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Topic 3 : Issues On Teachers Ethics

Leaning Outcomes
1 . Explaining the issue of teachers ethics.
2 . Discuss issues on teacher politeness, teachers concern, teacher 's appearance,
business in school part-time career, time management, and financial management
in the context of the teaching profession.
3.0 Introduction
In the teaching profession, teachers need to communicate ith each other either in
institutions or communities. !herefore, a s"stem should be arranged as a guide to be
folloed b" the teachers so that teachers ha#e a mutual respect and politeness,
concern for the profession and the abilit" to manage a good life. !hese guidelines
help to protect their respecti#e interests in#ol#ed so that the" are calm, serene,
ithout harming its interests protected and secured so that it performs the act in
accordance ith the customs of the place and is not contrar" to human rights
generall". !his ould create an ethic teacher beha#ior rule, customs men in mixing
and assertions about hat is right and hat is bad in our societ".
!o protect the image of the profession, e#er" teacher must adhere to professional
ethics, teaching ethics, ethical beha#ior and ethical public ser#ice $%bd. &ahim,
2''(). *e#ertheless, the ethical issues are also a fe teachers that exist because of
certain factors that cause the teacher as guilt" of unethical acts contrar" to the
principles of ethical practice as a ci#il ser#ant. +ometimes these acts committed as a
result of the pressures such as the importance of famil", religion and race. !he
teacher ethics refers to a matter concerning the beha#ior of the teacher thin,s and
discussed openl" and this issue can be a problem or normal. %mong the issues to be
discussed ethics teacher is teacher politeness, caring teachers, teacher's
appearance, trade schools, financial management, time management and career
part- gum that can affect the smooth administration of the organi-ation.
3.1 The issue of teacher politeness
.oliteness is conduct or beha#ior that is able to establish a good relationship ith
each other that ma,e a societ" that is in harmon" and friendl". .oliteness in#ol#es
#erbal or non#erbal beha#ior. /or figures of language, the" argue that politeness is
spea,ing beha#ior that ill create harmon" hen there is a communication. 0hile
1a2ba ho has ritten about the 3ala"s in the beha#ior and eti4uette published in
the 5ournal of the 3ala"an 6ranch $178') lists a number of things to be strict rules in
societ" to control beha#ior and eti4uette. One of the mentioned beha#iors is beha#ior
in con#ersation. %ccording to him, the #oice control is #er" important, e absolutel"
should not scream and raise their #oices as if the" are angr" or tal,ing to the deaf.
0e are also reminded not clinched conference and tal,ed too much else about
"ourself. .raising "ourself is beha#ior that is unacceptable to the people ho hear it.
*oriati $2''9) argues that the beginning of politeness is sincerit" and honest" and
ill disclose hether the commission of #erbal or non-#erbal hich allos all parties.
6ased on such understanding, politeness can be seen in man" a"s in dail"
interactions. &eflect his una#ering containing the manners or eti4uette in dail"
interactions. 0hen people sa" manners, then in someone's reflected the manners or
eti4uette of the good that happens in communities here a person is a member or
member organi-ation. 3odest" is ala"s bipolar, hich has bilateral relations, for
example in case the relationship beteen teachers and pupils, teachers among
teachers and headmaster and teachers.
!eachers ha#e a #er" significant role in building the human capital necessar" to
appreciate that one man so mean hen inside he has a good treatment that stems
from the heart that is pure and clean. Each teacher must exhibit courteous beha#ior
through his ords and the abilit" to communicate using language rules and control
his beha#ior.
:ourteous language is #erbal procedure. 0hen communicating, the teacher should
follo the norms of the culture and not ;ust according to our procedure onl". :ode of
language should correspond to the cultural elements that are in the communit". If the
procedure is not appropriate to spea, of a cultural norms, then the situation ould
in#ite a negati#e #alue such as teachers percei#ed as arrogant, not cultured and ell
:ode language is #er" important to be noted among communicators and participants
for smooth communication. +o, it is essential procedures that this language gi#en
particular attention in the process of teaching and learning $ ! < L ) that do not pose
an" problem . 6" ,noing the languages setting hopefull" people understand hat is
ser#ed in communications.
.rocedure acting and spea,ing that should be done b" the teacher must be in
accordance ith the norms of the societ" in hich the teacher is ser#ing.
6" understanding the local culture, the teacher ill be honored b" the local
communit" and this facilitates the implementation of dail" tas,s effecti#el".
