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Timing of Events in Cuspal Interlinks
-B.K. Kumar
Any event happens only when it is promised in the
horoscope. So, prior to timing the event, it is necessary
to check the promise.
Check of Promise of Occurrence of Event
Ascendant Sub-Sub Lord should be simultaneous
significator of Primary and Supporting Cusps.
Primary Cusp Sub-Sub Lord should be linked to
Primary and Supporting cusps including !!th Cusp"
directly or indirectly.
#Direct means Primary Cusp SSL Involves Primary
Cusp through Star Lord and commits through Sub Lord
to supporting cusps including 11th Cusp. Indirect
means Primary Cusp Sub-Sub Lord involves 11th
Cusp through its Star Lord and commits through its
Sub Lord to Primary and other Supporting Cusps$.
On ascertaining the Promise of Event, following
procedure is adopted for Timing the Event%
&asha Period Lords should be significator of Primary
and Supporting Cusps including !!th Cusp.
Progressed Ascendant co-rulers also must be
significator of Primary and Supporting Cusps including
!!th Cusp.
Progressed Primary Cusp Co-rulers should also be the
significator of Primary and Supporting Cusps including
!!th Cusp.
As per progressed position of Sun, 'oon and &asa
Period Lords, they should also be significator of
Primary and Supporting Cusps including !!th Cusp.
(upiter generally in case of auspicious event" ) Saturn
generally in case of inauspicious events" must transit
over SSL of Primary Cusp and the sign in which it is
transiting at the time of event must also a significator of
at least Primary Cusp or other relevant cusps.
*ransit agreement of Sun and 'oon and &asa Lords
must also signify the event.
Behaviour of Rahu and Ketu in CIL
eading of ahu and Ketu in KC!"

+n Cuspal +nterlinks *heory, ,ahu or -etu represents
its dispositor Sign Lord" and Star Lord. So, while
determining the significations or assessing result giving
capability of ,ahu or -etu, we consider ,ahu or -etu
acting simultaneously as three planets a" ,ahu) -etu
as ,ahu) -etu Planet, b" ,ahu)-etu as Sign Lord and
c" ,ahu) -etu as Star Lord who will give the result as
per Positional Status PS" and Stellar Status SrS".

Cuspal Interlinks Theory
Cuspal +nterlinks *heory . /olden ,ules of Cuspal
+nterlinks Astrology . ,ole of Star, Sub and Sub-Sub
Lord in Cuspal +nterlinks . +nter-relation of Cusp and
Planets in Cuspal +nterlinks *heory . Positional and
Stellar Status of Planets in Cuspal +nterlinks .
Significator Planet . Accuracy of in Cuspal +nterlinks .
&asha Application in Cuspal +nterlinks . *ransit
Agreement in Cuspal +nterlinks . C+L
-B.K. Kumar
Ascendant is rising continuously, moment after
moment, on geocentric eastern hori0on at advanced
longitude degree-minute-second" . *his is called
Cuspal longitude of ascendant where certain sign, star,
sub and sub-sub rise. 1ith respect to ascendant
Cuspal longitude, other houses and Cuspal positions
form. Cuspal position is co-ruled by the sign lord, star
lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord.
+n Cuspal +nterlinks -hullar System ", sub-sub arc is
practically ultimate division and Cuspal sub-sub lord is
the agent who interacts with other Cusps and 2hava.
*he interaction or inter-relationship of Cuspal sub-sub
lords with other Cusps) 2hava is termed as Cuspal
+nterlinks. +n Cuspal +nterlinks *heory 'r. S.P. -hullar
has uni3uely described all about the interaction and
interlinks or inter-relationship of Cuspal sub-sub lords.
4very sub-sub lord establishes relation with other
cusps and 2havas in a definite way. A Cuspal sub-sub
lord i.e. a planet" establishes relationship with other
cusp on the basis of its Stellar Status and Positional
Status. 5ature of such established relation of Cuspal
sub-sub lord and cusp is further specified and modified
by the sub lord of the Cuspal sub-sub lord. *hat Cuspal
sub-sub lord is meaningfully related with that cusp or
not6 it is revealed the sub-sub lord of the Cuspal sub-
sub lord.
+n other words, +n Cuspal +nterlinks 'atri7, a planet
relates with others cusp or becomes significator of that
cusps" where 5akshatra Lord of a planet or planet
itself in case of PS" appears in the Cuspal position. +t
is termed as the planet involved the cusp through its
star lord. Likewise, wherever sub lord of the planet
appears in Cuspal position, it understood that the
planet committed to the cusp through sub lord. +f this
committed cusp is in favourable position with respect to
involved cusp then we say that the planet is fruitful
significator of the involved cusp where planet89:s
star lord has appeared". *he Sub Sub Lord of Sub Sub
Lord of planet will declare the culmination of the
involvement and commitment of the planet. *hat is,
Sub Sub Lord of Cuspal Sub Sub Lord is a planet that
gives hint of fruitfulness of the significationship of the
planet for involved cusps". Clearly, a planet becomes
significator and gives result of only those cusps")
2hava where star lord of the planet or planet itself
appears. +t becomes fruitful significator of those cusps
if the planet is favourably com mitted.
#olden ules of Khullar $strolog% &%stem 'Cuspal
!nterlinks Theor%(

Cuspal !nterlinks rule ')( * A native en;oys
significations of those houses only to which Ascendant
Sub Sub Lord maintain relation.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '+( * A planet gives favourable
result of cusps" involved through star lord if that planet
is committed through sub lord to favourable or
supporting cusps") 2hava w.r.t involved cusp and
entrusted through Sub Sub Lord to favourable or
supporting cusps" w.r.t involved cusp ) 2hava.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule ',( * Star Lord Proposes, Sub
Lord disposes.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '-( * Star Lord shows
involvement and Sub Lord Commitment.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '.( * Sub-Sub Lord shows the
end result.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '/( * <rom involved cusp, =th,
>th, ?th and !@th Cusp)Aouse are unfavourable, @nd,
Bth and !Cth Cusp)Aouse is neutral and !st, Drd, Eth,
Fth and !!th Cusp) Aouse are favourable.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '0( * *ransit agreement is
shown by the way of signification and e7citation of
relevant cusps in the natal chart.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '1( * Apply Principles of
Gimshottari &asha System for timing the event.
Cuspal !nterlinks rule '2( * A promised event happens
in the ;oint period of planets that are fruitful significator
of those cusps, if Gimshottari &asha LordHs *ransit
Cuspal !nterlinks rule ')3(* Gimshottari &asha is
se3uential in nature, which has a hidden meaning.
4ach succeeding period can enact an event only when
itHs proceeding &asha Period Lord permits the event.
,ead more in 2ooks - T4E $&TO"O#5* Kalamsa
6 Cuspal !nterlink Theor% 5ew 4dition", 7KE5 TO
"E$8 &u9 &u9 6 Cuspal !nterlinks Theor%7 and
7:orar% $strolog% and Cuspal !nterlinks; - written by
Sh SP -hullar"
Birthtime Rectification Rules
- B% B.K. Kumar
0 &teps of ectification ) <etermination of Time of
A" *he Sub Lord and Sub-Sub Lord of Ascendant
should be linked with the Star Lord of 'oon6
2" Se7 &etermination6
C" Ascendant Co-rulers should be linked with !C, ! and
> Cusp)Aouse6
&" 'oon89:s Position Co-rulers should be linked with
!C, ! and > Cusp)Aouse6
4" Prana Lord at birth time of the native should be
linked with !C, ! and > Cusp)Aouse6
<" Ascertaining the /enetical Connections6
/" Gerification of Past 4vents.

<or more details on 2ithtime ,ectification - ,ead
I5O4 T4E :OO&COPE* Birth Time
ectification7 written 9% =r. &.P. Khulla
>h% 8eed of Birth Time ectification
- B.K. Kumar

4very individual takes birth in a very particular moment. Aowever,
this moment can not be timed e7actly due to limitation of our
watch. Jet very closely it can be timed. /enerally time of birth is
recorded by doctor in hospital. Such recorded time at most could
be correct upto minute level but on second level more often it is
found not accurate. Aowever, second is not e3uivalent to a
moment, but as said above due to some constraint we can not
time it beyond second level. +n our -hullar System of Astrology
difference of even a second sometime may change horoscope
entirely. *his is why in this system we can differentiate between
even twins. 2irthtime rectified on second level yields satisfactory
results as it nearly simulates the destiny.

1e believe that any nativeKs birth time is that very moment when
he takes his first breath on this earth plane with his noticeable
independent e7istence. <rom his first breath he is treated as a
self-regulating being. <rom that moment the soul incarnated in his
body makes functional his body in natural course in such a
fashion that he may sustain due to those very personal efforts that
can not done by others in lieu of him i.e. his being is now
responsible for his evolution and growth.

,ecording of time of first breath or incarnation of soul in the body
of child is not easy even for doctors as doctorKs preference and
concern are different in the labour room. +t is astrologer who can
declare the time of childKs first breath or incarnation of soul in the
body of child as per the very particular planetary position,
calculated upto second level, on the hori0on at that moment. and
place Aowever for astrologers also it is not so easy particularly in
other system of astrology but in Cuspal interlinks *heory -hullar
Astrology", it is 3uite possible to rectify the birth time which is
close to the very moment of birth. Lnce time-closed-to-birth-
moment is found, it is very easy to cast a horoscope or matri7
simulating destiny, using -hullar Ayanamsa.

1e know at the time of death impressions Samskara" of previous
lives remain attached with soul. &ue to these impressions, soul is
bound to reincarnate. As per impression accumulated in previous
lives, soul chooses a very particular parents, family, society,
country etc. So in true horoscope these should be reflected
besides many other individualistic elements. Co-relation with
society, country etc can not be ideally established for want of data
re3uired for true horoscope of the same. 2ut a true horoscope
must e7hibit relationship with parents and other family members.
+n medical science such relationship is known as /enetic relation.
<urther, *rue horoscope should show individuality M se7 of the
native. And, the planetary position should certainly confirm the
event of birth of the native at that very moment besides many
other aspects and events related to him.
+n other system of astrology, scarcely an astrologer bothers to
rectify the birth time. Lwing to this, accuracy in the horoscope
remains missing.

$sk ?or Birth Time ectification
Horoscope Rectification - An Example
47ample of 2irth *ime correction ) ,ectification) determination
- B.K. Kumar
Birth elated <etails
'ale 5ative
&ate of 2irth% = April !FBF
*ime of 2irth% =%DE pm 44* -@.CC
Place of 2irth Co-ordinates% CDS@DH@EI, C@F4@@H!?I
Khullar ayanamsha
#enetical Connection elated <etails
@> Lct !FD? <ather born in Gilvoorde 2elgium" - 'oon Star 'erc.
@F Lct !F=C 'other born in Antwerp - 'oon Star 'ars.
@D 'ar !FBB 4ldest Sister born -'oon Star 'erc.
F 5ov !FB> Llder brother born - 'oon Star 'ars
!D (un !F!@ 'aternal /randfather born - 'oon Star Gen. died !D
'ar !FF?
B Lct !FC? 'aternal /randmother born - 'oon Star 'ars
Events elated <etails
<inished studies of technical engineer - (un !F>!.
'aternal /randfather died in Louvain 2elgium - !D 'ar !FF?.
<inished post graduate studies - (un !FF@.
'arried in +stanbul - D! 'ar !FFE.
Started new (ob with ma;or Company in +stanbul -! 'ay !FFE
4migrated to Australia - @? Apr @CC!
Started new ;ob in Sydney - ! 'ay @CC!
'oved from Sydney to Adelaide - != Sep @CC> !> Sep @CC>
ectified Time - )/*,.*)2
Chart below is as per rectified birth time"

8ote* C)A N Cusp ) Aouse, NO N Sign, --O N Star, -- N Sub, -----
N Sub-Sub
@erification at &tage A )* Check >hether 8ecessar%
Conditions for ectification of Chart are getting &atisfied $t
ectified Time or 8ot.
LetKs See,
a( elation of $scdtt. &&" and =oonBs &tar "ord* Ascendant
SSL is Saturn. Saturn is in the Star of ,ahu, the Star Lord of
'oonKs Position.
9( &eC <etermination* +n 'ale sign Leo Ascdtt. Sub-Sub Arc is
in the @nd half.
c( $scdtt. Co-rulers relation with ), 0 and )3 CD:* Ascdtt Sign
Lord Sun% Sun has no PS. +t is in 'ercury Star who is appearing
in > and !C Cusp. And it is in Genus Sub who is appearing in !, >,
!C Cusp. *his can be written as SP5--O'ercury >, !C" QGenus
!, >, !C".
$scdtt &tar "ord @enus* Genus has PS. +t is appearing in !C
and >C and is ,esident of >A. +t is in 'ercury Star who is
appearing in > and !C Cusp. And it is in (upiter Sub who is
appearing in !st and >th Cusp. *his can be written as G45PS--
O'ercury >, !C" Q(upiter !, >".
$scdtt &u9 "ord Ketu* -etu has no PS. +t is in Sun Star who is
appearing in !st Cusp. And it is in 'ercury Sub who is appearing
in >th and !Cth Cusp. *his can be written as -4*P--OSun !" Q
'ercury >, !C".
$scdtt &u9-&u9 "ord &aturn* Saturn has PS. +t is appearing in
!st >th and!Cth Cusp. +t is in Sun Sub who is appearing in !st
Cusp. *his can be written as SA*P,5 PS !, >, !C" --O-etu !, >"
QSun !".
Thus, we see all co-ruling planets of Ascendant are linked
with 1, 7 and 10 C/H.

d( =oon Position Co-rulers relation with ), 0 and )3 CD:*
'oon Position Sign Lord Genus% discussed above.
'oon Position Star Lord ,ahu% ,ahu--OSaturn!,>,!C"R
'oon Position Sub Lord -etu% -etu--O'ercury >, !C"RSun !"
'oon Position SSL (upiter% (upiter PS !, >"--OSun !"R'ercury
>, !C"
e( Prana "ord at 9irth time is Eupiter* (upiter PS !, >"--OSun
!"R'ercury >, !C"
f( #enetical Connections*
<atherKs 'oonstar is 'ercury. Fth SSL also is 'ercury.
'otherKs 'oonstar is 'ars. +n the chart 'ars is in the Star of
'ercury who is =th SSL.
+mmediate 4lder brotherKs 'oonstar is 'ars. 'ars is in the Sub-
Sub of ,ahu who represents Saturn and Saturn is !!th SSL.
So far, we hae checked all necessar! conditions which are
found in correct "irth ti#e.

