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Prior to class, the facilitator should develop a scenario and a script for each character.
The facilitator will assign learners to the roles of Judge, Clerk, Prosecuting Attorney,
Defense Attorney, Defendant, Victim, itnesses, and Jury, which will consist of the
remainder of the class. !ach learner assigned a role other than "ury will #e provided
with the script appropriate to their role.
The facilitator will oversee the learners as they play out their roles, ending the "ury$s
De#rief this scenario #y discussing why it was done and how it relates or can #e applied
to real life or the "o#.
To enhance the learners understanding of the Criminal Justice Process, specifically
testifying in a court of law. The learners will understand the re%uirements of courtroom
testimony and procedures, and their relevance to the pu#lic safety profession using a
role&playing scenario
'cenario may #e altered to fit any num#er of classes.
'cenario script, individual character scripts. (e)amples attached*
,urniture arranged to simulate a courtroom setting.
Time- .&/ hours
0riginal idea unknown. Attached scenario courtesy of Virginia Tomek, 1aster 2nstructor
0akland PD, and the P0'T Course she facilitated in #uilding 3Courtroom Testimony for
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Pu#lic 'afety Telecommunicators5
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Mock Courtroom Trial or Dom!"tic Viol!#c!
Rol!" Nam! o L!ar#!r Rol! $la%!r R!c!i&!' Scri$t
Court 7eporter
District Attorney
Defense Attorney
Defendant- 1rs. 'mith
(it#!""!" Nam! o L!ar#!r Rol! $la%!r R!c!i&!' Scri$t
Dispatcher 0ne
Dispatcher Two
Primary 0fficer
Cover 0fficer
7o#ert 'mith (victim8s #rother*
)ur% m!m*!r"+
All remaining learners may #e mem#ers of the Jury. hile a "ury typically has ./
mem#ers, the learners can #e divided into smaller, more managea#le groups during
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Di"tri*ut! to t,! )u'-! o#l%.
C,aract!r+ )u'-!
0nce you enter the courtroom and take your seat, you will advise everyone
to #e seated. Then you will open the proceedings #y reading- /T,! ca"! 0
1111111112 t,! Stat! &!r"u" 111111111111111111111/ and ask /Ar! all
$arti!" $r!"!#t3/
After introductions from #oth sides, you will then instruct the District
Attorney to call their first witness.
2t will #e up to you to keep the proceedings moving, addressing each side
when it is their turn and instructing the witnesses to step down when they
are finished, etc. Also, you will make any necessary rulings if either lawyer
makes any o#"ections.
After closing statements, you will give instructions to the "ury, advising them
of their duty and responsi#ility in delivering a verdict, etc. (ad li#* hen
the "ury returns you ask the very important %uestion- 94a" t,! 5ur%
r!ac,!' a '!ci"io#3/ Depending on the outcome, you will either set a
sentencing date or dismiss the case and ad"ourn the court.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ )u'-!2 6aili2 Court Cl!rk
C,aract!r+ 6aili 7 Court Cl!rk
;ou will start the proceedings #y introducing the "udge into the courtroom-
9All ri"!2 t,! ,o#ora*l! )u'-! 1111111111111111111 $r!"i'i#-/.
Court clerk or 6ailiff-
Also, when each witness is called to the stand, you will swear them in.
2nstruct the witness to raise their right hand. 9Do %ou "8!ar to t!ll t,!
trut,2 t,! 8,ol! trut,2 a#' #ot,i#- *ut t,! trut,3/
< The court clerk would swear in the witnesses normally.
2f any of the witnesses start to show some aggression, step in his direction
to restore order.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ Di"$atc,!r O#! a#' Di"trict Attor#!%
C,aract!r+ Di"$atc,!r O#!
Professional >istory-
;ou have #een a dispatcher for .? months. ;our pro#ationary evaluations
were very good. ;ou have received your first permanent employee
evaluation which was also very good. ;ou have not received any citi@en or
officer complaints. ;ou work the .=AA&/4AA shift. ;ou are thorough and
attentive to the "o#. ;ou have not testified #efore #ut you present a
professional image. ;ou do not volunteer any additional information.
;ou have #een su#poenaed for the following calls which you handled.
