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A 380-MHz CMOS Linear-in-dB Signal-summing Variable Gain

Amplifier with Gain Compensation Techniques for CDMA Systems
Osamii Watanabe, Slioji Otaka, Mitsuyuki Ashida and Tetsuro Itakura
Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, .Japan

CSCl Signal-summing VGA
A linear-in-dB signal-summing VGA is fabricated in 0.25
pm CMOS technology. Two gain compensation techniques are
proposed in order to compensate the gain deviations due to a
MOSFET characteristic which has a square-law characteristic
or an exponential-law characteristic determined by its current
density. Temperature conipensation techniques are also pro-
posed. A gain range of 80 dB, a gain error of within i 3 dB,
an NF of 11 dB are obtained a t 380 MHz by measurement.
CDMA systems require variable gain amplifiers (VGAs)
with wide dynamic range in both transmitter(TX) and re-
ceiver(RX). Especially for a wide-band CDMA (W-CDMA)
system, not only the wide dynamic ranae but also a hiah ~

frequency operation should be simultaneously satisfied in the

Figure CMOS signal-summing V~~ with CsC
VGA. Although CMOS linear-in-dB VGAs have been reported
11, 21, a linear-in-dB VGA with signal-summing technique suit-
able for wide dynamic range and high frequency operation has
not been realized with CMOS technology, because gain com-
pensation seems complicated for ohtaining a linear-in-dB char-
acteristic as described in the next section. This paper mainly
discusses gain compensation techniques suitable for a CMOS
linear-in-dB VGA with signal-summing technique. T h e mea-
sured results indicate that the VGAs with the proposed gain
compensation techniques are applicable for W-CDMA system.
Gain deviation in signal-summing VGA
A signal-summing VGA with control signal converter(CSC1)
using bipolar transistors has been proposed for ohtaining a
4 -
square-law region exponential-law region
linear-in-dB characteristic. where CSCl comeensat,rs a gain
I ~~~~~

characteristic of the signai-summing VGA[3]. Fig. 1 shows a

CMOS version of the signal-summing VGA with CsC1. Cur- Figure 2: G a i n deviation from linear-in-dB characteristic
rent densities of MlO-M11 and M1-M4 are set to the same
value so as to have differential pairs of M1-M2, M3-M4 op-
where g m M l o , gmM1l are transconductances of M10 and
erate as a current mirror of a differential pair of MlO-M11 in
M11, respectively, I D I , I D ~are drain currents of M10
order to determine a current gain GI,(=AIaut/AItn)by CSCl.
and M11. Equation (2) indicates that the gain-slope is
I D I ( = I o e x p { - R I x / ( a V ~ ) } ) is generated at M21 by a cun-
exp{-RIx/(SnVT)} and the gain decreases 3 dB a t I D I =
trol signal current I x , a resistor R, and M20, M21 operated
I m ( V v = 0) from a linear-in-dB gain line(line A).
in exponential-law region such as bipolar transistors, where
In the case that M1, M3, M10 operate in exponential-law
ID,, lo are drain currents of M21 and MZO, respectively. How- region; that is lower gain region, the current gain G I is ap-
ever, a crucial deviation from linear-in-dB characteristic occurs
proximately cxpressed by
as shown in Fig. 2, because an operating region of M1, M3, M10
is changed from square-law region to exponential-law region as
the current gain is decreased as described below.
In the case that M1, M3, M10 operate in square-law re-
gion; that is, in higher gain region, the current gain of GI is
expressed by
where p = ( l / Z ) p C o x ( W / L ) ,p is a mobility, C o x is gate
oxide capacitance per unit area, n is a constant related on
process parameters, and VT is the thermal voltage. Equation
(3) indicates that the gain-slope is twice of that in square-law

136 02002 IEEE

0-7803-7310-3/02/$17.00 2002 Symposium On VLSl Circuits Digest of Technical Papers

