You are on page 1of 132

Thc insiJc story oj thc

houcst ncvncvspopcr opp

Iirst look. thc biqqcst cvcr
Crcotivc ClouJ upqroJc

NcviMoc 2l.5-inch jor just L899

Moc8ook ^ir ll-inch jrom L719
6 For everylh|ng App|e, s|nce 198S
Redes|gned OS Yosem|te,
|ntegrat|on between dev|ces,
amaz|ng new techno|og|es
for |Phone and |Pad apps,
and Dr Dre on the payro||...
can we fna||y stop say|ng
the Steve word?




S0A. 0reat|ve Assemb|y, the 0reat|ve Assemb|y |ogo, Tota| war, Tota| war: Sh000h aod the Tota| war |ogo are
trademarks or reg|stered trademarks oI the 0reat|ve Assemb|y L|m|ted. S0A aod the S0A |ogo are reg|stered trademarks
or trademarks oI S0A corporat|oo. 0eve|oped Ior aod p0b||shed oo the Nac by Fera| |oteract|ve Ltd. Nac aod the Nac
|ogo are trademarks oI App|e |oc., reg|stered |o the 0.S. aod other co0otr|es. Fera| aod the Fera| |ogo are trademarks oI
Fera| |oteract|ve Ltd. A|| other trademarks aod copyr|ghts are the property oI the|r respect|ve owoers. A|| r|ghts reserved.
vo|unr .a u
tusu: zai-
acronc :ucnc wcnc Uacs - well, belore l could ahord
one - Ihere was Ihe AIari ST. Nicknamed Ihe '|ackinIosh'
aler |ack Tramiel, who'd overseen iIs creaIion aler
doing Ihe same lor Ihe C64 aI Commodore, iI was an
amazing machine IhaI leI you do a loI ol Ihe Ihings you
could have done wiIh a Uac lor a lracIion ol Ihe price.
The ST was a Ioy compuIer IhaI plugged inIo your
TV. BuI iI had an opIional sharp liule monochrome
CRT IhaI made iI leel like a Uac. The caIch was IhaI
Ihe solware was ol a lar lower sIandard. There was a
DTP package, buI iI came wiIh |usI a couple ol lonIs,
biImapped aI hxed poinI sizes (noI even Ihe Uac had
vecIors yeI). So my hrsI Iask, in Irying Io run a sIudenI
magazine on Ihe ST, was Io design my own Iypelaces,
creaIing a lull seI ol biImaps lor each size, doI by doI.
Commissioning someone else Io do Ihis would
have been beyond Ihe wildesI limiIs ol my means, buI
learning Io do iI mysell was highly insIrucIive. And l
goI iI done, and l sIarIed producing magazines.
WhaI l never did learn Io do was wriIe my own
DTP app, and whoever had wriuen Ihis one mighI have
skipped a couple ol classes. lI worked, up Io
a poinI. AI IhaI poinI iI overlowed Ihe ST's
memory, corrupIing Ihe loppy disk hle con-
Iaining Ihe enIire ediIion ol Ihe magazine.
This happened aI leasI once per issue.
lI was incredibly lrusIraIing - buI iI goI
me sIarIed. Ol course, when l wenI Io work
aI a real publishing company, Ihey weren'I
using AIaris. Such lakiness would have been
commercial suicide. They were using Uacs
(raIher pioneeringly aI Ihe Iime) lor Ihe biIs
IhaI Uacs were Ihen capable ol, and lor Ihe resI, iI was
bromides, scalpels and cowgum- because IhaI wasn'I
innovaIive or insIrucIional or lun, buI iI .
Then along came companies like Adobe and hgured
ouI how Io make Uacs do whaI prolessionals needed,
properly. And IhaI's when Ihings goI inIeresIing. BuI
wiIhouI Ihe ST, l mighI noI have been Ihere Io see iI.
l was reminded ol Ihis progression - mine and Ihe
DTP indusIry's - lrom amaIeur Io pro when l wenI Io
Ihe press launch lor Ihe newupdaIe Io Adobe's CreaIive
Cloud. Apps like lnDesign are nowso Ihoroughly honed
Io caIer lor whaI prolessionals need IhaI iI's genuinely
hard Io spoI much Ihey oughI Io do IhaI Ihey don'I
already. (They could, as l genIly poinIed ouI during Ihe
Q&A, promise noI Io break when Adobe's servers go
down - nobody wanIs Iheir AIari back - buI leI IhaI lie.)
So as well as adding some carelully considered new
leaIures Io Ihe big apps, Adobe showed us some brand
new liule ones, exclusively lor iOS. 'We wanI Ihese
Io be Iools, noI Ioys,' Ihey said. Prolessional, you see.
BuI everyone knew iI was really Ihe oIher way round.
When you've spenI years pushing Ihe Iools
and your skills as lar as Ihey'll go, and Ihen
some, iI's Iime Io geI Ihe Ioys back ouI.
lI's happening in creaIive solware. lI's
happening in hardware like DSLR video. lI's
happening in iPhone phoIography and iPad
music. SomeIimes Ihings will break and
lail and wasIe weeks producing sIuh IhaI
isn'I good enough and make us leel like
amaIeurs. BuI Ihe more we play, Ihe readier
we'll be when Ihings geI inIeresIing.

ProIessIonaIs need IooIs IhaI work.
AmaIeurs are more exIbIe
|s Ed|lor |n
Ch|el el lecUser.














\~cUsc ~UcUs: zo: 6
12 Mac rescue
iUac C4 FlaI Panel
127 My setup
Hannah Cal, arIisI
l28 Lffas A
Woolers and IweeIers
130 AppIe moment
iBook wiIh AirPorI
10 WWDC wows deveIopers
14 F Io probe Apple Iax
Taxis honk aI ber
1 Tech hrms challenge email warranI
iOS 8 hghIs shy ol wih spies
17 CCHQ is reading our chaIs
19 Web browsing noI piracy - FC|
Amazon made a phone
22 A moNfuuL o AL
11in UacBook Air on IesI
Cheaper iMac hits AppIe Store
24 xLANa
The Turing test
25 Web owners' privacy IhreaIened
27 Two wireless speakers lor summer
3 foaAL
Why pros need Ioys
31 Kenny HemphiII
WWDC delighIed developers -
iI's greaI news lor apps
32 DanieI Benneworth-6ray
WWDC is a baming experience,
even il you're noI Ihere
35 Howard OakIey
The Iime is ripe lor OS Xl, so whaI
does Apple have up iIs sleeve?
3 cucs: coLuuN
NicoIe Kobie
ForgeI Apple - Amazon is Ihe real
ebooks monopolisI
28 days
Too|s, l|ps
end lr|cks
end reled
Tne oeck

O5 X10.10Yosem|te and
|O5 8 revea|ed!
How App|e's nexl operel|ng syslems
w||| cnenge lne |lec, |Pnone end |Ped 38
PIus: Iop app developers on Ihe luIure ol Apple
84 uow fo
The iPad for photography
wwoc nznonz
52 aorLe
ames Tonkin
58 av oesoN
2 cAse sfuov
The Cuardian app
Steve CapIin
Working wiIh blue
9 Keith Martin
How Io read icons
?2 amea
roadband on Ihe blink?
75 Q&
78 iWork Pro
ePubs in Pages
?2 fav fus
Pixel Press Floors
94 aevew
dobe CC 2014
98 PixelmaIor 3.2
100 d3i SIache
101 F-Secure
nIi-Virus lor ac
102 oIebooks
103 ealnoIe
104 FanIasIical
106 Panasonic 6H4
109 Dell lIraSharp 2414H
110 lue icrophones
Spark DigiIal
111 TFC H-P50
112 aCie Rugged 500C SSD
113 nkyo FS-CT300
115 roIher FC-1810
11 Table Tennis Touch
117 FC arvel Super Heroes
118 CaII of Duty: Modern
Warfare 2 and 3
A he news h squn
How lne Cuerd|en re-|nvenled |ls epp 62
sz aorLe
james Tonkin
~UcUs: zo: \~cUsc
\~cUscn ~UcUs: zo:
Editor in Chief and
Creative Director
Contribting Editor: Prodcts
lenny Hemph|||
TechnicaI Editor
le|lh lerl|n
Contribting Editor: Featres
N|k Rew||nson
Contribting Writer
A|en Sloneor|dge
Sb-editing and Layot
l|rsly Forlune
Contribting Editor: 6raphics
Sleve Cep||n
Contribting Editor: HeIp
Howerd Oek|ey
PortfoIio Editor
Cem|||e Ne||son
Contribtors Tom Corhem,
Den|e| Benneworlh-Crey,
Cre|g Crenne||, Deve Slevenson
MocUscr is proJuccJ
jor Dcnnis Publishinq by

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oy Denn|s Puo||sh|ng Lld, 30 C|eve|end Slreel, London W1T ^}D, e compeny reg|slered |n Eng|end
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Uacser is available on subscripIion aI a
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The peper used w|lh|n lh|s
megez|ne |s produced
lrom susle|neo|e hore,
menuleclured oy m|||s w|lh e
ve||d che|n ol cuslody.
SeIected as a Cover of the Centry


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Programmable Function Button
Dedicated Shutter Button
Wide 0amera Lens and Flash 0pening
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cn ~UcUs: zo:






UcUs: zo: \~cUscn

No horJworc, but soworc
proqrcss wows Jcvclopcrs
hough awaiIed by Iech pundiIs as
a possible producI launch venue,
pple's annual Worldwide Developers
Conlerence is primarily a chance Io
connecI wiIh Ihe makers ol Ihe apps
IhaI give users reasons Io buy Uacs,
iPhones and iPads. nd Ihis year's
keynoIe hI IhaI mould beuer Ihan
any oIher since SIeve |obs announced
Ihe Uac's swiIch Io lnIel in 200S.
DisappoinIing Ihe mainsIream
media, Ihere were no peeks aI new
hardware. lnsIead, Craig Federighi, Ihe
personable senior vice presidenI now
responsible lor boIh Ihe deskIop OS
X and mobile iOS operaIing sysIems,
showed oh hundreds ol leaIures Io
be added in Ihe auIumn, including a
noIably more lexible iCloud. These
were available immediaIely Io devel-
opers lor beIa IesIing, along wiIh
Pls and SDKs allowing Ihird parIies
Io leverage more builI-in luncIions.
The Iwo-hour presenIaIion was
crowned by Ihe unveiling ol UeIal, a
graphics lramework IhaI unleashes
Ihe power ol pple's mobile proces-
sor chips Io enable games ol console-
level complexiIy, and Swil, a brand
new programming language lor OS X
and iOS developmenI.
Federighi's enIirely unexpecIed
announcemenI ol Swil, which he
described as 'Ob|ecIive-C wiIhouI Ihe
C', produced a collecIive 'Whoa!' lrom
Ihe 6,000-sIrong
zuz uozucz


rLLwzo av
Luo nnLusz
Mking strides
pp|'s CEO |ookd
heppy end onhdnl
|ccntinueJ cn !2]
\~cUsc ~UcUs: : 12
audience, lollowed by
loud applause. Federighi, an accom-
plished presenIer and arguably a more
naIural successor Ihan Cook Io |obs'
role ol lronI-man, revelled in sharing
whaI Apple had been quieIly creaIing.
ln addiIion Io Swil and UeIal,
new programming Iools include
HealIhKiI, which collaIes medical and
hIness daIa, and HomeKiI, lor home
auIomaIion. There's more compleIe
access Io Ihe cameras on iOS devices
lor Ihird-parIy apps, and a new app,
TesI FlighI, allows developers Io beIa-
IesI apps wiIh users on a large scale,
even IargeIing Ihose IesIs according
Io specihc demographics.
Apple's unanIicipaIed new
approach is being seen as an opening
up ol iIs operaIing sysIems Io devel-
opers. BuI no such Iransparency was
evidenI when Cook declined Io be
inIerviewed by Ihe New York Times
lor a leaIure lollowing WWDC, and
Ihe posiIive mood ol IhaI evenI had
noI hlIered Ihrough Io iIs wriIers.
Snarkily expressing Ihe gap beIween
impressing developers wiIh Iechnical
innovaIions and convincing users ol
Iheir benehIs, Ihey reporIed IhaI
while 'developers sIood and whooped',
'Ihe resI ol Ihe world yawned'.
CollaboraIion wiIh leaders in Ihe
medical indusIry had been sIressed in
Ihe announcemenI ol HealIhKiI, buI
aler speaking Io developers lrom
healIhcare research hrm ORC, Ihe
arIicle chose Io quoIe 'Chad Zeluh, 27,
who saw Ur. |obs deliver Ihe keynoIe
in 2007' opining. '|obs is Io Lennon
whaI Cook is Io Ringo.' Admiuedly, iI
added, 'Ringo is sIill a BeaIle.'
Apple's problem is IhaI lor some
observers, noIhing counIs buI hard-
ware. lndusIry analysI Horace Dediu
( was lrusIraIed wiIh
invesIors like Dan Niles, who said Ihe
keynoIe ohered 'noIhing ol any real
meaI'. For Ihose who invesIed passion
and inIellecI, noI |usI money, 'WWDC
had a greaI deal ol meaI'. 'lndeed, lor
Ihem, iI was probably Ihe mosI signil-
icanI evenI Apple ever sIaged.'
AlIhough Cook lisIed sIraIo-
spheric sales hgures lor exisIing
ranges, only new launches will saIisly
Ihe markeI. WiIh senior VP Fddy Cue
having relerred Io an unprecedenIed
pipeline ol upcoming producIs, Ihe
lasI lew monIhs ol 2014 should
conhrm wheIher Apple can maIch
groundbreaking solware archiIecIure
wiIh musI-have new devices.
Ars Tecnnico
'Pesponse fromdeve|op-
ers has been |arge|y pos-
itive: newfeatures |ike
|iO5 8j Extensions and
iC|oud Drive are address-
ing age-o|d comp|aints
about everything fromthe
way apps interact with one
another to the way they're
tested and distributed.
'Extensions are a big
change, but deve|opers are
excited about the ways the
newfeatures wi|| aid in the
process of deve|opment
itse|f - in writing the code,
testing the code, and then
distributing the code to
ndrew Cunn|nghem, erslechn|
'Neet the newApp|e'
Tne Vere
'WaIching CFO Tim Cook and
his "Superman" companion
Craig Federighi bound abouI
onsIage, Irading |okes and
launching inIo sIrangely
lengIhy and ehecIive biIs
on Iopics like a near-miss
naming ol OS X "Weed", you
mighI noI recognise Ihe com-
pany il noI lor all Ihe Apple
logos everywhere.
'The Ione was |ovial,
loose, and conhdenI. One
mighI even say playlul.
'Apple is execuIing on a
plan, and iI's giving iI conh-
dence and power.
'lI wasn'I |usI Ihe whole-
hearIed embracing and
praising ol iIs developer
communiIy (Ihough IhaI
mosI cerIainly happened in
a big way). lI was Ihe core ol
Apple's new message. how
can we help you?
'BuI Ihe big sIory - and
Ihe big picIure - is IhaI Apple
seems Io have come ouI ol
deep lreeze. lI leels lighI,
like iI's moving lorward. Like
Ihe cobwebs have [been]
brushed aside, and Ihings are
going Io geI lun again.'
}oshue Topo|sk,
Whel lhe lech
pund|ls se|d eooul
pp|e's WWDC
'5uch amazing apps'
Dr Dre
DemonsIraIing Ihe new abil-
iIy ol OS X Io make phone
calls via Ihe user's iPhone,
Federighi called Dre, whose
BeaIs company Apple has
acquired. 'l wanna Ihank you
lor creaIing such amazing
apps,' Dre Iold Ihe audience.
'By Ihe way, whaI Iime should
l show up aI work?'

|ccntinoeJ jrcm !!]

cUs: zo: \~cUscn 3
'u t t st'
/on Donce
'pple has decided moving
iOS lorward is as much in
developers' hands as iI is
in pple's. Consider IhaI
all Ihis is happening aI a
Iime when pple has more
money and is hiring more
engineers Ihan ever. ll any-
Ihing, pple is more suiIed
Io shuI Ihe doors and go iI
alone. uI IhaI's noI whaI's
'The auiIude behind
WWDC 2014 was one ol
increased openness and
increased conhdence - an
auiIude IhaI deparIed lrom
Ihe worsI ol Ihe pasI while
sIaying Irue Io Ihe besI.'
'ud m ac in'
in Wi||iom
'Uy conhdence in Ihe iOS
plaIlorm has been waning
over Ihe lasI 12 monIhs.
iOS 7 was a hard upgrade
Io swallow boIh in Ierms ol
Ihe changes and Ihe work iI
'nd Ihen in Iwo hours,
pple shuI me up. They
preuy much ohered a solu-
Iion lor every single Ihing l
have biIched abouI over Ihe
pasI hve years.nd Swil,
an enIirely new program-
ming language IhaI will likely
power Ihe luIure ol iOS and
OS X developmenI lor years
Io come.'
' way t undstand t
swis t pay it acwads
nwuiding matia was
intducd, ang wit t
mtds using it and
t ts saping it
w intducd t sm
pmd its tat aw
t matias t cm
ind nwuss suc as
spitas and gyms.
'n w w swn
nwways tat tis cmnt
was usd t cat nw
w nvinmnts ad
a pviw "showhomes"
beautifu||y architected and
designed. And these homes
were seam|ess|y connected
through newtransportation
networks and a||owed for
easier commutes.
'5ome sawbanks, and
some sawart ga||eries and
some sawwarehouses, but
a|| who were there were
seeing a newwor|d, popu-
|ated by many |oya| citizens.'
Horece Ded|u,
'Ahuge surprise'
Tne Ne Wec
'5wihis not on|y faster, but
supports modern conven-
tions such as c|osures,
generics, type inference,
mu|tip|e return types.
'uentin Zervaas, who
bui|t a popu|ar pub|ic trans-
port app, be|ieves that 5wih
"reinforces that App|e |isj
serious about making their
deve|oper too|s and deve|-
opment workoweasy to
use, as we|| as |ooking for
ways to squeeze extra per-
formance fromdevices".'
'If 5wihproves to be
as revo|utionary as App|e
c|aims, expect a huge shihin
the way iO5 and Nac apps
performover the next year.'
Owen W||||ems,

s uzwAnnnoAcu s
szzu As Au onzuuo un
or zs onznAzuo svszzms

Hair Force won The

upoeel re|g Feder|gh|
dom|neled lhe keynole

~cUs ~UcUs zo: 4

Toxi Jrivcrs soy hirc

opp is unjoir onJ unsojc
er. opssengers7
pp olnr
|g rs r EU
lx pro lnrl
The European Commission
has |aunched an inesiga-
ion ino he wa EU coun-
ries rea companies |ike
App|e, Fia and 5arbucks
for ax purposes.
The Commission is
concerned ha dea|s sruck
b goernmens o encour-
age inward inesmen
ma inc|ude faourab|e ax
reamen. App|e has hree
subsidiaries in Ire|and and
is known o pa |in|e ax.
'Transfer pricing' a||ows
companies o se prices for
ransacions beween sub-
sidiaries o minimise heir
oera|| ax burden.
'In he curren conex
of igh pub|ic budges, i
is paricu|ar| imporan
ha |arge mu|inaiona|s
pa heir fair share,' said
Commission ice presiden
in charge of compeiion
po|ic [oaqun A|munia.
App|e has said i does
no receie an specia| ax
reamen fromhe Irish
goernmen, which has said
i wi|| defend is posiion.
London Iaxi drivers sIaged a one-day
demonsIraIion in |une Io proIesI againsI
Ihe privaIe hire car app ber. n esIi-
maIed 12,000 drivers caused grid-lock in
Ihe ciIy during a go-slow which Ihey said
was designed Io highlighI Ihe unlawlul-
ness ol ber and similar services.
ber's 'disrupIive' model, which has
laced challenges in Ihe S, is seen as
bypassing exisIing sysIems ol licensing.
The company works wiIhin London's
minicab licensing sysIem, buI Iaxi drivers
complain IhaI by providing a meIered
service iI encroaches on Iheir business.
ColumnisI VicIoria Coren also suggesIed
an online hrm mighI noI be responsive
Io users' concerns abouI personal saleIy.
The proIesI, however, seemed Io
have backhred when ber said iI had
seen an 8S0 increase in new users on
Ihe day ol Ihe demonsIraIion.
The RUT union claimed ber and
oIher services like iI were 'operaIing
in a grey area,' saying Iax drivers 'have
Io |ump Ihrough hoops' buI didn'I leel
'people involved in Ihese new apps are
being sub|ecIed Io Ihe same regulaIions.'
uI ber sIressed iI had been
audiIed as a privaIe hire operaIor by TlL.
lI also announced IhaI users would be
able Io book London Iaxis via Ihe app.
Coogle Uaps on iOS shows users
how long a given rouIe will Iake in an
ber car, and has a buuon Io go direcIly
Io Ihe ber app Io book Ihe |ourney.
ProIesIs were held in oIher ciIies,
including Uilan, Uadrid, erlin, and
Paris. Launched hve years ago, ber now
operaIes in 100 ciIies in 30 counIries.
Farlier Ihis year iI was valued aI S18bn.

s osunzvz
moozL s szzu As
avnAssuo zAx
Lczusuo nzomzs
Don't go there ro
12000 s rognl
lr London lo e he|l
Pot of goId
pp|e sleshes
cesh v|e E|re


Blackmaic FSA is rhe worlc's lrsr hih enc ciiral llm camera
cesinec ro revolurionize worklow on ser. Builr ro hancle rhe
eronomics ol lare llm crews as well as sinle person use, FSA
has everyrhin Luilr in, inclucin a massive 10 inch lolc our on ser
moniror, lare user upraceaLle Super 35 loLal shurrer 4K imae
sensor, 12GSD anc inrernal cual FAW anc FroFes recorcers.
5uper 35 5ize 5ensor
FSA is a rrue prolessional ciiral llm camera wirh a
4K sensor, loLal shurrer anc an increciLle 12 srops
ol cynamic rane. The wice cynamic rane Llows
away reular viceo cameras or even hih enc Lroaccasr cameras,
so you er cramarically Lerrer imaes rhar look like rrue ciiral llm.
The exrra lare Super 35 size allows lor crearive shallow ceprh ol lelc
shoorin plus FAW anc FroFes means you er increciLle qualiry!
DuaI Pecorders
Blackmaic FSA learures cual recorcers so you
never neec ro srop recorcin ro chane mecia.
Thar's crirical il you are shoorin an hisrorical evenr,
imporranr inrerview or where you |usr cannor srop shoorin! Simply
loac an empry CFasr carc inro rhe seconc recorcer anc when rhe
currenr carc is lull, rhe recorcin will conrinue onro rhe seconc carc,
allowin you ro chane our rhe lull carc anc keep shoorin!
Learn more rocay
SFF is Exclusive ol vAT
Introducing Iackmagic UP5A, tbe worId's rst
user upgradeabIe 4K digitaI Im camera!
User UpgradeabIe 5ensor
Blackmaic FSA learures a mocular camera rurrer rhar can
Le removec Ly unscrewin 4 simple Lolrs! The camera rurrer
incluces rhe sensor, lens mounr anc lens conrrol connecrions
anc can Le upracec in rhe lurure when new rypes ol sensors are cevelopec.
This means your nexr camera will Le a lracrion ol rhe cosr ol Luyin a whole
new camera! Choose prolessional FL mounr, popular EF mounr anc more!
uiIt in On 5et Monitoring!
Say oocLye ro Lulky on ser monirors Lecause
you er a massive lolc our 10 inch screen Luilr
inro Blackmaic FSA, makin ir rhe worlc's
Liesr viewlncer! The screen is super Lrihr anc learures an ulrra
wice viewin anle. FSA also incluces rwo exrra 5" rouch screens
on Lorh sices ol rhe camera showin serrins such as lormar, lrame
rare, shurrer anle plus scopes lor checkin levels, aucio anc locus!
Blackmagic URSA FL Blackmagic URSA EF

Easy ro access srancarc Lroaccasr
connecrions, no cusrom caLles
Builr in aucio merers
wirh level conrrol
HDSD viceo our anc 12v
power lor monirorin
Mounrin poinrs lor vLock
or Anron Bauer Larrery
mounrin plares
CompariLle wirh quick
release rripoc Lase plares
XLF connecrors wirh phanrom power
lor prolessional exrernal microphones
Ac|usr camera serrins anc
monirorin rools wirh acvancec
rouchscreen conrrols
FemovaLle hancle wirh
mulriple mounrin poinrs
Builr in rail mounrs lor lare
lenses, marre Loxes anc more
nique user upraceaLle
sensor anc lens mounr rurrer
Fush Lurron menu selecrion
lor locus, iris anc more
sc ~UcUs: zo: 16

iOS 8 will kccp Jciccs

ononmous ot hotspots

Tecn hrms hgnl US
courls over lore|gn
cuslomer dele
App|e has joined Cisco,
AT&T and the E|ectronic
Frontier Foundation (EFF)
in appea|ing a decision
forcing Nicrosohto hand
over data to U5 authori-
ties. AU5 court ordered it
to revea| the contents of a
customer's emai| that was
stored on servers in Dub|in.
The companies say this
is in contravention of the
U5 5tored Communications
Act and internationa|
treaties. They c|aimthe rea-
soning means no customer
data stored anywhere in
the wor|d wou|d be safe
fromany government.
It a|so raises the pros-
pect of a company breach-
ing U5 |awif it doesn't
comp|y with an order, but
breaching EU |awif it does.
It's the |atest of sev-
era| ban|es between |aw
enforcement authorities,
which say it's necessary
to access persona| data to
combat crime, and compa-
nies supporting consumers'
right to a private |ife on|ine.
le, which has become increasingly
sensiIive Io user privacy in Ihe monIhs
since Fdward Snowden's revelaIions ol
mass surveillance by Ihe S NS and
Ihe K's CCHQ, is Io inIroduce a leaIure
in iOS 8 IhaI prevenIs iIs devices lrom
being Iracked when Iheir users connecI
Io public wireless neIworks.
The operaIing sysIemrandomises
Ihe UC address IhaI Ihe device gives
ouI when Irying Io connecI Io a wih
rouIer. ShorI lor 'media access code',
Ihis hardware idenIiher is noI inherenIly
linked Io a user's personal daIa buI can
be used by daIa gaIherers Io prohle and
Irack users, Iypically lor markeIing pur-
poses. Fvery neIwork-ready hardware
device has a lacIory-allocaIed UC
address, essenIially a randomnumber.
Picking a diherenI number each Iime will
prevenI hoIspoIs building up a picIure
ol Ihe device's usage or movemenIs.
One such sysIemproved conIro-
versial when iI was Irialled in London
lasI year. Recycling bins were hued wiIh
devices IhaI Iracked UC addresses.
ccording Io Ihe websiIe QuarIz, which
broke Ihe sIory. 'The Iechnology, devel-
oped by London-based Presence ware,
is supposed Io help adverIisers hone
Iheir markeIing campaigns. Say a cohee
chain wanIed Io win cusIomers lroma
rival. ll iI had Ihe same Iracking devices
in iIs sIores, iI could Iell wheIher you're
already loyal Io Ihe brand and Iailor iIs
ads on Ihe recycling bins accordingly.'
ThaI scheme was abandoned aler
suggesIions IhaI iI mighI Irack users
inIo IoileIs Io idenIily Iheir gender. uI
iI was reporIed in |une IhaI CincinnaIi
uszzAo or zs
ou mAc Aoonzss
os s ovzs ouz A
See you, see me W|h
lreck|ng syslems cen
p|ol users' movemenls
IRL s ln|s Duo||n
dele cenlre suo-
jecl lo US |ew?
UcUs: zo: \~cUsc
|ine commniction tht
ino|es the se of dt centre
not |octed in the UK is regrded
s fir gme for mss srei||nce
b or secrit serices, ccording
to the contr's most senior sp.
Chr|es Frr, director gen-
er| of the Omce for 5ecrit nd
Conter Terrorism, rged in
sttement re|esed b the Home
Omce tht serches on Coog|e, s
e|| s posts on Tiner, Fcebook
nd oTbe, co|d be treted s
'etern| commnictions' nder
the Peg|tion of Inestigtor
Poers Act (PIPA).
Nore controersi||, Frr
|so regrded direct messges on
Tiner nd one-to-one messges
on Fcebook, hich most peop|e
o|d ies being prite, s
etern| commnictions, men-
ing tht thorities o|dn't be
reqired to obtin n indiid|
rrnt in order to intercept them.
The sttement s re|esed
in response to |eg| ch||enge
broght before the Peg|tion of
Inestigtor Poers tribn| b
Pric Interntion| nd Amnest
Interntion| ginst the UK go-
ernment. The ch||enge s mde
her the Crdin reported tht
docments obtined b Edrd
5noden shoed tht CCH, the
UK's centr| srei||nce genc,
s tpping the hbre-optic cb|es
tht crr internet dt to nd
fromthe UK.
Frr mde it c|er tht the
secrit serices regrded the
hresting of dt fromdt cen-
tres otside the UK s both |eg|
nder PIPA nd essenti| to their
In n echo of concerns bot
the FI5A sstemin the U5, Eric
King of Pric Interntion| sid:
'Inte||igence gencies cnnot
be considered ccontb|e to
Pr|iment nd to the pb|ic the
sere hen their ctions re
obfscted throgh secret inter-
prettions of bntine |s.'
porI is Io become Ihe hrsI in Ihe S Io
Irack passengers using UC addresses.
QuoIed by liberIarian news siIe The
laze, Lockheed UarIin, maker ol Ihe
lipTrack Iechnology used, said iI 'bene-
hIs boIh passengers and Ihe airporI
Ieamas iI allows IhemIo see, in real Iime,
where poIenIial queues and pressure
poinIs are.' Providers such as ReIailNexI
and Navizon oher similar luncIionaliIy Io
sIores, businesses and campuses.
iOS 8 devices will sIill be 'seen' by
wih Iracking soluIions, buI can'I be
Iracked beIween wih rouIers or maIched
againsI UC address daIa collecIed by
oIher means, which could poIenIially
idenIily users. The omission ol a mean-
inglul UC address will also give users
more anonymiIy in Iheir online acIiviIy
via public hoIspoIs, Ihough oIher meas-
ures will also be required il Ihey wanI Io
ensure Ihey can'I be Iracked or idenIihed.
y conIrasI, when users log on Io
Ihe neI aI home using Iheir own broad-
band rouIer, Iheir lSP knows exacIly who
Ihey are. This inlormaIion is reIained lor
aI leasI six monIhs, and can be obIained
by law enlorcemenI agencies or even by
organisaIions such as copyrighI owners
Ihrough Ihe courIs.
uI a ruling in pril lrom Ihe Furo-
pean CourI ol |usIice re|ecIed Ihe legal
basis lor Ihis reIenIion, declaring IhaI iI
inIerlered wiIh Ihe righI Io a privaIe lile.
The implicaIions are noI yeI clear.
Domesl|c commun|cel|ons
ere lore|gn lor lne purposes
ol spy|ng, seys cn|el spook











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: zo: \~cUsc 9

Phcw| 8rowsinq o poqc

isn`t copyriqht pirocy
surngIegaI aheraII
n a ruling IhaI arguably should never
have been needed, Ihe Furopean CourI
ol |usIice has conhrmed IhaI web users
who land on a page can'I be lound Io
have inlringed copyrighI in iIs conIenIs
simply by virIue ol Ihe lacI IhaI Iheir
web browser makes a copy ol Ihe page
in order Io display iI on Ihe screen.
The |udgmenI Iook hve years Io
reach Ihanks Io a disagreemenI over Ihe
meaning ol a clause in F law known
as Ihe Iemporary copyrighI excepIion.
The issue arose in a case beIween Ihe
Newspaper Licensing uIhoriIy (NL),
which licenses clippings services on behall
ol publishers, and Ihe PRC, represenI-
ing PR hrms who pay lor cuuings.
ln 2011, Ihe CourI ol ppeal in
London managed Io rule, sIruggling wiIh
Ihe same case, IhaI copyrighI applied
Io conIenI copied Io a user's cache lor
display. The Supreme CourI overIurned
parI ol IhaI ruling and said Ihe NLcould
noI charge a licence Io clienIs ol cuuings
agencies IhaI worked only on Ihe web. lI
senI Ihe resI ol Ihe ruling Io Ihe FC|.
Following Ihe Supreme CourI ruling
lasI year, |ames UcKenzie ol cuuings
agency CuIboI Iold Uacser IhaI il Ihe
FC| agreed iI would proIecI Ihe public
and mean clienIs ol media moniIor-
ing hrms would no longer need Io pay
hve-hgure licence lees 'merely Io visiI
public web pages'. The NL said iI was
never inIeresIed in criminalising or pur-
suing individual users. uI Ihe case was
seen as highlighIing one ol Ihe absurd
ways in which IradiIional media owners
have Iried Io proIecI Iheir moneIisaIion
ol conIenI aI Ihe expense ol pracIicaliIy.
zuz uLA sAo z
uzvzn uzzuozo
zo cnmuALsz
uovouAL uszns
Newreading EU's
|ege| |nlerprelel|on
prolecls pege v|ews
mezon sleps up
r|ve|ry w|ln pnone
end mus|c serv|ce
Amazon has |ong been
more han an on|ine shop,
and is |aes announce-
mens posiion i even
more c|ear|y as a compei-
or o App|e and Coog|e.
Is hrs smarphone,
he Fire Phone, occupies
he same price bracke
as he iPhone and oers
unique '3D' eecs ha
rack he user's head using
no |ess han four dedicaed
cameras, somehing ha
cerain|y diereniaes i
fromApp|e's '|ess is more'
approach. Oher feaures
inc|ude Firey echno|ogy
ha idenihes rea|-wor|d
objecs and invies he user
o buy hemfromAmazon.
Bu re|aive|y fewapps
suppor he phone's propri-
eary version of Android.
Neanwhi|e, he Prime
subscripion service, origi-
na||y oering |in|e more
han free de|ivery, is being
expanded furher ino con-
en, adding music sream-
ing and down|oads as we||
as videos for 79 per year.
DeIivery man
CEO }eh Bezos
or|ngs |l on

\~cUscn ~UcUs: zo:

^monthjul oj ^pplc
''-|' / '
''', '' ,J, 'J ,J
- ' J '- ,J''
issue we IesIed Ihe revised 13in
Uacook ir, Ihe 11in Iurned up aler
we wenI Io press. side lrom Ihe
obvious, Ihere's barely any diher-
ence beIween Ihe componenIs in
Ihese machines. oIh are based on a
dual-core 1.4CHz Core iS. So we were
unsurprised aI Ihe 11in's scores in
Cinebench's solware-based render-
ing IesIs. idenIical Io Ihe 13in aI 1.13
lor single-core, 2.S3 lor mulIi-core
versus 2.S8 (an insignihcanI variaIion).
The smaller screen has a reso-
luIion ol 1366 768 pixels, making
iI a 16.9 widescreen display, like Ihe
iUacs, raIher Ihan 16.10, like oIher
Uacooks. This amounIs Io 19
lewer pixels lor Ihe lnIel HD Craphics
S000 processor Io deal wiIh Ihan in
Ihe 13in ir, which gives Ihe 11in a
slighI edge in some graphical Iasks.
ln aIman. rkham CiIy's builI-in
benchmark, Ihe median lrame raIe
ol 31 lrames per second was a Slps
improvemenI on Ihe 13in, as was iIs
peak lrame raIe ol 42lps.
However, Ihe CP sIruggled wiIh
demanding scenes, dropping Io a low
ol 17lps, 2lps beuer Ihan Ihe 13in.
These aren'I machines designed lor
hardcore gaming, buI in day-Io-day
apps perlormance was hne.
We've highlighIed IhaI seemingly
idenIical Uacs can conIain sIorage
parIs lrom diherenI manulacIurers,
resulIing in a perlormance louery.
WiIh IhaI in mind, Ihe Toshiba SSD in
our new 11in uniI read daIa aI speeds
close Io Ihe SanDisk sIorage in lasI
monIh's 13in ir. median resulIs were
S71U/sec lor sequenIial, vs 602 lor
Ihe currenI 13in, and 173 lor random,
vs 14S. LasI year's 11in had been ouI-
paced by Ihe 13in when wriIing, buI
Ihis Iime our Iwo 2S6C drives were
much closer. 468U/sec sequenIial
lor Ihe 11in, vs 487, and 270 random,
vs 141 lor Ihe 13in. The excepIion was
Ihe sequenIial wriIe speed.
no less Ihan 39.9U/sec lor Ihe 13in,
while Ihe 11in lell as low as 17.7.
The 11in has less bauery space.
pple reckons iI'll lasI nine hours ol
wireless web browsing, versus 12 lor
Ihe 13in. uI we lound Ihe 13in lell
shorI, and Ihe 11in also puI iIsell Io
sleep early, aler 8 hours 1S minuIes.
This no doubI relecIs diherences
beIween pple's IesI seIup and ours,
alIhough we Iry Io replicaIe iIs condi-
Iions based on Ihe limiIed inlo given.
2013's 11in had a shorIer quoIed lile
buI lasIed 36 minuIes longer lor us.
ver|el|ons, lhe |r |s
e speedy ||h|e lec

cUs: z: \~cUscn 23

j whl SPERS[
aper iMac sneaks intostore
There were no hardware announceents at
WWDC this year, but a coupe of weeks aher-
wards the onine Appe 5tore went down, signa-
ing the arriva of a newproduct. It turned out
to be a ower-cost iNac, identica to the existing
21.5in ode but with interna specihcations
coser to the NacBook Air range.
With ony haf the processor cores and
cock speed of the previous entry-eve iNac, the
1.4CHz dua-core i5 CPUcoud be chaenged by
abitious desktop tasks, and the ageing Inte
HD Craphics 5000 CPUwi work a ot harder
to drive the iNac's 1920 1080 fu HD dispay
than the 13in Air's 1440 900. We' have test
resuts for you next onth, but at E899 incud-
ing the big screen, it coud sti be a bargain.
jony Ive speaks!
pp|e' de|gn ch|el
we |nlerv|ewed oy
lhe New York T|me
lor |l WWDC erl|c|e.
Se|nl }ony cou|d
never oore u, oul h|
eem|ng|y cr|pled
repone wou|dn'l
heve oeen oul ol
p|ece on lelch ol
lhe Dey. 'lnnovel|on
el pp|e he e|wey
oeen e leem geme,' he
revee|ed. nd 'mek|ng
|n'l jul lh| |nev|le-
o|e luncl|on lecked
on el lhe end. l de|gn
end meke. l cen'l ep-
erele lhoe lwo.'
lor h| conlrover|e|
move |nlo ohwere
de|gn. 'l prov|de
ome |eederh|p end
d|recl|on |n lerm
ol uer |nlerlece - e
uoel ol ohwere.'
There' more el
Man vs apps
W|lh over e m||||on
epp now eve||eo|e
lor |OS dev|ce (end
neer|y 12 on lhe lec
pp Slore), hnd|ng
whel you wenl | e
grow|ng che||enge.
pp|e he oeen
m|nd-numo|ng|y |ow
lo |mprove lhe wey
epp ere orgen|ed
end preenled, oul |l
|elel cunn|ng p|en
| humen curel|on.
emp|oy|ng eclue|
peop|e lo hnd lhe
oel epp end errenge
lhem |n celegor|e.
dozen celegor|e ere
now covered, |nc|ud-
|ng Enlerle|nmenl
(meen|ng lh|ng
||ke TV end red|o
epp), l|d, lu|c,
Pholo & V|deo end
Producl|v|ly. ln Norlh
mer|ce, every cele-
gory he humen cure-
l|on - oul lhe numoer
ol epp leelured |
l||| l|ny compered lo
lhe who|e cele|ogue.
lore lh|nk needed.
iWatch in progress7
ll' more lhen e yeer
|nce lhe rumour ol
en pp|e merl welch
oeceme o |n|lenl
lhel lecUer le|l lhe
need lo mock one up.
There' oeen no oh-
c|e| word on |l |nce
T|m Cook e|d he
lhoughl 'lhe wr|l |
|nlerel|ng'. Bul now
Reuler reporl lhel
Te|wen' Quenle men-
uleclur|ng compeny
| geer|ng up lo pro-
duce lhe dev|ce lor en
eulumn |eunch. The
w|re lory quole e
ource decr|o|ng en
e|mol quere 2.S|n
creen |n en erched
cee prolrud|ng lrom
e wr|l lrep - wh|ch
ound relher ||ke
our ehorl, oul el lh|
po|nl we expecl more
ol e hlne oend ly|e
lhen our more lred|-
l|one| or|g|ne| de|gn.
'Welch' lh| pecel
(You're hred - Ed).


