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Sept 19, 11
Descriptive statistic
-During the lecture and how the prof opened excel and talked about the long distance phone bill with
the numbers going from the top of the page to the bottom.
Bucketing- Sorting data in different categories.


In chapter one will had divided statistics in two basic areas: descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics. The purpose of this chapter is to further elaborate on descriptive statistics by introducing
graphical and tabular statistical methods that allow people to visually produce and summarize useful
information. Managers and executives of company often has a large mass of potentially useful data.
But imagine the data to be like a camera raw, its a raw and needs to be converted to jpeg or in this
sense summarized and organized before it can be presented. The methods of descriptive statistics use
graphical techniques and numerical descriptive measures (such as averages) to summarize and
present data.

- In chapter one will we were introduced to the difference of population and sample , in this
chapter we will go back to the what was pointed out was critical in understanding which is
how to draw graphs and calculate statistics (manually or by computer but also when to use
each technique that chapter 2 covers. Two factors which determine which we use to
determine what method we use is the type of data and the information we need.


- The objective of stats is to extract info from data. There are different types of data and
information much like how there are different types of computer files for videos like mpeg,
qvoi and WMV. To understand this we must refer to my statistic dictionary. However here
are some key terms just for quick reference.

A variable is some characteristic of a population or sample, i.e the mark on a statistics exam
is a characteristic of stats exams . Not all students get the same mark, the marks will vary
which is were the word variable stems from in its absolute form.
o The values of the variable or mark on the exam will be intergers between 0 and 100
(assuming the exam is out of a 100). Any value of the variable could run from its
min to max point.

Data is an observed values of a variable, because the number value of a variable. Its like
observing the midterm mark of 10 students being:
The mark of one student in this strand of student is called datum because data is its plural form. I
always thought data was a set of numbers, however there are three different types of data, being
interval, nominal and ordinal data.
Interval data are real numbers such as height, weight anything measured with numerical data, this
type of data is called quantitative or numerical.
The nominal data are categories , places a number to characteristic or trait. Refer to first note. SEPT
NT 1511 A martial status question is posed by questionnaire, the value of variables being single,
married divorced and so on.. Notice that the values are not numbers but instead are words describing
the categories. In the old notes, it shows that we often record nominal data by randomly assigning
numbers to categories.
Nominal data are also called qualitative or categorical.
The third type of data is ordinal, ordinal is similar to be nominal but their values are in order rather
than placing a number to an object, category and so on. I.e Soppose students want to judge Marshalls
stats class on different aspects by using variables such as
Poor, decent, alright, great and amazing. The main difference between nominal and ordinal types is
the data is that the values of the variables are in order
You can also use random numbers just make sure the grow with the proceeding information.
Sometimes you might get tripped up distinguishing between ordsinal and interval data. The critical
difference between them is that the intervals or differences between values of interval data are
consistent and meaningful ( thats why this type of data is called interval). I.e the difference between
marks of 85 and 80 is the same 5 percent different between 75 and 70.

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