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Redactarea bibliografiei conform Sistemului Vancouver

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La bibliografie
Pentru cri se trec urmtoarele date, cu punctuaia de mai jos.
Nume autori urmate de iniiala prenumelui. itlul crii !limba original", ediia !dac e cazul", editura,
ora#ul publicrii, anul publicrii, pagini utilizate.
Pentru articole se trec urmtoarele date, cu punctuaia de mai jos$
Nume autori urmate de iniiala prenumelui. itlul articolului !limba original". Revista %n care s&a publicat
!cu prescurtarea admis de 'nde( medicus". )nul publicrii, volumul revistei !numrul revistei"$pagini
!prima #i ultima pagin".
Lin* pentru prescurtarea jurnalelor
Pentru pagini de internet
Numele paginii, 1ras unde s&a redactat, anul, disponibil la2. )dresa complet din bro-ser., actualizat la
data de... , accesat la data de...
3(emplu mai jos pentru +ome page
American Medical Association [homepage on the Internet]. Chicago: The Association; c1995-
22 [!pdated 21 A!g 2"; cited 22 A!g 12]. AMA #$$ice o$ %ro!p &ractice 'iaison; [a(o!t 2
screens]. A)aila(le $rom: http:***ama*p!(*categor,*1-"..html/ act!ali0at la data
de 2 ian!arie 212/ accesat la data de1.
Learning Resource Centre - references according to the Vancouver Style
The Vancouver Style, or Uniform Requirements Style, is based on an ANSI standard adapted by the National Library of edicine !NL"
for databases such as edline# It $as developed in Vancouver in %&'( by editors of medical )ournals $ho no$ meet annually as the
International *ommittee of edical +ournal ,ditors !I*+,"# -ver .// medical )ournals !includin0 1+, *A+, 2 +AA" use this style#
In the text:
References are numbered consecutively in the order they are first mentioned# 3lace each reference number in parentheses,
throu0hout the te4t, tables, and le0ends# If the same reference is used a0ain, re5use the ori0inal number# (See number 3 in
the example below.)
Direct quotes are to be used very sparin0ly# If a direct quote is necessary, place quotation mar6s around the quote and
number the reference as usual# (See number 6 in the example below.)
ables are numbered consecutively# Supply a brief title for each table and 0ive each column a short headin0# 1e sure that
the table is mentioned in the te4t# If the data is ta6en from another source, include the source in the list of references at the
end of the paper# 3lace e4planatory matter in a note, not in the headin0# 7or notes use the follo$in0 symbols in this
sequence8 9, :, 99, ::, etc#
Internet sources may, in time, be deleted, chan0ed, or moved, so it is a 0ood idea to 6eep a hard copy for your records#
Also, ta6e care to critically evaluate the reliability of the information#
!ersonal communication used as a reference should be avoided, unless it provides essential information not available from a
public source# ;o not number this type of reference< instead cite the name of the person and date of communication in
parentheses in the te4t# Use this method to cite a conversation or to cite notes ta6en by a student in class# (See the
example below).
Recently, the health sciences community has reduced the bias and imprecision of traditional
literature summaries throu0h the development of ri0orous criteria for both literature overvie$s!%5="
and practice 0uidelines#!>,." ,ven $hen recommendations come from such ri0orous approaches,
ho$ever, ?it is important to differentiate bet$een those based on $ea6 vs# stron0 evidence#?!@"
Recommendations based on inadequate evidence often require reversal $hen sufficient data
become available, !+ohn ;oe, April %, A//A" $hile timely implementation of recommendations
based on stron0 evidence can save lives#!="
$n the references #age:
The last pa0e of your paper is entitled R,7,R,N*,S# No footnotes or biblio0raphy are used#
List all references in order by number, not alphabetically# ,ach reference is listed once only, since the same number is used throu0hout
the paper#
List each authorBs last name and initials< full first names are not included# List all authors, but if the number e4ceeds si4, 0ive the first
si4 follo$ed by ?et al#? !see e4ample % belo$"# 7or boo6s $ith chapters $ritten by individual authors, list the authors of the chapter
