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Academic Regulations 2009 for B. Tech (Regular)

(Effective for the students admitted into I year
from the Academic Year 2009-2010 onwards)
1. Award of B.Tech. Degree
A student will be declared eliible for the award of the !"#ech"
$eree if he fulfils the followin academic reulations%
i. &ursue a course of study for not less than four academic years and
in not more than eiht academic years"
ii. 'eister for 220 credits and secure all 220credits
2. (tudents) who fail to fulfil all the academic re*uirements for the
award of the deree within eiht academic years from the year of
their admission) shall forfeit their seat in !"#ech course and their
admission is cancelled"
3. ourses of stud!
#he courses of study are offered at +resent for s+eciali,ation for the !"
#ech" -ourse%
".#o. Branch
1. Aeronautical Enineerin"
2" !iotechnoloy"
." -ivil Enineerin"
/" -om+uter (cience and Enineerin"
0" -om+uter (cience and (ystem Enineerin"
1" Electrical and Electronics Enineerin"
2" Electronics and -ommunication Enineerin"
3" Electronics and -om+uter Enineerin"
9" Electronics and -ontrol Enineerin"
10" Electronics and Instrumentation Enineerin"
11" Information #echnoloy"
12" 4echanical Enineerin"
and any other course as a++roved by the authorities of the 5niversity
from time to time"

$. redits
I Year (emester
&eriods 7 8ee9 -redits &eriods 7 8ee9 -redits
#heory 0. 01 0. 0/
02 0/ -- --
&ractical 0. 0/ 0. 02
$rawin 01 01 0.
(eminar -- -- 1 02
&ro6ect -- -- 10 10
%. Distri&ution and 'eightage of (ar)s
i" #he +erformance of a student in each semester 7 I year
shall be evaluated sub6ect :wise with a ma;imum of 100 mar9s
for theory and 20 mar9s for +ractical sub6ect" In addition seminar
and +ro6ect wor9 shall be evaluated for 00 and 200 mar9s
ii" <or theory sub6ects the distribution shall be .0 mar9s
for Internal Evaluation and 20 mar9s for the End-E;amination"
iii" <or theory sub6ects) durin the semester there shall be
#wo midterm e;aminations" Each mid term e;amination consists
of ob6ective +a+er for 10 mar9s and sub6ective +a+er for 20 mar9s
with duration of 1hour 00 minutes (20 minutes for ob6ective and
90 minutes for sub6ective +a+er)"
=b6ective +a+er is set for 20 bits for 10 mar9s" (ub6ective +a+er
shall contain 0 *uestions of which student has to answer .
*uestions evaluated* for 20 mar9s" <irst mid term e;amination
shall be conducted for I-I> units of syllabus and second mid term
e;amination shall be conducted for > ->III units" #he total mar9s
secured by the student in each mid term e;amination for .0 mar9s
is considered and the better of the two mid term e;aminations
shall be ta9en as the final sessional mar9s secured by each
candidate in the sub6ect"
?owever for first year) there shall be #hree midterm e;aminations
as in the above +attern and the averae mar9s of the best two
midterm e;aminations secured in each sub6ect shall be considered
as final mar9s for sessionals"
*@ote 1% #he sub6ective +a+er shall contain 0 *uestions of e*ual
weihtae of 10 mar9s and the mar9s obtained for .*uestions
shall be condensed to 20 mar9s) any fraction rounded off to the
ne;t hiher mar9
*@ote 2% #he mid term e;amination shall be conducted first by
distribution of the =b6ective +a+er simultaneously mar9in the
attendance) after 20minutes the answered ob6ective +a+er is
collected bac9" #he student is not allowed to leave the
e;amination hall" #hen the descri+tive *uestion +a+er and the
answer boo9let are distributed" After 90minutes the answered
boo9lets are collected bac9"
iv" <or +ractical sub6ects there shall be a continuous
evaluation durin the semester for 20 sessional mar9s and 00 end
e;amination mar9s" $ay-to-day wor9 in the laboratory shall be
evaluated for 20 mar9s by the concerned laboratory teacher based
on the re+ort of e;+eriments76obs" #he end e;amination shall be
conducted by the laboratory teacher and another e;aminer"
v" <or the sub6ect havin desin and 7 or drawin) such as
Enineerin $rawin) 4achine $rawin and estimation) the
distribution shall be .0 mar9s for internal evaluation and 20
mar9s for end e;amination" #he Internal evaluation for sessionals
will be 10 mar9s for day-to-day wor9 in the class that shall be
evaluated by the concerned sub6ect teacher based on the
re+orts7submissions +re+ared in the class" And there shall be two
midterm e;ams in a (emester for a duration of 2hrs each) evenly
distributed over the syllabi for 10 mar9s and the better of the two
shall be considered as internal test mar9s" #he sum of day to day
evaluation and the internal test mar9s will be the final sessionals
for the sub6ect" ?owever in the I year class) there shall be three

midterm e;ams and the averae of best two will be ta9en into
vi" #here shall be a seminar +resentation in I> year II
(emester" <or the seminar) the student shall collect the
information on a s+eciali,ed to+ic and +re+are a technical re+ort)
showin his understandin over the to+ic) and submit to the
de+artment before +resentation" #he re+ort and the +resentation
shall be evaluated by the $e+artmental committee consistin of
?ead of the de+artment) seminar su+ervisor and a senior faculty
member" #he seminar shall be evaluated for 00 mar9s and mar9s
shall be submitted to the 5niversity alon with internal mar9s"
#here shall be no e;ternal e;amination for seminar"
vii" =ut of a total of 200 mar9s for the +ro6ect wor9) 10
mar9s shall be for Internal Evaluation and 1/0 mar9s for the End
(emester E;amination (>iva-voce)" #he viva-voce shall be
conducted by a committee consistin of ?=$) &ro6ect (u+ervisor
and an E;ternal E;aminer nominated by the 5niversity" #he
evaluation of +ro6ect wor9 shall be conducted at the end of the I>
year" #he Internal Evaluation shall be made by the de+artmental
committee) on the basis of two seminars iven by each student on
the to+ic of his +ro6ect"
viii" Aaboratory mar9s and the sessional mar9s awarded by
the -ollee are not final" #hey are sub6ect to scrutiny and scalin
by the 5niversity wherever necessary" In such cases) the sessional
and laboratory mar9s awarded by the -ollee will be referred to a
-ommittee" #he -ommittee will arrive at a scalin factor and the
mar9s will be scaled as +er the scalin factor" #he
recommendations of the -ommittee are final and bindin"
i;" #he laboratory records and internal test +a+ers shall be
+reserved in the res+ective institutions as +er the 5niversity
norms and shall be +roduced to the -ommittees of the 5niversity
as and when the same are as9ed for"
+. Attendance Re,uirements-
i" A student shall be eliible to a++ear for 5niversity e;aminations
if he ac*uires a minimum of 20B of attendance in areate of all
the sub6ects in a semester7 I year"
ii" "hortage of Attendance &elow +%. in aggregate shall in #/
case &e condoned"
iii" -ondonation of shortae of attendance in areate u+ to 10B
(10B and above and below 20B) in each semester or I year may
be ranted by the -ollee Academic -ommittee"
iv" (tudents whose shortae of attendance is not condoned in any
semester 7 I year are not eliible to ta9e their end e;amination of
that class and their reistration shall stand cancelled"
v" A student will not be +romoted to the ne;t semester unless he
satisfies the attendance re*uirements of the +resent semester 7 I
year) as a++licable" #hey may see9 readmission for that
semester 7 I year when offered ne;t"
vi" A sti+ulated fee shall be +ayable towards condonation of shortae
of attendance to the 5niversity"
0. (inimum Academic Re,uirements-
#he followin academic re*uirements have to be satisfied in
addition to the attendance re*uirements mentioned in item no"+
i" A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum
academic re*uirements and earned the credits allotted to each
theory) +ractical) desin) drawin sub6ect or +ro6ect if he secures
not less than .0B of mar9s in the end e;amination and a
minimum of /0B of mar9s in the sum total of the internal
evaluation and end e;amination ta9en toether" In the (eminar he
should secure /0B"
ii" A student shall be +romoted from II to III year only if he fulfils
the academic re*uirement of securin $0 credits from
a" =ne reular and one su++lementary e;aminations of I year"
b"=ne reular e;amination of II year I semester
irres+ective of whether the candidate ta9es the end e;amination or
not as +er the normal course of study"

iii" A student shall be +romoted from third year to fourth year only if
he fulfils the academic re*uirements of securin +1 credits from
the followin e;aminations)
a" #wo reular and two su++lementary e;aminations of I year"
b" #wo reular and one su++lementary e;aminations of II year I
c" =ne reular and one su++lementary e;aminations of II year II
d" =ne reular e;amination of III year I semester"
irres+ective of whether the candidate ta9es the end e;amination or
not as +er the normal course of study"
And in case of ettin detained for want of credits by sections ii and
iii above) the student may ma9e u+ the credits throuh su++lementary
e;ams of the above e;ams before the date of class wor9
commencement of #hird or <ourth year I semester res+ectively"
iv" A student shall reister and +ut u+ minimum attendance in all 220
credits and earn all the 220 credits" 4ar9s obtained in all 220
credits shall be considered for the calculation of +ercentae of
mar9s obtained"
v" (tudents who fail to earn 220 credits as indicated in the
course structure within eiht academic years from the year of
their admission shall forfeit their seat in !"#ech course and their
admission shall stand cancelled"
1. ourse 2attern-
i" #he entire course of study is of four academic years"
#he first year shall be on yearly +attern and the second) third and
fourth years on semester +attern"
ii" A student eliible to a++ear for the end e;amination in
a sub6ect) but absent at it or has failed in the end e;amination may
a++ear for that sub6ect at the ne;t su++lementary e;amination
iii" 8hen a student is detained due to lac9 of credits 7
shortae of attendance he may be re-admitted when the semester
is offered after fulfilment of academic reulations) whereas he
continues to be in the academic reulations he was first admitted"
9. Transitor! Regulations-
-andidates who have been detained for want of attendance or not
fulfilled academic re*uirements or who have failed after havin
underone the course in earlier reulations or have discontinued and
wish to continue the course are eliible for admission into the
unfinished semester from the date of commencement of class wor9
with the same or e*uivalent sub6ects as and when sub6ects are offered)
sub6ect to (ection 2" and they continues to be in the academic
reulations they were first admitted"
10. 'ith3holding of results%
If the candidate has any dues not +aid to the university or if any case
of indisci+line or mal+ractice is +endin aainst him) the result of the
candidate shall be withheld and he will not be allowed 7 +romoted
into the ne;t hiher semester" #he issue of deree is liable to be
withheld in such cases"
11. Award of lass-
After a student has satisfied the re*uirements +rescribed for the
com+letion of the +roram and is eliible for the award of !"
#ech" $eree he shall be +laced in one of the followin four
lass Awarded . of mar)s to &e
<rom the
secured for
the best 220
<irst -lass with $istinction 20B and above
<irst -lass !elow 20B but not
less than 10B
(econd -lass !elow 10B but not
less than 00B
&ass -lass !elow 00B but not
less than /0B

(#he mar9s in internal evaluation and end e;amination shall be
shown se+arately in the mar9s memorandum)
12. (inimum 4nstruction Da!s-
#he minimum instruction days includin e;ams for each semester 7
I year shall be 907130 days res+ectively"
13. #here shall be no branch transfers after the com+letion of admission
1$. #here shall be no +lace transfer within the -onstituent -ollees"
1%. 5eneral-
i. The academic regulations should &e read as a whole for 2ur2ose
of an! inter2retation"
ii. (al2ractices rules6 nature and 2unishments is
iii. 'here the words 7he89 7him89 7his89 occur in the
regulations9 the! include 7she89 7her89 7hers8.
i:. 4n the case of an! dou&t or am&iguit! in the
inter2retation of the a&o:e rules9 the decision of the ;ice6
hancellor is final.
:. The <ni:ersit! ma! change or amend the academic
regulations or s!lla&i at an! time and the changes or
amendments shall &e made a22lica&le to all the students on
roles with effect from the dates notified &! the <ni:ersit!.
AAD=(4 R=5<>AT4/#" ?/R B. T=@.
(>AT=RA> =#TRA "@=(=)
(Effective for the students ettin admitted into II year throuh Aateral
Entry (cheme from the Academic Year 2010-2011 and onwards)
1. Award of B.Tech. Degree
A student admitted in AE( will be declared eliible for the award
of the !" #ech $eree if he fulfils the followin academic
i. &ursue a course of study for not less than three academic years and in
not more than si; academic years"
ii" 'eister for 113 credits and secure all 113 credits from II to I> year
of 'eular !"#ech" +roram
2. (tudents) who fail to fulfil the re*uirement for the award of the
deree in si; consecutive academic years from the year of
admission) shall forfeit their seat"
3. #he reulations 3 to + are to be ado+ted as that of !" #ech"
0. (inimum Academic Re,uirements -
#he followin academic re*uirements have to be satisfied in addition
to the attendance re*uirements mentioned in item no"+
i" A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic
re*uirements and earned the credits allotted to each theory) +ractical)
desin) drawin sub6ect or +ro6ect if he secures not less than .0B of
mar9s in the end e;amination and a minimum of /0B of mar9s in the
sum total of the internal evaluation and end e;amination ta9en toether"
<or the (eminar he should secure /0B in the internal evaluation"
ii" A student shall be +romoted from third year to fourth year only if he
fulfils the academic re*uirements of /2 credits from the followin
a" #wo reular and one su++lementary e;aminations of II year I
b" =ne reular and one su++lementary e;aminations of II year II
c" =ne reular e;amination of III year I semester"
irres+ective of whether the candidate ta9es the end e;amination or
not as +er the normal course of study"

and in case of ettin detained for want of credits the student may
ma9e u+ the credits throuh su++lementary e;ams of the above
e;ams before the date of class wor9 commencement of <ourth year
I semester"
1. ourse Battern
i" #he entire course of study is three academic years on semester
ii" A student eliible to a++ear for the end e;amination in a sub6ect)
but absent at it or has failed in the end e;amination may a++ear for
that sub6ect at the ne;t su++lementary e;amination offered"
iii" 8hen a student is detained due to lac9 of credits 7 shortae of
attendance he may be re-admitted when the semester is offered after
fulfilment of academic reulations) whereas he continues to be in
the academic reulations he was first admitted"
9. #he reulations 9 to 10 are to be ado+ted as that of !" #ech"
11. Award of lass-
After a student has satisfied the re*uirements +rescribed for the
com+letion of the +roram and is eliible for the award of !" #ech"
$eree he shall be +laced in one of the followin four classes%
<irst -lass with $istinction 20B and above
<rom the
mar9s secured
for 113
(i"e" II year to
I> year)
<irst -lass !elow 20B but not
less than 10B
(econd -lass !elow 10B but not
less than 00B
&ass -lass !elow 00B but not
less than /0B
(#he mar9s in internal evaluation and end e;amination shall be shown
se+arately in the mar9s memorandum)
12"#he reulations 12 to 1% are to be ado+ted as that of !" #ech"
('eular)" All other reulations as a++licable for !" #ech" <our-year
deree course ('eular) will hold ood for !" #ech" (Aateral Entry
R<>=" ?/R
D4"4B>4#ARA AT4/# ?/R (A>BRAT4=" C 4(BR/B=R
/#D<T 4# =DA(4#AT4/#"
#ature of
If the candidate:
&ossesses or 9ee+s accessible in
e;amination hall) any +a+er) note
boo9) +rorammable calculators)
-ell +hones) +aer) +alm
com+uters or any other form of
material concerned with or
related to the sub6ect of the
e;amination (theory or +ractical)
in which he is a++earin but has
not made use of (material shall
include any mar9s on the body of
the candidate which can be used
as an aid in the sub6ect of the
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of the +erformance
in that sub6ect only"

Dives assistance or uidance or
receives it from any other
candidate orally or by any other
body lanuae methods or
communicates throuh cell
+hones with any candidate or
+ersons in or outside the e;am
hall in res+ect of any matter"
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of the +erformance
in that sub6ect only of all the
candidates involved" In case of
an outsider) he will be handed
over to the +olice and a case is
reistered aainst him"
2" ?as co+ied in the e;amination
hall from any +a+er) boo9)
+rorammable calculators) +alm
com+uters or any other form of
material relevant to the sub6ect of
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of the +erformance
in that sub6ect and all other
sub6ects the candidate has

the e;amination (theory or
+ractical) in which the candidate
is a++earin"
already a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 and shall not be
+ermitted to a++ear for the
remainin e;aminations of the
sub6ects of that (emester7year"
#he ?all #ic9et of the
candidate is to be cancelled and
sent to the 5niversity"
." Im+ersonates any other candidate
in connection with the
#he candidate who has
im+ersonated shall be e;+elled
from e;amination hall" #he
candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat" #he
+erformance of the oriinal
candidate who has been
im+ersonated) shall be
cancelled in all the sub6ects of
the e;amination (includin
+racticals and +ro6ect wor9)
already a++eared and shall not
be allowed to a++ear for
e;aminations of the remainin
sub6ects of that semester7year"
#he candidate is also debarred
for two consecutive semesters
from class wor9 and all
5niversity e;aminations" #he
continuation of the course by
the candidate is sub6ect to the
academic reulations in
connection with forfeiture of
seat" If the im+oster is an
outsider) he will be handed
over to the +olice and a case is
reistered aainst him"
/" (mules in the Answer boo9 or
additional sheet or ta9es out or
arranes to send out the *uestion
+a+er durin the e;amination or
answer boo9 or additional sheet)
durin or after the e;amination"
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of +erformance in
that sub6ect and all the other
sub6ects the candidate has
already a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 and shall not be
+ermitted for the remainin
e;aminations of the sub6ects of
that semester7year" #he
candidate is also debarred for
two consecutive semesters
from class wor9 and all
5niversity e;aminations" #he
continuation of the course by
the candidate is sub6ect to the
academic reulations in
connection with forfeiture of
0" 5ses ob6ectionable) abusive or
offensive lanuae in the answer
+a+er or in letters to the
e;aminers or writes to the
e;aminer re*uestin him to
award +ass mar9s"
-ancellation of the
+erformance in that sub6ect"
1" 'efuses to obey the orders of the
-hief (u+erintendent7Assistant :
(u+erintendent 7 any officer on
duty or misbehaves or creates
disturbance of any 9ind in and
around the e;amination hall or
orani,es a wal9 out or instiates
others to wal9 out) or threatens
the officer-in chare or any
In case of students of the
collee) they shall be e;+elled
from e;amination halls and
cancellation of their
+erformance in that sub6ect and
all other sub6ects the
candidate(s) has (have) already
a++eared and shall not be
+ermitted to a++ear for the

