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Digested by: Rik Torres

Antonio vs Reyes
484 SCRA 353
On 6 December !!"# $etitioner married res$ondent be%ore a minister o% t&e 'os$e( at t&e
)ani(a City *a((# and t&ro+g& a s+bse,+ent c&+rc& -edding. On 8 )arc& !!3#
$etitioner %i(ed to ann+( t&e marriage anc&ored in Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code.
/etitioner c(aimed t&at res$ondent $ersistent(y (ied abo+t &erse(%# t&e $eo$(e aro+nd &er#
&er occ+$ation# income# ed+cationa( attainment and ot&er events or t&ings. S&e concea(ed
t&e e0istence o% &er i((egitimate son introd+cing t&e boy to $etitioner as t&e ado$ted c&i(d
o% &er %ami(y. S&e %abricated a story t&at &er brot&er1in1(a- attem$ted to ra$e and ki(( &er
-&en in %act# no s+c& incident occ+rred. S&e c(aimed t&at s&e is a $syc&o(ogist -&en s&e
is not. S&e c(aimed s&e is a singer -it& t&e a recording com$any and t&at s&e is t&e
(atter2s n+mber one money maker -&en s&e is not. S&e a(so s$end (avis&(y as o$$osed to
&er mont&(y income. S&e %abricates t&ings and $eo$(e on(y to serve &er make be(ieve
-or(d. S&e e0&ibited insec+rities and 3ea(o+sies over &im to t&e e0tent o% ca((ing +$ &is
o%%icemates to monitor &is -&ereabo+ts. 4n s+$$ort to &is $etition# $etitioner $resented
e0$erts Dr. Dante *errera Abcede and Dr. Arn+(%o 5 -&o $roved res$ondent6s
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity. Res$ondent arg+ed t&e a((egations and $resented Dr. Antonio
7%ren Reyes# to re%+te t&e a((egations concerning &er $syc&o(ogica( condition. C(inica(
$syc&iatrist# Dr. 8o$e9# observed t&at res$ondent2s $ersistent and constant (ying and &er
e0treme 3ea(o+sy -as abnorma( or $at&o(ogica(. T&+s it -as conc(+ded and estab(is&ed
based on t&e %oregoing t&at res$ondent -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to $er%orm &er
essentia( marita( ob(igations.T&e tria( co+rt r+(ed against $etitioner dec(aring t&e marriage
n+(( and void. T&e )atrimonia( Trib+na( o% t&e c&+rc& a(so ann+((ed t&e marriage and
-as a%%irmed by t&e 5atican2s Roman Rata. T&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s reversed t&e decision
&ence t&e a$$ea(.
:O; t&e state o% %acts as $resented by $etitioner s+%%icient(y meets t&e standards set %or
t&e dec(aration o% n+((ity o% a marriage +nder Artic(e36 o% t&e Fami(y Code
Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code states t&at <=a> marriage contracted by any $arty -&o# at
t&e time o% t&e ce(ebration# -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to com$(y -it& t&e
essentia( marita( ob(igations o% marriage# s&a(( (ike-ise be void even i% s+c& inca$acity
becomes mani%est on(y a%ter its so(emni9ation.< /syc&o(ogica( inca$acity $ertains to t&e
inabi(ity to +nderstand t&e ob(igations o% marriage as o$$osed to a mere inabi(ity to
com$(y -it& t&em. 4t mig&t seem t&at t&is +nderstanding o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity
deviates %rom t&e (itera( -ording o% Artic(e 36# -it& its centra( $&ase reading
<$syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to com$(y -it& t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations o%
marriage.< T&is notion is %+rt&er a%%irmed in t&e )o(ina Case -&ic& estab(is&ed t&e
g+ide(ines $resent(y recogni9ed in t&e 3+dicia( dis$osition o% $etitions %or n+((ity +nder
Artic(e 36.
First. /etitioner &ad $rovided s+%%icient evidence anent t&e $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity o%
&is s$o+se. A$art %rom &is o-n testimony# &e $resented credib(e -itnesses and $resented
t-o ?@A e0$ert -itnesses %rom t&e %ie(d o% $syc&o(ogy -&o testi%ied t&at t&e aberrant
be&avior o% res$ondent -as tantamo+nt to $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity.
Second. T&e root ca+se o% res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity &as been medica((y or
c(inica((y identi%ied# a((eged in t&e com$(aint# s+%%icient(y $roven by e0$erts# and c(ear(y
e0$(ained in t&e tria( co+rt2s decision.
T&ird. Res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity -as estab(is&ed to &ave c(ear(y e0isted at
t&e time o% and even be%ore t&e ce(ebration o% marriage.
Fo+rt&. T&e gravity o% res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity is s+%%icient to $rove &er
disabi(ity to ass+me t&e essentia( ob(igations o% marriage.
Fi%t&. Res$ondent is evident(y +nab(e to com$(y -it& t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations as
embraced by Artic(es 68 to B o% t&e Fami(y Code. 4t is di%%ic+(t to see &o- an inveterate
$at&o(ogica( (iar -o+(d be ab(e to commit to t&e basic tenets o% re(ations&i$ bet-een
s$o+ses based on (ove# tr+st and res$ect.
Si0t&. T&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s c(ear(y erred -&en it %ai(ed to take into consideration t&e %act
t&at t&e marriage o% t&e $arties -as ann+((ed by t&e Cat&o(ic C&+rc&. )o(ina &e(d t&at
inter$retations given by t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na( o% t&e Cat&o(ic
C&+rc& s&o+(d be given great res$ect by o+r co+rts.
Sevent&. T&e %ina( $oint o% contention is t&e re,+irement in )o(ina t&at s+c&
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity be s&o-n to be medica((y or c(inica((y $ermanent or inc+rab(e.
/etitioner $ointed o+t t&at &e ret+rned to &er# desiring to make t&eir marriage -ork.
*o-ever# res$ondent2s aberrant be&avior remained +nc&anged# %rom t&is %act# &e dra-s
t&e conc(+sion t&at res$ondent2s condition is inc+rab(e.
T&e S+$reme Co+rt &e(d t&at t&e $resent case s+%%icient(y satis%ied t&e g+ide(ines
in )o(ina# granted t&e $etition and t&e 3+dgment o% t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s -as reversed.

Re$+b(ic o% t&e /&i(i$$ines
T*4RD D454S4O;
'.R. ;o. 558"" )arc& "# @""6
87O;48O A;TO;4O /etitioner#
)AR47 45O;;7 F. R7D7S# Res$ondent.
D 7 C 4 S 4 O ;
T4;'A# J.:
Statistics never (ie# b+t (overs o%ten do# ,+i$$ed a sage. T&is sad tr+t& &as +nsett(ed many
a (ove trans%ormed into matrimony. Any sort o% dece$tion bet-een s$o+ses# no matter t&e
gravity# is a(-ays dis,+ieting. Deceit to t&e de$t& and breadt& +nvei(ed in t&e %o((o-ing
$ages# dark and irrationa( as in t&e modern noir ta(e# dims any trace o% certit+de on t&e
g+i(ty s$o+se2s ca$abi(ity to %+(%i(( t&e marita( ob(igations even more.
T&e /etition %or Revie- on Certiorari assai(s t&e Decision and Reso(+tion@ o% t&e
Co+rt o% A$$ea(s dated @! ;ovember @"" and @4 October @""@. T&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s
&ad reversed t&e 3+dgment3 o% t&e Regiona( Tria( Co+rt ?RTCA o% )akati dec(aring t&e
marriage o% 8eoni(o ;. Antonio ?$etitionerA and )arie 4vonne F. Reyes ?res$ondentA# n+((
and void. A%ter care%+( consideration# -e reverse and a%%irm instead t&e tria( co+rt.
Antecedent Facts
/etitioner and res$ondent met in A+g+st !8! -&en $etitioner -as @6 years o(d and
res$ondent -as 36 years o% age. Eare(y a year a%ter t&eir %irst meeting# t&ey got married
be%ore a minister o% t&e 'os$e(4 at t&e )ani(a City *a((# and t&ro+g& a s+bse,+ent
c&+rc& -edding5 at t&e Sta. Rosa de 8ima /aris&# Eagong 4(og# /asig# )etro )ani(a on
6 December !!".6 O+t o% t&eir +nion# a c&i(d -as born on ! A$ri( !!# -&o sad(y
died %ive ?5A mont&s (ater.
On 8 )arc& !!3#B $etitioner %i(ed a $etition to &ave &is marriage to res$ondent
dec(ared n+(( and void. *e anc&ored &is $etition %or n+((ity on Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y
Code a((eging t&at res$ondent -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to com$(y -it& t&e
essentia( ob(igations o% marriage. *e asserted t&at res$ondent2s inca$acity e0isted at t&e
time t&eir marriage -as ce(ebrated and sti(( s+bsists +$ to t&e $resent.8
As mani%estations o% res$ondent2s a((eged $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity# $etitioner c(aimed
t&at res$ondent $ersistent(y (ied abo+t &erse(%# t&e $eo$(e aro+nd &er# &er occ+$ation#
income# ed+cationa( attainment and ot&er events or t&ings# ! to -it:
?A S&e concea(ed t&e %act t&at s&e $revio+s(y gave birt& to an i((egitimate son#" and
instead introd+ced t&e boy to $etitioner as t&e ado$ted c&i(d o% &er %ami(y. S&e on(y
con%essed t&e tr+t& abo+t t&e boy2s $arentage -&en $etitioner (earned abo+t it %rom ot&er
so+rces a%ter t&eir marriage.
?@A S&e %abricated a story t&at &er brot&er1in1(a-# 7d-in David# attem$ted to ra$e and ki((
&er -&en in %act# no s+c& incident occ+rred.@
?3A S&e misre$resented &erse(% as a $syc&iatrist to &er obstetrician# Dr. Cons+e(o
'ardiner# and to(d some o% &er %riends t&at s&e grad+ated -it& a degree in $syc&o(ogy#
-&en s&e -as neit&er.3
?4A S&e c(aimed to be a singer or a %ree1(ance voice ta(ent a%%i(iated -it& E(ackgo(d
Recording Com$any ?E(ackgo(dAF yet# not a sing(e member o% &er %ami(y ever -itnessed
&er a((eged singing activities -it& t&e gro+$. 4n t&e same vein# s&e $ost+(ated t&at a
(+nc&eon s&o- -as &e(d at t&e /&i(i$$ine 5i((age *ote( in &er &onor and even $resented
an invitation to t&at e%%ect4 b+t $etitioner discovered $er certi%ication by t&e Director
o% Sa(es o% said &ote( t&at no s+c& occasion &ad taken $(ace.5
?5A S&e invented %riends named Eabes Santos and 5ia )ar,+e9# and +nder t&ose names#
sent (engt&y (etters to $etitioner c(aiming to be %rom E(ackgo(d and to+ting &er as t&e
<n+mber one moneymaker< in t&e commercia( ind+stry -ort& /@ mi((ion.6 /etitioner
(ater %o+nd o+t t&at res$ondent &erse(% -as t&e one -&o -rote and sent t&e (etters to &im
-&en s&e admitted t&e tr+t& in one o% t&eir ,+arre(s.B *e (ike-ise rea(i9ed t&at Eabes
Santos and 5ia )ar,+e9 -ere on(y %igments o% &er imagination -&en &e discovered t&ey
-ere not kno-n in or connected -it& E(ackgo(d.8
?6A S&e re$resented &erse(% as a $erson o% greater means# t&+s# s&e a(tered &er $ays(i$ to
make it a$$ear t&at s&e earned a &ig&er income. S&e bo+g&t a sa(a set %rom a $+b(ic
market b+t to(d $etitioner t&at s&e ac,+ired it %rom a %amo+s %+rnit+re dea(er.! S&e
s$ent (avis&(y on +nnecessary items and ended +$ borro-ing money %rom ot&er $eo$(e on
%a(se $rete0ts.@"
?BA S&e e0&ibited insec+rities and 3ea(o+sies over &im to t&e e0tent o% ca((ing +$ &is
o%%icemates to monitor &is -&ereabo+ts. :&en &e co+(d no (onger take &er +n+s+a(
be&avior# &e se$arated %rom &er in A+g+st !!. *e tried to attem$t a reconci(iation b+t
since &er be&avior did not c&ange# &e %ina((y (e%t &er %or good in ;ovember !!.@
4n s+$$ort o% &is $etition# $etitioner $resented Dr. Dante *errera Abcede ?Dr. AbcedeA# a
$syc&iatrist# and Dr. Arn+(%o 5.
