in#ol#e7P an7 petitioner Phas not
sho%n that he has a personal an7 su-stantial interestP in sai7 !*t Pan7 that its
en,or*e"ent has *ause7 or %ill *ause hi" a 7ire*t in@ur..P $espon7ent Lulueta also
*onten7e7 in his "otion to 7is"iss, F! la% passe7 -. Con8ress an7 appro#e7 -. the
Presi7ent *an ne#er -e ille8al -e*ause Con8ress is the sour*e o, all la%s . . . !si7e
,ro" the ,a*t that "o#ant is not a%are o, an. la% %hi*h "a(es ille8al the
appropriation o, pu-li* ,un7s ,or the i"pro#e"ent o, %hat %e, in the "eanti"e, "a.
assu"e as pri#ate propert..
>hether or not the appropriation o, 8;,000.00 ,or Pasi8 ,ee7er ($! 920) #ali7 un7er
Se*tion 29 o, !rti*le 5) *onstitution.
)t is %ellIstate7 that the #ali7it. o, a statute "a. -e *onteste7 onl. -. one %ho %ill
sustain a 7ire*t in@ur. in *onsequen*e o, its en,or*e"ent. :et, there are "an.
7e*isions nulli,.in8, at the instan*e o, ta'pa.ers, la%s pro#i7in8 ,or the 7is-urse"ent
o, pu-li* ,un7s, upon the theor. that Pthe e'pen7iture o, pu-li* ,un7s -. an o,,i*er o,
the State ,or the purpose o, a7"inisterin8 an unconstitutional a*t *onstitutes
a misapplication o, su*h ,un7s,P %hi*h "a. -e en@oine7 at the request o, a ta'
The 7onation o, the propert. to the 8o#ern"ent to "a(e the propert. pu-li* 7oes not
*ure the *onstitutional 7e,e*t. The ,a*t that the la% %as passe7 %hen the sai7
propert. %as still a pri#ate propert. *annot -e i8nore7. P)n a**or7an*e %ith the rule
that the ta'in8 po%er "ust -e e'er*ise7 ,or pu-li* purposes onl., "one. raise7 -.
ta'ation *an -e e'pan7e7 onl. ,or pu-li* purposes an7 not ,or the a7#anta8e o,
pri#ate in7i#i7uals.P )nas"u*h as the lan7 on %hi*h the pro@e*te7 ,ee7er roa7s %ere
to -e *onstru*te7 -elon8e7 then to Lulueta, the result is that sai7 appropriation
sou8ht a pri#ate purpose, an7, hen*e, %as null an7 #oi7.
Ben*e, *ir*u"stan*es surroun7in8 this *ase su,,i*ientl. @usti,. petitioners a*tion in
*ontestin8 the appropriation an7 7onation in questionH that this a*tion shoul7 not
ha#e -een 7is"isse7 -. the lo%er *ourtH an7 that the %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion
shoul7 ha#e -een "aintaine7. The 7e*ision appeale7 is re#erse7, an7 the re*or7s

are re"an7e7 to the lo%er *ourt ,or ,urther pro*ee7in8s not in*onsistent %ith this
7e*ision, %ith the *osts o, this instan*e a8ainst respon7ent Jose C. Lulueta. (Sinon)
6uin8ona #. Cara8ue, 190 SC$! 221, 1991
F!CTSThe 1990 -u78et totals P2++.;B
)t *onsists o,
1. P1;;.+B appropriate7 -. Con8ress un7er $!08+1 (6eneral !ppropriations !*t o,
1990 or 6!! 1990), o, %hi*h 27B %ill 8o to E<CS, the hi8hest a"on8 all
7epart"entsH an7
2.P98.CB in auto"ati* appropriations (P80B ,or 7e-t ser#i*in8)
pursuant to
a. PE81 (%hi*h a"en7s $!C800, Forei8n Borro%in8 !*t),
-.PE1177 (entitle7 F$e#isin8 the Bu78et Pro*ess in 1r7er to )nstitutionali4e
the Bu78etar. )nno#ations o, the /e% So*iet.), an7
*.PE1907 (F!n !*t Stren8thenin8 the 6uarantee an7 Pa."ent Positions o,
the $ep. o, the Phil. 1n )ts Contin8ent 2ia-ilities !risin8 out o, $elent an7
6uarantee7 2oans -. !ppropriatin8 Fun7s ,or the PurposeG)
Petitioners alle8e that sai7 7e*rees -e*a"e ,un*tus o,,i*io %hen Pres. &ar*os %as
ouste7 -e*ause, %ith the e'piration o, the oneI"an le8islature, the le8islati#e po%er
%as restore7 to Con8ress an7 that ne% le8islation ,or auto"ati* appropriations "ust
*o"e ,ro" Con8ress.
The *ontention that, appropriation F-illsG "ust ori8inate in the Bouse o,
The require"ent o, Se*tions 2C, %hi*h requires appropriations an7 -ills to
ori8inate ,ro" the Bouse o, $epresentati#es an7 -e appro#e7 -. the Presi7ent,
applies onl. to -ills that are still to -e passe7 -. Con8ress.
The *ourt sai7 that the e'istin8 presi7ential 7e*rees %ere la%s an7 not -ills
still to -e ena*te7 to la%.
6aston #. $epu-li* Planters Ban(, 1;8 SC$! 020, 1988
Petitioners are su8ar pro7u*ers, su8ar*ane planters an7 "illers, %ho ha#e *o"e to
this Court in their in7i#i7ual *apa*ities an7 in representation o, other su8ar
pro7u*ers, planters an7 "illers.
Petitioners an7 )nter#enors ha#e *o"e to this Court pra.in8 ,or a >rit o, "an7a"us
*o""an7in8 respon7ents.
PB)2S9C1& an7 S$! ar8ue7 that no trust results an7 that the sta-ili4ation ,ees
*olle*te7 are *onsi7ere7 8o#ern"ent ,un7s, that the trans,er o, shares o, sto*( ,ro"
PB)2S9C1& to the su8ar pro7u*ers %oul7 -e irre8ular, i, not ille8al..

>hether or not the sta-ili4ation ,ees *olle*te7 ,ro" su8ar planters an7 "illers
pursuant to Se*tion 7 o, P.E. /o. +88 are ,un7s in trust ,or the", or pu-li* ,un7s
The sta-ili4ation ,ees in question are le#ie7 -. the State upon su8ar "illers, planters
an7 pro7u*ers ,or a spe*ial purpose that o, P,inan*in8 the 8ro%th an7 7e#elop"ent
o, the su8ar in7ustr. an7 all its *o"ponents, sta-ili4ation o, the 7o"esti* "ar(et
in*lu7in8 the ,orei8n "ar(et the ,a*t that the State has ta(en possession o, "one.s
pursuant to la% is su,,i*ient to *onstitute the" state ,un7s, e#en thou8h the. are hel7
,or a spe*ial purpose. Ba#in8 -een le#ie7 ,or a spe*ial purpose, the re#enues
*olle*te7 are to -e treate7 as a spe*ial ,un7, to -e, in the lan8ua8e o, the statute,
Pa7"inistere7 in trustK ,or the purpose inten7e7. 1n*e the purpose has -een ,ul,ille7
or a-an7one7, the -alan*e, i, an., is to -e trans,erre7 to the 8eneral ,un7s o, the
The *hara*ter o, the Sta-ili4ation Fun7 as a spe*ial ,un7 is e"phasi4e7 -. the ,a*t
that the ,un7s are 7eposite7 in the Philippine /ational Ban( an7 not in the Philippine
Treasur., "one.s ,ro" %hi*h "a. -e pai7 out onl. in pursuan*e o, an appropriation
"a7e -. la%.
To rule in petitionersK ,a#or %oul7 *ontra#ene the 8eneral prin*iple that re#enues
7eri#e7 ,ro" ta'es *annot -e use7 ,or purel. pri#ate purposes or ,or the e'*lusi#e
-ene,it o, pri#ate persons. The Sta-ili4ation Fun7 is to -e utili4e7 ,or the -ene,it o,
the entire su8ar in7ustr., Pan7 all its *o"ponents, sta-ili4ation o, the 7o"esti*
"ar(et,P in*lu7in8 the ,orei8n "ar(et the in7ustr. -ein8 o, #ital i"portan*e to the
*ountr.Ks e*ono". an7 to national interest.
>B<$<F1$<, the >rit o, "an7a"us is 7enie7 an7 the Petition here-. 7is"isse7.
/o *osts. (Sinon)
Se*tion +0. !ppelate Juris7i*tion o, the Supre"e Court
First 2epanto Cera"i*s #. C!, 2+7 SC$! ;19, 199C
Se*tion +2. )nitiati#e an7 $e,eren7u"
6ar*ia #. C1&<2<C, 2+7 SC$! 279, 199C
The 1987 Constitution is -orne o, the *on#i*tion that people po%er *an -e truste7 to
*he*( e'*esses o, 8o#ern"ent. 1ne o, the "eans -. %hi*h people po%er *an -e
e'er*ise7 is thru initiati#es %here lo*al or7inan*es an7 resolutions *an -e ena*te7 or
repeale7. !n e,,ort to tri#iali4e the e,,e*ti#eness o, peopleKs initiati#es ou8ht to -e
)n its Pa"-a.an8Zapas.ahanBl8. 10, Ser.e 199+, the San88unian8
n8&oron8, Bataan a8ree7 to the in*lusion o, the "uni*ipalit. o, &oron8 as part o,
the Su-i* Spe*ial <*ono"i* Lone in a**or7 %ith $epu-li* !*t/o. 7227.1n &a. 2C,

199+, petitioners ,ile7 a petition %ith the San88unian8 o, &oron8 to annul
Pa"-a.an8Zapas.ahanBl8. 10, Ser.e 199+.
The "uni*ipalit. o, &oron8 7i7 not ta(e an. a*tion on the petition %ithin thirt. (+0)
7a.s a,ter its su-"ission. Petitioners then resorte7 to their po%er o, initiati#e, The.
starte7 to soli*it the require7 nu"-er o, si8natures to *ause the repeal o, sai7
resolution. 9n(no%n to the petitioners, ho%e#er, the Bonora-le <7il-erto &. 7e
2eon, 5i*e &a.or an7 Presi7in8 1,,i*er o, the San88unian8 n8&oron8, %rote
a letter to the <'e*uti#e Eire*tor o, C1&<2<C requestin8 the 7enial o, the petition
,or a lo*al initiati#e an7Dor re,eren7u" -e*ause the e'er*ise %ill @ust pro"ote
7i#isi#eness, *ounterpro7u*ti#e an7 ,utilit..P The. also *onten7 that un7er the 2o*al
6o#ern"ent Co7e o, 1991 onl. an or7inan*e *an -e the su-@e*t o, initiati#e. The.
rel. on se*tion 120, Chapter 2, Title J), Boo( ) o, the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e o,
1991 %hi*h pro#i7es P2o*al )nitiati#e Ee,ine7. W 2o*al initiati#e is the le8al pro*ess
%here-. the re8istere7 #oters o, a lo*al 8o#ern"ent unit "a. 7ire*tl. propose,
ena*t, or a"en7 an. or7inan*e.P
)SS9<>hether or not the initiati#e issue7 -. the petitioner is #ali7 an7 *an -e
$92)/6The Constitution *learl. in*lu7es not onl. or7inan*es -ut resolutions as
appropriate su-@e*ts o, a lo*al initiati#e. Se*tion +2 o, !rti*le 5) pro#i7es in lu"inous
lan8ua8e PThe Con8ress shall, as earl. as possi-le, pro#i7e ,or a s.ste" o, initiati#e
an7 re,eren7u", an7 the e'*eptions there,ro", %here-. the people *an 7ire*tl.
propose an7 ena*t la%s or appro#e or re@e*t an. a*t or la% or part thereo, passe7 -.
the Con8ress, or lo*al le8islati#e -o7. . . .P !n a*t in*lu7es a resolution.
S*ope o, po%er o, initiati#e W The po%er o, initiati#e "a. -e e'er*ise7 to a"en7
the Constitution, or to ena*t a national le8islation, a re8ional, pro#in*ial, *it.,
"uni*ipal or -aran8a. la%, resolution or or7inan*e.
Finall., it *annot -e 8aine7 that petitioners %ere 7enie7 7ue pro*ess. The. %ere not
,urnishe7 a *op. o, the letterIpetition o, 5i*e &a.or <7il-erto &. 7e 2eon to the
respon7ent C1&<2<C pra.in8 ,or 7enial o, their petition ,or a lo*al initiati#e on
Pa"-a.an8Zapas.ahanBl8. 10, Ser.e 199+. >orse, respon7ent C1&<2<C 8rante7
the petition %ithout a,,or7in8 petitioners an. ,air opportunit. to oppose it. This
pro*e7ural lapse is ,atal ,or at sta(e is not an or7inar. ri8ht -ut the san*tit. o, the
so#erei8nt. o, the people, their ori8inal po%er to le8islate throu8h the pro*ess o,
initiati#e. 1urs is the 7ut. to listen an7 the o-li8ation to o-e. the #oi*e o, the people.
)t *oul7 %ell -e the onl. ,or*e that *oul7 ,oil the "ushroo"in8 a-uses in 8o#ern"ent.
The petition %as 6$!/T<E an7 C1&<2<C resolutions are annulle7 an7 set asi7e.
Article <001 $-ecutive De+artment
Se*tion 1. <'e*uti#e Po%erH Pri#ile8esH )""unities
&ar*os #. &an8lapus, 177 SC$! 008, 1989H &$, 178 SC$!, 1989
&rs. )"el7a &ar*os et al %ante7 to return to the Philippines an7 -rin8 the
7ea7 -o7. o, the 7epose7 Presi7ent Fer7inan7 &ar*os. Bo%e#er, the seate7
Presi7ent Cora4on !quino -arre7 their return -e*ause she an7 others -elie#e7 that
su*h return is a threat to national se*urit.. &rs. &ar*os petition to the Supre"e

Court an7 ar8ue7 that Presi7ent !quino 7isre8ar7 her hus-an7?s *onstitutional ri8hts
as a Filipino -. a*tin8 in e'*ess o, her e'e*uti#e po%ers.
0''U$1 Does te /resi!ent acte! beyon! te e-ecutive +owers veste! in er
by te constitutionF
2". Presi7ent !quino as the *hie, e'e*uti#e a*te7 %ithin the li"its pro#i7e7
-. the 1987 Constitution. !rt. 5)) Se*. 1 states that FThe e'e*uti#e po%er shall -e
#este7 in the Presi7ent o, the PhilippinesG %hi*h i"plies that the Chie, <'e*uti#e has
-roa7 *o#era8e o, po%ers. These po%ers are not spe*i,ie7 so that the Chie,
<'e*uti#e *an e,,e*ti#el. per,or" her ,un*tions or 7uties to State an7 the people. To
a#oi7 a-uses, the 1987 Constitution pro#i7es e'pli*it li"it to the Presi7ent?s po%er
%hi*h are the 2e8islati#e po%ers o, the Con8ress an7 the Ju7i*iar. re#ie% o, the
Supre"e Court. The Supre"e Court a,,ir"e7 Presi7ent !quino?s a*t o, -arrin8 the
return o, the 7epose7 Presi7ent?s -o7. sin*e it is her 7ut. to ser#e an7 prote*t the
%el,are an7 interest o, the people %ho -elie#e7 that su*h return is una**epta-le.
2aurel #. 6ar*ia 187 SC$! 797, 1990
Presi7ent Cora4on !quino issue7 <.1. 290 entitlin8 nonIFilipino *iti4ens or
entities to -ene,it ,ro" *apital 8oo7s or ser#i*es in the e#ent o, sales, lease or
7isposition o, Philippine 6o#ern"entIo%ne7 properties in Japan. Bo%e#er,
petitioners *hallen8e7 the or7er as un*onstitutional sin*e there %as no e'pli*it
ena*t"ent ,ro" the Con8ress as to the sales, lease or 7isposition o, the properties.
0''U$1 Does te /resi!ent( inclu!ing er officers an! agents( ave te
autority an! Iuris!iction to sell te +ro+ertiesF
2"# The Presi7ent as the Chie, <'e*uti#e nee7s the *onsent, appro#al, an7
authori4ation o, the Con8ress to sell the properties. <#en i, the properties are le8all.
7e*lare7 aliena-le, %hi*h it allo%s trans,er or sale o, a propert.H there "ust -e 7ue
pro*ess to sell the sai7 properties sin*e the Presi7ent alrea7. returne7 le8islati#e
po%ers -a*( to the Con8ress. )"portantl., the Con8ress "ust ena*t a la% that 8i#es
7ue 7ele8ation to the Presi7ent -. the Con8ress in or7er to 7ispose su*h properties.
So ,ar, the !7"inistrati#e Co7e pro#i7e7 8ui7elines a Eepart"ent Bea7 responsi-le
"ust su-"it pertinent papers an7 re*o""en7ation to the Con8ressH an7 upon the
appro#al o, the Con8ress, the Presi7ent *an e'e*ute, si8n, or authori4e the
ne*essar. *ontra*t or instru"ent. Further"ore, the Supre"e Court ,oun7 that <.1.
290 7i7 not e'pli*itl. 8i#e an. Fauthorit. to sellG the propert. -ut allo%e7 nonIFilipino
*iti4ens to -ene,it in *ase o, a sale. (Cata.lo)
$stra!a v# Desierto( 393 'CRA :9)( )**&K =R( 395 'CRA &*6( )**&

)n the &a. 11, 1998 ele*tions, petitioner Joseph <stra7a %as ele*te7 Presi7ent %hile
respon7ent 6loria &a*apa8alI!rro.o %as ele*te7 5i*eIPresi7ent. 1n 1*to-er C,
2000, Cha#it Sin8son, a**use7 the petitioner, his ,a"il. an7 ,rien7s o, re*ei#in8
"illions o, pesos ,ro" @ueten8 lor7s. The e'pose? i""e7iatel. i8nite7 rea*tions o,
ra8e. Soon a,ter, the Bouse Spea(er trans"itte7 the !rti*les o, )"pea*h"ent si8ne7
-. 11; representati#es or "ore than 1D+ o, all the "e"-ers o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es to the Senate. 1n /o#e"-er 20, 2000, the Senate ,or"all. opene7
the i"pea*h"ent trial o, the petitioner. 1n Januar. 10, 2001, -. a #ote o, 11I10, the
senatorI@u78es rule7 a8ainst the openin8 o, the se*on7 en#elope %hi*h alle8e7l.
*ontaine7 e#i7en*e sho%in8 that petitioner hel7 P+.+ -illion in a se*ret -an( a**ount
un7er the na"e FJose 5elar7e.G The rulin8 %as "et -. a spontaneous out-urst o,
an8er that hit the streets o, the "etropolis. <ES! 2 9/S9<E. 1n Januar. 20, 2001,
at a-out 12 noon, Chie, Justi*e Ea#i7e a7"inistere7 the oath to respon7ent !rro.o
as Presi7ent o, the Philippines. 1n the sa"e 7a., petitioner issue7 a press
state"ent that he %as lea#in8 &ala*anan8 Pala*e ,or the sa(e o, pea*e an7 in or7er
to -e8in the healin8 pro*ess o, the nation. )t also appeare7 that on the sa"e 7a., he
si8ne7 a letter statin8 that he %as trans"ittin8 a 7e*laration that he %as una-le to
e'er*ise the po%ers an7 7uties o, his o,,i*e an7 that -. operation o, la% an7 the
Constitution, the 5i*eIPresi7ent shall -e the !*tin8 Presi7ent.
(1) >hether or not the petitioner resi8ne7 as Presi7ent
(2) >hether or not the petitioner is onl. te"poraril. una-le to a*t as Presi7ent an7
as su*h
>B<TB<$ 1$ /1T S<CT)1/ 1 !$T)C2< 5)) P!$T)C92!$2: TB< )&&9/)T:
F$1& S9)T C!/ ST)22 !PP2: T1 B)&
$esi8nation is a ,a*tual question. )n or7er to ha#e a #ali7 resi8nation, there "ust -e
an intent to resi8n an7 the intent "ust -e *ouple7 -. a*ts o, relinquish"ent. The
#ali7it. o, a resi8nation is not 8o#erne7 -. an. ,or"al require"ent as to ,or". )t *an
-e oral. )t *an -e %ritten. )t *an -e e'press. )t *an -e i"plie7. !s lon8 as the
resi8nation is *lear, it "ust -e 8i#en le8al e,,e*t. )n the *ases at -ar, the ,a*ts sho%
that petitioner 7i7 not %rite an. ,or"al letter o, resi8nation -e,ore lea#in8
&ala*anan8 Pala*e. Consequentl., %hether or not petitioner resi8ne7 has to -e
7eter"ine7 ,ro" his a*ts an7 o"issions -e,ore, 7urin8 an7 a,ter Jan. 20, 2001 or -.
the totalit. o, prior, *onte"poraneous an7 posterior ,a*ts an7 *ir*u"stantial
e#i7en*e -earin8 a "aterial rele#an*e on the issue. The Court hel7 that the
resi8nation o, the petitioner *annot -e 7ou-te7. )t %as *on,ir"e7 -. his lea#in8
&ala*anan8. )n the press release *ontainin8 his ,inal state"ent, (1) he
a*(no%le78e7 the oathIta(in8 o, the respon7ent as Presi7ent o, the $epu-li*, -ut
%ith the reser#ation a-out its le8alit.H (2) he e"phasi4e7 he %as lea#in8 the Pala*e,
the seat o, the presi7en*., ,or the sa(e o, pea*e an7 in or7er to -e8in the healin8
pro*ess o, the nation. Be 7i7 not sa. he %as lea#in8 the Pala*e 7ue to an. (in7 o,
ina-ilit. an7 that he %as 8oin8 to reassu"e the presi7en*. as soon as the 7isa-ilit.
7isappearsH (+) he e'presse7 his 8ratitu7e to the people ,or the opportunit. to ser#e
the"H (C) he assure7 that he %ill not shir( ,ro" an. ,uture *hallen8e that "a. *o"e

ahea7 in the sa"e ser#i*e o, the *ountr.H an7 (;) he *alle7 on his supporters to @oin
hi" in the pro"otion o, a *onstru*ti#e national spirit o, re*on*iliation an7 soli7arit..
The Court also ta*(le7 the *ontention o, the petitioner that he is "erel. te"poraril.
una-le to per,or" the po%ers an7 7uties o, the presi7en*., an7 hen*e is a Presi7ent
on lea#e. Con8ress has *learl. re@e*te7 petitioner?s *lai" o, ina-ilit.. The Court
*annot pass upon petitioner?s *lai" o, ina-ilit. to 7is*har8e the po%ers an7 7uties o,
the presi7en*.. The question is politi*al in nature an7 a77resse7 solel. to Con8ress
-. *onstitutional ,iat. )t is a politi*al issue %hi*h *annot -e 7e*i7e7 -. the Court
%ithout trans8ressin8 the prin*iple o, separation o, po%ers
'oliven v# =a.asiar( &5; 'CRA 343( &466
This is a *onsoli7ate7 petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition to re#ie% the 7e*ision o, the
respon7ent Ju78e $a"on &a(asiar. )n the *ase ,ile7 -. Beltran, he alle8e7 that the respon7ent
@u78e *o""itte7 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to la*( or e'*ess o, @uris7i*tion %hen the
respon7ent @u78e issue7 a %arrant o, arrest a8ainst the petitioner ,or the *ri"e o, li-el, %ithout the
respon7ent @u78e personall. e'a"inin8 the *o"plainant an7 %itnesses ,or the 7eter"ination o,
pro-a-le *ause. The petitioner *onten7 that the *onstitution requires that the @u78e shoul7
personall. e'a"ine the *o"plainant an7Dor %itness ,or the 7eter"ination o, pro-a-le *ause an7
there,ore issue an arrest %arrant.
>hether or not the Presi7ent o, the Philippines, un7er the Constitution, "a. initiate
*ri"inal pro*ee7in8s a8ainst the petitioners throu8h ,ilin8 o, a *o"plaintIa,,i7a#itA
Fin7in8 no 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion a"ountin8 to e'*ess or la*( o, @uris7i*tion on
the part o, the pu-li* respon7ents, the Court $esol#e7 to E)S&)SS the petitions.
The 1r7er to "aintain the status &uo *ontaine7 in the $esolution o, the Court en
banc is 2)FT<E.
Petitioner Beltran *onten7s that pro*ee7in8s ensue -. #irtue o, the Presi7ent?s ,ilin8
o, her *o"plaintIa,,i7a#it, she "a. su-sequentl. ha#e to -e a %itness ,or the
prose*ution, -rin8in8 her un7er the trial *ourt?s @uris7i*tion. This %oul7 in an in7ire*t
%a. 7e,eat her privilege of immunit" from suit, as -. testi,.in8 on the %itness stan7,
she %oul7 -e e'posin8 hersel, to possi-le *onte"pt o, *ourt or per@ur..
This pri#ile8e o, i""unit. ,ro" suit, pertains to the Presi7ent -. #irtue o, the o,,i*e
an7 "a. -e in#o(e7 onl. -. the hol7er o, the o,,i*eH not -. an. other person in the
Presi7ent?s -ehal,. The *hoi*e o, %hether to e'er*ise the pri#ile8e or to %ai#e is
solel. the Presi7ent?s prero8ati#e. )t is a 7e*ision that *annot -e assu"e7 an7
i"pose7 -. an. other person (!n7 there is nothin8 in our la%s that %oul7 pre#ent the
Presi7ent ,ro" %ai#in8 the pri#ile8e).
'enate v# $rmita( 7#R# &54;;;( A+ril )*( )**5

This is a petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition pro,,er that the Presi7ent has a-use7
po%er -. issuin8 <.1. C0C F<nsurin8 1-ser#an*e o, the Prin*iples o, Separation o,
Po%ers, !7heren*e to the $ule on <'e*uti#e Pri#ile8e an7 $espe*t ,or the $i8hts o,
Pu-li* 1,,i*ials !ppearin8 in 2e8islati#e )nquiries in !i7 o, 2e8islation 9n7er the
Constitution, an7 ,or 1ther PurposesG. Petitioners pra. ,or its 7e*laration as null an7
#oi7 ,or -ein8 un*onstitutional.
)n the e'er*ise o, its le8islati#e po%er, the Senate o, the Philippines, throu8h its
#arious Senate Co""ittees, *on7u*ts inquiries or in#esti8ations in ai7 o, le8islation
%hi*h *all ,or, inter alia, the atten7an*e o, o,,i*ials an7 e"plo.ees o, the e'e*uti#e
7epart"ent, -ureaus, an7 o,,i*es in*lu7in8 those e"plo.e7 in 6o#ern"ent 1%ne7
an7 Controlle7 Corporations, the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines (!FP), an7 the
Philippine /ational Poli*e (P/P).
The Co""ittee o, the Senate issue7 in#itations to #arious o,,i*ials o, the <'e*uti#e
Eepart"ent ,or the" to appear as resour*e spea(ers in a pu-li* hearin8 on the
rail%a. pro@e*t (/orth $ail Pro@e*t), others on the issues o, "assi#e ele*tion ,rau7 in
the Philippine ele*tions, %ire tappin8, an7 the role o, "ilitar. in the soI*alle7
F6loria8ate S*an7alG.
Sai7 o,,i*ials %ere not a-le to atten7 7ue to la*( o, *onsent ,ro" the Presi7ent as
pro#i7e7 -. <.1. C0C, Se*tion + %hi*h requires all the pu-li* o,,i*ials enu"erate7 in
Se*tion 2(-) to se*ure the *onsent o, the Presi7ent prior to appearin8 -e,ore either
house o, Con8ress.
)s Se*tion + o, <.1. C0C, %hi*h requires all the pu-li* o,,i*ials, enu"erate7 in
Se*tion 2(-) to se*ure the *onsent o, the Presi7ent prior to appearin8 -e,ore either
house o, Con8ress, #ali7 an7 *onstitutionalA
/o. The enu"eration in Se*tion 2 (-) o, <.1. C0C is -roa7 an7 is *o#ere7 -. the
e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e. The 7o*trine o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e is pre"ise7 on the ,a*t that
*ertain in,or"ation "ust, as a "atter o, ne*essit., -e (ept *on,i7ential in pursuit o,
the pu-li* interest. The pri#ile8e -ein8, -. 7e,inition, an e'e"ption ,ro" the
o-li8ation to 7is*lose in,or"ation, in this *ase to Con8ress, the ne*essit. "ust -e o,
su*h hi8h 7e8ree as to out%ei8h the pu-li* interest in en,or*in8 that o-li8ation in a
parti*ular *ase.
Con8ress un7ou-te7l. has a ri8ht to in,or"ation ,ro" the e'e*uti#e -ran*h
%hene#er it is sou8ht in ai7 o, le8islation. ), the e'e*uti#e -ran*h %ithhol7s su*h
in,or"ation on the 8roun7 that it is pri#ile8e7, it "ust so assert it an7 state the
reason there,or an7 %h. it "ust -e respe*te7.

The in,ir" pro#isions o, <.1. C0C, ho%e#er, allo% the e'e*uti#e -ran*h to e#a7e
*on8ressional requests ,or in,or"ation %ithout nee7 o, *learl. assertin8 a ri8ht to 7o
so an7Dor pro,,erin8 its reasons there,or. B. the "ere e'pe7ient o, in#o(in8 sai7
pro#isions, the po%er o, Con8ress to *on7u*t inquiries in ai7 o, le8islation is
A.bayan v# A,uino( 7#R# &;*9&5( Duly &5 )**6
Petition ,or "an7a"us an7 prohi-ition %as ,ile7 -. the petitioners, as
*on8resspersons, *iti4ens an7 ta'pa.ers, requestin8 respon7ents to su-"it to the"
the ,ull te't o, the JapanIPhilippines <*ono"i* Partnership !8ree"ent (JP<P!).
JP<P! %hi*h has -een re,erre7 to as a a"e8a treat.? is a *o"prehensi#e plan ,or
openin8 up o, "ar(ets in 8oo7s an7 ser#i*es as %ell as re"o#in8 -arriers an7
restri*tions on in#est"ents. )t is a 7eal that en*o"passes e#en our *o""it"ents to
the >T1. The Co""ittee on Tra7e an7 Co""er*e, *haire7 -. Senator &ar $o'as,
hear7 7i,,erin8 #ie%s an7 perspe*ti#es on JP<P!. 1n one han7 the *o""ittee hear7
6o#ern"ent?s ros. pro@e*tions on the e*ono"i* -ene,its o, JP<P! an7 on the other
han7 the #ie%s o, en#iron"ental an7 tra7e a*ti#ists %ho raise7 their #er. serious
*on*erns a-out the *ountr. -ein8 turne7 into Japan?s to'i* %aste -as(et. The
7is*ussion in the Senate sho%e7 that JP<P! is not @ust an issue *on*ernin8 tra7e
an7 e*ono"i* relations %ith Japan -ut one that tou*hes on -roa7er national
7e#elop"ent *on*erns.
Petitioner e"phasi4e that the re,usal o, the 8o#ern"ent to 7is*lose the sai7
a8ree"ent #iolates their ri8ht to in,or"ation on "atters o, pu-li* *on*ern an7 o,
pu-li* interest. That the nonI7is*losure o, the sa"e 7o*u"ents un7er"ines their
ri8ht to e,,e*ti#e an7 reasona-le parti*ipation in all le#els o, so*ial, politi*al an7
e*ono"i* 7e*ision "a(in8.
$espon7ent herein in#o(e e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e, that 7iplo"ati* ne8otiation are
*o#ere7 -. the 7o*trine o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e.
>hether the in,or"ation sou8ht -. the petitioners are o, pu-li* *on*ern an7 are still
*o#ere7 -. the 7o*trine o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8eA !re the 7o*u"ents an7 in,or"ation
-ein8 requeste7 in relation to the JP<P! e'e"pte7 ,ro" the 8eneral rules on
transparen*. an7 ,ull pu-li* 7is*losure su*h that the Philippine 8o#ern"ent is
@usti,ie7 in 7en.in8 a**ess theretoA
!n essential *hara*teristi* o, 7iplo"a*. is its *on,i7ential nature. Further, the
Presi7ent is the sole or8an o, the nation in its ne8otiations %ith ,orei8n *ountries. )nto
the ,iel7 o, ne8otiations the Senate *annot intru7eH an7 Con8ress is in itsel,
po%erless to in#a7e it.

Di+lomatic negotiations( terefore( are recogni8e! as +rivilege! in tis
Iuris!iction, the JP<P! ne8otiations *onstitutin8 no e'*eptions. )t is reasona-le to
*on*lu7e that the Japenese representati#es su-"itte7 their o,,ers %ith the
un7erstan7in8 that Khistori* *on,i7entialit.K %oul7 8o#ern the sa"e. Eis*losin8 these
o,,ers *oul7 i"pair the a-ilit. o, the Philippines to 7eal not onl. %ith Japan -ut %ith
other ,orei8n 8o#ern"ents in ,uture ne8otiations.G The Bi8hest Tri-unal re*o8ni4e7
that treat. ne8otiations nor"all. in#ol#e a pro*ess o, qui7 pro quo, %here
ne8otiators %oul7 %illin8l. 8rant *on*essions in an area o, lesser i"portan*e in or7er
to o-tain "ore ,a#ora-le ter"s in an area o, 8reater national interest.
Te Court !enie! te +etition( stressing tat Lsecrecy of negotiations wit
foreign countries is not violative of te constitutional +rovisions of free!om of
s+eec or of te +ress nor of te free!om of access to information# The Court,
ho%e#er, in its en7ea#our to 8uar7 a8ainst the a-use o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e, shoul7
-e *are,ul not to #eer to%ar7s the opposite e'tre"e, to the point that it %oul7 stri(e
7o%n as in#ali7 e#en a le8iti"ate e'er*ise thereo,.G
2eri v# 'enate( 7#R# &6*5:3( =arc )9( )**6K =R( 'e+t# :( )**6
1n Septe"-er 20, 2007, $o"ulo /eri appeare7 -e,ore the respon7ent
*o""ittee to ai7 in le8islation ,or 11 N hours on issues pertainin8 to the /ational
Broa7-an7 Pro@e*t %hi*h %as a%ar7e7 to LT<, a Chinese *o"pan.. Petitioner then
7is*lose7 that he %as o,,ere7 P200 "illion pesos in -ri-e -. a *ertain Ben@a"in
!-alos %hi*h he re,erre7 to the Presi7ent an7 she instru*te7 hi" not to a**ept the
-ri-e. >hen he %as later pro-e7 on the issue, he re,use7 to ans%er an7 in#o(e7 the
prin*iple o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e. The three questions are
a) >hether the Presi7ent ,ollo%e7 up the (/B/) pro@e*tA
-) >ere .ou 7i*tate7 to prioriti4e the LT<A
*) >hether the Presi7ent sai7 to 8o ahea7 an7 appro#e the
pro@e*t a,ter -ein8 tol7 a-out the alle8e7 -ri-eA

The Senate Co""ittees issue7 a Su-peona !7 Testi,i*an7u" to /eri to
*o"pel hi" to atten7 to another hearin8 %hi*h the latter re,use7 to atten7 on the
-elie, that the questions to -e as(e7 %ere alrea7. *o#ere7 -. the e'e*uti#e
pri#ile8e. /eri?s testi"on. that his *o""uni*ation %ith the Presi7ent is in,or"ation
that "i8ht i"pair our 7iplo"ati* as %ell as e*ono"i* relations %ith China. /eri still
7i7 not appear -e,ore the Co""ittee %hi*h pro"pte7 the latter to a *ause o, a*tion
to or7er his arrest an7 7etention until su*h ti"e petitioner is *o"pelle7 to appear an7
8i#e his testi"on..
>hether or not e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e *learl. *o#ers the three questions -ein8 as(e7 -.
the SenateA
<'e*uti#e pri#ile8e *learl. *o#ers the three questions -ein8 *onteste7 -. Senate
-e*ause it *learl. 7enotes in,or"ation or *o""uni*ation 7is*usse7 a-out -et%een
petitioner an7 the Presi7ent. The hea7s o, the 7i,,erent 7epart"ents "a., in their
o%n *apa*it., appear -e,ore an. *o""ittee onl. %ith the *onsent o, the Presi7ent

-e*ause ea*h 7epart"ent is an e'tension o, the Presi7ent in e'er*isin8 her poli*.
"a(in8 po%er an7 po%er to enter into e'e*uti#e a8ree"ents.
/rov# "f 2ort Cotabato v# 7overnment( 7#R# 2o# &6394&( "ct# &:( )**6
Su-@e*t to these *onsoli7ate7 *ases is the e'tent o, the po%ers o, the
Presi7ent in pursuin8 pea*e pro*ess as pro#i7e7 -. the Constitution. The
6o#ern"ent o, the $epu-li* o, the Philippines an7 the &oro )sla"i* 2i-eration Front
Pea*e Panel %ere s*he7ule7 to si8n a &e"oran7u" o, !8ree"ent on the !n*estral
Eo"ain %hi*h pertains to the 6$P N &)2F Tripoli !8ree"ent o, Pea*e o, 2001
re8ar7in8 to ha#e a Ban8sa"oro Bo"elan7.
Be,ore the si8nin8, ho%e#er, the Pro#in*e o, /orth Cota-ato sou8ht to
*o"pel the respon7ents to 7is*lose an7 ,urnish it %ith *o"plete an7 o,,i*ial *opies o,
the &1!I!E, as %ell as to hol7 a pu-li* *onsultation thereon, in#o(in8 its ri8ht to
in,or"ation on "atters o, pu-li* *on*ern. ! su-sequent petition sou8ht to ha#e the
Cit. o, La"-oan8a e'*lu7e7 ,ro" the BJ<. The Court then issue7 a Te"porar.
$estrainin8 1r7er (T$1) on C !u8ust 2008, 7ire*tin8 the pu-li* respon7ents an7
their a8ents to *ease an7 7esist ,ro" ,or"all. si8nin8 the &1!I!E. The BJ< see(s
to 8rant the authorit. an7 @uris7i*tion o#er the an*estral 7o"ain an7 an*estral lan7s
o, the Ban8sa"oro.
>hether or not the 8uarantee "a7e -. the Presi7ent re8ar7in8 the statehoo7
an7 in7epen7en*e o, the territories un7er BJ< is un7er e'e*uti#e po%erA
The Presi7ent has e'e*uti#e po%er re8ar7in8 issues on the pea*e o, pro*ess
%ith the &)2F -ut the 8uarant.in8 o, the statehoo7 an7 in7epen7en*e o, territories
un7er the BJ< thru the si8nin8 o, the &1! N !E shall onl. -e authori4e7 -. the
Constituent Po%er #este7 onl. in Con8ress, Constitutional Con#ention or the people
/either the 6$P Pea*e Panel nor the Presi7ent hersel, is authori4e7 to "a(e
su*h a 8uarantee. 9phol7in8 su*h an a*t %oul7 a"ount to authori4in8 a usurpation
o, the *onstituent po%ers #este7 onl. in Con8ress, a Constitutional Con#ention, or
the people the"sel#es throu8h the pro*ess o, initiati#e, ,or the onl. %a. that the
<'e*uti#e *an ensure the out*o"e o, the a"en7"ent pro*ess is throu8h an un7ue
in,luen*e or inter,eren*e %ith that pro*ess.
>hile the &1!I!E %oul7 not a"ount to an international a8ree"ent or
unilateral 7e*laration -in7in8 on the Philippines un7er international la%, respon7entsK

a*t o, 8uaranteein8 a"en7"ents is, -. itsel,, alrea7. a *onstitutional #iolation that
ren7ers the &1!I!E ,atall. 7e,e*ti#e.
/ili++ine Constitution Association v# $nri,ue8( )39 'CRA 9*5
This *ase starte7 %ith $! 700+, an !*t !ppropriatin8 Fun7s ,or the 1peration o, the
6o#ern"ent o, the Philippines ,ro" Januar. 1 to Ee*e"-er 1, 199C, an7 ,or other
Purposes %hi*h %as appro#e7 -. the Presi7ent -ut #etoe7 so"e o, its pro#isions.
Petitioners assail the spe*ial pro#ision allo%in8 a "e"-er o, Con8ress to reali8n his
allo*ation ,or operational e'penses to an. other e'pense *ate8or. *lai"in8 that it
#iolates Se*. 2;, !rt 7 o, the Constitution. )ssues o, *onstitutionalit. %ere raise7
-e,ore the Supre"e Court. Phil*onsa pra.e7 ,or a %rit o, prohi-ition to 7e*lare
un*onstitutional an7 #oi7 arti*le 10 on the Countr.%i7e Ee#elop"ent Fun7 an7 the
#eto o, the Presi7ent o, the Spe*ial pro#ision o, !rt J25))) o, the 6!! o, 199C.
! total o, 10 "e"-ers o, the Senate sou8ht the issuan*e o, %rits o, *ertiorari,
prohi-ition an7 "an7a"us a8ainst the e'e*uti#e se*retar., the se*retar. o, the
Eepart"ent o, Bu78et an7 &ana8e"ent an7 the /ational Treasurer an7 questions
the *onstitutionalit. o, the *on7itions i"pose7 -. the Presi7ent in the ite"s o, the
6!! o, 199C an7 the *onstitutionalit. o, the #eto o, the spe*ial pro#ision in the
appropriation ,or 7e-t ser#i*es. Petitioners *ontest the *onstitutionalit. o, #eto on
,our spe*ial pro#isions a77e7 to ite"s in the 6!! o, 199C ,or the !FP an7 EP>B
an7 the *on7itions i"pose7 -. the Presi7ent in the i"ple"entation o, *ertain
appropriations ,or the C!F69?s, EP>B, an7 /at?l Bi8h%a. !uthorit..
)ssue >hether or not the #eto o, the presi7ent on ,our spe*ial pro#isions is
*onstitutional an7 #ali7A
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Ee-t Ceilin8 N Con8ress pro#i7e7 ,or a 7e-tI*eilin8. 5etoe7 -.
the Presi7ent %ithout #etoin8 the entire appropriation ,or 7e-t ser#i*e. The sai7
pro#isions are 8er"ane to ^ ha#e 7ire*t relation %ith 7e-t ser#i*e. The. are
appropriate pro#isions an7 *annot -e #etoe7 %ithout #etoin8 the entire
ite"DappropriationH hen*e the #eto is #oi7.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on $e#ol#in8 Fun7s ,or SC9?s N sai7 pro#ision allo%s ,or the use
o, in*o"e ^ *reation o, re#ol#in8 ,un7 ,or SC9?s. Pro#ision ,or >estern
State 9ni#. ^ 2e.te State Colle8es #etoe7 -. Pres. 1ther SC9?s en@o.in8 the
pri#ile8e 7o so -. e'istin8 la%. Pres. "erel. a*te7 in pursuan*e to e'istin8 la%.
5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on $oa7 &aintenan*e N Con8ress spe*i,ie7 +0Y ratio ,o %or(s ,or
"aintenan*e o, roa7s -e *ontra*te7 a**or7in8 to 8ui7elines set ,orth -. EP>B.
5etoe7 -. the Pres. %ithout #etoin8 the entire appropriation. )t is not an inappropriate
pro#isionH it is not alien to the su-@e*t o, roa7 "aintenan*e ^ *annot -e #etoe7
%ithout #etoin8 the entire appropriation. 5<T1 51)E.