%mong courteous language that must be obser#ed b" e#er" teacher is as follos=
$i) !he ords contain meaning utterance honest, sincere and true.
$ii) >se appropriate #oice intonation ith the purpose of a#oiding rising
intonation that reflects pride and anger that unable be controlled.
$iii) +electing the use of personal pronouns and calling s"stem as ell as
the exact address of the honor of hearing $the in#ited tal,).
$i#) *o clinching the con#ersation, do not interrupt people tal,ing and
selfishness and his on #ies onl".
$#) >se appropriate strategies in order to a#oid the express purpose of
listening offended, for example using ords that implied $indirectness).
$#i) :ompl" ith language that meets the communit" here the teachers
%s for politeness in#ol#e non#erbal beha#ior such as st"le of dress, ho to sit, ho
to connect ith others li,e smiling, sa"ing hello and greetings.
!eachers must isel" choose the st"le of dress to school because the st"le of dress
for the people of 3ala"sia are associated ith the 3ala"sian culture is closel"
related to cultural and religious beliefs. It is unbecoming of a teacher earing clothes
that are too tight, or rarel" re#eals her bod" as st"le is not onl" contrar" to the
religious beliefs but also effect concentration e#en bother students hile stud"ing. It
also has to do ith the image is that teachers should not dress li,e an entertainer.
!eachers also need to control his beha#ior. % teacher should not be cruel and rude,
getting mad ith students in public ith #ulgar ords because students ould not be
able to be educated ith the beha#ior of teachers ho are not courteous.
?entle and caring attitude is the attitude that one teacher should ha#e in themsel#es.
>nfortunatel" hen there are teachers ho do not successfull" demonstrate the
supremac" of his character so much that not onl" the students unable to emulate
e#en societ" as a hole lost trust and respect for the teacher. @ence, the folloing
are set some eti4uette teacher characteristics as a guideline=
$#ii) +incere, honest, ,ind, caring and illing to sacrifice.
$#iii) 6e grateful and than,ful for the blessings and benefits deri#ed $to sa"
than,s to those ho do good deeds to "ou).
$ix) 6old, asserti#e and able to correct the bad things from happening.
$x) Aaluing and respecting others e#en among the "ounger, disabled, poor
and less intelligent.
$xi) >sing ords for good things and not to hurt others.
$xii) /riendl", generous and illing to impro#e their ea,nesses.
3.2 Issues on Concern Teachers
'Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing Himself
Leo !olsto" $n.d)
B*o one cares about me.', a student2s complaint toards teachers in school. !he"
feel nobod" care about them, both at home and at school. !hus, it is the
responsibilit" of teachers to ,no and care of their students.
0hat is the purpose of concern teachersC %ccording to @all, ?eorge and &utherford
$17((), caring is defined as a composite representation of the feelings, thoughts and
attention gi#en to a particular issue or tas, $p. 8). 0hile Aan den 6erg and &os
$1777) concept it as concern to 4uestions, doubts and possible resistance b"
teachers hen facing ne situations or challenging claims $p. DD'). !hus, it can be
concluded that caring teacher refers to a combination of feelings, thoughts and
attention gi#en b" the teacher of the issues encountered during the execution of his
dut" .
3oreo#er, @a#eloc, $1778) argue that the concern is the forces that ill propel a
process of change, a change that exists in some people caring about something is
not right and no one else should do something about it. @e suggested that the
agents of change need to identif" concern teachers hen the" begin a planned
change as stated b" @a#eloc, $1778=12)=
'The first task of the change agent is to develop some sense of what the
concern is, a sense of where the system seems to be hurting, and where
the need for change is most pressing ... The change agent needs to look
around and to listen to what is being said by different members of the
system before determining what the real concern is.'
!o appl" inno#ation and implementation in education, @all et al. $17(() suggest
:oncerns -6ased %doption 3odel, hich outlines se#en stages of concern hich
pro#ides guidance on ho to understand and address the concern at hand. !he
se#en stages are aareness, informational, personal, management, conse4uence,
collaborati#e and focused again. %t first, the teacher reali-ed hen an inno#ation is
introduced, but he as not #er" interested or bothered him. 6" ha#ing an aareness
of rele#ant respondents caring for inno#ation allos an"one could pro#ide assistance
to the teacher as appropriate. &an,ed concern informational refers to teachers ho
are alread" beginning to be interested in some of the information about the change.