8o$e9 ?Dr. 8o$e9A# a c(inica( $syc&o(ogist# -&o stated# based on t&e tests t&ey cond+cted#
t&at $etitioner -as essentia((y a norma(# intros$ective# s&y and conservative ty$e o%
$erson. On t&e ot&er &and# t&ey observed t&at res$ondent2s $ersistent and constant (ying
to $etitioner -as abnorma( or $at&o(ogica(. 4t +ndermined t&e basic re(ations&i$ t&at
s&o+(d be based on (ove# tr+st and res$ect.@@ T&ey %+rt&er asserted t&at res$ondent2s
e0treme 3ea(o+sy -as a(so $at&o(ogica(. 4t reac&ed t&e $oint o% $aranoia since t&ere -as
no act+a( basis %or &er to s+s$ect t&at $etitioner -as &aving an a%%air -it& anot&er -oman.
T&ey conc(+ded based on t&e %oregoing t&at res$ondent -as $syc&o(ogica((y
inca$acitated to $er%orm &er essentia( marita( ob(igations.@3
4n o$$osing t&e $etition# res$ondent c(aimed t&at s&e $er%ormed &er marita( ob(igations
by attending to a(( t&e needs o% &er &+sband. S&e asserted t&at t&ere -as no tr+t& to t&e
a((egation t&at s&e %abricated stories# to(d (ies and invented $ersona(ities.@4 S&e
$resented &er version# t&+s:
?A S&e concea(ed &er c&i(d by anot&er man %rom $etitioner beca+se s&e -as a%raid o%
(osing &er &+sband.@5
?@A S&e to(d $etitioner abo+t David2s attem$t to ra$e and ki(( &er beca+se s&e s+rmised
s+c& intent %rom David2s act o% to+c&ing &er back and og(ing &er %rom &ead to %oot.@6
?3A S&e -as act+a((y a ES Eanking and Finance grad+ate and &ad been teac&ing
$syc&o(ogy at t&e /asig Cat&o(ic Sc&oo( %or t-o ?@A years.@B
?4A S&e -as a %ree1(ance voice ta(ent o% Aris de (as A(as# an e0ec+tive $rod+cer o%
C&anne( ! and s&e &ad done t&ree ?3A commercia(s -it& )cCann 7rickson %or t&e
advertisement o% Coca1co(a# Go&nson H Go&nson# and Traders Roya( Eank. S&e to(d
$etitioner s&e -as a E(ackgo(d recording artist a(t&o+g& s&e -as not +nder contract -it&
t&e com$any# yet s&e re$orted to t&e E(ackgo(d o%%ice a%ter o%%ice &o+rs. S&e c(aimed t&at
a (+nc&eon s&o- -as indeed &e(d in &er &onor at t&e /&i(i$$ine 5i((age *ote( on 8
December !B!.@8
?5A S&e vo-ed t&at t&e (etters sent to $etitioner -ere not -ritten by &er and t&e -riters
t&ereo% -ere not %ictitio+s. Eea )ar,+e9 Recto o% t&e Recto $o(itica( c(an -as a resident
o% t&e Cnited States -&i(e Eabes Santos -as em$(oyed -it& Sani-ares.@!
?6A S&e admitted t&at s&e ca((ed +$ an o%%icemate o% &er &+sband b+t averred t&at s&e
mere(y asked t&e (atter in a di$(omatic matter i% s&e -as t&e one asking %or c&oco(ates
%rom $etitioner# and not to monitor &er &+sband2s -&ereabo+ts.3"
?BA S&e be(ied t&e a((egation t&at s&e s$ent (avis&(y as s&e s+$$orted a(most ten $eo$(e
%rom &er mont&(y b+dget o% /B#"""."".3
4n %ine# res$ondent arg+ed t&at a$art %rom &er non1disc(os+re o% a c&i(d $rior to t&eir
marriage# t&e ot&er (ies attrib+ted to &er by $etitioner -ere most(y &earsay and
+nconvincing. *er stance -as t&at t&e tota(ity o% t&e evidence $resented is not s+%%icient
%or a %inding o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity on &er $art.3@
4n addition# res$ondent $resented Dr. Antonio 7%ren Reyes ?Dr. ReyesA# a $syc&iatrist# to
re%+te t&e a((egations anent &er $syc&o(ogica( condition. Dr. Reyes testi%ied t&at t&e series
o% tests cond+cted by &is assistant#33 toget&er -it& t&e screening $roced+res and t&e
Com$re&ensive /syc&o1/at&o(ogica( Rating Sca(e ?C/RSA &e &imse(% cond+cted# (ed &im
to conc(+de t&at res$ondent -as not $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to $er%orm t&e
essentia( marita( ob(igations. *e $ost+(ated t&at regressive be&avior# gross ne+roticism#
$syc&otic tendencies# and $oor contro( o% im$+(ses# -&ic& are signs t&at mig&t $oint to
t&e $resence o% disab(ing trends# -ere not e(icited %rom res$ondent.34
4n reb+tta(# Dr. 8o$e9 asseverated t&at t&ere -ere %(a-s in t&e eva(+ation cond+cted by
Dr. Reyes as ?iA &e -as not t&e one -&o administered and inter$reted res$ondent2s
$syc&o(ogica( eva(+ation# and ?iiA &e made +se o% on(y one instr+ment ca((ed C/RS -&ic&
-as not re(iab(e beca+se a good (iar can %ake t&e res+(ts o% s+c& test.35
A%ter tria(# t&e (o-er co+rt gave credence to $etitioner2s evidence and &e(d t&at
res$ondent2s $ro$ensity to (ying abo+t a(most anyt&ingI&er occ+$ation# state o% &ea(t&#
singing abi(ities and &er income# among ot&ersI&ad been d+(y estab(is&ed. According to
t&e tria( co+rt# res$ondent2s %antastic abi(ity to invent and %abricate stories and
$ersona(ities enab(ed &er to (ive in a -or(d o% make1be(ieve. T&is made &er
$syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated as it rendered &er inca$ab(e o% giving meaning and
signi%icance to &er marriage.36 T&e tria( co+rt t&+s dec(ared t&e marriage bet-een
$etitioner and res$ondent n+(( and void.
S&ort(y be%ore t&e tria( co+rt rendered its decision# t&e )etro$o(itan Trib+na( o% t&e
Arc&diocese o% )ani(a ann+((ed t&e Cat&o(ic marriage o% t&e $arties# on t&e gro+nd o%
(ack o% d+e discretion on t&e $art o% t&e $arties.3B D+ring t&e $endency o% t&e a$$ea(
be%ore t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# t&e )etro$o(itan Trib+na(2s r+(ing -as a%%irmed -it&
modi%ication by bot& t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na(# -&ic& &e(d instead
t&at on(y res$ondent -as im$aired by a (ack o% d+e discretion.38 S+bse,+ent(y# t&e
decision o% t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na( -as +$&e(d by t&e Roman Rota
o% t&e 5atican.3!
/etitioner d+(y a(erted t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s o% t&ese r+(ings by t&e Cat&o(ic trib+na(s.
Sti((# t&e a$$e((ate co+rt reversed t&e RTC2s 3+dgment. :&i(e conceding t&at res$ondent
may not &ave been com$(ete(y &onest -it& $etitioner# t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s nevert&e(ess
&e(d t&at t&e tota(ity o% t&e evidence $resented -as ins+%%icient to estab(is& res$ondent2s
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity. 4t dec(ared t&at t&e re,+irements in t&e case o% Re$+b(ic v.
Co+rt o% A$$ea(s4" governing t&e a$$(ication and inter$retation o% $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity &ad not been satis%ied.
Taking e0ce$tion to t&e a$$e((ate co+rt2s $rono+ncement# $etitioner e(evated t&e case to
t&is Co+rt. *e contends &erein t&at t&e evidence conc(+sive(y estab(is& res$ondent2s
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity.
4n considering t&e merit o% t&is $etition# t&e Co+rt is &eavi(y in%(+enced by t&e credence
accorded by t&e RTC to t&e %act+a( a((egations o% $etitioner.4 4t is a sett(ed $rinci$(e o%
civi( $roced+re t&at t&e conc(+sions o% t&e tria( co+rt regarding t&e credibi(ity o% -itnesses
are entit(ed to great res$ect %rom t&e a$$e((ate co+rts beca+se t&e tria( co+rt &ad an
o$$ort+nity to observe t&e demeanor o% -itnesses -&i(e giving testimony -&ic& may
indicate t&eir candor or (ack t&ereo%.4@ T&e Co+rt is (ike-ise g+ided by t&e %act t&at t&e
Co+rt o% A$$ea(s did not dis$+te t&e veracity o% t&e evidence $resented by $etitioner.
4nstead# t&e a$$e((ate co+rt conc(+ded t&at s+c& evidence -as not s+%%icient to estab(is&
t&e $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity o% res$ondent.43
T&+s# t&e Co+rt is im$e((ed to acce$t t&e %act+a( version o% $etitioner as t&e o$erative
%acts. Sti((# t&e cr+cia( ,+estion remains as to -&et&er t&e state o% %acts as $resented by
$etitioner s+%%icient(y meets t&e standards set %or t&e dec(aration o% n+((ity o% a marriage
+nder Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code. T&ese standards -ere de%initive(y (aid do-n in t&e
Co+rt2s !!B r+(ing in Re$+b(ic v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s44 ?a(so kno-n as
t&e )o(ina case45 A# and indeed t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s cited t&e )o(ina g+ide(ines in
reversing t&e RTC in t&e case at bar.46 Since )o(ina-as decided in !!B# t&e S+$reme
Co+rt &as yet to s,+are(y a%%irm t&e dec(aration o% n+((ity o% marriage +nder Artic(e 36 o%
t&e Fami(y Code.4B 4n %act# even be%ore )o(ina -as &anded do-n# t&ere -as on(y one
case# C&i )ing Tsoi v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s#48 -&erein t&e Co+rt de%initive(y conc(+ded
t&at a s$o+se -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated +nder Artic(e 36.