Spe*ial Pro#ision on Pur*hase o, &ilitar. <quip"ent N !FP "o7erni4ation, prior
appro#al o, Con8ress require7 -e,ore release o, "o7erni4ation ,un7s. )t is the soI
*alle7 le8islati#e #eto. !n. pro#ision -lo*(in8 an a7"in. a*tion in i"ple"entin8 a la%
or requirin8 le8islati#e appro#al "ust -e su-@e*t o, a separate la%. 5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on 9se o, Sa#in8s ,or !FP Pensions N allo%s Chie, o, Sta,, to
au8"ent pension ,un7s throu8h the use o, sa#in8s. !**or7in8 to the Constitution,
onl. the Pres. "a. e'er*ise su*h po%er pursuant to a spe*i,i* la%. Properl. #etoe7.
5<T1 5!2)E.
Spe*ial Pro#ision on Con7itions ,or 7eIa*ti#ation o, C!F69?s N use o, spe*ial ,un7
,or the *o"pensation o, the sai7 C!F69?s. 5etoe7, Pres. requires his prior appro#al.
)t is also an a"en7"ent to e'istin8 la% (PE /o. 1;97 ^ $! /o. 07;8). ! pro#ision in
an appropriation a*t *annot -e use7 to repealDa"en7 e'istin8 la%s. 5<T1 5!2)E.
>e-- #. Ee 2eon, 2C7 SC$! 0;2
F!CTS on June 19, 199C, the /ational Bureau o, )n#esti8ation (/B)) ,ile7 %ith the
Eepart"ent o, Justi*e a letterI*o"plaint *har8in8 petitioners Bu-ert >e--, &i*hael
6at*halian, !ntonio J. 2e@ano an7 si' (0) other persons,%ith the *ri"e o, $ape %ith
Bo"i*i7e. Forth%ith, the Eepart"ent o, Justi*e ,or"e7 a panel o, prose*utors
hea7e7 -. !ssistant Chie, State Prose*utor Jo#en*io $. LuUo to *on7u*t the
preli"inar. in#esti8ation o, those *har8e7 %ith the rape an7 (illin8 on June +0, 1991
o, Car"ela /. 5i4*on7eH her "other <strellita /i*olasI5i4*on7e, an7 her sister !nne
&arie Jenni,er in their ho"e at /u"-er 80 >. 5in4ons, St., BF Bo"es, ParaUaque,
&etro &anila.
1n !u8ust 8, 199;, the E1J Panel issue7 a 20Ipa8e $esolution P,in7in8 pro-a-le
*ause to hol7 respon7ents ,or trialP an7 re*o""en7in8 that an )n,or"ation ,or rape
%ith ho"i*i7e -e ,ile7 a8ainst petitioners an7 their *oIrespon7ents,1n the sa"e
7ate, it ,ile7 the *orrespon7in8 )n,or"ation a8ainst petitioners an7 their *oIa**use7
%ith the $e8ional Trial Court o, ParaUaque. !n7 su-sequentl. a %arrant o, arrest
%as issue7 ,or >e-- an7 his *oIa**use7.thus the. -rin8 this petition to this *ourt.
Petitioners *onten7 (1) respon7ent Ju78es 7e 2eon an7 Tolentino 8ra#el. a-use7
their 7is*retion %hen the. ,aile7 to *on7u*t a preli"inar. e'a"ination -e,ore issuin8
%arrants o, arrest a8ainst the" (2) the E1J Panel li(e%ise 8ra#el. a-use7 its
7is*retion in hol7in8 that there is pro-a-le *ause to *har8e the" %ith the *ri"e o,
rape %ith ho"i*i7eH (+) the E1J Panel 7enie7 the" their *onstitutional ri8ht to 7ue
pro*ess 7urin8 their preli"inar. in#esti8ationH an7 (C) the E1J Panel unla%,ull.
intru7e7 into @u7i*ial prero8ati#e %hen it ,aile7 to *har8e Jessi*a !l,aro in the
)n,or"ation as an a**use7.
)SS9< >D/ the E1J intru7e7 @u7i*ial prero8ati#e in e'*lu7in8 Jessi*a !l,aro as an
B<2E the *ourt hel7 that it is %ithin the e'e*uti#e po%ers that the E1J *an e'*lu7e
*ertain people ,ro" -ein8 prose*ute7 in *ases, in this situation as part o, the plea
-ar8ain Jessi*a !l,aro in e'*han8e o, her testi"on. she %as e'*lu7e7 ,ro" -ein8
trie7 on the *ase.

'enate v# $rmita( 7R 2o# &54;;;( A+ril )*( )**5
F!CTS The Co""ittee o, the Senate as a %hole issue7 in#itations to #arious
o,,i*ials o, the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent ,or the" to appear as resour*e spea(ers in a
pu-li* hearin8 on the rail%a. pro@e*t o, the /orth 2u4on $ail%a.s Corporation %ith
the China /ational &a*hiner. an7 <quip"ent 6roup (/orth $ail Pro@e*t).
The Senate Co""ittee on /ational Ee,ense an7 Se*urit. li(e%ise issue7
in#itations 7ate7 to (e. !FP o,,i*ials *on*ernin8 the alle8e7 "assi#e ele*tion ,rau7
o, &a. 200; an7 %iretappin8 a*ti#it. in the Philippines.
The Senate Co""ittee on !8ri*ulture an7 Foo7 an7 the Blue $i--on
Co""ittee on the alle8e7 "is"ana8e"ent an7 use o, the ,ertili4er ,un7 un7er the
6inintuan8 &asa8anan8 !ni pro8ra" o, the Eepart"ent o, !8ri*ulture (E!) also
in#ite7 (e. e'e*uti#e o,,i*ials.
1n Septe"-er 28, 200;, the Presi7ent issue7 <.1. C0C. )t pro#i7es that all
7epart"ent hea7s an7 senior o,,i*ials o, the <'e*uti#e Bran*h, an7 topIran(in8
o,,i*ers o, the !FP an7 P/P "ust se*ure the *onsent o, the Presi7ent -e,ore
appearin8 in either Bouse the Con8ress. The Presi7ent?s *onsent ensures the
o-ser#an*e o, the prin*iple o, separation o, po%ers, a7heren*e to the rule on
e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e an7 respe*t ,or the ri8hts o, pu-li* o,,i*ials appearin8 in inquiries
in ai7 o, le8islation.
For 7e,.in8 Presi7ent !rro.o?s or7er -arrin8 "ilitar. personnel ,ro" testi,.in8
-e,ore le8islati#e inquiries %ithout her appro#al, Bri8. 6en. 6u7ani an7 Col. Balutan
%ere relie#e7 ,ro" their "ilitar. posts an7 %ere "a7e to ,a*e *ourt "artial
pro*ee7in8s. 1ther (e. e'e*uti#e o,,i*ials 7i7 not appear -e,ore the a-o#eI
"entione7 *o""ittees -e*ause there %as no Presi7ent?s *onsent.
The petitioners assaile7 the *onstitutionalit. o, the or7er.
)SS9<1 !re the senior e'e*uti#e o,,i*ial, !FP or P/P senior o,,i*ers e'e"pte7 ,ro"
the 7ut. to 7is*lose in,or"ation in the Con8ress )nquir.A
B<2E 1nl. the Presi7ent is e'e"pte7 ,ro" Con8ress po%er o, inquir., e'*ept in
i"pea*h"ent, -. #irtue o, her o,,i*e. 1ther e'e*uti#e o,,i*ials, !FP or P/P o,,i*ers
are not e'e"pte7 ,ro" the 7ut. to 7is*lose in,or"ation. )t is -ase7 on her -ein8 the
hi8hest o,,i*ial o, the e'e*uti#e -ran*h, an7 the 7ue respe*t a**or7e7 to a *oIequal
-ran*h o, the 8o#ern"ent %hi*h is san*tione7 -. a lon8Istan7in8 *usto". For the
e'e*uti#e o,,i*ials, !FP or P/P senior o,,i*ers to -e e'e"pte7 ,ro" Con8ress
)nquir., the. "ust #ali7l. *lai" e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e.
)SS9<2 )s the Presi7ent?s a-sen*e o, *onsent as an i"plie7 *lai" o, e'e*uti#e
pri#ile8e su,,i*ient ,or the e'e*uti#e o,,i*ial, !FP or P/P o,,i*er to #ali7l. *lai" nonI
7is*losure o, in,or"ationA
B<2E For the e'e*uti#e o,,i*ial to ha#e a #ali7 *lai" o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e, the
in,or"ation %ithhel7 "ust -e pri#ile8e7. Ben*e, the e'e*uti#e o,,i*ial "ust state the
spe*i,i* reason, -asis, or nature o, the in,or"ation %hi*h ren7ers it %ithin the
*o#era8e o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e.
>ithout su*h spe*i,i* reason o, the *lai" o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e, the Con8ress
*annot 7eter"ine %hether the *ir*u"stan*es @usti,. the nonI7is*losure o, in,or"ation
an7 to ta(e other re"e7. to 8ather in,or"ation ,ro" else%here.

>ithout su*h spe*i,i* reason o, the *lai" o, e'e*uti#e pri#ile8e, the Supre"e
Court *annot resol#e or 7e*i7e %hether the nonI7is*losure is in@urious an7 %hether it
is a8ainst pu-li* interest. The Court "ust 7eter"ine the potential har" a 7is*losure
an7 the nature o, the thin8 it prote*ts.
Se* 2(-) an7 Se* + o, <.1. C0C are 51)E.
2eri v# 'enate( 7R 2o# &6*5:3( =arc )9( )**6( 'e+tember :( )**6
6n '1 A-ril 'AA=$ D6T+ entered into a contract with Khong Ling
Telecommunications E<ui-ment IKTEJ for the su--ly of e<ui-ment and ser#ices for the
@ational Broadband @etwor2 I@B@J Pro1ect in the amount of T('7$)>1$'7A.AA
Ia--roHimately P1; Billion PesosJ. The Pro1ect was to be financed by the P3+. The !enate
-assed #arious resolutions relati#e to the @B@ deal. 6n the other hand$ De Benecia issued a
statement that se#eral high eHecuti#e officials and -ower bro2ers were using their influence
to -ush the a--ro#al of the @B@ Pro1ect by the @EDA. @eri$ the head of @EDA$ was then
in#ited to testify before the !enate Blue 3ibbon. %e a--eared in one hearing wherein he was
interrogated for 11 hrs and during which he admitted that Abalos of +6ME/E+ tried to bribe
him with P'AAM in eHchange for his a--ro#al of the @B@ -ro1ect. %e further narrated that he
informed President Arroyo about the bribery attem-t and that she instructed him not to acce-t
the bribe. %owe#er$ when -robed further on what they discussed about the @B@ Pro1ect$
-etitioner refused to answer$ in#o2ing 8eHecuti#e -ri#ilege9. .n -articular$ he refused to
answer the <uestions on IaJ whether or not President Arroyo followed u- the @B@ Pro1ect$
IbJ whether or not she directed him to -rioriti0e it$ and IcJ whether or not she directed him to
a--ro#e. %e later refused to attend the other hearings and Ermita sent a letter to the !3B+
a#erring that the communications between "MA and @eri is -ri#ileged and that the
1uris-rudence laid down in !enate #s Ermita be a--lied. The !3B+ cited @eri for contem-t.
ISSUE: 4hether or not the three <uestions sought by the !3B+ to be answered falls under
eHecuti#e -ri#ilegeC
Des. The o#ersight function of +ongress may be facilitated by com-ulsory -rocess
only to the eHtent that it is -erformed in -ursuit of legislation.
The communications elicited by the three I(J <uestions are co#ered by the -residential
communications -ri#ilege.
1st$ the communications relate to a 8#uinteential and non*dele!a&le power9 of the
President$ i.e. the -ower to enter into an eHecuti#e agreement with other countries. This
authority of the President to enter into executive agreements without the concurrence of the
/egislature has traditionally been recogni0ed in Phili--ine 1uris-rudence. 2nd$ the
communications are 8recei#ed9 by a close ad#isor of the President. &nder the 8operational
pro+imit,- tet. -etitioner can be considered a close ad#isor$ being a member of President
Arroyo:s cabinet. And 3rd$ there is no ade<uate showing of a com-elling need that would
1ustify the limitation of the -ri#ilege and of the una/aila&ilit, of the information elsewhere
by an a--ro-riate in#estigating authority.
Se*tion 2. 3uali,i*ations
Tecson v# C"=$L$C( 7#R# 2o# &5&:3:( =arc 3( )**:

Fornier, petitioner initiate7 a petition -e,ore the C1&<2<C to 7isquali,. FPJ an7 to
7en. 7ue *ourse or to *an*el his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. upon the thesis that FPJ
"a7e a "aterial "isrepresentation in his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. -. *lai"in8 to -e a
naturalI-orn Filipino *iti4en %hen in truth, a**or7in8 to Fornier, his parents %ere
,orei8nersH his "other, Bessie Zelle. Poe, %as an !"eri*an, an7 his ,ather, !llan
Poe, %as a Spanish national, -ein8 the son o, 2oren4o Poe, a Spanish su-@e*t.
6rantin8, petitioner asse#erate7, that !llan F. Poe %as a Filipino *iti4en, he *oul7
not ha#e trans"itte7 his Filipino *iti4enship to FPJ, the latter -ein8 an ille8iti"ate
*hil7 o, an alien "other. Petitioner -ase7 the alle8ation o, the ille8iti"ate -irth o,
respon7ent on t%o assertions I ,irst, !llan F. Poe *ontra*te7 a prior "arria8e to a
*ertain Paulita 6o"e4 -e,ore his "arria8e to Bessie Zelle. an7, se*on7, e#en i, no
su*h prior "arria8e ha7 e'iste7, !llan F. Poe, "arrie7 Bessie Zell. onl. a .ear a,ter
the -irth o, respon7ent.
0ssue1 >hether or /ot FPJ is a natural -orn Filipino *iti4enA
)t is ne*essar. to ta(e on the "atter o, %hether or not respon7ent FPJ is a naturalI
-orn *iti4en, %hi*h, in turn, 7epen7e7 on %hether or not the ,ather o, respon7ent,
!llan F. Poe, %oul7 ha#e hi"sel, -een a Filipino *iti4en an7, in the a,,ir"ati#e,
%hether or not the alle8e7 ille8iti"a*. o, respon7ent pre#ents hi" ,ro" ta(in8 a,ter
the Filipino *iti4enship o, his putati#e ,ather. !n. *on*lusion on the Filipino
*iti4enship o, 2oren4o Poe *oul7 onl. -e 7ra%n ,ro" the presu"ption that ha#in8
7ie7 in 19;C at 8C .ears ol7, 2oren4o %oul7 ha#e -een -orn so"eti"e in the .ear
1870, %hen the Philippines %as un7er Spanish rule, an7 that San Carlos,
Pan8asinan, his pla*e o, resi7en*e upon his 7eath in 19;C, in the a-sen*e o, an.
other e#i7en*e, *oul7 ha#e %ell -een his pla*e o, resi7en*e -e,ore 7eath, su*h that
2oren4o Poe %oul7 ha#e -ene,ite7 ,ro" the Pen "asse Filipini4ationP that the
Philippine Bill ha7 e,,e*te7 in 1902. That *iti4enship (o, 2oren4o Poe), i, a*quire7,
%oul7 there-. e'ten7 to his son, !llan F. Poe, ,ather o, respon7ent FPJ. The 19+;
Constitution, 7urin8 %hi*h re8i"e respon7ent FPJ has seen ,irst li8ht, *on,ers
*iti4enship to all persons %hose ,athers are Filipino *iti4ens re8ar7less o, %hether
su*h *hil7ren are le8iti"ate or ille8iti"ate.
But %hile the totalit. o, the e#i7en*e "a. not esta-lish *on*lusi#el. that respon7ent
FPJ is a naturalI-orn *iti4en o, the Philippines, the e#i7en*e on han7 still %oul7
prepon7erate in his ,a#or enou8h to hol7 that he *annot -e hel7 8uilt. o, ha#in8
"a7e a "aterial "isrepresentation in his *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. in #iolation o,
Se*tion 78, in relation to Se*tion 7C, o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e.
Se*tion +. 5i*e Presi7ent
Se*tion C. <le*tion an7 Can#ass
=acalintal v# C"=$L$C( 7R 2o# &9;*&3( Duly &*( )**3

This is a petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition ,ile7 -. $o"ulo B. &a*alintal, a "e"-er o, the Philippine
Bar, see(in8 a 7e*laration that *ertain pro#isions o, $epu-li* !*t /o. 9189 (The 1#erseas !-sentee
5otin8 !*t o, 200+) su,,er ,ro" *onstitutional in,ir"it.. Clai"in8 that he has a*tual an7 "aterial le8al
interest in the su-@e*t "atter o, this *ase in seein8 to it that pu-li* ,un7s are properl. an7 la%,ull. use7
an7 appropriate7, petitioner ,ile7 the instant petition as a ta' an7 as a
Eoes Se*tion 18.; o, the sa"e la% e"po%erin8 the C1&<2<C to pro*lai" the %innin8 *an7i7ates
,or national o,,i*es an7 part. list representati#es in*lu7in8 the Presi7ent an7 the 5i*eIPresi7ent #iolate
the *onstitutional "an7ate un7er Se*tion C, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution that the %innin8 *an7i7ates ,or
Presi7ent an7 the 5i*eIPresi7ent shall -e pro*lai"e7 as %inners -. Con8ressA
The Con8ress shall pro"ul8ate its rules ,or the *an#assin8 o, the *erti,i*ates. Su*h pro#ision 8i#es the
Con8ress the 7ut. to *an#ass the #otes an7 pro*lai" the %innin8 *an7i7ates ,or presi7ent an7 #i*eI
presi7ent. )t %as hel7 that this pro#ision "ust -e har"oni4e7 %ith para8raph C, Se*tion C, !rti*le 5))
o, the Constitution an7 shoul7 -e ta(en to "ean that C1&<2<C *an onl. pro*lai" the %innin8
Senators an7 part.Ilist representati#es -ut not the Presi7ent an7 5i*eIPresi7ent. The phrase,
pro*la"ation o, %innin8 *an7i7ates
in Se*tion 18.; o, $.!. /o. 9189 is ,ar too s%eepin8 that it ne*essaril. in*lu7es the pro*la"ation o, the
%innin8 *an7i7ates ,or the presi7en*. an7 the #i*eIpresi7en*. *lashes %ith para8raph C, Se*tion C,
!rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution %hi*h pro#i7es that the returns o, e#er. ele*tion ,or Presi7ent an7 5i*eI
Presi7ent shall -e *erti,ie7 -. the -oar7 o, *an#assers to Con8ress.
Con8ress *oul7 not ha#e allo%e7 the C1&<2<C to usurp a po%er that *onstitutionall. -elon8s to it or,
as aptl. state7 -. petitioner, to en*roa*h Pon the po%er o, Con8ress to *an#ass the #otes ,or presi7ent
an7 #i*eIpresi7ent an7 the po%er to pro*lai" the %inners ,or the sai7 positions.P The pro#isions o, the
Constitution as the ,un7a"ental la% o, the lan7 shoul7 -e rea7 as part o, The 1#erseas !-sentee
5otin8 !*t o, 200+
an7 hen*e, the *an#assin8 o, the #otes an7 the pro*la"ation o, the %innin8 *an7i7ates ,or presi7ent
an7 #i*eIpresi7ent ,or the entire nation "ust re"ain in the han7s o, Con8ress.
2ope4 #. Senate an7 Bouse, 6$ /o. 10+;;0, June 8, 200C
/imentel v# Doint Canvassing Committee( Dune ))( )**:
Petitioner$ !en. A<uilino P. Pimintel$ Jr.$ see2s a 1udgment declaring null and #oid the
continued eHistence of the Joint +ommittee of +ongress. This +ommittee is tas2ed to
determine the authenticity of certificates of can#ass and -reliminary can#ass the #otes cast
for Presidential and Bice?-residential candidates in the May 1A$ 'AA) elections following the
ad1ournment of the 1'
+ongress on June 11$ 'AA). Petitioner inter-reted said ad1ournment as
the termination of the term of the +ongress and the termination of its Joint +an#assing
May +ongress continue the can#ass e#en after the final ad1ournment of its sessionC

Des. The legislati#e functions of the 1'
+ongress may ha#e come to a close u-on the final
ad1ournment of its regular sessions but it does not affect its non?legislati#e functions$ such as
that of being the @ational Board of +an#assers. .n fact$ the 1oint -ublic session of both
%ouses of +ongress con#ened by eH-ress directi#e of !ec. )$ Article B.. of the +onstitution
to can#ass the #otes for and to -roclaim the newly elected President and Bice?-resident has
not$ and cannot$ ad1ourn sine dine until it has accom-lished its constitutionally mandated
tas2s. For only when a board of can#assers has com-leted its functions is it rendered funtus
officio. .ts membershi- may change$ but it retains its authority as a board until it has
accom-lished its -ur-oses.
=acalintal v# /$T( 7R 2o# &4&5&6( 2ovember )3( )*&*
Con,rontin8 us is an un7esi8nate7 petition
,ile7 -. !tt.. $o"ulo B. &a*alintal (!tt..
&a*alintal), that questions the *onstitution o, the Presi7ential <le*toral Tri-unal
(P<T) as an ille8al an7 unauthori4e7 pro8en. o, Se*tion C,
!rti*le 5)) o, the
%#e Supreme 4ourt1 sitting en banc1 s#all be t#e sole 5udge of all contests
relating to t#e election1 returns1 and &ualifications of t#e 0resident or Cice<
0resident1 and ma" promulgate its rules for t#e purpose/
>hile petitioner *on*e7es that the Supre"e Court is Pauthori4e7 to pro"ul8ate its
rules ,or the purpose,P he *ha,es at the *reation o, a purporte7l. Pseparate tri-unalP
*o"ple"ente7 -. a -u78et allo*ation, a seal, a set o, personnel an7 *on,i7ential
e"plo.ees, to e,,e*t the *onstitutional "an7ate. Petitioner?s a#er"ent is suppose7l.
supporte7 -. the pro#isions o, the 200; $ules o, the Presi7ential <le*toral Tri-unal
(200; P<T $ules),
(1) $ule + %hi*h pro#i7es ,or "e"-ership o, the P<T %herein the Chie,
Justi*e an7 the !sso*iate Justi*es are 7esi8nate7 as PChair"an an7
&e"-ers,P respe*ti#el.H
(2) $ule 8(e) %hi*h authori4es the Chair"an o, the P<T to appoint e"plo.ees
an7 *on,i7ential e"plo.ees o, e#er. "e"-er thereo,H
(+) $ule 9 %hi*h pro#i7es ,or a separate P!7"inistrati#e Sta,, o, the Tri-unalP
%ith the appoint"ent o, a Cler( an7 a Eeput. Cler( o, the Tri-unal %ho, at the
7is*retion o, the P<T, "a. 7esi8nate the Cler( o, Court (en -an*) as the Cler(
o, the Tri-unalH an7
(C) $ule 11 %hi*h pro#i7es ,or a PsealP separate an7 7istin*t ,ro" the
Supre"e Court seal.

0''U$1 >B<TB<$ 1$ /1T TB< C$<!T)1/ 1F TB< P$<S)E</T)!2
<2<CT1$!2 T$)B9/!2 )S 9/C1/ST)T9T)1/!2 F1$ B<)/6 ! 5)12!T)1/ 1F
P!$!6$!PB 7, S<CT)1/ C 1F !$T)C2< 5)) 1F TB< 1987 C1/ST)T9T)1/A
A$LD1 The Supre"e Court, as a Presi7ential <le*toral Tri-unal (P<T), the Senate
<le*toral Tri-unal (S<T) an7 Bouse o, $epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal (B$<T)
are ele*toral tri-unals, ea*h spe*i,i*all. an7 e'*lusi#el. *lothe7 %ith @uris7i*tion -.
the Constitution to a*t respe*ti#el. as Psole @u78e o, all *ontests relatin8 to the
ele*tion, returns, an7 quali,i*ationsP o, the Presi7ent an7 5i*eIPresi7ent, Senators,
an7 $epresentati#es. )n a litan. o, *ases, this Court has lon8 re*o8ni4e7 that these
ele*toral tri-unals e'er*ise @uris7i*tion o#er ele*tion *ontests onl. a,ter a *an7i7ate
has alrea7. -een pro*lai"e7 %inner in an ele*tion. $ules 1C an7 1; o, the $ules o,
the Presi7ential <le*toral Tri-unal pro#i7e that, ,or Presi7ent or 5i*eIPresi7ent,
ele*tion protest or &uo $arranto "a. -e ,ile7 after t#e proclamation of t#e $inner.
)t is a %ellIesta-lishe7 rule in *onstitutional *onstru*tion that no one pro#ision o, the
Constitution is to -e separate7 ,ro" all the others, to -e *onsi7ere7 alone, -ut that
all the pro#isions -earin8 upon a parti*ular su-@e*t are to -e -rou8ht into #ie% an7 to
-e so interprete7 as to e,,e*tuate the 8reat purposes o, the instru"ent. Se*tions
-earin8 on a parti*ular su-@e*t shoul7 -e *onsi7ere7 an7 interprete7 to8ether as to
e,,e*tuate the %hole purpose o, the Constitution an7 one se*tion is not to -e allo%e7
to 7e,eat another, i, -. an. reasona-le *onstru*tion, the t%o *an -e "a7e to stan7
to8ether. )n other %or7s, the *ourt "ust har"oni4e the", i, pra*ti*a-le, an7 "ust
lean in ,a#or o, a *onstru*tion %hi*h %ill ren7er e#er. %or7 operati#e, rather than
one %hi*h "a. "a(e the %or7s i7le an7 nu8ator..
Se*tion C, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution, the pro#ision un7er s*rutin., shoul7 -e rea7
%ith other relate7 pro#isions o, the Constitution su*h as the parallel pro#isions on the
<le*toral Tri-unals o, the Senate an7 the Bouse o, $epresentati#es. ! plain rea7in8
o, !rti*le 5)), Se*tion C, para8raph 7, rea7il. re#eals a 8rant o, authorit. to the
Supre"e Court sittin8 en -an*. )n the sa"e #ein, althou8h the "etho7 -. %hi*h the
Supre"e Court e'er*ises this authorit. is not spe*i,ie7 in the pro#ision, the 8rant o,
po%er 7oes not *ontain an. li"itation on the Supre"e Court?s e'er*ise thereo,. The
Supre"e Court?s "etho7 o, 7e*i7in8 presi7ential an7 #i*eIpresi7ential ele*tion
*ontests, throu8h the P<T, is a*tuall. a 7eri#ati#e o, the e'er*ise o, the prero8ati#e
*on,erre7 -. the a,orequote7 *onstitutional pro#ision. Thus, the su-sequent 7ire*ti#e
in the pro#ision ,or the Supre"e Court to Ppro"ul8ate its rules ,or the purpose.P
The *on,er"ent o, ,ull authorit. to the Supre"e Court, as a P<T, is equi#alent to the
,ull authorit. *on,erre7 upon the ele*toral tri-unals o, the Senate an7 the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, i.e., the Senate <le*toral Tri-unal (S<T) an7 the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es <le*toral Tri-unal (B$<T),

%hi*h %e ha#e a,,ir"e7 on nu"erous
o**asions. The P<T is not a separate an7 7istin*t entit. ,ro" the Supre"e Court,
al-eit it has ,un*tions pe*uliar onl. to the Tri-unal. )t is o-#ious that the P<T %as
*onstitute7 in i"ple"entation o, Se*tion C, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution, an7 it
,aith,ull. *o"plies N not unla%,ull. 7e,ies N the *onstitutional 7ire*ti#e. The a7option
o, a separate seal, as %ell as the *han8e in the no"en*lature o, the Chie, Justi*e
an7 the !sso*iate Justi*es into Chair"an an7 &e"-ers o, the Tri-unal, respe*ti#el.,
%as 7esi8ne7 si"pl. to hi8hli8ht the sin8ularit. an7 e'*lusi#it. o, the Tri-unal?s
,un*tions as a spe*ial ele*toral *ourt.

1ne ,inal note. !lthou8h this Court has no *ontrol o#er *ontrar. people an7, %e reiterate a %or7 o, *aution a8ainst the ,ilin8 o, -aseless petitions
%hi*h onl. *lo8 the Court?s 7o*(et. The petition in the instant *ase -elon8s to that
*lassi,i*ation. >B<$<F1$<, the petition is E)S&)SS<E.
Fernan!o /oe( Dr# v# Arroyo( /$T Case 2o# **)( =arc )4( )**9
.n the 'AA) election$ "loria Maca-agal Arroyo I"MAJ was -roclaimed the duly
elected President of the Phili--ines. The second?-lacer in the elections$ Fernando Poe$ Jr.
IFPJJ$ filed an election -rotest before the Electoral Tribunal. 4hen the Protestant died in the
course of his medical treatment$ his widow$ Mrs. Jesusa !onora Poe a.2.a. !usan 3oces filed
a motion to inter#ene as a substitute for deceased -rotestant FPJ. !he claims that there is an
urgent need for her to continue and substitute for her late husband to ascertain the true and
genuine will of the electorate in the interest of the Fili-ino -eo-le. The Protestee$ "MA
asserts that the widow of a deceased candidate is not the -ro-er -arty to re-lace the deceased
-rotestant since a -ublic office is -ersonal and not a -ro-erty that -asses on to the heirs.
Protestee also contends that under the 3ules of the Presidential Electoral Tribunal$ only the
registered candidates who obtained the 'nd and (rd highest #otes for the -residency may
contest the election of the -resident.
ISSUE, May the widow substituteEinter#ene for the -rotestant who died during the -endency
of the latter:s -rotest caseC
6nly the registered candidate for President or for Bice?President of the Phili--ines
who recei#ed the second or third highest number of #otes may contest the election of the
President or the Bice?President$ as the case may be$ by filing a #erified -etition with the
+ler2 of the Presidential Electoral Tribunal within thirty I(AJ days after the -roclamation of
the winner.
An election -rotest is not -urely -ersonal and eHclusi#e to the -rotestant or to the -rotestee$
hence$ substitution and inter#ention is allowed but only by a real -arty in interest. @ote that
Mrs. FPJ herself denies any claim to the office of President but rather stresses that it is with
the 8-aramount -ublic interest9 in mind that she desires 8to -ursue the -rocess9 commenced
by her late husband. %owe#er$ nobility of intention is not the -oint of reference in
determining whether a -erson may inter#ene in an election -rotest. .n such inter#ention$ the
interest which allows a -erson to inter#ene in a suit must be in the matter of litigation and of
such direct and immediate character that the inter#enor will either gain or lose by the effect of
the 1udgment. .n this -rotest$ Mrs. FPJ will not immediately and directly benefit from the
outcome should it be determined that the declared -resident did not truly get the highest
number of #otes.
2e8ar7a #. Ee Castro, P<T Case /o. 00+, &ar*h +1, 200;
)n a $esolution 7ate7 Januar. 18, 200;, the Presi7ential <le*toral Tri-unal
(P<T) *on,ir"e7 the @uris7i*tion o#er the protest o, 2oren B. 2e8ar7a an7 7enie7 the
"otion o, protestee /oli 2. 7e Castro ,or its outri8ht 7is"issal. The Tri-unal ,urther

or7ere7 *on*erne7 o,,i*ials to un7erta(e "easures ,or the prote*tion an7
preser#ation o, the -allot -o'es an7 ele*tion 7o*u"ents su-@e*t o, the protest.
1n Fe-ruar. C, 200;, protestee ,ile7 a "otion ,or re*onsi7eration assailin8 the sai7
resolution. Protestee questions the @uris7i*tion o, P<T an7 assaile7 that P<T *an
,un*tion as a reI*an#assin8 -o7..
>hether or not P<T has @uris7i*tion o#er reI*an#ass o, the ele*tion returns ,or
presi7ent an7 #i*eIpresi7ent.
The *onstitutional ,un*tion as %ell as the po%er an7 the 7ut. to -e the sole @u78e o,
all *ontests relatin8 to the ele*tion, returns an7 quali,i*ation o, the Presi7ent an7
5i*eIPresi7ent is e'pressl. #este7 in the P<T, in Se*tion C, !rti*le 5)) o, the
>B<$<F1$<, protestee?s "otion ,or re*onsi7eration is here-. E</)<E >)TB
F)/!2)T: ,or la*( o, "erit. (Ea87a8)
Ee,ensorISantia8o #. $a"os, P<T Case /o. 001, Fe-ruar. 1+, 1990
This is an ori8inal a*tion ,ile7 -e,ore the SC a*tin8 as a Presi7ential <le*toral
Tri-unal.&iria" Ee,ensorISantia8o (ES) ran ,or presi7en*. in the 1992 /ational
<le*tions. She lost, -ut ,ile7 this present protest a8ainst the %inner, Pres. F5
$a"os. Su-sequentl. ho%e#er, she ran ,or Senator in the 199; Senatorial ele*tions.
She %on an7 assu"e7 o,,i*e as Senator in 199;.
)SS9< >hether this present ele*toral protest %oul7 still -e #ali7, e#en a,ter the
protestant has alrea7. assu"e7 o,,i*e as Senator, notin8 that shoul7 she %in this
protest, her ter" as presi7ent %oul7 *oin*i7e %ith her ter" as senator, %hi*h she is
no% in. /o%, in 1990, the SC as P<T 7e*i7es the *ase.
There %as a-an7on"ent o, protest.
:es. ES ,ile7 her *erti,i*ate o, *an7i7a*. to run ,or senator %ithout quali,i*ation or
reser#ation. )n 7oin8 so, she entere7 into a politi*al *ontra*t %ith the ele*torate, that,
i, ele*te7, she %oul7 assu"e the o,,i*e as senator. This is in a**or7 %ith the
*onstitutional 7o*trine that a pu-li* o,,i*e is a pu-li* trust. )n assu"in8 the o,,i*e o,
Senator, she has e,,e*ti#el. a-an7one7 her 7eter"ination to pursue this present
protest. Su*h a-an7on"ent operates to ren7er this protest "oot. (Ea87a8)
Se*tion ;. 1ath
Se*tion 0. 1,,i*ial $esi7en*eH Salar.

Se*tion 7. 5a*an*. at the Be8innin8 o, the Ter" o, the Presi7en*.
Se*tion 8. 5a*an*. Eurin8 the Ter" o, the Presi7en*.
<stra7a #. Eesierto, +;+ SC$! C;2, 2001H &$, +;0 SC$! 108, 2001
)n 1998 ele*tions Joseph <@er*ito <stra7a %as ele*te7 Presi7ent an7 6loria
&a*apa8alI!rro.o %as ele*te7 5i*e presi7ent. )n 2000, lon8ti"e ,rien7 o, petitioner,
Cha#itSin8son, %ent on air an7 a**use7 petitioner o, re*ei#in8 "illions ,ro" @ueten8
lor7s. &an. "ore a**usations re#ol#in8 aroun7 this issue %ere e*hoe7 %hi*h
-rou8ht a-out the resi8nation o, se#eral a7#isers an7 the later 7e,e*t ,ro" the rulin8
*oalition (2apiann8&asan8 Pilipino) o, the Senate presi7ent, house spea(er an7 C7
representati#es. )n /o#. 1+, 2000 !rti*les o, )"pea*h"ent %ere trans"itte7 to the
SenateH )"pea*h"ent pro*ess -e8an on /o#. 20, 2000. )n Januar. 10, -. a #ote o,
11I10, the senator @u78es rule7 a8ainst the openin8 o, the se*on7 en#elope
*ontainin8 e#i7en*e sho%in8 that petitioner hel7 P+.+ Billion in a se*ret -an(
a**ount. 1n the sa"e 7a., pu-li* prose*utors resi8ne7. 1n Jan. 18, <ES! )) -e8an
*allin8 ,or petitioner?s resi8nation, rallies *allin8 ,or the sa"e e'plo7e7 in #arious
parts o, the *ountr.. Petitioner a8ree7 to hol7in8 a snap ele*tion ,or Presi7ent %here
he %oul7 not -e a *an7i7ate. Be *alle7 up Se*retar. !n8ara an7 requeste7 hi" to
*ooperate to ensure a pea*e,ul an7 or7erl. trans,er o, po%er. 1n Jan. 20, 2000,
ne8otiations -e8an ,or the petitioners resi8nation, he the release7 a state"ent
a*(no%le78in8 !rro.o?s 1athIta(in8 as Presi7ent an7 sa.in8 he %ill -e lea#in8 the
Pala*e F,or the sa(e o, pea*e an7 in or7er to -e8in the healin8 pro*ess o, our
nationG. 1n the sa"e 7a. he sent a letter to -oth the Bouse Spea(er an7 the Senate
Presi7ent sa.in8 he is una-le to e'er*ise the po%ers an7 7uties o, his o,,i*e. 6loria
&a*apa8alI!rro.o is s%orn in as Presi7ent. Both Bouses o, Con8ress then issue
separate resolutions re*o8ni4in8 her presi7en*..
Sen. Teo,isto6uin8ona is no"inate7 -. Pres. !rro.o as her 5i*eIpresi7ent.
)SS9< >hether or not petitioner <stra7a has not resi8ne7 an7 is a presi7ent on
lea#e %hile !rro.o is !*tin8 Presi7ent
To resol#e the issue %e loo( at the ele"ent ne*essar. to pro#e resi8nation
that there "ust -e an intent to resi8n an7 it "ust -e *ouple7 -. a*ts o,
relinquish"ent. The proposal ,or a snap ele*tions ,or Presi7ent in &a. %here he
%oul7 not -e a *an7i7ate is an in7i*iu" that petitioner ha7 inten7e7 to 8i#e up the
presi7en*. at that ti"e. >hen he *alle7 up Se*. !n8ara he requeste7 ,or help ,or a
pea*e,ul an7 or7erl. trans,er o, po%erH resi8nation is i"plie7 -. su*h an a*t. !nother
in7i*ation %as his ,inal state"ent -e,ore lea#in8 &ala*anan8, here he a*(no%le78e7
!rro.o?s oathIta(in8 as presi7ent. !n8ara?s 7iar. sho%s rea*tion o, petitioner that he
onl. %ante7 a ,i#eI7a. transition perio7 an7 a,ter he *lears his na"e he %as to 8o
sin*e he %as tire7. )n the 7iar. !n8ara note7 he use7 the %or7s Fa.o(onaG, %or7s o,
resi8nation. )n su", the *ourt hel7 that the resi8nation o, the petitioner *annot -e
7ou-te7. )t %as *on,ir"e7 -. his lea#in8 &ala*anan8.
2o4ano, et al #. &a*apa8alI!rro.o, Fe-ruar. 0, 2001
Se*tion 9. 5a*an*. in the 5i*e Presi7en*.

