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Yellowfin BI Solution Praised as Pragmatic and Powerful by Butler Analytics

Global Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics software vendor, Yellowfin, has been praised for its
pragmatic, powerful and easy to use BI software in a comparative review of ! of the
world"s leading BI platforms conducted by independent software adviser, Butler #nalytics
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, July 17, !1" ## The Enterprise BI Platforms Compared report
ranked the globes foremost BI solutions across five core criteria Capability, Performance,
Etensibility, Productivity and !alue, a"arding #ello"fin the e$ual second highest overall rating of
%&' out of five&The highest overall rating achieved by any vendor included in the study "as %&( out
of five&
#ello"fin "as also the only vendor in the study to receive a perfect five out of five score for the
)Productivity* criteria, defined by Butler +nalytics as )the support a platform offers for productive
)#ello"fin BI provides a po"erful BI environment, "hich is also easy to use,* read the report&)This
is a rare combination and probably accounts for the various accolades it has ac$uired in recent
years& It provides dashboards, reporting, ,ata ,iscovery and visuali-ation tools, .toryboarding and
Collaborative BI as "ell as providing good /obile BI support&
)0e really like the practical, get things done nature of this product& It doesn1t carry the etra "eight
of some of the older BI platforms, and it isn1t focused on visual trivia as some of the ne"er products
#ello"fin C22, 3ustin 4e"itt, said that the results of the report reflected #ello"fins product and
go5to5market strategy&
)+t #ello"fin, "e take a very pragmatic, consumer5oriented approach to Business Intelligence, to
enable truly pervasive deployments and "idespread user adoption,* said 4e"itt&)0e kno" that
empo"ering as many people as possible to make better, faster fact5based decisions is crucial to
ensure strong 6eturn on Investment for BI&*
To access the full Butler +nalytics "rite5up on #ello"fin, 72 4E6E8
To read Butler +nalytics complete Enterprise BI Platforms Compared revie", 72 4E6E8
About Butler Analytics$
Butler +nalytics "as founded by /artin Butler, best kno"n as founder of Butler 7roup Europes
largest indigenous IT analyst firm until its ac$uisition by ,atamonitor in '::;&4e has spoken at
hundreds of conferences, advised many of the "orlds largest corporations, "ritten numerous
reports and been featured in various business and technology maga-ines&/artin has a B&.c in
theoretical physics and studied $uantum mechanics and general relativity for t"o years as a post5
Butler +nalytics deals eclusively "ith the role of information in business and at the present time
this means analytics&.ome may have noticed the ineorable drift from the traditional use of
technology as a means of automating business processes to its use as a means of providing
information&This is more significant than most appreciate, re$uiring ne" skills, a ne"
understanding of the role of technology in business, ne" strategies and a clear understanding of the
po"er of information in a business environment&<or more information, visit
About Yellowfin$
#ello"fin is a global Business Intelligence =BI> and analytics soft"are vendor passionate about
making BI easy& <ounded in '::( in response to the compleity and costs associated "ith
implementing and using traditional BI tools, #ello"fin is a highly intuitive ?:: percent 0eb5based
reporting and analytics solution& #ello"fin is a leader in mobile, collaborative and embeddable BI
as "ell as @ocation Intelligence and data visuali-ation& <or more information, visit
<or further media information, intervie"s, images or product demonstration, please contact8
@achlan 3ames, Communications /anager on AB? =:>( CB?D %E;%, AB? =:>%(? C(; B;C or
<or regular updates and ne"s, follo" #ello"fin on T"itter =G#ello"finBI>, @inkedIn =#ello"fin
Business Intelligence> or email prGyello"fin&bi to subscribe to #ello"fins free e5ne"sletter&
@achlan 3ames
@evel %B, (B: Eli-abeth .treet
/elbourne (:::, !ictoria, +ustralia
AB? =:>( CB?D %E;%

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