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VB Script for QTP

I) Introduction:
a) Scripting Languages VS Programming Languages
b) Basic features of VBScript.
c) Hosting Environments & Script Engines
d) Creating & running a script
e) Comments
II) Variables and Constants:
a) Vbscript data types
b) Assigning vaues to variabes
c) !ption E"picit Statement
d) #aming restrictions for variabes
e) Scope of Variabes
f) Array Variabes
g) $ynamic Arrays
%) $imensiona Arrays
i) Constants
III) Vbscript Operators:
a) !perator precedence.
b) Arit%metic operators
c) Comparison !perators
d) Concatenation operators
e) Logica operators
IV) Flow Control (a. Conditional Statements)
V) Flow Control (b. Looping through code)
Chapter- 1 (Introduction)
Scripting language vs programming anguages!
S.No Scripting languages Programming languages
1 These are interpreted based
These are Compiler based
2 These are light weight languages These are weightful languages.
3 Line by line eecution happens Total code at a time compilation
!. "educes de#elopment time $ncreases de#elopment time
%. Creating user interface &'$( is
difficult in scripting languages.
Creating user interface &'$( is
easy in programming languages.
) *. Scripting language are + ,-.
/a#a Script. perl scrip. shell
script. python script. "uby script
* programming language are+
-asic.C0-0L. Portran. c. c1
1.,C11. /a#a. ,-. etc.
2 Scripting languages ha#e limited
support for 3raphics 4esign
Programming languages ha#e rich
Support for 3raphics 4esign.
Note+ Compilation+ Con#erting high5le#el language such as *nglish into
6achine le#el language e7ui#alence.
Note2+ compilation re7uired for programming languages not for scripting
Note 3+ $n order to achie#e any tas8 &S( less codes are enough in scripting
languages than programming languages.
II! VBScript Basic "eatures!
,- Script was launched in 1992 by 6icrosoft
$t is a lightweight #ersion of 6icrosoft ,- programming language.
,- script is a platform dependent language. &:or8s on windows
en#ironment li8e :indows client operating systems. windows ser#er
operating systems. internet eplorer. $nternet information ser#ice &$$S(
which is also 8now as 6icrosoft web ser#er.
$t has huge amount of operators support
$t supports file system operations. &Creating ;updating;#iewing;deleting
folders. flat files. word documents. P4<. =ml documents and *cel
$t supports data base operations.&4ata base connections. data #alidations.
4ata integrate . *TC.(
$t can be integrated with 6S >ccess. S?L Ser#er and oracle etc database
management system.
III Purposes of VBScript#Benefits of VBScript
$t has se#eral purposes. &$t is global concept(
$t is used in client side scripting in the web.&:e can embed ,-Script
into @T6L Pages. through this we can perform form #alidations. user
#alidations. etc. & $nternet eplorer pro#ides host en#ironment for
running ,-Script.(
$t can be used for ser#er side scripting in >SP &>cti#e Ser#er pages(
&$$S $nternet information ser#ice pro#ides host en#ironment for
running ,bscript.(
$t is used for Net wor8 >dministration.
$t is used for system administration.
$t supports file system and data base operations.
$t can be used for Test automation &?TP adapted ,- Script for Test
$t can be used for user interface de#elopment.
IV $S% ($indo& Script %ost)
:S@ is a 6icrosoft administration tool. :S@ creates host en#ironment for
running scripts. $t is built5in feature in :indows 9A and higher #ersions.
:S@ creates script host en#ironment on windows for ,-Script and /script
&6icrosoft&Scripts(. $f we want to run perl. python li8e scripts. we ha#e install
those scripting engines separately.
<or ,- Script
*n#ironment @ost en#ironment pro#ider
6s5 windows :S@
Client side &:*-( li8e form
#alidation Code in @T6L
Ser#er side &:eb(code in >SP $$S
Test >utomation ?TP
V- Creating a Script
1. 0pen or launch or Start an editor &* notepad. ,-S *dit and @T6L
editor etc.(
2. Type the Script &eB 6sgbo C@ello,-ScriptD
3. Sa#e the tet file with &. ,bs etension( &$nstead of .tt etension(
!. Na#igate to the file u sa#ed and double clic8 it.
