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Big Pharma has been obsessed with serotonin manipulation since the early 1990s, when their rather

dangerous and half-the-time useless SSRI medications were turned into blocbuster drugs! "hese
drugs are now shown to be a serious cause of bone loss and a new study shows why!
#ast year we found out that these SSRI drugs
more than double the ris for fractures in anyone o$er
the age of %0 who uses them regularly! "hese bone-damaging
effects of SSRIs ha$e been confirmed
by another $ery recent study!
In an une'pected finding from research not in$ol$ing SSRIs, a new mechanism has been identified
which e'plains why ha$ing high blood le$els of serotonin is associated with increased bone loss! "he
researchers found that too much serotonin
directly interferes with how new bone is formed!
*uman data regarding SSRI use and breast cancer is highly contro$ersial! "he reason is due to Big
Pharma-funded +scientists for hire+ who cran out studies that say there is no ris! ,nd this is only one
aspect of the blatant and fraudulent misrepresentation of SSRI riss and benefits!
"his issue came front and center in an ,pril &011 open access article published in Plos -ne
re$iewed .1 studies regarding breast and o$arian cancer and antidepressant use! "he o$erall data
showed an 11 percent increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer associated with all types of
antidepressants! "he association between the SSRI type of antidepressants and cancer was stronger
than for any other type of antidepressant.
/ompared to controls, patients reported significantly 0p10!0%2 less ability to cry, irritation, care about
others3 feelings, sadness, erotic dreaming, creati$ity, surprise, anger, e'pression of their feelings, worry
o$er things or situations, se'ual pleasure, and interest in se'!
In &004 the 5ew 6ngland 7ournal of 8edicine e'posed the e'tent of the antidepressant deception! "he
great ma9ority of negati$e SSRI studies were ne$er published! , whistleblower who had wored at the
:;, and was familiar with the data forced the data to public $iew! It showed 37 studies the FDA
considered positive were published, whereas only three negative studies were published! -f the
(( studies the :;, considered negati$e or <uestionable, && were not published, and 11were published
with spin to loo positi$e when they were not! "his made antidepressant studies appear 9. percent
positi$e in the literature, when in fact the studies were only %1percent positi$e! In fact, as 5ewswee
maga=ine e'plained in 7anuary &010, that +benefit+ was hardly any different than the placebo!
-n the other hand, rather e'treme side effect data from taing SSRI antidepressants continues to pour
in! In 5o$ember &004, it was shown that anyone over the age of ! taking ""#Is on a continual
basis had double therisk for fractures, as e$cessive serotonin production directly blocks new
bone for%ation! In 8arch &009 it was reported in a large study of women that antidepressant use,
independent of other $ariables, was linked to a statistically increased risk of sudden cardiac death!
In ;ecember &009 researchers reported that in 13&,!!! post%enopausal wo%en taking ""#Is there
was a ' percent increased risk of stroke of any kind, a 3( percent increased risk of %ortality

