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Wi-Fi uses both single carrier direct-sequence spread spectrum radio technology (part of the larger family of spread

spectrum systems) and multi-carrier OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) radio technology !he
regulations for unlicensed spread spectrum enabled the development of Wi-Fi" its onetime competitor #ome$F"
%luetooth" and many other products such as some types of cordless telephones
&nlicensed spread spectrum 'as first made available in the &( by the F)) in rules adopted on May *" +*,-
these F)) regulations 'ere later copied 'ith some changes in many other countries enabling use of this technology
in all ma1or countries !he F)) action 'as proposed by Michael Marcus of the F)) staff in +*,2 and the subsequent
regulatory action too3 - more years 4t 'as part of a broader proposal to allo' civil use of spread spectrum
technology and 'as opposed at the time by mainstream equipment manufacturers and many radio system operators
!he precursor to Wi-Fi 'as invented in +**+ by 6)$ )orporation78!9! (later :ucent !echnologies 9 8gere
(ystems) in 6ieu'egein" the 6etherlands 4t 'as initially intended for cashier systems; the first 'ireless products
'ere brought on the mar3et under the name Wave:86 'ith speeds of + Mbit7s to < Mbit7s =ic #ayes" 'ho held the
chair of 4>>> ,2<++ for +2 years and has been named the ?father of Wi-Fi"? 'as involved in designing standards
such as 4>>> ,2<++b" and ,2<++a
!he original patents behind ,2<++ Wi-Fi technology" filed in +**@" are held by the )(4$O" an 8ustralian research
body !he patents have been the sub1ect of protracted and ongoing legal battles bet'een the )(4$O and ma1or 4!
corporations over the non-payment of royalties 4n <22* the )(4$O reached a settlement 'ith +5 companies"
including #e'lett-Aac3ard" 4ntel" Dell" !oshiba" 8(&(" Microsoft and 6intendo" on the condition that the )(4$O did
not broadcast the resolution
[edit] Wi-Fi Alliance
Main articleC Wi-Fi 8lliance
!he Wi-Fi 8lliance promotes standards in order to improve the interoperability of 'ireless local area net'or3
products based on the 4>>> ,2<++ standards 4t is a consortium of separate and independent companies" and agrees
on a set of common interoperable products based on the family of 4>>> ,2<++ standards
!he Wi-Fi 8lliance
certifies products 'ith a set of defined test procedures !he manufacturers 'ith membership of Wi-Fi 8lliance and
'hose products pass these tests can mar3 their products and pac3aging 'ith the Wi-Fi logo
[edit] Naming
!he term Wi-Fi suggests Wireless Fidelity" compared 'ith the long-established audio recording term High Fidelity or
Hi-Fi Wireless Fidelity has often been used in an informal 'ay" even by the Wi-Fi 8lliance itself" but officially the
term Wi-Fi does not mean anything
!he term Wi-Fi" first used commercially in 8ugust +***" 'as coined by a brand consulting firm called 4nterbrand
)orporation that had been hired by the 8lliance to determine a name that 'as ?a little catchier than D4>>> ,2<++b
Direct (equenceD? 4nterbrand invented Wi-Fi as a play on 'ords 'ith Hi-Fi" and also created the yin yang-style Wi-Fi
!he Wi-Fi 8lliance initially complicated matters by stating that it ?actually stood for? Wireless Fidelity" as 'ith the
advertising slogan" ?!he (tandard for Wireless Fidelity"? but later removed the phrase from their mar3eting !he Wi-
Fi 8llianceDs early White papers still held on their 'ebsite sayC ?Ea promising mar3et for 'ireless fidelity (Wi-Fi)
net'or3 equipment? and ?8 (hort #istory of W:86s? !he yin yang logo indicates that a product had been certified
for interoperability
