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Celebrating the Birth of the Profet Dr. M.

Yasser Kodmani
Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet is not an
Innovation of Misguidance (bidah)

By Dr. Muhammad Yasser Kodmani

All praise is due to Allah, may His blessings be upon our Prophet, his family
and his companions
The purpose of this article is in no way to condemn or patronize to those who
reject celebrating the Mawlid (birth in Arabic) of our Prophet Muhammad (may
blessings of Allah be upon him) in the month of Rabi Al Awal (the third month in
the Muslim calendar). It is rather to educate them on where this tradition was
derived from and how it is considered valid within the laws of Shariah. The main
argument for its reprimanding is due to its classification of being an innovation.

Definition of the Mawlid:
The celebration of the Prophets Mawlid consists of people gathering in the
mosque or other venues, where the love to the Messenger of Allah (may blessings
of Allah be upon him) is expressed by reading his anecdotes, his Seerah
(biography), character traits and his day to day affairs. There is also the recitation
of poetry praising the Holy Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon him). In most
cases, these events are conducted with the involvement of a scholar, or a learned
pious person, who would remind people of the life of this exceptional man and
encourage them to ponder on, to remedy and improve, by using the Prophet as a
perfect example to become less attached to this worldly life and look forward to
the hereafter. These gatherings often end with food or sweets distribution, as was
the tradition of the honorable companions of the Messenger of Allah in

Conflict: Bidah
The only reason why some people may oppose celebrating the Mawlid is the
argument that it was non-existent in the time of the Prophet. Each individual
action in the Mawlid is well-known for its merits. It is quite obvious that reciting
verses of the Noble Quran, sharing the story of the holy birth, or discussing the
character of the Prophet, are all associated with great reward and benefits. Every
Muslim also knows the significance of honoring other Muslims and offering food
to them in hospitality. So why must it be condemned upon joining all the good
deeds? Is it irrational to say that it must not be practiced? And why is it frowned
upon practicing such good deeds on a specified date when many, practice them on
a day to day basis? This objection is all narrowed down to the practice of these
righteous deeds simultaneously at a set time. Hence it classified as an innovation
(bidah in Arabic).

Celebrating the Birth of the Profet Dr. M. Yasser Kodmani
Types of Bidah (Innovation)?
Most noble scholars and jurists say that all new deeds and actions, which did
not exist during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon
him), would take one of the following five juristic classifications according to
Islamic law:
Mandatory: If the innovation (bidah) includes something that is mandatory
then it is considered a mandatory innovation.
Example: Comprehending the science of Arabic grammar, that never
existed at time of the Holy Prophet, to understand the words of Allah and His
Messenger. This is based on the rule that says: the thing needed to accomplish
an obligation in turn becomes obligatory itself.
Forbidden: If an innovation includes something that is forbidden (haram)
then it will automatically be considered a forbidden innovation.
Example: Introducing new ideologies to Islam which contradict its
reputable sources, like the ideologies of Al Qadariah and Al Jabriah (Al
Qadariah interjected the idea that man has his own free will and consequently
Allah is unaware of the thought process and actions in a human before its
occurrences. Al Jabriah, on the other hand, said that man is deprived of any will
whatsoever and he is forced to do actions)
Favored/Recommended: An innovation which is beneficial for the Ummah
(Muslim Nation) and may increase religious devotion while remaining in the laws
of Shariah.
Example: Building of schools or praying the Taraweeh (Ramadan night
prayer) in the month of Ramadan in congregation in the mosque.
Disliked: If it includes things that are disliked (makrouh) then it is likewise
best to refrain from indulging in such activities.
Example: Excessive decoration of the Mosque or the Holy Quran.
Allowed: If it includes what is allowed then it is valid. It would not be
considered forbidden nor is it praised.
Example: Shaking hands after the prayers or acquiring new techniques to
prepare food.
This classification of innovation in the Islamic jurisprudence is not a new
doctrine. One of the first jurists who mentioned it was Imam Al Shafi. He was
born in the year 150 AH
. This cataloging of bidah has been expressed for quite
some time. Among the many scholars who used the above classification were: Al
Izz bin Abd Asslam, Al Nawawi, Abu Shamah, Al Qarrafi, Az Zarkani, Ibn
Abdeen, Ibn Al Jawzi and Ibn Hazm may the mercy of Allah shower all of them.
These were the pioneers in the four respected and followed schools as well as the
less Zahiri one. (From The Kuwaiti Jurisprudential Encyclopedia- the term Bidah
or innovation)