Se*tion 10. 5a*an*ies in Both the Presi7en*. an7 the 5i*e Presi7en*.
Se*tion 11. )n*apa*it. o, the Presi7ent
<stra7a #. Eesierto, +;+ SC$! C;2, 2001H &$, +;0, SC$! 108, 2001
Se*tion 12. Serious )llness o, the Presi7ent
Se*tion 1+. Prohi-itions
Civil Liberties Union v# $-ecutive 'ecretary( &4: 'CRA 3&;( &44&
<'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 28C %as release7 -. Presi7ent C. !quino, it stipulates
Se*. 1. <#en i, allo%e7 -. la% or -. the or7inar. ,un*tions o, his
position, a "e"-er o, the Ca-inet, un7erse*retar. or assistant se*retar. or
other appointi#e o,,i*ials o, the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent "a., in a77ition to his
pri"ar. position, hol7 not "ore than t%o positions in the 8o#ern"ent an7
8o#ern"ent *orporations an7 re*ei#e the *orrespon7in8 *o"pensation
Petitioners alle8e that this %as *ontrar. to the Constitutional pro#ision
pro#i7in8 that the Presi7ent, an7 her o,,i*ial ,a"il. shall not hol7 an. o,,i*e or
e"plo."ent 7urin8 their tenure. The e'*eptions to this *ase %ere pro#i7e7 ,or
-. the Constitution, na"el. (1) The 5i*eIPresi7ent "a. -e appointe7 as a
&e"-er o, the Ca-inet un7er Se*tion +, par. (2), !rti*le 5)) thereo,H an7 (2)
the Se*retar. o, Justi*e is an e.<officio "e"-er o, the Ju7i*ial an7 Bar
Coun*il -. #irtue o, Se*tion 8 (1), !rti*le 5))).
)ssue )s <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 28C *onstitutional on the prin*ipal su-"ission that it
a77s e'*eptions to Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5)) other than those pro#i7e7 in the
:es, it is.
The prohi-ition i"pose7 on the Presi7ent an7 his o,,i*ial ,a"il. is allI
e"-ra*in8 an7 *o#ers -oth pu-li* an7 pri#ate o,,i*e or e"plo."ent. )n Se*tion 1+,
!rti*le 5)), the se*on7 senten*e pro#i7es PThe. shall not, 7urin8 sai7 tenure, 7ire*tl.
or in7ire*tl., pra*ti*e an. other pro,ession, parti*ipate in an. -usiness, or -e
,inan*iall. intereste7 in an. *ontra*t %ith, or in an. ,ran*hise, or spe*ial pri#ile8e
8rante7 -. the 6o#ern"ent or an. su-7i#ision, a8en*. or instru"entalit. thereo,,
in*lu7in8 8o#ern"entIo%ne7 or *ontrolle7 *orporations or their su-si7iaries.P These
s%eepin8, allIe"-ra*in8 prohi-itions i"pose7 on the Presi7ent an7 his o,,i*ial ,a"il.,
%hi*h prohi-itions are not si"ilarl. i"pose7 on other pu-li* o,,i*ials or e"plo.ees
su*h as the &e"-ers o, Con8ress, "e"-ers o, the *i#il ser#i*e in 8eneral an7
"e"-ers o, the ar"e7 ,or*es, are proo, o, the intent o, the 1987 Constitution to treat
the Presi7ent an7 his o,,i*ial ,a"il. as a *lass -. itsel, an7 to i"pose upon sai7 *lass
stri*ter prohi-itions.
Thus, %hile all other appointi#e o,,i*ials in the *i#il ser#i*e are allo%e7 to hol7
other o,,i*e or e"plo."ent in the 8o#ern"ent 7urin8 their tenure %hen su*h is

allo%e7 -. la% or -. the pri"ar. ,un*tions o, their positions, "e"-ers o, the
Ca-inet, their 7eputies an7 assistants "a. 7o so onl. %hen e'pressl. authori4e7 -.
the Constitution itsel,. )n other %or7s, Se*tion 7, !rti*le )IJB is "eant to la. 7o%n the
8eneral rule appli*a-le to all ele*ti#e an7 appointi#e pu-li* o,,i*ials an7 e"plo.ees,
%hile Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5)) is "eant to -e the e'*eption appli*a-le onl. to the
Presi7ent, the 5i*eI Presi7ent, &e"-ers o, the Ca-inet, their 7eputies an7
Eoro"al #., 177 SC$! +;C, 1989
Flores v# Drilon( ))3 'CRA 956( &443
Fa*ts The *onstitutionalit. o, Se*. 1+, par. (7), o, $.!. 7227, other%ise (no%n as the
PBases Con#ersion an7 Ee#elop"ent !*t o, 1992,P un7er %hi*h &a.or $i*har7 J.
6or7on o, 1lon8apo Cit. %as appointe7 Chair"an an7 Chie, <'e*uti#e 1,,i*er o, the
Su-i* Ba. &etropolitan !uthorit. (SB&!). 9n7er sai7 pro#ision, F,or the ,irst .ear o,
its operations ,ro" the e,,e*ti#it. o, this !*t, the "a.or o, the Cit. o, 1lon8apo shall
-e appointe7 as the *hair"an an7 *hie, e'e*uti#e o,,i*er o, the Su-i* !uthorit..G
Petitioners, as ta'pa.ers, *onten7 that sai7 pro#ision is un*onstitutional as
un7er the ,ollo%in8 *onstitutional an7 statutor. pro#isions (a) Se*. 7, ,irst par., !rt.
)JIB, o, the Constitution, %hi*h states that PSnTo ele*ti#e o,,i*ial shall -e eli8i-le ,or
appoint"ent or 7esi8nation in an. *apa*it. to an. pu-li* o,,i*er or position 7urin8 his
tenure,P -e*ause the Cit. &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit. is an ele*ti#e o,,i*ial an7 the
su-@e*t posts are pu-li* o,,i*esH (-) Se*. 10, !rt. 5)), o, the Constitution, %hi*h
pro#i7es that PStThe Presi7ent shall appoint all other o,,i*ers o, the 6o#ern"ent
%hose appoint"ents are not other%isepro#i 7e 7 ,or -. la%, an7 those %ho" he "a.
-e authori4e7 -. la% to appointP, sin*e it %as Con8ress throu8h the questione7pro#i
so an7 not the Presi7ent %ho appointe7 the &a.or to the su-@e*t postsH an7, (*) Se*.
201, par. (8), o, the 1"ni-us <le*tion Co7e.
1st )ssue >1/ thepro#iso in Se*. 1+, par. (7), o, $.!. 7227 #iolates the
pros*ription a8ainst appoint"ent or 7esi8nation o, ele*ti#e o,,i*ials to other
8o#ern"ent posts
2n7 )ssue>hether there is a le8islati#e en*roa*h"ent on the appointin8 authorit. o,
the Presi7ent un7er Se*tion 1+, par. (7), (#estin8 in the Presi7ent the po%er to
appoint the Chair"an o, the Boar7 an7 the Chie, <'e*uti#e 1,,i*er o, SB&!,
althou8h he reall. has no *hoi*e un7er the la% -ut to appoint the &a.or o, 1lon8apo
Bel7:es. The rule e'presses the poli*. a8ainst the *on*entration o, se#eral pu-li*
positions in one person, so that a pu-li* o,,i*er or e" "a. ser#e ,ullIti"e %ith
7e7i*ation an7 thus -e e,,i*ient in the 7eli#er. o, pu-li* ser#i*es. )t is an a,,ir"ation
that a pu-li* o,,i*e is a ,ullIti"e @o-. Ben*e, a pu-li* o,,i*er or e", li(e the
hea7 o, an e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent 7es*ri-e7 inCi #i l
2i-erties 9nion #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., an7 !ntiI6ra,t 2ea8ue o, the Philippines, )n*.
#. Philip <lla

C. Jui*o, as Se*retar. o, !8rarian $e,or" shoul7 -e allo%e7 to atten7 to his 7uties
an7 responsi-ilities %ithout the 7istra*tion o, other 8o#ern"ental 7uties or
e"plo."ent. Be shoul7 -e pre*lu7e7 ,ro" 7issipatin8 his e,,orts, attention an7
ener8. a"on8 too "an. positions o, responsi-ilit., %hi*h "a. result in
hapha4ar7ness an7 ine,,i*ien*.. )n this *ase, the su-@e*tpro#i so 7ire*ts the
Presi7ent to appoint an ele*ti#e o,,i*ial,i.e., the &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit., to other
8o#ern"ent posts (as Chair"an o, the Boar7 an7 Chie, <'e*uti#e 1,,i*er o, SB&!).
)n an. *ase, the #ie% that an ele*ti#e o,,i*ial "a. -e appointe7 to another
post i, allo%e7 -. la% or -. the pri"ar. ,un*tions o, his o,,i*e i8nores the *learI*ut
7i,,eren*e in the %or7in8 o, the t%o (2) para8raphs o, Se*. 7, !rt. )JIB, o, the
Constitution. >hile the se*on7 para8raph authori4es hol7in8 o, "ultiple o,,i*es -.
anappointi#e o,,i*ial %hen allo%e7 -. la% or -. the pri"ar. ,un*tions o, his position,
the ,irst para8raph appears to -e "ore strin8ent -. not pro#i7in8 an. e'*eption to
the rule a8ainst appoint"ent or 7esi8nation o, anel e*ti #e o,,i*ial to the 8o#ern"ent
post, e'*ept as are parti*ularl. re*o8ni4e7 in the Constitution itsel,, e.8., the
Presi7ent as hea7 o, the e*ono"i* an7 plannin8 a8en*.H the 5i*eIPresi7ent, %ho
"a. -e appointe7 &e"-er o, the Ca-inetH an7, a "e"-er o, Con8ress %ho "a. -e
7esi8nate7 e'Io,,i*io "e"-er o, the Ju7i*ial an7 Bar Coun*il. )t is ,urther ar8ue7 that
the SB&! posts are "erel. e' o,,i*io to the position o, &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit.,
hen*e, an e'*epte7 *ir*u"stan*e, *itin8 Ci#il 2i-erties 9nion #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar..
Bo%e#er, the *ourt hel7 that the Con8ress 7i7 not *onte"plate "a(in8 the su-@e*t
SB&! posts as e' o,,i*io or auto"ati*all. atta*he7 to the 1,,i*e o, the &a.or o,
1lon8apo Cit. %ithout nee7 o, appoint"ent. The phrase Pshall -e appointe7P
unquestiona-l. sho%s the intent to "a(e the SB&! posts appointi#e an7 not "erel.
a7@un*t to the post o, &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit.. Ba7 it -een the le8islati#e intent to
"a(e the su-@e*t positions e' o,,i*io, Con8ress %oul7 ha#e, at least, a#oi7e7 the
%or7 Pappointe7P an7, instea7, Pe' o,,i*ioP %oul7 ha#e -een use7. <#en in the
Senate 7eli-erations, the Senators %ere ,ull. a%are that su-@e*tpro#iso "a.
*ontra#ene Se*. 7, ,irst par., !rt. )JIB, -ut the. ne#ertheless passe7 the -ill an7
7e*i7e7 to ha#e the *ontro#ers. resol#e7 -. the *ourts.
Bel7:es. !s "a. -e 7e,ine7, an Pappoint"entP is PStThe 7esi8nation o, a person, -.
the person or persons ha#in8 authorit. there,or, to 7is*har8e the 7uties o, so"e
o,,i*e or trust,P or PStThe sele*tion or 7esi8nation o, a person, -. the person or
persons ha#in8 authorit. there,or, to ,ill an o,,i*e or pu-li* ,un*tion an7 7is*har8e the
7uties o, the sa"e. Consi7erin8 that appoint"ent *alls ,or a sele*tion, the appointin8
po%er ne*essaril. e'er*ises 7is*retion. )n7ee7, the po%er o, *hoi*e is the heart o,
the po%er to appoint. !ppoint"ent in#ol#es an e'er*ise o, 7is*retion o, %ho to
appointH it is not a "inisterial a*t o, issuin8 appoint"ent papers to the appointee. )n
other %or7s, the *hoi*e o, the appointee is a ,un7a"ental *o"ponent o, the
appointin8 po%er.
Ben*e, %hen Con8ress *lothes the Presi7ent %ith the po%er to appoint an
o,,i*er, it *annot at the sa"e ti"e li"it the *hoi*e o, the Presi7ent to onl. one
*an7i7ate. 1n*e the po%er o, appoint"ent is *on,erre7 on the Presi7ent, su*h
*on,er"ent ne*essaril. *arries the 7is*retion o, %ho" to appoint. <#en on the
prete't o, pres*ri-in8 the quali,i*ations o, the o,,i*er, Con8ress "a. not a-use su*h
po%er as to 7i#est the appointin8 authorit., 7ire*tl. or in7ire*tl., o, his 7is*retion to

pi*( his o%n *hoi*e. Consequentl., %hen the quali,i*ations pres*ri-e7 -. Con8ress
*an onl. -e "et -. one in7i#i7ual, su*h ena*t"ent e,,e*ti#el. eli"inates the
7is*retion o, the appointin8 po%er to *hoose an7 *onstitutes an irre8ular restri*tion
on the po%er o, appoint"ent.
)n the *ase at -ar, %hile Con8ress %ille7 that the su-@e*t posts -e ,ille7 %ith
a presi7ential appointee ,or the ,irst .ear o, its operations ,ro" the e,,e*ti#it. o, $.!.
7227, thepro#iso ne#ertheless li"its the appointin8 authorit. to onl. one eli8i-le,i.e.,
the in*u"-ent &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit.. Sin*e onl. one *an quali,. ,or the posts in
question, the Presi7ent is pre*lu7e7 ,ro" e'er*isin8 his 7is*retion to *hoose %ho"
to appoint. Su*h suppose7 po%er o, appoint"ent, sans the essential ele"ent o,
*hoi*e, is no po%er at all an7 8oes a8ainst the #er. nature itsel, o, appoint"ent.
Thus 6or7on, an in*u"-ent ele*ti#e o,,i*ial, not%ithstan7in8 his ineli8i-ilit.,
appointe7 to other 8o#ern"ent posts, 7oes not auto"ati*all. ,or,eit his ele*ti#e o,,i*e
nor re"o#e his ineli8i-ilit. i"pose7 -. the Constitution. 1n the *ontrar., sin*e an
in*u"-ent ele*ti#e o,,i*ial is not eli8i-le to the appointi#e position, his appoint"ent or
7esi8nation thereto *annot -e #ali7 in #ie% o, his 7isquali,i*ation or la*( o, eli8i-ilit..
!s in*u"-ent ele*ti#e o,,i*ial, respon7ent 6or7on is ineli8i-le ,or
appoint"ent to the position o, Chair"an o, the Boar7 an7 Chie, <'e*uti#e o, SB&!H
hen*e, his appoint"ent thereto pursuant to a le8islati#e a*t that *ontra#enes the
Constitution *annot -e sustaine7. Be ho%e#er re"ains &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit., an7
his a*ts as SB&! o,,i*ial are not ne*essaril. null an7 #oi7H he "a. -e *onsi7ere7 a
7e ,a*to o,,i*er, Pone %hose a*ts, thou8h not those o, a la%,ul o,,i*er, the la%, upon
prin*iples o, poli*. an7 @usti*e, %ill hol7 #ali7 so ,ar as the. in#ol#e the interest o, the
pu-li* an7 thir7 persons, %here the 7uties o, the o,,i*e %ere e'er*ise7. . . .
un7er *olor o, a (no%n ele*tion or appoint"ent, #oi7 -e*ause the o,,i*er %as not
eli8i-le, or -e*ause there %as a %ant o, po%er in the ele*tin8 or appointin8 -o7., or
-. reason o, so"e 7e,e*t or irre8ularit. in its e'er*ise, su*h ineli8i-ilit., %ant o,
po%er or 7e,e*t -ein8 un(no%n to the pu-li*. . . . SorT un7er *olor o, an
ele*tion, or appoint"ent, -. or pursuant to a pu-li* un*onstitutional la%, -e,ore the
sa"e is a7@u78e7 to -e su*h.
Bitonio #. C1!, 6.$. no. 1C7+92, &ar*h 12, 200C
F!CTS )n 199C, petitioner Bene7i*to <rnesto $. Bitonio, Jr. %as appointe7 Eire*tor
)5 o, the Bureau o, 2a-or $elations in the Eepart"ent o, 2a-or an7 <"plo."ent. !s
representati#e o, the Se*retar. o, 2a-or to the P<L! Boar7, he %as re*ei#in8 a per
diem ,or e#er. -oar7 "eetin8 he atten7e7 7urin8 the .ears 199; to 1997.
!,ter a post au7it o, the P<L!?s 7is-urse"ent transa*tions, the C1! 7isallo%e7
the pa."ent o, per diems to &r. Bitonio pursuant to the Supre"e Court rulin8
7e*larin8 un*onstitutional the hol7in8 o, other o,,i*es -. the *a-inet "e"-ers, their
7eputies an7 assistants in a77ition to their pri"ar. o,,i*e an7 the re*eipt o,
*o"pensation there,ore, an7, to C1! &e"oran7u" /o. 97I0+8 7ate7 Septe"-er
19, 1997, i"ple"entin8 Senate Co""ittee $eports /o. ;09.

)n his "otion ,or re*onsi7eration to the C1!, he *onten7e7 that the Supre"e
Court "o7i,ie7 its earlier rulin8 in the 4ivil ;iberties Union *ase %hi*h li"its the
prohi-ition to Ca-inet Se*retaries, 9n7erse*retaries an7 their !ssistants. 1,,i*ials
8i#en the ran( equi#alent to a Se*retar., 9n7erse*retar. or !ssistant Se*retar. an7
other appointi#e o,,i*ials -elo% the ran( o, !ssistant Se*retar. are not *o#ere7 -.
the prohi-ition.
Be ,urther state7 that the P<L! Charter ($! 7910), ena*te7 ,our .ears a,ter the
Ci#il 2i-erties 9nion *ase -e*a"e ,inal, authori4e7 the pa."ent o, per 7ie"sH in
e'pressl. authori4in8 per diems, Con8ress shoul7 -e *on*lusi#el. presu"e7 to ha#e
-een a%are o, the para"eters o, the *onstitutional prohi-ition as interprete7 in
the 4ivil ;iberties Union *ase.
C1! ren7ere7 the assaile7 7e*ision 7en.in8 petitioner?s "otion ,or
)SS9< >hether C1! *orre*tl. 7isallo%e7 the per 7ie"s re*ei#e7 -. the petitioner
,or his atten7an*e in the P<L! Boar7 o, Eire*tors? "eetin8s as representati#e o, the
Se*retar. o, 2a-or.
$92)/6 The assaile7 7e*ision o, the C1! is a,,ir"e7.
The petitioner is, in7ee7, not entitle7 to re*ei#e per diem ,or his -oar7 "eetin8s
sittin8 as representati#e o, the Se*retar. o, 2a-or in the Boar7 o, Eire*tors o, the
The petitioner?s presen*e in the P<L! Boar7 "eetin8s is solel. -. #irtue o, his
*apa*it. as representative o, the Se*retar. o, 2a-or. Sin*e the Se*retar. o, 2a-or is
prohi-ite7 ,ro" re*ei#in8 *o"pensation ,or his a77itional o,,i*e or e"plo."ent, su*h
prohi-ition li(e%ise applies to the petitioner %ho sat in the Boar7 onl. in -ehal, o, the
Se*retar. o, 2a-or. The Supre"e Court *annot allo% the petitioner %ho sat as
representati#e o, the Se*retar. o, 2a-or in the P<L! Boar7 to ha#e a -etter ri8ht as
his prin*ipal.
&oreo#er, it is a -asi* tenet that an. le8islati#e ena*t"ent "ust not -e repu8nant to
the Constitution. /o la% *an ren7er it nu8ator. -e*ause the Constitution is "ore
superior to a statute. The ,ra"ers o, $.!. /o. 7910 "ust ha#e reali4e7 the ,la% in the
la% %hi*h is the reason %h. the la% %as later a"en7e7 -. $.!. /o. 87C8 to *ure
su*h 7e,e*t. The option o, 7esi8natin8 representati#e to the Boar7 -. the 7i,,erent
Ca-inet Se*retaries %as 7elete7. 2i(e%ise, the para8raph as to pa."ent o, per
diems to the "e"-ers o, the Boar7 o, Eire*tors %as also 7elete7, *onsi7erin8 that
su*h stipulation %as *learl. in *on,li*t %ith the pros*ription set -. the Constitution
Pu-li* )nterest 6roup #. <l"a, 6$ /o. 1+890;, June +0, 2000
$espon7ent <l"a %as appointe7 an7 too( his oath o, o,,i*e as Chair"an o, the
PC66. Therea,ter, on 11 Januar. 1999, 7urin8 his tenure as PC66 Chair"an,
respon7ent <l"a %as appointe7 CP2C. Be too( his oath o, o,,i*e as CP2C the
,ollo%in8 7a., -ut he %ai#e7 an. re"uneration that he "a. re*ei#e as CP2C.

Petitioners, *itin8 the *ase o, Ci#il 2i-erties 9nion #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar. alle8e7 that
respon7ent <l"a?s *on*urrent appoint"ents as PC66 Chair"an an7 CP2C
*ontra#enes Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5)) an7 Se*tion 7, par. 2, !rti*le )JIB o, the 1987
Constitution. Petitioners also "aintaine7 that respon7ent <l"a %as hol7in8
in*o"pati-le o,,i*es.
$el.in8 on the $esolution o, the sa"e *ase, respon7ents alle8e that
a) the stri*t prohi-ition a8ainst hol7in8 "ultiple positions pro#i7e7 un7er Se*tion 1+,
!rti*le 5)) o, the 1987 Constitution applies onl. to hea7s o, e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents,
their un7erse*retaries an7 assistant se*retariesH it 7oes not *o#er other pu-li*
o,,i*ials 8i#en the ran( o, Se*retar., 9n7erse*retar., or !ssistant Se*retar.H
-) it is Se*tion 7, par. 2, !rti*le )JIB o, the 1987 Constitution that shoul7 -e applie7
in their *ase.
This pro#ision, a**or7in8 to the respon7ents, %oul7 allo% a pu-li* o,,i*er to hol7
"ultiple positions i,
(1) the la% allo%s the *on*urrent appoint"ent o, the sai7 o,,i*ialH an7
(2) the pri"ar. ,un*tions o, either position allo%s su*h *on*urrent
*) sin*e there e'ists a *lose relation -et%een the t%o positions an7 there isno
in*o"pati-ilit. -et%een the", the pri"ar. ,un*tions o, either position %oul7 allo%
respon7ent <l"a?s *on*urrent appoint"ents to -oth positionsH an7
7) the appoint"ent o, the CP2C a"on8 in*u"-ent pu-li* o,,i*ials is an a**epte7
)n 2001, the appointees o, ,or"er Presi7ent Joseph <stra7a %ere repla*e7 -. the
appointees o, the in*u"-ent presi7ent, 6loria &a*apa8al !rro.o.
1) >1/ $espon7ent &a87an8al B. <l"a?s *on*urrent appoint"ents as PC66
Chair"an an7 CP2C is un*onstitutional ,or -ein8 the #iolati#e o, the
pros*ription a8ainst "ultiple o,,i*es i"pose7 -. Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5)) an7
Se*tion 7, par. 2, !rti*le )JIB o, the 1987 ConstitutionH
2) >ho are 7ee"e7 *o#ere7 -. the stri*t prohi-ition un7er Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5))
o, the 1987ConstitutionA
A$LD1 1) :<S# )n har"oni4in8 Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5)) an7 Se*tion 7, par. 2,
)n its Ee*ision, the Court 7e*lare7 that the *on*urrent appoint"ents o, the
respon7ent as PC66
Chair"an an7 CP2C %ere un*onstitutional. )t rule7 that the *on*urrent appoint"ent
to these o,,i*es is in
#iolation o, Se*tion 7, par. 2, !rti*le )JIB o, the 1987 Constitution, sin*e these are
in*o"pati-le o,,i*es.
The 7uties o, the CP2C in*lu7e 8i#in8 in7epen7ent an7 i"partial le8al a7#i*e on the
a*tions o, the hea7s
o, #arious e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents an7 a8en*ies an7 re#ie%in8 in#esti8ations
in#ol#in8 hea7s o,
e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents. Sin*e the a*tions o, the PC66 Chair"an, a hea7 o, an

e'e*uti#e a8en*., are
su-@e*t to the re#ie% o, the CP2C, su*h appoint"ents %oul7 -e in*o"pati-le.
2) The persons *ite7 in the *onstitutional pro#ision are the F&e"-ers o, the Ca-inet,
their 7eputies an7 assistants.G
These ter"s "ust -e 8i#en their *o""on an7 8eneral a**eptation as re,errin8 to the
hea7s o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, their un7erse*retaries an7 assistant
se*retaries. Pu-li* o,,i*ials 8i#en the ran( equi#alent to a Se*retar., 9n7erse*retar.,
or !ssistant Se*retar. are not *o#ere7 -. the prohi-ition, nor is the Soli*itor 6eneral
a,,e*te7 there-..
The stri*t prohi-ition un7er Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5)) o, the 1987 Constitution is not
appli*a-le to the PC66 Chair"an nor to the CP2C, as neither o, the" is a
se*retar., un7erse*retar., nor an assistant se*retar., e#en i, the ,or"er "a. ha#e
the sa"e ran( as the latter positions. Aowever( !es+ite te non-a++licability of
'ection &3( Article <00 of te &46; Constitution to res+on!ent $lma( e remains
covere! by te general +roibition un!er 'ection ;( Article 0X-% an! is
a++ointments must still com+ly wit te stan!ar! of com+atibility of officers
lai! !own tereinK failing wic( is a++ointments are ereby +ronounce! in
violation of te Constitution#
!s hel7 in Ci#il 2i-erties, there are onl. two e-ce+tions to te rule against
multi+le offices
(1) Those pro#i7e7 ,or un7er the Constitution, su*h as Se*tion +, !rti*le 5)),
authori4in8 the 5i*e I Presi7ent to -e*o"e a "e"-er o, the Ca-inetH or
(2) Posts o**upie7 -. the <'e*uti#e o,,i*ials spe*i,ie7 in Se*tion 1+, !rti*le 5))
%ithout a77itional *o"pensation in an e'Io,,i*io *apa*it. as pro#i7e7 -. la%
an7 as require7 -. the pri"ar. ,un*tions o, sai7 o,,i*ials? o,,i*e.
Furter ,ualification to te e-ce+tions !77itional 7uties "ust not onl. -e *losel.
relate7 to, -ut "ust -e require7 -. the o,,i*ial?s pri"ar. ,un*tions. &oreo#er, the
a77itional post "ust -e e'er*ise7 in an e'Io,,i*io *apa*it., %hi*h F7enotes an a*t
7one in an o,,i*ial *hara*ter, or as a *onsequen*e o, o,,i*e, an7 %ithout an. other
appoint"ent or authorit. than that *on,erre7 -. the o,,i*e.G )t %ill not su,,i*e that no
a77itional *o"pensation.
Se*tion 1C. !ppoint"ents o, !*tin8 Presi7ent
Se*tion 1;. Prohi-ite7 !ppoint"ents
)n $e !ppoint"ents o, 5alen4uela an7 5allarta, !& /o. 98I;I01ISC, /o#. 9, 1998
!ppoint"ents %ere si8ne7 -. Bis <'*ellen*. the Presi7ent un7er the 7ate o, &ar*h
+0, 1998 o, Bon. &ateo !. 5alen4uela an7 Bon. Pla*i7o B. 5allarta as Ju78es o, the
$e8ional Trial Court o, Bran*h 02, Ba8o Cit. an7 o, Bran*h 2C, Ca-anatuan Cit.,
respe*ti#el.. The appoint"ents %ere re*ei#e7 at the Chie, Justi*eKs *ha"-ers on
&a. 12, 1998. The re,erral %as "a7e in #ie% o, the serious *onstitutional issue
*on*ernin8 sai7 appoint"ents arisin8 ,ro" the pertinent ante*e7ents.

!ppoint"ents to ,ill #a*an*ies in the Supre"e *ourt 7urin8 the perio7 "entione7 in
the pro#ision @ust quote7 *oul7 see"in8l. -e @usti,ie7 -. another pro#ision o, the
sa"e Constitution. Se*tion C(1) o, !rti*le 5))) %hi*h states
PS<C C (1) The Supre"e Court shall -e *o"pose7 o, a Chie, Justi*e an7 ,ourteen
!sso*iate Justi*es. OOO. !n. #a*an*. shall -e ,ille7 %ithin ninet. 7a.s ,ro" the
o**urren*e thereo,.P
)SS9< >hether, 7urin8 the perio7 o, the -an on appoint"ents i"pose7 -. Se*tion
1;, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution, the Presi7ent is nonetheless require7 to ,ill
#a*an*ies in t#e 5udiciar" in the interest o, pu-li* ser#i*e.
$92)/6 Se*tion C(1), !rti*le 5))) is a 8eneral pro#ision %hile Se*tion 1;, !rti*le 5))
is a parti*ular oneH that is to sa., nor"all., %hen there are no presi7ential
ele*tions ,Se*tion C(1), !rti*le 5))) shall appl. #a*an*ies in the Supre"e Court shall
-e ,ille7 %ithin 90 7a.sH -ut %hen there are presi7ential ele*tions, the prohi-ition in
Se*tion 1;, !rti*le 5)) *o"es into pla. the Presi7ent shall not "a(e an.
The CourtKs #ie% is that 7urin8 the perio7 state7 in Se*tion 1;, !rti*le 5)) o, the
Constitution the Presi7ent is neither require7 to "a(e appoint"ents to the *ourts nor
allo%e7 to 7o soH an7 that Se*tions C(1) an7 9 o, !rti*le 5))) si"pl. "ean that t#e
0resident is re&uired to fill vacancies in t#e courts $it#in t#e time frames provided
t#erein unless pro#ibited b" Section D of Article C::.
The appoint"ents o, &essrs. 5alen4uela an7 5allarta on &ar*h +0, %ere
unquestiona-l. "a7e 7urin8 the perio7 o, the -an. >hile the ,illin8 o, #a*an*ies in
the @u7i*iar. is un7ou-te7l. in the pu-li* interest, there is no sho%in8 in this *ase o,
an. *o"pellin8 reason to @usti,. the "a(in8 o, the appoint"ents 7urin8 the perio7 o,
the -an. 1n the other han7, as alrea7. 7is*usse7, there is a stron8 pu-li* poli*. ,or
the prohi-ition a8ainst appoint"ents "a7e %ithin the perio7 o, the -an.
)n #ie% o, the ,ore8oin8 *onsi7erations, the Court $esol#e7 to E<C2!$< 51)E the
appoint"ents si8ne7 -. Bis <'*ellen*. the Presi7ent un7er 7ate o, &ar*h +0, 1998
Ee la $a"a #. C!, 6.$. /o. 1+11+0, Fe-. 28, 2001
F!CTS9pon his assu"ption to the position o, &a.or o, Pa8-ilao, 3ue4on, petitioner
Conra7o 2. 7e $a"a %rote a letter 7ate7 Jul. 1+, 199; to the Ci#il Ser#i*e
Co""ission (or CSC), see(in8 the re*all o, the appoint"ents o, ,ourteen (1C)
"uni*ipal e"plo.ees on the alle8ation that the appoint"ents o, the sai7 e"plo.ees
%ere "i7ni8ht appoint"ents o, the ,or"er "a.or, &a. <#el.n S. !-e@a, 7one in
#iolation o, !rti*le 5)), Se*tion 1; o, the 1987 Constitution
Petitioner 7e $a"a %ithhel7 the pa."ent o, their salaries an7 -ene,its pursuant to
1,,i*e 1r7er /o. 9;I01, %hi*h %as issue7 on June +0, 199;, %herein the
appoint"ents o, the sai7 ,ourteen (1C) e"plo.ees %ere re*alle7.
The CSC also 7is"isse7 petitioners alle8ation that these %ere "i7ni8ht
appoint"ents, pointin8 out that the Constitutional pro#ision relie7 upon -. petitioner
prohi-its onl. those appoint"ents "a7e -. an out8oin8 Presi7ent an7 *annot -e
"a7e to appl. to lo*al ele*ti#e o,,i*ials.

)SS9< >hether or not the prohi-ition in !ru*le 5)), Se*t. 1; applies to appoint"ents
"a7e -. lo*al o,,i*ials
$92)/6 The CSC rule7 that the sai7 prohi-ition applies onl. to presi7ential
appoint"ents. )n truth an7 in ,a*t, there is no la% that prohi-its lo*al ele*ti#e o,,i*ials
,ro" "a(in8 appoint"ents 7urin8 the last 7a.s o, his or her tenure. Petitioner?s
solitar. reason ,or re*allin8 these appoint"ents %as that the. %ere, to his personal
-elie,, "i7ni8ht appoint"ents %hi*h the out8oin8 "a.or ha7 no authorit. to "a(e.
! thorou8h perusal o, the re*or7s re#eal that the CSCs rulin8 is supporte7 -. the
e#i7en*e an7 the la%. The ,ourteen (1C) e"plo.ees %ere 7ul. appointe7 ,ollo%in8
t%o "eetin8s o, the Personnel Sele*tion Boar7 hel7 on &a. +1 an7 June 20, 199;.
There is no sho%in8 that an. o, the pri#ate respon7ents %ere not quali,ie7 ,or the
positions the. %ere appointe7 to.
The CSC *orre*tl. rule7, ho%e#er, that the *onstitutional prohi-ition on soI*alle7
"i7ni8ht appoint"ents, spe*i,i*all. those "a7e %ithin t%o (2) "onths i""e7iatel.
prior to the ne't presi7ential ele*tions, applies onl. to the Presi7ent or !*tin8
Ee Castro #. Ju7i*ial an7 Bar Coun*il, 6$ /o. 191002, !pril 20, 2010 an7 &a. 1,
Petitioners !rturo &. Ee Castro an7 John 6. Peralta respe*ti#el. *o""en*e7
spe*ial *i#il a*tions ,or *ertiorari an7 "an7a"us, pra.in8 that the JBC -e *o"pelle7
to su-"it to the in*u"-ent Presi7ent the list o, at least three no"inees ,or the
position o, the ne't Chie, Justi*e.
The *o"pulsor. retire"ent o, Chie, Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno -. &a. 17, 2010
o**urs @ust 7a.s a,ter the *o"in8 presi7ential ele*tions on &a. 10, 2010. <#en
-e,ore the e#ent a*tuall. happens, it is 8i#in8 rise to "an. le8al 7ile""as. &a. the
in*u"-ent Presi7ent appoint his su**essor, *onsi7erin8 that Se*tion 1;, !rti*le 5))
(<'e*uti#e Eepart"ent) o, the ConstitutionA >hat is the rele#an*e o, Se*tion C (1),
!rti*le 5))) (Ju7i*ial Eepart"ent) o, the Constitution, %hi*h pro#i7es that an.
#a*an*. in the Supre"e Court shall -e ,ille7 %ithin 90 7a.s ,ro" the o**urren*e
thereo,, to the "atter o, the appoint"ent o, his su**essor
)SS9< >hether the in*u"-ent Presi7ent *an appoint the su**essor o, Chie, Justi*e
Puno upon his retire"ent.
$92)/6 The ponencia o, Justi*e Bersa"in hol7s that the in*u"-ent Presi7ent *an
appoint the ne't Chie, Justi*e upon the retire"ent o, Chie, Justi*e $e.nato S. Puno
on &a. 17, 2010 sin*e the prohi-ition 7urin8 ele*tion perio7
7oes not e'ten7 to
appoint"ents in the @u7i*iar., there-. re#ersin8 :n re appointments of Hon/
Calen'uela E Hon/ Callarta.
)t is si"plisti* an7 unrelia-le ,or the ponencia to *onten7 that ha7 the ,ra"ers
inten7e7 to e'ten7 the -an in !rti*le 5)) to appoint"ents in the @u7i*iar., the. %oul7
ha#e easil. an7 surel. %ritten so in !rti*le 5))), ,or it -a*(lashes the question that

ha7 the ,ra"ers inten7e7 to e'*lu7e @u7i*ial appoint"ents in !rti*le 5))) ,ro" the
prohi-ition in !rti*le 5)), the. %oul7 ha#e easil. an7 surel. %ritten so in the e'*eptin8
pro#iso in !rti*le 5)).
!lthou8h pra*ti*all. there is no *onstitutional *risis or *on,li*t in#ol#e7 upon the
retire"ent o, the in*u"-ent Chie, Justi*e, the ponencia illustrates the inappli*a-ilit.
o, the 90I7a. "an7ate to e#er. situation o, #a*an*. in the Supre"e i, onl. to
-uttress its thesis that @u7i*ial appoint"ent is an e'*eption to the "i7ni8ht
appoint"ents -an. The *onte"plate7 situation, ho%e#er, supports the i7ea that the
90I7a. perio7 is suspen7e7 7urin8 the e,,e*ti#it. o, the -an.
) su-"it that the "ore i"portant an7 less *o"pli*ate7 question is %hether the 90I
7a. perio7 in Se*tion C(1) o, !rti*le 5)))
runs 7urin8 the perio7 o, prohi-ition in
Se*tion 1; o, !rti*le 5)).
)n response to that question, the ponencia 7e*lares that it is the Presi7ent?s
Pi"perati#e 7ut. to "a(e an appoint"ent o, a &e"-er o, the Supre"e Court %ithin
90 7a.s ,ro" the o**urren*e o, the #a*an*. San7 that tThe ,ailure -. the Presi7ent to
7o so %ill -e a *lear 7iso-e7ien*e to the Constitution.P
Se*tion 10. Po%er to !ppointH Co""ission on !ppoint"ents
6o#ern"ent #. Sprin8er ;0 PB)2S 2;9, 1927
F!CTS !*ts o, the Philippine 2e8islature, !*t 270; *reate7 the /ational Coal
Co"pan.(/CC). )t %as a"en7e7 -. !*t 2822 %hi*h pro#i7e7 that the o,,i*ers o,
/CC "a. -e #ote7 upon -. a sele*t *o""ittee *o"prisin8 o, the senate presi7ent,
house spea(er an7 the 8o#ernor 8eneral Sas e' o,,i*io o,,i*ersT. The 6o#ernor
6eneral then issue7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er +7 %hi*h 7e*lare7 the a"en7"ents intro7u*e7
-. !*t 2822 as null an7 #oi7. The 6o#ernor 6eneral then or7ere7 that he ha#e the
sole po%er to appoint pursuant to his appointin8 po%er as pro#i7e7 in the
!7"inistrati#e Co7e. The #otin8 *o""ittee ho%e#er i8nore7 the <'e*uti#e 1r7er
an7 pro*ee7e7 to the ele*tion %ithout the 6o#ernor 6eneral an7 the. ele*te7
Sprin8er et al as o,,i*ers o, the /CC. Bo%e#er, the 6o#ernor 6eneral has his o%n
set o, o,,i*ers that he #ote7 ,or, the 8o#ern"ent then ,ile7 a *ase as to 7eter"ine the
proper authorit. o, the #otin8 po%er in ele*tion o, o,,i*ers in the *orporation.
)SS9< >hether or not the a"en7"ents intro7u*e7 -. !*t 2822 is un*onstitutional.
$92)/6 :es, it is un*onstitutional. Se*tion 22 o, the 1r8ani* !*t, PThat all e'e*uti#e
,un*tions o, the 8o#ern"ent "ust -e 7ire*tl. un7er the 6o#ernorI6eneral or %ithin
one o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents un7er the super#ision an7 *ontrol o, the 6o#ernorI
6eneral.P The Philippine 2e8islature, as %e ha#e seen is authori4e7 to *reate
*orporations an7 o,,i*es. The 2e8islature has la%,ull. pro#i7e7 ,or the *reation o,
/CC, -ut has unla%,ull. pro#i7e7 ,or t%o o, its "e"-ers to sit in the *o""ittee ,or
the sa"e is *onsi7ere7 as a pu-li* o,,i*e.
Ben*e, se*tion C o, !*t /o. 270;, as a"en7e7 -. se*tion 2 o, !*t /o. 2822, as
purports to #est the #otin8 po%er o, the 8o#ern"entIo%ne7 sto*( in the /ational
Coal Co"pan. in the Presi7ent o, the Senate an7 the Spea(er o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, is un*onstitutional an7 #oi7.