/olloing this, the teacher might ant to ,no the impact of the change on him. %s a
participant in this change, teachers also ta,e care about ho change can be
managed during implementation. %s a result of this management le#el, the teachers
in#ol#ed in the inno#ation interested on the impact of inno#ation on students or
school. Once aare of the impact, the teacher ill stri#e to or, ith colleagues to
ensure the effecti#eness of the changes made. !he final step is to purif" the
inno#ation to impro#e student learning results.
!urning to the concern of teachers in the school context, teachers ho care ill
focus their attention on the students. !he" do the actions to meet needs and
re4uirements of students ho ha#e not met. !eachers ho care emphasi-e the
de#elopment of students in terms of ph"sical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual.
!eachers understand that the" form students holisticall" hich means students can
gro intellectuall" b" capturing specific ,noledge until the" e#ol#ed into human
capital through personalit" re#ered b" all. /urthermore, teachers ho care about the
camaraderie ith the students, as ell as listen to the student concerned, creating a
conduci#e en#ironment, understand their students indi#iduall"E empath", and the
academic and emotional needs of students.
6ased on studies performed on concern teacher, there are se#en categories of
teachers identified concern, the concern is not in#ol#ed in teaching, the role of
teachers, content and discipline , personal relationships F social F emotional teacher
and student, teaching methods and assessment of student learning, learning
students for teaching and self impro#ement as a teacher $/uller et al., 17(2).
/urthermore, /uller, .arsons and 0at,ins $17(9) classifies the concern of teachers
to specific categories based on three le#els, namel" the completion of the self $self-
ade4uac"), the tas,s of teaching and teaching impact.
:oncern in terms of self impro#ement more commonl" referred to the concern of
sur#i#al $sur#i#al) that are often faced b" ne teachers and one of the aspects
included in the concern of teacher is consent super#isors, administrati#e support,
relationships ith other teachers, content and disciplinar" problems. :oncern has an
influence on teachers' abilit" to teach and their effecti#eness in the classroom $%dam
< 3artra", 17D1).
:oncern teachers in the teaching duties, teachers regardless of teaching materials F
methods of effecti#e and specific or,load. !eachers are no longer orried about
sur#i#al in the classroom. Instead, the" are concerned about the feelings of their
students and care about student learning assessment $/uller, 17(9).
:oncern about the impact of shifting the focus of teaching to the students as a
hole. !eachers at this le#el are more confident about their abilit" to teach, the
classroom en#ironment and relationships ith schools and students . !eachers are
more focused on the needs of students and the impro#ement of education $%dams <
3artra", 17D1). /urthermore, teachers need to ta,e care of themsel#es and
professional enhancement of ethical issues in the education s"stem hich can ha#e
an impact on students. !eachers at all le#els of experience concern throughout their
profession. !eacher trainees need to ta,e care of #arious aspects of teaching
experienceE obser#ations b" super#isors, maintaining good discipline, or,load,
contextual problems $here the location of the materials, ho to ta,e recogni-ance
of other teachers and the mo#ement in the ne en#ironment), research career
options and the o#erall perception of teaching $G"riacou < +tephens, 1777).
!herefore, student teachers should discuss their concern ith mentors and
In summar", the issue of concern for teachers is an aspect that is often experienced
b" teachers hen setting foot into the realm of teaching. %ll teachers ill go through
the stages of concern and aspects such as the tas,s of teaching, classroom
management and sub;ect content as ell as disciplinar" problems ill be ta,en care
b" the classroom teacher. One of the a"s that teachers deal ith the problem is to
reflect on the dail" caring and illing to accept feedbac, from other teachers as ell
as mentor or super#isor about the problem.
3.3 Appearance of Teacher
%ppearance of teachers referred to the personal characteristics of the teacher,
including attitudes, beliefs, interests, appreciation and #alues. +teart $2''8) defines
the appearance of the character traits and personalit" that are considered necessar"
for a person's success as a teacher. !raits include aspects of responsibilit",
dependabilit", creati#it", empath" and professionalism. @ence, it's no onder man"
studies indicating attitudes, #alues and beliefs of teachers about students, teaching
and his influence and impact on student learning and de#elopment $:ollinson et al.,
1777). It is important for educators and teachers to ,no and understand the
appearance of effecti#e teachers so that the" can create experiences that ill help
shape the characteristics of students and help students explore hether the" ha#e
the appearance to teach $disposition to teach). *o, the appearance referred to as
standard, that all teachers should ,no, act normall" and can perform tas,s
responsibl" regardless of sub;ect matter or grade le#el taught $I*!%+:, 2''8).
?enerall", the appearance includes a combination of past experience, social
relations, #alues, attitudes and beliefs $:ric, et al., 2''9).