!he 8lliance has since do'nplayed the connection to Hi-Fi !heir official position no' is that it is merely a brand
name that stands for nothing in particular" and they no' discourage the use of the term Wireless Fidelity
.citation needed0
[edit] Uses
8 roof mounted Wi-Fi antenna
8 Wi-Fi antenna
8 Wi-Fi enabled device such as a A)" video game console" mobile phone" MA/ player or AD8 can connect to the
4nternet 'hen 'ithin range of a 'ireless net'or3 connected to the 4nternet !he coverage of one or more
interconnected access points F called a hotspot F can comprise an area as small as a single room 'ith 'ireless-
opaque 'alls or as large as many square miles covered by overlapping access points Wi-Fi technology has served to
set up mesh net'or3s" for example" in :ondon
%oth architectures can operate in community net'or3s
4n addition to restricted use in homes and offices" Wi-Fi can ma3e access publicly available at Wi-Fi hotspots
provided either free of charge or to subscribers to various providers OrganiGations and businesses such as airports"
hotels and restaurants often provide free hotspots to attract or assist clients >nthusiasts or authorities 'ho 'ish to
provide services or even to promote business in a given area sometimes provide free Wi-Fi access !here are already
more than /22 metropolitan-'ide Wi-Fi (Muni-Fi) pro1ects in progress
!here 'ere ,B* Wi-Fi based Wireless
4nternet service providers in the )Gech $epublic as of May <22,
Wi-Fi also allo's connectivity in peer-to-peer ('ireless ad hoc net'or3) mode" 'hich enables devices to connect
directly 'ith each other !his connectivity mode can prove useful in consumer electronics and gaming applications
When 'ireless net'or3ing technology first entered the mar3et many problems ensued for consumers 'ho could not
rely on products from different vendors 'or3ing together !he Wi-Fi 8lliance began as a community to solve this
issue F aiming to address the needs of the end-user and to allo' the technology to mature !he 8lliance created the
branding Wi-Fi CERTIFIED to reassure consumers that products 'ill interoperate 'ith other products displaying the
same branding
Many consumer devices use Wi-Fi 8mongst others" personal computers can net'or3 to each other and connect to the
4nternet" mobile computers can connect to the 4nternet from any Wi-Fi hotspot" and digital cameras can transfer
images 'irelessly
$outers 'hich incorporate a D(:-modem or a cable-modem and a Wi-Fi access point" often set up in homes and
other premises" provide 4nternet-access and internet'or3ing to all devices connected ('irelessly or by cable) to them
One can also connect Wi-Fi devices in ad hoc mode for client-to-client connections 'ithout a router Wi-Fi also
enables places 'hich 'ould traditionally not have net'or3 to be connected" for example bathrooms" 3itchens and
garden sheds
8s of <22B Wi-Fi technology had spread 'idely 'ithin business and industrial sites 4n business environments" 1ust
li3e other environments" increasing the number of Wi-Fi access-points provides redundancy" support for fast roaming
and increased overall net'or3-capacity by using more channels or by defining smaller cells Wi-Fi enables 'ireless
voice-applications (=oW:86 or W=O4A) Over the years" Wi-Fi implementations have moved to'ard ?thin? access-
points" 'ith more of the net'or3 intelligence housed in a centraliGed net'or3 appliance" relegating individual access-
points to the role of mere ?dumb? radios Outdoor applications may utiliGe true mesh topologies 8s of <22B Wi-Fi
installations can provide a secure computer net'or3ing gate'ay" fire'all" D#)A server" intrusion detection system"
and other functions
[edit] City wide Wi-Fi
Further information: Municipal ireless netor!