Ber"u7e4 #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1+1C29, !u8ust C, 1999
The o**urren*e o, a #a*an*. in the 1,,i*e o, the Pro#in*ial Prose*utor o, Tarla*,
petitioner 1s*ar Ber"u7e4 an7 respon7ent Conra7o3uiaoit %ere *o"petin8 ,or its
position. Ber"u7e4 %as a re*o""en7ee o, then Justi*e Se*retar.
Teo,isto6uin8ona, Jr. 3uiaoit e"er8e7 the #i*tor %hen he %as appointe7 -.
Presi7ent $a"os to the *o#ete7 o,,i*e. 3uiaoit re*ei#e7 a *erti,ie7 'ero' *op. o, his
appoint"ent an7 too( his oath o, o,,i*e. Be assu"e7 o,,i*e an7 i""e7iatel.
in,or"e7 the Presi7ent, as %ell as the Se*retar. o, Justi*e an7 the Ci#il Ser#i*e
Co""ission, o, that assu"ption. Ber"u7e4 re,use7 to #a*ate the 1,,i*e o, Pro#in*ial
Prose*utor *lai"in8 that the ori8inal *op. o, 3uiaoitKs appoint"ent ha7 not .et -een
release7 -. the Se*retar. o, Justi*e. 3uiaoit, nonetheless, per,or"e7 the ,un*tions
an7 7uties o, the 1,,i*e o, Pro#in*ial Prose*utor. Ber"u7e4 an7 3uiaoit %ere
su""one7 -. Justi*e Se*retar. 6uin8ona, Ber"u7e4 %as or7ere7 to %in7 up his
*ases an7 to turnIo#er the *onteste7 o,,i*e to 3uiaoit the ne't 7a.. The ori8inal *op.
o, 3uiaoit %as then han7e7 to hi" -. the $e8ional State Prose*utor Carlos 7e 2eon.
Ber"u7e4 ,ile7 a petition *hallen8in8 the appoint"ent o, 3uiaoit pri"aril. on the
8roun7 that the appoint"ent la*(s the re*o""en7ation o, the Se*retar. o, Justi*e
pres*ri-e7 un7er the $e#ise7 !7"inistrati#e Co7e o, 1987.
)SS9< >hether or not the a-sen*e o, a re*o""en7ation o, the Se*retar. o, Justi*e
to the Presi7ent *an -e hel7 ,atal to the appoint"ent o, respon7ent Conra7o3uiaoit.
$92)/6 !lthou8h the $e#ise7 !7"inistrati#e Co7e o, 1987 (Boo( )5, Title ))),
Chapter )), Se*tion 9) sa.s that W !ll pro#in*ial an7 *it. prose*utors an7 their
assistants shall -e appointe7 -. the Presi7ent upon the re*o""en7ation o, the
Se*retar. o, @usti*e.
)n the instant *ase, the re*o""en7ation o, the Se*retar. o, Justi*e an7 the
appoint"ent o, the Presi7ent are a*ts o, the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent itsel,, an7 there
is no sharin8 o, po%er to spea( o,, the latter -ein8 7ee"e7 ,or all intents an7
purposes as -ein8 "erel. an e'tension o, the personalit. o, the Presi7ent. The la%
"ust -e rea7 si"pl. as allo%in8 the Se*retar. o, Justi*e to a7#ise the presi7ent.
Flores #. Erilon, 22+ SC$! ;08, 199+
F!CTS Petitioners, $o-erto !. Flores, Eaniel :. Fi8ueroa, $o8elio T. Palo,
Eo"in8o !. Ja7lo*, Carlito T. Cru4 an7 &anuel P. $, %ho *lai" to -e
ta'pa.ers, e"plo.ees o, the 9.S. Fa*ilit. at the Su-i*, La"-ales, an7 o,,i*ers an7
"e"-ers o, the Filipino Ci#ilian <"plo.ees !sso*iation in 9.S. Fa*ilities in the
Philippines question the *onstitutionalit. o, Se*. 1+, par. (7), o, $.!. 7227, other%ise
(no%n as the PBases Con#ersion an7 Ee#elop"ent !*t o, 1992,P un7er %hi*h
respon7ent &a.or $i*har7 J. 6or7on o, 1lon8apo Cit. %as appointe7 Chair"an an7
Chie, <'e*uti#e 1,,i*er o, the Su-i* Ba. &etropolitan !uthorit. (SB&!), is
*hallen8e7 in this ori8inal petition %ith ,or prohi-ition, preli"inar. in@un*tion
an7 te"porar. restrainin8 or7er Pto pre#ent useless an7 unne*essar. e'pen7itures
o, pu-li* ,un7s -. %a. o, salaries an7 other operational e'penses atta*he7 to the

Para8raph (7) rea7s W(7) Chair"an a7"inistrator W The Presi7ent shall
appoint a pro,essional "ana8er as a7"inistrator o, the Su-i* !uthorit. %ith a
*o"pensation to -e 7eter"ine7 -. the Boar7 su-@e*t to the appro#al o, the
Se*retar. o, Bu78et, %ho shall -e the e' o,i*io *hair"an o, the Boar7 an7 %ho shall
ser#e as the *hie, e'e*uti#e o,,i*er o, the Su-i* !uthorit. Pro#i7e7, ho%e#er, That
,or the ,irst .ear o, its operations ,ro" the e,,e*ti#it. o, this !*t, the "a.or o, the Cit.
o, 1lon8apo shall -e appointe7 as the *hair"an an7 *hie, e'e*uti#e o,,i*er o, the
Su-i* !uthorit..
Petitioners *lai" that Se*. 1+, par. (7), o, $.!. 7227 is un*onstitutional on the
8roun7s o, (a) Se*. 7, ,irst par., !rt. )JIB, o, the Constitution, %hi*h states that Pno
ele*ti#e o,,i*ial shall -e eli8i-le ,or appoint"ent or 7esi8nation in an. *apa*it. to an.
pu-li* o,,i*er or position 7urin8 his tenure,P -e*ause the Cit. &a.or o, 1lon8apo
Cit. is an ele*ti#e o,,i*ial an7 the su-@e*t posts are pu-li* o,,i*esH (-) Se*. 10, !rt.
5)), o, the Constitution, %hi*h pro#i7es that Pthe Presi7ent shall . . . . appoint all other
o,,i*ers o, the 6o#ern"ent %hose appoint"ents are not other%ise pro#i7e7 ,or -.
la%, an7 those %ho" he "a. -e authori4e7 -. la% to appointP
)SS9< >hether or not Se*. 1+, par. (7), o, $.!. 7227 #iolates Se*. 10, !rt. 5)), o,
the Constitution.
$92)/6 )n the *ase at -ar, %hile Con8ress %ille7 that the su-@e*t posts -e ,ille7
%ith a presi7ential appointee ,or the ,irst .ear o, its operations ,ro" the e,,e*ti#it. o,
$.!. 7227, the pro#iso ne#ertheless li"its the appointin8 authorit. to onl. one
eli8i-le, i.e., the in*u"-ent &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit.. Sin*e onl. one *an quali,. ,or
the posts in question, the Presi7ent is pre*lu7e7 ,ro" e'er*isin8 his 7is*retion to
*hoose %ho" to appoint. Su*h suppose7 po%er o, appoint"ent, sans the essential
ele"ent o, *hoi*e, is no po%er at all an7 8oes a8ainst the #er. nature itsel, o,
>B<$<F1$<, the pro#iso in par. (7), Se*. 1+, o, $.!. 7227, %hi*h states P. . .
Pro#i7e7, ho%e#er, That ,or the ,irst .ear o, its operations ,ro" the e,,e*ti#it. o, this
!*t, the &a.or o, the Cit. o, 1lon8apo shall -e appointe7 as the *hair"an an7 *hie,
e'e*uti#e o,,i*er o, the Su-i* !uthorit.,P is 7e*lare7 un*onstitutionalH *onsequentl.,
the appoint"ent pursuant thereto o, the &a.or o, 1lon8apo Cit., respon7ent $i*har7
J. 6or7on, is )/5!2)E, hen*e /922 an7 51)E.
! la% %hi*h li"its the presi7ent to onl. one appointee is an en*roa*h"ent to the
prero8ati#e o, the Presi7ent -e*ause appoint"ent in#ol#es the 7is*retion to *hoose
%ho to appoint.
%autista v# 'alonga( &;) 'CRA &)5*( &464
F!CTS The Presi7ent o, the Philippines 7esi8nate7 &ar. Con*ep*ion Bautista as
F!*tin8 Chair"an, Co""ission on Bu"an $i8hts.G $eali4in8 the nee7 ,or a
per"anent appoint"ent, the Presi7ent e'ten7e7 to Bautista a Per"anent
appoint"ent as Chair"an o, the CB$ on Ee*e"-er 17, 2988.
Bautista re*ei#e7 a letter ,ro" the Se*retar. o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents
requestin8 her to su-"it *ertain in,or"ation an7 7o*u"ents as require7 -. its rules
in *onne*tion %ith the *on,ir"ation o, her appoint"ent as Chair"an o, the CB$. The
presi7ent e'ten7e7 an Fa7 interi" appoint"entG to Bautista on Januar. 1C, 1989 as
Chairperson o, the Co""ission o, Bu"an $i8hts an7 the C! 7isappro#e7 su*h in

#ie% o, Bautista?s re,usal to su-"it to the @uris7i*tion o, the Co""ission o,
)SS9< >hether the Presi7ent *oul7 e'ten7 another appoint"ent to Bautista on
Januar. 1C, 1989
$92)/6 Bautista?s appoint"ent on Ee*e"-er 17, 1988 as Chair"an o, the CB$
%as a *o"plete7 a*t on the part o, the Presi7ent. The Presi7ential a*t o,
appoint"ent to the su-@e*t position %hi*h, un7er the Constitution, is to -e "a7e, in
the ,irst pla*e, %ithout the parti*ipation o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents, %as
then an7 there a *o"plete an7 ,inishe7 a*t, %hi*h upon the a**eptan*e -. Bautista,
as sho%n -. her ta(in8 o, the oath o, o,,i*e an7 a*tual assu"ption o, the 7uties o,
sai7 o,,i*e, installe7 her, in7u-ita-l. an7 unequi#o*all., as the la%,ulH Chair"an o,
the Co""ission on Bu"an ri8hts.
'armiento v# =ison( &95 'CRA 9:4( &46;
Facts1 Petitioners, %ho are ta'pa.ers, la%.ers, "e"-ers o, the )BP an7 pro,essors
o, Constitutional 2a%, see( to en@oin Sal#a7or &ison ,ro" per,or"in8 the ,un*tions o,
the 1,,i*e o, Co""issioner o, the Bureau o, Custo"s an7 6uiller"o Cara8ue, as
Se*retar. o, the Eepart"ent o, Bu78et, ,ro" e,,e*tin8 7is-urse"ents in pa."ent o,
&ison?s salaries an7 e"olu"ents, on the 8roun7 that &ison?s appoint"ent as
Co""issioner o, the Bureau o, Custo"s is un*onstitutional -. reason o, its not
ha#in8 -een *on,ir"e7 -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. The respon7ents, on
the other han7, "aintain the *onstitutionalit. o, &ison?s appoint"ent %ithout the
*on,ir"ation o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents.
0ssue1 >hether or not the appoint"ents o, the respon7ents are #ali7 e#en in the
a-sen*e o, the *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents.
Ael!1 The Supre"e Court hel7 that the Presi7ent has the authorit. to appoint &ison
as Co""issioner o, the Bureau o, Custo"s %ithout su-"ittin8 his no"ination to the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents ,or *on,ir"ation, an7 thus, the latter is entitle7 the ,ull
authorit. an7 ,un*tions o, the o,,i*e an7 re*ei#e all the salaries an7 e"olu"ents
pertainin8 thereto.
Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) o, the 1987 Constitution e"po%ers the Presi7ent to appoint C
8roups o, o,,i*ers (1) the hea7s o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, a"-assa7ors,
other pu-li* "inisters an7 *onsuls, o,,i*ers o, the ar"e7 ,or*es ,ro" the ran(
o, *olonel or na#al *aptain, an7 other o,,i*ers %hose appoint"ents are #este7 in hi"
in this ConstitutionH (2) all other o,,i*ers o, the 6o#ern"ent %hose appoint"ents are
not other%ise pro#i7e7 ,or -. la%H (+) those %ho" the Presi7ent "a. -e authori4e7
-. la% to appointH an7 (C) o,,i*ers lo%er in ran( C %hose appoint"ents the Con8ress
"a. -. la% #est in the Presi7ent alone. The ,irst 8roup is *learl. appointe7 %ith the
*onsent o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. !ppoint"ents o, su*h o,,i*ers are
initiate7 -. no"ination an7, i, the no"ination is *on,ir"e7 -. the Co""ission on
!ppoint"ents, the Presi7ent appoints. The se*on7 an7 thir7 8roups o, o,,i*ers *an
-e "a7e -. the Presi7ent %ithout the *onsent (*on,ir"ation) o, the Co""ission
on !ppoint"ents, as *an -e 7eter"ine7 throu8h the re*or7e7 pro*ee7in8s
o, Constitutional Co""ission

Thus, the Supre"e Court 7is"isse7 the petition an7 the petition in inter#ention,
%ithout *osts.
3uintosIEeles #. Co""ission on !ppoint"ents, 177 SC$! 2;9, 1989
Cal7eron #. Carale, 208 SC$! 2;C, 1992
Facts1 So"eti"e in &ar*h 1989, $! 071; (BerreraI5eloso 2a%), a"en7in8 the
2a-or Co7e (PE CC2) %as appro#e7. )t pro#i7es in Se*tion 1+, %#e 4#airman1 t#e
Division 0residing 4ommissioners and ot#er 4ommissioners s#all all be appointed
b" t#e 0resident1 sub5ect to confirmation b" t#e 4ommission on Appointments/
Pursuant to sai7 la% ($! 071;), Presi7ent !quino appointe7 the Chair"an an7
Co""issioners o, the /2$C representin8 the pu-li*, %or(ers an7 e"plo.ers
se*tors. The appoint"ents state7 that the appointees "a. quali,. an7 enter upon the
per,or"an*e o, the 7uties o, the o,,i*e.
Thus, petitioner Peter Cal7eron ,iles a petition ,or the prohi-ition -e*ause, he insists
that in the *ase at -ar, the Presi7ent issue7 per"anent appoint"ents to the
respon7ents *hair"an an7 "e"-ers o, the /ational 2a-or $elations Co""ision
(/2$C)a $it#out submitting t#em to t#e 4A for confirmation despite passage of a
la$ ($! 071;) $#ic# re&uires t#e confirmation b" t#e 4ommission on Appointments
of suc# appointments/ Be ,urther *onten7s that in Se*tion 10, !rt 5)), o, the
Constitution, Con8ress "a., -. la%, require *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission o,
!ppoint"ents o, the o,,i*ers appointe7 -. the Presi7ent a77itional to those
"entione7 in the ,irst senten*e o, the Se*tion 10 o, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution.

The Soli*itor 6eneral, on the other han7, *onten7s that $! 071; %hi*h a"en7e7 the
2a-or Co7e transgresses (8oes -e.on7 the li"itsH #iolates) Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) -.
e'pan7in8 the *on,ir"ation po%ers o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents %ithout
*onstitutional -asis.
0ssue1 >hether or not Con8ress "a., b" la$1 require *on,ir"ation -. the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents o, appoint"ents -. the presi7ent to 8o#ern"ent
o,,i*ers additional to those e'pressl. "entione7 in the ,irst senten*e o, Se*. 10, !rt.
5)) o, the Constitution.
Ael!1 /o. )n7u-ita-l., the /2$C Chair"an an7 Co""issioners ,all %ithin the
se*on7 senten*e o, Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution, "ore spe*i,i*all.
un7er the Pthir7 8roupsP o, appointees re,erre7 to in ,ison, i.e. t#ose $#om t#e
0resident ma" be aut#ori'ed b" la$ to appoint. 9n7enia-l., the Chair"an an7
&e"-ers o, the /2$C are not a"on8 the o,,i*ers "entione7 in the ,irst senten*e o,
Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) %hose appoint"ents requires *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission
on !ppoint"ents. To the e'tent that $! 071; requires *on,ir"ation -. the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents o, the appoint"ents o, respon7ents Chair"an an7
&e"-ers o, the /ational 2a-or $elations Co""ission, it is un*onstitutional -e*ause
1) )t a"en7s -. le8islation, the ,irst senten*e o, Se*. 10, !rt. 5)) o, the Constitution
-. a77in8 thereto appoint"ents requirin8 *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission on
!ppoint"entsH an7

2) )t a"en7s -. le8islation the se*on7 senten*e o, Se*. 10, !rt. 5)) o, the
Constitution, -. i"posin8 the *on,ir"ation o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents on
appoint"ents %hi*h are other%ise entruste7 onl. %ith the Presi7ent.
>B<$<F1$<, the petition is E)S&)SS<E. !rt. 21; o, the 2a-or Co7e as a"en7e7
-. $! 071; is here-. 7e*lare7 un*onstitutional an7 o, no le8al ,or*e an7 e,,e*t.
&analo #. Sisto4a, 6$ /o. 107+09, !u8ust 11, 1999
Facts1 )n this spe*ial *i#il a*tion ,or Prohi-ition un7er $ule 0; o, the $e#ise7 $ules
o, Court, petitioner Jesulito &analo question the *onstitutionalit. an7 le8alit. o, the
per"anent appoint"ents issue7 -. ,or"er Presi7ent Cora4on C. !quino to the
respon7ent senior o,,i*ers o, the Philippine /ational Poli*e %ho %ere pro"ote7 to
the ran(s o, Chie, Superinten7ent an7 Eire*tor %ithout their appoint"ents su-"itte7
to the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents ,or *on,ir"ation un7er Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) o,
the 1987 Constitution an7 $epu-li* !*t 097; other%ise (no%n as the 2o*al
6o#ern"ent !*t o, 1990. )"plea7e7 in the *ase is the ,or"er Se*retar. o, Bu78et
an7 &ana8e"ent Sal#a7or &. <nrique4 ))), %ho appro#e7 an7 e,,e*te7 the
7is-urse"ents ,or the salaries an7 other e"olu"ents o, su-@e*t poli*e o,,i*ers.
0ssue1 >hether or not the appoint"ent o, the P/P o,,i*ers is the sa"e %ith the
1,,i*ers o, the !r"e7 For*es %hi*h ,all un7er the ,irst *ate8or. o, presi7ential
appointees requirin8 the *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents.
Ael!1 /o. )t is %ellIsettle7 that onl. presi7ential appoint"ents -elon8in8 to the ,irst
8roup require the *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. The
appoint"ents o, respon7ent o,,i*ers %ho are not %ithin the ,irst *ate8or., nee7 not
-e *on,ir"e7 -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. !s hel7 in the *ase o, Tarrosa
#s. Sin8son, Con8ress *annot -. la% e'pan7 the po%er o, *on,ir"ation o, the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents an7 require *on,ir"ation o, appoint"ents o, other
8o#ern"ent o,,i*ials not "entione7 in the ,irst senten*e o, Se*tion 10 o, !rti*le 5)) o,
the 1987 Constitution.
The poli*e ,or*e is 7i,,erent ,ro" an7 in7epen7ent o, the ar"e7 ,or*es an7 the ran(s
in the "ilitar. are not si"ilar to those in the Philippine /ational Poli*e. Thus,
7ire*tors an7 *hie, superinten7ents o, the P/P, su*h as the herein respon7ent poli*e
o,,i*ers, 7o not ,all un7er the ,irst *ate8or. o, presi7ential appointees requirin8 the
*on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents.
)n #ie% o, the ,ore8oin8 7isquisition an7 *on*lusion, the respon7ent ,or"er Se*retar.
Sal#a7or &. <nrique4 ))) o, the Eepart"ent o, Bu78et an7 &ana8e"ent, 7i7 not a*t
%ith 8ra#e a-use o, 7is*retion in authori4in8 an7 e,,e*tin8 7is-urse"ents ,or the
salaries an7 other e"olu"ents o, the respon7ent poli*e o,,i*ers %hose appoint"ents
are #ali7.
CA$R$F"R$, ,or la*( o, "erit, the petition un7er *onsi7eration is here-.
E)S&)SS<E. (Sinon)

&ati-a8 #. Benipa.o, 6$ /o. 1C90+0, !pril 2, 2002
Facts1 Petitioner &a. J. !n8elina 6. &ati-a8 %as appointe7 as F!*tin8 Eire*tor o,
C1&<2<C?s <7u*ational an7 )n,or"ation Eepart"ent (<)E)G -. C1&<2<C en -an*,
Chairperson Ee"etriou, an7 Co""issioner Ja#ier.
1n &ar*h 22, 2001, Presi7ent 6loria &a*apa8alI!rro.o appointe7, ad interim,
!l,re7o 2. Benipa.o as Chair"an o, the Co""ission on <le*tionsH an7 $esurre**ion
L. Borra an7 Florentino !. Tuason, Jr. as C1&<2<C Co""issioners, ea*h ,or a
ter" o, se#en .ears an7 all e'pirin8 on Fe-ruar. 8, 2008.
1n June 1, 2001, Presi7ent !rro.o rene%e7 the ad interim appoint"ents e'pirin8 on
Fe-ruar. 2, 2008 $espon7ents too( their oaths o, o,,i*e ,or a se*on7 ti"e. The
1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent trans"itte7 on June ;, 2001 their appoint"ents to the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents ,or *on,ir"ation. 4ongress ad5ourned before t#e
4ommission on Appointments could act on t#eir appointments/ Thus, on June 8,
2001, Presi7ent !rro.o rene%e7 a8ain the ad interim appoint"ents o, Benipa.o, et
al. to the sa"e positions. The 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent su-"itte7 their appoint"ents
,or *on,ir"ation to the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents. The. too( their oaths o, o,,i*e
Petitioner %as later reappointe7 to the 2a% Eepart"ent -. the Chair"an Benipa.o in
pursuant o, a "e"oran7u" 7ate7 !pril 11, 2001 an7 in her pla*e, 5el"a J. Cin*oas
-e*a"e Eire*tor )5 o, the C1&<2<C?s <7u*ation an7 )n,or"ation Eepart"ent.
Petitioner requeste7 Benipa.o to re*onsi7er her relie, as Eire*tor )5 o, the <)E an7
her reassi8n"ent to the 2a% Eepart"ent -ut %as 7enie7.
Ben*e, she appeale7 the 7enial o, her request ,or re*onsi7eration to the C1&<2<C
en -an* an7 ,ile7 an a7"inistrati#e *ase on Benipa.o. Eurin8 the pen7en*. o, the
*ase, petitioner ,ile7 the instant petition questionin8 the reappoint"ent an7 the ri8ht
to re"ain in o,,i*e o, respon7ents as ad interim appointees is un*onstitutional
-e*ause the respon7ent *onten7s, the su-sequent require"ent %hi*h %as the
appro#al o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents o, their reappoint"ent -. the presi7ent
is la*(in8.

0ssue1 >hether or not the assu"ption o, o,,i*e -. Benipa.o, Borra an7 Tuason on
the -asis o, the ad interim appoint"ents issue7 -. the Presi7ent nee7s the
*on,ir"ation o, the Co""ission on appoint"ents in pursuant o, Se*tion 10, !rti*le
Ael!1 !n ad interim appoint"ent is a per"anent appoint"ent -e*ause it ta(es e,,e*t
i""e7iatel. an7 *an no lon8er -e %ith7ra%n -. the Presi7ent on*e the appointee
has quali,ie7 into o,,i*e. The ,a*t that it is su-@e*t to *on,ir"ation -. the Co""ission
on !ppoint"ents 7oes not alter its per"anent *hara*ter. The Constitution itsel,
"a(es an ad interim appoint"ent per"anent in *hara*ter -. "a(in8 it e,,e*ti#e until
7isappro#e7 -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents or until the ne't a7@ourn"ent o,
Con8ress. The se*on7 para8raph o, Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution
pro#i7es as ,ollo%s
FThe Presi7ent shall ha#e the po%er to "a(e appoint"ents 7urin8 the re*ess o, the
Con8ress, %hether #oluntar. or *o"pulsor., -ut su*h appoint"ents shall -e

effective only until 7isappro#al -. the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents or until the
ne't a7@ourn"ent o, the Con8ress.G (<"phasis supplie7) Thus, the ad
interim appoint"ent re"ains effective until su*h 7isappro#al or ne't a7@ourn"ent,
si8ni,.in8 that it *an no lon8er -e %ith7ra%n or re#o(e7 -. the Presi7ent. (Sinon)
$u,ino #. <n7ri8a, C90 SC$! 1+
1n 2; June 1900, then Presi7ent Fer7inan7 <. &ar*os issue7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o.
+0 (<1 +0) *reatin8 the Cultural Center o, the Philippines as a trust 8o#erne7 -. a
Boar7 o, Trustees o, se#en "e"-ers, in*lu7in8 $u,ino, to preser#e an7 pro"ote
Philippine *ulture.
Presi7ent &ar*os then issue7 PE 1;, the CCPKs *harter, %hi*h *on#erte7 the CCP
un7er <1 +0 into a nonI"uni*ipal pu-li* *orporation ,ree ,ro" the Ppressure or
in,luen*e o, politi*s.P PE 1; in*rease7 the "e"-ers o, CCPKs Boar7 ,ro" se#en to
nine trustees.
1n 22 Ee*e"-er 1998, then Presi7ent Joseph <. <stra7a appointe7 se#en ne%
trustees to the CCP Boar7 ,or a ter" o, ,our .ears to repla*e the <n7ri8a 8roup as
%ell as t%o other in*u"-ent trustees.
1n 0 Januar. 1999, the <n7ri8a 8roup ,ile7 a petition ,or &uo $arranto -e,ore this
Court questionin8 Presi7ent <stra7aKs appoint"ent o, se#en ne% "e"-ers to the
CCP Boar7.
The <n7ri8a 8roup re,use7 to a**ept that the CCP %as un7er the super#ision an7
*ontrol o, the Presi7ent. The <n7ri8a 8roup *ite7 Se*tion + o, PE 1;, %hi*h states
that the CCP Pshall en@o. autono". o, poli*. an7 operation.G
The Case %as ,or%ar7e7 to C.!. %hi*h su-sequentl. 8rante7 it.
Thus, $u,ino 8roup asserte7 that the la% *oul7 onl. 7ele8ate to the CCP Boar7 the
po%er to appoint officers lo$er in ran( than the trustees o, the Boar7. The la% "a.
not #ali7l. *on,er on the CCP trustees the authorit. to appoint or ele*t their ,ello%
trustees, ,or the latter %oul7 -e o,,i*ers o, equal ran( an7 not o, lo%er ran(.
>hether or not Se*tion 0(-) o, PE 1; is *onstitutional *onsi7erin8 that it is an
in#ali7 7ele8ation o, the Presi7entKs appointin8 po%er un7er the Constitution an7 it
e,,e*ti#el. 7epri#es the Presi7ent o, his *onstitutional po%er o, *ontrol an7
super#ision o#er the CCP.

The sour*e o, the Presi7entKs po%er to appoint, as %ell as the 2e8islatureKs
authorit. to 7ele8ate the po%er to appoint, is ,oun7 in Se*tion 10, !rti*le 5)) o, the
1987 Constitution. )n its last senten*e, it pro#i7es that The Con8ress "a., -. la%,
#est the appoint"ent o, other o,,i*ers lo%er in ran( in the Presi7ent alone, in the
*ourts, or in the hea7s o, 7epart"ents, a8en*ies, *o""issions, or -oar7s. Thus, the
Court 7e*lare 9/C1/ST)T9T)1/!2 Se*tion 0(-) an7 (*) o, Presi7ential Ee*ree /o.
1;, as a"en7e7, inso,ar as it authori4es the re"ainin8 trustees to ,ill -. ele*tion
#a*an*ies in the Boar7 o, Trustees o, the Cultural Center o, the Philippines.
Pi"entel, Jr. #. <r"ita, 6$ /o. 10C978, 1*to-er 1+, 200;
The Senate an7 the Bouse o, $epresentati#es (Con8ressK) *o""en*e7 their re8ular
session on 20 Jul. 200C. The Co""ission on !ppoint"ents, *o"pose7 o, Senators
an7 $epresentati#es, %as *onstitute7 on 2; !u8ust 200C.

&ean%hile, Presi7ent !rro.o issue7 appoint"ents to respon7ents as a*tin8
se*retaries o, their respe*ti#e 7epart"ents.
$espon7ents too( their oath o, o,,i*e an7 assu"e7 7uties as a*tin8 se*retaries.
Petitioners ,ile7 the present petition as Senators o, the $epu-li* o, the Philippines.
Con8ress a7@ourne7 on 22 Septe"-er 200C. 1n 2+ Septe"-er 200C, Presi7ent
!rro.o issue7 ad interim (temporar"! appoint"ents to respon7ents as se*retaries o,
the 7epart"ents to %hi*h the. %ere pre#iousl. appointe7 in an a*tin8 *apa*it..

The *onstitutionalit. o, Presi7ent !rro.osK appoint"ent o, respon7ents as a*tin8
se*retaries %ithout the *onsent o, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents %hile Con8ress
is in session.


The petition is "oot -e*ause Presi7ent !rro.o ha7 e'ten7e7 to respon7ents ad
interim appoint"ents on 2+ Septe"-er 200C i""e7iatel. a,ter the re*ess o,
<#en i, the Co""ission on !ppoint"ents is *o"pose7 o, "e"-ers o, Con8ress, the
e'er*ise o, its po%ers is e'e*uti#e an7 not le8islati#e. The Co""ission on
!ppoint"ents 7oes not le8islate %hen it e'er*ises its po%er to 8i#e or %ithhol7
*onsent to presi7ential appoint"ents. Consi7erin8 the in7epen7en*e o, the
Co""ission on !ppoint"ents ,ro" Con8ress, it is error ,or petitioners to *lai"
stan7in8 in the present *ase as "e"-ers o, Con8ress. Presi7ent !rro.oKs issuan*e
o, a*tin8 appoint"ents %hile Con8ress is in session i"pairs no po%er o, Con8ress.
Se*tion 17. Po%er o, Control
2a*sonI&a8allanes #. Pano 21 SC$! +9;, 1907
! 7e*ision %as ren7ere7 -. the Eire*tor o, lan7s an7 a,,ir"e7 -. the se*retar. o,
!8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es re8ar7in8 a 7ispute o, pur*hase o, lan7 -et%een
Jose PaUo an7 Plainti,, Corporation 2a*sonI&a8allanes Co, )n*. The 7e*ision 8a#e
7ue *ourse to the appli*ation o, plainti,, *orporation, an7 7is"issin8 the *lai" o, Jose
PaUo an7 his *o"panions. ! "o#e to re*onsi7er ,aile7.
9pon ele#ation o, the *ase to the presi7ent, <'e*uti#e Se*retar. Juan Pa@o,
P-. authorit. o, the Presi7entP 7e*i7e7 the *ontro#ers., "o7i,ie7 the 7e*ision o, the
Eire*tor o, 2an7s as a,,ir"e7 -. the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es,
an7 7e*lare7 that Pit %oul7 -e ,or the pu-li* interest that appellants, %ho are "ostl.
lan7less ,ar"ers %ho 7epen7 on the lan7 ,or their e'isten*e, -e allo*ate7 that
portion on %hi*h the. ha#e "a7e i"pro#e"entsHP an7 7ire*te7 that the *ontro#erte7
lan7 (northern portion o, Blo*( ), 2C &ap 17C9, Pro@e*t /o. 27, o, Bansalan, Ea#ao,
%ith 2atian $i#er as the 7i#i7in8 line) Pshoul7 -e su-7i#i7e7 into lots o, *on#enient
si4es an7 allo*ate7 to a*tual o**upants, %ithout pre@u7i*e to the *orporationKs ri8ht to
rei"-urse"ent ,or the *ost o, sur#e.in8 this portion.P
&a. the <'e*uti#e Se*retar., a*tin8 -. authorit. o, the Presi7ent, re#erse a 7e*ision
o, the Eire*tor o, 2an7s that ha7 -een a,,ir"e7 -. the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. o,
!8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*esA
:<S. This is -ase7 on the 7o*trine o, F3uali,ie7 Politi*al !8en*..G The <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. a*ts P-. authorit. o, the Presi7ent,P his 7e*ision is that o, the Presi7entKs.