@erification at &tage A +* Check rectified Chart through Past
)( =arriage* ,) =arch )22. in !stan9ul Turke%
Promise of =arriage*
Ascdtt. SSL is Saturn. Saturn has PS and it is appearing in
>M!!th Cusp. So there is promise of 'arriage.
>SSL is 'ercury. 'ercury has PS and it is appearing in E, >M!!th
Cusp. 'ercury is in the sub of (upiter who is appearing in E, > M
!!th Cusp. So there is promise of 'arriage. *he SSL of 'ercury
is ,ahu. ,ahu as (upiter and Saturn is appearing in relevant C)A.
<asha Period
Ln D! 'arch !FFE &asha Period% Sa-'e-'e-Sun--et)Gen.
&asha Lord% Saturn is linked with >th and !!th Cusp through its
Star Lord.
2hukti M Antara Lord% 'ercury is strong significator of 'arriage.
1e have seen in the promise of >SSL. *he SSL of 'ercury is
,ahu. ,ahu as (upiter and Saturn, is appearing in relevant C)A.
Sookshama Lord% Sun--O'e E, >, !!"RGe E,> being ,es of >
with PS"-----'eE,>,!!".
Prana Lord% -etu--OSu>A"R'eE, >, !!"-----Sa >,!!"
Check for Transit $greement at the time of =arriage in
Transit of <asha "ord* Saturn is transiting in Sat)(up)'er)-et
Sign Lord in *ransit" Saturn% +t is significator of > and !!th Cusp
also e7citing these cusps.
Star Lord in *ransit" (upiter% +t is also fruitful significator of E, >
and !! and (upiter is e7citing these cusps also.
Sub Lord in *ransit" 'ercury% +t is also good significator of E, >
and !! and e7citing these cusps as well.
SSL in *ransit" -etu% +t is also strong significator of E, > and !! is
e7citing all relevant cusps itself and through its represented
planetKs appearance in cusps.
Transit of Bhukti 6 $ntara "ord* 'ercury is transiting in
(u)(u),a)(u Sg)St)Sb)SS".
(upiter% we have discussed above.
,ahu% +t is also good significator of relevant cusps.
,ahu--OSa >,!!"R'e E, >, !!"
Transit of &ookshama "ord* Sun is transiting in (u)Sa)(u)Ge
As discussed above (upiter and Saturn are fulfilling the condition
of being in agreement with the dictate of &asha on the strength of
being significator and e7citing the relevant cusps.
Genus is also good significator for causing 'arriage.
GePs E,>"--O'eE,>,!!"R(uE, >, !!".
'arriage should after !!%E> on D! 'arch !FFE.
Transit of Prana "ord% -etu is transiting in 'e)Su)'e)Sa
'ercury, Saturn and Sun all are in significator of relevant cusps.
Sun is transiting in (upiter Sign, Saturn Star and (upiter Sub. 1e
have discussed above.
'oon is transiting in (upiter Sign and 'ercury Star. 1e have
discussed earlier these two also are significator of relevant cusps.
So Sun and 'oon transit are in agreement.
+( Eo9* On )st =a% )22. &tarted new Eo9 with =aFor
Compan% in !stan9ul Turke%
Promise* Ascdtt. SSL Saturn with PS is appearing in @, B, !C and
!!th Cusps.
!CSSL 'ercury PS @, !C, !!". 'ercury is in the sub of (upiter B,
!!, !". +ts SSL ,ahu is appearing in @nd and Bth Cusps.
BSSL (upiter PS B,!!". +t is in the Sub of 'ercury who is
appearing in @, !C and !!th Cusp. SSL 'oon is resident of @nd
!!SSL is Saturn and we have discussed about this above.
<asha Period
on C!.CE.!FFE &asha Period% Sat-'er-'er-,ah-'er. 1e have
discussed above about Saturn and 'ercury. ,ahu itself is good
significator for (ob. ,ahu represents Saturn and (upiter who are
also significator of the same.
Check of Transit agreement at the time of &tarting Eo9 in
&asha Lord in *ransit% Saturn is transiting in Sa)(u)Ge),a
All lords of SaturnKs Position in *ransit are satisfying the condition
of *ransit Agreement through either Signification or 47citation or
2hukti M Antara Lord in *ransit% 'ercury is transiting in
Ge)Su)Sa)Ge ,a Sg)St)Sb)SS".
All lords of 'ercuryKs Position in *ransit are satisfying the
condition of *ransit Agreement through either Signification or
47citation or 2oth.
Sookshama Lord in *ransit% ,ahu was transiting in Ge),a)Sa)'o
,a Sg)St)Sb)SS".
+ncluding 'oon all lords of ,ahuKs Position in *ransit are satisfying
the condition of *ransit Agreement through either Signification or
47citation or 2oth.
Prana Lord in *ransit% 1e have discussed above about 'ercury.
Sun and 'oon transit are also in agrrement.
,( +nd Eo9 on )st =a% +33) in &%dne%
Promise% 1e have checked earlier
<asha Period* Sat-Gen-Sat-,ah-Gen. 1e have discussed about
Saturn and ,ahu earlier. Let us see Genus. Genus has PS and is
appearing in !Cth Cusp and its Star Lord 'ercury is appearing
in@, !C, !!th Cusps. *he Sub Lord of Genus is appearing in B and
!!th Cusps. Sub-Sub Lord ,ahu is appearing in @nd cusp. *hus,
Genus is also good significator of (ob.
Check of Transit $greement at the time of +nd Eo9 in &%dne%*
&asha M Antara Lord in *ransit% Saturn was transiting in
Su)Ge)-e),a Sg)St)Sb)SS".
Sun the Sign Lord in *ransit" is allowing the event being
Significator of !Cth Cusp.
Genus the Star Lord in *ransit" is also good significator for ;ob.
-etu the Sub lord in *ransit" itself is not so worthy. 2ut -etu as
Sun and -etu as 'ercury is good significator for (ob
,ahu the Sub-Sub lord in *ransit" is also good significator for
;ob. 1e have discussed it earlier.
2hukti M Prana Lord in *ransit% Genus was transiting in
(u)Ge)Ge)(u Sg)St)Sb)SS".
(upiter the Sign and SS Lord in *ransit" is good significator for
Genus the Star and Sub Lord in *ransit" is also good significator
for ;ob.
Sookshama Lord in *ransit%
,ahu is transiting in Sa)'o)'e)'o Sg)St)Sb)SS".
Already discussed Saturn and 'ercury SgL and SbL in *ransit"
are in agreement by fulfilling the condition of signification and ) or
'oon the Star Lord and SS Lord in *ransit" also becomes
significator of (ob.
Sun is transiting in 'a)Sa)Sa)'e Sg)St)Sb)SS". And 'oon is
transiting in Su)-e)Ge),a. All of them are in agreement by
fulfilling the condition of signification and ) or e7citation.
Thus we see, there is agree#ent of $asha period lord in natal
chart and in transit.
-( 8ew Eo9 on)0 &ep +330 in $delaide.
<asha Period%
Ln the date &asha Period% Sat-,ah-Gen-,ah-(up. &asha Period
Lords are signifying the (ob. *here is *ransit Agreement, it can be
.( Emigrated to $ustralia* +1 $pr +33)
Promise% Ascdtt. SSL Saturn is involving Drd, =th and !@th and
committing to Fth. *he SSL of Saturn is Saturn itself.
=th SSL 'ercury PS =, !@" and it is committing to D and !@
through sub Lord (upiter. ,ahu is appearing in !@th Cusp.
!@th SSL is (upiter. (upiter has PS so it involves !@th through
StL Sun Fth Cusp" and commits to =th Fth and !@th Cusps. *he
SSL of !@SSL is 'oon who is appearing in Drd and !@th Cusps.
*hus, we see there is promise of 4migration.
Drd SSL is -etu. -etu is involving Fth Cusp and committing to
!@th and =th cusp. -etu as 'ercury is involving =, F, !!th Cusp
and committing to D and !@th Cusp.
<asha Period
on @?.C=.@CC! &asha Period% Sat-Gen-Sat-,ah-'er
<or residence in abroad &ash Period Lords should be significator
of D, F and !@th Cusp)Aouse. Aere,
&asha M Antara Lord Sa--O-e D, F, !@"RSu F"
2hukti Lord Ge PS F"--O'e F, !@"R(u D,!@"
Sookshama Lord 'e PS F, !@" --OSa SS"R(u D,!@"
Check of Transit at the time of Emigration*
&asha M Antara Lord Saturn is transiting in Ge)Su)-e)-e
2hukti Lord Genus is transiting in (u)Sa)Ge)'a
Sookshama Lord ,ahu is transiting in 'e),a)'e)Sa
Prana Lord 'ercury is transiting in 'a)Ge),a)'o
All $ash %eriod &ords' Transit %osition co-rulers are in
agree#ent (! fulfilling the condition of signification and / or

@erification at &tage A ,* Predict the future events on the
9asis of rectified horoscope. !f events happen accordingl%,
such rectified chart is correct.
Prediction* 2irth of &aughter will be on !Bth April @CC>
Check Promise of Child Birth in the chart of native*
a" *he Ascendant SSL is Saturn. +t has PS. Saturn is
appearing in @nd and !!th Cusp. +t is in the star of -etu. -etu
itself is not appearing in @, E, or !!. -etu represents 'ercury and
Sun. 'ercury is appearing in @nd, Eth and !!th Cusp. Sun also
does not appear in @, E or !!th Cusp. Saturn is in the SSL of
Saturn who is favouring end results as addition in family. So,
Ascendant SSL promises for Child birth.
b" *he ESSL is (upiter. +t has PS. (upiter is appearing in E and
!!th Cusp. (upiter is in the star of Sun who is nowhere in @, E and
!!. (upiter is in the Sub of 'ercury who is appearing in @, E and
!!th Cusps. 'oon is the SSL of (upiter and it is resident of @A
and thus favours the promise of Eth Cusp as Child 2irth.
&eC of Child*
+n the Eth Cusp 'ale Sign Sagittarius is rising and the SS Arc is in
the @nd half. *hus, it indicates <emale child.
&asha Period on !B.C=.@CC>% Sat-,ah-'er-(up-,ahu.
&asha Lord Saturn% &iscussed in promise section about Saturn.
2hukti Lord ,ahu% ,ahu has no PS. ,ahu is in Saturn Star.
Saturn appears in @nd and !!th cusp. 'ercury is the Sub Lord of
2hukti Lord ,ahu. 'ercury, we have seen also is appearing in @,
E, !!. *hus ,ahu as ,ahu is significator of delayed child birth.
,ahu as Saturn also does not negate the dictate of ,ahu. +ts SSL
(upiter favours the end result as Child birth.
,ahu as (upiter% we have discussed above as (upiter is ESSL.
Antara Lord 'ercury% 'ercury has PS. 'ercury is appearing in @,
E, and !!th Cusp. 'ercury is in the star of Saturn who appears in
@ and E. 'ercury is in the sub of (upiter who is appearing in E
and !!. *he SSL of 'ercury is ,ahu who is favouring the child
birth. 'ercury is in the SS of ,ahu who is appearing in @nd Cusp
indicating end result as addition in family of father.
Sookshama Lord of (upiter% discussed earlier.
Prana Lord can be ,ahu, who also is significator for child birth.
Transit $greement*
&asha Lord Saturn is transiting in 'o)'e),a),a Sg)St)Sb)SS" on
!B. C=. @CC>.
Sign Lord 'oon is also significator of relevant cusps.
+n transit, SaturnKs Sub and Sub-Sub Lord is ,ahu who is 2hukti
Lord and 'ercury the Star lord of Saturn in transit" is Antara Lord
and we have discussed above that these two are good significator
for child birth. *hus &asha LordKs transit in the Star of 'ercury
and Sub M Sub-Sub of ,ahu is in favour.
2hukti Lord ,ahu is transiting in Sa)(u)(u),a Sg)St)Sb)SS" on !B.
C=. @CC>.
1e have already discussed that Saturn, (upiter and ,ahu are
significator for child birth. So transit of ,ahu in these indicates
agreement of transit for child birth.
Antara Lord 'ercury is transiting in (u)Sa)(u)Sa Sg)St)Sb)SS" on
!B. C=. @CC>.
Sookshama Lord (upiter is transiting in 'a)'e),a)Ge
Sg)St)Sb)SS" on !B. C=. @CC>.
Prana Lord can be ,ahu, who is 2hukti Lord also.
Thus *atie's $aughter's +oon's Star Should "e +,-C.-/.
0n confir#ation, 1t was found that $aughter's +oon Star is
+ercur!. This indicates that -ectified Chart is correct

*hose who want to learn -hullar Cuspal +nterlinks *heory,
hopefully this detailed case study first published on
Astrologyresearch website" will help them in uderstanding the way
of checking Promise, &asha Potential and *ransit Agreement in
the horoscope.