Wi3iboo3s has a boo3 on the topic of
Nets, Webs and the Information Infrastructure
8 municipal 'ireless antenna in Minneapolis
4n the early <222s" many cities around the 'orld announced plans for a city 'ide Wi-Fi net'or3 !his proved to be
much more difficult than their promoters initially envisioned 'ith the result that most of these pro1ects 'ere either
canceled or placed on indefinite hold 8 fe' 'ere successful" for example in <22-" (unnyvale" )alifornia became the
first city in the &nited (tates to offer city 'ide free Wi-Fi
Fe' of the Municipal Wi-Fi firms have no' entered into
the field of (mart grid net'or3s
.<+0.clarification needed0
[edit] Advantages and challenges
8 3eychain siGe Wi-Fi detector
[edit] Operational advantages
Wi-Fi allo's local area net'or3s (:86s) to be deployed 'ithout 'ires for client devices" typically reducing the costs
of net'or3 deployment and expansion (paces 'here cables cannot be run" such as outdoor areas and historical
buildings" can host 'ireless :86s
Wireless net'or3 adapters are no' built into most laptops !he price of chipsets for Wi-Fi continues to drop" ma3ing
it an economical net'or3ing option included in even more devices Wi-Fi has become 'idespread in corporate
Different competitive brands of access points and client net'or3 interfaces are inter-operable at a basic level of
service Aroducts designated as ?Wi-Fi )ertified? by the Wi-Fi 8lliance are bac3'ards compatible Wi-Fi is a global
set of standards &nli3e mobile phones" any standard Wi-Fi device 'ill 'or3 any'here in the 'orld
Wi-Fi is 'idely available in more than <<2"222 public hotspots and tens of millions of homes and corporate and
university campuses 'orld'ide
!he current version of Wi-Fi Arotected 8ccess encryption (WA8<) is not easily
defeated" provided strong pass'ords are used 6e' protocols for Huality of (ervice (WMM) ma3e Wi-Fi more
suitable for latency-sensitive applications (such as voice and video)" and po'er saving mechanisms (WMM Ao'er
(ave) improve battery operation
[edit] Limitations
(pectrum assignments and operational limitations are not consistent 'orld'ide Most of >urope allo's for an
additional < channels beyond those permitted in the &( for the <5 I#G band (+J+/ vs +J++); Kapan has one more
on top of that (+J+5) >urope" as of <22B" 'as essentially homogeneous in this respect 8 very confusing aspect is the
fact that a Wi-Fi signal actually occupies five channels in the <5 I#G band resulting in only three non-overlapped
channels in the &(C +" @" ++" and three or four in >uropeC +" -" *" +/ can be used if all the equipment on a specific
area can be guaranteed not to use ,2<++b at all" even as fallbac3 or beacon >quivalent isotropically radiated po'er
(>4$A) in the >& is limited to <2 d%m (+22 mW)
[edit] Reach
(ee alsoC :ong-range Wi-Fi
:arge satellite dish modified for long-range Wi-Fi communications in =eneGuela
Wi-Fi net'or3s have limited range 8 typical 'ireless router using ,2<++b or ,2<++g 'ith a stoc3 antenna might
have a range of /< m (+<2 ft) indoors and *- m (/22 ft) outdoors !he ne' 4>>> ,2<++n ho'ever" can exceed that
range by more than double
.citation needed0
$ange also varies 'ith frequency band Wi-Fi in the <5 I#G frequency bloc3
has slightly better range than Wi-Fi in the - I#G frequency bloc3 Outdoor range 'ith improved (directional)
antennas can be several 3ilometres or more 'ith line-of-sight 4n general" the maximum amount of po'er that a Wi-Fi
device can transmit is limited by local regulations" such as F)) Aart +-
in &(8
Wi-Fi performance decreases roughly quadratically
.citation needed0
as distance increases at constant radiation levels
Due to reach requirements for 'ireless :86 applications" po'er consumption is fairly high compared to some other
standards !echnologies such as %luetooth" 'hich are designed to support 'ireless A86 applications" provide a much
shorter propagation range of L+2m (ref eg 4>>> (td ,2<+-5 section +< scope) and so in general have a lo'er
po'er consumption Other lo'-po'er technologies such as Mig%ee have fairly long range" but much lo'er data rate
!he high po'er consumption of Wi-Fi ma3es battery life a concern for mobile devices
8 number of ?no ne' 'ires? technologies have been developed to provide alternatives to Wi-Fi for applications in
'hich Wi-FiDs indoor range is not adequate and 'here installing ne' 'ires (such as )8!--) is not possible or cost-
effective One example is the 4!&-! Ihn standard for high speed :ocal area net'or3s using existing home 'iring
(coaxial cables" phone lines and po'er lines) 8lthough Ihn does not provide some of the advantages of Wi-Fi (such
as mobility or outdoor use)" itDs designed for applications (such as 4A!= distribution) 'here indoor range is more
important than mobility
Due to the complex nature of radio propagation at typical Wi-Fi frequencies" particularly the effects of signal
reflection off of trees and buildings" Wi-Fi signal strength can only be predicted generally for any given area in
relation to a transmitter
!his effect does not apply equally to long-range Wi-Fi" since longer lin3s typically operate
from to'ers that broadcast above the surrounding foliage
[edit] o!ility
(peed vs Mobility of 'ireless systemsC Wi-Fi" #(A8" &M!(" I(M
%ecause of the very limited practical range of Wi-Fi" mobile use is essentially confined to such applications as
inventory ta3ing machines in 'arehouses or retail spaces" barcode reading devices at chec3-out stands or receiving 7
shipping stations Mobile use of Wi-Fi over 'ider ranges is limited to move" use" as for instance in an automobile
moving from one hotspot to another (3no'n as Wardriving) Other 'ireless technologies are more suitable as
illustrated in the graphic
[edit] "hreats to sec#rity
!he most common 'ireless encryption standard" Wired >quivalent Arivacy or W>A" has been sho'n to be easily
brea3able even 'hen correctly configured Wi-Fi Arotected 8ccess (WA8 and WA8<)" 'hich began shipping in <22/"
aims to solve this problem and is no' available on most products Wi-Fi 8ccess Aoints typically default to an ?open?