Su*h 7e*ision is to -e 8i#en ,ull ,aith an7 *re7it -. our *ourts. The assu"e7 authorit.
o, the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. is to -e a**epte7. For, onl. the Presi7ent "a. ri8ht,ull.
sa. that the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. is not authori4e7 to 7o so.
The Presi7entKs 7ut. to e'e*ute the la% is o, *onstitutional ori8in. So, too, is his
*ontrol o, all e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents. /ot as *orre*t, ho%e#er, is it so sa. that the
Chie, <'e*uti#e "a. not 7ele8ate to his <'e*uti#e Se*retar. a*ts %hi*h the
Constitution 7oes not *o""an7 that he per,or" in person. (Ea87a8)
&a*e7a #. &a*arai8, Jr 197 SC$! 771
/ational Po%er Corporation (/PC) en@o.e7 e'e"ption ,ro" ta'es, 7uties, ,ees,
i"posts an7 other *har8es F7ire*tl. or in7ire*tl.G on all petroleu" pro7u*ts use7 -.
/PC in its operation. Bo%e#er, the 2e8islature passe7 la%s %ith7ra%in8 an7
8rantin8 a8ain su*h e'e"ptions o#er the .ears. 1n 1987 &ar*h 10, <.1. 9+
%ith7re% the ta' an7 7ut. e'e"ptions -ut it 8a#e the Fis*al )n*enti#e $e#ie% Boar7
(F)$B) the authorit. to restore, re#ise the s*ope an7 pres*ri-e the 7ate o, e,,e*ti#it.
o, su*h ta' an7Dor 7ut. e'e"ptions. 1n 1987 June 2C, the F)$B issue7 $esolution
/o. 17I87 restorin8 /PC?s ta' an7 7ut. e'e"ption pri#ile8es e,,e*ti#e 1987 &ar*h
10. 2ater on 1987 !u8ust 0, Se*retar. o, Justi*e Se7,re. !. 1r7one4, issue7 opinion
/o. 77, series o, 1987, statin8 that
...the po%er *on,erre7 upon Fis*al )n*enti#es $e#ie% Boar7 -. Se*tion 2I(a),
(-), (*) an7 (7) o, <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 9+ *onstitute un7ue 7ele8ation o,
le8islati#e po%er an7, there,ore, SareT un*onstitutional.
Fortunatel., on 1987 1*to-er ;, Presi7ent !quino, throu8h the <'e*uti#e Se*retar.
&a*arai8 Jr., *on,ir"e7 an7 appro#e7 F)$B $esolution /o. 17I87.
Can te $-ecutive 'ecretary( as autori8e! by te /resi!ent( overrule te
'ecretary of Dustice in te construction of a statuteF
:es. The <'e*uti#e Se*retar., -. authorit. o, the Presi7ent, has the po%er to
"o7i,., alter or re#erse the *onstru*tion o, a statute 8i#en -. a 7epart"ent
se*retar.. The Presi7ent an7 the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. ,oun7 that there is the i"plie7
stan7ar7 8i#en -. the le8islature throu8h <.1. 9+ se*. + statin8
7) in 8eneral, the 8reater national interest to -e ser#e7.
Thus, there is #ali7 le8islati#e 7ele8ation *ontrar. to the opinion o, the Se*retar. o,
Justi*e. Further"ore, <.1. 9+ se*. 1 e'presse7
,) those appro#e7 -. the Presi7ent upon the re*o""en7ation o, the Fis*al
)n*enti#e $e#ie% Boar7.
The statute is *lear an7 the Presi7ent "ust *o"pl. %ith the pro#isions an7 sees to it
that the Se*retar. o, Justi*e "ust ,ollo% the sa"e. Ben*e, the <'e*uti#e Se*retar.
e'er*isin8 as an a8ent o, the Presi7ent is *orre*t in *on,ir"in8 an7 appro#in8 F)$B

$esolution /o. 17I87. There,ore, the Presi7ent an7 the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. ,ul,ille7
their 7ut. a**or7in8 !rt. 5)) Se*. 17 o, the Constitution statin8 that
The Presi7ent shall ha#e *ontrol o, all the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, -ureaus,
an7 o,,i*es. Be shall ensure the la%s -e ,aith,ull. e'e*ute7. (Cata.lo)
$oque #. Eire*tor o, 2an7s, 2I2;+7+, Jul. 1, 1970
$oque an7 Fa*un ha7 a o**upie7 the sa"e par*el o, lan7. The Eistri*t 2an7
1,,i*er or7ere7 the lan7 to -e a%ar7e7 to $oque -ut the Eire*tor o, 2an7s later
re#erse7 the or7er in ,a#or o, Fa*un. The reason -ehin7 the re#ersal %as that the
assi8ne7 Pu-li* 2an7 )nspe*tor reporte7 that Fa*un ,ile7 the nee7e7 7o*u"ents in
19+9 -e,ore $oque %hile the latter su-"itte7 his sales appli*ation in 19C8.
Further"ore, the lo%er *ourt ,oun7 that the Eistri*t 2an7 1,,i*er?s or7er is not ,inal
an7 e'e*utor.. The !ssistant <'e*uti#e Se*retar., as authori4e -. the Chie,
<'e*uti#e, also appro#e7 the Eire*tor o, 2an7s? re#ersal an7 thus, re#erse7 the
7e*ision o, the Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es. $oque o-@e*te7 to
the or7er o, the Eire*tor o, 2an7s, *lai"in8 that it %as issue7 %ith 8ra#e a-use o,
7is*retion ,or *arelessl. rel.in8 on the report an7 re*o""en7ation o, a Pu-li* 2an7
)nspe*tor an7 su*h re#ersal #iolates 2an7 !7"inistrati#e 1r7er /o. 0. Be also
asserte7 that the !ssistant <'e*uti#e Se*retar. *annot re#erse the 7e*ision o, the
Se*retar. o, !8ri*ulture an7 /atural $esour*es 7e*ision.
Can te Assistant $-ecutive 'ecretary( as autori8e! by te Cief $-ecutive(
reverse! te !ecision of te 'ecretary of Agriculture an! 2atural Resources in
te a++roval of te Director of Lan!sJ or!erF
:es. This is an e'er*ise o, a quali,ie7 politi*al a8ent. The !ssistant <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. *an 7o so in -ehal, o, the Chie, <'e*uti#e %ho has the ri8ht to inter,ere in
the e'er*ise o, su*h 7is*retion as "a. -e #este7 -. la% in the o,,i*ers o, the
e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, -ureaus, or o,,i*es o, the national 8o#ern"ent, as %ell as to
a*t in pla*e o, su*h o,,i*ers. This is an e'er*ise o, !ssistant <'e*uti#e Se*retar. as
an a8ent o, the Chie, <'e*uti#eH hen*e the e'er*ise o, his o,,i*ial 7ut. is also the
a*tion o, the Chie, <'e*uti#e or in this *ase the Pri"e &inister as state7 in the !rt. )J
o, the 197+ ConstitutionH
Se*tion 11. The Pri"e &inister shall ha#e *ontrol o, all "inistries. (Cata.lo)
!n8I!n8*o #. Castillo 9 SC$! 019, 190+
!n a7"inistrati#e a*tion is ,ile7 a8ainst Colle*tor o, Custo"s )si7ro !n8I
!n8*o. Presi7ent $a"on & i""e7iatel. ,or"e7 an in#esti8ati#e *o""ittee

an7 e#entuall. he re*ei#e7 the report re*o""en7in8 that !n8I!n8*o %ill -e
suspen7e7 %ithout pa.. !,ter the suspension, Se*retar. Bernan7e4 reinstate7 !n8I
!n8*o to his o,,i*e -ut the a7"inistrati#e a*tion a8ainst hi" re"aine7 pen7in8 until
the 7eath o, & on &ar*h 17 19;7. )n 1900 Fe-ruar. 12, <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. /olan Castillo, -. the authorit. o, Presi7ent Carlos 6ar*ia, ren7ere7 a
7e*ision on the a7"inistrati#e a*tion ,in7in8 !n8I!n8*o 8uilt. an7 hen*e, he %as
re"o#e7 ,ro" o,,i*e. !n8I!n8*o, as a *i#il ser#ant, *onten7e7 that the <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. #iolate7 7ue pro*ess o, la% sin*e the Co""issioner o, Ci#il Ser#i*e an7
the Ci#il Ser#i*e Boar7 o, !ppeals "ust presi7e o#er the *ase. <'e*uti#e Se*retar.
Castillo ar8ue7 that he 7oin8 his 7ut. in -ehal, o, the Presi7ent %ho has the po%er o,
7ire*t a*tion in a7"inistrati#e *ases in#ol#in8 e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, -ureaus, an7
Can te $-ecutive 'ecretary( by te autority of te /resi!ent( !irectly !eci!e
on an a!ministrative case an! remove a civil servant witout violation is
/o. The Presi7ent *an set asi7e an7 su-stitute the @u78"ent -ut not 7ire*tl. 7e*i7e
a7"inistrati#e *ases an7 that the re"o#al is 7one a**or7in8 to 7ue pro*ess. !rt. 5))
Se*. 10 o, the 19+; Constitution states that
1. The Presi7ent shall ha#e *ontrol o, all e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, -ureaus
or o,,i*es, e'er*ise 8eneral pro#ision o#er all lo*al 8o#ern"ents as
"a. -e pro#i7e7 -. la%, an7 ta(e *are that the la%s -e ,aith,ull.
Su*h *ontrol in#ol#e7 "o7i,.in8 or re#ersin8 an o,,i*er?s @u78"ent or a*tion pro#i7e7
that there is alrea7. a @u78"ent or a*tion. Further"ore, the Presi7ent *annot
ar-itraril. re"o#e ,ro" o,,i*e %ithout 7ue pro*ess sin*e he "ust Fta(e *are
that the la%s -e ,aith,ull. e'e*ute7G as F"a. -e pro#i7e7 -. la%.G )n the a-o#eI
"entione7 ,a*ts, ar-itraril. re"o#in8 a *i#il ser#ant #iolates !rt. J)) o, the 19+;
Constitution statin8 that
Se*tion C. /o o,,i*er or e" in the Ci#il Ser#i*e shall -e re"o#e7 or
suspen7e7 e'*ept ,or *ause as pro#i7e7 -. la%.
There,ore, the <'e*uti#e Se*retar., e#en authori4e7 -. the Presi7ent, *annot
pro#i7e 7e*isions %hen it is a-sent an7 re"o#e the *i#il ser#ant. (Cata.lo)
2A=ARC" v# Arca )4 'CRA 5:6( &454
Pri#ate respon7ent Juan T. !ri#e %as the &ana8er o, the Tra,,i* N Stora8e
Eepart"ent o, the /!&!$C1. Be %as ,oun7 8uilt. ,or #iolatin8 an o,,i*e
"e"oran7u" an7 %as or7ere7 7is"isse7 ,ro" ser#i*e -. a resolution o, the
Boar7 o, Eire*tors o, /!&!$C1. !ri#e ,ile7 a "otion ,or re*onsi7eration %hi*h
%as su-sequentl. 7enie7. Then, !ri#e appeale7 ,ro" the 7e*ision o, the
/!&!$C1 to the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent. !,ter 8ettin8 the re*or7s o, the *ase,
then <'e*uti#e Se*retar. $a"on !. Eia4, a*tin8 ,or the Presi7ent, han7e7

7o%n a 7e*ision settin8 asi7e the resolution o, /!&!$C1 7is"issin8 !ri#e,
reinstatin8 Juan T. !ri#e to his ,or"er position. The 6eneral &ana8er o,
/!&!$C1, in a letter a77resse7 to the Presi7ent, as(e7 ,or a re*onsi7eration
o, the 7e*ision or7erin8 !ri#e?s reinstate"ent an7 *onten7e7 that the 1,,i*e o,
the Presi7ent ha7 no @uris7i*tion to re#ie% an. 7e*ision o, the /!&!$C1
Boar7 re"o#in8, suspen7in8, or other%ise 7is*iplinin8 an. o, it su-or7inate
e"plo.ees, -e*ause the /!&!$C1 *harter 7oes not pro#i7e ,or an appeal to
an. 8o#ern"ental -o7..
>hether or not the Presi7ent o, the Philippines has the authorit. to re#erse the
7e*ision o, the Boar7 o, Eire*tors o, the /!&!$C1 an7 to or7er the
reinstate"ent o, Juan T. !ri#e.
The Court hel7 that the Presi7ent?s authorit. to re#ie% an7 re#erse the 7e*ision
o, the /!&!$C1 Boar7 o, Eire*tors 7is"issin8 Juan !ri#e ,ro" his position in
the /!&!$C1 an7 to or7er his reinstate"ent ,alls %ithin the *onstitutional
po%er o, the Presi7ent o#er all e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents, -ureaus an7 o,,i*es.
9n7er our 8o#ern"ental set N up, *orporations o%ne7 or *ontrolle7 -. the
8o#ern"ent parta(e o, the nature o, 8o#ern"ent -ureaus or o,,i*es shall -e
responsi-le to the Presi7ent o, the Philippines un7er %hose *ontrol his
,un*tions shall -e e'er*ise7. Petition 7is"isse7.
Drilon v# Lim )39 'CRA &39( &44:
Then Justi*e Se*retar. Fran(lin Erilon ha7 on appeal to hi" o, ,our oil *o"panies
an7 a ta', 7e*lare7 1r7inan*e /o. 779C, other%ise (no%n as the &anila
$e#enue Co7e, null an7 #oi7 ,or non N *o"plian*e %ith the pres*ri-e7 pro*e7ure in
the ena*t"ent o, ta' or7inan*es an7 ,or *ontainin8 *ertain pro#isions *ontrar. to la%
an7 pu-li* poli*.. )n a petition ,or *ertiorari ,ile7 -. the Cit. o, &anila, the $TC o,
&anila re#o(e7 the Se*retar.?s resolution an7 sustaine7 the or7inan*e. The *ourt
also 7e*lare7 Se*tion 187 o, the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e as un*onstitutional
-e*ause its #esture in the Se*retar. o, Justi*e o, the po%er o, *ontrol o#er lo*al
8o#ern"ents in #iolation o, the poli*. o, lo*al autono". "an7ate7 in the Constitution
an7 o, the spe*i,i* pro#isions therein *on,errin8 on the Presi7ent onl. the po%er o,
super#ision o#er lo*al 8o#ern"ents. Ben*e, this petition.
)s Se*tion 187 o, the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e un*onstitutional inso,ar as it
e"po%ers the Se*retar. o, Justi*e to re#ie% ta' or7inan*es an7, in,erentiall., to
annul the"A

The Court re#erse7 the 7e*ision o, the lo%er *ourt. Se*tion 187 authori4es the
Se*retar. o, Justi*e to re#ie% onl. the *onstitutionalit. or le8alit. o, the ta'
or7inan*e, an7 i, %arrante7, to re#o(e it on either or -oth o, these 8roun7s. >hen he
alters or "o7i,ies or sets asi7e a ta' or7inan*e, he is not per"itte7 to su-stitute his
o%n @u78"ent ,or the @u78"ent o, the lo*al 8o#ern"ent that ena*te7 the "easure.
Se*retar. Erilon 7i7 set asi7e the &anila $e#enue Co7e, -ut he 7i7 not repla*e it
%ith his o%n #ersion o, %hat the Co7e shoul7 -e.
Dason v# Torres )4* 'CRA );4( &446
Pri#ate respon7ents, the 5i*e 6o#ernor an7 "e"-ers o, the San88unian8
Panlala%i8an o, /ue#a <*i@a, ,ile7 %ith the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent a letter o,
*o"plaint *har8in8 petitioner %ith 8ra#e "is*on7u*t an7 a-use o, authorit..
Pri#ate respon7ents alle8e7 that %hile the. %ere at the session hall, petitioner
-ar8e7 in the hall, an7 an8ril. (i*(e7 the 7oor an7 *hairs in the hall an7 uttere7
threatenin8 %or7s at the" an7 that se#eral ar"e7 "en %ere -ehin7 the
petitioner. This in*i7ent %as an o,,shoot o, the resistan*e o, the San88unian to
a pen7in8 le8islati#e "easure re8ar7in8 the loan appli*ation o, the pro#in*ial
8o#ern"ent. 9pon re*eipt o, the *o"plaint, then Presi7ent $a"os instru*te7
then Se*retar. o, )nterior an7 2o*al 6o#ern"ent $o-ert Bar-ers to ta(e the
ne*essar. a*tion. 1n re*o""en7ation o, Se*retar. Bar-ers, then <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. $u-en Torres issue7 an or7er, -. authorit. o, the Presi7ent, pla*in8
petitioner un7er pre#enti#e suspension ,or si't. (00) 7a.s pen7in8 in#esti8ation
o, the *har8es a8ainst hi".
>hether or not the Se*retar. o, )nterior an7 2o*al 6o#ern"ent per,or"e7 a
,un*tion that is #este7 in the Presi7ent.
The Court rule7 that the po%er o, the Se*retar. o, )nterior an7 2o*al
6o#ern"ent to in#esti8ate a7"inistrati#e *o"plaints is -ase7 on the alter N e8o
prin*iple or the 7o*trine o, quali,ie7 politi*al a8en*.. 9n7er this 7o*trine, the
hea7s o, the #arious e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents are assistants an7 a8ents o, the
Chie, <'e*uti#e, an7 e'*ept in *ases %here the Chie, <'e*uti#e is require7 -.
the Constitution or la% to a*t in person or the e'i8en*ies o, the situation
7e"an7 he a*t personall., the "ulti,arious e'e*uti#e an7 a7"inistrati#e
,un*tions o, the Chie, <'e*uti#e are per,or"e7 an7 pro"ul8ate7 in the re8ular
*ourse o, -usiness, are, unless 7isappro#e7 or repro-ate7 -. the Chie,
<'e*uti#e presu"pti#el. the a*ts o, the Chie, <'e*uti#e. This 7o*trine is
*orollar. to the *ontrol po%er o, the Presi7ent.
Da!ole v# C"A( 7R 2o# &)939*( Dec# 3( )**)

Be,ore us is a petition ,or *ertiorari un7er $ule 0C to annul the 7e*ision an7
resolution, 7ate7 Septe"-er 21, 199; an7 &a. 28, 1990, respe*ti#el., o, the
respon7ent Co""ission on !u7it (C1!) a,,ir"in8 the noti*es o, the &an7aue Cit.
!u7itor %hi*h 7i"inishe7 the "onthl. a77itional allo%an*es re*ei#e7 -. the
petitioner @u78es o, the $e8ional Trial Court ($TC) an7 &uni*ipal Trial Court (&TC)
statione7 in &an7aue Cit..
>hether or not 2o*al Bu78et Cir*ular ;; o, the EB& is #oi7 ,or 8oin8 -e.on7 the
super#isor. po%ers o, the Presi7entA
2o*al Bu78et Cir*ular /o. ;; (2BC ;;) %hi*h pro#i7e7 that
2.+.2. )n the li8ht o, the authorit. 8rante7 to the lo*al 8o#ern"ent units un7er
the 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e to pro#i7e ,or a77itional allo%an*es an7 other
-ene,its to national 8o#ern"ent o,,i*ials an7 e"plo.ees assi8ne7 in their
lo*alit., suc# additional allo$ances in t#e form of #onorarium at rates not
e.ceeding 01666/66 in provinces and cities and 0766/66 in municipalities
ma" be granted su-@e*t to the ,ollo%in8 *on7itions
a) That the 8rant is not "an7ator. on the part o, the 269sH
-) That all *ontra*tual an7 statutor. o-li8ations o, the 269 in*lu7in8 the
i"ple"entation o, $.!. 07;8 shall ha#e -een ,ull. pro#i7e7 in the -u78etH
*) That the -u78etar. require"entsDli"itations un7er Se*tion +2C an7 +2; o,
$.!. 7100 shoul7 -e satis,ie7 an7Dor *o"plie7 %ithH an7
7) That the 269 has ,ull. i"ple"ente7 the 7e#olution o, ,un*tionsDpersonnel
in a**or7an*e %ith $.!. 7100.
P (itali*s supplie7)
>e rule in ,a#or o, the petitioner @u78es. B. *onstitutional ,iat, lo*al 8o#ern"ent units
are su-@e*t to the Presi7ent?s super#ision onl., not *ontrol, so lon8 as their a*ts are
e'er*ise7 %ithin the sphere o, their le8iti"ate po%ers. B. the sa"e to(en, the
Presi7ent "a. not %ithhol7 or alter an. authorit. or po%er 8i#en the" -. the
Constitution an7 the la%. Clearl. then, the Presi7ent *an onl. inter,ere in the a,,airs
an7 a*ti#ities o, a lo*al 8o#ern"ent unit i, he or she ,in7s that the latter has a*te7
*ontrar. to la%. This is the s*ope o, the Presi7ent?s super#isor. po%ers o#er lo*al
8o#ern"ent units. Ben*e, the Presi7ent or an. o, his or her alter egos *annot
inter,ere in lo*al a,,airs as lon8 as the *on*erne7 lo*al 8o#ern"ent unit a*ts %ithin
the para"eters o, the la% an7 the Constitution. !n. 7ire*ti#e there,ore -. the
Presi7ent or an. o, his or her alter egos see(in8 to alter the %is7o" o, a la%I
*on,or"in8 @u78"ent on lo*al a,,airs o, a lo*al 8o#ern"ent unit is a patent nullit.
-e*ause it #iolates the prin*iple o, lo*al autono". an7 separation o, po%ers o, the
e'e*uti#e an7 le8islati#e 7epart"ents in 8o#ernin8 "uni*ipal *orporations.
D$2R v# D$2R $m+loyees( 7R 2o# &:4;):( Aug# &4( )**3

This is a petition ,or re#ie% assailin8 the $esolutions 7ate7 &a. +1, 2000 o, the
Court o, !ppeals %hi*h 7is"isse7 the petition ,or certiorari in C!I6.$. SP /o.
;8890, an7 its $esolution 7ate7 !u8ust 20, 2001, %hi*h 7enie7 the "otion ,or
1n /o#e"-er 1;, 1999, $e8ional <'e*uti#e Eire*tor o, the Eepart"ent o,
<n#iron"ent an7 /atural $esour*es ,or $e8ion J)), )srael C. 6a77i, issue7 a
&e"oran7u" 7ire*tin8 the i""e7iate trans,er o, the E</$ J)) $e8ional 1,,i*es
,ro" Cota-ato Cit. to Zorona7al (,or"erl. &ar-el), South Cota-ato. The
&e"oran7u" %as issue7 pursuant to E</$ !7"inistrati#e 1r7er /o. 99I1C, issue7
-. then E</$ Se*retar. !ntonio B. Cerilles.
(1) >hether or not E!1I99I1C an7 the &e"oran7u" i"ple"entin8 the sa"e %ere
#ali7A (2) >hether or not the E</$ Se*retar. has the authorit. to reor8ani4e the
!ppl.in8 the 7o*trine o, quali,ie7 politi*al a8en*., the po%er o, the Presi7ent to
reor8ani4e the /ational 6o#ern"ent "a. #ali7l. -e 7ele8ate7 to his *a-inet
"e"-ers e'er*isin8 *ontrol o#er a parti*ular e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent. )n the *ase at
-ar, the E</$ Se*retar. *an #ali7l. reor8ani4e the E</$ -. or7erin8 the trans,er o,
the E</$ J)) $e8ional 1,,i*es ,ro" Cota-ato Cit. to Zorona7al, South
Cota-ato. The e'er*ise o, this authorit. -. the E</$ Se*retar., as an alter e8o, is
presu"e7 to -e the a*ts o, the Presi7ent ,or the latter ha7 not e'pressl. repu7iate7
the sa"e.
!,ter a *are,ul re#ie% o, the re*or7s o, the *ase, %e ,in7 that this @urispru7ential
ele"ent o, a-use o, 7is*retion has not -een sho%n to e'ist. CA$R$F"R$, in #ie%
o, the ,ore8oin8, the petition ,or re#ie% is 6$!/T<E. The resolutions o, the Court o,
!ppeals in C!I6.$. SP /o. ;8890 7ate7 &a. +1, 2000 an7 !u8ust 20, 2001, as %ell
as the 7e*ision 7ate7 Januar. 1C, 2000 o, the $e8ional Trial Court o, Cota-ato Cit.,
Bran*h 1;, in Ci#il Case /o +89, are $<5<$S<E an7 S<T !S)E<. The per"anent
in@un*tion, %hi*h en@oine7 the petitioner ,ro" en,or*in8 the &e"oran7u" 1r7er o,
the E</$ J)) $e8ional <'e*uti#e Eire*tor, is 2)FT<E.
<illalu8 v# Zal!ivar( &9 'CRA ;&*
5illalu4 %as appointe7 as the !7"inistrator o, the &otor 5ehi*les 1,,i*e in 19;8. )n
1900, Con8ress"an $o*es alle8e7 that 5illalu4 %as an ine,,e*ti#e lea7er an7 ha7
*ause7 losses to the 8o#ern"ent. Be in7orse7 the re"o#al o, 5illalu4. The <'e* Se*
suspen7e7 5illalu4 an7 or7ere7 a *o""ittee to in#esti8ate the "atter. !,ter
in#esti8ation, it %as re*o""en7e7 that he -e re"o#e7. The Presi7ent then issue7
an !1 re"o#in8 5illalu4 ,ro" his post. 5illalu4 a#erre7 that the Presi7ent has no
@uris7i*tion to re"o#e hi".

>hether or not 5illalu4 is un7er the @uris7i*tion o, the Presi7ent *onsi7erin8 that he is
an appointee o, the presi7entA
The Presi7ent o, the Philippines has @uris7i*tion to in#esti8ate an7 re"o#e hi" sin*e
he is a presi7ential appointee %ho -elon8s to the nonI*o"petiti#e or un*lassi,ie7
ser#i*e un7er Se* ; o, $! 2200H -ein8 a presi7ential appointee, 5illalu4 -elon8s to
the nonI*o"petiti#e or un*lassi,ie7 ser#i*e o, the 8o#ern"ent an7 as su*h he *an
onl. -e in#esti8ate7 an7 re"o#e7 ,ro" o,,i*e a,ter 7ue hearin8 -. the Presi7ent o,
the Philippines. The po%er o, *ontrol o, the Presi7ent "a. e'ten7 to the po%er to
in#esti8ate, suspen7 or re"o#e o,,i*ers an7 e"plo.ees %ho -elon8 to the e'e*uti#e
7epart"ent i, the. are presi7ential appointees or 7o not -elon8 to the *lassi,ie7
ser#i*e ,or su*h *an -e @usti,ie7 un7er the prin*iple that the po%er to re"o#e is
inherent in the po%er to appoint -ut not %ith re8ar7 to those o,,i*ers or e"plo.ees
%ho -elon8 to the *lassi,ie7 ser#i*e ,or as to the" that inherent po%er *annot -e
e'er*ise7. This is in line %ith the pro#ision o, our Constitution %hi*h sa.s that cthe
Con8ress "a. -. la% #est the appoint"ent o, the in,erior o,,i*ers, in the Presi7ent
alone, in the *ourts, or in hea7s o, 7epart"ent.
Ton7o &e7i*al Center <"plo.ees #. C!, 6$ /o. 107+2C, Jul. 17, 2007
Presi7ent <stra7a issue7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. 102, entitle7 F$e7ire*tin8 the
Fun*tions an7 1perations o, the Eepart"ent o, Bealth,G %hi*h pro#i7e7 ,or the
*han8es in the roles, ,un*tions, an7 or8ani4ational pro*esses o, the E1B. 9n7er the
assaile7 e'e*uti#e or7er, the E1B re,o*use7 its "an7ate ,ro" -ein8 the sole
pro#i7er o, health ser#i*es to -ein8 a pro#i7er o, spe*i,i* health ser#i*es an7
te*hni*al assistan*e, as a result o, the 7e#olution o, -asi* ser#i*es to lo*al
8o#ern"ent units
>hether or not the po%er o, *ontrol in*lu7e the po%er to or8ani4e e'e*uti#e o,,i*es
)t has -een hel7, "oreo#er that the e'press 8rant o, the po%er o, *ontrol to the
Presi7ent @usti,ies an e'e*uti#e a*tion to *arr. out the reor8ani4ation o, an e'e*uti#e
a*tion to *arr. out the reor8ani4ation o, an e'e*uti#e o,,i*e un7er a -roa7 authorit.
o, la%. $eor8ani4ation *an in#ol#e the re7u*tion o, personnel, *onsoli7ation o,
o,,i*es, or e#en a-olition o, positions -. reason o, e*ono". or re7un7an*. o,
Clearl., <1 102 is %ell %ithin the *onstitutional po%er o, the Presi7ent to issue. The
Presi7ent 7i7 not sei4e an. le8islati#e prero8ati#e in issuin8 <1 102. )t is an e'er*ise
o, the Presi7ent?s *onstitutional po%er o, *ontrol o#er the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent,
supporte7 -. the pro#isions o, the !7"inistrati#e Co7e, re*o8ni4e7 -. other statutes
an7 *onsistentl. a,,ir"e7 -. this *ourt.
&alaria <"plo.ees #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 10009+, Jul. +1, 2007

Petitioner &alaria <"plo.ees an7 >or(ers !sso*iation o, the Philippines, )n*.
(&<>!P) ,ile7 a *o"plaint see(in8 to nulli,. Eepart"ent &e"oran7u" /o. 1;7, the
/1SC! an7 the Pla*e"ent 2ist o, Eepart"ent o, Bealth Personnel an7 other
issuan*es i"ple"entin8 <1 no. 102.
The Presi7ent issue7 <1 /o. 102 in pursuant to Se*tion 20, Chapter 7, Title ), Boo(
)) o, <1 /o. 292, or other%ise (no%n as the !7"inistrati#e Co7e o, 1987, an7
Se*tions 78 an7 80 o, $! /o. 8;22, also (no%n as the 6eneral !ppropriations !*t
o, 1998. <1 102 pro#i7e7 ,or stru*tural *han8es an7 re7ire*te7 the ,un*tions an7
operations o, the E1B. !ll personnel are here-. 7ire*te7 to report to their ne%
assi8n"ents on the sai7 7ate pen7in8 pro*essin8 o, ne% appoint"ents, require7
*learan*es an7 other pertinent 7o*u"ents. !ll hea7s o, o,,i*es or units in E1B are
here-. 7ire*te7 to ,a*ilitate in the i"ple"entation o, <1 102 to in*lu7e a"on8 others
that trans,er or "o#e"ent or personnel, properties, re*or7s an7 7o*u"ents to
appropriate o,,i*e or unit an7 7e#i*e other ne*essar. "eans to "ini"i4e 7isruption
o, o,,i*e ,un*tions an7 7eli#er. o, health ser#i*es.
>hether or not the Presi7ent has authorit. un7er Se*tion 17, !rti*le 7 o, the
Constitution to e,,e*t a reor8ani4ation o, a 7epart"ent un7er the e'e*uti#e -ran*h.
The Presi7ent has the authorit. to *arr. out a reor8ani4ation o, the E1B un7er the
Constitution an7 statutor. la%s. This authorit. is a7@un*t o, his po%er o, *ontrol un7er
the !rti*le 7.
$eor8ani4ation *an in#ol#e the re7u*tion o, personnel, *onsoli7ation o, o,,i*es
or e#en a-olition o, positions -. reason o, e*ono". or re7un7an*. o, ,un*tion. >hile
the po%er to a-olish an o,,i*e is 8enerall. lo78e7 %ith the le8islature, the authorit. o,
the Presi7ent to reor8ani4e the e'e*uti#e -ran*h, %hi*h "a. in*lu7e su*h a-olition,
is per"issi-le un7er the present la%s.
)t has -een hel7, "oreo#er, that the e'press 8rant o, the po%er o, *ontrol to
the presi7ent @usti,ies an e'e*uti#e a*tion to *arr. out the reor8ani4ation o, an
e'e*uti#e o,,i*e un7er a -roa7 authorit. o, la%.
1rosa #. $oa, 6$ /o. 1C0C7, Jul. 1C, 2000
1rosa ,ile7 a li-el *ase a8ainst $oa ,or 7e,a"ation ,or his honor an7
reputation, %hi*h ste""e7 ,ro" an arti*le entitle7 FTruth #s. $u"ors 3uestions
a8ainst Er. 1rosaG %ritten -. $oa. )n 8ist, the arti*le 7el#e7 on the possi-ilit. o, a
,ather, %ho happene7 to -e an e'a"iner in a li*ensure e'a"ination ,or 7entistr.
%here his sons %ere e'a"inees, "anipulatin8 the e'a"inations or results thereo, to
ena-le his *hil7ren to top at the sa"e. $espon7ent 7enie7 the a**usation an7
*lai"e7 that the arti*le *onstitutes a F,air an7 a**urate report on a "atter o, -oth
pu-li* an7 so*ial *on*ern.G The *ase %as 7is"isse7 -. the Cit. Prose*utors 1,,i*e,
%hi*h the petitioner appeale7 in the E1J, ho%e#er the EE1J 7is"isse7 the petition.
There ,ro" petitioner %ent to Court o, !ppeals (C!) ,or a petition ,or re#ie%. C!
7is"isse7 the petition ,or the reason that the Pasi8 Cit. Prose*ution an7 E1J are
not a"on8 the quasiI@u7i*ial a8en*ies in*lu7e7 in Se*tion 1 o, $ule C+ %here ,inal
or7ers or resolutions are su-@e*t to re#ie% -. the C!.
Eoes the resolutions o, 7epart"ent o, @usti*e assaile7 in *ourt o, appeals not
re#ie%a-le un7er the rule C+ o, the 1997 rules o, *i#il pro*e7ure sin*e these

resolutions %ere issue7 -. the se*retar. o, @usti*e in the e'er*ise o, his po%er o,
*ontrol an7 super#ision o#er prose*utorsA
!s "a. -e note7, the E1J is not a"on8 the a8en*ies e'pressl. enu"erate7 un7er
Se*tion 1 o, $ule C+, al-eit an. su88estion that it 7oes not per,or" quasiI@u7i*ial
,un*tions "a. ha#e to -e re@e*te7. Bo%e#er, its a-sen*e ,ro" the list o, a8en*ies
"entione7 there un7er 7oes not, -. this ,a*t alone, alrea7. i"pl. its e'*lusion ,ro"
*o#era8e o, sai7 $ule. This is -e*ause sai7 Se*tion 1 uses the phrase Fa"on8 these
a8en*ies,G there-. i"pl.in8 that the enu"eration "a7e is not e'*lusi#e o, the
a8en*ies therein liste7. Thus un7erstoo7, the sai7 trial *ourt has no% the *ontrol o,
the *ase.
The Presi7ent?s po%er o, *ontrol "eans his po%er to re#erse the @u78"ent o, an
in,erior o,,i*er. )t "a. also -e e'er*ise7 in his -ehal, -. Eepart"ent Bea7s. Thus the
Se*retar. o, Justi*e "a. re#erse the @u78"ent o, a prose*utor an7 7ire*t hi" to
%ith7ra% in,or"ation alrea7. ,ile7. Su*h a*tion is not 7ire*tl. re#ie%a-le -. a *ourt.
1ne, %ho 7isa8rees, ho%e#er, "a. shoul7 appeal to the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent in
or7er to e'haust a7"inistrati#e re"e7ies prior to -rin8 it to *ourt.
/illi+s 'eafoo! v# %"0( 7R 2o# &;9;6;( February :( )**4
Petitioner Phillips Sea,oo7 (Philippines) Corporation is a 7o"esti* *orporation
en8a8e7 in the e'port o, pro*esse7 *ra-"eat an7 other sea,oo7 pro7u*ts, the. %ere
re8istere7 %ith respon7ent Bureau o, )n#est"ents (B1)) as an e'istin8 an7
e'pansion pro7u*er o, so,t shell *ra-s an7 other sea,oo7 pro7u*ts. )t %as 8rante7 an
)n*o"e Ta' Boli7a. ()TB) ,or lo*atin8 in a lessI7e#elope7 area in a**or7an*e %ith
!rti*le C0 o, <'e*uti#e 1r7er (<.1.) /o. 220, other%ise (no%n as The 1"ni-us
)n#est"ents Co7e o, 1987.
Bo%e#er, %hen the Corporation trans,erre7 its plant lo*ation, B1) in,or"e7
petitioner that, the )TB pre#iousl. 8rante7 %oul7 -e appli*a-le onl. to the perio7
-e,ore petitioner?s trans,er to a Pnot lessI7e#elope7 area.P Petitioner %rote
respon7ent B1) requestin8 ,or a re*onsi7eration o, its 7e*ision, -ut this %as 7enie7
-. the sa"e. Petitioner ele#ate7 the "atter to the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent, %hi*h
7is"isse7 petitioner?s appeal on the 8roun7 o, la*( o, @uris7i*tion an7 the "otion ,or
Petitioner ,ile7 a petition ,or re#ie% -e,ore the Court o, !ppeals an7 no%
-e,ore this Court, questionin8 the 7is"issal o, its appeal -e,ore the 1,,i*e o, the
Presi7ent. The petition ar8ue7 that the e'e*uti#e po%er o, *ontrol o#er the a*ts o,
o,,i*ials un7er the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent is superior to the appellate @uris7i*tion o,
the Court o, !ppeals o#er 7e*isions o, quasiI@u7i*ial a8en*ies an7that the re#ie% -.
the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent o, the 7e*isions o, respon7ent B1) "ust -e allo%e7H
other%ise, the Presi7ent?s *onstitutional po%er to re#ie% the 7e*isions o, 7epart"ent
se*retaries %ill -e ren7ere7 illusor. i, sai7 7e*isions "a. -e re#ie%e7 onl. -. the
Court o, !ppeals.
Eoes the Presi7ent, as Chie, <'e*uti#e, ha#e the @uris7i*tion to 7e*i7e upon
the plainti,,?s *aseA

/o, he 7oes not. The e'e*uti#e po%er o, *ontrol o#er the a*ts o, 7epart"ent
se*retaries is lai7 7o%n in Se*tion 17, !rti*le 5)) o, the 1987 Constitution %hi*h has
-een 7e,ine7 as the Ppo%er o, an o,,i*er to alter or "o7i,. or nulli,. or set asi7e %hat
a su-or7inate o,,i*er ha7 7one in the per,or"an*e o, his 7uties an7 to su-stitute the
@u78"ent o, the ,or"er ,or that o, the latter.P Su*h Pe'e*uti#e *ontrolP is not a-solute.
)n the instant *ase, the 7enial o, petitioner?s appli*ation ,or an )TB is not %ithin
the *ases %here the la% e'pressl. pro#i7es ,or appellate re*ourse to the 1,,i*e o,
the Presi7ent su*h as in the 7e*isions o, the B1) o#er *ontro#ersies *on*ernin8 the
i"ple"entation o, the rele#ant pro#isions o, <.1 /o. 220 that "a. arise -et%een
re8istere7 enterprises or in#estors an7 8o#ern"ent a8en*ies, an7 appli*ations ,or
re8istration un7er the in#est"ent priorities plan. That -ein8 the *ase, petitioner
shoul7 ha#e ele#ate7 its appeal to the Court o, !ppeals a**or7in8 to !rt. ;0 o, <1
/1. 220.
The 7e,inition o, the stru*ture o, the e'e*uti#e -ran*h o, 8o#ern"ent, an7 the
*orrespon7in8 7e8rees o, a7"inistrati#e *ontrol an7 super#ision is not the e'*lusi#e
preser#e o, the e'e*uti#e. )t "a. -e e,,e*ti#el. li"ite7 -. the Constitution, -. la%, or
-. @u7i*ial 7e*isions.

!ll the "ore in the "atter o, appellate pro*e7ure as in the
instant *ase. !ppeals are re"e7ial in natureH hen*e, *onstitutionall. su-@e*t to the
Supre"e Court?s ruleI"a(in8 po%er.
%iraogo v# Trut Commission( 7R 2o# &4)439( December ;( )*&*
This *ontains t%o (2) *onsoli7ate7 petitions
1. 6.$. /o. 1929+; is a petition ,or prohi-ition ,ile7 -. petitioner 2ouis Birao8o
(Birao8o) assailin8 the un*onstitutionalit. o, <'e*uti#e 1r7er (<.1.) /o. 1H an7
2. 6.$. /o. 19+0+0 is a petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition ,ile7 -.
petitioners <7*el C. 2a8"an, $o7ol,o B. !l-ano, Jr., Si"eon !. Eatu"anon8,
an7 1rlan7o B. Fua, Sr., in their *apa*it. as "e"-ers o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#es, si"ilarl. -e%ailin8 the un*onstitutionalit. o, <.1. /o. 1.
1n &a. 10, 2010, Beni8no Si"eon C. !quino ))) %as ele*te7 Presi7ent o, the
Philippines. Be issue7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er /1. 1 that *reate7 the Philippine Truth
Co""ission %hi*h pro#i7es that the Co""ission
FQ shall pri"aril. see( an7 ,in7 the truth on, an7 to%ar7 this en7,
in#esti8ate reports o, 8ra,t an7 *orruption o, su*h s*ale an7 "a8nitu7e that
sho*( an7 o,,en7 the "oral an7 ethi*al sensi-ilities o, the people, *o""itte7
-. pu-li* o,,i*ers an7 e"plo.ees, their *oIprin*ipals, a**o"pli*es an7
a**essories ,ro" the pri#ate se*tor, i, an., 7urin8 the pre#ious a7"inistrationH
an7 therea,ter re*o""en7 the appropriate a*tion or "easure to -e ta(en
thereon to ensure that the ,ull "easure o, @usti*e shall -e ser#e7 %ithout ,ear
or ,a#or.G
Birao8o asserts that the Truth Co""ission is a pu-li* o,,i*e an7 not "erel.
an a7@un*t -o7. o, the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent. Thus, in or7er that the Presi7ent "a.
*reate a pu-li* o,,i*e he "ust -e e"po%ere7 -. the Constitution, a statute or an

authori4ation #este7 in hi" -. la%. !**or7in8 to petitioner, su*h po%er *annot -e
presu"e7. Further"ore, the. alle8e that the *reation o, a pu-li* o,,i*e lies %ithin the
pro#in*e o, Con8ress an7 not %ith the e'e*uti#e -ran*h o, 8o#ern"ent
1n the other han7, the 1S6 *ounters that there is nothin8 e'*lusi#el.
le8islati#e a-out the *reation -. the Presi7ent o, a ,a*tI,in7in8 -o7. su*h as a truth
*o""ission. )t ar8ues that the authorit. o, the Presi7ent to *reate pu-li* o,,i*es has
lon8 -een re*o8ni4e7. !**or7in8l.,the <'e*uti#e, @ust li(e the other t%o -ran*hes o,
8o#ern"ent, possesses the inherent authorit. to *reate ,a*tI,in7in8 *o""ittees to
assist it in the per,or"an*e o, its *onstitutionall. "an7ate7 ,un*tions an7 in the
e'er*ise o, its a7"inistrati#e ,un*tions. This po%er, is -ut an a7@un*t o, the plenar.
po%ers %iel7e7 -. the Presi7ent un7er Se*tion 1 an7 his po%er o, *ontrol un7er
Se*tion 17, -oth o, !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution.
>as the Presi7ent @usti,ie7 to issue <1 /1. 1 that *reate7 the Philippine
Truth Co""ission that is e"po%ere7 to in#esti8ate reporte7 *ases o, 8ra,t an7
*orruption alle8e7l. *o""itte7 7urin8 the pre#ious a7"inistration.A
:es, the *reation o, the PTC ,in7s @usti,i*ation un7er Se*tion 17, !rti*le 5)) o,
the Constitution, i"posin8 upon the Presi7ent the 7ut. to ensure that the la%s are
,aith,ull. e'e*ute7. Se*tion 17 rea7s
The Presi7ent shall ha#e *ontrol o, all the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ents,
-ureaus, an7 o,,i*es. Be shall ensure that the la%s -e ,aith,ull. e'e*ute7.
The Presi7ent?s po%er to *on7u*t in#esti8ations to ensure that la%s are
,aith,ull. e'e*ute7 is %ell re*o8ni4e7. That the authorit. o, the Presi7ent to *on7u*t
in#esti8ations an7 to *reate -o7ies to e'e*ute this po%er is not e'pli*itl. "entione7
in the Constitution or in statutes 7oes not "ean that he is -ere,t o, su*h authorit.. )t
,lo%s ,ro" the ,aith,ulIe'e*ution *lause o, the Constitution un7er !rti*le 5)), Se*tion
17 thereo,. !s the Chie, <'e*uti#e, the presi7ent represents the 8o#ern"ent as a
%hole an7 sees to it that all la%s are en,or*e7 -. the o,,i*ials an7 e"plo.ees o, his
7epart"ent. Be has the authorit. to 7ire*tl. assu"e the ,un*tions o, the e'e*uti#e

