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Fill in the suffixes for the following English terms: Inflammation (- itis),
Instrument for cutting ( - o/tome), Cell (- cyte), Condition (usually abnormal) (-
osis), Section (o/tomy) 2.Fill int he correct word listed below to match the definition
in statement: a) sinistropedal, b) prenatal, c) hematoma, d) tachypnea, e) malnutrition
-Left footed a, Before birth b, Rapid breathing d, Poor or bad nutrition e,
Blood mass (tumor) c 3.Construct medical words: Fear of light Photophobia,
Record of the electricity of the hearth Electrocardiogram, Process of viewing the
urinary bladder Cystoscopy 4.Write the meaning of the entire word: Gynecologyist
a specialist for women reproductive system, Gastroscope instrument for visual
examination of the stomach 6.Name the major parts of the cell (4): Cell
membrane, nucleus, chromosomes (DNA), cytoplasm 7.Name dorsal body cavities
(2): Cranial cavity lubanjska, Spinal cavity ledna 8.Name the macroscopic
structures of the urinary system -A pair of kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, an
urethra 9.Provide the adjective form for each of the following nouns: Meatus
meatal, Night nocturnal, Excess Excessive 11.Cranial bones (engleski i hrvatski
naziv 6) Frontal bone eona, Parietal bone tjemena, Temporal bone sljepoona,
Occipital bone zatiljna, Sphenoidal bone klinasta, Ethmoidal bone
reetnica12.Prijevod neki ( neto s leoboljom): Bol u ledjima je jedna od najcescih
fizickih poteskoca, koju dozivljavaju spontano kao milijuni ljudi svaki dan. Mnoge
zrtve boli u ledjima najcesce je osjete kad se saginju po nesto. Bol moze nestati sto je i
dosla ili moze trajati danima.Gotovo sve moze uzrokovati bol u ledjima, od
iznenadnog zaustavljanja u autu, do velikih atletskih napora, pa cak i refleksna akcija
kao sto je kihanje. Donji dio ledja je mjesto gdje se najcesce javlja bol u ledjima.
13.Fill in the word listed below to match the definitions in statement: a)humerus, b)
femur, c) clavicle, d) scapula, e) carpals, f) patella, g) phalanges h) sternum: Upper
arm bone humerus, Wrist bones carpals, Finger bones phalanges, Thigh bone
femur (bedrena kost), Kneecap patella (iver,) Breast bone sternum, Collar bone
clavicula, Shoulder bone scapula 14.Function of the skeletal system (3)- Framework
of the body, Protects and supports internal organs, Assists in body movements
15.Name the macroscope gastrointestinal organs (4): Pharynx, stomach, liver, small
intestine 16.Provide the plural from each of the following nouns: Cavity cavities,
Appendix appendices, Mass masses, Calculus calculi, Tooth teeth, Ischemia
ishemic, Enlargement of the spleen splenomegaly Process of visual examination of
the stomach gastroscopy, Congenital split in the roof of the mouth cleft palate,
Pyuria pus in the urine, Polydipsia chronic excessive thirst, Peristaltis-
movement of digestive tubes, Pulp the inner part of tooth, Melena black stool
(feces containing blood), Digestion process of changing the chemical and physical
composition of food, Chyme (semi creamy fluid) = bolus + gastric juices & HCl,
Hemorrhoids enlargement of the veins of the anal canal, Hernias an abnormal
protrusion or projection of an organ or tissue through the structures that normally
contains them, Anorexia lack or loss of apetite, Costal pertaining to the ribs,
Fossa a depression in a bone surface, Fracture a broken bone, Arthritis
inflammation of joints, Alopecia natural or abnormal baldness, Chloasma
pigmentary skin discolorations, Cicatrix scar left by a healed wound, Gangrene
death of tissue associated with loss of blood supply, Hirsutism excessive growth of
hair in unusual places, Leukoplakia white, thickened patches on mucous membrane
of the tongue or cheek, Nephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney, 18.Functions of
gastrointestinal system: Prepares the consumed food for absorption, Speeds up
chemical reactions, Helps in the breakdown of complex nutrients 19.Three important
additional organs of the digestive system: Liver, pancreas, gallbladder
(jetra,gusteraca,zucni mjehur) 21.Give the opposite of each term: Abduction
adduction, Pronation supination, Distal proximal, Depression process, Movable
immovable, Anterior posterior, Backward forward, Superior inferior, Malignant
benign, Normal abnormal, Deep superficial, Ventral dorsal 25.Nabroji dijelove
koe (integumentary system)? Epidermis, dermis, layer of subcutaneous tissue.
26.Main functions of the skin: It serves as a protective barrier against microorganisms,
It helps shield the delicate, sensitive tissues underneath from mechanical and other
injuries, It acts as an insulator against heat and cold, and helps eliminate body wastes,
It guards against excessive exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun; it helps
producing vitamin D, Its sense receptors enable the body to feel pain, cold, heat, touch
and pressure -ectomy = surgical removal, excision (hemorrhoidectomy), -o/stomy =
forming an opening, mouth (bronchostomy), -o/tome = instrument to cut (osteotome),
-o/tomy = to cut into (phlebotomy), -scope = instrument for visual examination
(gastroscope), -o/scopy = examination, view (gastroscopy), Earache otalgia (ear
pain), Bradypnea abnormally slow breathing, Anti against, Sub beneath,
Contra - against

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