II in The
|lec lerl
el 99
Uscn ~UcUs: zo:

'msorry, stiII
HeIIo! t's very nice to taIk to you.
WhaI? This is Ihe Fxplainer column.
Can you eIaborate on that7
lI's where we look in more deIail aI a
Iopical issue in a Q& lormaI.
What does that suggest to you7
WhaI does.hang on. You're noI who
you're preIending Io be, are you?
LoI, it's me. was just pretending to
be a chatbot to wind you up.
So you lailed a reverse Turing IesI.
WeII, on purpose. t's not hard for
a human to fake being a machine.
But onIy one machine has ever
convinced peopIe it was human!
Has iI?
Yes, the supercomputer that naIIy
beat the Turing test. 've been read-
ing about it in aII the papers.
h. RighI. Here we go.
sense a note of scepticism7
WhaI acIually happened in |une was
IhaI a chaIboI programcalled Fugene
CoosIman scored 33in a IesI based
on work by lan Turing, Ihe WWll
leIchley Park compuIer scienIisI
who was granIed a posIhumous
pardon by Ihe Queen lasI year lor his
convicIion under laws againsI homo-
sexualiIy, which led Io his suicide.
OK, that got heavier than was
expecting. But this test - the
ugene 6oostman supercomputer
was the rst to pass it, wasn't it7
That's predy exciting news.
NoI exacIly. FirsI ol all, Ihere was no
supercompuIer - Fugene CoosIman
is |usI a bunch ol code wriuen by
some Russian l researchers IhaI
runs on ordinary PC hardware. The
'supercompuIer' hype came lrom
a press release issued by Reading
niversiIy, whose Prolessor Kevin
Warwick organised Ihe conIesI aI Ihe
Royal SocieIy in ondon Io mark Ihe
60Ih anniversary ol Turing's deaIh.
Wait - just 6oogIed 'Professor
Kevin Warwick + nonsense' and
seemto be geding an awfuI Iot of
resuIts. Some of themunkind.
Prol Warwick is an esIablished hgure
in arIihcial inIelligence and cyberneI-
ics research, wiIh academic accolades
lromaround Ihe world. Some ol his
meIhods, Ihough, are regarded by
oIhers as perhaps overly auenIion-
grabbing. ln 1998, he implanIed a chip
in his lel armand announced IhaI he
was Ihe world's hrsI cyborg.
Wow! Can he go back in time and
change the destiny of humanity7
No, buI he can Iurn lighIs on and oh.
Oh. OK, back to the Turing test.
Reading's School ol SysIems
Fngineering hosIed Ihe evenI in
parInership wiIh Ihe F's Roboaw
organisaIion, which lunds.
.the future of Iawenforcement!
No, Ihe regulaIion ol emerging
roboIic Iechnologies.
f 'mhonest, so far this whoIe
topic is one big disappointment.
NoI enIirely lair. The idea behind
Ihe Turing IesI is an inIeresIing one.
While Ihere are all sorIs ol complex
debaIes abouI how compuIers can
Iruly be inIelligenI, wheIher IhaI inIel-
ligence can or should work Ihe same
way as human inIelligence, and when
we would say IhaI iI did, Turing pro-
posed a much more sIraighIlorward
experimenI. Ihrough words alone,
zu oA s Au
uznszu ou:
Au A omnuzn
AnnAn uumAu

java taIking n eveler

used oy lhe Eugene
Cooslmen chelool
s: zo: \~cUsc
ld a compuIer lool a human inIo
Ihinking iI was anoIher human?
o it doesn't necessariI mean
antin profound, but it wouId be
cooI if we ad I tat was at Ieast
ood enou to pass te test.
lI ight be cool. The problem is IhaI,
over decades ol Turing IesI compe-
IiIions such as Ihe annual Loebner
Prize, researchers have Iended
Iowards disIracIing Ihe |udges lrom
Ihe arIihcialiIy ol Ihe conIesIanIs'
responses raIher Ihan making Ihose
responses genuinely more inIelligenI.
Fugene CoosIman is a case in poinI.
y presenIing him as a 13-year-old
krainian, his programmers explain
away his sIilIed grammar, lailure Io
grasp everyday concepIs and igno-
rance ol culIural relerences.
Hmm. So is conversation wasn't
actuaII aII tat sparkIin7
TranscripIs have yeI Io be released,
and aI leasI Ihree versions ol Fugene
CoosIman previously available online
have been Iaken down since Ihe con-
IesI. elore IhaI, several |ournalisIs
managed Io conducI Iheir own chaIs.
Iry Coogling 'goosIman conversaIion'.
LeI's |usI say iI's preuy hard Io see
how 33 ol Ihe |udges lailed Io spoI
IhaI he wasn'I real - unless ol course
Ihey were deliberaIely going easy.
OnI 33of tembeIieved it7
Yes, surpassing an arbiIrary 30
Ihreshold obIained by reversing a
relerence by Turing Io a '70 chance
ol making Ihe righI idenIihcaIion'.
uI Ihis was hardly a breakIhrough.
CoosIman had scored 29 in a pre-
vious IesI, and oIher boIs have seen
even higher marks, Ihough compeIi-
Iions vary in Iheir meIhodology.
So wat does it reaII mean for I7
One ol Fugene CoosIman's crea-
Iors, Vladimir Veselov, quoIed by l
blogger Scou aronson, said Ihe
'condiIions ol Ihe [7 |une] IesI made
iI simpler' and Ihere was 'no scienIihc
breakIhrough buI loIs ol media noise'.
NomineI, Ihe organisaIion respon-
sible lor domain
names, has indicaIed IhaI iI has
made iI more dimculI lor web-
siIe owners Io opI ouI ol having
Iheir posIal address made public.
Owners' personal deIails may
appear online wiIhouI warning.
CurrenIly, privaIe individuals
who regisIer a domain name can
choose noI Io have Iheir posIal
address visible in 'whois' searches,
while organisaIions and businesses
musI have iI visible.
ln a recenI case reporIed by
Ihe Cuardian, NomineI decided
a personal websiIe was 'Irading'
because iI conIained amliaIe links
Io mazon and displayed pay-per-
click adverIs. lI Ihen published
Ihe regisIranI's posIal address.
The organisaIion laIer recanIed
lollowing a complainI lrom Ihe reg-
isIranI, buI said in a sIaIemenI Io
Ihe Cuardian. 'We have always lelI
IhaI when you [Ihe user] Iraded
wiIh a websiIe, you had a righI Io
know who Ihe proprieIor is.'
WhaI seems Io have changed,
however, is Ihe dehniIion ol 'Irad-
ing'. NomineI wenI on Io explain
IhaI 'since Ihese rules were drawn
up, Ihe naIure ol Irading online has
changed' and iI would review iIs
policy Io ensure iI was 'sensible.'
uI amliaIe links and pay-per-
click adverIising have been around
almosI as long as Ihe web, and
are commonplace on siIes such as
one-person blogs IhaI would never
have considered Ihemselves Io
be 'Irading'. NomineI's sIaIemenI
doesn'I clarily why iI has only |usI
begun Io quesIion Ihe anonymiIy
ol such siIes' owners. The mosI
inIuiIive dehniIion ol 'Irading'
would encompass only Ihose siIes
IhaI themse|ves oher producIs Io
and Iake money lrom consumers,
raIher Ihan merely hosIing links.
Dome| eme u|e cnege
neee owe' p|vecy
uomuzz svs

zuz uzunz or
znouo ouLuz
us cuuozo




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UcUs: zo: \~cUscn 27

5ounds of summer, vo| 1

[ust in time for the ho|idas, Braven's
BPV-1 wire|es speaker has been upgraded.
No, fear not, speakers haven't started
requiring sohware updates. The news
here is that the rugged gimo has gained
an increased IP rating, fromIPX5 to IPX7.
That means not on| can ou spra it with
12.5 |itres of water per minute fromthree
metres, but, shou|d ou fee| so inc|ined,
ou can a|so immerse it for ha|f an hour
under a metre of water - a|though sound
qua|it wi|| take a hit unti| ou pu|| it out.
The camera-sied BPV-1 |ooks chunk,
with its rubberised rear and perforated
meta| front, but it's |ight enough to throw
in a beach bag without regrets. 5et it down
on its front and ou'|| hnd a |arge screw
cap on the back, which keeps the water
out of its two U5B charging ports and
stereo mini-jack when not in use. The cap
isn't quite as rubber, and bigger knur|s
might have made it easier to get back on.
Wh two ports? We||, besides the
micro U5B fromwhich ou recharge the
bui|t-in baner froman standard U5B
power source using the supp|ied cab|e,
Braven has bri||iant| inc|uded a fu||-sie
U5B power . 5o if ou arrive at our
sunbed and hnd the speaker's charged but
our iPhone isn't, ou can top up the |aner
fromthe former. r if ou can avoid doing
so, the 3 wans per channe| stereo speak-
ers wi|| keep going for a quoted 12 hours.
And the sound remarkab|e for such
a tin unit. Even the bui|t-in chimes that
conhrmswitching the device on and o
are striking| bass. Connect our iPhone
via B|uetooth and what comes out - when
cranked up using the bui|t-in bunons in
addition to the on-screen vo|ume contro| -
is gratifing| heh. The who|e unit
resonates a|ong with the speakers, but
in a tota|| good wa that makes ou not
want to put it down. If ou have a sound-
board to rest it on, such as a tab|e, the
eect is magnihed. There's top-end here
too, though: not audiophi|e shimmer
strings, perhaps, but on Lana De| Pe's
Videogames the harp is as punch as the
snth pads are rib-warming| |ush.
Non-B|uetooth sources are catered for
b the supp|ied doub|e-ended mini-jack
cab|e, if ou don't mind sacrihcing some
of the waterproohng. At around 13,
the Braven ma seemprice for a sma||
speaker, but rea|| - wou|d ou rather she||
out to carr more, or |ess?
ind out more at
Uscn ,UL\ zo:

Sounds ol summer, vol 2

design, 'reIro' is, ol course, Ihe lasI reluge ol Ihe scoundrel.
nd eI Ihere's someIhing irresisIibl charming abouI an ob|ecI
IhaI simulIaneousl looks as Ihough iI belongs in our grann's
kiIchen, on Ihe lighI deck ol niIed PlaneIs Cruiser CS7-D and
over Ihe wrisI ol Ihe eponmous sIar aI Ihe 1962 Oscars.
The Hepburn, whose leaIhereue hnish is available in a
selecIion ol modishl muIed colours as well as liule-black-dress
black, is View QuesI's enIr in Ihe noI uncrowded caIegor ol
D-radio-cum-lueIooIh-speaker. WiIh a Iwo-line LFD Io
assisI navigaIion, iI lulhls boIh roles ehecIivel, iI Iook us a lew
goes Io geI Ihe hang ol lueIooIh pairing, buI IhaI's par lor
Ihe course, and iI does enable ou Io swiIch beIween mulIiple
sources, essenIial lor Ihe mulIi-device home or omce. Iele-
scopic aerial on Ihe back receives D/D+ and analogue FU
broadcasIs. The Hepburn is porIable buI noI rechargeable, ou'll
need lour D cells Io lree ou lrom Ihe supplied mains adapIor.
NaIurall, once connecIed, whaIever audio ou're plaing on
our Uac, iPhone or iPad can be direcIed Ihrough Ihe uniI's Iwin
Iwo-inch lull-range speakers. These perhaps lack Ihe boom
graviIas Ihe uniI's sie and sIling mighI lead ou Io expecI, buI
Ihe sound is clear and lisIenable and goes preu loud. You can
also use View QuesI's clunk buI luncIional iOS app Io swiIch
inpuIs and selecI radio sIaIions lrom our Iouchscreen.
This is noI Ihe besI wireless speaker 1S0 would bu (pssI.
shop around and ou'll hnd iI as low as 120), buI il ou wanI a
radio wiIh lueIooIh, allow oursell Io be seduced.
|nd oul more el v|
~UU: zo: ~Ucn

enny emph||| |s ecUser's news ed|lor. e's oeen reporl|ng on pp|e

s|nce lhe ecqu|s|l|on ol NeXT end Sleve }oos' relurn lo lhe compeny.
wo ncuAnkAaLc :uiNcs happened during Tim Cook's
keynoIe speech aI WWDC in |une. FirsI, Ihe biggesI
news ol Ihe day was aimed exclusively aI developers,
second, IhaI same news was a bona hde surprise.
pple's announcemenI IhaI iI had developed iIs
own ob|ecI-orienIed programming language was one
saw coming. None ol Ihe usual rumour siIes had
menIioned iI, noI a single analysI had brieled clienIs
IhaI iI was even a remoIe possibiliIy. YeI Swil had
evidenIly been in developmenI lor years. You don'I |usI
pull Ihe programming language on which Ihe luIure ol
Iwo solware plaIlorms and every piece ol hardware you
make is going Io depend lrom Ihin air in a lew monIhs.
pple, iI Iurns ouI, can sIill keep secreIs.
The exciIemenI abouI Swil was obvious lrom Ihe
reacIion ol Cook's audience, and lrom Ihe response on
Twiuer lrom developers. lI became clearer sIill when Ihe
lree iBooks user manual lor Swil was downloaded hun-
dreds ol Ihousands ol Iimes in Ihe days aler iIs release.
lI wasn'I |usI Swil IhaI cheered developers. The
inIroducIion ol HealIhKiI in iOS 8 will allow app makers
Io access daIa lrom, and supply daIa Io, Ihe operaIing
sysIem Io make healIh and hIness apps more uselul and
easier Io build. HomeKiI promises Io bring order Io Ihe
home auIomaIion markeI. ll pple and iIs developers
can crack IhaI, iI could be huge.
PhoIoKiI enables phoIo apps Io access Ihe PhoIo
Library on an iOS device direcIly, wiIhouI Ihe need
Io hrsI creaIe a separaIe insIance ol an image. nd
Ihey'll be able Io make hlIers and ad|usImenIs available
direcIly wiIhin Ihe PhoIos app. pple has also opened
up more manual conIrols lor Ihe camera, so Ihird-parIy
apps will, lor example, be able Io lock locus and expo-
sure independenIly ol one anoIher.
Developers can now build widgeIs lor NoIihcaIion
CenIer and exIensions lor iOS Salari, as well as access
TouchlD on Ihe iPhone.
The new predicIive keyboard in iOS 8 looks greaI,
buI lor developers, Ihe big news is Ihey can build Iheir
own keyboard and make iI available sysIem-wide. Oh,
and Ihere's CloudKiI, which makes iI much easier lor
developers Io hook Iheir apps inIo pple's iCloud.
No wonder one developer, Creg Pierce, was
prompIed Io email Tim Cook and Iell him Ihe KeynoIe
was a 'home run' lor 'indie developers like me' and 'how
much beuer Ihe mood is abouI Ihe luIure wiIh Ihe
auenIion paid direcIly Io so many ol Ihe concerns we
have been expressing'.
ll Ihe Pls and new programming languages in
Ihe world won'I help il pple doesn'I geI Ihe commer-
cial side ol disIribuIing apps righI. BuI Ihere was good
news Ihere, Ioo. Developers can now beIa IesI apps on
a large scale, and IargeI Ihose IesIs according Io specihc
demographics, Ihanks Io TesI FlighI, an pple program
inIroduced wiIh iOS 8. They'll be able Io oher discounIs
on purchases ol mulIiple apps, and Ihey can make pre-
view videos ol apps.
Perhaps Ihe mosI imporIanI improvemenI, how-
ever, is Io Ihe pp SIore iIsell. pple has promised
IhaI iOS 8 will bring lasIer, beuer searching, easier
app discovery, a new 'FdiIor's Choice' logo designed Io
highlighI ouIsIanding apps (nice idea!), and new Iools Io
allow us Io see whaI oIher users are searching lor and
buying. 'We are really invesIing a Ion in Ihe pp SIore,'
said Cook. 'bouI Iime, Ioo,' IhoughI Ihe resI ol us.
pple has Ialked a greaI deal in Ihe pasI abouI
Ihe imporIance ol iIs developer communiIy, buI iI has
seemed deal Io deep-rooIed concerns among many ol
Ihem. WWDC showed us IhaI iI has been lisIening, and
more imporIanIly IhaI iI's been working hard Io address
Ihose concerns. Happier developers means beuer apps -
and IhaI can only be good lor all ol us.
Kenny Hemphill
The ecIemen abo SIha obIo Irom
he reacIonoI Cook` adIence, and Iromhe
reone onTIer IromdeeIoer.`
zo: \~cUscn

wonk is ooNc lor Ihe da, or aI Ihe er leasI iI's been

Iucked aa and minimised, hibernaIing unIil Iomorro
morning's bursI ol inspiraIion and caheine. FirsIborn is
led and going Ihrough Ihe moIions ol his sIricI running
up and don regimen. Desk is carelull arranged Io
Iid, righI-angled correcIness. Four hngers ol KiI KaI are
aligned |usI so beside a lresh cup ol cohee (in sIand-
ard-issue PanIone mug, naIurall). nd me, l'm nesIled
nicel inIo Ihe comhness ol m chair, ees sIaring inIo
m iUac, hngers poised oer m iPad. There's calm,
Ihere is readiness. ring on Ihe WWDC kenoIe.
This is m sporI. l don'I aIch looIball or crickeI or
racing. l aIch solare updaIe announcemenIs. nd
iI's noI |usI Ihe kenoIe iIsell - iI's abouI Ihe specula-
Iion belorehand, Ihe knee-|erk IeeIs during and Ihe
blogged analsis alerards. WhaI ill happen? Will one
ol m shin Ihings be made a biI shinier? Will anoIher
be made Io look dull and alul b a ne shin Ihing?
Will Ihere be One Uore Thing?
So lar, noIhing is happening. nd Ihis noIhing
happening is being obsered b an enormous audience
ol deelopers and Iech |ournalisIs, all siuing sIaring aI
a big screen on a big sIage. One mighI dra compari-
sons iIh a cerIain 1984 aderI IhaI depicIed mindless
drones doing preu much Ihe same Ihing, ecepI Ihis
crod is buing iIh gleelul anIicipaIion. The energ is
more One DirecIion Ihan Orell.
Ol course, One DirecIion probabl don'I kick oh
Iheir concerIs iIh sell-congraIulaIor ideos ol
people saing ho mind-bloingl aesome apps are.
This doesn'I bode ell. WhaI an eceedingl dull sIarI
Oka, IhaI's goI eerone's auenIion. Uabe
IonighI pple ill be launching a ne range ol cborgs?
Here comes Tim Cook (essenIiall SIee |obs plaed b
Paul O'Crad) Io dale Ihe crod iIh Ihe incredible,
Ihe reoluIionar, Ihe game-changing. run-Ihrough ol
sales hgures? We ere promised so much more b Ihe
roboI-handed bo - Ihis is someIhing ol a come-don.
He een blurIs ouI Ihe blindingl obious 'We're ship-
ping Ihe besI Uacs in our hisIor', as il Ihe audience as
compleIel unaare ol Ihe concepI ol progress.
Come on, Tim. l could be plaing iIh m son righI
no, Tim. Sho us someIhing ne, Tim.
Neer lear, here comes Ihe caalr! OnIo Ihe sIage
bounds pple SVP Craig Federighi, essenIiall a sIock
phoIo ol a handsome businessman. nd he's goI Ihe
good sIuh. He's goI YosemiIe. nd er nice iI is Ioo.
Fen Ihe mosI Iriial ol updaIes - a ne Trashcan, dark
mode, Iranslucenc all oer Ihe place - is meI iIh
rapIurous applause.
l'll be perlecIl honesI iIh ou. aler Ihe hrsI le
opening |okes, l missed quiIe a loI ol haI Federighi
as saing because l goI disIracIed b an imporIanI
search lor images ol YosemiIe Sam. Hearing abouI Ihe
ne sIuh is all er ell, buI iI's iIall imporIanI IhaI
eer nerd liule |oke IhaI pops inIo m head is senI
IiI-ards. Nobod cares, ol course, buI l like Io amuse
msell iIh inIer|ecIions among Ihe de-|argon and
nerd-rage. l'e barel glimpsed Ihe besI eamples ol
Warner ros' angr ginger arminI belore 'Handoh' is
menIioned and l'm senI on anoIher errand Io hnd a pic-
Iure ol Luke Skalker iIh - es - his hand oh. Neer
mind IeeI, l'm a .
Should sIarI paing auenIion again reall - some
ol Ihis YosemiIage looks quiIe impressie. |usI as iI
dans on me IhaI Ihis Finder-cenIric updaIe is a greaI
big middle hnger Io Coogle (compeIing iIh Uicrosol
is he ears ago), Ihe lad ile hollers lrom don-
sIairs. Time lor Ihe bo's baIh. Wh can'I pple do a
beuer |ob ol scheduling iIs eenIs around m IimeIable?
The KenoIe is lel Io iIsell lor a hile. Time passes.
Things happen. Where as l? WhaI's
Daniel Benneoh-Ga
her he hrs IeopenIng }okes, ! mIssed qIe a Io
oI ha IederIghI as saIng becase ! go dIsraced
b anImporan searchIor Images oI YosemIe Sam`


|ccntinoeJ cn 3+]

ull low now.
FeaIures are announced in quick succession, iI's hard
Io kee u leI alone caIch u. Twiuer is awash wiIh
WWDC ever, buI Ihere's so much reacIion IhaI iI's
Iricky Io ick ouI a decenI summary o Ihe lasI hal
hour. FromwhaI can gaIher, somebody had a hone
call wiIh Dr Dre. ew weeks ago, Ihis would've seemed
quiIe odd. RighI now, aer Ihe eaIs acquisiIion and
everyIhing, iI.iI sIill seems quiIe odd. ThaI's Dr Dre.
Hang on. SomeIhing else is haening on Twiuer.
SomeIhing else is being resonded Io wiIh equal as-
sion. s counIless oIhers like me across Ihe globe waIch
and commenI on evenIs unolding in San Francisco,
anoIher imassioned conversaIion crashes in. reaking
news. somebody goI smushed in WesIeros.
n Ihe greaI overla on Ihe le/Came o Thrones
Venn diagramo andom, Ihere is chaos. Soilers and
announcemenIs crash inIo each oIher, nobody knows
where Io look. We wanI Io know abouI sIuh now,
buI we don'I wanI Io know abouI sIuh |usI yeI.
So 'll abandon Ihe IweeIs and |usI sIick wiIh Ihe
video eed. uI iI's no use. Ihey're down Io Ihe meaI o
Ihe keynoIe, Ihe develoer Iools. The urIher inIo Ihis
go, Ihe less comrehend. 'msure iI's all very imres-
sive, buI wiIhouI my codey riends aI hand Io inIerreI,
iI's all losI on me. Federighi's |usI uI a slide u IhaI
aears Io be uuer gibberish. Tules! Clear uIabiliIy
SynIax! ulIile ReIurn Tyes! RFP! really, really wish
'd been around or Ihe Dre momenI now.
nd Ihen.iI's over. There is no One ore Thing,
no roboI hand or Ihe resI o us. There is |usI a room
ull o exciIed develoers rocking in Iheir seaIs, deser-
aIely Irying Io download beIas beore Ihe sandwiches
go or Iheir bladders give ouI.
y cohee is gone, my KiI KaI is de-hngered. y
ac and will go Io slee soon and dreamo Iranslu-
cency. Tomorrow we'll hiI Ihe Iech blogs and hnd ouI
whaI all o IhaI was really abouI.
ntinu jrcm 33
en|e| Benneworlh-Crey |s e des|gner end wr|ler oesl known lor h|s oook
covers. He o|ogs el den|e| Th|s co|umn eppeers monlh|y.
uoted by TimCook, WWDC, 2 [une 2014
WhaI roorIiono users are
running Ihe currenI version?
~UUs zo: \~cUscn


Howrd Ok|ey hs used lcs |n sc|ence nd med|c|ne, |nc|ud|ng sohwere

deve|opmenl, end wr|hen eooul |l |n lecUser, lor more lhen 20 yeers.
Th|s co|umn wes suom|hed oelore lhe WWD keynole on 2 }une.
wucN i ucN:ioNco IhaI l wroIe lor Uacser, mosI
people used Io hnd iI curious, even a liule eccenIric,
IhaI l should use and develop solware lor Ihe Uac, ol
all Ihings. lI was a biI like admiuing IhaI you are a Zen
BuddhisI (which l amnoI), or wearing sandals wiIh a
suiI (which l do, olen). Now almosI everyone who l Iell
abouI Uacser launches inIo a soliloquy abouI how
Ihey haven'I looked back since swiIching Io a Uac aI
home or, lor Ihe mosI enlighIened, aI work. They sIill
sIare aI Ihe sandals, ol course.
AlIhough Apple's recenI runaway success has been
luelled by i-series producIs including iPods, iPhones,
iTunes and iPads, iI has also become one ol Ihe mosI
successlul compuIer manulacIurers. Uacs have broken
ouI ol Iheir design and publishing niche Io occupy cen-
Iral posiIions in very many homes, schools and busi-
nesses. However, in conIrasI Io Ihe iPhone, wiIh a new
model every year, and Ihe iPad, remodelled every eighI
monIhs or so, Uacs don'I seemIo have changed much
lor quiIe a lew years.
Classic Uacs had characIerisIic archiIecIural
leaIures IhaI were builI around UoIorola 68K proces-
sors, and were replaced by Power Uacs aler Ien years.
The PowerPC iIsell was overIhrown by lnIel x86 pro-
cessors wiIh Iheir own supporIing chipseIs and buses
in 2006, eighI years ago. Only one model in Ihe currenI
Uac range, Ihe 2013 Uac Pro, has undergone a signil-
icanI redesign in Ihe lasI six years, since Ihe release ol
Ihe UacBook Air.
Apple's Classic operaIing sysIemlamily had a
lilespan ol 17 years, unIil OS X launched in Uarch 2001,
13 years ago. We are now aI leasI hall way Ihrough
OS X's likely lilespan, which means IhaI Apple should
already be well engaged in developing iIs successor.
So is Apple pressing ahead Io develop OS Xl and
new hardware ranges, or is iI going Io leave iIs compuI-
ers Io wiIher on Ihe vine?
One way ol reading where Apple is heading is Io
sIudy iIs Iechnology acquisiIions and parIners. On Ihe
hardware side, iIs inIeresIs are sIrongesI in 'sysIemon
a chip' (SOC) developmenI, which has so lar seen Ihe
greaIesI applicaIion in iPhones and iPads.
However, Ihe SOC approach has meriIs lor more
general compuIer design, in shrinking Ihe volume
required by hardware even lurIher. Coupled wiIh
solid-sIaIe disks and exIernalisaIion ol mass sIorage
Io ThunderbolI 2 peripherals, we could soon be using
an 'iUac Air' which consisIs ol liule more Ihan a
display and inpuI devices and would be Ihe logical
companion Io Ihe new Uac Pro.
As Ihe CP manulacIurers seembesI able Io give
us more raIher Ihan lasIer cores, Ihe OS Xl kernel needs
Io be even beuer aI disIribuIing and handling mulIiple
processes over Ihose cores, and could change radically
lromIhe currenI ageing descendenI ol Uach, perhaps
Iowards an L4 derivaIive, or even a Ihird-generaIion
Apps, Ioo, musI be more hnely granular so IhaI Ihey
can spread over Ihe available cores and resources such
as CPs Io geI Ihe greaIesI benehI. This won'I be as
radical a change as Ihe swiIch lromClassic Io OS X, buI
sooner or laIer Apple will need Io draw a line under OS X
and bring a new OS Io markeI.
lI is helplul Io Apple IhaI press auenIion has been
largely locused on iIs high-prohle i-series acIiviIies, and
rumoured consumer producIs such as waIches and TVs.
BuI il iI wanIs Io see conIinuing reIurns lromiIs quieIly
successlul and less-volaIile compuIer producIs, Apple
will have several hundred engineers pushing lorward Ihe
specihcaIions lor Ihe nexI generaIion. Now is Ihe Iime
Io waIch lor clues Io whaI iI is up Io.

We couId soonbe usIng an"IMac Ir" whIchconsIsIs

oI IIuIe more Ihana dIspIay and InpuI devIces and
wouId be Ihe IogIcaI companIonIo Ihe newMac Pro.`
\~cUsn ~UcUs:

| lo s o | |s s, s
| ws s
s: vcAn, i: was champagne and paIs on Ihe back lor
S regulaIors. And Ihey did have a big win Io celebraIe,
successlully slapping Ihe wrisIs ol Apple and Ihe hve
biggesI book publishers over ebook price hxing IhaI
wenI back as lar as 2009. DespiIe Ihe win, Ihe ebook
markeI remains a problem, as Ihe invesIigaIion didn'I
IreaI Ihe rooI cause. Amazon and iIs bullying over pricing.
lndeed, courI documenIs revealed Apple and Ihe
hve ma|or publishers had Ieamed up because Ihey were
worried abouI Amazon using iIs markeI lorce Io push
down ebook prices. As consumers, we didn'I complain
abouI Ihe pleIhora ol cheap and easy reading maIerial -
buI now Ihe reIail gianI is giving us cause Io worry.
The prime (sorry) example is Ihe nasIy Iurn Iaken
by Amazon's ongoing slap hghI wiIh publishing hrm
Hacheue. The pair have long disagreed on how much ol
a cuI each should geI lrom ebook sales, and Amazon is
now puuing pressure on Ihe publisher by sIocking lewer
copies ol hard copy books, meaning Ihey Iake weeks Io
deliver, and relusing Io Iake pre-orders lor upcoming
books, including key IiIles such as |K Rowling's laIesI
deIecIive novel.
Civen Ihe guaranIeed sales IhaI release is seI Io
bring in, IhaI may seem as Ihough Amazon is cuuing
oh iIs digiIal nose Io spiIe iIs lace. BuI iI hurIs Hacheue
even more. all pre-orders counI Iowards hrsI-day sales,
helping Io caIapulI a IiIle Io Ihe Iop ol Ihe besIseller
lisIs, which in Iurn helps boosI sales.
Pricing is dimculI Io decide as markeIs shilIo digiIal.
Amazon wanIs more, buI Hacheue doesn'I wanI Io leI iI
eaI any more ol iIs piece ol Ihe pie. NeiIher sIandpoinI is
surprising, buI iI's alarming Io see Amazon make use ol
iIs markeI dominance Io pressure Ihe publisher.
Amazon acIually advised iIs own cusIomers Io buy
books lrom oIher reIailers il Ihe dispuIe made iI Ioo
dimculI Io purchase. This doesn'I work, however, lor
anyone reading on a Kindle device, as Ihe ebook reader
uses a proprieIary hle lormaI. Amazon may direcI read-
ers Io oIher sIores, buI ebook readers have no choice
buI Io sIick wiIh Kindle or diIch IhaI hardware and Ihe
invesImenI Ihey've made in books lor iI.
NoI only are readers sIuck beIween a rock and a
hard place, buI so Ioo are publishers. Amazon doesn'I
have a perlecI monopoly ol ebook sales, buI in Ihe S iI
commands 60 ol Ihe markeI, wiIh Ihe remainder spliI
beIween Apple and Barnes &Noble. Already, one in every
hve books sold in America is a Kindle ebook. Publishers
can'I risk losing such a large slice ol Ihe markeI.
RegulaIors recognised Ihe dangers ol Apple and Ihe
big hve publishers Ieaming up Io seI prices Iwo years
ago, buI Ihey now need Io look aI whaI made Ihem
scared enough Io Iake such acIion in Ihe hrsI place.
RegulaIors can'I lorce a sIore Io sIock any single iIem,
buI Ihey can ban dominanI markeI players lrom abusing
Iheir posiIion Io Iake more IoIal conIrol ol Ihe markeI.
They need Io rein in Amazon belore oIher Iech
gianIs geI Ihe message IhaI such behaviour is allowed.
lndeed, Coogle is already lollowing in Amazon's looI-
sIeps. iI's reporIed Io be banning lrom YouTube music
labels IhaI don'I sign on Io iIs new sIreaming service.
Tough negoIiaIions are necessary Io hgure ouI Ihe lay
ol Ihe land in new digiIal economies, buI such sIrong-
arm IacIics have gone Ioo lar when we can'I buy Ihe
books we wanI or lisIen Io Ihe Iracks we love.
Ol course, we can sIill buy conIenI lrom oIher reIail-
ers, and IhaI's now a biI easier. Apple clearly learned iIs
lesson lrom regulaIors lasI year, and Ihis Iime around iIs
reacIion Io Amazon's bullying IacIics has been Io pro-
moIe Hacheue IiIles and oher consumers a discounI.
ll regulaIors won'I Iake acIion, iI's high Iime
consumers do. Amazon has direcIed us Io shop else-
where - maybe we should lisIen Io iIs advice.

