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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of deree of !a"helor of !u#ine## $anaement of %hri#t
&ni'er#it() !analore*+,--./
$r0 1ANRAP!OR KHARKON2OR 3-/44,567
&nder the 2uidan"e Of $r0 8ohn Paul Ra9
Department of $anaement Studie#
%hri#t &ni'er#it() !analore*+,--./
Certificate from the guide
Table of contents
I CHAPTER-1 Introduction:
1.1 Introduction to The Industry
1.2 Introduction to The Company
- - ature of !usiness carried
- - "ision # $ission
- - $ar%et share
- - A&ards # Achie'ements
- Product ran(e
II CHAPTER-2 )ata Collection
III CHAPTER-* Analysis of company
i+ ,i+ -./T Analysis of -hare%han 0td
,ii+ Interpretation throu(h ratios
I" CHAPTER-1 0earnin( in the company
- .ee%ly reports




Topics such as -toc%s6 commodities6 IP/7s6 mutual funds ha'e al&ays fascinated me
and ha'e topped the list of my sub8ects of interest. The time &e &ere informed about
our -IP6 at that moment itself I had decided that I &ould li%e to intern in a company
that &ould be help me (ain immense %no&led(e o'er these topics. As I had to learn
about them all so only bro%era(e firm could fulfil all re9uirements. -hare%han ltd6 a
firm &ith decades of e:perience in the field of e:chan(es pro'ed out to be the one.
1hat i# #to"< mar<et=
A #to"< mar<et or equit( mar<et is a public ,a loose net&or% of economic transactions6
not a physical facility or discrete+ entity for the tradin( of company stoc% ,shares+
and deri'ati'es at an a(reed price; these are securities listed on a stoc% e:chan(e as &ell
as those only traded pri'ately.
The si<e of the &orld stoc% mar%et &as estimated at about =*>.> trillion at the start of
/ctober 2??@. The total &orld deri'ati'es mar%et has been estimated at about
=AB1 trillion face or nominal 'alue6 11 times the si<e of the entire &orld economy.
About the Indian stoc% mar%et
In India there are 2* stoc% e:chan(es of &hich the ma8or ones areC
!ombay stoc% e:chan(e,!-E+
ational -toc% E:chan(e,-E+
!SE:- At the end of the American ci'il &ar6 the bro%ers &ho thri'ed out of this &ar in
1@A16 found a place in a street6 &here they &ould easily assemble and transact business. This
street is no&adays6 popularly %no&n as )A0A0 -TREET. In 1@@A6 they formally established
in !ombay6 and &ere %no&n as Dati'e -hares and -toc% !ro%ers AssociationE. In 1@BF6 it
ac9uired a premise in the same street and finally &as inau(urated in 1@BB &ith the name
!ombay -toc% E:chan(e ,!-E+.
IndiaGs premier stoc% e:chan(e !ombay -toc% E:chan(e ,!-E+ can also trace bac% its ori(in
to as far as 12F years &hen it started as a 'oluntary non-profit ma%in( association. 4ou hear
about it any time it reaches a ne& hi(h or a ne& lo&6 and you also hear about it daily in
statements li%e GThe !-E -ensiti'e Inde: rose FH todayG. /b'iously6 stoc%s and stoc%
mar%ets are important. -toc%s of public limited companies are bou(ht and sold at a stoc%
e:chan(e. !ut &hat really are stoc% e:chan(esI Jno&n also as e&s on the stoc% mar%et
appears in different media e'ery day. The stoc% mar%et 6 a stoc% e:chan(e is an or(ani<ed
mar%etplace for securities ,li%e stoc%s6 bonds6 options+ featured by the centrali<ation of
supply and demand for the transaction of orders by member bro%ers6 for institutional and
indi'idual in'estors. The e:chan(e ma%es buyin( and sellin( easy. The need for stoc%
e:chan(es de'eloped out of early tradin( acti'ities in a(ricultural and other commodities.
)urin( the middle A(es6 traders found it easier to use credit that re9uired supportin(
documentation of drafts6 notes and bills of e:chan(e.
IndiaGs other ma8or stoc% e:chan(e ational -toc% E:chan(e ,-E+6 promoted by leadin(
financial institutions6 &as established in April 1BB*. /'er the years6 se'eral stoc% e:chan(es
ha'e been established in the ma8or cities of India. There are no& 2* reco(nised stoc%
e:chan(es K $umbai ,!-E6 -E and /TC+6 Calcutta6 )elhi6 Chennai6 Ahmedabad6
!an(alore6 !hubhanes&ar6 Coimbatore6 3u&ahati6 Hyderabad6 Laipur6 Jochi6 Janpur6
0udhiana6 $an(alore6 Patna6 Pune6 Ra8%ot6 "adodara6 Indore and $eerut.
