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News and Prayer Letter July 2014

Where do we start? Time cannot hold the praise we should give our great and awesome God! Every
aspect of our day has the imprint of the hand of God, whether joy or sadness, trial or blessing. Our God is
good in every circumstance as He conforms us to Jesus Christ. Several items of praise:
Safety in travelling to Michigan. After driving over 1,300 miles during a heavy travel season this
past week, we are very thankful for the protection and safety God provided.
Opportunities for refreshment. While we wish we could physically keep going and going and
going, we all know that we cant. God provided a refreshing time away, and we are excited and
ready for the rest of this summer.
Open doors of evangelism. Thank you so much for praying for our Muslim friend. When Dennis
last talked with him, he was thinking hard about the Gospel of grace alone through faith alone.
Only God knows his heart, but it seemed that he had never seriously considered the true
message of Jesus (just the false message he has grown to know). Towards the end of the
conversation, this mans wife joined us and began asking questions about Christianity as well.
Sunday meetings. We continue to meet on Sunday. We normally start at 4:30PM (we sometimes
meet in the morning also) with a meal and fellowship, then spend some time singing and Bible
study. We are seeing growth in those that are coming, and seeing God unifying the group as well.
The last 2 weeks we have had 2 new couples/families come out, which was very encouraging.
Womens Bible Study. We have been very encouraged with how God is using this womens study.
Eight different women have attended and most have attended multiple times. During the last
study, one woman opened up quite a bit (we are not sure of her salvation). We have been very
encouraged how God has been working through this study.

Prayer requests
Brothers, pray for us. 1 Thessalonians 5:25. As needy people, we can never pray enough or be prayed
for enough. It is only the power of a Sovereign God that can build a church. We request your prayer in
these matters:
Direction and wisdom for outreach. We have taken a relational approach to evangelism, and the
opportunities continue to come. However, there are specific people groups we would like to
reach out to, but there are language and cultural barriers. Two of those groups are the Hispanic
population and the Muslim population.
Further establishing ourselves in the community. Our team has gotten more and more involved
in the community. While we are encouraged in this, we know there are other opportunities to
serve and make an impact. Pray that God would direct us to be involved in other areas of the
community that we can be people of influence for the Gospel.
The Holy Spirit to be at work in those who have received the Gospel, and those neighbors, co-
workers, and friends that we continue to witness to. We love people and enjoy making friends,
but it saddens us to know that without Christ they are headed to eternal judgment. Plead with us
for Gods Spirit to open their ears to the truth.
By Grace,

The Rews

Prayer Needs
1. Holy Spirit to
work in hearts
2. Direction for
3. Womens Bible

Contact Info
Dennis and Valerie Rew
1808 Pioneer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15226

Sending Church
Middletown Road
Baptist Church
2660 Middletown Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Dennis 5/28
Valerie 8/15
Avalon 5/13/09
Emily 10/26/11

June 19, 2004
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So the churches were strengthened in the faith,
and they increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5

of July Parade
A couple of monkeys!

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