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Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, 4, 31-38 31

Controlled Release of the Pineal Hormone Melatonin from Hydroxypro-

pylmethylcellulose/Sodium Alginate Matrices in Aqueous Media Contain-
ing Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate

Marilena Vlachou*, Athanasia Tsiakoulia and Aphrodite Eikosipentaki

Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Athens, Panepistimioupoli-Zografou,

157 71 Athens, Greece

Abstract: An investigation of the controlled release profile of mono-layered formulations of the hormone melatonin in
modified aqueous media is described. The tablets used were comprised of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC K15M)
and sodium alginate with melatonin (fully soluble in the dioctyl sulfosuccinate (DSS) containing simulated intestinal solu-
tion). Three different sets of tablets (diameters 7.5, 10.0 and 13.0 mm) were tested with respect to the influence of their
sizes on the hormone’s release; the general trend observed was that tablets with larger surface area values had lower % re-
lease. A decrease in the value of Wo, obtained from the ratio [H2O]/[DSS], results to the predominance of DSS conformers
in the aqueous media, which are less likely to solubilize melatonin effectively.

Key Words: Melatonin, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC K15M) / sodium alginate matrices, dioctyl sulfosuccinate
(DSS), controlled release, gastrointestinal pH.

INTRODUCTION secreted melatonin concentration versus time model, are thus

limited. In an attempt to investigate the poor bioavailability
The pineal gland neurohormone melatonin (N-acetyl 5-
methoxytryptamine, 1) is synthesized and secreted mainly at of the hormone, we recently experimented with the solubility
night. It regulates seasonal changes in various aspects of of certain quantities of melatonin, which are commonly used
physiology in photoperiodic species such as sheep, and, act- for tablet preparation in the pharmaceutical industry, and
ing on specific receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus found that independently of the quantity used, the hormone
(SCN) of the hypothalamus, can entrain the circadian clock. is efficiently solubilized by the anionic surfactant, dioctyl
Considerable interest has been focused on its potential in sulfosuccinate (DSS). This was attributed to the characteris-
treating the disordered circadian rhythms which occur in tic features of the chemical structure of DSS and its favor-
shift-work, jet-lag and sleep disorders in the elderly [1]. Hu- able interaction with certain parts of the skeleton of mela-
man studies have also indicated that increasing serum mela- tonin [9].
tonin concentrations can trigger the onset of sleep [2]. As an extension of this work, we report herein on the
NHCOCH3 controlled release of the hormone from hydroxypropylmeth-
CH3 ylcellulose (HPMC) and sodium alginate matrices in aqueous
media. The results suggest that in simulated intestinal aque-
ous environments containing DSS (in quantity < LD50
maximum toxicity), the release of melatonin is drastically
H enhanced. Conversely, in simulated gastric fluid, the pres-
1 ence of DSS in the release of the hormone was less impor-
Scheme 1. Structure of melatonin. tant. Besides DSS, the type of the diluent/binder (Avicel PH
101 or PH 102), embedded in the aforementioned formula-
Furthermore, due to its hydrophobic and hydrophilic na- tions, has a profound influence on the release profile of
ture [3, 4] melatonin can easily enter cells and partition itself melatonin. Thus, unlike PH 101, the presence of Avicel PH
between "shallow subsurface" and intracellular compart- 102 in the tablets enhances the percentage of drug release,
ments, where it can effectively scavenge both water–soluble whilst, during the first two hours of the experiment, it retards
peroxyl (ROO·) [5] and lipoperoxy (LOO·) radicals [6, 7]. the release rate.
However, the use of melatonin as a drug is hampered by The effect of different tablet diameter on the hormone’s
its short biological half-life and poor bioavailability [8]. In- release follows a general trend, which implies that tablets
exorably, dosage forms, which mimic the physiologically
with larger surface area (SA) values have lower % release.
On the other hand, when the diameter of the tablet is kept
constant (10 mm), the determining factor responsible for the
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of
Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Athens, Panepistimioupoli- release of melatonin is found to be the volume of the dissolu-
Zografou, 157 71 Athens, Greece; Tel: +302107274674; Fax: tion medium.
+302107274027; E-mail:

1570-1638/07 $50.00+.00 © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

32 Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1 Vlachou et al.

