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Please read and viral

By John Paily

The western way of thinking
has rendered us incompetent to
perceive simple truth that
exists next to our skin. We all
experience heat and cold and
know that one unwinds and
other winds. We all know
these two aspects drives life
and nature. We all know
energy or spirit is essence of
life and nature. We all know
that the spirit or energy cannot
be seen, but only can be experienced, and that what we see as matter is the
manifestation of energy. We all know heat is the basal form of energy. Life
collapses when its temperature and heat increases by few degrees. Which means
life sustain the body with management of energy or heat. I am sure as a child and
or as grown up, you would have experienced high fever and doctors advising you
to keep a wet cold towel on forehead to control the rising temperature.

The basal source of energy is sunlight. We know sunlight radiates energy as heat.
Atoms and material system we see energy condensed. Modern science has learned
to exploit this energy at will but has failed to understand how light and heat energy
manifest into matter. We have not been able to perceive, the principle and
design by which light particle moves and creating waves. We have not been able
differentiate light and atomic matter and perceive how gravity force manifests in
the world. In short so called modern man exist in total ignorance of basics of
nature and life. Now if you care to observe earth, earth too struggles to sustain the
temperature or heat. It is designed with a parallel world design. When one part, say
east, awakens to sunlight [energetic or unwinding phase], the west goes into
darkness and winding phase. When sunlight peaks in east it gives way to darkness
and simultaneously the winding force peaks in west and it gives way to unwinding
force. The system is instantaneously communicated and is controlled by THIRD
FACTOR that perceives the limit and acts. This change is what we experience as
day and night cycle and climatic cycle. This change happens slowly over a period
of time through many grid point that cover earth. Much the way as life,
phenomenon of day and night cycle and climatic cycle helps the system control the
temperature and heat of the system within some limit. They could be equated
breathing and mitotic information exchange in life. The earth is self-sustaining
Gaia. Everything in it is conscious and intelligent including the atoms. They rewire
themselves energetically to changing pulse of earth. The only exception is so called
humans who proclaim themselves as conscious and intelligent beings. But he digs
his own grave by his self and material centered attitude. TAKE NOTE OF THIS
POINT. From industrial period, we have been EXPONENTIALLY increasing
the heat of the environment through our activity. It is said much our technologies
are only 30% efficient rest of it is released as heat into the environment. What is
more disgusting is that we have intruded into night cycle in which earth works to
cool and balance the system. This is challenging earths struggle to sustain certain
balance of ENERGY TO MATTER RATIO. As a last resort she is dissolving
the grid points around her. Consequently the phase change is getting accelerated.
Both unwinding and winding forces of nature is a getting aggravated. This is
resulting in uncontrolled fire, flash floods, snows, and hail storms. The rapid
unwinding and winding is also the cause for increased earth quakes and volcanic
eruption. We are experiencing this around the world.

Much of the climate activist speaks of CO2 increase. It is true CO2 is increasing.
This is upsetting another vital ratio of O2 to CO2, which is a key for survival of
animal species. The mass death of fish and birds should be an awakening call.
However, the root cause that needs our attention is disturbance of energy to mater
ratio. Unless we awaken and M ANAGE THE ENERGY OF THE
EVIRONMENT and develop new technologies based on life, we are heading for
huge catastrophes that can virtually destroy much of human civilization. Every
problem of the society at individual and collective level could eventually be related
to upsetting of energy to matter ratio. I am not alone airing this concern Noble
Laureate James Lovelock aired it in his book Vanishing face of Gaia The Final

The fallowing links explores the reality of nature in depth. It is a life time research
done in nature by Grace. It is done from a point of freedom from all schools of
thoughts and keeping my source of livelihood separated from my quest for Truth. I
keep it open - You are my judge. It is time we awaken before greater catastrophes
strike us. There is no way out than awaken and change the thinking on which work.
I struggle against many odds bring the Truth of Nature and Her Master revealed to
me. I am convinced there is Golden Age ahead but I am not sure how much
destruction humanity has to face before his ego breaks and he awakens to simple
Truth of Nature and Life.


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