)n#o(in8 this authorit., the Presi7ent *onstitute7 the PTC to pri"aril.
in#esti8ate reports o, 8ra,t an7 *orruption an7 to re*o""en7 the appropriate a*tion.
Bo%e#er, <1 /1. 1 %as stru*( 7o%n -e*ause it %as *ontrar. to the equal
prote*tion o, ri8hts *lause.
Se*tion 18. Presi7ent?s Po%ers as Co""an7er in Chie,
Lansang vs# 7arcia( :) 'CRA ::6
>hile the 2i-eral Part. o, the Philippines %as hol7in8 a pu-li* "eetin8 ,or the
presentation o, its *an7i7ates ,or the 8eneral ele*tions, t%o han7 8rena7es %ere

thro%n, one a,ter the other, at the plat,or" %here sai7 *an7i7ates an7 other persons
%ere. !s a *onsequen*e, ei8ht persons %ere (ille7 an7 "an. "ore in@ure7. This %as
one o, the nu"erous instan*es, presente7 later to the *ourt, that pose7 7an8er in
pu-li* sa,et. -. the /e% PeopleKs !r". o, the Co""unist Part. o, the Philippines.
!,ter *are,ul e#aluation o, the in,or"ation re*ei#e7 -. hi", then Presi7ent
&ar*os issue7 a Presi7ential Pro*la"ation /1. 889 that pro#i7es there has -een
an7 there is a*tuall. a state o, re-ellion an7 that pu-li* sa,et. %hi*h requires that
i""e7iate an7 e,,e*ti#e a*tion -e ta(en in or7er to "aintain pea*e an7 or7er, se*ure
the sa,et. o, the people an7 preser#e the authorit. o, the State. Further"ore, it
pro*lai"s that the pri#ile8e o, the %rit o, #abeas corpus %as suspen7e7 ,or the
persons presentl. 7etaine7, as %ell as others %ho "a. -e herea,ter si"ilarl.
7etaine7 ,or the *ri"es o, insurre*tion or re-ellion, an7 all other *ri"es.
The Petitions ,or %rit o, #abeas corpus %ere "a7e -. herein petitioners ,or
%arrantless arrests an7 unla%,ul 7etention. 2ater, the. "a7e a *ause o, a*tion
questionin8 the #ali7it. o, the Pro*la"ation.
1. )s Presi7ential Pro*la"ation /o. 889 suspen7in8 the %rit o, ha-eas *orpus to
"aintain an7 se*ure pu-li* sa,et. in a state o, re-ellion #ali7A
2. )s the suspension o, the pri#ile8e o, %rit o, ha-eas *orpus su-@e*t to @u7i*ial
).:es, it is. !rti*le 5)) o, the Constitution #ests in the <'e*uti#e the po%er to suspen7
the pri#ile8e o, the %rit o, #abeas corpus un7er spe*i,ie7 *on7itions. For the
suspension o, the pri#ile8e o, the %rit to -e #ali7 (a) there "ust -e Pin#asion,
insurre*tion or re-ellionP or W pursuant to para8raph (2), se*tion 10 o, !rt. 5)) o, the
Constitution W Pi""inent 7an8er thereo,PH an7 (-) pu-li* sa,et. "ust require the
a,ore"entione7 suspension. The Presi7ent 7e*lare7 in Pro*la"ation /o. 889, as
a"en7e7, that -oth *on7itions are presentI"a(in8 it a #ali7 pro*la"ation.
)). :es, it is. The authorit. to 7eter"ine %hether or not the Presi7ent has a*te7 %ithin
the sphere allotte7 to hi" -. the Constitution is #este7 in the Ju7i*ial Eepart"ent
%hi*h is *onstitutionall. supre"e.)n the e'er*ise o, su*h authorit., the ,un*tion o,
the Court is "erel. to c#ec( W not to supplant W the <'e*uti#e, or to ascertain
merel" $#et#er #e #ad gone be"ond the *onstitutional li"its o, his @uris7i*tion, not to
e.ercise t#e po$er vested in #im or to 7eter"ine the %is7o" o, his a*t. To -e sure,
the po%er o, the Court to 7eter"ine the #ali7it. o, the *onteste7 pro*la"ation is ,ar
,ro" -ein8 i7enti*al to, or e#en *o"para-le %ith, its po%er o#er or7inar. *i#il or
*ri"inal *ases ele#ate7 thereto -. or7inar. appeal ,ro" in,erior *ourts, in %hi*h
*ases the appellate *ourt has all o, the po%ers o, the *ourt o, ori8in.
9n7er the prin*iple o, separation o, po%ers an7 the s.ste" o, *he*(s an7
-alan*es, the @u7i*ial authorit. to re#ie% 7e*isions o, a7"inistrati#e -o7ies or
a8en*ies is "u*h "ore li"ite7, as re8ar7s ,in7in8s o, ,a*t "a7e in sai7 7e*isions.
!-er*a #. 5er, 100 SC$! ;90

6e-. Fa-ian 5er or7ere7 #arious intelli8en*e units o, the !FP, (no%n as Tas( For*e
&a(a-ansa, to *on7u*t preIe"pti#e stri(es a8ainst (no%n *o""unistIterrorist (CT)
un7er8roun7 houses in #ie% o, in*reasin8 reports a-out CT plans to so%
7istur-an*es in &&. The TF& rai7e7 so"e pla*es usin8 7e,e*ti#e %arrantsH the.
sei4e7 personal -elon8in8s o, petitionersH the. ha7 -een interro8ate7 in #iolation o,
their ri8ht to silen*e an7 to *ounselH the. ha7 -een torture7 an7 inti"i7ate7.
Petitioners as(e7 ,or pa."ent o, 7a"a8es ,or #iolations o, their *onstitutional ri8hts.
! "otion to 7is"iss %as ,ile7 -. 7e,en7ants on *lai"in8 that pl ai nti ,,s "a. not
*ause a @ u7i *i al i nqui r. i nto the *i r*u"stan*es o, thei r 7etenti on i n the
8ui se o, a 7a"a8e suit -e*ause as to the", the pri#ile8e o, the %rit o,
ha-eas *orpus is suspen7e7.
0ssue1 (%ith re8ar7 to Se*tion 18)
>hether or /ot the suspension o, ha-eas *orpus e'er*ise7 %ithin the po%er
o, the Presi7ent as Co""an7er in *hie, -ars a *i#il a*tion ,or 7a"a8es ,or ille8al
sear*hes *on7u*te7 -. "ilitar. personnel an7 other #iolations o, ri8hts an7 li-erties
8uarantee7 -. the *onstitution.
There is no "erit in respon7ents? su88estion that plainti,,?s *ause o, a*tion is
-arre7 -. the suspension o, the pri#ile8e o, the %rit o, ha-eas *orpus.
The suspension o, the pri#ile8e 7oes not ren7er #ali7 an other%ise ille8al
arrest or 7etention. >hat is suspen7e7 is "erel. the ri8ht o, an in7i#i7ual to see(
release ,ro" 7etention throu8h the %rit o, ha-eas *orpus as a spee7. "eans
o, o-tainin8 his li-ert.. &oreo#er, their ri8hts an7 *ause o, a*tion ,or 7a"a8es are
e#en e'pli*itl. re*o8ni4e7 in PE 17;; (re ri8ht o, a*tion ,or in@ur. arisin8 ,ro" a*ts o,
pu-li* o,,i*er *onne*te7 to &artial 2a%). (<@e)
)BP #. La"ora, 6$ 1C128C, !u8ust 1;, 2000
)n#o(in8 his po%ers as Co""an7erIinIChie, un7er Se*. 18, !rt. 5)) o, the
Constitution, the Presi7ent 7ire*te7 the !FP Chie, o, Sta,, an7 P/P Chie, to
*oor7inate %ith ea*h other ,or the proper 7eplo."ent an7 utili4ation o, the &arines to
assist the P/P in pre#entin8 or suppressin8 *ri"inal or la%less #iolen*e. The
Presi7ent 7e*lare7 that the ser#i*es o, the &arines in the antiI*ri"e *a"pai8n are
"erel. te"porar. in nature an7 ,or a reasona-le perio7 onl., until su*h ti"e %hen
the situation shall ha#e i"pro#e7. The )BP ,ile7 a petition see(in8 to 7e*lare the
7eplo."ent o, the Philippine &arines null an7 #oi7 an7 un*onstitutional.
0ssue1 (%ith re8ar7 to Se*tion 18)
>hether or not the Presi7ent?s ,a*tual 7eter"ination o, the ne*essit. o,
*allin8 the ar"e7 ,or*es is su-@e*t to @u7i*ial re#ie%.
Ael!1 Petition is E)S&)SS<E as -ein8 %ithout "erit.
The Presi7ent has ,ull 7is*retion to *all out the "ilitar.. The ,a*tual ne*essit.
o, *allin8 out the ar"e7 ,or*es is so"ethin8 that is ,or the Presi7ent to 7e*i7e. Be
has a #ast intelli8en*e net%or( to 8ather in,or"ation, so"e o, %hi*h hi8hl.
*on,i7ential or a,,e*tin8 the se*urit. o, the state. )n the e'er*ise o, the po%er to *all,
onItheIspot 7e*isions "a. i"perati#el. ne*essar. in e"er8en*. situations to a#ert
8reat loss o, hu"an li#es an7 in "ass 7estru*tion o, propert.. The Court *annot
o#errule the Presi7ent?s %is7o"H it *an onl. !etermine weter or not e as

committe! any abuse of !iscretion. Petitioner also has ,aile7 to sho% that the
e'er*ise o, that 7is*retion %as 8ra#el. a-use7. (<@e)
2a*son #. Pere4, 6$ 1C7780I81, 1C7799 an7 1C77810, &a. 10, 2001
1n &a. 1, 2001, &ala*aUan8 %as assaulte7 -. a #iolent "o- ar"e7 %ith
e'plosi#es, ,irear"s, -la7e7 %eapons, *lu-s, stones an7 other 7ea7l. %eapons.
Presi7ent !rro.o i""e7iatel. issue7 Pro*la"ation /o. +8 7e*larin8 a state o,
re-ellion in the /ational Capital $e8ion. The !FP an7 P/P %ere or7ere7 to
suppress the re-ellion throu8h 6eneral 1r7er no. 1. There-., %arrantless arrests o,
se#eral alle8e7 lea7ers an7 pro"oters %ere a,,e*te7. The state o, re-ellion %as
li,te7 on &a. 0, 2001. For ,ear o, i""inent 7an8er o, -ein8 arreste7 %ithout %arrant,
the petitioners ,ile7 ,or prohi-ition, in@un*tion, "an7a"us an7 ha-eas *orpus %ith an
ur8ent issuan*e o, a te"porar. restrainin8 or7er an7Dor %rit o, preli"inar. in@un*tion.
0ssue1 (%ith re8ar7 to Se*tion 18)
>hether or /ot Pro*la"ation /o. +8 an7 6eneral 1r7er /o.1 are
Ael!1 The Court ren7ere7 that the -oth the Pro*la"ation /o. +8 an7 6eneral 1r7er
/o. 1 are *onstitutional. Se*tion 18, !rti*le 5)) 7oes not e'pressl. prohi-it 7e*larin8
state or re-ellion. The Presi7ent in a77ition to its Co""an7erIinIChie, Po%ers is
*on,erre7 -. the Constitution e'e*uti#e po%ers. )t is not 7ispute7 that the Presi7ent
has ,ull 7is*retionar. po%er to *all out the ar"e7 ,or*es an7 to 7eter"ine the
ne*essit. ,or the e'er*ise o, su*h po%er. >hile the Court "a. e'a"ine %hether the
po%er %as e'er*ise7 %ithin *onstitutional li"its or in a "anner *onstitutin8 8ra#e
a-use o, 7is*retion, none o, the petitioners here ha#e, -. %a. o, proo,, supporte7
their assertion that the Presi7ent a*te7 %ithout ,a*tual -asis. These are purel.
e'e*uti#e po%ers, #este7 on the Presi7ent -. Se*tions 1 an7 18, !rti*le 5))# (<@e)
Sanla(as #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1;908;, Fe-ruar. +, 200C
Three hun7re7 @unior o,,i*ers an7 enliste7 "en ,ro" the !r"e7 For*es o, the
Philippines sta8e7 a "utin. stor"in8 the 1a(%oo7 Pre"iers apart"ents in &a(ati
Cit. on Jul. 27, 200+. )n lieu o, the sai7 "utin., the Presi7ent issue7 Pro*la"ation
/o. C27 an7 6en. 1r7er /o.C, -oth 7e*larin8 a state o, re-ellion an7 *alle7 on the
!FP to suppress the re-ellion. !,ter ne8otiations %ith the sol7iers to return to their
-arra*(s, the Presi7ent li,te7 the state o, re-ellion ,i#e 7a.s later. Petitioners
Sanla(as, Parti7o &an88a8a%a, an7 So*ial Justi*e So*iet., in relation to Se*.18,
!rt.5)) o, the *onstitution *lai"s that the 7e*laration o, state o, re-ellion 7oes not
require the Presi7ent to *all the ar"e7 ,or*es.
0ssue1 (%ith re8ar7 to Se*tion 18)
>hether or not a 7e*laration o, a state o, re-ellion is require7 to *all out the
ar"e7 ,or*es.
Ael!1 Petition is Eis"isse7.

For purposes o, e'er*isin8 the *allin8 out po%er, the Presi7ent is not require7
to 7e*lare a state o, re-ellion. Se*tion 18, !rt 5)) o, the *onstitution in7i*ates
F///$#enever it becomes necessar"1 #e ma" call out t#e armed forces to prevent or
suppress la$less violence1 invasion or rebellion/G The *on7itions F!*tual in#asion or
re-ellionG an7 F<'er*ise o, sai7 po%er require7 ensurin8 pu-li* sa,et.G "ust -e
present ,or the Presi7ent to e'er*ise the po%er to suspen7 the %rit o, ha-eas *orpus
an7 7e*lare "artial la%. Bo%e#er, it is not require7 in the *allin8 out po%ers o, the
Presi7ent. (<@e)
Ea#i7 #. &a*apa8alI!rro.o, 6$ 171+90, &a. 2000
1n Fe-ruar. 2C, 2000, as the nation *ele-rate7 the 20th !nni#ersar. o,
the-dsa 0eople 0o$er :, Presi7ent !rro.o issue7 PP 1017 7e*larin8 a state o,
national e"er8en*., thus
/1>, TB<$<F1$<, ), 6loria &a*apa8alI!rro.o, Presi7ent o, the $epu-li* o,
the Philippines an7 Co""an7erIinIChie, o, the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines, -.
#irtue o, the po%ers #este7 upon "e -. Se*tion 18, !rti*le 7 o, the Philippine
Constitution %hi*h states that PThe Presi7ent. . . %hene#er it -e*o"es ne*essar., . .
. "a. *all out (the) ar"e7 ,or*es to pre#ent or suppress. . .re-ellion. . .,P an7 in ".
*apa*it. as their Co""an7erIinIChie,, 7o here-. *o""an7 the !r"e7 For*es o, the
Philippines, to "aintain la% an7 or7er throu8hout the Philippines, pre#ent or
suppress all ,or"s o, la%less #iolen*e as %ell as an. a*t o, insurre*tion or re-ellion
an7 to enforce obe!ience to all te laws an! to all !ecrees( or!ers an!
regulations +romulgate! by me +ersonally or u+on my !irectionK an7 as
pro#i7e7 in Se*tion 17, !rti*le 12 o, the Constitution 7o here-. 7e*lare a State o,
/ational <"er8en*..
She *ite7 the ,ollo%in8 ,a*ts as -ases
>B<$<!S, o#er these past "onths, ele"ents in the politi*al opposition ha#e
*onspire7 %ith authoritarians o, the e'tre"e 2e,t represente7 -. the /EFICPPI/P!
an7 the e'tre"e $i8ht, represente7 -. "ilitar. a7#enturists N the histori*al ene"ies
o, the 7e"o*rati* Philippine State N %ho are no% in a ta*ti*al allian*e an7 en8a8e7
in a *on*erte7 an7 s.ste"ati* *onspira*., o#er a -roa7 ,ront, to -rin8 7o%n the 7ul.
*onstitute7 6o#ern"ent ele*te7 in &a. 200CH
)""e7iatel., the 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent announ*e7 the *an*ellation o, all
pro8ra"s an7 a*ti#ities relate7 to the 20th anni#ersar. *ele-ration o, -dsa 0eople
0o$er :H an7 re#o(e7 the per"its to hol7 rallies issue7 earlier -. the lo*al
9n7eterre7 -. the announ*e"ents that rallies an7 pu-li* asse"-lies %oul7
not -e allo%e7, 8roups o, protesters ("e"-ers o, Hilusang ,a"o Uno SZ&9T an7
/ational Fe7eration o, 2a-or 9nionsIHilusang ,a"o Uno S/!F29IZ&9T), "ar*he7
,ro" #arious parts o, &etro &anila %ith the intention o, *on#er8in8 at the <ES!
Eurin8 the 7ispersal o, the rall.ists alon8 <ES!, poli*e arreste7 (%ithout
%arrant) petitioner $an7ol, S. Ea#i7, a pro,essor at the 9ni#ersit. o, the Philippines

an7 ne%spaper *olu"nist. !lso arreste7 %as his *o"panion, $onal7 2la"as,
presi7ent o, part.Ilist A(ba"an.
>hether or not PP 1017 is *onstitutional an7 8rants %arrantless arrest.
Presi7ential Pro*la"ation (PP) 1017 7oes not 8rant %arrantless arrest. The
SC rule7 that PP 1017 is not a &artial 2a% 7e*laration an7 is not tanta"ount to it. )t
is a #ali7 e'er*ise o, the *allin8 out po%er o, the presi7ent -. the presi7ent.
The Court *annot a7@u78e a la% or or7inan*e un*onstitutional on the 8roun7
that its i"ple"entor *o""itte7 ille8al a*ts. The *riterion -. %hi*h the #ali7it. o, the
statute or or7inan*e is to -e "easure7 is the essential -asis ,or the e'er*ise o,
po%er, an7not a "ere in*i7ental result arisin8 ,ro" its e'ertion.
Ea#i7 #. <r"ita, 6$ /o. 171C09, &a. +, 2000
Petitioners /ine4Ca*hoI1li#ares an7 %ribune Pu-lishin8 Co., )n*.*hallen8e7
the C)E6?s a*t o, rai7in8 the Dail" %ribune o,,i*es as a *lear *ase o, P*ensorshipP or
Pprior restraint.P The. also *lai"e7 that the ter" Pe"er8en*.P re,ers onl. to tsuna"i,
t.phoon, hurri*ane an7 si"ilar o**urren*es, hen*e, there is Pabsolutel" no
emergenc"P that %arrants the issuan*e o, PP 1017.
1n Fe-ruar. 2C, 2000, as the nation *ele-rate7 the 20th !nni#ersar. o,
the-dsa 0eople 0o$er :, Presi7ent !rro.o issue7 PP 1017 7e*larin8 a state o,
national e"er8en*., thus
/1>, TB<$<F1$<, ), 6loria &a*apa8alI!rro.o, Presi7ent o, the $epu-li* o,
the Philippines an7 Co""an7erIinIChie, o, the !r"e7 For*es o, the Philippines, -.
#irtue o, the po%ers #este7 upon "e -. Se*tion 18, !rti*le 7 o, the Philippine
Constitution %hi*h states that PThe Presi7ent. . . %hene#er it -e*o"es ne*essar., . .
. "a. *all out (the) ar"e7 ,or*es to pre#ent or suppress. . .re-ellion. . .,P an7 in ".
*apa*it. as their Co""an7erIinIChie,, 7o here-. *o""an7 the !r"e7 For*es o, the
Philippines, to "aintain la% an7 or7er throu8hout the Philippines, pre#ent or
suppress all ,or"s o, la%less #iolen*e as %ell as an. a*t o, insurre*tion or re-ellion
an7 to en,or*e o-e7ien*e to all the la%s an7 to all 7e*rees, or7ers an7 re8ulations
pro"ul8ate7 -. "e personall. or upon ". 7ire*tionH an7 as pro#i7e7 in Se*tion 17,
!rti*le 12 o, the Constitution 7o here-. 7e*lare a State o, /ational <"er8en*..
!t aroun7 1220 in the earl. "ornin8 o, Fe-ruar. 2;, 2000, operati#es o, the
Cri"inal )n#esti8ation an7 Eete*tion 6roup (C)E6) o, the P/P, on the -asis o, PP
1017 an7 6.1. /o. ;, rai7e7 the Dail" %ribune o,,i*es in &anila. The rai7in8 tea"
*on,is*ate7 ne%s stories -. reporters, 7o*u"ents, pi*tures, an7 "o*(Iups o, the
Satur7a. issue. Poli*e"en ,ro" Ca"p Cra"e in 3ue4on Cit. %ere statione7 insi7e
the e7itorial an7 -usiness o,,i*es o, the ne%spaperH %hile poli*e"en ,ro" the &anila
Poli*e Eistri*t %ere statione7 outsi7e the -uil7in8.
)ssue >hether or not the *allin8Iout po%er o, the presi7ent in*lu7e
%arrantless sear*h an7 sei4ure.

$ulin8/o, it 7oes not authori4e %arrantless arrests. The presi7ent *annot
#ali7l. or7er the ta(in8 o#er o, pri#ate *orporations or institutions su*h as the Eail.
Tri-une %ithout an. authorit. ,ro" Con8ress. 1n the other han7, the %or7
e"er8en*. *onte"plate7 in the *onstitution is not li"ite7 to natural *ala"ities -ut
rather it also in*lu7es re-ellion. The SC "a7e a 7istin*tionH the presi7ent *an 7e*lare
the state o, national e"er8en*. -ut her e'er*ise o, e"er8en*. po%ers 7oes not
*o"e auto"ati*all. a,ter it ,or su*h e'er*ise nee7s authorit. ,ro" Con8ress. The
authorit. ,ro" Con8ress "ust -e -ase7 on the ,ollo%in8

(1) There "ust -e a %ar or other e"er8en*..
(2) The 7ele8ation "ust -e ,or a li"ite7 perio7 onl..
(+) The 7ele8ation "ust -e su-@e*t to su*h restri*tions as the Con8ress "a.
(C) The e"er8en*. po%ers "ust -e e'er*ise7 to *arr. out a national poli*. 7e*lare7
-. Con8ress.
6u7ani #. Sen8a, 6$ /o. 17010;, !pril 1;, 2000
F!CTS 1n 22 Septe"-er 200;, Senator $o7ol,o Bia4on (Sen. Bia4on) in#ite7
se#eral senior o,,i*ers o, the !FP to appear at a pu-li* hearin8 -e,ore the Senate
Co""ittee on /ational Ee,ense an7 Se*urit. (Senate Co""ittee). The hearin8 %as
s*he7ule7 a,ter topi*s *on*ernin8 the *on7u*t o, the 200C ele*tions e"er8e7 in the
pu-li* e.e, parti*ularl. alle8ations o, "assi#e *heatin8 an7 the sur,a*in8 o, *opies o,
an au7io e'*erpt purporte7l. o, a phone *on#ersation -et%een Presi7ent 6loria
&a*apa8al !rro.o an7 an o,,i*ial o, the Co""ission on <le*tions (C1&<2<C)
%i7el. repute7 as then C1&<2<C Co""issioner 5ir8ilio6ar*illano.
6en. 6u7ani, Col. Balutan, an7 !FP Chie, o, Sta,, 2ieutenant 6eneral
6enerosoSen8a (6en. Sen8a) %ere a"on8 the se#eral !FP o,,i*ers %ho re*ei#e7 a
letter in#itation ,ro" Sen. Bia4on to atten7 the 28 Septe"-er 200; hearin8. 1n 2+
Septe"-er 200;, 6en. Sen8a replie7 throu8h a letter to Sen. Bia4on that he %oul7
-e una-le to atten7 the hearin8 7ue to a pre#ious *o""it"ent in Brunei, -ut he
nonetheless F7ire*te7 other o,,i*ers ,ro" the !FP %ho %ere in#ite7 to atten7 the
The ,ollo%in8 7a., 6en. Sen8a sent another letter to Sen. Bia4on, this ti"e in,or"in8
the senator that Fno appro#al has -een 8rante7 -. the Presi7ent to an. !FP o,,i*er
to appearG -e,ore the hearin8 s*he7ule7 on that 7a.. /onetheless, -oth 6en. 6u7ani
an7 Col. Balutan %ere present as the hearin8 starte7, an7 the. -oth testi,ie7 as to
the *on7u*t o, the 200C ele*tions.
The ne't 7a., 28 Septe"-er 200;, shortl. -e,ore the start o, the hearin8, a
*op. o, 6en. Sen8a?s letter to Sen. Bia4on sent earlier that 7a. %as han7e7 at the
Senate -. Co""o7ore !"a-le B. Tolentino o, the !FP 1,,i*e ,or 2e8islati#e !,,airs
to 6en. 6u7ani, %ho replie7 that he alrea7. ha7 a *op..
1n the #er. 7a. o, the hearin8, 28 Septe"-er 200;, Presi7ent 6loriaI
&a*apa8alI!rro.o issue7 <'e*uti#e 1r7er /o. C0C (<.1. C0C). The 1S6 notes that
the <.1. Fen@oine7 o,,i*ials o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent in*lu7in8 the "ilitar.
esta-lish"ent ,ro" appearin8 in an. le8islati#e inquir. %ithout her appro#al.G

)n an )n#esti8ation $eport 7ate7 0 1*to-er 200;, the 1P&6 re*o""en7e7
that petitioners -e *har8e7 %ith #iolation o, !rti*le o, >ar 0;, on %ill,ull. 7iso-e.in8
a superior o,,i*er, in relation to !rti*le o, >ar 97, on *on7u*t pre@u7i*ial to the 8oo7
or7er an7 "ilitar. 7is*ipline.
)SS9< >hat po%er 7oes the presi7ent ha#e o#er the "ilitar.A
B<2E The *o""an7erIinI*hie, pro#ision in the Constitution is 7eno"inate7 as
Se*tion 18, !rti*le 5)), %hi*h -e8ins %ith the si"ple 7e*laration that FStThe Presi7ent
shall -e the Co""an7erIinIChie, o, all ar"e7 ,or*es o, the Philippines ' ''G. Sin*e
the Presi7ent is *o""an7erIinI*hie, o, the !r"e7 For*es she *an 7e"an7
o-e7ien*e ,ro" the "ilitar. o,,i*ers. &ilitar. o,,i*ers %ho 7iso-e. or i8nore her
*o""an7 *an -e su-@e*te7 to *ourt "artial pro*ee7in8. The Presi7ent as
Co""an7er in Chie, "a. pre#ent a "e"-er o, the ar"e7 ,or*es ,ro" testi,.in8
-e,ore a le8islati#e inquir.. ! "ilitar. o,,i*er %ho 7iso-e.s the Presi7ent?s 7ire*ti#e
"a. -e "a7e to ans%er -e,ore a *ourt "artial.
Se*tion 19. <'e*uti#e Cle"en*.
Cristo-al #. 2a-ra7or, 71 PB)2 +C
Teo,ilo Santos %as *on#i*te7 o, esta,a an7 senten*e7 to 0 "onths
i"prison"ent an7 the a**essories, an7 to return the a"ount ta(en. Eespite this,
Santos *ontinue7 to -e a re8istere7 ele*tor in &ala-on, $i4al, an7 -et%een 19+C
an7 19+7 e#en ser#e7 as "uni*ipal presi7ent. 1n !u8ust 22 19+8 the <le*tion Co7e
%as appro#e7, %hi*h ha7 a pro#ision that 7isquali,ies Santos ,ro" #otin8, ha#in8
-een 7e*lare7 -. ,inal @u78"ent 8uilt. o, a *ri"e a8ainst propert.. Santos applie7
%ith the Presi7ent ,or an a-solute par7on, %hi*h %as 8i#en hi" on Ee*e"-er 2C
19+9. The par7on sai7 that his ,ull *i#il an7 politi*al ri8hts %ere restore7 e'*ept that
his ri8ht to hol7 pu-li* o,,i*e %as li"ite7 onl. to positions %hi*h in#ol#e7 no "one.
or propert. responsi-ilit..1n /o#e"-er 10, 19C0, Cristo-al ,ile7 a petition to ha#e
Santos e'*lu7e7 ,ro" the #oters? list on the -asis o, se* 9C o, the Co""on%ealth
!*t no. +;7. The lo%er *ourt rule7 that the par7on 8i#en Santos e'*lu7e7 hi" ,ro"
the 7isquali,i*ation *reate7 -. the /e% <le*tion Co7e.Cristo-al appeale7, ar8uin8
that the par7onin8 po%er 7oes not e'ten7 to the en@o."ent o, politi*al ri8hts, ,or that
%oul7 allo% the Presi7ent to en*roa*h on the po%ers o, the le8islature, in e,,e*t
e'e"ptin8 so"e people ,ro" the e,,e*ts o, the la%. Cristo-al sai7 the par7onin8
po%er o, the <'e*uti#e 7oes not appl. to le8islati#e prohi-itions an7 %oul7 a"ount
to an unla%,ul e'er*ise o, the <'e*uti#e o, a le8islati#e ,un*tion.The Court rule7 that
the Constitution i"poses onl. t%o li"its on the po%er o, *le"en*. that it -e
e'er*ise7 a,ter *on#i*tion, an7 that it 7oes not e'ten7 to *ases o, i"pea*h"ent.
Su-@e*t to the li"itations i"pose7 -. the Constitution, the par7onin8 po%er *annot
-e restri*te7 or *ontrolle7 -. le8islati#e a*tion.

)SS9< >hether or not the a-solute par7on 8i#en -. the presi7ent allo%s the
person par7one7 to -e a re8istere7 #oter.
B<2E !n a-solute par7on not onl. -lots out the *ri"e *o""itte7 ,-ut
re"o#es all 7isa-ilities resultin8 ,ro" the *on#i*tion. )n the present *ase, the
7isa-ilit. is the result o, *on#i*tion %ithout %hi*h there %oul7 -e no -asis ,or
7isquali,i*ation ,ro" #otin8. )"prison"ent is not the onl. punish"ent %hi*h the la%
i"poses upon those %ho #iolate its *o""an7. There are a**essor. an7 resultant
7isa-ilities, an7 the par7onin8 po%er li(e%ise e'ten7s to su*h 7isa-ilities. >hen
8rante7 a,ter the ter" o, i"prison"ent has e'pire7, a-solute par7on re"o#es all that
is le,t o, the *onsequen*es o, *on#i*tion. )n the present *ase, %hile the par7on
e'ten7e7 to respon7ent Santos is *on7itional in the sense that ahe %ill -e eli8i-le ,or
appoint"ent onl. to positions %hi*h are *leri*al or "anual in nature in#ol#in8 no
"one. or propert. responsi-ilit.,? it is a-solute inso,ar a,ter it arestores the
respon7ent o, ,ull *i#il an7 politi*al ri8hts.
Llamas v# "rbos )*) 'CRA 6::( &44&
&ariano 1*a"po %as *on#i*te7 o, $.!. +019 (!ntiI6ra,t an7 Corrupt Pra*ti*es !*t)
an7 i"pose7 a penalt. o, suspension ,or 90 7a.s. 1*a"po %as then 8rante7
e'e*uti#e *le"en*. an7 resu"e7 o,,i*e %ithout an. noti,i*ation "a7e to the
in*u"-ent #i*e 8o#ernor(2la"as). Petitioner then assails the po%er o, the presi7ent
to 8rant e'e*uti#e *le"en*. on a7"inistrati#e *ases.
>1$ e'e*uti#e *le"en*. applies to a7"inistrati#e *asesA
The *ourt 7enie7 the petition. The Constitution 7oes not 7istin8uish -et%een %hi*h
*ases e'e*uti#e *le"en*. "a. -e e'er*ise7 -. the Presi7ent, %ith the sole e'lusion
o, i"pea*h"ent *ases. )t those alrea7. a7@u78e7 8uilt. *ri"inall. in *ourt "a. -e
par7one7, those a7@u78e7 8uilt. a7"inistrati#el. shoul7 li(e%ise -e e'ten7e7 the
sa"e -ene,it.
/eo+le v# 'alle )9* 'CRA 96&( &449
$i*(. &en8ote %as *on#i*te7 o, the *o"poun7 *ri"e o, "ur7er an7 7estru*ti#e
arson. 1ne o, the appellants ,ile7 an appeal althou8h &en8ote %as 8rante7
*on7itional par7on -. the Presi7ent. &en8ote has not ,ile7 an. "otion to %ith7ra%
the appeal nor a**eptan*e o, the *on7itional par7on.
>1/ the par7on is en,or*ea-le to an a**use7 7urin8 the pen7en*. o, his appeal
,ro" @u78"ent o, *on#i*tion -. the trial *ourt

The require"ent o, a,ter *on#i*tion operate7 as one o, the li"itations on the
par7onin8 po%er o, the presi7ent. The *ourt hel7 that an appeal -rin8s theentire
*ase %ithin the e'*lusi#e @uris7i*tion o, the appellate *ourt. There *oul7 -e a ris( not
onl. o, ,ailure o, @usti*e -ut also o, a ,rustration o, the s.ste" o, a7"inistration o,
@usti*e in #ie% o, the 7ero8ation o, the @uris7i*tion o, the trial or appellate *ourt.
Drilon v# CA( )*) 'CRA 3;6( &44&
)n 197+, $o7ol,o 6an4on %as *on#i*te7 o, 7ou-le "ur7er -e,ore the "ilitar.
*o""ission. 6an4on ser#e7 the senten*e an7 pla*e7 un7er house arrest. )n 1988,
the a7"inistration *han8e7 an7 7ire*te7 a ne% preli"inar. in#esti8ation ,or the
a-o#e "ur7ers. 6an4on state7 that he ha7 -een 8i#en a-solute par7on -. Presi7ent
&ar*os an7 he, ha#in8 -een pre#iousl. *on#i*te7 *annot -e trie7 ane%.
)ssue >1$ 6an4on *an -e trie7 a8ain
$ulin8 Par7on i, 8rante7 a,ter *on#i*tion, re"o#es all the penalties an7 7isa-ilities
atta*he7 thereto an7 restore the ,elon to all his *i#il ri8hts. )t "a(es hi" a ne% "an
an7 8i#es hi" a ne% *re7it an7 *apa*it.H there,ore, the *ourt *annot tolerate a ne%
Torres v# 7on8ales &9) 'CRA );)( &46;
>il,re7o Torres %as *on#i*te7 o, a *ri"e in 1979 an7 senten*e7 to ser#e a prison
ter" o, 11 .ears, 10 "onths an7 22 7a.s to +8 .ears, 9 "onths an7 1 7a.. Be %as
8i#en a *on7itional par7on on !pril 18 1979 on the *on7ition that he %oul7 not a8ain
#iolate an. o, the penal la%s o, the Philippines. 1n &a. 21 1980, the Boar7 o,
Par7ons an7 parole resol#e the re*o""en7 the *an*ellation o, the par7on, ha#in8
,oun7 out that Torres has -een *har8e7 %ith 20 *ounts o, esta,a at the 3ue4on Cit.
Trial Court, *on#i*te7 o, se7ition -. the 3C Trial Court on June 20 198; an7 ha7
-een a**use7 o, other *ri"es su*h as s%in7lin8, 8ra#e threats, 8ra#e *oer*ion,
ille8al possession o, ,irear"s, et*. Be %as arreste7 an7 re*o""itte7 on 1*to-er 10
1980, an7 *on,ine7 in &untinlupa to ser#e the une'pire7 portion o, his senten*e.
Torres ar8ue7 that he has not #iolate7 the *on7itional par7on 8i#en hi" -e*ause he
has not -een *on#i*te7 -. ,inal @u78"ent. !t the sa"e ti"e, he sai7 he %as 7enie7
his ri8ht to 7ue pro*ess as he %as not 8i#en the opportunit. to -e hear7 -e,ore he
%as arreste7 an7 re*o""itte7 to prison.
)ssue >hether or not a *on#i*tion is ne*essar. to re#o(e a *on7itional par7on

The Court rule7 that sin*e the par7on %as e'ten7e7 -. the <'e*uti#e, the
7eter"ination o, %hether or not it has -een -rea*he7 is up to the <'e*uti#e, not to
the Courts.
This Court in e,,e*t hel7 that sin*e the petitioner %as a *on#i*t F%ho ha7 alrea7.
-een sei4e7 in a *onstitutional %a., -een *on,ronte7 -. his a**users an7 the
%itnesses a8ainst hi" I, -een *on#i*te7 o, *ri"e an7 -een senten*e7 to punish"ent
there,or,G he %as not *onstitutionall. entitle7 to another @u7i*ial 7eter"ination o,
%hether he ha7 -rea*he7 the *on7ition o, his parole -. *o""ittin8 a su-sequent
The status o, our *ase la% on the "atter un7er *onsi7eration "a. -e su""e7 up in
the ,ollo%in8 propositions
1. The 8rant o, par7on an7 the 7eter"ination o, the ter"s an7 *on7itions o, a
*on7itional par7on are purel. e'e*uti#e a*ts %hi*h are not su-@e*t to @u7i*ial
2. The 7eter"ination o, the o**urren*e o, a -rea*h o, a *on7ition o, a par7on,
an7 the proper *onsequen*es o, su*h -rea*h, "a. -e either a purel.
e'e*uti#e a*t, not su-@e*t to @u7i*ial s*rutin. un7er Se*tion 0C (i) o, the
$e#ise7 !7"inistrati#e Co7eH or it "a. -e a @u7i*ial a*t *onsistin8 o, trial ,or
an7 *on#i*tion o, #iolation o, a *on7itional par7on un7er !rti*le 1;9 o, the
$e#ise7 Penal Co7e. >here the Presi7ent opts to pro*ee7 un7er Se*tion 0C
(i) o, the $e#ise7 !7"inistrati#e Co7e, no @u7i*ial pronoun*e"ent o, 8uilt o, a
su-sequent *ri"e is ne*essar., "u*h less *on#i*tion there,or -. ,inal
@u78"ent o, a *ourt, in or7er that a *on#i*t "a. -e re*o""en7e7 ,or the
#iolation o, his *on7itional par7on. Be*ause 7ue pro*ess is not se"per et
u-ique @u7i*ial pro*ess, an7 -e*ause the *on7itionall. par7one7 *on#i*t ha7
alrea7. -een a**or7e7 @u7i*ial 7ue pro*ess in his trial an7 *on#i*tion ,or the
o,,ense ,or %hi*h he %as *on7itionall. par7one7, Se*tion 0C (i) o, the $e#ise7
!7"inistrati#e Co7e is not a,,li*te7 %ith a *onstitutional #i*e.
The Court ho%e#er note7 that Torres "ust still -e *on#i*te7 -. ,inal @u78"ent
o, the *ri"es %ith %hi*h he %as *har8e7 -e,ore the *ri"inal penalt. *an -e
i"pose7 upon hi". Su**in*tl. put, in pro*ee7in8 a8ainst a *on#i*t %ho has
-een *on7itionall. par7one7 an7 %ho is alle8e7 to ha#e -rea*he7 the
*on7itions o, his par7on, the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent has t%o options (i) to
pro*ee7 a8ainst hi" un7er Se*tion 0C (i) o, the $e#ise7 !7"inistrati#e Co7eH
or (ii) to pro*ee7 a8ainst hi" un7er !rti*le 1;9 o, the $e#ise7 Penal Co7e
%hi*h i"poses the penalt. o, prision *orre**ional, "ini"u" perio7, upon a
*on#i*t %ho Fha#in8 -een 8rante7 *on7itional par7on -. the Chie, <'e*uti#e,
shall #iolate an. o, the *on7itions o, su*h par7on.G Bere, the Presi7ent has
*hosen to pro*ee7 a8ainst the petitioner un7er Se*tion 0C (i) o, the $e#ise7
!7"inistrati#e Co7e. That *hoi*e is an e'er*ise o, the Presi7ent?s e'e*uti#e
prero8ati#e an7 is not su-@e*t to @u7i*ial s*rutin..
Ju78"ent Petition 7is"isse7. The 7e*ision to ta(e -a*( the par7on is #ali7.
/oteSe* 0C (i) o, the $e#ise7 !7"inistrati#e Co7e To 8rant to *on#i*te7 persons
reprie#es or par7ons, either plenar. or partial, *on7itional, or un*on7itionalH to
suspen7 senten*es %ithout par7on, re"it ,ines, an7 or7er the 7is*har8e o, an.
*on#i*te7 person upon parole, su-@e*t to su*h *on7itions as he "a. i"poseH an7 to
authori4e the arrest an7 rein*ar*eration o, an. su*h person %ho, in his @u78"ent,

shall ,ail to *o"pl. %ith the *on7ition, or *on7itions o, his par7on, parole, or
suspension o, senten*e.
!$T. 1;9, $PC. 1ther Cases o, <#asion o, Ser#i*e o, Senten*e. The penalt. o,
prision *orre**ional in its "ini"u" perio7 shall -e i"pose7 upon the *on#i*t %ho,
ha#in8 -een 8rante7 *on7itional par7on -. the Chie, <'e*uti#e, shall #iolate an. o,
the *on7itions o, su*h par7on. Bo%e#er, i, the penalt. re"itte7 -. the 8rantin8 o,
su*h par7on -e hi8her than si' .ears, the *on#i*t shall then su,,er the une'pire7
portion o, his ori8inal senten*e.
Si"per et u-iqueI )t "eans al%a.s an7 e#er.%here
=onsanto v# Factoran( &;* 'CRA &4*( &464
The question raise7 on petition ,or re#ie% is %hether or not a pu-li* o,,i*er
%ho has -een 8rante7 a-solute par7on -. the presi7ent is entitle7 to reinstate"ent
to her ,or"er position %ithout the nee7 ,or a ne% appoint"ent.
&onsanto is !ssistant Treasurer o, Cal-a.o8 Cit.. Fa*toran is Eeput.
<'e*uti#e Se*retar.. )n a 7e*ision ren7ere7 -. the %hi*h ,oun7
petitioner 8uilt. o, the *o"ple' *ri"e o, esta,a thru ,alsi,i*ation o, pu-li* 7o*u"ents
an7 senten*e7 to prision *orre**ional as "ini"u" an7 prision "a.or as "a'i"u"H
an7 pa."ent o, a ,ine o, P+,;00 an7 PC,892.;0 in7e"nit. to the 8o#ern"ent.
Pen7in8 appeal, she %as 8rante7 par7on on Ee*e"-er 17, 198C %hi*h she
a**epte7 on Ee*e"-er 21, 198C.
She %rote to the &inister o, Finan*e as(in8 ,or reinstate"ent as the post %as
#a*ant -ut %as 7enie7 statin8 that she has to see( reappoint"ent an7 that par7on
7oes not auto"ati*all. reinstate her to her position. Petitioner also stresse7 that the
par7on %ipe7 out her *ri"e i"pl.in8 that her ser#i*e to the 8o#ern"ent has not -een
interrupte7 an7 is entitle7 to -a*( pa..
>hether or not e'e*uti#e *le"en*. 8rante7 -. the Presi7ent entitles
&onsanto to reinstate"ent to her ,or"er position %ithout the nee7 ,or ne%
Petition is 7enie7. The 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent throu8h Eeput. <'e*uti#e
Se*retar. Fa*toran state7 that it is onl. throu8h a*quittal an7 not a-solute par7on
%hi*h "a. -e a 8roun7 ,or reinstate"ent o, pre#ious o,,i*e an7 entitle"ent o, salar..
The Supre"e Court a,,ir"e7 the 7e*ision o, Fa*toran %here-. the a-solute
par7on onl. resulte7 in re"o#in8 her 7isquali,i*ation ,ro" hol7in8 pu-li* e"plo."ent
an7 not the auto"ati* reinstate"ent or e'tin8uishin8 o, the *i#il lia-ilit..
'abello v# De+artment of $!ucation( 7R 2o# 6;56;( December )5( &464