%. :S@ in#o8es the #b script engine and runs the script. > message bo is
displayed with the message C@ello ,- ScriptD
Chapter ' (Varia(les)
Varia(le) ,ariable is con#enient place holder that refers to a computer memory
location where we can store program information.
4ef 2+ ,ariable is a named location in computer memory where we can store
programming information.
,ariable stores in primary storage de#ice such as ">6 &"andom >ccess
,ariable #alues may change during the time the script is running.
*eclaring Varia(les)
:e declare #ariables in our script using the 4$6. Public and pri#ate statements.
:e can declare #ariables eplicitly or implicitly.
*plicitly declaration $mplicitly declaration
4im . city
= E1FF
City ED@yderabadD
City E C@yderabadD

$mplicit declaration is simple but it is not a good practice.
+ption ,-plicit Statement)
$t forces eplicit declaration of all #ariables in a split.
The option eplicit declaration should be the first statement in our script.
0ption *plicit G forces declaring of all #ariables.
4im . city Gdeclaring #ariables
=E1FF Gdeclared #ariable
HE2FF Gundeclared #ariable generates error &if u obser#e in 4im = y is missing
that is why it shows error(
Note+ $f we use option eplicit statement it generates error for undeclared
#ariables. sometimes we may misspell #ariable names that time option eplicit
generates error. other wise script does not show any error and pro#ide proper
.ssigning Values to Varia(les)
>. $nitiation+ >ssigning #alues directly in the script.
0ption eplicit
4im =. city
City E I@yderabadI
6sgbo I#alue is+ IJ
-. "eading+ "eading #alue from input de#ices.
0ption eplicit
=E$nputbo &Ienter a #alueI(
6sgbo I,alue is + IJ =
Purposes of varia(les or (enefits of
<or storing results that generated by calculations in the script
*+ Total ETic8ets Kprice
<or storing 4ata that returned by functions
*+ Enow
Now is a function we can also pass
a comment.
<or storing any program information.
City E CChenaiD
:e can declare multiple #ariables in a line
*+ dim a.b.c. city
4im a
4im b
4im c
4im city
:e can assign #alues to #ariables in a line.
= E1FF
City EDhyderabadL
=E1FF+yE2FF+city ED@yderabadD
/aming 0estrictions for varia(les)
1ust (egin &ith alpha(etic character)
,-) 23 43 cit43 25 is correct!
5-3 5 &rong!
Cannot contain em(edded period!
"or e-) 267!com &rong!
248com3 -4--com correct!
1ust not e-ceed to '99 characters
1ust (e uni:ue in the scope!
"or e-) Case 1) -34383 cit4 is correct!
Case ') -343-3cit4 ;&rong (&ith the same name it cannot create a
varia(le must (e uni:ue)
*ata T4pes)
,bscript does not ha#e eplicit data types. $t has only one data types called a
#ariant. $t is a special 8ind of data type that can contain different 8inds of
information. depending on how it is used.
<or con#erting data from one data type to another con#ersion functions
a#ailable in ,bscript.
*plicit declaration of 4ata types
*+ &C.c11 etc(
$mplicit declaration of 4ata types
Char Name &trigun(
$nt Num &99(
<loat Num &12.!2(
Char;$nt;float;currency;date etc.
4im statement only.
Scope of Varia(les)
> #ariableLs scope is determined by the way we declare it.
:hen we declare a #ariable within a procedure. only code within the procedure
can access or change the #alue of that #ariable.
4im a. b. n
aE1FF+ bE2FF
6sgbo n
<unction mul
4im .y.res
E%F+ yE23
6sgbo Iresult is IJmul
*nd <unction
Call mul
6sgbo t
Note1+ $n the abo#e eample a. b. n. t are script le#el #ariables. those can be
used in all procedures in the script.&we can use inside the procedure or outside
the procedure(
Note2+ $n the abo#e eample . y. res are procedure le#el #ariables. those can
be used in that procedure only. &$f we use procedure le#el #ariable in script
le#el ,bscript generates that #alue as Mero.(
T4pes of Varia(le)
,bscript has two types of #ariable.
1. Scalar #ariables + These contain a single #alue
2. >rray ,airbales+ These contain a series of #alues.
.rra4 Varia(les)
>rray #ariables and Scalar #ariables are declared in the same way. *pect that
the declaration of an array #ariable uses & ( following the #ariable name.