T&is state o% 3+ris$r+dentia( a%%airs may &ave (ed to t&e mis$erce$tion t&at t&e remedy
a%%orded by Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code is &o((o-# inso%ar as t&e S+$reme Co+rt is
concerned.4! Det -&at )o(ina and t&e s+cceeding cases did ordain -as a set o%
g+ide(ines -&ic&# -&i(e +ndo+bted(y onero+s on t&e $etitioner seeking t&e dec(aration o%
n+((ity# sti(( (eave room %or a decree o% n+((ity +nder t&e $ro$er circ+mstances. )o(ina did
not %orec(ose t&e grant o% a decree o% n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36# even as it raised t&e bar %or
its a((o-ance.
8ega( '+ides to Cnderstanding Artic(e 36
Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code states t&at <=a> marriage contracted by any $arty -&o# at
t&e time o% t&e ce(ebration# -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to com$(y -it& t&e
essentia( marita( ob(igations o% marriage# s&a(( (ike-ise be void even i% s+c& inca$acity
becomes mani%est on(y a%ter its so(emni9ation.<5" T&e conce$t o% $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity as a gro+nd %or n+((ity o% marriage is nove( in o+r body o% (a-s# a(t&o+g&
menta( inca$acity &as (ong been recogni9ed as a gro+nd %or t&e disso(+tion o% a marriage.
T&e S$anis& Civi( Code o% 88! $ro&ibited %rom contracting marriage $ersons <-&o are
not in t&e %+(( en3oyment o% t&eir reason at t&e time o% contracting marriage.<5
)arriages -it& s+c& $ersons -ere ordained as void#5@ in t&e same c(ass as marriages
-it& +nderage $arties and $ersons a(ready married# among ot&ers. A $arty2s menta(
ca$acity -as not a gro+nd %or divorce +nder t&e Divorce 8a- o% !B#53 b+t a marriage
-&ere <eit&er $arty -as o% +nso+nd mind< at t&e time o% its ce(ebration -as cited as an
<ann+((ab(e marriage< +nder t&e )arriage 8a- o% !@!.54 Divorce on t&e gro+nd o% a
s$o+se2s inc+rab(e insanity -as $ermitted +nder t&e divorce (a- enacted d+ring t&e
Ga$anese occ+$ation.55 C$on t&e enactment o% t&e Civi( Code in !5"# a marriage
contracted by a $arty o% <+nso+nd mind< -as c(assi%ied +nder Artic(e 85 o% t&e Civi( Code
as a voidab(e marriage.56 T&e menta( ca$acity# or (ack t&ereo%# o% t&e marrying s$o+se
-as not among t&e gro+nds %or dec(aring a marriage void ab initio.5B Simi(ar(y# among
t&e marriages c(assi%ied as voidab(e +nder Artic(e 45 ?@A o% t&e Fami(y Code is one
contracted by a $arty o% +nso+nd mind.58
S+c& ca+se %or t&e ann+(ment o% marriage is recogni9ed as a vice o% consent# 3+st (ike
insanity im$inges on consent %ree(y given -&ic& is one o% t&e essentia( re,+isites o% a
contract.5! T&e initia( common consens+s on $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity +nder Artic(e 36
o% t&e Fami(y Code -as t&at it did not constit+te a s$ecie o% vice o% consent. G+stices
Sem$io1Diy and Cag+ioa# bot& members o% t&e Fami(y Code revision committee t&at
dra%ted t&e Code# &ave o$ined t&at $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity is not a vice o% consent# and
conceded t&at t&e s$o+se may &ave given %ree and vo(+ntary consent to a marriage b+t
-as nonet&e(ess inca$ab(e o% %+(%i((ing s+c& rig&ts and ob(igations.6" Dr. To(entino
(ike-ise stated in t&e !!" edition o% &is commentaries on t&e Fami(y Code t&at t&is
<$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity to com$(y -it& t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations does not a%%ect
t&e consent to t&e marriage.<6
T&ere -ere initia( criticisms o% t&is origina( +nderstanding o% Artic(e 36 as $&rased by t&e
Fami(y Code committee. To(entino o$ined t&at <$syc&o(ogica((y inca$acity to com$(y
-o+(d not be
3+ridica((y di%%erent %rom $&ysica( inca$acity o% cons+mmating t&e marriage# -&ic&
makes t&e marriage on(y voidab(e +nder Artic(e 45 ?5A o% t&e Civi( Code 0 0 0 =and t&+s>
s&o+(d &ave been a ca+se %or ann+(ment o% t&e marriage on(y.<6@ At t&e same time#
To(entino noted <=it> -o+(d be di%%erent i% it -ere $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity to +nderstand
t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations# beca+se t&en t&is -o+(d amo+nt to (ack o% consent to t&e
marriage.<63 T&ese concerns t&o+g& -ere ans-ered# beginning -it& Santos v. Co+rt o%
A$$ea(s#64 -&erein t&e Co+rt# t&ro+g& G+stice 5it+g# ackno-(edged t&at
<$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity s&o+(d re%er to no (ess t&an a menta( ?not $&ysica(A inca$acity
t&at ca+ses a $arty to be tr+(y incognitive o% t&e basic marita( covenants t&at
concomitant(y m+st be ass+med and disc&arged by t&e $arties to t&e marriage.<65
T&e notion t&at $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity $ertains to t&e inabi(ity to +nderstand t&e
ob(igations o% marriage# as o$$osed to a mere inabi(ity to com$(y -it& t&em# -as %+rt&er
a%%irmed in t&e )o(ina66 case. T&erein# t&e Co+rt# t&ro+g& t&en G+stice ?no- C&ie%
G+sticeA /anganiban observed t&at <=t>&e evidence =to estab(is& $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity>
m+st convince t&e co+rt t&at t&e $arties# or one o% t&em# -as menta((y or $syc&ica((y i(( to
s+c& e0tent t&at t&e $erson co+(d not &ave kno-n t&e ob(igations &e -as ass+ming# or
kno-ing t&em# co+(d not &ave given va(id ass+m$tion t&ereto.<6B G+ris$r+dence since
t&en &as recogni9ed t&at $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity <is a ma(ady so grave and $ermanent as
to de$rive one o% a-areness o% t&e d+ties and res$onsibi(ities o% t&e matrimonia( bond one
is abo+t to ass+me.<68
4t mig&t seem t&at t&is $resent +nderstanding o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity deviates %rom
t&e (itera( -ording o% Artic(e 36# -it& its centra( $&ase reading <$syc&o(ogica((y
inca$acitated to com$(y
-it& t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations o% marriage.<6! At t&e same time# it &as been
consistent(y recogni9ed by t&is Co+rt t&at t&e intent o% t&e Fami(y Code committee -as to
design t&e (a- as to a((o- some resi(iency in its a$$(ication# by avoiding s$eci%ic
e0am$(es t&at -o+(d (imit t&e a$$(icabi(ity o% t&e $rovision +nder t&e $rinci$(e o%e3+sdem
generis. Rat&er# t&e $re%erence o% t&e revision committee -as %or <t&e 3+dge to inter$ret
t&e $rovision ona case1to1case basis# g+ided by e0$erience# in t&e %indings o% e0$erts and
researc&ers in $syc&o(ogica( disci$(ines# and by decisions o% c&+rc& trib+na(s -&ic&#
a(t&o+g& not binding on
t&e civi( co+rts# may be given $ers+asive e%%ect since t&e $rovision -as taken %rom Canon
:e (ike-ise observed in Re$+b(ic v. Dagdag:B
:&et&er or not $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity e0ists in a given case ca((ing %or ann+(ment o% a
marriage# de$ends cr+cia((y# more t&an in any %ie(d o% t&e (a-# on t&e %acts o% t&e case.
7ac& case m+st be 3+dged# not on t&e basis o% a $riori ass+m$tions# $redi(ections or
genera(i9ations b+t according to its o-n %acts. 4n regard to $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity as a
gro+nd %or ann+(ment o% marriage# it is trite to say t&at no case is on <a(( %o+rs< -it&
anot&er case. T&e tria( 3+dge m+st take $ains in e0amining t&e %act+a( mi(ie+ and t&e
a$$e((ate co+rt m+st# as m+c& as $ossib(e# avoid s+bstit+ting its o-n 3+dgment %or t&at o%
t&e tria( co+rt.B@
T&e Co+rt t&+s ackno-(edges t&at t&e de%inition o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity# as intended
by t&e revision committee# -as not cast in intractab(e s$eci%ics. G+dicia( +nderstanding o%
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity may be in%ormed by evo(ving standards# taking into acco+nt t&e
$artic+(ars o% eac& case# c+rrent trends in $syc&o(ogica( and even canonica( t&o+g&t# and
e0$erience. 4t is +nder t&e a+s$ices o% t&e de(iberate ambig+ity o% t&e %ramers t&at t&e
Co+rt &as deve(o$ed t&e )o(ina r+(es# -&ic& &ave been consistent(y a$$(ied since
!!B. )o(ina &as $roven ind+bitab(y +se%+( in $roviding a +nitary %rame-ork t&at g+ides
co+rts in ad3+dicating $etitions %or dec(aration o% n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36. At t&e same
time# t&e )o(ina g+ide(ines are not set in stone# t&e c(ear (egis(ative intent mandating a
case1to1case $erce$tion o% eac& sit+ation# and )o(ina itse(% arising %rom t&is evo(+tionary
+nderstanding o% Artic(e 36. T&ere is no ca+se to disavo- )o(ina at $resent# and indeed
t&e dis$osition o% t&is case s&a(( re(y $rimari(y on t&at $recedent. T&ere is need t&o+g& to
em$&asi9e ot&er $ers$ectives as -e(( -&ic& s&o+(d govern t&e dis$osition o% $etitions %or
dec(aration o% n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36.
