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View Point: Geocentric

Coordinate System: Ecliptic Longitude

House System: Placidus
Sun in Cancer
ou place great importance on emotional and material security and !a"e a strong desire #or marriage
or partners!ip$ %omestic and #amily matters are always important to you& as is your need to care #or
and protect ot!ers$ It is "ery li'ely t!at you 'now t!e !istory o# your #amily$ ou are "ery sensiti"e and
impressiona(le$ our actions and decisions are usually emotionally moti"ated and your instincts and
intuitions are especially acute$ ou are& at times& clingy& touc!y and o"er)emotional$
*oon in Leo
ou radiate a warm and sunny disposition$ ou !a"e an emotional need to (e li'ed and
ac'nowledged& coupled wit! a strong need to gi"e and recei"e a##ection$ ou o#ten #ind yoursel# at t!e
centre o# attention& w!et!er you want it or not$ In your !ome and #amily li#e& you tend to #eel
responsi(le towards ot!ers and will ta'e c!arge o# situations and lead$ Alternati"ely& you can (e +ust
plain (ossy and domineering$ ou can (e prone to e,tra"agance and e,aggeration$
*ercury in Gemini
ou !a"e a -uic' and agile mind& wit! t!e capa(ility to !old more t!an one train o# t!oug!t at a time$
ou are a "ersatile t!in'er and communicator$ T!roug! applied learning& you can (ecome
'nowledgea(le in many su(+ects$ Curious and in-uisiti"e& you ta'e an interest in w!at.s going on
around you$ E-ually& !owe"er& you can (e intellectually super#icial and inclined to gossip$
Venus in Gemini
ou en+oy c!ange and "ariety in your lo"e li#e and social li#e$ ou are attracted to people w!o !a"e
stimulating minds and 'een intellects$ ou& or a lo"er& can (e #lig!ty and #lirtatious& w!ic! can lead to
pro(lems in relations!ips$
*ars in Li(ra
ou !a"e t!e urge to associate wit! ot!ers and to (e socially acti"e$ Always pre#erring peace to
discord& you disli'e arguments (etween people and will try to restore !armony$ ou !a"e an a(ility to
see (ot! sides o# an issue& w!ic! can in!i(it your a(ility to act e##ecti"ely$ As you are uncom#orta(le
wit! con#lict and aggression& you can #ail to ta'e decisi"e action w!en it.s needed$
/upiter in Cancer
ou !a"e a strong attac!ment to your !ome and #amily$ T!e creation o# a secure and com#orta(le
!ome #or yoursel# and your lo"ed ones is important to you$ our educational& moral and religious
outloo's are esta(lis!ed in early li#e$ 0inancial assistance is o#ten a"aila(le t!roug! t!e #amily$ ou
!a"e a caring and protecti"e nature& coupled wit! a genuine concern #or t!e emotional needs o#
Saturn in Scorpio
ou !a"e a realistic outloo' on li#e and tend to ta'e it seriously$ ou !a"e !ig! am(itions& wit! a
strong desire to succeed in li#e$ ou can readily endure !ards!ip i# a cause is wort!y enoug!$
Negati"ely& t!ere can (e t!e inclination to +udge yoursel# and ot!ers too !ars!ly or to !ar(our
1ranus in Aries
ou are a mem(er o# a generation t!at wants to c!ange and re#orm t!ings and to (ring t!e new into
(eing in a personal and original way$ ou !a"e a (asic need #or #reedom and will re(el i# your
independence is restricted$ ou are courageous and will stand)up or #ig!t #or w!at is rig!t$
Neptune in Pisces
ou are a mem(er o# a generation w!o !as a strong interest in metap!ysics and mysticism$ ou will
-uestion ort!odo, religious opinions and see' your own spiritual e,periences$ 2eligious ecstasy may
(e soug!t t!roug! e,perimentation wit! designer drugs$
Pluto in Capricorn
ou are a mem(er o# a generation t!at will destroy and replace structures t!at !a"e outli"ed t!eir time
and use#ulness$ T!ere will (e t!e trans#orming o# (usiness and economic systems& political parties
and met!ods o# go"ernment$ 2adical c!anges will (e e,ecuted wit! rut!less pragmatism$
*oon.s Nort! Node in Li(ra
ou !a"e a social conscience& coupled wit! a concern #or t!e needs o# ot!ers$ ou are a pu(lic)
spirited person and !a"e a natural a(ility #or arranging socia(le meetings and e"ents$ ou are drawn
to t!e company o# creati"e and re#ined people and you !a"e an interest in t!e arts and culture$
Ascendant in Li(ra
our primary moti"ation in li#e is to !a"e #reedom o# action and mo"ement$ ou display an attracti"e
personality& wit! t!e a(ility to get along wit! ot!ers$ ou are co)operati"e& diplomatic and a natural
mediator& wit! t!e capa(ility to appreciate di##ering points o# "iew$ ou are socia(le& engaging and
generally popular and well)li'ed$ ou need company and pre#er to associate wit! cultured& re#ined and
creati"e people$ ou !a"e an aest!etic sense and an appreciation o# t!e arts& coupled wit! a
pre#erence #or !armonious and taste#ully arranged en"ironments$
*id!ea"en in Cancer
our most personal aspirations are soul (ased$ our aim in li#e is to care #or and protect$ ou see'
emotional security and spiritual understanding$ 0amily)li#e is important to you$ Sel#)realisation is
ac!ie"ed t!roug! unsel#is! acts and t!e patient pursuit o# your goals$
End o# 2eport

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