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Phytochemical screening and study of anti-ulcer

activity on the seeds of Triticum aestivum Linn

Family: Poaceae
!&'MTT"D T# TH"
RA() *A$DH &$)"R!T+ #F H"ALTH !%"$%"!,
-AR$ATA-A, 'A$*AL#R"
!H#'HA !. PATL
&nder the guidance of
Dr. M.A. HAL-A
M.Pharm., Ph.D
H.-.".! %#LL"*" #F PHARMA%+,
*&L'AR*A . /0/12/
RA() *A$DH &$)"R!T+ #F H"ALTH !%"$%"!
'A$*AL#R", -AR$ATA-A
PR#F#RMA F#R R"*!TRAT#$ #F !&'("%T! F#R
1 $ame of the %andidate and Address !H#'HA !. PATL
H.K.E.Societys College of
Pharmacy, Gulbarga - 58515
3 $ame of the nstitution H.-.".!ociety6s %ollege of
Pharmacy, *ul7arga
8 %ourse of the study and su79ect Master of Pharmacy,
: Date of admission to the course 32
(une 3224
/ Title of the to;ic
<Phytochemical screening and study of anti-ulcer activity on the
seeds of Triticum aestivum Linn Family: Poaceae=
> 'rief resume of the intended ?or@
>.1: $eed for the study:
!he sur"ey has #ot sho$# much of the $or% re&orte' for Triticum
aestivum Linn a#' #o $or% is re&orte' o# a#ti-ulcer acti"ity. (# the
&rese#t stu'y the e)tractio# a#' isolatio# of the chemical co#stitue#ts
a#' also the &harmacological scree#i#g is carrie' out for its a#ti-ulcer
*ece#tly it has bee# re&orte' that the reacti"e o)yge# s&ecies
ge#erate' by metabolites of arachi'o#ic aci', &latelets, macro&hages,
'e&letio# of #o# &rotei# sul&hahy'ral co#ce#tratio# a#' mo'ulatio# of
#itric o)i'e systems may co#tribute i# gastric mucosal 'amage.
!hough the 'rugs use' i# the treatme#t of &e&tic ulcer 'ecrease the
morbi'ity a#' mortality but they may &ro'uce ma#y a'"erse reactio#s
li%e im&ote#ce, gy#aecomastia, haemato&oeitic cha#ges i# a''itio#
recurre#ce rates are high. !here are ma#y age#ts i# alter#ati"e
me'ici#e $hich ha"e sho$# &romisi#g a#ti-ulcer acti"ity $ithout
&ro'uci#g abo"e me#tio#e' a'"erse reactio#s.
Triticum aestivum Linn +amily, Poaceae, usually %#o$# as commo#
$heat, brea' $heat, is $i'ely culti"ate' i# (#'ia. &resse' from the
germ of $heat is sai' to heal tetter / ri#g$orm a#' also hollo$
!he fresh grass 1uice of Triticum aestivum Linn is re&orte' to &ossess
a#ti&yretic, a#ti-i#flammatory a#' hy&oli&i'emic acti"ity.
2#tio)i'a#t a#' a#tifu#gal acti"ities are also re&orte' for Triticum
aestivum Linn.
>.3: Revie? of literature:
!he metha#olic e)tract of Triticum aestivum Linn leaf has bee#
re&orte' for a#ti&yretic a#' a#ti-i#flammatory acti"ities i# albi#o rats.
!he effect of metha#olic e)tract of Triticum aestivum Linn for
a#ti&yretic acti"ity is obser"e' o# yeast i#'uce' &yre)ia i# rats a#'
a#ti-i#flammatory acti"ity o# carragee#a# i#'uce' e'ema i# rats.
!he e"aluatio# of the a#tio)i'a#t acti"ity of $heat grass (Triticum
aestivum Linn) has a fu#ctio# of gro$th u#'er 'iffere#t co#'itio#s.
!he &la#t e)tracts co#tai#i#g &he#olic com&ou#'s is re&orte' to
&ossess a#tio)i'a#t acti"ity.
.#e of the basic &ero)i'ase from $heat %er#el has a#tifu#gal acti"ity.
Hea"y metal u&ta%e, tra#slocatio# a#' bioaccumulatio# stu'ies of
Triticum aestivum Linn culti"ate' i# co#tami#ate' 're'ge' materials
has bee# stu'ie' a#' re&orte'. Phytoreme'iatio# is a tech#ology that
uses "egetatio# to reme'iate co#tami#a#ts from $ater, soil a#'
se'ime#ts. *ece#t stu'ies i#'icate that $i#ter $heat (Triticum
aestivum Linn.) is a &ote#tial accumulator for hea"y metals such as
lea' 6Pb7 a#' ca'mium 6C'7 i# hy'ro&o#ic systems.
!he research has also bee# 'o#e o# the -2grobacterium me'iate'
$heat tra#sformatio#.0 +reshly isolate' immature embryos, &reculture'
immature embryos or embryoge#ic calli are i#oculate' $ith a 'isarme'
2. tumefacie# strai# C58 628(7 harbori#g the bi#ary "ector
P9.:184;5 co#tai#i#g the < = glucuro#i'ase 6G>S7 ge#e $ith a#
i#tro# a#' a selectable mar%er, #eomyci#&hos&hotra#sferase 6:P!7 ((
ge#e. !he i#oculate' e)&la#ts are selecte' o# callus i#'uctio# me'ium
$ith the selecti"e age#t G158 for a&&ro)imately 3 $ee%s. !he resista#t
callus &ieces that 'e"elo& are tha# tra#sferre' o#to me'ium $ith the
selecti"e age#t a#' re'uce' &la#t gro$th regulators for &la#t
rege#eratio# a#' further selectio#. (t ta%es 3.5 to 4 mo#ths from
i#oculatio# to the establishme#t of *