first, then the chapter title, follo$ed by ?In8?, the editorsB names, and the boo6 title !see e4ample @ belo$"#
'oo( titles) cha#ter titles:
*apitaliCe the first letter of the first $ord in the title# The rest of the title is in lo$er5case, $ith the e4ception of proper names !see
e4ample = belo$"# ;o not underline the title< do not use italics#
*ournal citations:
List the abbreviated )ournal title9, period, year, semi5colon, volume, issue number in parentheses99, colon, pa0e ran0e, and a period#
7or e4ample8 1rain Res# A//A<&=.!%5A"8>/5@#
9 To find the abbreviation 0o to 3ubed edlineBs +ournals ;atabase, and search by )ournal title# If the title is not found, abbreviate
accordin0 to the style used in edline#
99 The issue number may be omitted if the )ournal is pa0inated continuously throu0h the volume#
7or )ournals, the entire pa0e ran0e of an article or chapter is 0iven, not the specific pa0e on $hich the information $as found# 7or
boo6s, no pa0e numbers are 0iven, $ith t$o e4ceptions8 the pa0e number of a dictionary entry is included !see e4ample '", as $ell as
the pa0e ran0e of a chapter $ith its o$n author !see e4ample @"#
*ournal article) #ersonal author,s-:
%# Rose ,, Duerbin 1, elic6 +, arion ;E, 3almer A, Schidin0 +F, et al# Re0ulation of interstitial e4citatory amino acid
concentrations after cortical contusion in)ury# 1rain Res# A//A<&=.!%5A"8>/5@#
*ournal article) organi.ation as author:
A# ;iabetes 3revention 3ro0ram Research Group# Dypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants $ith impaired 0lucose tolerance#
Dypertension# A//A<>/!."8@'&5(@#
'oo() #ersonal author,s-:
=# urray 3R, Rosenthal FS, Fobayashi GS, 3faller A# edical microbiolo0y# >th ed# St# Louis8 osby< A//A#
'oo() organi.ation as author and #ublisher:
># Royal Adelaide Dospital< University of Adelaide, ;epartment of *linical Nursin0# *ompendium of nursin0 research and practice
development, %&&&5A///# Adelaide !Australia"8 Adelaide University< A//%#
'oo() editor,s-:
.# 1er6o$ R, 7letcher A+, editors# The erc6 manual of dia0nosis and therapy# %@th ed# Rah$ay !N+"8 erc6 Research Laboratories<
Cha#ter in a boo(:
@# eltCer 3S, Fallioniemi A, Trent +# *hromosome alterations in human solid tumors# In8 Vo0elstein 1, FinCler FE, editors# The
0enetic basis of human cancer# Ne$ Hor68 cGra$5Dill< A//A# p# &=5%%=#
Dictionary entry:
'# ;orlandBs illustrated medical dictionary# A&th ed# 3hiladelphia8 E#1# Saunders< A///# 7ilamin< p# @'.#
%e/s#a#er article:
(# Tynan T# edical improvements lo$er homicide rate8 study sees drop in assault rate# The Eashin0ton 3ost# A//A Au0 %A<Sect# A8A
!col# >"#
Legal material:
&# Re0ulated Dealth 3rofessions Act, %&&%, Stat# -f -ntario, %&&% *h#%(, as amended by %&&=, *h#='8 office consolidation# Toronto8
IueenBs 3rinter for -ntario< %&&>#
%/# Anderson S*, 3oulsen F1# AndersonBs electronic atlas of hematolo0y J*;5R-K# 3hiladelphia8 Lippincott Eilliams 2 Eil6ins< A//A#
*ournal article on the Internet:
%%# Abood S# Iuality improvement initiative in nursin0 homes8 the ANA acts in an advisory role# Am + Nurs Jserial on the InternetK# A//A
+un Jcited A//A Au0 %AK<%/A!@"8Jabout = p#K# Available from8 http8LL$$$#nursin0$orld#or0LA+NLA//AL)uneLEa$atch#htm#
'oo( on the Internet
%A# 7oley F, Gelband D, editors# Improvin0 palliative care for cancer Jmono0raph on the InternetK# Eashin0ton8 National Academy
3ress< A//% Jcited A//A +ul &K# Available from8 http8LL$$$#nap#eduLboo6sL/=/&/'>/A&LhtmlL#
"ncyclo#edia on the Internet
%A#A#;#A## medical encyclopedia JInternetK# Atlanta8 A#;#A##, Inc#< cA//. Jcited A//' ar A@K# Available from8
http8LL$$$#nlm#nih#0ovLmedlineplusLencyclopedia#html#, accesat la data deM
Internet home#age1/ebsite:
%># *anadian *ancer Society Jhomepa0e on the InternetK# Toronto8 The Society< A//@ Jupdated A//@ ay %A< cited A//@ -ct %'K#
Available from8 http8LL$$$#cancer#caL#
!art of an Internet /ebsite:
%.# American edical Association Jhomepa0e on the InternetK# *hica0o8 The Association< c%&&.5A//A Jupdated A//% Au0 A=< cited A//A
Au0 %AK# AA -ffice of Group 3ractice Liaison< Jabout A screensK# Available from8 http8LL$$$#ama5
%ote that the bold headings are for the #ur#oses of this guide only2 do not include the headings on your o/n R"+"R"%C"S #age3

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