<or more details on 2ithtime ,ectification - ,ead I5O4 T4E
:OO&COPE* Birth Time ectification7, 7 T4E
$&TO"O#5* Kalamsa 6 Cuspal !nterlink Theor% '8ew
Edition(7 written 9% =r. &.P. Khullar
Gero "ongevit% Concepts- ?iCing Time of <eath
47cerpts from the 2ook KE5 TO "E$8 &u9 &u9 6 Cuspal
!nterlinks Theor% written by Sh. SP -hullar
-B% B.K. Kumar
The timing of an event is done using the following principles*
!. *he Planets co-ruling the Ascdt at the moment an event
happens have to be linked with the relevant cusps that take part
in enacting an event.
@. *he Sub and Sub-Sub lord of the Ascdt should establish
relationship with the 'oon89:s Star lord at that moment.
D. *he Planets co-ruling the 'oon89:s position in the event
chart &asa Period Lords" should be linked with the Primary and
supporting cusps.
:oroscope and :uman Birth*
+t is believed that the birth of human beings take place in
accordance with the theory of ,eincarnation. +t states that the
human beings take birth in accordance with his)her past karmas
and future dispositions.
*he Astrological 2irth time is taken to be that moment when the
individual soul takes possession of the body which the soul itself
has got created. At this particular moment a particular degree
rises on the Ascdt at the place of birth. 4ach Planet occupies a
particular Todiacal position and a particular house position. *he
Planets co-ruling the Ascdt and other cuspal positions together
with the Planets Todiacal and house positions bear
correspondence with the native89:s past karmas and future
5o event takes place without the inter play of Sun and 'oon. Ln
the basis of these concepts we fi7 the Ascdt for the native for a
correct horoscope. Since the birth of a child takes place when the
father of the child runs the ;oint period of Planets that are fruitful
significators of @,E and !! we say that the Ascdt of the child
should be co-ruled by Planets that are linked to !C,E and >
houses i.e @,E,and !! from F".
?iCing Gero "ongevit% Chart*
Psing the above concepts we can fi7 the chart for the time of
death of the native or any of his relation that bears genitical
connection with the native. Since it is the chart of the moment
when the soul leaves the body it has to be the chart of 0ero
longevity i.e 0ero life.
Conditions for the formation of the <eath Time $scdt*
A. *he Ascdt at the time of death is formed by the Planets that co-
rule the ?th cusp or the Ascdt in the natal chart of the native and
are linked through their Star and Sub or by positional status with
the ?th cusp.
2. *he Planets placed in the ?th cusp and linked with the ?th cusp
and the Ascdt in the natal chart.
C. Strong significators of ?th cusp, 'araka houses and 2adhaka
&ignifications of <eath Chart*
!. *he Planets co-ruling the &eath *ime Ascdt formed as per
conditions stated above in A, 2 and C" have to be linked with
houses !,?, @,> and 2adhaka.
@. &asa Period Lords in the &eath *ime Chart have also to be
linked with !,?,@,> and 2adhaka.
D. SSL of the ?th cusp in the &eath *ime Chart has to be linked
with the 'oon89:s star lord at that time.
=. 'oon89:s Star lord on the day of &eath is fi7ed by the SSL of
the ?th cusp in the 5atal Chart.
=oonHIJs &tar lord on the da% of death can 9e*
a. *he same Planet which is the SSL of the ?th cusp.
b. *he same Planet which is the Star lord of the SSL of the ?th
c. Any Planet whose Star lord is the same Planet who is the Star
lord of the SSL of the ?th cusp.
<or e7ample let Saturn be the SSL of the ?th cusp in a natal
chart. Let Saturn be in the Star of (upiter. Ln the day of death
'oon89:s Star lord can be%
A. Saturn 2. (upiter and C. Any Planet in the natal chart who is in
the Star of (upiter.
8ote% +n some cases 'oon Star on the day of death may be other
than that stated above. 2ut that Star lord has to be a Planet that
links with ! and ? cusp and should bear relationship with the
'oon89:s Star lord as fi7ed by the natal chart.
Difference Between Rashi Chart and Bhava Chart
>hat is ashi Chart and Bhava Chart
47cerpts from write up of Shri S.P. -hullar"
ashi Chart*

*he ,ashi chart indicates the degree rising in the
4astern hori0on at the time of the happening of the
eventmay be the birth of a person".+t also indicates the
actual 0odiacal positions of all Planets in particular
Signs.<or practical purposes an Astrologer uses this to
determine the modification of the Planets behaviour as
per their 0odiacal positions.At higher level the Ascdt
indicates the 3uantum of energy that has been
apportioned to the native for the current
incarnation.Planetary positions as per their 0odiacal
positions relate to various past karmas and future
dispositions.'ore than this we do not make use of the
,ashi chart.
Bhava Chart*

*he chart is cast using Placidius System. Aere the
lordship of the house is decided by the actual degree
rising on the cusp. Similarly the placement of a planet
in 2hava chart is decided as per the longitude of the
planet vis-U-vis the longitude of the cusp.
<or predictive purposes we use only the 2hava Chart
both for considering the placement of Planets as well
as cuspal interlinks.1e invariably have a cuspal chart
which is based on the cuspal positions of various cusps
as per Placidius System.*his indicates the
Sign,Star,Sub,and Sub-Sub rising on the cusps.*his
Sign determines the lordship of the house.


.....*he *raditionalists invariably believe in the
correspondence between the signs and the houses.
Aries, for e7ample, symboli0es the characteristics of
first house. *o me the relationship between signs and
houses is more often the relationship of spirit and
matter. As spirit Q the true self Q is not sub;ected to the
vagaries of weather or the strifes and struggles of life
so do the signs, which are permanent storehouse of
energy obtained from the fi7ed stars. Aouses, on the
other hand, are concrete e7pressions of mundane
affairs of life in the physical body. *hey may be
e3uated to matter - the body Q which operates under
the law of ultimate dissolution and the signs with the
inner man. V-now ye not that ye are the temple of god,
and that the spirit of god dwelth in youWX
*he Ascendant or what we call as lagna is formed at
the time of birth as per the degree of the 0odiac rising
in the eastern hori0on at that time and place. *he
selection of the time of birth is controlled by the life
giving planet Sun #self $ and 'oon #5on-self $and the
positions of planets in the various but specified degrees
of the Todiac. As Garahamihira said, I*he planets offer
a lawful channel for the outward operations of cause-
effect e3uilibriums that man has set into motion in the
past as a free agent.I *hat is planets occupy specific
position in the Todiac and in the houses to reflect our
past karmas. Lur soul or inner mind is carrier of our
karmas, both past and present but it is our body, which
is responsible for the e7ecution of karma or bear the
fruits of our past and present karmas. *hus, we may
say houses bear direct linkage to our destiny while the
planets in the signs refer to our inner mind. +n other
words, planets in signs indicate with what capabilities
or characteristics our soul has incarnated.
Aow beautiful or boring is a film depends upon the
3uality of the script, the talent of the actors etc.
Similarly the strength of nativity, no doubt, depends
upon the strength of the planets as per sign and house
position. 2ut how logical it is to say if a sign is afflicted
by a malefic like ,ahu or Saturn that it will cause the
body to suffer from diseases signified by that sign.
,ahu or Saturn remains in a sign for a pretty long time.
1ill every body suffer similar diseaseW +t may not even
be correct to say the same for the placement of the
planet in house position.
*he significance of the 2hava chart has been e7plained
on Page @? of my 2ook -C+l revised".+t is reproduced
*he chart is cast using Placidius System. Aere the
lordship of the house is decided by the actual degree
rising on the cusp. Similarly the placement of a planet
in 2hava chart is decided as per the longitude of the
planet vis-U-vis the longitude of the cusp.
*o sum up + may say that the nature of a Planet is
modified by its Todiacal position. 1e say that a Planet
e7alts at a particular degree in a particular Sign
because the energy content of that particular degree
synchroni0es with the nature of energy content of the
Absence of a Sign in the 2hava chart only indicates
that the lord of the sign has not been allowed the sign
lord ship in the 2hava chart. +t in no way affects the
nature of the Planet. <or studying the nature of result a
Planet provides we only look for its occupation in the
2hava chart, if the Planet has PS.

Ruling Planets
-B.K. Kumar
*he concept of ,uling Planets ,Ps" work on the idea
of communion of microcosm and macrocosm.
Philosophically, +dea is something that is self-proved. +t
can89:t be refuted nor can be proved by some or
other way. +n mathematics there is an idea of 5umber.
1e have not seen Lne, *wo, *hree etc numbers.
1hen not seen, there is no way of proving or refuting
e7cept accepting the idea as an a7iomatic truth. As
soon as the idea of Lne number is imposed on a thing,
it becomes 3uite evident and begins to work for the
purpose. Likewise, there is an idea of synchronicity
with the Supreme 'ind which works only when an
individual really need help from his Aigher Self. &ue to
synchronicity, when an individual needs something, the
entire cosmos conspires in helping him to achieve the
same. An astrologer imposes this idea of synchronicity
on co-ruling planets of 'oon89:s position and
Ascendant at the time of event to achieve the purpose.
*hese co-ruling planets of 'oon89:s position and
Ascendant are called ,Ps of 'oon Position and ,Ps of
Ascendant Position.
'any astrologers try to find the worth of ,uling Planets
in light of Pre-5atal 4poch *heory or the concept of
Adhana Lagna which says that the position of 'oon at
the moment of 4poch gets e7changed with that of
Ascendant at time of birth and the position of
Ascendant at 4poch is taken by the 'oon at the time of
birth. 1hatever be the reason, astrologically, role of co-
rulers of 'oon and Ascendant position are important
and 3uite convincing too.
Astrologically speaking, any event takes place at a
particular moment and at that particular moment 'oon
occupies a particular degree, minute and second. Ln
this degree, minute and second a particular Sign Lord,
Star Lord, Sub Lord and Sub-Sub Lord rise.
'oon89:s Position co-rulers decide the Cuspal
position including Ascendant at the time of event. *he
moment of happening of an event is defined by the co-
ruling planets of Ascendant, which is virtual position of
Sun caused by the interplay of 'oon and Sun.
Conversely, Ascendant co-ruling planets help in fi7ing
the planetary position at the time event.
As such, +n Sub-Sub *heory -hullar Astrology", there
would be four planets Sign Lord, Star Lord, Sub Lord
and Sub-Sub Lord" to co-rule the 'oon Position, which
are meant for fi7ing correct planetary position at time of
event. And, four planets to co-rule Ascendant position
for the purpose of fi7ing correct Cuspal position. Apart
from this, those planets would also be ,uling Planets
who 3ualifies to be ruling planet. +n -hullar Astrology,
retrogression of planet is not considered. So, even
retrograded planet also is a bonafide contender for
,uling Planet ,P". +n this theory &ay Lord is also not
considered as ruling planet.
,uling Planets are used by astrologers to fi7 the time of
event of the past or future. So, ,uling Planets can be
used in birth time rectification as well as timing of event
through Aorary Chart or 5atal Chart. As per my
e7perience, which needs more research and
observations, while timing the event of past or future, if
two or more strong planets are becoming strong
significator of the event, in that case, preference should
be given to that ruling planet who is placed in Cardinal
Sign, then preference should be given to 'utable Sign
and in the last to <i7ed Sign. +f the said strong
significators are in same sign then priority should be
given to the planets coming naturally in chronological
order in Gimshottari &asha System.
Books - Cuspal Interlink Astrology
?amous Books - search of &hri &.P. Khullar, !.T.&.
#.=. Telecommunications 'td.(
True $strolog%* Basic and Traditional
*his is basic book wherein traditional concepts
and fundamentals of astronomy have been
e7plained in systematic way.

True $strolog%* Kalamsha and Cuspal !nterlink
*his books is all about -alamsa Sub" *heory and Sub-
Sub *heory. *he basics of Cuspal +nterlinks C+L"
*heory has been e7plained beautifully. Promise
checking methodology, *ransit agreement principles,
*iming of events etc are dealt e7tra ordinarily in this

Ke% to "earn &u9 &u9 and Cuspal !nterlinks Theor%

-ey to Learn Sub Sub and Cuspal +nterlinks *heory is
written with the sole ob;ective of enabling the readers
to master the fundamental concepts of Cuspal
+nterlinks *heory as achieved by the participants in the
Lessons presented in the 1orkshop conducted on
'S5 /roups -C+L.

:orar% $strolog% and Cuspal !nterlinks
*his book is a must for C+L lerner. 1ith many
e7amples of several walks of human, author has shown
universal application of C+L *heory in horary astrology.

