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Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identifies stressed syllables
Values: Love of nature
II. Subject Matter:
Stressed Syllables
Poem - "All Things Bright and Beautiful"
References: Everyday English 4 !eading "# $
PEL% &#& Listening &#& S"ea'ing &#& !eading
Materials: "i(tures real ob)e(ts "oem (hart (ut-outs
III. Prce!ure
". Mtivatin
*ield tri" around the s(hool#
+e have seen many things around our s(hool#
+hat are these things,
#. Presentatin:
Today -e are going to study a "oem about these beautiful things around us#
$. %nlc&in' f Difficulties:
.a'e use of the di(tionary to see the stressed syllable in the -ord and its meaning#
&# beautiful
/# (reatures
0# great
4# -ise
$# -onderful
As' "u"ils to read these -ords -ith em"hasis on stressed syllables# These -ords are to be
used in senten(es by the "u"ils#
D. !eading of the "oem by the tea(her -ith stressed syllables#
E. &# +hat are the things foundon the first stan1a,
/# +ho made all these things,
0# 2o- about the se(ond stan1a, +hat beautiful things are mentioned here,
(. "est)etic Discussin:
3id you li'e the "oem, +hat stan1a did you li'e best, +hy,
G. Value (cus
4od has given us beautiful things around# 2o- (an -e sho- our a""re(iation and love to
these things,
H. !eading of the "oem by the tea(her# 5for the se(ond time6
The tea(her e7"lains -hat stress is#
I. Generali*atin:
+hat is a stressed syllable,
+. Practice E,ercises:
&# Guided exercises:
5Tea(her distributes (ut-outs of fruits to the "u"ils6
!ead the -ord -ritten on the (ut-out and identify the stressed syllable# If the stress is on
the first syllable "ut the (ut-out in Bas'et A8 if its on the se(ond in Bas'et B8 and if its on
the third in Bas'et %#
/# Independent Exercises:
!ead the follo-ing -ords and -rite first se(ond or third on your "a"er to sho- -hi(h
syllable is stressed#
&# tiny
/# little
0# -ill
4# -onderful
$# green-ood
0# Writing Phase
+rite /-0 senten(e "aragra"h about the things you have seen around our s(hool using
-ords -ith stressed syllables#
IV. Evaluatin:
Listen to the follo-ing -ords# +rite & if the stress is on the first syllable / if its on the se(ond #
and 0 if its on the third#
&# lightning
/# (ater"illar
0# vol(ano
4# forest
$# inse(t
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9nderline the stressed syllable in ea(h -ord#
&# ambulan(e 4# "rogram
/# (ommunity $# (ontribution
0# information
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identifies stressed syllables in -ords
Values: *orest (onservation
II. Subject Matter:
9nstressed Syllables
!eferen(es: PEL%&#&Listening&#& S"ea'ing &#& +riting
*un in English 4 T. ""# /-4 T: ""# /-;
The .odern Tea(her <ol# L =o# & >une /??& "# 0/
.aterials: "i(tures (ut-outs of different trees
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
+hat is a stressed syllable,
+hat is mar'ed -ith an a((ent,
4o to the board and bo7 the stressed syllable of the follo-ing -ords#
beautiful (reatures -onderful
glo-ing mountain
5Tea(her sho-s "i(tures of a forest and a denuded mountain#6
%lass ta'e a loo' at "i(tures A and B# +hat do you see in "i(ture A, In "i(ture B, Are
there trees that (over the mountain in "i(ture B,
#. Presentatin:
&# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
9se the di(tionary to see the syllabi(ation meaning and the "ronun(iation of the -ords#
&# forests# 4# generation
/# refreshing $# su""ort
0# re"la(ed ;# revolution
/# !eading of the "oem by the tea(her -ith stressed and unstressed syllables to be given
0# Intelle(tual 3is(ussion
&# +hat (overs forest,
/# +hat ma'es a (ountry live and fresh,
0# +hat ma'es the environment dean and refreshing,
4# <alue *usion
As a good (iti1en ho- (an you hel" maintain the forest,
If -e "lant trees today -ho -ill be benefited,
2o- (an -e (onserve our forests,
$# 4enerali1ation
+hat are unstressed syllables,
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
A# 4uided "ra(ti(e
%lass let@s "lay the game "Plant a Tree"# 4et a (ut-out of a tree# !ead the "rinted -ord
on it# Say the unstressed syllables then "lant it on the mountainside#
&# (hloro"hyll
/# filament
0# di(ot
4# mono(ot
$# (orolla
B# Inde"endent E7er(ises
%o"y the follo-ing -ords# %ross out the unstressed syllableAsyllables in ea(h -ord#
&# gumamela 4# ornamental
/# stomata $# "hotosynthesis
0# "ollination
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite do-n the (orre(t s"elling of the -ords that I@ll di(tate#
&# refreshing 4# forests
/# generation $# su""ort
0# revolution
V. "ssi'n-ent:
3ivide the follo-ing -ords into syllables#
Bo7 the unstressed syllables and underline the stressed syllable#
&# grasses 4# ramie
/# am"alaya $# fibrous
0# (abbage
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
!e(ogni1es "auses and sto"s in utteran(e that signal meaning
Values: 2onesty
II. Subject Matter:
Pauses and Sto"s in 9tteran(e that Signal .eanings
!eferen(e: PEL% I< &#/ Listening
*un in English language ""# 0?-0/
.aterials: flash(ards (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
&# %he('ing of assignment on stressed and unstressed syllables
/# .otivation
!ead the "aragra"h (orre(tly#
Sandra loves to s-im# Bne day her (lassmate invited her to Batangas for a -ee'end
holiday# She told her (lassmate that she had to as' "ermission first from her father# That
afternoon -hen her father arrived she follo-ed him to his room#
+hat "un(tuation mar's are used, +hat did you do -hen you see a "eriod, A (oma,
3o you 'no- that the "auses and sto"s you ma'e in reading senten(es (hange their
#. Presentatin:
%lass today -e are going to read a dialog# Bbserve the "auses and sto"s# Listen as I read the
&# %om"rehension (he('-u"
2o- many girls are standing at the other side of the street,
+hat is my sister -earing,
+ho is the girl -earing -hite "ants,
/# 3evelo"mental Lesson
Let us read the senten(e#
Barbie that girl in red is my sister#
+ho is Barbie,
+hat "un(tuation mar' is used after Barbie and red,
0# !ead the dialogue by "airs using "auses and sto"s#
4# <alue Infusion
+hat (hara(ter trait does 4ra(ia "ossess,
$# 4enerali1ation
+hat "un(tuation mar' is used to mean a "ause or sto",
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
A# 4uided Pra(ti(e
!ead these senten(es aloud# Pause briefly at a (omma# Put the -senten(e -hi(h means
tal'ing to in the first bo7 and the senten(e -hi(h means tal'ing about in the se(ond bo7#
&# a# !ey that boy in a blue T-shirt is @my (ousin# 5/"d bo76
b# !ey that boy in a blue T-shirt is my (ousin# 5&st bo76
B# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e
%o"y the senten(e# Listen and use (omma to indi(ate "auses and sto"s#
&# >enny the old man -ith a (ane is my grandfather# 5tal'ing to >enny6
/# !oy the boy -ith a red (a" is my sho" tea(her# 5tal'ing about !oy6
%# +riting
+rite / senten(es tal'ing to song using "auses and sto"s#
IV. Evaluatin:
%o"y the senten(es# Listen and "la(e the (omma (orre(tly#
&# !emy that girl in red dress is my friend# 5tal'ing about !emy6
/# >osh the handsome boy is my son# 5tal'ing to >osh6
0# >iv the boy singing is my ne"he-# 5tal'ing to >iv6
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite $ senten(es tal'ing to someone using "auses and sto"s#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
!e(ogni1es rising and falling intonation in senten(es
Values: !es"e(t for elders
II. Subject Matter:
!ising and *alling Intonation
3ialogue: =ene and her *riend
!eferen(es: PEL% & S"ea'ing *un in English 5Language6 T: "# &0
.aterials: %hart
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
As' "u"ils Cuestions su(h as:
3o you li'e fish balls,
+here do you live,
+hat "un(tuation mar' is "la(ed after a Cuestion,
3o you have a friend, 3o you often go some-here -ith your friend,
#. Presentatin:
&# Today -e@re going to read a dialogue about =ene and her friend#
/# %om"rehension (he('-u"
+here did =ene go one Sunday morning, +here does her friend go,
3oes =ene -ant to go -ith her,
0# <alue Infusion
+henever you -ish to go some "la(e do you al-ays as' for your "arent@s "ermission,
4# !eading of the dialogue by the "u"ils 5by team6 -ith em"hasis on the rising and falling
$# 3evelo"ment of the S'ill
4oing ba(' to the dialogue -hi(h of the Cuestions have rising intonation, +hi(h of the
Cuestions have falling intonation,
;# 4enerali1ation
+hat ans-er (an be given to Cuestion -ith rising intonation,
D# Pra(ti(e e7er(ises
A# 4uided E7er(ises
Listen to ea(h senten(e that I@m going to read# Stand u" -hen you hear the falling
She@s (oming,
Eou@re going,
2e@s hungry,
B# Inde"endent E7er(ises
Listen to these senten(es# +rite ! if it is rising and * if it is falling#
&# Eou@re going to -or'#
/# I am ha""y#
0# Is mother (oming,
4# She@s going to hel",
$# The visitors are here#
IV. Evaluatin:
Listen as I read these senten(es# 3ra- in the bo7 if it has rising intonation and if it has a
*alling intonation#
&# Is it s-eet,
/# They@re (oming#
0# She@s resting#
4# 2e@s busy#
$# +e@re ready#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite $ senten(es -ith rising intonation and $ senten(es -ith falling intonation# !ead them
orally to (lass tomorro-#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
+rites the (orre(t s"elling of -ords -ith silent letter A'A
Values: *orest (onservation
II. Subject Matter:
+riting +ords -ith Silent Letter A'A
9sing 4uide +ords
!eferen(e: PEL% & +riting &#& S"ea'ing
A handboo' of S"o'en English for *ili"ino 4 ""# /0/ +or' Study 4 "# 4$
.aterials: "oem on manila "a"er di(tionary (ut-outs
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
%he('ing of Assignment
2ave you re(eived a gift on your birthday, +as it "la(ed in a bo7, +ere you e7(ited to
o"en it,
#. Presentatin:
%lass today -e@re going to read another "oem FA Gni(' *rom Gi(' F#
$. %nlc&in' f Difficulties
9nlo(' the meaning of these -ords using the di(tionary through the use of guide -ords#
Gnavery - 'no('
Gni(' 'no('