After the blessed migration of the Messenger of Allah (may the blessings of Allah be upon him).
Celebrating the Birth of the Profet Dr. M. Yasser Kodmani
Mawlid: Favored/Recommended
Based on the above classification of bidah, celebrating the Mawlid falls
automatically under the Favored and or Recommended bidah. Some scholars
even consider it a Mandatory bidah but that is a relative thought, especially
among those who have heartfelt attachment and love to the Prophet of Allah (may
blessings of Allah be upon him). This ideology comes into being from the
experiences witnessed from these gathering. For example, individuals who attend
the Mawlid are educated about the prophetic traditions and are enlightened. They
may aspire to eagerly follow the teaching of the Messenger of Allah (may blessings
of Allah be upon him) and are ready to sacrifice their valuables for the sake of
Allah. Thus, such scholars say it a compulsory to celebrate the Mawlid, to
encourage people to attend and benefit.

What an excellent Bidah!- Umar Ibn Al-Khattab:
Some may disagree with the above classifications of bidah. However many fail
to realize that there was a recommended bidah, which came into action from the
most pious of personalities, Umar Ibn Al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with
him). The second Caliph of the Islamic Ummah, referred to the idea for
congregation of Salat-ul-Taraweeh in Ramadan as an excellent bidah! Some
may even argue that Umar meant this to be more of a metaphorical than the
literal meaning as it wasnt a judicial ruling. However, interpretation of the
linguistics of Umar is in itself an innovation.
When Umar said what an excellent Bidah! he was referring to the judicial
matter of the prayer (As Salat) and should be understood under that context. The
denotation of this saying is as follows:
What I have done by gathering people to pray Taraweeh behind one Imam is
a recommended bidah.
Apparently, our beloved Prophet once said: every innovation is a
misguidance. Nonetheless if the understanding of this saying was by condemning
of every new innovation, Umar would have never praised the idea of congregated
Salat-ul-Taraweeh! If Umar understood from the Prophet (may blessings of Allah
be upon him) to refrain from any form of innovation, then it would never befit
Umar to approve something against the Messenger of Allah`s penchant.
The honorable companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) have heard
from the Holy Prophet:
Whoever innovates an innovation of misguidance...
(Narrated by Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi with good authority)

and also heard:
Whoever innovates a righteous action will get his own reward for doing it and
the reward of whoever does it till the Day of Judgment.
Celebrating the Birth of the Profet Dr. M. Yasser Kodmani
Another saying of the Prophet, narrated by Ibn Masud, says:
Whatever the Muslims consider good is considered good in the sight of Allah
Conclusively, any innovation that does not contradict the holy Quran, the
Sunnah, any prophetic approval or the consensus of the scholars is permissible.
However, if it is proven otherwise, it will be viewed as an innovation of
misguidance and the people should be warned of such. (This is the opinion of
Imam Al Shafi -may Allah bestow mercy on him. For further reading, refer to
Tahdheeb al Asma wa Al Lughat by Imam Nawawi and the categorization of
bidah by Imam Al Shafi and Al Izz bin Abd Asslam)