5our True :oroscope* Birth Time ectification

+n C+L, without 2irth *ime ,ectification 2*," nativity
can not be analysed correctly. +n this book 2*,
principles and their application have been e7plained by
the author.
How to Read Rahu Ketu in KP Astrology
- B% B.K. Kumar
ahu - Ketu in KP $strolog%
ahu D Ketu as $gent 'epresentative of a planet(
a" ,ahu )-etu will act as an agent of the planet in
con;unction with ,)-.
b" ,ahu )-etu will act as an agent of that planet who
aspects ,)-.
c" ,ahu )-etu will act as an agent of its &ispositor.
ahu D Ketu as Planet
a" As a planet ,)- will give result of that planet who is
con;oined with ,)-.
b" As a planet ,)- will give result of that planet who is
aspecting ,)-.
c" As a planet ,)- will give result of its 5akshatra Lord
in whose 5akshatra ,)- happens to be placed in the
d" As a planet ,)- will give result of its &ispositor.
ahu D Ketu as &tar "ord
a" +f any planet is in the star of ,ahu or -etu, that
planet will signify the matters of the house occupied by
,ahu or -etu Posited"6
b" +f any planet is in the star of ,ahu or -etu, that
planet will indicate the matters of the house owned and
occupied by the Star lord of ,ahu or -etu6 and
c" +f any planet is in the star of ,ahu or -etu, that
planet will denote the matters of the house occupied
and owned by the owner of the sign occupied by ,ahu
or -etu &ispositor".
ahu D Ketu as &ignificator
,ahu)-etu is stronger than any planet. So if ,)-
represents any significator planet, ,)- should be given
first preference as a significator in place of that
significator planet.
Connection of a Planet with another Planet or House
-B% B.K. Kumar
Connection of a Planet with another Planet or
Planet to Planet Connection
a" Planet 89YA89: gets connected to Planet
89Y289: if 89YA89: happens to be in the Sign, Star
or Sub of 89Y289:.
b" Planet 89YA89: gets connected with Planet
89Y289: when both are together
c" Planet 89YA89: gets connected with Planet
89Y289: when 89Y289: aspects 89YA89:
Planet to :ouse Connection
a" Planet 89YA89: connects to a house when
89YA89: happens to be one of co-ruler sign-Star-
Sub" of that house Cusp.
b" Planet 89YA89: finds placement in that house.
c" Planet 89YA89: aspects that house.
d" Planet 89YA89: happens to be in the Star or Sub
of the occupant of that house.
e" Planet 89YA89: happens to be in the Star or Sub
of the that house Lord of that house.
f" Planet 89YA89: is con;uct with that house lord.
g" Planet 89YA89: is aspected by that house lord.
Significator in KP Astrology
-B% B.K. Kumar
+n Stellar Astrology 5akshatra Paddhati (yotish" a
planet is supposed to give its results as per a" Stellar
Status and b" Positional Status.
&tellar &tatus* 4very planet by default has stellar
status and offers results as per the significations of its
Star Lord. <or e7ample, Genus is in 'ars 5akshatra.
As per stellar status, Genus will offer result of those
houses of which 'ars is significator.
Positional &tatus* A planet is said to have Positional
Status when a" the planet happens to be in its own
5akshatra e.g 'ars is in 'rigshira 'ars ruled"
5akshatra and b" no planets happen to be in the
5akshatra of that planet e.g. 'ars will have Positional
Status when no planet happens to be in the 5akshatra
of 'ars 'rigshira, Chitra or &hanishtha".
&ignificator* Significator is that who signifies. A planet
is said to be significator of particular house when it has
capability of offering result of that house. As thus, we
may say that a planet becomes Significator of a house
due to its Stellar Status and ) or Positional Status. A
planet may be significator of high, medium or low ord.
&eKuence 'in order of strength( of &ignificator
!" Planet in Lcupant89:s Star.
@" Lccupant if it has Positional Status i.e 5o Planet in
the Lccupant89:s Star"
D" Planet in Aouse Lord89:s 5akshatra provided
house is vacant.
=" Aouse Lord if Aouse Lord has Positional Status i.e.
5o planet in the 5akshatra of Aouse Lord" and house
is vacant.
E" Planet in Con;unction with the Significator Planet.
B" Planet aspecting the Significator Planet or
respective house.
Four Step Theory
?our &tep Theor%
- B.K. Kumar

+n <our Step *heory, !st Step is about Planet and its
signification. @nd step is about Star Lord of planet and
its signification. Drd step is about Sub Lord of planet
and its result signifying capability and =th step is about
Star Lord of planetKs sub lord, which is taken as end
result indicator. +n short this theory advocates that a
Planet gives result on the strength of itself, its star lord,
sub lord and star lord of sub lord. *his theory differs
from -rishnamurti Paddhati System" at one point. +n
-P sub lord is taken as end result indicator while in this
theory Star Lord of sub lord is taken as end result
?irst &tep
ule )*
a" A planet becomes strong significator of that
house where it is placed in house, if there are no other
planets in the star of that planet. *hat planet will
remain strong planet even if there are other planets in
that house.
b" +n above case, that planet becomes strong
significator of its owned house)s, provided there are no
other planets in that house. Ltherwise, it will be weak
or secondary significator of that house.
c" +f there are other planets in the stars of a
planet, it becomes weak or secondary significator of
both the house it resides in and of the houses it owns.
d" A planet becomes strong significator of that
house where it is placed in house, if that planet is in its
own star. *hat planet will remain strong planet even if
there are other planets in that house.
e" +n above case, that planet becomes strong
significator of its owned house)s, provided there are no
other planets in that house. Ltherwise, it will be weak
or secondary significator of that house.
&econd &tep
ule +*
A planet gives the results indicated by its star lord. So
the house occupied by this star lord is strongly
signified, even if there are other planets in that house.
*hat planet will become strong significator of house
owned if the houses are vacant. Ltherwise, it will be
weak or secondary significator of that house.
Third &tep
ule ,*
PlanetKs Sub Lord has capacity to give results. *his
Sub Lord becomes strong significator or secondary
significator of house as per the rule-!.
?ourth &tep
ule -*
Star Lord of Sub acts as indicator and decider of end
result of particular event.
ule .*
-rishnamurthy has given importance to cusp of the
house. So planet near to cusp within orb of CD
affect the strong signification of that cusp even if planet
is having star in it, it will offer the cusp result strongly.
ule /*
1hile considering con;unction or aspect, consider this
with an orb of CD
@CH. Aspect of planet is considered
only on cusp with CD
@CH orb and not on house.
A planet signifies other planet if it is in con;unction with
it. +f a planet is strong, the con;uncted planet also
becomes strong otherwise it is week. +f a planet is on
the cusp then it becomes a strong significator of that
ule 0*
1hen ,ahu ) -etu is the star lord of a planet ) sub,
then it gives results of con;unction ) aspect ) star lord )
sign lord in ascending order.
,ahu or -etu are strong as star Lords. As planet,
,ahu or -etu are strong in a house if no one is
tenanting in their star. 4lse, they are weak. ,ahu and
-etu represent ,ashi Lord, star lord and Planets in
Con;unction, and Planets aspecting them. +f ,ahu or
-etu are strong then the represented planets are also
ule 1*
*he event will materiali0e only when &asha, 2hukti and
Antara ;ointly strongly signify main and supporting
ule 2*
+f planet is totally negating the relative eventHs houses
on step D Q = then the &asha will not fructify the matter.
+f planet is the Cuspal sub lord then the event will never
ule )3*
<or transit, only two steps are considered. Sub Lord or
SubKs Star Lord is not considered.
<or timing the event, check the transit of the Star Lord,
2hukti Lord, Antara Lord and also Sun, 'oon and
<or chart analysis, single out the planets who are in
their own star. Also find out planets in whose star there
is no other planet. <ind out the significator of all
planets through four step theory including con;unction,
special signification through ,ahu and -etu and also
planets which are on the cusp.
Pse strong significator, Leave weak significator. 1eak
Significators are not used even if they are linked to the
houses under consideration.
+f the sub Lord of primary house is in the star that is not
retrograde and signifies either primary house or
supporting houses then than the answer is positive.

=-Step *heory has been propounded by Sunil

KP Astrology
-rishnamurthy Paddhati is known as -P astrology. +t is
based on Sub *heory. *his is an e7cellent system
propounded by late Prof. -.S. -rishnamurti. -P (yotish
comprises best of +ndian and 1estern astrology and is
regarded comparatively accurate. +t has become
popular worldwide very fast among astrologers due to
its predictive capabilities, well defined simplified
learning methodology, systematic approach and
universal application.
&alient ?eature of KP astrolog%*
-P astrology emphasi0es on the need of astrological
divisions of Todiac into Signs, Signs into 5akshatra
and 5akshatra into Sub for precision. +n this system,
Constellation ) Star ) 5akshatra has been divided into F
une3ual sub divisions by following Gimshottari &asha
&ivisions pattern. Such division is called SP2.
-.P. Astrologers use -.P. Ayanamsha that differs from
popular Lahiri Ayanamsha by about B minutes -ala".
*hey prefer Cusp beginning of house) bhava" like
1estern Astrologyers instead of 2hava ) Aouse.
2hava 'adhya used by vedic astrologers " is not
considered because Placidus Aouse system is used in
this System. -P Astrologers give more importance to
Aouse or Cusp significations in comparison to
planetary significations and -arkattwa chief
significations". -P discards few of the popular
conventional astrology principles like divisional charts
and yogas.
Prof. -rishnamurthy was of opinion that a planet gives
results in its &asha as per its 5akshatra-Swami Star
Lord" rather than the planet itself. Aence he said that
Planet is SLP,C4, Star-Lord of that planet is
4<<4C*S ) ,4SPL*S and Sub of that Planet is
indicative of <+5AL &+,4C*+L5 of the result.
+ntroduction of concept of uling Planets is uni3ue
and wonderful. *his concept is based on the idea of
synchroni0ation of microcosm with macrocosm. ,P
Principle says that the planets at the time of desire and
fructifications are always same.

To be continued..

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Inter caste Marriage
Pnconventional 'arriage . +nter-Caste 'arriage . +nter
,eligion 'arriage . Antar;aatiya Givah .
+n modern age, +nter-caste, inter-community or +nter-
religion marriages are in vogue. Ln spreading
education, awareness and e7posure to the world, now
it is acceptable in +ndian Society. /iven below is a
chart of female native who settled her into +nter-religion
marriage. 2ut later it became unsuccessful. Let89:s
check it in astrological way.
A3uarius sign is rising in the ascendant. Lagnesh
Saturn, who is Gyayesh also, is retrograde and placed
in <ourth Aouse. <rom !@th Aouse ,ahu is aspecting
Astrology Websites

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Krushna.SageAsita : It is an educative !e"site on
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Saturn. Such position of Lagnesh and influence
thereon convince native89:s mental frame to go out
of bond. 2ut, simultaneously, (upiter, a traditional and
religious planet, is aspecting Saturn. (upiter influence
89Yretroed89: the native and brought back from
+nter-religion marriage.
+n the seventh house, Leo sign is rising. *he Lord of
house of marriage Sun is placed in the ?th Aouse with
the lord of love life and Ashtamesh and Genus. 47alted
'ars is aspecting 'oon and the house of 'arriage.
Simultaneously, ,ahu, the planet of unconventionality,
is casting its influence on Sun the >th Lord.
+n 5avamsha Chart Saturn is getting debilitated. Saturn
is with 'oon and Sun happens to be with ,ahu in the
?th house. *hat is, both luminaries are under the
influence of planets showing unconventionality. 4ighth
house lord 'ercury is in the house of marriage.
&ebilitated si7th Lord - 'ars is in &harma 2hav.
vorce and Sepation
!ndications of <ivorce, &eparation, unsuccessful
marriage, elationship Break, dissolution of
marriage, talaak, end of spousal support in @edic

+n the contemporary age, the cases of divorce,
separation or relation break has increased. *here are
many reasons which have made marriage partners to
e7it from the bond of marriage and getting absolved
with the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage.
Astrology Websites

Khullar Astrology Institute : Learn Basic and
Advanced Cuspal Interlinks Theory from Mr. SP
hullar. Mr. hullar has !ritten various "ooks in
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/iven below is a horoscope of =@ years old male native
whose marriage remained unsuccessful and both
partner chose dissolution of marriage and end of
spousal support.

*his is horoscope of &hanu Lagna. Lagnesh (upiter is
e7alted but it is placed in the eighth house.
+n the house of marriage &ual Sign 'ithun is rising.
Lord of house of spouse is placed in Eth Aouse in
,ahu--etu a7is alongwith e7alted bhagyesh Sun. Si7th
house Lord Genus is placed in the house of marriage
indicating dispute, litigation and dissolution of marriage.

-arka planet Genus is in Adra 5akshatra. Genus, in
Shubh -artari, is sandwiched with e7alted planets.
<emale planet is being aspect by Saturn also.

Second Aouse Saturn is placed in the house of
domestic happiness where Gyayesh is aspecting.
&wadashes has aspect on lord of spouse also.
2esides, eighth house influence is being channeli0ed to
fourth house by Sukhesh itself. 2ut since it
(upiter89:s own house so ultimately he will do
ma7imum to flourish the signification of Sukh Sthan.