O% $artic+(ar notice &as been t&e citation o% t&e Co+rt# %irst in Santos t&en in )o(ina# o%
t&e considered o$inion o% canon (a- e0$erts in t&e inter$retation o% $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity. T&is is b+t +navoidab(e# considering t&at t&e Fami(y Code committee &ad
b(+nt(y ackno-(edged t&at t&e conce$t o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity -as derived %rom
canon (a-#B3 and as one member admitted# enacted as a so(+tion to t&e $rob(em o%
marriages a(ready ann+((ed by t&e Cat&o(ic C&+rc& b+t sti(( e0istent +nder civi( (a-.B4
4t -o+(d be disingen+o+s to disregard t&e in%(+ence o% Cat&o(ic C&+rc& doctrine in t&e
%orm+(ation and s+bse,+ent +nderstanding o% Artic(e 36# and t&e Co+rt &as e0$ress(y
ackno-(edged t&at inter$retations given by t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na(
o% t&e (oca( C&+rc&# -&i(e not contro((ing or decisive# s&o+(d be given great res$ect by
o+r co+rts.B5 Sti((# it m+st be em$&asi9ed t&at t&e Cat&o(ic C&+rc& is &ard(y t&e so(e
so+rce o% in%(+ence in t&e inter$retation o% Artic(e 36. 7ven t&o+g& t&e conce$t may &ave
been derived %rom canon (a-# its incor$oration into t&e Fami(y Code and s+bse,+ent
3+dicia( inter$retation occ+rred in -&o((y sec+(ar $rogression. 4ndeed# -&i(e C&+rc&
t&o+g&t on $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity is mere(y $ers+asive on t&e tria( co+rts# 3+dicia(
decisions o% t&is Co+rt inter$reting $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity are binding on (o-er
;o- is a(so o$$ort+ne time to comment on anot&er common (ega( g+ide +ti(i9ed in t&e
ad3+dication o% $etitions %or dec(aration o% n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36. A(( too %re,+ent(y# t&is
Co+rt and (o-er co+rts# in denying $etitions o% t&e kind# &ave %avorab(y cited Sections
and @# Artic(e J5 o% t&e Constit+tion# -&ic& res$ective(y state t&at <=t>&e State recogni9es
t&e Fi(i$ino %ami(y as t&e %o+ndation o% t&e nation. According(y# it s&a(( strengt&en its
so(idarity and active(y $romote its tota( deve(o$men=t>#< and t&at <=m>arriage# as an
invio(ab(e socia( instit+tion# is t&e %o+ndation o% t&e %ami(y and s&a(( be $rotected by t&e
State.< T&ese $rovisions &ig&(ig&t t&e im$ortance o% t&e %ami(y and t&e constit+tiona(
$rotection accorded to t&e instit+tion o% marriage.
E+t t&e Constit+tion itse(% does not estab(is& t&e $arameters o% state $rotection to
marriage as a socia( instit+tion and t&e %o+ndation o% t&e %ami(y. 4t remains t&e $rovince
o% t&e (egis(at+re to de%ine a(( (ega( as$ects o% marriage and $rescribe t&e strategy and t&e
moda(ities to $rotect it# based on -&atever socio1$o(itica( in%(+ences it deems $ro$er# and
s+b3ect o% co+rse to t&e ,+a(i%ication t&at s+c& (egis(ative enactment itse(% ad&eres to t&e
Constit+tion and t&e Ei(( o% Rig&ts. T&is being t&e case# it a(so %a((s on t&e (egis(at+re to
$+t into o$eration t&e constit+tiona( $rovisions t&at $rotect marriage and t&e %ami(y. T&is
&as been accom$(is&ed at $resent t&ro+g& t&e enactment o% t&e Fami(y Code# -&ic&
de%ines marriage and t&e %ami(y# s$e((s o+t t&e corres$onding (ega( e%%ects# im$oses t&e
(imitations t&at a%%ect married and %ami(y (i%e# as -e(( as $rescribes t&e gro+nds %or
dec(aration o% n+((ity and t&ose %or (ega( se$aration. :&i(e it may a$$ear t&at t&e 3+dicia(
denia( o% a $etition %or dec(aration o% n+((ity is re%(ective o% t&e constit+tiona( mandate to
$rotect marriage# s+c& action in %act mere(y en%orces a stat+tory de%inition o% marriage#
not a constit+tiona((y ordained decree o% -&at marriage is. 4ndeed# i% circ+mstances
-arrant# Sections and @ o% Artic(e J5 need not be t&e on(y constit+tiona( considerations
to be taken into acco+nt in reso(ving a $etition %or dec(aration o% n+((ity.
4ndeed# Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code# in c(assi%ying marriages contracted by a
$syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated $erson as a n+((ity# s&o+(d be deemed as an im$(ement o%
t&is constit+tiona( $rotection o% marriage. 'iven t&e avo-ed State interest in $romoting
marriage as t&e %o+ndation o% t&e %ami(y# -&ic& in t+rn serves as t&e %o+ndation o% t&e
nation# t&ere is a corres$onding interest %or t&e State to de%end against marriages i((1
e,+i$$ed to $romote %ami(y (i%e. 5oid ab initio marriages +nder Artic(e 36 do not %+rt&er
t&e initiatives o% t&e State concerning marriage and %ami(y# as t&ey $romote -ed(ock
among $ersons -&o# %or reasons inde$endent o% t&eir -i((# are not ca$acitated to
+nderstand or com$(y -it& t&e essentia( ob(igations o% marriage.
T&ese are t&e (ega( $remises t&at in%orm +s as -e decide t&e $resent $etition.
)o(ina '+ide(ines As A$$(ied in T&is Case
As stated ear(ier# )o(ina estab(is&ed t&e g+ide(ines $resent(y recogni9ed in t&e 3+dicia(
dis$osition o% $etitions %or n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36. T&e Co+rt &as consistent(y
a$$(ied )o(ina since its $rom+(gation in !!B# and t&e g+ide(ines t&erein o$erate as t&e
genera( r+(es. T&ey -arrant citation in %+((:
A T&e b+rden o% $roo% to s&o- t&e n+((ity o% t&e marriage be(ongs to t&e $(ainti%%.
Any do+bt s&o+(d be reso(ved in %avor o% t&e e0istence and contin+ation o% t&e
marriage and against its disso(+tion and n+((ity. T&is is rooted in t&e %act t&at bot&
o+r Constit+tion and o+r (a-s c&eris& t&e va(idity o% marriage and +nity o% t&e
%ami(y. T&+s# o+r Constit+tion devotes an entire Artic(e on t&e Fami(y# recogni9ing
it <as t&e %o+ndation o% t&e nation.< 4t decrees marriage as (ega((y <invio(ab(e#<
t&ereby $rotecting it %rom disso(+tion at t&e -&im o% t&e $arties. Eot& t&e %ami(y
and marriage are to be <$rotected<2 by t&e state.
T&e Fami(y Code ec&oes t&is constit+tiona( edict on marriage and t&e %ami(y and
em$&asi9es t&eir $ermanence# invio(abi(ity and so(idarity.
@A T&e root ca+se o% t&e $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity m+st be: ?aA medica((y or
c(inica((y identi%ied# ?bA a((eged in t&e com$(aint# ?cA s+%%icient(y $roven by
e0$erts and ?dA c(ear(y e0$(ained in t&e decision. Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code
re,+ires t&at t&e inca$acity m+st be $syc&o(ogica(Knot $&ysica(# a(t&o+g& its
mani%estations andLor sym$toms may be $&ysica(. T&e evidence m+st convince
t&e co+rt t&at t&e $arties# or one o% t&em# -as menta((y or $syc&ica((y i(( to s+c&
an e0tent t&at t&e $erson co+(d not &ave kno-n t&e ob(igations &e -as ass+ming#
or kno-ing t&em# co+(d not &ave given va(id ass+m$tion t&ereo%. A(t&o+g& no
e0am$(e o% s+c& inca$acity need be given &ere so as not to (imit t&e a$$(ication o%
t&e $rovision +nder t&e $rinci$(e o%e3+sdem generis# nevert&e(ess s+c& root ca+se
m+st be identi%ied as a $syc&o(ogica( i((ness and its inca$acitating nat+re %+((y
e0$(ained. 70$ert evidence may be given by ,+a(i%ied $syc&iatrists and c(inica(
3A T&e inca$acity m+st be $roven to be e0isting at <t&e time o% t&e ce(ebration< o%
t&e marriage. T&e evidence m+st s&o- t&at t&e i((ness -as e0isting -&en t&e
$arties e0c&anged t&eir <4 do2s.< T&e mani%estation o% t&e i((ness need not be
$erceivab(e at s+c& time# b+t t&e i((ness itse(% m+st &ave attac&ed at s+c& moment#
or $rior t&ereto.
4A S+c& inca$acity m+st a(so be s&o-n to be medica((y or c(inica((y $ermanent or
inc+rab(e. S+c& inc+rabi(ity may be abso(+te or even re(ative on(y in regard to t&e
ot&er s$o+se# not necessari(y abso(+te(y against everyone o% t&e same se0.
F+rt&ermore# s+c& inca$acity m+st be re(evant to t&e ass+m$tion o% marriage
ob(igations# not necessari(y to t&ose not re(ated to marriage# (ike t&e e0ercise o% a
$ro%ession or em$(oyment in a 3ob. *ence# a $ediatrician may be e%%ective in
diagnosing i((nesses o% c&i(dren and $rescribing medicine to c+re t&em b+t not be
$syc&o(ogica((y ca$acitated to $rocreate# bear and raise &isL&er o-n c&i(dren as an
essentia( ob(igation o% marriage.
5A S+c& i((ness m+st be grave eno+g& to bring abo+t t&e disabi(ity o% t&e $arty to
ass+me t&e essentia( ob(igations o% marriage. T&+s# <mi(d c&aracterio(ogica(
$ec+(iarities# mood c&anges# occasiona( emotiona( o+tb+rsts< cannot be acce$ted
as root ca+ses. T&e i((ness m+st be s&o-n as do-nrig&t inca$acity or inabi(ity# not
a re%+sa(# neg(ect or di%%ic+(ty# m+c& (ess i(( -i((. 4n ot&er -ords# t&ere is a nata( or
s+$ervening disab(ing %actor in t&e $erson# an adverse integra( e(ement in t&e
$ersona(ity str+ct+re t&at e%%ective(y inca$acitates t&e $erson %rom rea((y
acce$ting and t&ereby com$(ying -it& t&e ob(igations essentia( to marriage.
6A T&e essentia( marita( ob(igations m+st be t&ose embraced by Artic(es 68 +$ to
B o% t&e Fami(y Code as regards t&e &+sband and -i%e as -e(( as Artic(es @@"#
@@ and @@5 o% t&e same Code in regard to $arents and t&eir c&i(dren. S+c& non1
com$(ied marita( ob(igation?sA m+st a(so be stated in t&e $etition# $roven by
evidence and inc(+ded in t&e te0t o% t&e decision.
BA 4nter$retations given by t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na( o% t&e
Cat&o(ic C&+rc& in t&e /&i(i$$ines# -&i(e not contro((ing or decisive# s&o+(d be
given great res$ect by o+r co+rts. 4t is c(ear t&at Artic(e 36 -as taken by t&e
Fami(y Code Revision Committee %rom Canon "!5 o% t&e ;e- Code o% Canon
8a-# -&ic& became e%%ective in !83 and -&ic& $rovides:
<T&e %o((o-ing are inca$ab(e o% contracting marriage: T&ose -&o are +nab(e to ass+me
t&e essentia( ob(igations o% marriage d+e to ca+ses o% $syc&o(ogica( nat+re.<
Since t&e $+r$ose o% inc(+ding s+c& $rovision in o+r Fami(y Code is to &armoni9e o+r
civi( (a-s -it& t&e re(igio+s %ait& o% o+r $eo$(e# it stands to reason t&at to ac&ieve s+c&
&armoni9ation# great $ers+asive -eig&t s&o+(d be given to decisions o% s+c& a$$e((ate
trib+na(. 4dea((yMs+b3ect to o+r (a- on evidenceM-&at is decreed as canonica((y inva(id
s&o+(d a(so be decreed civi((y void.BB
)o(ina &ad $rovided %or an additiona( re,+irement t&at t&e So(icitor 'enera( iss+e a
certi%ication stating &is reasons %or &is agreement or o$$osition to t&e $etition.B8 T&is
re,+irement &o-ever -as dis$ensed -it& %o((o-ing t&e im$(ementation o% A.). ;o. "@1
1"1SC# or t&e R+(e on Dec(aration o% Abso(+te ;+((ity o% 5oid )arriages and
Ann+(ment o% 5oidab(e )arriages.B! Sti((# Artic(e 48 o% t&e Fami(y Code mandates t&at
t&e a$$earance o% t&e $rosec+ting attorney or %isca( assigned be on be&a(% o% t&e State to
take ste$s to $revent co((+sion bet-een t&e $arties and to take care t&at evidence is not
%abricated or s+$$ressed. Obvio+s(y# co((+sion is not an iss+e in t&is case# considering t&e
consistent vigoro+s o$$osition o% res$ondent to t&e $etition %or dec(aration o% n+((ity. 4n
any event# t&e %isca(2s $artici$ation in t&e &earings be%ore t&e tria( co+rt is e0tant %rom t&e
records o% t&is case.