Iready, one Inevery hve book oId In
merIca I a KIndIe ebook. PubIIher can`
rIk IoIng uch a Iarge IIce oI he marke.`
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~UcUs: zo: \~cUsc 39

W|ln pp|e no|d|ng oh e|| ol ln|s yeer's o|g
nerdwere |euncnes unl|| lne eulumn, }une's
Wor|dwide Deve|opers Conference cou|d
neve oeen e |ow-key evenl. Bul |l wesn'l.
Tne new leelures unve||ed lor ooln lne
lec's O5 XYosemite end lne |Pnone's
iO5 8 operel|ng syslems (due |n e lew
monlns' l|me) were so c|ever, we w|sned
we'd lnougnl ol esk|ng lor lnem. nd
deve|opers nol on|y gol more weys lo
nook |nlo pp|e's lecnno|og|es lo or|ng
users even more luncl|one||ly, lney were
|nlroduced lo e wno|e new progremm|ng
|enguege, 5wih, |n wn|cn lo do |l.
ll you're ln|nk|ng lney weren'l neppy lo
neve lo |eern e wno|e new progremm|ng
|enguege, you prooeo|y don'l know eny
deve|opers. Forlunele|y, we do. So we
esked lnem wnel lney lnougnl ol pp|e's
ennouncemenls. Reed on end hnd oul,
e|ongs|de our qu|ck gu|de lo lne oesl ol
wnel we sew lor lne hrsl l|me el WWDC. w



scn ~UcUs: zo:

: :orucnc A: WWDC 2014
was elecIric. Fvery conversaIion l had
involved people gushing abouI new lea-
Iures. lI's hard Io imagine Apple having
more sIuh aI WWDC Ihan iI did.'
This reacIion lrom CianI SpacekaI
co-lounder and head ol developmenI
Brianna Wu mighI surprise anyone
who'd boughI inIo Ihe mainsIream
media's line IhaI Apple 'disappoinIed'
iIs lollowers aI WWDC by noI unveiling
a shiny new piece ol hardware. BuI as
anyone who really lollows Apple knows,
IhaI was never Ihe poinI. ln lacI, Apple's
masIersIroke Ihis year was using iIs
developer conlerence as a plaIlorm lor
hardware launches - and insIead geuing
back Io locusing on iIs communiIy ol
developers, whose solware is a big parI
ol making Ihe hardware more uselul Io
consumers Ihan anyone else's.
'WWDC is abouI developers, so we
can Ialk abouI Ihe niuy-griuy ol how
you build sIuh,' Brianna conIinues.
'And alIhough mosI people [who
aren'I developers] aren'I going Io be
exciIed abouI Ihe Iools we use Io make
amazing Ihings,' adds SpacekaI games
designer CaroIn VanEseItine, 'Ihey
going Io be exciIed by Ihe amazing
Ihings!' FromIhaI perspecIive, WWDC
was, as anyone could see |usI waIching
Ihe live video sIream ol TimCook's
Iwo-hour keynoIe, a roaring success. a
bullish, reinvigoraIed Apple revealing
so many new leaIures, many ol Ihem as
unexpecIed as Ihey were welcome, IhaI
developers hardly knew where Io begin.
'To anyone wiIh a real grasp ol
where digiIal Iechnology is heading,
Apple's announcemenIs could hardly
have been more signihcanI,' Touch
Press CTOjohn Cromie Iold Uacser.
'Apple's deadly serious abouI iIs devices
being Ihe hub ol an individual's con-
necIed world - Io lriends, Ihe cloud, and
a rapidly emerging mesh ol personal
sensing and conIrol.'
|e's msersrke s n sin WWDC os o |ojrmjr norJore
|oncnes, c jcsin ooin n is cmmni j sjore Jee|ers
The most obvious change in the next version of the Mac's
operating sstemis that the user interface tpograph has
switched to a compIeteI newfont, Neue HeIvetica Light.
It's not the rst time the sstemtpeface has changed: untiI
Sstem it was Chicago, the originaI Macintosh bitmap
font designed b Susan Kare then it switched to the sub-
tIer CharcoaI (though in Mac OS 8 and 9 the font was aIso
user-switchabIe) and OS X's initiaI qua design adopted
Lucida 6rande, which has survived more than a decade.
This time the newIook, which matches the mobiIe OS
tpograph introduced in iOS , is Iess rather than more
humanist, and the dierence in tone is conspicuous - but our
rst impression is that it works. s in iOS , meticuIous aden-
tion has been paid to horiontaI and verticaI spacing to give a
seIf-eacingI harmonious seding in each context.
It's a Iong time since Chicago, but the Mac UI has never
quite shaken the impression of being designed pixeI b pixeI
for a bitmap dispIa, aIbeit one whose nominaI dot pitch has
tightened ear b ear. Catching up with the Retina age, this
reIease naII breaks that mouId: the newscreen furniture
and tpe feeIs fuII resoIution-independent, as if it has a Iife
independent of the screen, Iike a photo or a page Iaout, and
couId happiI be output with haIf or quadrupIe the number of
pixeIs as the need arose. Post-PC or not, it's a post-pixeI era.
+ When pp|e |nlroduced e lrens|ucenl menu oer |n OS X 10.S
Leoperd, |l wes so unpopu|er lhel en updele wes re|eesed e||ow-
|ng |l lo oe mede opeque. Now |l's oeck. lenus, wh|ch were pre-
v|ous|y s||ghl|y lrens|ucenl, seem more so, end lhe l|l|e oers end
s|deoers ol some w|ndows, prev|ous|y sheded opeque|y |n grey
end pe|e o|ue, ere see-lhrough loo. The ehecl seems p|eesenl
enough, lhough we're nol enl|re|y conv|nced oy sohwere ch|el
Cre|g Feder|gh|'s |ns|slence lhel |l conveys 'e sense ol deplh end
p|ece' end 'lekes on lhe persone||ly ol your desklop'
4 Feder|gh| se|d lhe redes|gn process
hed slerled w|lh s|mp||ly|ng lhe w|ndow
conlro|s. Cone, hne||y, ere lhe ge|-ehecl
o|oos lhel hed ||ngered s|nce que. The
new neer|y-lel ouhons heve p|e|n|y
drewn |eoe|s cons|slenl w|lh olher |lems
~UcUs: zo: \~cUsn
e heard abouI ConIinuiIy,
which enables seamless IransiIions lor
users beIween Iasks on OS X and iOS,
new Pls lor boosIing iOS gaming, and
a sense ol openness pervading Ihe pre-
viously locked-down iOS and increas-
ingly sandboxed OS X, and CloudKiI,
HealIhKiI and HomeKiI cemenIing
pple's ambiIious, boldly-conceived
plans Io be aI Ihe hearI ol an inIerneI
ol experiences. Coming ouI wiIh such
a range ol dramaIic new Iechnologies
means, as Cromie puIs iI, 'any nagging
sense IhaI Ihe ndroid or Windows
ecosysIems mighI overIake and surpass
pple's has evaporaIed'.
lI's Ihe developers whose skills will
IranslaIe Ihe poIenIial ol Ihese innova-
Iions inIo real benehIs lor users - and
Cromie is noI alone among Ihemin
believing IhaI WWDC 2014 may have
been Ihe mosI imporIanI evenI in recenI
memory lor Ihe luIure ol Ihe Uac, iOS
and pple.
NoI IhaI Ihe ordinary user would
have seen noIhing ol inIeresI during
Ihe keynoIe. s CeI Running developer
noIes, many ol OS X
YosemiIe's changes cenIred on 'leaIures
real people will hnd uselul in Iheir lives'
raIher Ihan |usI 'sIuh coders and Iech-
nologisIs dreamup'. He was especially
impressed by a revamped SpoIlighI and
pple's Iake on cross-device inIegraIion.
uzw Look
OS X's inIerlace revamp
was perhaps Ihe mosI
obvious change. Scrivener creaIor Keith
BIount reckons iI will pay dividends lor
developers and users alike. 'pple's been
experimenIing wiIh diherenI l ele-
menIs lor years, resulIing in a mish-
mash. WiIh YosemiIe, we're geuing a
lresh, more unihed look. nd under Ihe
hood, new leaIures ol Ihis updaIed l
make iI easier lor programmers Io
provide a consisIenI user experience.'
For example, dark-shaded componenIs,
+Th|s lr|n|y-|ook|ng prson
(or lo pop|) |s lh n le
ol lh F|nr. Or |l m|ghl o.
Th s|gn el |h sn r|ng
lh WWDC kynol |hrs
lrom lh on |n lh Dok eoov.
ll's enyooy's gss h|h on
||| n p |n lh ne| r|es
ol e|| |ons hev e nelr
|ook oorro|ng lehr s|mp|r
s|gns lrom |OS 7 ol rle|n-
|ng mor she|ng en le||
+OS X's Nol|el|ons pen|
ge|ns |OS's Toey v| h|h
|s oo|y s|gn|enl oes
oolh OSs no prm|l lh|r-
perly |gls lo o e lo
|l. r lh r|ghl-hen pen|
e||os s lo p|k lrom lh
le|l pp| opl|ons mh
||k |n Deshooer. ln lel lh|s
sms sl|n lo rp|e
Deshooer h|h mey o en
opl|one| |nsle|| |n Yosm|l

10.4, lacked a sIandardised way Io add
lighI conIrols, buI Ihe relresh has made
Ihis sIraighIlorward, which will mean
more consisIency once apps are updaIed
Io Iake advanIage.
uI lounI is mosI hearIened by Ihe
scope ol Ihe overhaul, Iaking iI Io indi-
caIe IhaI 'OS X sIill has |usI as sIrong
and exciIing a luIure as iOS.'
There was palpable reliel IhaI pple
had Iaken Ihis rouIe and showed no
signs ol Irying Io merge iIs operaIing
sysIems. lnsIead ol a Windows-sIyle 'one
OS Io rule Ihem all', pple has doubled
down on a kind ol seamless inIegraIion
and connecIiviIy beIween iIs disincI
deskIop and mobile OSes, which iI calls
ConIinuiIy. Devices will recognise when
Ihey're near each oIher, enabling you Io
Iake iPhone calls on your Uac, or creaIe
an insIanI personal wih hoIspoI using
your iPhone's connecIiviIy.

The biggesI wow was
reserved lor Handoh,
which seamlessly Iranslers in-progress
documenIs beIween devices. These
leaIures will be supporIed by pple's
apps, buI developers can also use Ihem
in Iheir own. 'This does more Ihan
reduce IransiIion Iime - iI nearly nullihes
cogniIive barriers beIween devices,'
explains UegaiIs developer
. Widespread adopIion would
mean working in your lavouriIe iPad app
on a Irain, knowing you can lick Ihe
work Io your omce Uac wiIhouI
breaking sIride. 'WiIh Ihis, we've Iruly hiI
Ihe posI-PC world,' adds Perini.
PCalc creaIor james Thomson is
also Ihrilled by Handoh, exciIed abouI
being able Io push his app's calculaIions,
Iape and memories beIween devices.
'PCalc is helped by shared code beIween
versions, buI Ihe dev side ol Handoh is
sIraighIlorward. Previously, you had Io
wriIe complex clienI/server neIworking,
ee wo e|iej no A|e ncweJ nc in cj mein i ceoin
yem, ineoJ c[ein eom|e ineoicn ceween nem
4 lerkup |s en |nleresl|ng
new leelure lhel wes demoed
|n le|| oul epperenl|y w||| oe
eve||eo|e e|sewhere loo. Se|ecl
en ehechmenl end you cen
scr|oo|e on |l w|lh oes|c shepe
end lexl loo|s oelore lorwerd-
|ng |l lo someone. There ere
c|ever opl|ons here such es
creel|ng e ouoo|e w|lh|n wh|ch
perl ol lhe |mege |s zoomed
lo drew ehenl|on lo |l, end
lhe eo|||ly lo slore s|gnelures
end pesle lhem |nlo lorms
so lhel you cen qu|ck|y send
lhem oeck comp|eled
+The lesseges epp now
|els you |nslenl|y record
en eud|o 'soundo|le' end
send |l lo e chel rec|p|enl.
l |l celches on, lh|s cou|d
oe e who|e new wey lo
commun|cele. SlS lexl
messeges cen now oe
re|eyed lo your lec, so
|l doesn'l meher wh|ch
dev|ce you're on, oul you
need en |Phone runn|ng
|OS 8 lor lh|s lo work
4 Spol||ghl sl||| hes en
|con el lhe lop r|ghl ol lhe
screen, oul cen now oe
oroughl up es e oel|ng
oer. esu|ls eppeer
|nslenl|y es you lype
|nlo lhe |erge lexl enlry
oox end drew on sources
|nc|ud|ng W|k|ped|e, lhe
|Tunes Slore, pp|e leps
end e un|l convers|on
eng|ne. W||| |l guess wh|ch
you ree||y wenl?
OS X 10.10 Yosem|le (conl|nued)
~: zo \~cn
ce deIecIion and more. Now, you
|usI say 'Here's a Iask and associaIed
inlormaIion' and Ihe OS does everyIhing
lor you, passing iI Io Ihe oIher app when
Ihe user decides.'
lI's a greaI example ol how pple
makes Iools IhaI make lile easier lor
developers so Ihey can make apps IhaI
make lile easier lor users.
FurIher leveraging Ihe virIual space
beIween devices, iCloud is geuing a
revamp wiIh iCloud Drive and CloudKiI.
The lormer is essenIially pple's answer
Io Dropbox (and a belaIed replacemenI
lor UobileUe's iDisk), a cloud-based hle
sysIem IhaI lrees documenIs lrom living
'inside' apps and makes Ihem availa-
ble Io OS X and iOS alike via pple's
servers. pp ccomplished auIhor rI
Brown says Ihis 'enables all kinds ol
producIiviIy worklows IhaI were impos-
sible belore'. s ol iOS 8, you'll be able
Io move a single documenI ehorIlessly
Ihrough various apps. 'For example,
l could Iake a phoIo ol a documenI,
converI iI Io IexI wiIh an OCR app, hx
spelling errors in a IexI ediIor, redacI
iI in a drawing app, and so on.' Such a
sequence is currenIly nighImarish in iOS,
resulIing in mulIiple copies.
There are quesIions abouI wheIher
iCloud Drive's scope will be sumcienI Io
make iI uselul Io everyone, however. 'l
can'I see iI making huge inroads wiIhouI
being IoIally cross-plaIlorm,' ponders
Ieacher and wriIer 6iIes HiII, alIhough
he sees benehIs in disIribuIion, wiIh
apps easily picking up hles lrom shared
lolders. 'lI could also be a boon Io pri-
mary schools, where children need Io
save docs wiIh Ihe lewesI Iaps possible.'
Fraser Speirs, Ieacher and designer
ol Ihe world's hrsI 1.1 whole-school iPad
deploymenI, is hesiIanI. 'The iOS model
ol "hles are in Ihe app IhaI made Ihem"
has been a huge win lor ease ol use.
l worry IhaI pple has reinIroduced Ihe
abiliIy Io lose hles Io iOS.'
4 r gns T lhl
sls || lh rrnl ls n h
nd r r
Olhr n lrs n|d
Prl l lhl s ls rsng
hslr srl h| s
nrm| ls r lhr rss
+Th nd srh r gls
smrlr rrng l|ghl's n
|ls l srh W|k|ped|e, news
s|les end more. Bul w||| URLs leke
even more ol e oeck seel?
What eIse is new7
'derk mode' - where OS X's menus end olher screen lurn|lure
eppeer |n derk grey, es hes oeen seen prev|ous|y |n epps such es
perlure - wes ennounced, lhough |l hesn'l meler|e||sed yel |n lhe
oele. Sen|or v|ce pres|denl ol sohwere eng|neer|ng Cre|g Feder|gh|
descr|oed lh|s es e response lo 'our pro users' who 'wenled lo
locus on lhe cenlre ol lhe screen end nol oe d|slrecled'.
ln le||, |erge ehechmenls cen oe senl v|e le|| Drop lo evo|d
eny ehechmenl s|ze reslr|cl|ons. Th|s slores lhe eheched h|es
|n lhe c|oud, rec|p|enls us|ng OS X or |OS see lhe ehechmenl es
norme|, wh||e olhers rece|ve e down|oed ||nk |n lhe eme||.
new vers|on ol Pholo lor OS X w||| eppeer 'eer|y nexl yeer'
scn ~UcUs: zo:

iI, like oIher pple Iech-
nologies labelled 'KiI', is a lramework
on which developers can build a cer-
Iain Iype ol luncIionaliIy. ln Ihis case iI
leverages iCloud in a diherenI way. 'lI
allows cusIom sharing luncIionaliIy Io
be included in an app wiIhouI needing
a server plaIlorm [lrom a Ihird-parIy]
vendor,' explains mobile developmenI
experI rown.
He noIes IhaI user-Io-user sharing
has become popular in apps. SnapChaI
messages, SpoIily playlisIs, Coogle Drive
collaboraIive documenI ediIing, FiIbiI
leaderboards. 'WiIh CloudKiI, il you can
live wiIh iIs resIricIions - iOS/Uac-only,
no server code, no web page access -
pple's plaIlorm will hosI Ihe sharing
parIs ol your app, probably lor lree.'
Realmac Solware producI manager
Nik FIetche reckons Ihis represenIs a
'radical reIhink lor iCloud, providing |usI
Ihe IransporI and server-side sIorage
lor daIa insIead ol being a single magic
sync bulleI', and is parIicularly inIer-
esIed Io see IhaI pple iIsell is using iI.
'CloudKiI powers iCloud Drive and Ihe
new iCloud PhoIos leaIure. y "doglood-
ing" Ihe service iIsell, unlike previous
sync opIions - Ihe Iroubled iCloud and
Core DaIa inIegraIion - [iI shows IhaI]
developers can place more laiIh in Ihe
conIinued evoluIion and robusIness ol
Ihe CloudKiI Pls.'
noIher reIhink lrom
pple - or, Io be chariIa-
ble, an evoluIion - is app exIensions,
noIably in iOS. long wiIh cusIom
keyboards, a leaIure much requesIed by
users, Code Line lounder Matheau
Dakoke believes app exIensions signal
a shil Iowards openness and inIeroper-
abiliIy in pple plaIlorms previously
locked-down and closed, noI only Io
users buI Io developers. 'For example,
devs now have access Io NoIihcaIion
CenIer's Today view, where Ihey can
costsnori joctio|ity t ce ic|oJeJ i o
o witnot tne Jeve|er eeJi t coy it o server |otjr
4 Remerkeo|y, w|lh S X 10.10 Yosem|le end |S
8 you cen p|ck up phone ce||s lo your |Phone on
your ec end d|e| ce||s lrom your ec v|e your
|Phone. The lwo need on|y oe w|lh|n lhe quoled
100m renge ol B|ueloolh LE, you don'l heve
lo |nlerecl w|lh lhe |Phone phys|ce||y, s|nce lhe
ce|| |s rouled lhrough lhe ec's m|crophone end
speeker end conlro||ed lrom lhe S X screen
'Continuit i an umbeIIa temthat wa ued b Fedeighi to efe to
a ange of featue that eamIeI connect tak between OS Xand
iOS device. It aIo appea in the URL of an appIe.compeviewpage
expIaining thee featue, but not in the cop, o it uncIea whethe
ppIe wiII ue the teminoIog fo maketing o onI intenaII.
Pehap the mot ignicant exampIe fo the futue i Hando, which
tack on each of ou device what document and Safai window
ou have open on the othe. Tun to anothe device and an icon in the
bodomcone of the ceen (within the Dock in OS X) invite ou to
continue exactI whee ou Ieho. Thi depend on app woking in
exactI the ame wa aco pIatfom, a ppIe iWok moduIe but
fewothe do. But deveIope ae fee to take advantage. Howthi
wiII caIe when ou have a iIIion item open at once emain to be een.
Of moe immediate appeaI i the abiIit to take iPhone caII on
ou Mac o iPad, o diaI out fomthemove the ceII netwok via ou
iPhone. demontated, thi wok without an eot. SimiIaI, SMS
text can be ent and eceived on an of ou device, with ppIe oh-
wae eIaing evething inviibI though ou iPhone. Thi houId end
the futation of conveation pIit between SMS and iMeage.
You can aIo connect to ou iPhone a a wi oute fomou Mac o
iPad with no etup (if ou iPhone taipemit PeonaI Hotpot), a
nice exampIe of making an exiting but ddI featue moe adactive.
Man of thee function appea to eI on a BIuetooth LE connec-
tion between device. Thi int uppoted b oIde modeI, and mean
ou need to have aII the kit in ou vicinit ou cant make
phone caII via the cIoud uing the iPhone ouve Iehat wok, a.
~UU ~cUc 45
pri r-cngrabl cnn. n
har nin mak haring yr
ari b ric impl rgarl
h app yr ing. h nhanc-
mn ill nabl lpr c n
priing ncinaliy r h nir
rahr han n app a a im.
hi al pla almac lchr.
'FxIensions Iake iOS device personalis-
aIion Io a new level. lnsIead ol only sup-
porIing services IhaI pple has baked
inIo Ihe OS, you can share and do Ihings
based on whaI you insIall. One ol Ihe
biggesI leaIure requesIs lor our Clear
app is seeing reminders in Today view,
which we can now explore ohering.'
Touch Press's |ohn Cromie, Ioo, is
enIhusiasIic. 'The lacI IhaI an app can
now reach ouI ol iIs sandbox and - in
a highly conIrolled way - uIilise an
exIension lrom anoIher app will lead Io
innovaIion in how apps work IogeIher.
No longer will devs |usI conceive ol apps
wiIh a single purpose in mind. Ihey'll
Ihink abouI exposing leaIures in a way
IhaI IempIs oIher devs Io use Ihem,
Ihereby amplilying demand.'
For educaIionalisI Speirs, Ihis one
change Io iOS ends conversaIions IhaI
used Io hnish, 'Oh, buI you can'I do IhaI
on iOS.' He noIes how iOS worklows
unIil now could be slick and smooIh
developers had builI your desired work-
low, buI hacky or a roadblock oIherwise.
'For Ihe hrsI Iime, devs will be able Io
creaIe almosI any kind ol worklow Ihey
care Io, and lor educaIion Ihis is huge.
'Too olen, devs anIicipaIe Ihe needs
ol general purpose users buI miss whaI's
required in educaIion. lexibiliIy. Now,
insIead ol having Io live wiIhin Ihe pre-
builI worklows devs can build Ioday,
Ieachers and sIudenIs will be able Io mix
capabiliIies ol apps IogeIher Io achieve
greaI resulIs.' lT managers in enIerprise
will no doubI have similar leelings.
OIher iOS updaIes also hinI aI an
pple more open Io developer lreedom.
|C D|
|D w|
| ow |
| w w
ow X end |OS,
mek|ng |l s|mp|er lo lhrow
documenls lo your own or
someone e|se's |Phone or |Ped
lrom your lec, or eccepl
e h|e lrom someone who's
pess|ng w|lh lhe|r |OS dev|ce
5tee [obs reported| to|d the founder of Dropbox that he'd
created a feature not a product, and if he wou|dn't se|| out, pp|e
wou|d crush him. Three ears |ater, Dropbox is a|ued at around
$10bn at the |ast count and pp|e has on| just got round to
adding features that compete with it. i|oud Drie nowgies ou
a windowin O5 X's Finder, matched b a pane| in iO5 8, that |ists
an h|es ou care to store there, which is then aai|ab|e to a|| apps
on a|| our deices. Preious|, iO5 apps cou|d on| access 'their'
documents and access to i|oud was restrictie een fromO5 X.
Third-part apps can use this too, and it's een accessib|e from
Windows 7 or 8 - but not fromndroid deices.

Bolh OS X 10.10 end
|OS 8 ere due somel|me
|n lhe eulumn es lree
upgredes. There'|| oe e
puo||c oele progremme
lor OS X on|y dur|ng lhe
summer. Yosem|le |s
||ke|y lo run on eny lec
lhel supporls lever|cks.
see epp|
how-lo-upgrede. For |OS
8 herdwere supporl, see
~Ucn ~UcU o

To l hnpn onon
n o on
n on o l
o p
op nhn pp
on po n on o on
pon onhn o
on lo no
n oo o n . n H
'o' ' n hn
n o
n o op Bob Warwick
'l' o un o ol n
pp n no n n.
T o n ol pp
o' o n pp
n onp o nhn o
. o on' o p n
n o pp lo on o
no o o . T'
u o o n. l' n.'
z swz
pp' n pon
n l
p ol . n o
ln n l ' o on
l ol opn' plo.
o op po
o . o ric Shapiro
lo n n
pp 'on ' n l
po 'l q'.
PauI SoIt n on pp p on
'l' on n
n ol n n n
po ol n .'
ln lon Ish o
l' ppo n
'l n no
pon pn o n
nn o l n 4S minuIes.'
The ehecI on educaIion and apps
could be huge, Ihinks Perini. 'Tools and
documenIaIion available on day one
made Swil one ol Ihe lasIesI-adopIed
programming languages Io daIe. n
impaIienI novice can quickly geI accus-
Iomed Io Ihe Iools. ThaI and Ihe endless
her the catacIysmo iOS 7, no shocks were
expected in the next version, particuIarIy since
a number o UI issues in the rst iteration
have been xed in updates. But as with OS X,
there's actuaIIy a Iot o signicant newstuin
this year's reIease. otabIy, this incIudes ea-
tures ohen requested but untiI nowresisted
by ppIe, particuIarIy in the area o deveIoper
access to the operating systemitseI.
It's undamentaI to iOS, as a 'waIIed garden'
within which users never have to worry about
dodgy apps or viruses, that apps are restricted
in their interactions with the operating system
and, importantIy, with each other.
But this means apps can't buiId on services
provided by ppIe or other third-party deveI-
opers, and it's become cIear that this imposes a
ceiIing on howcIeverIy iOS sohware can serve
users' needs. We're nowseeing ppIe nding
ways to aIIowmore joined-up thinking without
compromising security.
One simpIe exampIe is customkeyboards.
Iternative typing systems such as Swype,
highIy popuIar on ndroid, have been prohib-
ited on iOS. owwe can expect a deIuge.
But there are much broader possibiIities too.
lel e
e l el p
e l e e l
l el pp e l l
l. pred|cl|ve lexl. Yes, yes, we e||
hed lh|s on our ok|e 1610s when leve
}oos wes sl||| el eXT end d|noseurs
roemed lhe Eerlh, oul |l's e |ol smerler
now. ol on|y w||| | 8 |eern lhe words
you common|y use, oul |l recogn|ses
conlexl. so |l'|| suggesl d|herenl voceo-
u|ery lor e messege lo your ooss lhen
lo your perlner, end spol key words
|n |ncom|ng messeges end oher lhem
oeck lo speed up your rep|y (|eh)
A|e ew oi |oooe Swi oJ e | ooJi
i eve o |oye j Jico|ty onJ oesswcrk jrcm creotin os
s: zo: \~cUscn
panse ol pple producIs and lrame-
works creaIes Ihe perlecI environmenI
lor Ihe nexI generaIion ol developers.'
SolI highlighIs pple's Playgrounds,
akin Io 'scraIchpads on which you can
IesI code and see live resulIs IhaI aren'I
|usI IexIual'. Such visualisaIions 'remove
a layer ol dimculIy and guesswork lrom
programming, because you don'I have
Io imagine and Irack everyIhing in your
head'. This is key because 'many who
give up on app developmenI geI sIuck
on one Ihing, even il Ihe hx is simple,
because iI seems insurmounIable'.
lsh adds IhaI Swil doesn'I allow de-
velopers Io make cerIain misIakes IhaI
Nol|hcel|ons, wh|ch eppeer el lhe
lop ol lhe |ock screen lo |el you know
eooul |ncom|ng messeges end evenls
wh||e you're nol us|ng your dev|ce, ere
now |nlerecl|ve. lnsleed ol sw|p|ng
en eme|| nol|hcel|on, sey, lo open lhe
eme||, lhen dec|d|ng whelher lo rep|y lo
|l, merk |l es reed, de|ele |l or whelever,
you cen leke ecl|ons slre|ghl ewey.
When e lexl comes |n, you cen lep |l
end rep|y |n e oox lhel pops up oe|ow.
ll en |nv|lel|on |s rece|ved, you cen lep
lo dec||ne or eccepl, end so on. Th|s
lec|||ly |s e|so open lo lh|rd-perly epps,
Feceoook wes shown es en exemp|e, so
presumeo|y lhey're on ooerd, end olher
re|evenl epps w||| no douol lo||ow. Th|s
k|nd ol leelure cen polenl|e||y seve e
|ol ol lehng eround end d|slrecl|on
Fem||y Sher|ng |s pp|e's
ehempl lo h|| one ol lhe mosl
g|er|ng|y eosenl geps |n |OS.
prov|s|on lor lem||y memoers
lo shere eech olhers' conlenl
w|lhoul e|| hev|ng lo oe on
lhe seme |Tunes eccounl.
How we|| |l's go|ng lo work
reme|ns lo oe seen. The key
||m|lel|on |s lhel e|lhough
your mex|mum ol s|x lem||y
memoers cen heve |nd|v|due|
eccounls, lhey musl e|| oe
||nked lo lhe seme cred|l cerd.
s |ong es lhel's lhe cese,
epps, mus|c, h|ms end oooks
you've ooughl once cen oe
used on e|| your dev|ces. You
cen e|so poo| your lem||y
pholos end shere e s|ng|e ce|-
ender w|lhoul hess|e, end (|l
you choose lo perm|l |l) lreck
eech olhers' |ocel|ons
4 |rP|ey |s e greel wey ol
show|ng v|deo lrom your
|Phone or |Ped on en HDTV
or projeclor v|e en pp|e TV,
wh|ch hes jusl hed |ls pr|ce
cul lo e no-ore|ner 79. ll
shou|d e|so oe or||||enl lor
gemes lhel use lhe TV lor
gemep|ey end lhe dev|ce es
e conlro||er, ol wh|ch lhere
ere severe|, oul w|h |eg lends
lo spo|| lhe exper|ence. Now
|OS 8 or|ngs peer-lo-peer
|rP|ey, so your dev|ce end
pp|e TV cen lorm lhe|r own
nelwork relher lhen go|ng
v|e lhe neeresl rouler. Nol
on|y does lhel meen you
cen use en pp|e TV where
lhere's no esleo||shed w|re|ess
nelwork, oul |l shou|d e|so
gel c|oser lo e||m|nel|ng eny
|eg. The seme leelure hesn'l
oeen ennounced lor OS X,
Iso coming.
s |n OS X, Spol||ghl
|s smerler |n |OS 8,
end lesseges gels
cuslom|seo|e group
chels end |nslenl
eud|o/v|deo o|les. S|r|
converls vo|ce lo lexl
es you speek relher
lhen hev|ng lo we|l,
end cen oe ecl|veled
hends-lree oy ce|||ng
'Hey S|r|l', |l e|so uses
Shezem lo neme
lunes lor you. |Books
|s ou||l-|n, lhe Pholos
epp hes oeen redone
w|lh new ed|l|ng loo|s,
end lhe pp Slore cen
show v|deo prev|ews
ur thns to the eveIopers
enjohn rnes
eith Iount
rI rown
ohn romie
t ose
i Ietcher
iIes iII
tric erini
ric Shapiro
PauI SoIt
Fraser Speirs
james Thomson
Bob Warwick
Brianna Wu
+Homel|l lec|||leles epps lhel conlro|
lh|ngs ||ke ||ghls end lhermoslels lrom
your |Phone. Expecl |eunches |eler lh|s yeer
csc cs: o:

ee obe n Ob|ece-, and h
e n ale, moe ece, abe
code, lee cahe and hae co-
me hemoe, a a oel
moden angage, l enables you
Io solve problems and creaIe engaging
apps lasIer Ihan belore, wiIh lewer lines
ol code, using more eleganI soluIions.'
There have been grumbles - bugs
and perlormance issues cerIainly exisI
in Swil aI Ihe momenI - buI SpacekaI's
VanFselIine dismisses Ihese as 'grow-
ing pains' and believes pple will iIeraIe
now IhaI 'Swil is ouI inIo Ihe world,
wiIh people using iI diherenIly lromhow
pple mighI have expecIed'.
nd SolI reckons anyone suggesIing
iI won'I gain IracIion is deluded. 'pple
is backing Swil. lI will become Ihe way
Io make apps. lI paves Ihe way lor pple
hardware over Ihe nexI Ien years.'
Came developmenI was a
ma|or Iopic ol WWDC,
relecIing iIs increasing imporIance Io
pple. The keynoIe included Ihe debuI
ol UeIal, a graphics Iechnology creaIed
Io enable console-qualiIy games on iOS,
along wiIh SceneKiI and improvemenIs
Io SpriIeKiI which, respecIively, aid
developers in creaIing 3D and 2D games.
'UeIal is a Iool IhaI will leI games on
your iPad look closer Io games on your
console, solving problems like limiIaIions
we run inIo wiIh parIicle ehecIs and
Iransparency,' explains CianI SpacekaI's
Wu, noIing IhaI 'meIal' is game dev lingo
lor wriIing aI Ihe chip level Io geI Ihe
maximumperlormance. She believes
pple's Iech has Ihe poIenIial Io reposi-
Iion iOS gaming. 'We'll see more console
games porIed Io iOS, specihcally, because
you'll no longer have Io heavily re|ig
ehecIs, characIers and level loads.' She
also Ihinks UeIal will puI lurIher disIance
beIween iOS and ndroid, leveraging
pple's conIrol over iIs hardware
plaIlorm, because 'you can'I go inIo all
Whels ne|n |S 8 (conl|ned)
+ perenn|e| ennoyence |n
|Ss one lh|ng el e l|me |nler-
lece |s hen yo slerl compos-
|ng somelh|ng ||ke en eme||, lhen
ree||se yo need lo copy some-
lh|ng ol ol enolher |lem lhels
|n lhe seme epp. S|nce lheres
no concepl |n |S ol s|lch|ng
|ndos en epp, yo hee
lo slop hel yore do|ng, lor
exemp|e oy c|os|ng lhe eme|| end
se|ng |l es e dreh, lhen go oeck
lo |l. ln |S 8 e|| ere see|ng
lhe hrsl lenlel|e so|l|on. yo
cen dreg e messege lhel yore
|n lhe process ol r|l|ng don
lo lhe ooom ol lhe screen
(|ls l|l|e reme|ns |s|o|e, es seen
oe|o) lo gel el olher messeges,
lhen lep |l lo gel |l oeck.
Whels more |nlr|g|ng |s lhe
spporl lhels oeen spoed, end
een nohc|e||y demonslreled
oy dee|opers, |n lhe |S 8 oele
lor en |nlerlece lhel presenls
lo d|herenl epp |es s|de oy
s|de. Th|s o|d s|l e de|ce
|lh e |erger screen, sch es lhe
rmored |Ped Pro, ol co|d
een ork on ex|sl|ng mode|s.
4 The epp s|lcher d|sp|ey lhel
eppeers hen yo doo|e-lep lhe
Home oon ge|ns e ro ol conlecl
|cons el lhe lop, g||ng yo |ck
eccess lo yor leor|le peop|e end
lhose yoe conlecled recenl|y. ll
mekes lhe m|l|lesk|ng screen lee|
c|ered, ol co|d proe hendy
oes yor iPoJ |k re |ike oes
yor cs|e, s|vi tne |iitotis Jeve|ers corret|y ro it
s: zo: \~cUscn
Ihse searaIe drid deice chis ad
cde Ihe I wr Ihe sae wa'
W is ess iressed wiIh SceeiI,
saig IhaI, as see wh wrs a
da i 3D, iI's cear e's Iechg
is'I ear i Ihe sae eage as rea
r iI, Ihird-arI egies c
sed I creaIe iS gaes
Hweer, she recas hw se
ieerig iS des hae had I bid
rrieIar egies lor relaIively simple
games. 'ThaI's non-Irivial. game like
Fieldrunners wouldn'I need nreal
Fngine, buI pple did noI have Ihe 3D
Iools Ihose kinds ol IiIles needed. So
iI's exciIing IhaI you'll be able Io wriIe a
mobile game and noI have Io wriIe your
own lreaking engine Io geI Ihere!'
SolI is more enIhusiasIic abouI
SpriIeKiI and SceneKiI, especially lrom
Ihe perspecIive ol newcomers. 'The
Iechnologies make iI easier Io sIarI
wiIh games. l remember sIruggling Io
learn OpenCL Io creaIe my hrsI game. l
lailed - iI was awlul, so complex, and so
much code lor a "simple" game. SpiIeKiI
makes 2D games much easier Io creaIe
and inIroduces per-pixel collision physics
lor accuracy, and SceneKiI helps you geI
sIarIed in 3D.'
Shapiro noIes IhaI one downside
ol pple's new Iechnology is IhaI iI's
pple-only. 'll developers wanI Io wriIe
cross-plaIlorm games, Ihey will probably
have Io sIick wiIh Ihird-parIy cross-
plaIlorm SDKs.'
uI Ihere's no shorIage already
ol developers choosing Io creaIe hrsI
or exclusively lor iOS. nd Ihe iOS 8
updaIes are so impressive, Wu now
Ihinks any game developer noI consider-
ing pple's Iools and ecosysIem is 'nuIs,
because Ihe besI is yeI Io come'. ln a
wider sense, she couldn'I be more pos-
iIive abouI pple's luIure. 'lI's a really
exciIing Iime Io be an pple developer,
and l could noI be more exciIed abouI
where Ihe plaIlorms are going.'
Nol on|y does lhe |Ped vers|on ol
Seler| ge|n e Teo v|ew d|sp|ey s|m||er lo
lhel |n OS X Yosem|le, |l gels e s|deoer
rem|n|scenl ol lhe desklop vers|on loo,
where you cen eccess your oookmerks,
Reed|ng L|sl end shered leos. (The
|Phone keeps |ls s||ghl|y odd verl|ce|
cerouse| lor leo l|pp|ng.) pp|e hes
e|so slressed o|g perlormence
|mprovemenls |n |OS 8's }eveScr|pl
process|ng, end lo|d deve|opers |n e
WWDC sess|on lhel, lor lhe hrsl l|me,
weo v|ews |n lh|rd-perly epps wou|d
see lhe oenehl, v|e lhe Weol|l Pl, es
we|| es Seler| |lse|l
|C|oud Pholo L|orery, eccess lrom lhe
revemped Pholos epp, |s en evo|ul|on ol lhe
ewkwerd Pholo Slreem. Prev|ous|y, lhe |esl
1,000 pholos you look on eny dev|ce ||nked lo
your pp|e lD were eve||eo|e lo e|| lhe dev|ces.
Th|s wes hendy, oul s|nce you d|dn'l know
wh|ch p|cs were dropp|ng oh es you look more,
|l wesn'l e oeckup or cenlre| repos|lory. l |eesl
pholos d|dn'l counl ege|nsl your |C|oud slor-
ege e||ocel|on, wh|ch oy deleu|l |s jusl SCB.
ln lulure, lhe pholos you leke w||| oe
|n lhe c|oud, e|weys. Fu|| h|gh-res vers|ons ere
kepl on pp|e's servers end su|leo|e |ower-res
prox|es synced lo eech dev|ce. Thel's n|ce, oul
lh|s counl ege|nsl your |C|oud ||m|l - end
SCB w||| h|| up |nexoreo|y. Exlre spece |s gel-
l|ng cheeper, oul w||| sl||| cosl 99 (prooeo|y
79p) per monlh lor 20CB or S3.99 (2.99) lor
200CB, w|lh 1TB lhe h|ghesl cepec|ly. F||ckr,
|nc|denle||y, g|ves every user 1TB lree.
ll you don'l heve enough spece lor e||
your p|cs, wh|ch ones won'l oe slored? W|||
oeckups leke precedence or pholos? ll e||
seems ||ke e rec|pe lor hess|e end conlus|on
Hee|lhl|l |s e new
lremework lhel keeps
med|ce| end hlness
dele genereled oy epps
end eccessor|es |n one
p|ece, where epps cen
eccess |l |l you |el lhem.
Hee|lh |s en epp lhel
presenls lh|s dele v|s-
ue||y lor you. Th|s hes e
|ol ol polenl|e|. pp|e
|s e|so very keen on
syslems lhel |nlegrele
your dele w|lh e hee|lh-
cere prov|der, so |l
your o|ood pressure or
d|eoel|c g|ucose reed|ng
|s loo h|gh, your doclor
|s nol|hed eulomel|-
ce||y. You m|ghl lh|nk
lhel sounds greel, or e
pr|vecy-|nved|ng, |nsur-
nenny-epp n|ghlmere
\ zo: 50



ance, my minions
is an app IhaI began lile
when developers aI Came Oven
waIched people play Iheir earlier
IiIle, FriendsIrap, where Iwo people
cling Io an iPhone. They'd each Iry
Io wresIle Ihe oIher oh, and Ihe
resulI looked like dancing.
Well, iI makes lor a nice sIory,
anyway. The devs even roped in
Ihe DuIch NaIional alleI Io help
work ouI how Io geI users dancing.
ln pracIice, ounden is very
Iricky Io masIer. The inIerlace isn'I
always clear, and Ihe moves can
be complex. lI requires dedicaIion.
Tellingly, Ihe dancers in Ihe videos
aI don'I
seem Io pay much auenIion Io Ihe
screen. WiIh Iwo non-dancers, Ihe
resulI can be more akin Io TwisIer.
uI Came Oven are all abouI
exploring people's relaIionships.
Designer driaan de |ongh Iold
Uacser Ihe 'secreI inIenIion wiIh
ounden is Io geI you all enIangled
wiIh someone else', and 'Irying Io
hgure ouI how Io beaI Ihe choreo-
graphy IogeIher is a personal,
inIimaIe process'.
nd in lacI a lew minuIes ol
giggling, lrusIraIion, swaying and
repeaIedly nearly dropping an
iPhone can be an oddly moving
experience. I 2.49 lromIhe
pp SIore, iI's worIh a go lor close
lriends and brave workmaIes.