NSEC - .ith the liberali<ation of Indian economy it &as found necessary to lift the Indian
stoc% mar%ets on par &ith the international standards. The -E &as incorporated in 1BB2 by
industrial de'elopment ban% of India6 industrial credit and In'estment Corporation of India6
industrial finance corporation of India6 all insurance corporations6 selected commercial ban%s
and others.
-E is India7s leadin( stoc% e:chan(e
co'erin( more than 1>? cities and to&ns
across the country. It pro'ides the modern
fully computeri<ed tradin( system
desi(ned to offer in'estors across the
country a safe and easy &ay to in'est to
li9uidate in'estment and securities.
In'estors in many areas of country did not
ha'e the same access and opportunity to trade so there arise the need for settin( up the
national stoc% e:chan(e. The -E net&or% has been desi(ned to pro'ide e9ual access to
in'estors from any&here in India and to be responsi'e to their needs.
/n its reco(nition as a stoc% e:chan(e under the -ecurities Contract Act6 1BF> in April 1BB*6
-E started operations in the .holesale )ebt $ar%et ,.)$+ se(ment in Lune 1BB1. Capital
mar%et ,e9uities+ se(ment commenced operations in o'ember 1BB16 and operations in
deri'ati'e se(ment started in Lune 2???.-E started tradin( in the capital mar%et se(ment on
o'ember*6 1BB1 and &ithin one year became the lar(est e:chan(e in India6 in terms of
'olumes transacted. )urin( the year 2??F-?> -E reported6 a turno'er of Rs 16F>B6FF>
crores in the e9uity se(ment.
The Indian retail bro%era(e mar%et6 &hich is (oin( throu(h a &onderful phase &ith hi(h
(ro&th rate. The total tradin( 'olume of the Indian bro%era(e companies stood at 2-= 12*B.1
billion in the year 2??16 &hich increased to 2-= 11B2.1 billion in 2??F. It is further e:pected
to reach 2-= >F*F.A billion by the year 2?1F.
Li#t of Top 4- !ro<erae >irm# in India
Top ten be#t #to"< bro<er# li#t of India
Sr0 No0 Name of Sto"< !ro<er
1 -hare%han
2 Jar'y
* ICICI )irect
1 $otilal /s&al
F An(el bro%in(
> Indiabulls
A Reli(are
@ 3eo8it financial ser'ices
B India infoline
1? Jota% securities
Share%han ltd. is a retail bro%in( arm of -.- Jantilal Ish&arlal In'estors -er'ices P't 0td6 an
or(ani<ation &ith more than @ decades of trust and credibility in the stoc% mar%et. -hare%han
0td ,Mormally --JI In'estors -er'ices P't 0td+ &as promoted by $r.-hripal.-$ora%hia and
$r.-hreyas.-$ora%hia. It is currently India7s lar(est bro%in( house. It is a member of the
stoc% e:chan(e6 $umbai. It is a depository participant of the -)0 and C)-0. Its business
includes stoc% bro%in(6 depository ser'ices6 portfolio mana(ement and deri'ati'es.
--JI (roup also comprises institutional bro%in( and corporate finance. .hile the
institutional bro%in( di'ision caters to the lar(est domestic and forei(n institutional in'estors6
the corporate finance di'ision focuses on niche areas such as infrastructure6 Telecom and
media. --JI holds a si<eable portion of the mar%et in each of these se(ments.
As the forerunner of in'estment research in the India mar%et6 &e pro'ide the best research
co'era(e amon(st bro%in( houses in India. /ur research team is rated as one of the best in the
country. "oted four times as the top domestic bro%era(e house by Asia money sur'ey - --JI
is consistently ran%ed amon(st the top domestic bro%era(e houses in India.
Pioneers of online tradin( in India- &as launched in 2??? and is no& the
second most 'isited bro%in( site in India.
-hare%han is a stoc% bro%in( company. The company offers a complete ran(e of pre trade6
trade and post trade ser'ice on the !-E ,!ombay stoc% e:chan(e+ and the -E ,ational
stoc% e:chan(e+.
.hether the client come in to the company7s con'entionally located offices and trade in a
dedicated en'ironment or issue instructions o'er the phone6 the hi(hly trained team and
sophisticated e9uipment ensure smooth transactions and prompt ser'ice.
In'estment Ad'isory ser'ice
Macilitation ser'ices to Retail In'estors6 Corporate.
)epository ser'ices
In'e#tment option# in"lude:
/nline tradin( ,Includes e9uity6 deri'ati'es+
Commodities tradin(
$utual funds
Portfolio mana(ement ser'ice
Institutional bro%in(
In'estment !an%in(
Retail !ro%in(
Throu(h tradin( and settlement process the in'estor con'erted into the final product.
The clearin( house of e:chan(e may act as le(al counter party to all dealers for all deals in
e9uity deri'ati'es instruments on e:chan(es. Thus the both the parties to an e9uity
deri'ati'es met either by the party itself or in the e'ent of default on the part of the party6 by
clearin( corporation.
