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Custom Capital IQ Macros for the VBA Environment

Macros to Refresh Excel Plug-in formulas
o Macro to Refresh Selection
o Macro to Refresh Worksheet
o Macro to Refresh Workbook
o Macro for Double Refresh
o Macro for CIQ SCREEN Refresh

Macro to Unlink Excel Plug-in formulas

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Macros to Refresh Excel Plug-in formulas

These macros can be used to refresh Excel Plug-in formulas. They are as follows.

Refresh Selection
This macro refreshes selected range of cells in a worksheet.

Public Sub RefreshSelection()
Dim Refreshbutton As CommandBarButton
Set Refreshbutton =
End Sub

Refresh Worksheet
This macro is used to refresh a single worksheet in a workbook.

Public Sub RefreshWorksheet()
Dim Refreshbutton As CommandBarButton
Set Refreshbutton =
End Sub

Refresh Workbook
This macro is used to refresh entire workbook.

Public Sub RefreshWorkbook()
Dim Refreshbutton As CommandBarButton
Set Refreshbutton =
End Sub

Double Refresh
This macro refreshes the entire workbook twice.

Public Sub RefreshWorkbook()
Dim Refreshbutton As CommandBarButton
Set Refreshbutton =
End Sub

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Public Sub RefreshCIQScreen()
Dim Refreshbutton As CommandBarButton
Set Refreshbutton = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(Tag:="rcscreenrefresh")
End Sub

This macro refreshes CIQ SCREEN formulas of an active sheet. It finds
CIQSCREEN() formulas and refreshes them with an interval of 10 seconds
(default) between one CIQ SCREEN refresh and another. Initially this macro
refreshes the current worksheet.

Option Explicit
Dim AddressArray() As String
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim i As Integer, DummySec As Integer
'set time interval here in seconds between one CIQSCREEN refresh to another
Const RefreshIntervalSec As Integer = 10

Sub CiqScreenRefreshMain()

Application.StatusBar = "Capital IQ: Please wait..."

Dim CheckAddress As String, LastRow As Long, ColumnNo As Long, RowNo As Long
Dim CellsFound As Variant

Set CellsFound = Cells.Find(What:="CIQSCREEN", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart)

If Not CellsFound Is Nothing Then
CheckAddress = CellsFound.Address
Counter = 0
ColumnNo = CellsFound.Column
RowNo = CellsFound.Row
LastRow = Cells(65536, ColumnNo).End(xlUp).Row

If LastRow > RowNo Then
Range(Cells(RowNo + 1, ColumnNo).Address & ":" & _
Cells(LastRow, ColumnNo).Address).ClearContents
End If

Counter = Counter + 1
ReDim Preserve AddressArray(1 To Counter)
AddressArray(Counter) = Cells(RowNo, ColumnNo).Address
Set CellsFound = Cells.FindNext(CellsFound)

Loop While Not CellsFound Is Nothing And CellsFound.Address <> CheckAddress
End If

If Counter > 0 Then

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'refreshing the current sheet for logging into excel plug-in
DummySec = 1
i = 1
Call CIQScreenRefreshRoutine
MsgBox "No CIQ SCREEN formulas found.", , "Capital IQ Excel Plug-in"
Application.StatusBar = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CIQScreenRefreshRoutine()

If i > Counter Then
Application.StatusBar = False
End If

If Selection.HasFormula = True Then
DummySec = RefreshIntervalSec
DummySec = 1
End If

i = i + 1
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:" & DummySec),

End Sub

Macro to Unlink Excel Plug-in formulas

This macro can be used to unlink all types of Excel Plug-in formulas. It gives a choice to
the user to input criteria to unlink i.e., unlink a selected range of cells, a worksheet or an
entire workbook. After successful unlinking the macro allows the user to save a copy of
current workbook.