(encryption-free) mode 6ovice users benefit from a Gero-configuration device that 'or3s out of the box" but this
default is 'ithout any 'ireless security enabled" providing open 'ireless access to their :86 !o turn security on
requires the user to configure the device" usually via a soft'are graphical user interface (I&4) Wi-Fi net'or3s that
are open (unencrypted) can be monitored and used to read and copy data (including personal information) transmitted
over the net'or3" unless another security method is used to secure the data" such as a =A6 or a secure 'eb page ((ee
#!!A(7(ecure (oc3et :ayer)
[edit] $op#lation
Many <5 I#G ,2<++b and ,2<++g access points default to the same channel on initial startup" contributing to
congestion on certain channels !o change the channel of operation for an access point requires the user to configure
the device
[edit] Channel poll#tion
For more details on this topic" see >lectromagnetic interference at <5 I#G
(tandardiGation is a process driven by mar3et forces 4nteroperability issues bet'een non-Wi-Fi brands or proprietary
deviations from the standard can still disrupt connections or lo'er throughput speeds on all userDs devices that are
'ithin range" to include the non-Wi-Fi or proprietary product Moreover" the usage of the 4(M band in the <5- I#G
range is also common to %luetooth" WA86-)((" Mig%ee and any ne' system 'ill ta3e its share
Wi-Fi pollution" or an excessive number of access points in the area" especially on the same or neighboring channel"
can prevent access and interfere 'ith the use of other access points by others" caused by overlapping channels in the
,2<++g7b spectrum" as 'ell as 'ith decreased signal-to-noise ratio ((6$) bet'een access points !his can be a
problem in high-density areas" such as large apartment complexes or office buildings 'ith many Wi-Fi access points
8dditionally" other devices use the <5 I#G bandC micro'ave ovens" security cameras" Mig%ee devices" %luetooth
devices and (in some countries) 8mateur radio" video senders" cordless phones and baby monitors" all of 'hich can
cause significant additional interference Ieneral guidance to those 'ho suffer these forms of interference or net'or3
cro'ding is to migrate to a Wi-Fi - I#G product" (,2<++a" or the ne'er ,2<++n if it has - I#G support) because the
- I#G band is relatively unused" and there are many more channels available !his also requires users to set up the -
I#G band to be the preferred net'or3 in the client and to configure each net'or3 band to a different name (((4D) 4t
is also an issue 'hen municipalities" or other large entities such as universities" see3 to provide large area coverage
!his openness is also important to the success and 'idespread use of <5 I#G Wi-Fi
[edit] %ardware
[edit] &tandard devices
8n embedded $outer%oard ++< 'ith &F:-$(M8 pigtail and $-< mini A)4 Wi-Fi card 'idely used by 'ireless
4nternet service providers (W4(As) in the )Gech $epublic
O(%$iDI> /I6 - ,2<++n 8ccess Aoint and &M!(7I(M Iate'ay in one device
&(% 'ireless adapter
8 'ireless access point (W8A) connects a group of 'ireless devices to an ad1acent 'ired :86 8n access point is
similar to a net'or3 hub" relaying data bet'een connected 'ireless devices in addition to a (usually) single connected
'ired device" most often an ethernet hub or s'itch" allo'ing 'ireless devices to communicate 'ith other 'ired
Wireless adapters allo' devices to connect to a 'ireless net'or3 !hese adapters connect to devices using various
external or internal interconnects such as A)4" miniA)4" &(%" >xpress)ard" )ardbus and A) )ard Most ne'er
laptop computers are equipped 'ith internal adapters 4nternal cards are generally more difficult to install
Wireless routers integrate a Wireless 8ccess Aoint" ethernet s'itch" and internal $outer firm'are application that
provides 4A $outing" 68!" and D6( for'arding through an integrated W86 interface 8 'ireless router allo's 'ired
and 'ireless ethernet :86 devices to connect to a (usually) single W86 device such as cable modem or D(:
modem 8 'ireless router allo's all three devices (mainly the access point and router) to be configured through one