A client can trade only throu(h a tradin( member of the e:chan(e. A clearin( member can
act as tradin( member. The process of tradin( is similar to screen based tradin( in securities
li%e shares on an e:chan(e. The e:chan(e introduced standardi<ed contract &here settlement
date6 is specified by stoc% e:chan(e and the client can enter into contracts &ith different
contractN stri%e price.
In order to minimi<e the ris% of failure parties to contract in full fillin( their respecti'e
obli(ation under the contract6 the Clearin( CorporationNtradin( members. $ar(ins are
re9uired to be paid by clearin(Ntradin( members &ho in turn6 collect mar(in from their
respecti'e clients.
?ISION: DTo be the best retail bro%in( brand in the Indian e9uities mar%etE
$ISSION: DTo educate and empo&er the indi'idual in'estor to ma%e better in'estment
decisions throu(h 9uality ad'ice and superior ser'iceE
To ensure satisfaction throu(h team&or% and professional mana(ement
To pro'ide (ood 9uality of ser'ices on a continuous basis to the satisfaction of clients.
To e:tend effecti'e (uidance to bro%ers6 to clearin( house Corporation6 companies
and in'estor in E--toc% Tradin(.
To eliminate paper &or% and brin( in front of electronic stoc% mar%et in India.
User friendly online trading facility
-hare%han is one of IndiaGs leadin( financial ser'ices companies. It pro'ides a complete life-
cycle of in'estment solution in E9uities6 )eri'ati'es6 Commodities6 IP/6 $utual Munds6
)epository -er'ices6 Portfolio $ana(ement -er'ices and Insurance. Also offers personali<ed
&ealth mana(ement ser'ices for Hi(h et &orth indi'iduals. .ith a physical presence in
o'er 1?? cities of India throu(h more than @?? O-hare -hopsO6 and an online presence
throu(h -hare%han.com6 IndiaGs premier online destination; it reaches out to more than
@??6??? tradin( customers.
The product of -hare %han can be broadly classified into three types suitin( the clients
tradin( habit.
Three %ey products
IT Penabled call Center for ser'icin( clients
Inte(rated )epository ser'iceN)emat account for transparency
/nline fund transfer facility &ith H)MC6 Citiban%6 3T!6 I)!I !an%. Re(ular
ban%in( facility &ith any ban% in India.
-hare%han also offers personali<ed research ad'ice throu(h .ebsite6 e-mail6 -$- and
Online produ"t# offered b( Share<han are a# follow#:
40 %LASSI% A%%O&NT:
This account allo&s the client to the trade throu(hout
&ebsite and is suitable for the retail in'estors. /ur online tradin(
&ebsite also comes &ith the )ial Trade ser'ice that enables you to
buy and sell shares by callin( their dedicated toll free number.
-PEE)TRA)E is a ne:t-(eneration online tradin( product that
brin(s the po&er of your bro%er7s terminal to your PC. It is ideal for
acti'e traders &ho transact fre9uently durin( day7s tradin( session
capitali<e on intra-day price mo'ements. -PEE)TRA)E is an
internet-based application a'ailable on a C)6 &hich pro'ides e'ery-
thin( a trader needs on one screen6 thereby6 reducin( the re9uired to e:ecute a
trade. -PEE)TRA)E has all the abo'e-mentioned features &ith the po&er to trade
in cash and deri'ati'es from a sin(le screen.
40 Tradin >a"ilitie#:
-hare%han as a member of -E# !-E pro'ides both offline and online tradin( facilities
nation&ide for tradin( the securities in secondary mar%et to its clients. The company7s &ide
net&or% of outlets spread across the country facilities to e:ecuti'e the orders in secondary
.0 Deri'ati'e#: 3>uture# and Option#7
The company also facilitates the tradin( system for tradin( in secondary mar%et under future
and options se(ment of -E and !-E. The e9uity dealers in the company &ill be ea(er to
(i'e insi(hts into the ne& sets introduction in the Indian Capital $ar%et futures and options.
50 Depo#itor( #er'i"e#:
-hare%han is a )epository participant of ational -ecurities )epository 0imited and Central
)epository and -ecurities 0imited.
-hare%han &ill open )e-mat accounts6 &hich &ill in'estors to con'ert physical certificates of
shares into electronic balances in an account maintained.
A0 $arin >inan"in:
In the present rollin( settlement scenario6 -hare%han understand in'estor need for additional
capital a'ailability for daily purchaser shares. It offers uni9ue facility a'ail finance6 for
purchasin( shares at 'ery competiti'e interest rates.
+0 IPOB# and $utual >und#:
-hare%han offers the chan(e of in'estin( in the potentially lucrati'e IP/ mar%et. -hare%han
is a distribution house for all mutual funds. This is the ne&s scheme introduced by the
company and it also offers schemes caterin( to in'estors &ith 'aryin( ris% return profiles.
