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FC Path(SA) Anat Part I


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part I Examination for the Fellowship of the
College of Pathologists of South Africa - Anatomical

11 April 2013

1 Paper only (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is
required for the one answer)
Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir n vraag)
geskryf word

1 a) Tabulate the differences between necrosis and apoptosis. (10)
b) Write short notes on methods that may be employed to detect infective organisms in
histopathological specimens. (15)

1 a) Tabuleer die verskille tussen nekrose en apoptose. (10)
b) Skryf kort aantekeninge oor metodes wat aangewend kan word om infektiewe
organismes in histopatologiese monsters op te spoor. (15)

2 Write notes on
a) The micro-architecture of the liver cell plate. (10)
b) Tertiary syphilis. (15)

2 Skryf kort aantekeninge oor
a) Die mikro-argitektuur van die lewerselplaat. (10)
b) Tersire sifilis. (15)

3 Write short notes on the following
a) The process of healing of a surgical skin wound. (13)
b) The S-100 protein immunohistochemical stain and its diagnostic applications. (6)
c) Cervico-facial actinomycosis (6)

3 Skryf kort aantekeninge oor die volgende
a) Die proses van genesing van n chirurgiese velwond. (13)
b) Die S-100 protene immunohistochemiese kleuring en die diagnostiese aanwendings
daarvan. (6)
c) Serviko-fasiale aktinomikose. (6)
PTO/ Page 2 Question 4

4 a) Describe the possible autopsy findings in a case of kwashiorkor. (10)
b) Discuss the aetiopathogenesis and morphology of chronic gastritis (indicate the
information you will include in a surgical pathology report of a gastric biopsy). (15)

4 a) Beskryf die moontlike nekropsie bevindinge in n geval van kwasjiorkor (10)
b) Bespreek die etiopatogenese en morfologie van chroniese gastritis (dui die inligting aan
wat u sal insluit in n chriurgiese patologie verslag van n maagbiopsie). (15)

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