+erson on duty in or outside the
e;amination hall of any in6ury to
his +erson or to any of his
relations whether by words)
either s+o9en or written or by
sins or by visible re+resentation)
assaults the officer-in-chare) or
any +erson on duty in or outside
the e;amination hall or any of his
relations) or indules in any other
act of misconduct or mischief
which result in damae to or
destruction of +ro+erty in the
e;amination hall or any +art of
the -ollee cam+us or enaes in
any other act which in the
o+inion of the officer on duty
amounts to use of unfair means
or misconduct or has the
tendency to disru+t the orderly
conduct of the e;amination"
remainin e;aminations of the
sub6ects of that semester7year"
#he candidates also are
debarred and forfeit their seats"
In case of outsiders) they will
be handed over to the +olice
and a +olice case is reistered
aainst them"
2" Aeaves the e;am hall ta9in
away answer scri+t or
intentionally tears of the scri+t or
any +art thereof inside or outside
the e;amination hall"
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of +erformance in
that sub6ect and all the other
sub6ects the candidate has
already a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 and shall not be
+ermitted for the remainin
e;aminations of the sub6ects of
that semester7year" #he
candidate is also debarred for
two consecutive semesters
from class wor9 and all
5niversity e;aminations" #he
continuation of the course by
the candidate is sub6ect to the
academic reulations in
connection with forfeiture of
3" &ossess any lethal wea+on or
firearm in the e;amination hall"
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of the +erformance
in that sub6ect and all other
sub6ects the candidate has
already a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 and shall not be
+ermitted for the remainin
e;aminations of the sub6ects of
that semester7year" #he
candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat"
9" If student of the collee) who is
not a candidate for the +articular
e;amination or any +erson not
connected with the collee
indules in any mal+ractice or
im+ro+er conduct mentioned in
clause 1 to 3"
(tudent of the collees
e;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of the +erformance
in that sub6ect and all other
sub6ects the candidate has
already a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 and shall not be
+ermitted for the remainin
e;aminations of the sub6ects of
that semester7year" #he
candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat"
&erson(s) who do not
belon to the -ollee will be

handed over to +olice and) a
+olice case will be reistered
aainst them"
10" -omes in a drun9en condition to
the e;amination hall"
E;+ulsion from the
e;amination hall and
cancellation of the +erformance
in that sub6ect and all other
sub6ects the candidate has
already a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 and shall not be
+ermitted for the remainin
e;aminations of the sub6ects of
that semester7year"
11" -o+yin detected on the basis of
internal evidence) such as) durin
valuation or durin s+ecial
-ancellation of the
+erformance in that sub6ect and
all other sub6ects the candidate
has a++eared includin
+ractical e;aminations and
+ro6ect wor9 of that
semester7year e;aminations"
12" If any mal+ractice is detected
which is not covered in the above
clauses 1 to 11 shall be re+orted
to the 5niversity for further
action to award suitable
4al+ractices identified by s*uad or s+ecial inviilators
1" &unishments to the candidates as +er the above uidelines"
2" &unishment for institutions % (if the s*uad re+orts that the
collee is also involved in encourain mal+ractices)
(i) A show cause notice shall be issued to the collee"
(ii) Im+ose a suitable fine on the collee"
(hiftin the e;amination centre from the collee to another collee for a
s+ecific +eriod of not less than one year"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
444 Aear B.Tech 46"em
"u&Fect > B

1" 9A?(/01 4anaerial Economics and
<inancial Analysis
/ /
2" 9A02001
Electrical E Electronic
/ /
." 9A02002 #ransmission of Electric
/ /
/" 9A0200.
-ontrol (ystems
/ /
0" 9A0200/
&ower Electronics
/ /
1" 9A02000
Electrical 4achines : III
/ /

2" 9A02001
Electrical 4achines Aab : II
. 2
3" 9A02002
-ontrol (ystems and
(imulation Aab
. 2
contact +eriod 7 wee9
2/ 1
#otal78ee9 .0
#otal -redits (1 #heory F 2 Aabs) 23
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
444 Aear B.Tech 446"em
"u&Fect > B

1" 9A?(201 4anaement (cience / /
2" 9A02101
&ower (emiconductor
/ /
." 9A02102 &ower (ystem Analysis / /
/" 9A0/102 4icro+rocessors and
/ /
0" 9A0210.
&ower (ystem =+eration
and -ontrol
/ /
1" 9A1000/
Ainear E $iital I-
/ /
2" 9A?(101
Advanced Enlish
(9ills Aab
. 2
3" 9A0210/
Electrical 4easurements
. 2
contact +eriod 7 wee9
2/ 1
#otal78ee9 .0
#otal -redits (1 #heory F 2 Aabs) 23
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
4; Aear B.Tech 46"em
"u&Fect > B

1" 9A02201 $istribution of Electric
/ /

2" 9A0/10. $iital (inal &rocessin / /
." 9A02202 <undamentals of ?>$- E
<A-#( $evices
/ /
/" 9A0220. (witch Dear and
/ /
=>=T4;= 6 4
1" Instrumentation
2" ?ih >oltae
." 'enewable Enery
/ /
=>=T4;= 3 44
1" (oft -om+utin
2" 'eliability Enineerin
and A++lications to
&ower (ystems
." =+timi,ation
/ /
2" 9A02210
4icro+rocessors and
microcontrollers lab
. 2
3" 9A02211
&ower Electronics and
(imulation Aab
. 2
-ontact +eriod 7 wee9
2/ 1
#otal78ee9 .0
#otal -redits (1 #heory F 2 Aabs) 23
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
4; Aear B.Tech 446"em
"l.#o ourse
"u&Fect > B

1" 9A02301 &rinci+les of &ower Guality / /
2" 9A02302 5tili,ation =f Electrical
/ /
=>=T4;= 3 444
1" 4odern -ontrol #heory
2" (+ecial Electrical
."&lc E $cs - Its A++lications
/ /
=>=T4;= 3 4;
1" Embedded (ystems
2" $esin of Electrical
." Enery Auditin E
$emand (ide 4anaement
/ /
0" 9A02309 (eminar 2
1" 9A02310 &ro6ect 10
contact +eriod 7 wee9
#otal78ee9 11
#otal -redits (/ #heory F (eminar F &ro6ect wor9) 23

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A@"$01) (A#A5=R4A> =/#/(4" G ?4#A#4A>
(ommon to B/T9 =9 =(9 ===9 (=)
<#4T 4- 4#TR/D<T4/# T/ (A#A5=R4A> =/#/(4"
$efinition) nature and sco+e of manaerial economics- relation with
other disci+lines- $emand Analysis% $emand $eterminants) Aaw of
$emand and its e;ce+tions
<#4T 44% =>A"T44TA /? D=(A#D
$efinition) #y+es) 4easurement and (inificance of Elasticity of
$emand" $emand forecastin) factors overnin demand forecastin)
methods of demand forecastin ((urvey methods) (tatistical
methods) E;+ert o+inion method) #est mar9etin) -ontrolled
e;+eriments) Hudmental a++roach to $emand <orecastin)
<#4T 444 -T@=/RA /? BR/D<T4/# A#D /"T A#A>A"4"
&roduction <unction : Iso*uants and Isocosts) 4'#() least cost
combination of in+uts) -obb-$oulas +roduction function) laws of
returns) internal and e;ternal economies of scale"
ost Anal!sis% -ost conce+ts) o++ortunity cost) fi;ed >s variable costs)
e;+licit costs >s Im+licit costs) out of +oc9et costs >s Im+uted costs"
!rea9-Even Analysis (!EA) - $etermination of !rea9 Even &oint
((im+le &roblems)- 4anaerial sinificance and limitations of !EA"
<#4T 4;- 4#TR/D<T4/# T/ (ARH=T" A#D BR44#5
4ar9et structures% #y+es of com+etition) features of +erfect
com+etition) mono+oly- mono+olistic com+etition" &rice-=ut+ut
determination under +erfect com+etition and mono+oly - 4ethods of
&ricin-cost +lus +ricin) marinal cost) limit +ricin) s9immin
+ricin) bundlin +ricin) sealed bid +ricin and +ea9 load +ricin"
<#4T ;- B<"4#="" /R5A#4"AT4/#" A#D #=' =/#/(4
-haracteristic features of business) features and evaluation of sole
+ro+rietorshi+) +artnershi+) Hoint (toc9 -om+any) +ublic enter+rises
and their ty+es) chanin business environment in +ost-liberali,ation
<#4T ;4- AB4TA> A#D AB4TA> B<D5=T4#5
-a+ital and its sinificance) ty+es of ca+ital) estimation of fi;ed and
wor9in ca+ital re*uirements) methods and sources of raisin finance"
@ature and sco+e of ca+ital budetin) features of ca+ital budetin
+ro+osal) methods of ca+ital budetin : +aybac9 method) accountin
rate of return (A'') and @et +resent value method ((im+le +roblems)"
<#4T ;44- 4#TR/D<T4/# T/ ?4#A#4A> A/<#T4#5
$ouble-Entry !oo9 Iee+in) Hournal) Aeder) #rial !alance- <inal
Accounts (#radin Account) &rofit and Aoss Account and !alance (heet
with sim+le ad6ustments)"
<#4T ;444- ?4#A#4A> A#A>A"4" T@R/<5@ RAT4/"
-om+utation) Analysis and Inter+retation of financial statements
throuh Ai*uidity 'atios (-urrent and Guic9 ratio)) Activity ratios
(Inventory #urnover 'atio and $ebtor #urnover 'atio)) -a+ital
(tructure 'atios ($ebt- E*uity 'atio) Interest -overae 'atio) and
&rofitability ratios (Dross &rofit 'atio) @et &rofit 'atio) =+eratin
'atio) &7E 'atios and E&()) $u &ont -hart"
T=DT B//H"-
1" Aryasri% 4anaerial Economics and <inancial Analysis) /7e) #4?)
2" >arshney E 4aheswari% 4anaerial Economics) (ultan -hand)
1" &remchand !abu) 4adan 4ohan%<inancial Accountin and
Analysis)?imalaya) 2009

2" ("A" (iddi*ui and A"(" (iddi*ui% 4anaerial Economics and
<inancial Analysis) @ew Ae International)" 2009"
." Hose+h D" @ellis and $avid &ar9er% &rinci+les of !usiness
Economics) &earson) 27e) @ew $elhi"
/" $omnic9 (alvatore% 4anaerial Economics in a Dlobal Economy)
-enae) 2009"
0" ?"A"Ahu6a% 4anaerial Economics) ("-hand) .7e) 2009
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02%01) =>=TR4A> G =>=TR/#4 (=A"<R=(=#T"
/&Fecti:e -
Electrical measurements course introduces the basic +rinci+les of all
measurin instruments" It also deals with the measurement of
'A- +arameters voltae) current &ower factor) +ower) enery
and manetic measurements and $iital 4eters
<#4T64 (=A"<R4#5 4#"TR<(=#T"
-lassification : deflectin) control and dam+in tor*ues : Ammeters
and >oltmeters : &44-) $ynamometer) movin iron ty+e instruments
: e;+ression for the deflectin tor*ue and control tor*ue : Errors and
com+ensations) e;tension of rane usin shunts and series resistance"
<#4T 344 4#"TR<(=#T TRA#"?/R(=R" A#D B.? (=T=R
-# and &# : 'atio and +hase anle errors : desin considerations"
#y+es of &"<" 4eters : dynamometer and movin iron ty+e : 1-+h and
.-+h meters"
<#4T 3444 (=A"<R=(=#T /? B/'=R C =#=R5A
(inle +hase dynamometer wattmeter) A&< and 5&<) $ouble element
and three element dynamometer wattmeter) e;+ression for deflectin
and control tor*ues" (inle +hase induction ty+e enery meter : drivin
and bra9in tor*ues : errors and com+ensations" #hree +hase enery

<#4T 34 ; B/T=#T4/(=T=R"
&rinci+le and o+eration of $"-" -rom+tonJs +otentiometer :
standardi,ation : 4easurement of un9nown resistance) current) voltae"
A"-" &otentiometers% +olar and coordinate ty+es standardi,ation :
<#4T 3 ; D. G A. BR4D5="
4ethod of measurin low) medium and hih resistance : sensitivity of
8heatstoneJs bride : IelvinJs double bride for measurin low
resistance) measurement of hih resistance : loss of chare method"
4easurement of inductance - 4a;wellJs bride) AndersonJs bride"
4easurement of ca+acitance and loss anle - $esauty bride" 8ienJs
bride : (cherin !ride"
<#4T 3 ;4 (A5#=T4 (=A"<R=(=#T"
!allistic alvanometer : e*uation of motion : flu; meter :
constructional details) com+arison with ballistic alvanometer"
$etermination of !-? Aoo+ methods of reversals - si; +oint method :
A"-" testin : Iron loss of bar sam+les"
<#4T 3 ;44 /"4>>/"/B=
-athode 'ay =scillosco+e- -athode 'ay tube-#ime base enerator-
?ori,ontal and >ertical am+lifiers : a++lication of -'= : 4easurement
of +hase ) fre*uency) current E voltae- Aissa6ous +attern
<#4T 3 ;444 D454TA> (=T=R"
$iital >oltmeter-(uccessive a++ro;imation) ram+ and interatin ty+e-
$iital fre*uency meter-$iital multimeter-$iital #achometer
T=DT B//H-
1" Electrical 4easurements and measurin Instruments : by E"8"
Doldin and <"-" 8iddis) 0
Edition) 'eem &ublications"
2" Electrical E Electronic 4easurement E Instruments by
A"I"(awhney $han+at 'ai E -o" &ublications"
." Electrical E Electronic 4easurement E Instrumentation by '" I"
'a6+ut) 2
Edition) (" -hand E -o"
/" Electronic Instrumentation by ?" (" Ialsi) #ata Drawhill 4c) .
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" Electrical 4easurements : by !uc9inham and &rice) &rentice :
2" Electrical 4easurements% <undamentals) -once+ts) A++lications :
by 'eissland) 4"5) @ew Ae International (&) Aimited) &ublishers"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02%02) TRA#"(4""4/# /? =>=TR4 B/'=R
/&Fecti:e -
#his course is an e;tension of &ower systems-I course" It deals with
basic theory of transmission lines modelin and their +erformance
analysis" Also this course ives em+hasis on mechanical desin of
transmission lines) cables and insulators"
<#4T64 TRA#"(4""4/# >4#= BARA(=T=R"
#y+es of conductors - calculation of resistance for solid conductors -
-alculation of inductance for sinle +hase and three +hase) sinle and
double circuit lines) conce+t of D4' E D4$) symmetrical and
asymmetrical conductor confiuration with and without trans+osition)
@umerical &roblems"
-alculation of ca+acitance for 2 wire and . wire systems) effect of
round on ca+acitance) ca+acitance calculations for symmetrical and
asymmetrical sinle and three +hase) sinle and double circuit lines)
@umerical &roblems"

<#4T644 B=R?/R(A#= /? "@/RT A#D (=D4<(
TRA#"(4""4/# >4#="
-lassification of #ransmission Aines - (hort) medium and lon line and
their model - re+resentations - @ominal-#) @ominal-&ie and A) !) -) $
-onstants" @umerical &roblems" 4athematical (olutions to estimate
reulation and efficiency of all ty+es of lines - @umerical &roblems"
<#4T6444 B=R?/R(A#= /? >/#5 TRA#"(4""4/# >4#="
Aon #ransmission Aine-'iorous (olution) evaluation of A)!)-)$
-onstants) Inter+retation of the Aon Aine E*uations : 'e+resentation
of Aon lines : E*uivalent # and E*uivalent : K : sure Im+edance and
sure Im+edance loadin - wavelenths and >elocity of +ro+aation :
<erranti effect ) -harin current"
<#4T 3 4; B/'=R "A"T=( TRA#"4=#T"
#y+es of (ystem #ransients - #ravellin or &ro+aation of (ures -
Attenuation) $istortion) 'eflection and 'efraction -oefficients -
#ermination of lines with different ty+es of conditions - =+en -ircuited
Aine) (hort -ircuited Aine) #-Hunction) Aum+ed 'eactive Hunctions
(@umerical &roblems)" !ewleyJs Aattice $iarams (for all the cases
mentioned with numerical e;am+les)"
<#4T6; /R/#A
-orona - $escri+tion of the +henomenon) factors affectin corona)
critical voltaes and +ower loss) 'adio Interference"
<#4T6;4 /;=R@=AD >4#= 4#"<>AT/R"
#y+es of Insulators) (trin efficiency and 4ethods for im+rovement)
@umerical &roblems - voltae distribution) calculation of strin
efficiency) -a+acitance radin and (tatic (hieldin"
<#4T6;44 "A5 A#D T=#"4/# A><>AT4/#"
(a and #ension -alculations with e*ual and une*ual heihts of towers)
Effect of 8ind and Ice on weiht of -onductor) @umerical &roblems -
(trinin chart and sa tem+late and its a++lications"
<#4T6;444 <#D=R5R/<#D AB>="
#y+es of -ables) -onstruction) #y+es of Insulatin materials)
-alculations of Insulation resistance and stress in insulation) @umerical
&roblems" -a+acitance of (inle and .--ore belted cables) @umerical
Dradin of -ables - -a+acitance radin) @umerical &roblems)
$escri+tion of Inter-sheath radin"
T=DT B//H"-
1" A #e;t !oo9 on &ower (ystem Enineerin by 4"A"(oni)
&">"Du+ta) 5"("!hatnaar) A"-ha9rabarthy) $han+at 'ai E -o &vt"
2" Electrical +ower systems - by -"A"8adhwa) @ew Ae International
(&) Aimited) &ublishers)1993"
." &ower (ystem Enineerin by '" I" 'a6+ut) Aa;mi &ublications) 1
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" &ower system Analysis-by Hohn H Drainer) 8illiam $ (tevenson)
#4- -om+anies) /th edition
2" &ower (ystem Analysis and $esin by !"'"Du+ta) (" -hand E -o)
'evised Edition) 2010"
." 4odern &ower (ystem Analysis by I"H"@aarath and $"&"Iothari)
#ata 4cDraw ?ill) 2
/" Electric &ower #ransmission (ystem Enineerin% Analysis and
$esin) by #uran Donen) 2
Edition) -'- &ress"
0" Electric &ower (ystems by (" A" @asar) (chaumJs =utline (eries)
'evised 1
Edition) #4?"