,0 Sto"< lendin and !orrowin:
/ne can place an order of shares &ith -hare%han. It is appro'ed intermediary of the
security or lendin( scheme. These &ould be sent out the borro&ers6 these earnin(s fees for all
in'estors7 idle shares. Thus -hare%han fulfil the in'estor need for borro&in( and lendin( of
C0 Equit( Re#ear"h:
-hare%han has a hi(hly rated research usin( in'ol'ed in macroeconomic studies6 industry and
company specific e9uity research. The research team7s inputs &ill be a'ailable as daily
tradin( calls6 9uarterly in'estment pic%s and lon( term in'estment pic%s6 based on the
fundamentals of particular company and the industry as a &hole.
60 Internet Tradin:
In'estors can also trade their securities throu(h this facility by lo((in( into company7s
&ebsite. The 'irtual &orld that -hare%han offers online tradin( ser'ices throu(h.
/0 Portfolio $anaement Ser'i"e#:
-hare%han securities are a re(istered portfolio mana(er &ith -E!I to mana(e portfolios on
behalf of clients &ith a discretionary and non discretionary ri(ht.
This ser'ice is a pro'ision for those &ho may not ha'e the time to mana(e their stoc%
in'estments or re9uire the ser'ice of company7s hi(hly speciali<ed profession team.
4-0 Other Ser'i"e#:
Mree access to in'estment ad'ice from -hare %han7s research team
D-hare%han D"alue lineE ,A monthly publication &ith re'ie& of recommendations
stoc%s to &atch out+
)aily research reports and mar%et re'ie& , hi(h noon and ea(le eye+
)aily tradin( calls based technical analyses
Cool tradin( products , )arin( deri'ati'es and mar%et strate(y+
Personali<ed ad'ice
0i'e mana(ement information
Internet- !ased online tradin(
/nline !-E # -E e:ecutions throu(h !/0T # EAT terminals+.
The area of operations of -HAREJHA is spread o'er t&o countries. They areC
1. I)IA 2. 2AE
The ser'ices are a'ailable throu(h a net&or% of 11*A -hare shops spannin( 1A? ma8or to&ns
and cities in the country alon( &ith an international branch in )ubai ,2AE+
3ro&in( retail net&or% across
112? franchisees
1>@ branches
*2F cities
$a9or #hareholder#
Citi "enture Capital And /ther Pri'ate E9uity
!arin(s P't. E9uity Asia 2*H
Employees 11H
$anaement Team
$r. Tarun P. -hah. CE/.
$r. -han%ar "ailaya. )irector-/perations.
$r. LaideepArora. )irector-Product and Technolo(y.
$r. Jetan Pare%h. Chief Technolo(y /fficer.
The Indian retail bro%era(e mar%et6 &hich is (oin( throu(h a &onderful phase &ith hi(h
(ro&th rate e:pect the total tradin( 'olume of the Indian bro%era(e companies to reach 2-=
>F*F.A billion by the year 2?1F &hich stood at 2-= 12*B.1 billion in the year 2??16 and 2-=
11B2.1 billion in 2??F.
%ompetitor# for SHAREKHAN in India:
Name Kota< Se"uritie# Limited
Terminal# 1*2?
Sub !ro<er# B1?
No0 of Emplo(ee# 1??@
No0 of !ran"he# *F?
Name Kar'( Sto"< !ro<in Limited
Terminal# 1A??
Sub !ro<er# 1B???
No0 of Emplo(ee# *B1?
No0 of !ran"he# F@1
Name Indiabull#
Terminal# 2@A>
Sub !ro<er# A
No0 of Emplo(ee# F@A*
No0 of !ran"he# F22
Name ILD>S In'e#tmart Limited
Terminal# 1>11
Sub !ro<er# A
No0 of Emplo(ee# 1B??
No0 of !ran"he# 2B1
Name $otilalO#wal Se"uritie#
Terminal# AB2*
Sub !ro<er# @B?
No0 of Emplo(ee# 21B*
No0 of !ran"he# >*
Name Relian"e $one(
Terminal# 212@
Sub !ro<er# 11B1
No0 of Emplo(ee# 2?*A
No0 of !ran"he# 112
Name India Infoline
Terminal# 1A*
Sub !ro<er# 1A*
No0 of Emplo(ee# A
No0 of !ran"he# >?F
Name Anel !ro<in Limited
Terminal# FA1F
Sub !ro<er# A
No0 of Emplo(ee# 2@1
No0 of !ran"he# A
Name AnandRathi Se"uritie# Limited
Terminal# 1F2A
Sub !ro<er# *2?
No0 of Emplo(ee# 1F>>
No0 of !ran"he# 22?
Name 2eo9it
Terminal# >2A
Sub !ro<er# 21A
No0 of Emplo(ee# *1*
No0 of !ran"he# *11
JAR"46 is premier inte(rated financial ser'ices pro'ide6 and ran%ed amon( the top fi'e in
the country all its business se(ments6 ser'ices o'er 1> million indi'idual in'estors in 'arious
capacities6 and pro'ide in'estor ser'ices to o'er *?? corporate6 comparin( the &ho is &ho of
corporate India. JAR"4 co'ers the entire spectrum of financial ser'ices such as -toc%
bro%in(6 )epository Participants6 )istribution of financial products P $utual funds6 !onds6
Mi:ed -er'ices6 $erchant !an%in( # Corporate Minance6 Placement of e9uity6 IP/7s amon(
others. Jar'y has 'arious industrial se(ments.