D. !eading of the "oem by the tea(her
E. $ $)ec&0u.
&# +hat is the title of the "oem,
/# +hat (an you see inside the bo7,
0# +ho send it ba(',
E. "est)etic Discussin
3id you li'e the "oem, 3o you thin' the boy -as ha""y -hen he re(eived his get,
G. Value
3o you a""re(iate someone -ho gives you a gift, 2o- -ill you treasure your gift,
2. !eading of the "oem by the tea(her 5Se(ond !eading6
Identify the -ords -ith silent letter A'A found in the "oem#
I. !eading of the "oem by the "u"ils giving em"hasis on the -ords -ith silent letter A'A
+. +hat -ords are lo(ated in the follo-ing guide -ords,
54ive 0 guide -ords and -ords in it for your sele(tion#6
1. Generali*atin
Let the "u"as formulate a rule about -ords -ith silent A'A by as'ing them -hat follo-s A'A
-hen it is not sounded,
L. Practice E,ercises
&# 4uided E7er(ise
3istribute balloon (ut-outs -ith "rinted -ords -ith A'nA# Let the "u"ils read and s"ell the
-ord orally then "aste the (ut-out on a manila "a"er#
'ni(' 'nob 'na"-sa('
'no- 'nee 'no('-out
/# Inde"endent E7er(ise
%om"lete the senten(es using the -ords in the bo7 belo-:
'no('ed 'night 'nees
'ne- 'neel 'no-n
&# Sir %lumsy -as an ordinary
/# Sir %lumsy -as throughout the 'ingdom#
0# 2e his name -as not very (om"limentary#
IV. Evaluatin:
A# +rite the follo-ing -ords (orre(tly# Tea(her di(tates the -ords as used in senten(es#
&# Gim s(ra"ed his 'nu('les#
/# The boy 'ne- he needed his 'ni('ers#
0# Sir Lan(e a brave 'night rides to a forest#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9se the di(tionary# List do-n $ ne- -ords -ith silent A'A using the guide -ords 'navery-'no('#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Sele(ts a""ro"riate meaning from several meanings given
Values: 3iligen(e
II. Subject Matter:
+ords -ith .ulti"le .eanings
Phoneti( Analysis softAth hard AthA
!eferen(es: PEL% &#& S"ea'ing & !eading S'ill Builders for Effi(ient !eading 4 ""# &0H-&40 *un
in English Language I< ""# 4?-4& *un in English !eading I< ""# /?4-/?$
.aterials: "oem (hart di(tionary
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
Are you fond of giving e7(uses, +hat e7(uses do you al-ays tell your tea(her, +hy,
#. Presentatin:
Today -e are going to study a "oem about e7(uses# But before that -e -ill 'no- first the
meaning of the follo-ing -ords#
%# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
As' "u"ils to read the senten(e and sele(t the meaning of the underlined -ords from the
o"tions belo-#
&# %an you rea(h u" to that shelf,
a# to arrive at
b# to get in tou(h -ith
(# to e7tent or distan(e a "erson a thing (an stret(h
/# +ere you able to s-im,
a# having enough "o-er or s'ill
b# s'illful talented
3# !eading of the "oem by the tea(her -hile "u"ils listen#
E# %om"rehension %he('-u"
&# +hy does *e li'e going to mar'et -ith mother,
/# +hy does *e not -ant to go to mar'et )ust no-,
0# +hy don@t li'e reading and studying my lessons )ust no-,
*# Aestheti( 3is(ussion
+hat line of the "oem do you li'e most, +hy,
4# <alue
+hen your mother tells you to do something are you going to do it, +hy, +hy not,
2# 3evelo"ment of S'ills
Let@s read a story and find out the -ords -ith AthA#I%lint@s BirdI
Sele(t the a""ro"riate meaning of the underlined -ords from several meanings given#
&# The bird has a fine feather#
a# to fit -ith a feather as an arro- (# to )oin by a tongue and groove
b# to (over adorn -ith feathers d# (overing
/# I (annot thin' -hat he said#
a# to believe or (onsider (# to bring to mindAremember
b# to e7"e(t d# (onsider
I# 4enerali1ation
2o- do -e get the meanings of a -ord from several meanings given,
+hat are the sounds of AthA,
># Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
A# 4uided Pra(ti(e
&# The "u"ils are grou"ed into /# 4rou" I 5girls6 -ill get stri"s -ith -ords and 4rou" II
5boys6 -ill hold the stri"s -ith grou" of -ords the tea(her reads the senten(e the "u"il
-ho has the (orre(t meaning -ill mat(h it -ith the -ord#
&# (abin
a# a small house8 hut
b# a room on a shi"
(# a "la(e -here "assengers are seated in an air"lane
&# The (a"tains (abin in the streamer is big#
/# The boys built a (abin in the -oods#
B# Inde"endent E7er(ise
Sele(t the meaning of the underlined -ords by -riting the letter on your "a"er# +rite also
the sound of AthA in the -ords#
&# thro-
a# to "ut hastily or (arelessly
b# to dire(t or "ro)e(ts
(# to (ause to fall
&# The horse thro- its rider#
/# 2e thro-s a (oat over his shoulders#
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite the -ords that I@m going to di(tate# !ead the -ords (orre(tly after-ards#
&# theme 0# faith
/# them 4# -eather
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9se the di(tionary to get the meaning of the underlined -ord as used in the senten(e#
&# +e gradually develo"ed a "lan for our "ro)e(t#
/# The si('ly (hild develo"ed into a strong youth# +rite $ -ords -ith soft AthA and $ -ords -ith
hard AthA using the di(tionary#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Lo(ates information in a boo'
9ses the table of (ontents titles sub-titles
Values: (are of boo's
II. Subject Matter:
9sing the Table of %ontents Titles Sub-titles
!eferen(e: Basi(s and Beyond !eading 4 *un in English I< !eading ""# ;-D# ;$
PEL% &#/ S"ea'ing S(ien(e 2ealth and Environment 0
.aterials: (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
4uessing 4ame
+hat boo' hel"s you solve mathemati(al "roblems,
.athemati(s 3i(tionary S(ien(e
Eou have learned the three "arts of the boo' in 4rade III -ill you enumerate them,
#. Presentatin:
&# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
%hoose the a""ro"riate meaning from the multi"le meanings#
a# table
- an arti(le of furniture -ith a flat hori1ontal to"
- a (olle(tion of related numbers values signs or items of any 'ind of arrangement for
ease of referen(e
/# 2ere is a Table of %ontents# Study the Table of %ontents# !ead the Cuestions about it the
(ha"ter title subtitle and "age -here the ans-ers are most li'ely to be find# 5-ritten on the
&# Bn -hat "age (an -e find The %hanging earth,
/# Bn -hat (ha"ter (an -e find Sunlight,
0# Bn -hat title (an -e find the sub-title dry season,
0# 3is(ussion and %om"arison
+hat do -e find in the Table of %ontents,
2o- is the Table of %ontents arranged,
4# <alue Infusion
2o- do you lo(ate the lessons in your boo',
$# 4enerali1ation
+hat is the Table of %ontents about,
2o- does the Table of %ontents hel" the readers of the boo',
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ise
A# 4uided "ra(ti(e
9sing the Table of %ontents of your *un in English I< !eading -rite after ea(h "age
number that (an be found on it#
&# "age 4
/# "age J
0# "age 0;
4# "age HJ
$# "age&?H
B# Inde"endent "ra(ti(e
+ith the use of Table of %ontents of your Into the *uture: S(ien(e an 2ealth after
ea(h "age number the e7a(t title of the to"i(s on it#
&# "age &
/# "age 4H
0# "age ;H
4# "age HH
$# "age&00
IV. Evaluatin:
+ith the table of %ontents given belo- (o"y the title subtitle and "age -here you are most li'ely
to find the ans-er to the Cuestions that follo-# 5-ritten on the (hart6
&# +hat does food do to your body,
/# +hat foods do you need to ma'e your bones healthy and strong,
0# +hat e7er(ise is good for the heart,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9sing your S(ien(e Boo' Table of %ontents ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions#
&# +hat is the title of %ha"ter III,
/# +hat are the sub-titles under this (ha"ter,
0# Bn -hat "ages -ill you begin reading about a""lying first aid,
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
!eads orally stories -ith (orre(t stress and intonation