central utility !his utility is most usually an integrated 'eb server 'hich serves 'eb pages to 'ired and 'ireless
:86 clients and often optionally to W86 clients !his utility may also be an application that is run on a des3top
computer such as 8ppleDs 8irAort
Wireless net'or3 bridges connect a 'ired net'or3 to a 'ireless net'or3 !his is different from an access point in the
sense that an access point connects 'ireless devices to a 'ired net'or3 at the data-lin3 layer !'o 'ireless bridges
may be used to connect t'o 'ired net'or3s over a 'ireless lin3" useful in situations 'here a 'ired connection may
be unavailable" such as bet'een t'o separate homes
Wireless range extenders or 'ireless repeaters can extend the range of an existing 'ireless net'or3 $ange extenders
can be strategically placed to elongate a signal area or allo' for the signal area to reach around barriers such as those
created in :-shaped corridors Wireless devices connected through repeaters 'ill suffer from an increased latency for
each hop 8dditionally" a 'ireless device connected to any of the repeaters in the chain 'ill have a throughput that is
limited by the 'ea3est lin3 bet'een the t'o nodes in the chain from 'hich the connection originates to 'here the
connection ends
[edit] 'istance records
Electronics portal
Distance records (using non-standard devices) include /,< 3m (</B mi) in Kune <22B" held by >rmanno Aietrosemoli
and >s:a$ed of =eneGuela" transferring about / M% of data bet'een mountain tops of >l 8guila and Alatillon !he
('edish (pace 8gency transferred data /+2 3m (+*/ mi)" using @ 'att amplifiers to reach an overhead stratospheric
[edit] (m!edded systems
>mbedded serial-to-Wi-Fi module
Wi-Fi availability in the home is on the increase !his extension of the 4nternet into the home space 'ill increasingly
be used for remote monitoring
.citation needed0
>xamples of remote monitoring include security systems and tele-medicine
4n all these 3inds of implementation" if the Wi-Fi provision is provided using a system running one of operating
systems mentioned above" then it becomes unfeasible due to 'eight" po'er consumption and cost issues
4ncreasingly in the last fe' years (particularly as of early <22B)" embedded Wi-Fi modules have become available
'hich come 'ith a real-time operating system and provide a simple means of 'ireless enabling any device 'hich has
and communicates via a serial port!his allo's simple monitoring devices J for example" a portable >)I monitor
hoo3ed up to a patient in their home J to be created !his Wi-Fi enabled device effectively becomes part of the
internet cloud and can communicate 'ith any other node on the internet !he data collected can hop via the homeDs
Wi-Fi access point to any'here on the internet !hese Wi-Fi modules are designed so that designers need minimal
Wi-Fi 3no'ledge to 'ireless-enable their products
[edit] Networ) sec#rity
!he main issue 'ith 'ireless net'or3 security is its simplified access to the net'or3 compared to traditional 'ired
net'or3s such as ethernet With 'ired net'or3ing it is necessary to either gain access to a building" physically
connecting into the internal net'or3" or brea3 through an external fire'all Most business net'or3s protect sensitive
data and systems by attempting to disallo' external access !hus being able to get 'ireless reception provides an
attac3 vector" if encryption is not used or can be defeated
8ttac3ers 'ho have gained access to a Wi-Fi net'or3 can use D6( spoofing attac3s very effectively against any
other user of the net'or3" because they can see the D6( requests made" and often respond 'ith a spoofed ans'er
before the queried D6( server has a chance to reply
[edit] &ec#ring methods
8 common but unproductive measure to deter unauthoriGed users is to suppress the 8ADs ((4D broadcast" ?hiding? it
!his is ineffective as a security method because the ((4D is broadcast in the clear in response to a client ((4D query
8nother unproductive method is to only allo' computers 'ith 3no'n M8) addresses to 1oin the net'or3 M8)
address are easily spoofed 4f the eavesdropper has the ability to change his M8) address" then he may 1oin the
