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What Happens When You Eat?

Kelly Ludwig Lincoln-Way High School

1801 East Lincoln Highway
New Lenox IL 6041
!81" 48-#6
%hese acti&ities will show students what o'gans aid in digestion and how
digestion occu's in the hu(an )ody* %his lesson (ay)e a++'o+'iate ,o' (iddle
g'ades- )ut is designed ,o' the u++e' g'ade cu''icula*
Materials Needed$
Activity #1: Ho !on" is the #i"estive $yste%?
- ya'n !at least 4 di,,e'ent colo's"
Activity #&: #i"estion
- suga' cu)es
- g'anulated suga'
- . clea' cu+s ,illed with wate'
Activity #': (arbohydrate #i"estion
- unsalted soda c'ac/e's !. +e' student"
Activity #): Hands on #i"estion
- a s(all lu(+ o, ha()u'ge' !(eat)all si0e"
- one +lastic )aggie
- 11 H2l
- 3igesti&e 4uice 5 !+e+sin- t'y+sin and wate'"
- 3igesti&e 4uice 6 !)ile salts- +anc'eatin en0y(e and wate'"

Activity #*: Ho do +illi aid the $%all ,ntestine in Absorption?
- +a+e' towels !10 +e' g'ou+"
- 4 cu+s o, an e7ual a(ount o, wate'
- g'aduated cylinde'
Activity #-: A #i"estive $yste% $i%ulation
- la'ge thin +lastic )ag - news+a+e'
- +a+e' sac/s !. si0es" - 8i+-loc/ )ags
- 191:s candy - (as/ing ta+e
- (a'/e's 9 +a+e' - s+onges
- t'ash can - la)eled s+'ay )ottles o, wate'
Activity #1: Ho !on" is the #i"estive $yste%
Ha&e students cut a +iece o, ya'n acco'ding to the ,ollowing
5llow students to use di,,e'ent colo' ya'n to 'e+'esent di,,e'ent o'gans*
the ya'n has )een cut tie the +ieces togethe'*
Eso+hagus . c(
Sto(ach .0 c(
S(all Intestine #00 c(
La'ge Intestine 1*. c%

%;%5L 8< c(
Activity #&: #i"estion
=lace a suga' cu)e in a cu+ o, wate'* =lace a)out a s+oon,ul o,
suga' in the othe' cu+ o, wate'* ;)se'&e what ha++ens*
Activity #': (arbohydrate #i"estion
Ha&e the students chew two unsalted soda c'ac/e's ,o' two (inutes
Activity #): Hands on #i"estion
=lace the ha()u'ge'- > eyed'o++e's ,ull o, 11 H2l- one ta)les+oon o,
3igesti&e 4uice 5 and two ta)les+oons o, 3igesti&e 4uice 6 into a +lastic
Knead the )ad with you' hands !si(ulates the sto(ach" ,o' a)out 10-1
it will ha&e )een 'educed to (ainly li7uid and ha&e a de,inite odo'*
Activity #*: Ho do +illi aid the $%all ,ntestine in Absorption?
2o(+a'e how 1- .- >- and 4 ,olded +a+e' towels a)so')* 3i+ each +a+e'
towel into a cu+ o, wate' !use the sa(e a(ount o, wate' in each cu+"* ?eco'd
the &olu(e o, wate' le,t in the cu+ !using a g'aduated cylinde'"*
Activity #-: A #i"estive $yste% $i%ulation
%hings to (a/e ahead o, ti(e$
1* @;;3 %A6E$ Lay out two +a'allel lines o, ta+e on the ,loo'- >:
a+a't and long enough ,o' hal, the class to stand
shoulde' to shoulde' on one side o, the +a'allel
.* @;;3 =5?%I2LE$ %he ,ood +a'ticle consists o, 191:s +laced in
s(all 0i+-loc/ )ags* %hese a'e +laced in wadded
news+a+e's in s(all +a+e' sac/s* =lace the s(all
sac/s in la'ge' sac/s with added news+a+e'* =lace
all sac/s and add news+a+e' until the la'ge
+lastic )ag is ,ull* %his )ag is then ta+ed o'
tied closed to co(+lete the ,ood +a'ticle*
1* =e'istaltic 1o&e(ent$ =ut the ,ood +a'ticle to )e eaten at one end o,
,ood tu)e and a la'ge t'ash can at the othe'* Ha&e students line u+ on
)oth sides- ,acing each othe'- s7uee0e the ,ood +a'ticle the length o,
,ood tu)e*
.* 3igestion$ La)el andBo' inst'uct the +laye's* 5s the ,ood co(es to a
student they should na''ate what they a'e doing and why*
%eeth - tea' ,ood a+a't !)'ea/ +lastic )ag"
Sali&a - use s+'ay )ottles to (oisten ,ood +a'ticle
Sto(ach - tea' s(all )ags a+a't
=anc'eatic Cuices - s+'ay ,ood
S(all Intestine - a)so')s ,ood- ,ind )ags o, candy and +ass to
!the teache' can +lay the 'ole o, the )lood"
La'ge Intestine - 'ea)so')s wate'- s+onge u+ wate' on the ,loo'
?ectu(B5nus - +uts the waste +a+e's in the t'ash can
/er0or%ance Assess%ent$
5t the co(+letion o, this lesson students should )e a)le to answe' the
,ollowing 7uestions$
1* What syste( in you' )ody is the sa(e length as the co(+leted +iece
ya'nD What is it:s length !in centi(ete's- in ,eet"D
.* @'o( you' o)se'&ations in 5cti&ity E.- what can you conclude (ust )e
done to ,ood )e,o'e digestion )eginsD
>* What +hysical and che(ical changes occu''ed to the soda c'ac/e'D
4* What caused the +hysical and che(ical changes to the soda c'ac/e'D
* 3id you notice a taste change in the soda c'ac/e'D
6* How was (echanical digestion si(ulated in 5cti&ity E4*
#* What e&idence was thei' that che(ical digestion occu''ed in the
8* Which +a+e' towel had the la'gest su',ace a'eaD
<* Which cu+ had the highest &olu(e o, wate' le,tD
10* How do the &illi !o, the s(all intestine" aid in a)so'+tionD
11* @ollow the +ath o, a ,ood +a'ticle th'ough the digesti&e syste(F
include the o'gans and thei' ,unctions*
%hese six acti&ities will enhance the student:s /nowledge o, what o'gans
aid in digestion and how digestion occu's in the hu(an )ody* Students will
a (o'e co(+'ehensi&e unde'standing o, what ha++ens in thei' )odies when they

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