As ear(ier noted# t&e %act+a( %indings o% t&e RTC are no- deemed binding on t&is Co+rt#
o-ing to t&e great -eig&t accorded to t&e o$inion o% t&e $rimary trier o% %acts# and t&e
re%+sa( o% t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s to dis$+te t&e veracity o% t&ese %acts. As s+c&# it m+st be
considered t&at res$ondent &ad consistent(y (ied abo+t many materia( as$ects as to &er
c&aracter and $ersona(ity. T&e ,+estion remains -&et&er &er $attern o% %abrication
s+%%icient(y estab(is&es &er $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity# consistent -it& Artic(e 36 and
genera((y# t&e )o(ina g+ide(ines.
:e %ind t&at t&e $resent case s+%%icient(y satis%ies t&e g+ide(ines in )o(ina.
First. /etitioner &ad s+%%icient(y overcome &is b+rden in $roving t&e $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity o% &is s$o+se. A$art %rom &is o-n testimony# &e $resented -itnesses -&o
corroborated &is a((egations on &is -i%e2s be&avior# and certi%ications %rom E(ackgo(d
Records and t&e /&i(i$$ine 5i((age *ote( /avi((on -&ic& dis$+ted res$ondent2s c(aims
$ertinent to &er a((eged singing career. *e a(so $resented t-o ?@A e0$ert -itnesses %rom
t&e %ie(d o% $syc&o(ogy -&o testi%ied t&at t&e aberrant be&avior o% res$ondent -as
tantamo+nt to $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity. 4n any event# bot& co+rts be(o- considered
$etitioner2s evidence as credib(e eno+g&. 7ven t&e a$$e((ate co+rt ackno-(edged t&at
res$ondent -as not tota((y &onest -it& $etitioner.8"
As in a(( civi( matters# t&e $etitioner in an action %or dec(aration o% n+((ity +nder Artic(e
36 m+st be ab(e to estab(is& t&e ca+se o% action -it& a $re$onderance o% evidence.
*o-ever# since t&e action cannot be considered as a non1$+b(ic matter bet-een $rivate
$arties# b+t is im$ressed -it& State interest# t&e Fami(y Code (ike-ise re,+ires t&e
$artici$ation o% t&e State# t&ro+g& t&e $rosec+ting attorney# %isca(# or So(icitor 'enera(# to
take ste$s to $revent co((+sion bet-een t&e $arties and to take care t&at evidence is not
%abricated or s+$$ressed. T&+s# even i% t&e $etitioner is ab(e estab(is& t&e $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity o% res$ondent -it& $re$onderant evidence# any %inding o% co((+sion among t&e
$arties -o+(d necessari(y negate s+c& $roo%s.
Second. T&e root ca+se o% res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity &as been medica((y or
c(inica((y identi%ied# a((eged in t&e com$(aint# s+%%icient(y $roven by e0$erts# and c(ear(y
e0$(ained in t&e tria( co+rt2s decision. T&e initiatory com$(aint a((eged t&at res$ondent#
%rom t&e start# &ad e0&ibited +n+s+a( and abnorma( be&avior <o% $eren=n>ia((y te((ing (ies#
%abricating ridic+(o+s stories# and inventing $ersona(ities and sit+ations#< o% -riting
(etters to $etitioner +sing %ictitio+s names# and o% (ying abo+t &er act+a( occ+$ation#
income# ed+cationa( attainment# and %ami(y backgro+nd# among ot&ers.8
T&ese a((egations# initia((y c&aracteri9ed in genera(ities# -ere %+rt&er (inked to medica( or
c(inica( ca+ses by e0$ert -itnesses %rom t&e %ie(d o% $syc&o(ogy. /etitioner $resented t-o
?@A s+c& -itnesses in $artic+(ar. Dr. Abcede# a $syc&iatrist -&o &ad &eaded t&e
de$artment o% $syc&iatry o% at (east t-o ?@A ma3or &os$ita(s#8@ testi%ied as %o((o-s:
'iven t&at as a %act# -&ic& is on(y based on t&e a%%idavit $rovided to me# 4 can say t&at
t&ere are a co+$(e o% t&ings t&at =are> terrib(y -rong -it& t&e standards. T&ere are a
co+$(e o% t&ings t&at seems ?sicA to be re$eated over and over again in t&e a%%idavit. One
o% -&ic& is t&e $ersistent# constant and re$eated (ying o% t&e <res$ondent<F -&ic&# 4 t&ink#
based on assessment o% norma( be&avior o% an individ+a(# is abnorma( or $at&o(ogica(. 0 0
ATTD. RAN: ?Eack to t&e -itnessA
O1 :o+(d yo+ say t&en# )r. -itness# t&at beca+se o% t&ese act+ations o% t&e res$ondent
s&e is t&en inca$ab(e o% $er%orming t&e basic ob(igations o% &er marriageP
A1 :e((# $ersistent (ying vio(ates t&e res$ect t&at one o-es to-ards anot&er. T&e (ack o%
concern# t&e (ack o% (ove to-ards t&e $erson# and it is a(so somet&ing t&at endangers
&+man re(ations&i$. Do+ see# re(ations&i$ is based on comm+nication bet-een individ+a(s
and -&at -e genera((y comm+nicate are o+r t&o+g&ts and %ee(ings. E+t t&en -&en one
ta(ks and e0$resse=s> t&eir %ee(ings# =yo+> are e0$ected to te(( t&e tr+t&. And t&ere%ore# i%
yo+ constant(y (ie# -&at do yo+ t&ink is going to &a$$en as %ar as t&is re(ations&i$ is
concerned. T&ere%ore# it +ndermines t&at basic re(ations&i$ t&at s&o+(d be based on (ove#
tr+st and res$ect.
O1 :o+(d yo+ say t&en# )r. -itness# t&at d+e to t&e be&avior o% t&e res$ondent in
constant(y (ying and %abricating stories# s&e is t&en inca$ab(e o% $er%orming t&e basic
ob(igations o% t&e marriageP
0 0 0
ATTD. RAN: ?Eack to t&e -itnessA
O1 )r. -itness# based on t&e testimony o% )r. 8evy )endo9a# -&o is t&e t&ird -itness
%or t&e $etitioner# testi%ied t&at t&e res$ondent &as been ca((ing +$ t&e $etitioner2s
o%%icemates and ask &im ?sicA on t&e activities o% t&e $etitioner and ask &im on t&e
be&avior o% t&e $etitioner. And t&is is s$eci%ica((y stated on $age si0 ?6A o% t&e transcri$t
o% stenogra$&ic notes# -&at can yo+ say abo+t t&is# )r. -itnessP
A1 4% an individ+a( is 3ea(o+s eno+g& to t&e $oint t&at &e is $aranoid# -&ic& means t&at
t&ere is no act+a( basis on &er s+s$ect ?sicA t&at &er &+sband is &aving an a%%air -it& a
-oman# i% carried on to t&e e0treme# t&en t&at is $at&o(ogica(. T&at is not abnorma(. :e
a(( %ee( 3ea(o+s# in t&e same -ay as -e a(so (ie every no- and t&enF b+t everyt&ing t&at is
carried o+t in e0treme is abnorma( or $at&o(ogica(. 4% t&ere is no basis in rea(ity to t&e %act
t&at t&e &+sband is &aving an a%%air -it& anot&er -oman and i% s&e $ersistent(y be(ieves
t&at t&e &+sband is &aving an a%%air -it& di%%erent -omen# t&en t&at is $at&o(ogica( and
-e ca(( t&at $aranoid 3ea(o+sy.
O1 ;o-# i% a $erson is in $aranoid 3ea(o+sy# -o+(d s&e be considered $syc&o(ogica((y
inca$acitated to $er%orm t&e basic ob(igations o% t&e marriageP
A1 Des# )a2am.83
T&e ot&er -itness# Dr. 8o$e9# -as $resented to estab(is& not on(y t&e $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity o% res$ondent# b+t a(so t&e $syc&o(ogica( ca$acity o% $etitioner. *e conc(+ded
t&at res$ondent <is =a> $at&o(ogica( (iar# t&at =s&e contin+es> to (ie =and> s&e (oves to
%abricate abo+t &erse(%.<84
T&ese t-o -itnesses based t&eir conc(+sions o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity on t&e case
record# $artic+(ar(y t&e tria( transcri$ts o% res$ondent2s testimony# as -e(( as t&e
s+$$orting a%%idavits o% $etitioner. :&i(e t&ese -itnesses did not $ersona((y e0amine
res$ondent# t&e Co+rt &ad a(ready &e(d in )arcos v. )arcos85 t&at $ersona(
e0amination o% t&e s+b3ect by t&e $&ysician is not re,+ired %or t&e s$o+se to be dec(ared
$syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated.86 :e deem t&e met&odo(ogy +ti(i9ed by $etitioner2s
-itnesses as s+%%icient basis %or t&eir medica( conc(+sions. Admitted(y# Drs. Abcede and
8o$e92s common conc(+sion o% res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity &inged &eavi(y on
t&eir o-n acce$tance o% $etitioner2s version as t&e tr+e set o% %acts. *o-ever# since t&e
tria( co+rt itse(% acce$ted t&e veracity o% $etitioner2s %act+a( $remises# t&ere is no ca+se to
dis$+te t&e conc(+sion o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity dra-n t&ere%rom by $etitioner2s e0$ert
A(so# -it& t&e tota(ity o% t&e evidence $resented as basis# t&e tria( co+rt e0$(icated its
%inding o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity in its decision in t&is -ise:
To t&e mind o% t&e Co+rt# a(( o% t&e above are indications t&at res$ondent is
$syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to $er%orm t&e essentia( ob(igations o% marriage. 4t &as been
s&o-n c(ear(y %rom &er act+ations t&at res$ondent &as t&at $ro$ensity %or te((ing (ies
abo+t a(most anyt&ing# be it &er occ+$ation# &er state o% &ea(t&# &er singing abi(ities# &er
income# etc. S&e &as t&is %antastic abi(ity to invent and %abricate stories and $ersona(ities.