Jota% $ahindra is one of India7s leadin( financial institutions6 offerin( complete financial
solutions that encompass e'ery sphere of life. Mrom commercial ban%in(6 to stoc% bro%in( to
mutual funds6 to life insurance6 to in'estment ban%in(6 the (roup caters to the financial needs
of indi'iduals and corporate. The (roup has a net &orth of around Rs. 2??? crore and the
A2$ across the (roup is around 12? billion and employs o'er >??? employees in its 'arious
businesses. .ith a presence in 21> cities in India and offices e& 4or%6 0andon6 )ubai6 and
$auritius6 it ser'ices a customer base of o'er 1?6??6???. The (roup speciali<es in offerin(
top class financial ser'ices6 caterin( to e'ery se(ment of the industry.
The India Infoline 3roup comprises the holdin( the parent company6 India Infoline 0td o&ns
and mana(es the &eb properties &&& and &&& It also
underta%es research6 customi<ed and off the shelf. 0aunched on 11 $ay 1BBB6
&&& is India7s leadin( and most comprehensi'e business and financial
information &ebsite. The site pro'ides 9uality information and analysis P earlier restricted to
a fe& people P to the common man6 absolutely free.
The mar%et capitali<ation of Indiabulls is around 2-) 11?? $illion and consolidated net
&orth of the company is around 2-) A2F$illion some of the lar(e shareholders of Indiabulls
are the lar(est financial institutions of the &orlds such as Midelity Munds6 Capital
international6 3oldman -achs6 $errill 0ynch6 0loyd 3eor(e and Meallon Capital. Re'enue of
the company (re& at a CA3R of 1@1H from M4?> to M4?B durin( the same period profit of
the co (ro& at a CA3R of 21FH.
-hare%han outlets are desi(ned to be places &here retail in'estors can come in touch &ith
In'estment opportunities in an atmosphere of con'ince and comfort. The loo% and feel of the
offices across India pro8ects a consistent branch ima(e for the company. The features that
enable a uni9ue facility for retailin( financial ser'ice include amon( others.
!u#ine## >o"u#: The main focus is Customer - Customer ser'ice6 Customer
education6 Customer support6 Customer relations and last but not the least Customer
Stron Produ"t !a#<etC -pecific products caterin( to each customer se(ment.
Trainin( -essionsC Comprehensi'e * day trainin( pro(ram # dedicated online
platform for on(oin( trainin( re9uirements0
$ulti*%hannel A""e##C -HAREJHA ser'es its customers better 'ia multiple
%u#tomiEed Retail De#inC The office premises at all share shops ha'e an
in'i(oratin( loo%6 synonymous &ith its corporate identity.
Re#ear"h*ba#ed In'e#tment Ad'iceC Access to all fundamental and technical
research at a real time basis.
Te"hnolo( Infra#tu"ture SupportC Comprehensi'e # robust technolo(y
infrastructure to run a fully automated bac%-office.
Pioneerin Online Tradin S(#tem#C The customers can trade online6 (et ne&s6
research and access to special reports throu(h the company7s &eb portal
SupportC )edicated support for 'arious aspects of business includin( E9uity sales6
Ris% mana(ement6 !usiness de'elopment and /perations. &&&
-hare%han6 the retail bro%in( arm of --JI 3roup and one of the lar(est stoc% bro%in(
houses in the country6 has &on the presti(ious A&aa< Consumer "ote A&ards 2??F for the
$ost Preferred -toc% !ro%in( !rand in India6 in the In'estment Ad'isors cate(ory. This &as
India7s lar(est Customer -tudy initiated by C!C A&aa< and conducted by AC ielson
co'erin( A??? respondents6 21 products and ser'ices across 21 ma8or cities.
Rated amon( the top 2? &ired companies alon( &ith RE0IACE6 H006 and
IM/-4-etc. by !usiness Today.
/R3 $ar( a&ard by C!C.
India internet .orld 2??@ for the D!est MinanceE site.
-hare%hans online tradin( and in'estment site &&& &as launched in
2???. -hare%hans (round net&or% includes o'er 2F? centers across 12* cities in India and
ha'in( around 12???? customers and an e9ual number of demat customers.
The reasons behind the preferences for brands &ere un'eiled by e:aminin( the follo&in(C
Tan(ible features of product N ser'ice
-ofter6 intan(ible features li%e ima(ery6 e9uity dri'in( preference
Tactical measures such as promotional N pricin( schemes
/0IE )E-J
C2-T/$ER /"ER"IE.
CA00 )E-J
The -er'ice )eli'ery $odel of -HAREJHA is a blend of both tradition and technolo(y.