Values: %ontentment
II. Subject Matter:
Bral !eading -ith %orre(t Stress and Intonation +ords -ith Silent A-A
Story: A +ise Ging
!eferen(e: PEL% &#& !eading & +riting 3evelo"ing !eading Po-er 4 "# /$D
3evelo"ing !eading Po-er 5Abadilla6 "# $$-$J
.aterials: (hart stri"s of "a"er (ut outs of fish
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
&# !evie-
Eesterday -e studied about a""ro"riate meanings of -ords# =o- let@s have a (ontest# I@ll
divide you into / grou"s#
/# .otivation
Sho- a "i(ture of a (at#
2o- many of you had -at(hed the (artoon "Tom and >erry", +ho is Tom,
0# !eading -ith s'imming
4# %om"rehension %he('-u"
&# +hat -as flying u" in the air,
a# a (at b# a lar' (# a rat
/# +hat -as the (at "ushing,
a# a (art b# a -agon (# a sled
$# Presentation
%lass today -e@re going to read a story orally# This story is about a -ise 'ing# But before
-e read it let@s study the meaning of these -ords#
;# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
9nlo(' the meaning of the follo-ing -ords through (onte7t (lues#
&# 2e -as -earing not ordinary ring - a -hite band -ith "re(ious stones#
/# The ri(h man -as greedy# 2e 'e"t to himself all his -ealth# 2e never shares them -ith
his neighbors#
#. Rea!in' "ctivit/:
&# !eading of the story "A +ise Ging" by the tea(her em"hasi1ing on the (orre(t stress and
/# !eading of the story by the -hole (lass then by ro-s individually#
$. Pst Rea!in' "ctivities
&# %om"rehension %he('-u"
+here does the 'ing@s -isdom (ome, +hat -ere -ritten on his ring, +hat ha""ened# to
him in a battle, 2o- did the "eo"le honor their 'ing,
/# <alue Infusion
Is it good to be ri(h li'e the 'ing, are you (ontented if you are ri(h,
0# 3evelo"ing and A""lying !eading S'ills
4# +riting A(tivity
Tea(her as's the "u"ils to -rite the s"elling of -ords -ith silent A-A that are found in the
story "A +ise Ging"#
$# 4enerali1ation
2o- do -e read stories, 2o- do -e -rite the s"elling of -ords -ith silent A-A,
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ise
A# 4uided E7er(ise
&# Let@s "lay the game "Let@s go *ishing"# 5The (ut outs of fish have -ords -ith silent
letter A-A#6 tea(her (alls "u"ils 5one at a time6 to fish a -ord# As' "u"il to read the
-ord -ith silent letter A-A and -rite the (orre(t s"elling of the -ord on the board#
B# Inde"endent E7er(ise
%om"lete the follo-ing senten(es -ith -ords found inside the bo7 belo-#
&# The "resident "la(es a LLLLLL on the tomb of un'no-n heroes#
/# LLLLL are all over the old -oman@s fa(e#
0# Thro- the "lasti( LLLLLLL in the thrash (an#
%# Enri(hment A(tivity
3ivide the (lass into 0 grou"s# Ea(h grou" -ill do any of the follo-ing#
&# A(t out the story read#
/# 3ra- a "i(ture of the 'ing#
0# +rite as many -ords -ith silent letter A-A on a bond "a"er#
IV. Evaluatin:
A# !ead this story orally observing (orre(t stress and intonation#
B# List do-n $ -ords -ith silent A-A#
Bne day .rs# +right re(eived a letter from her grandson +ilson# +ilson -anted to visit her
after t-o years of stay in Saudi Arabia# .rs# +right@s -rin'led fa(e brightened u"on reading the
letter# Although her -rists are a(hing due to old age she managed to -rite a fetter in res"onse to
her grandson#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite the missing letters of these -ords#
&# -rL('Ld 4# -rLte
/# -LeLtLe $# -LeLth
0# -LoLg
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
9ses the inde7 in lo(ating the information in a boo'
Values: Sharing -ith others
II. Subject Matter:
Lo(ating Information by 9sing Inde7
!eferen(e: PEL% &#/ S"ea'ing *un In English !eading I< ""# $D ;; D0
.aterials: Boo's &mm the library
III. Prce!ure
". Revie2
+hat are the Pent "arts of a boo',
#. Mtivatin
2o- are the -ords in a di(tionary arranged, +here else (an you find -ords arranged
$. Presentatin
Loo' at one ba(' of your boo' in Language# +hat are -ritten on it, -hat do you (all this
D. Devel.-ental Lessn
2ere is a sam"le inde7# Study it and -or' on the e7er(ises that follo-#
E. 9sing your *un in English !eading I< Te7tboo' lo(ate the inde7 and ans-er the follo-ing
&# Bn -hat "age (an you read about suffi7es,
/# 9nder -hat main to"i(s does it fall,
0# +hat sub-to"i(s are dis(ussed under the to"i( di(tionary,
(. Value Infusin
Some of you have boo's -hile others don@t# +hat should those -ho have boo's do,
G. Generali*atin
+hat is an inde7, 2o- the -ords are arranged in the inde7 "ages, 2o- (an the inde7 hel" us
find -ords in a boo',
H. Practice E,ercise
A# 4uided "ra(ti(e
53istribute (artolina stri"s to the "u"ils -ith to"i(s seen on the Table of %ontents and
Inde7#6 !ead your (artolina stri"s and "aste on the manila "a"er the to"i(s seen on the Table
of %ontents and ta(' on the board the to"i(s sees in the inde7#
&# Listening to an e7"lanation of a "i(togra"h
/# <erbs
0# 3iary
4# >ournal Entry
$# 3is(riminating Bet-een real and fan(iful
B# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e
!efer to your *un in English !eading #I< Te7tboo'# Ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions using
the Inde7#
&# Bn -hat #"age (an you read about idioms,
/# +hat are the sub-to"i(s under story elements,
0# 9nder -hat main to"i( does "refi7 fall,
IV. Evaluatin:
Study this sam"le inde7 of a boo'# Ans-er the Cuestions that follo-#
5-ritten on the (hart6
&# Bn -hat "age (an you read about bullfighting,
/# 9nder -hat main to"i( does it fall,
0# +hat subto"i(s are dis(ussed under the to"i( >a"anese,
4# +here (an you read about limeri('s,
$# Eou -ant to 'no- -hat to do -hen you have a nosebleed -hat to"i(s are you going to loo' for,
In -hat sub-to"i( (an you find it,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9sing your S(ien(e boo' lo(ate the inde7 and ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions#
&# Bn -hat "age (an you read about s'eleton,
/# 9nder -hat main to"i( does "ollination fall,
0# +hat subto"i(s are dis(ussed under the to"i( e(li"se,
4# Eou -ant to 'no- -hat to do -hen you have a mus(le (ram"# +hat to"i( are you going to loo'
$# +here (an you read about mi7tures,
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes -ords in stories read using "honeti( analysis

Values: love of freedom
II. Subject Matter:
+ords -ith A1A sound and AthA sound
Story: In Sear(h of Pea(e and *reedom
!eferen(e: PEL% I< &# !eading &#& !eading *un In English I< !eading ""# /-;
.aterials: flash(ards
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
&# %he('ing of Assignment
/# !evie-
+hat is an inde7, +hat (an you find in an inde7,
0# .otivation
3o you 'no- that earliest 'no-n *ili"inos -ere not born in the Phili""ine soil, 2o-
(ould that be, Eou might as'# The follo-ing story ans-ers the Cuestion#
4# 9nlo('ing 3iffi(ulties
%hoose the meaning of the underlined -ord from the -ords inside the bo7#
&# The "oli(emen -ill sei1e the robbers#
/# The early *ili"inos li'e to trade -ith the %hinese#
0# The foreigners tried to -ade our (ountry#
$# !eading of .otive Kuestions
+hat is the story about, +hen did the story ha""en, +hy did the ten .alay datus leave
;# !e(all of Standards for Silent !eading#
#. Presentatin:
!ead the story "In sear(h of Pea(e and *reedom" silently# *ollo- the standards for silent
%# Post-!eading A(tivities
&# Ans-ering of .otive Kuestions
/# %om"rehension %he(' u"
+ho -as the leader of the ten .alay datus,
In -hat "art of the Phili""ines did the datus and their families land,
0# <alue Infusion
3id our forefathers get their freedom, 2o-, 2o- about us do -e -ant to have freedom,
4# A""lying !eading S'ills
A# 3e(oding -ords using "honeti(s
B# %o"y from the story read the senten(eAs that tell
&# +ho -as the leader of the ten .alay datu,