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02%03) /#TR/> "A"T=("
(ommon to ===9 ==9 = on =9 =4=)
In this course it is aimed to introduce to the students the +rinci+les and
a++lications of control systems in everyday life" #he basic conce+ts of
bloc9 diaram reduction) time domain analysis solutions to time
invariant systems and also deals with the different as+ects of stability
analysis of systems in fre*uency domain and time domain"
<#4T 3 4 4#TR/D<T4/#
-once+ts of -ontrol (ystems- =+en Aoo+ and closed loo+ control
systems and their differences- E;am+les of control systems-
-lassification of control systems) <eed-!ac9 -haracteristics) Effects of
feedbac9" 4athematical models : $ifferential e*uations) Im+ulse
'es+onse and transfer functions - #ranslational and 'otational
mechanical systems
<#4T 44 TRA#"?=R ?<#T4/# R=BR="=#TAT4/#
#ransfer <unction of $- (ervo motor - A- (ervo motor- (ynchro
transmitter and 'eceiver -!loc9 diaram alebra :(inal flow ra+h -
'eduction usin 4asonJs ain formula"
<#4T6444 T4(= R="B/#"= A#A>A"4"
(tandard test sinals - #ime res+onse of first order systems :
-haracteristic E*uation of <eedbac9 control systems) #ransient
res+onse of second order systems - #ime domain s+ecifications :
(teady state res+onse - (teady state errors and error constants : Effects
of +ro+ortional) interal) derivative -ontrols"
<#4T 3 4; "TAB4>4TA A#A>A"4" 4# "6D/(A4#
#he conce+t of stability : 'outhJs stability criterion : *ualitative
stability and conditional stability : limitations of 'outhJs stability" #he
root locus conce+t - construction of root loci-effects of addin +oles and
,eros to D(s)?(s) on the root loci"
<#4T 3 ; ?R=I<=#A R="B/#"= A#A>A"4"
Introduction) <re*uency domain s+ecifications-!ode diarams-
$etermination of <re*uency domain s+ecifications and transfer function
from the !ode $iaram-&hase marin and Dain marin-(tability
Analysis from !ode &lots"
<#4T 3 ;4 "TAB4>4TA A#A>A"4" 4# ?R=I<=#A D/(A4#
&olar &lots-@y*uist &lots-(tability Analysis"
<#4T 3 ;44 >A""4A> /#TR/> D="45# T=@#4I<="
-om+ensation techni*ues : Aa) Aead) Aead-Aa -ontrollers desin in
fre*uency $omain) &) &$) &I) &I$ -ontrollers"

<#4T 3 ;444 "TAT= "BA= A#A>A"4" /? /#T4#</<"
-once+ts of state) state variables and state model) derivation of state
models from bloc9 diarams) $iaonali,ation- (olvin the #ime
invariant state E*uations- (tate #ransition 4atri; and itJs &ro+erties"
T=DT B//H"-
1" Automatic -ontrol (ystems: by !" -" Iuo and <arid Dolnarahi :
Hohn wiley and sonJs) 3th edition) 200."
2" -ontrol (ystems Enineerin : by I" H" @arath and 4" Do+al) @ew
Ae International (&) Aimited) &ublishers) 0
edition) 2002"
." -ontrol (ystems : A" Anand Iumar) &rentice ?all of India &vt" Atd")
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" 4odern -ontrol Enineerin : by Iatsuhi9o =ata : &rentice ?all
of India &vt" Atd") 0
edition) 2010"
2" -ontrol (ystems Enineerin - by @I(E 0
Edition : Hohn wiley"
." L4odellin E -ontrol =f $ynamic (ystemsM by @arciso <" 4acia
Deore H" #haler) #homson &ublishers"
/" 4odern -ontrol Enineerin : by Yaduvir (inh and (" Hanardhan)
-E@DADE Aearnin"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02%0$) B/'=R =>=TR/#4"
(ommon to ===9 = on =)
/&Fecti:e -
8ith the advent of semiconductor devices) revolution is ta9in +lace in
the +ower transmission distribution and utili,ation" #his course
introduces the basic conce+ts of +ower semiconductor devices)
converters and cho++ers and their analysis"
<#4T 3 4 B/'=R "=(4 /#D<T/R D=;4="
#hyristors : (ilicon -ontrolled 'ectifiers ((-'Js) : !H# : &ower
4=(<E# : &ower ID!# and their characteristics and other thyristors :
!asic theory of o+eration of (-' : (tatic characteristics : #urn on and
turn off methods- $ynamic characteristics of (-' - #urn on and #urn
off times -(alient +oints
<#4T 3 44 D=;4=" A#D /((<TAT4/# 4R<4T"
#wo transistor analoy : (-' : ' and '- #rierin - 5H# firin
circuit ::: (eries and +arallel connections of (-'Js : (nubber circuit
details : (+ecifications and 'atins of (-'Js) !H#) ID!# - @umerical
+roblems : Aine -ommutation and <orced -ommutation circuits"
<#4T 3 444 "4#5>= B@A"= @A>? /#TR/>>=D
&hase control techni*ue : (inle +hase Aine commutated converters :
4id +oint and !ride connections : ?alf controlled converters with
'esistive) 'A loads and 'AE load: $erivation of averae load voltae
and current -Active and 'eactive +ower in+uts to the converters without
and with <ree wheelin $iode :@umerical +roblems
<#4T 3 4; "4#5>= B@A"= ?<>>A /#TR/>>=D
<ully controlled converters) 4id +oint and !ride connections with
'esistive) 'A loads - $erivation of averae load voltae and current :
Aine commutated inverters -Active and 'eactive +ower in+uts to the
converters without and with <ree wheelin $iode) Effect of source
inductance : $erivation of load voltae and current : @umerical
<#4T 3 ; T@R== B@A"= >4#= /((<TAT=D
#hree +hase converters : #hree +ulse and si; +ulse converters : 4id
+oint and bride connections averae load voltae 8ith ' and 'A loads

: Effect of (ource inductance:$ual converters (both sinle +hase and
three +hase) - 8aveforms :@umerical &roblems"
<#4T 3 ;4 A ;/>TA5= /#TR/>>=R" G A>/
A- voltae controllers : (inle +hase two (-'Js in anti +arallel : 8ith
' and 'A loads : modes of o+eration of #riac : #riac with ' and 'A
loads : $erivation of '4( load voltae) current and +ower factor wave
forms : <irin circuits -@umerical +roblems --yclo converters : (inle
+hase mid +oint cyclo converters with 'esistive and inductive load
(&rinci+le of o+eration only) : !ride confiuration of sinle +hase
cyclo converter (&rinci+le of o+eration only) : 8aveforms
<#4T 3 ;44 @/BB=R"
-ho++ers : #ime ratio control and -urrent limit control strateies :
(te+ down cho++ers $erivation of load voltae and currents with ') 'A
and 'AE loads- (te+ u+ -ho++er : load voltae e;+ression
4oranJs cho++er : Hones cho++er and =scillation cho++er (&rinci+le
of o+eration only) 8aveforms :: A- -ho++er : &roblems"
<#4T 3 ;444 4#;=RT=R"
Inverters : (inle +hase inverter : !asic series inverter : !asic +arallel
-a+acitor inverter bride inverter : 8aveforms : (im+le forced
commutation circuits for bride inverters : 4c 4urray and 4c 4urray
: !edford inverters - >oltae control techni*ues for inverters &ulse
width modulation techni*ues : @umerical +roblems"
T=DT B//H" -
1" &ower Electronics : by 4" $" (inh E I" !" Ianchandhani) #ata
4c Draw : ?ill &ublishin com+any) 1993"
2" &ower Electronics % -ircuits) $evices and A++lications : by 4" ?"
'ashid) &rentice ?all of India) 2
edition) 1993"
." &ower Electronics - by >"'"4urthy ) =N<='$ 5niversity &ress) 1
edition -2000"
/" &ower Electronics-by &"-"(en)#ata 4c Draw-?ill &ublishin"
R=?=R=#= B//H" -
1" &ower Electronics : by >edam (ubramanyam) @ew Ae
International (&) Aimited) .
2" #hyristorised &ower -ontrollers : by D" I" $ubey) (" '" $oradla)
A" Hoshi and '" 4" I" (inha) @ew Ae International (&) Aimited
&ublishers) 1991"
." &rinci+les of &ower Electronics by Hohn D" Iassa9ian) 4artin <"
(chlecht and Deore -" >erhese) &earson"
/" &ower Electronics - Essentials E A++lications by A" 5manand)
8iley India &vt" Atd"

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02%0%) =>=TR4A> (A@4#=" 6 444
/&Fecti:e -
#his sub6ect is an e;tension of +revious machines courses" It deals with
the detailed analysis of (ynchronous enerators and motors which are
the +rime source of electrical +ower eneration and its utilities" Also
concerns about the different ty+es of sinle +hase motors which are
havin sinificant a++lications in house hold a++liances and control
<#4T 3 4 /#"TR<T4/# A#D BR4#4B>= /? /B=RAT4/#
-onstructional <eatures of round rotor and salient +ole machines :
Armature windins : Interal slot and fractional slot windinsO
$istributed and concentrated windins : distribution) +itch and windin
factors : E"4"< E*uation"
<#4T64 "A#@R/#/<" 5=#=RAT/R @ARAT=R4"T4"
?armonics in enerated e"m"f" : su++ression of harmonics : armature
reaction - lea9ae reactance : synchronous reactance and im+edance :
e;+erimental determination - +hasor diaram : load characteristics"
<#4T 3 444 R=5<>AT4/# /? "A#@R/#/<"
'eulation by synchronous im+edance method) 4"4"<" method) P"&"<"
method and A"("A" methods : salient +ole alternators : two reaction
analysis : e;+erimental determination of N
and N
((li+ test) &hasor
diarams : 'eulation of salient +ole alternators"
<#4T 3 4; BARA>>=> /B=RAT4/# /? "A#@R/#/<"
(ynchroni,in alternators with infinite bus bars : synchroni,in +ower
tor*ue : +arallel o+eration and load sharin - Effect of chane of
e;citation and mechanical +ower in+ut" Analysis of short circuit current
wave form : determination of sub-transient) transient and steady state
<#4T 3 ; "A#@R/#/<" (/T/R" 3 BR4#4B>= /?
#heory of o+eration : +hasor diaram : >ariation of current and +ower
factor with e;citation : > and Inverted > -urves - &ower develo+ed :
(ynchronous -ondenser"
<#4T6;4 B/'=R 4R>="
E;citation and +ower circles : huntin and its su++ression : 4ethods of
startin : synchronous induction motor"
<#4T 3 ;44 "4#5>= B@A"= (/T/R"
(inle +hase induction motor : -onstructional features - $ouble
revolvin field theory : Elementary idea of cross-field theory : s+lit-
+hase motors : shaded +ole motor"
<#4T 3 ;444 "B=4A> (/T/R"
&rinci+le E +erformance of A"-" (eries motor-5niversal motor :
&rinci+le of +ermanent manet and reluctance motors"
T=DT B//H"
1" Electric 4achines : by I"H"@arath E $"&"Iothari) #ata 4c Draw-
?ill &ublishers) /
Edition) 2010"
2" Electrical 4achines : by &"(" !imbra) Ihanna &ublishers"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" #he &erformance and $esin of A"-"4achines : by 4"D"(ay)
EA!( and &timan E (ons"
2" Electric 4achinery : by A"E" <it,erald) -"Iinsley and ("5mans)
4c Draw-?ill -om+anies) 0
edition) 1990"
." #heory of Alternatin -urrent 4achinery by Aansdorf) #ata 4c
Draw-?ill) 2
/" Electromachanics-III ((ynchronous and sinle +hase machines))
("Iama9ashiah) =verseas +ublishers &vt Atd"
0" Electric 4achines - by 4" (" (arma and 4" I" &atha9) -E@DADE

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
0 3 2
(9A02%0+) =>=TR4A> (A@4#=" >AB 3 44
The following eJ2eriments are re,uired to &e conducted as
com2ulsor! eJ2eriments-

1" ="-" E ("-" #ests on (inle +hase #ransformer
2" (um+nerJs test on a +air of sinle +hase transformers
." (cott connection of transformers
/" @o-load E !loc9ed rotor tests on three +hase Induction motor
0" 'eulation of a three :+hase alternator by synchronous im+edance
E m"m"f" methods
1" > and Inverted > curves of a . +hase synchronous motor"
2" E*uivalent -ircuit of a sinle +hase induction motor
3" $etermination of Nd

and N* of a salient +ole synchronous machine
4n addition to the a&o:e eight eJ2eriments9 atleast an! two of the
following eJ2eriments are re,uired to &e conducted from the
following list-
1" &arallel o+eration of (inle +hase #ransformers
2" (e+aration of core losses of a sinle +hase transformer
." !ra9e test on three +hase Induction 4otor
/" 'eulation of three-+hase alternator by P"&"<" and A"("A methods
T=DT B//H"-
1" Electrical 4achines Aab manual with 4A#AA! &rorams by
$r" $" I" -haturvedi) 5niversity (cience &ress"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 44464 "em. (=.=.=) T B
0 3 2
(9A02%00) /#TR/> "A"T=(" A#D "4(<>AT4/# >AB
An! =ight of the following eJ2eriments are to &e conducted-
1" #ime res+onse of (econd order system
2" -haracteristics of (ynchros
." &rorammable loic controller : (tudy and verification of truth
tables of loic ates) sim+le !oolean e;+ressions and a++lication of
s+eed control of motor"
/" Effect of feedbac9 on $- servo motor
0" #ransfer function of $- 4achine
1" Effect of &) &$) &I) &I$ -ontroller on a second order systems
2" Aa and lead com+ensation : 4anitude and +hase +lot
3" #em+erature controller usin &I$
9" -haracteristics of manetic am+lifiers
10" -haracteristics of A- servo motor
An! two simulation eJ2eriments are to &e conducted-
1" &(&I-E simulation of =+-Am+ based Interator and $ifferentiator

2" Ainear system analysis (#ime domain analysis) Error analysis) usin
." (tability analysis (!ode) 'oot Aocus) @y*uist) of Ainear #ime
Invariant system usin 4A#AA!
/" (tate s+ace model for classical transfer function usin 4A#AA! :
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" (imulation of Electrical and electronics -ircuits usin &(&I-E : by
4"?"'ashid) 47s &?I &ublications"
2" &(&I-E A7$ userJs manual : 4icrosim) 5(A"
." &(&I-E reference uide : 4icrosim) 5(A"
/" 4A#AA! and its #ool !oo9s userJs manual and : 4athwor9s) 5(A"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A@"001) (A#A5=(=#T "4=#=
(ommon to =(9 ===)
<#4T 4
4#TR/D<T4/# T/ (A#A5=(=#T-
-once+ts of 4anaement and orani,ation- nature) im+ortance and
<unctions of 4anaement) #aylorJs (cientific 4anaement #heory)
<ayolJs &rinci+les of 4anaement) 4ayoJs ?awthorne E;+eriments)
4aslowJs #heory of ?uman @eeds) $oulas 4cDreorJs #heory N and
#heory Y) ?er,berJs #wo-<actor #heory of 4otivation) (ystems
A++roach to 4anaement) Aeadershi+ (tyles) (ocial res+onsibilities of
<#4T 44
D="45#4#5 /R5A#4KAT4/#A> "TR<T<R="-
!asic conce+ts related to =ranisation - $e+artmentation and
$ecentralisation) #y+es of mechanistic and oranic structures of
oranisation (Aine orani,ation) Aine and staff orani,ation) functional

orani,ation) -ommittee orani,ation) matri; orani,ation) >irtual
=ranisation) -ellular =ranisation) team structure) boundaryless
orani,ation) inverted +yramid structure) lean and flat orani,ation
structure) and their merits) demerits and suitability"
<#4T 444
/B=RAT4/#" (A#A5=(=#T-
&rinci+les and #y+es of &lant Aayout-4ethods of +roduction (Hob) batch
and 4ass &roduction)) 8or9 (tudy -!asic +rocedure involved in
4ethod (tudy and 8or9 4easurement- (tatistical Guality -ontrol%
chart) ' chart) c chart) p chart) (sim+le &roblems)) Acce+tance
(am+lin) $eminJs contribution to *uality"
<#4T 4;
(AT=R4A>" (A#A5=(=#T-
=b6ectives) @eed for Inventory control) E=G) A!- Analysis) &urchase
&rocedure) (tores 4anaement and (tores 'ecords"
(ar)eting- <unctions of 4ar9etin) 4ar9etin 4i;) 4ar9etin
(trateies based on &roduct Aife -ycle) -hannels of distribution
<#4T ;
@<(A# R="/<R=" (A#A5=(=#T (@R()-
-once+ts of ?'4) ?'$ and &ersonnel 4anaement and Industrial
'elations (&4I')) ?'4 vs"&4I') !asic functions of ?' 4anaer%
4an+ower +lannin) 'ecruitment) (election) #rainin and
$evelo+ment) &lacement) 8ae and (alary Administration) &romotion)
#ransfer) (e+aration) &erformance A++raisal) Drievance ?andlin and
8elfare Administration) Hob Evaluation and 4erit 'atin"
<#4T ;4
BR/E=T (A#A5=(=#T (B=RTCB()-
@etwor9 Analysis) &roramme Evaluation and 'eview #echni*ue
(&E'#)) -ritical &ath 4ethod (-&4)) Identifyin critical +ath)
&robability of -om+letin the +ro6ect within iven time) &ro6ect -ost
Analysis) &ro6ect -rashin" (sim+le +roblems)
<#4T ;44
"TRAT=54 (A#A5=(=#T-
4ission) Doals) =b6ectives) &olicy) (tratey) &rorammes) Elements of
-or+orate &lannin &rocess) Environmental (cannin) >alue -hain
Analysis) (8=# Analysis) (te+s in (tratey <ormulation and
Im+lementation) Deneric (tratey alternatives"
<#4T ;444
/#T=(B/RARA (A#A5=(=#T BRAT4="-
!asic conce+ts of 4I() End 5ser -om+utin) 4aterials 'e*uirement
&lannin (4'&)) Hust-In-#ime (HI#) (ystem) #otal Guality 4anaement
(#G4)) (i; sima and -a+ability 4aturity 4odel (-44) Aevels)
(u++ly -hain 4anaement) Enter+rise 'esource &lannin (E'&))
&erformance 4anaement) !usiness &rocess outsourcin (!&=))
!usiness &rocess 'e-enineerin and !ench 4ar9in) !alanced (core
T=DT B//H"-
1" Aryasri% 4anaement (cience) #4?) 200/"
2" (toner) <reeman) Dilbert) 4anaement) 1
Ed) &earson Education)
@ew $elhi) 200/"
1" Iotler &hili+ E Ieller Ievin Aane% 4ar9etin 4anement 127e) &?I)
2" Ioont, E 8eihrich% Essentials of 4anaement) 17e) #4?) 2000"
." #homas @"$uenin E Hohn 4"Ivancevich 4anaementQ&rinci+les
and Duidelines) !i,tantra) 200."
/" Ianish9a !edi) &roduction and =+erations 4anaement) =;ford
5niversity &ress) 200/"

