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Starlight and Time

Dr D. Russell Humphreys
See in spectacular 3-D
imagery how a big bang and
creation cosmos differ and
why evidence supports a
recent creation of the universe! Learn a
cosmological model which shows how God may
have made and used relativity to create the
cosmos in six ordinary days...
Have fundamental constants changed, and what would it prove?
by Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D.
August 22, 2001
Recent news headlines have been buzzing with reports of research purportedly showing that fundamental constants of nature
may have changed, including the fine structure constant, which is related to the speed of light.
We have received many
inquiries about this, so this is a brief response.
What was discovered?
Great resource for refuting the big bang
A research team led by John Webb, a professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney,
Australia, intend to publish their research on August 27 in Physical Review Letters. (Many scientists
frown on media announcements before the proper peer review / publication process is complete).
They used the worlds largest single telescope, the 9-metre Keck Telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, to
analyse light from quasars about 12 billion light years away. In particular, they analysed how metal
atoms such as zinc or aluminium in gas clouds absorbed the light. A spectrometer splits the light into its
different wavelengths, but there are black lines where light has been absorbed by the metal atoms. The
particular pattern is a fingerprint for the element, which is how astronomers can identify elements in
From the splitting of certain lines, spectroscopists can deduce a number called the fine structure
constant (FSC or alpha, ).
This is about
, but has been measured very precisely to at least
seven significant figures (7,297,351 6) x 10
. The FSC is a measure of the strength of the
electromagnetic force, and is inversely proportional to the speed of light.
The researchers claim to have found that spectra from such far distant clouds indicate that the FSC was 0.001% smaller. Since they
presume that light from 12 billion light years away comes from 12-billion-year-old objects, they have claimed that the FSC has been
increasing with time. It may imply that the speed of light was 0.001% faster in the past too.
What are the implications for creationists?
If correct, then the usual theories that constants have always been thatconstantmay need to be modified. Dr Sheldon Glashow of
Boston University, who received a Nobel Prize in physics in 1979, said that the importance of this discovery would rank 10 on a scale
of 1 to 10.
However, some string theories involving a 10- or 26-dimensional universe are compatible with changing constants, but they are also
very contentious. These extra dimensions above the normal four (three spatial dimensions and one time dimension) are supposed to be
curled or folded, so they are undetectable by any physical experiment so far. Therefore no-one should claim that such theories prove
or disprove the Bible, and its sheer folly to claim that the Bible actually teaches 10 or more physical dimensions, as some progressive
creationists do.
Some creationists, led by Barry Setterfield, have proposed that the speed of light was much faster in the past; the main anti-
creationist (and progressive creationist) argument was the supposed constancy of fundamental laws, which led to accusations of
ignorance etc. Dr Webbs research undermines this in principle objection. So did a New Scientist cover story two years ago, which
also proposed the heresy of c-decay.
This would supposedly solve some problems with the big bang theory. Apparently, this is OK
for the big bangits only wrong to question established theories when this is done to support Biblical creation, it seems!
However, this research by itself does not support radical c-decay theory either. The change is billions of times too small. But
Setterfields particular theory predicted that the FSC would remain constant,
and given the small change and tentative nature of this
new discovery, by itself this is not conclusive evidence against the Setterfield theory. For comparison, the creationist physicist Dr
Keith Wanser is also open to the possibility of c-decay but rejects the Setterfield theorysee interview. See also the currently
favored creationist answer to the distant starlight problem, also on the Starlight and Time video (above right).
Also, not everyone agrees with the conclusions. Dr John Bahcall, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,
N.J., said that the complicated statistical techniques used could be hiding sources of error.
But Dr Massimo Stiavelli, an astrophysicist
at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, said their work would probably have been regarded as too careful to doubt if
they had not been proposing something so revolutionary. Even so, he is reserving judgment.
This is once again a good lessonlets not be too quick to rush to judgement based on media reports. This applies both to pro-
evolution topics like the latest Mars life, feathered dinosaur and ape-men claims; but also to claims that seem superficially to support
creationist models, such as the Black Sea flood,
Another good lesson is not to be frightened into eisegetical
contortions of Scripture when some assured finding of science seems to
contradict the plain reading of the text. If something as supposedly immutable as the FSC, a part of the hard operational science of
physico-chemistry, is open to question, then there is even less reason to reinterpret Scripture on the more contentious areas dealing
with the past, i.e. the latest missing links, radiometric dates, or geological features supposedly incompatible with a world-wide Flood.
We should be reminded of Prof. John Rendle-Shorts father, the eminent surgeon and Christian apologist Dr Arthur Rendle-Short. He
accepted theistic evolution largely because of the Piltdown hoax, and always wrestled with the unscriptural corollary of death before
sin, but died just before the hoax was exposed. See the interview with Prof. Rendle-Short for more information, or his book Green Eye
of the Storm.
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1. E.g. (a) James Glanz and Dennis Overbye, Cosmic laws like speed of light might be changing, a study finds, New York Times, 15 August 2001; (b) Cho,
A., Nothing stays constant, New Scientist171(2304):11, 18 August 2001. Return to text.
2. The light is absorbed when the energy of the photon or light particle, inversely proportional to the wavelength, precisely matches the difference between
quantum energy levels of electrons in the atoms. The energy E is related to the wavelength by E =

, where h = Plancks Constant and c = the speed

of light in a vacuum. These energy levels are specific to an atom, which is why they can identify the type of atom as a fingerprint can identify a person.
Return to text.
3. The splitting is caused by particular properties of the electrons in the atom. An electron in an atom generates a magnetic field, from its spin and often by
its orbit of the atomic nucleus. (Its important to note that in quantum mechanics, the terms orbit and spin do not mean that electrons are regarded as
solid balls in orbit and spinning on their axes. See also a creationist view on quantum mechanics.) These magnetic fields interactspin-orbit interaction
and this splits the energy levels, which in turn causes splitting of the spectral lines, called the fine structure. The intensity of this splitting is proportional to
the square of the fine structure constant (at least in one-electron atoms, i.e. hydrogen and other atoms that have lost all but one electron). Return to text.
4. = 2e
/hc, where e is the electronic charge, h and c as per Ref. 2. is a dimensionless quantity, i.e. it has no units. Return to text.
5. Glashow, S., cited in Ref. 1a. Return to text.
6. Barrow, J., Is nothing sacred? New Scientist163(2196):2832, 24 July 1999. Return to text.
7. Setterfield proposed that since energy must be conserved in atomic orbits, then h must be inversely proportional to c. Therefore any constant that
contains the product hc with other constants, including , must also be constant. Norman, T.G. and Setterfield, B., The Atomic Constants, Light and Time,
pp. 3339, 1990. Return to text.
8. Bahcall, J., cited in Ref. 1a. Return to text.
9. Stiavelli, M., cited in Ref. 1a. Return to text.
10. Eisegesis is the errant practice of reading things into Scripture, i.e. imposing fallible human ideas onto Gods Word. The opposite is the correct practice of
exegesis, meaning reading out of Scripture, i.e. allowing the Gods to teach us. Return to text.
1/26/2010 Have fundamental constants changed, 2/2

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