Table 1. Composition of Controlled Release Melatonin Tablets

Quantity in mg per Tablet (%)

F(I) F(II)

Melatonin 2 (1%) 2 (1%)

HPMC K15M 60 (30%) 60 (30%)

Sodium alginate 32 (16%) 32 (16%)

Avicel PH 101 104 (52%) -

Avicel PH 102 - 104 (52%)

Magnesium Stearate 2 (1%) 2 (1%)

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS solution medium was added to final volume. Several aliquots
of the standard solution of melatonin were transferred with a
2.1. Materials volumetric pipette to 10 ml volumetric flasks and the con-
Melatonin (>99% Sigma, lot 12K1471), sodium alginate, tents of each flask were diluted to volume with the appropri-
Avicel PH 101 and dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt (DSS) ate solvent. These solutions were transferred to the sample
were purchased from Sigma and used as received. Avicel PH cell of the spectrophotometer and the absorption values were
102 was offered by ELPEN S.A. Pharmaceutical Industry. measured and recorded. These values versus concentration of
Magnesium stearate (BDH) was used as a lubricant. the respective aliquots gave a linear squared regression coef-
ficient (r2) of 0.99, which meets the relevant requirements
established for the standards of quality.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Preparation of Melatonin Slow Release Tablets 2.2.4. Preparation of the Simulated Gastric Fluid Solution
The simulated gastric fluid solution was prepared accord-
The slow release melatonin tablets were prepared by di-
ing to USP (enzyme – free S.I.G.: HCl /NaCl solution: pH ±
rectly compressing melatonin with HPMC K15M (30%
w/w), sodium alginate (16% w/w) on a single punch tablet 1.2).
instrument (Carver 3393, Fred S. Carver, Inc., Menomonee 2.2.5. Preparation of the Monobasic Potassium Phosphate
Falls, WI) using 7.5, 10.0 and 13.0 mm diameter matrices; Buffer Solution
pressure 44.44, 150.02 and 295.89 kPa, respectively. Di-
rectly compressible microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH The monobasic potassium phosphate buffer solution was
101 or Avicel PH 102, 52% w/w) was used as diluent. Mag- prepared according to USP:
nesium stearate (1% w/w) was used as lubricant. Tablet (enzyme – free S.I.F : KH2PO4 /NaOH buffer: pH ± 7.8).
weight was kept at 200 mg and the melatonin content was 2
mg (1%) per tablet (Table 1). 2.2.6. Preparation of the Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate Sodium
Salt (DSS) Solution
2.2.2. Drug Release Studies
The required amount of DSS was added to the appropri-
Tablets of each formulation were subjected to dissolution ate volume of the buffer solution and the mixture was stirred
studies at 37 ± 0.5C using the USP apparatus II—paddle at 100 rpm at 37 ± 0.5°C in the dissolution apparatus for 24 h
method (Pharma Test type PTW SIII) at a stirring rate of 50 prior to the experiment.
rpm. 200 and 450 ml of aqueous media of gastrointestinal
pH, in the absence and presence of DSS was used. 5 ml of 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
dissolution samples were withdrawn at specified intervals,
Only scarce reports, which probe the release profile of
every 30 min, for up to 8 hr and an equivalent volume of
melatonin in aqueous media were apparently available when
medium was added at each sampling to maintain a constant
volume. The drug concentration was determined spectropho- this work began. Although the methodologies proposed in
most of the following articles for the preparation of water
tometrically at 278 nm using a Lambda 6 Perkin Elmer UV-
soluble melatonin tablets and beads are elegant, their appli-
VIS spectrophotometer. All experiments were carried out in
cation to facile industrial formulations would be laborious in
that they simultaneously use slow and fast release compo-
2.2.3. Reference Curve-Melatonin Standard Solution (0.5 nents [8] or drug-loaded sugar beads and spheres [10,11].
mg/ml) The work by Lee et al., [12], is the first attempt towards the
development of HPMC sustained-release orally administered
Melatonin (25 mg) was accurately weighed and trans-
melatonin tablets.
ferred to a 50 ml volumetric flask. The respective solvent
(depending on the experimental conditions) was added to In the present work, we investigated the controlled re-
bring the volume to 2/3 of the capacity of the flask. This lease of the hormone from mono-layered hydroxypropyl
standard solution was sonicated for 30 min and then the dis- methylcellulose (HPMC K15M)/sodium alginate matrices
Controlled Release of the Pineal Hormone Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1 33

