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How to Speed Up Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010

Is Word behaving sluggishly slowing you down! "here are a various reasons why Word #ay be slowing
down but you can easily change so#e settings to speed it up$
"urn off %ac&ground 'epagination
"he bac&ground repagination option allows Word to repaginate the docu#ent when the progra# is idle$
"his allows the page nu#bers displayed on the status bar to be updated and stay current$ However this
can slow down other operations in Word$ If Word see#s to be slowing down you can turn off bac&ground
"o do so you #ust first be sure Word is not in (rint )ayout view$ *lic& the +iew tab and clic& ,raft in the
,ocu#ent +iews section$
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"o access Word 8ptions in Word 2010 clic& the 9ile tab and clic& 8ptions in the list on the left$ If you are
using Word 2007 clic& the 8ffice button and clic& the Word 8ptions button at the botto# of the #enu$
8n the Word 8ptions dialog bo: clic& ;dvanced in the list on the left$ "o turn off bac&ground
repagination scroll down to the <eneral section and select the =nable bac&ground repagination chec&
bo: so there is >8 chec& #ar& in the bo:$ *lic& 8? to save your changes and close the dialog bo:$
content2uploads220112052027disabling7bac&ground7repagination$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
"urn off Word ;dd6ins
Microsoft Word is pac&ed with features including add6ins that co#e with the progra#$ Unfortunately a lot
of these add6ins are ones you probably donAt use but are turned on by default$ "hese add6ins can slow
down Word and #a&e it harder to use$
8pen the Word 8ptions dialog bo: as #entioned earlier$ *lic& ;dd6Ins in the list on the left$
alt/00 2.-2p.
; list of ;dd6ins displays in several groups$ "here are ;ctive and Inactive ;pplication ;dd6ins$ "here #ay
also be ,ocu#ent 'elated ;dd6ins and ,isabled ;pplication ;dd6ins$
content2uploads2201120520@a7active7and7inactive7addins$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
>ote the type of the add6in that you want to disable in the "ype colu#n$
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content2uploads220112052047noting7type7of7addin$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
Select the type you noted for the add6in you want to disable fro# the Manage drop6down list at the botto#
of the dialog bo: and clic& <o$
content2uploads2201120520B7selecting7type7of7addin$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
%ecause we selected an ;ction add6in to disable the following dialog bo: displays$ "o turn off the desired
add6in select the chec& bo: for the add6in so there is >8 chec& #ar& in the bo:$ *lic& 8?$
alt/00 2.-2p.
Cou #ay have noticed a ,ocu#ent Inspector type in the "ype colu#n but no ,ocu#ent Inspector type in
the Manage drop6down list$ "he ,ocu#ent Inspector add6ins are #anaged in a different location$ "hese
add6ins allow you to inspect the docu#ent for hidden #etadata and personal infor#ation and are
auto#atically enabled$
In Word 2010 clic& the 9ile tab and then clic& Info on the left$ *lic& the *hec& for Issues drop6down
button and select Inspect ,ocu#ent fro# the drop6down #enu$ If you are using Word 2007 clic& the
8ffice button clic& (repare and then select Inspect ,ocu#ent fro# the sub#enu$
content2uploads220112052077clic&ing7chec&7for7issues$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
"he ,ocu#ent Inspector dialog bo: displays$ Select the ite#s you want to inspect and clic& Inspect$
>8"=1 "he Invisible *ontent option is only available in Word 2010$
alt/00 2.-2p.
*lic& 'e#ove ;ll to the right of the inspection results for the type of content you want to re#ove fro# your
>8"=1 %e sure you want to re#ove the content when you clic& 'e#ove ;ll$ ;s noted on the dialog bo:
so#e of the content cannot be retrieved once you delete it$
alt/00 2.-2p.
"urn off +arious Word 8ptions
"urning off any one of the following options #ay not i#prove WordAs perfor#ance noticeably but turning
off a co#bination of the# #ight help$ "o turn off these options open the Word 8ptions dialog bo: as
discussed earlier in this article$
"he Show te:t ani#ation feature allows you to for#at te:t in your docu#ent using the ani#ation effects
available in Word$ If you have used this feature and your Word is not responding well you #ight want to
turn off this feature at least te#porarily$ "o do this clic& ;dvanced in the list on the left and scroll to the
Show docu#ent content section$ Select the Show te:t ani#ation chec& bo: so there is >8 chec& #ar& in
the bo:$
content2uploads220112052057unchec&7show7te:t7ani#ation$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
;lso on the ;dvanced screen is an option in the <eneral section called (rovide feedbac& with ani#ation$
"his option allows you to send feedbac& to the developers of Word in the for# of ani#ation and sound$ If
you are not going to send feedbac& in this for# or at all you #ight as well turn off this option$
content2uploads220112052107turn7off7feedbac&7with7ani#ation$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
If you use ;utoShapes you #ight have noticed that when you insert one you also get a drawing canvas
surrounding the shape that is used to insert and arrange the obEects in your drawing$ If you only insert
si#ple ;utoShapes one at a ti#e you #ay not need the drawing canvas$ 8n the ;dvanced screen in
the =diting options section is an option called ;uto#atically create drawing canvas when inserting
;utoShapes$ Select the chec& bo: so there is >8 chec& #ar& in the bo: to turn off this option$
#g src/0http12234$15$142$102www$howtogee&$co#2wp6
content2uploads220112052117turn7off7auto7create7drawing7canvas$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
;nother option on the ;dvanced screen Fin the (rint sectionG is the (rint in %ac&ground option$ "his
allows you continue to wor& while your docu#ent is printed$ With todayAs fast co#puters and printers this
option is generally not needed and can be turned off$
content2uploads220112052127turn7off7print7in7bac&ground$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
8n the (roofing screen there are options for chec&ing spelling and gra##ar as you type$ "his can ta&e
up so#e resources as Word chec&s what you have typed in real ti#e$ If you feel you are a good speller
and have good gra##ar you can turn these options off$ "hese options are located in the When
correcting spelling and gra##ar in Word section$ Cou can always #anually chec& the spelling and
gra##ar for your entire docu#ent when you are finished with it$
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Word has the ability to auto#atically for#at your te:t in different ways as you type$ %esides ta&ing up
so#e resources although not #uch to do this in real ti#e it also can be annoying$ "o turn off the
;uto9or#at options clic& the ;uto*orrect 8ptions button on the (roofing screen$
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content2uploads220112052147clic&ing7autocorrect7options$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
8n the ;uto*orrect dialog bo: clic& the ;uto9or#at ;s Cou "ype tab$ "urn off the options for ite#s you
donAt want auto#atically for#atted and clic& 8?$
content2uploads2201120521B7turn7off7autofor#at7as7you7type7options$png0 alt/00 2.-2p.
Word should respond #ore Huic&ly to your co##ands now$ 8f course if you discover you need to use
any of the options you turned off itAs easy to turn the# bac& on$

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