0" 4emoria E (">"Dau9er) &ersonnel 4anaement) ?imalaya) 207e)
1" (amuel -"-erto% 4odern 4anaement) 97e) &?I) 2000
2" (chermerhorn) -a+lin) &oole E 8iesner% 4anaement) 8iley)
3" &arnell% (trateic 4anaement) !i,tantra) 200."
9" Aawrence ' Hauch) '"Du+ta E8illiam <"Dluec9% !usiness &olicy and
(trateic 4anaement) <ran9 !ros") 2000"
10" A"("(rinath% &E'#7-&4)Affiliated East-8est &ress) 2000"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02+01) B/'=R "=(4/#D<T/R DR4;="
#his course is an e;tension of &ower Electronics a++lications to A- and
$- drives" -ontrol of $- motor drives with sinle +hase and three
+hase converters and cho++ers are iven in detail" #he control of A-
motor drives with variable fre*uency converters and variable voltae
are +resented"
<#4T 3 4 /#TR/> /? D (/T/R" BA "4#5>=
B@A"= /#;=RT=R"
Introduction to #hyristor controlled $rives) (inle &hase semi and
<ully controlled converters connected to d"c se+arately e;cited and d"c
series motors : continuous current o+eration : out+ut voltae and
current waveforms : (+eed and #or*ue e;+ressions : (+eed : #or*ue
-haracteristics- &roblems on -onverter fed d"c motors"
<#4T644 /#TR/> /? D (/T/R" BA T@R== B@A"=
#hree +hase semi and fully controlled converters connected to d"c
se+arately e;cited and d"c series motors : out+ut voltae and current
waveforms : (+eed and #or*ue e;+ressions : (+eed : #or*ue
characteristics : &roblems"
<#4T 3 444 ?/<R I<ADRA#T /B=RAT4/# /? D
Introduction to <our *uadrant o+eration : 4otorin o+erations) Electric
!ra9in : &luin) $ynamic and 'eenerative !ra9in o+erations"
<our *uadrant o+eration of $"- motors by dual converters : -losed
loo+ o+eration of $- motor (!loc9 $iaram =nly)
<#4T64; /#TR/> /? D (/T/R" BA @/BB=R"
(inle *uadrant) #wo :*uadrant and four *uadrant cho++er fed dc
se+arately e;cited and series e;cited motors : -ontinuos current
o+eration : =ut+ut voltae and current wave forms : (+eed tor*ue
e;+ressions : s+eed tor*ue characteristics : &roblems on -ho++er fed
d"c 4otors : -losed Aoo+ o+eration ( !loc9 $iaram =nly)
<#4T 3 ; /#TR/> /? 4#D<T4/# (/T/R
T@R/<5@ "TAT/R ;/>TA5=
>ariable voltae characteristics--ontrol of Induction 4otor by Ac
>oltae -ontrollers : 8aveforms : s+eed tor*ue characteristics"

<#4T 3 ;4 /#TR/> /? 4#D<T4/# (/T/R
T@R/<5@ "TAT/R ?R=I<=#A
>ariable fre*uency characteristics->ariable fre*uency control of
induction motor by >oltae source and current source inverter and cyclo
converters- &84 control : -om+arison of >(I and -(I o+erations :
(+eed tor*ue characteristics : numerical +roblems on induction motor
drives : -losed loo+ o+eration of induction motor drives (!loc9
$iaram =nly)
<#4T 3;44 /#TR/> /? 4#D<T4/# (/T/R ?R/(
R/T/R "4D=
(tatic rotor resistance control : (li+ +ower recovery : (tatic (cherbius
drive : (tatic Iramer $rive : their +erformance and s+eed tor*ue
characteristics : advantaes - a++lications : +roblems
<#4T 3 ;444 /#TR/> /? "A#@R/#/<" (/T/R"
(e+arate control E self control of synchronous motors : =+eration of
self controlled synchronous motors by >(I and -(I cycloconverters"
Aoad commutated -(I fed (ynchronous 4otor : =+eration :
8aveforms : s+eed tor*ue characteristics : A++lications : Advantaes
and @umerical &roblems : -losed Aoo+ control o+eration of
synchronous motor drives (!loc9 $iaram =nly)"
T=DT B//H"-
1" <undamentals of Electric $rives : by D I $ubey @arosa
2" &ower Electronic -ircuits) $evices and a++lications by 4"?"'ashid)
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" &ower Electronics : 4$ (inh and I ! Ihanchandani) #ata
4cDraw-?ill &ublishin com+any)1993
2" 4odern &ower Electronics and A- $rives by !"I"!ose) &?I"
." #hyristor -ontrol of Electric drives : >edam (ubramanyam) #ata
4cDraw ?ill &ublilcations"
/" Analysis of #hyristor &ower : conditioned motors) ( I &illai)
5niversities +ress) 1
Edition" "
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $

(9A02+02) B/'=R "A"T=( A#A>A"4"
/&Fecti:e -
#his course introduces formation of Y bus and P bus of a &ower
(ystem) +ower flow studies by various methods" It also deals with short
circuit analysis and analysis of +ower system for steady state and
transient stability"
<#4T 64 B/'=R "A"T=( #=T'/RH (ATR4="64
'e+resentation of &ower system elements) Essential characteristics of a
ood Alorithm) (te+s involved in solvin a +roblem usin
$iital com+uter - Dra+h #heory% $efinitions) !us Incidence
4atri;) Y
formation by $irect and (inular #ransformation
4ethods) @umerical &roblems.
<#4T 644 B/'=R "A"T=( #=T'/RH (ATR4="644
<ormation of P
% &artial networ9) Alorithm for the 4odification of
4atri; for addition element for the followin cases% Addition of
element from a new bus to reference) Addition of element from a new
bus to an old bus) Addition of element between an old bus to reference
and Addition of element between two old busses ($erivations and
@umerical &roblems)"- 4odification of P
for the chanes in networ9
( &roblems )
<#4T 3444 B/'=R ?>/' "T<D4="64
@ecessity of &ower <low (tudies : $ata for &ower <low (tudies :
$erivation of (tatic load flow e*uations : Aoad flow solutions usin
Dauss (eidel 4ethod% Acceleration <actor) Aoad flow solution with
and without &-> buses) Alorithm and <lowchart" @umerical Aoad flow
(olution for (im+le &ower (ystems (4a;" .-!uses)% $etermination of
!us >oltaes) In6ected Active and 'eactive &owers ((am+le =ne
Iteration only) and findin Aine <lows7Aosses for the iven !us
<#4T 3 4; B/'=R ?>/' "T<D4="644
@ewton 'a+hson 4ethod in 'ectanular and &olar -o-=rdinates <orm%
Aoad <low (olution with or without &> !usses- $erivation of Hacobian
Elements) Alorithm and <lowchart" $ecou+led and <ast $ecou+led
4ethods"- -om+arison of $ifferent 4ethods : $- load <low
<#4T 3 ; "@/RT 4R<4T A#A>A"4"64
&er-5nit (ystem of 'e+resentation" &er-5nit e*uivalent reactance
networ9 of a three +hase &ower (ystem) @umerical &roblems"
(ymmetrical fault Analysis% (hort -ircuit -urrent and 4>A
-alculations) <ault levels) A++lication of (eries 'eactors) @umerical
<#4T 3;4 "@/RT 4R<4T A#A>A"4"644
(ymmetrical -om+onent #heory% (ymmetrical -om+onent
#ransformation) &ositive) @eative and Pero se*uence com+onents%
>oltaes) -urrents and Im+edances" (e*uence @etwor9s% &ositive)
@eative and Pero se*uence @etwor9s) @umerical &roblems"
5nsymmetrical <ault Analysis% AD) AA) AAD faults with and without
fault im+edance) @umerical &roblems"
<#4T 3;44 B/'=R "A"T=( "T=ADA "TAT= "TAB4>4TA
Elementary conce+ts of (teady (tate) $ynamic and #ransient
(tabilities" $escri+tion of% (teady (tate (tability &ower Aimit) #ransfer
'eactance) (ynchroni,in &ower -oefficient) &ower Anle -urve and
$etermination of (teady (tate (tability and 4ethods to im+rove steady
state stability"
<#4T 3;444 B/'=R "A"T=( TRA#"4=#T "TAT=
"TAB4>4TA A#A>A"4"
$erivation of (win E*uation" $etermination of #ransient (tability by
E*ual Area -riterion) A++lication of E*ual Area -riterion) -ritical
-learin Anle -alculation" (olution of (win e*uation by /
'ane : Iutta 4ethod (u+ to 2 iterations) - 4ethods to im+rove
(tability - A++lication of Auto 'eclosin and <ast =+eratin -ircuit

T=DT B//H"-
1" -om+uter 4ethods in &ower (ystems) (ta El : Abiad E (tas)
4c Draw-hill Edition"
2" 4odern &ower system Analysis : by I"H"@arath E $"&"Iothari% #ata
4cDraw-?ill &ublishin -om+any) 2
." &ower (ystem Analysis by @asar9ar and (u9hi6a) =N<='$
5niversity &ress"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" &ower (ystem Analysis by Drainer and (tevenson) #ata 4cDraw
2" -om+uter #echni*ues in &ower (ystem Analysis by 4 A &ai) (econd
Edition) #4?"
." &ower (ystem Analysis and $esin by !"'"Du+ta) (" -hand E -o)
'evised Edition) 2010"
/" -om+uter 4odelin of Electrical &ower (ystems by H" Arrillaa and
@" '" 8atson) Hohn 8iley (tudent Edition) 27e"
0" -om+uter #echni*ues and 4odels in &ower (ystems by I" 5ma
'ao) I" I" International"
1" Electric &ower (ystems by (" A" @asar) (chaumJs =utline (eries)
'evised 1
Edition) #4?"
2" &ower (ystem Analysis by Dlovar and (arma) #homson &ublishers"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) > B
$ 0 $
(9A0$+02) (4R/BR/=""/R" A#D (4R//#TR/>>=R"
(ommon to "=9 ==9 = on =9 =4=9 ===)
/&Fecti:e -
#he ob6ective of this course is to introduce 3031 version of
4icro+rocessor) and their architectural as+ects and different
com+onents alon with microcontroller information" "
<#4T64 101+ AR@4T=T<R=
Introduction to 3030 micro+rocessor) 3031 architecture- <unctional
$iaram) 'eister =rani,ation)
4emory sementation) +rorammin model ) memory addresses
+hysical memory orani,ation) sinal descri+tions of 3031- common
function sinals) 4inimum and ma;imum mode sinals) #imin
diarams - interru+ts of 3031"
<#4T644 4#"TR<T4/# "=T A#D A""=(B>A >A#5<A5=
BR/5RA(((4#5 /? 101+
Instruction formats) addressin modes) instruction set) assembler
directives) macros) sim+le +rorams involvin loical) branch
instructions - sortin) evaluatin arithmetic e;+ressions - strin
<#4T6444 4C/ 4#T=R?A=
3200 &&I) >arious modes of o+erations and interfacin to 3031)
interfacin 9eyboard) dis+lay) ste++er motor interfacin) A7$) $7A
-onverter Interfacin"
<#4T64; 4#T=R?A4#5 '4T@ AD;A#=D D=;4="
4emory interfacin to 3031 - interru+t structure of 3031" >ector
interru+t table) interru+t service routine) Introduction to $=( and !I=(

interru+ts) interfacin interru+t controller 3209) $4A controller 3202
to 3031"
<#4T6; /((<#4AT4/# 4#T=R?A=
(erial -ommunication (tandards) serial data transfer schemes - 3201
5(A'# architecture and interfacin '(-2.2) IEEE -/33) +rototy+e and
trouble shootin"
<#4T6;4 4#TR/D<T4/# T/ (4R/ /#TR/>>=R"
=verview of 3001 4icro -ontroller) Architecture) I7= +orts and
4emory =rani,ation) Addressin modes and Instruction set of 3001 -
(im+le &rorams"
<#4T6;44 R=A> T4(= /#TR/>
Interru+ts) #imer7-ounter and (erial -ommunication) &rorammin
#imer Interru+ts) &rorammin E;ternal hard ware interru+ts)
&rorammin the serial communication interru+ts) &rorammin 3001
#imers) -ounters"
<#4T6 ;444 A;R R4" (4R//#TR/>>=R
Introduction) A>' family architecture) 'eister file) AA5) 4emory
access and instruction e;ecution I7= memory EE&'=4 I7= +orts)
timers) 5A'#) interru+t structure"
T=DT B//H"-
1" $">"?all) L4icro &rocessor and Interfacin L) #ata 4cDraw-?ill"
27e 2001
2" Ienneth H Ayala and $hanan6ay >" Dadre) L#he 3001 4icro
-ontroller E Embedded (ystemsM) -E@DADE learnin) 2010"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" Advanced micro+rocessors and +eri+herals A"I" 'ay and I 4
!hurchandani #4?
2" #he 3001 4icro controllers architecture and +rorammin and
a++lications I uma rao Andhe +allavi) +earson 2009"
." 4icrocom+uter (ystems% #he 303173033 <amily% Architecture)
&rorammin and $esin) 2
ed") Aiu E Dibson &?I
/" L4icrocontrollers and a++lications A6ay >" $eshmu9h) #ata
4cDraw-?ill -om+anies : 2000"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02+03) B/'=R "A"T=( /B=RAT4/# A#D /#TR/>
/&Fecti:e -
#his sub6ect deals with Economic o+eration of &ower (ystems)
?ydrothermal schedulins and modelin of turbines) enerators and
automatic controllers" It em+hasi,es on sinle area and two area load
fre*uency control and reactive +ower control"
<#4T 3 4 =/#/(4 /B=RAT4/# /? B/'=R
=+timal o+eration of Denerators in #hermal &ower (tations) - heat rate
-urve : -ost -urve : Incremental fuel and &roduction costs) in+ut-
out+ut characteristics) =+timum eneration allocation with line losses
<#4T 3 44 =/#/(4 /B=RAT4/# /? B/'=R
=+timum eneration allocation includin the effect of transmission line
losses : Aoss -oefficients) Deneral transmission line loss formula"
<#4T 3 444 @ADR/T@=R(A> "@=D<>4#5
=+timal schedulin of ?ydrothermal (ystem% ?ydroelectric +ower
+lant models) (chedulin +roblems-(hort term ?ydrothermal
schedulin +roblem"

<#4T 34; (/D=>4#5 /? T<RB4#=9 5/;=R#/R
4odellin of #urbine% <irst order #urbine model) !loc9 $iaram
re+resentation of (team #urbines and A++ro;imate Ainear 4odels"
4odellin of Dovernor% 4athematical 4odellin of (+eed Dovernin
(ystem : $erivation of small sinal transfer function : !loc9 $iaram"
<#4T 3 ; >/AD ?R=I<=#A /#TR/> 6 4
@ecessity of 9ee+in fre*uency constant"
$efinitions of -ontrol area : (inle area control : !loc9 diaram
re+resentation of an isolated +ower system : (teady state analysis :
$ynamic res+onse : 5ncontrolled case" Aoad fre*uency control of 2-
area system : uncontrolled case and controlled case) tie-line bias control
<#4T6;4 >/AD ?R=I<=#A /#TR/> 6 44
&ro+ortional +lus Interal control of sinle area and its bloc9 diaram
re+resentation) steady state res+onse : Aoad <re*uency -ontrol and
Economic dis+atch control"
<#4T 3 ;44 R=AT4;= B/'=R /#TR/>
=verview of 'eactive &ower control : 'eactive &ower com+ensation in
transmission systems : advantaes and disadvantaes of different ty+es
of com+ensatin e*ui+ment for transmission systemsO load
com+ensation : (+ecifications of load com+ensator) 5ncom+ensated
and com+ensated transmission lines% shunt and (eries -om+ensation"
<#4T 3 ;444 B/'=R "A"T=( R="TR<T<R4#5 L$M
Introduction : @eed for 'eulation : 4otivation for &ower (ystem
'estructurin : Iey issues in $ereulation"
T=DT B//H"-
1" &ower (ystem Analysis =+eration and -ontrol : A" -ha9ravarthi
and (" ?alder) .
Edition) &?I"
2. 4odern &ower (ystem Analysis : by I"H"@arath E $"&"Iothari
#ata 4 Draw : ?ill &ublishin -om+any Atd) 2
." Electric Enery (ystems by = I Elerd) 4c Draw-hill Edition"
/" Electric &ower Deneration) #ransmission and $istribution by (" @"
(inh) 2
Edition) &?I"
0" An Introduction to% 'eactive &ower -ontrol and >oltae (tability in
&ower #ransmission (ystems by Abhi6it -ha9rabarti) $" &" Iothari)
A" I" 4u9ho+adhyay and Abhinandan $e) Eastern Economy
Edition) 2010"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" &ower (ystem Analysis and $esin by H"$uncan Dlover and
4"("(arma") #?=4&(=@) .
2" Electric &ower (ystems by (" A" @asar) (chaumJs =utline (eries)
'evised 1
Edition) #4?"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A10%0$) >4#=AR G D454TA> 4 ABB>4AT4/#"
<#4T 4
4#T=5RAT=D 4R<4T"-
-lassification) chi+ si,e and circuit com+le;ity) basic information of
=+am+) ideal and +ractical =+-am+) internal circuits) =+-am+
characteristics) $- and A- characteristics) 2/1 o+-am+ and its features)
modes of o+eration-invertin) non-invertin) differential"
<#4T 44
/B6A(B ABB>4AT4/#"-
!asic a++lication of =+-am+) instrumentation am+lifier) ac am+lifier) >
to I and I to > converters) sam+le E hold circuits) multi+liers and
dividers) $ifferentiators and Interators) -om+arators) (chmitt trier)
4ultivibrators) introduction to voltae reulators) features of 22."
<#4T 444