JaMrs teuxtu
'Wnel neppens |s l go oh on lour w|ln seven
cemeres. ll's sorl ol r|d|cu|ous, oul unlorlunele|y
lnere's nol one cemere lnel does everyln|ng.'

ppIe, hich sometimes seems to
hae no diaIoge ith anbod.
Yes, and 've laced ha mysell lor
years, alking wih eole lromle.
lackmagic is very diheren, and com-
anies like RFD as well, which have a
very ublic dialogue wih cusomers,
o he exen ha you have he CFO
relying o eole online.
have a good relaionshi wih
Sony as well, bu he diherence is ha
wih lackmagic being such a small
comany by comarison, you leel
when you work wih hemyou're giving
leedback o he erson who's going
o go away and design or imlemen
ha ar ol he roduc.
The images lromha [PC 4K]
camera are so beauilul. sho wih
DSRs lor a long ime - we were
quick o ado Canon SD ark s [lor
video] when hey came ou - because
could see he beneh ol hese large-
sensor cameras. u ushing hemo
heir limis, including mulicamlive
concer work, go o he oin where
we were hiing a wall wih he hle
[comression]. We always os-ro-
duce everyhing, we grade our own
work, and everyhing was lalling down
when i came o he codecs. used
Sony cameras lor a eriod, and sill
uszn t seems Iike ideo has
got a Iot cheaper to get into, and
there's an increasing ariet of
tooIs o can se for pro ork. as
that been or eperience7
zs zouu Yes, ha sounds
so-on. sared using acs when
was a universiy, lor music, and hen
migraed owards video ediing a
he end ol my degree. sho a hlmon
16mmand ini DVCin 1999-
2000, and go ino desko ediing in
is inlancy wih he very hrs version
ol Final Cu.
earning how o use ha really
heled o sar me oh as an edior,
because hen go involved in a ro-
|ec called 1 Cian ea - seemed o
be one ol he very lew eole hey
knew who knew Final Cu a he ime.
buil u a sudio wih hemo work
on heir ro|ec, and aler ha go
an oher lromF usic o se u and
run Hangman lor hem, which did
unil 2009 and hen ook i on as my
own business.
That rst ersion of inaI t as
reaII grondbreaking, asn't it7
Oh yes. Final Cu has been wha
we've hung our laciliy around, and
he oher le as - we run ogic
nex door - wih le hardware a
he base ol i. acs have been a
he hear ol everyhing we've done,
because hey |us work, and 'mno
ineresed in inkering around wih
suh, wan o ge on wih doing he
creaive bi.
When se u Hangman in 2001,
mos eole were recommending
vid as he serious cuing ool, bu
didn' know il waned o send
100,000 on an vid seu when
could |us buy he lases acs a he
ime and run Final Cu.
nd we've suck wih ha. This
year, |us belore we wen on our,
bough a new ac Pro again, and
wih he laes version ol Final Cu
ha's anoher lanasic combinaion
ol hardware and solware.
o o'e made the Ieap frominaI
t Pro tdio to inaI t Pro X7
Yeah. ike a lo ol eole, was ques-
ioning wha we should do, because
he hrs version ol FCP X ha came
ou oened i, hen closed i. nd
hough, i's no ready righ now,
we can' migrae his ino our seu,
i didn' suor anyhing we were
using. So ried Premiere and cu vari-
ous ro|ecs in ha.
u hen go an edior, a
Cronin, who works lor me all he ime
and bullied himino learning [FCP X],
and he wen hrough he eehing
rocess ol adoing he agneic
Timeline, and we believe ulimaely i's
he ool lor us. The new ac Pro is
he hing ha's really made i. was
working so much beer on our Reina
acooks han on he old 12-core
ac Pro - couldn' undersand wha
was going on. 's really oimised lor
he new-generaion hardware.
Coing on our wih he Rolling
Sones, we had o work so quickly in
delivering media, and we were shoo-
ing a lo ol RFD SK looage, ha
knew we were going o hi a wall wih
laos. So we engineered a orable
seu, basically a ac Pro, Promise
Pegasus RD, 1Sin la screen, ha
all lolds away ino carry-on luggage.
Oherwise i would have been a big
ligh-case sysemcarried around
by roadies - we wouldn' have had i
in our hoel roomwih us. 's done
20,000 miles in he las lew weeks.
n terms of cameras, e're going
throgh another reoItion no.
noticed o ere sing the
Iackmagic Prodction amera 4.
ohae o been nding that7
have a very good relaionshi wih
lackmagic. worked wih hemearly
on, bea esing heir hardware, and
've owned and used every one ol
heir cameras.
The seemto be good at orking
ith peopIe in the indstr, nder-
standing hat the ant. UnIike
o, buI l sIarIed using Ihe lackmagic
[Cinema Camera 2.SK] as soon as iI
came ouI because Ihe image was so
good. nd Ihen l was really exciIed Io
have a 4K camera wiIh a lull [Super]
3Smm sensor in iI, |usI because l wanI
my lenses Io do whaI Ihey do wiIh my
oIher cameras.
We Iook iI on Iour, and delivery is
2K because Ihey really didn'I wanI 4K
in posI, buI using IhaI 3Smm sensor
wiIh Ihe global shuuer iI's a really
nice camera.
With the Sony a7S arriving, we've
got two extremes now: an aord-
abIe 4Kcamera that's amazing in
IowIight, and an aordabIe 4K
camera that shoots reaIIy beautifuI
pictures but is rubbish in IowIight.
Do you nd that's an issue7
l'm exciIed abouI Ihe a7S lor Ihe Iour
work l've goI coming up, when l have
Io be Ihere wiIh a camera in my hand
almosI 24 hours a day, ready Io Iake
sIills or video aI any poinI. We were
ouI on Iour wiIh Ihe SIones earlier
Previous spread
Rooo|e W||||ems' 'Teke lhe
Crown' 2013 sled|um lour
shol |n Sl on RED EPlC
Leh'VS' shool lor Sony
on e pre-re|eese FS700
w|lh Cer| Ze|ss |enses
BeIow'Relecl|ons', h|med
|n Duoe| lor B|eckmeg|c
on lhe B|eckmeg|c C|neme
Cemere |n DNC Rew


his year across sia, and now we're
working wiIh Ihem in Furope, we go
ouI as almosI a newsgaIhering Ieam.
So a camera like Ihe a7S is builI lor
me - iI's one liule package which l'll
|usI consIanIly have on me.
Like Ihe a7R, iI's goI a greaI view-
hnder so you can use iI ouIdoors, iI's
goI a replaceable bauery, and Ihe low-
lighI sensiIiviIy looks asIounding.
For Ihe lackmagic 4K, 800 lSO
is iIs maximum, and l'm noI going Io
be able Io Iake iI and use iI in every
siIuaIion. l'm sure iI won'I be long
belore Ihey bring ouI anoIher sensor
IhaI has beuer low-lighI capabiliIy.
We've already seen hrmware updaIes
lor Ihe exisIing cameras.
l'm really manulacIurer-agnosIic,
iI |usI depends on whaI Ihe camera
can do. So whaI happens is l go oh on
Iour wiIh seven cameras. lI's sorI ol
ridiculous, buI unlorIunaIely Ihere's
noI one camera IhaI does everyIhing.
ackmagic is doing
a camera withot a camera [the
They're very radical. They're like a
young pple, l Ihink. They'll |usI look
aI Ihe markeI and do someIhing bold
- and disrupIive in Ierms ol price as
well. ll iI wasn'I lor companies like
IhaI, l don'I Ihink we'd have hall ol
Ihe exciIing creaIive Iools in our
hands IhaI we do now.
[lackmagic's] DaVinci Resolve is
whaI we grade everyIhing in - l Ihink
iI's my lavouriIe piece ol solware.
They consIanIly redesign iI, and l'm
sIill geuing lree upgrades Io Ihe
version l boughI Ihree years ago,
even Ihough iI's becoming an even
bigger hnishing/ediIing machine. l'm
noI sure il Ihey're going aler an NLF
markeI buI iI's a very serious hnish-
ing Iool. nd iI's all abouI noI being
alraid Io Iake your ediI [lrom Final
CuI] inIo anoIher app - Ihey've made
Ihe roundIripping and Ihe codec sup-
porI so much beuer.
We had iI running in a hoIel room
purely as a DlTing sIaIion, Iranscod-
ing RFD looIage across Iwo or Ihree
lapIops, an iUac and a RFD ROCKFT,
|usI because iI's such a lexible appli-
caIion. ll you use Resolve LiIe, you've
goI a lree Iranscoding Iool.
I sppose coming fromdoing 5K,
the 4Kbitrates woIdn't faze yo,
bt a Iot of peopIe are concerned
abot the amont of storage.
For our concerI work lasI year wiIh
Robbie Williams, we were delivering
sIills aI Ihe same Iime - l was pulling
sIills direcIly lrom Ihe looIage. The
only camera l could have done IhaI
wiIh would have been a RFD FPlC. So
we made Ihe decision aI IhaI poinI Io
buy an FPlC, and l looked aI Ihe hard-
ware we were going Io need Io sup-
porI IhaI. asically iI boils down Io
disk space, and we upgraded our SN
Io deal wiIh IhaI, and we're archiving
onIo LTO Iapes.
This year we've lound, wiIh
ThunderbolI 2 and Ihe Pegasus RlD
R6 we're using wiIh Ihe Uac Pro, iI's
|usI so, so quick, iI doesn'I even pause
Io Ihink wiIh SK looIage. So l've been
IoIally unlazed because ol IhaI.
Premiere and FinaI Ct Pro Xare
both predy good for mIticam
now, aren't they7
l haven'I used Ihe mulIicam in
Premiere, buI we always used iI in
Final CuI Pro SIudio, and Ihey've gone
one sIep beyond in Ihe new version.
We've been Ihrowing 4K CoPro and
4K lackmagic looIage inIo mixed
Iimelines and iI |usI ediIs iI.
With aII this reIativeIy cheap kit
now, we've got amaters sing the
same tooIs as professionaIs. It's
abot the qaIity of yor work, not
what yo can aord.
c zo: c
Is wI v u s lrI
xI uI Is usIry
I wy I usIry s vl
I sIrI l II r sI
ruI sI I
Is v urIr Iwrs II
Irs s r
I I I wr l
uI [DaVinci and iIs solware]
Resolve, Ihey Iurned a 2S0,000
grading laciliIy inIo someIhing mere
morIals could use in Iheir bedrooms.
lI means IhaI when l siI down Io
grade someIhing, Ihere's noIhing Io
sIop me producing Ihe same qualiIy
ol work any sIudio is producing, oIher
Ihan my own skill seI.
Now Ihe same Ihing is happening
wiIh cameras. To have someIhing Ihe
size ol Ihe lackmagic PockeI Camera
- albeiI iI's goI a 16mm sensor, buI
wiIh Ihe righI glass on iI and Ihe righI
approach Io hlming, you can easily
produce Ihings which look compleIely
cinemaIic, like a leaIure hlm. You
don'I have Io be saying 'h, well, il
we had enough budgeI lor an [RRl]
LFX.' There's no excuse any
more. ThaI's Ihe bouom line, basically.
engmen |s e p|oneer|ng eud|ov|sue| producl|on
end poslproducl|on compeny oesed |n
hepherd's ush. ee more work oy }emes end
h|s co||eegues el hengmenslud|

qu|ck shol lrom e

Sony FS100 wh||e we|k-
|ng lhe slreels dur|ng
h|m|ng |n Ch|cego lor
Co|dp|ey L|ve 2012, lhe
ly|o Xy|olo lour
nolher Duoe|
shol lrom 'Relecl|ons',
push|ng lhe dynem|c
renge ol lhe B|eckmeg|c
cemere end DNC lormel

n eer|y morn|ng shol

|n wesl London lrom
lhe B|eckmeg|c C|neme
Cemere 2.Sl
From e
commerc|e| we shol |n
en emez|ng penlhouse
|ocel|on |n Be|j|ng, 2010,
us|ng lhe Cenon 7D

c c zo:
wnl lo sn proul ll r|l mor lo
nlrors ln |lrons. |so wnl somln ll
jusl |ooks n |s oo. oo| ws l prl nswr.'
|I a, LibaIo ha
Iabihd iI a a -o
aacI o baIi digd
ad gid adio podcI. o
oo i a ag o coo
gi iI i pa a diIicI
diI Io Ih had Ia ad
paIic ih IhaI doiaI Ih
aI. d Ih od good Ioo.
ad caIi coIaI
iIia o ho Ih copa,
odd i Da, had dopd
Ih bad IhaI o coqig
op ad NoIh ica.
mAcuszn Howdid Libratone come
into existence, and howdo you
marry the technicaIities of audio
manufacturing with aesthetics7
knszAu knovzn LibaIo IaId
oI i 9 Io go all-in wiIh wireless
speakers when Ihe hrsI ahordable
wireless Iechnologies became availa-
ble. We wanIed Io design up-Io-daIe
alIernaIives Io big black hih boxes
IhaI hadn'I changed lor decades.
l lel my |ob aI a design agency
Io |oin Ihree very passionaIe lound-
ers, who were deIermined - againsI
all odds - Io develop Ihe world's hrsI
Iruly high-qualiIy wireless speaker.
s creaIive consulIanI, my |ob
has been Io build Ihe brand and Ihe
producI lamily, including all Ihe diher-
enI experiences around iI. packaging,
user manuals, Ihe websiIe and so on.
LibraIone is Ihe resulI ol a very
IighI inIegraIion ol design and engi-
neering, and we see acousIic con-
sIrainIs as seeds lor creaIiviIy and
disIincIive designs soluIions. The
core across Ihe lamily is our 360
FullRoom Iechnology, which spreads
sound in all direcIions and delivers
Ihe same perlecI audio experience no
mauer where you are in Ihe room.
One of Libratone's haIImarks is a
distinctive fabric nish that gives
its products a tactiIe quaIity, more
Iike a crahindustry than a tech
industry product. Howdid this
originate and what were you trying
to express with it7 Howand where
is the materiaI actuaIIy made7
We wanIed Io sIand ouI lrom our
compeIiIors and Ihe indusIry in
general. We wanIed Io puI a warm,
lriendly Iouch Io consumer elec-
Ironics and Io design a producI IhaI
relaIed more Io inIeriors Ihan elec-
Ironics. We also wanIed someIhing
IhaI |usI looks and leels good. Wool
was Ihe perlecI answer.
ler inIense research and lab
IesIs, we lound an lIalian manulac-
Iure near Florence who had a prod-
ucI IhaI almosI meI our aesIheIic
wishes and acousIic requiremenIs. lI
wasn'I all Ihe way Ihere, buI Ihen we
saI down wiIh Ihe manulacIurer and
developed Ihe perlecI maIerial lor
our needs.
The wool IhaI goes inIo our pro-
ducIion process acIually comes lrom
happy sheep grazing peacelully on
beauIilul poppy helds around PraIo,
Ihe second largesI ciIy in Tuscany.
They've been handling wool here
since Ihe 12Ih cenIury, and now iI's


e's mosI imporIanI IexIile and
lashion cenIre. igagli, Ihe company
we work wiIh, was esIablished in 1973
has has become a leader in Ihe pro-
ducIion ol lelIs. So we were able Io
work wiIh Ihem Io develop a lelI wiIh
specihc acousIic hlIering properIies
and solness.
To make sheep's wool suiIable as
speaker sleeve maIerial, iI's hrsI dyed,
picked, cleaned and scoured. Then Ihe
'locks' go Io a drum carding machine
IhaI brushes Ihe washed wool hbers
and geIs rid ol Ihe Iangles. Carding
can also creaIe blends ol colors by
mixing Ihe diherenI coloured hbers.
The carding machine has a big
roller wiIh smaller ones surrounding
iI. ll ol Ihem are covered in small
IeeIh, and as Ihe wool goes Ihrough
Ihe rollers, Ihe IeeIh geI closer
IogeIher. Thin layers ol carded wool
hbres are layered 20 Iimes Io give Ihe
desired Ihickness. These layers are
mechanically bonded Io produce a
Ihick, sIrong roll ol hbres in inIer-
locking direcIions. The hnal resulI is
a maIerial IhaI works like a perlecI
acousIic hlIer.
t's a truismthat onsumer teh-
noIogy produts get heaper oer
time, ut the desktopJooksheIf
speaker market has shown the
opposite trend. onsumers are
happy to pay 2-3 times what we
used to think of as the top end
of the market. hy do you think
audio has eome so muh more
important to peopIe and the fous
of so muh design innoation7
l Ihink users wanI qualiIy, and l'm
very happy abouI IhaI. The docking
speaker caIegory more or less sIarIed
ouI as low-end audio, buI people now
wanI beuer - and wiIh audio Ihere's
almosI no upper limiI.
The Iechnology and solware IhaI
goes inIo Ihe LibraIone speakers was
originally developed lor 1S,000+
speakers, and we Iried Io make iI as
accessible as possible. Compared Io
IradiIional hih, Ihe premium deskIop/
bookshell speaker caIegory is sIill a
low-price segmenI. Wireless speak-
ers are a very compeIiIive space, and
wiIhouI good design and innovaIion
you're doomed as a brand. You need
Io deliver Ihe lull package.
The cusIomers really benehI lrom
Ihis compeIiIion. There's no business
case in selling crap!
Your Pinterest (pinterest.comJ
Iibratone) has Iots of beautifuI
pictures of your speakers in archi-
tecturaI sedings. PresumabIy part
of your design process is thinking
about howeach product wiII t
into a home or omce. Do you have
a particuIar kind of person or set-
ting in mind7 What kind of broad
design trends do you see Libratone
foIIowing, or Ieading7
We don'I design lor a specihc audi-
ence or decoraIion sIyle. We do whaI
we Ihink is cool, and archiIecIure is a
sIrong inspiraIion. oIh my designer
in crime, CarsIen Friksen, and l were
educaIed aI a school ol archiIecIure,
so iI's in our blood.

~UcUs: zo: \~cUscn

e ue lu n meil
h ele hieue n hme
The eke n u n len in
he me ime
Reging en u im i
u m n ienl e n-
ume eleni e ee he h
lu lee n me
m he iinl eke
eile Thi h e en h
eing lle he kiing he
gl lk li h elng
l lm lih Io say so, buI
pple is conIinuously raising Ihe bar
and leading Ihe way in design and
maIerials. This also means cusIomers
expecI more lrom Ihe producIs Ihey
buy in Ierms ol design. For a producI
designer, iI's a dream scenario.
You aIso repost a variety of
creative videos - we've just been
watching 'Making Music With
Bike'. So you're obviousIy seeking
out a wide range of inspiration. Is
that something youndimportant7
WiIhouI inspiraIion, you die as a crea-
Iive. We don'I mind sharing! lI's abouI
showing who we are and how we
Ihink. We have sIrong Scandinavian
rooIs, and iI's abouI puuing Ihe user
in Ihe cenIre ol whaI we do and keep-
ing iI simple. uI iI's also abouI being
Irue Io whaI we believe in. Fxpressing
personaliIy in a bold buI lriendly way
is parI ol our brand, so we wanI Io
express our own values and opinions.
LasI, and very imporIanIly, iI's
abouI making long-lasIing producIs.
Libratone has said it wants to
target women, a demographic
ohen poorIy served by tech prod-
uct design. What kinds of quaIities
do you see emerging when you
think of product design froma
more femaIe perspective7
lI's noI abouI making iI pink. lI's all
abouI locus on simpliciIy and lunc-
IionaliIy and noI unnecessary special
leaIures IhaI nobody uses or needs.
lnIernally we call iI 'unisex design', and
in our opinion everybody benehIs.
We're aIways interested in com-
bining graphic and industriaI
design, so your coIIaborations with
cartoon artists Lizzy Courage and
Stine Spedsbjerg intrigued us.
Personally, l Ihink Ihese special edi-
Iions are some ol Ihe mosI inIeresI-
ing Ihings we've done. There's no big
sIraIegy behind Ihem - and dehniIely
noI a hnancial one. lI's someIhing
we did lor lun and Io seI ourselves
aparI lrom Ihe elecIronics indusIry.
dding personaliIy and arIisIic value
Io a mass-produced producI makes iI
more valuable and inIeresIing.
There was no direcIion lrom our
side - we |usI gave Ihe arIisIs some
speakers and a rough deadline. We
can'I claim any crediI! These are noI
commercial producIs. Ihe 'World ol
Comics' series by Lizzy Courage was
given away Io blogs lor compeIiIions,
and SIine Spedsb|erg's 'FairyIale
FdiIion' speakers were aucIioned on
eay, wiIh proceeds going Io NlCFF.
F|nd oul more eooul L|orelone, |ls w|re|ess
speekers end lle||en sheep el ||

\~Uc ~UcU: zo:
Tne |ehy Br|l|sn oroedsneel nes o|ossomed |nlo e Pu||lzer-
|nn|ng lorce |n |nlernel|one| journe||sm- end no|l nes e
orend ned|g|le| ers|on. Slee Cep||n spoke lo |ls creelors


On 29 Uay, Ihe Cuardian launched
Ihe Ihird version ol iIs mobile app.
lI's arguably Ihe mosI radical news-
paper app yeI, dispensing wiIh any
auempIed simulaIion ol a IradiIional
prinI experience. lnsIead, iI ohers iIs
readers a luid, responsive layouI IhaI
works on boIh iPhone and iPad, as
well as ndroid devices.
sIory's relaIive imporIance is
shown by iIs size wiIhin a grid, blocks
ol colour suggesI noI Ihe secIion, buI
Ihe Ione ol Ihe iIem. s you scroll,
images lade smooIhly inIo view. The
cusIomisable lronI page can include
as many secIions as you wanI,
and everyIhing wiIhin one Iap
away lrom Ihe lronI page
is auIomaIically downloaded
lor omine browsing.
lI's an approach IhaI's
noI only lresh buI based on
some real Ihinking abouI how readers
use news. nd Ihe response lrom
users has been sIriking. The new app's
reviews on Ihe iOS pp SIore are spliI
beIween one- and hve-sIar raIings,
wiIh almosI noIhing in beIween.
We asked Cuardian design direc-
Ior lex reuer, who oversaw Ihe cre-
aIion ol Ihe app, whaI seemed Io be
polarising reacIions. 'l Ihink iI's chal-
lenging percepIions ol whaI a news-
paper app is. Our compeIiIors have
Iended Io go lor a backward-looking
inIerlace which says Ihis is sIill a
newspaper, Ihis sIill gives you arIicles.
a headline, an inIroducIion, a picIure
and some IexI. WhaI we've evolved
is someIhing IhaI's geared Iowards a
Cut to t Tne
epp's se|ecl|on
ol nes |lems
|s goerned oy
ed|lor|e| |npul
UU : \U
w sry. 'r
r rv rs sry
r rs r v. 's
r |us u s wrs.'
sr usrs r ru
rr x ws
s r r rvws
r s
r yu' s s
ry sr s. r
w us r r
rs rs y ' w
? x ry s' 's
ru s u.
' r rr r
rs sss ur w
r |urs. u r s
w ur uqu
rwsrs w s r rr ur
uqu rrs ur ws
r s vr r. ur u
s u. 'r vrr
|us ws u rv
r v sr.'
uAnoA uA long been a he
lorelron ol design, lromhe radical
David Hillman redesign ol he 1980s
o he recen adopion ol he erliner
lorma, which also inroduced a slab
seril body and headline lon a a ime
when Fgypian laces had been ou ol
lavour lor decades in prin and were
barely seen in digial.
'The lon has a characer ha
dihereniaes us lromour compei-
ors and relecs he unique person-
aliy ol he Cuardian brand. When
began evolving a cohesive visual
design language, no |us digially
bu hroughou he brand, hough.
should we discard Fgypian?
' quickly came o he conclusion
ha i wasn' wha we needed o
locus on. was more abou he lorms
and syles. We had o be conscious
ol wha was going on in web and app
design in general. Changing he iner-
acion and colour language required
more locus.'
large number ol icons were cre-
aed lor he redesign, maching he
lavour ol he house ypelace. Raher
han being called as graphic elemens,
hey were hemselves buil ino a
cusomlon. Wha was he hinking
behind his?
' lel like one ol hose nice op
levels ol deligh wihin he app, o
assess he icon se we needed and
ge our own drawn in sympahy wih
he characer and lormol Cuardian
Fgypian. 's very small hings, like
lile cus and apering ol he arrows.'
y loading he icons as par ol a
lon, he app could save he over-
head ol loading individual graphics on
demand. s Cuardian developmen
manager Odhran UcConnell old us.
' lon is loaded a he sar ol he
app, so you don' have o hink abou
i any more - you |us call i by char-
acer relerence. |us works.'
Odhran's eamol nine - six devel-
opers and hree Q - spen a year
creaing he new app. This spanned
he move lromiOS o iOS 7 as well
as OS X's move o Uavericks and
he aendan changes in Xcode, he
pple developer environmen. How
has ha shaped he process?
'We knew iOS7 was on he way,'
says Odhran, 'so we made a conscious
decision o ake advanage ol all is
new leaures. Froma coding poin ol
view, i mean we were able o pro-
duce somehing much more sable -
we've been able o reduce he number
ol user crashes by 7S. Now, people
will only ge weird excepions when
hey drop ou ol signal range or in
very odd circumsances.'
Version 2 ol he Cuardian app
was an enirely separae produc, so
users could choose wheher o insall
i or sick wih he original. This hird
ieraion is a mandaory updae. sers
wih older iOS devices can sick wih
he old app, however, 'and all our
servers provide back end suppor lor
i,' conhrms Odhran.
iOS and ndroid versions were
released simulaneously. Were hey
developed in andem? 'oh eams
worked ogeher, bu worked auon-
omously. The ndroid eamchose
o sick wih heir code base and
o develop on op ol i, relacoring
as appropriae, which is he way as
developers we preler o go abou i.
'u because here've been so
many changes in he way you develop
lor iOS, i became clear ha he
old code base wasn' good enough.
n order o ake advanage ol he
changes pple buil ino Ob|ecive-C,
we chose o rewrie.'
( |) nd dn
onn|| d n
o |ook|n onn
|n m|nd n
d|nd n m-
pon nd | pp

ne e ln e ,
le s nnned mleel
ne rrmmn lne, l,
nends s relemen r
ee ms e me s
smen msell sme
ne n drn's sn
'e ems re m sl
dn e mddle s n e r
sd es, 's ne , le's
r ers sd ll, e reer
s e kn [uI]
pple is promoIing Swil in a big way.'
om zuz uszns poinI ol view,
Ihe iOS and ndroid versions are
'virIually idenIical', says lex. 'When
l arrived here we had a websiIe,
a mobile websiIe, an iPad app, an
iPhone app and an ndroid app, all
done aI diherenI Iimes, across diher-
enI plaIlorms, and Ihey all looked and
lelI diherenI.
'One ol Ihe Ihings l was passion-
aIe abouI was Io have a consisIenI
visual language. We have many users
who may have an ndroid phone and
an pple IableI, and who will access
Ihe paper Ihrough a deskIop browser
as well. I Ihe core ol whaI we do is
our |ournalism, and l wanIed Ihere
Io be a design consisIency across all
Ihose plaIlorms. We have a consisI-
enI grid, a Iypographic language, and
a new colour language.'
The new use ol coloured blocks
Io highlighI headlines and leaIures
'Ialks abouI Ione ol conIenI, raIher
Ihan secIions wiIhin Ihe building, Io
help Ihe user undersIand and navi-
gaIe conIenI,' lex explains. 'People
don'I consume Ihe Cuardian in a sIricI
hierarchical way. sing Ihe colours Io
highlighI a Ional change beIween, say,
an analysis piece, a liveblog, a news
piece or a leaIure seemed much more
imporIanI Ihan Ielling Ihem wheIher
Ihe sIory is abouI culIure or sporI.
'There are hve kinds ol conIenI.
news, live conIenI, leaIures, commenI
and mulIimedia. We lound wiIh Ihe
websiIe IhaI people were clicking on
a liveblog Ihinking iI was going Io be
an arIicle. We IhoughI, how can we
help people Io undersIand Ihe diher-
enI Iones ol voice? So in a commenI
piece, we have a quoIe Io sIarI wiIh,
and a byline picIure. People recognise
IhaI's someone expressing Iheir opin-
ion. lue colours are abouI IrusI and
inIegriIy, purples are used lor lea-
Iures, because IhaI's abouI creaIiviIy.'
zuz uAnoAu uAs a varieIy ol sIraI-
egies Io gauge and respond Io com-
menIs and criIicisms, modilying Ihe
app in updaIes Io broaden iIs appeal.
'We developed Ihe app wiIh
an exIensive beIa programme - we
have a X lab in-house - and we've
shared Ihe design and evoluIion every
sIep ol Ihe way wiIh a collecIion ol
IrusIed users,' explains lex. ls Ihere
a risk IhaI Ihose IrusIed users are
well-versed in Ihe Cuardian design
language, while oIhers aren'I?
'On ndroid in parIicular, we've
been developing our relaIionship wiIh
users who don'I like Ihe app. Reviews
on Ihe pp SIore are very raw, very
emoIional, which is greaI because

Wire story h|s eer|y
skelch shows lhe Cuerd|en
leem exp|or|ng d|herenl
conlenl cerd lypes end
|ook|ng el lhe pos|l|on|ng
ol |cons end mele conlenl
UU: o \cUcn
iI shows people really care buI we
have Io evaluaIe wheIher [whaI Ihey
suggesI] will subsIanIially improve
Ihe experience or Ihe ma|oriIy o
users. pple Ihemselves are amous
or ignoring edge cases. i iI's noI or
you, Ihen iI's noI or you. l you ask
people whaI Ihey wanI, Ihey'll say
someIhing |usI a lile biI beer Ihan
whaI Ihey've goI already.'
he app works in boIh landscape
and porIraiI on Ihe iad, buI only
porIraiI on Ihe ihone. 'We scale
rom one-column layouI Io our
on a IableI,' explains dhran, 'buI
on a phone, landscape |usI doesn'I
eel righI.' ome sIories are a single
column wide, some are Iwo or more.
ls Ihis auIomaIed? Who decides on
Ihe relaIive imporIance o each sIory?
'haI's one o Ihe exciIing Ihings.
we've builI a whole new seI o Iools or
Ihe |ournalisIs and ediIors,' reveals
lex. 'aIher Ihan |usI eeding every-
Ihing inIo a C, Ihere's a range o
ediIing decisions, such as raIing a
sIory relaIive Io anoIher or boosIing
Ihe picIorial presenIaIion o a sIory.
his eeds inIo Ihe responsive sysIem
and empowers Ihe auIhorial voice o
Ihe Cuardian across Ihe inIerace.
'he IemplaIes really come Io lie
on IableIs, where you can see diher-
enI layouI pauerns IhaI are led by
ediIors' Ihinking, raIher Ihan by pure
design or Iechnical execuIion.'
w Ann is much more graphi-
cally inIensive. Will Ihis ahecI users
accessing iI over a cell connecIion?
'There are diherences depending on
wheIher a user has wih or 3C,' says
Odhran. 'y delaulI, we can Iurn on
images opIimised lor ReIina display
Io download over wih, and can load
more galleries. There are various
Iweaks IhaI all make a diherence. On
3C Ihe new app has only a slighIly
bigger daIa usage.'
So whaI comes nexI? 'SupporI
lor iOS 8. We'll be making sure we geI
Ihe mosI ouI ol IhaI. There are a loI
ol leaIures we didn'I geI Io puI in, so
we'll be working Ihrough Ihe backlog
ol Ihose as well. The Ihing abouI app
developmenI is IhaI iI's an iIeraIive
process. We have plenIy ol ideas in
Ihe background - iI's a quesIion ol
geuing Ihem in in Ihe righI order.'
'There are a number ol challenges
around personalisaIion,' adds lex.
'You can pin your lavouriIe secIions
Io Ihe lronI page, buI we can make
IhaI more inIuiIive. There are some
subIleIies around Ihe hierarchy and
ordering ol Ihe home screen IhaI we
should have addressed, buI we knew
we could learn and adapI.
'We're really happy wiIh Ihe app,
parIly because we know how much
more we can do wiIh iI. Over Ihe
coming monIhs you'll really see IhaI
inIerlace coming Io lile. The core briel
was lor a live news app, buI Ihere's a
huge amounI ol addiIional conIenI,
and bringing IhaI Io lile is going Io be
a big locus ol Ihe work.'
T u l Sl.
Sul w v
u ll u w v
u .^9 l.
EarIy doors T ll
wl ly (v
ul u l wl l
z. Ply l
yl x l
vu ly l ll
( l ly l
lu ul (