The first call is received #y the Communications 'ection at /.4= hours
from a refused neigh#or. 2t was received on the seven digit emergency line
call and you recorded the following information-
Bocation of crime- .::: 1ain 'treet
7eporting person- 7efused ,emale Ceigh#or
7DP Address- 7efused
Telephone- 7efused
Crime- Distur#ance of the Peace & Domestic
During your interview the caller tells you the neigh#or lady is an alcoholic
and has #een drinking again. 'he is a nasty drunk and has #een violent to
her hus#and in the past. 'he is getting violent again, smashing out
windows. The suspect is a white, female, thirties. Today she is wearing a
green shirt and #lue "eans. ;ou document the information and send the
call forward for dispatch.
At /.4? hours, you receive a E&.&. call (AB2 shows .::: 1ain 'treet, ===
4:=F* from a woman. 'he is hostile and uncooperative. 'he wants an
officer to arrest her hus#and. hen you asked what was he doing, she
responded 9>e8s having an affair.9 ;ou remem#er the prior call and hope
to get more information. ;ou e)plain that an affair is not against the law
#ut you will have an officer out. hen you ask for her name she terminates
the telephone call.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ Di"$atc,!r T8o a#' Di"trict Attor#!%
C,aract!r+ Di"$atc,!r T8o
Professional >istory-
;ou have #een a dispatcher for si) years, have an old timer$s attitude, and
work a .EAA&A4AA holdover shift. ;ou are upset #ecause this is your only
day off and here you are in court testifying on a stupid case. 0fficers have
#een sent to this location on many occasions and you think the hus#and
should "ust 9handle9 his wife instead of crying to the police. ;our #ody
language is unprofessional. 2f asked for your opinion you are careful not to
say what you feel, #ut your #ody language reflects your opinion. ;ou know
the only record is the dispatch record #ecause the audio tape has #een
destroyed and you reali@e you did not ask the right %uestions.
;ou are su#poenaed for the following call- At /.:A hours, you received a
E&.&. call from 1r. 'mith. ;ou note this is the second call. The first call
was received at /.4= hours from a refused neigh#or. The prior dispatcher
coded it as a Domestic Distur#ance and recorded the following information-
Bocation of crime- .::: 1ain 'treet
7eporting person- 7efused ,emale Ceigh#or
Address- .::/ 1ain 'treet
Telephone- ===&./4: (E&.&.*
;ou recogni@ed the address as one which your agency has responded to
on several occasions. This is the first time you have spoken to 1r. 'mith.
;ou ask him the pro#lem and he tells you that his wife is 9fighting9 with him.
;ou do not pursue any further information including suspect name or
description. ;ou terminate the telephone call #y saying 9we8ll #e out.9 1r.
'mith responds with 9please.9 Afterwards you update the pending call
9another call & no further details,9 and laugh a#out 1r. 'mith #eing afraid of
9the little woman.9
At A/4A hours you receive a call from a male who identifies himself 7o#ert
'mith. >e tells you that he "ust arrived home from work and found his
#rother murdered in the #ack #edroom. >is address is .::: 1ain 'treet.
>e tells you he will #e outside waiting for the officers. ;ou send medical
and law enforcement.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ (it#!"" Ro*!rt Smit,2 Di"trict Attor#!% a#' D!!#"!
C,aract!r+ Ro*!rt Smit,
;ou live with your #rother and his wife. ;ou work the swing shift and
arrived home to find your #rother murdered. ;our sister&in&law was gone
and so was their car. !verything was fine the last time you saw your
#rother and his wife.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ Primar% Oic!r2 Co&!r Oic!r 9 i "ta!'2 Di"trict
Attor#!%2 a#' D!!#"! Attor#!%
C,aract!r+ Polic! Oic!r"
Professional >istory-
Primar% Oic!r
;ou are a five&year veteran working for a large city and your agency is
understaffed. ;ou are well thought of and have received good
performance evaluations.
Co&!r Oic!r
;ou have #een a police officer for eight months and out of the academy for
two months. ;ou are still in training and this is the first case in which you
have testified. ;ou are e)tremely nervous. hen asked a %uestion #y
either attorney, ask the "udge if you can review the police report to refresh
your memory. ;ou are truthful, #ut nervous.
Di"$atc, I#o+
;ou and the cover officer are dispatched to .::: 1ain 'treet at /.:= hours
on a Domestic Distur#ance. The suspect is descri#ed as a white, female,
thirties, wearing a green shirt and #lue "eans, possi#le under the influence
of alcohol. The call has #een pending for 4A minutes.
hen you arrive, the house is dark and there are no cars in the driveway.