Petition is ,ile7 -. a 7ue to alle8e7 po#ert.. Petitioner %as the
<le"entar. S*hool Prin*ipal o, Talisa. an7 the !ssistant Prin*ipal o, the Talisa.
Baran8a. Bi8h S*hool o, the Ei#ision o, 6in8oo8 Cit.. Eue to la*( o, ,un7s an7 the
ti"el. *a"pai8n o, the Presi7ent o, the Philippines %ho 7onate7 P2,000.00. The
-arrio allotte7 P8C0.00 to the tea*her?s salaries throu8h a resolution %ith the honest
thou8ht that the hi8h s*hool %as a -arrio pro@e*t an7 %as thus entitle7 to release the
,un7s. The onl. part that the herein petitioner pla.e7 %as his -ein8 authori4e7 -. the
sai7 -arrio *oun*il to %ith7ra% the a-o#e a"ount an7 %hi*h %as su-sequentl.
7eposite7 in the Cit. TreasurerKs 1,,i*e in the na"e o, the Talisa. Barrio Bi8h
S*hool. That %as a 8ra#e error on the part o, the petitioner as it in#ol#es the
7is-urse"ent o, 8o#ern"ent ,un7s. Thus, the herein petitioner, to8ether %ith the
-arrio *aptain, %ere *har8e7 o, the #iolation o, $epu-li* !*t +019, an7 -oth %ere
*on#i*te7 to su,,er a senten*e o, one .ear an7 7isquali,i*ation to hol7 pu-li* o,,i*e.
The herein petitioner appeale7 his *ase to the Court o, appeals, &anila. The Court o,
appeals "o7i,ie7 the 7e*ision -. eli"inatin8 the su-si7iar. i"prison"ent in *ase o,
insol#en*. in the pa."ent o, oneIhal, o, the a"ount -ein8 in#ol#e7. The herein
petitioner, -ein8 ,inan*iall. -attere7, *oul7 no lon8er hire a to pro*ee7 to the
hi8hest *ourt o, the lan7.
Finall., the herein petitioner %as 8rante7 an !BS129T< P!$E1/ -. the
Presi7ent o, the $epu-li* o, the Philippines, restorin8 hi" to K,ull *i#il an7 politi*al
ri8hts.K >ith this instru"ent on han7, the herein petitioner applie7 ,or reinstate"ent
to the 8o#ern"ent ser#i*e, onl. to -e reinstate7 to the %ron8 position o, a "ere
*lassroo" tea*her an7 not to his ,or"er position as <le"entar. S*hool Prin*ipal ).
>hether or not petitioner "a. -e reinstate7 to the ,or"er position hel7 a,ter
a-solute par7on %as 8rante7A
Petition is 8rante7. Petitioner is appointe7 to the position o, <le"entar.
S*hool Prin*ipal ) or its equi#alent.
!s a 8eneral rule, the question o, %hether or not petitioner shoul7 -e
reappointe7 to his ,or"er position is a "atter o, 7is*retion o, the appointin8 authorit.,
-ut un7er the *ir*u"stan*es o, this *ase, i, the petitioner ha7 -een un,airl. 7epri#e7
o,K %hat is ri8ht,ull. his, the 7is*retion is quali,ie7 -. the require"ents o, 8i#in8
@usti*e to the petitioner. )t is no lon8er a "atter o, 7is*retion on the part o, the
appointin8 po%er, -ut 7is*retion te"pere7 %ith ,airness an7 @usti*e.
People #. Salle, Jr 6$ /o. 10+;07, Ee*e"-er C, 199;
!**use7 N appellant $i*(. &en8ote an7 Fran*is*o Salle Jr. %ere ,oun7 8uilt.
as *oIprin*ipals o, the *o"poun7 *ri"e o, "ur7er an7 7estru*ti#e arson to su,,er
an7 pa. re*lusion perpetua an7 P;0,000.00.

Both ,ile7 their /oti*e o, !ppeal. Salle Jr. then ,ile7 an 9r8ent &otion to
>ith7ra% !ppeal a,ter re*ei#in8 *on7itional par7on. &en8ote 7i7 not ,ile a "otion to
%ith7ra% appeal -elie#in8 that upon a**eptan*e o, the *on7itional par7on he %ai#e7
his ri8ht to appeal. !ppellants %ere represente7 -. !tt.. )7a &a. 2aKo o, the Free
2e8al !ssistan*e 6roup (F2!6).
The 1,,i*e o, the Soli*itor 6eneral "aintains that the *on7itional par7on
8rante7 to appellant &en8ote is unen,or*ea-le -e*ause the @u78"ent o, *on#i*tion is
not .et ,inal in #ie% o, the pen7en*. in this Court o, his appeal.
>hether or not a 8rante7 *on7itional par7on is en,or*ea-le to an a**use7 7urin8
pen7en*. o, his appeal ,ro" a @u78"ent o, *on#i*tionA
!**use7 N appellant is 8i#en thirt. 7a.s upon re*eipt o, noti*e to se*ure a
%ith7ra%al o, appeal. The *on7itional par7on shall ta(e e,,e*t onl. a,ter the 8rant o,
9n7er Se*tion 19 !rti*le 5)) <'*ept in *ases o, i"pea*h"ent, or as other%ise
pro#i7e7 in this Constitution, the Presi7ent "a. 8rant reprie#es, *o""utations, an7
par7ons, an7 re"it ,ines an7 ,or,eitures, after conviction b" final 5udgment. !ppl.in8
the 7o*trine o, separation o, po%ers, %hen an a**use7 ,iles an appeal it is still %ithin
the @uris7i*tion o, the appellate *ourt. )t is onl. a,ter *on#i*tion -. ,inal @u78"ent
%hen a 8rant o, par7on or %hen su*h person is ser#in8 his senten*e %hen a par7on
shall ta(e e,,e*t. Ben*e, -e,ore an appellant "a. -e #ali7l. 8rante7 par7on, he "ust
,irst as( ,or the %ith7ra%al o, his appeal, the appeale7 *on#i*tion "ust ,irst -e
-rou8ht to ,inalit..
! @u78"ent o, *on#i*tion -e*o"es ,inal (a) %hen no appeal is seasona-l.
per,e*te7, (-) %hen the a**use7 *o""en*es to ser#e the senten*e, (*) %hen the
ri8ht to appeal is e'pressl. %ai#e7 in %ritin8, e'*ept %here the 7eath penalt. %as
i"pose7 -. the trial *ourt, an7 (7) %hen the a**use7 applies ,or pro-ation, there-.
%ai#in8 his ri8ht to appeal
7arcia v# C"A( ))5 'CRA 395( &443
5i*enta 6ar*ia %as a Super#isin8 2ine"an in the $e8ional )5 Station o, the
Bureau o, Tele*o""uni*ations in 2u*ena Cit.. 1n !pril 1, 197; 6ar*ia %as
su""aril. 7is"isse7 ,ro" ser#i*e 7ue to 7ishonest. in a**or7an*e %ith !7" Case
/o. 97; ,or the loss o, tele8raph poles.
! *ri"inal *ase ,or quali,ie7 the,t %as ,ile7 a8ainst petitioner -ut he %as
a*quitte7. Petitioner sou8ht reinstate"ent -ut %as 7enie7. Thus see(in8 e'e*uti#e
*le"en*. ,or reinstate"ent %hi*h %as 8rante7 %ith ,a#ora-le en7orse"ents -. then
&inistr. o, Transportation an7 Co""uni*ations an7 the Ci#il Ser#i*e Co""ission.
Petitioner then sou8ht ,or -a*( %a8es %ith respon7ent C1! ,ro" !pril 1,
197; to &ar*h 12, 198C -ut %as 7enie7 -e*ause the e'e*uti#e *le"en*. onl.
8rante7 reinstate"ent an7 not -a*( %a8es 7ue to the Fno ser#i*e, no pa.G rule.

>hether or not the e'e*uti#e *le"en*., %hi*h 8rante7 auto"ati*
reinstate"ent, entitles petitioner to ,ull -a*( %a8es -ase7 on his inno*en*eA
Petition is 8rante7. The 7e*ision o, respon7ent C1! is re#erse7 an7 set
asi7e. Chair"an o, C1!, Se*retar. o, 2an7 Transportation an7 Co""uni*ations
an7 $e8ional Eire*tor o, Tele*o" $e8ional 1,,i*e /o. )5 are or7ere7 to pa. in ,ull
a"ount o, petitioner?s -a*( salaries.
!,ter ha#in8 -een 7e*lare7 inno*ent o, the *ri"e o, quali,ie7 the,t, %hi*h also
ser#e7 as -asis ,or the a7"inistrati#e *har8e, petitioner shoul7 not -e *onsi7ere7 to
ha#e le,t his o,,i*e ,or all le8al purposes, so that he is entitle7 to all the ri8hts an7
pri#ile8es that a**rue7 to hi" -. #irtue o, the o,,i*e hel7, in*lu7in8 -a*( %a8es
<sta-lishe7 @urispru7en*e ,i'es re*o#er. o, -a*( %a8es to a perio7 o, ,i#e (;)
.ears to -e pai7 an ille8all. 7is"isse7 8o#ern"ent e" %ho has -een or7ere7
reinstate7. (O12) The *ases hereto,ore 7e*i7e7 -. this Court sho% that petitioners
therein %ere e"plo.ees o, lo*al 8o#ern"ents %ho %ere re"o#e7 ,ro" o,,i*e -. their
lo*al o,,i*ials. The reasons 8i#en ,or their re"o#al %ere a-olition o, o,,i*e or
position, re7u*tion o, %or( ,or*e, or la*( o, ,un7s on the part o, the 8o#ern"ents
*on*erne7, %hi*h reasons %ere ,oun7 -. this Court to -e either 7e#oi7 o, ,a*tual
-asis or not su,,i*ientl. pro#en, other%ise, their 7is"issal %oul7 ha#e -een #ali7 an7
@usti,ie7, )n *ontrast, the *ase -e,ore us is 7i,,erent, in#ol#in8 as it 7oes
*ir*u"stan*es that i"pel us to 7e#iate ,ro" the 8eneral rule pre#iousl. lai7 7o%n on
the re*o#er. o, -a*( %a8es ,or ,i#e (;) .ears. PetitionerKs reinstate"ent in the
instant *ase %hi*h %as or7ere7 pursuant to a 8rant o, e'e*uti#e *le"en*. %as
e,,e*te7 not -e*ause o, la*( o, su,,i*ient proo, o, his *o""ission o, the o,,ense -ut
that, "ore i"portantl., he 7i7 not *o""it the o,,ense *har8e7. 5eril., la%, equit.
an7 @usti*e 7i*tate that petitioner -e a,,or7e7 *o"passion ,or the e"-arrass"ent,
hu"iliation an7, a-o#e all, in@usti*e *ause7 to hi" an7 his ,a"il. -. his un,oun7e7
$cegaray v# 'ec# of Dustice( 7R 2o# &3)5*&( Dan &4( &444
For resolution are pu-li* respon7entsK 9r8ent &otion ,or
$e*onsi7eration o, the $esolution o, this Court 7ate7 Januar. C, 1990 te"poraril.
restrainin8 the e'e*ution o, petitioner an7 Supple"ental &otion to 9r8ent &otion ,or
$e*onsi7eration. )t is the su-"ission o, pu-li* respon7ents that
1. The Ee*ision in this *ase ha#in8 -e*o"e ,inal an7 e'e*utor., its e'e*ution
enters the e'*lusi#e a"-it o, authorit. o, the e'e*uti#e authorit.. The
issuan*e o, the T$1 "a. -e *onstrue7 as tren*hin8 on that sphere o,
e'e*uti#e authorit.H
2. The issuan*e o, the te"porar. restrainin8 or7er . . . *reates 7an8erous
pre*e7ent as there %ill ne#er -e an en7 to liti8ation -e*ause there is
al%a.s a possi-ilit. that Con8ress "a. repeal a la%.

+. Con8ress ha7 earlier 7eli-erate7 e'tensi#el. on the 7eath penalt. -ill. To
-e *ertain, %hate#er question "a. no% -e raise7 on the Eeath Penalt.
2a% -e,ore the present Con8ress %ithin the 0I"onth perio7 8i#en -.
this Bonora-le Court ha7 in all pro-a-ilit. -een ,ull. 7e-ate7 upon . . .
C. 9n7er the ti"e honore7 le. futuro, 5ude. praeterito, the la% loo(s
,or%ar7 %hile the @u78e loo(s at the past, . . . the Bonora-le Court in
issuin8 the T$1 has trans*en7e7 its po%er o, @u7i*ial re#ie%.
)n their Supple"ental &otion to 9r8ent &otion ,or $e*onsi7eration, pu-li*
respon7ents atta*he7 a *op. o, Bouse $esolution /o. 029 intro7u*e7 -.
Con8ress"an 6ole4 entitle7 P$esolution e'pressin8 the sense o, the Bouse o,
$epresentati#e to re@e*t an. "o#e to re#ie% $epu-li* !*t /o. 70;9 %hi*h pro#i7e7
,or the reIi"position o, 7eath penalt., noti,.in8 the Senate, the Ju7i*iar. an7 the
<'e*uti#e Eepart"ent o, the position o, the Bouse o, $epresentati#e on this "atter,
an7 ur8in8 the Presi7ent to e'haust all "eans un7er the la% to i""e7iatel.
i"ple"ent the 7eath penalt. la%.P The $esolution %as *on*urre7 in -. one hun7re7
thirteen (11+) *on8ress"an.
)n their Consoli7ate7 Co""ent, petitioner *onten7s (1) the sta. or7er. . . is %ithin
the s*ope o, @u7i*ial po%er an7 7ut. an7 7oes not tren*h on e'e*uti#e po%ers nor on
*on8ressional prero8ati#esH (2) the e'er*ise -. this Court o, its po%er to sta.
e'e*ution %as reasona-leH (+) the Court 7i7 not lose @uris7i*tion to a77ress in*i7ental
"atters in#ol#e7 or arisin8 ,ro" the petitionH (C) pu-li* respon7ents are estoppe7
,ro" *hallen8in8 the CourtKs @uris7i*tionH an7 (;) there is no *ertaint. that the la% on
*apital punish"ent %ill not -e repeale7 or "o7i,ie7 until Con8ress *on#enes an7
*onsi7ers all the #arious resolutions an7 -ills ,ile7 -e,ore it.
Pre,atoril., the Court li(es to e"phasi4e that the instant "otions *on*ern "atters
that are not in*i7ents in 6.$. /o. 117C72, %here the 7eath penalt. %as i"pose7 on
petitioner on auto"ati* re#ie% o, his *on#i*tion -. this Court. The instant "otions
%ere ,ile7 in this *ase, 6.$. /o. 1+2001, %here the *onstitutionalit. o, $.!. /o. 8177
(2ethal )n@e*tion 2a%) an7 its i"ple"entin8 rules an7 re8ulations %as assaile7 -.
petitioner. For this reason, the Court in its $esolution o, Januar. C, 1999 "erel.
note7 the &otion to Set !si7e o, $o7essa PBa-.P $. <*he8ara. 7ate7 Januar. 7,
1999 an7 <ntr. o, !ppearan*e o, her *ounsel 7ate7 Januar. ;, 1999. Clearl., she
has no le8al stan7in8 to inter#ene in the *ase at -ar, let alone the ,a*t that the
interest o, the State is properl. represente7 -. the Soli*itor 6eneral.
>hether or not the Court en*roa*he7 on the po%ers o, the e'e*uti#e
>e li(e%ise re@e*t the pu-li* respon7entsK *ontention that the P7e*ision
in this *ase ha#in8 -e*o"e ,inal an7 e'e*utor., its e'e*ution enters the e'*lusi#e

a"-it o, authorit. o, the e'e*uti#e 7epart"ent . . .. B. 8rantin8 the T$1, the
Bonora-le Court has in e,,e*t 8rante7 reprie#e %hi*h is an e'e*uti#e ,un*tion.P
Pu-li* respon7ents *ite as their authorit. ,or this proposition, Se*tion 19, !rti*le 5))
o, the Constitution %hi*h rea7s
<'*ept in *ases o, i"pea*h"ent, or as other%ise pro#i7e7 in this
Constitution, the Presi7ent "a. 8rant reprie#es, *o""utations, an7
par7ons, an7 re"it ,ines an7 ,or,eitures a,ter *on#i*tion -. ,inal @u78"ent.
Be shall also ha#e the po%er to 8rant a"nest. %ith the *on*urren*e o, a
"a@orit. o, all the "e"-ers o, the Con8ress.
The te't an7 tone o, this pro#ision %ill not .iel7 to the interpretation su88este7 -. the
pu-li* respon7ents. The pro#ision is si"pl. the sour*e o, po%er o, the Presi7ent to
8rant reprie#es, *o""utations, an7 par7ons an7 re"it ,ines an7 ,or,eitures a,ter
*on#i*tion -. ,inal @u78"ent. )t also pro#i7es the authorit. ,or the Presi7ent to 8rant
a"nest. %ith the *on*urren*e o, a "a@orit. o, all the "e"-ers o, the Con8ress. The
pro#ision, ho%e#er, *annot -e interprete7 as 7en.in8 the po%er o, *ourts to *ontrol
the en,or*e"ent o, their 7e*isions a,ter their ,inalit.. )n truth, an a**use7 %ho has
-een *on#i*te7 -. ,inal @u78"ent still possesses *ollateral ri8hts an7 these ri8hts *an
-e *lai"e7 in the appropriate *ourts. For instan*e, a 7eath *on#i*t %ho -e*o"e
insane a,ter his ,inal *on#i*tion *annot -e e'e*ute7 %hile in a state o, insanit.. !s
o-ser#e7 -. !ntieau, Pto7a., it is 8enerall. assu"e7 that 7ue pro*ess o, la% %ill
pre#ent the 8o#ern"ent ,ro" e'e*utin8 the 7eath senten*e upon a person %ho is
insane at the ti"e o, e'e*ution.P The suspension o, su*h a 7eath senten*e is
un7isputa-l. an e'er*ise o, @u7i*ial po%er. )t is not a usurpation o, the presi7ential
po%er o, reprie#e thou8h its e,,e*ts is the sa"e W the te"porar. suspension o, the
e'e*ution o, the 7eath *on#i*t. )n the sa"e #ein, it *annot -e 7enie7 that Con8ress
*an at an. ti"e a"en7 $.!. /o. 70;9 -. re7u*in8 the penalt. o, 7eath to li,e
i"prison"ent. The e,,e*t o, su*h an a"en7"ent is li(e that o, *o""utation o,
senten*e. But -. no stret*h o, the i"a8ination *an the e'er*ise -. Con8ress o, its
plenar. po%er to a"en7 la%s -e *onsi7ere7 as a #iolation o, the po%er o, the
Presi7ent to *o""ute ,inal senten*es o, *on#i*tion. The po%ers o, the <'e*uti#e,
the 2e8islati#e an7 the Ju7i*iar. to sa#e the li,e o, a 7eath *on#i*t 7o not e'*lu7e
ea*h other ,or the si"ple reason that there is no hi8her ri8ht than the ri8ht to li,e.
)n7ee7, in #arious States in the 9nite7 States, la%s ha#e e#en -een ena*te7
e'pressl. 8rantin8 *ourts the po%er to suspen7 e'e*ution o, *on#i*ts an7 their
*onstitutionalit. has -een uphel7 o#er ar8u"ents that the. in,rin8e upon the po%er
o, the Presi7ent to 8rant reprie#es. For the pu-li* respon7ents there,ore to *onten7
that onl. the <'e*uti#e *an prote*t the ri8ht to li,e o, an a**use7 a,ter his ,inal
*on#i*tion is to #iolate the prin*iple o, *oIequal an7 *oor7inate po%ers o, the three
-ran*hes o, our 8o#ern"ent.
Se*tion 20. Forei8n 2oans
Spouses Constantino #. Cuisia, 6$ 10000C, 1*to-er 1+, 200;
Se*tion 21. Forei8n $elations Senate Con*urren*e in )nternational !8ree"ents
U'AFF$ <eterans Association v# Treasurer( &*9 /A0L &*3*( &494

FA+T!, The central issue in this case concerns the #alidity of the 3omulo?!nyder
Agreement I17*AJ whereby the Phil. "o#t. undertoo2 to return to the &! "o#t. in ten annual
installments$ a total of T(* M dollars ad#anced by the &! to$ but uneH-ended by$ the @ational
Defense Forces of the Phili--ines. The agreement is not a FtreatyF as the term is used in the
+onstitution. The agreement was ne#er submitted to the !enate for concurrence. .t must be
noted that a treaty is not the only form that an international agreement may assume. For the
grant of treaty ma2ing -ower to the EHecuti#e and the !enate does not eHhaust the -ower of
the go#t. o#er international relations.
.!!&E, 4hether or not 3omulo?!nyder Agreement is not #alid on the ground that in was not
concurred with the re<uisite of two?thirds #ote of the ma1ority of the members of +ongress.
%E/D, EHecuti#e agreements may be entered into with other states and are effecti#e e#en
without the concurrence of the !enate. From the -oint of #iew of international law$ there is no
difference between treaties and eHecuti#e agreements in their binding effect u-on states
concerned as long as the negotiating functionaries ha#e remained within their -owers. The
distinction between an eHecuti#e agreement and a treaty is -urely a constitutional one and has
no international legal significance.
@ature of EHecuti#e Agreements,
There are ' classes,
I1J Agreements made -urely as eHecuti#e acts affecting eHternal relations and
inde-endent of or without legislati#e authori0ation$ which may be termed as
-residential agreements$ and
I'J Agreements entered into in -ursuance of acts of +ongress$ or
+ongressional?EHecuti#e Agreements. The 3omulo?!nyder Agreement may fall under
any of these two classes$ for -recisely on !e-t. 1>$ 17);$ +ongress s-ecifically
authori0ed the President to obtain such indebtedness wE the "o#ernment of the &!$ its
agencies or instrumentalities. E#en assuming$ arguendo$ that there was no legislati#e
authori0ation$ it is hereby maintained that the 3omulo?!nyder Agreement was legally
and #alidly entered into to conform to the second category. This '
category usually
includes money agreements relating to the settlement of -ecuniary claims of citi0ens.
>orl7 Bealth 1r8ani4ation #. !quino, C8 SC$! 2C2 #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar. La"ora, +C+ SC$! CC9, 2000
/imentel v# $-ecutive 'ecretary( )**9
F!CTS The $o"e Statute esta-lishe7 the )nternational Cri"inal Court %hi*h Fshall
ha#e the po%er to e'er*ise its @uris7i*tion o#er persons ,or the "ost serious *ri"es
o, international *on*ern an7 shall -e *o"ple"entar. to the national *ri"inal
@uris7i*tions.G )ts @uris7i*tion *o#ers the *ri"e o, 8eno*i7e, *ri"es a8ainst hu"anit.,
%ar *ri"es an7 the *ri"e o, a88ression as 7e,ine7 in the Statute.The Statute %as
opene7 ,or si8nature -. all states in $o"e on Jul. 17, 1998 an7 ha7 re"aine7 open
,or si8nature until Ee*e"-er +1, 2000 at the 9nite7 /ations Bea7quarters in /e%
:or(. The Philippines si8ne7 the Statute on Ee*e"-er 28, 2000 throu8h 4#arge d>
Affairs <nrique !. &analo o, the Philippine &ission to the 9nite7 /ations.)ts
pro#isions, ho%e#er, require that it -e su-@e*t to rati,i*ation, a**eptan*e or appro#al
o, the si8nator. states.
Petitioners ,ile7 the instant petition to *o"pel the respon7ents W the 1,,i*e o,
the <'e*uti#e Se*retar. an7 the Eepart"ent o, Forei8n !,,airs W to trans"it the

si8ne7 te't o, the treat. to the Senate o, the Philippines ,or rati,i*ation. )t is the
theor. o, the petitioners that rati,i*ation o, a treat., un7er -oth 7o"esti* la% an7
international la%, is a ,un*tion o, the Senate. Ben*e, it is the 7ut. o, the e'e*uti#e
7epart"ent to trans"it the si8ne7 *op. o, the $o"e Statute to the Senate to allo% it
to e'er*ise its 7is*retion %ith respe*t to rati,i*ation o, treaties. &oreo#er, petitioners
su-"it that the Philippines has a "inisterial 7ut. to rati,. the $o"e Statute un7er
treat. la% an7 *usto"ar. international la%.
)SS9< >hether or not the Presi7ent "a. -e *o"pelle7 to su-"it a treat. to the
senate ,or *on*urren*e
)n the real" o, treat.I"a(in8, the Presi7ent has the sole authorit. to ne8otiate
%ith other states. >hile the Presi7ent has the sole authorit. to ne8otiate an7 enter
into treaties, the Constitution pro#i7es ,or a li"itation to his po%er -. requirin8 the
*on*urren*e o, 2D+ #otes o, all the "e"-ers o, the Senate ,or the #ali7it. o, the
treat. entere7 into -. hi". 9nless the Presi7ent su-"its a treat. to the Senate, there
is nothin8 ,or the senate to *on*ur in.
The parti*ipation o, the le8islati#e -ran*h in the treat.I"a(in8 pro*ess %as
7ee"e7 essential to pro#i7e a *he*( on the e'e*uti#e in the ,iel7 o, ,orei8n relations.
9n7er our Constitution, the po%er to rati,. is #este7 in the Presi7ent, su-@e*t to the
*on*urren*e o, the Senate. The role o, the Senate is li"ite7 onl. to 8i#in8 or
%ithhol7in8 its *onsent, or *on*urren*e to the rati,i*ation. Su*h po%er o, the
Presi7ent *annot -e en*roa*he7 -. the *ourts #ia "an7a"us an7 the *ourts has no
@uris7i*tion o#er a*tions see(in8 to en@oin the Presi7ent in the per,or"an*e o, his
o,,i*ial 7uties.
2i" #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1;1CC;, !pril 11, 2002
F!CTS Be8innin8 2002, personnel ,ro" the ar"e7 ,or*es o, the 9nite7 States
starte7 arri#in8 in &in7anao, to ta(e part, in *on@un*tion %ith the Philippine "ilitar.,
in FBali(atan 02I1M. )n theor., the. are a si"ulation o, @oint "ilitar. "aneu#ers
pursuant to the &utual Ee,ense Treat., a -ilateral 7e,ense a8ree"ent entere7 into
-. the Philippines an7 the 9nite7 States in 19;1.
1n Fe-. 2002, 2i" ,ile7 this petition ,or *ertiorari an7 prohi-ition, pra.in8 that
respon7ents -e restraine7 ,ro" pro*ee7in8 %ith the soI*alle7 FBali(atan 02I1M, an7
that a,ter 7ue noti*e an7 hearin8, @u78"ent -e ren7ere7 issuin8 a per"anent %rit o,
in@u*tion an7Dor prohi-ition a8ainst the 7eplo."ent o, 9S troops in Basilan an7
&in7anao ,or -ein8 ille8al an7 in #iolation o, the Constitution.
)SS9< >D/ the 9.S. troops %ho are part o, the -ali(atan entere7 into treat. -. the
Presi7ent is allo%e7 to enter into our *ountr..
B<2E treaties *an onl. -e #ali7 a,ter the rati,i*ation -. 2D+ #otes o, the senate,
hen*e the -ali(atan %as a treat. into a treat. -. the Presi7ent, an7 this %as also
rati,ie7 -. the senate %ith the appropriate nu"-er o, #otes it nee7e7 ,or it to -e
passe7. Ben*e sol7iers en8a8e7 in the -ali(atan are no% per"ite7 to enter in our

Se*retar. o, Justi*e #. Ju78e 2antion, 6$ /o. 1+9C0;, 1*t. 17, 2000
F!CTS 1n June 18, 1999, the Eepart"ent o, Justi*e re*ei#e7 ,ro" the Eepart"ent
o, Forei8n !,,airs 9.S. /ote 5er-ale /o. 0;22 *ontainin8 a request ,or the e'tra7ition
o, pri#ate respon7ent &ar( Ji"ene4 to the 9nite7 States. !tta*he7 to the /ote
5er-ale %ere the 6ran7 Jur. )n7i*t"ent, the %arrant o, arrest issue7 -. the 9.S.
Eistri*t Court, Southern Eistri*t o, Flori7a, an7 other supportin8 7o*u"ents ,or sai7
e'tra7ition. Base7 on the papers su-"itte7, pri#ate respon7ent appears to -e
*har8e7 in the 9nite7 States %ith #iolation o, the ,ollo%in8 pro#isions o, the 9nite7
States Co7e (9SC)
!) 18 9SC +71 (Conspira*. to *o""it o,,ense or to 7e,rau7 the 9nite7 StatesH t%o
S2T *ountsH &a'i"u" Penalt. W ; .ears on ea*h *ount)H
B) 20 9SC 7201 (!tte"pt to e#a7e or 7e,eat ta'H ,our SCT *ountsH &a'i"u" Penalt.
W ; .ears on ea*h *ount)H
C) 18 9SC 1+C+ (Frau7 -. %ire, ra7io, or tele#isionH t%o S2T *ountsH &a'i"u"
Penalt. W ; .ears on ea*h *ount)H
E) 18 9SC 1001 (False state"ent or entriesH si' S0T *ountsH &a'i"u" Penalt. W ;
.ears on ea*h *ount)H
<) 2 9SC CC1, (<le*tion *ontri-utions in na"e o, anotherH thirt.Ithree S++T *ountsH
&a'i"u" Penalt. W less than one .ear).
2ater, pri#ate respon7ent, &ar( Ji"ene4, requeste7 that preli"inar., he -e
8i#en at least a *op. o,, or a**ess to, the request o, the 9nite7 States 6o#ern"ent,
an7 a,ter re*ei#in8 a *op. o, the Eiplo"ati* /ote, a perio7 o, ti"e to a"pli,. on his
The a,ore"entione7 petition %as 7o*(ete7 as Ci#il Case /o. 99I9C08C an7
therea,ter ra,,le7 to Bran*h 2; o, sai7 re8ional trial *ourt statione7 in &anila %hi*h is
presi7e7 an7 8rante7 the request o, the pri#ate respon7ent -. the Bonora-le $alph
C. 2antion.
)SS9< 1.>hether or not pri#ate respon7ent, &ar( B. Ji"ene4, -e 8rante7 a**ess to
the o,,i*ial e'tra7ition request an7 7o*u"ents %ith an opportunit. to ,ile a
*o""ent on or opposition thereto
2.>hether or not pri#ate respon7ent s entitle"ent to noti*e an7 hearin8 7urin8 the
e#aluation sta8e o, the pro*ee7in8s *onstitute a -rea*h o, the le8al 7uties o, the
Philippine 6o#ern"ent un7er the $PI9S <'tra7ition Treat.
B<2EThe Supre"e Court rule7 that the pri#ate respon7ent -e ,urnishe7 a *op. o,
the e'tra7ition request an7 its supportin8 papers an7 to 8i#e hi" a reasona-le perio7
o, ti"e %ithin %hi*h to ,ile his *o""ent %ith supportin8 e#i7en*e. )n this *ase, there
e'ists a *lear *on,li*t -et%een the o-li8ation o, the Philippine 6o#ern"ent to *o"pl.
%ith the pro#isions o, the treat. an7 its equall. si8ni,i*ant role o, prote*tion o, its
*iti4ens o, its ri8ht o, 7ue pro*ess. The pro*esses outline7 in the treat. an7 in the
presi7ential 7e*ree alrea7. pose an i"pen7in8 threat to a prospe*ti#e e'tra7itee s
li-ert. as earl. as the e#aluation sta8e. )t is not an i"a8ine7 threat to his li-ert., -ut
a #er. i""inent one. 1n the other han7, 8rantin8 7ue pro*ess to the e'tra7ition *ase
*auses 7ela. in the pro*ess.The rule o, pa*tasuntser#an7a, one o, the ol7est an7
"ost ,un7a"ental "a'i"s o, international la%, requires the parties to a treat. to
(eep their a8ree"ent therein in 8oo7 ,aith. The 7o*trine o, in*orporation is applie7
%hene#er "uni*ipal tri-unals are *on,ronte7 %ith situations in %hi*h there appears

to -e a *on,li*t -et%een a rule o, international la% an7 the pro#isions o, the
*onstitution or statute o, a lo*al state. <,,orts shoul7 -e 7one to har"oni4e the". )n a
situation, ho%e#er, %here the *on,li*t is irre*on*ila-le an7 a *hoi*e has to -e "a7e
-et%een a rule o, international la% an7 "uni*ipal la%, @urispru7en*e 7i*tates that
"uni*ipal la% shoul7 -e uphel7 -. the "uni*ipal *ourts. The 7o*trine o,
in*orporation 7e*rees that rules o, international la% are 8i#en equal stan7in8, -ut are
not superior to, national le8islati#e ena*t"ents.)n this *ase, there is no *on,li*t
-et%een international la% an7 "uni*ipal la%. The 9nite7 States an7 the Philippines
share a "utual *on*ern a-out the suppression an7 punish"ent o, *ri"e in their
respe*ti#e @uris7i*tions. !t the sa"e ti"e, -oth States a**or7 *o""on 7ue pro*ess
prote*tion to their respe*ti#e *iti4ens. )n ,a*t, neither the Treat. nor the <'tra7ition
2a% pre*lu7es the ri8hts o, 7ue pro*ess ,ro" a prospe*ti#e e'tra7ite
5inu.a #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1022+0, !pril 28, 2010
F!CTS This is an ori8inal Petition ,or 4ertiorari un7er $ule 0; o, the $ules o, Court %ith an
appli*ation ,or the issuan*e o, a %rit o, preli"inar. "an7ator. in@un*tion a8ainst the 1,,i*e o,
the <'e*uti#e Se*retar., the Se*retar. o, the Eepart"ent o, Forei8n !,,airs (EF!), the
Se*retar. o, the Eepart"ent o, Justi*e (E1J), an7 the 1,,i*e o, the Soli*itor 6eneral (1S6).

Petitioners are all "e"-ers o, the &!2!:! 212!S, a nonIsto*(, nonI
pro,it or8ani4ation re8istere7 %ith the Se*urities an7 <'*han8e Co""ission,
esta-lishe7 ,or the purpose o, pro#i7in8 ai7 to the #i*ti"s o, rape -. Japanese
"ilitar. ,or*es in the Philippines 7urin8 the Se*on7 >orl7 >ar.