The Prominent Scholar Ibn Katheer Praised the First Ruler Who
Celebrated the Mawlid:
In his famous history book, Al Bidayah wa Al Nihayah, Imam Ibn Katheer
praised the ruler of Irbil, Al-Malik Al-Mudhaffr as being the first one to celebrate
the Mawlid. Ibn Katheer says,
He was one of the generous, great leaders and noble kings. He used to
celebrate the blessed Mawlid in the month of Rabi Al Awal and would offer a
great ceremony. He was chivalrous, brave, sound, knowledgeable and fair. May
Allah bestow mercy upon him and grant him a p abode.
The scholar Abu Al Khattab bin Dahieah had compiled a book about the
prophetic Mawlid that was titled: Al Tanweer fee Mawlid Al Basheer Al Nazeer:
The Illumination in the birth of the Bearer of the Glad Tidings and the Warner.
Al-Malik Al-Mudhaffr gave him 1000 dinars for compiling this book (13/ 136-
Other Works that Were Written By the Prominent Scholars about the
In his book, Mujam ma Ullif an Rasoul Allah Salla Allah Alayhi wa Sallam:The
Dictionary of what was written about the Messenger of Allah (may blessings of
Allah be upon him), Doctor Salah Al Deen Al Munajjid states that in 1982, he had
counted 160 books about the blessed Mawlid, written by many scholars and
righteous Muslims. Many of these books were, and are still, found in all of the
Muslim countries. Since then, many books were newly published under the said

Mawlid Celebration by the Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon
When the Messenger of Allah, may blessings of Allah be upon him, was asked
about why he used to fast of Mondays, he said because it was the day when he was
born and also when he was commissioned with the divine message, according to
the narration of Abi Qatada in Imam Muslims book of Hadeeth. This narration
Celebrating the Birth of the Profet Dr. M. Yasser Kodmani
proves that our Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon him) used to celebrate
the blessed occasions.
Ibn Al Haj says in his book, Al Madkhal, Places and times do not have any
inherent honor, but they become honored by what they become linked and
attached to (2-3).
This is precisely the reason the Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon him)
upon finding out about Jewish fast on the tenth of Muharram (Ashura), he said,
I am more worthy of Moses, meaning here more worthy to rejoice and show
gratitude to the safety of the honorable Prophet Moses (may blessings of Allah be
upon him).
Likewise, the known blessed places in Islam became blessed due to their
connection with honorary figures. For example: The three holy Masjids, Kaba in
Makkah, the Prophetic Masjid in Madina and Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. All
of them are of high status because of their relationships with the Prophets.
During the journey of Isra from Makkah to Jerusalem, Angel Jibril pointed to
the Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon him) to pray at a certain location.
Then Angel Jibril asked, do you know where you just prayed? The Prophet
replied, no. He then said, You prayed in Bethlehem where Isa was born. (Al
Bayhaqi in Al Dalail).
The memories of blessed times and places are celebrated with good deeds.
When the blessed month of Rabi Al Awal arrives, the souls of the believers long
with love to remember the blessed Prophet. The month carries the memory of an
honorable man so it ought to be honored and the memory of a great Prophet so it
ought to be magnified.

Annulment of Events due to Misguided Individuals:
If actions of sins or disobedience are conducted in places of celebrating the
Mawlid, celebrations should not be halted. Humans consistently need to be
advised, reminded and directed with wisdom and kindness. Such matters need to
be addressed appropriately and not deprive others from acquiring knowledge and
reward. By the same token, the violations in Makkah, Mina or Arafat do not annul
the tawaf around the Kaba or make us truncate our nafl (optional) pilgrimage.
Good deeds must be continued and the ill-informed must be kindly directed to the
right path.

Rejoicing and Celebrating is a Natural and Inherent Instinct:
Being cheerful in the prophetic and Islamic memories, reminds us about one
of the most important figures that we should follow. By directing these cheerful
and happy moments of the great love for the Prophet and the Mawlid to those
who dont understand, there is no need to attack them and turn them away when
they have come to listen and benefit!!

Celebrating the Birth of the Profet Dr. M. Yasser Kodmani
Final Word from the Heart:
The Mawlid is an occasion of gratefulness towards Allah, for blessing us with
an impeccable Guardian. This appreciation is publicized via reminiscence and
praising the life of the Prophet (may blessings of Allah be upon him). Specifying
the 12
of Rabi Al Awal for the celebration of the Prophet`s birth is an innovation,
but lawful. Many proofs legitimize celebrating this blessed day, provided it be
conducted within the rules of Sharia`h. Despite difference in opinions, the
Muslim Ummah should strive to understand one another and refrain from talking
negatively on this matter.
May Allah guide our steps and inspire us the good. Praise be to Allah in the
beginning and in the end.

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