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BAILIFF: All rise for the honorable Judge Heavy.

MAYA: Hey! Thats not ni!e!

BAILIFF: "o...his na#e is a!tually Heavy.
$H%A&Y ta'es the stand( sto#)ing all the *hile. He )ounds on the des'( and
the BAILIFF runs a sandvi!h out to hi#. He ta'es a bite( and loo's around the
H%A&Y: ...entire !ourtroo# is BABI%,!
-H.%"I/: 01ell( *ere o2 to a great start...3
$4.5.T enters the !ourtroo#( si))ing his !o2ee+
4.5.T: 6o#e o2 it( Trite. 1e dont have ti#e to *aste.
-H.%"I/: 4odot7! 4u#shoe said %dge*orth *as the )lainti2 here!
48M,H.%: 8hhh...yeah( I *as *rong. ,orry.
4.5.T: 6an *e )ro!eed7 This tort is already going on too long.
MAYA: Tarts7! 1here7
-H.%"I/: Maya( tort( not tart. It #eans !ivil !ourt.
H%A&Y: 1hy are )uny babies tal'ing *hen arguing #ust ha))en7 ,TA9T TH%
$-H.%"I/ and 4.5.T shut u)+
H%A&Y: Better. "o*. Bring in :rst !ase.
$B.LI" and %,;A enter( both #oving to*ards the res)e!tive des's+
-H.%"I/: Huh...I li'e that guys hair. Might have to get so#e ti)s fro# hi#...
MAYA: 1o*( "i!'. You sound li'e su!h a girl.
-H.%"I/: Hey! -ro)er s)i'e !are is i#)ortant to a #ans re)utation*fulness!
B.LI": It is7 .h( good( then I# gonna be <uuuuuuuuuust :ne!
4.5.T: Hardly. =si)=
-H.%"I/: A"Y1AY! $gru#)y fa!e+ Mister Bolin( )lease state your reasoning
for sueing Miss %s'a today.
B.LI": 1ell( its not li'e I really *anted to( y'no*7 ,he *asnt really doing
anything *rong! I #ean( I <ust 'ind of *anted to get stu2 straightened out so
she *ould sto) being so i!y>bliss and stu2!
$%,;A stares ?atly at B.LI"( *ho shrin's do*n to hide behind MAYA+
B.LI": I #ean...I love you( )rin!ess! .f !ourse I didnt #ean to run a*ay fro#
the altar!
4.5.T: 1ell( if he didnt really #ean to( then it sounds li'e hes in the *rong
here. 6an *e *ra) this u)( Trite7
777 0Jinora3: .BJ%6TI."!
$JI".9A *al's into the !ourtroo#( holding her usual very>large>boo'( *ith
e)i! ;orra #usi! )laying in the ba!'ground+
H%A&Y: 1ho this7 1ho bring #ore babies to :ght7!
JI".9A: I# not the baby! I#...Bolins legal advisor!
B.LI": Y>you are7 .h( than' goodness( Jinora!
-H.%"I/: Yeah( right...the youngest )erson I 'no* *ho got their la* degree
*as Fran@is'a( I sin!erely doubt Y.8 !an best MY legal 'no*ledge.
$MAYA su))resses a laugh. -H.%"I/ glares at her( then loo's ba!' at JI".9A+
JI".9A: Ill have you 'no*( Mister 1right( that I studied a lot of #y fathers
boo's on !oun!il )ro!edures.
-H.%"I/: Thats..not even !lose! Judge( are you going to let this )ass7
H%A&Y: Leetle girl is !ute. ,he stay.
$JI".9A bea#s( and !lears her throat( o)ening her boo'+
JI".9A: I believe that #y !lient( one Bolin( *ishes to :le a restraining order
against one -rin!ess %s'a of the "orthern 1ater Tribe( due to a #ental
instability that has !aused Bolin a great deal of e#otional and #ental
distress. This restraining order shall establish t*o )rovisions: the Astay a*ayA
)rovision( in *hi!h the )lainti2 *ill agree to re#ain at least a t*o days travel
fro# the defendant at all ti#esB and the A!ease abuseA )rovision( in *hi!h the
)lainti2 *ill !ease any and all abusive a!tions to*ards the defendant(
in!luding but not li#ited to: for!ing the defendant to grovel and beg( !arry
her )osessions( buy her gifts for!efully( et !etera.
$The !ourtroo# falls silent. If needed( the s)ee!h !an be !ut o2 at any )oint+
-H.%"I/: ...ho..*ha...
MAYA: 1oo! 4o to)'not sis!
$JI".9A and MAYA high>:ve+
4.5.T: 1ell. This is an interesting turn. =si)= Miss %s'a( if you *ill.
$%,;A stands( and loo's at B.LI"+
%,;A: The restraining order is invalid. Bolin and I are betrothed. He ran a*ay
fro# the altar( and I si#)ly *ish to re!lai# hi# as #y o*n.
$%,;A sits ba!' do*n+
-H.%"I/: Thats it7 You !ant .1" hi#( hes his o*n )erson!
$B.LI" sha'es his head ra)idly at -H.%"I/( #a'ing eCaggerated A". ". ".A
JI".9A: 6o#e on( Bolin! ,)ea' your #ind!
B.LI": 8hhh...o'ay! 1ell...I tried to tell her that the s)ar' had gone fro# our
relationshi)( and she <ust )ut the betrothal ne!'la!e on #e! I <ust *anted to
brea' things o2( and no* I# doing *hat see#ed right. If she *ont leave #e
alone( then I gotta do it for her!
H%A&Y: %veryone ready7 &erdi!t... $)oints at %,;A+ ...she is s!ary. I feel for
s)i'y hair not>la*yer. He *in!

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