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Glossary of abbreviations

API A specific gravity scale developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for measuring
the relative density of various petroleum liquids, expressed in degrees.
5 . 131 ) / 5 . 141 ( ) ( SG Gravity API (Where SG is the specific gravity of the fluid at
Bbbl billion barrels = 10
bbl barrels
Bcf billion cubic feet = 10
cubic feet
Bcm billion cubic metres = 10

bcpd barrels of condensate per day
BMR Bureau of Mineral Resources (now Geoscience Australia)
boe barrels of oil equivalent
bopd barrels of oil per day
Bstb billion stock tank barrels
Bscf billions of standard cubic feet
cc cubic centimetres (to be avoided, use cm
cf cubic feet
cubic centimetres
CGR condensate-to-gas-ratio
D Darcy
DHI direct hydrocarbon indicator
DPI Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales
DPIMF Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines (now RDPIFR)
DME Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland
DMP Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum
DST drill stem test
FEED front end engineering and design
FIT formation interval tester
FMT formation multi-tester
FPSO floating production, storage and offloading (facility, vessel)
FT formation test
ft feet
g grams
GA Geoscience Australia
Gl gigalitres = 10
cubic metres = 6.28981 million barrels
GOI Grains with oil inclusions
GOC gas-oil contact
GOR gas/oil ratio
GWC gas-water contact
HI hydrogen index (mg hydrocarbons/gTOC)
J joule
JPDA Joint Petroleum Development Area
JV Joint Venture
KB Kelly Bushing
kbbl thousand barrels
kt kilotonnes = one thousand metric tons
kl kilolitre
km kilometres
square kilometres
l litre
LNG liquefied natural gas
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
m metres
cubic metres
/day cubic metres per day
mD millidarcy
mg milligrams
MMbbl million barrels
MMboe million barrels of oil equivalent
MMcfd million cubic feet per day
MDT modular formation dynamic tester
mKB metres below kelly bushing
mRT metres below rotary table
MMscf million standard cubic feet
MMscfd million standard cubic feet per day
ms milliseconds
mSS metres subsea
MMstb million stock tank barrels
NT Northern Territory
NTDR Department of Resources, Northern Territory
OF open file
OWC oil-water contact
PIRSA Department of Primary Industries and Resources South Australia.
PJ petajoule = 10
ppm parts per million
psi pounds per square inch
QGF quantitative grain fluorescence
RDPIFR Department of Regional Development, Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources, Northern
RFT repeat formation test
RR rig release date
RT rotary table
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SANS small angle neutron scattering
scf standard cubic feet (cubic feet at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure)
SFT selective formation tester
SS subsea
stbd stock tank barrels per day
ST sidetrack number
Tcf trillion cubic feet = 10
cubic feet
TD total depth (drilled)
TOC total organic carbon (%)
TWT two-way time
VR vitrinite reflectance (%)
TSDA Timor Sea Designated Authority (disbanded 30 June 2008; absorbed into Autoridade
Nacional do Petrleo
TVD true vertical depth
TVDss true vertical depth subsea
VDPI Department of Primary Industries, Victoria.
WA Western Australia
WAPIMS Western Australian Petroleum and Geothermal Information Management System
WFT wireline formation test
ZOC A AustraliaIndonesia Zone of Cooperation Area A (now JPDA)
2D two dimensional
3D three dimensional

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