Table 2. Formulations F(I) and F(II): % Release of Melatonin Versus Time in 450 ml of Intestinal Dissolution Medium in the Ab-
sence and Presence of DSS (0.1 mg)

% Release of
% Release of Compo- % Release of Composition F(I) % Release of
Time (min) Composition F(II) in the Pres-
sition F(I) in the Presence of DSS Composition F(II)
ence of DSS

30 15.3 30.4 6.2 25.4

60 16.5 33.9 10.0 35.6

90 19.4 36.8 15.3 38,8

120 22.4 39.9 20.7 43.0

150 24.3 40.1 26.5 46.6

180 26.9 42.1 33.3 49.8

210 28.0 43.2 40.4 57.2

240 30.3 48.5 47.9 59.9

270 32.7 52.8 51.9 64.6

300 36.4 56.6 57.0 65.7

330 44.2 65.8 63.1 66.6

360 47.7 74.5 66.2 71.0

390 55.6 78.5 69.2 79.4

420 56.1 84.3 73.9 84.7

450 58.0 90.9 78.2 87.8

480 58.9 99.6 83.6 93.2

drug released (%)

40 F(I) in the absence of DSS

30 F(I) in the presence of DSS

20 F(II) in the absence of DSS

F(II) in the presence of DSS
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
time (min)

Fig. (1). Formulations F(I) and F(II): % release of melatonin versus time in 450 ml of intestinal dissolution medium in the absence and pres-
ence of DSS (0.1 mg).

(Table 1) in aqueous media, in the presence and absence of Among the plethora of surfactants routinely used in in vi-
the surfactant, dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt (DSS). tro pharmaceutical studies, DSS, a poorly water soluble ani-
onic surfactant, was chosen because it can form direct and
The choice of a low viscosity HPMC was based on ear-
reverse micelles [14] (cmc in water = 2.56 mM) [15].
lier findings, according to which the drug release rate in-
Moreover, it can solubilize considerable water accommo-
creases as the viscosity and particle size of the HPMC poly-
dated in the region near the centre of the micelle, which is
mer decreases [13].
34 Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1 Vlachou et al.

Table 3. Formulation F(II): % Release of Melatonin Versus

Time in 450 ml of Gastric Dissolution Medium in the
Absence and Presence of DSS (0.1 mg) 90

drug released (%)

F(II): Absence of DSS F(II): Presence of DSS 60
30 9.9 15.4 40
60 11.3 25.6
20 absence of DSS

90 12.3 24.7 10 presence of DSS

120 16.2 29.4 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
150 17.5 31.6
time (min)
180 21.0 32.2

210 20.4 33.8 Fig. (2). Formulation F(II): % release of melatonin versus time in
450 ml of gastric dissolution medium in the absence and presence
240 25.3 34.7 of DSS (0.1 mg).
270 27.5 37.9 Conversely, in simulated gastric fluid, the influence of
300 28.9 42.7 DSS on the release of the hormone, albeit being statistically
very important (ANOVA P value < 0.0001), was less obvi-
330 29.0 45.2 ous (49.5% in the absence of DSS vs. 64.4% in the presence
360 30.0 48.3
of DSS, after 8 hours; Table 3, Fig. (2)).
This is probably due to the fact that in the acidic envi-
390 47.1 48.5
ronment DSS adopts a less folded conformation (structure B,
420 48.0 58.2 Scheme 2); in lieu of this, melatonin and especially its indole
N-H moiety, is not in close proximity with the DSS polar
450 48.8 63.0 head group in order to form polar complexes with the surfac-
480 49.5 64.4 tant.
Moreover, the rest of the molecule of melatonin and
surrounded by the polar head group of the surfactant [16]. mainly the lipophilic benzene nucleus cannot align itself in
The structure of this solubilizing agent is different to the an effective way along the extended hydrophobic side chains
other commonly used surfactants in that the polar head group of DSS.
is located towards the centre and the side chains are pro- It is apparent from Fig. (1) that besides DSS, the type of
jected outwards (structures A and B, Scheme 2). Recently, the diluent/binder (Avicel PH 101 or PH 102), present in the
we found that due to these unique features of DSS, the aque- aforementioned formulations, has a noteworthy influence on
ous solubility of melatonin in its presence is augmented by the release profile of melatonin, as well. Thus, conversely to
23% [9]. PH 101 (formulation F(I)), the presence of Avicel PH 102 in
The results obtained in the present study suggest that in the tablets of type F(II) enhances the percentage of drug re-
simulated intestinal aqueous environments containing DSS lease, whilst, during the first two hours of the experiment, it
(in quantity < LD50 maximum toxicity), the release of mela- retards the release rate (ANOVA P value > 0.05). This could
tonin is drastically enhanced (58.9% in the absence of DSS be possibly ascribed to the difference between the mean par-
vs. 99.6% in the presence of DSS, after 8 hours; Table 2, Fig. ticle sizes of Avicel PH 102 and Avicel PH 101; the particles
(1)); this constitutes a statistically significant difference of the former, being larger, allow the formation of channels
(ANOVA P value < 0.05) [17]. within its matrix structure, which facilitate drug’s solubiliza-