Sub UnlinkCIQ()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

On Error GoTo Check_Error

Dim CheckAddress As String, ColumnNo As Long, RowNo As Long, _
CIQTextFound As Long, SingleTime As String, MyString As String

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Dim SearchStringArr(1 To 27) As String, i As Integer, _
MyAddress As String, ws As Worksheet, cellsfound As Variant
Dim Result As Integer, CurrSheetName As String

SearchStringArr(1) = "CIQTRADINGDAYS("
SearchStringArr(2) = "CIQTRADINGRANGE("
SearchStringArr(3) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEA("
SearchStringArr(4) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEM("
SearchStringArr(5) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEMA("
SearchStringArr(6) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEQ("
SearchStringArr(7) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEQA("
SearchStringArr(8) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEW("
SearchStringArr(9) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEWA("
SearchStringArr(10) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEY("
SearchStringArr(11) = "CIQTRADINGRANGEYA("
SearchStringArr(12) = "CIQRANGE("
SearchStringArr(13) = "CIQRANGEA("
SearchStringArr(14) = "CIQHI("
SearchStringArr(15) = "CIQLO("
SearchStringArr(16) = "CIQAVG("
SearchStringArr(17) = "CIQPC("
SearchStringArr(18) = "CIQ("
SearchStringArr(19) = "CIQGETDATE("
SearchStringArr(20) = "CIQAVAIL("
SearchStringArr(21) = "CIQDATEADD("
SearchStringArr(22) = "CIQRAND("
SearchStringArr(23) = "CIQRT("
SearchStringArr(24) = "CIQSCREEN("
SearchStringArr(25) = "CIQSP("
SearchStringArr(26) = "CIQSPLIT("
SearchStringArr(27) = "IQNameEval("

Result = Application.InputBox("Choose from the following..." & Chr(10) & _
" 1 - Unlink Current Selection" & Chr(10) & _
" 2 - Unlink Current Worksheet" & Chr(10) & _
" 3 - Unlink Current Workbook" & Chr(10) & _
" 4 - Exit", Title:="Capital IQ Excel Plug-in Unlink", _

If Result = 4 Or Result = False Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If

If Result < 1 Or Result > 4 Then
MsgBox Prompt:="Invalid Input!", _
Title:="Capital IQ Excel Plug-in Unlink"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If

CurrSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name

For Each ws In Worksheets

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'Unlink Selection Or Unlink Worksheet
If Result = 1 Or Result = 2 Then
If ws.Name <> CurrSheetName Then
GoTo SkipNext
End If
End If

For i = 1 To 27
MyString = SearchStringArr(i)
SingleTime = "Yes"
MyAddress = ""

If Result = 1 Then
Set cellsfound = Selection.Find(What:=SearchStringArr(i), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart)
Set cellsfound = Cells.Find(What:=SearchStringArr(i), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart)
End If
MyAddress = cellsfound.Address

If Not cellsfound Is Nothing Then

ColumnNo = cellsfound.Column
RowNo = cellsfound.Row

Cells(RowNo, ColumnNo) = Cells(RowNo, ColumnNo).Value

If WorksheetFunction.IsText(Cells(RowNo, ColumnNo)) Then
CIQTextFound = WorksheetFunction.Search(SearchStringArr(i), _
Cells(RowNo, ColumnNo).Value)

If CIQTextFound > 0 Then
CIQTextFound = 0

If SingleTime = "Yes" Then
CheckAddress = cellsfound.Address
SingleTime = "No"
End If

End If
End If

If Result = 1 Then
Set cellsfound = Selection.FindNext(cellsfound)
Set cellsfound = Cells.FindNext(cellsfound)
End If
MyAddress = cellsfound.Address

Loop While Not cellsfound Is Nothing And _
cellsfound.Address <> CheckAddress
End If
Next i

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Next ws


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

If Err.Number = 91 Or Err.Description = _
"Unable to get the Search property of the WorksheetFunction class" Then
Resume Next
MsgBox "An error has occurred causing this operation to halt. Error details are as follows: " &
Chr(10) & "Error Code: " & Err.Number & Chr(10) & "Error Context: " & Err.Description & _
Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Help is available at " & Err.HelpFile, vbExclamation, "Capital IQ"
End If

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Private Sub SaveAsFile()

Dim test As Integer, NewBook As Workbook, fName As Variant

On Error GoTo Error_Situation

Set NewBook = ActiveWorkbook

test = MsgBox("Unlinking Successfull." & Chr(10) _
& "Do you want to save this file under a different name now?", _
vbYesNo, "Capital IQ Excel Plug-in Unlink")

If test = 7 Then
' Do
fName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(fileFilter:= _
"Excel File (*.xls), *.xls")
' Loop Until fName <> False

If fName = False Then
End If

NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=fName
End If


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MsgBox "An error has occurred causing this operation to halt. Error details are as follows: " & _
Chr(10) & "Error Code: " & Err.Number & Chr(10) _
& "Error Context: " & Err.Description & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _
& "Help is available at " & Err.HelpFile, vbExclamation, "Capital IQ"
End Sub

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