4im a&3( >rray #ariable &4im a &3( stores ! #alues starts from Nero
4im b scalar #ariable &stores one #alue(
$n ,bscript arrays are Nero based.
.ssigning values to varia(les)
:e assign data to each of the elements of the array using an inde+
4im a&3(
4im b
a&F(E1FF+ a&1(E2FF+ a&2(E3FF+ a&3(E3!%
6sgbo b
*imensional .rra4s)
>rrays are not limited to single dimension. :e can ha#e as many as )F
dimensions. although most people canLt comprehend more than 3 or !
4im table &%.1F(
$n the abo#e eample the table #ariable is a 2 dimensional array consisting of )
rows and 11 columns.
$n a Two54imensional array. the first number is always a number of rowsB The
second number is the number of columns.
*4namic .rra4s)
:e can also declare an array whose siMe changes during the time our script is
running. This is called dynamic array.
4im myarray &(
"edim anotherarray &(
4im a.b. =&(
"e4im &3(
&F(E1FF+ &1(E2FF+ &2(E3FF+ &3(E!FF
msgbo a
"e4im Preser#e &%(
&!(E999+ &%(EAAA
msgbo b
$n the abo#e eample 0edim sets initial #alue 3.
> subse7uent 0edim statement resiMes the array to %
:e ha#e to use Preserve 8eyword to preser#e the contents of the array as the
resiMing ta8es place.
/ote) There is no limit to number of times we can resiMe a dynamic array.
although if we ma8e an array smaller. we lost the data in the eliminated
Note + "edim is a statement and Preser#e is a 8eyword.
The comment or argument is the tet of any comment we want to include.
Purposes of Comments+
1. <or ma8ing the script;code understandable
2. <or ma8ing one or more statements disable for eecution.
"em comment &after the rem 8eyword. a space is re7uired before comment(
>postrophe &O( symbol before the comment
Comment#uncomment a (loc< of statements)
Select bloc8 of statements and use short cut 8ey Control 16 &for comment(
Select comment bloc8 and use short cut 8ey Control 1 Shift16 &for
> constant is a meaningful name that ta8es the place of a number or string and
ne#er changes.
Constant can be used for replacing literal &eact( #alues.
4eclaring Constants+
:e can create user5defined constants using Const statement.
Const myname EDTrigunD
Const numberE1FF
Const mydate E P 1F51F599 P
:e can declare multiple constants by separating each constant name and #alue
with a comma.
Const myname EDtrigunD. numE1FF. mydate E P1F51F599P
,ariable ,S Constantans
4im myname
myname EDTrigunD
6sgbo myname
myname EDpin8yD
6sgbo myname
Const myname EDTrigunD
6sgbo myname
myname EDpin8yD
K3enerates error
Chapter = (+perators)
0perators are used for performing mathematical. comparison and logical
,bscript has full range of operators including arithmetic operators. Comparison
operators. Concatenation operators and logical operators.
+perator Precedence)
:hen se#eral operations occur in an epression. each part is e#aluated and
resol#ed in a predetermined order called operator precedence.
:e can use &( parentheses to o#erride the order of precedence and force some
parts of an epression to be e#aluated before others.
:hen epressions contain operators from more than one category. arithmetic
operators are e#aluated first. comparison operators are e#aluated net and
logical operators are e#aluated last.
Comparison operators all ha#e e7ual precedence. this is they are e#aluated in
the left to right order.
>rithmetic and logical operators are e#aluated in the following order of
1!.rithmetic +perators)
S!/o +perator *escription
1 *ponentiation &Q( "aises a number to the power of an
eponent. <or e &1FQ3(E1FFF
' 6ultiplication &K( 6ultiplies two numbers. <or e+
= 4i#ision &;( 4i#ides two numbers and returns a floating5
point results. <or e+ &1F;3(E3.3333333333
! $nteger di#ision &R( 4i#ides two numbers and returns an $nteger
result. <or e+ &1FR3(E3
9 6od operator 4i#ides two numbers and returns only the
reminder number. <or e+ 1F mod 3E1
> >ddition &1( Sums two numbers for e+ 1F1%E1%
? Subtraction &5( <inds the difference between two numbers
are indicates negati#e #alue of a numeric
epression. <or e+ 1F5% E %
@ Concatenation &J( <orces string concatenation of two
epressions &<or e+
'!Comparison +perators)
+perator *escription
1. *7ual to &E( 'sed to compare epressions
resE aEb
msgbo res
$t generates true;false
2. Not e7ual to
resE aSTb
msgbo res
$t generates true;false
3. Less Than &S( aE1FF
resE aSb
msgbo res
$t generates true;false result
!. 3reater than &T( aE1FF
resE aTb
msgbo res
$t generates true or false results
%. less than or
e7ual to &SE(
resE aSEb
msgbo res
$t generates true or false results
).3reater than or
e7ual to &TE(
resE aTEb
msgbo res
$t generates true or false results.