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Gain compensation techniques range ol A M P l can bc about twice that of .4MP2 by applying
an appropriate offset vokage V s B ( - RsIo/2) to gates of M41
Fig. 3 sliowis a block diagram for aht,ainirig linear-in-dB char- and R.143. T h e boundary Vc is determined by circuit simula-
acterist,ics for a CMOS ~:irrrcnt-surrirriilIgVGA with CSCI, t.ion to obtain an accurate linear-in-dB characteristic.
where CSC:< a n d VGAR with CSCZ compensate t h c gain devia- T h e CMOS VGAs arc rlesigiied t,o have the maxirnum gain
tions caused by two st.agcs VGA I , VGA2 of t h e VGA. Proposcrl at IX=O mA. 'rhereforc; diflerential pairs of M40-M41 and
gain compensa1,ion strategies arc ns follows: ( A ) A control sig- M46-M47 are added to canccl DC currents from A M P l and
nal convcrter(CSC3), which mnverts ext,ernal control signal AMP2 at, the cont.rol voltage V C N T =V.~
VCNT t o Ix and has a gain change(g;tin ratio = 211) at a baund-
ary voltage V c , is applied for making t.he gain-slopes of the B. Gain Compensation in Higher Gain Rrgion
square-law region(eq. ( 2 ) ) and exponential-law region(eq. (3))
T h e gain of VG1\3 should be set t o (1 + Z m l I o ) in
equal. (B) Add anothcr signal-surnrning VGA(VGA3) with
order t o compensate the gain error due t,o V G A l and VGAZ as
a control signal converter(CSC2) for compensating a gain de-
indicated from the cquation ( 2 ) . To realizc this, CSCZ which
crease of V G A l and VGA2 at around I D , = r~~ simultane-
comprises CSCI with input current generated by a square
ously, where a maximum of the gain decrease due to V G A l
circuit[4] is proposed as shown in Fig. 5. T h e reasons for adopt-
a n d VGA2 is 6 dR in this case.
ing the square circuit used in CSCZ are as follows: (i) it has
a n even function of VY, (ii) it senses VY = 0 as the condi-
tion of ID,= I D 2 or the condition of a product IDLIDS being
maximum, where a gain-increase of 6 dB is required t o obtain
linear-in-dB characteristic.

........................................... c5c2
, I. ......................

. .

F i g u r e 3: Block d i a g r a m for g a i n c o m p e n s a t i o n and g a i n


A. Gain-slope Compensation in Lower Gain Region

F i g u r e 5 : G a i n compensation i n higher g a i n region

A VGA3's gain(GjVGA3)) in CSC2 is expressed by

&/(& + 6) as shown in equation ( I ) , where ISZ =
l o - I s ] , Is, a n d Isz are drain currents of M34 and M35, re-
spectively. T h e gain compensation within 6 dB gain range
is achieved by changing Is, from 0.2510 t o 0.9Io, namely
GjVGA3)is 0.75, 0.37 at I s , = 0.9Io,0.25Io, respectively, and
0.75/0.37-6 dB. VGA3 are placed in back of VGAI-VGAZ t o
avoid noise degradation, because VGA3 does not have maxi-
mum current gain a t maximum gain of the VGA.
I s , are a sum current of I B ( = 0.2510) and a n output current
of the square circuit(1spn). A maximum current 0.6510 of
I S Q R at VY = 0 can be designed by setting a n appropriate
W/L of MOSFET described below. In a n input voltage IVY[5
. .-
......................................................................... d m , I S Q R of the square circuit is expressed by

F i g u r e 4: CSC3 for gain-slope compensation

CSCY compensates the gain-slope change due to a tran-

where Pu is 0 of M31, M33, K is W/L ratio of M30, M32 and
sition of MOSFET's operation region from square-law re-
gion to exponential-law region. For achieving this compensa- M31, M33[4]. I s ~ approaches
n 0 when IVY~becomes
T h e equation (4) indicates t h a t I S Q R is approximately 0.6510
tion, CSC3 comprises two-parallel connected differential am-
plifiers(AMP1, AMPZ) of the same gain as shown in Fig.4, a t VY = 0 by setting the W/L ratio K to 2. Io and Bu,
where Rlo = R41 = Ra2 = R13 = R s . AMP2 saturates output which determine the voltage range IVY 1 5 of VGA3
current over the boundary voltagec'l of R s l o l l . An input for compensating the gain error, are set from simulated results.