L mnh gle changed iIs logo. lI was a small
change - so small as Io be virIually unnoIiced by
iIs millions ol visiIors. Ihe 'g' was moved one pixel
Io Ihe righI, and Ihe 'l' was moved one pixel Io Ihe
righI and one pixel down. lI's a change IhaI many
would regard as niIpicking, and you'll be hard
pressed Io spoI Ihe diherence .
However, niIpicking is a vice IhaI Coogle has
always Iurned inIo a virIue. One ol Ihe besI exam-
ples was in 2009, when Ihen producI manager
Uarissa Uayer decided Io experimenI wiIh Ihe
precise colour ol blue used in Ihe adverIising links
on Cmail. She produced samples ol Ihe pages
using 41 diherenI shades ol blue and ran exIensive
consumer IesIing Io see which one produced Ihe
highesI volume ol clicks. The winning colour, naIu-
rally, became Ihe new omcial Coogle blue.
Absurd auenIion Io deIail? Well, Ihe process
was enough Io drive Coogle's visual design leader,
Douglas Bowman, Io leave Ihe company. 'Yes,
iI's Irue IhaI a IeamaI Coogle couldn'I decide
beIween Iwo blues, so Ihey're IesIing 41 shades
beIween each blue Io see which one perlorms
beuer,' he said in his resignaIion blog. 'l can'I oper-
aIe in an environmenI like IhaI. l've grown Iired ol
debaIing such minuscule design decisions.'
And yeI here's Ihe punchline. Ihe change ol
colour neued Coogle an exIra S200 million a year
in adverIising revenue. Or so we're Iold.
So whaI's Ihe big deal wiIh blue? For one
Ihing, iI's a conIroversial colour. Because blue isn'I
|usI blue, ol course, iI's a whole array ol colours.
And many ol Ihem have names. Spanish blue
(RCB makeup 0,112,184) is on Ihe green end ol
Ihe specIrum, whereas FgypIian blue (16,S2,166)
is much more purple - and Ihey also diher lrom
lIramarine (63,0,2SS), Navy (0,0,128), UidnighI
(2S,2S,112).Ihe lisI is almosI endless.
ArIisIs have long associaIed blue wiIh Ihe
Virgin Uary, who has been depicIed wearing
Ihis colour since Ihe earliesI Iimes, as in Ihis Fra
Angelico painIing lrom 1430 . The invenIion ol
new blues dicIaIed Ihe direcIion ol arI. Prussian
blue, Ihe hrsI synIheIic pigmenI, appeared in 1707,
and iI was a cenIury belore Ihe appearance ol
CobalI blue in 1802, which became a lavouriIe ol
Van Cogh. lI Iook anoIher S8 years belore arIisIs
could readily geI Iheir hands on Cerulean blue,
lamed lor iIs abiliIy Io render blue skies.
BeIween 1901 and 1904 Pablo Picasso painIed
almosI exclusively in shades ol blue . And
in 1962, Yves Klein was so proud ol his discov-
ery ol a sIarIling blue pigmenI IhaI he named
iI lnIernaIional Klein Blue, and painIed enIire
canvases using |usI Ihis colour . (He wenI on Io
persuade women Io Iake Iheir cloIhes oh, daub
Ihemselves in Ihe colour and roll around naked on
blank canvases, buI IhaI's anoIher sIory.)

d il Ihe exacI colours don'I show up well on
Ihese pages, iI's because blue is noIoriously dim-
culI Io reproduce in prinI.
When iI comes Io lood, blue is a noIoriously
oh-puuing colour. You'll rarely see lood packag-
ing in blue, because iI's Ihe colour ol mould. lue
loods Iend Io be poisonous, blueberries being one
ol Ihe lew noIable excepIions.
lue may be Ihe colour ol mould, buI iI's also
Ihe colour ol Ihe anIidoIe Io mould. lI has anIisep-
Iic, saniIary connoIaIions, and is olen used as Ihe
packaging lor cleaning producIs, lrombleach |s|
Io dishwasher powder |e| Io lavaIory cleaners |z|.
When creaIing a corporaIe idenIiIy, blue is
Ihe colour ol Iechnology. lI's no coincidence IhaI
many ol Ihe world's leading compuIer companies
use blue lor Iheir logos |s|, including Hewleu-
Packard, LaCie, lnIel, D-Link and Dell.
lue is Ihe colour ol auIhoriIy. lI's Ihe dom-
inanI colour ol |usI abouI every naIional gov-
ernmenI websiIe, be iI K |s| , merican, French
or whaIever. PoliIicians preler blue suiIs, as Ihe
colour makes Ihemlook sober, prolessional and
in conIrol. PoliIically, Ihe Tory blue is calming,
resIrained and clearly conservaIive, while Ihe
Labour red speaks ol blood, hre and revoluIion.
lI's perhaps a coincidence IhaI Ihe K's Iwo
oldesI universiIies, Oxlord and Cambridge, should
boIh choose blue as Iheir corporaIe colour. They
are disIinguished, however, beIween a lighI blue
lor Cambridge, and a dark blue lor Oxlord, Ihe
diherence clearly seen in Ihese Wilkinson painI
swaIches |c| , || .
Choosing exacIly Ihe righI shade ol blue is a
dimculI mauer, as Ihe Coogle example shows. Ihe
wrong shade could knock millions oh Ihe value ol
a company. ThaI may be an exIreme example, buI
iI's cerIainly Ihe case IhaI blue, more Ihan almosI
any oIher colour, encompasses a huge range ol
shades. Deep blues represenI proprieIy, sIeadlasI-
ness, solidiIy. ll you're designing a business card
lor a hnancial adviser, a dark blue would be Ihe
perlecI choice. Dark blue is Ihe colour ol Ihe mosI
expensive sIreeIs on Ihe Uonopoly board.
righI blues, bordering on pure cyan, suggesI
lun and leviIy. lI's noI a colour you can depend
on, so iI's rarely used by companies IhaI depend
on probiIy, wiIh Ihe noIable excepIion ol arclays
ank, which has used Ihe colour lor many years
|z| . However, even arclays recognises IhaI Ihe
colour does iI a disservice. iI sIill uses iI in mosI
ol iIs corporaIe maIerials, buI will Ione down iIs
impacI by surrounding iI wiIh a much darker, more
sober shade |z| .
lue isn'I |usI blue, iI's a whole range ol col-
ours, and Ihey all mean diherenI Ihings. ln Ihe end,
Ihen, perhaps Coogle's obsessive debaIing wasn'I
so silly aler all.
Steve CapIin

`J ',J
J -' '-'',

W s n us icons on rgulr bsis sym-
bols sying nyIhing rom'rcyclbl' Io 'no
nIry', 'Irin sIIion' Io 'prinI'. Uny icons w
s rgulrly r unrsIoo mor Ihrough prior
knowlg Ihn Ihrough Ihmbing clr rp-
rsnIIions o whI Ihy'r or. SomIims Ih
symbol is vn bs on somIhing IhI's ouI-
mo or obsolI. Probbly Ih bsI xmpl is
Ih Sv icon iI's bn pruy much Ih sm sinc
Ih wn o prsonl compuIing oppy isk. uI
whn i you lsI us oppy isk? s grphic
rprsnIing rl-worl cIion, iI's nonsns.
SomIims iI's rgu IhI Ihis oppy icon is
n iiomrIhr Ihn mIphor, so Ih quinI-
nss o Ih obsolI rrnc isn'I imporInI.
isgr, in IhI iI's mor Ihn liul mIphoric,
buI Ihis isIincIion is goo on Io kp in min.
n lIrnIiv on suggsI is hr isk
icon, buI on'I Ihink IhI's such grI i. NoI
only is iI Iring on somwhI clunky mI-
phor or noIhr, buI hr isk riv is pruy
gnric Ihing Io Iry Io rprsnI. n Iop o IhI,
Ihs ys w my b sving Io SSDs, nIwork
rivs, mmory sIicks or clou sIorg. s rr-
nc, iI's no bur Ihn Ih clssic oppy isk.
Uyb Irying Io crI visul scripIion o
Ih cIion o sving is prI o Ih problm? Coing
or mmorbl rIhr Ihn liIrl mning ws Ih
i bhin Ih biohzr symbol. This ws m
in 66 by Ihe Dow Chemical Company. Charles
aldwin, parI ol Ihe design Ieam, said Ihey spe-
cihcally 'wanIed someIhing IhaI was memorable
buI meaningless, so we could educaIe people as Io
whaI iI means'. ln IhaI respecI, iI's a dehniIe suc-
cess, as iI's undersIood around Ihe world as some-
Ihing Io be avoided. uI Ihe Save icon is inIended
Io be parI ol a lamily ol symbols, noI someIhing
on iIs own. There should be a consisIenI graphic
language used in Ihese icons Io help Ihem work
consisIenIly and ehecIively. Should we Ihen creaIe
equally 'meaningless buI memorable' symbols lor
Open, PrinI, and so on? No, IhaI would be Iaking
Ihings Io an illogical exIreme.
The old-lashioned Save icon has vexed
designers lor many years. n idea suggesIed by
OceanCohen ( looked aI
represenIing daIa, low and medium in a consisI-
enI visual manner. The resulIs leel in need ol slighI
rehnemenI, buI Ihere's someIhing very inIeresIing
in Ihis carelul absIracIion ol concepIs.
ln 199S, lan Cooper wroIe The UyIh ol
UeIaphor (, which was a
greaI dissecIion ol Ihe diherence beIween idiom
and meIaphor in inIerlace design. He predicIed
IhaI Ihe luIure ol inIerlace design would be based
on idiom, relying on our abiliIy Io associaIe mean-
ing wiIh symbols. n imporIanI parI ol his conclu-
sion is IhaI Ihere is 'an inhniIy ol idioms waiIing Io

\cUn UU zo:
d, raIher Ihan a limiIed seI ol meIa-
phors waiIing Io be discovered'. He could almosI
have been looking ahead more Ihan 1S years Io
Ihe evenIual re|ecIion ol skeuomorphic design, as
championed by iOS 7 and Windows 8.
lndeed, iI's iOS IhaI now presenIs us wiIh
some inIeresIing new Iakes on Ihe IradiIional
icons, alIhough Ihe Save buuon is, oddly, done as
Ihe word 'Save' raIher Ihan as a graphic (per-
haps because auIo-saving is now Ihe norm). The
visual sIyle ol icon inIroduced wiIh iOS 7 is based
on clean ouIline sIrokes ol unvarying widIh,
absIracIed Io an impressive degree, buI wiIh a
consisIency ol approach IhaI - usually - makes iI
easy Io undersIand whaI each one is, or aI leasI
whaI class ol luncIionaliIy iI has.
The iOS Share icon, lor example, is an arrow
poinIing up ouI ol a box ouIline. pple's developer
documenIaIion says Ihis opens 'an acIion sheeI
IhaI lisIs sysIem-provided and app-specihc ser-
vices IhaI acI on Ihe specihed conIenI'. ln layman's
Ierms, iI exporIs a copy somewhere. The semioIics
ol Ihe various symbols isn'I enIirely consisIenI -
lor example, Ihe icon lor showing downloads is
Ihe same as Ihe one lor sharing, buI wiIh Ihe
arrow poinIing downwards, even Ihough iI
raIher Ihan - buI iI is relaIed, and we quickly
learn Io associaIe Ihe parIicular meaning wiIh Ihe
symbol. |usI as lan Cooper said we would.
The evoluIion ol Ihese solware leaIure icons
may also see Ihe whole idea ol expliciI saving
lade inIo insignihcance. People are geuing used
Io auIosaving behaviour, and iCloud's meIhod ol
working means IhaI we're Ihinking less and less
abouI where a documenI acIually is. ThaI's clearly
where iOS 8 will Iake us, so Save and Save s are
Iaking someIhing ol a back seaI, even as Ihe old
loppy disk arIwork is hnally shaken oh.
The evoluIion ol all Ihis will keep marching on,
and pple makes Ihis preuy clear in iIs developer
documenIaIion. long wiIh deIailed inlormaIion
abouI Ihe meanings and uses ol Ihe various sIand-
ard OS-supplied icons, iI adds. 's wiIh all sIandard
buuons and icons, iI's essenIial IhaI you base your
usage ol an icon on iIs semanIic meaning, noI iIs
appearance. This will help your app's l make sense
even il Ihe icon associaIed wiIh a specihc meaning
changes iIs appearance.'
So, in a sense, Ihe precise iconography ol
our solware and operaIing sysIems is |usI Ihe
currenI lashion Irend, Ihis season's musI-have
look. We've recenIly sIepped away lrom a Irend
Iowards increasingly realisIic imagery and Iaken
up a sIripped-back, lauer and (in Ihe icons aI
leasI) monochrome symbolic line-arI sIyle insIead.
Which is, curiously, much like Ihings were belore
SysIem 7 appeared in 1991. Well, Ihey say lashion
goes in roughly 20-year cycles, don'I Ihey?
cUser's lechn|c|
ed|lor. n pp|e user
s|nce lhe oeg|nn|ng,
h|s ockground |s |n
grph|c nd |nlercl|ve
des|gn. h|s co|umn
ppers monlh|y.

he ve |con |s c|s-
s|c skeuomorph|sm.
when ws lhe |sl
l|me you even sw
loppy d|sk?
yslem 7 Conlro|
ne| - nol drop
shdow |n s|ghll
cenCohen's v|su|
represenll|on ol
dl, low nd med|um
|s n |nleresl|ng
OInstant impact
ondon|ng lhe ||ler|
pproch lo |con
des|gn, lhe o|ohzrd
symoo| ws des|gned
|n 1966 lo oe spec|h-
c||y memoro|e oul |n
|lse|l men|ng|ess
OFuII circIe |
7, ||ke |ls nc|enl
pre-yslem 7 nces-
lor, hs |cons w|lh
c|en oul||nes, oul
lhe|r cons|slency |n
pproch mkes lhem
esy lo underslnd
New Load Save Cut Copy Paste

o: \~cUscn



c zo:

lnene cnnecns ae en me elable, b
ees alas e e ke cs
hbec cables a dll, e ne sm a
bns dn eead cables eme adae
ale Hee m aen, a lle b
e and lannn can sae m e
cs and san cmlee black
Te ms man nman a
ms kee and s cnac lS
n e een a sece nen ee a
daed m e s aes l se nl
de nlne meds en e al,
seac se aes nl hnd a ne nmbe
l e deenden n an nene cnnecn
and ae ll cs mne case ses
blems, ms lan an ndeenden secnd
a cnnecn a can all back n F l
daa lmes, s cld eadl be a elable 3C
cellla ne sece, eas sn a mh n
s a Uac and S deces F
eae se, a secnd ll badband cnnecn s
nalable, and need n be eense a small
bsness ackae m be scen
Y can n me mdemes n
e same nek b assnn emdheen l
addesses, sc as and.2S2, and
conhguring each neIworked device Io use one ol
Ihose as iIs rouIer. However, you musI seI Ihem
up so IhaI only one device provides DHCP, or
mayhem will resulI, wiIh diherenI devices being
assigned Ihe same lP address by a diherenI DHCP
server. Uake each modem-rouIer seIup a separaIe
locaIion, and swiIching lrom your primary Io sec-
ondary connecIions will Iake buI a lew seconds.
lSPs sporI deIailed service sIaIus reporIs
IhaI are olen misleading or ouI ol daIe. ll no
laulI appears lisIed lor your area, don'I assume
IhaI iI's your modem-rouIer or local neIwork IhaI
has gone down, buI check your end carelully Io
rule Ihose ouI. RemoIe line checks can hx issues
quickly, buI may be surprisingly

l||e |nlernel connecl|on cn

spe|| |ssler, so wnl cn you o?

74 ~Ucn ~UcU zo:

The ost usefu toos for
diagosig iteret coec-
tio probes were buit ito
the od etwork Utiity, oddy
dropped froavericks.
Locate your od outai
Lio versio (1.6) o a Tie
achie backup, i the ]
ppicatios]Utiities foder,
ad copy it across to your cur-
ret ppicatios foder.
The Pig pae is a ipor-
tat test: set this to pig a
server such as appe.coor
oe of its reated IP addresses
of, ad you
shoud see three propt
repies. If the IP address works
but the doai ae does't,
you have a probewith 5
resoutio. If both work he,
but other services such as
HTTP do't, suspect your I5P
is thronig certai etwork
tramc oy, because of server
faiure or iscohguratio.
Traceroute is vaua-
be for expaiig sowpig
resposes, as it shows the
iterediate servers betwee
you ad a reote syste.
This ca, say, discover switch-
ig probes i your I5P's
hardware, if your packets are
set roud ay iteredi-
ates before reachig aother
coutry. There are aso facy
graphica versios such as
WhatPoute that hep visuaise
where the deays are. void
uecessary tests ad ever
use Port5ca uess the opera-
tor of the systeyou're sca-
ig has give you perissio.

| ] slow and uncommunicaIive.

Be prepared lor spurious errors, perhaps being
diverIed Io a websiIe IhaI claims IhaI you have
been disconnecIed because your accounI is in
arrears. However, iI's wise Io ensure IhaI Ihere's
no IruIh in IhaI suggesIion!
Basic sIeps Io verily IhaI Ihe laulI lies in your
connecIion and noI your Uac, modem-rouIer
or local neIwork begin wiIh you resIarIing your
modem-rouIer and Uac. ll Ihis doesn'I resIore
normal service, Iry connecIing wiIh anoIher
device, such as your lapIop or iPad. ConnecI
your Uac direcIly Io Ihe modem-rouIer using a
IrusIed FIherneI cable, and check Ihe connecIions
beIween Ihe modem-rouIer and service sockeI.
Replace any broadband hlIers along IhaI paIh and
prune all devices oIher Ihan your modem-rouIer.
ll iI's connecIed Io Ihe line IhaI provides voice
phone services, check IhaI Ihey're working cor-
recIly, il Ihe whole line is dead, reporI IhaI as Ihe
Iop prioriIy.
SomeIimes only cerIain services, such as ouI-
going email or HTTP/HTTPS connecIions, are losI.
Once you've resIarIed your modem-rouIer and
Uac, check IhaI Ihe laulIy services aren'I being
blocked by a hrewall or oIher conhgurable hlIer
wiIhin your local neIwork.
Painlully slow connecIions Io your lSP's serv-
ers IhaI lail alIogeIher when you Iry Io go lurIher
are a good indicaIion IhaI your lSP has eiIher inad-
verIenIly limiIed your service, or iIs servers and
connecIions are aI laulI. There's Ihen liule more
IhaI you can do oIher Ihan waiI lor iI Io hx Ihe
problem. Provided IhaI you've planned lor IhaI
conIingency, IhaI waiI should be buI an inconven-
ience, noI a disasIer.

whelher your lec
ce p|g e remole
serer such es
epp| |s e
ludemele| slep |
lesl|g your |ler-
el coecl|o

75 ~UcUs: zo: \~cUscn


When insta||ed a
pyder screen ca|i-
bration systemon my
iac, it cou|dnt see its W
y ook tudio drive,
even aher reinsta||ing the W
sohware What happened
Pcber Cccd|od

s s proy s
Iwn I rn
xInson sowr Io
supporI I pyr n II
or I Al rv. sIrI
wI I y own
Io s nonApp xIn
sons In rov I s
lOrrl.xI n
kexI lrom/SysIem/Library/
FxIensions. ResIarI wiIh Ihe
Shil key held again Io lorce
Ihe rebuilding ol caches, rein-
sIall Ihe Spyder solware and
resIarI. ll Disk IiliIy can'I see
Ihe RAlD, Iry insIalling Ihe
laIesI version ol iIs solware.
ll IhaI sIill doesn'I work, con-
IacI WD supporI. SomeIimes
hardware lails coincidenIally
aI Ihe same Iime IhaI you
insIall new solware, and iI's
possible IhaI your RAlD drive
has done |usI IhaI. ll Ihe
supplier can'I hx Ihe problem,
you may have Io choose which
device you wanI Io work wiIh.
Hot deskng

|| soon be working
as a designer at
mu|tip|e |ocations,
and am|ooking to buy a
refurbished acook ro or
ir to run dobe hotoshop
and nesign via my sub-
scription What wou|d you
suggest See F|igh

Adobe leIs you use

your single CC licence
on boIh a deskIop
and lapIop Uac, so your plan
shouldn'I increase Ihe CC
cosI. FirsI, ask wheIher you
need a lapIop aI all or wheIher
you could lug a relurbished
21.Sin iUac, which would give
you more sIorage and beuer
graphics (1920 1080) lor
similar ouIlay. ll you musI
have a lapIop, you'll need 4CB
ol RAUaI leasI. Sadly, mosI
graphics cards sIeal up Io 1CB
lromIhaI when running aI Ihe
naIive resoluIion ol 1440
900 (13in). An 11in UacBook
Air would only give 1366
768, and sIill sIeal lrommain
memory. An adapIor lor Ihe
ThunderbolI digiIal video
ouIpuI would leI you use an
exIernal display. AI Ihis end ol
Ihe price range, you'll probably
only geI 2S6CB ol lash sIor-
age, buI an iUac could have a
Password protocol

want to use Keychain to store passwords,

but can't see how to change existing pass-
words to those generated by Keychain. Is
this the right way to go and how can I change an
on|ine password in this way? Pcger Winercn

You already use several keychains on your

Uac, and you'll hnd IhaI many passwords
are being sIored Ihere. Salari inIegraIes lully
wiIh Ihis, and il you open Salari's Prelerences and
click on Ihe Passwords Iool, you'll see web enIries
in your keychain, also accessible using Keychain
Access. The laIesI change Io Uavericks and iCloud
also allows you Io sIore iIems in an iCloud keychain,
which can be used by every device IhaI can access
your iCloud accounI. This can save you having Io
synchronise passwords across Uac and iOS devices.
ll you wanI Io use Password AssisIanI Io generaIe
secure passwords, open Keychain Access and click
on Ihe key icon. Once you've chosen Ihe robusI
password, connecI Io Ihe web service, enIer your
personal seuings, and Ihere change Ihe password.
Log ouI ol IhaI siIe, open Ihe siIe seuing in your
keychain, make Ihe password visible and change iI
Io your new password.
1 on't be weak Pessword ss|slel, opeed lhrough lhe ohe
over|ooked leche| ccess ul|||l, ce he|p ou geerele redom
or cuslom pesswords lhel ere su|le| rousl
zv cA n Apple's Iechni-
cal supporI sysIem, Knowledge
Base, is always available online.
AI, search
lor answers on any Uac or iOS
Iopic. ll you need help wiIh a
producI, enIer iIs serial number
Apple will show your supporI,
warranIy and repair opIions.
(There's a link here Io where Io
hnd Ihe serial number.) Or Iry quick
guidance. For user manuals, see
w cA uLn ll you have a Uac
or iOS problem, wriIe Io Howard
Oakley aI
Fxplain Ihe issue, giving deIails
ol hardware and solware. Or
IweeI @macusermagazine wiIh
a quesIion and we'll Iell you Ihe
answer il we know iI.
vou cA uLn Some problems
are rare, buI lew are unique. AI can
ask quesIions, search posIed
answers, and help ouI oIher
users wiIh your own soluIions.

7 : zo:

emory use in Aciviy

onior is a|ways in
he ye||ow and my ac
kees grinding o a ha| Can
you see anyhing in my |ogs o
accoun for his Mike Bid

. OS X manages
memory very emcienIly and
may seem Io be using iI close Io
Ihe maximum aI Iimes, iI should
do so! Your logs conIain Iraces
ol lnIego NeIarrier XS (X8 is
currenI), and you should rely on
your modem-rouIer's hrewall
raIher Ihan a local solware
add-in il possible. Your Uac is
running posIhx, which is a mail
server and should be unneces-
sary. CleanUyUac is anoIher
uIiliIy IhaI could be sIealing loIs
ol CP Iime and memory.
Ad nasem

Furher o my desire
o |ock ous in
my rowser I've seen
a so|uion in A|e 5uor
discussions ha uses an
A|e5cri o modify he
'hoss' h|e o |ock he
addresses Is ha eecive
Moin Bee

ThaI soluIion saves you

lrom adding manually
several well-known
popup adverIising servers Io Ihe
neIwork 'hosIs' conhguraIion,
by running a shorI ppleScripI
Io send Ihe commands Io Ihe
command shell. Yes, iI does
work, buI pple deprecaIes
modihcaIions Io Ihe 'hosIs'
hle, as Ihere are smarIer ways
Io do IhaI using hrewalls, and
one day Ihe hle may be ignored.
Popup servers also geI wise Io
Ihe block and may use diher-
enI servers Io circumvenI your
block, lorcing you Io play caI
and mouse.
Empt theat

When I dro somehing ino he Trash I'm

asked for my assword when I auheni-
cae wih i he iemis insan|y de|eed
Howcan I resore norma| funcion Seve Pondo||

Uoving some iIems lrom /Library and /

pplicaIions can require auIhenIicaIion, buI
hles in your DocumenIs lolder shouldn'I.
SomeIimes changes like Ihis resulI lrom Ihird-parIy
solware. ssuming iI's |usI a permissions problem,
and repairing permissions doesn'I help, you can cor-
recI Ihis. SelecI your named Home lolder and check
permissions using Ihe Finder's CeI lnlo command.
This should be seI Io your user name as owner (Ue)
wiIh read + wriIe, sIah as Ihe group and read only,
and everyone read only. Then, using TinkerTool,
make all hles and lolders visible, and resIarI Ihe
Finder. Find Ihe lolder named .Trash as Ihe Iop level
ol your Home lolder, and see iI's owned by you and
IhaI you have read + wriIe permissions Io iI. ll cor-
recI, reIurn Finder visibiliIy Io normal and resIarI.

Un|ess you lency
work|ng |n Term|ne|,
T|nkerToo| cen
meke your h|dden
Tresh lo|der
v|s|o|e so lhel you
cen correcl |ls
d|sk perm|ss|ons
One good way of creaing rous
asswords ha you can a|so rememer
is o ake a favourie unusua| word
such as 'rognosicae' ui|ae i y
susiuing digis caia|s and non-
a|hanumeric characers so i migh
ecome 'rognos!c8'
Dd o kno7
The new OM-D E-M10 interchangeable lens camera will transform your photography. The latest addition to the
award-winning OM-D series, the E-M10 is a super-slim lightweight camera loaded with features for capturing
the important moments in your life in brilliant quality. lts unique design complements the high-grade build to
provide an extraordinary shooting experience and amazing performance. We|come to a New Wor|d.
Ask your local dealer or visit us online at o|
\~cUsc ~UUs zo

nks Io Ihe near-ubiquiIy ol iPhones, iPads
and oIher digiIal reading devices, ePub is begin-
ning Io nip aI Ihe coaI Iails ol PDF as a legiIimaIe
online lormaI, parIicularly when iI comes Io larger
documenIs. l've noIiced a marked growIh in iIs
populariIy lor lengIhy reporIs and papers on cor-
poraIe websiIes.
For IhaI secIion ol Uac-based websiIe man-
agers who already prepare such reporIs in Pages,
IhaI's greaI news. They know IhaI iI's almosI as
easy Io produce a good-looking ePub as a PDF.
BuI iI has Io be acknowledged IhaI Uac users
wiIh a copy ol Pages wiIhin a corporaIe environ-
menI qualily as a niche wiIhin a niche. l'm willing
Io argue unIil a sIaIe ol apoplexy is reached abouI
how Pages Irumps Word in many areas, buI when
iI comes Io enIerprise, Uicrosol's Omce is sIill Ihe
only show in Iown.
For Ihose looking Io creaIe Iheir own ePubs in
such an environmenI, IhaI inIroduces hurdles. For
Windows users, Ihe besI opIions are Ihird-parIy
plug-ins lor Word or apps such as Ihe capable and
lree Calibre (
However, in corporaIe environmenIs, Ihere
may be resIricIions on Ihe solware IhaI can be
insIalled on a PC. ln such cases, your choice would
naIurally Iurn Io online converIers such as 2epub
( BuI Ihese can be resIricIive - lor
example, 2epub doesn'I leI you work wiIh hles
larger Ihan 2SUB, alIhough in compensaIion, iI
does converI Io a wide varieIy ol ebook lormaIs.
So among oIher changes (see box, overleal),
whaI inIrigued me mosI among Ihe improvemenIs
Io Ihe laIesI beIa ol iWork lor iCloud was Ihe one
IhaI allows you Io exporI direcIly Io ePub. lI's now
possible Io generaIe a good-looking ebook lrom
a Windows PC running solware no more com-
plex Ihan Word. FhecIively, iI Iurns Pages inIo an
online ePub auIhoring app anyone can use.
Why use Pages lor iCloud over Ihe alIerna-
Iives? One reason is IhaI iI can work wiIh much

|Wr r |C|ud ns lrnsrmd
s |nl n u ulnr|n

4Working together
On s r
|C|ud's dvnls |s
ln |||ly l c||
rl w|ln dzns c|
|us s|mu|lnus|y
+PDFs R us
n |||ly l xrl
h|s l DF mns
lnl nyn w|ln n
| lD cen creele
PDFs on||ne
~UU: o ~cUcn
| ]
|usI abouI any oIher web-based
app l've seen. lI hasn'I baulked when l've uploaded
graphics-heavy 100U hles and, alIhough l hav-
en'I IesIed iI Io exIremes, Ihis laIesI version claims
Io be able Io handle even bigger hles up Io 1C.
The only problem here is Ihe upload Iime. lI Iakes
around a quarIer ol an hour Io upload my bigger
hles Io iCloud on my admiuedly mercurial broad-
band connecIion, l shudder Io Ihink how long iI
would Iake wiIh documenIs several Iimes larger.
(ll you're also concerned IhaI syncing massive
Pages documenIs Io iOS devices over a mobile
connecIion mighI quickly eaI up your daIa plan, be
reassured IhaI iOS won'I auIomaIically sync such
large hles unless you Iap iIs icon in Ihe app's hle
browser window in Ihe Pages iOS app.)
noIher advanIage ol Pages as an online
ePub creaIor is Ihe Iools iI brings wiIh iI. y IhaI
l don'I mean Ihe direcI ediIing ol Ihe documenI
belore conversion - Ihough Ihis iIsell is an advan-
Iage - buI Ihe ease wiIh which you can collabo-
raIe online wiIh oIhers. Cone are Ihe days when
Ihe neI resulI ol online collaboraIion on a Pages
documenI leaIured colleagues gazing helplessly
aI a documenI Ihey were unable Io ediI. Now you
can share ediIing duIies wiIh up Io 100 people
So whaI's Ihe besI way Io publish an ePub
lrom a PC running Word? One opIion mighI be Io
upload Ihe original hle Io iCloud, which would con-
verI iI Io a Pages lormaI, Ihen prepare iI lor ePub
exporI as you would any oIher Pages documenI,
by adding appropriaIe sIyles Io iIs chapIer head-
ings and body IexI. However, in pracIice iI's neaIer
Io do all Ihe sIyling in Word and |usI use iWork lor
iCloud as a basic exporI Iool.
lrrespecIive ol wheIher Ihe documenI sIarIs
iIs lile in Pages or Word, sIyles hold Ihe key Io
successlul ePub creaIion. pplying appropriaIe
sIyles Io Ihe conIenI ol a hle allows iIs IexI Io be
seamlessly converIed inIo chapIers, headings and
body IexI in Ihe ePub.
To prepare an oIherwise unsIyled documenI
in Word, keep Ihings simple and apply iIs delaulI
sIyles. SIyle Ihe documenI's IiIle wiIh Word's
builI-in TiIle sIyle and Ihe subIiIle

wrkd w|l lc |c
1991. |lu | ock-
rud | | r|l d
wo uo|||, '
dvl l y wr
ll mk ||l |r.
80 \~cUscn ~UcUs: zo:

l||e leo|e ed|l|g ed

e huge cho|ce ol lols.
lhe |elesl updele
lo lhe |Work o||e
oele |s e s|g|hcel

ding - and Iherelore appear in Ihe
ePub's Iable ol conIenIs, choose one ol Ihe availa-
ble header sIyles. pply Ihe sIandard ody sIyle Io
Ihe body IexI ol Ihe documenI.
Iip Io do Ihis quickly in Word 2010 is Io
sIyle all IexI wiIh similar lormauing aI a sIroke by
selecIing an example ol Ihe lormaued IexI lrom
Ihe FdiIing submenu on Ihe Home Iab, choos-
ing 'SelecI ll TexI wiIh Similar Formauing', Ihen
applying a sIyle Io all Ihis IexI. OIher Ihan IhaI,
you |usI need Io ensure IhaI all images are inline,
raIher Ihan loaIing above Ihe IexI, and il you
wanI a documenI cover, make sure IhaI Ihe hrsI
page comprises an image.
ThaI's all you need Io do Io creaIe a workman-
like hle lor conversion Io ePub. You can upload Ihe
Word documenI Io by dragging iI over
Pages' hle window in your browser.
Pages lor iCloud should be able Io imporI and
converI Ihe hle wiIhouI a quibble, and Word's
sIyles will be preserved. To exporI iI, choose Ihe
Seuings menu aI Ihe Iop ol Ihe browser window
and selecI 'Download a copy'. Choose 'ePub' lrom
Ihe lisI ol exporI opIions and Ihe exporIed hle will
begin downloading. (You could choose 'Send a
Copy' il you wanIed Io email Ihe converIed ePub,
buI unIil changes Io iCloud happen laIer in Ihe
year, you can only send documenIs smaller Ihan
20U using Ihis meIhod.)
s parI ol Ihe exporI, Pages auIomaIically
generaIes a Iable ol conIenIs lor your ebook,
converIing headings sIyles inIo separaIe chapIers.
One Ihing you yeI can'I do in Pages lor iCloud is
ad|usI Ihe headings IhaI auIomaIically appear
in Ihe Iable ol conIenIs. ln Ihe deskIop app, you
could add iIems Io Ihe Iable ol conIenIs by open-
ing Ihe DocumenI inspecIor and under Ihe TOC
(Table ol ConIenIs) Iab, selecIing Ihe paragraph
sIyles you wanI Io appear and click pdaIe.
The hnal sIep in preparing Ihe ePub is Io pre-
view iI. On Ihe deskIop, an app such as iooks can
do Ihis, buI il you're relying on online services, Iry
an online previewer such as UagicScroll (mag-
icscroll.neI) or ePubReader ( Io
check IhaI everyIhing is order belore publishing.
nother touted improvement to Pages for iC|oud is
printing fromthe Too|s menu. In fact, this uses a c|ever
workaround: it generates and opens a PDF that you
can print. One arguab|y more signihcant improve-
ments is that you can nowinsert, edit and format in|ine
tab|es. The options aren't as rich as in the desktop
app - there's no conditiona| high|ighting, for examp|e
- but the abi|ity to drag to resize ce|| boundaries in the
browser windowis preny impressive.
nd there's
~c ~ zo