The three main components of this model includeC
All one has to do is &al% into any of the 12?? share shops across 1?? cities in India to (et a
host of tradin( and in'estment related ser'ices. /ur friendly customer ser'ice staff &ill also
help you &ith any account related 9ueries you may ha'e.
A -hare%han outlet offers the follo&in( ser'icesC
/nline !-E and -E e:ecutions ,throu(h !/0T # EAT terminals+
Mree access to in'estment ad'ice from -hare%hanGs Research team
-hare%han"alue0ine ,a monthly publication &ith re'ie&s of recommendations6
stoc%s to &atch out for etc+
)aily research reports and mar%et re'ie& ,Hi(h oon # Ea(le Eye+
Pre-mar%et Report ,$ornin( Cuppa+
H/0)I3- # -TATE$ET-
)aily tradin( calls based on Technical Analysis
Cool tradin( products ,)arin( )eri'ati'es and $ar%et -trate(y+
Personali<ed Ad'ice
0i'e $ar%et Information
)epository -er'icesC )emat # Remat Transactions
)eri'ati'es Tradin( ,Mutures and /ptions+
Commodities Tradin(
IP/s # $utual Munds )istribution
Internet-based /nline Tradin(C -peedTrade
Mree &ith your -hare%han Tradin( Account6 the )ial-n-Trade ser'ice enables the
customer to place orders for buyin( and sellin( shares throu(h your telephone.
All the customer has to do is dial any one of the dedicated numbers ,4*6--*..*C-+- or 4*
6--*.C-*C-+-or 5-5-C,--+6 enter the TPIN number ,&hich is pro'ided at the time of
openin( the account+ and on authentication the "u#tomer will be dire"ted to a telebro<er
&ho &ill buy and sell shares for him.
Meatures of )IA0 TRA)E
THREE dedicated numbers for placin( orders &ith cell phone or landline. Toll free
numbersC 1-@??-22-A?F? # 1@??-2A?-A?F?. Mor people &ith difficulty in accessin( the toll-
free number6 &e also ha'e a Reliance number ,4our 0ocal -T) Code+ *?*?A>?? &hich is
char(ed at as local number.
-imple and -ecure Interacti'e "oice Response based system for authentication
o &aitin( time. Enter TPI to be transferred to telebro%ers
Trusted6 professional ad'ice of our telebro%ers
After hours order placement facility bet&een @.*? am and B.?? am
Reliable ser'ice6 &here'er the customer is.
The online tradin( model at share%han consists of a choice of three tradin( interfacesC
a. Trade ti(er e:e for acti'e traders
b. .eb based classic interface for in'estors
c. .eb based applet P fast trade for in'estor
$er(ers and ac9uisitionsC In the hi(hly competiti'e and o'er cro&ded mar%et6
sha%eouts and ban%ruptcies of online bro%ers can be anticipated. The trend is to&ards a
(radual consolidation of retail in'estors to a fe& dominant players or partnerships.
-toc% bro%in( applications that pro'ided ser'ices in 'arious deli'ery modes6 i.e.6
internet6 .AP6 palm pilots6 poc%et PCs etc &ill (et more common as more and more people
start usin( these (ad(ets. /nline bro%in( &ould ha'e a completely ne& meanin( in this
In a cro&ded stoc% bro%in( industry6 differentiation becomes the %ey to hi(her re'enues.
!etter ser'ice6 strai(ht throu(h processin( ,-TP+6 immediate e:ecution6 portfolio ser'ices6
in'estment ad'isors and telephone call centers or branch in'estment offices are needed to
retain customers and to increase the re'enue base.
)ata collection methods usedC
The methods used for collection of data collection are both Primary methods as &ell as
-econdary methods of data collection. Primary data &as collected throu(h inter'ie& method
&here i spo%e and as%ed 9uestions to the current employees and customers &ho ha'e been
&ith the company for a lon( time.
-econdary data &as collected mainly from the company &ebsite and some other sources.