2002 Symposium On VLSl Circuits Digest of Technical Papers 137

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Temperature c o m p e n s a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s +
current of Io(1 AT/To) from temperature-independent CUI-
rent of lo(1 m). Thus, TCVGA's gain increases as tem-
Temperature compensation for both a transconductance perature increases and TCVGA cancels the temperature de-
(9,) of the differential pair M5-M6 shown in Fig. 1 and a ther- pendency of the V G A l ' s gXn. m is set at about 0.3 to avoid
mal voltage VT in equations (2), (3) is required for the pro- a useless gain-decrease, considering that a maximum value of
posed VGA. Fig. 6 shows a block diagram of the proposed V G A AT/T is 0.2 in the temperature range. Our estimation of g,
including the two temperature compensation blocks. deviation of differential amplifiers used i n VGAl-VGA3 is ap-
proximately f 3 d B i n the temperature range. Therefore, the
gain range of about 6 d B around the maximum gain in square-
law region(Fig. 2 ) is assigned for TCVGA. TCVCA is placed
between VGAI-VGA2 and VGA3 far consideration on low-
noise performance.
A Widlar current source(V~ref in Fig.6) is used for the
implementation of the temperature-dependent current source
as shown in Fig. 7. A ratioed MOSFET-pair, M60-M61 o p
erates in exponential-law region for generating PTAT char-
acteristic. Temperature-independent current Io is generated
by summing output currents from a VT-reference bias circuit
Y i and output current from a Vm-reference bias circuit[5], where
VTH is threshold voltage. Then, the temperature dependence
of Io is canceled because the temperature coefficient of the
VT-reference bias circuit has a polarity opposite to that of
Vm-reference bias circuit.

Figure 6: Block diagram of t h e CMOS VGA

The temperature dependence of transconductance g, (=

of a differential pair M5-M6 is caused by that of mo-
bility p in MOSFET, where p = (1/2)pCox(W/L), and Io is
a drain current of M 5 or M6. A temperature-independent gm
can b e obtained by changing I o , i.e., tail current 210 so as to
cancel the temperature dependence of the mobility p. In this
case, however, drain currents of M20, M21 in CSCl need to
have the same temperature dependency as the differential pair
in order to obtain the linear-in-dB characteristic. 5 3 d B gain
deviation is approximately estimated at only the lower gain
region in a temperature range of 4 0 ° C to 80°C, because the
equation (3) indicates that GI depends on a bias current(Io) of
M20. In the above discussion, V T is supposed ~ t o be approx- '.................................... ......................................... .
imately independent of temperature, because p is expressed by
po (T/To)-' and fiis inversely proportional t o temperature, Figure 7: Block diagram for t e m p e r a t u r e compensation
where To is a nominal temperature, po is a mobility at To,
and k is about 2. I t seems difficult to compensate this gain The other temperature Compensation block is TC1, which
deviation in only the lower gain region. Therefore, a gm com- reduces the gain deviation due t o thermal voltage VT as ex-
pensation circuit (TCVGA) regardless of the operating region pressed in equations (Z), ( 3 ) . This temperature compensation
of MOSFETs is introduced, while a tail current 2Io of the dif- is achieved by multiplying the control signal current Ix from
ferential pair M5-M6 and drain currents lo of M20, M21 in CSCJ and a temperature-dependent current Io(1 AT/To) +
C S C l are kept independent of temperature. as shown in Fig. 7131. A linear multiplier is realized using a
TCVGA composed of the signal-summing VGA and C S C l current divider consisting of two differential amplifiers, M i 0 -
blocks with temperature-independent bias current I o are pro- M71 and M72-M73. This multiplier operates so as t o obtain
posed for compensating the temperature-dependent g, as I x / l o = Ix('l')/{Io(l +
AT/To)}. For achieving an accu-
shown in Fig. 6 . The temperature-independent Io is applied for rate multiplication, four MOSFETs M70-M73 are operated in
VGAl-VGA3, TCVGA, B U F F and CSCI-CSC3, where B U F F exponential-law region in the same manner as bipolar transis-
is an output buffer for driving external 50 R load. T h e VG.4 tors.
has temperature dependency of the gain inversely proportional
to temperature in this case, because the differential ampli- Measured results
fier used in VGAl only has no source degeneration resistor
whereas that used in VGA2 and VGA3 has source degenera- A micrograph of the CMOS VGA is shown in Fig. 8. The
tion resistor and the temperature dependency of V G A l ' s g... die size is 1.42 mm x 1.42 m m The CMOS VGA is fabricated
(Efi OL ( T / T o ) - ' )is dominant for the VGA. TCVGA and in 0.25-pm CMOS process. The performance of the IC was
CSCl are almost the same as that shown in Fig. 1, except that measured using a glass-epoxy circuit board.
temperature compensation c u r r e n t ( I r c ) of Io(m - AT/To) is The VGA attained cut-off frequency(3-dB frequency) of
applied in place of I x , where AT = T To, and m is a con-
280 MHz. The cut-off frequency is higher than that of the pre-
stant. I T c is generated by subtracting temperature-dependent vious reports[l, 21. The VGA can be applied to W-CDMA sys-