Petitioners narrate that 7urin8 the Se*on7 >orl7 >ar, the Japanese ar".
atta*(e7 #illa8es an7 s.ste"ati*all. rape7 the %o"en as part o, the 7estru*tion o, the #illa8e.
Their *o""unities %ere -o"-e7, houses %ere loote7 an7 -urne7, an7 *i#ilians %ere pu-li*l.
torture7, "utilate7, an7 slau8htere7. Japanese sol7iers ,or*i-l. sei4e7 the %o"en an7 hel7
the" in houses or *ells, %here the. %ere repeate7l. rape7, -eaten, an7 a-use7 -. Japanese
sol7iers. !s a result o, the a*tions o, their Japanese tor"entors, the petitioners ha#e spent
their li#es in "iser., ha#in8 en7ure7*al in@uries, pain an7 7isa-ilit., an7 "ental an7
e"otional su,,erin8.
Petitioners *lai" that sin*e 1998, the. ha#e approa*he7 the <'e*uti#e
Eepart"ent throu8h the E1J, EF!, an7 1S6, requestin8 assistan*e in ,ilin8 a *lai" a8ainst
the Japanese o,,i*ials an7 "ilitar. o,,i*ers %ho or7ere7 the esta-lish"ent o, the F*o",ort
%o"enG stations in the Philippines. Bo%e#er, o,,i*ials o, the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent 7e*line7 to
assist the petitioners, an7 too( the position that the in7i#i7ual *lai"s o, the *o",ort %o"en ,or
*o"pensation ha7 alrea7. -een ,ull. satis,ie7 -. Japan?s *o"plian*e %ith the Pea*e Treat.
-et%een the Philippines an7 Japan.
)SS9< >hether or not the *ourt has @uris7i*tion o#er international treatiesA
B<2E The question %hether the Philippine 8o#ern"ent shoul7 espouse *lai"s o, its
nationals a8ainst a ,orei8n 8o#ern"ent is a ,orei8n relations "atter, the authorit. ,or %hi*h is
7e"onstra-l. *o""itte7 -. our Constitution not to the *ourts -ut to the politi*al -ran*hes. )n
this *ase, the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent has alrea7. 7e*i7e7 that it is to the -est interest o, the
*ountr. to %ai#e all *lai"s o, its nationals ,or reparations a8ainst Japan in the Treat. o, Pea*e
o, 19;1. The %is7o" o, su*h 7e*ision is not ,or the *ourts to question. /either *oul7

petitioners herein assail the sai7 7eter"ination -. the <'e*uti#e Eepart"ent via the instant
petition ,or certiorari.
Article <0001 Du!icial De+artment
Se*tion 1. Ju7i*ial Po%er
Santia8o #. Bautista, +2 SC$! 188 (2970)
/o-le@as #. Teehan(ee, 2+ SC$! C0;
&anila <le*tri* Co"pan. #. Pasa. Transportation Co"pan., ;7 PB)2 000
Eire*tor o, Prisons #. !n8 Cho Zio, ++ SC$! C9C
)n $e 2aureta, 1C8 SC$! +82
&ar*os #. &an8lapus, 177 SC$! 008 (1989)H &$, 178 SC$! 700 (1989)
9S #. /i'on, C18 9S 08+ (197C)
<stra7a #. Eesierto, +;+ SC$! C;2 (2001)H &$, +;0 SC$! 108 (2001)
!rro.o #. Ee 5ene*ia, 277 SC$! 208 (1997)
)n,ote*h Foun7ation #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;91+9, Januar. 1+, 200C
&attel, )n*. #. Fran*is*o, 6$ /o. 100880, Jul. +0, 2008
5illarosa #. B$<T, 6$ /o. 1CC129, Septe"-er 1C, 2000
5inu.a #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1022+0, !pril 28, 2010
6ar*ia #. Boar7 o, )n#est"ents, 6$ /o. 9202C, /o#e"-er 9, 1990
<*he8ara. #. Se*retar. o, Justi*e, 6$ /o. 1+2001, Januar. 19, 1999
Se*tion 2. $ole o, Con8ress
&antruste S.ste"s #. C!, 179 SC$! 1+0 (1989)
&ala8a #. Pena*hos, 21+ SC$! ;10 (1992)
2upan8*o #. C!, 100 SC$! 8C8 (1988)
Se*tion +. Fis*al !utono".
$a7io%ealth #. !8re8a7o, 80 SC$! C29 (19;0)
Ben84on #. Erilon, 208 SC$! 1++ (1992)
Se*tion C. Co"positionH <n Ban* an7 Ei#ision Cases
Forti*h #. Corona, +12 SC$! 7;1 (1999)
People #. E., 6$ 11;2+0I+7, Jan. 10, 200+
People #. <-io, 6$ 1C77;0, Sept. 29, 200C
Firestone Cera"i*s #. C!, 6$ /o. 1272C;, June 28, 2000
Se*tion ;. Po%ers o, the Supre"e Court
Tano #. So*rates, 278 SC$! 1;C (1997)
Ju7i*ial $e#ie%
2ina #. Puris"a, 82 SC$! +CC (1978)
!n8ara #. <le*toral Co""ission, 0+ PB)2 1+9 (19+0)
&a*asiano #. /B!, 22C SC$! 2+0 (199+)
Tan #. &a*apa8al, C+ SC$! 078 (1972)
P!C9 #. Se*retar. o, <7u*ation, 97 PB)2 800 (19;;)
6on4ales #. &ar*os, 0; SC$! 02C (197;)

1posa #. Fa*toran, 22C SC$! 792 (199+)
Jo.a #. PC66, 22; SC$! ;08 (199+) #. &orato, 2C0 SC$! (199;)
!nti 6ra,t 2ea8ue o, the Philippines, 200 SC$! 2;0 (1990)
Tele*o" #. C1&<2<C, 289 SC$! ++7 (1998) #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1+8;70, 1*to-er 10, 2000
!uto"oti#e )n7ustr. >or(ers #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1;7;09, Januar. 18,
>hite 2i8ht Corp #. Cit. o, &anila, 6$ /o. 1228C0, Januar. 20, 2009
6on4ales #. /ar#asa, 6$ /o. 1C08+;, !u8ust 1C, 2000
San7o#al #. P!6C1$, 6$ /o. 1+8982, /o#e"-er 29, 2000
Cha#e4 #. PC66, 299 SC$! 7CC (1998)
)BP #. La"ora, +C2 SC$! CC9 (2000)
Fran*is*o #. Bouse o, $epresentati#es, C1; SC$! CC
Ee !8-a.ani #. P/B, +8 SC$! C29 (1971)
Ea#i7 #. !rro.o, C89 SC$! 102
People #. &ateo, C++ SC$! ;C0
&ariano Jr. #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 118;77, &ar*h 7, 199;
Eu"lao #. C1&<2<C, 9; SC$! +92
Soli*itor 6eneral #. &etropolitan &anila !uthorit., 6$ /o. 102782, Ee*e"-er 11,
!7"inistration o, Justi*eH $uleI&a(in8
P/B #. !sun*ion, 00 SC$! +21
Santero #. CF) Ca#ite, 1;+ SC$! 728
Ea"as*o #. 2a8ui, 100 SC$! 21C
People #. 2a*son, C00 SC$! 202
St. &artin Funeral Bo"es #. /2$C, 29; SC$! C9C
People #. 6utierre4, +0 SC$! 172 (1970)
)n $e Cunanan, 9C PB)2 ;+C (19;+I19;C)
<*he8ara. #. Se*retar. o, Justi*e, Januar. 19, 1999
Bustos #. 2u*ero, 81 PB)2 0C8 (19C8)
)n $e !7"ission to the Bar !r8osino N Bar &atter 712, 2C0 SC$! 1C (199;)
Fa-ian #. Eesierto, 6$ 1297C2, Septe"-er 10, 1998
)n $e Ee 5era (200+)
Ba8uio &ar(ets 5en7or #. Ju78e, 6$ /o. 10;922, Fe-ruar. 20, 2010
$epu-li* #. 6in8o.on, 6$ /o. 100C29, Fe-ruar. 1, 2000
&ania8o #. Court o, !ppeals, 6$ /o. 10C+92, Fe-ruar. 20, 1990.
Ja#ellana #. E)26, 6$ /o. 102;C9, !u8ust 10, 1992
Bar &atter /o. 1222, Fe-ruar. C, 200C
6arri7o #. 6arri7o, !C /o. 0;9+, Fe-ruar. C, 2010
Se*tion 0. Super#ision o, Courts
&a*e7a #. 5asque4, 221 SC$! C0C (199+)
Caoi-es #. 1"-u7s"an, 6$ 1+2177, Jul. 19, 2001
<s*alona #. Pa7illo, !& PI10I278;, Septe"-er 21, 2010
Se*tion 7. 3uali,i*ations o, &e"-ers o, the Supre"e CourtH 2o%er Courts
)n re JBC #. Ju78e 3uitain, JBC /o. 01+, !u8ust 22, 2007
'1A #. <r"ita, 6$ /o. 177721, Jul. +, 2007
Topa*io #. 1n8, 6$ /o. 17989;, Ee*e"-er 1;, 2008
Se*tion 8. Ju7i*ial an7 Bar Coun*ilH &e"-ership
Se*tion 9. !ppoint"ents o, &e"-ers o, the Supre"e Court an7 Ju78es o, 2o%er
Se*tion 10. Fi'e7 Salar.
/ita,an #. C)$, 1;2 SC$! 28C (1987)
Se*tion 11. Se*urit. o, TenureH Po%er to Eis*ipline
5ar8as #. $illora4a, 80 PB)2 297 (19C8)
Ee 2a 2lana #. !l-a, 112 SC$! 29C (1982)
People #. 6a*ott, 2C0 SC$! ;2 (199;)
Se*tion 12. Prohi-ition to Be Eesi8nate7 to !n. !8en*. Per,or"in8 3uasiIJu7i*ial or
!7"inistrati#e Fun*tions
)n re Ju78e &an4ano, 100 SC$! 2C0
Se*tion 1+. Con*lusions o, the Supre"e Court N Bo% $ea*he7A
Consin8 #. Court o, !ppeals, 6$ /o. 78272, !u8ust 29, 1989
Se*tion 1C. Contents o, Ee*isionH Petition ,or $e#ie%H &otion ,or $e*onsi7eration
People #. <s*o-er, 1;7 SC$! ;C1 (1988)
!ir Fran*e #. Carras*oso, 18 SC$! 1;; (1900)
People #. Bra#o, 227 SC$! 28; (199+)
Bernan7e4 #. C!, 208 SC$! C29 (199+)
/i*os #. C!, 200 SC$! 127 (1992)
Borro"eo #. C!, 180 SC$! 1 (1990)
Fran*is*o #. Perns(ul, 17+ SC$! +2C (1989)
5elar7e #. So*ial Justi*e So*iet., 6$ 1;9+;7, !pril 28, 200C
Se*tion 1;. Perio7 ,or &a(in8 Ee*isions
$e Pro-le" o, Eela.s in Cases Be,ore the N !& /o. 00I8I0;ISC,
/o#. 28, 2001
<7ano #. !s7ala, !& /o. $TJI00I2007, Ee*e"-er 0, 2010
Ses-reno #. C!, 6$ /o. 101+90, !pril 10, 2008
Se*tion 10. Su-"ission o, !nnual $eport
Article 0X1 Constitutional Commissions
!. Co""on Pro#isions
Se*tion 1. )n7epen7ent Co""issions
&a*alintal #. C1&<2<C, 6$ 1;701+, Jul. 10, 200+
1"-u7s"an #. Ci#il Ser#i*e Co""ission, 6$ /o. 1;99C0, Fe-ruar. 10, 200;
Se*tion 2. Prohi-ition on &e"-ers

Se*tion +. Salar.
Se*tion C. Po%er to !ppoint
Se*tion ;. Fis*al !utono".
CSC #. EB&, C82 SC$! 2++
Se*tion 0. Pro"ul8ation o, $ules
&a*alintal #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;701+, Jul. 10, 200+
Se*tion 7. Ee*isions o, the Co""issions
Filipinas <n8ineerin8 an7 &a*hine Shop #. Ferrer, 1+; SC$! 2;
Sali8u"-a #. C!, 117 SC$! 009
Cua #. C1&<2<C, 1;0 SC$! ;82 (1987)
<strella #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 100C0;, &a. 27, 200C
&ison #. C1!, 187 SC$! CC; (1990)
!"-il #. C1&<2<C, +CC SC$! +;8 S2000T
&ateo #. C!, 6$ /o. 11+219, !u8ust 1C, 199;
$ #. $e8ional Trial Court, 6$ /o. 108880, &a. ;, 199;
!BSICB/ #. C1&<2<C, +2+ SC$! 011
!8uilar #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 18;1C0, June +0, 2009
6ar*es #. C!, 6$. /o. 11C 79;, Jul. 17, 1990
Eu" #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /os. 1C19;2I;+, !pril 29, 2001
Se*tion 8. 1ther Fun*tions
%# Civil 'ervice Commission
Se*tion 1. Co"positionH 3uali,i*ationsH Ter"
6a"in7e #. C1! N+C7 SC$! 0;; (2000)
&atha. Jr. #. C!, 6$ /o. 12C+7C, Ee*e"-er 1;, 1999
Se*tion 2. S*ope
Para8raph 1
<))B #. C!, 6$ /o. 1291++, /o#. 2;, 1998
/!S<C1 #. /2$C, 6$ /o. 1009C7, &a. +1, 199+
&>SS #. Bernan7e4, 1C+ SC$! 002
Philippine Fisheries Ee#elop"ent !uthorit. #. /2$C an7 17in Se*urit. !8en*., 6$
/o. 9C82;, Septe"-er C, 1992
P!6C1$ #. C!, 6$ /o. 9++90, Septe"-er +0, 1991
Para8raph 2
Ee los Santos #. &allare, 87 PB)2 289
Santia8o Jr. #. CSC, 6$ /o. 81C07, 1*to-er 27, 1989
Central Ban( #. CSC, 6$ /o. 80C;;I;0, !pril 10, 1989
CSC #. Salas, 27C SC$! C1C
CSC #. Ja#ier, ;C0 SC$! C8;
6rino #. CSC, 19C SC$! C;8

Para8raph +
Briones #. 1s"ena, 10C PB)2 ;88
!-a(a7a 6roup Part. 2ist #. Purisi"a, ;02 SC$! 2;1
CSC #. So@or, ;;C SC$! 100
Classi,i*ations an7 !ppoint"ents
CSC #. P!6C1$, 6$ /o. 12+708, June 1997
Sa"son #. C!, 1C; SC$! 0;C (1980)
!*ha*oso #. &a*arai8, 19; SC$! 2+; (1991)
Bina"ira #. 6arru*ho, 188 SC$! 1;C (1990)
2ue8o #. CSC, 1C+ SC$! +27 (1980)
Santia8o #. CSC, 178 SC$! 7++ (1989)
!stra8uillo #. &an8lapus, 190 SC$! 280 (1990)
!quino #. CSC, 6$ /o. 92C0+, !pril 22, 1992
2a"pini7 #. CSC, 6$ /o. 90298, &a. 1C, 1991
/a4areno, et al #. Cit. o, Eu"a8uete, 6$ /o. 181;;9, 1*to-er 2, 2009
Se*urit. o, Tenure an7 !-olition o, 1,,i*e
Canoni4a7o #. !8uirre, 6$ /o. 1++1+2, Jan. 2;, 2000
Se*retar. 6loria #. C!, 6$ /o. 11990+, !u8ust 1C, 2000
:en(o an7 &a.or <stra7a #. 6un8on, 6$ /o. 10;C;0, !u8ust 1+, 2009
Bu(lo7 #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /os. 1C2801I02, Jul. 10, 2001
Ei"a.u8a #. Bene7i*to )), 6$ /o. 1CC1;+, Jan. 10, 2002
&iran7a #. Carreon, 6$ /o. 1C+;C0, !pril 11, 200+
Bernan7e4 #. 5ille8as, 1C SC$! ;CC (190;)
Briones #. 1s"ena, 10C Phil ;88 (19;8)
&a.or #. &a*arai8, 19C SC$! 072 (1991)
$oque #. <ri*ta, ;+ SC$! 1;0
&a"a, Jr. # Court o, !ppeals, 6$ /o. 80;17, !pril +0, 1991
9P Boar7 o, $e8ents #. $asul, 6$ /o. 91;;1, !u8ust 10, 1991
Za%anin8 <))B #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1C2801, Jul. 10, 2001
Partisan Politi*al !*ti#it.H Sel,I1r8ani4ationH Te"porar. <"plo.ees
People #. Ee 5ene*ia, 1C SC$! 80C (190;)
SSS <"plo.ees #. C!, 17; SC$! 080 (1989)
Ja*into #. C!, 281 SC$! ;;7 (1997)
6loria #. C!, ++8 SC$! ; (2000)
Seneres #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 178078, !pril 10, 2009
$i8ht to 1r8ani4e
So*ial Se*urit. S.ste" #. C!, 6$ /o. 8;279, Jul. 28, 1989
&anila Pu-li* S*hool Tea*hers !sso*iation #. Se*retar. o, <7u*ation, 6$ /o.
9;CC;, !u8ust 0, 1991
Se*tion +. Purpose o, a Ci#il Ser#i*e S.ste"
2a4o #. CSC, 2+0 SC$! C09
Se*tion C. 1ath or !,,ir"ation

Se*tion ;. Stan7ar7i4ation o, Co"pensation
Se*tion 0. Prohi-ition o, !ppoint"ent o, F2a"e Eu*(sG
People #., 6$ /o. 10C18;, Jul. 2+, 2008
Se*tion 7. Prohi-itionsH !ppoint"entsH 1,,i*eH <"plo."ent
Flores #. Erilon N 22+ SC$! ;08 (199+)
Se*. 8Prohi-itionsH Co"pensationH Forei8n 6i,tD1,,i*eDTitle
Peralta #. &atha. N +8 SC$! 290 (1971)
Santos #. C! N 6$ /o. 1+9792, /o#. 22, 2000
Ca-ili #. CSC, 6$ /o. 1;0;0+, June 22, 2000
Ben8uet State 9ni#ersit. #. Coltin8, 6$ /o. 1090+7, June 8, 2007
Berrera, et al #. /PC, 6$ /o. 100;70, Ee*e"-er 18, 2009
C# Commission on $lections
Se*tion 1. Co"positionH 3uali,i*ationsH Ter"
Ca.etano #. &onso7, 201 SC$! 210 (1991)
Brillantes #. :ora*, 192 SC$! +;8 (1990)
&ati-a8 #. Benipa.o, +80 SC$! C9
Se*tion 2. Po%ers an7 Fun*tions
Pan8ilinan #. C1&<2<C, 228 SC$! +0
Flores #. C1&<2<C, 18C SC$! C8C (1990)
6ali7o #. C1&<2<C, 19+ SC$! 78 (1991)
People #. )ntin8, 187 SC$! 788 (1990)
Corpus #., 1C9 SC$! 281 (1987)
Tan #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 11209+, 1*t. C, 199C #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1280;C, 1*t. 10, 1997
!l#are4 #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1C2;27, &ar*h 1, 2001
Carlos #. Ju78e !n8eles, 6$ /o. 1C2907, /o#e"-er 29, 2000
Bua* #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;;8;;, Jan. 20, 200C
2EP #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 10120;, Fe-. 2C, 200C
!tien4a #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 188920, Fe-ruar. 10, 2010
!ntonio #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1+;809, Septe"-er 22, 1999
!88a-ao #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /1. 10+7;0, Januar. 20, 200;
Flores #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 8900C, !pril 20, 1990
!lunan ))) #. &irasol, 6$ /o. 108+99, Jul. +1, 1997
Taule #. Se*retar. Santos, 6$ /o. 90++0, !u8ust 12, 1991
Ba.tan #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;+9C;, Fe-ruar. C, 200+
Balin7on8 #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;+9991, 1*to-er 10, 200+
!8uilar #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 18;1C0, June +0, 2009
People #. Bonora-le Eel8a7o, 6$ /o. 9+C19, Septe"-er 18, 1990
Banat #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 177;08, !u8ust 7, 2009
People #. Ju78e )ntin8, 6$ /o. 88919, Jul. 2;, 1990
Se*tion +. Ee*isions
Sar"iento #. C1&<2<C, 212 SC$! +07
Sala4ar Jr. #. C1&<2<C, 18C SC$! C++ (1990)

Ba.tan #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;+9;C , Fe-. C, 200+
Balin7on8 #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /os. 1;+991I2, 1*t. 10, 200+
2i-eral Part. #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 191771, &a. 0, 2010
!l#are4 #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1C2;27, &ar*h 1, 2001
Se*tion C. Super#isionD$e8ulation o, Pu-li* 9tilities, &e7ia 6rants, Pri#ile8es
9ni7o #. C1&<2<C, 10C SC$! 17
Sani7a7 #. C1&<2<C, 181 SC$! ;29 (1990)
Philippine Press )nstitute #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1190;C, &a. 22, 199;
!BSICB/ #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1++C80, Jan. 28, 2000
S>S #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1C7;71, &a. ;, 2001
Se*tion ;. Fa#ora-le $e*o""en7ation ,or Par7on, !"nest., Parole or Suspension
o, Senten*e
Se*tion 0. Free an7 1pen Part. S.ste"
2i-eral Part. #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 191771, &a. 0, 2010
Se*tion 7. /o Blo*(I5otin8
Se*tion 8. Prohi-ition on Politi*al Parties
Se*tion 9. <le*tion Perio7
Se*tion 10. /o Barass"ent an7 Eis*ri"ination
Se*tion 11. Fun7s
D# Commission of Au!it
Se*tion 1. 3uali,i*ationsH Ter"
&ison #. C1!, 187 SC$! CC;
Se*tion 2. 6eneral Fun*tionH Po%ers
Philippine 1perations, )n*. #. !u7itor 6eneral, 9C PB)2 808
<uroI&e7 2a-oratories, Phil, )n*. #. Pro#in*e o, Batan8as, C9; SC$! 001
$a"os #. !quino, +9 SC$! 2+0
Blue Bar Co*onut Philippines #. Tantui*o, 10+ SC$! 710
/B! #. C1!, 220 SC$! ;;
Ein8*on8 #. 6uin8ona, 102 SC$! 782 (1988)
Ean#ille &ariti"e #. C1!, 17; SC$! 701 (1989)
&a"aril #. Eo"in8o, 227 SC$! 200 (199+)
Sa"-eli #. Pro#in*e o, )sa-ela, 6$ /o. 92279, June 18, 1992
1s"ena #. C1!, 6$ /o. 98+;;, &ar*h 2, 199C
Busta"ante #. C1!, 6$ /o. 10++09, /o#. 27, 1992
Calte' #. C1!, 208 SC$! 720 (1992)
Polloso #. 6an8an, ++; SC$! 7;0 (2000)
EBP #. C1!, 2+1 SC$! 202
Strate8i* !llian*e #. $a7sto*( Se*urities, 6$ /o. 1781;8, Ee*e"-er C, 2009
9., et al #. C1!, 6$ /o. 1+008;, &ar*h 21, 2000

Ea#ao Cit. >ater Eistri*t #. CSC an7 C1!, 6$ /o. 9;2+7, Septe"-er 1+, 1991
Parreno #. C1!, 6$ /o. 10222C, June 7, 2007
Se*tion +. C1! Juris7i*tion
Se*tion C. !nnual $eport to the Presi7ent an7 to Con8ress
Article X# Local 7overnment
Se*tion 1. Territorial an7 Politi*al Su-7i#isions o, the Philippines
Cor7illera Broa7 Coalition #. C1!, 6$ /o. 799;0, Januar. 20, 1990
Se*tion 2. 2o*al !utono".
2i"-ona #. Conte &an8elin, et al, 6$ /o. 80+91, Fe-ruar. 28, 1989
San Juan #. CSC, 190 SC$! 09 (1991)
&a8ta@as #. Pr.*e Properties, 6$ /o. 111097, Jul. 20, 199C
2e.nes #. C1!, 6$ /o. 1C+;90, Ee*. 11, 200+
Batan8as C!T5 #. C! an7 Batan8as Cit., 6$ /o. 1+8810, Septe"-er 29, 200C
Se*tion +. 2o*al 6o#ern"ent Co7e
6ar*ia #. C1&<2<C, 227 SC$! 100 (199+)
&alon4o #. C1&<2<C, 209 SC$! +80 (1997)
Se*tion C. Super#ision -. the Presi7ent
6an4on #. C!, 200 SC$! 271
Joson #. Torres, 290 SC$! 279
Erilon #. 2i", 2+; SC$! 1+; (199C)
Pro#in*e o, /e8ros #. C1!, 6$ /o. 182;7C, Septe"-er 28, 2010
Se*tion ;. Po%er o, Ta'ation -. 2o*al 6o#ern"ent
2T1 #. Cit. o, Butuan, +22 SC$! 80;
2ina #. Pano, +0C SC$! 70 (2001)
Petron #. &a.or, 6$ /o. 1;8881, !pril 10, 2008
:a"ane #. B! 2epanto Con7o"iniu", 6$ /o. 1;C99+, 1*to-er 2;, 200;
Philippine Petroleu" #. &uni*ipalit. o, Pililla, 6$ /o. 9077+, June +, 1991
John Ba. People?s !lternati#e Coalition #. 2i", 6$ /o. 11977;, 1*to-er 2C, 200+
&anila <le*tri* #. Pro#in*e o, 2a8una, 6$ /o. 1+1+;9, &a. ;, 1999
Batan8as Po%er #. Batan8as Cit., 6$ /o. 1;207;, !pril 28, 200C
S"art Co""uni*ations #. Cit. o, Ea#ao, 6$ /o. 1;;C91, Septe"-er 10, 2008
Se*tion 0. Share in /ational Ta'es
Pi"entel #. !8uirre, ++0 SC$! 201 (2000)
Pro#in*e o, Batan8as #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1;277C, &a. 27, 200C
!lternati#e Center #. La"ora, 6$ /o. 1CC2;0, June 8, 200;
2ea8ue o, Cities #. C1&<2<C !u8ust 2C, 2010
Se*tion 7. <quita-le Share in the /ational >ealth
Se*tion 8. Ter" o, 2o*al 1,,i*ials
Bor@a #. C1&<2<C, 29; SC$! 1;7

2o4ani7a #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1+;1;0, Jul. 28, 1999
!7or"eo #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1C7927, Fe-ruar. C, 2002
So*rates #. C1&<2<C, +91 SC$! C;7 (2002)
2atasa #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 1;C829, Ee*. 10, 200+
Ea#i7 #. C1&<2<C, 271 SC$! 90 (1997)
&onte-on #. C1&<2<C, ;;1 SC$! ;0
1n8 #. !le8re, 6$ /o. 10+29;, Januar. 2+, 2000
Ei4on #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 182088, Januar. +0, 2009
!l-oin #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 18C8+0, Ee*e"-er 2+, 2009
Ea#i7 #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 127110, !pril 8, 1997
Se*tion 9. Se*toral $epresentati#es
Supan8an Jr. #. Santos, 6$ /o. 8C002, !u8ust 2C, 1990
Se*tion 10. Creation, !-olition, Chan8e o, Boun7aries
Tan #. C1&<2<C, 1C2 SC$! 727 (1980)
2ea8ue o, Cities o, the Philippines #. C1&<2<C, 6$ 1709;1, /o#. 29, 2008
Se"a #. C1&<2<C, ;;8 SC$! 700
Ca"i7 #. 1,,i*e o, the Presi7ent, 6$ /o. 101C1C, Januar. 17, 200;
/a#arro #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1800;0, Fe-ruar. 10, 2010
Se*tion 11. &etropolitan Politi*al Su-7i#isions
&&E! #. BelI!ir 5illa8e !sso*iation !sso*., 6$ /o. 1+;902, &ar*h 27, 2000
&&E! #. 6arin, 6$ /o. 1+02+0, !pril 1;, 200;
Se*tion 12. Bi8hl. 9r-ani4e7 Cities, Co"ponent Cities
!-ella #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 100710, Septe"-er +, 1991
Se*tion 1+. 2o*al 6o#ern"ent 9nits 6roupin8 The"sel#es
Se*tion 1C. $e8ional Ee#elop"ent Coun*ils an7 1ther Si"ilar Bo7ies
Se*tion 1;. !utono"ous $e8ions
Se*tion 10. 6eneral Super#ision o, the Presi7ent
Se*tion 17. Po%ers /ot 5este7 to the !$&&
Se*tions 18 an719. 1r8ani* !*t ,or !utono"ous $e8ions
!--as #. C1&<2<C, 179 SC$! 287 (1989)
1r7illos #. C1&<2<C, 192 SC$! 100 (1990)
Ba7ua #. CB!, 19C SC$! 101 (1991)
Cor7illera Broa7 Coalition #. C1!, 6$ /o. 82217, Jan. 29, 1990
Pan7i #. C!, 6$ /o. 1108;0, !pril 11, 2002
Se"a #. C1&<2<C, 6$ /o. 177;97, Jul. 10, 2008
Se*tion 20. 2e8islati#e Po%ers o, the !utono"ous $e8ions
Pro#in*e o, /orth Cota-ato #. 6o#ern"ent o, the Philippines Pea*e Panel, ;08
SC$! C92

Se*tion 21. Preser#ation o, Pea*e an7 1r7er
Article X0# Accountability of /ublic "fficers
Se*tion 1. Pu-li* 1,,i*e
Bornasal, Jr. #. &ontes, 280 SC$! 181 (1997)
Se*tion 2. 1,,i*ers Su-@e*t to $e"o#al -. )"pea*h"ent
Se*tion +. Pro*e7ure ,or )"pea*h"ent
)n re 6on4ales, 100 SC$! 771 (1988)
$o"ulo #. :ni8ue4, 1C1 SC$! 200 (1980)
Fran*is*o #. Bouse o, $epresentati#es, C1; SC$! CC
<stra7a #. Eesierto, +;+ SC$! C;2 (2001)H &$, +;0 SC$! 108 (2001)
Se*tion C.
2e*aro4 #., 128 SC$! +2C (198C)
Ee,ensorISantia8o, +;0 SC$! 0+0 (2001)
Bal"a7ri7 #., 6$ /o. ;8+27, &ar*h 22, 1991
!4ar*on #., 6$ /o. 1100++, Fe-ruar. 20, 1997
Se*tion ;. 1"-u7s"an
Se*tion 0. !ppoint"ents
1"-u7s"an #. CSC, 6$ /o. 10221;, Jul. 20, 2007
Se*tion 7. as Spe*ial Prose*utor
Lal7i#ar #., 100 SC$! 8C+ (1988)
!*op #. 1"-u7s"an, 6$ /o. 120C22, Septe"-er 27, 199;
Eeloso #. Eo"in8o, 191 SC$! ;C;
!l"onte #. 5asque4, 6$ /o. 9;+07, &a. 22, 199;
Buenasa7a #. Fla#ier, 220 SC$! 0C;
&a*alino #., +70 SC$! C;2
B)$ #. 1"-u7s"an, 6$ /o. 11;10+, !pril 11, 2002
2aurel #. Eesierto, 6$ /o. 1C;+08, !pril 12, 2002
!4ar*on #. 6uerrero, 6$ /o. 121017, Fe- 17, 1997
!4ar*on #. 6uerrero , 6$ /o. 1100++, Fe- 20, 1997
Se*tion 8. 3uali,i*ations
Se*tion 9. !ppoint"ents
Se*tion 10. $an(
Se*tion 11. Ter"
Se*tion 12. Pro"pt !*tion on Co"plaints
2aurel #. Eesierto, 6$ /o. 1C;+08, !pril 12, 2002
!l"onte #. 5asque4, 2CC SC$! 280 (199;)
$o'as #. 5asque4, +;8 SC$! 0+0 (2001)

9. #., 6$ /o. 10;90;, &ar*h 20, 2001
Se*tion 1+. Po%ersH Fun*tionsH Euties
Zhan, Jr. #. 1"-u7s"an, 6$ /o. 12;290, Jul. 20, 2000
1"-u7s"an #. <stan7arte, 6$ /o. 108070, !pril 1+, 2007
1"-u7s"an #. 2u*ero, /o#e"-er 2C, 2000
1"-u7s"an #. C!, 6$ /o. 109079, Jul. 17, 2007
San88unian8 Baran8a. #. Punon8 Baran8a., 6$ /o. 170020, &ar*h +, 2008
Pere4 #., 6$ /o. 100002, Septe"-er 20, 2000
Buen*a"ino #. C!, 6$ /o. 17;89;, !pril C, 2007
&e7ina #. C1!, 6$ /o. 170C78, Fe-ruar. C, 2008
5illas /or #., 6$ /o. 180700, &ar*h C, 2008
Bonasan )) #. Panel o, )n#esti8atin8 Prose*utors N 6$ /o. 1;97C7, !pril 1+, 200C
1"-u7s"an #. $o7ri8ue4, 6$ /o. 172700, Jul. 2+, 2010
6ar*ia #. &iro, 6$ /o. 1C89CC, Fe- ;, 200+
$are #., 6$ /o. 108C+1, Jul. 1C, 2000
Se*tion 1C. Fis*al !utono".
Se*tion 1;. $i8ht to $e*o#er Properties 9nla%,ull. !*quire7
Se*tion 10. 2oan, 6uarant. or 1ther For" o, Finan*ial !**o""o7ation
Se*tion 17. Ee*laration o, !ssets an7 2ia-ilities
Se*tion 18. !lle8ian*e o, Pu-li* 1,,i*ers
Caasi #. C!, 191 SC$! 229 (1990)
Article X00# 2ational $conomy an! /atrimony
Se*tion 1. Three,ol7 6oal o, the /ational <*ono".
Se*tion 2. $e8alian Eo*trine
2ee Bon8 Zo( #. Ea#i7, C8 SC$! +72
Carino #. )nsurer 6o#ern"ent, C1 PB)2 9+;
Cru4 #. Se*. o, E</$, +C7 SC$! 128 (2000)
Sta. $osa &inin8 #. 2ei7o, 1;0 SC$! 1 (1987)
San &i8uel Corporation #. C!, 18; SC$! 722 (1990)
!l"e7a #. Court o, !ppeals, 6$ /o. 8;+22, !pril +0, 1991
Eire*tor o, 2an7s #. Zalahi )n#est"ents, )n*, 6$ /o. C8000, Januar. +1, 1989
$epu-li* #. <n*iso, 6$ /o. 1001C;, /o#e"-er 11, 200;
Cha#e4 #. P<!, 6$ /o. 1++2;0, Jul. 9, 2002
2aurel #. 6ar*ia, 187 SC$! 797 (1990)
&iners !sso*iation #. Fa*toran, 2C0 SC$! 100 (199;)
$epu-li* #. $ose"oor, 6$ /o. 1C9927, &ar*h +0, 200C
2a Bu8alIB?laan Tri-al !ssn. #. E</$, 6$127872, Jan 27, 200C, &$ 6$ 127882,
Ee*. 1, 200C
Philippine 6eother"al #. /apo*or, 6$ /o. 1CC+02, &a. 27, 200C
J6 Su""it #. C!, 6$ /o. 12C29+, Januar. +1, 200;

Se*tion +. 2an7s o, the Pu-li* Eo"ain
Eire*tor o, 2an7s #. !quino, 192 SC$! 290 (1990)
$epu-li* #. C!, 100 SC$! 228 (1988)
!pe' &inin8 #. Southeast &in7anao 6ol7, )n*, 6$ /o. 1;201+, June 2+, 2000
Eir. o, 2an7s #. )!C, 1C0 SC$! ;09 (1980)
Ten Fort. $ealt. #. 2oren4ana, 6$ /o. 1;1212, Sept. 10, 200+
Cha#e4 #. P<!, 6$ /o. 1++2;0, Jul. 9, 2002
Se*tion C. Spe*i,i* 2i"its o, Forest 2an7s an7 /ational Par(s
2a Bu8alIB?laan Tri-al !ssn. #. E</$, 6$127872, Jan 27, 200C, &$ 6$ 127882,
Ee*. 1, 200C
Se*tion ;. !n*estral 2an7s an7 Eo"ain
Cru4 #. Se*. o, E</$, +C7 SC$! 128 (2000)
Se*tion 0. Co""on 6oo7
Tele*o" #. C1&<2<C, 289 SC$! ++7 (1998)
Se*tion 7. Pri#ate 2an7s
$epu-li* #. C!, 2+; SC$! ;07
Lara8osa #. C!, 6$ /o. 100C01, Septe"-er 29, 2000
$a"ire4 #. 57a. Ee $a"ire4, 111 SC$! 70C (1982)
Balili #. C!, 287 SC$! C0; (1998)
2ee #. $epu-li*, +00 SC$! (2001)
Fren4el #. Catito, 6$ /o. 1C+9;8, Jul. 11, 200+
&ulller #. &uller, 6$ /o. 1C901;, !u8ust 29, 2000
&atthe%s #. Ta.lor Spouses, 6$ /o. 10C;8C, June 22, 2009
Bulst #. P$ Buil7ers, 6$ /o. 1;0+0C, Septe"-er 2;, 2008
Se*tion 8. <'*eption ,or For"er Filipino Citi4ens
$epu-li* #. C!, 2+; SC$! ;07 (199C)
Se*tion 9. )n7epen7ent <*ono"i* an7 Plannin8 !8en*.
Se*tion 10. Filipini4ation
&anila Prin*e Botel #. 6S)S, 207 SC$! C08 (1997)
!r". an7 /a#. Clu- #. C!, 271 SC$! +0 (1997)
Tana7a #. !n8ara, 272 SC$! 18 (1997)
Se*tion 11. Pu-li* 9tilities
Ba8atsin8 #. Co""ittee, 2C0 SC$! +CC (199;)
!l-ano #. $, 17; SC$! +0 (1997)
Tata7 #. 6ar*ia, 2C+ SC$! C+0 (199;)
Tele*o" #. C1&<2<C, 289 SC$! ++7 (1998)
J6 Su""it Bol7in8s #. C!, +C; SC$! 1C+ (2000)
!sso*iate7 Co""uni*ations #. /TC, 6$ /o. 1CC109, Fe-ruar. 17, 200+
<astern Tele*o" #. Tele*o" Te*hnolo8ies, 6$ /o. 1+;992, Jul. 2+, 200C
Se*tion 12. Filipino First Poli*.
Tana7a #. !n8ara, 272 SC$! 18 (1997)

Se*tion 1+. Tra7e Poli*.
Se*tion 1C. Ee#elop"ent an7 Pra*ti*e o, Pro,essions
Se*tion 1;. !8en*. to Pro"ote Cooperati#es
Se*tion 10. Corporations
/EC #. P5B, 192 SC$! 2;7 (1990)
Se*tion 17. Te"porar. Ta(eI1#er
!8an #. P)!TC1, C20 SC$! ;7;
Ea#i7 #. &a*apa8alI!rro.o, 6$ /o. 171+90, &a. 2000
Se*tion 18. /ationali4ation
$epu-li* #. P2ET, 20 SC$! 020 (1908)
P2ET #. /TC, 190 SC$! 717 (1990)
Se*tion 19. &onopolies an7 Co"-inations
<ner8. $e8ulator. Boar7 #. C!, 6$ /o. 11+079, !pril 20, 2001
6ar*ia #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar., 6$ /o. 1+2C;1, Ee*e"-er 17, 1999
Tata7 #. Se*retar. o, <ner8., 281 SC$! ++0
<astern !ssuran*e #. 2TF$B, 6$ /o. 1C9717, 1*t. 7, 200+
!#on #. 2una, 6$ /o. 1;+07C, Ee*e"-er 20, 2000
Se*tion 21. Forei8n 2oans
Se*tion 22. !*ts )ni"i*al to the /ational )nterest
Artcile X<0# 7eneral /rovisions
Se*tion 1. Fla8 o, the Philippines
Se*tion 2. /a"e, /ational !nthe" or a /ational Seal
Se*tion +. )""unit. Fro" Suit
$epu-li* #. Feli*iano, 1C8 SC$! C2C (1987)
&etran #. Pare7es, 79 Phil 819 (19C7I19C8)
/!C #. Teo7oro, 91 Phil 20+ (19;2)
&o-il Philippines #. Custo"s !rrastre, 18 SC$! 120 (1900)
P/$ #. )!C, 217 SC$! C01 (199+)
&inisterio #. CF), C0 SC$! C0C (1971)
&uni*ipalit. o, San Fernan7o #. Fir"e, 19; SC$! 092
2ansan8 #. C!, 6$ /o. 102007
Tra7ers $ Ban( #. )!C, 192 SC$! +0; (1990)
$epu-li* #. San7o#al, 220 SC$! 12C (199+)
E! #. /2$C, 227 SC$! 09+ (199+)
<P6 Constru*tion #. 5i8ilar, 6$ /o. 1+1;CC, &ar*h 10, 2001
Philro*( #. Boar7 o, 2iqui7ators, 180 SC$! 171 (1989)

$epu-li* o, )n7onesia #. 5in4on, 6$ 1;C70;, June 20, 200+
Shell Philippines #. Jalos, 6$ /o. 179918, Septe"-er 8, 2010
Se*tion C. !FP
Se*tion ;. !FP $equire"ent an7 6oals
Se*tion 0. Poli*e For*e
3uilonia #. The 6eneral Court &artial N 6$ /o. 9000, &ar*h C, 1992
Carpio #. <'e*uti#e Se*retar. N 200 SC$! 290 (1992)
Eepart"ent o, Bu78et #. &anila?s Finest, 6$ /o. 109C00, &a. 9, 2007
&en7o4a #. P/P, 6$ /o. 1+90;8, June 21, 200;
Se*tion 7. >ar 5eterans
Se*tion 8. Pensions an7 Bene,its ,or $etirees
Se*tion 9. Prote*tion o, Consu"ers ,ro" Tra7e &alpra*ti*es
Se*tion 10. Ee#elop"ent o, Filipino Capa-ilit. an7 Co""uni*ation Stru*tures
Se*tion 11. 1%nership an7 &ana8e"ent &ass &e7ia an7 !7#ertisin8
Se*tion 12. Consultati#e Bo7. ,or )n7i8enous Cultural Co""unities
Article X<00# Amen!ments or Revisions
Se*tion 1. !"en7"ent or $e#ision
)"-on8 #. C1&<2<C, +; SC$! 28 (1970)
2a"-ino #. C1&<2<C, ;0; SC$! 100
Se*tion 2. )nitiati#e
Ee,ensorISantia8o #. C1&<2<C, 270 SC$! 100 (1997)H &$ (1997)
2a"-ino #. C1&<2<C, ;0; SC$! 100 (2000)
Se*tion +. Constitutional Con#ention
Se*tion C. $ati,i*ation
6on4ales #. C1&<2<C, 21 SC$! 77C (1907)
Tolentino #. C1&<2<C, C1 SC$! 702 (1971)
Article X<000 Transitory /rovisions
Se*tion 20. )llI6otten >ealthH SequestrationDFree4e 1r7ers
Co@uan8*o #. $o'as, 19; SC$! 797 (1991)
Se*tion 27. <,,e*ti#it.
Ee 2eon #. <squerra, 1;2 SC$! 002 (1987)


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