+n 5vamsha, >L Saturn is associated with Sun and
&wadashesh. &ebilitated 'ars is aspecting >A. Genus
is in BA in <iery (upiterian Sign.

As thus, we89:ve seen that in the given horoscope
there is promise of divorce but simultaneously there is
promise of second marriage also.
Astrology Books
Astrology 2ooks
Astro 2ooks . Gedic Astrology 2ooks . -P Astrology
2ooks . Lal -itab Astrology 2ooks . (aimini Astrology
2ooks . 'edica Astrology 2ooks . Predictive Astrology
2ooks . Astrology Author and 2ooks .
!CCC Aphorisms on Love and 'arriage by /opesh
-umar L;ha
A Catechism in Astrology by 2. G. ,aman
A /limpse of -erala Astrology by L. P. Germa
A /uide <or Astrologers by 1illiam Lily
A 5ew Light on (yotisha by Prof. -. S. -rishnamurty
A *housand Suns% &esigning Jour <uture with Gedic
Astrology by Linda (ohnsen
Accurate Predictive 'ethodology by Pmang *ane;a
Advanced Predictive Astrology Gol ! by &r S. S.
Advanced Predictive Astrology Gol @ by &r S. S.
Advanced Principles of Prediction by /ayatri &evi
Advanced *echni3ues of Astrological Prediction by -.
5. ,ao
An +ndian 4phemeris6 !?CC to @CCC A& by L. &.
Swamikannu Pillai
An +ntroduction to Gedic Astrology by Aoward
Analysing Aoroscope *hrough 'odern *echni3ues by
'. S. 'ehta
Annual Aoroscope Garshaphal or *a;ik" by ' S 'ehta
Application of Jogini &asha by ,a;eev (han;i
Applications of Cuspal +nterlinks @ Gols. by -.
What is Gand Mool
*he 5akshatra in which 'oon is placed at the time of
birth, is called (anma 5akshatra 2irth Star". (anma
5akshatra has a great significance in our life. *herefore
it becomes very important to know the effects of
5akshatra on the different aspects of the life like
health, wealth, prosperity etc.
Ashwani, Ashlesha, 'agha, (yestha, 'oola and ,evati
are called /and 'ool nakshatra.
Some say last charan Ddegree @C minutes" of
Ashlesha, (yestha and ,evati, and starting charan
Ddegree @C minutes" of Ashwani, 'agha, and 'oola
are inauspicious
Some say 4nding @ ghatis =?minutes" of Ashlesha,
(yestha and ,evati and starting two ghatis =?
minutes" of Aswani, 'agha and 'oola are called
5akshatra ;unction points. 1hen 'oon is transiting in
these 5akshatra and changes to ne7t 5akshatra is
called being in /and 'ool. *he ending of previous
5akshatra and starting of ne7t 5akshatra is called
/and 'ool. 1ith the change of 5akshatra, 'oon
change ,ashi too. +t is a double change.
Effects of =oola 8akshtra

*hey are governing either by -etu or by 'ercury. *heir
some effects are positive some are negative. *here is
no specific period for these /and 'ool. +t is calculated
after the birth on the basis of placement of 'oon in a
4very 5akshatra has four parts, called the legs
Charan". Legs of a 5akshatra are nothing but it is the
four e3ual time periods of the 5akshatra. *hat can be
easily calculated by dividing the full time period of a
5akshatra by four. *here are different effects of these
5akshatra leg wise on the natives.
Sl 6o
6ame of
-egs 3ffect
8. As!ani 8.
Miseries to ,ative 4ather
Prosperity to ,ative
*i#h Position
*onour from .ovt.
9. Ashalesha
Benefic for native
'ealth loss of ,ative
Miseries for
Mother<Mother in la!
Miseries to father
:. Ma#ha 8.
Miseries to mother
Miseries to father
Prosperous and pro#ress
;. %yestha
Miseries to elder "rother
Miseries to youn#er
Miseries to mother
Miseries to self
=. Moola
Miseries to 4ather<4ather
in la!
Miseries to mother
'aste of money
>. +evati 8.
*appiness from .ovt.
*appiness to native
;. Miseries to ,ative

7 #re. 6e8t 9

Koot Milan for Marriage
ead% ecknoner ?or #una =ilan

*he ma7imum number of kutas)marks is DB. &ina -uta D", Joni
-uta =" ,a;;u !", /ana -uta B", ,asi -uta >", Gedha !",
'ahendra !", ,asyadipha !" Garna !", Stree &eergha !",
Gasya @" and 5adi ?".

Bo%;s Eanma 8akshatra---------------------------------------M




























@ @ ! @ @ D @ @ @ @ @ ! ! @ @ @ @ ! ! ! ! @ @ ! ! ! ! ! ! @ @ @ @ @ !

What is Argala
Argala . Girodha Argala . Gipreet Argala . +ntervention .
Lbstruction . +nterpretation of Argala, Shubha M Paap
Argala . Counter +nfluence of Girodhaargala

>hat is $rgala in @edic E%otish

Argala is a kind of influence that a planet or house
e7presses on other planet or house in a certain way.
Argala has definite role. +f a planet or Aouse puts
Argala on other Planet) house, it means that
planet)house is creating intervention in the matters
signified by other planet)house. *his intervention can
be positive benefic" or negative malefic" depending
upon the nature of Argala creating planet. +f Argala
creating planet is Paapagraha malefic", intervention
will be in negative way while in case of Shubhagraha,
intervention will be in positive way. Positive
intervention adds to the resources and capability of
planet M house and 5egative intervention reduces the
same. <or e7ample, Shubha Argala benefic or
positive intervention" on the 'arriage Aouse or planet
therein brings smoothness in married life while in the
opposite case i.e papargala malefic or negative
intervention" happiness of married life may come in
hard way.

Divisional Charts
&hodash @arga Charts in @edic $strolog%

Life is comple7 and multi-dimensional. Gedic Astrology
intends to address the comple7ities and reveal the
various dimension of human life in astrological way.
Garious Lagnas, Garga Charts or divisional charts,
&asha systems etc are nothing but a way to know the
comple7ed human life and understand the manifested
and hidden dimensions of life. 2ut some insincere
astrologers take the provision of various Ascendants,
&ivisional charts, &asha Systems in Gedic Astrology
very casually and due to their ignorance and
incapability to understand the very purpose of these
provisions, they ;ump to say in temptation that Gedic
Aindu Astrology is confusing and is mess of theories M
Principles. 1hile reality is different. +f we understand
the purpose of inclusion of these, we will feel highly
indebted to its originators.
'erely ,ashi Chart cannot reveal all aspects of life.
<or e7ample, if there is need of considering educational
prospect of a native, all related factors re3uired to bring
under scanner . 4ducation is not an independent thing
that has to come to the native singularly. +n the course
of his education, several factors would be in force to
influence his education. <or this, there would be need
to understand studentKs inclination, approach,
in3uisitiveness, intelligence, grasping level, memory
etc. 2esides, there would be need to understand
obstacles, competition, companion on the path and
environment at home, school)college, society also.
*hereafter, his performance and success in education
can be assessed. Aence, to take account of all such
factors there should be different-different tools Q Lagna
Chart alone will not give entire picture. Garious Lagnas,
Charts, &asha Systems etc are few tools which are
used to consider all factors and arrive at a definite
'aharshi Parashar has advocated to use Garga Chart
in addition to other tools to understand the particular
aspect of life. <or e7ample if there is need of knowing
all about of life partner from a horoscope of other
partner, what is way of knowing it, because Zall about of
life partnerK covers various aspects and will birth &-!"
chart only be capable to indicate satisfactorilyW 5o
doubt Planets as per 2hava -araka, Sthir -araka and
Char karaka", Signs as per elements, [uality and
Polarity" and Aouses as per -endra, *rikon, *rik,
Ppachaya, Panaphara and Apoklim" of 5atal chart
reveal the same in broad way but it finds e7pression if
the matter is studied alongwith respective lagna,
planet, divisional chart etc. +n case of life partner, >th
house in &-! shows approach towards relationship, >th
house in &-F indicates traits and character of partner M
>th from Genus distance from the location of partner,
Ppapada gives hints of type of marriage, Ppapada Lord
stands for status of wife, >th from Ppapada may reveal
impediments in marriage, Al from PL meeting place of
partners, @nd and ?th from PL determins the longevity
of marriage, Se7ual desire is e7pressed by
Saptamarudha, Genus gives native an opportunity to
e7perience the relationship. *hus, we see that the
concept of &ivisional Charts M others in Parashari M
(aimini System are how much essential.

Parashara had mentioned about !B Gargas. 4ach
Garga has !@ houses. *herefore, Shodash Garga Chart
will give us !F@ !B 7 !@" bhavas representing variety
of aspects of human life. Garga Charts indicate
Promise, Potential ,esource, and materiali0ation of an
event. ,esource is indicated by a particular bhava
-bhavesha, occupant and other associated planets with
the bhava. Potentiality is determined by their strength,
avasthas etc. +n other word, if any aspect of life is
re3uired to be studied then we will have to consider on
a" 2havas Q obtained by concerned &-Chart of
Shodashvarga b" 2hava lords Q Sign Lords occupying
a particular 2hava. c" -araka of concerned Garga and
2hava. And result of such assessed promise will be
e7perienced by the native at the time of operation
&asha period of concerned planets". ,esult will be
delivered as per the resource available indicated by
functional nature of planet, Joga formed due to
accidental placement and other influence, planetary
strength in Shadabala, Gimshopaka 2ala and
Ashtakvarga 2ala" in the horoscope.
Shodas Gargas have been classified in the following
four groups%
a( &hadvarga* ,ashi Chart &-!", Aora Chart &-@",
&reshkona Chart &-D", 5avamsha Chart &-F",
&wadashamsha Chart &-!@" and *rishamsha Chart
&-DC". Shadvarga is important because !E points out
of @C points of Gimsopaka 2ala fall in this
classification. f planet is in @,D,=,E or B good vargas
e7altation, moolatrikona, own, friendly signs, or a sign
that is owned by a planet ruling an angle !,=,>,!C"
from the arudha, then it is called kimshuka, vyan;ana,
chaamara, chatra, kundala.
9( &aptavarga* Shadvarga and Saptamamsha Chart
&->". +f in good vargas in all seven, it is called 'ukuta.
c( <ashavarga% Saptavarga and &ashamsha Chart &-
!C", Shodashamsha -halamsha" Chart &!B" and
Shastiamsha &-BC". Planets in good vargas in this
classification are from @ to !C vargas% Pari;aat, uttam,
gopur, simhasan, parvat, devlok, brahmalok,
shakravahan, shridham.
d( &hodhasvarga* &ashavarga and Chaturthamsha
Chart, Gimshamsha Chart, Chaturvimshamsha Chart,
Saptavisamsa 2hamsha" Chart, -havedamsha Chart
and Akshavedamsha Chart. Planets in @ to !B good
vargas% according to 2PAS" 2hedaka, kusuma, naga
pushpa, kanduka, kerala, -alpavriksha, chandanvana,
poornachandra, uchcheshrava, dhanvantari,
suryakaanta, vidruma, shakra simhasana, gauloka and
ole and &ignificance of @arga Charts

). ashi Chart N,3 degreeO* <-) is the basic chart
from where horoscopic study of destiny begins. *his
chart indicates physical body and its related activities.
*he other divisional charts are sub-divisions of this
+. :ora chart N).degreeO* <-+ chart deals with
wealth, sustenance, money matters. *his chart helps in
understanding the wealth position and financial matters
of a native. 'ale planets in the SunHs Aora are taken
as beneficial while female planets are effective in the
'oonHs Aora. +f ma7imum planets are in the SunHs Aora
it is said that the native earns money as a result of hard
work but the 3uantum of wealth may be very good. +f
'oons Aora predominates, the earning will be
relatively easy. Aowever, this is sub;ect to the &han
yoga formed in the horoscope.
,. <reshkanna N)3degreeO* <-, chart indicates all
about Co-born brother, sister". *his chart is important
for longevity analysis. Planets falling in @@nd
&reshkona, Sarpa &reshkona and Phasha &reshkona
are not considered good for the native and his health.
-. Chathurthamsa or Tur%eeamsa N0degree
,3BO% <-- chart indicates residence, fortune, overall
happiness, fi7ed assets,property both in the form of
property and worldly attachments

.. &aptamsa N-degree )0B 1P..0O% <-0 chart
indicates procreative power. Progeny related matters
are seen from this chart.

/. 8avamsa or <harmamsa N,degree+3BO% <-2 chart
is most important in predictive Astrology. +t
complementary chart to the birth chart wherein
planetary strength is assessed. An e7alted planet in the
birth chart if it debilitates in the 5avamsha" may not
give very good results or its effects can get diluted.
Aowever, a planet getting empowered in &-F by getting
vargottama or by getting e7alted will give good results.
*his chart indicates all about marriage, spouse,
partners and skills of the native. +n Gedic Predictive
Astrology, &-F Chart is said essential to consult for
accurate prediction. *he lord of B=th 5avamsha from
the 'oon becomes highly important for the calculation
of Longevity and the 'araka dasa.