+Na-O S +Na-O S
3 3



Scheme 2. A: structure of folded conformer of dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt (DSS); B: structure depicting the extended conformation of
Controlled Release of the Pineal Hormone Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1 35

Table 4. Formulation F(II): % Release of Melatonin Versus Time from Tablets of Different Diameter in 450 ml of Intestinal Dissolu-
tion Medium in the Absence and Presence of DSS (0.1 mg)

Absence of DSS Presence of DSS

(min) 7.5 mm 10 mm 13mm 7.5 mm 10 mm 13 mm

30 19.0 6.2 7.6 21.7 25.4 18.5

60 24.4 10.0 15.7 35.6 35.6 39.4
90 27.8 15.3 24.1 37.3 38.8 42.3
120 31.4 20.7 30.8 38.6 43.0 43.5
150 35.0 26.5 36.6 40.6 46.6 45.6
180 39.6 33.3 40.3 42.7 49.8 47.8
210 44.3 40.4 44.8 47.9 57.2 52.1
240 50.3 47.9 49.9 55.4 59.9 58.5
270 56.4 51.9 52.1 65.0 64.6 62.7
300 62.1 57.0 55.5 76.3 65.7 63.3
330 72.7 63.1 58.3 76.8 66.6 68.1
360 76.4 66.2 60.2 78.5 71.0 71.8
390 85.4 69.2 62.0 79.7 79.4 78.3
420 89.1 73.9 63.5 79.8 84.7 83.2
450 91.2 78.2 64.6 81.7 87.8 83.9
480 91.8 83.6 66.5 82.2 93.2 85.5




drug released (%)

absence of DSS (7.5mm)
absence of DSS (10mm)

absence of DSS (13mm)

presence of DSS (7.5mm)

20 presence of DSS (10mm)

10 presence of DSS (13mm)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
time (min)

Fig. (3). Formulation F(II): % release of melatonin versus time from tablets of different diameter in 450 ml of intestinal dissolution medium
in the absence and presence of DSS (0.1 mg).

tion [18]. This possibility is corroborated by the n value (re- Thus, for F(II) (Avicel PH 102), in the presence of DSS,
lease exponent) [19] of the power law (equation 1): n was found to be 0.41, indicative of a Fickian diffusion re-
lease. However, when this formulation was solubilized in the
same dissolution medium, but in the absence of DSS, the n
Mt n
= kt value was 1.09; this is clearly a zero order release, i.e. an
M Equation 1. ideal kinetic behavior. Conversely, the respective n figures in
the case of the F(I) (Avicel PH 101) formulation were 0.28
where, Mt and M are the absolute cumulative amount of
and 0.75; the latter value suggests an anomalous transport,
drug released at time t and infinite time, respectively; k is a
constant incorporating structural and geometric characteris- while the former is outside the acceptable limits for a release
tics of the device (e.g. thin film, cylinder etc). mechanism prediction [19]. It is interesting to note that it has
36 Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1 Vlachou et al.