;ou o#served nothing, heard nothing as you approached the house. ;ou
knock on the door and receive no response. ;ou and your partner look
around #ut nothing looks out of the ordinary. ;ou are there for a#out .A
minutes and then clear the call & 9una#le to locate, appears +0A9.
At appro)imately A/4A hours you are again dispatched to .::: 1ain
'treet. This time the call is a /:= PC (assault with a deadly weapon*,
possi#le .?G PC (homicide*. The reporting person is 7o#ert 'mith who "ust
arrived home and found his #rother dead in the #ack #edroom. The
dispatcher advised the reporting party (1r. 'mith* was too upset to provide
any further information and he would #e waiting outside. 1edical was
dispatched code 4.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ D!!#'a#t+ Mr". Smit, a#' D!!#"! Attor#!%
C,aract!r+ Su"$!ct : t,! (i!
The Judge will ask you to stand. hen you are asked how do you plead,
you will plead not guilty.
1rs. 'mith declines to testify on her own #ehalf. ;ou are careful to show
no reactions to indicate guilt or innocence.
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Di"tri*ut! to+ D!!#"! Attor#!%
Through discovery you receive the following information-
Di"$atc,!r O#!;" i#ormatio#+
The first call is received at /.4= hours from a refused neigh#or. 2t was
received on the seven digit emergency line call and H. recorded the
following information-
Bocation of crime- .::: 1ain 'treet
7eporting person- 7efused ,emale Ceigh#or
7DP Address- 7efused
Telephone- 7efused
Crime- Domestic Distur#ance
During the interview the caller tells Dispatcher H.- 3The neigh#or lady is an
alcoholic and has #een drinking again. 'he is a nasty drunk and has #een
violent to her hus#and in the past. 'he is getting violent again, smashing
out windows. The suspect is a white, female, thirties. Today she is
wearing a green shirt and #lue "eans.5 The information is documented and
the call was dispatched.
At /.4? hours H. received a E&.&. call. The female is hostile and
uncooperative. 'he wants an officer to arrest her hus#and. The notation is
made referring to the prior call. The reporting party information shows
9female & hung up9
Di"$atc,!r T8o+
At /.:A hours, dispatcher H/ received a E&.&. call from 1r. 'mith. 2t was a
E&.&. call. 2t is noted this is the second call. The first call is received at
/.4= hours from a refused neigh#or. The prior dispatcher coded the call as
a Distur#ance of the Peace & Domestic and recorded the following
Bocation of crime- .::: 1ain 'treet
7eporting person- 7efused ,emale Ceigh#or
Address- .::/ 1ain 'treet
Telephone- ===&./4: (E&.&.*
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Dispatcher H/ recogni@ed the address as one in which the agency has
responded to on several occasions. Dispatcher H/ notes on the call
9another call & no further details.9
At A/4A hours H/ received a call from a male who identifies himself at
7o#ert 'mith. >e "ust arrived home from work and found his #rother
murdered in the #ack #edroom. >is address is .::: 1ain 'treet. >e is
outside waiting for the officers. 1edical is ordered Code 4. The police are
immediately dispatched.
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<acilitator I#ormatio#+
<ormat or Sc!#ario+
Assign roles prior to the mock trial, either the evening #efore if the trial
will #e held in the morning or #efore lunch if the trial will #e in the
0pen the scenario with the 6ailiff entering and stating 9All rise, the
>onora#le Judge IIIIIII9, etc.
Judge states the case H and name and asks if all parties are present,
asks how does the defendant plead (Cot +uilty*.
DA calls first witness (Dispatcher 0ne* to the stand and #egins
Defense attorney cross e)amines first witness.
NOTE+ R!:cro"" !=am ca# occur i #!!'!'
DA calls second witness (Dispatcher Two* and %uestions.
Defense attorney cross e)amines.
NOTE+ R!:cro"" !=am ca# occur i #!!'!'
DA calls third witness (1r. 7o#ert 'mith* and #egins %uestioning.
Defense attorney cross e)ams.
DA calls fourth witness (Primary 0fficer* and #egins %uestions.
Defense attorney cross e)amines.
2f there is a role player playing the role of the cover officer, he is then
called to the stand, otherwise is not called to the stand. 2t is stipulated
that he will not add to the testimony of the Primary 0fficer.
Closing statements are given.
Judge advises "ury of the rules of conduct.
Jury retires for deli#eration (class #reak*.
Court reconvenes.
Jury reaches verdict. (guilty or not guilty*
De#riefing of the activity
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