/# +hy the .alay datus left Borneo,
0# 2o- the .alay datus get their land,
$# 4enerali1ation
2o- do -e de(ode -ords from stories read using "honi(s,
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
A# 4uided E7er(ise
!ead the follo-ing story# 4et $ -ords that have the final A1A and initial AthA sound#
4od -as "leased -ith all his (reation# 2e loved all of them but in 2is heart 2e felt a
s"e(ial love for the animals# 2e loves to ga1e at the tattles as they gra1e along the meado-s#
2e -ould -at(h the bla1e of sunlight as it fell on the grasses# 2e (ould see the tigers and the
lions as they sei1e their "rey# 2e loved them so mu(h that 2e gave ea(h of them a ni(e
(omfortable "la(e to live in -here they -ould all be ha""y#
Sele(t the senten(e from the story above that ans-ers the follo-ing Cuestions#
a# +hat does 4od feel for the animals,
b# +hat does 2e love to ga1e at,
(# +hat does 2e -at(h at,
d# +hat does 2e gave to the animals to sho- ho- mu(h 2e loved them,
B# Inde"endent E7er(ise
!ead the story and (o"y the senten(e that ans-er the Cuestions belo- it#
>ose -on first "ri1e in a raffle dra- so he de(ided to go to the (ity megamall to buy a
birthday gift for his mother# 2e didn@t re(ogni1e the seller#
&# Sele(t from the 0 -ords -ith A1eA -hi(h means
&# su""ort
/# a re-ard
0# identify
IV. Evaluatin:
!ead the follo-ing story then give the meaning of the underlined -ords# Sele(t from the bo7
immerse in -ater inability to move to "erform the (eremony of
V. "ssi'n-ent:
Loo' for the meaning of these -ords in# the di(tionary and use them in your o-n senten(e#
&# ama1e
/# (oloni1e
0# a"ologi1e
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
+rite t-o to four senten(e "aragra"h using -ords -ith stressed and unstressed syllable
Identify stressed and unstressed syllable

Values: love of (ountry
II. Subject Matter:
Stressed and 9nstressed Syllable
Poem: .y =ative Land
!eferen(e: PEL% &#&#& Listening &#& !eading Everyday English I< !eading ""# $D-$J
*un in English I< Language ""# $-;
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
&# %he('ing of Assignment
/# !ead the -ords given belo-# 9nderline the stressed syllable and bo7 the unstressed syllable
in ea(h -ord#
&# understand
/# nation
0# station
0# .otivation
I have here "i(tures of beautiful s"ots of our (ountry# +hat land forms do you see in the
"i(ture, +hat -ater forms (an you see in this "i(ture,
4# Presentation
Today -e are going to study another "oem# But before -e are going to study the "oem
let@s first give the meaning of the -ords in the "oem#
$# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
!ead the follo-ing senten(es# %ir(le the letter of the -ord that gives the meaning of the
underlined -ord in ea(h senten(e#
&# Sierra .adre .ountain -hi(h lies from Bi(ol to Ilo(os !egion is grand mountain#
a# famous (# small
b# large d# tiny
/# The stately =arra tree (overs the belfry of Paoay %hur(h#
a# tall (# s"a(ious
b# -ide d# dee"
;# !eading of the "oem by the tea(her -hile "u"ils listen# 5*irst reading6 #
D# Intelle(tual 3is(ussion
+hat does the "oet say about his native land, +hat does native land stand for, +hat
things in his (ountry does the "oet love,
J# Se(ond reading of the "oem by the tea(her# 5Pu"ils ta'e note ho- the tea(her says the
stressed and unstressed syllable of the underlined -ords in the "oem#6
H# Aestheti( 3is(ussion
3o you love your (ountry, 2o- do you sho- your love to your (ountry,
&/# 3is(ussion
2o- is the title of the "aragra"h -ritten, The first of ea(h senten(e, 2o- is ea(h
senten(e ended,
&0# 4enerali1ation
+hat should you remember -hen -riting a "aragra"h,
&4# Pra(ti(e E7er(ise
A# 4uided "ra(ti(e
5%oo"erative "aragra"h -riting on the board6
+rite a "aragra"h about our s(hool#
B# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e
9sing four senten(es -rite a short "aragra"h about our (ountry#
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite a short "aragra"h about your favorite food using four senten(es#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite t-o-four senten(e "aragra"h about your "et#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identifies "arts of a ne-s "a"er
Values: a-areness and (ons(iousness
II. Subject Matter:
Parts of a =e-s"a"er
!eferen(e: English for All Times ; ""# /&;-/&D
.aterials: ne-s"a"er
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
&# %he('ing of Assignment
/# !evie-
+hat is the Table of %ontents about,
9sing the table of %ontents of your *un in English 4 -rite after ea(h "age number the
e7a(t title of the to"i( that (an be found on it#
&# "age &? 4# "age DH
/# "age 44 $# "age &?D
0# "age ;0
0# .otivation
3o you -ant to 'no- -hat (urrent lo(al and international are going on, So everybody
needs to read ne-s"a"er everyday#
#. Presentatin:
Today -e are going to study the "arts of a ne-s"a"er and -hat information is found in ea(h
"art# Bring out your ne-s"a"er#
&# The tea(her sho-s the different "arts of a ne-s"a"er and as' "u"ils to tell -hat information
is given by ea(h "art#
&# *ront "age - %ontains the latest ne-s both lo(al and international#
/# Editorial "age - %ontains -hat the editor thin's about the im"ortant issues#
0# %lassified ad - %ontains )ob available and for sale eCui"ment (ars and others#
4# S"orts "age - %ontains the results of the s"orts events#
$# Bbituary - It is about noti(es of dead "eo"le#
;# Lifestyle - It is about s"e(ial features of famous "eo"le@s -ay of living#
D# Entertainment - %ontains s"e(ial features on Arts .usi( Theater Sho- business et(#
J# Business "age - %ontains im"ortant business ne-s
H# So(iety "age - %ontains so(ial events that have )ust ta'en "la(e or -ill ta'e "la(e#
/# 3is(ussion:
+hat information do -e get from the follo-ing,
a# front "age
b# editorial
(# (lassified ads
d# s"orts "age
0# <alue Infusion
Is it im"ortant for us to be informed about (urrent events here and abroad, +hat -ays
(ould -e get information about -hat is going an,
4# 4enerali1ation
+hat are the different "arts of a ne-s"a"er,
$# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
A# 4uided E7er(ises
Everybody fo(us your eyes on the ne-s"a"er I@m holding# Tell -hat "art of the
ne-s"a"er is sho-n# +rite it on the board# B""osite ea(h "art give the information -e get
from it#
&# s"orts "age
/# editorial
0# lifestyle
4# front "age
$# business "age
B# Inde"endent E7er(ises
9sing your ne-s"a"er -rite the "art of the ne-s"a"er -here you -ill find the
&# im"ortant ne-s of the day
/# se(ond hand bi(y(le for sale
0# death of a friend of the family
IV. Evaluatin:
2ere are the "arts of a ne-s"a"er# +rite the "art of the ne-s"a"er -hi(h is being des(ribed
entertainment front "age
editorial "age obituary
so(iety "age (lassified ads
lifestyle s"orts "age front "age
&# It gives the o"inion or vie-s of the editor on the latest events#
/# This "age gives information on valuable )obs and things for rent or for sale#
0# This "age gives all the ne-s of the day#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9se the ne-s"a"er to find the "art -here you -ill find the follo-ing:
&# "eso-dollar rate
/# the result of the bas'etball (ham"ionshi" game
0# movies "resently sho-n in the theater near you
4# -edding "arty of a "rominent family
$# advertisement of a ne- "rodu(t
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
*ollo-s three-ste" dire(tions heard
4ives series of dire(tions using seCuen(e signals e#g# first then ne7t et(#
Values: Attentiveness and orderliness
II. Subject Matter:
*ollo-ing and 4iving 3ire(tions
!eferen(e: PEL% Listening S"ea'ing / "# &; *un in English Language T: 4 ""# 0H-4?