S&e $ractica((y (ived in a -or(d o% make be(ieve making &er t&ere%ore not in a $osition to
give meaning and signi%icance to &er marriage to $etitioner. 4n $ersistent(y and constant(y
(ying to $etitioner# res$ondent +ndermined t&e basic tenets o% re(ations&i$ bet-een
s$o+ses t&at is based on (ove# tr+st and res$ect. As conc(+ded by t&e $syc&iatrist
$resented by $etitioner# s+c& re$eated (ying is abnorma( and $at&o(ogica( and amo+nts to
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity.8B
T&ird. Res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity -as estab(is&ed to &ave c(ear(y e0isted at
t&e time o% and even be%ore t&e ce(ebration o% marriage. S&e %abricated %riends and made
+$ (etters %rom %ictitio+s c&aracters -e(( be%ore s&e married $etitioner. 8ike-ise# s&e ke$t
$etitioner in t&e dark abo+t &er nat+ra( c&i(d2s rea( $arentage as s&e on(y con%essed -&en
t&e (atter &ad %o+nd o+t t&e tr+t& a%ter t&eir marriage.
Fo+rt&. T&e gravity o% res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity is s+%%icient to $rove &er
disabi(ity to ass+me t&e essentia( ob(igations o% marriage. 4t is immediate(y discernib(e
t&at t&e $arties &ad s&ared on(y a (itt(e over a year o% co&abitation be%ore t&e e0as$erated
$etitioner (e%t &is -i%e. :&atever s+c& circ+mstance s$eaks o% t&e degree o% to(erance o%
$etitioner# it (ike-ise s+$$orts t&e be(ie% t&at res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity# as
borne by t&e record# -as so grave in e0tent t&at any $ro(onged marita( (i%e -as d+bitab(e.
4t s&o+(d be noted t&at t&e (ies attrib+ted to res$ondent -ere not ado$ted as %a(se
$retenses in order to ind+ce $etitioner into marriage. )ore dist+rbing(y# t&ey indicate a
%ai(+re on t&e $art o% res$ondent to disting+is& tr+t& %rom %iction# or at (east abide by t&e
tr+t&. /etitioner2s -itnesses and t&e tria( co+rt -ere em$&atic on res$ondent2s inveterate
$roc(ivity to te((ing (ies and t&e $at&o(ogic nat+re o% &er mistr+t&s# -&ic& according to
t&em# -ere reve(atory o% res$ondent2s inabi(ity to +nderstand and $er%orm t&e essentia(
ob(igations o% marriage. 4ndeed# a $erson +nab(e to disting+is& bet-een %antasy and
rea(ity -o+(d simi(ar(y be +nab(e to com$re&end t&e (ega( nat+re o% t&e marita( bond#
m+c& (ess its $syc&ic meaning# and t&e corres$onding ob(igations attac&ed to marriage#
inc(+ding $arenting. One +nab(e to ad&ere to rea(ity cannot be e0$ected to ad&ere as -e((
to any (ega( or emotiona( commitments.
T&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s some&o- conc(+ded t&at since res$ondent a((eged(y tried &er best
to e%%ect a reconci(iation# s&e &ad am$(y e0&ibited &er abi(ity to $er%orm &er marita(
ob(igations. :e are not convinced. 'iven t&e nat+re o% &er $syc&o(ogica( condition# &er
-i((ingness to remain in t&e marriage &ard(y banis&es nay e0ten+ates &er (ack o% ca$acity
to %+(%i(( t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations. Res$ondent2s abi(ity to even com$re&end -&at
t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations are is im$aired at best. Considering t&at t&e evidence
convincing(y dis$+tes res$ondent2s abi(ity to ad&ere to t&e tr+t&# &er avo-a(s as to &er
commitment to t&e marriage cannot be accorded m+c& credence.
At t&is $oint# it is -ort& considering Artic(e 45?3A o% t&e Fami(y Code -&ic& states t&at a
marriage may be ann+((ed i% t&e consent o% eit&er $arty -as obtained by %ra+d# and Artic(e
46 -&ic& en+merates t&e circ+mstances constit+ting %ra+d +nder t&e $revio+s artic(e#
c(ari%ies t&at <no ot&er misre$resentation or deceit as to c&aracter# &ea(t&# rank# %ort+ne or
c&astity s&a(( constit+te s+c& %ra+d as -i(( give gro+nds %or action %or t&e ann+(ment o%
marriage.< 4t -o+(d be im$ro$er to dra- (inkages bet-een misre$resentations made by
res$ondent and t&e misre$resentations +nder Artic(es 45 ?3A and 46. T&e %ra+d +nder
Artic(e 45?3A vitiates t&e consent o% t&e s$o+se -&o is (ied to# and does not a((+de to
vitiated consent o% t&e (ying s$o+se. 4n t&is case# t&e misre$resentations o% res$ondent
$oint to &er o-n inade,+acy to co$e -it& &er marita( ob(igations# kindred to
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity +nder Artic(e 36.
Fi%t&. Res$ondent is evident(y +nab(e to com$(y -it& t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations as
embraced by Artic(es 68 to B o% t&e Fami(y Code. Artic(e 68# in $artic+(ar# en3oins t&e
s$o+ses to (ive toget&er# observe m+t+a( (ove# res$ect and %ide(ity# and render m+t+a( &e($
and s+$$ort. As noted by t&e tria( co+rt# it is di%%ic+(t to see &o- an inveterate
$at&o(ogica( (iar -o+(d be ab(e to commit to t&e basic tenets o% re(ations&i$ bet-een
s$o+ses based on (ove# tr+st and res$ect.
Si0t&. T&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s c(ear(y erred -&en it %ai(ed to take into consideration t&e %act
t&at t&e marriage o% t&e $arties -as ann+((ed by t&e Cat&o(ic C&+rc&. T&e a$$e((ate co+rt
a$$arent(y deemed t&is detai( tota((y inconse,+entia( as no re%erence -as made to it
any-&ere in t&e assai(ed decision des$ite $etitioner2s e%%orts to bring t&e matter to its
attention.88 S+c& de(iberate ignorance is in contravention o% )o(ina# -&ic& &e(d t&at
inter$retations given by t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na( o% t&e Cat&o(ic
C&+rc& in t&e /&i(i$$ines# -&i(e not contro((ing or decisive# s&o+(d be given great res$ect
by o+r co+rts.
As noted ear(ier# t&e )etro$o(itan Trib+na( o% t&e Arc&diocese o% )ani(a decreed t&e
inva(idity o% t&e marriage in ,+estion in a Conc(+sion8! dated 3" )arc& !!5# citing
t&e <(ack o% d+e discretion< on t&e $art o% res$ondent.!" S+c& decree o% n+((ity -as
a%%irmed by bot& t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na(#! and t&e Roman Rota
o% t&e 5atican.!@ 4n %act# res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity -as considered so
grave t&at a restrictive c(a+se!3 -as a$$ended to t&e sentence o% n+((ity $ro&ibiting
res$ondent %rom contracting anot&er marriage -it&o+t t&e Trib+na(2s consent.
4n its Decision dated 4 G+ne !!5# t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na(
T&e GCR4SR/RCD7;C7 in t&e Case maintains t&at matrimonia( consent is considered
onto(ogica((y de%ective and -&ere%ore 3+dicia((y ine%%ective -&en e(icited by a /art
Contractant in $ossession and em$(oy o% a discretionary 3+dgment %ac+(ty -it& a
$erce$tive vigor marked(y inade,+ate %or t&e $ractica( +nderstanding o% t&e con3+ga(
Covenant or serio+s im$aired %rom t&e correct a$$reciation o% t&e integra( signi%icance
and im$(ications o% t&e marriage vo-s.
T&e FACTS in t&e Case s+%%icient(y $rove -it& t&e certit+de re,+ired by (a- t&at based
on t&e de$ositions o% t&e /artes in Ca+sa and $remised on t&e testimonies o% t&e Common
and 70$ert :itnesse=s># t&e Res$ondent made t&e marriage o$tion in ten+re o% adverse
$ersona(ity constracts t&at -ere marked(y antit&etica( to t&e s+bstantive content and
im$(ications o% t&e )arriage Covenant# and t&at serio+s(y +ndermined t&e integra(ity o%
&er matrimonia( consent in terms o% its de(iberative com$onent. 4n ot&er -ords# a%%(icted
-it& a discretionary %ac+(ty im$aired in its $ractico1concrete 3+dgment %ormation on
acco+nt o% an adverse action and reaction $attern# t&e Res$ondent -as im$aired %rom
e(iciting a 3+dicia((y binding matrimonia( consent. T&ere is no s+%%icient evidence in t&e
Case &o-ever to $rove as -e(( t&e %act o% grave (ack o% d+e discretion on t&e $art o% t&e
7vident(y# t&e conc(+sion o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity -as arrived at not on(y by t&e tria(
co+rt# b+t a(so by canonica( bodies. Det# -e m+st c(ari%y t&e $ro$er im$ort o% t&e C&+rc&
r+(ings ann+((ing t&e marriage in t&is case. T&ey &o(d s-ay since t&ey are dra-n %rom a
simi(ar recognition# as t&e tria( co+rt# o% t&e veracity o% $etitioner2s a((egations. *ad t&e
tria( co+rt instead a$$reciated res$ondent2s version as correct# and t&e a$$e((ate co+rt
a%%irmed s+c& conc(+sion# t&e r+(ings o% t&e Cat&o(ic C&+rc& on t&is matter -o+(d &ave
diminis&ed $ers+asive va(+e. A%ter a((# it is t&e %act+a( %indings o% t&e 3+dicia( trier o%
%acts# and not t&at o% t&e canonica( co+rts# t&at are accorded signi%icant recognition by t&is
Sevent&. T&e %ina( $oint o% contention is t&e re,+irement in )o(ina t&at s+c&
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity be s&o-n to be medica((y or c(inica((y $ermanent or inc+rab(e.
4t -as on t&is score t&at t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s reversed t&e 3+dgment o% t&e tria( co+rt# t&e
a$$e((ate co+rt noting t&at it did not a$$ear certain t&at res$ondent2s condition -as
inc+rab(e and t&at Dr. Abcede did not testi%y to s+c& e%%ect.!5
/etitioner $oints o+t t&at one mont& a%ter &e and &is -i%e initia((y se$arated# &e ret+rned
to &er# desiring to make t&eir marriage -ork. *o-ever# res$ondent2s aberrant be&avior
remained +nc&anged# as s&e contin+ed to (ie# %abricate stories# and maintained &er
e0cessive 3ea(o+sy. From t&is %act# &e dra-s t&e conc(+sion t&at res$ondent2s condition is
From t&e tota(ity o% t&e evidence# can it be de%initive(y conc(+ded t&at res$ondent2s
condition is inc+rab(eP 4t -o+(d seem# at (east# t&at res$ondent2s $syc&osis is ,+ite grave#
and a c+re t&ereo% a remarkab(e %eat. Certain(y# it -o+(d &ave been easier &ad $etitioner2s
e0$ert -itnesses c&aracteri9ed res$ondent2s condition as inc+rab(e. 4nstead# t&ey
remained si(ent on -&et&er t&e $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity -as c+rab(e or inc+rab(e.
