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Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi

Fellow Programme in Management

Course Name Basic NeuroScience
Term V
Name of the Course Coordinator Prof. Tanusree Dutta
Name of the Instructors
Course Prerequisites (if an!
"estrictions on course registration
Te#t Boo$s%
1. Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology By Bob arrett
!. Introduction to Psychology "Morgan, #ing , $eis%, &cho'ler(
Session Plan %
Session Description
1 To&ic% Introduction to the Ner'ous Sstem
"eadings% )e*t Boo+ 1, ,ha'ter 1
! To&ic% ,ommunication -ithin the nervous system
"eadings% )e*t Boo+ 1, ,ha'ter !
. To&ic% )he organi%ation and function of the nervous system
"eadings% )e*t Boo+ 1, ,ha'ter .
/ To&ic% (thics of Neuro)"esearch
"eadings% )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter /
0 To&ic% Re-ard system in Brain
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 0
1 To&ic% Motivation ,enters in the Brain
"eadings% )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 1
2 To&ic% )he Biology of &e* and ender "Basis of ,ognitive 3ifferences(
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 2
4 To&ic% 5eural basis of 6motion and 7ealth
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 4
8 To&ic% 5eural Basis of 7earing and 9anguage
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 8
1: To&ic% Neural *asis of +ision and +isual Perce&tion
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 1:
11 To&ic% The *od Senses and Mo'ements
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 11
1! To&ic% Neural *asis of ,earning and Memor
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 1!
1. To&ic% Neural Basis of Intelligence and Cogniti'e Functioning
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 1.
1/ To&ic% Neural *asis of Consciousness
Readings: )e*t Boo+ !, ,ha'ter 10
10,11 "eadings on ("P
12, 14 "eadings on fM"I
18,!: -dditional "eadings on a&&lications of NeuroScience to Management
)homas, A., 7ammer, A., Beibst, ., ; M<nte, ). =. "!:1.(. An 6RP>study of brand and no>
name 'roducts. BMC neuroscience, 14"1(, 1/8.
rosenic+, 9., reer, &., ; #nutson, B. "!::4(. Inter'retable classifiers for =MRI im'rove
'rediction of 'urchases. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions
on, 16"1(, 0.8>0/4.
Bray, &., Rangel, A., &himo?o, &., Balleine, B., ; @A3oherty, B. P. "!::4(. )he neural
mechanisms underlying the influence of 'avlovian cues on human decision ma+ing. The
ournal o! Neuroscience, "#"!!(, 0411>0411.
#nutson, B., Ric+, &., $immer, . 6., Prelec, 3., ; 9oe-enstein, . "!::2(. 5eural
'redictors of 'urchases. Neuron, $%"1(, 1/2>101.
Berns, . &., ,a'ra, ,. M., Moore, &., ; 5oussair, ,. "!:1:(. 5eural mechanisms of the
influence of 'o'ularity on adolescent ratings of music.Neuroimage, 4&".(, !142>!181.
9evy, I., 9a%%aro, &. ,., Rutledge, R. B., ; limcher, P. $. "!:11(. ,hoice from non>choice:
'redicting consumer 'references from blood o*ygenation level>de'endent signals obtained
during 'assive vie-ing. The ournal o! Neuroscience, %1"1(, 114>1!0.
9inden, 3. 6. "!:1/(. 5eurofeedbac+ and net-or+s of de'ression. 'ialogues in clinical
neuroscience, 16"1(, 1:..
Mather, M., ; &choe+e, A. "!:11(. Positive outcomes enhance incidental learning for both
younger and older adults. (rontiers in neuroscience, $.
Anderson, B. A., 9aurent, P. A., ; Cantis, &. "!:1.(. Re-ard 'redictions bias attentional
selection. (rontiers in human neuroscience, ).
7olroyd, ,. B., 5ieu-enhuis, &., Ceung, 5., ; ,ohen, B. 3. "!::.(. 6rrors in re-ard
'rediction are reflected in the event>related brain 'otential. Neurore*ort,14"14(, !/41>!/4/.
)he course -ill be follo-ing a seminar formatD students have to regularly 'resent the assigned
('aluation Method
Mid )erm, 6nd )erm, ,lass Presentations

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