AT4;= ?4>T=R" G /"4>>AT/R"-
Introduction) 1st order A&<) ?&< filters" !and +ass) !and re6ect and all
+ass filters" =scillator ty+es and +rinci+le of o+eration : '-) 8ien and
*uadrature ty+e) waveform enerators : trianular) sawtooth) s*uare
wave and >-="
<#4T 4;
T4(=R" G B@A"= >/H=D >//B"-
Introduction to 000 timer) functional diaram) monostable and astable
o+erations and a++lications) (chmitt #rier" &AA - introduction) bloc9
schematic) +rinci+les and descri+tion of individual bloc9s of 010"
<#4T ;
D6A A#D A6 D /#;=RT=R"-
Introduction) basic $A- techni*ues) weihted resistor $A-) '-2'
ladder $A-) inverted '-2' $A-) and I- 1/03 $A-) $ifferent ty+es of
A$-s - +arallel com+arator ty+e A$-) counter ty+e A$-) successive
a++ro;imation A$- and dual slo+e A$-) $A- and A$-
<#4T ;4
-lassification of Interated circuits) com+arison of various loic
families) standard ##A @A@$ Date- AnalysisE characteristics) ##A
o+en collector =7&s) #ristate ##A) 4=( E -4=( o+en drain and
tristate out+uts) -4=( transmission ate) I- interfacin- ##A drivin
-4=( E -4=( drivin ##A"
<#4T ;44
$esin usin ##A-2/NN E -4=( /0NN series) code converters)
decoders) $emulti+le;ers) decoders E drives for AE$ E A-$ dis+lay"
Encoder) +riority Encoder) multi+le;ers E their a++lications) +riority
enerators7chec9er circuits" $iital arithmetic circuits-+arallel binary
adder7subtractor circuits usin 2Js) -om+lement system" $iital
com+arator circuits"
<#4T ;444
"=I<=#T4A> 4R<4T"-
<li+-flo+s E their conversions" $esin of synchronous counters) $ecade
counter) shift reisters E a++lications) familiarities with commonly
available 2/NN E -4=( /0NN series of I- counters"
(=(/R4="- '=4 architecture) ty+es E a++lications) 'A4
architecture) (tatic E $ynamic 'A4s) synchronous $'A4s"
T=DT B//H"-
1" Ainear Interated -ircuits :$" 'oy -howdhury) @ew Ae
International (+) Atd) 2
Ed") 200."
2" =+-Am+s E Ainear I-s : 'ama9anth A" Daya9wad) &?I) 1932"
1" =+erational Am+lifiers E Ainear Interated -ircuits : '"<"
-ouhlin E <redric9 <" $riscoll) &?I) 1922"
2" =+erational Am+lifiers E Ainear Interated -ircuits% #heory E
A++lications :$enton H" $aibey) #4?"
." $esin with =+erational Am+lifiersEAnalo Interated -ircuits-
(erio <ranco) 4cDraw ?ill) .
Ed") 2002"
/" $iital <undamentals : <loyd and Hain) &earson Education) 3
Edition) 2000"

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
0 3 2
(9A@"+01) AD;A#=D =#5>4"@ /((<#4AT4/# "H4>>"
(ommon to ==9 = on =9 =(9 =4=9 ===9 (=9 A=)
1. 4ntroduction
#he Advanced Enlish Aanuae (9ills Aab introduced at the
year !"#ech level is considered essential for the student for focusin
on his7her career" At this stae it is im+erative for the student to start
+re+arin for the ever rowin com+etition in the 6ob mar9et" In this
scenario) in order to be on +ar with the best) he7she needs to im+rove
his7her -ommunication and soft s9ills
#his course focuses on the +ractical as+ects of Enlish
incor+oratin all the four (A'(8) s9ills relevant to the re*uirements of
the +ros+ective em+loyers in view of lobali,ation" #he +ro+osed
course will enable the students to +erform the followin%
Intensive readin to im+rove com+rehension and communication
Attentive listenin for better understandin
8rite +ro6ect7research7technical re+orts
8rite 'esumeJ to attract attention
$iscuss ideas 7 o+inions for better solutions
<ace interviews confidently
Dather information) orani,e ideas) and +resent them effectively
before an audience
#o hel+ the students cultivate the habit of readin +assaes from the
com+uter monitor) thus +rovidin them with the re*uired ability to
face com+uter-based com+etitive e;ams such D'E) #=E<A)-A#)
D4A# etc"
2. /&Fecti:es-
Iee+in in mind the +revious e;+osure of the student to
Enlish) this lab focuses on im+rovin the studentJs +roficiency in
Enlish at all levels" #he lab intends to train students to use
lanuae effectively) to +artici+ate in rou+ discussions) to hel+
them face interviews) and shar+en +ublic s+ea9in s9ills and
enhance the confidence of the student by e;+osin him7her to
various situations and conte;ts which he7she would face in his7her
3 "!lla&us

#he followin course content is +rescribed for the Advanced
-ommunication (9ills Aab%

Reading om2rehension -- 'eadin for facts) uessin meanins
from conte;t) s+eed readin) scannin) s9immin for buildin
vocabulary(synonyms and antonyms) one word substitutes) +refi;es
and suffi;es) idioms and +hrases")
>istening om2rehension-- Aistenin for understandin) so as to
res+ond relevantly and a++ro+riately to +eo+le of different
bac9rounds and dialects in various +ersonal and +rofessional

Technical Re2ort 'ritingN#y+es of formats and styles) sub6ect
matter) orani,ation) clarity) coherence and style) data-collection)
tools) analysis
ResumeO 'ritingQ(tructure) format and style) +lannin) definin
the career ob6ective) +ro6ectin oneJs strenths) and s9ills) creative
self mar9etin) cover letter
5rou2 Discussion-- -ommunicatin views and o+inions)
discussin) intervenin" +rovidin solutions on any iven to+ic
across a cross-section of individuals)(9ee+in an eye on modulation
of voice) clarity) body lanuae) relevance) fluency and coherence)
in +ersonal and +rofessional lives"
4nter:iew ")illsQ-once+t and +rocess) +re-interview +lannin)
mannerisms) body lanuae) orani,in) answerin strateies)
interview throuh tele and video-conferencin
Technical Bresentations (/ral)N -ollection of data) +lannin)
+re+aration) ty+e) style and format )use of +ro+s) attractin
audience) voice modulation) clarity) body lanuae) as9in *ueries"
$. (inimum Re,uirements
#he Enlish Aanuae Aab shall have two +arts%
#he -om+uter aided Aanuae Aab for 10 students with 10
systems) one master console) AA@ facility and Enlish lanuae
software for self-study by learners"
#he -ommunication (9ills Aab with movable chairs and audio-
visual aids with a &"A (ystem) a #>) A diital stereo-audio and
video system) -amcorder etc
"!stem Re,uirement (@ardware om2onent)-
-om+uter networ9 with AA@ with a minimum of 10 multimedia
systems with the followin s+ecifications%
&-I> &rocessor) (+eed-2"3 D?,) 'A4R012 4! minimum) ?ard
$is9-30 D!) ?ead+hones

Brescri&ed "oftware- 5>/BAR=#A
Boo)s "uggested for =nglish >anguage >a& >i&rar! (to &e located
within the la& in addition to the Ds of the teJt &oo) which are
loaded on the s!stems)-
1" Technical writing and 2rofessional communication9 @uc)in
and /lsen #ata 4c Draw-?il 2009"
2" "2ea)ing a&out "cience) A 4anual for -reatin -lear
&resentations &! "cott (organ and Barrett 'hitener9
am&ridge <ni:ersit! 2ress9 200+
." Boo)s on #=E<A7D'E7D4A#7-A#7 IEA#( &!
BarronOsCD=>TACam&ridge <ni:ersit! Bress.
/" @and&oo) for Technical 'riting by $avid A 4c4urrey E
Hoanne !uc9ely -E@DADE Aearnin 2003
0" Technical ommunication by 4eena9shi 'aman E (aneeta
(harma) =;ford 5niversity &ress 2009"
1" The A= of "oft ")ills by Do+al 'amesh and 4ahadevan
'amesh) &earson Education) 2010
2" am&ridge =nglish for Eo&6@unting by -olm $ownes)
-ambride 5niversity &ress) 2003

3" ResumeOs and 4nter:iews by 4"Ashraf 'i,vi) #ata 4c Draw-
?ill) 2003
9" ?rom am2us To or2orate by II 'amachandran and II
Iarthic9) 4acmillan &ublishers India Atd) 2010
10" =nglish >anguage ommunication - A Reader cum >a&
(anual $r A 'ama9rishna 'ao) $r D @atanam E &rof (A
(an9aranarayanan) Anuradha &ublications) -hennai 2003"
11" (anaging "oft ")ills by I ' Aa9shminarayan and #"4uruuvel)
(ci-#ech &ublications) 2010
12" Business ommunication by Hohn N 8an) -'- &ress) (+ecial
Indian Edition)2003
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 444644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
0 3 2
(9A02+0$) =>=TR4A> (=A"<R=(=#T" >AB
The following eJ2eriments are re,uired to &e conducted as
com2ulsor! eJ2eriments-
1" -alibration and #estin of sinle +hase enery 4eter
2" -alibration of dynamometer +ower factor meter
." -rom+ton $"-" &otentiometer : -alibration of &44- ammeter and
&44- voltmeter
/" IelvinJs double !ride : 4easurement of resistance :
$etermination of #olerance"
0" 4easurement of B ratio error and +hase anle of iven -"#" by
1" (cherin bride E Anderson bride"
2" 4easurement of . +hase reactive +ower with sinle-+hase
3" 4easurement of +arameters of a cho9e coil usin . voltmeter and .
ammeter methods"
4n addition to the a&o:e eight eJ2eriments9 atleast an! two of the
eJ2eriments from the following list are re,uired to &e conducted-
9" =+tical bench : $etermination of +olar curve measurement of
4?-& of filament lam+s
10" -alibration A&< wattmeter : by &hantom testin
11" 4easurement of . +hase +ower with #wo watt meter method
(!alanced E 5n balanced)"
12" $ielectric oil testin usin ?"#" testin Iit
1." A>$# and ca+acitance +ic9u+ : characteristics and -alibration
1/" 'esistance strain aue : strain measurements and -alibration
10" #ransformer turns ratio measurement usin a"c" bride"
11" A"-" &otentiometer : -alibration of A- >oltmeter) &arameters of

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02001) D4"TR4B<T4/# /? =>=TR4 B/'=R
<#4T 3 4 5=#=RA> /#=BT"
Introduction to distribution systems) Aoad modellin and
characteristics" -oincidence factor) contribution factor loss factor -
'elationshi+ between the load factor and loss factor" -lassification of
loads ('esidential) commercial) Aricultural and Industrial) and their
<#4T 3 44 5=#=RA> A"B=T" /? D.. D4"TR4B<T4/#
-lassification of $istribution (ystems - -om+arison of $- vs A- and
5nder-Dround vs =ver - ?ead $istribution (ystems- 'e*uirements and
$esin features of $istribution (ystems-
>oltae $ro+ -alculations (@umerical &roblems) in $"- $istributors
for the followin cases% 'adial $"- $istributor fed one end and at the
both the ends (e*ual7une*ual >oltaes) and 'in 4ain $istributor"
<#4T 444 A.. D4"TR4B<T4/# "A"T=(".
$esin -onsiderations of $istribution <eeders% 'adial and loo+ ty+es of
+rimary feeders) voltae levels) feeder loadinO basic desin +ractice of
the secondary distribution system"
>oltae $ro+ -alculations (@umerical &roblems) in A"-" $istributors
for the followin cases% &ower <actors referred to receivin end voltae
and with res+ect to res+ective load voltaes"
<#4T 3 4; "<B"TAT4/#"
Aocation of (ubstations% 'atin of distribution substation) service area
within +rimary feeders" !enefits derived throuh o+timal location of
-lassification of substations% Air insulated su&stations - Indoor E
=utdoor substations% (ubstations layout showin the location of all the
substation e*ui+ment"
!us bar arranements in the (ub-(tations% (im+le arranements li9e
sinle bus bar) sectionali,ed sinle bus bar) main and transfer bus bar
$ouble brea9er : =ne and half brea9er system with relevant diarams"
<#4T 3 ; B/'=R ?AT/R A#D ;/>TA5= /#TR/>
-auses of low +"f -4ethods of Im+rovin +"f -&hase advancin and
eneration of reactive I>A' usin static -a+acitors-4ost economical
+"f" for constant I8 load and constant I>A ty+e loads) @umerical
$e+endency of >oltae on 'eactive &ower flow"- 4ethods of >oltae
-ontrol% (hunt -a+acitors) (eries -a+acitors) (ynchronous -a+acitors)
#a+ chanin and !ooster #ransformers
<#4T 3 ;4 "A"T=( A#A>A"4"
>oltae dro+ and +ower-loss calculations% $erivation for voltae dro+
and +ower loss in lines) manual methods of solution for radial networ9s)
three +hase balanced +rimary lines"
<#4T 3 ;44 /(B=#"AT4/# ?/R B/'=R ?AT/R
-a+acitive com+ensation for +ower-factor control - effect of shunt
ca+acitors (<i;ed and switched)) &ower factor correction- Economic
6ustification - &rocedure to determine the best ca+acitor location"
<#4T 3 ;444 BR/T=T4/# A#D //RD4#AT4/# /?
D4"TR4B<T4/# "A"T=("
=b6ectives of distribution system +rotection) ty+es of common faults
and +rocedure for fault calculations" &rotective $evices% &rinci+le of
o+eration of <uses) -ircuit 'eclosures) line sectionali,es) and circuit
brea9ers -oordination of &rotective $evices% Deneral coordination
T=DT B//H-
1" LElectric &ower $istribution system) EnineerinM : by #uran
Donen) 4c Draw-hill !oo9 -om+any"
2" Electric &ower $istribution : by A"(" &abla) #ata 4c Draw-hill
&ublishin -om+any) /
edition) 1992"

R=?=R=#= B//H-
1" Electric &ower $istribution Automation by $r" 4" I" Ihed9ar and
$r" D" 4" $hole) 5niversity (cience &ress"
2" Electrical &ower $istribution (ystems by >" Iamara6u) 'iht
." Electrical &ower (ystems for Industrial &lants by Iamalesh $as)
HAI-= &ublishin ?ouse"
/" ?and !oo9 of Electric &ower $istribution by D" 'amamurthy) 2

Edition) 5niversities &ress"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0$+03) D454TA> "45#A> BR/=""4#5
Introduction to diital sinal +rocessin% discrete time sinals and
se*uences) linear shift invariant systems) stability and causality) linear
constant coefficient difference e*uations" <re*uency domain
re+resentation of discrete time sinals and systems"
D4"R=T= ?/<R4=R "=R4="
&ro+erties of discrete <ourier series) $<( re+resentation of +eriodic
se*uences) discrete <ourier transforms% +ro+erties of $<#) linear
convolution of se*uences usin $<#) com+utation of $<#" 'elation
between P-#ransform and $<("
?A"T ?/<R4=R TRA#"?/R("
<ast <ourier transforms (<<#)-'adi;2 decimation in time and
decimation in fre*uency <<# alorithms) inverse <<# and <<# for
com+osite @"
R=A>4KAT4/# /? D454TA> ?4>T=R"

'eview of P-transforms) a++lications of P-#ransforms) solution of
difference e*uations of diital filters) bloc9 diaram re+resentation of
linear constant-coefficient difference e*uations) basic structures of II'
systems) trans+osed forms) basic structures of <I' systems) system
44R D454TA> ?4>T=R"
Analo filter a++ro;imations-!utterworth and chebyshev) desin of II'
diital filters from analo filters) desin e;am+les% analo-diital
transformations) Illustrative &roblems"
?4R D454TA> ?4>T=R"
-haracteristics of <I' diital filters) fre*uency res+onse" $esin of <I'
diital filters usin window techni*ues) fre*uency sam+lin techni*ue)
com+arison of II' and <I' filters) ) Illustrative &roblems"
(<>T4RAT= D454TA> "45#A> BR/=""4#5
!asic sam+le rate alteration devices) 4ultirate (tructures for sam+lin
rate -onverters) 4ultistae desin of decimator and Inter+olator)
&oly+hase $ecom+osition) @y*uist filters"
ABB>4AT4/#" /? D454TA> "45#A> BR/=""4#5
(+ectral analysis of nonstationary (inals) 4usical (ound +rocessin)
sinal -om+ression) #ransmulti+le;ers) $iscrete 4ultitone
#ransmission of diital data"
T=DT B//H"-
1" $iital sinal +rocessin) +rinci+les) Alorithms and a++lications%
Hohn D" &roa9is) $imitris D" 4anola9is) &earson Education7&?I)
2" $iital sinal +rocessin ) A com+uter base a++roach- (an6it I
4itra) #ata 4cDraw ?ill) .rd edition) 2009"
." $iscrete #ime (inal &rocessin-A">" =++enheim and '"8"
(chaffer) &?I"
1" $iital sinal +rocessin% Andreas Antoniou) #A#A 4cDraw ?ill)
2" A #e;t boo9 on $iital (inal +rocessin : ' ( Ialer) 4 Iul9arni)
5mesh Du+ta) I I International &ublisthin ?ouse &vt" Atd"
." $iital sinal +rocessin% 4 ? ?ayes) (chaumJs outlines) #A#A
4c-Draw ?ill) 2002"