Table 5. Formulation F(II): % Release of Melatonin Versus Time in 200 ml and 450 ml of Simulated Intestinal and Gastric Dissolu-
tion Media in the Presence of DSS (0.1 mg)

Simulated Intestinal Solution Simulated Intestinal Solution Simulated Gastric Solution Simulated Gastric Solution

Time (min) 200 ml 450 ml 200 ml 450 ml

30 25.6 25.4 17.6 15.4

60 29.2 35.6 18.4 25.6

90 31.8 38.8 19.6 24.7

120 34.2 43.0 22.0 29.4

150 38.9 46.6 24.2 31.6

180 41.1 49.8 25.9 32.2

210 42.9 57.2 28.9 33.8

240 47.4 59.9 30.3 34.7

270 52.6 64.6 31.1 37.9

300 56.5 65.7 33.0 42.7

330 63.1 66.6 34.7 45.2

360 65.7 71.0 35.4 48.3

390 67.9 79.4 36.7 48.5

420 70.8 84.7 37.4 58.2

450 71.7 87.8 38.2 63.0

480 73.9 93.2 38.9 64.4

been reported that the presence of Avicel in melatonin con- 10 mm and 13 mm diameter tablets were SA = 164.2 mm2 ,
taining HPMC matrix tablets retards the swelling and hydra- release = 83.6% and SA = 272.3 mm2, release = 66.5%.
tion process and this leads to a decrease in the hormone’s These findings are also in agreement with the release data
release rate [12]. According to the authors, this could be due obtained from analogous formulations containing a sparingly
to the increased hardness of the tablets caused by Avicel, soluble drug [21].
although they admit that tablet hardness had little effect on On the other hand, when the diameter of the tablet was
the swelling and erosion of the HPMC matrices. kept constant (10 mm), the determining factor responsible
Apart from the aforementioned studies we also probed for the release of melatonin seemed to be the volume of the
the effect of different tablet diameter on the hormone’s re- dissolution medium. Thus, while in 450 ml of simulated gas-
lease; three different sets of tablets (diameters 7.5, 10.0 and tric fluid containing DSS, the release of the hormone reached
13.0 mm) were tested. From the release profiles of melatonin 64.4%, in the respective 200 ml solution this figure dropped
depicted in Fig. (3) and Table 4, it is deciphered that in 450 to 38.9% (ANOVA P value > 0.05).
ml of simulated intestinal fluid containing DSS, the optimum Likewise, in a DSS enriched intestinal environment, the
release is attained in the case of the 10 mm diameter tablets. aforementioned figures were 93.2% and 73.9%, respectively
Conversely, in the absence of DSS the highest release was (Fig. (4), Table 5) (ANOVA P value > 0.05). It seems, there-
observed in the 7.5 mm tablets. Interestingly, the percentage fore, that a decrease in the value of Wo, obtained from the
of melatonin released from the 13 mm tablets was essentially ratio [H2O]/[DSS], results to the predominance of DSS con-
the same, both in the presence and absence of DSS. How- formers [22], which are less likely to solubilize melatonin
ever, it has to be mentioned that all of the aforementioned effectively (structure B, Scheme 2).
differences are not statistically important (ANOVA P value
> 0.05). In an attempt to elaborate on these observations, the 4. CONCLUSIONS
effect of tablet surface area (SA), SA = 2r(r + t), on drug
release was monitored; r is the radius of the flat-faced round It has been concluded that the solid mono-layer
tablet and t is the band thickness [20]. The general trend was HPMC/sodium alginate formulations of melatonin employed
that tablets with larger SA values had lower % release. In in this study, exhibit a desirable drug release profile in the
detail, the 7.5 mm diameter tablets with an SA value of 96.3 presence of the anionic surfactant, DSS. However, release
mm2 exhibited a 91.8% release of melatonin in the 450 ml kinetics data show that a zero order profile is attained in the
intestinal dissolution medium. The respective figures for the absence of DSS in the dissolution medium, but in the pres-
ence of the diluent/binder, Avicel PH 102, in the
Controlled Release of the Pineal Hormone Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1 37





drug released (%)



200 ml intestinal solution
450 ml intestinal solution
200 ml gastric solution
450 ml gastric solution

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
time (min)

Fig. (4). Formulation F(II): % release of melatonin versus time in 200 ml and 450 ml of simulated intestinal and gastric dissolution media in
the presence of DSS (0.1 mg).

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Received: 22 May, 2007 Revised: 31 May, 2007 Accepted: 01 June, 2007

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