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Socit Honoraire de Franais of the American Association of Teachers of French

Stonewall Jackson High School

I. Membership
A. The sponsor of the chapter, including a home school, must be a member of the
American Association of Teachers of French
B. !nductions will occur in "o#ember for $ualified candidates in %e#els !!!, !&, and &
and in the spring of e#er' 'ear for $ualified candidates in %e#el !!
C (eneral )ligibilit' *e$uirements to be met b' all students+
1. Members must be acti#el' engaged in the stud' of French
a Members must be taking a French course at school
b. An' member not taking a French course at school must ha#e taken
French !& and currentl' take part in a French-related acti#it', such as the
tutoring of other French students and acti#e participation in SHF
2. .andidates must be enrolled in at least their fourth semester of French /the
second semester of %e#el !!0
3. .andidates must ha#e taken at least %e#el !& in order to remain in the societ',
4. .andidates must be in the 12
, 11
, or 13
grades An' 4
grader who has
completed the re$uired number of semesters of stud' ma' be admitted
5 Transfer students must ha#e spent at least one full semester at Stonewall
Jackson High School before becoming eligible
6. !n order to be inducted, candidates in %e#els !! and !!! must ha#e maintained an
A /4560 a#erage in French during the semester of selection /the first semester of
the 3227-3228 school 'ear0 and a cumulati#e a#erage of a 456
7. !n order to be inducted, candidates in %e#els !& and & must ha#e maintained a
a 9: /4260 a#erage in French during the semester of selection /the first semester
of the 3227-3228 school 'ear0 and a cumulati#e a#erage of a 426
8. .andidates must ha#e at least a 9 a#erage /52 (;A, unweighted0 in all other
classes during the semester of selection as well as cumulati#el' and must hold
that (;A for the duration of membership
9. Failure to meet the re$uired scholastic a#erages listed abo#e will result in
ineligibilit' for candidates and ma' result in re#ocation of membership for
alread'-inducted members
II <ues and Fees
A. The induction fee, to be paid b' all members onl' once, is =73>
1. .o#ers chapter induction
2. Also co#ers cost of pins and certificates awarded to all members
B. Student membership fees
1. ?nderclassmen /students in 4
, 12
, and 11
grades0 are re$uired to pa' dues of
=>22, in addition to the =73> for the chapter induction
a. Two of the fi#e dollars co#ers membership dues
b. The remaining three dollars will be sa#ed in the chapter treasur' to be
used to fund chapter acti#ities
2. Seniors are re$uired to pa' =1722 in addition to the =73> fee for chapter
a. Two of the fi#e dollars co#ers membership dues
b. Three dollars will be sa#ed in the chapter treasur' to be used to fund
chapter acti#ities
c. The remaining twel#e dollars co#ers the cost of graduation cords
III. Attendance ;olic' and ;articipation *e$uirements
A Members are re$uired to attend monthl' meetings, unless an absence has been
e@cused b' the sponsor before the end of the school day on which the meeting is
to be held. )@cuses are granted under the discretion of the sponsor and ma' be
granted for+
1 sports practicesAgame
2 other honor society meetings
3 tutoring in another subBect
4 famil' obligations andAor emergencies
B. After two une@cused absences, a member will put on CprobationD He or she
will be notified of the CprobationD Further une@cused absences ma' result in
e@pulsion from SHF
C. All members are re$uired to acti#el' participate in after-school tutoring /at
least once a month, unless the sponsor e@cuses a member from this participation0
and in fundraisers and chapter acti#ities taking place both in and outside of
school Tutors must show up at 3 pm and wait until 3+12 pm for tutees to show
up After 3+12 pm, tutors ma' be dismissed
D. ;oor attendance or lack of participation ma' result in CprobationD or
re#ocation of membership
IV <uties of the ,fficers
A The sponsor reser#es the right to all final decisions regarding the acti#ities of the
SHF and its members
1 He reser#es the right to determine membership merit and has the power to
re#oke membership or officer positions
2 The sponsor recei#es and counts dues and fundraiser profits
3 He will notif' members of eligibilit', probation, and re#ocation of
B Member ,fficers
1. The presidentEThe president shall administer the .onstitution, preside o#er
meetings of the SHF, and coordinate SHF fundraisers and acti#ities with the
2. The #ice presidentEThe #ice president shall assume duties of the president if
necessar', shall assist the president in coordination of acti#ities and fundraisers,
shall be responsible for writing announcements informing the school and
members of dates of meetings, fundraisers, and other acti#ities The #ice president
shall document of chapter acti#ities so that a summar' ma' be sent to the AATF
at the end of the school 'ear
3. The secretar'EThe secretar' shall be responsible for recei#ing and counting
the dues, keeping minutes of the meetings, taking attendance and recording
membersF contact information, and keeping careful record of finances /mone'
raised b' fundraisers and dues and mone' spent on acti#ities or field trips0 to be
sent at the end of the school 'ear to the AATF
4. The historianEThe historian shall be responsible for documenting and
photographing the acti#ities of the chapter, for the organiGation of the chapter
website, and for emailing members with information about meetings /minutes and
reminders0 and acti#ities
5. All officers are re$uired to uphold the same standards as all other members+
maintain the appropriate scholastic a#erage and strictl' adhere to attendance and
participation policies
V. .hapter Status
A !n AprilAMa' of the 'ear, the chapter shall send a brief summar' of the acti#ities
and finance records to the AATF
B An' chapter which does not submit this ma' be considered inacti#e

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