0. <asamsa or &wargamsa N, degreeO% <-)3 chart
indicates V'ahat PhalamX i.e. the result which indicates
the standing and status of the native in society on
account of the interaction of fate and action. 5ormally
this chart is consulted for getting clear idea about
Career, Profession, Lccupation, 1ork etc. *he
placement and avashtha of the tenth lord of the birth
chart is important here. Apart from that the rashi rising
in the !Cth house of this divisional chart and the
influence on the !Cth house has also to be considered,
to ;udge the profession and any professional growth or
fall of the native.

1. <wadasamsa or &ur%amsa N+degree,3BO% <-
)+ chart shows about Parents, their well-being, health,
longevity. +n this chart Sun represents father and 'oon
represents mother. +nfluence on the =th, Fth and !Cth
also should be taken into account. *he Lord of the ??th
&wadashamsha is important in longevity analysis. *his
chart also is said to reveal whether a person inherits a
disease from his parents.

2. &hodasamsa or Kalamsa N)degree.+B,3PO% <-
)/ chart indicates about Gehicles, Conveyance,
Lu7uries, Aappiness, Accident from Gehiclele, +nner
strength of the character. +n this chart, Genus, =A and
=L are to been. 'alefic influence on these factors
shows worry from Gehicles etc.

)3. @imsamsa N)degree,3BO% <-+3 chart tells about
Spiritualism and progress in this field, worship of deity,
leaning towards a particular sect.

)). Chaturvimamsa or &iddhamsa A
N)degree).BO% <-+- chart is seen for gaining idea of
4ducation, Learning, success in competition etc.

)+. Bhamsa or 8akshatramsa or &aptavisamsa
N)degree/B-3PO% <-+0 chart indicates general physical
and inner strength and weakness of native.

),. Trimsamsa N)degreeO% <-,3 chart is consulted to
ascertain the difficulties, evils and miseries coming
through mishappenings and diseases for a particular
native. *his chart indicates inclination of natural traits
based on *rigunas Q Swatic, ,a;as and *amas.

)-. Chatvarimsamsa or Khavedamsa or
&wavedamsa N-.BO% <--3 chart generally indicates the
auspicious and inauspicious effects of horoscope.
'atrilineal legacy is also seen from this chart.

).. $kashvedamsa N-3BO% <--. chart shows the
character of the native. Paternal legacy is also seen
from this chart.

)/. &hastiamsha N,3BO% <-/3 chart shows Past
-arma, repayment of deeds of the past lives. &-! and
&-BC are complementary to each other. &-! chart
indicate when and &-BC tells why events happen in the
life of the native. 'aharishi Parashara has given lots of
importance to this chart and has advised to consult this
chart for every prediction.

?ive levels of &hodash @arga Charts

). Ph%sical plane* <irst cycle covers physical level
signified by the possible charts from &-! to &-!@. +n this
cycle included Parasari &-chars are - &-! indicates
Physical body, &-@ - 'eans of sustenance
sampanata", &-D - Co-born, &-= - property and
fortune, &-> Q Progeny, &-F - Spouse, &-!C Q -arma,
profession, &-!@ - Parents. #Later ,esearch minded
astrologers have included &-E Power", &-B Struggle,
Physical Labour, disease", &-? &eath", &-!! /ains"
charts also in this cycle$.

+. Conscious mental plane* Second cycle covers
conscious level signified by possible charts from &!D to
&@=. +n this cycle included Parasari &-chars are - &!B
!@\=" ruling over mental happiness, lu7uries, vehicles
etc, &@C !@\?" ruling over occult studies, spiritualism,
religiosity etc and &@= !@\!@" ,uling Siddhis,
accomplishments in any branch of learning and
vocational studies, success in education.

,. &u9-conscious mental plane* *hird cycle covers
sub-conscious level signified by possible charts from &-
@E to &-DB charts. +n this cycle included Parasari &-
chars are - &@> @=\D" showing strength and
weaknesses of the native e.g. Sun-soul, 'oon-mind,
'ars-physical strength, 'ercury-speech, (upiter-
wisdom, GenusQhappiness, Saturn-Sorrow, ,ahu-ego,
-etu-mistakes, &DC @=\B" Leo and Cancer, the signs
covered in &-@, are not included in &-DC, which is
dealing in &eath and &isease.

-. &prit or pitras* <ourth cycle covers super-
conscious level signified by possible charts from &-DB
to &-=?. +n this cycle included Parasari &-chars are Q
&-=C DB\=" 'aternal Ancestors, and &-=E DB\F"
paternal ancestors.

.. Past 9irths of the native* <ifth cycle covers supra-
conscious level signified by possible charts from &-=F
to &-=?. +n this cycle included Parasari &-chars are Q
&BC indicating heritage of the past -arma, which are
responsible for present birth. A planet in malefic
shashtiamsha is not capable to give lasting good
results on account of the past bad -arma.

Progeny in Vedic Astrology
2hen will i get Child 3 Child "irth 2hen 3 %ro#ise
of haing Child 3 $ela! in Child "irth 3 Child "irth
4orecast Ask *ow for %rogen! %rospect

Children elated matters in @edic $strolog%

'arriage of a couple is understood successful if a child
takes birth in their family. Astrologically when we have
to see the promise of child birth, weHll have to check
first their procreative power. *he menKs strength for
impregnation depends on the Sun and the strength of
the semen on Genus. *he sound condition of the ovary
in female is indicated by the 'oon while the fitness of
the ovum is shown by 'ars. *he conception takes
place when the seed <ather" is healthy and the soil
'other" is fertile.

elevant houses*
@nd Aouse Q <amily and its e7pansion.
Eth Aouse Q Children in general and Conception of !st
child in female chart.
Bth Aouse Q Labour pain in <emale horoscope.
>th Aouse Q @nd Child or conception in female chart.
?th Aouse Q Lperation.
Fth Aouse Q D Child or conception in female kundali
!!th Aouse Q fulfillment of desire and it is also Eth
house from partnerKs house i.e. >th house.
!@th Aouse Q Aospitali0ation.

elevant Planets*
(upiter is Putrakarka. Genus is Sperm. ,elevant house
lords are primary or secondary functional significators.
-etu is abortive. 5atural malefic and functional malefics
are hinderance in child birth. 'ercury and Saturn are
impotent planets.

elevant &igns*
Aries, /emini, Leo and Girgo are barren signs.

To 5udge an!thing a(out progen! or children,
following factors are i#portant6
4ifth house and its lord .
5aisargika Putrakaraka, i.e. (upiter, Sun, Genus, 'oon
and 'ars.
Lords of Lagna, Eth Aouse and dispositor of EL and
Lords of 5avamsha of (upiter, EL and >L.
Planets occupying and aspecting the EA)L.
&ivisional chart Saptamsha.
Fth house, by the principle of bhavat bhavam.
Lperational &asha Period.
IT Sector: Software Engineering - Programmer and
Software +ndustry is growing by leaps and bound. 1ith
the increased usage and availability of electronic
gadget computer, laptop, mobile, the demand of
software professionals have been increasing in +*
sector. Liberali0ation in economic policy has given
impetus to the software industry. Conse3uently, +*
sector has emerged as a promising sector for career
opportunities. Career in software industry is
fascinating, filled with all creativity and lucrative in
terms of pay and perks in the world. Attractive pay-
scale, enticing opportunities and overall, the plethora of
options have made software engineering a sort of
uni3ue profession] Software engineering is playing a
leading role in almost all the business fields and others,
because of its dynamic applications, which is efficient
enough of solving complicated problems. &ue to this
enticing feature, now domain specific software
professionals are in high demand.

+n order to tune the factors involved in the career of
software professionals with astrology, we need to
understand the essentials of this profession. 1riting
state-of-the-art software demands good reasoning,
analytical and logical ability, and mathematical skill
alongwith computer language to be used in writing
e7cellent algorithms. 1riting effective algorithm
re3uires best possible short and direct way, which is
e7plored through reasoning, analysis and research. +n
the course of development of a programme a lot of
perseverance is also re3uired. *hese factors can be
catergori0ed as necessary factors and essential factors
given as under %

8ecessar% ?actors for successful software

a" /ood logical ability, sound analytical power6
b" 4ffective 'athematical skill6
c" +nnovatism and creativity6
d" Patience and willing to do hard work.

Essential ?actors for software programmer%

a" -nowledge of Computer language6
b" ,e3uired 3ualification.

+n view of the above, astrologically following
parameters can be adopted for determination of career
in Software +ndustry.

Planets involved%

a" Ketu % Computer, code etc.
b" =ercur% % 'ercury is a analytical ad mathematical
skill giving planet
c" =ars % Logical ability, hard work.

:ouses involved%

*hird, <ifth and *enth Aouse. Si7th Aouse may come
for those who are in (ob. Aowever, Bth Aouse is one
of Arth *rikon and loss of other resulting into oneKs
earning. Second and 4leventh Aouse for earning from
software profession%

Third :ouse% 'ental +nclination, Code writing ability.

?ifth :ouse% Proper planning and creativity re3uired
for software writing and application of code.^

&iCth :ouse D &eventh :ouse% Si7th Aouse is meant
for ;ob while seventh house is for business.

Tenth :ouse% completion of software writing as
software professional.

<han 5oga and aF 5oga % *he more &han Jogas
and ,a; Jogas will be available in the horoscope, the
more possibilities of growth in this profession a native
will get.

<asha Period % Appropriate &asha Period is
Astrology for Career in Restaurant and Hotel Business /
n 'odern times, when world has become global village, people
fre3uently visit one place to other inside the country or places in
the foreign countries. Lver the years, *ourism sector across the
world has got focused attention amidst the rapid industrial
progress. +n +ndia after liberali0ation, hotel industry also has got
boost and 3uality improvement due to <&+, interest of foreign
investors and hoteliers. Subse3uently, Aospitality Sector of
several billion dollars market capital si0e, including Aotel +ndustry,
has created lucrative career opportunities and demand of trained
3uality personnel too has grown impressively in +ndia and abroad
for Aotel and ,estaurant management, Aospital administration
and catering, <orest Lodges /uest Aouses, Catering services in
airlines railways, Cruise Ship, Club etc.

Gedic Astrology helps in identifying oneK career prospect in hotel
industry. <or the aspirants of Aotel 'anagement or entrepreneur
of Aotel and ,estaurant +ndustry, following points are

elevant :ouses% Second Aouse, <ourth Aouse, Si7th Aouse,
Seventh Aouse and *enth Aouse are the houses that are seen
involved in chart of persons engaged in hotel M restaurant
business or industry. +n the case of entrepreneur or businessman
engaged in hotel ) restaurant business, @nd Aouse, >th Aouse,
!Cth Aouse and ) or 5inth Aouse are found related. 1hile in case
of (ob doing personnel, @nd Aouse, !Cth Aouse and =th Aouse
and ) or Bth Aouse are found related.

elevant Planets D 5oga% Genus, 'oon and ,ahu . Amatya
-arka is found related to these planets) Aouses. *he connection
of Genus or 'ars with the Lords" of Fth Aouse, *enth Aouse
and ) or 4leventh Aouse is good for hotel industry. *he
connection of 'ars and Genus is welcomed for hotel industry. +f
this yuti influences Lagna or *enth Aouse, its good and if such
placed Genus and 'ars influences Saturn and ) or ,ahu, it is
auspicious indication for involvement in hotel and restaurant
&ivisional Charts% Above said planets ) Aouses give confirmatory
signals if these are found related in 5avamsha &-F" and
&ashamsha &-!C" Charts.

elevant <asha Periods and Transit% Appropriate &asha
periods and *ransit of planets fructify the promises shown in the
birth chart and divisional charts.

Let us see a chart of successful hotelier. Second Aouse Lord is
Genus who is placed with third house lord 'ars and aspects
house of business. +n case of businessman, third house has also
important role for getting re3uired mental willingness, interest,
courage and risk. *his third house lord or say lord of interest is
with the significating planet of Aotel aspects fourth house, which
is home or homelike hospitality and house of business also. So
'ars-Genus yuti in Ascendant has important role in this
horoscope for venturing into Aotel industry. <ourth Aouse or
hospitality house Lord (upiter is placed in the house of business
and aspects its own bhava besides the two other houses of
materialistic triplicity. (upiter is the lord of Aouse of business
also. 'ain planet Genus is aspected by ,ahu. ,ahu aspects
'oon also who is Amatyakarka too.

+n 5avamsha Chart Second Aouse Lord is 'ercury placed in the
house of hospitality and aspects house of profession where lord
of house of business - 'ars is placed with ,ahu. Genus aspects
fourth house lord Sun. A'- is placed with the !Cth house lord.