Cost Ad'anta(e
Effecti'e Communication
Hi(h Research and )e'elopment
/nline 3ro&th
0oyal Customers
$ar%et -hare 0eadership
-tron( !rand Recall
-tron( Minancial Position
3ro&th of Technolo(y and A&areness
Increased internet 2sa(e
ation&ide reach to the masses
2ni9ue products
Amon( the top F bro%era(e firms in the country
-tron( reach to the masses
ot )i'ersified
0ess Competiti'e
Hi(h Employee turno'er
0ess -mall In'estors
0abour not properly s%illed
Infrastructure not upto the mar%
3ro&th of Technolo(y and A&areness
Increased internet 2sa(e
Minancial $ar%ets ,raise money throu(h debt6 etc.+
Product and ser'ice e:pansion
Penetration in de'elopin( prices
Increase in &ealth
Positi'e mar%et sentiments
Increase in a&areness of people aboutstoc% mar%et
Cheaper Technolo(y
Economic -lo&do&n
E:ternal Char(es ,3o'ernment6 politics6 ta:es6 etc.+
E:chan(e rates fluctions
Price &ars
%urrent ratio:
%urrent ratio define# the abilit( of the firm to meet it# "urrent liabilitie#0 The "urrent
a##et# #hould be #uffi"ient enouh to meet the "urrent liabilitie#0 In the (ear .--C) it wa#
.:4 and in the (ear .--6 "urrent ratio wa# 504/:40 It i# alwa(# benefi"ial "on#iderabl(
hih %urrent ratio0 It i# "lear from the balan"e #heet that the firm ha# no diffi"ult( in
meetin it# #hort term liabilitie#0 !ut the ideal "urrent ratio i# .:40
.--6 .--C
4.06CGA0-+ H 504/:4 A04-G.0-A H .:4
Debt equit( ratio:
The DE ratio of the "ompan( ha# one up from 4045 to 40C0 in theor( it i# not a""eptable
be"au#e it indi"ate# the firm in in"urrin more lon term debt0
.--6 .--C
+506/G540,. H 40C ./0CAG.,0A. H 4045
Operatin ratio:
It i# the profit dedu"tin taI to the total #ale# of the "ompan(0 Thu#) Operatin profit
determine# the profit made b( the "ompan( be"au#e in"rea#ed #ale# doe#nBt ne"e##aril(
mean in"rea#e# in profit0 It ha# in"rea#ed to C0. from C040
.--6 .--C
4/0-4G.0,A H C0. ,06.G-0/, H C04
Return on total equit(:
It i# the total ratio of PAT to the total #hare holderB# equit(0 It indi"ate# the a"tual profit
made b( the "ompan(3eI"ludin the taI7) whi"h i# made b( the equit( #hare holder#0
Here preferential "apital i# not ta<en into "on#ideration0 Return on total equit( ha#
been in"rea#in on a reular ba#i#0 In the (ear -6 the Return on total equit( rai#ed to
-0++ from -0.,0
.--6 .--C
4C0ACG540,.H -0++ ,0CCG.,0A. H -0.,
Net profit ratio:
Net profit ratio H P!T to #ale#0 Thu# it depend# on the total #ale# of the "ompan(0 The
net profit ratio ha# de"rea#ed from C0-+ to ,0,.0 thu# the profit ha# de"rea#ed
.--6 .--C
4C0ACG.0,A H ,0,. ,0CCG-0/, H C0-+
Return on in'e#tment:
E'er( "ompan(B# profitabilit( depend# on the nature it a"hie'e# on the total in'e#tment
it ma<e#0 Thu# return# on in'e#tment ha'e to be "on#idered to determine how well the
"ompan( i# doin0 The "ompan(B# return on in'e#tment ha# in"rea#ed tremendou#l(
from .+064J to ,-04.J0
.--6 .--C
4/0-4G540,.K4-- H ,-04.J ,06.G.,0A.K4--H .+064J
Learnin in the "ompan(
I ha'e learned alot of thin(s &hen i &or%ed in -hare%han as an intern. !efore I 8oined
-hare%han i had 'ery less %no&led(e the stoc% mar%et and ho& it functions. I learned ho&
stoc%s and commodities are traded online and ho& online tradin( is carried about. I &as
tou(ht ho& to operate a soft&are desi(ned for online tradin( called QTrade Ti(er7.
I learned ho& important bein( punctual to the office &as. Internin( at -hare%han (a'e me an
e:perience of &or%in( in a 'ery friendly &or% en'ironment. All the employees treated me as
one of the employees and not as an intern or a student.
.ee%C F
April to 11th April
In the first &ee% i &as briefed about the company by my (uide $r. -rini'asu. He tau(ht me
about the history of the company6 &hat are the 'arious products and ser'ices pro'ided by
-hare%han 0td.
He also tau(ht me about the 'arious plans offered for openin( a )emat Account. $r
-rini'asu tau(ht me about Tradin( and in'estin(. I &as also tau(ht ho& to use the soft&are
used by the company for tradin( &hich is %no&n as the OTrade Ti(erO. I &as then (i'en a
tar(et by $r. -rini'asu to open fi'e )emat Accounts by the end of the internship period.
.ee%C 12
April to 1Bth April
The -econd .ee% &as more of Mield &or% than office &or%. I &as sent out to open the
)emat accounts in order to meet my tar(et. I had (one to colle(e to meet a fe& of the
teachers &ho &ere interested in openin( one. I &as also sent to other places such as
Indirana(ar6 H-R layout6 LP a(ar6 etc. to obtain si(natures of the interested clients. It &as a
'ery (ood e:perience e:plainin( to the clients about the -toc% mar%et6 ho& it &or%s6 and so
.ee%C 1B
April to 2Fth April
The third &ee% had more of /ffice &or% than field &or%. )etailed Information about the
company &as (i'en to me6 and I &as (i'en time to sit in the office and &or% on my pro8ect.