&la#ts i# soil.
!he effect of fresh Triticum aestivum Linn grass 1uice o# li&i' &rofile
of #ormal rats 6hy&oli&i'emic7 has bee# stu'ie'. +reshly &re&are'
Triticum aestivum Linn grass 1uice $as a'mi#istere' to #ormal rats at
the 'ose of 5 ml &er %g a#' 1 ml &er %g orally o#ce 'aily for 31 'ays.
8loo' sam&les $ere collecte' after 35 hrs of last a'mi#istratio# a#'
use' for estimatio# of li&i' &rofile.
Hy&oglycemic acti"ity has bee# re&orte' for !riticum re&e#s i# #ormal
a#' 'iabetic rats.

>.8: Main o79ectives of the study:
E)tractio# a#' isolatio# of &hytoco#stitue#ts usi#g 'iffere#t sol"e#ts.
!@CAHP@CAHP!@C a#alysis a#' i'e#tificatio# of &hytoco#stitue#ts.
Scree#i#g for a#ti-ulcer acti"ity usi#g albi#o rats.
A Materials and Methods:
A.1: !ource of the data:
!he reBuire' 'ata $ill be obtai#e' from
Electro#ic 'ata 6 i#ter#et7
Publishe' research &a&ers
*e"ie$ articles from 1our#als
@ibrary of H.K.E. Societys College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga.
A.3: Methods of collection of the data B including sam;ling ;rocedure if
!he see's of Triticum aestivum Linn is obtai#e' from local mar%et of
Gulbarga a#' authe#ticate' by H.C of 8ota#y Gulbarga >#i"ersity,
"Dtraction and isolation of ;hytoconstituents of the seeds of Triticum
aestivum Linn:
!he reBuire' Bua#tity of the see's are ta%e# for e)tractio# a#' isolatio#. !he
seBue#tial e)tractio# is carrie' out usi#g &etroleum ether, be#De#e,
chloroform, etha#ol a#' 'istille' $ater a#' the e)tracts are co#ce#trate' a#'
store' i# refrigerator for carryi#g out the isolatio# a#' i'e#tificatio# of
&hytoco#stitue#ts alo#g $ith the a#ti-ulcer acti"ity.
Anti-ulcer activity:
iC Pyloric Ligation:
!he Eistar albi#o rats $ill be ra#'omly assig#e' i#to 4
grou&s of ; a#imals each. 2lbi#o rats $ill be 'e&ri"e' of foo' for 35 hrs,
care $ill be ta%e# to a"oi' co&ro&hagy. >#'er light ether a#aesthesia, the
ab'ome# $ill be o&e#e' by small mi''le i#cisio# a#' &yloric e#' &ortio#
of the stomach $ill be ligate'. !he a#imals $ill be %ille' 5 hrs after the
o&eratio# u#'er the o"er'ose of a#aesthetic ether sa#'F the gastric co#te#ts
$ill be collecte'. 2fter ce#trifugatio#, the gastric co#te#ts of each a#imal
are i#'i"i'ually assesse' for "olume of gastric secretio#. +ree a#' total
aci' &ro'uctio# $ill be estimate' by titrati#g agai#st .1: :a.H usi#g
!o&fers reage#t a#' &he#o&hthalei# i#'icator. Crug $ill be a'mi#istere'
4 mi# &rior to &ylorus ligatio#.
ii7 %old Bhy;othermicC Restraint !tress nduced &lcers.
iiiC Delayed healing &lcer.
A.8: Does the study reEuire any investigations or intervention to 7e