net'or3 by spoofing an authoriGed address
Wired >quivalent Arivacy (W>A) encryption 'as designed to protect against casual snooping" but is no' considered
completely bro3en !ools such as 8ir(nort or 8ircrac3-ng can quic3ly recover W>A encryption 3eys Once it has
seen --+2 million encrypted pac3ets" 8ir(nort can determine the encryption pass'ord in under a second;
tools such as aircrac3-pt' can use NleinDs attac3 to crac3 a W>A 3ey 'ith a -2O success rate using only 52"222
!o counteract this in <22<" the Wi-Fi 8lliance blessed Wi-Fi Arotected 8ccess (WA8) 'hich uses !N4A as a stopgap
solution for legacy equipment !hough more secure than W>A" it has outlived its designed lifetime" has 3no'n attac3
vectors and is no longer recommended
4n <225" the full 4>>> ,2<++i (WA8<) encryption standards 'ere released 4f used 'ith a ,2<+P server or in pre-
shared 3ey mode 'ith a strong and uncommon passphrase WA8< is still considered secure" as of <22*
[edit] $iggy!ac)ing
Main articleC Aiggybac3ing (internet access)
During the early popular adoption of ,2<++" providing open access points for anyone 'ithin range to use 'as
encouraged to cultivate 'ireless community net'or3s;
particularly since people on average use only a fraction of
their do'nstream band'idth at any given time
$ecreational logging and mapping of other peopleDs access points has become 3no'n as 'ardriving 4t is also
common for people to use open (unencrypted) Wi-Fi net'or3s as a free service" termed piggybac3ing 4ndeed" many
access points are intentionally installed 'ithout security turned on so that they can be used as a free service !hese
activities do not result in sanctions in most 1urisdictions" ho'ever legislation and case la' differ considerably across
the 'orld 8 proposal to leave graffiti describing available services 'as called 'archal3ing 4n a Florida court case"
o'ner laGiness 'as determined not to be a valid excuse
Aiggybac3ing is often unintentional Most access points are configured 'ithout encryption by default" and operating
systems such as Windo's PA (A<" Mac O( P or &buntu :inux may be configured to automatically connect to any
available 'ireless net'or3 8 user 'ho happens to start up a laptop in the vicinity of an access point may find the
computer has 1oined the net'or3 'ithout any visible indication Moreover" a user intending to 1oin one net'or3 may
instead end up on another one if the latterDs signal is stronger 4n combination 'ith automatic discovery of other
net'or3 resources (see D#)A and Meroconf) this could possibly lead 'ireless users to send sensitive data to the
'rong middle man 'hen see3ing a destination (see Man-in-the-middle attac!) For example" a user could
inadvertently use an insecure net'or3 to login to a 'ebsite" thereby ma3ing the login credentials available to anyone
listening" if the 'ebsite is using an insecure protocol li3e #!!A
+ Wi-Fi is a 'ireless technology (follo'ing 4>>> ,2<++ standard) that lets digital devices such as A)"laptop"mobile
phones to connect and access internet through a router 'ithout any physical association 'ith the 'ired
net'or3(:86)4nterestingly"QWireless FidelityQ"as such does not mean anything4t 'as actually a branding strategy by
the governing 8lliance to ma3e their service a bit more catchy and R#i-FiS
< RWi-FiS 'as termed by Wi-Fi Alliance"'hich ta3es the responsibility of overseeing tests that certify product
interoperability8 product that passes the alliance tests is given the label RWi-Fi certi*iedR
/ Wi-Fi hotspots are the access points through 'hich 'ireless internet is accessed$estaurants"coffee-shops"food
1oints offer free hotspots 'ithin their premises as a mode of attractionMore hotspots correspond to more coverage
and heavy usage support(higher band'idth support)
5 !o establish a Wi-Fi connectivity"the t'o primary conditions are Wireless adapter at userQs end('ithin the laptop
or A)) and a Wi-Fi ro#ter(externally placed)Most of ne' laptops and des3top computers come 'ith built-in
'ireless adapter
- Wi-Fi net'or3s are very limited in range8 typical Wi-Fi router might have a range of /2 m(T+22 ft) indoor and *2
