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Tanay Kumar

UIM to TFI Connection through

Multimode Fiber
While installation we have noticed one thing that
in some Resource Shelf UIMT Board only one ort
is connected with TFI and in some ! "orts while in
M#UIM Board $ "ort each from Master and Slave is
connected with TFI Card%
&ctually it deends on the TS as tabulated below%
UIM' TFI (Master ) Slave* +ne "ort i%e% one air
Multimode Fiber Connection can suort ,- TS.
Similarly ! "ort /0- and $ "ort 1!-%
Card 2W TS
3TB 1! /-
S3TB 0$ !-
S3TB4! /!, $-
5TC& /0 6%7-
5TC&4! 1! /-
5TCM /!, $-
MRB /0 6%7-
S"B /0 6%7-
#8B Card has TS 9 6%
For 8:amle;
/* If any BUS< Shelf contains , 3TB Card than
this shelf=s UIMT must have only one "ort

Tanay Kumar

Tanay Kumar
Connected with TFI (Master ) Slave Both*.
since the TS of 3TB Card is /- and , 3TB
Cards= TS will be ,>/-9,-% So only one ort
connectivity (Master ) Slave Both* will be
su?cient for all , 3TB% In this shelf we cannot
add any card in future%
!* If any BUM& Shelf contains , 5TC&4! Cards
and $ 3TB Cards and ! #8B Board than this
Shelf=s total TS will be (, > /-* ,- for 5TC&4!
and ($ > /-* $- for 3TB and 6- for #8B Card%
So the total TS will be /!- and this shelf=s !
"ort will be connected to TFI Board(Master )
Slave Both*%
1* If any B#S< Shelf contains ! MRB. 1 5TCM
and 1 S3TB4!(Master ) Slave*% Than its shelf=s
total TS would be (! > 6%7-* /- for ! MRB
Boards. (1 > $-* /!- for 1 5TCM Board and (1 >
$-* /!- % So total TS would be !7- and so $
"ort would be connected to TFI(Master ) Slave
Both*% We can also add any resource card in
this shelf since @- is sare in this shelf%
We can calculate the TS with the hel of 2W
For 3TB Card; 1! > 2W of 3TB 9 1! > 1! 9 /6!$
9 /-
For S3TB4! Card ; 1! > 2W of S3TB4! 9 1! >
1!>$ 9 $6A0 9$-%
By; Mr% Bi 2ai 3ong

Tanay Kumar

Tanay Kumar
By; Tanay -umar

Tanay Kumar

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