2. $s 0perator 0bUect e7ui#alence
=!Concatenation +perators)
+perator *escription
1. >ddition
operator &1(
a! $f both epressions are numeric then it adds
(! $f both epressions are strings then it concatenates.
c! +ne e-pression is numeric and the other is string
then it adds
2. Concatenation
operator &J(
<orces string concatenation of two epressions.
msgbo c
=! ogical +perators)
+perator *escription
1. Not Performs logical negation on an epression
2. >nd Performs a logical conUunction on two epressions.
$f aSb and cSb Then
msgbo Ib is big numberI
msgbo Ibig is not a big numberI
*nd $f
3. 0r Performs a logical disUunction on two epressions
$f aSb or cSb Then
msgbo Ib is big numberI
msgbo Ibig is not a big numberI
*nd $f
!. or Performs a logical eclusion on two epressions.
$f aSb or cSb Then
msgbo IPassI
msgbo I<ailI
*nd $f
%. *7# Performs a logical e7ui#alence on two epressions.
$f aSb e7# cSb Then
msgbo IPassI
msgbo I<ailI
*nd $f
). $mp Performs a logical implication on two numbers.
IV) Flow Control (a. Conditional Statements)
:e can control flow of our script with conditional statements and Loop
'sing conditional statements. we can use ,bscript code that ma8es decisions.
$n ,bscript two types of conditional statements are a#ailable.
1. $fVthenVelse statement
2. Select case statement
1! 0unning a statement if a condition is true (single statement)
4im mydate
msgbo mydate
$f mydate Snow Then mydate Enow
msgbo mydate
'! 0unning a (loc< of statements if condition is true (multiple statements)
4im .y
$f T1F Then
msgbo y
msgbo Itrigun is correctI
*nd $f
=! 0unning a (loc< of statements if a condition is true or running other
(loc< of statements if condition is false!
4im .y
$f Ty Then
msgbo I= is a big numberI
msgbo IH is a big numberI
*nd $f
B! *eciding among Several alternatives( if statement)
Einputbo &Ienter a #alueI(
$f TF and SE1FF Then
msgbo I is a small numberI
else if T1FF and SE%FF Then
msgbo I is a medium numberI
else if T%FF and SE1FFF Then
msgbo I is a big numberI
msgbo I is a grand numberI
*nd $f
end if
end if
9! ,-ecuting a certain (loc< of statements &hen t&o or more conditions are
true! (/ested if)
4im state. region
state Einputbo &Ienter a stateI(
region Einputbo &Ienter a regionI(
$f stateEIapI Then
$f region EItelanganaI Then
msgbo Idist count is 1FI
else if region EIrayalasemaI Then
msgbo Idist count is !I
else if region EIcostalI Then
msgbo Idist count is 9I
msgbo Iin#alid dataI
*nd $f
*nd $f
*nd if
*nd if
>! *eciding among Several alternatives (select case statement)
Select case epression
Case CepressionD
Case CepressionD
Case else statements
*nd select
0ption eplicit
4im .y.operation.res
Einputbo &Ienter #alueI(
yEinputbo &Ienter y #alueI(
operationEinputbo &Ienter an operationI(
Select Case operation
Case IaddI
res E1y
msgbo Iadditon of .y is+ IJres
Case IsubI
res E5y
msgbo Isub of .y is+ IJres
Case ImulI
res EKy
msgbo Imul of .y is+ IJres
Case Idi#I
res E;y
msgbo Idi# of .y is+ IJres
Case IepoI
res EQy
msgbo Iepo of .y is+ IJres
case else
msgbo Iin#alid dataI
*nd Select
V. Flow Control (a. Looping through code)
o Lopping ao&s us to run a group of statements
o Some oops repeat statements unti a condition is true.
o !t%ers repeat statements unti a condition is fase.
o '%ere are aso oops t%at repeat statements a specific
number of times.