conducted on ;atients, other human or animalsF f so, ;lease descri7e
!he abo"e stu'y reBuires i#"estigatio# to be 'o#e o# albi#o rats of
Eistar strai# for 'etermi#atio# of gastric a#ti-ulcer acti"ity. !hese stu'ies
are &la##e' i# accor'a#ce $ith the &roce'ure re&orte' i# the literature.
A.:: Has ethical clearance 7een o7tained from your institution in caseF
0 L!T #F R"F"R"$%"!:
1. 2.K.:a'a%ar#i, !he (#'ia# 9ateria 9e'ica Iol-(, 1355-135.
3. Goutam Kumar Ja#a et al A Jour#al of Pharmacy *esearch 3G, 36117,
1;85- 1;8;, *esearch 2rticle.
4. 2#tio)i'a#t acti"ity of &la#t e)tracts co#tai#i#g &he#olic com&ou#'s,
J. 2gric. +oo' Chem.1GGG, 5?, 4G55-4G;3
5. Carla Caruso, Gabriele Chilosi, @usa @eo#ar'i, @aura 8erti#i, Paolo
9agro, Ii#ce#Do 8uo#ocore a#' Carlo Ca&orale. 2 basic &ero)i'ase
+rom $heat %er#el $ith a#tifu#gal acti"ity. Phytochemistry, "olume58,
(ssue 5, :o"ember 31, Pages ?54-?5
5. Shuma%er, K.@.F 8ego#ia, G. Hea"y 9etal >&ta%e, !ra#slocatio#, a#'
8ioaccumulatio# Stu'ies of !riticum aesti"um Culti"ate' i#
Co#tami#ate' Cre'ge' 9aterials. (#t. J. E#"iro#. *es. Public Health
35, 3, 3G4-3G8
;. Huechu# Ea#, Jea##e @ayto#. 8oo% !itle, 2grobacterium Protocols.
Series, 9etho's i# 9olecular 8iology, Iolume, 454, Pub. Cate, Ju#-
1-3;, Page *a#ge, 355-355, C.(, 1.1485A 1-5G?55-14-5,355,
Sub1ect, Pla#t scie#ces.
?. Kothari S, Jai# 2K, 9ehta SC, !o#&ay SC. Effect of fresh !riticum
aesti"um grass 1uice o# li&i' &rofile of #ormal rats. (#'ia# J Pharmacol
38F 5,345-;
8. 9. E''ou%s, 9. 9aghra#i / J. 8.9ichael, Hy&oglycaemic effect of
!riticum re&e#s P. 8eau". i# #ormal a#' 'iabetic rats. Jour#al of
Eth#o&harmacology, Iol-13, (ssue 3, 15 :o"ember 35F &ages,338-
G. Ii#o' Kumar *, 9ohamme' 9utahar *K, @a%shma#a 9, *am&rasa'
:S. Herbal Heritage 1 647 Jul-se&t 3G, &g, 135-143
1. Shey 9, Komaro" S2, +els C, 9era#De C, Grue#stei# H, Si&let H, 2
sim&le metho' of gastric ulceratio# i# the rat. Gastroe#terology, 5, 54-
;1, 1G55

Sig#ature of the ca#'i'ate

6SH.8H2 S P7
*emar%s of the Gui'e Phytochemical scree#i#g a#' stu'y of a#ti-
ulcer acti"ity o# see's of Triticum aestivum
Linn +amily, Poaceae is to be carrie' out by
the ca#'i'ate. !he abo"e stu'y ge#ui#ely
co#tributes to the scie#tific i#formatio# a#'
he#ce &ermitte'.
:ame a#' 'esig#atio# of
11.1 Gui'e
11.3 Sig#ature
11.4 Hea' of the Ce&t.

11.5 Sig#ature
Cr.9.2. H2@K2(
CEP!. .+ PH2*92C.G:.SH,
H.K.E.S.C(E!HS C.@@EGE .+
G>@82*G2 = 58515
Cr. 9.2. H2@K2(
CEP!. .+ PH2*92C.G:.SH,
H.K.E.S.C(E!HS C.@@EGE .+
G>@82*G2 =58515
13.1 *emar%s of the Chairma# a#' Pri#ci&al
13.3 Sig#ature

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