What kind of game7 Wait: oors,

pIatforms, got it. owdoes it work7
' n lm mgil i-
l ki n l lik in
P m h l' -
i il n i glyh
n n h
n mnn lm
l y i m n i in
ing y iP' m n m!
You geI an insIanI plaIlorm game.
mazing! Wait, why are you wear-
ing that scepticaI hat and crossing
your ngers behind your back7
ecause aI Ihe momenI, Pixel Press
Floors is more like Pixel Press Flaws.
We used a biro on our hrsI auempI,
and Ihe app really didn'I like IhaI aI
all. On our second go, we unearIhed a
2 pencil and a meIal ruler lrom The
Dark Days elore DigiIal, and wiIh
raIher meIiculous line-drawing, Ihings
wenI a biI more smooIhly. I leasI,
Ihe app more or less undersIood
abouI 80 ol whaI we'd doodled.
That Ieaves 20broken. o was it
game over at that point7 Was your
dreamapp in another castIe7
CreaI |ob on Ihe videogame reler-
ences - Ihe mid-1980s will be Ihrilled
uI no, we sIill had anoIher coin.
Pixel Press Floors handily provides a
builI-in ediIor, which you can use Io
hddle wiIh your levels, amend mis-
Iakes, decide on a 'Iheme', and Ihen
play-IesI your game.
ln lacI, you could sIarI lrom
scraIch in Ihe app raIher Ihan lamng
abouI wiIh paper, buI Ihen you'd be
missing ouI on Ihe magic ol your
scribblings Iurn inIo a real game,
albeiI a slighIly borked one. nd you
know, paper's |usI more lun!
You're very oId, aren't you7
Hardly. Hey, remember |eh UinIer
belore he grew Ihe beard?
Riiight. So when you've nished

rw n r ln y l
r r n yur n lry
+Drawn this way
l's rl su
sy rs yur
r vrsn usl
sy s l usln
+jumping jack FIash
rsuln s
r rnsnl
n ln l
l lu ul
s l x
h|es ere qu|le p|eyeo|e
~UcUs: o \~cUscn

I u wth t wht's th
m ctuaIIy Iike to pIay7

Yes. ssuming that.
This doesn't sound promising.
The Ihing is, we like Ihe idea behind
Pixel Press Floors , and we
sIrongly recommend checking iI ouI,
because iI a loI ol lun making you
own levels. uI leI's |usI say NinIendo
won'I be quaking in iIs booIs |usI yeI.
The engine behind Ihe enIire app is
a biI dodgy, wiIh a dehniIe whih ol
Flash game abouI Ihe physics. nd il
you die, you're senI all Ihe way back
Io Ihe sIarI ol Ihe level every Iime.
lI's a piIy, because Ihe rcade secIion
ol Ihe app, Io which you can upload
your work, does highlighI whaI's
possible wiIh Ihe sysIem, and Ihere
are some decenI creaIions lurking
wiIhin. Two reasonably priced in-app
purchases enable you Io add enemies
(69p) and power-ups (1.49), giving
exIra scope Io your games.
Is it reaIIy worth the fuss if the
games don't work very weII7
cIually, yes. Download, design, scan,
Iweak, play, grumble, Ihen give Pixel
Press Technology some poliIe and
consIrucIive leedback regarding how
Io improve Ihings. These guys have
promised lollow-ups IhaI will leI you
build racing games and Zelda-sIyle
sysIems wiIh quesIs and puzzles, so
Ihe lasI Ihing we wanI is lor Ihem Io
sIop now. Fven il we have |usI been
lorced Io sIarI Ihis level yeI again
when we were one coin lrom vicIory.
F|oors |s lree lo on|oe lrom le App Slore.
F|n oul more el projeclp|e|

sI ppl hav |usI abuI gI
vr Ih assumpI IhaI Pas ar
ly r play I wrk. lIs ppular-
Iy wIh plIs Irs musas
arhIIs a l sIsIs maks
IhaI pr|u har I susIa. v
mr mua Iasks ar ully aIr
r by Appl's rk suI a
rsl's Omce 36S. BuI il Ihere's
one area where Ihe big Iouchscreen
device's uIiliIy is boIh paIenIly obvi-
ous and sIill arguably unrealised, iI's
|usI compare Ihe numbers.
Ihe cheapesI Apple lapIop, Ihe 11in
UacBook Air, cosIs 749. The iPad
Air sIarIs aI 399. And economy is
by no means Ihe only benehI. The
UacBook weighs Iwice as much as
Ihe iPad, and iI's Ihicker, wider and
deeper. ln a camera bag |am-packed
wiIh kiI, every millimeIre and gram
is imporIanI. WhaI probably isn'I
very imporIanI is having a lull-size
physical keyboard. Ol course, Ihe
Air is a lull-blown compuIer wiIh a
deskIop operaIing sysIem. BuI Ihe
laIesI iPads, wiIh Iheir mulIi-core A7
'sysIem on a chip', hardly lack pro-
cessing power.
True, Ihe basic iPad Air has only
16CB ol inIernal sIorage. How much
you'll need depends on your pauern
ol use. lIs maximummaIches Ihe
UacBook Air's minimum ol 128CB
(and Ihe iPad is sIill 110 cheaper),
buI beyond IhaI, Ihere's a problem
wiIh adding exIernal sIorage. Buy
any SB 3 hard disk and you can plug
iI sIraighI inIo a UacBook lor high-
speed access. NoI so wiIh an iPad.
lIs lack ol a SB porI also makes
imporIing picIures a biI more hddly -
alIhough, as we'll see, Ihese problems
are lar lrominsurmounIable.
ectng your camera
While we can be smug abouI mosI
Ihings, Ihere's liule more annoying
lor an Apple user Ihan lisIening Io
an Android ahcionado carp on abouI
removable baueries, hle managers
and SD card sloIs.
BuI Apple's rigid conIrol over
hardware and solware specihcaIions
pays oh in ease ol use, seamlesss
compaIibiliIy, apps IhaI acIually work
properly on your screen size, and
Ihe abiliIy Io upgrade your device Io
Ihe laIesI operaIing sysIem wiIhouI
demur, so leI's bypass Ihe carping
and look aI Ihe add-ons we'll need Io
converI an everyday iPad inIo a pro
phoIo worksIaIion.
Auaching a memory card or a
camera lull ol picIures Io an iPad
requires an adapIor. For Ihe SD cards
used by almosI all currenI cameras,
you'll need Apple's LighIning Io SD
Card Camera Reader (2S), Ihe suc-
cessor Io Ihe iPad Camera ConnecIion
KiI (also 2S), which remains availa-
ble lor older devices wiIh Ihe 30-pin
Dock. FiIher connecIs Io your iPad's
sole porI and allows you Io sloI in an
Your leo|el ou|d oe e uselu| DSLR
ompen|on exp|e|ns Deve Slevenson

The Pad for


| ]
D card can Ihen imrI les in
|FC r raw rmaI wiIh a caeaI,
which we'll cme I I r iad's
inIernal sIrage
reer I cnnecI r
camera direcIl, IhaI reqires a
dierenI adaIr, inclded wiIh Ihe
Camera CnnecIin KiI bI a searaIe
rchase r crrenI deices. Ihe
ighIning I Camera daIer
his rides a rI I which
can cnnecI r camera's
cable I's nI Ihe same as haing
an all-rse rI. can'I
cnnecI a hard disk, r an sIr-
age deice IhaI draws a signicanI
amnI wer r des le's
i eraIing ssIem srI an
ncIins Iher Ihan Iranserring ic-
Ires Ihgh sme Ihird-arI as
ma I iI'll wrk wiIh an camera
and man sIicks Ihanks I iIs
srI r generic le Iranser
rIcls, inclding ass ranser
and icIre ranser rIcl
here are an nmber na-
Ihrised lw-csI clnes Ihese
adaIrs aailable rm Far FasIern
manacIrers, bI i wanI reli-
abiliI, le's smewhaI inaIed
rices are rbabl wrIh aing
ne reasn wh le desn'I
bild mre wired rIs inI iIs deices
is IhaI iI beliees wireless cnnecIins
are mre cnenienI n acI, iI was
Ihe rsI cman I bild wi inI
laIs as sIandard, back in
Camera makers hae Iaken a lile
lnger I geI n bard, bI man
Ida's mid-range mdels nw er
wireless, inclding n's increasingl
imressie range mirrrless ssIem
cameras nrInaIel, high-end
DRs sIill dn'I hae inIegraIed wi,
reerring I er ressinal sers
a Ihree-gre grade aIh
iIh wi, Ihe iad wrkw is
relaIiel simle he camera creaIes
iIs wn wireless neIwrk, and
cnnecI r iad I Ihis |sI as 'd
cnnecI I a wi hIsI ike Iher
wi neIwrks, Ihe camera will be
remembered b r deice and iI'll
cnnecI aImaIicall when in range,
nless erride Ihis manall
nce 're cnnecIed, a ree
a rided b r camera maker
will allw I brwse images n
Ihe camera and Iranser Ihem I Ihe
iad's inIernal sIrage, rm where
Ihe're aailable I Iher as ia Ihe
i Camera Rll
r camera desn'I hae wi,
Ihere are was I add iI i-enabled
D cards, which Fe is Ihe esIab-
lished leading brand, remarkabl ack
all Ihe elecIrnics reqired I hsI a
wi neIwrk inside
eIess is more
Dr|ves ||ke lhe LeC|e
Fue| eddress lhe |Ped's
ewkwerd |eck ol USB
+dapt and survive
The L|ghln|ng lo SD Cerd
Cemere Reeder prov|des
your |Ped w|lh e memory
cerd s|ol lrom wh|ch lo
|mporl your p|clures
\~Ucn ~UcU zo:

New DSLRs rouIinely shooI
30UB RAW images, so anyone
shooIing large numbers ol picIures
sIands Io spend a ol Iime - and
bauery power, in Ihe held - waIching
progress bars inching lorwards on
Iheir iPad.

So much lor 'media ingesIion', as
we pros call geuing phoIos oh your
camera. BuI whaI happens when
your iPad hlls up and you need Io
geI Ihem oh again? lI's here IhaI Ihe
lack ol a hard disk porI really makes
iIsell lelI. BuI once again, wireless
could be Ihe answer. LasI issue (p40,
Uacser, |uly 2014, 2.70 lrom biI.
ly/macuser3007) we looked aI drives
IhaI provide lash memory - Iech-
nically similar Io Ihe sIorage in your
iPad or an SD card - via wih.
WiIh capaciIies comparable Io
iPads, Ihough, a drive like Ihis mighI
|usI puI oh Ihe problem lor slighIly
longer. For larger volumes, consider
Ihe LaCie Fuel wireless hard disk
(, aI 140 lor 1TB or
170 lor 2TB. This works in a simi-
lar way. Ihe drive creaIes a wireless
neIwork, and a companion iOS app
allows you Io copy hles Io and lrom
iI. SeagaIe's similarly priced Wireless
Plus drives are anoIher opIion,
Ihough lacking Ihe Fuel's charm.
However, wireless Iransler is
sIill relaIively slow. Copying S0CB ol
images lrom a day's shooIing will Iake
an age, so you'll need Io allow Iime lor
your Iranslers, ideally leaving Ihem Io
compleIe aI Ihe end ol your day.
Bear in mind IhaI oIher apps
can'I see whaI's on Ihese exIernal
drives, so picIures you wanI Io view
or ediI on Ihe iPad screen musI be on
Ihe device's inIernal sIorage.
|inu jrcm S5] Ihe posIage-sIamp
casing ol a sIandard memory card.
For hle Iransler, Ihis works Ihe same
way as a camera wiIh inIegraIed wih.
You don'I even have Io Iake Ihe card
ouI ol Ihe camera Io connecI Io iI
lrom your iPad.
You won'I geI Ihe oIher luncIions
available wiIh wih cameras, however,
such as live preview and locus conIrol
lrom your iPad. And bear in mind IhaI
Ihe cosI ol wih is mulIiplied every
Iime you buy anoIher memory card.
A relaIively modesI 16CB capaciIy
cosIs around 90 lor Fyeh or hall
IhaI lor an alIernaIive brand. For
comparison, a similar generic SD card
wiIhouI wih is under a Ienner.
Wireless image Iransler has
side benehIs, Ioo. For one Ihing, iI
poIenIially ohers on-Ihe-ly backup.
your wih-enabled camera can send
newly capIured images in real Iime Io
a dormanI iPad, which sIores Ihem
as Ihey're creaIed. Having everyIhing
you've shoI insIanIly available on Ihe
iPad's relaIively big screen is also a
sure way Io impress a clienI, when
you hand across Ihe iPad wiIh Ihe
day's shooI ready Io view.
Wih also has iIs drawbacks,
Ihough, Ihe principal one being Ihe
poor speed ol daIa Iransler. We have
yeI Io see an app lrom a camera
manulacIurer IhaI seIs a parIicu-
larly high bar in Ierms ol usabiliIy or
perlormance. Fven compacI cameras,
shooIing relaIively Iiny compressed
|PFCs, deliver up Iheir work very
slowly. The 12.1 megapixel Canon
lxus 2SS lS, lor example, senI image
hles Io our iPad aI a raIe ol one every
eighI seconds. (This is anoIher good

Polosop Touc
ors e roe reng ol
meg lng loos - n
lecl mor len mosl
pologreprs n

o Lglroom
lo s goo lor
los wo us l lec
epp (on'l w e?) ul
currnly unns

W-qupp SD cers
ponr y Ey mek l
esy lo lrenslr pclurs lrom
eny cemre lo your Pe

l h i onnii i mi
g lo phoo mngmn ppo
h mk i ll oh h ho i
i high-li n n h
ng ol olware available Io run on
iI IhaI leIs you view, organise, ediI
and share your picIures. WiIh enough
processing power lor quiIe ambiIious
luncIionaliIy, Ihe iPad has plenIy ol
apps available lor phoIographers,
boIh lrom Ihe big solware compa-
nies and lrom Ihousands ol inde-
pendenI developers.
Fvery iPad comes wiIh pple's
PhoIos app pre-insIalled. This leIs you
browse your Camera Roll - Ihe cen-
Iral reposiIory ol image hles on your
device - chronologically, auIomaIi-
cally arranging phoIos by Iime and
locaIion (assuming Ihis inlormaIion is
provided in Ihe image hle).
You can also creaIe your own
albums wiIhin Ihe PhoIos app and
add images Io Ihem, and basic
ediIing operaIions can be applied Io a
selecIed phoIo.
For more advanced opIions,
anoIher pple app, iPhoIo, is lree Io
download lrom Ihe pp SIore Io any
new iPad. The hrsI advanIage ol Ihis
is IhaI, unlike PhoIos, iI can read raw
image hles. I leasI, iI can display
Ihe |PFC preview embedded in Ihese
hles, enabling a speedy preview, iI
doesn'I enable you Io process Ihe raw
daIa iIsell, and il you make any ediIs,
Ihe changed version is based on Ihe
|PFC, noI Ihe raw image. ll you're noI
shooIing raw, iPhoIo is worIh a Iry.
UosI phoIographers, however,
will wanI a more capable Ihird-parIy
app. We'll look nexI aI some ol Ihe
besI. One poinI Io bear in mind is IhaI
iOS proIecIs Ihe image hles in your
Camera Roll, so il you use an app Io
ediI Ihem - even |usI by adding meIa-
daIa such as a capIion and keywords -
Ihose changes can only be preserved
by sIoring a new copy
ree (ecl|veled oy reel|ve |oud suoscr|pl|on)
This is Ihe iPad phoIography app ol
choice, and one we waiIed a while lor.
lI's immensely promising, buI leels
very much like whaI iI is. version 1.
Nobody would base Iheir pho-
Iography acIiviIies solely on Ihe iPad,
and LighIroom Uobile is designed
Io work in con|uncIion wiIh Ihe Uac
version, which is available as parI ol
a lull CreaIive Cloud subscripIion or
along wiIh PhoIoshop lor 8.78 per
monIh. Choose a collecIion ol images
in Ihe deskIop version ol LighIroom,
and Ihey're synced Io Ihe iPad ver-
sion. ny images you ediI on eiIher
plaIlorm are synced Io Ihe oIher.
Cleverly, LighIroom Uobile leIs
you ediI raw images wiIhouI making
your iPad sIore and process Ihose
huge hles. When you sync a camera
raw image lrom your Uac, LighIroom
creaIes a 'smarI preview' ol iI, and
Ihis compressed, | ]
\~ccn ~c zo 88

he s wa hds s way over e
ere o your Pad. You ca e
ed as a proxy, w caes syced
o e 'rea' ae o your ac.
s our revew expaed (p,
acser, ue 01, .70 ro b.
yacuser006), e b probe
w roo obe s a o
every s rased. We you
syc aes o e Pad, s cudes
eds, bu o user preses or use
e eveop odue. d you ca'
capo or eyword a ae
roo obe - |usI Ihe sorI ol
Ihing iI would be handy lor. dobe
says Ihis is 'a prioriIy on Ihe roadmap'.
Flags (lor picked and re|ecIed images)
and raIings are synced.
ln isolaIion, LighIroom's ediI-
ing Iools are a liule underwhelming.
Ihere's liule here IhaI isn'I in oIher
lree apps, and iI's a shame Ihere's no
Ione curve ad|usImenI. However, Ihe
abiliIy Io ediI and have Ihose changes
synced back Io lull-laI raw hles is a
unique advanIage. For CreaIive Cloud
subscribers, LighIroom Uobile is
a lree download IhaI shouldn'I be
snihed aI, iI |usI hasn'I hiI iIs sIride.
dobe Photoshop Express
Fr pus pp purcss Cmr ll 2.99
rriving in 2011, Ihis app wasn'I quiIe
Ihe PhoIoshop we were looking lor.
lIs emphasis is largely on one-Iap
preseIs, Ihough Ihere are also sliders
lor sharpening, exposure and 'Iem-
peraIure' (whiIe balance). lI's usable
wiIhin iIs limiIaIions, buI Ihe lack ol
connecIion Io a deskIop app means
Ihis is only lor users who are happy
Io imporI, ediI and exporI wiIhin Ihe
app. Ther's no keywording or capIion-
ing, and several Iools cosI exIra.
dobe Photoshop Touch
2.99 lrom lhe pp lore
ll Fxpress is a mobile PhoIoshop
FlemenIs, PhoIoshop Touch is Ihe
lull-laI version. mid-range up-lronI
price buys you a powerlul Iool seI
including per-pixel Iools like brush,
clone sIamp and eraser. There's also
supporI lor layers and a decenI range
ol ad|usIable hlIers. The scribble
selecIion Iool, which allows you Io
mark up areas ol an image lor dele-
Iion by scribbling wiIh a hnger, is a
neaI Irick, while Ihe virIual mouse
poinIer ohers a liule more precision.
For phoIographers, PhoIoshop
Touch sIill lalls beIween Iwo sIools.
lI's lar more powerlul Ihan mosI
oIher image ediIing apps, and capable
ol reasonably good resulIs, buI as
wiIh Ihe deskIop app, lor snappers
raIher Ihan digiIal arIisIs Ihere's
much here IhaI looks like overkill.
1.99 p|us |n-epp purcheses eg Fremes Bund|e 69p
PhoIogene Iakes a slighIly circuiIous
rouIe around iOS's insisIence on
saving meIadaIa wiIh a hle only when
iPad screens make hn-
ished photos |ook spectac-
u|ar thanks to their Petina
reso|ution, high bright-
ness and exce||ent co|our
saturation. ut what we
need in professiona| imag-
ing is accuracy, not at-
tery. Naking a shot |ook
artihcia||y punchy means
approving or adjusting its
tone wi|| resu|t in an image
that's actua||y too at.
nd any co|our cast in the
disp|ay, which might have
|in|e impact for genera|
purposes, wi|| mis|ead the
photographer's eye.
pp|e doesn't make
any particu|ar c|aims for
the iPad's co|our accuracy,
but nandtech's testing
revea|s that the iPad ir
s|ight|y exceeds the sPC
co|our gamut, making it
good enough for photo
editing, a|though purists
wou|d prefer that it cov-
ered more of the |arger
dobe PC co|our space
supported by the |ikes of
EIZ's Co|orEdge moni-
tors. The iPad mini fa||s a
|in|e short of sPC, and its
qua|ity overa|| is noticea-
b|y |ower, though decent.
5o your iPad can
disp|ay p|enty of co|ours.
The next question is how
c|ose|y those co|ours
reect the va|ues in your
image h|es and thus,
given correct ca|ibration
through your workow,
what you'|| u|timate|y
get in your or your c|i-
ent's hna| output. 5ad|y,
un|ike 5 X, i5 doesn't
current|y support co|our
ca|ibration, so you can't
correct your screen g|ob-
a||y. However, there are
apps that can work with a
co|our ca|ibration device
so images disp|ayed
are accurate.
Examp|es inc|ude the
66 5pyder4Express and
122 5pyder4 Pro, from
spyder.dataco|, and
the 81 Co|orNunki 5mi|e
and 119 Co|orNunki
Each has its own free app.
There's no obvious
reason why apps such
as LightroomNobi|e
cou|dn't work with these
ca|ibrators or the proh|es
they generate, but so far
they don't. pp|e shou|d
rea||y bui|d this into i5.
What clnr wnl yn call that7
|cntinu jrcm S]
you ceaIe a new hle by exoIing iI
lmoIed image can have lTC daIa
including keywod, caIion, locaIion
and o on added You can alo ceaIe
lTC eI lo examle, il you wee on
a hooI in Tukey, you could ceaIe
an lTC eI including ecihc loca-
Iion inlomaIion lo each hoIo you
add Thi daIa can eiIhe be added Io
image a Iheye exoIed, o iI can
be exoIed a XU ideca hle and
enI via email, obox o T Io be
e-aociaIed wiIh you Whle
luIhe down Ihe line
13.99 lrom lhe pp Slore
n Ihe lace ol iI, hoIomiIh i a
elaIively exenive a IhaI doenI
do much Thee ae no ediIing Iool,
and iI only lo ue who aleady
have LighIoom lug-in lo Ihe
dekIo veion ol LighIoom
allow hoIomiIh Io aea a a
ublih evice collecIion ceaIed
hee can Ihen be ynced Io Ihe iad
veion ol Ihe olware over wih.
PhoIosmiIh worked very ehecIively
wiIh our Uacook Pro providing
an ad hoc wireless neIwork. unlike
wiIh LighIroom Uobile, you aren'I
dependenI on boIh lasI wih and a
quick connecIion Io Ihe inIerneI lor
syncing. Syncing 67 RW hles Io an
iPad Iook |usI 20 seconds, alIhough
we had occasional problems Irying
Io sync large seIs (several hundred
images). Once synced, you can add,
individually or in baIches, capIions
and keywords Io images, as well as
applying LighIroom-sIandard lags,
colour-coding and sIar raIings.
Tap Ihe Sync buuon again and
everyIhing lies back Io LighIroom on
your Uac. This will be someIhing ol
a holy grail lor many phoIographers.
imporI pics Io LighIroom, hre Ihem
across Io PhoIosmiIh on Ihe iPad,
Ihen geI Ihe dullesI biIs ol worklow
- picking, re|ecIing and Iagging - ouI
ol Ihe way wiIhouI needing Io use a
bigger, heavier, bauery-limiIed lapIop.
For prolessional phoIographers, Ihis
could easily be worIh every penny.
utodesk PixIr Express
Free lrom lhe pp Slore (no |n-epp purcheses)
UosI prolessional shooIs require a
dedicaIed colour-managed ediIing
process, buI Ihere's olen some-
Ihing Io be said lor single-Iap ediIs
Io quickly prepare clienI-ready, il
noI prinI-ready, previews. Ol Ihe
various lree opIions lor Ihe iPad, Pixlr
Fxpress, lrom no less Ihan uIodesk,
gives phoIographers wanIing a quick
hiI a range ol reasonably powerlul
Iools, all packaged IogeIher in a Iidy,
IexI-heavy app IhaI makes hnding
precisely whaI you're aler sIraighI-
lorward. neaI blend ol quick hxes,
one-Iouch hlIers and overlays makes
Ihis an easy, non-desIrucIive way Io
ediI images, even il iI doesn'I hI Ierri-
bly neaIly wiIhin exisIing worklows.
It's in our DN
The me|n purpose ol
Phologene |s lo edd
keywords, cepl|ons
end olher meledele
lo pholos, slor|ng
lhem e|lher |n new|y
exporled |meges or es
XlP s|decer h|es lhel
cen oe melched oeck
up w|lh lhe |meges on
lhe desklop
+Showme now
ulodesk's P|x|r
Express |s lree end
prov|des e good renge
ol non-deslrucl|ve
ed|ls lo gel p|clures
|nlo shepe when l|me |s
ol lhe essence
Pholosm|lh |s en unol-
hc|e| compen|on epp lo
L|ghlroom lor lec lhel
currenl|y ohers e more
comp|ele so|ul|on lhen
dooe's own
scn ~UcUs: zo:
b cIvsy
swIc spp bx p
ucIs I s subscpIs I
s II sI w up I
b up vy y s
I wu b b I cI
uus pvI Ic uI
xs Ius c pp
wv Iy w y. w
s I buI w yu
I I II b up
Is vys I. by
s Ic.
Iy y v sI.
Is I cy vs up
(buI Is vs up I
sI v ub (Iu
Is I s 20), buI a
Ihing has happened Io all ol Ihe
CreaIive Cloud apps aI Ihe same
Iime, and IhaI Ihing looks very
much like a new release.
The updaIed code arrived |usI
Ioo laIe lor us Io assemble our cre-
aIive crew and geI a lull review inIo
Ihis issue, buI we braved Ihe 32nd
loor ol London's CenIre PoinI ('in
Ihe cloud', you see) lor a sneak
preview ol Ihe whole shebang lrom
dobe FvangelisI double-acI Rulus
Deuchler and Uichael Chaize.
nd, give or Iake some re-
announced leaIures IhaI had
acIually percolaIed Ihrough earlier
- which we in no way begrudge -
Ihere really is Ihe kind ol wholesale
enhancemenI here IhaI we'd once
upon a Iime have associaIed wiIh a
new version ol CreaIive SuiIe.
We'll geI inIo Ihe deIail nexI
issue, buI whaI's noIable overall
is IhaI dobe is Ihinking beyond
Iweaking leaIures. CreaIive Cloud
as a concepI promised Io link all ol
our Iools IogeIher and bring Ihem
Io us wherever we need Ihem. nd,
as Rulus puI iI, 'll IhaI we said
we would be doing is now happen-
ing.' To Ihis end, dobe is inIro-
ducing Ihe idea ol a 'persisIenI
creaIive prohle'

| ]

o fer or for
|| rev|ews end
rel|ngs ere lhe resu|l
ol hends-on lesl|ng.
(When we prev|ew
en upcom|ng or un-
lesled producl, we'||
sey so.) Our leslers
ere de||y pro users
end exper|enced
journe||sls. We don'l
le|| lhem whel lo
sey. They jusl le||
you whel lhey lh|nk
eiee he mice
lecUser's mouse
rel|ngs heve oeen
respecled lor more
lhen 2S yeers. ie
m|ce meens e prod-
ucl |s es good es
we lh|nk |l lees|o|y
cou|d oe. or-
mouse producls ere
exce||enl end recom-
mended. hree m|ce
|nd|celes e compe-
lenl oul everege
producl. D|herenl
producls su|l d|l-
lerenl users. oul |l
you see o m|ce or
lewer, lh|nk lw|ce
me of hrones
Our rosehes ere
ewerded lo lhe
producls we'd ouy
ourse|ves, whelher
oeceuse lhey're
lhe oesl, lhe mosl
progress|ve |n lhe|r
epproech, or lhe
mosl cosl-ehecl|ve.
Look oul lor lhe 'E'
or 'V' symoo| |n lhe
merg|n ol e rev|ew
es dooe's
|Ped sly|us end ru|er
ere now on se|e |n lhe
US es lnk end S||de



| ]
Drawn out L|ne |s
one ol severe| epps
compel|o|e w|lh lhe
new lnk end S||de

noI exclusively) wiIh lnk and Slide,
dobe's hrsI hardware, proIoIyped
lasI year as Pro|ecI UighIy. lnk is
a pressure-sensiIive iPad sIylus
based on doniI's new PixelpoinI
Iechnology, while Slide is a rul-
er-like accessory IhaI Iriggers
on-screen drawing aids.
noIher iOS app (dobe is
now locusing solely on iOS, having
idenIihed IhaI lew creaIive users
are on ndroid), Uix, ohers phoIo
composiIing on Ihe iPad. uI
some ol iIs luncIions, borrowed
lrom PhoIoshop, are simply Ioo
processor-inIensive Io do on
mobile hardware - or so dobe
says, we can'I help leeling pple's
7 chip oughI Io cope. nyway, Io
geI around Ihis, Ihe app processes
Ihese hlIers remoIely, on dobe's
servers - much like Ihe way when
you speak Io Siri, iI uses your
iPhone's inIerneI connecIion Io
upload Ihe voice daIa and geI a
vaguely smarI response back.
The caIch ol course is IhaI il
you have no inIerneI connecIion,
Ihis won'I work - and ohering
more leaIures dependenI on Ihe
cloud seems ironic when dobe
has yeI Io properly explain a server
ouIage IhaI broughI apps and ser-
vices down lor a day in Uay.
uI iI's an inIeresIing
approach Io ohering more lunc-
IionaliIy on Ihe move, and ideas
like 'smarI previews', where
lower-resoluIion proxies ol your
phoIos are downloaded Io your
iPad lor ediIing and changes synced
back Io Ihe lull-resoluIion hles,
show pracIical Ihinking abouI whaI
dobe calls 'worklow emciencies'.
ack in Ihe big apps,
Ihere's someIhing lor every-
one. PhoIoshop gains a ral ol
realisIic locus and moIion blur
ehecIs plus new Iype and layouI
6ame onBes|des cuslom o|urs,
Pholoshop ge|ns new weys lo
errenge end exporl oojecls end
|eyers lor |nlerecl|ve des|gn
Mix and match dooe l|x
lor |OS uses on||ne pro-
cess|ng lo oher compos|l|ng
loo|s lhel 'eclue||y do sluh'
Howmuch is it7
lu|| |nd|v|due| Creel|ve C|oud suoscr|pl|on cosls ^6.88 per monlh lor un||m|led
use ol e|| dooe CC epps, Typek|l desklop end weo lonls (suojecl lo ||cence lerms)
end 20CB ol c|oud slorege. The Phologrephy ound|e, now exlended lo e perme-
nenl opl|on eher oe|ng |nlroduced es e lemporery oher, cosls 8.78 per monlh lor
Pholoshop, L|ghlroom end moo||e epps. These pr|ces ere pe|d ennue||y. See creel|ve.|ens lor dele||s ol lhese end olher p|ens.

4-biI Uac app,
making iI much more responsive
and visually rehned.
We'd seen Ihe new masking
and Iracking leaIures and improved
inIegraIion in Premiere and ler
FhecIs earlier in Ihe year, buI Ihey're
very welcome, as is Ihe improved
supporI lor Uac graphics cards.
Flash Pro now supporIs WebCL,
Fdge nimaIe ohers naIive HTUL
video, and Dreamweaver has
enhanced live view laciliIies.
We'll reserve |udgemenI unIil
nexI monIh, buI iI's clear, as wiIh
pple, IhaI dobe's developers have
noI been resIing on Iheir laurels.

~cc ~c zo:
ilmIr is Ih rl phI
iIing sr IhI shl
shipp iIh S . Is hg ll-
Iin Ils mks iI ry sy I
iI phIs qikly.
h I primry Ilrs in
ilmIr r Ih Ils n Ih l
n Ih Is rsr n Ih
righI. ll Ih pns n pls
n psiIin rly rn
Ih srn I I yr rksp
n ilmIr rks in ll-srn
m s y n iI iIhI is-
IrIins in Ih kgrn.
h Is rsr is sy
I nigI sing Ih Ihmnils
lngsi h I. n similr
y I h ihI rns Ihrgh
Ih phIs in n lmhn y
hr n pn r n lm
Ihmnil hring n pnning
r n Is rsr Ihmnil
shs Ih rng IpIs il-
l hn sing IhI I.
h Ils r similr I Ihs
y' n in ny Ihr phI
iIing sr n Ihy n
sImis I sh yr r-
iI Ils in yr prrr rr
isply rm Ih pIins in Ih
rrns mn.
Whn Il is nl iIs
pIins r isply lng Ih Ip
pn Ih phI. his is sl
r nrsIning hih phI is
ing iI hn y h mlIi-
pl phIs pn in Ih pp.
r hn iIing smll
phIs pIins n Ih righI si
Ih Ilr r n hin nIil
y pn Ih in mnlly.
his is nnying hn n
n Ih righI si Ih Ilr
mplIs Ih Il's Iin sh
s Ih Crp/Cnl ns n Ih
Crp Il n Ih prI r W
n n Ih Sli Il.
h yrs pl is similr I
Ihs in Ihr grphi iIing pps
n nls y I rI mpl
lyr iIs. Uny hirs
ilmIr ill milir I
nyn h ss Ihr S pps
I sm Ih Cmmn-ky
shrIIs r irnI. r m-
pl slly Ih in shrII in
S Irnsrms slIin hil
0 (zr) hih is nrmlly s I
i n img I Il siz mks
Ih phI zm I I.
y pr lI imgs
r Ih ilmIr hs grI
prI r W Ir nr Ih
IxeImIor Tem
Pixelmator .2
Paws for eect The Ehecls
Browser ohers meny ehecls
end edjusls lhel cen |mprove
e pholo w|lh e coup|e ol c||cks

c: zo: \cn

vzz zzn VinIage

hlIer is accessed Ihrough Ihe
SIylize secIion ol Ihe FhecIs
rowser. VinIage gives you
IasIelul lnsIagram-like hl-
Iers, each named aler planIs.
hoose Ihe arnaIion hlIer
lor a classic leel

onmoo SelecI
Wormwood lor a bleached-ouI
reIro leel. Fach hlIer adds a very
diherenI colour, buI each can
bring more warmIh and lile Io
your phoIos. We olen use a
layer wiIh a vinIage hlIer over
Ihe original layer, displayed aI
S0 lor a subIle hlIered leel

szunzo nlike lnsIagram,

Ihere's hne-grained conIrol over
how much ol a hlIer is applied
Io Ihe phoIo. se Ihe SaIuraIion
slider Io ad|usI Ihe sIrengIh ol
Ihe hlIered colour. High saIu-
raIion on Ihe Wormwood hlIer
gives a phoIo a 1970s vibe

vzzzzs se Ihe Vigneue

slider Io ad|usI Ihe size ol Ihe
dark border Io locus on Ihe
cenIre ol Ihe phoIo or mimic
old phoIography processes.
PixelmaIor gives you beauIilul
delaulIs - Ihe sliders won'I go Io
Ihe exIremes - so iI's very hard
Io make your phoIos look ugly
mg |l|ng pp lor lc
.99 lrom lh lc pp lor
s X 0.9. or |eler, 6^-o|l processor
Slide Iool. lI doesn'I provide Ihe
advanced conhguraIion opIions
ol PhoIoshop's Save lor Web Iool,
buI iI's more Ihan enough lor
making a phoIo Ihe righI size lor
uploading Io Ihe web.
PixelmaIor is a brillianI app lor
casual phoIographers looking Io
enhance Iheir phoIos belore prinI-
ing or sharing online. lIs simple
Iools and smarI delaulIs will help
beginners geI greaI resulIs, buI
also oher a lasI and ahordable
worklow lor more advanced users.