Everyday English 5!6 ""# 4-$
.aterials: .anila "a"er (hart (rayons
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
&# !evie- "ausesAsto"s in utteran(es by reading a "oem ".y Boo' 2olds .any Stories" on
"ages 4-$ Everyday English 5!6#
/# .otivation: Lead the "u"ils to "erform the follo-ing dire(tions:
%la" your hands three times#
!aise your right hand#
Stand straight
As': 3id you follo- the dire(tions (orre(tly,
#. Presentatin:
&# 2ave the "u"ils listen (arefully as the tea(her reads and gives these dire(tions to one "u"il#
*irst go to the room and o"en the door# =e7t -al' to the front and turn right# Lastly
-al' to-ards the (orner and get flo-er "ot#
/# 3is(ussion
a# +hat did !onald do first, +hat did he do ne7t, Lastly -hat did he do,
b# +hat -ords -ere used to sho- the (orre(t order in giving three dire(tions,
(# 2o- many ste"s did you do,
0# Present another@ three-ste" dire(tion# Then further dis(uss for em"hasis#
%# 4enerali1ation
&# +hat are the seCuen(e signals used in giving three-ste" dire(tion,
/# +hat should -e remember -hen follo-ing 0-ste" dire(tion,
3# Infusion of <alues
+hat should be the right attitude in listening to dire(tions,
E# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
&# 4uided E7er(ise
Tea(her gives the dire(tion "u"ils follo-#
*irst -rite your (om"lete name on your "a"er#
=e7t dra- a bo7 around your name#
*inally (olor your bo7ed name#
/# Inde"endent E7er(ise
Pu"ils (onstru(t their o-n 0-ste" dire(tion#
IV. Evaluatin:
Tea(her reads the dire(tions (arefully -hile the "u"ils do the a(tivities on their ans-er sheets#
&# *irst dra- a flo-er -ith $ "etals# =e7t en(ir(le the flo-er# *inally "ut si7 rays around the (ir(le#
/# *irst add &0$ and /&?# Then multi"ly it by /# *inally subtra(t /&? from your ans-er#
0# *irst dra- a re(tangle# =e7t divide the re(tangle into four eCual "arts# Lastly shade one-fourth
of it#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite at least 0 three-ste" dire(tions# 9nderline the signal -ords used#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
*ollo- 4-ste" dire(tion heard
Values: attentiveness and orderliness
II. Subject Matter:
*ollo-ing and 4iving 3ire(tions
!eferen(e: PEL% / "# &; *un in English 5L6 T: 4 ""# 0H-4?
.aterials: (hal'board (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
!evie- 0-ste" dire(tion# Pu"ils give their o-n e7am"le#
%he('ing of Assignment
Today (lass -e are going to follo- more dire(tions by using other seCuen(e signals as
-e did yesterday#
#. Presentatin:
&# !ead this "aragra"h belo-#
*irst "re"are / (u"s of ri(e# =e7t (lean the ri(e of stones inse(ts and "alay# Then "ut
ri(e in a "ot and -ash on(e or t-i(e -ithout rubbing the grains# *inally add / (u"s of -ater
(over "ot and "la(e over fire until it boils#
/# %all individual "u"ils to "erform the dire(tions in front of the (lass or in the 2ome
E(onomi(s !oom#
0# 3is(ussion:
a# +hat is the first ste" in boiling ri(e, +hat is the se(ond ste", Third ste", Last ste",
b# 2o- many ste" dire(tions are used in the "aragra"h,
(# +hat are the seCuen(e signals in this "aragra"h, %an -e use other seCuen(e signals,
$. Generali*atin
+hat are the seCuen(e signals that -e (an use in ma'ing a 4-ste" dire(tion, +hat should -e
remember in follo-ing 4-ste" dire(tion,
D. Infusin f Values
2o- should you listen to a "erson giving dire(tion,
E. Practice
&# 4uided E7er(ise
+rite a "aragra"h on ho- to fry a fish# 9se the (onne(tives: first then ne7t and finally#
/# Inde"endent E7er(ise
4rou" +or'
Bne grou" to give 4-ste" oral dire(tion# Bther grou" -ill follo- and vi(e versa
IV. Evaluatin:
Arrange the senten(es into a single "aragra"h on "re"aring (alamansi )ui(e# !emember to use the
"ro"er (onne(tives or seCuen(e signals#
&# %ut (ross-ise 0 "ie(es of (alamansi#
/# SCuee1e the sli(ed (alamansi into a glass#
0# Add -ater and sugar to taste#
4# Stir gently and add i(e (ubes to ma'e (ool and refreshing drin's#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
A +rite a single "aragra"h on ho- to (oo' a hard-boiled egg# 9se the 4-ste" dire(tion only#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
*ollo-s series of dire(tions using signals
Values: %oo"eration
II. Subject Matter:
SeCuen(e Signals
!eferen(e: PEL% S"ea'ing / +riting / Everyday English 4 !eading ""# ;;-;D
*un in English 4 Language ""# 44-4; LBP 3E%S!B !egion III ""# /?-/&
.aterials: glasses s"oon "it(her (hart on dire(tions in ma'ing musi(al instruments
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities:
&# 3rill:
The tea(her first gives dire(tion to be "erformed or e7e(uted by the "u"ils# Then the
other "u"ils give more e7am"les of dire(tions to be follo-ed#
!aise your arm
Arms do-n
!ight fa(e
/# !evie- on the 0-ste" dire(tions#
*irst stand u"# Then say "good morning"# *inally sit do-n#
0# .otivation:
3o you love "laying musi(al instruments, +hat instrument do you "lay, 3o you 'no-
the ste"s in ma'ing musi(al glasses,
#. Presentatin:
Say today -e are going to ma'e musi(al instrument#
Pu"ils read one by one the ste"s to be follo-ed# Then -ith the tea(her@s guide they -ill
ma'e musi(al instrument#
%# 3is(ussion
Let the "u"ils observe ho- the "aragra"h is -ritten# As' the follo-ing Cuestions:
&# Is the first senten(e indented,
/# Are there margins on both sides, +hi(h side has a -ider margin,
0# 3oes ea(h senten(e begin -ith (a"ital letter and end -ith "un(tuation mar',
3# 4enerali1ation:
+hat are the ste"s to be follo-ed in -riting series of dire(tions in "aragra"h form,
E# E7er(ises
&# 4uided E7er(ise
+rite the ste"s in ma'ing (himes# 9se seCuen(e signals# !e-rite the senten(es into a
"aragra"h form#
*irst "re"are the needed materials su(h as $ nails of different si1es string about one foot
long# Se(ond divide the string into five different si1es# Then tie ea(h string to ea(h nails head#
The other end of the string should betide to the sti('# *inally follo- the same "ro(edure -ith the
rest of the nails about one in(h a"art ea(h other# Eou no- have lovely (himes#
B# Inde"endent E7er(ise
List do-n the ste"s in ma'ing Ban)o seCuen(e signals# Then re-rite the senten(es into
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite a "aragra"h about the ste"s in doing something# Eou may (hoose a to"i( belo-#
*rying %amote
Planting Seedling
Pre"aring %alamansi >ui(e
+ashing %lothes
V. "ssi'n-ent:
!esear(h for an interesting and useful "ro)e(t -hi(h you -ant to share to your (lassmates# Then
(o"y the ste"s or dire(tions# 9se seCuen(e signals# *inally re-rite them into "aragra"h form#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
*ollo-s 0 to 4 ste" dire(tions in the given game
Values: S"ortsmanshi"
II. Subject Matter:
+riting 0-4 Ste" 3ire(tions
!eferen(es: PEL% / +riting "# &;8 Paragra"h - 2o- to Play ".usi(al %hairs"8 Everyday English
Language I< T: ""# //-/$
.aterials: (assette ta"e (hairs and (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
4ive the follo-ing dire(tions to be done by the "u"ils#
*irst )og in your "la(e# Then ste" for a moment# =e7t move three ste"s for-ard# Lastly
turn around#
Let us give e7am"les of 0-4 ste" dire(tions#
#. Presentatin:
&# In your P#E# (lass -hat games do you en)oy to "lay,
/# Today -e are going to read slo-ly a "aragra"h on ho- to "lay ".usi(al %hairs" and let us
try "laying it#
a# Paragra"h !eading ".usi(al %hairs"
*irst sele(t at least five "layers# After-ards arrange four (hairs in a (ir(le fa(ing out#
Then "lay some fast musi( and -al' around the (hairs -hen the musi( sto"# Eliminate
the "layer -ithout a (hair and remove one (hair# =e7t the game starts again until one
"layer -ho stays on is a -inner# *inally de(lare this "layer the -inner#
b# %ontent Analysis
&# +hat is the "aragra"h about,
/# 2o- many "layers are needed to "lay the game,
0# 2o- many (hairs are needed,
%# 4enerali1ation:
2o- do -e -rite your senten(es in game dire(tion,
3# Infusion of <alues:
+hen you "lay a game -hat should be your attitude -hen you lose the game,
E# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises:
&# 4uided: Arrange the follo-ing )umbled senten(es into a "aragra"h using the (orre(t order of
the seCuen(e signals#
Title: 2o- To Play Bottle !elay
=e7t "layers "our the bottle -ith -ater in the em"ty one and rush ba('# Lastly the team
that has less s"illed -ater -ill be de(lared the -inner# Then arrange the bottles -ithout -ater