+n &ashamsha Chart Second Aouse Lord Genus is placed in the
Drd Aouse. *he Lord of Aouse of Aospitality and Aouse of
2usiness Q (upiter is placed in the Aouse of Profession. ,ahu is
in Genus Sign and Genus is in 'ars Sign. A'- is placed with the
Lord of Ascendant and Aouse of profession.
Profession | Occupation | Career Astrology
Career $strolog% * Professional &uccess and
Career Progression

- 2y 2.-. -umar

Career is a chosen pursuit for occupation or profession
as oneKs life work. +n common parlance Career is
meant for ;ob, service, business etc., which is done for
earning money and running life with comfort.
Smoothness and suitable opportunities in career has
direct impact on our 3uality of life we lead. So, for
comfortable life leading, smooth and rewarding career
progression is necessary.
*hrough astrology various aspects of career vi0,
suitability in career, success in profession, preferable
vocation, growth in business, problems and obstacles
in career path etc can be studied. *hough in the
modern time when rapid advancement in muliti-
direction are going on and and ,ashi falling in the tenth
house from there giving several professional avenues.
So, a number of professions have got created which
are combinations of sub;ect matter of various
categories and astrologically determination of oneKs
vocational direction has not remained easy as it was in
the ancient time when there were only a few type of
limited profession.
Since, cause of our karma of in this life lies in the
-armas done in the previous lives. So, astrology has
here an insight and clue as with oneKs chosen path of
career, success, obstacles, satisfaction, gain etc. +n
view of this, there is sense in conducting astrological
assessment in identifying probable are of professional
activities and happiness therein alongwith indication of
good time of getting advancement in profession, bad
phase in career path, smoothness and success in
career progression etc.
Gedic Astrology suggests a number of techni3ues,
taking into account of Aouse, ,ashi, 5akshatra, Planet
as lord and karka" etc and their relationship with
others, for assessing the probable are of profession. +n
general, *enth Aouse is considered as Aouse of
Profession. Si7th Aouse has also very important role
as it is house of service for which we generally get
paid. Since Ascendant is the epitome of whole
horoscope so, it always important in forming promises,
choosing profession and performance therein. As said
earlier, as per common understanding career has direct
link with earning money and creating wealth for running
life comfortably. So, houses related to income and
wealth are undoubtedly important. 4leventh Aouse is
called as Aouse of +ncome and Second Aouse is
Aouse of 1ealth. Ln summing up, in addition to
ascendant, we get four relevant houses - @nd, Bth, !Cth
and !!th Aouse. @nd, Bth and !Cth are known as Arth
*rikon. ,ashi, 5akshatra and Planets falling in the
Arth *rikon has pronounced effect on oneKs career.
2usiness, Self-employment, Private employment etc
are seen from Seventh Aouse. +n case of self
employment, business, entrepreneurship etc *hird
Aouse becomes important because it is house of
courage and mental toughness re3uired to get success
in own venture. *hus, another trine called -aam *rikon
come into play. Drd, >th and !!th house constitute
-aam *rikon.
Astrology classics suggest for studying any matters
from Lagna, 'oon Lagna and Sun Lagna. Aowever,
Satyacharya has suggested considering the matters
from that Lagna which is powerful. So, out of three
which one is powerful would overrule other Lagnas.
<rom such Lagna, *enth Aouse, sign, ruler, occupied
planets" and aspecting planets" etc from that Lagna
would have influential say. Another, view is that that
lagna is effective for assessing profession which is
under influence of planets" in the *enth Aouse and)or
tenth house lord. As thus, without going deep in the
contradictions, we shall later simplify. 2y then, we
simply may say that planets having the greatest
influence over these three lagnas do indicate oneKs
profession. ,ashi falling in the tenth house from these
also has great say in indicating nature of profession.
-arka Planet and Amatya -arka Planet have also
significant role in determination of profession, its
growth and rewards. Confirmatory signals in divisional
charts vi0, 5avamsha &-F" chart and &ashamsha &-
!C" chart are also important to consider while we study
horoscope for the said purpose.
<inally, &asha Period of a particular planet has an
important role in e7ecution of the promises indicated in
the horoscope. +t goes without saying that <avourable
&asha Period gives native favourable career with
desired smoothness and progression. 5ot only this, it
is very reliable indicator of hardship in career, change
in profession, growth in career etc.
Marriage Compatibility - Horoscope Matching
:oroscope compati9ilit%, :oroscope =atching,
=arriage compati9ilit%, Kundali =ilan, $shta Koota
=ilan, =atch =aking, elationship match, =atch
=aking, #una =ilap, "ove match, compati9ilit% and
Ask for Horoscope +atching and +arriage
Co#pati(ilit! Check

+n +ndian culture marriage is treated as institution. &ue
to this, in Aindu Astrology there are special techni3ues
to evaluate the all about the marriage and relationship
particularly in view of post-marriage lives of couple
including longevity relationship. <or this purpose, there
is practice of horoscope matching through -oota
System, in which physical, emotional and spiritual
aspects of both partners are assessed which are
understood essential for continuity of life long
relationship. +t is believed that compatibility check may
indicate the condition of relationship between wife and
-ootas 3uantifies the compatibility in relationship.
*here are eight -ootas Ashta--oota" named as Garna
-! point, Gashya Q @ point, *ara-D point, Joni-= point,
/raha 'aitri Q E point, /ana - B point, ,ashi Q > point,
5adi Q ? point. 4ach has been assigned gunas) points
in chronological order. *he total gunas are DB. 'ore
than !? are understood suitable for marriage.
@arna -oot ! Point"

+t has been assigned one point. Garna means Caste
but it is not related to social division in anyway. +t
shows the ego development of partners. 2esides it
corresponds with 3uality and action of partners
indicated by sign. *here are four kinds of Garna whose
grade is in descending order. !" 2rahmin Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces sign" Q it indicates sattvic or
spiritual nature of partners. @" -shatriya Aries, Leo
and Sagittarius sign" Q +t indicates ,a;asic 3uality of
partners. D" Gaishya *aurus, Girgo and Capricorn
sign" Q +t indicates mi7ture of ,a;asic and *amasic
3uality of partners. =" Shudra /emini, Libra and
A3uarius" Q +t indicates tamasic 3uality of partners.
Couples having the same Garna are given one guna)
point. Aigher Garna of female should not be matched to
a lower Garna of 'ale. *his dosha mismatches the
temperaments of bride and groom and shortens
grooms life. *his dosha get cancelled if sign lord of
groom is of higher Garna than the girl. (upiter and
Genus are 2rahmins, Sun and 'ars are -shatriya,
'oon is Gaishya and 'ercury, Saturn is Shudra. *his
parameter of -undali 'ilan indicates ego development
between partners.

ead% eckoner of @arna Koota

@arna Brahmin '=( Kshatri%a '=(
@aish%a '=( &hudra '"
2rahmin <" ! C
-shatriya <" ! !
Gaishya <" ! !
! C
Shudra <" ! !
! !
! point showss e7cellent compatibility, mutual respect
and understanding between the partners.
1hile, C point indicates average compatibility that may
result in misunderstandings and differences of opinion
between partners and ups and downs in married life.

@ash%a -oot @ Point"

Literally Gashya means Control. *hrough this
parameter of -undali 'ilan, coupleKs controlling power
is assessed. +t is indicative of +nfluence of one on
his)er counterpart and showing taking lead role carrying
on marital relation. Actually it shows the harmony level
between the couple in the marital commitments. 1e
may understand ZGashyaK term as an element of
Attraction also. &ue to mutual attraction couple
surrenders to each other which creates very conducive
environment for longevity of marriage. So, Gasya
koota is considered to check whether there will be a
compatible and dedicated relationship between the
couple or not. LetKs find out how vasya koota is used in
marriage match making.
*his factor contributes a ma7imum of two points to the
chart. *wo points are allotted if the bride and the groom
belong to the same vashya. *he vashyas are simple to
calculate and correspond to the whole rashi.

*here are five types of classification of ,ashis)'oon

!. Chatuspada [uadruped" - Aries, *aurus, latter half
of Sagittarius and first half of Capricorn. *he
3uadruped signs are more sensual and earthy by
@. 8ara or =anav Auman" - /emini, Girgo, Libra and
first half of Sagittarius. *hese are human in their
feelings and attractions.
D. Ealachara Living in water" - Cancer, second half of
Capricorn, A3uarius and Pisces, they are more
emotional and soft in their behaviour
=. Keeta +nsect" Q Scorpio. +nsect can hover and not
always settle down in a relationship. *hey want to taste
many flowers but may not want to settle down.
E. @anachara 1andering in <orests" Q Leo.

ead% eckoner of @ash%a Koota
@ash%a Chatus'=( nara'=(
Eala'=( Bana'=( keeta'=(
Chatushpada<" @ !
! C !
=anush%a<" ! @
!)@ C !
Ealachara<" ! !)@
@ ! !
@anachara<" C C !
@ C
keeta<" ! C !
C @

+f the signs of Partners are compatible, the Gashya
koota gets @ points. 1hen thereKs an incompatibility
and the score is !. +f the vashya is consumable then
the score obtained is _, if the vashya are mutual
opponents then the score obtained is C. A coupleKs
con;ugal accord is determined through vashya.
Tara -oot D Point"

*hrough this parameter of -undali 'ilan, coupleKs well
being, love M affection, health and longevity are seen.
+n this, boyKs birth star is counted from girlKs birth star
and thus obtained figure is divided by F. +f remainder is
even number then it is understood auspicious
compatibility. Likewise, girlKs birth star is counted from
boyKs birth star and thus obtained figure is divided by
F. +f remainder is even number then it is understood
auspicious compatibility. And, this parameter will grant
D points. +f even number is obtain in one case and odd
number in other case then only !.E score will be
added. +f in both case only odd number comes, it
generates C score.
*hrough positional distance of birth star of partners, it
is also assessed that how much both are beneficial to
each other. <or this, concept of triad of stars, namely
(anam, Sampat, Gipat etc is applied. *here are F
nakshatras that make up each triad. Aere compatibility
points are generated on the basis of calculations with
reference to these nakshatra groups in the horoscope.
D point indicates that couple will en;oy good health and
will auspicious for each other. !.E points indicates less
3uality mentioned in case of D point. C point shows
challenges in the fields indicated by *ara.

5oni -oot = points"

Joni koota shows specific soul tendencies for
emotional involvement or entanglement within se7ual
relationships, personified as != different kinds of
animals. *his parameter of -undali 'ilan is important
in view of mutual love M attraction, se7ual behavior M
inclination. /ood score in this calculation indicates
satisfaction level coming from partner in se7
performance on appeasing the biological need.
Se7ually compatible pairs en;oy the bliss by reali0ing
the esoteric meaning of Z-amaK and achieve important
purpose of coming on the earth by producing child.

Literally, Joni means female se7ual organ. +n Gedic
Astrology se7ual compatibility is checked for the
purpose of ;oining the inner Shiva and Shakti within
both individuals so this balanced energy may allow
'other -undalini to rise up the central channel and
dance in divine union with Lord Shiva.
*his compatibility is assessed on the basis of
5akshatraKs. Symbolically, every 5akshatra is
represented by an animal that has either masculine
energy or feminine energy. 'asculine energy is more
active and dynamic, while the feminine energy is the
passive or receptive. +deal se7ual compatibility is
between the male and female of the same species.
<or e7ample, Ashwa 'ale and Ashwa <emale are
se7ually compatible. *hat is, if one of partnerKs birth
star is Ashwini and otherKs is Shatbhisha, both would
be understood as se7ually compatible.
$nimal =ale ?emale
Aorse Ashwini Shatabhishak
4lephant 2harani ,evati
Sheep Pushya -rittika
Serpent ,ohini 'rigasira
&og 'ula Ardra
Cat Ashwini Punarvasu
,at 'agha Purva Phalguni
Cow P. Phalguni Pttara 2hadra
2uffalo Swati Aasta
&eer (yeshta Anuradha
'onkey P. Ashadha Shravana
Lion P. 2hadra &hanishta
'ongoose Pttara Ashadha`

'ongoose whose birthstar is Pttara Ashadha" has no
ideal se7ual partner. Such person has to compromise
on his se7ual happiness.
&eCual compati9ilit% or non-compati9ilit%

Similar yoni of partners fetches = points and indicates
e7cellent compatibility in this aspect of life. <riendly
yoni scores D points and indicates above average
compatibility. 5eutral yoni gets @ points and indicates
average compatibility. +nimical yoni obtains ! point and
indicates below average compatibility in this aspect of
life and great inimical yoni finds C point and indicates
lack of related happiness.

The seCual relationships of the following pairs do
not run in a smooth wa%, as the% are natural

!. Cat Ashlesha and Punarvasu" and at 'agha and
Purva Phalguni"
@. Cow Pttara Phalguni and Pttra 2hadrapada"
and Tiger Gishakha and Chitra"
D. &erpent ,ohini and 'rigshira"
and =ongoose Pttara Ashadha"
=. :orse Ashwini and Shatabhisha"
and Buffalo Swati and Aasta"
B. <og 'ula and Ardra" and :are (yeshtha and
B. =onke% Purva Ashadha and Shravani"
and &heep Pushya and -ritika"
#raha =aitri -oot E points"
*his parameter of -undali 'ilan shows compatibility in
mutual affinity, attitude, response, behaviour, liking,
mental state and temperament. *his -oota is checked
on the basis of 'oon Sign lord in the horoscope of both
partner. As per their friendship, enimity, points are

#ana =aitri -oot B points"

*his parameter of -undali 'ilan shows behaviour
aspects, *emperament etc. <or this purpose, in vedic
astrology 5akshatras have been divided in three
categories. &eva, 'anab and ,akshasa indicating
Satoguna, ,a;oguna and *amoguna respectively.
*hese divisions of 5akshatra may be seen in H2asic
AstrologyH Section on this website.

ead% eckenor of #ana =aitri

#ana <eva '=( =anav '=(
akshasa '=(
<eva '?( B
B !
=anav '?( E
akshasa '?( !

+n the avove said ready reckoner, it has been shown
that if both partners are of &eva gana or one is of &eva
gana and other is of 'anav gana, compatibility score
will ma7imum i.e B. 1hile in /ana 'aitri E - B points
are understood to bring desired result in this aspect of
life. C - ! point indicates below average compatibilit.