The $ana(er of the branch told me to ma%e feedbac% calls to the e:istin( customers and to
(et references for them. I made more than *?? calls and encountered 'arious %inds of people.
.hile ma%in( these calls I found out ho& important these feedbac% calls are. $ost of the
customers &ere unhappy &ith the fact that they had not recei'e more of these calls. I &as able
to help sol'e their 9ueries. -ome of the customers &ere 'ery disappointed &ith the ser'ices
pro'ided by the a(ents from -hare%han. I &as also sent to .hite field to an e:istin(
customerGs house to open a ne& account.
1ee<: 5rd $a( to /th $a(
In this &ee% I most mostly sittin( in the office and (atherin( more information for my
pro8ect. I had also &ent to meet a fe& customers in Layana(ar and LP a(ar and I &as able to
open t&o Commodity accounts. i had 'isited colle(e a(ain this &ee% to meet one of the
teachers re(ardin( the )emat Account openin(.
1ee<: .,
April to .nd $a(
In th the fourth &ee% as &ell6 I ha'e done more of field &or% than office &or%. 6 I ha'e spent
more in the mar%et in analysin( the customer7s beha'iour to&ards the chan(in( mar%et
scenario. As the &ee% started I &as as%ed by our superior to (et calls for the company6 that is
I &as suppose to con'ince people to (et associated &ith the e:chan(e mar%et,to be specific
-hare%han 0td.+. I 'isited around 1F? to 2?? shops co'erin( areas such as 3andhina(ar and
A'enue road on the broader side. It &as a 'ery ne& e:perience. It &as 'ery different from the
finance part of the internship as this &as more of sellin(-Q7core sellin(77. I e:perienced the
dra&bac%s that &ere faced by the salespersons and ho& tou(h their 8ob really is. The bi((est
ad'anta(e I had &as that &e came to %no& about the competitors of the firm and the
customised ser'ices that they offer to their 'arious customers.
e&spaper analysis &as also initiated from my side in order to %no& more about 8ar(ons of
the e:chan(es and the share mar%et. Resistance and stop loss can be named as e:amples.
$oreo'er6 I had 'isited the colle(e a(ain to con'ince teachers to open up tradin( accounts
&ith the company. It &as indeed a fruitful e:perience.
In the comin( &ee% I shall be tar(etin( to complete my tar(et of account openin( and &ill try
to continue and (ain %no&led(e about $utual Munds and IP/7s specifically. The company
has refused to pro'ide the financials6 as they prefer to %eep it confidential. I am still tryin( to
(et the re9uired data from -hare%han 0td. for the completion of the pro8ect. I &ould be (lad
to see a reply from your side re(ardin( the report.
!alan"e #heet
-6*-/ -C*-6
E9uity share capital *1.>2 2>.12
-hare application money ?.?? ?.??
Preference share capital ?.?? ?.??
Reser'es # surplus 2?.A *.2*
-ecured loans 1.*A ?.?B
2nsecured loans ?.2? ?.??
Total F*.@B 2B.A1
3ross bloc% 1.1A *.2>
0ess C re'aluation reser'e ?.?? ?.??
0ess C accumulated depreciation *.A> 2.B1
et bloc% ?.A1 ?.*2
Capital &or%-in-pro(ress ?.?? ?.??
In'estments 1?.*1 2F.*2
Current assets6 loans # ad'ances 1>.B1 >.11
0ess C current liabilities # pro'isions 1.?* 2.?1
Total net current assets 12.@A 1.1?
$iscellaneous e:penses not &ritten ?.?? ?.??
Total F*.@B 2B.A1
!oo% 'alue of un9uoted in'estments 1?.2? 2F.21
$ar%et 'alue of 9uoted in'estments ?.1> ?.1>
Contin(ent liabilities *.F ?.??
umber of e9uity sharesoutstandin(
*1>.22 2>1.22
Profit lo## a""ount
-6*-/-C*-6Operatin in"ome.40..606,EIpen#e#$aterial
"on#umed-0---0--$anufa"turin eIpen#e# -0---0--Per#onnel
eIpen#e#40,--05,Sellin eIpen#e#-04.-0-.Admin#trati'e
eIpen#e#-0/.-0+6EIpen#e# "apitali#ed-0---0--%o#t of
#ale#.0,A-0/,Operatin profit460+6C0/-Other re"urrin
in"ome4/0,--06CAd9u#ted P!DIT4/0,-60CC>inan"ial
eIpen#e#-0-,-0--Depre"iation -0+.40/AOther write off#-0---0--Ad9u#ted
P!T4/0-4,06.TaI "hare# 40+A-0-+Ad9u#ted PAT4C0AC,0CCNonre"urrin
item#-0---0--Other non "a#h ad9u#tment#-0---0--Reported net
profit4C0AC,0CCEarnin# before appropriation-0-64C0A-Equit(
di'idend-0---0--Preferen"e di'idend-0---0--Di'idend taI-0---0--Retained

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