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02002) ?<#DA(=#TA>" /? @;D G ?AT" D=;4="
<#4T64 4#TR/D<T4/#
com+arison of A- and $- #ransmission systems) A++lication of $"-"
#ransmission) #y+es or $- lin9s) #y+ical layout of a ?>$- converter
station" ?>$- converters) +ulse number) Analysis of E +hase !ride
circuit with and without overla+) converter !ride characteristics)
e*uivalent circuits or 'ectifier and inverter confiurations #welve +ulse
<#4T 644 /#;=RT=R A#D @;D "A"T=( /#TR/>
&rinci+les of $- lin9s control) converter control characteristics) system
control ?ierarchy) <irin anle control) current and e;tinction Anle
control startin and sto++in of $- lin9"
<#4T 6444 @AR(/#4"9 ?4>T=R" A#D R=AT4;= B/'=R
Introduction) eneration of ?armonics) A- and $- <ilters) 'eactive
+ower re*uirements at steady state) sources of 'eactive +ower static >ar
<#4T 64; B/'=R ?>/' A#A>A"4" 4# ACD "A"T=("
Introduction) 4odelin of $-7A- converters) controller e*uations)
solutions of A$7$- load flow- simultaneous a++roach and se*uential
<#4T 3 ; ?AT" /#=BT"
<low of +ower in A- +arallel +aths and 4eshed systems) !asic ty+es of
<A-#( controllers) !rief descri+tion and $efinitions of <A-#(
<#4T 6 ;4 "TAT4 "@<#T /(B=#"AT/R"
=b6ectives of shunt com+ensation) 4ethods of controllable >A'
eneration) (tatic >A' com+ensators) (>- and (#A#-=4)
<#4T 6 ;44 "TAT4 "=R4=" /(B=#"AT/R"
=b6ectives of series com+ensation) variable im+edance ty+e-thyristor
switched series ca+acitors (#-(-)) switchin converter ty+e series
com+ensators : static series synchronous com+ensator ((((-) : +ower
anle characteristics : !asic o+eratin control (chemes"
<#4T 6 ;444 /(B4#=D /(B=#"AT/R"
Introduction) unified +ower flow controller (5&<-)) !asic o+eratin
+rinci+le) Inde+endent real and reactive +ower flow controller) control
T=DT B//H"-
1" ?>$- +ower #ransmission systems by I"'" &adiyar) 8iley Eastern

2" 5nderstandin of <A-#( by @"D" ?inorani E A" Dyuyi) IEEE
." <le;ible A- #ransmission (ystems (<A-#() Youn ?uason E
Alian #" hons) #he Institution of Electrical Enineers) IEE &ower
and Enery (eries .0"
/" An Introduction to% 'eactive &ower -ontrol and >oltae (tability in
&ower #ransmission (ystems by Abhi6it -ha9rabarti) $" &" Iothari)
A" I" 4u9ho+adhyay and Abhinandan $e) Eastern Economy
Edition) 2010"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" =@; 6 A9 @AD Transmission G Distri&ution =ngineering9
("'ao)Ihanna +ublishers) .
edition 200."
2" Bower =lectronic ontrol in =lectrical "!stems6 E Acha" >D
Aelidis E = Anaya-Aara" #?E 4iller : Elsevier) 2009"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02003) "'4T@ 5=AR A#D BR/T=T4/#
#his course introduces all varieties of -ircuit !rea9ers and 'elays for
+rotection of Denerators) #ransformers and feeder bus bars from over
voltaes and other ha,ards" It em+hasis on @eutral roundin for
overall +rotection"
<#4T 3 4 4R<4T BR=AH=R"61
-ircuit !rea9ers% Elementary +rinci+les of arc interru+tion) 'ecovery)
'estri9in >oltae and 'ecovery voltaes"- 'estri9in &henomenon)
Averae and 4a;" '''>) @umerical &roblems - -urrent -ho++in and
'esistance (witchin - -! ratins and (+ecifications% #y+es and
@umerical &roblems" : Auto reclosures"
<#4T 344 4R<4T BR=AH=R"62
$escri+tion and =+eration of followin ty+es of circuit brea9ers%
4inimum =il -ircuit brea9ers) Air !last -ircuit !rea9ers) >acuum and
(<1 circuit brea9ers"
<#4T 3 444 =>=TR/(A5#=T4 R=>AA"
!asic 'e*uirements of 'elays : &rimary and !ac9u+ +rotection -
-onstruction details of : Attracted armature) balanced beam) inductor
ty+e and differential relays : 5niversal #or*ue e*uation :
-haracteristics of over current) $irection and distance relays"
<#4T 3 4; "TAT4 A#D (4R/BR/=""/R BA"=D
(tatic 'elays : Advantaes and $isadvantaes : $efinite time) Inverse
and I$4# static relays : -om+arators : Am+litude and &hase
com+arators" 4icro+rocessor based relays : Advantaes and
$isadvantaes : !loc9 diaram for over current ($efinite) Inverse and
I$4#) and $istance 'elays and their <low -harts"
<#4T 3 ; 5=#=RAT/R BR/T=T4/#
&rotection of enerators aainst (tator faults) 'otor faults) and
Abnormal -onditions" 'estricted Earth fault and Inter-turn fault
&rotection" @umerical &roblems on B 8indin 5n+rotected"
<#4T 3;4 TRA#"?/R(=R BR/T=T4/#
&rotection of transformers% &ercentae $ifferential &rotection)
@umerical &roblem on $esin of -# s 'atio) !uchholt, relay
<#4T 3;44 BR/T=T4/# /? ?==D=R" A#D
TRA#"(4""4/# >4#="
&rotection of <eeder ('adial E 'in main) usin over current 'elays"
&rotection of #ransmission line : . Pone +rotection usin $istance
'elays" -arrier current +rotection" &rotection of !us bars"
<#4T 3 ;444 BR/T=T4/# A5A4#"T /;=R ;/>TA5="

Deneration of =ver >oltaes in &ower (ystems"-&rotection aainst
Aihtnin =ver >oltaes - >alve ty+e and Pinc-=;ide Aihtin
Arresters - Insulation -oordination :!IA"

T=DT B//H"-
1" (witchear and &rotection : by (unil ( 'ao) Ihanna &ubllishers
2" &ower (ystem &rotection and (witchear by !adari 'am ) $"@
>iswa9arma) #4? &ublications"
." <undamentals of &ower (ystem &rotection by Y" D" &aithan9ar and
(" '" !hide) 2
Edition) &?I"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" #ransmission networ9 &rotection by Y"D" &aithan9ar )#aylor and
2" &ower system +rotection and switch ear by !huvanesh =,a) #4?)
." Electrical &ower (ystems : by -"A"8adhwa) @ew Ae international
(&) Aimited) &ublishers) .
/" Electrical +ower (ystem &rotection by -" -hristo+oulos and A"
8riht) 2
Edition) (+riner International Edition"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0200$) 4#"TR<(=#TAT4/#
(=lecti:e 3 4)
/&Fecti:e -
Instrumentation is essential in monitorin and analysis of any &hysical
system and its control" #his course deals with different ty+es of
transducers) diital voltmeters) oscillosco+es and measurement of non
electrical *uantities"
<#4T64 @ARAT=R4"T4" /? "45#A>"
4easurin (ystems) &erformance -haracteristics) - (tatic
characteristics) $ynamic -haracteristicsO Errors in 4easurement :
Dross Errors) (ystematic Errors) (tatistical Analysis of 'andom Errors"
<#4T644 "45#A>" A#D T@=4R R=BR="=#TAT4/#
(inal and their re+resentation% (tandard #est) +eriodic) a+eriodic)
modulated sinal) sam+led data) +ulse modulation and +ulse code
<#4T6444 DATA TRA#"(4""4/# A#D T=>=(=TRA
4ethods of $ata #ransmission : Deneral #elemetry (ystem : Aand line
#elemetry (ystem : >oltae) -urrent and +osition" Aand line with
feedbac9 system" <re*uency 4odulation (ystem (<4)) &ulse
4odulation (&4)) &ulse Am+litude 4odulation (&A4)) &ulse -ode
4odulation (&-4) #elemetry" -om+arison of <4) &4) &A4 and &-4"
<#4T64; DATA AI<4"4T4/# "A"T=( (DA")
Analo and $iital Ac*uisition systems : -om+onents of Analo $A(
: #y+es of 4ulti+le;in (ystems% #ime division and <re*uency division
multi+le;in : $iital $A( : !loc9 $iaram : 5se of 'ecorders in
$iital $A( : $iital 'ecordin usin Analo 'ecorder : -om+lete
data loin (ystem - !loc9 diaram and its wor9in : 4odern $iital
$A( (!loc9 $iaram)
<#4T6; "45#A> A#A>AK=R"
8ave Analysers- <re*uency selective analy,ers) ?eterodyne)
A++lication of 8ave analy,ers- ?armonic Analy,ers) #otal ?armonic
distortion) s+ectrum analy,ers) !asic s+ectrum analy,ers) s+ectral
dis+lays) vector im+edance meter) G meter" &ea9 readin and '4(
<#4T6;4 TRA#"D<=R"
$efinition of transducers) -lassification of transducers) Advantaes of
Electrical transducers) -haracteristics and choice of transducersO
&rinci+le o+eration of resistor) inductor) A>$# and ca+acitor
transducersO A>$# A++lications) (train aue and its +rinci+le of

o+eration) uae factor) #hermistors) #hermocou+les) (ynchros) &ie,o
electric transducers) +hotovoltaic) +hoto conductive cells) +hoto diodes"
<#4T6;44 (=A"<R=(=#T /? #/#6=>=TR4A>
4easurement of strain) Daue (ensitivity) $is+lacement) >elocity)
Anular >elocity) Acceleration) <orce) #or*ue"
<#4T6;444 (=A"<R=(=#T /? #/#6=>=TR4A>
4easurement of #em+erature) &ressure) >acuum) <low) Ai*uid level"
T=DT B//H"-
1" #ransducers and Instrumentation by $">"( 4urthy) &rentice ?all of
2" A course in Electrical and Electronic 4easurements and
Instrumentation) A"I" (awhney) $han+at 'ai E -o"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" 4easurements (ystems) A++lications and $esin : by $ =
$oeblin) 4c Draw ?ill Edition"
2" &rinci+les of 4easurement and Instrumentation : by A"( 4orris)
&earson 7&rentice ?all of India
." Electronic Instrumentation-by ?"("Ialsi #ata 4-Draw-?ill
Edition) .7e"
/" 4odern Electronic Instrumentation and 4easurement techni*ues :
by A"$ ?elfric9 and 8"$"-oo+er) &earson7&rentice ?all of India"
0" Industrial Instrumentation : &rinci+les and $esin by #" '"
&admanabhan) (+riner"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0200%) @45@ ;/>TA5= =#54#==R4#5
/&Fecti:e P
#his sub6ect deals with the detailed analysis of !rea9down occur in
aseous) li*uids and solid dielectrics" Information about eneration and
measurement of ?ih voltae and current" In addition the ?ih voltae
testin methods are also discussed"
<#4T 6 4 4#TR/D<T4/#
Introduction to ?> technoloy) need for eneratin hih voltaes in
laboratory" Industrial a++lications of hih voltae) Electrostatic
+reci+itation) se+aration"
<#4T 6 44 BR=AH D/'# 4# 5A"=/<" A#D >4I<4D
Dases as insulatin media) collision +rocess) Ioni,ation +rocess)
#ownsendJs criteria of brea9down in ases) &aschenJs law) Ai*uid as
Insulator) +ure and commercial li*uids) brea9down in +ure and
commercial li*uids"
<#4T 6 444 BR=AH D/'# 4# "/>4D D4=>=TR4"
Intrinsic brea9down) electromechanical brea9down) thermal
brea9down) brea9down of solid dielectrics in +ractice) !rea9down in
com+osite dielectrics) solid dielectrics used in +ractice"
<#4T 3 4; 5=#=RAT4/# /? @; A A#D D ;/>TA5=
?> A--?> transformer% @eed for cascade connection and wor9in of
transformers units connected in cascade" (eries resonant circuit-
+rinci+le of o+eration and advantaes - #esla coil - ?> $-- voltae
doubler circuit) -oc9roft- 8alton ty+e hih voltae $- set -
-alculation of hih voltae reulation) ri++le and o+timum number of
staes for minimum voltae dro+"
<#4T 6 ; 5=#=RAT4/# /? 4(B<>"= ;/>TA5= A#D

Introduction to standard lihtnin and switchin im+ulse voltaes -
Analysis of sinle stae im+ulse enerator-e;+ression for =ut+ut
im+ulse voltae - 4ultistae im+ulse enerator wor9in of 4ar;
im+ulse enerator) 'atin of im+ulse enerator - -om+onents of
multistae im+ulse enerator - #rierin of im+ulse enerator by three
electrode a+ arranement - #riatron a+ and oscillora+h time swee+
circuits) Deneration of switchin im+ulse voltae - Deneration of hih
im+ulse current"
<#4T 3 ;4 (=A"<R=(=#T /? @45@ ;/>TA5="-
Electrostatic voltmeter-+rinci+le) construction and limitation - -hubb
and <ortescue method for ?> A- measurement - Deneratin voltmeter-
&rinci+le) construction - (eries resistance micro ammeter for ?> $-
measurements - (tandard s+here a+ measurements of ?>A-) ?>$-
and im+ulse voltaes - <actors affectin the measurements - &otential
dividers-resistance dividers ca+acitance dividers mi;ed '- +otential
dividers" 4easurement of hih im+ulse currents-'oows9y coil"
<#4T 3 ;44 #/#6D="TR<T4;= 4#"<>AT4/# T="T4#5
$ielectric loss and loss anle measurements usin (cherin !ride -
#ransformer ratio Arms !ride" @eed for dischare detection and &$
measurements as+ects - <actors affectin the dischare detection)
$ischare detection methods-straiht and balanced methods"
<#4T 3 ;444 @45@ ;/>TA5= T="T" /# =>=TR4A>
$efinitions and terminoloy) tests on isolators) circuit brea9ers) cables)
insulators and transformers"
T=DT B//H"-
1" ?ih >oltae Enineerin by 4"("@aidu and >" Iamara6u : #4?
&ublications) /
2" ?ih >oltae Enineerin by -"A"8adhwa) @ew Ae Internationals
(&) Aimited) 1992"
." ?ih >oltae Enineerin &roblems E (olutions) '" $" !eamudre)
@ew Ae International &ublishers) <irst Edt") 2010"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" ?ih >oltae Enineerin% <undamentals by E"Iuffel) 8"("Paenl)
H"Iuffel by Elsevier) 2
2" ?ih >oltae Insulation Enineerin by 'avindra Arora) 8olfan
4osch) @ew Ae International (&) Aimited) 1990"
." ?ih >oltae #echnoloy by A" A" Alston) =N<='$ 5niversity
&ress) (econd Edition) 2009"

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0200+) R=#='AB>= =#=R5A "/<R="
(=lecti:e 3 4)
/&Fecti:e -
It introduces solar enery its radiation) collection) storae and
a++lication" It also introduces the 8ind enery) !iomass enery)
Deothermal enery and ocean enery as alternative enery sources"
<#4T 3 4
BR4#4B>=" /? "/>AR RAD4AT4/#% 'ole and +otential of new
and renewable source) the solar enery o+tion) Environmental
im+act of solar +ower) +hysics of the sun) the solar constant)
e;traterrestrial and terrestrial solar radiation) solar radiation on
titled surface) instruments for measurin solar radiation and sun
shine) solar radiation data"
"/>AR =#=R5A />>=T4/#% <lat +late and concentratin
collectors) classification of concentratin collectors) orientation and
thermal analysis) advanced collectors"
"/>AR =#=R5A "T/RA5= A#D ABB>4AT4/#"% $ifferent
methods) (ensible) latent heat and stratified storae) solar +onds" (olar
A++lications- solar heatin7coolin techni*ue) solar distillation and
dryin) +hotovoltaic enery conversion"
'4#D =#=R5A% (ources and +otentials) hori,ontal and vertical a;is
windmills) +erformance characteristics) !et, criteria
B4/6(A""% &rinci+les of !io--onversion) Anaerobic7aerobic
diestion) ty+es of !io-as diesters) as yield) combustion
characteristics of bio-as) utili,ation for coo9in) I"-"Enine o+eration
and economic as+ects"
5=/T@=R(A> =#=R5A% 'esources) ty+es of wells) methods of
harnessin the enery) +otential in India"
/=A# =#=R5A% =#E-) &rinci+les utili,ation) settin of =#E-
+lants) thermodynamic cycles" #idal and wave enery% &otential and
conversion techni*ues) mini-hydel +ower +lants) and their economics"
D4R=T =#=R5A /#;=R"4/#% @eed for $E-) -arnot cycle)
limitations) +rinci+les of $E-"
T=DT B//H"-
1" @on--onventional Enery (ources by D"$" 'ai) Ihanna &ublishers
2" 'enewable Enery 'esources : #widell E 8ier) -'- &ress( #aylor
E <rancis)
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" 'enewable enery resources by #iwari and Dhosal) @arosa"
2" 'enewable Enery #echnoloies by 'amesh E Iumar) @arosa"
." @on--onventional Enery (ystems by I 4ittal) 8heeler
/" 'enewable enery sources and emerin technoloies by
$"&"Iothari)I"-"(inhal) &?I"

EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02000) "/?T /(B<T4#5 T=@#4I<="
/&Fecti:e -
#his course introduces the basics of @eural @etwor9s and essentials of
Artificial @eural @etwor9s with (inle Aayer and 4ultilayer <eed
<orward @etwor9s" Also deals with Associate 4emories and introduces
<u,,y sets and <u,,y Aoic system com+onents alon with Denetic
Alorithms" #he A++lication of (oft -om+utin #echni*ues to
Electrical Enineerin is also +resented"
<#4T 3 4 ART4?44A> #=<RA> #=T'/RH"
Introduction) !ioloical @euron) Artificial @euron) !asic conce+ts of
@eural @etwor9s) !asic 4odels of A@@ -onnections) 4c-ulloch-&itts
4odel) -haracteristics of A@@) A++lications of A@@"
<#4T6 44 =""=#T4A>" /? ART4?44A> #=<RA>
Artificial @euron 4odel) =+erations of Artificial @euron) #y+es of
@euron Activation <unction) A@@ Architectures)
-lassification #a;onomy of A@@ : -onnectivity) @eural
$ynamics (Activation and (yna+tic)) Aearnin (tratey
((u+ervised) 5nsu+ervised) 'einforcement)) Aearnin 'ules)
#y+es of A++lication
<#4T3444 "<B=R;4"=D >=AR#4#5 #=T'/RH"
&erce+tron @etwor9) &erce+tron Aearnin 'ule) Architecture)
&erce+tron #rainin Alorithm) A$AAI@E) 4A$AAI@E) !ac9
&ro+aation @etwor9) !& Aearnin 'ule) In+ut Aayer -om+utation)
?idden Aayer -om+utation) =ut+ut Aayer -om+utation) 'adial !asis
<#4T 4; A""/4AT4;= (=(/RA #=T'/RH
#rainin Alorithms for &attern Association) Auto Associative 4emory
@etwor9) ?etero Associative 4emory @etwor9) !A4) ?o+field
<#4T 3 ; >A""4A> G ?<KKA "=T"
Introduction to classical sets - +ro+erties) =+erations and relationsO
<u,,y sets) 4embershi+) 5ncertainty) =+erations) +ro+erties) fu,,y
relations) cardinalities) membershi+ functions"
<#4T ;4 ?<KKA >/54 "A"T=( /(B/#=#T"
<u,,ification) 4embershi+ value assinment) develo+ment of rule base
and decision ma9in system) $efu,,ification to cris+ sets)
$efu,,ification methods"
<#4T ;44 5=#=T4 A>5/R4T@("
Introduction) !asic =+erators and #erminoloies in DA) #raditional >s
Denetic Alorithm) Encodin) <itness <unction) 'e+roduction)
-rossover) 4utation =+erator"
<#4T ;444 ABB>4AT4/#" T/ =>=TR4A> "A"T=("
A@@ based (hort term Aoad <orecastin) Aoad flow (tudies) <u,,y
loic based 5nit -ommitment and Denetic Alorithm based Economic

T=DT B//H"
1" &rinci+les of : (oft -om+utin by (" @" (ivanandam and (" @"
$ee+a) 8iley India Edition"
2" @eural @etwor9s) <u,,y loic) Denetic alorithms% synthesis and
a++lications by 'a6ase9haran and &ai : &?I &ublications"
." @ureal networ9s by (atish Iumar ) #4?) 200/"
/" @euro <u,,y and (oft -om+utin by H" (" '" Han) -" #" (un and E"
4i,utani) &earson Education"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" @eural @etwor9s : Hames A <reeman and $avis (9a+ura) &earson
Education) 2002"
2" @eural @etwor9s : (imon ?a9ins ) &earson Education
." <u,,y Aoic with Enineerin A++lications by #" H" 'oss) 2

Edition ) 8iley India Edition"
/" @eural @etwor9s and <u,,y Aoic (ystem by !art Ios9o) &?I
0" Denetic Alorithms by $" E" Doldber) Addison : 8isley) 1999"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02001) R=>4AB4>4TA =#54#==R4#5 A#D ABB>4AT4/#"
T/ B/'=R "A"T=("
<#4T 3 4 BA"4" /? BR/BAB4>4TA T@=/RA G
!asic +robability theory : rules for combinin +robabilities of events :
!ernoulliJs trials : +robability density and distribution functions :
binomial distribution : e;+ected value and standard deviation of
binomial distribution"
<#4T 3 44 #=T'/RH (/D=>>4#5 A#D R=>4AB4>4TA
Analysis of (eries) &arallel) (eries-&arallel networ9s : com+le;
networ9s : decom+osition method"
<#4T 3 444 R=>4AB4>4TA ?<#T4/#"
'eliability functions f(t)) <(t)) '(t)) h(t) and their relationshi+s :
e;+onential distribution : E;+ected value and standard deviation of
e;+onential distribution : !ath tub curve : reliability analysis of series
+arallel networ9s usin e;+onential distribution : reliability measures
4##<) 4##') 4#!<"
<#4T 3 4; (ARH/; (/D=>>4#5
4ar9ov chains : conce+t of stochastic transitional +robability 4atri;)
Evaluation of limitin state &robabilities" : 4ar9ov +rocesses
one com+onent re+airable system : time de+endent +robability
evaluation usin Aa+lace transform a++roach : evaluation of
limitin state +robabilities usin (#&4 : two com+onent
re+airable models"
<#4T 3 ; ?R=I<=#A G D<RAT4/# T=@#4I<="
<re*uency and duration conce+t : Evaluation of fre*uency of
encounterin state) mean cycletime) for one ) two com+onent
re+airable models : evaluation of cumulative +robability and
cumulative fre*uency of encounterin of mered states"
<#4T 3 ;4 5=#=RAT4/# "A"T=( R=>4AB4>4TA

'eliability model of a eneration system: recursive relation for unit
addition and removal : load modelin - 4erin of eneration
load model : evaluation of transition rates for mered state
model : cumulative &robability) cumulative fre*uency of
failure evaluation : A=A&) A=AE) A=EE"
<#4T 3 ;44 /(B/"4T= "A"T=( R=>4AB4>4TA
(ystem and Aoad &oint 'eliability Indices : 8eather Effects on
#ransmission Aines) 8eihted Averae rate and 4ar9ov 4odel"
<#4T 3 ;444 D4"TR4B<T4/# "A"T=( A#D R=>4AB4>4TA
!asic #echni*ues - 'adial @etwor9s : Evaluation of !asic 'eliability
Indices) &erformance Indices : Aoad &oint and (ystem 'eliability
Indices : -ustomer oriented) Aoss and Enery oriented indices
T=DT B//H"-
1" 'eliability Evaluation of En" (ystem : '" !illinton) '"@"Allan)
&lenum &ress) @ew Yor9) re+rinted in India by !"("&ublications)
2" 'eliability Evaluation of &ower systems : '" !illinton) '"@"Allan)
&itman Advance &ublishin &roram) @ew Yor9) re+rinted in India
by !"("&ublications) 2002"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02009) /BT4(4KAT4/# T=@#4I<="
<#4T 3 4 4#TR/D<T4/# A#D >A""4A> /BT4(4KAT4/#
(tatement of an =+timi,ation +roblem : desin vector : desin
constraints : constraint surface : ob6ective function : ob6ective function
surfaces : classification of =+timi,ation +roblems"
<#4T 3 44 >A""4A> /BT4(4KAT4/# T=@#4I<="
(inle variable =+timi,ation : multi variable =+timi,ation without
constraints : necessary and sufficient conditions for
minimum7ma;imum : multivariable =+timi,ation with e*uality
constraints" (olution by method of Aarane multi+liers : multivariable
=+timi,ation with ine*uality constraints : Iuhn : #uc9er conditions"
<#4T 3 444 >4#=AR BR/5RA((4#5
(tandard form of a linear +rorammin +roblem : eometry of linear
+rorammin +roblems : definitions and theorems : solution of a
system of linear simultaneous e*uations : +ivotal reduction of a eneral
system of e*uations : motivation to the sim+le; method : sim+le;
<#4T 3 4; TRA#"B/RTAT4/# BR/B>=(
<indin initial basic feasible solution by north : west corner rule) least
cost method and >oelJs a++ro;imation method : testin for o+timality
of balanced trans+ortation +roblems"
<#4T 3 ; <#/#"TRA4#=D #/#>4#=AR BR/5RA((4#5
=ne : dimensional minimi,ation methods% -lassification) <ibonacci
method and Guadratic inter+olation method
<#4T 3 ;4 <#/#"TRA4#=D /BT4(4KAT4/# T=@#4I<="
5nivariate method) &owellJs method and stee+est descent method"
<#4T 3 ;44 /#"TRA4#=D #/#>4#=AR BR/5RA((4#5
-haracteristics of a constrained +roblem) -lassification) !asic a++roach
of &enalty <unction methodO !asic a++roaches of Interior and E;terior

+enalty function methods" Introduction to conve; &rorammin
<#4T 3 ;444 DA#A(4 BR/5RA((4#5
$ynamic +rorammin multistae decision +rocesses : ty+es : conce+t
of sub o+timi,ation and the +rinci+le of o+timality : com+utational
+rocedure in dynamic +rorammin : e;am+les illustratin the calculus
method of solution - e;am+les illustratin the tabular method of
T=DT B//H"-
1" LEnineerin o+timi,ation% #heory and +racticeM-by (" ("'ao) @ew
Ae International (&) Aimited) .
edition) 1993"
2" L Introductory =+erations 'esearchM by ?"(" Iasene E I"$"
Iumar) (+riner(India)) &vt "A#d"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1 L =+timi,ation 4ethods in =+erations 'esearch and systems
AnalysisM : by I">" 4ital and -" 4ohan) @ew Ae International
(&) Aimited) &ublishers) .
edition) 1991"
2" =+erations 'esearch : by $r" ("$"(harma) Iedarnath 'amnath and
com+any) eleventh edition) 'e+rint 1992"
." L=+erations 'esearch % An IntroductionM : by ?"A" #aha) &?I &vt"
Atd") 1
/" Ainear &rorammin : by D" ?adley) @arosa &ublishin ?ouse)
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
0 3 2
(9A02010) (4R/BR/=""/R" A#D (4R//#TR/>>=R"
4 . (icro2rocessor 101+-
Introduction to 4A(47#A(4"
Arithmetic o+eration : 4ulti byte addition and subtraction)
4ulti+lication and $ivision : (ined and unsined Arithmetic
o+eration) A(-II : arithmetic o+eration"
Aoic o+erations : (hift and rotate : -onvertin +ac9ed !-$ to
un+ac9ed !-$) !-$ to A(-II conversion"
!y usin strin o+eration and Instruction +refi;% 4ove !loc9) 'everse
strin) (ortin) Insertin) $eletin) Aenth of the strin) (trin
4odular &roram% &rocedure) @ear and <ar im+lementation) 'ecursion"
$os7!I=( +rorammin% 'eadin 9eyboard (!uffered with and without
echo) : $is+lay characters) (trins"
44. 4nterfacing
3209 : Interrru+t -ontroller"
3229 : Ieyboard $is+ly"
3200 : &&I"
3201 : 5(A'#"
444. (crocontroller 10%1-

1" 'eadin and 8ritin on a +arallel +ort"
2" #imer in different modes"
." (erial communication im+lementation"
/" 5nderstandin three memory areas of 00 : << (&rorams usin
above areas)"
0" 5sin e;ternal interru+ts
1" &rorams usin s+ecial instructions li9e swa+) bit7byte) set7reset etc"
2" &rorams based on short) +ae) absolute addressin"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;64 "em. (=.=.=) T B
0 3 2
(9A02011) B/'=R =>=TR/#4" A#D "4(<>AT4/# >AB
An! =ight of the =J2eriments in Bower =lectronics >a&
1" (tudy of -haracteristics of (-') 4=(<E# E ID!#
2" Date firin circuits for (-'Js
." (inle &hase A- >oltae -ontroller with ' and 'A Aoads
/" (inle &hase fully controlled bride converter with ' and 'A loads
0" <orced -ommutation circuits (-lass A) -lass !) -lass -) and -lass
$ E -lass E)
1" $- Hones cho++er with ' and 'A Aoads
2" (inle &hase &arallel) inverter with ' and 'A loads
3" (inle &hase -ycloconverter with ' and 'A loads
9" (inle &hase ?alf controlled converter with ' load
10" #hree &hase half controlled bride converter with '-load
11" (inle &hase series inverter with ' and 'A loads
12" (inle &hase !ride converter with ' and 'A loads
1." (inle &hase dual converter with 'A loads
An! two simulation eJ2eriments with B"B4=CB"4(
&(&I-E simulation of sinle-+hase full converter usin 'AE loads and
sinle-+hase A- voltae controller usin 'AE loads"

&(&I-E simulation of resonant +ulse commutation circuit and !uc9
&(&I-E simulation of sinle +hase Inverter with &84 control"
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" (imulation of Electric and Electronic circuits usin &(&I-E : by
4"?"'ashid) &?I"
2" &(&I-E A7$ userJs manual : 4icrosim) 5(A"
." &(&I-E reference uide : 4icrosim) 5(A"
/" 4A#AA! and its #ool !oo9s userJs manual and : 4athwor9s) 5(A"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02101) BR4#4B>=" /? B/'=R I<A>4TA
<#4T64 4#TR/D<T4/#
8hat is +ower *ualityS &ower *uality : voltae *uality) why are we
concerned about +ower *ualityS) the +ower *uality Evaluation
+rocedure) #erms and $efinitions) #ransients) Aon-duration voltae
variations) short-voltae variations) voltae imbalance) wave form
distortion) voltae fluctuation) +ower fre*uency variations) +ower
*uality terms -!E4A and I#I curves"
<#4T644 ;/>TA5= "A5" A#D 4#T=RR<BT4/#"
(ources of saas and interru+tions) Estimatin voltae sa +erformance)
fundamental +rinci+les of +rotection) solutions at the end-use level)
4otor-startin sas) utility system fault-clearin issues"
<#4T6444 TRA#"4=#T /;=R ;/>TA5="
(ources of over voltaes) +rinci+les of over voltae +rotection) devices
for over voltae +rotection) utility ca+acitor-switchin transients) utility
system lihtnin +rotection"
<#4T64; ?<#DA(=#TA>" /? @AR(/#4"

?armonic $istortion) >oltae versus current distortion) ?armonics
versus #ransients) +ower system *ualities under non sinusoidal
conditions) ?armonic indices) ?armonic sources from commercial
loads) ?armonic sources from Industrial loads
<#4T6; ABB>4=D @AR(/#4"
Effects of ?armonics) ?armonic distortion evaluations) &rinci+les of
-ontrollin ?armonics) $evices for -ontrollin ?armonic $istortion
<#4T6;4 >/#56D<RAT4/# ;/>TA5= ;AR4AT4/#"
&rinci+les of reulatin the voltae) $evices for voltae reulation)
utility voltae reulator A++lication) ca+acitors for voltae reulation
<#4T6;44 B/'=R I<A>4TA B=#@ (ARH4#5
!enchmar9in +rocess) '4( >oltae variation Indices) ?armonics
indices&ower Guality -ontracts
<#4T 3;444 B/'=R I<A>4TA (/#4T/R4#5
4onitorin considerations) +ower *uality measurement e*ui+ment)
&ower *uality 4onitorin standards
T=DT B//H"-
1. Electrical &ower (ystems Guality) 'oer -" $uan) 4ar9 <"
4cDranahan) (urya (antoso) ?"8ayne !eaty) 2
Edition) #4?
Education &vt" &td"
2. &ower *uality by -" (an9aran) -'- &ress
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" Electrical systems *uality Assessment by H" Arrillaa) @"'" 8atson)
(" -hen) Hohn 8iley E (ons
2" 5nderstandin &ower *uality +roblems by 4ath ?" H" !ollen IEEE
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02102) <T4>4KAT4/# /? =>=TR4A> =#=R5A
It deals with the illumination) Electrical heatin) 8eldin) Electrolytic
&rocess and Electric #raction"
<#4T 3 4 4>><(4#AT4/#
$efinition : Aaws of illumination : &olar curves : -alculation of
4?-& and 4(-&" Aam+s% Incandescent lam+) (odium >a+our lam+)
<luorescent lam+" 'e*uirement of ood lihtin scheme : #y+es)
$esin and -alculation of illumination" (treet lihtin and <actory
lihtin : @umerical &roblems"
<#4T 3 44 =>=TR4A> @=AT4#5
Advantaes" 4ethods of Electric heatin : 'esistance) arc) Induction
and dielectric heatin"
<#4T 3 444 =>=TR4 '=>D4#5

#y+es : 'esistance) Electric arc) as weldin" 5ltrasonic) 8eldin
electrodes of various metals) $efects in weldin"
<#4T 3 4; =>=TR/>AT4 BR/=""
Electrolysis - <aradays laws) A++lication of Electrolysis) &ower su++ly
for Electrolysis"
<#4T 3 ; =>=TR4 DR4;="
Advantaes) #y+es of $" - and A" - 4otors and their -haracteristics :
Electric !rea9in" (+eed -ontrol of $" - and A" - 4otors :
#em+erature 'ise and Aoad E*uali,ation : (election of 4otors for
+articular $rive"
<#4T 3 ;4 =>=TR4 TRAT4/# 3 4
Introduction : (ystems of Electric #raction" -om+arison between A" -
and $" - #raction : (+ecial features of #raction 4otors - 4ethods of
Electric !ra9in : &luin) 'heostatic and 'eenarative ty+es"
<#4T 3 ;44 =>=TR4 TRAT4/# 3 44
4echanics of train movement" (+eed-time curves of different services :
tra+e,oidal and *uadrilateral) s+eed-time curves : @umerical &roblems"
<#4T 3 ;444 =>=TR4 TRAT4/#6444
-alculations of tractive effort) &ower) s+ecific enery consum+tion -
effect of varyin acceleration and bra9in retardation) Adhesive weiht
and coefficient of adhesion : &roblems"
T=DT B//H-
1" 5tili,ation of Electric Enery : by E" =+enshaw #aylor and >" >" A"
'ao) 5niversities &ress"
2" 5tili,ation of Electrical &ower : by '" I" 'a6+ut) Aa;mi
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" 5tili,ation of Electrical &ower includin Electric drives and
Electric traction : by @">"(uryanarayana) @ew Ae International
(&) Aimited) &ublishers) 1991"
2" Art E (cience of 5tili,ation of electrical Enery : by &artab)
$han+at 'ai E -o"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02103) (/D=R# /#TR/> T@=/RA
(=>=T4;= 3 444)
/&Fecti:e -
#his sub6ect deals with state s+ace) describin function) +hase +lane and
stability analysis includin controllability and observability" It also
deals with modern control and o+timal control systems"
<#4T 3 4 "TAT= ;AR4AB>= D="R4BT4/#