@oard $2''() describes four ,e" characteristics that stimulate appearance and
personalit" of teachers that can produce significantl" better outcomes. !hose ho
adapt and exhibit these characteristics are those that ill produce positi#e student.
%ll four of these features consist of appearances for the difference, dialogue,
disillusionment and democrac".
$i) %ppearance of difference
/or teachers ho ha#e to deal ith different appearance suggests that teachers
need to ha#e a le#el of s,ill -based culture, an abilit" to identif" and recogni-e certain
realities created in the classroom ith a #ariet" of cultures. It as also shon that
teachers are at a comfortable le#el of characteristic such as race, religion and
gender. !eachers ho can come in different cultural situations is a ,e" element to be
an effecti#e teacher and a positi#e influence on the li#es of students. 0hether male
or female students, hite or blac,, religious or not, conser#ati#e or liberal, teachers
need to ,no to stand up properl" to deal ith the differences. !he abilit" to stand in
the face of sensiti#e issues in a sincere, sensiti#e and meaningful "ardstic, of an
educator is effecti#e. !hose ho are unable to do so ma" affect the preparation of
students to participate effecti#el" in the orld around students.
$ii) %ppearance for dialogue
%ppearance for dialogue is here teachers sho passion and desire to ,no the
other person and this refers to the illingness to explore the similarities and
differences are beteen indi#iduals. @oard $2''() identified to t"pes of dialogue
related to the teaching profession, the professional dialogue beteen colleagues and
dialogue in the classroom beteen teachers and students.
&egular dialogue beteen teachers and their colleagues are able to deal ith the
a" in hich teachers' attitudes, beliefs and practices of their colleagues. !his is an
opportunit" for teachers to ma,e a comparison beteen them and learning from
each other through the exchange of #ies.
Dialogue beteen teachers and students is #er" important for gi#ing them the
opportunit" to communicate. In addition, students are gi#en the opportunit" to appl"
a #ariet" of life experiences among students so that teaching and learning process
more meaningful.
!eachers are able to come to face the frustration is shoing openness teachers loo,
outside of their on culture and the abilit" to examine beliefs and #ies be"ond.
%ccording to @oard $2''() teachers can explore and set aside the illusion delusion
is more responsi#e in terms of culture in #arious en#ironments.
$i#) Democrac"
!eachers ho are effecti#e in appearance represented those ho are able to identif"
the importance of democrac" hich is all students ha#e an e4ual opportunit" to
engage in all acti#ities. !eachers are open and pro#ide opportunities for students to
engage in the process of ! < L.
%s a hole, students are educated in a multicultural en#ironment ill gro excellent
if the teacher has the appearance of a difference, dialogue and disillusion. +uch
students ill succeed and be better prepared for societ" changing toards a more
democratic dialogue ithin the communit" that is ala"s #er" important. It is not
enough to ,no that hate#er e thin, about is oursel#es. @oe#er in this situation,
is the first step in the exploration toards becoming an effecti#e teacher.
/urthermore, it has become a necessit" to thin, about a"s to change and impro#e
the appearance F disposition or the perception of teachers in training and teachers in
ser#ice. .oers $1777) noted that the appearance of a #ariet" of standards outlined
in the appearance can be taught to students. @e also proposed an alternati#e to the
appearance of teaching. @is proposal is that student teachers should ha#e
aareness of appropriate appearance and use it as best as possible. In addition,
pre-ser#ice teachers can be placed in certain situations in order to gi#e them the
opportunit" to connect ith teachers ho exhibit the characteristics of a suitable
appearance is modeled so as not to conflict ith the teacher ethics.
3.4 Business in School
6usiness certainl" has a space an"here in the or,place or in the staff room. +taff
room is commonl" obser#ed in the business. @oe#er, teachers are concerned
about this ha#e expressed concern that if the situation is not controlled businesses.
:oncerns and their orries are not ithout foundation because some teachers are
enthusiastic business to forget and neglect their responsibilities.
!eacher such actions effect the image of the noble profession in the past. !he
teacher should perform his duties as an educator in the classroom instead of doing
business in school. +ometimes there are teachers ho do business from car boot
and the situation actuall" #iolated the ethics of public ser#ice and teachers are bound
b" the ?eneral Orders hich ill o#ersee the conduct and ethical beha#ior of
emplo"ees in the public ser#ice. !herefore, the authorities should pla" a role b"
pro#iding comments and ta,e appropriate action against such teachers ho tarnish
the image of the teaching profession.
