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Oracle BPM Suite 11g Sample MultiInstance Samples

Oracle BPM Suite 11g Complex Gateway

Oracle BPM Suite 11g Complex Gateway....................................................................... 1
1 Oracle BPM Suite 11g : Multi-Instance ...................................................................... 1
1.1 Concepts ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Sample Overview ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Whats Included ............................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Understanding the Complex Gateway sample ............................................................... 1
1.3.1 Context ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3.2 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3.3 Configuration of Complex Gateway ......................................................................... 2
1.3.4 Testing the process ....................................................................................................... 2

Oracle BPM Suite 11g Sample MultiInstance Samples
Oracle BPM Suite 11g MultiInstance samples 1
1 Oracle BPM Suite 11g : Multi-Instance
1.1 Concepts

A complex gateway is only a merging gateway and can be used to merge process branches created by
splitting parallel or inclusive gateway. A common use case of Complex Gateway is for aborting active paths
in the Parallel or Inclusive Gateways if the condition associated with the Complex Gateway is satisfied. The
complex gateway is activated once the specified condition is true.

1.2 Sample Overview
1.2.1 Scope
This sample covers Complex Gateway for aborting active paths in the Parallel or Inclusive Gateways.
1.2.2 Whats Included
The sample Application has 1 project:
1. Complex BPM Project that highlights using Complex Gateway.
1.3 Understanding the Complex Gateway sample
1.3.1 Context
This is used as a Merge Gateway for Parallel and Inclusive Gateways to abort active incoming paths
based on evaluation of a specific condition.
1.3.2 Overview
This is a very simple example where the passport is cleared after checking drivers license, validating
credit and criminal record. These 3 checks are conducted by different departments. The passport is
cleared if 2 out of 3 checks have been completed and the outcome is APPROVE. The incoming
payload is kept simple and is just a string passport id. The Check Criminal Record, Check Credit
and Check Drivers License are User Tasks. There is no UI associated with any of these User Tasks.
The active incoming path to the Complex Gateway is aborted if 2 out of 3 incoming flows
have completed with outcome = APPROVE.

Oracle BPM Suite 11g Sample MultiInstance Samples
Oracle BPM Suite 11g MultiInstance samples 2

1.3.3 Configuration of Complex Gateway

The Complex Gateway is associated with a conditional expression. . If the Abort Pending Flows flag shown in
Error! Reference source not found. is checked, the outstanding incoming sequence flows are aborted and
activities such as outstanding human tasks are aborted. A special data object activationCount - is associated
with a complex gateway and may be used in the condition along with other data objects. The activationCount
indicates the number of incoming sequence flows that have been activated.

1.3.4 Testing the process
Go to Oracle Enterprise Manager (Oracle EM) and use the Test Web Service option to supply input
values for triggering the process instance. Log in as cdoyle (Credit Agency) and select the Approve
action for the check credit step. Log in as jcooper (DMV) and select the action for check Drivers
license step. You will notice that the check criminal record task item is withdrawn and the
Gateway completes.

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