m(<*- ft) outdoor$ange also varies 'ith selected frequency bandWi-Fi in the <5 I#G frequency band has slightly
better range than Wi-Fi in the - I#G frequency band
@ Wi-Fi is much more prone to security abuse than 'ired :868s the level of openness is quite high"Wi-FiQs
encryption methods face continuous failure in front of easily available soft'ares such as 8ircrac3!his is the reason
'hy private Wi-Fi net'or3s prefer employing UWhitelist 4A &sageQ only
B !here are future plans to turn entire cities such as (an Francisco"Ahiladelphia and fe' others into big 'ireless
hotspots!he Wi-Fi services 'ill either be free(ad-supported) or subscription based
, )ities li3e (an Francisco(&() and #ong Nong(8sia) are even running buses 'ith free and fully operational Wi-Fi
+nternet access
Wired Wireless
$hone line
Licensed terrestrial
Ihn >thernet
- Ihn
Wi-Fi -
%luetooth -
D>)! -
WAN AO6 DO)(4(
Dial-up -
4(D6 -
%A: Muni Wi-Fi
IA$( - i%urst -
Wi%ro7WiM8P -
#(A8 - >=DO - :!>
!he List o* WLAN channels is the legally allo'ed 4>>> ,2<++ or more commonly Wi-Fi Wireless :86 channels
!he ,2<++ 'or3group currently documents use in three distinct frequency ranges" <5 I#G" /@ I#G and
5*7-2 I#G bands
>ach range is divided into multitude of channels )ountries apply their o'n regulations to both
the allo'able channels" allo'ed users and maximum po'er levels 'ithin these frequency ranges 4n some countries"
such as the &nited (tates" licensed 8mateur $adio operators may use some of the channels at much higher po'er for
long distance 'ireless access
!hese regulations may be out of date as they are sub1ect to change at any time
+ <5 I#G (,2<++b7g7n)
< /@ I#G (,2<++y)
/ - I#G (,2<++a7h717n)
5 (ee also
- $eferences
[edit] ./0 1%2 345./66!7g7n8
Iraphical representation of Wi-Fi channels in <5 I#G band
!here are +5 channels designated in the <5 I#G range spaced - M#G apart ('ith the exception of a +< M#G spacing
before )hannel +5) 8s the protocol requires <- M#G of channel separation" ad1acent channels overlap and 'ill
interfere 'ith each other
Aotential Wireless :86 uses of this range are documented by 4>>> ,2<++ clauses +, (,2<++b)" +* (,2<++g) and <2
(,2<++n 'hich is still unreleased by the 4>>>" but 'idely available 'ith Wi-Fi 8lliance Draft-n equipment) 4>>>
,2<++ clauses +5 and +- also specify potential uses of this range" but did not see 'idespread implementation
)ountries apply their o'n regulations to both the allo'able channels" allo'ed users and maximum po'er levels
'ithin this frequency ranges )onsult your local authorities as these regulations may be out of date as they are sub1ect
to change at any time Most of the 'orld 'ill allo' the first thirteen channels in the spectrum
North America
ost o* world
+ <5+< Ves Ves Ves
< <5+B Ves Ves Ves
/ <5<< Ves Ves Ves
5 <5<B Ves Ves Ves
- <5/< Ves Ves Ves
@ <5/B Ves Ves Ves
B <55< Ves Ves Ves
, <55B Ves Ves Ves
* <5-< Ves Ves Ves
+2 <5-B Ves Ves Ves
++ <5@< Ves Ves Ves
+< <5@B 6o
Ves Ves
+/ <5B< 6o
Ves Ves
+5 <5,5 6o ++b only
;A >arlier" in (pain the only allo'able channels 'ere +2-++" and in France +2-+/ !hese restrictions have been
removed since" and these countries are currently follo'ing the common >uropean policy (channels +-+/)
;< 4n the &(8" ,2<++b operation in the channels +< and +/ is not strictly forbidden by the relevant regulatory
authority" the F)) 4ndeed" the <5 I#G 4(M band in the &( allo's spread-spectrum operation as long as the -2-d%
band'idth of the signal is 'ithin in the range of <522-<5,/- M#G
; channels +< and +/ are 'holly in this range
4ndeed" an F)) document clarifies that only channel +5 is forbidden; lo'-po'er transmitters 'ith lo'-gain antennas
may legally operate in channels +< and +/ under certain conditions
4n practice" ho'ever" channels +< and +/ of the
4>>> ,2<++ b7g standard are not used in order to avoid any interference in the ad1acent restricted frequency band"
<5,/--<-22 M#G" 'hich is sub1ect to strict emission limits set out in 5B )F$ W+-<2-
4n )anada" +< channels are available for use" ++ of 'hich at full po'er and channel +<Ds transmit po'er limited
#o'ever" integration 'ith the &( means electronic devices 'ill only see ++ channels available for use