in a (orner# After-ards (hoose four em"ty bottles of eight oun(e (o'e# *irst grou" the ten
"u"ils into t-o teams#
/# Inde"endent
2ave the "u"ils -rite a "aragra"h about their favorite game using the seCuen(e signals#
IV. Evaluatin:
*ill in the blan's -ith the (orre(t seCuen(e signals to form a "aragra"h about the game FLongest
H2 t Pla/ t)e Ln'est Line
LLLLLL (hoose ten "layers and grou" them into t-o LLLLLLfall in lines LLLLL form straight line
5first6 5Then6 5=e7t6
using materials found in their bodies# LLLLLLLLLLL the team -ith the longest line is de(lared the
V. "ssi'n-ent:
%hoose a game that you li'e best then ma'e a "aragra"h using the seCuen(e signals: first the
ne7t and finally# +rite it in your noteboo'#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3oes a((urate slo- reading in order to follo- (ommon dire(tions#
Values: *orest (onservation
II. Subject Matter:
%ommon 3ire(tions
!eferen(es: PEL%-!eading /8 *un in English 4 !eading F.a'e .usi(I ""# &H?-&H&8 Everyday
English 4 !eading "age &;H
.aterials: %hart on the ste"s to ma'e (himes and Ban)o real ob)e(ts needed in ma'ing (himes
and Ban)o#
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
&# %he('ing of assignment and materials brought#
/# !evie- on the ste"s to be follo-ed before (rossing the street#
0# 9nlo(' the -ords (himes and ban)o by sho-ing real ob)e(ts or "i(tures#
4# .otivation:
3id you bring the materials needed today, +hat "ro)e(t do you thin' (an -e do out of
these used materials,
#. Presentatin:
Today -e are going to ma'e musi(al instruments# The tea(her -ill grou" the (lass into four
or more learning bar'adas#
$. Discussin:
Pu"ils read a((urately the ste"s in ma'ing (himes# Then they follo- it -ith the assistan(e of
the tea(her#
3# 4enerali1ation:
+hat should you do in order to follo- (ommon dire(tions,
<aluing: +hi(h grou" -as the most (reative in ma'ing (himes, Let@s give them a round of
E# Pra(ti(es:
&# 4uided Pra(ti(e: Pu"ils -or' by grou"#
3ire(tion: *ollo- the ste"s in ma'ing a ban)o#
To .a'e the Ban)o
Eou need: a shoe bo7 ta"e rubber bands of different thi('ness
Then do these:
&# %ut a round hole as -ide as the mouth of a (u" in the middle of the lid of the shoe bo7#
/# Ta"e the lid on the bo7 firmly#
0# 9sing rubber bands of different thi('ness stret(h them a(ross the holearound the abo7#
4# Strum the rubber bands# +hat do you hear,
/# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e:
3ire(tion: !ead# Then follo- the dire(tions (arefully#
&# +rite the name of the musi(al instrument that you made out of the shoe bo7 and rubber
/# List do-n the three materials needed in ma'ing the (himes#
0# 3o not ans-er this Cuestion: +hat is your name,
4# 3ra- ho- the (himes loo' li'e#
$# %o"y the (orre(t s"elling of your tea(her@s name#
IV. Evaluatin:
3ire(tion: %arefully follo- the -ritten dire(tions belo-#
&# !ead all the dire(tions (arefully before doing anything#
/# +rite your name on the u""er left (orner of your "a"er#
0# List do-n all the materials needed in ma'ing ban)o#
4# %o"y all the dire(tions in ma'ing the ban)o#
$# =o- that you have finished reading numbers &-4 (arefully follo- the dire(tions given in numbers
& and / only#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite do-n $ sim"le dire(tions to be follo-ed by your (lassmates tomorro-#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
4ives series of dire(tions using seCuen(e signals#
Values: Bbedien(e to traffi( rules
II. Subject Matter:
SeCuen(e Signals
!eferen(es: PEL% - !eading /8 *un in English 4 Language8
Poem: To Be Safe - *un in English 4 Language ""# 44-4;
.aterials: (artolina or manila "a"er
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
M !evie- the seCuen(e signals:
M .otivation:
As': 2ave you seen traffi( lights in .etro .anila, 3o you 'no- -hy -e have traffi( lights
in the street, 5Ans-er: the traffi( lights 'ee" us safe from a((ident6
M <o(abulary Building
3ire(tion: *ind the other term or name for the -ords belo- by (om"leting the letters on the
bo7es beside ea(h -ord#
*lashed (ross turned
M Presentation:
Today -e are going to read a "oem#
M .otive Cuestion:
+hat is the "oem all about,
#. Durin' Rea!in':
The tea(her reads first the "oem then the "u"ils read#
&# Pu"ils ans-er orally the follo-ing Cuestions:
a# +hat is the "oem all about,
b# +hat does red light mean,
(# +hat does green light mean,
d# +here should the "eo"le (ross,
/# S'ill 3evelo"ment
&# *rom the "oem let us ma'e a four ste" dire(tion in (rossing the street#
0# 3is(ussion:
+hat seCuen(e signals -ere used in giving series of dire(tion# +hat "un(tuation mar' is
-ritten after the seCuen(e signals first ne7t then finally,
+here do -e see or find the seCuen(e signals at the beginning or end of the senten(e,
4# 4enerali1ation:
+hen three or more dire(tions are given they are )oined by LLLLLLLLLL# +hat -ords,
ans-er first se(ond ne7t after-ards lastly and then after-ards finally
$# Pra(ti(eAe7er(ise
a# 4uided Pra(ti(e
3ire(tions: 4ive the ste"s in frying (amote#
b# Inde"endent E7er(ise
3ire(tions: !earrange and re-rite the (orre(t ste"s in "re"aring the bangus for frying#
9se the seCuen(e signals first ne7t then at last#
LLLLLLLL s"rin'le salt and fry#
LLLLLLLL (ut into desired si1e#
LLLLLLLL -ash in (lean -ater#
LLLLLLLL remove the s(ales gills fins and tail#
LLLLLLLL remove the internal organs#
IV. Evaluatin:
%hoose all the ste"s to be follo-ed in "lanting a seedling# Then re-rite in their "ro"er order using
the seCuen(e signals first se(ond third the finally#
LLLLLLLL remove the earth-orms
LLLLLLLL "lant the seedling
LLLLLLLL -ater it#
LLLLLLLL (over the seedling to "rote(t it from the heat of the sun#
LLLLLLLL dig a hole
LLLLLLLL -ash the seedling#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
%hange these senten(es into three ste" dire(tions# 9se three seCuen(e signals#
&# .ar -ants Lu1 to "re"are brea'fast and to ready his shirt and "ants to -ear and tell the driver to
-ait for him#
/# The tea(her -ants Loren1o to first s-ee" the floor and then s(rub it and in the end he should
s-ee" it again#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3oes a((urate slo- reading in order to follo- (ommon dire(tions in "res(ri"tions
Values: A((ura(y Bbedien(e
II. Subject Matter:
3ire(tions in Pres(ri"tions
!eferen(es: Everyday English 4 5!eading6 "#&/&-&/08 *un in English 4 5!eading6 "# &H4-&H$8
PEL% !eading / S"ea'ing /
.aterials: sam"lesof do(tor@s "res(ri"tions "i(tures
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
4ive the follo-ing dire(tions to be done by the "u"ils#
*irst )og in your "la(e# Then ste" for a moment# =e7t move three ste"s for-ard# Lastly
turn around#
Let us give e7am"les of 0-4 ste" dire(tions#
#. Presentatin:
&# %he('ing of assignments
/# 3rill on follo-ing 0-4 ste"s dire(tions heard# e#g#
Everybody stand straight#
%la" your hands#
Stam" your feet#
>um" three times#
0# .otivation:
+hen you got si(' -here did mother ta'e you,
+hat did the do(tor give you, If mother -ill buy your o-n medi(ine -hat does she use
so she (an buy one from the drugstore,
4# 9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties 5The tea(her uses "i(tures and real ob)e(ts6
suffering asthma "res(ri"tions teas"oonful adult
$# Presentation:
Today (lass -e -ill -at(h a "antomime# Are you ready,
;# 3is(ussion:
3is(uss the "antomime "resented and give em"hasis on the "res(ri"tions given by the
&# In -hat form is the medi(ine "res(ribed,
/# 2o- are you going to administer the medi(ine,
0# +hat do you use to measure the amount of the medi(ine to ta'e,
D# 4enerali1ation:
+hat dire(tions are given in "res(ri"tions,
J# Infusion of <alues:
2o- should -e follo- given "res(ri"tions, +hy should -e follo- (orre(tly
"res(ri"tions given,
H# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises:
a# 4uided E7er(ises 5Pu"ils are as'ed to bring out the sam"le "res(ri"tions they brought#
*rom the "res(ri"tions read the tea(her as's Cuestions from it#6
b# Inde"endent E7er(ises:
3ire(tion: !ead the dire(tions then en(ir(le the letter of the (orre(t ans-er to (om"lete
the senten(e#
%hildren under 0 yrs of age
a# should never be given as"irin#
b# should be given as"irin only on a do(tor@s advi(e
(# should not be given more than table a day#
d# no tablet is to be given#
IV. Evaluatin:
!ead the dire(tions inside ea(h bo7#
Then from the (hoi(es under ea(h senten(e at the right (hoose the one that (om"letes the