Bha D ashi -oot > points"

*his parameter of -undali 'ilan shows emotional
compatibility to nurture the marriage relationship. *his
koota shows general family welfare and family growth,
by the way of health and progeny, financial and
professional status. *o assess the ,ashi -oota, the
relative position of 2oyHs 'oon and /irlHs 'oon in the
horoscopes are checked. +f 'oon in both horoscopes
happens to be in @)!@, B)?, or E)F a7is, compatibility in
this aspect of married life is not taken good. +n this
caseC point is assigned. Ln contrary, > points are
given that shows e7cellent result in this sphere. +n the
both horoscopes it worthy to note for true emotional
compatibility that 'oon of the girls should be ahead of
the boyKs. so that husband can understand the
emotional need of her wife..

8adi -oota? points"

*his parameter of -undali 'ilan
showsoutwardspiritual, physi3ue, internal metabolism
and heriditary factors i.e genes. +t is most important
factor of Ashta -oota and carries ma7imum point i.e.
?. *here are three nadi vi0, Aadi, Antya and 'adhya
5adi. 1hile doing horoscope compatibility check, it
seen that both partnerHs nadi are same or different. +t it
different, it is well and good. +f ithese are same, it is
not recommendable to marry.

-e7uest for detailed Horoscope Co#pati(ilit!,
+atch +aking, 8undali +ilap, 9un +ilan,
Horoscopic Co#pati(ilit! Test
Predictive Principles in Vedic Astrology
A" ,ead the horoscope from Ascendant and 'oon
Sign" Ascendant

2" Concept of 2enefic and 'alefic Planets

C" Concept of Planetary ,elationship

&" Concept of Lwnership

4" Concept of +nfluence through PAC4

<" 'iscellaneous
How to Judge a Horoscope in Vedic Astrology
5ew astrologers should begin his practice to ;udge a
horoscope in very systematic manner. +n Gedic ) Aindu
Astrology, a horoscope should be ;udged as follows%

A" (udgement of Aouse

2" (udgement of Lord of Aouse

C" &ispositor of Lord of Aouse

&" Condition of Lord of Aouse in 5avamsha

Result of Rahu in Various House and Remedies thereof in Lal

,ahu and -etu are shadowy planets. *heir movement is
interrelated and as parts of one body they are at all times ;ust
opposite to each other but keeping in view of aspect drishti", they
can be regarded together. 2oth of them are considered together
in the later houses. <or e7ample, if ,ahu is in the first house and
-etu is in the seventh house, in this case both will be supposed to
be together in the seventh house which is one of the later
houses". 5ode in Aouse 5o. ! to B will mege its effect into house
5o. >-!@ e7cept house 5o. E M !! where each node has its
individual effect confined to that house only.

+n Lal -itab greater significance has been attached to the role of
,ahu in influencing human affairs in various dimensions,
especially in -aliyug. ,ahu acts on the sly while ketu acts
openly. 2ad reputation, evil deed and bad times ,ahuHs
misdeeds" will be reserved by 'ercury6 and good times and
deeds -etuHs virtues" will be revealed by (upiter. ,ahu and -etu
both are sinner planet and agent of Saturn. *hese three sinner
planets - ,ahu, -etu and Saturn has been assigned Aouse 5o.
!@, B and ? respectively. *hese houses are termed as *rik
*he author of Lal -itab describes Saturn as a serpent and ,ahu
and -etu as its head and tail respectively. As a node of moon,
,ahu shall not provide adverse results so long as =th house or
moon is not afflicted. Ae gives good results when 'ars occupies
houses D and !@, or when Sun and 'ercury are in house D, or
when he himself is posited in =th house. ,ahu further provides
good results if placed together with 'ercury or aspected by him.

+n human body, theportion above the naval is controlled by ,ahu
and the portion below the naval to feet is dominated by -etu.
,ahuHs head3uarter is the chin M -etuHs capital is feet. 2oth meet
at thumb or the forehead which is house no. @ in the birth chart"
or the anus house no. ? in the natal chart".

,ahu offers highly beneficial effects if placed in houses earlier
than Saturn. 2ut if it is otherwise, Saturn becomes stronger and
,ahu acts as his agent. Sun provides very good results when
,ahu is e7pected by Saturn, but ,ahu gives the effects of a
debilitated planet when Saturn is e7pected by ,ahu.
,ahu gets e7alted in houses D and B, whereas he gets debilitated
in houses ?, F and !!. !@th house is his HPakka /harH and he
proves highly auspicious in houses D,= and B. Saturn, 'ercury
and -etu are his friends, whereas Sun, 'ars and Genus are his
enemies. (upiter and moon are neutral to him.
+f Sun and Genus are placed together in a horoscope, ,ahu will
generally provide adverse results. Similarly, ,ahu will provide bad
results if Saturn and Sun are also combined in a horoscope. Aere
'ars will also become 'ars negative. +f -etu is placed in houses
earlier than ,ahu, ,ahu will provide adverse results but not
always", whereas -etuHs effect would be 0ero. ,ahu eclipses Sun
and -etu eclipses 'oon. &uring the period of eclipses, ,ahu
destroys Sun and -etu destroyes 'oon.

ahu in )st :ouse
*he native will achieve a position higher than indicated by his
3ualification and will obtain good results from government. ,ahu
in this house would give the result of e7alted Sun, but it will spoil
the fruits of the house in which Sun is placed. +f 'ars, Saturn and
-etu are weak only then ,ahu would give bad results, otherwise it
will give good results in !st house. +f ,ahu is malefic the native
should never take any electric e3uipments or blue)black clothes
from his in-laws, else his son could be affected adversely. its
malefic result too could last till the age of =@ years.
!. Lffer =CC gm lead in running water .
@. 1ear silver in the neck.
D. 'i7 barley in milk in ratio of !%= and offer in running water.
=. Lffer coconut in running water.
ahu in +nd :ouse
+f ,ahu is in benefic form in @nd house one gets money, prestige
and lives like a king. Ae will have a long life. @nd house is
influenced by (upiter and Genus. +f (upiter is benefic then the
native will live the early years of his life in wealth and comfort. +f
,ahu is malefic the native will be poor and have a bad family life,
suffer from intestinal disorders. *he native is killed by a weapon
and is unable to save money. +n the !Cth, @!st to =@nd years of
his life, he loses wealth by theft etc.
!. -eep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
@. 1ear things associated with (upiter, like gold, yellow cloth,
saffron etc.
D. -eep cordial relations with ones mother.
=. After marriage do not take any electric e3uipment from in-laws.
ahu in ,rd :ouse
+t is the HPukka /harH of ,ahu. Drd house belongs to 'ercury and
is influenced by 'ars. 1hen ,ahu is benefic the native will en;oy
great wealth and a long life. Ae will be fearless and a loyal friend.
Ae would be a clairvoyant for seeing future in his dreams. Ae will
never be issueless. Ae will be victorious over his enemies6 can
never be a debtor. Ae would leave behind property. @@nd year of
his life would be of progress. Aowever if ,ahu is malefic in Drd
house then his brothers and relatives would waste his money. Ais
money once borrowed would never be returned. Ae would have
defective speech and would be an atheist. +f Sun and 'ercury are
also there in Drd house" with ,ahu then his sister would become
a widow in @@nd or D@nd year of his life.
!. 5ever keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.
ahu in -th :ouse
*his house belongs to moon, which is an enemy of ,ahu. 1hen
,ahu is benefic in this house the native would be intelligent,
wealthy and will spend money on good things. /oing on
pilgrimage would be beneficial for him. +f Genus is also benefic
then after marriage the nativeHs in-laws could also become rich
and the native would also benefit from them.
1hen 'oon is e7alted the native would become very rich and
would benefit from the works or relatives associated with 'ercury.
+f ,ahu is malefic and the 'oon is also weak then the native will
suffer from poverty and nativeHs mother would also suffer.
Collecting char coal, altering toilet, installing oven in the ground
and alteration of the roof in the house would be indicative of
!. 1ear silver.
@. Lffer =CC gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.
ahu in .th :ouse
Eth house belongs to Sun, which signifies male offspring. +f ,ahu
is benefic native will be rich, wise, en;oy good health. Ae would
en;oy good income and good progress. *he native would be a
devout or philosopher. +f ,ahu is malefic it leads to abortions.
After the birth of a son, wifeHs health will suffer for twelve years. +f
(upiter is also in Eth house father of native will be in trouble.
!. -eep an elephant made of silver.
@. Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.
D. ,emarry your wife.
ahu in /th :ouse 'ECalted(
*his house is influenced by 'ercury or -etu. Aere ,ahu is
e7alted and gives very good results. *he native will be free of all
botherations or troubles. *he native will spend money on clothes.
*he native will be intelligent and victorious. 1hen ,ahu is malefic
he will harm his brothers or friends. 1hen mercury or 'ars is in
!@th house ,ahu gives bad result. *he native suffers from various
ailments or loss of wealth. Snee0ing while going to work would
give bad results.
!. -eep a black dog.
@. -eep a lead nail in your pocket.
D. 5ever harm ones brothers)sisters.
ahu in 0th :ouse
5ative will be rich, but wife would suffer. Ae would be victorious
over his enemies. +f the marriage takes place before twenty one
years, it would be inauspicious. Ae would have good relations
with the government. 2ut if he engages in business connected
with ,ahu, like electrical e3uipments, then he will have losses.
5ative would suffer from head ache and if 'ercury, Genus or -etu
is in !!th house, then sister, wife or son would destroy the native.
!. 5ever marry before @!st year of age.
@. Lffer si7 coconuts in river.
ahu in 1th :ouse
?th house is concerned with Saturn and 'ars. So ,ahu in this
house gives malefic effect. *he native would spend money
uselessly on court cases. <amily life would be adversely affected.
+f 'ars is benefic and is placed in !st or ?th house or Saturn
benefic" is placed in ?th house, the native will be very rich.
!. -eep a s3uare piece of silver.
@. 1hile sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.
D. &o not work in electricity or power department.
ahu in 2th :ouse
Fth house is influenced by (upiter. +f the native has good relation
with ones brothers and sisters it is fruitful6 else it would adversely
affect the native. +f the native is not religious minded then his
progeny would be useless for him. Professions influenced by
Saturn would be profitable.
+f (upiter is in Eth or !!th house then it is useless. +f ,ahu is
inauspicious in Fth house then chances of begetting a son are
less, specially if native files court cases against oneHs blood
relation. ,ahu is in Fth and !st house is empty then health could
be adversely affected and one gets insulted and mental problems,
specially from olders.
!. Pse *ilak of saffron daily.
@. 1ear gold.
D. Always keep a dog it saves ones progeny".
=. Aave good relations with your in-laws.
ahu in )3th :ouse
-eeping ones head uncovered gives the effect of a debilitated
,ahu in !Cth house. *he good or bad result of ,ahu would
depend upon SaturnHs position. +f Saturn is auspicious then native
would be brave, long lived and rich and get respect from all
3uarters. +f ,ahu in !Cth house is with 'oon it gives ,a;a Joga.
*he native is lucky for ones father. +f ,ahu in !Cth house is
malefic then it would adversely affect ones mother or nativeHs
health would also be bad. +f 'oon is alone in =th house then
nativeHs eyes are adversely affected. Ae suffers from headaches
and there is loss of wealth, because of a dark comple7ioned
person .
!. Pse blue or black cap.
@. Cover ones head.
D. Lffer =kg. or =CC gms of HkhandH in a temple, or in flowing
=. <eed blind people.
ahu in ))th :ouse
!!th house is influenced by both Saturn and (upiter. 5ative could
be rich as long as his father is alive. Alternatively, establishing
things of (upiter would help. 5ative has wicked friends. Ae gets
money from mean people. After the death of ones father he
should wear gold in the neck. +f 'ars is malefic for a native with
,ahu in !!th at time of his birth, there is every thing in his house,
but every thing gets destroyed later. +f ,ahu in !!th house is
malefic then the native has bad relations with his father or he may
even kill him. Planet in @nd house would act as enemy. +f
(upiter)Saturn are in Drd or !!th house then wear iron on the body
and drink water in a silver glass. +f ketu is in Eth house then -etu
gives bad results. *here may be diseases of ear, spine, urinary
problems etc. *here may be losses associated with business
concerned with -etu.
!. 1ear iron. Pse silver glass for drinking water.
@. 5ever take any electric e3uipment as a gift.
D. &o not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an
ahu in )+th :ouse
!@th house belongs to (upiter. +t signifies bedroom. ,ahu here
gives mental troubles, insomnia. +t also leads to e7cessive
e7penditure on sisters and daughters. +f ,ahu is with its enemies
then it becomes ne7t to impossible to make ends meet, despite
hard labour. +t also leads to false allegations. Lne may even go to
the e7treme of contemplating suicide. Lne has mental worries.
*elling lies, deceiving others etc. may make ,ahu even more
malefic. +f some body snee0es at the start of any new work if
gives malefic effect. *here may be theft, diseases or false
allegations. +f mars is with ,ahu here, then it gives good results.
!. *ake your meals in the kitchen itself.
@. -eep Saunf and khand under the pillow for good nightHs sleep.

E4P!TE . &48 . =OO8 . =$& . @E84& . =EC45 .
&$T48 . $:4 . KET4

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