\~cscn ~cs: zo

Salari's bookmark managemenI is

poor, so Ihere's a clear opporIuniI
lor a Ihird-parI app Io improve on
iI. SIache wanIs Io be IhaI app. Ihe
place where ou sIore, organise
and view our web bookmarks, on
our Uac and our iPhone or iPad.
I works a biI like FvernoIe.
ou insIall an exIension lor Salari
or Chrome and ever Iime ou
wanI Io add a page Io SIache, ou
click Ihe buuon. The page is Ihen
saved as a web archive documenI
and snced via iCloud wiIh our
oIher devices. To add pages on
an iPhone or iPad, ou can eiIher
drag a bookmarkleI Io Salari's
FavouriIes bar on our Uac (and
access IhaI b Iapping Ihe address
bar in iOS Salari) il ou snc
bookmarks via iCloud, or manuall
creaIe a bookmarkleI in iOS Salari.
n Ihe app iIsell, bookmarks
are displaed as Ihumbnails ol Ihe
page and ou can view Ihem using
Quick Look b Iapping Ihe space-
bar. n opIional nspecIor sidebar
allows ou Io see Ihe page IiIle
and descripIion, and add Iags. nd
Ihere's a search bar Io allow ou
Io search Ihe bookmarks ou've
sIored. Double-click a bookmark
and Ihe page opens in our delaulI
browser. lIernaIivel, ou can
exporI iI as a |peg or web archive.
nlorIunaIel, IhaI's as lar as
SIache goes. You can add Iags Io
bookmarks, buI ou can'I do an-
Ihing uselul wiIh Ihe Iags. There's
no wa Io hle bookmarked pages
in lolders, eiIher. oIh Iag man-
agemenI and Ihe abiliI Io creaIe
collecIions and lolders are on Ihe
developer's Io-do lisI, and are due
Io be added in an updaIe, buI wiIh-
ouI Ihem, SIache leels incompleIe.
l ou swap beIween Chrome
and Salari on our Uac, SIache is a
neaI wa Io keep all our book-
marks in one place. WiIhouI Ihe
abiliI Io properl sorI and organ-
ise bookmarks, however, SIache
doesn'I oher enough Io |usIil iIs
4.99 price Iag. You can'I even
view a bookmarked page in Ihe
app (Quick Look aside) - ou have
Io open iI in a browser. n a world
where apps like FvernoIe allow ou
Io grab web pages in a varieI ol
lormaIs, view Ihem, snc Ihem and
annoIaIe Ihem, all lor lree, charg-
ing even a nominal lee lor SIache
in iIs currenI lorm is quesIionable
(albeiI IhaI FvernoIe sIores our
daIa on iIs servers, which doesn'I
appeal Io everone). The iOS inIe-
graIion is uselul, buI ou'll need Io
lork ouI lor boIh Ihe Uac and iOS
versions Io use iI.
There's poIenIial lor a ver
good app here, buI iI has eI Io be
realised. kNNv uriLL
Bkk nnl l lc
4.99 ll lc l
ds 09 l 6^|l css
Cosmetic surgery u k
ks w| k l |n lc
Unllunly yu cn d vy
|ll w|l l w| ly' l

here lor lec
e yeer lor one lec lrom
Three lecs 0
eeds X 10.6 or |eer

From he epp's |ndo,
you cen perlorm scen-
n|ng ol erge lo|ders
lnIerneI SecuriIy developer
F-Secure garnered posiIive head-
lines lor iIs openness in explaining
how iIs inIerneI securiIy producIs
sIored inlormaIion. lI won'I, how-
ever, receive similar plaudiIs abouI
Ihis lighIweighI, buI inlexible Uac
anIivirus app.
oI IhaI iI's complicaIed Io
use. nce insIalled, iI auIomaIi-
cally ohers background proIecIion
againsI malware. nlike many
anIivirus apps, Ihough, Ihere's no
opIion Io Iemporarily disable Ihis.
Ihe only way Io Iurn iI oh is Io
uninsIall Ihe app. ForIunaIely, we
didn'I noIice signihcanI processor
use in background mode.
FromIhe app's small window
- iI's a piIy you can'I conIrol scans
lromIhe app's Finder menu - you
can check proIecIion sIaIus, view
sIaIisIics and perlormIasks such
as on-demand scanning ol your
Home lolder or any oIher chosen
lolder. Scanning is slow and we
were lrusIraIed by single-lolder
only scanning. You can'I build up a
lisI ol mulIiple lolders Io scan, nor
selecI lolders Io avoid. You can'I
schedule a scan, eiIher.
There are leeIing posiIives.
nlike some budgeI anIivirus
apps, F-Secure nIi-Virus comes
wiIh a Iwo-way hrewall, which can
block boIh incoming and ouIgoing
inIerneI Iramc. BuI iIs approach
is Ioo polarised. you eiIher block
all Iramc or none. You'd be as well
swiIching your rouIer on and oh.
The obvious criIical measure
ol any anIivirus app is how well
iI deals wiIh malware. Fven here,
Ihere's disappoinImenI. F-Secure
iIsell admiIs IhaI nIi-Virus lor
Uac has 'limiIed deIecIion capa-
biliIy' lor Windows malware, and
Ihis was borne ouI by our IesIing.
While iI proved adepI aI spouing
direcIly downloaded malware we
IesIed iI againsI, iI was less suc-
cesslul wiIh a web-based 'drive-by
download' malware IesI or spoI-
Iing poIenIial phishing pages. The
lree Sophos nIivirus lor Uac
( gave beuer resulIs.
When Ihe app does spoI mal-
ware, inlexibiliIy again rears iIs
head. F-Secure nIi-Virus doesn'I
oher a quaranIine manager area
where you can choose whaI Io
do wiIh a poIenIially inlecIed hle.
lnsIead, iI auIomaIically moves
iI Io Ihe Trash, alIhough on one
occasion, Ihe app unhelplully
reporIed IhaI a harmlul hle was
lound buI could noI be moved.
Civen Ihe crowded inIerneI
securiIy markeI - and IhaI Ihere
are beuer producIs available lree
ol charge - we can'I recommend
F-Secure nIi-Virus. :u cnuAu
\~cUscn ~UcUs
ay Iools like
Scrivener and lysses allow you
Io organise your wriIing, buI don'I
care much lor Iheir daIabase-sIyle
hle managemenI and would raIher
access your documenIs lromIhe
Finder, NoIebooks could be lor
you. uI more ol IhaI laIer.
The primary ob|ecIive ol Ihis
hrsI Uac version is Io provide a
way Io synchronise wiIh Ihe more
esIablished iOS app ol Ihe same
name. lI does IhaI by inviIing you
Io house your NoIebook hles in
a lolder in Dropbox, Io which Ihe
iOS version auIomaIically looks
when you launch iI. ecause Ihe
Dropbox lolder on your Uac auIo-
maIically syncs wiIh Dropbox's
servers, any changes you make Io
hles on your Uac are immediaIely
relecIed in Ihe iOS version. The
downside is IhaI il you have an
aversion Io using Dropbox, you
won'I be able Io sync. Hopelully,
IhaI will change when iOS 8 and
YosemiIe bring Handoh Io Ihe Uac
and iOS, negaIing Ihe need
Io rely on Dropbox.
s noIes are housed indi-
vidually in Ihe Finder, you can
search Ihemusing SpoIlighI and
open Ihemin any applicaIion IhaI
supporIs plain IexI, Uarkdown or
HTU, depending on Ihe noIe's
lormaI. ln oIher words, iI's as open
and lexible as you could wish lor.
NoIes can be eiIher plain
IexI, in which case you can use
Uarkdown Iags Io lormaI Ihem,
or lormaued, in which case you
use Ihe lamiliar word processor
opIions lor lormauing. Formaued
noIes are acIually HTU docu-
menIs, Ihe lormauing converI-
ing Io HTU Iags on Ihe ly.
Ihird opIion is Io creaIe
Uarkdown documenI as a noIe.
lmages can be imporIed inIo
lormaued and Uarkdown docu-
menIs, and NoIebooks can imporI
and display - buI noI ediI - PDFs,
iork and Omce documenIs, RTFs
and web archives. bookmarkleI
lor Salari allows you Io grab web
pages and display Ihemin a noIe.
NoIes can be Iurned inIo Iasks
wiIh due daIes, which is handy.
ll you're a NoIebooks user in
iOS, you'll be pleased IhaI you can
now sync wiIh Ihe Uac version,
alIhough Ihere's no supporI lor
proIecIed iIems lromiOS, which
display unproIecIed on Ihe Uac.
ll you don'I use NoIebooks in
iOS, Ihere's promise here, parIicu-
larly il you preler Io organise and
sIrucIure noIebooks manually.
However, Ihere's noI enough here
yeI, in our view, Io |usIily Ihe price
Iag. kcNNv ucuruiLL
Ions SchmId

V|rlue l e r le
17.99 r eeu
s X 73 r elr 6^-o|l processor
est buiIing ech nesled
oleoook |s e F|nder lo|der,
oles ere slored es |nd|v|d-
ue| documenls w|lh|n lhem
~UUs: o \~cUscn
nd Laue's Scrivener
( has
high-end mulIi-parI documenI
auIhoring preuy much Io iIsell aI
Ihe momenI. Beloved ol |obbing
auIhors, iI allows you Io break
down a large pro|ecI inIo discreIe
hles, which you can reorganise aI
will by dragging Ihem up and down
Ihe sidebar documenI Iree.
lysses lll (
does Ihe same aI Ihe consumer
level - albeiI, oddly, aI a higher
price. Now LealnoIe is IargeI-
ing less demanding users, wiIh a
'minimal' inIerlace, mulIi-parI ediI-
ing and a low price. iI undercuIs
Scrivener by 14 and lysses by
almosI Iwice IhaI.
ln some respecIs, Ihough, iI's
a biI Ioo no-lrills lor our liking. As
wiIh iA WriIer, Ihere's no way Io
change Ihe delaulI lonI, buI where
WriIer geIs away wiIh Ihis by
dynamically resizing Ihe charac-
Iers as you shrink and grow Ihe
window, LealnoIe doesn'I. The
resulIing IexI, lor Ihis reviewer aI
leasI, was Ioo small lor comlorI.
lI doesn'I limiI Ihe lengIh ol
each line, eiIher, so making Ihe
window lull screen lor a Irue dis-
IracIion-lree experience exIended
each line Io 36S characIers on our
27in display. ThaI's lar Ioo many
lor comlorIable reading, and made
lull-screen working impracIical.
You can use regular keyboard
shorIcuIs Io embolden, iIalicise
and underline your IexI, and you
can align Io Ihe lel, righI or cenIre,
buI Ihere's no Uarkdown supporI,
so IhaI's iI as lar as lormauing
goes. The builI in IemplaIes are
pre-builI documenI Irees IhaI you
can use as a shell lor your own
mulIi-parI pro|ecIs.
You can exporI Io.odl (Open
DocumenI FormaI), Plain TexI and
RTF, and imporI Ihe hrsI Iwo ol
Ihose buI noI RTF. Complex lor-
mauing is sIripped ouI ol imporIed
hles, so you can concenIraIe on
Ihe meaI ol Ihe hle raIher Ihan
how iI looks.
LealnoIe's developers Iell us
Ihey're 'probably' going Io imple-
menI spell check, word counI,
RTF imporI and an opIion Io
change Ihe lonI size in a luIure
updaIe. Adding Ihose and a Iweak
Io reduce Ihe lengIh ol each line
when seuing Ihe window Io lull
screen would double our currenI
As iI sIands, Ihough, LealnoIe
is |usI Ioo sparse, we preler lysses
or Scrivener lor mulIi-parI docu-
menI wriIing. They're noI so sell-
ehacing, and more expensive, buI
Ihe payback is a more capable
work environmenI. Nik nAwLiNsoN
Texl edlr lr lec
ee neercenlercmeelnle
.99 lrm lec lre
eed X 1066 r eler 6^ol rcer

Word saIad Leelnle el y

ee mle dcmenl wln
e ne recl e end rer
ene lem wln le deoer

S 7's Calendar app is lar beuer
on iPad Ihan iPhone, buI sIill
doesn'I provide a compleIe view
ol your schedule. ThaI's because iI
neglecIs Io consider Iimed remind-
ers as equal Io evenIs in your
iIinerary. FanIasIical consolidaIes
Ihem, saving you having Io |ump
back and lorIh beIween Iwo apps.
lnsIead ol making you swiIch
beIween day, week, monIh and
year views, FanIasIical spliIs Ihe
screen inIo Ihree. A scrollable
Iicker aI Ihe Iop roughly indicaIes
Ihe Iime and duraIion ol evenIs
using coloured bars. Below IhaI
is a combined lisI ol evenIs and
reminders on Ihe lel, and a monIh
view on Ihe righI.
Coloured doIs on Ihe lauer
make iI easy Io disIinguish whaI
kinds ol Iasks you have seI up
each day. A Ihermal view, akin Io
Ihe one in Calendar on Ihe Uac,
would have been beuer as an way
Io gauge busyness based on evenI
duraIions raIher Ihan crudely
observing Iheir quanIiIy. As iI
sIands, you Iap a daIe Io check iIs
conIenIs in deIail on Ihe lel.
Tapping a daIe in Ihe Iicker or
monIh view locuses Ihe oIher Iwo
views on iI. Swiping down lrom
Ihe Iicker expands iI Io hll more ol
Ihe screen wiIh a week view, which
shows evenI names and Iimings.
Swiping down again hlls Ihe screen
wiIh Ihis view. This and Ihe Iicker
show Ihe number ol reminders lor
a day, buI so small in Ihe Iicker IhaI
iI's easily overlooked. lI's more vis-
ible in week view, and more uselul,
because Iapping iI displays a panel
ol only IhaI day's reminders.
New calendars can be creaIed
wiIhin FanIasIical, buI noI Remind-
ers lisIs - you'll need Io use Apple's
app Io do IhaI. CreaIing an evenI
or a reminder displays a bar inIo
which you Iype a plain Fnglish
descripIion. As you creaIe an evenI,
Ihe app shows whaI inlormaIion
iI's exIracIing Io build Ihe iIem. lI
copes well wiIh simple descrip-
Iions, buI complex ones can con-
luse iI, Iap DeIails Io lall back on
mundane buI reliable lormenIry.
FanIasIical's search ohers
good precision. lI can inspecI all
evenI deIails or |usI IiIles, loca-
Iions or inviIees. ll you spliI Ihings
across many calendars and lisIs,
iI's disappoinIing IhaI you can'I
save hlIers Io swiIch beIween dil-
lerenI combinaIions, as you can in
PockeI lnlormanI.
FanIasIical's consolidaIed
iIinerary is reason enough Io
drop Apple's apps lor iI, buI while
iI's well-presenIed, iI lacks some
powerlul leaIures ol iIs rivals. SIill,
iI's a good replacemenI lor iOS
7's builI-in Calendar il you have a
leaner seI ol calendars and remind-
ers Io manage. ALAN s:oNcaniocc
See lexolscm
10.49 lrm le Slre
Requres OS 7 r eler

What's on
e cmoned
vew oeels
e's e
~cs zo \~cscn
Notications badge
can showhowmany events
remain today, or the number of
incompIete or overdue remind-
ers. IternativeIy, it can show
the current date, but we found
this confusing and preferred to
keep CaIendar aIongside pureIy
for its Iive-updating icon
FantasticaI's Iight theme is, Iike
many iOS 7 apps, overbear-
ingIy white. However, its dark
theme, which dispIays a bIack
background behind the two
Iower views, is just as harsh
on the eyes. SadIy, no subtIer
themes are avaiIabIe
Days on which you have no
events can be hidden fromthe
ticker when three occur in a
row. Weekends can be marked
in a subtIy dierent hue in both
the ticker and the month view
Ithough the three views are
synchronised when you tap a
date, the Iist at the bodomIeh
can get crowded with events
and reminders. List > Show>
SeIected Day OnIy changes it
to showonIy items fromthe
current day to regain cIarity

AlmosI by accideI, Ihe video

camera markeI has chaged
beyod recogiIio. amcorders
are alive ad well, buI may ol
Ihe hlmmakers doig Ihe mosI
iIeresIig work are'I usig Ihem.
ice Ihe lauch ol Ihe ao
SD k i 2008, Ihey've discov-
ered DLs, which oher Ihe large
sesors ad removable leses oly
loud o Ihe mosI sIraIospheri-
cally priced video cameras.
O Ihe dowside, Ihey were
coceived as sIills cameras, ad iI
shows. BuI aasoic has caughI
o. Is 2 mirrorless iIerchage-
able les camera has bee oe
ol Ihe mosI popular choices lor
DL-class videographers, ad
ow Ihe 4 overIly IargeIs Ihe
video markeI, wiIh sIills as a bous.
he headlie leaIure is 4
resoluIio, boIh aI 3840 2160
D, desiged lor 4 broadcasI
V, ad 406 2160 iema 4,
widely used i ciemas. he hrsI
ahordable 4 camera lor hlmmak-
ers was Blackmagic's roducIio
amera (see acser, April 2014,
p100), aI early Iwice Ihe price ol
Ihe 4, IhaI is'I a sIills camera
ad supporIs oly D.
he 4 ca'I maIch Black-
magic's high-ualiIy video codecs,
which apply liule (usig Apple's
roes 422 lormaI) or o
(usig Adobe's iemaDN aw)
compressio. BuI i realiIy, Ihis
may be a good Ihig. iIh Ihe
Blackmagic, you geI 4 looIage
i 10-biI colour aI a miimum ol
880biI/sec. IhaI's over 6.SCB ol
daIa per minuIe. The CH4 ohers a
choice ol 4K or 1080p aI 100UbiI/
sec - lar more manageable, and
sIill superior Io previous DSLRs, aI
leasI wiIhouI Ihird-parIy hacks.
also shooI 10-biI
4.2.2, which is signihcanIly beuer
lor colour grading and ehecIs, buI
can'I save iI Io Ihe removable SD
cards IhaI iI uses lor inIernal sIor-
age (Ihe Blackmagic uses larger,
higher-capaciIy SSDs). You'll need
an exIernal recorder such as an
AIomos Nin|a lor 4.2.2 1080p, and
lull-qualiIy 4K ouIpuI requires
boIh a high-end exIernal recorder
and Panasonic's cumbersome
DUW-YACH bolI-on inIerlace uniI,
Iripling Ihe price ol Ihe CH4.
Bear in mind, however, IhaI Ihe
upcoming Sony a7S, anoIher mirror-
less 4K-video-plus-sIills camera,
can'I record 4K inIernally aI all.
WhaI you can do wiIh Ihe CH4
is record 8-biI 4K, Ihen converI Io
1080p in your ediIing app. NoI only
do you geI visibly improved sharp-
ness (aI 4K, Ihe CH4 maps Ihe
sensor's pixels 1.1 Io Ihe capIured
video, preserving razor-sharp
edges), buI Ihe 4K colour daIa
gives you whaI early adopIers are
saying is similar grading headroom
Io ProRes HQ aI 1080p. .
Dynamic range is anoIher
big lacIor in video qualiIy, espe-
cially il you wanI a hlm-like look.
UosI sIills cameras' video modes
deliver less dynamic range Ihan
Ihe sensor is capable ol, and
IhaI's Irue ol Ihe CH4 when using
iIs SIandard colour prohle. BuI
swiIching Io Cinelike D reveals
more deIails in shadows and high-
lighIs. Colours look laI aI hrsI,
buI Ihe looIage is ideal lor grading
in solware such as Final CuI Pro
or Adobe SpeedCrade (or indeed
Blackmagic's DaVinci Resolve, Ihe
capable LiIe version is lree).
AlIhough Ihe CH4 ohers
neiIher Ihe Blackmagic's uncom-
pressed recording nor Ihe a7S's
sensiIiviIy, we lound noise and
compression arIelacIs quiIe unin-
Irusive. AI lSO 3200 Ihere was a
hzz in shadows, buI our looIage
was sIill perlecIly usable, parIicu-
larly aler converIing 4K Io 1080p.
1080p ouIpuI showed lower noise.
Compare Ihis Io Ihe Black-
magic 4K, which has a naIive lSO
ol 800 and exhibiIs ugly noise paI-
Ierns when shadows are lorced up
lurIher in posI (alIhough hrmware
updaIes may improve Ihis).
Since 4K is capIured inIernally
aI Ihe same 100UbiI/sec biIraIe
as 1080p, iI's ineviIable IhaI com-
pression arIelacIs will be more
prevalenI. They were cerIainly
visible when we looked lor Ihem in
lasI-moving scenes, buI sIill quiIe
subIle. The alIernaIive 200UbiI/
sec opIion, available lor Ihe lull
range ol 24, 2S, 30, S0 and 60lps
lrame raIes aI 1080p only, employs
All-lnIra encoding, where each
lrame is described lromscraIch,
like a separaIe sIill.

Lumix DMC-GH4

onJ stills
jor unJcr

~UcUs: zo: ~cUsc
he CH^'s sensor
|s |erger hen Super 1, hough
sme||er hen he B|eckmeg|c ^l's
Super S or e lu||-lreme DS
he her e
l he u e vre
re u lre re
u l h e u
h rue urer-ee w
8 leure uv-
e re er
g eru her
Panasonic backs up Ihis perlorm-
ance wiIh comprehensive shooIing
conIrols. There are ebra pauerns
and locus peaking ouIlines Io help
seI eposure and locus (via Ihe
elecIronic viewhnder or arIiculaIed
Iouchscreen), and luminance level
and masIer pedesIal conIrols can
ensure ouIpuI complies wiIh video
sIandards. While phoIographers
ad|usI shuuer speed in lracIions ol
a second Io conIrol eposure, vid-
eographers seI iI in degrees Io geI
Ihe look Ihe wanI, Ihe CH4 sup-
porIs Ihis. You can record SUPTF,
FB and RlB colour bars and
embed SUPTF Iimecode, wiIh Rec
Run and Free Run modes lor snc.
There are 3.Smm mini|acks lor
microphone in and headphone
ouI, as well as Ihe noI ver sIurd
Uicro HDUl sockeI lor uncom-
pressed video ouIpuI. DC inpuI
requires Ihe 1,8 YCH, which
also brings XLR audio inpuIs and
SDl ouIpuI, or a cheaper dedicaIed
C adapIor which doesn'I eI
seem Io have arrived in Ihe K.
Bauer lile is quoIed as S
shoIs, which isn'I greaI, buI iI
lasIed an impressive 22 minuIes
ol 4K video capIure. The usual
Iarih nonsense means Ihe mai-
mum clip lengIh lor F models is
3 minuIes, so ou ma preler Io
order lrom a S supplier such as, who'll handle
Ihe imporI Iaes lor ou, Ihe IoIal
price is essenIiall idenIical.
A A zLL camera, Ihe CH4
isn'I much changed lrom Ihe CH3.
Frgonomics and conIrols are hard
Io laulI, wiIh plenI ol dials and
swiIches. The arIiculaIed 3in OLFD
now ohers a million piels, and Ihe
enlarged FVF 2.36 million.
uIolocus is lasI, reliable and
sophisIicaIed, wiIh Ihe abiliI Io
Irack moving sub|ecIs, var Ihe
sie ol Ihe spoI locus area and so
on. lI's easier on Ihe Iouchscreen
Ihan wiIh buuons via Ihe FVF.
ConIinuous perlormance is
lasIer, aI 1.Slps lor up Io 17
|PFCs or 41 raw shoIs in our
IesIs. We goI 7.1lps wiIh conIin-
uous auIolocus, and .3 seconds
beIween shoIs in normal use.
long wiIh Ihe 1/8 sec ma-
imum shuuer speed, Ihis makes
Ihe CH4 a possibiliI lor sporI and
wildlile phoIographers. The lauer
will appreciaIe Ihe abiliI Io disable
Ihe mechanical shuuer lor com-
pleIel silenI shooIing, alIhough
Ihis beIras rolling shuuer skew on
moving ob|ecIs (as wiIh video).
The CH4's sIills qualiI can'I
maIch more epensive lull-lrame
SLRs, and iI's slighIl behind Ihe
besI PS-C cameras, such as Ihe
Nikon D71 and Canon FOS 7D.
The 16 megapiel sensor lalls shorI
ol Ihe Canon's 2 and Ihe Nikon's
24, and is noisier beond lSO 16.
BuI Ihe Uicro Four Thirds
lormaI has iIs advanIages. locus
isn'I as criIical as wiIh lull lrame,
and almosI an lens can be used.
There's no opIical sIabilisaIion in
Ihe bod, so Panasonic's range ol
OlS lenses, including Ihe lei-
ble il slow 14-14mm aI under
S, will be ol inIeresI, Ihough
Ihe onl reall lasI opIion is Ihe
ver epensive 42.Smm l/1.2. The
unsIabilised Leica-branded 2Smm
1.4 (equivalenI Io Smm on lull
lrame) is a good everda prime.
For video, lasI manual lenses
such as SLR Uagic HperPrimes
and Samang's VDSLR series are
available lor UFT, while Nikon-
mounI lenses can be used wiIh
Ihe legendar UeIabones Speed
BoosIer lor a near lull-lrame ehecI.
The CH4 ohers comprehen-
sive wih remoIe conIrol lrom an
iOS app, including live preview
and plaback (aI VC resoluIion),
auIolocus selecIion and eposure
seuings, live aperIure conIrol while
recording video, and even Ihe abil-
iI Io oom using Panasonic's Iwo
powered IelephoIo lenses.
This is now Ihe obvious choice
lor anone serious abouI video
producIion on a limiIed budgeI.
lmage qualiI can'I quiIe maIch
Blackmagic's (even wiIh Ihe cheap
PockeI Camera aI 18p), buI Ihe
CH4 is vasIl more leible, and
wiIh Ihe righI seuings and |udi-
cious grading our resulIs should
leave liule Io be desired. The a7S
will be lar beuer in low lighI, buI
wiIh iIs lack ol inIernal 4K record-
ing iI's noI a direcI rival. Perhaps
Son or Canon will come up wiIh
one soon, buI lor now, Ihe CH4 is
where iI's aI. LAas :cAu

|e 16 ce |lh ^ v|deo
See peneson|
1,299 lrom (oody on|y)
|cro our Th|rds |ens mounl

Rig Iove }usl
edd geer lor
lhe lu|| pro
~c: o: \~ccn


We reay ie De's Iraharp
dispays, so were een Io IesI Ihe
2414H, wiIh iIs sarI design, a
coour-caibraIed sRCB ode and a
hosI ol leaIures - a lor ony 200.
The osI sIriing change
lroprevious odes concerns
Ihe beze. De has banished Ihe
Ihic picIure-lrae surround, so
Ihe 2414's aue, anIi-gare hnish
now sIreIches aosI a Ihe way Io
Ihe oniIor's edges. This is perlecI
lor uIi-oniIor seIups, where
Ihe saesI possibe gap beIween
dispays is caed lor.
The ony reIrograde sIep is
Iaen by Ihe pane resouIion.
Copared wiIh iIs predecessor,
Ihe exceenI Iraharp 2412U,
Ihe 2414H's Fu HD, 1920 1080
pane has osI 120 pixes ol verIica
resouIion. This is disappoinIing,
as we preler Ihe spacious lee ol a
1920 1200 oniIor.
lage quaiIy reains co-
peIiIive. I lacIory delauI seI-
Iings, Ihe 2414H is seI Io 7S
brighIness, which we easured
aI a brighI 2S6cd/2, cran iI Io
axiuand Ihe W-LFD bac-
ighI reaches 323cd/2. The con-
IrasI raIio ol 8S3.1 is exceenI, and
coour hdeiIy is good, wiIh aver-
age and axiuDeIa F scores
ol 2.7 and 6.4 respecIivey.
eecI Ihe 2414H's lacIory-
caibraIed sRCB prohe and coour
accuracy geIs even beuer. The con-
IrasI raIio dips Io 660.1, buI Ihe
average DeIa F iproves Io 2.1,
and Ihe axiudeviaIion drops
Io 4.3. The lP pane is eveny iI,
Ioo. we easured no ore Ihan a
10 variaIion in brighIness across
Ihe whoe pane. The dispay's ony
weaness is a Iendency Io crush
Ihe daresI greys inIo bac, buI
Ihis coud be a pecuiariIy ol our
IesI sape - no Iwo panes are
100 idenIica and soe wi lare
beuer in Ihe lacIory caibraIion
process Ihan oIhers.
I Ihe bac, De has paced in
penIy ol connecIiviIy. s we as
a lu-size DispayPorI inpuI wiIh
pass-Ihrough lor anoIher screen,
Ihere's ini-DispayPorI and Iwin
HDUl inpuIs. There's aso a lour-
porI B 3 hub buiI in, wiIh one
porI aI Ihe cenIre ol Ihe oniIor's
bac pane lor easier access.
The De Iraharp 2414H
is a greaI oniIor lor sensibe
oney. IiaIey, we preler Ihe
arger resouIion ol iIs predeces-
sor, Ihe Iraharp 2412U, which
is sIi on sae, buI iI's a cose-
run Ihing. ll Fu HD resouIion
suiIs your needs, Ihe Iraharp
2414H's generous leaIure seI,
greaI buid and hne iage quaiIy
are a sIea aI Ihis price. LAas :cAu
^|n HD mon|or
See de||
190 1080 He|gh edjusmen 10mm
The en|-
g|ere pene| srehes e|mos
e|| he ey o he edge gree
lor mu||-mon|or seups
\~Ucn ~UU
noou noou
BIue Irophones
l Uirhns hs n
king is r h U nd r
iO r s i, h n
rk igil rks ih h l-
rs. n inrsingl n
r is nd di inr-
s, his is ssil lrgl d
h rk-slid l rdi
rrks h hr h
ring sss, hih ns
n drirs r rqird.
his dl s ih ihr
l nn r
U, r Lighning r -in l
nn n iO di, s
'll nd hs hih ndl
n. h h s
di s, n ldr ihn
nd nr id n hs
dd h snd l
r sld S28), Ihough
mosI users will be hne wiIh one. ll
Ihree varieIies ol cable are several
leeI in lengIh so you can geI some
disIance when recording, and have
a builI-in headphone mini |ack porI.
This is handy because iI allows
zero laIency moniIoring, which
isn'I possible on mosI iOS devices
and makes lor much easier insIru-
menI and vocal recording. lI's also
beuer Ihan having a headphone
ouIpuI builI inIo Ihe mic body as
some do, as Ihose can be lragile
and prone Io movemenI.
The build qualiIy ol Ihe mic is
robusI. The sIand and shockmounI
have some plasIic componenIs,
buI once Ihe mic is screwed inIo iIs
sIand, iI's proIecIed lrombumps
and vibraIions and can be angled
lor voice recording. You can buy a
diherenI shockmounI IhaI allows
iI Io be auached Io a mic sIand lor
sIudio recording applicaIions such
as drums or pianos.
lI uses a sIudio-grade con-
denser capsule and has a Focus
ConIrol swiIch IhaI leIs you
choose a more general or more
locused recording sIyle by chang-
ing Ihe inpuI driver ol Ihe capsule.
We IesIed iI wiIh some voiceover
as well as acousIic guiIar record-
ing, and Ihe resulIs were excel-
lenI. lI pops up as an audio device
lor sound in and ouI on Ihe Uac,
and on iOS iI springs Io lile when
a compaIible app is launched.
Recording inIo Cubasis and Carage-
and worked hne, and Ihe level dial
and level meIer made everyIhing
easy Io conIrol. DirecI moniIoring
is really uselul, as is Ihe abiliIy Io
muIe Ihe mic.
lI may be pricier Ihan some
iOS mics, and sIyled Io love or
haIe, buI Ihis is a greaI perlormer
IhaI works as well on iOS as Uac.
Those who are serious abouI
recording will appreciaIe iIs pro
leel and sound. uoLLiN (oNs

Dl| m l l S s
200 lm |um.m
us S X .. |l SB 2 l
(l l us S 6 |l
Iug in Pk
l l |
u| l

gd adn
ln Pn
a, n c lm
d b l dgalanalg
cnn ada. ln
ak a dgal gnal lm
Pn, Pd Pd c, and d
cnn n an dc.
FC PS d | a,
and al ac a a adn am,
bng gnal bl ang
a andad .Smm |ack n
c lg adn.
d hdl md
cmad lnng dcl
lm Pn adn
|ack. dnd a
a an b ca and
and an a cabl cnnc.
b ll cmac, and
FC l a cl l ck
bb band can lan
Pn l l n
bgg an a Sn Walkman lm
la 19. ca mal
and ll ak ln l knck, and
lm cnl ll
cd b a cl l hn n
dg l ca.
d lm cnl
a g/l gan c, can
mac am
adn, Pn can
n cmlabl d gm
dnc adn. nl
a c hddl and
dcl m. a al
ca lc n back,
c l c bn
mbl dc, cm and
cal ad n.
l n back a SV DC
n, and PS cm
a cabl a l k a
a S c n d
cag bau. Sa l
hddl c, a ll
dgnd c l ada.
Y cld n n,
lang mc lm S Uc
a. l knd l
n ld nd n
a adn am, babl
knd l n l m 16b
UP C hl | dn c ,
FC a n l a a
al la gln lma
c a FLC a b/96k.
a ncabl dh
nc n lnng mc
PS cnncd. Fn g
la 16b C hl n Pn
ad ga nc and mac.
am a n cn
ncd DC Uack.
W a ng
ad a
an mau. ll nd a
l l ll lnng mc
adn n, ,
mg nk a l
nmn. uuiLL
, Io-tech You
ehech lhe H-PS0 lo
your |O dev|ce w|lh e
pe|r ol, er, ruooer oends
~cscn ~cs: z:

gg poleo e |
3 o ec|co
Ns Tool o UB pol
Ol os ee|eo p lo TB
LaCie's orange-bumpered Rugged
hard drive has been around lor
more Ihan a decade. ln IhaI Iime,
sIorage Iechnology and capaciIy
have improved, buI a Ihick rubber
bumper is sIill Ihe besI way Io pro-
IecI a hard drive lrom a lall.
We say hard drive, buI while
Ihe Rugged is available wiIh a hard
disk, up Io 2T, Ihe model we
IesIed had a S00C SSD (wheIher
SSDs acIually need Ihe shock pro-
IecIion is a diherenI sIory).
On Ihe ouIside, Ihe rubber
bumper incorporaIes a 30cm
ThunderbolI cable, and Ihere's also
a S 3 porI. The capIive cable
saves you Ihe considerable cosI ol
adding one and having Io remem-
ber Io pack iI on your Iravels,
buI Ihen again, il Ihe cable lails,
Ihe whole chassis, or aI leasI Ihe
bumper, will need Io be replaced.
The combinaIion ol Thunder
bolI and SSD is lighIning-lasI.
LaCie claims Iransler raIes ol up
Io 389U/sec, and we were able
Io replicaIe IhaI in our IesIs. ln
Quickench, hles ol over 2U
in size were read and wriuen aI
speeds beIween 361 and 392U/
sec. For hles ol less Ihan 1U,
Ihe speed dropped by abouI
hall. To puI IhaI inIo perspec-
Iive, we re-IesIed Ihe C-Tech
C-Drive mobile, which also has a
ThunderbolI connecIion buI uses
a 1T hard drive. ThaI managed
299U/sec lor hles ol 2-10U/
sec, buI bigger hles copied aI hall
IhaI raIe, and smaller ones read
and wroIe randomly aI around a
IenIh ol Ihe speed. This parIicular
LaCie Rugged is blazingly quick.
Perlormance aside, Ihere are
some nice Iouches. The S porI
and housing lor Ihe ThunderbolI
plug are enclosed in a removable
rubber cap, eliminaIing dusI. nd
Ihere's a spare cap in Ihe box.
Our only complainI is IhaI
when you plug in Ihe drive lor Ihe
hrsI Iime, you're pushed Io insIall
LaCie's proprieIary solware. On
doing IhaI, iI Iurns ouI IhaI all iI
does is allow you Io lormaI Ihe
drive, which you could do in Disk
IiliIy, and regisIer iI wiIh LaCie.
There's also an opIion Io insIall
lnIego ackup ssisIanI, which
does liule IhaI Time Uachine
doesn'I, and a Iool lor encrypIing
hles and lolders. Try and insIall
Ihe lauer, and you're Iold you
musI hrsI download and insIall
UacFSF. NoI very saIislacIory.
lgnore all IhaI, and Ihe Rugged
drive is a Ierrihc perlormer IhaI
provides Ihe perlecI combinaIion
ol robusI daIa saleIy and perlor-
mance - and aI a very reasonable
price Io booI. kNNv uuruiLL
thc Moc
pro`s Jcjoult
nse job Co
sloweg eks
ss o e
poleo |

hn Onko lnh iIs rsI

hphon rng lsI r or
onl rgrI s IhI iI in'I or
sI iIh n inlin roI onIrol
n irophon or ihon srs.
I's no ri IhI iIh Ih
- pir o ns IhI r
so oorIl iI osn'I Ik long
Io orgI o'r ring Ih.
hI oorI is in no sll
prI Io Ih I IhI Ih siI
or Ih r rIhr Ihn on iI n
IhI Ih ping on Ih lIhr-
u-or or or
ps n h n is r gn-
ros. rIhing oI Ihs
phons srs qliI roIh
gol-plI onnIors on
Ih Ihl l Io Ih nl
Ih spirl on Ih k o Ih
linirir hosing.
hos rirs r IiI-
nin sign Io lI Ih si
spk or iIsl iIhoI rIiill
oosIing Ih ss. h rslI is
nIrl oIpI IhI ngs Io
oi ing sIril hil piking
oI n Iils lik Ih srIh
o pik on giIr sIring or Ih
rIh In lins in ol.
hr's plnI o ss hr iI's
n I iI osn'I sp Ih
Irl n i rngs.
h ginning o 's
o hook ll NighI ong or
pl pik oI Ih riing
iInI o Ih ss rlong
iIh Ih Iil in Ih hi-hI n Ih
rnhing hors in Ih ri. n
Ih inIro Io li n's rr
hn o hink iIh iIs rs o
opl Iil s s lIlssl
lir s Ih Ihping ss
n rss IhI ollo.
r pp lr lnh
Io opn Ih -
llos o Io pl Irks roor
si lirr n iIhr
slIing roprsIs rI
Onko's siin prInrs or
rgging or ngr on-srn Io
|sI Ih rqn r.
rn'I so kn on Ih
posiIioning o Ih inlin roI
high p on Ih righI-hn l.
' h prrr iI lor so
ol s Ih onIrols hn
sing Ih. hI hor is
r inor grip n iI osn'I
Ik long Io gI s Io sing Ih
roI Ioh lon.
I Ihs rn'I inpn-
si I Io or in prIilrl
hn opr iIh h o Ih
opIiIion Ih or Ihn riI
Ih pri Ig. Ihl ls
oorI n rillinI io liI
n IhI i o'r shopping or
pir o prihphons or
n ihon i or io Ioh Ih
Onko - shol I Ih
Iop o or lisI. NN uriLL

