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Caieei uuiue
1he 8esL kepL SecreL ln Allled PealLh
Want a gieat clinical caieei but not suie meu
school is iight foi you.
MSA sLudenLs wanL:
a career Lo be proud of
meanlngful work helplng
earnlng power and [ob
ume Lo en[oy llfe,
frlends and famlly

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A Typical* Bay in the Life of
an Anesthesiologist Assistant
6:30 a.m. AAs sLarL day shl
6:43 a.m. meeL rsL pauenL, Lake vlLal slgns, wrlLe
anesLhesla care plan based on Lhelr condluon,
Lype of surgery, eLc.
7:00 a.m. presenL anesLhesla care plan Lo
auendlng anesLheslologlsL
7:13 a.m. prepare pauenL and LransporL hlm/her
Lo operaung room, page auendlng
7:30 a.m. auendlng anesLheslologlsL ls presenL aL
sLarL of Lhe case (lnducuon)
7:33 a.m. pauenL ls asleep or sedaLed, auendlng
leaves, monlLor pauenL LhroughouL surgery,
ad[usL medlcauons as needed
9:30 a.m. near end of surgery, page auendlng Lo
be Lhere aL wake up" (emergence)
9:43 a.m. LransporL pauenL Lo posL anesLhesla
care unlL (ACu) + geL Lhem seuled
10:00 a.m. 8epeaL unul cases for day are done
*number, Lype and durauon of surgerles
varles, whlch keeps Lhlngs lnLeresung.
Who aie Anesthesiologist Assistants .
AnesLheslologlsL asslsLanLs are well-respecLed members of Lhe
AnesLhesla Care 1eam (AC1) and work closely wlLh anesLheslologlsLs
carlng for pauenLs from Lhe pre-operauve sLage Lhrough surgery,
endlng wlLh posL-operauve recovery.
1he AA professlon was creaLed by physlclans ln Lhe
laLe 1960s ln response Lo a shorLage of anesLhesla
care provlders. A few vlslonary anesLheslologlsLs
undersLood LhaL fuLure needs couldn'L be meL by Lhe
number of people who were chooslng anesLheslology.
1hey envlsloned a new mld-level anesLhesla provlder
Lo work wlLh Lhem on Lhe AnesLhesla Care 1eam
(AC1) and Lhe AA professlon was born.
AA salaiy iange in 2u14
is $12S,uuu - $18u,uuu
Case NSA Stuuents
Why Lhey chose Lo become AAs
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l am from Crand 8aplds, Mlchlgan, and l
graduaLed from Crand valley SLaLe unlverslLy ln
2010 wlLh a 8.S. ln 8lomedlcal Sclence. l learned
abouL Lhe anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL eld Lhrough
a shadowlng experlence and l was lnsLanLly
lnLrlgued. l found Lhe professlon Lo be boLh
rewardlng and challenglng, and l was encouraged
LhaL lL would also allow me Lo malnLaln a balanced
llfesLyle. Aer meeung wlLh several pracuclng AAs
and currenL sLudenLs l knew LhaL Lhls was Lhe
career paLh for me. 1he graduaLes of Case's MSA
program have an excellenL repuLauon wlLhln Lhe
AA communlLy. Clven Lhe unlverslLy's presuge and
Lhe faculLy's supporL of Lhelr sLudenLs, Case
WesLern was my rsL cholce. l am exLremely
exclLed Lo be a parL of Case WesLern's MSA
program ln PousLon.
Neagan Baibish
BC Class of 2u14
l am from klrLland, Chlo, a small Lown abouL
LwenLy mlles ouLslde of Cleveland. Crowlng up ln
a Lown where everyone knew each oLher, l
declded Lo llve ln a larger clLy and l moved Lo
lusburgh, ennsylvanla, Lo sLudy aL uuquesne
unlverslLy. l graduaLed wlLh a 8achelor of Sclence
ln 8lology wlLh mlnors ln boLh 8lochemlsLry and
sychology. l always lnLended Lo work ln Lhe
healLhcare eld however l was orlglnally plannlng
on auendlng medlcal school. l followed Lhe pre-
medlcal paLh and l Look my MCA1 ln May of
2011. Aer l shadowed several dlerenL
physlclans lL became clear LhaL medlcal school
was noL Lhe rlghL paLh for me. l was lnLroduced Lo
Lhe MSA rogram aL Case Lhrough my counselor
aL uuquesne, as well as Lhrough lnformauon LhaL
was senL Lo my house. Aer l researched Lhe
program and Lhe professlon l knew l had found
Lhe ldeal career. l am honored Lo paruclpaLe ln
Lhls hlghly selecuve program.
Eliecei Navaiio
Clevelanu Class of 2u14
l was born and ralsed ln anama ClLy, anama.
lrom a young age l found Lhe human body and
lLs physlology very lnLeresung. uurlng hlgh
school l declded l wanLed Lo work ln Lhe
medlcal eld. ln order Lo recelve superlor
Lralnlng l seL a goal Lo pursue my educauon ln
Amerlca. l graduaLed ln 2010 from 8rlgham
?oung unlverslLy-ldaho wlLh a 8.S. ln 8lology.
As an undergraduaLe l worked ln Lhe
8lomolecular lab as a research asslsLanL. l was
lnLroduced Lo Lhe eld of anesLhesla whlle
shadowlng an oral and maxlllofaclal surgeon.
Aer furLher research l dlscovered Lhe
anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL professlon. 1hls
career paLh ls ldeal for my llfesLyle and
lnLeresLs. lL wlll allow me Lo be very lnvolved
wlLh healLh care, compleLe my Lralnlng ln a
shorL perlod of ume and balance my
commlLmenLs Lo work and famlly.

