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Tips You Wont Find in the Nexus 10 Manual

Googles Nexus 10 is supposed to be an awesome device next to Apples iPad4. However, not
everone reads t!e manual be"ore "irst use. #ven i" t!e do, t!ere are some missing tips in
t!e nexus 10 manual. $!is is one reason w! some users cant ma%e t!e best out o" t!is cool
tablet. &" ou want to discover ot!er "eatures o" t!e Nexus 10, !ere are some t!ings ou can
do, w!ic! are not written in t!e manual.
Using the Devices Camera ' (ince t!e nexus 10 manual dont !ave an in"ormation on using
t!e camera, !eres t!e procedure on !ow to use it. )nder t!e *All Apps+ "older, "ind t!e+
,amera+ app t!en drag t!e icon to one o" our !ome screens. -!en using t!e rear camera,
press t!e blue button to capture t!e image. .oull !ear a sound w!ic! means t!at ouve
ta%en a picture success"ull. $o use t!e "ront camera, press t!e circle rig!t o" t!e blue button
and clic% t!e camera icon wit! arrows underneat!. -ait until ou see oursel" on t!e displa.
evie!ing and Managing Your "hotos ' $o review t!e images ouve ta%en, /ust swipe t!e
screen to t!e le"t. (wipe it bac% to t!e rig!t to go bac% to t!e camera. .ou could view t!e
pictures using t!e Galler app. $ap 0Grid view to switc! it to 01ilmstrip view. $o move "rom
one p!oto to anot!er, swipe t!e screen to t!e rig!t. (wipe down to delete. $o restore
accidentall deleted pictures, touc! 0)ndo in t!e lower2rig!t !and corner. $a%e note,
!owever, to do t!is 3uic% as t!is option will no longer be available once ou move on to t!e
next p!oto.
#d$usting %creen Contrast&'rightnness ' -!ile t!e screen tec!nolog o" t!e Nexus 10 is
di""erent to t!at o" iPad or Galax ( &&&, t!e onl wa to get t!e best contrast is not to set t!e
brig!tness too !ig!. )nless oure using t!e tablet outside, /ust set t!e brig!tness to onl 405
' 605. .ou could also turn on its auto brig!tness mode wit! t!e !elp o" 7ux Auto 8rig!tness
app. $!is lets t!e tablet ad/ust t!e displa brig!tness based on t!e outside environment.
Charge ())icientl* ' &" ou want t!e batter o" t!e Nexus 10 to last longer, rec!arge t!e
device wit! t!e power o"" and let it c!arge overnig!t. $!is s!ould provide ou enoug! power
"or t!e entire da under normal use. 9ec!arge t!e batter at least an !our pre"erabl during
lunc!time i" oure using t!e tablet more t!an t!e usual.
Use %a)e+Mode When Trou,leshooting ' &" ou run into some problems wit! t!e Nexus 10, t!e
"irst t!ing t!at ou want to do is to determine t!e cause. $o do t!is, press2!old t!e power
button until t!e tablet reboots. $!en press2!old t!e volume up and down %es simultaneousl
until t!e words 0(a"e mode appears at t!e lower le"t corner o" t!e screen. &" t!e issue !as
been resolved in sa"e mode, reboot t!e tablet and remove an t!ird2part apps t!at are
causing t!e problem.
$!ere are man more cool stu"" t!at ou do t!at are not included in t!e nexus 10 manual.
Nonet!eless, i" ou want to discover w!at ot!er t!ings t!at t!is tablet can do, go a!ead and
wor% around it. :ust ma%e sure t!at ou wont do an permanent damage to it.

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