E+t on care%+( e0amination# t&ere -as good reason %or t&e e0$erts2 tacit+rnity on t&is
T&e $etitioner2s e0$ert -itnesses testi%ied in !!4 and !!5# and t&e tria( co+rt rendered
its decision on " A+g+st !!5. T&ese events trans$ired -e(( be%ore )o(ina -as
$rom+(gated in !!B and made e0$(icit t&e re,+irement t&at t&e $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity
m+st be s&o-n to be medica((y or c(inica((y $ermanent or inc+rab(e. S+c& re,+irement
-as not e0$ress(y stated in Artic(e 36 or any ot&er $rovision o% t&e Fami(y Code.
On t&e ot&er &and# t&e Co+rt in Santos# -&ic& -as decided in Gan+ary !!5# began its
disc+ssion by %irst citing t&e de(iberations o% t&e Fami(y Code committee#!6 t&en t&e
o$inion o% canonica( sc&o(ars#!B be%ore arriving at its %orm+(ation o% t&e doctrina(
de%inition o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity.!8 Santos did re%er to G+stice Cag+ioa2s o$inion
e0$ressed d+ring t&e de(iberations t&at <$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity is inc+rab(e#<!! and
t&e vie- o% a %ormer $residing 3+dge o% t&e )etro$o(itan )arriage Trib+na( o% t&e
Arc&diocese o% )ani(a t&at $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity m+st be c&aracteri9ed <by ?aA
gravity# ?bA 3+ridica( antecedence# and ?cA inc+rabi(ity.<"" *o-ever# in %orm+(ating t&e
doctrina( r+(e on $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity# t&e Co+rt in Santos omitted any re%erence to
inc+rabi(ity as a c&aracteristic o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity."
T&is dis,+isition is materia( as Santos -as decided mont&s be%ore t&e tria( co+rt came o+t
-it& its o-n r+(ing t&at remained si(ent on -&et&er res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity
-as inc+rab(e. Certain(y# Santos did not c(ear(y mandate t&at t&e inc+rabi(ity o% t&e
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity be estab(is&ed in an action %or dec(aration o% n+((ity. At (east#
t&ere -as no 3+ris$r+dentia( c(arity at t&e time o% t&e tria( o% t&is case and t&e s+bse,+ent
$rom+(gation o% t&e tria( co+rt2s decision t&at re,+ired a medica( %inding o% inc+rabi(ity.
S+c& re,+isite arose on(y -it& )o(ina in !!B# at a time -&en t&is case -as on a$$e((ate
revie-# or a%ter t&e rece$tion o% evidence.
:e are a-are t&at in /esca v. /esca#"@ t&e Co+rt co+ntered an arg+ment
t&at )o(ina and Santos s&o+(d not a$$(y retroactive(y
-it& t&e observation t&at t&e inter$retation or constr+ction $(aced by t&e co+rts o% a (a-
constit+tes a $art o% t&at (a- as o% t&e date t&e stat+te in enacted."3 Det -e a$$roac&
t&is $resent case %rom +tter(y $ractica( considerations. T&e re,+irement t&at $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity m+st be s&o-n to be medica((y or c(inica((y $ermanent or inc+rab(e is one t&at
necessari(y cannot be divined -it&o+t e0$ert o$inion. C(ear(y in t&is case# t&ere -as no
categorica( averment %rom t&e e0$ert -itnesses t&at res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity -as c+rab(e or inc+rab(e sim$(y beca+se t&ere -as no (ega( necessity yet to
e(icit s+c& a dec(aration and t&e a$$ro$riate ,+estion -as not according(y $ro$o+nded to
&im. 4% -e a$$(y /esca -it&o+t dee$ re%(ection# t&ere -o+(d be +nd+e $re3+dice to t&ose
cases tried be%ore )o(ina or Santos# es$ecia((y t&ose $resent(y on a$$e((ate revie-# -&ere
$res+mab(y t&e res$ective $etitioners and t&eir e0$ert -itnesses -o+(d not &ave seen t&e
need to add+ce a diagnosis o% inc+rabi(ity. 4t may &o(d in t&ose cases# as in t&is case# t&at
t&e $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity o% a s$o+se is act+a((y inc+rab(e# even i% not $rono+nced as
s+c& at t&e tria( co+rt (eve(.
:e stated ear(ier t&at )o(ina is not set in stone# and t&at t&e inter$retation o% Artic(e 36
re(ies &eavi(y on a case1to1case $erce$tion. 4t -o+(d be insensate to reason to mandate in
t&is case an e0$ert medica( or c(inica( diagnosis o% inc+rabi(ity# since t&e $arties -o+(d
&ave &ad no im$e((ing ca+se to $resent evidence to t&at e%%ect at t&e time t&is case -as
tried by t&e RTC more t&an ten ?"A years ago. From t&e tota(ity o% t&e evidence# -e are
s+%%icient(y convinced t&at t&e inc+rabi(ity o% res$ondent2s $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity &as
been estab(is&ed by t&e $etitioner. Any (ingering do+bts are %+rt&er dis$e((ed by t&e %act
t&at t&e Cat&o(ic C&+rc& trib+na(s# -&ic& ind+bitab(y consider inc+rabi(ity as an integra(
re,+isite o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity# -ere s+%%icient(y convinced t&at res$ondent -as so
inca$acitated to contract marriage to t&e degree t&at ann+(ment -as -arranted.
A(( to(d# -e conc(+de t&at $etitioner &as estab(is&ed &is ca+se o% action %or dec(aration o%
n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code. T&e RTC correct(y r+(ed# and t&e Co+rt o%
A$$ea(s erred in reversing t&e tria( co+rt.
T&ere is (itt(e re(is& in deciding t&is $resent $etition# $rono+ncing as it does t&e marita(
bond as &aving been ine0istent in t&e %irst $(ace. 4t is $ossib(e t&at res$ondent# des$ite &er
$syc&o(ogica( state# remains in (ove -it& $etitioner# as e0&ibited by &er $ersistent
c&a((enge to t&e $etition %or n+((ity. 4n %act# t&e a$$e((ate co+rt $(aced +nd+e em$&asis on
res$ondent2s avo-ed commitment to remain in t&e marriage. Det t&e Co+rt decides t&ese
cases on (ega( reasons and not va$id sentimenta(ity. )arriage# in (ega( contem$(ation# is
more t&an t&e (egitimati9ation o% a desire o% $eo$(e in (ove to (ive toget&er.
:*7R7FOR7# t&e $etition is 'RA;T7D. T&e decision o% t&e RTC dated " A+g+st
!!5# dec(aring t&e marriage bet-een $etitioner and res$ondent ;C88 and 5O4D +nder
Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code# is R74;STAT7D. ;o costs.
DA;T7 O. T4;'A
Associate G+stice
:7 CO;CCR:
87O;ARDO A. OC4SC)E4;'
Associate G+stice
Associate G+stice
Asscociate G+stice
A T T 7 S T A T 4 O ;
4 attest t&at t&e conc(+sions in t&e above Decision &ad been reac&ed in cons+(tation be%ore
t&e case -as assigned to t&e -riter o% t&e o$inion o% t&e Co+rt2s Division.
87O;ARDO A. OC4SC)E4;'
Associate G+stice
C&airman# T&ird Division
C 7 R T 4 F 4 C A T 4 O ;
/+rs+ant to Section 3# Artic(e 5444 o% t&e Constit+tion# and t&e Attestation by t&e
Division2s C&airman# it is &ereby certi%ied t&at t&e conc(+sions in t&e above Decision &ad
been reac&ed in cons+(tation be%ore t&e case -as assigned to t&e -riter o% t&e o$inion o%
t&e Co+rt2s Division.
ART7)4O 5. /A;'A;4EA;
C&ie% G+stice
/enned by Associate G+stice R+ben T. Reyes# conc+rred in by Associate
G+stices Renato C. Dac+dao and )ariano C. De( Casti((oF See ro((o# $$. 6B184.
@ Ro((o# $. 86.
3 /enned by G+dge ?no- Associate G+stice o% t&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(sA Gose%ina
4 So(emni9ed by Rev. 5ictor ). ;avarro# )inister o% t&e /CCC# 8as /iQas#
)etro )ani(a.
5 So(emni9ed by t&e /aris& /riest# Rev. Fr. Rodo(%o Ag+irre 'a((ardo.
6 Ro((o# $$. 6!# !.
B Records# $$. 15.
8 4d. at 1@.
! 4d. at @13. See a(so ro((o# $$. 6!# !.
" ;amed Tito F. Reyes 44# born on @ Gan+ary !8@.
S+$ra note 8.
@ Ro((o# $$. 6!# !@.
3 4d. at B"# !@.
4 4d. at !5.
5 S+$ra note 3.
6 4d. at B"# !@.
B TS;# 8 Se$tember !!3# $. @.
8 4d. at @13. See a(so records# $. !.
! Ro((o# $$. B# !@.
@" 4d.F records# $. 3.
@ Ro((o# $$. B# !@.
@@ 4d. at B1B@# !@1!3.
@3 4d.
@4 4d. at !3.
@5 4d. at B4# !4.
@6 4d.
@B 4d. at B3# !3.
@8 4d.
@! 4d.
3" 4d. at B4# !4.
3 4d. at B3# !4.
3@ 4d. at BB1B8.
33 )iss Francianina Sanc&es.
34 Ro((o# $. !4.
35 4d. at B@# !3F TS;# @3 )arc& !!5# $$. 51B.
36 Ro((o# $$. !51!6.
3B 4d. at !B1!8.
38 4d. at $$. !!1"".
3! 4d. at "1"3.
4" 335 /&i(. 664 ?!!BA.
4 Ro((o# $. !5.
4@ 8imketkai Sons )i((ing# 4nc. v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# 3@ /&i(. "5# @6 ?!!5A#
citing Serrano v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# !6 SCRA "B ?!!A.
43 Ro((o# $. 8@.
44 S+$ra note 4".
45 T&e $etitioning s$o+se and co1res$ondent in t&e case being Roride( O.
)o(ina. 4d.
46 Ro((o# $. B8.
4B T&ere -ere t-o cases since !!B -&erein t&e Co+rt did (et stand a (o-er
co+rt order dec(aring as a n+((ity a marriage on t&e basis o% Artic(e 36. T&ese cases
are Sy v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# 386 /&i(. B6" ?@"""A# and E+enavent+ra v. Co+rt o%
A$$ea(s# '.R. ;os. @B358 H @B44!# 3 )arc& @""5# 454 SCRA @6. *o-ever#
in Sy# t&e Co+rt %o+nd t&at t&e marriage -as void ab initio d+e to t&e (ack o% a
marriage (icense at t&e time t&e marriage -as so(emni9ed# and t&+s dec(ined to
$ass +$on t&e ,+estion o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity. 4n E+enavent+ra# since t&e
$arties c&ose not to c&a((enge t&e tria( co+rt2s conc(+sion o% $syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity and instead raised ,+estions on t&e a-ard o% damages and s+$$ort# t&e
Co+rt did not revie- t&e %inding o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity.
48 334 /&i(. @!4 ?!!BA.
4! 4t does not esca$e t&is Co+rt2s attention t&at many (o-er co+rts do grant
$etitions %or dec(aration o% n+((ity +nder Artic(e 36# and t&at t&ese decisions are
not e(evated %or revie- to t&e S+$reme Co+rt.