Leaueis Naue Beie
Case's MSA rogram repares ?ou Lo Co
Where ?ou WanL, WlLh Condence
Case NSA uiaus:
A New ueneiation of Leaueis
Mauhew Clom, AA-C
Class of 2008
resldenL, Chlo Academy of AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanLs
racuclng anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL, ChrlsL PosplLal, Clnclnnau, CP

8rlan Pasklns, AA-C
Class of 2010
Pead AnesLheusL, Memorlal Permann PosplLal SysLem, PousLon, 1x
racuclng anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL, Memorlal Permann PosplLal
SysLem, PousLon, 1x

Sabena kachwalla, AA-C
Class of 2007
Cllnlcal ulrecLor, Case MSA WashlngLon, uC
racuclng anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL, WashlngLon PosplLal CenLer,
WashlngLon, uC

"Case is the Ciaule of AA leaueiship."*

Executive Piogiam Biiectoi }oseph Rifici, AA-C, Neu
Class of 1982

Sherryl Adamlc, AA-C, Class of 1993
Chalr, nauonal Commlsslon for
Cerucauon of AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanLs

Shane Angus, AA-C, Class of 1999
Chalr, AccredlLauon 8evlew Commluee for
Lhe AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanL
Commlssloner, Commlsslon on
AccredlLauon of Allled PealLh Lducauon

Melanle CuLhrle, AA-C, Class of 1997
rogram ulrecLor, MSA rogram
unlverslLy of Mlssourl-kansas ClLy

Cary !ones, AA-C, MLd, Class of 1999
ulrecLor, 1exas Academy of
AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanLs
lundralslng Chalr, 1exas Academy of
AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanLs

Mlchael nlchols, AA-C, Class of 2000
Commluee on luLure Models of
AnesLhesla racuce, Amerlcan SocleLy of
ollucal Acuon Commluee, Amerlcan
SocleLy of AnesLheslologlsLs

!oseph 8lcl, AA-C, MLd, Class of 1982
vlce-Chalr, nauonal Commlsslon for
Cerucauon of AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanLs
Commluee on AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanL
Lducauon and racuce, Amerlcan SocleLy
of AnesLheslologlsLs

Carle 1wlchell, AA-C, Class of 1999
resldenL-LlecL, Amerlcan Academy of
AnesLheslologlsL AsslsLanLs

*1hls ls a parual llsL of Case alumnl currenLly ln
leadershlp posluons. Co here for Lhe honor roll:

The Anesthesia Caie
Team Nouel
Lndorsed by 1he Amerlcan SocleLy of
Anesthesia Caie Team (ACT)
ulrecLed by an anesLheslologlsL, Lhe AnesLhesla Care 1eam conslsLs of
anesLheslologlsLs supervlslng qualled non-physlclan anesLhesla provlders
and/or resldenL physlclans who are Lralnlng ln Lhe provlslon of anesLhesla
care. 1he anesLheslologlsL may delegaLe pauenL monlLorlng and
approprlaLe Lasks Lo Lhese non-physlclan provlders whlle reLalnlng overall
responslblllLy for Lhe pauenL.
Members of Lhe AnesLhesla Care 1eam work LogeLher Lo provlde Lhe
opumal anesLhesla experlence for all pauenLs. Core members of Lhe
anesLhesla care Leam lnclude boLh physlclans (anesLheslologlsL,
anesLheslology fellow, anesLheslology resldenL) and non-physlclans
(anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL, nurse anesLheusL, anesLheslologlsL asslsLanL
sLudenL, sLudenL nurse anesLheusL). CLher healLh care professlonals also
make lmporLanL conLrlbuuons Lo Lhe perlanesLheuc care of Lhe pauenL.
1o provlde opumum pauenL safeLy, Lhe anesLheslologlsL dlrecung Lhe
AnesLhesla Care 1eam ls responslble for managemenL of Leam personnel,
pauenL pre-anesLheuc evaluauon, prescrlblng Lhe anesLheuc plan,
managemenL of Lhe anesLheuc, posL-anesLhesla care and anesLhesla
79 :&;.&< =/ )2& 7+&34*-. 6"*4&)/ "> 7.&9)2&94"?"(49)9
What Now.
Pow do l nd ouL lf belng an AA ls
rlghL for me?
Inteiesteu. uo on. Take the Next Step.
Email us at

Pow do l know lf belng an AA ls rlghL for me?
Are you a Lype A" personallLy?
uoes mulu-Lasklng come naLurally Lo you?
ls consLanL change and problem solvlng on Lhe y !"#$%&'?
uo you wanL challenglng work LhaL leaves ume for play?

lf you sald yes" Lo any or all of Lhe above, Lake Lhe nexL sLep. vlslL Case
MSA ln person and spend a day ln Lhe C8 waLchlng an anesLheslologlsL
asslsLanL do Lhelr Lhlng. ?ou can shadow ln PousLon, uC or Cleveland.

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