The ollowing looping statements are a!ailable in
(. "o # Loop) Loops &%ie or unti a condition is true.
*. $hile# $end) Loops &%ie a condition is true.
+. For# %e&t) ,ses a counter to run statements a specific
number of times.
-. For each # %e&t: .epeats a group of statements for
eac% item in a coection or in an array.
(. .epeating statements &%ie a condition is true.
$o &%ie condition
/ / / / / / / /
(& ':
$o &%ie " 01 "2"3(
msgbo" 4%i trigun4&"
(& ):
$o &%ie "01 "2"3(
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).Activate
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).5inButton64Button4).Cic8
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inC%ec8Bo"64!rder #o.4).Set 4!#4
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inEdit64Edit4).Set "
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inButton64!94).Cic8
/ / / / / / / /
Loop &%ie condition
(& ':
msgbo" 4%i trigun4&"
Loop &%ie " 01
(& ):
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).Activate
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).5inButton64Button4).Cic8
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inC%ec8Bo"64!rder #o.4).Set 4!#4
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inEdit64Edit4).Set "
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inButton64!94).Cic8
Loop &%ie "021
(& *:
$o ,nti " 2- "2"3(
msgbo" 4%i trigun4&:
msgbo" 4%i trigun4&:
Loop ,nti " 2-
(& +:
$o unti "21 "2"3(
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).Activate
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).5inButton64Button4).Cic8
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inC%ec8Bo"64!rder #o.4).Set 4!#4
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inEdit64Edit4).Set "
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inButton64!94).Cic8
).$hile # wend statement
E"ecutes a series of statements as ong as given condition is true
5%ie condition
5%ie "01 "2"3(
msgbo" 4%eo %yderabad4&"
E" *)
5%ie "01 "2"3(
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).Activate
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).5inButton64Button4).Cic8
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inC%ec8Bo"64!rder #o.4).Set 4!#4
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inEdit64Edit4).Set "
5indo&647ig%t .eservation4).$iaog64!pen !rder4).5inButton64!94).Cic8
*. For %e&t Statement
"epeats a group of statements for a specific number of times.
<or counter Estart to end step &$ncrement(
* 1+
<or E1 to % step 1
msgbo Ihello hyderabadIJ
* 2+
<or E1 to % step 1
:indow&I<light "eser#ationI(.>cti#ate
:indow&I<light "eser#ationI(.:in-utton&I-uttonI(.Clic8
:indow&I<light "eser#ationI(.4ialog&I0pen 0rderI(.:inChec8-o&I0rder No.I(.Set I0NI
:indow&I<light "eser#ationI(.4ialog&I0pen 0rderI(.:in*dit&I*ditI(.Set
:indow&I<light "eser#ationI(.4ialog&I0pen 0rderI(.:in-utton&I0XI(.Clic8
*. For (ach %e&t Statement

"epeats a group of statements of each element in an array or a collection
<or each item in array
* 1+
4im a.b. &3(
aE1F+ bE 2F
&F(EI>ddition of a.b is+ IJa1b
&1(EISub of a.b is+ IJa5b
&2(EI4i#ision of a.b is+ IJa;b
&3(EI6ul of a.b is+ IJaKb
<or each element in
msgbo element
* 2+
4im mycity
mycity Earray&IhyderabadI.ImumbaiI.I4elhiI. IchennaiI(
<or each element in mycity
msgbo element
V. ,eneral (&amples.
E" ()
5rite a script for reading a number & finding out
&%et%er t%e given number is eap year or not;
$im num
num2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
<f 6num mod -)2= '%en
msgbo" 4t%is is a eap year4
msgbo" 4t%is is not a eap year4
End <f
E" *) 5rite a program for reading & finding out
&%et%er a given number is even number or odd
E" )
$im num
num2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
<f 6num mod *)2= '%en
msgbo" 4t%is is an even number4
msgbo" 4t%is is an odd number 4
End <f
E" +) dispay even numbers up to #;
$im num>n
n2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
7or num2* to n step *
msgbo" num
E" -) dispay odd numbers up to #;
$im num>n
n2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
7or num2( to n step *
msgbo" num
E" 1) .ead a number and find out engt% of t%at
$im num
num2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
msgbo" "
E" ?) $ispay #atura numbers in reverse order up to
$im n
n2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
7or num2 n to ( step /(
msgbo" num
E") $im n
n2inputbo" 64enter a number4)
7or num2 (= to n step (=
msgbo" num
Working with Arrays
Array Definition: A set of similar values is called an Array or List.