138 2002 Symposium On VLSl Circuits Digest of Technical Papers

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50 P


Figure 8: Micrograph of the CMOS VGA Figure 10: T e m p e r a t u r e dependency of CMOS VGA

tem because a gain deviation in 4 MHz bandwidth a t 380 MHz Table 1: Measured results
is less than 0.2 dB. Fig. 9 shows a linear-in-dB characteristic
of the proposed VGA a t 25.5 "C, when the signal frequency is
380 MHz. The gain range of80 d B and the gain error of within
Gain deviationQ4 MHz
Gain range -
5 0.2 dB0380 MHz signal
-70 dB 11 d B
5 3 dB
+ 3 d B were achieved. Fig. 9 also shows gain characteristics of
Gain error
NF 5 11 dBQGain=ll d B
VGA without compensation, in which AMP2 in CSC3 and the
square circuit in CSCZ were inacbive. A narrower gain range of
Adj. channel leakage 5 -40 dBc@-19 dBm output
Supply voltage/current 2.5 V125.3 mA
the VGA without compensation compared t o the compensated
VGA is caused by inactive AMP2. Comparison shows that t h e
proposed compensation scheme works well within 3-dB gain
change due t o a transition of MOSFET's operation region from
square-law region t o exponential-law region by a control signal
converter with two-parallel connected differential amplifiers.
The other is a gain increase in higher gain region by using a
control signal converter with a square circuit.
A temperature-dependent transconductance(g,) is compen-
sated by adding additional VGA with a control signal con-
verter having temperature-dependent signal input. Moreover,
temperature-dependent linear-in-dB characteristics are com-
pensated by revising the conventional temperature compensa-
tion techniques for a CMOS version of the VGA.
The measured results indicate that these gain compensation
p'.. techniques and temperature compensation techniques work
Withod cbm~nsationi ! e'.o
well and the VGA is applicable for a transmitter of W-CDMA.

[l] C. W. Mangelsdorf, "A Variable Gain CMOS Amplifier with
Exponential Gain Control," 2UUU Symposium on VLSI Circuits
of Technical Papers, pp. 146-149.
Fig. 10 shows linear-in-dB gain and noise characteristics for 121 T. Yamaji, N. Kanou, and T. Itakura, "A Temperature Stable
the proposed VGA at 25.5 "C, 85 "C, and -32 "C, when the CMOS Variable Gain Amplifier with 80-dB Linearly Controlled
signal frequency is 380 MHe. The gain deviation within 3 dB Gain Range," 2001 Symposium a n VLSI Circuits of Technical
Papers, pp. 77-80.
are achieved over a gain range of 80 d B throughout the tem-
perature range. This figure indicates that the proposed VGA [3] S. Otaka, G. Takemura, and H. Tanimoto, "A Low-Power Low-
is successfully compensated for temperature variations of the Noise Accurate Linear-in-dB Variable-Gain Amplifier with 500-
MHz Bandwidth," IEEE J. Solid-Stote Circuits, Vol. 35, No.
gain. An NF of less than 11 dB was obtained a t the maximum
12, Dec. 2000, pp. 1942-1948.
gain of 11 dB. The measured results are summarized in Table
1. [4] K. Kimura, "Some Circuit Design Techniques for Bipolar and
MOS Pseudologarithniic Rectifiers Operable on Low Supply
Voltape," I E E E Trons. o n Circuits a n d Systems~1:Fundnmental
Conclusions Theory and Applications, Vol. 39, No. 9, Sept. 1992, pp.
Two gain compensation techniques are applied t o a signal-
[5] P. R. Gray and K. 6 . hleyer, Analysis ortd Design of Analog
summing VGA, which is suitable for a wide dynamic range and Integrated Circuits (3rd Ed.], John \Viley & Sons, Inc.
high frequency response. One is to conipensate a gain-slope

2002 Symposium On VLSI Circuits Digest of Technical Papers 139

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