3. !art Ti"e Career
!he educators classified as educational ser#ices officer and an integral part of
go#ernment officials. 6ut the" are sub;ect to the rules and las of the ci#il ser#ice. %s
go#ernment officials, e are sub;ect to the ?eneral Orders of the ?o#ernment and
conduct. :i#il ser#ants must obtain appro#al to do part-time or, to supplement their
income. %ppro#al ill onl" be gi#en if the part-time ;ob that does not conflict ith
regulations such as part-time or, is not done in or,ing hours and does not affect
their or,. +ome teachers, including part-time ;obs pro#ide tuition classes or online
classes to help students o#ercome difficulties in a #ariet" of sub;ects using the
expertise of outside or, hours ithout affecting their performance. /or example, the
teachers held classes and lectures to gi#e a speech or or,ing part-time in pri#ate
institutions to supplement their income. @oe#er, the go#ernment should ta,e to
monitor their performance ill not be affected producti#it" hile performing the tas,
as public ser#ants.
!here are teachers ho consider their careers as part-time and prioriti-e their
acti#ities in additional findings b" conducting tuition classes in their home. !he"
emphasi-e tuition compared to their role in the school. %ccording to the ministr"
circular, prohibited teachers pro#ide tuition and if teachers are to hold a class, he
should not teach more than six hours a ee,. @e must get permission from the
Department of Education in ad#ance.
!eachers ho adhere to a :ode of Ethics for !eachers should not accept student
tuition fees, especiall" if he teaches his on students. If the teacher teaches his
students, of course he does not concentrate on the teaching process in the
classroom. 3onitoring b" particular authorit" is needed to ensure that teachers can
carr" out its responsibilities in the school and not the other a" round.
3.# Ti"e $ana%e"ent
!ime management is a personal process and must be appropriate to the st"le and
condition of oneself. !ime management is a discipline for the teacher. Effecti#e time
management depends on the person, hich is the extent to hich a firm is in
managing to achie#e desired.
In summar", time management is an effecti#e time planning either on a dail", ee,l"
or long term to allo time for the acti#ities of lectures, learning, leisure, personal
responsibilit" and brea, $?ood, 17(H).
!ime management in#ol#es to dimensions, hich are time management for
teachers themsel#es and instill the importance of time management aspects in the
minds of students. Iualit" teacher is the teacher ho is illing to s"stematic
planning time and ill perform the duties prescribed time schedule.
In terms of time management for oneself, a teacher needs to plan the ! < L o#er the
period of time ell in order not to aste student2s time. !eachers also need to be
punctual hen entering the classroom so that students can ac4uire the ,noledge
and s,ills full". !eachers should not s4uander student2s precious time. !his is
because, e#er" minute allocated onl" to be meaningful if the students are able to
gain ,noledge and s,ills gi#en. /ulfilling the time re4uired b" the school,
producti#it" ill increase, hile if the teacher late coming into the class, the teacher
is accountable to its or,. +tudents ill face a loss of #aluable time and astage of
time if not managed properl". !he timeliness of entering the classroom, teachers can
a#oid mishaps, such as students ho do nois" and naught" beha#ior in the
classroom. +tudents ill respect the teachers ho has ne#er been late in the
!urning to self-management of time, thin, about "our time management too. %s,
"ourself, ho much time do "ou spend doing tas,s that are not important and the
things that do not contribute to the success of "our careerC Do "ou ,no ho much
time "ou ha#e to use to read "our mail, chatting ith colleagues, ma,ing coffee and
lunchC +ometimes e thin,, 'I ish I had the extra half an hour a da" and ho man"
things I can do. Do "ou ha#e long-term plansC
In order to self- managing time ell, all teachers should use the folloing acti#it" log.
6" ,eeping this log for a fe da"s ill help "ou understand ho "ou use "our time
and the time hen "ou did a good ;obC
&ecord "our acti#ities in the log follos=
!ime Desciption of acti#ities .eriod Aalue
6ased on the completed acti#it" logs, "ou ill aare of time management in "our life.
Jou ill find out ;ust ho producti#e "ou in time management as a potential teacher.
Log acti#it" is a useful tool for auditing the a" e use our time. Log acti#ities also
help us to determine changes in the energ" and effecti#eness of our all da". 6"
examining the log, one can identif" and reduce aste of time to produce something
that is beneficial. % person can also outline the most effecti#e time for him so he can
do the important tas,s at that time.