senten(e or ans-er the Cuestions (orre(tly# *rom this -e (an tell that LLLLLLLL#
a# all (oughs are (aused by (olds
b# not all (oughs are (aused by (olds
(# a (old should al-ays be treated by a do(tor
d# all (oughs last for a -ee'
&# If (ough lasts more than a -ee' (onsult your do(tor#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
Bring the follo-ing materials for tomorro-#
&# & drin'ing stra-
/# & "lasti( (u" or any unbrea'able (u"
0# mat of grass
4# a lum" of soil
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
!eads dire(tions on medi(ine labels
*ollo-s (ommon dire(tions as found in medi(ine labels#
Values: Bbedien(e
II. Subject Matter:
3ire(tions *ound in .edi(ine Labels
!eferen(es: Everyday English 4 5!eading6 ""# &&H-&//8 PEL% !eading /8 +riting /
.aterials: medi(ine bo7es bottles tubes tablets (a"sules syru" ointment
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
*ree %ommuni(ation:
!iddle: ".other mother I am si(' %all the do(tor very Cui('#
+hat -ill the do(tor give the (hild -ho is si(',
S"elling 5The tea(her uses ea(h -ord in a senten(e6
medi(ine bottle -ound label
"oisonous (ontents
+hat have you learned about follo-ing (ommon dire(tions in "res(ri"tions,
%he('ing the "u"il@s home-or'
As' the (hildren if they had been si(' and -here their mother brought them#
As' them -hat ailment they had#
+hat is a stoma(ha(he diarrhea (ough fever or s'in irritation,
#. Presentatin:
&# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties 5(onte7tual (lues6
a# labels (# "oisonous
b# e7ternal d# orally
/# Presentation 5Sho- sam"les of medi(ine labels6
a# !aising of motive Cuestions
+hat is seen in a medi(ine label,
b# Setting the standards for oral reading# 3ire(t the "u"ils to the illustration under
".edi(ine labels" in their te7tboo'# Tell the "u"ils to loo' at the "i(tures and read the
senten(es that follo- ea(h one#
(# !e(alling the motive Cuestion
d# !eading the sele(tion
e# Ans-ering the motive Cuestion
f# %om"rehension %he('-u"
+hat does the illustration -ith "(rossbone and a s'ull" mean, +hat other dire(tions
are found on the labels of the bottles,
0# 3evelo"ing and a""lying reading s'ills
+hat does "for e7ternal use only" mean,
4# 4enerali1ation
2o- do -e read medi(ine labels,
$# Infusion of values
+hat -ill ha""en if -e do not follo- the dire(tions in ta'ing medi(ine,
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
a# 4uided E7er(ises 5*rom the medi(ine bottles bo7es tablets or tubes -hi(h they brought6
+hat are some of the medi(ine labels, 3ra- or -rite them on your "a"er#
b# Inde"endent e7er(ise:
+rite & senten(e inter"reting the given medi(ine label#
E7# &# for e7ternal use only
/# 3o not ta'e -ithout do(tor@s "res(ri"tion
IV. Evaluatin:
3ire(tion: !ead the senten(e# Then en(ir(le the letter of the (orre(t ans-er#
&# 3r# Abad gave Andre a medi(ine -ith a label "*or E7ternal 9se Bnly#" +here should Andre use
a# outer "art of the body
b# any "art of the body
(# all over his body
d# inner "art of the body
3ire(tion: Ans-er the follo-ing
&# +hile (leaning the house you have seen a bottle labeled -ith a "(rossbone and a s'ull#"
Should you o"en the bottle, +hy,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
%olle(t at least 0 medi(ine labels on any medi(ine bo7 tube tablet# Paste it on a -hite "a"er#
+rite & senten(e about the meaning of the "asted medi(ine label#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3oes a((urate reading in order to follo- dire(tions is sim"le e7"eriments#
Ans-ers -h - Cuestions to dire(tions read#
Values: A((ura(y Team-or'
II. Subject Matter:
3ire(tions in Sim"le E7"eriments
!eferen(es: *un in English 4 5!eading6 ""# &HH-/??8 S(ien(e and 2ealth / t7t "# &&08
PEL% !eading / S"ea'ing /
.aterials: "en(il (lear ta"e ty"ing "a"er magnifying hand lens
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
%lass have you done sim"le e7"eriments in S(ien(e, %an you name some, 2o- did you
do it,
+ould you li'e to find out ho- your finger"rints loo' li'e, Today let us read dire(tions
in "erforming sim"le e7"eriment on "Ta'ing *inger"rints#"
#. Presentatin:
&# Pre"are the follo-ing:
"en(il magnifying hand lens
(lear ta"e ty"ing "a"er
/# !ub the shar"ened end of a "en(il a(ross a sheet of "a"er &$ to /? times to (olie(t a layer of
gra"hite on the "a"er#
0# !ub your left inde7 finger a(ross the gra"hite on the "a"er#
4# Tear off about / &A/ (m# of (lear ta"e and sti(' it on the fingerti"s -ith gra"hite#
$# !emove the ta"e and sti(' it on a (lean sheet of ty"ing "a"er#
;# Eou -ill see your finger"rint#
$. Pst Rea!in':
&# %om"rehension (he('-u":
&# +hat is the e7"eriment about,
/# 2o- many ste"s are there to follo- in the e7"eriment,
0# +hat is the very first thing you must do in your e7"eriment, =e7t, Then,
/# %all "u"ils to "erform the sim"le e7"eriment
0# 3evelo"ing and a""lying reading s'ills:
Pu"ils are as'ed to use the seCuen(e signals - first ne7t then after-ards and last lastly in
giving the different dire(tions to be follo-ed in "Ta'ing *inger"rints#"
4# 4enerali1ation:
+hy -ere you able to follo- the dire(tions in our sim"le e7"eriment,
$# Infusion of values:
+hat trait -as (ommon in the grou" that made the sim"le e7"eriment su((essful,
;# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises:
a# 4uided e7er(ises: 5Pu"ils are grou"ed into 4 and are given dire(tions in "erforming
sim"le e7"eriments# After the a(tivity they ans-er the Cuestions given6
&# 4et some soil#
/# .a'e a "mountains" on the sand table#
0# %over one "mountain" -ith a mat grass#
4# Pour -ater on both "mountains"# Kuestions: In -hi(h "mountain" -as soil (arried
a-ay by the -ater, +hy,
b# Inde"endent E7er(ises:
3ire(tion: !ead the dire(tions in ma'ing another 'ind of lens - "# /?0 *un in English
4 5!eading6# Then ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions#
&# In the e7"eriment -hi(h do you do first,
/# 2o- do you ma'e a round loo",
0# +here -ill you di" the -ire,
4# 2o- -ill you lift the loo" out of the -ater,
$# 2o- do the letters on the "age through the -ater dro" loo',
IV. Evaluatin:
!ead the dire(tions given and "erform it# 9se the materials that you brought# Then ans-er the
Cuestions that follo-#
&# 4et a stra-
/# Pla(e your hand near the end of the stra- as you blo- through it#
Kuestions: +hat is it that you feel,
+hen did you feel the air,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
!ead and follo- the dire(tions given# After-ards ans-er the Cuestions that follo-#
.aterials: a boo' a "en(il a glass
a bag a (u" a flashlight
&# %lose the -indo-s to dar'en the room#
/# Pla(e a flashlight on the table and turn it on#
0# 2old the boo' in front of the light#
&# 3oes the boo' blo(' the light,
/# %an light "ass through the boo',
0# 3o you see the shado- of the boo',
4# +hat is its sha"e,
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
4ets information from a (onversation listened to#
Values: %ourtesy in (onversation
II. Subject Matter:
Information from a %onversation
Im"ortan(e of !ain
!eferen(es: BE% PEL% Listening and S"ea'ing PEL% 0 !eading PEL% 0#0 +riting PEL% 08 *un
in English 5L6 ""# &J-&H
.aterials: (hart flash(ards
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
+hat (ourteous e7"ressions do -e use in a tele"hone (orversation,
4rou" -or': re(ite a line from a song "oem or rhyme -ith the -ord rain#
#. Listenin' "ctivit/:
Listen to the dialogue bet-een Larry and 4rand"a# T#.# ""#/J
$. S.ea&in'
&# +hat information about he rain do you get from the dialog,
%an you give other information about the rain besides those given from the dialog,
/# Bral %ommuni(ation:
As' the "u"ils to give the im"ortan(e of rain by giving the information from the dialog#
D. Rea!in' "ctivit/:
&# Pre-!eading
4rou" A(tivity
.a'e a short dialog about the im"ortan(e of forest# 9se (ourteous e7"ressions in your
/# 3uring !eading
!ead the dialog made by ea(h grou"# 9sing 3ire(ted !eading Thin'ing A(tivity 53!TA6
0# After !eading
a# %om"rehension %he('-u"
+hat are the information about the forest given from your dialog,
+hy are forest im"ortant
b# <alue Infusions
+hat shall -e do then to our forest,
+hy do -e need to use (ourteous e7"ressions in a (onversation,
IV. Evaluatin:
Listen to this (onversation and do -hat is as'ed after listening to it#
+hat to doN
&# 3ra- the information listened to about the roots of trees#
/# +rite the fun(tions of roots of trees from the dialog#