Declaration of Array in VBScript:
Option Explicit
Dim x , y(10)
where x is an a variable, y is an 11 elements array list
For arrays in VBScript, !" can ta#e memory se$%entially li#e shown below
10 1023 Testin A !"# 23$
%&0' (&1' (&2' (&3' (&$'
!o store &ata to arrays, we can %se below co&e
Option Explicit
Dim x('), i
(or i ) 0 to ' step 1
x(i) ) inp%tbox(*Enter a val%e+)
Option Explicit
Dim x
x ) array(1./, *test+,01234,+#+,1./'5401)

,(ample1: -rite VBScript in .T/ to create ) elements array0to store ) su*1ects mar2s and to
display total mar2s
34reate 5ive ,lements Array
Option Explicit
Dim mar#s('), i , tot
3!ead 5ive Su*1ect 6ar2s from 7ey*oard
(or i ) 0 to ' step 1
mar#s(i) ) inp%tbox(6Enter mar#s+)
35ind Total and display Total
(or i ) 0 to ' step 1
tot ) tot 7 mar#s(i)
"rint( + !otal mar#s is + 8 tot)

,(ample2: -rite VBScript in .T/ to create ) elements array 0to store ) su*1ects mar2s0and to
display 8i8est mar2s.
34reate 5ive ,lements Array
Option Explicit
Dim mar#s('), i , max
For i ) 0 to ' step 1
mar#s(i) ) inp%tbox (+ Enter 9ar#s+)
35ind ma(imum and display
max ) mar#s(0)
(or i ) 1 to ' step 1
:( cint(max) ; cint(mar#s(i)) !hen
max ) mar#s(i)
En& :(
"rint(+ 9axim%m mar#s is + 8max)

,(ample3: -rite VBScript in .T/ to create ) elemnts array0to store ) su*1ects mar2s and to
display ma(imum and minimum mar2s
34reate 5ive ,lements Array
Option Explicit
Dim mar#s('), i , max,min
For i ) 0 to ' step 1
mar#s(i) ) inp%tbox (+ Enter 9ar#s+)
35ind ma(imum and minimum and display *ot8 values
max ) mar#s(0)
min ) mar#s(0)
For i ) 1 to ' step 1
:( cint(max) ; cint(mar#s(i)) !hen
max ) mar#s(i)
En& :(
:( cint(min) < cint(mar#s(i)) !hen
min ) mar#s(i)
En& :(
"rint( + 9axim%m mar#s is *8 max 8+ 9inim%m mar#s is + 8 min)

,(ample$: -rite VBScript in .T/ to create ) elements array0to store ) employees Basic
salaries0 to calculate 9ross salaries *y addin commissions and to display ) employees ross
salaries after calculation.:ere commission is 10; on *asic salary <8en *asic salary
=>3000000 commission is ); on *asic salary0<8en *asic salary ?300000 and =>1)0000
commission is 200 <8en *asic salary ?1)000
Option Explicit
Dim sals(') , i , comm
3!ead 5ive ,mployees Basic Salaries from 7ey*oard
For i ) 0 to ' step 1
sals(i) ) inp%tbox( *Enter Basic Salary+)
35ind 4ommission @ 9ross and display
For i ) 0 to step 1
:( cln=(sals(i)) < /0000 !hen
comm ) cln=(sals(i)) > 10?100
sals(i) ) cln=(sals(i)) 7 cln=(comm)
elsei( cln=(sals(i);/0000 an& cln=(sals(i))<)15000 !hen
comm ) cln=(sals(i)) > 5?100
sals(i) ) cln=(sals(i)) 7 cln=(comm)
comm ) .00
sals(i) ) cln=(sals(i)) 7 comm
En& :(
3Display 9ross Salaries
For i ) 1 to ' step1
"rint(*@ross Salary is + 8sals(i))

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