;C )hannel +5 is valid only for D((( and ))N modes ()lause +, a3a ,2<++b) in Kapan OFDM (ie ,2<++g)
may not be used (4>>> ,2<++-<22B W+*5<)
[edit] =/> 1%2 345./66y8
E"cept here noted# all information ta!en from $nne" % of IEEE &'()**y-(''&
!his range is documented as only being allo'ed as a licensed band in the &nited (tates Alease see 4>>> ,2<++y for
)ountries apply their o'n regulations to both the allo'able channels" allo'ed users and maximum po'er levels
'ithin this frequency ranges )onsult your local authorities as these regulations may be out of date as they are sub1ect
to change at any time
United &tates
? %2 65 %2 .5 %2
+/+ /@-B- Ves 6o 6o
+/< /@@<- Ves 6o 6o
+/< /@@22 6o Ves 6o
+// /@@B- Ves 6o 6o
+// /@@-2 6o 6o Ves
+/5 /@B<- Ves 6o 6o
+/5 /@B22 6o Ves 6o
+/- /@BB- Ves 6o 6o
+/@ /@,<- Ves 6o 6o
+/@ /@,22 6o Ves 6o
+/B /@,B- Ves 6o 6o
+/B /@,-2 6o 6o Ves
+/, /@,*- Ves 6o 6o
+/, /@*22 6o Ves 6o
[edit] ? 1%2 345./66a7h7@7n8
E"cept here noted# all information ta!en from $nne" % of IEEE &'()**-(''+ , IEEE &'()**!-(''&
)ountries apply their o'n regulations to both the allo'able channels" allo'ed users and maximum po'er levels
'ithin this frequency ranges )onsult your local authorities as these regulations may be out of date as they are sub1ect
to change at any time
(#rope :apan &ingapore China +srael Aorea "#r)ey
.5 %2
.5 %2 .5 %2
65 %2 .5 %2 .5 %2 .5 %2
.5 %2
.5 %2
+,/ 5*+- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+,5 5*<2 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+,- 5*<- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+,B 5*/- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+,, 5*52 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+,* 5*5- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+*< 5*@2 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+*@ 5*,2 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
B -2/- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
, -252 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
* -25- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
++ -2-- 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+< -2@2 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+@ -2,2 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
/5 -+B2 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
/@ -+,2 Ves Ves Ves 6o Ves 6o Ves Ves Ves
/, -+*2 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
52 -<22 Ves Ves Ves 6o Ves 6o Ves Ves Ves
5< -<+2 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
55 -<<2 Ves Ves Ves 6o Ves 6o Ves Ves Ves
5@ -</2 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
5, -<52 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
-< -<@2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
-@ -<,2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
@2 -/22 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
@5 -/<2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves Ves
+22 --22 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
+25 --<2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
+2, --52 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
++< --@2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
++@ --,2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
+<2 -@22 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
+<5 -@<2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
+<, -@52 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o Ves 6o
+/< -@@2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+/@ -@,2 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+52 -B22 Ves Ves Ves 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o 6o
+5* -B5- Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o Ves Ves
+-/ -B@- Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o Ves Ves
+-B -B,- Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o Ves Ves
+@+ -,2- Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o Ves Ves
+@- -,<- Ves 6o 6o 6o Ves Ves 6o Ves Ves
6oteC !he Kapanese channels operating at +2 M#G of band'idth operate at half the data rate as the channels 'ith
<2 M#G of band'idth for the same modulation scheme

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