200 lrom
Tlenum drvers, OS-cerlhed copper ceo|e
CIass act There's
que|ly lrom lhe
go|d p|ele lo lhe
len |eelherehe
H|tman Abso|ut|on 2014 lO lNTERAOTlvE A/S. A|| r|ghts reserved. lO lNTERAOTlvE and the lO |ogo are trademarks of lO
lnteraot|ve A/S. HlTMAN ABSO|TlON and the HlTMAN |ogo are trademarks of Square En|x, |td. SOARE ENl and the
SOARE ENl |ogo are reg|stered trademarks or trademarks of Square En|x Ho|d|ngs Oo., |td. Or|g|na||y deve|oped by lO
lnteraot|ve. Deve|oped for and pub||shed on the Mao by Fera| lnteraot|ve |td. Mao and the Mao |ogo are trademarks of App|e lno.,
reg|stered |n the .S. and other oountr|es. Fera| and the Fera| |ogo are trademarks of Fera| lnteraot|ve |td. A|| r|ghts reserved.
~cs o \~csc

ohe -810 is a budgeI all-

in-one device based on Ihe enIry-
level HL-1110 mono laser prinIer.
Like Ihe HL-1110, Ihis is a no-lrills
producI wiIh only a single paper
inpuI Iray, no auIomaIic duplex
prinIing and no neIwork supporI.
lI does, however, provide uselul
leaIures such as a builI-in lax
machine and a Ien-page auIomaIic
documenI leeder (ADF).
lI doesn'I leel cheap, buI iIs
low cosI means Ihere are ineviIa-
ble compromises. The hinges lor
Ihe scanner lid are sIurdy, buI Ihey
don'I exIend upwards Io leI Ihe
lid close laI on Ihicker originals.
The 1S0-page paper inpuI Iray
has no cover, so dusI could build
up on Ihe Iop sheeI. Uore signil-
icanIly, Ihe prinIer's paper guides
ad|usI only beIween A4 and Leuer
widIhs, ruling ouI alIernaIive paper
sizes. The shorI paper ouIpuI Iray
is compleIed by a Iwo-parI paper
sIop IhaI lolds inIo place, buI you
need Io lil Ihe scanner bed ouI ol
Ihe way Io geI iI up or down.
We lound Ihe UFC-1810 swil,
reaching 17.4 pages per minuIe
(ppm) when prinIing IexI and
16.2ppm in our more demanding
mixed graphics IesI. PrinI qualiIy
on IexI was good, buI graphics
didn'I lare so well. There was
some banding, despiIe well-|udged
exposure, and some lairly crude
halloning pauerns in lighIer areas.
PhoIos had Ihe same issues, buI
generally looked beuer.
The scanner was slighIly
slow aI low resoluIions, Iaking 17
seconds Io produce a preview or
18 seconds Io scan an A4 page aI
1S0 or 300 doIs per inch (dpi). lI
was beuer aI higher resoluIions,
Ihough, wiIh a 1200dpi phoIo scan
Iaking |usI 28 seconds. The resulIs
were more Ihan good enough lor
everyday omce work and archiving.
Our only criIicism was IhaI colours
were a Iouch oversaIuraIed and by
delaulI, phoIocopies came ouI a
Iouch Ioo dark.
Running cosIs aren'I Ihis all-
in-one's lorIe. each page will cosI
2.7p even il you never have Io
replace Ihe drum, while inclusive
running cosIs are 3.2p per page.
WiIh a decenI seI ol leaIures
and swil, reasonably good
resulIs, Ihis is an impressive UFP
lor anyone looking Io seI up a
home omce on a IighI budgeI. lI's
unlorIunaIe IhaI iIs prinI cosIs
are relaIively high. ll you expecI
high volumes, consider spend-
ing more on a beuer prinIer wiIh
lower cosIs, such as Ihe Kyocera
FS-C2026UFP+ or an ink|eI alIer-
naIive like Ihe Fpson WorkForce
WF-3S40DTWF. LAas :cAu

S rlr
8 rm rlrs
ds OS 8 or |eler
6ive and take
he Brolher |s
cheep lo ouy,
pr|cey lo run
\cUscn UcUs: o
Thees me Iha a hiI l Ihe
Sega classic ViIua Teis abuI
Table Teis Tuch. Yu eIe Ihe
spI as a ewbie, piuig yu
skills agaisI a age l ppeIs
a hig yu ball-Ihwackig
I pelecIi i a seies l Iai-
ig-ieIe mii-games.
The IiIles pespecIive is much
Ihe same as amis Pig Pg,
which mae iIs ebuI way back
i 8S. Yu view Ihe Iable lm
behi, Iw laIig ackeIs lacig
h agaisI each Ihe. nlike Ihe
ageing arcade game, Ihough, Table
Tennis Touch is Ihoroughly modern
in iIs visuals and conIrols.
RespecIively, Ihese elemenIs
are gorgeous and. variable. The
environmenIs are beauIilully
rendered, and Ihe swipey acIion is
iniIially a blasI as you smack balls
spaI ouI by serving roboI Wih
Wah aI maIerialising bowling pins.
s you work your way Ihrough Ihe
various championships, Ihough,
Ihe limiIaIions become apparenI.
There's some nuance in whaI
you can do wiIh Ihe ball, buI Ihe
besI Iechnique is olen enIicing
Ihe compuIer l Iowards Ihe
neI and Ihen smashing Ihe ball
aI Ihe opposiIe lar corner, along
wiIh adding some spin. LaIer on,
Ihough, Ihe compuIer's loaIing
baI appears Io acquire super-
human powers, making progress
exIremely Iough. Similarly, Ihe
arcade challenges become insanely
hard Io compleIe.
The game IempIs you wiIh
69p 'boosI' in-app purchases IhaI
Iemporally Iurn your screen's
edge green and give you HLK
FORFHNSUSH powers, buI
Ihis leels a wee biI like cheaIing.
NoneIheless, lor Ihe price, Ihis is a
lasI-paced IiIle IhaI works nicely
on Ihe iPad. BuI iI never quiIe
breaks away lrom being a glossy
version ol Pong- and one IhaI
gives you blisIers lrom repeaIedly
and luriously pressing and swiping
a piece ol glass. cnAic cnANNcLL

Tabl Tnns Toch

ee| le|s gee lo |OS
See le|ele|sloo
2.49 lopp Sloe
Nees |OS 6 o |ele
High score
Respell ^9,698
po|nls ol respecl,
lo oe prec|se
Body swerve wo
ghosls lece oll |n
en odd|y rel|ecl|ve
venue. Spooky
~cs \~cscn
hw IgeIhe uch
ue-vii i I I cue
Ihe FIh uig cic ic'
d Ihe euI i LFC ge
IhI hwce diveiIy
Uarvel's besI characIers. Spider-
man, Wolverine, Black Widow and
dozens more are playable. lI's a
|oy Io Iry ouI diherenI abiliIies,
Io waIch Ihe IranslormaIion ol
regular-sized Bruce Banner inIo Ihe
Hulk, and Io see CapIain FanIasIic
lex his body and morph inIo all
sorIs ol puzzle-deleaIing ob|ecIs.
Uanhauan serves as Ihe hub
ol Ihe game. Uissions Iake place
inside and on Ihe sIreeIs. You can
Iake a skydive lromS.H.l.F.L.D.'s
Helicarrier inIo Ihe ciIy, and ly
around Ihe Big Apple as lron Uan.
lI's a liule disappoinIing Io
noIice smaller scenery drawing in
greaIer deIail as you approach iI,
buI Ihere's good reason Io explore
Ihe ciIy, as some ol Ihe build-
ings allow you Io underIake side
missions. This game cerIainly isn'I
shorI on conIenI.
Rarely does a charac-
Ier assigned Io a mission leel
under-uIilised, alIhough some ol
Iheir abiliIies are easily lorgouen
abouI. ThaI happened Io us in a
puzzle IhaI gave a lalse clue abouI
a pressure-sensiIive loor. Swinging
across as Spider-man wasn'I Ihe
soluIion. AlIhough Ihe real clue
was righI in lronI ol us, iI Iook a
while Io recall an abiliIy we'd barely
used unIil IhaI poinI.
LFCO games aren'I overly
sIricI abouI Ihe accuracy ol |ump-
ing beIween plaIlorms. AI worsI,
you'll lall inIo a piI and respawn
nearby. The game is generally lor-
giving ol misIakes, buI we encoun-
Iered one piI and one Irap IhaI
demonsIraIed Ihe poorness ol
Ihe respawning algoriIhm, plac-
ing us in inescapable danger and
causing us Io die a lew more Iimes
belore we were sale.
Voice acIing is mosIly Iop-
noIch, wiIh characIers sounding
close Io Iheir hlmcounIerparIs.
The LFCO series' irreverenI
humour melds well wiIh Ihe wise-
cracks you'd expecI lromUarvel
characIers, making Ihis much
lunnier Ihan LFCO's oIher Iie-ins.
SIan Lee even makes cameos, in
which you rescue himlrompredic-
amenIs. DespiIe some annoyances,
Ihis is a charming insIalmenI, and
even Ihe porIrayal ol characIers
wiIh whomyou mighI be less
lamiliar is appealing.
ll Ihe LFCO lormula is looking
Iired, Ihe saving grace here is Ihe
characIers and humour, which
encourage playing Ihrough Io see
all Ihe gags. ALAN s:oNcaniocc
erI !nIercIIve
LEGOMarel Super Heroes
v o l
S v.o
99 o l So s DLC
s .8.S or |eler
We couId be heroes There
ere over 1 chereclers lo
un|ock, men ol wh|ch sound
jusl ||ke ou rememoer lhem
\~cUscn ~UcUs: zo:

I ee e e ce C
I e We ce I
ce, Iee ce I
ee, e We p
e ue Ie gg I
p cI ge I Ie
c, I I e Ie gI
g cce eeg I IIe
Ie, g I Ie
eI e cIeI
C g, e
p e I Iee ge
ee, e I pe
pe, p I p e
cI Ie Ig
W pc p ee
e We el , Ie
e cpI
ce g e c
eIcI egeI p (an
indesIrucIible ScoI) and CapIain
Price (Ihink rIhur SmiIh wiIh a
semi-auIomaIic) also make wel-
come reappearances.
You play a varieIy ol charac-
Iers as Ihe acIion swiIches lrom
locaIion Io locaIion, lollowing sev-
eral Ihreads aI once. nd iI quickly
becomes clear why. several ol
your personas are killed in acIion
along Ihe way. NoI Ihe usual sol
kill, where you spring back Io lile
a couple ol minuIes earlier in Ihe
Iimeline, buI shocking and wholly
unexpecIed permanenI Iermina-
Iions, including one where your
bauered, wounded body is doused
in peIrol belore a renegade general
casually licks his liI cigar aI you.
UW2 inIroduces a lew new
modes ol IransporI, lroma lasI-
paced downhill snowmobile escape
Io a Ihrilling speedboaI chase while
dodging sIrahng helicopIers and
enemy gunboaIs. You geI Io drive
a |eep up Ihe ramp ol a moving
plane and Io blasI enemy combaI-
anIs lroma remoIe drone screen.
This game also has Ihe conIro-
versial scene in which you mas-
querade as one ol Uakarov's
henchmen as he and his crew saun-
Ier Ihrough a crowded Russian
airporI, slaughIering unarmed civil-
ians. lI's a shocking scenario even
lor hardened Call ol DuIy players.
s iI Iurns ouI, Uakarov
knows you're an merican planI,
and Ihis has been his plan all along.
Ihe mericans geI blamed lor Ihe

: Modern
Warfare 2 and 3
pours pelro| over you.
nolher men smokes e
c|ger. Uh-oh (lW2)
~cscn ~cs:
maac Ih Rian IaliaI
an IhaI la Io a aI conlicI
IhaI plac o in Ih in ol a
aIaI ahingIon
Th alimin 2 i imp-
i iIh boIh ciilian an ol-
i bhaing an looking lik al
popl Yo can inIacI iIh mch
ol Ih oning lomhooIing
p compI cn Io blaIing
cag chickn in Ih makI il
IhaI Iak o lanc n Ih
momnI hn o ha Io Ii
a agg lomh iI log in
o Io hl iI aI Ih chil bai
i Il IaIling
on ala
Iak p con al 2
ll oh an i nIiall mo
ol Ih am bI Ihi Iim Ih
hol ol i inol SI-pic
nc incl a hooIoI on
a Ick chaing a Iain Ihogh Ih
onon ngon ning p
bnaIh ig n a caIaIophic
bal in Pai h o almoI
hiI b a collaping ihl To an
plnI ol pl-acing nc
incling a l-lall hooIoI in Ih
Rian pinIial plan
Th acIion again |mp lom
chaacI Io chaacI an lom
hghIing on Ih gon Io hing
miil loma hlicopI
ha iI ha ol IaIling momnI
Ioo ch a hn o nl
hn oll a an mican a
hlming hi lamil Iip Io onon
an iI onI n ll
I poibl Io complI ach
campaign in a ingl concnIaI
a hghIing bI IhaI noI Ih
n ol Ih Io Ia miion
II o abiliI an Iaing po
b -imagining cnaio lomIh
campaign iIh ihnI ob|cIi
o Iho iIh a IaI lo nl
ala Ih ala mlIipla
mo in hich o can bal al
iIal oli lomaon Ih
glob Io o haI conInI
Thogh Ihi ag i in o
haa lao 2 an
ha hl compIing i-
mnI o o chck Ih minimm
Inside job Slo|||ng
lhrough en e|rporl s|eugh-
ler|ng c||||ens |sn'l lor lhe
le|nl-heerled (lW2)
~c: zo: \~c
ss or you uy. I's noI
mnIion is II you soluIly
n Iwo-uuon mous som
mnouvrs n'I rorm
wiIouI rigI-liking.
ll Iis rlismos mk I
gmly onvnIions sm ll
I mor sur you n'I on
los oor or |um ovr oli
o nIry sign n rouing ouI
o sigI will l ll wouns in s-
ons. uI Is r rs invi-
Il Io k I Iion lowing.
ln oIher respecIs, no suspen-
sion ol disbeliel is required. The
landscapes are highly deIailed, wiIh
dozens ol enemies and civilians
on view aI once, in UW3, Ihe vasI
devasIaIed arenas leaIure whole
ruined ciIies, and buildings IhaI
explode and crash Io Ihe ground as
you pass Ihrough Ihem.
There's maybe slighIly Ioo
much reliance on lollowing Ihe man
in lronI ol you, who leads you
Ihrough each mission. lI's nec-
essary, as oIherwise you'd be
wandering aimlessly, buI wiIh no
solo missions, you do leel occasion-
ally as il you're simply lollowing a
predeIermined Irack. ll you're only
going Io buy one ol Ihese games,
we'd recommend UW2. iI's hall Ihe
price and has Ihe beuer emoIional
Though iI's a while since Iheir
original release, UW2 and 3 are Ihe
mosI exciIing hrsI-person shooIers
yeI Io hiI Ihe Uac. s:v cArLiN
Frsl-prson soolrs
or lW2 lor lW3
lrom or Sleem (
Requ|res OS X 10.9 lever|cks
President's residence
mong lhe meny speclecu-
|er |ocel|ons |s lhe oomoed-
oul Wh|le House (lW2)
London caIIing
No, you don'l gel
lo shool lhe Br|l|sh
ooooy (lW3)
Tube strike shool-
oul |n lhe London
Underground |s perl|cu-
|er|y |mpress|ve (lW3)

8UPP0PT, 8LL8 h 8LPV!L8

Ca|| Emai|
iroen t
3 Tuenham SIreeI, Lndn, W1
(Near Cdge SIreeI Tube sIaIin)
Walk-in cmpuIer repair cenIre FasI Iurnarund
pple uIhrised Iechnicians DaIa Recvery Service
id and ihne Repairs
Ca|| Trams Sales. 2 782 7111, Rapid Sales. 122 734
Emai| UPLs andrapidgrup.neI
Trams t
CenIral Lndn and ChrisIchurch, DrseI
One l Ihe K's premier pple resellers and uIhrised
Service rviders. WiIh 2, iIems available nline, we
prvide a cmprehensive range l prducIs and services
Ca|| 2 7697 22 Emai|
CenIral Lndn
Fxperienced pple uIhrised Service rvider RemIe
supprI and helpdesk CmpeIiIive prices
Ca|| 8 8 277S3 Emai|
quare 6roup Ltd
CenIral Lndn

High Wycmbe

pple remium Reseller Vide, rinI & ublishing &
FducaIin pple SluIin FxperIs pple uIhrised
Service rvider Training CenIre
Ca|| CvenI Carden, 84S 33 2214, Uaylair, 84S 33 221,
SpiIallields, 84S 33 229 UPL mac1.neI
CvenI Carden, Uaylair, SpiIallields in Lndn
We make your Mac better
pple Uac and id repairs FasI Iurnarund DaIa
recvery service Teaml pple cerIihed Iechnicians

NewsIre in CvenI Carden

Ca|| 2 7S82 9999 Emai|
ark lace, Lawn Lane, Vauxhall, Lndn
SupprIing Uac &Windws in creaIive envirnmenIs
pple. CS, CS&CN Uicrsl. Small usiness
SpecialisI &Silver Uessaging arIner
CaII 771 799S4
Tunbridge Wells, KenI
pple SpecialisI ll pple repairs CusImbuilds
One2One privaIe IuiIin We cme I yu
Ca|| 2 7212 99 Emai|
Ibion Computers
Lndn, Hampshire, KenI, Surrey
22 years' experience wiIh pple lr usiness and FducaIin

pple remiumReseller

pple uIhrised Service prvider

pple SluIins FxperI lr FducaIin

NewiSIre in Crawley
Ca|| 84S 123 SS9S Tech support 9S 614 14S3
Emai| UPL
Mac Limited
WallingIn, Surrey
pple uIhrised Service rvider usiness and hme
user supprI N call-uI charges wiIhin U2S NeIwrk-
ing, backup sluIins, upgrades RemIe DeskIp supprI
Ca|| 1S27 S7S3S Fax 1S27 S73SS
ppIe Tree 6raphics LTD
rmsgrve, WrcesIershire
pple CenIre ReIail and business shwrm
Training lr ma|r slware packages re-sales
and cnsulIancy NeIwrk design and insIallaIin
CaII 8 82 69
77 Kingsway, Lndn
pple CerIihed SupprI rlessinal Uicrsl Cld
CerIihed arIner Uicrsl Small usiness SpecialisI
argn-lree experIise N pushy selling Lndn sIre
Ca|| 1494 3SS333
High Wycmbe
We sell relurbished and used Uacs. We als d repairs and
wiIh a parIs library spanning almsI every Uac lr Ihe pasI
1 years, why lk anywhere else lr Ihe parI yu need
Ca|| 118 9886633 Emai|
VisuaI Information Services Ltd
Reading, nIernaIinal Services
ndependenI pple parIs supplier. We als repair and
upgrade all pple cmpuIers aI ur wrkshp. Our engineers
have ver 2 years experience l all Ihings pple
Local experts
Appledealers across theUKareready
toanswer your Nac andiOSqueries
Ca|| 12S2 37S167
ppIe-Bay Limited
Camberley, Surrey
ndependenI pple prducIs specialisI Repairs/services l
any pple Uac, ihne r iad DaIa recvery Sales l
pre-wned prducIs
Ca|| Emai|
S Iectrotech (nstrumentation) td
oomer ndusIrial FsIaIe, SIahordshire
pple uIhorised Service Provider & Reseller FasI
Iurnaround n-siIe and workshop repairs Helpdesk and
remoIe supporI pple usiness SoluIions and ConsulIancy
Ca|| Scarborough. 01723 374196, York. 01904 796S80,
everley 01482 67916S
UPL | Emai| service@|
pple Sales &SoluIions pple uIhorised Reseller pple
Repair &WarranIy Service, SupporI, nsIallaIions
Ca|| 0161 60S 3838 Emai|
BMigitaI TechnoIogies T
pple SoluIion FxperI CreaIive pple SoluIion FxperI
FducaIion pple uIhorised Training CenIre pple
uIhorised Service Provider nsIallaIion ainIenance
Ca|| 01274 626379 Emai|
i-Tec Bradford
Clihe House, ProspecI Road, radlord
csic||isnc! 1991
pple uIhorised Service Provider & Reseller pple and
Fpson warranIy repairs FducaIion, business and home
user sales and supporI Showroom. on-SaI 9am-S.30pm
Ca|| 084S 68002S6 Emai|
The Bookyard td.
iverpool, aIionwide Service
nline sIore ohering newand used pple spare parIs wiIh
nexI-day delivery ld/laulIy pple kiI boughI and recycled
FxperI diagnosis and repairs wiIh naIionwide collecIion
Ca|| 01634 40S 662 Emai|
ihone Reairs &Sares T
DedicaIed pple Repair SpecialisIs
Ca|| 01926 886863
eamingIon Spa
RemoIe help lor K ac users aI home and work
Problemsolving ackup Recovery pgrades
Training eIworking SiIe visiIs ConIracIs available
orrtsr nrrr ott rnn on r:
iPhone, iPad, iPod, acook, smarIphone repairs 12
monIhs warranIy ' Prolessionally relurbished iPhones in
sIock Same-day repairs Spare parIs ' ccessories
ennings Mac Centre
Scarborough, York and everley
Ca|| 0131 SS4 8888 Emai|
RB SoIutions td
Fdinburgh, ScoIland
pple Sales Service & supporI Server & neIwork
insIallaIion CreaIive indusIry specialisIs RC SoluIions
provides pple acinIosh sales, service and supporI

\c toll to \isuol Injormotion Scriiccs,
vhich spccioliscs in \oc rcpoirs onJ ports
vsuA unAzu snvs (VS) is
an independenI pple parIs supplier and
pple compuIer repairs specialisI based
near Reading in erkshire. The company has
been repairing and supplying parIs lor pple
compuIers lor mainIenance companies, busi-
nesses, educaIional esIablishmenIs and end
users since 1992.
VS claims iI's Ihe K's largesI inde-
pendenI supplier ol ac compuIer parIs
and prides iIsell in Irying Io supply any parI
lor an pple compuIer. Is warehouse has
Ihousands ol parIs in sIock ready Io be des-
paIched lor nexI-day delivery in Ihe K, or
Io be senI IhroughouI Ihe resI ol Ihe world.
VS has also seI up an e-commerce websiIe
where cusIomers can buy parIs.
I ohers an exchange service on ser-
viceable iIems such as power supplies and
logic boards, whereby iI will send ouI a
replacemenI in advance ol Ihe laulIy parI
being reIurned. This is a popular service
wiIh mainIenance companies, educaIional
esIablishmenIs and oIhers who require Ihe
shorIesI down Iime possible.
I iIs workshop, VS specialises in Ihe
repair ol pple compuIers and iPods, buI
iI will also perlormupgrades and sorI ouI
any solware issues. RaIes are compeIiIive
and VS aims Io Iurn |obs around as quickly
as possible. However, alIhough keeping
prices lowis imporIanI, VS direcIor ndy
WaIerson explains IhaI qualiIy and cusIomer
service are also Iop prioriIies. He says VS
always sIrives Io keep sIandards high.
The engineers aI VS have more Ihan
20 years' experience in repairing pple
compuIers. WaIerson says Ihe VS Ieam
are always ready Io help, giving advice over
Ihe Ielephone or in a lace-Io-lace meeIing.
ndeed, he believes IhaI iI's Ihis service Io iIs
cusIomers IhaI's responsible lor VS' loyal
cusIomer base, who, he claims, are happy Io
recommend iI.
Visua| nformation 5ervices Ltd
Reading, nIernaIional Services
Ca|| 0118 988 6633
ndependenI pple parIs supplier Repairs and
upgrades Io all pple compuIers aI iIs
workshop Fngineers have more Ihan 20 years'
experience and knowledge ol all Ihings pple

|e C^



ghI Ihis iUac C4 second-hand in 2S, when
iI was Ihree ears old. lI's a FlaI Panel C4-8,
wiIh a SuperDrive, a 6CB hard drive and a
PowerP processor. lI had previousl been used
in an omce, and came wiIh whaI l Ihen considered
a capacious 768UB ol RU - quiIe an upgrade
lrom iIs original 2S6UB. I IhaI Iime, iI was pos-
sible Io insIall lairl-recenI programs on iI, and
iI ran PhoIoshop, iTunes, Word and PowerPoinI
quiIe happil. U children used iI a loI lor plaing
D-ROU games. l remember The aI in Ihe HaI
was a big lavouriIe, along wiIh Uarble BlasI, The
SlUs and Tomb Raider. lI's incredible now Io Ihink
IhaI such a low-spec machine could do all IhaI.
s Ihe ears rolled b, m kids sIarIed Io
complain IhaI Ihe C4 was slow, especiall wiIh
audio and video. lI couldn'I keep up wiIh Ihe
online conIenI IhaI broadband made available.
Then dobe dropped a bomb b wiIhdrawing
Flash supporI lor OS X 1.4 Tiger, Ihe lasI ver-
sion Ihis machine will run. lI looked like Ihe iUac
was doomed. BuI as usual wiIh Uacs, Ihe solu-
Iion was |usI an inIerneI search awa. l lound a
replacemenI plug-in IhaI would allow video Io pla,
albeiI |erkil. nd Ihe DVD drive sIill works, Ioo!
During iIs lile, Ihe iUac C4 has belonged Io
ever member ol Ihe lamil, in descending order
ol age, and now resides in m son Uiles's room.
Like all nine-ear-olds, he's Uinecral-cra, which
has presenIed a mulIiIude ol new problems. To geI
Uinecral Io run ou need |ava 1.6 aI a minimum,
omciall noI possible wiIh OS X 1.4. BuI again,
Coogle was m lriend. WiIh some hddling abouI,
l managed Io rusIle up an ancienI beIa lor |ava 1.6
and Tiger. There never was a hnal release, buI iI
works hne. Uiles sas Ihe UagicLauncher version
ol Uinecral will pla on Ihe C4 now - ver slowl.
LoaIh Io give up such a good-looking room
ornamenI, we're now in Ihe process ol rigging up
Ihe C4 as a Uinecral server, which m son and
his lriends will connecI Io lrom oIher compuIers
around Ihe house (and Ihe world). ler a ses-
sion involving |avaScripI and Terminal, we goI Ihe
server working. Now we |usI need Io work ouI
how Io connecI Io iI. WiIh luck, Ihere'll be anoIher
lease ol lile lor Ihis 12-ear-old Uac. Nick :Annv
~: zo: ~cc

enne e| wrlr/erlsl

d been ing ac l a le ea hen, in ,
dbe cmmiined m h lm, eahe
cllabaed ih a alened edi lm angman
di, b halla hgh ne lm, ll
en, he a neecedl naed b bbie
William k n ne l hi |ec Wha a
ging be eek ned in e, and
n ealied he nl a ge he |b dne a
mae inal mell hi da, hank
bbie William l lcing he edi n me
eide ide, m le e m
animain, hgah and iing d a gea
deal l k n he me en edi hgah
n lcain, a n a anle h m
la lm m camea ihne, ih ih
and ighm a he hea l hing dce
and delie hgah l image ide and
am ala cnci l leeing age ace l
he ne bach he ihne ha becme cenal
hi eain, ih ide n a ch
a ckim enabling n-he- delie e
a mlide l h and ide a and ala
ca m amaing ll lene ih me
al im ide lage n lcain, a habi
acied hen hing m dcmena
iend he nd n hee ihne and baling
ih age ie hgh ca a ack
-inch e i ih and anle le a
n a a h i dne henee hee a beak
animain and ei ediing, n m
lae iac, ih a ad-ce i and hme-
made in die eending n he e l lm
mking n, migh hae a ecnd mni
cnneced, b dn ala leel he need l i
ne iem e l ee ceaie |b i m
Wacm4 able m ed i and i ell
cmied m need ha i cme me na-
all han a me nd hh, aine and
me animain imible ih he en
iing, n m mch-led lae
ack nlike he e l m eimen i came
ecnd-hand, and e gn ie aached i
ca i eehee, een hgh i mean aking a
chage , ince i bae i geing ie eaic
n oul mor eooul enne's work el ennee|ouk
Woofers and tweeters
Tnougnls lromlne |nlerweo
udged by its cover
4Bowie @PT_||owie
Clearing ouI 10 years' worIh
ol mags & lound Ihis hlIh on Ihe
lronI cover lrom |une 2003 .
avid Ien WaIker
@PT_||owie @macuser-
magazine Where was IhaI in
Ihe besI covers ol Ihe year?
acUser @macusermagazine
@PT_||owie NoI sure il we
should have enIered iI lor besI
lronI or besI rear
Prints charmIesss
MichaeI Simmons
To mailbox@macusercouk
l lound your review ol Ihe
Canon UX92S 109,
Uacser, Uay 2014, 270
lrom biIly/macuser300S overly
comlimenIary l have had a Canon
UX922, which aears Io have all
Ihe same leaIures, lor a lew
monIhs now and have consisIenIly
had roblems
When rinIing dulex boIh
sides ol Ihe aer, iI consisIenIly-
cuIs Ihe bouom line ol IexI in hall,
wiIh Ihe Io hall on Ihe bouom
ol Ihe lronI age and Ihe bouom
hall ol Ihe lasI IexI line on Ihe Io
ol Ihe back age When coying,
iI cuIs-oh does noI coy arI ol
Ihe lel and Io edges ol rinI il
Ihey're close Io Ihose margins
new driver version recenIly came
ouI, buI did noI hx eiIher ol Ihese
roblems l've had a lew discus-
sions wiIh Canon's cusIomer su-
orI and Ihey didn'I know how Io
hx eiIher ol Ihese roblems
While all ol Ihese roblems
conIinuously haen, Ihe IesI rinI
ages always rinI OK
hanks very much for the info.
his rea||y high|ights the age-o|d
prob|emof reviews: an expert
who's testing something for an
ahernoon can spot a |ot of prob-
|ems, but some just won't arise.
hat goes doub|e for print-
ers, which are fu|| of mechanica|
parts. Unfortunate|y, we can't try
every function and permutation
within the reviewcyc|e. f course
it's un|ike|y that every printer of
this mode| has g|aring prob|ems,
or Canon wou|d have picked it up.
It's more |ike|y you have a mis-
ca|ibrated unit or your particu|ar
senings are triggering a prob|em.
But it sounds as if Canon's sup-
port stacou|d be more he|pfu|.
We do appreciate your writ-
ing in. If severa| peop|e draw
anention to the same product,
we'|| knowthere may be an issue.
Hot ticket
TimChater @IimchaIer
@macusermagazine Re iOS
8 device comaIibiliIy, is
le including Ihe 3rd gen iPad
when iI says 'wiIh ReIina dislay'?
MacUser @macusermagazine
@IimchaIer Yes Only caIch
is IhaI when running iOS 8
games Ihe iPad 3's surlace
IemeraIure will exceed 200C
Kidding! Uay noI be kidding
Say what now7
MacUser @macusermagazine
Federighi showing oh some
new console-qualiIy games
wiIh 'u Io 10x Ihe kind ol erlor-
mance' seen reviously He says
'Ien ex' . / #wwdc
e f
zo: \~cUsc
eith Martin

To the eder
Moose ain

Pete aw


Moose ain

Doin an iRossiter
nna Debenham

'roIaIes arm, pours beer down sell'.
eith Martin @IhaIkeiIh
problem. uI now you don'I
need Io be near me Io do iI Io me!
Whie you were in.
MaUser @mausermagazine
mazing sorI-ol-3DproduI-
reognising ash-suking
smarIphone mazon is launhing.
Hoin jones @CapInHollisIer
@mausermagazine ll you
miss a all, will iI leave a noIe
saying iI Iried buI no-one was home?
Coming soon7
Peter Cohen @largh
Fven aI 20 less, l'd be relu-
IanI Io geI a Ihird-gen pple
TV aI Ihis poinI - S proessor is
|usI Ioo long in Ihe IooIh.
Numbers game
MacUser @mausermagazine
ew 899 21.Sin ia has
same CP/CP as 899
11in aook ir, buI hard disk
insIead ol SSD, so iI'll leel slower.
MacUser @mausermagazine
899 ia's S00C HD an
be swapped lor 2S6C SSD
lor 200. uI no CP, CP or
Rupgrades. uh lasIer
1049 model is Ihe one Io pik.
Limp Biz Kit
joshua EIIis @|zellis
SIarIups are exaIly like
bands in Ihe 90s. a loI ol
people wanI Io be in Ihem Io
be rih and lamous despiIe having
no IalenI.
NeeIie says
NeeIie Kroes @eelieKroesF
You know Ihose annoying
'pre-Iiked boxes' on
shopping/Iravel websiIes? They're
banned in #F lrom Ioday [13/6]
Insider art
+ Macintosh @piraIxma
. )
cU UU: zo:

|ook w|ln |rorl

e summer ol 1999, SIeve |obs,
re-insIalled as pple CFO, had Iaken a
chainsaw Io Ihe compan's producI
lines. Cone were Ihe QuickTake
camera, Ihe LaserWriIer, Ihe SIle-
WriIer and Ihe NewIon UessagePad.
Licensed Uac clones and low-cosI
Perlormas were no more.
WhaI was lel could be neaIl
comparImenIalised inIo a Iwo-b-Iwo
maIrix. a pro deskIop, Ihe Power Uac,
a consumer deskIop, Ihe iUac, and
a pro noIebook, Ihe Powerook. ll
IhaI remained was someIhing Io hll
Ihe lourIh box, and b Ihe Iime |obs
Iook Ihe sIage in New York Io make
his kenoIe speech, Uacser and
Ihe resI ol Ihe audience preu much
knew whaI Io expecI. We'd even hired
a local phoIographer lor Ihe da Io
Iake picIures ol Ihe new low-cosI
porIable aler wresIling iI lrom an
pple emploee lor a lew minuIes.
Or we IhoughI we knew. WhaI
|obs unveiled shook up Ihe markeI lor
porIable compuIers ever biI as much
as Ihe iUac had Ihe deskIop secIor.
Derided laIer as Ihe 'IoileI seaI', Ihe
iook was Irul revoluIionar.
polcarboniIe and rubberised shell
was onl Ihe sIarI. lI had a handle.
handle! People had been making com-
puIers designed Io be carried around
lor ears, buI iI Iook pple Io build
in a handle. There was a charger wiIh
an inIegraIed cable Iid. The iook
iIsell had an LFD which pulsed genIl
when iI was asleep. nd iI didn'I have
a laIch on Ihe lid.
For all Ihose innovaIions, how-
ever, iI was |obs' 'one more Ihing' IhaI
da which reall goI Ihe audience
exciIed. Surhng beIween pple's
websiIe, CNN and Disne, he casu-
all picked up Ihe iook and walked
across Ihe sIage wiIh iI. Then, lrom
nowhere, he produced a hula hoop
and waved iI around Ihe iook Io
demonsIraIe whaI everone waIch-
ing had slowl realised. Ihe iook had
builI-in wireless neIworking. hrsI.
pple called iIs version ol
802.11b irPorI, and launched an
accompaning silver dome, Ihe
irPorI aseSIaIion, as an access
poinI lor wireless devices Io connecI
Io a wired neIwork and Ihe lnIerneI.
WiIhin monIhs, neIwork hard-
ware makers were launching PC cards
Io add wih Io lesser lapIops, and soon
prinIers and oIher peripherals were
shipping wiIh iI. uI in Ihe summer ol
1999, none ol us knew how imporIanI
wih would become in our lives. Uuch
like a ear earlier when pple had
puI S on Ihe iUac, iI Iook a leap
ol laiIh Io kick-sIarI Ihe indusIr and
bring in a new age ol surhng Ihe web
lrom our solas. kNNv uuruiLL


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.|es , c| e.s'e| 's . jccc t|'|j. It e.|s I c.| 'cc.s c| |.t
|e.'', .tte|s: t|e c|e.t'e (.|t. '.|c''|. -e||e
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