Case stud&:
A history teacher enter the classroom twenty minutes late. He taught in haste
because he wants to finish a topic that has been planned. ue to time constraints,
he does not give students the opportunity to ask !uestions or make discussion on
the topic being taught. "ometimes, he had to take the following period as necessary
to complete the work and finish the syllabus.
3.' (inancial $ana%e"ent
/inancial management can be discussed from to aspects= firstE ho to manage
finances hile on the ;ob at the school here the teacher is a teacher and secondE
a"s a teacher himself and famil" financial management so as not plagued
complexit" in financial matters.
%mong the issues around financial management is a problem in terms of the
collection of &esources .ublic 3one" $+>0%) in the earl" "ears. 3one" leased a
public collection and sources of finance that could be considered include student
fees, donations, public donations, rental propert" such as school canteens, buses
and the proceeds from the school pro;ects $%bdullah +ani, 2''8). /or the classroom,
teachers, the" are responsible for collecting special fees and maga-ine fees.
!eachers encountered problems producing a receipt for each item fee. !his
complicates the tas, of the teacher. Other problem is in terms of maga-ine fees as
onl" a famil" of the bill. !herefore, teachers need time to locate famil" members.
+ometimes teachers ta,e some time to arrange finance students because there is a
late pa"ment fee should cause teachers to sa#e mone" and later handed o#er the
mone" to the office.
%ccording to +hahril K :hahril $2''8), a ma;or problem in the financial management
of the school is the teachers ma,e purchases ithout folloing the procedure of
purchase. /or example, there are teachers ho ma,e a purchase of goods or
de#ices ithout using an order form, fill in addition there is also an order form after a
fe months. /or example, some teachers simpl" submit a receipt or in#oice in the
folloing "ear.
!his is a clear #iolation of the financial and principals ha#e the right to refuse
pa"ment $%ffandi %bdul &ahim, 2''H in +hahril K :hahril, 2''8).
In addition, there is also form teachers ho collect special fees from students but not
handing o#er the proceeds to the school. Instead, the teacher spends the mone"
in#ol#ed and it is onl" ,non to the school hen a student complains of not recei#ing
a receipt. @ence, there is also a classroom teacher ho handed o#er the collection
of special fees to the school a fe ee,s or months then it stands to reason to ait
until all students ha#e paid the fees $0an %-man 0an Idris, 2''2). !his situation
complicates the case of financial management b" the school.
E#en though external factors that complicate teachers financial management,
teachers need to ha#e accountabilit" for the mone" collected and in charge. If stored
and managed efficientl", the teacher ill be safe. 6ut if it fails to manage mone"
properl" collected, problems ill arise for the school and he unable to deal ith hen
the mone" collected from the student to the office.
!eachers should ala"s practice #irtues and isdom moderate se#erit" prudent
financial management of self and famil". !eachers need to be cautious hen
shopping, not practicing extra#agant lifest"le and lo#e to boast. !eachers should
,no the difference beteen needs and luxuries, spend isel" according to "ourself
and famil". !eachers should ,no to sa#e for future self and famil".
3.) Su""ar&
!his chapter has discussed the ethical issues that are constantl" raised in the
education field. %mong them are courteous and concern teachers, teacher's
appearance, business in school, part-time career, time management and financial
management. !he role of the teacher profession is tested hen an image tarnished
b" a handful of teachers in terms of their beha#ior. !herefore, teachers must adhere
to the !eachers :ode of Ethics in order to protect the image of the teaching
profession. On the issue of teacher politeness, he should exhibit politeness in terms
of ho to dress, ho to act, ho to tal, and ho to spea,. In addition, concern
teacher hich is a combination of feelings, thoughts and attention gi#en b" the
teacher of issues affecting the performance of his duties should be gi#en attention.
!eachers need to reflect on the dail" caring and read" to recei#e feedbac, from other
teachers as ell as mentor or super#isor about the problem. %s a competent teacher,
his appearance in the classroom need to be addressed because teachers ho
exhibit the characteristics of a suitable appearance ill be a role model to the
students. .
In the teaching field, teachers must adhere to a code of ethics as a public ser#ant
hen to run part-time or,, in school and manage business finances either for
school or himself. !eachers should be held accountable and ha#e accountabilit"
based on his or, to preser#e and enhance the teaching profession. !he" ha#e to
manage time isel" so as to impro#e the performance and producti#it" of the
*oin acti+ities
!eacher responsible ith its on time management and emphasi-e the important of
time management among students. :onduct research on "our time management.
0hat is the importance of managing time isel"C
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