fro% any cause, a (1( percent increased risk of a he%orrhagic stroke, and a (1! percent
increased risk that the stroke da%age would be so se$ere it would cause death! ,s mentioned at
the beginning of this article, the increased rate of inflammation in the brain, especially acti$ating
highly inflammatory i5-S in response to I5:y, is a clear mechanism that could cause these dangerous
stroes in the brain!
"he issue of cardio$ascular, breast cancer, and mortality ad$erse effects from SSRIs is far from settled
B;5: 0brain-deri$ed neurotrophic factor2 is one of the most potent healing compounds in your brain!
,de<uate B;5: is needed for brain plasticity, cognitive intelligence, opti%al learning, positive
%ood, etc! In other words B;5: is your brain re9u$enation compound! B;5: can pre$ent and treat
Al)hei%er*s disease! B;5: is e$en acti$e outside your brain wherein it helps your muscles burn fat>
, lac of B;5: sets the stage foraddicti$e beha$ior
, including compulsi$e o$ereating
! +hose with
the lowest levels of ,D-F have the worst depression
?ou can acti$ate B;5: with aerobic e$ercise, e$en consistent moderate aerobics! ,erobics in older
adults has been shown to stop brain shrinkage
and boost B;5: while pre$enting depression! 8any
facilitate the production and release of B;5: .D/A, pantethine
, acetyl0l0carnitine
, blueberries
, curcu%in
, niacin
, D/3A
, and likely %any others4. 5utrients wor $ery
well to maintain B;5: le$els in the face of high le$els of stress
, as any of the prior study lins will
e'plain! "o properly acti$ate B;5: also re<uires proper function of thyroid hormone
, which is
problematic in many people with depression!
B;5: production in your brain occurs within glial cells 0astrocytes2! It is $ery important to understand
that B;5: production can be acti$ated by multiple signals coming into the glial cells, not 9ust one
type of input! In other words, we ha$e glial cell acti$ation in response to healthy beha$iors lie
e'ercise and good nutrition! "his is part of the ongoing process of eeping your brain re9u$enated and
in tip-top woring condition! In animal e'periments following stroe, $oluntary e'ercise
produce high le$els of B;5: and ner$e regeneration whereas forced e'ercise does not!
B;5: is also acti$ated during times of brain in9ury, to repair the in9ury
! 5er$e cells do not split and
di$ide lie other cells in your body! Rather, ner$e cells must either fi' themsel$es or ha$e a strategy to
de$elop new ner$e growthB both processes re<uire B;5:! "hus, one way to stimulate B;5: is to
in9ure ner$e cells!
It is this latter strategy that ""#I antidepressants utili)e + in a manner ne$er intended by 8other
5ature! "he details of this rather bi=arre method of operation are e'plained in a detailed re$iew
! In brief, one way SSRIs are supposed to wor is by enhancing the flow of serotonin, an
effect that would be felt i%%ediately upon taking the%! *owe$er, it is well recogni=ed that an
additional mechanism is in play, as for many it taes se$eral wees or longer before their mood seems
to impro$e. +his latter effect is due to the ""#I %edication progressively accu%ulating in glial
cells, inducing a highly infla%%atory to$ic response, and triggering the release of ,D-F. -ow
you can understand why taking anti0infla%%atory drugs would interfere with ""#I function!
Cnderstand that such a strategy to boost B;5: production is highly problematic! It can 9ust as readily
result in suicide or worsened depression! , person who is depressed is lacking ,D-F! +his %eans
their credit cards for ,D-F have been %a$ed out trying to cope with the stress in their life. In
essence, ""#I antidepressants are like getting a new ,D-F credit card fro% a loan shark. +he
interest rates are astrono%ically high, i.e., the loan is given in the for% of e$citoto$ic brain cell
in5ury. "al about robbing Peter to pay Paul! "his is a $ery short term remedy, at best!
,ccording to the re$iew article abo$e, the method of B;5: acti$ation by SSRI antidepressants
utili=es a specific gene signaling pathway called "rB 0"ropomyosin-associated inase2! "he
o$ere'pression of this particular gene signal is nown to cause breast cancer
! It is not that B;5:
causes breast cancer! Indeed, 9ust about every nutrient listed abo$e that boosts B;5: production
naturally also protects against breast cancer. "his is the difference between nutrition and drugs!
5utrients and e'ercise act in harmony with the brain to bolster its natural function, while nourishing
and protecting other areas of the body! In this case ""#Is %anipulate an in5ury recovery strategy to
boost ,D-F by actually poisoning brain cells! "his strategy was ne$er intended to be used on an
ongoing basis! It is <uite clear that the "5:a acti$ation of B;5:
can ha$e deleterious effects on the
ner$ous systems and may not help B;5: production at all! "he science pro$ides a direct lin to
cancer, especially breast cancer!

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