-once+t of (tate : (tate E*uations for Ainear -ontinuous time 4odels
: @on uni*ueness of state model : (tate diarams for continuous time
state models : (olution of state e*uations : (tate transmission matri;"
<#4T 3 44 /#TR/>>AB4>4TA A#D /B"=R;AB4>4TA
#ests for controllability and observability for continuous time systems :
#ime varyin case) minimum enery control) time invariant case)
&rinci+le of $uality) -ontrollability and observability of state models in
Hordan canonical form and other canonical forms"
<#4T 3 444 (/DA> /#TR/>
Effect of state feedbac9 on controllability and observability) $esin of
(tate <eedbac9 -ontrol throuh &ole +lacement" <ull order observer
and reduced order observer"
<#4T 3 4; D="R4B4#5 ?<#T4/# A#A>A"4"
Introduction to nonlinear systems) #y+es of nonlinearities) -once+ts of
describin functions) $erivation of describin functions for $ead ,one)
(aturation) bac9lash) relay with dead ,one and ?ysteresis - Hum+
<#4T6; B@A"=6B>A#= A#A>A"4"
Introduction to +hase-+lane analysis) 4ethod of Isoclines for
-onstructin #ra6ectories) (inular +oints) &hase-+lane analysis of
nonlinear control systems"
<#4T6;4 "TAB4>4TA A#A>A"4"
(tability in the sense of Aya+unov" Aya+unovJs stability and Ay+anovJs
instability theorems" $irect method of Ay+anov for the Ainear and
@onlinear continuous time autonomous systems"
<#4T 3;44 /BT4(A> /#TR/>
<ormulation of o+timal control +roblem" 4inimum time) 4inimum
enery) minimum fuel +roblems" (tate reulator +roblem" Infinite time
'eulator) =ut+ut reulator +roblem" #rac9in +roblem) &arameter
<#4T6;444 A><><" /? ;AR4AT4/#"
4inimi,ation of functionals of sinle function) -onstrained
minimi,ation" 4inimum +rinci+le" -ontrol variable ine*uality
constraints" -ontrol and state variable ine*uality constraints"
T=DT B//H"-
1" 4odern -ontrol (ystem #heory : by 4" Do+al) @ew Ae
International &ublishers) 2
edition) 1991"
2" (ystems and -ontrol by (tainslaw ?" Pa9 ) =;ford &ress) 200."
R=?=R=#= B//H"-
1" 4odern -ontrol Enineerin : by I" =ata) &rentice ?all of India)
edition) 1993"
2" -ontrol (ystems Enineerin by I"H" @aarath and 4"Do+al) @ew
Ae International (&) Atd"
." $iital -ontrol and (tate >ariable 4ethods : by 4" Do+al) #ata 4c
Draw-?ill -om+anies) 1992"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0210$) "B=4A> =>=TR4A> (A@4#="
(=lecti:e 3 444)

<#4T 34 "B=4A> TAB=" /? D. . (A@4#=" 6 4
(eries booster : (hunt booster : @on : reversible booster : 'eversible
<#4T 344 "B=4A> TAB=" /? D.. (A@4#=" 6 44
Armature e;cited machines : 'osenber enerator : #he Am+lidyne
and 4etadyne - 'ototrol and 'eule;: #hird brush enerator : #hree :
wire enerator - $ynamometer"
<#4T 3444 "T=BB=R (/T/R"
Introduction : (ynchronous Inductor (or ?ybrid (te++er 4otor))
?ybrid (te++in 4otor) -onstruction) &rinci+le of =+eration)
Enerisation with two +hase at a time : Essential conditions for the
satisfactory =+eration of a 2 : &hase ?ybrid (te+ 4otor :>ery (low-
(+eed (ynchronous 4otor for (ervo -ontrol : $ifferent -onfiurations
for (witchin the &hase 8indins : -ontrol -ircuits for (te++in
4otors : An =+en : Aoo+ -ontroller for a 2-&hase (te++in 4otor"
<#4T 3 4; ;AR4AB>= R=><TA#= "T=BB4#5 (/T/R"
>ariable 'eluctance (>') (te++in 4otors) (inle : (tac9 >' ste+
motors) 4ulti+le stac9 >' motors : =+en : Aoo+ -ontrol of .-&hase
>' (te+ 4otor : -losed : Aoo+ -ontrol of (te+ 4otor) $iscriminator
(or rotor +osition sensor)) #ranslator) 4a6or loo+ : -haracteristics of
(te+ 4otor in =+en : Aoo+ $rive : -om+arison between =+en-Aoo+
&osition -ontrol with (te+ 4otor and a &osition -ontrol (ervo usin a
-onventional (dc or ac) (ervo 4otor : (uitability and Areas of
A++lication of (te++in 4otors : 0 : &hase ?ybrid (te++in 4otor :
(inle : &hase (te++in 4otor) #he -onstruction) =+eratin &rinci+le)
#or*ue develo+ed in the 4otor"
<#4T 3 ; "'4T@=D R=><TA#= (/T/R
Introduction : Im+rovements in the $esin of -onventional reluctance
4otors : (ome $istinctive $ifferences between (' and -onventional
'eluctance 4otors : +rinci+le of =+eration of ('4 : (ome $esin
As+ects of (tator and 'otor &ole Arcs) $esin of stator and 'otor and
+ole Arcs in (' 4otor) $etermination of A(T) : T &rofile : &ower
-onverter for (' 4otor : A @umerical E;am+le - 'otor (ensin
4echanism and Aoic -ontrol) $rive and &ower -ircuits) &osition
(ensin of rotor with ?all &roblems : $erivation of #or*ue E;+ression)
Deneral) Ainear -ase"
<#4T 3;4 B=R(A#=#T (A5#=T (AT=R4A>" A#D
Introduction) ?ysteresis loo+s and recoil line : (tator <rames (&ole :
and Yo9e : &art) of -onventional &4 dc 4otors) E*uivalent circuit of a
&4 : $evelo+ment of Electronically -ommutated $- 4otor from
-onventional $- 4otor "
<#4T 3;44 BR<"@>="" D (/T/R
#y+es of -onstruction : &rinci+le of =+eration of !A$4 : (ensin and
(witchin Aoic (cheme) (ensin) Aoic -ontroller) Aoc9out &ulses :
$rive and &ower -ircuits) !ase $rive -ircuit) &ower -onverter -ircuit
: #heoretical Analysis and &erformance &rediction) 4odelin and
manet circuit) d-* analysis of !A$4 : #ransient Analysis :
<ormulation in terms of <lu; Ain9aes as (tate >ariables :
A++ro;imate (olutions for -urrent and #or*ue under (teady (tate :
#heory of !A$4 as >ariable (+eed (ynchronous 4otor (Assumin
(inusoidal <lu; $istribution) : 4ethods of reducin #or*ue &ulsations)
&ole Arc and 120
current sheet"
<#4T 3;444 >4#=AR 4#D<T4/# (/T/R
$evelo+ment of a $ouble sided AI4 from 'otary ty+e I4 : A
(chematic of AI4 $rive for Electric #raction : $evelo+ment of one
sided AI4 with bac9 Iron : <ield Analysis of a $(AI4% <undamental
T=DT B//H"-
1" I" >en9ataratnam) (+ecial Electrical 4achines) 5niversity &ress"
2" '" I" 'a6+ut) Electrical machines) /
Edition) Aa;mi &ublications"
U<or -ha+ters I and II refer -ha+ter >III of this boo9V
." >" >" Athani) (te++er 4otors% <undamentals) A++lications and
$esin) @ew Ae International &ub"
/" @" 4ohan) 5ndeland E 'obbins) &ower Electronics - -onverters)
A++lications E $esin) 8iley India) (tudent Edition"
0" Hohan E" Dibson and <" !" #euter) -ontrol (ystem -om+onents) 4c
Draw ?ill Edition"

1" 4" D" (ay E E" =" #aylor) $" -" 4achines) 2
Edition) EA!("
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0210%) B> G D" 6 4T" ABB>4AT4/#"
&A- !asics% &A- system) I7= modules and interfacin) -&5 +rocessor)
+rorammin E*ui+ment) +rorammin formats) construction of &A-
ladder diarams) $evices connected to I7= modules"
&A- &rorammin% In+ut instructions) out+uts) o+erational +rocedures)
+rorammin e;am+les usin contacts and coils" $rill +ress o+eration"
$iital loic ates) +rorammin in the !oolean alebra system)
conversion e;am+les" Aadder $iarams for +rocess control% Aadder
diarams E se*uence listins) ladder diaram construction and
flowchart for s+ray +rocess system"
&A- 'eisters% -haracteristics of 'eisters) module addressin) holdin
reisters) In+ut 'eisters) =ut+ut 'eisters"
&A- <unctions% #imer functions E Industrial a++lications) counter
function E industrial a++lications) Arithmetic functions) @umber
com+arison functions) number conversion functions
$ata ?andlin functions% (II&) 4aster control 'elay) Hum+) 4ove)
<I<=) <AA) =@() -A' E (wee+ functions and their a++lications" !it
&attern and chanin a bit shift reister) se*uence functions and
a++lications) controllin of two-a;is E three a;is 'obots with &A-)
4atri; functions"
$istributed -ontrol (ystem ($-() : Evolution : $ifferent
Architectures : Aoical -ontrol 5nit : =+erator Interface : $is+lay :
Enineerin Interface"

$-( A++lications to &ower &lant : Iron and (teel &lants : -hemical
Industries : &a+er and &ul+ Industries"
TeJt Boo)s%
1" &rorammable Aoic -ontrollers by 8" !olton) 0
Elsevier) 2010
2" &rorammable Aoic -ontrollers- &rinci+les and A++lications by
Hohn 8" 8ebb E 'onald A" 'eiss) <ifth Edition) &?I
." $istributed -ontrol (ystems by 4ichal &" Aucas) >an nostrand)
'einhold -o") 1931"
Reference Boo)s-
1" &rorammable Aoic -ontrollers- &rorammin 4ethod and
A++lications :H'" ?ac9worth E<"$ ?ac9worth Hr" :&earson) 200/"
2" $istributed -om+uter -ontrol of Industrial Automation by &o+ovic
$ and !hat9ar >" &) 4arcel $e99ar Inc") 1990"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A0210+) =(B=DD=D "A"T=("
(=lecti:e 3 4;)
<#4T6 4 /;=R;4=' /? =(B=DD=D "A"T=(
Embedded (ystem) ty+es of Embedded (ystem) 'e*uirements of
Embedded (ystem) Issues in Embedded software develo+ment)
<#4T644 BR/=""/R G (=(/RA /R5A#4KAT4/#
(tructural units in a +rocessor) &rocessor selection) 4emory devices)
4emory selection) 4emory Allocation E 4a+O Interfacin
<#4T6444 D=;4=" G B<"=" ?/R D=;4= #=T'/RH"
I7= devices) #imer E -ounter devices) (erial -ommunication)
-ommunication between devices usin different buses"
<#4T64; D=;4= DR4;=R" A#D 4#T=RR<BT "=R;44#5
$evice drives) &arallel and serial +ort device drives in a system)
Interru+t servicin mechanism) conte;t and +eriods for conte;t
switchin) $eadline and Interru+t Aatency"
<#4T ; BR/5RA( (/D=>4#5 /#=BT"
&roram elements) 4odelin &rocesses for (oftware Analysis)
&rorammin 4odels) 4odelin of 4ulti+rocessor (ystems"
<#4T ;4 "/?T'AR= =#54#==R4#5 BRAT4="
(oftware alorithm -once+ts) desin) im+lementation) testin)
validatin) debuin) (oftware 4anaement and maintenance"

<#4T6;44 @ARD'AR= A#D "/?T'AR= /6D="45#
Embedded system desin and co desin issues in software develo+ment)
desin cycle in develo+ment +hase for Embedded (ystem) 5se of I-E
E (oftware tools for develo+ment of E() Issues in embedded system
<#4T ;444 RT/"
=( (ervices) I7= (ub (ystems) 'eal #ime and Embedded (ystems =()
Interru+t routines in '#=( Environment) '#=( #as9 (chedulin
T=DT B//H"-
1" Embedded (ystems % Architecture) &rorammin and $esin :
'a69amal) #4?) 200."
2" &rorammin for Embedded (ystem% $ream#ech (oftware #eam-
Hohn 8iley -2002
1" Embedded (ystems E 'obots by (ubrata Dhoshal) -E@DADE
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02100) D="45# /? =>=TR4A> "A"T=("
(=lecti:e 3 4;)
<#4T 3 4 D="45# A"B=T" /? =>=TR4A> "A"T=("
'ole of (tatutes in Electrical (ystem $esin) -lassification of !uildin
(ervices) $esin As+ects of Aihtin) $esin As+ects of >entilation)
$esin As+ects of -limate -ontrol) $esin As+ects of >ertical
#rans+ortation) $esin As+ects of 4inor !uildin (ervices"
<#4T 3 44 =>=TR4A> 4#"TA>>AT4/#" 4# D/(="T4
-lassification) Estimation of Aoad 'e*uirements) (election of #y+e of
8irin) (+ecial <eatures A++licable for ?ih-'ise A+artment
!uildins) &re-commissionin #ests"
<#4T 3 444 4#D<"TR4A> 4#"TA>>AT4/#" 6 4
-lassification of Industrial Installation) Deneral -haracteristics)
(election of $istribution Architecture) (election of #ransformers and
(ub (tations
<#4T 3 4; 4#D<"TR4A> 4#"TA>>AT4/#" 6 44
(hort -ircuit (tudies) <ault -urrent -alculations) Earthin $esin)
(election of (witch Dears% Electrical &rotection) &rotection of -ircuit
Elements) &ersons E Aife stac9) E*ui+ment) Electrical Isolation) (witch

Dear -ontrol) (witchin $evices) 5ses) (elective -o-ordination)
-ircuit !rea9ers and #heir (election"
<#4T 3 ; B/'=R ?AT/R 4(BR/;=(=#T
@ature of 'eactive Enery) &ower <actor) ?ow to Im+rove &ower
<actorS) Economics of &ower <actor Im+rovement) Aocation of
-a+acitors) Installation &recautions) =+timal -om+ensation) &<
-orrection of Induction 4otors) &rotection and -ontrol) >oltae
#ransients) (witchin -onsiderations"
<#4T 3 ;4 B/'=R "A"T=( =ART@4#5
Introduction) Earthin) #y+es of (ystem Earthin) 'easons for
Droundin7 Earthin) #@ (ystem) ## (ystem) I# (ystem) &rotective
4easures and &rotective $evices in I# (ystem) 4ain -haracteristics of
Earthin (ystems) (election -riteria for Earthin) $esin
-onsiderations of Eartin) 4easurement of Earth 'esistance) Earth
Aea9ae &rotection) @eutral Earthin for Denerators and #ransformers"
<#4T 3 ;44 B/=R I<A>4TA 4""<=" A#D R="/#A#=
BR/B>=(" 4# "A"T=(" D="45#
&ower Guality Issues) ?armonics) (ources of ?armonics) $isturbances
-aused by ?armonics) 4ethods to reduce the Im+act of ?armonics)
$esin the $etuned -a+acitor !an9) IEEE (tandard 019-1992 and
<#4T 3 ;444 =#=R5A =/#/(4" 4# "A"T=( D="45#
Introduction) #ime >alue of 4oney) (inle &ayment -om+ound
Amount 4odel ((&-A)) 5niform (eries -om+ound Amount 4odel
(5(-A)) 5niform (eries &resent 8orth 4odel (5(&8)) $e+reciation)
#a; -onsiderations) After #a; Analysis"
T=DT B//H-
1" Electrical (ystems $esin : by 4" I" Diridharan) I" I"
International &ublishin ?ouse &vt" Atd"
2" $esin of Electrical Installations : by Er" >" I" Hain and Er"
Amitabh !a6a6) 5niversity (cience &ress"
EA'A@AR>A> #=@R<
T=@#/>/54A> <#4;=R"4TA A#A#TAB<R
B.Tech 4;644 "em. (=.=.=) T B
$ 0 $
(9A02101) =#=R5A A<D4T4#5 G D=(A#D "4D=
(=lecti:e 3 4;)
<#4T 6 4 4#TR/D<T4/#
Enery situation : world and India) enery consum+tion) conservation)
-odes) standards and Aeislation"
<#4T 6 44 =#=R5A A<D4T4#5
Enery audit- definitions) conce+t) ty+es of audit) enery inde;) cost
inde;) +ie charts) (an9ey diarams) load +rofiles) Enery conservation
schemes" 4easurements in enery audits) +resentation of enery audit
<#4T 6 444 =#=R5A =??44=#T (/T/R"
Enery efficient motors ) factors affectin efficiency) loss distribution )
constructional details ) characteristics - variable s+eed ) variable duty

cycle systems) '4( h+- voltae variation-voltae unbalance- over
motorin- motor enery audit"
<#4T 6 4; B/'=R ?AT/R 4(BR/;=(=#T
&ower factor : methods of im+rovement) location of ca+acitors) &f with
non linear loads) effect of harmonics on +"f" ) +"f motor controllers"
<#4T 3 ; >45@T4#5 A#D =#=R5A 4#"TR<(=#T"
Dood lihtin system desin and +ractice) lihtin control )lihtin
enery audit - Enery Instruments- watt meter) data loers)
thermocou+les) +yrometers) lu; meters) tonue testers )a++lication of
#he time value of money conce+t) develo+in cash flow models)
+aybac9 analysis) de+reciation) ta;es and ta; credit : numerical
Introduction to $(4) conce+t of $(4) benefits of $(4) different
techni*ues of $(4 : time of day +ricin) multi-utility +ower
e;chane model) time of day models for +lannin"
Aoad manaement) load +riority techni*ue) +ea9 cli++in) +ea9 shiftin)
valley fillin) strateic conservation) enery efficient e*ui+ment"
4anaement and =rani,ation of Enery -onservation
awareness &rorams"
T=DT B//H-
1" Industrial Enery 4anaement (ystems) Arry -" 8hite) &hili+ ("
(chmidt) $avid '" !rown) ?emis+here &ublishin -or+oration)
@ew Yor9"
2" <undamentals of Enery Enineerin 6 Albert #humann) &rentice
?all Inc) Enlewood -liffs) @ew Hersey"
." Electrical &ower distribution) A (" &abla) #4?) 0
edition) 200/
/" $emand (ide 4anaement) Hyothi &ra9ash) #4? &ublishers"
1" Enery manaement by 8"'" 4ur+hy E D" 4c9ay !utter worth)
?einemann +ublications"
2" Enery manaement by &aul oJ -allahan) 4c-raw ?ill !oo9
edition) 1993
." Enery efficient electric motors by Hohn "-" Andreas) 4arcel
$e99er Inc Atd-2
edition) 1990-
/" Enery manaement hand boo9 by 8"-"#urner) Hohn wiley and
0" Enery manaement and ood lihtin +ractice % fuel efficiency-
1" 'ecent Advances in -ontrol and 4anaement of Enery (ystems)
$"&"(en) I"'"&adiyar) Indrane (en) 4"A"&ai) Interline &ublisher)
!analore) 199."
2" Enery $emand : Analysis) 4anaement and -onservation) Asho9
>" $esai) 8iley Eastern) 2000"
3" ?and boo9 on enery auditin - #E'I (#ata Enery 'esearch

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