5" See Fami(y Code# Art. 36.
5 Trans(ated %rom t&e origina( S$anis& by G+stice F.C. Fis&er. See F.C. Fis&er#
T&e Civi( Code o% S$ain -it& /&i(i$$ine ;otes and Re%erences 45 ?Fi%t& 7d.#
!4BA. T&e origina( te0t o% Artic(e 83 ?@A o% t&e S$anis& Civi( Code reads: <;o
$+eden contraer matrimonio: 0 0 0 ?@A 8os ,+e no est+vieren en e( $(eno e3ercicio
d+ s+ ra9on a( tiem$o de contraer matrimonio.<
5@ See S$anis& Civi( Code. ?88!A Art. ".
53 Act ;o. @B" ?!BA.
54 See Act ;o. 363 ?!@!A# Sec. 3" ?cA
55 See 70ec+tive Order ;o. 4 ?!43A# Sec. @ ?5A.
56 Cn(ess t&e $arty o% +nso+nd mind# a%ter coming to reason# %ree(y co&abited
-it& t&e ot&er as &+sband or -i%e. See Civi( Code# Art. 85 ?3A.
5B See Civi( Code# Art. 8".
58 S+b3ect to t&e same ,+a(i%ications +nder Artic(e 85 ?3A o% t&e Civi( Code. See
note 56.
5! See Civi( Code# Art. 3@B ?@A in re(ation to Art. 38 ?A.
6" See Santos v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# 3" /&i(. @# 3@133 ?!!5A. See a(so A.
Sem$io Diy# *andbook on t&e Fami(y Code o% t&e /&i(i$$ines 3B ?!88A. A
contrary vie- t&o+g& -as e0$ressed by G+stice Ricardo /+no# a(so a member o%
t&e Fami(y Code commission. See Santos v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# ibid.
6 4 A. To(entino# Civi( Code o% t&e /&i(i$$ines: Commentaries and
G+ris$r+dence @B41@B5 ?!!" ed.A.
6@ 4d.
63 4d. at @B4.
64 S+$ra note 6".
65 4d. at 4"# em$&asis s+$$(ied. T&e Co+rt %+rt&er added# <=t>&ere is &ard(y any
do+bt t&at t&e intendment o% t&e (a- &as been to con%ine t&e meaning o%
R$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity2 to t&e most serio+s cases o% $ersona(ity disorders
c(ear(y demonstrative o% an +tter insensitivity or inabi(ity to give meaning and
signi%icance to marriage.< 4d.
66 S+$ra note 4".
6B 4d. at 6BB.
68 )arcos v. )arcos# 3!B /&i(. 84"# 85 ?@"""A.
6! 4t may be noted t&at a $revio+s incarnation o% Artic(e 36# s+bse,+ent(y
re3ected by t&e Fami(y Code Commission# stated t&at among t&ose void ab
initio marriages are t&ose <contracted by any $arty -&o# at t&e time o% t&e
ce(ebration# -as -anting in t&e s+%%icient +se o% reason or 3+dgment to +nderstand
t&e essentia( nat+re o% marriage or -as $syc&o(ogica((y or menta((y inca$acitated
to disc&arge t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations# even i% s+c& (ack o% inca$acity is
made mani%est a%ter t&e ce(ebration.< See Santos v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note
6"# at 3".
B" Sa(ita v. )agto(is# '.R. ;o. "64@!# 3 G+ne !!4# @33 SCRA ""# "B1"8F
citing A. Sem$io1Diy# s+$ra note 6"# at 3B# em$&asis s+$$(ied. See a(so Santos v.
Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note 6"# at 36F Re$+b(ic v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note
4"# at 6BB.
B '.R. ;o. "!!B5# ! Febr+ary @""# 35 SCRA 4@5.
B@ 4d. at 43F citing Re$+b(ic v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# @68 SCRA !8# @4 ?!!BA#
/adi((a# G.# Se$arate Statement.
B3 See Santos v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note 6"# at 3@13!.
B4 See Sem$io1Diy# s+$ra note 6"# at 36.
B5 Re$+b(ic v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note 4"# at 6B8.
B6 T&+s# C&i )ing Tsoi v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note 48# -&erein t&e
$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity o% t&e $etitioner -as recogni9ed by t&e Co+rt %rom t&e
%act t&at &e did not engage in se0+a( re(ations -it& &is -i%e d+ring t&eir ten ?"A
mont& marita( co&abitation# remains a binding $recedent# even t&o+g& it -as
decided s&ort(y be%ore t&e )o(ina case.
BB Re$+b(ic v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note 4"# at 6B6168".
B8 4d. at 68".
B! See Carating1Siayngco v. Siayngco# '.R. ;o. 588!6# @B October @""4# 44
SCRA 4@@# 435.
8" Ro((o# $. 8@.
8 Records# $$. @13.
8@ Cniversity o% Santo Tomas *os$ita( and C7R) )emoria( )edica( Center.
Dr. Abcede (ike-ise -as t&e $ast $resident o% t&e /&i(i$$ine /syc&iatrist
Association. TS;# Febr+ary @3# !!4# $. 6.
83 TS;# @3 Febr+ary !!4# $$. B1!# 1@.
84 TS;# @3 )arc& !!5# $. @.
85 3!B /&i(. 84" ?@"""A.
86 4d. at 85".
8B Ro((o# $$. !51!6.
88 As s&o-n by t&e )otion?sA %or 7ar(y Reso(+tion o% t&e Case %i(ed by
$etitioner -it& t&e canonica( dec(arations attac&ed as anne0es.
8! 4d. at !B1!8.
!" T&e )etro$o(itan Trib+na( o% t&e Arc&diocese o% )ani(a based t&e decree o%
inva(idity on t&e gro+nd o% (ack o% d+e discretion on t&e $art o% bot& $arties. On
a$$ea(# &o-ever# t&e ;ationa( A$$e((ate )atrimonia( Trib+na( modi%ied t&e
3+dgment by &o(ding t&at (ack o% d+e discretion a$$(ied to res$ondent b+t t&ere
-as no s+%%icient evidence to $rove (ack o% d+e discretion on t&e $art o% $etitioner.
See a(so note 38.
! Ro((o# $$. !!1"".
!@ 4d. at "1"3.
!3 <A restrictive c(a+se is &ere-it& attac&ed to t&is sentence o% n+((ity to t&e
e%%ect t&at t&e res$ondent may not enter into anot&er marriage -it&o+t t&e e0$ress
consent o% t&is Trib+na(# in de%erence to t&e sanctity and dignity o% t&e sacrament
o% matrimony# as -e(( as %or t&e $rotection o% t&e intended s$o+se.<F ro((o# $. !B.
!4 Ro((o# $. !!. 7m$&asis s+$$(ied# citations omitted.
!5 Ro((o# $. 8@.
!6 Santos v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# s+$ra note 6"# at 3"136.
!B 4d. at 3B13!.
!8 4d. at 3!14".
!! 4d. at 33.
"" 4d. at 3!.
" <4t s&o+(d be obvio+s# (ooking at a(( t&e %oregoing dis,+isitions# inc(+ding#
and most im$ortant(y# t&e de(iberations o% t&e Fami(y Code Revision Committee
itse(%# t&at t&e +se o% t&e $&rase <$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity< +nder Artic(e 36 o% t&e
Code &as not been meant to com$re&end a(( s+c& $ossib(e cases o% $syc&oses as#
(ike-ise mentioned by some ecc(esiastica( a+t&orities# e0treme(y (o- inte((igence#
immat+rity# and (ike circ+mstances ?cited in Fr. Artemio Ea(+ma6s <5oid and
5oidab(e )arriages in t&e Fami(y Code and t&eir /ara((e(s in Canon 8a-#<
,+oting %rom t&e Diagnostic Statistica( )an+a( o% )enta( Disorder by t&e
American /syc&iatric AssociationF 7d-ard *+dson6s <*andbook 44 %or )arriage
;+((ity Cases<A. Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code cannot be taken and constr+ed
inde$endent(y o% b+t m+st stand in con3+nction -it&# e0isting $rece$ts in o+r (a-
on marriage. T&+s corre(ated# <$syc&o(ogica( inca$acity< s&o+(d re%er to no (ess
t&an a menta( ?not $&ysica(A inca$acity t&at ca+ses a $arty to be tr+(y incognitive
o% t&e basic marita( covenants t&at concomitant(y m+st be ass+med and disc&arged
by t&e $arties to t&e marriage -&ic&# as so e0$ressed by Artic(e 68 o% t&e Fami(y
Code# inc(+de t&eir m+t+a( ob(igations to (ive toget&er# observe (ove# res$ect and
%ide(ity and render &e($ and s+$$ort. T&ere is &ard(y any do+bt t&at t&e
intendment o% t&e (a- &as been to con%ine t&e meaning o% <$syc&o(ogica(
inca$acity< to t&e most serio+s cases o% $ersona(ity disorders c(ear(y
demonstrative o% an +tter intensitivity or inabi(ity to give meaning and
signi%icance to t&e marriage. T&is $syc&o(ogic condition m+st e0ist at t&e time t&e
marriage is ce(ebrated. T&e (a- does not evident(y envision# +$on t&e ot&er &and#
an inabi(ity o% t&e s$o+se to &ave se0+a( re(ations -it& t&e ot&er. T&is conc(+sion
is im$(icit +nder Artic(e 54 o% t&e Fami(y Code -&ic& considers c&i(dren
conceived $rior to t&e 3+dicia( dec(aration o% n+((ity o% t&e void marriage to be
<T&e ot&er %orms o% $syc&oses# i% e0isting at t&e ince$tion o% marriage#
(ike t&e state o% a $arty being o% +nso+nd mind or concea(ment o% dr+g
addiction# &abit+a( a(co&o(ism# &omose0+a(ity or (esbianism# mere(y
renders t&e marriage contract voidab(e $+rs+ant to Artic(e 46# Fami(y
Code. 4% dr+g addiction# &abit+a( a(co&o(ism# (esbianism or &omose0+a(ity
s&o+(d occ+r on(y d+ring t&e marriage# t&ey become mere gro+nds %or
(ega( se$aration +nder Artic(e 55 o% t&e Fami(y Code. T&ese $rovisions o%
t&e Code# &o-ever# do not necessari(y $rec(+de t&e $ossibi(ity o% t&ese
vario+s circ+mstances being t&emse(ves# de$ending on t&e degree and
severity o% t&e disorder# indicia o% $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity.
<Cnti( %+rt&er stat+tory and 3+ris$r+dentia( $arameters are estab(is&ed#
every circ+mstance t&at may &ave some bearing on t&e degree# e0tent# and
ot&er conditions o% t&at inca$acity m+st# in every case# be care%+((y
e0amined and eva(+ated so t&at no $reci$itate and indiscriminate n+((ity is
$erem$tori(y decreed. T&e -e((1considered o$inions o% $syc&iatrists#
$syc&o(ogists# and $ersons -it& e0$ertise in $syc&o(ogica( disci$(ines
mig&t be &e($%+( or even desirab(e.< Santos v. Co+rt o% A$$ea(s# id. at 3!1
"@ '.R. ;o. 36!@# B A$ri( @""# 356 SCRA 588.
"3 4d. at 5!3.

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