0# List the (ourteous e7"ressions used in the (onversation#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite the information from the dialog on "ages &4?-&4& of *un in English 5Language6#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
4ets information from a "oem listened to
Values: Love of %ountry
II. Subject Matter:
Information from a Poem +e %an@t All be 2eroes#
!eferen(es: PEL% "# &$0 *un in English 4 reading "# H$8 Everyday English 4
.aterials: bottle flash (ards and manila "a"er
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
!e(all a "oem learned )ust re(ently and tell something about it#
Let the "u"ils form a "u11le of a flag# Then sho- "i(tures of heroes# 2o- did they sho-
love to our (ountry,
+e have mentioned about our heroes# =o- you -ill hear on ho- to sho- love to our
9nlo('ing off 3iffi(ulties:
!ead the senten(es and give the meaning of the underlined -ords thru (onte7t dues#
&# The brave 'ati"uneros fight for your freedom#
/# La " u - La"u sho-ed his (ourage in the battle of .a(tan#
#. Devel.-ental "ctivities:
&# Eou -ill going to hear a "oem entitled "+e %an@t All Be 2eroes" through a ta"e re(order#
Listen (arefully and be sure to ans-er Cuestions later#
/# %om"rehension (he('-u"
a# +ho (annot fight battles to save our (ountry,
b# 2o- (an (hildren hel" their (ountry,
(# +hy (an@t -e all be heroes,
$. En'a'e-ent "ctivit/:
Bne of your (lassmates -ill read a "oem# Listen (arefully and be ready to give information
from the "oem# 9se truth or (onseCuen(e to (all "u"ils# *orm a big (ir(le#
D. "..licatin:
&# +hat shall -e do -hen it gets dar',
/# Is there a need to say any "rayers before -e slee", +hy,
E. Practices:
&# 4uided
+rite the short "oem that I -ill di(tate# Ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions later# 4rou" the
(hildren and "resent there -or'#
&# 2o- do -e ma'e a ring around the -orld,
/# +hat is the message of the "oem,
0# +hat other information (an -e get from the "oem,
IV. Evaluatin:
Listen to this "oem and ans-er the Cuestions belo-#
#e t)e #est
If you (an@t be a "ine on to" of the hill Be shrub in the valley but be
The best little shrub by the side of the rill8 Be a bush if you (an@t be a tree
>ust be the best of -hatever you may be#
&# +hat (an you do if you (an@t be a "ine tree on to" of the hill,
/# +hy do -e need to do our best al-ays,
0# +hat information did you get from the "oem,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
%o"y a short "oem and -rite 0 senten(es about it#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
4ets information from a diagram sho-n
Values: %oo"eration
II. Subject Matter:
4etting Information from a 3iagram#
!eferen(es: PEL%: Listening 0 S"ea'ing 0 !eading 0#4 +riting 0 ""# &;&D8 Bla1ing Trails 4 t7 ""#
&4J&4H8 S(ien(e and 2ealth 4 t7# P" /$4-/$$
.aterials: (harts "i(tures diagrams tomato "omelo t-o "ie(es of sti('s flashlights
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
2ave you heard about e(li"se, +hen does e(li"se o((ur, %an you des(ribe one#
9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties:
9nlo(' the meaning of -ords through guessing game#
LLLLLL &# It is the natural satellite of the earth -hi(h borro-s light from the sun#
LLLLLL /# It is the (enter of the solar system#
LLLLLL 0# The "la(e -here -e live in#
.otive Kuestions:
&# +hen does the moon (ast shado- on earth,
/# +hat is the differen(e bet-een the solar and lunar e(li"se,
#. Durin' Rea!in':
Let the "u"ils read the sele(tion about e(li"se# 5.otivated Bral !eading6#
$. Pst Rea!in':
&# %om"rehension (he('-u"A3is(ussion
Study the diagram# Ans-er the motive Cuestions and the (om"rehension Cuestions#
&# +hat (overs the moon during lunar e(li"se,
/# +hat is bet-een the earth and the sun in the solar e(li"se,
0# +hen does the solar e(li"se o((ur, Luna e(li"se,
/# 4enerali1ation
+hat is a solar e(li"se, Lunar e(li"se,
0# A""li(ation
3oing the a(tivity on "age /$4# Ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions after doing the a(tivity#
&# +hat does the tomato re"resent,
/# +hat does the "omelo re"resent,
0# +hat does the flashlight re"resent,
4# Enri(hment A(tivity
%ondu(t an intervie- of the adults 5"arent and tea(hers6 -ho have observed e(li"se# As'
their e7"erien(e regarding e(li"se# Be ready to share the information -ith your (lassmates#
D. Rea!in':
3ra- the "osition of the sun moon and earth during lunar and solar e(li"se# Label your dra-ings
and des(ribe them#
IV. Evaluatin:
Study the diagram sho-ing the sun and the "lanets#
!an' the "lanets a((ording to their distan(e from the sun# ran' number & the "lanet nearest the
sun8 =o# / the se(ond "lanet nearest the sun and so on#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
2ere is a diagram that sho-s ho- to read the thermometer# Study it and ans-er the Cuestions
&# +hat is the thermometer reading for a "erson -ith a normal tem"erature,
/# +hat is the thermometer reading for a "erson -ith fever,
0# +hat is the thermometer reading for a "erson -ith high fever,
4# +hat line sho-s the thermometer reading,
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
9ses (ourteous e7"ressions in tele"hone (onversation#
Values: %ourtesy and Politeness in Tele"hone %onversation
II. Subject Matter:
%ourteous E7"ressions in Tele"hone %onversation: !otation of the Earth
!eferen(es: BE% PEL% 0 S"ea'ing 0 Listening 0 +riting8 *un in English 4 Language ""# &?-&08
4ro-ing -ith S(ien(e and 2ealth 4 ""# /0H-/4/
.aterials: Toy tele"honeA(ell "hone -ritten models of tele"hone (onversation
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
+hat are the "oints to remember in a tele"hone (onversation,
3o you have a "hone, +hat is the use of a tele"hone, 2o- do you tal' to a "erson and
relay a message using the tele"hone,
#. Listenin' an! S.ea&in' "ctivities:
Listen to the dramati1ation of the follo-ing "hone (onversation# T#.# ""# 0&
$. En'a'e-ent "ctivit/:
&# 3is(ussion
a# +ho is the (aller,
b# +ho ans-ered the tele"hone,
(# +hat -as the time in .anila -hen Anne (alled u" =onie in %anada,
d# +hat time is it in %anada,
/# Infusion of <alue
+hat do -e need to do in ma'ing our ans-ering "hone (all,
D. Generali*atin:
+hat are the (ourteous e7"ressions use in the tele"hone (onservation,
E. Enric)-ent "ctivit/
4ame Pass it on# *ill it on the blan's in the senten(es from the (onservation#
&# 2ello LLLLLLLL morning#
/# This is 4loria LLLLLLLLLL#
0# .ay I LLLLLLLL to =ora,
(. "..licatin
%all "airs of "u"ils to dramati1e the follo-ing situations#
&# Inviting a friend to a Saturday informal "arty to meet oneOs (ounsins#
/# Inviting another (lassmate to "ra(ti(e for a s(hool "rogram#
IV. Evaluatin:
%om"lete the tele"hone (onversation belo-#
.ina: 2ello LLLLLL morning# .ay I tal' to =ona#
=ona: This is =ona LLLLLLLLL
.ina: IOm LLLLLLLL youOre home# 2o- about )oining me and my sister in an indoor game at our
"la(e on Saturday#
=ona: That -ill be great# IOll (ome over at t-o oO(lo(' in the afternoon#
.ina: +e -ill -ait for you LLLLLLLLLLLL#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite a tele"hone (onversation based on the follo-ing situations# %hoose only one situation#
&# Eou forgot your assignment noteboo' in s(hool# %all a (lassmate as' about your assignment in
/# Ans-er a (all for your father -ho is not home#
0# Ans-er the tele"hone for someone -ho (alls a -rong number#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
9ses (ourteous e7"ressions in ma'ing (alls on the tele"hone#
4ets information from (onversation heard#
Values: %ourtesy in Tele"hone %onversation#
II. Subject Matter:
%ourteous E7"ressions - Tele"hone %onversation: .a'ing %alls
!eferen(es: *un in English 5Language6
Bala)adia et al ""# &?-&/PEL% 0
.aterials: toy tele"hone -ritten model of tele"hone (onversation
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
a# Sho- a "i(ture of t-o (hildren having a tele"hone (onversation# +hat are the t-o
(hildren in the "i(ture doing, %an you guess -hat they are tal'ing about,
As' some "u"ils to relate e7"erien(es on tele"hone (onversation
#. Presentatin:
&# Listening to a voi(e ta"e and find out the (ourteous e7"ressions use#
/# Intelle(tual 3is(ussion
- +ho (alled u" 3ina,
- +ho re(eived the (all of Ali,
- +hat did Ali Tell 3ina,
0# !eading the tele"hone (onversation -ritten in the (hart#
4# <alue Infusion:
2o- do -e s"ea' -hen ma'ing tele"hone (alls,
$# 4enerali1ation:
+hen ma'ing (alls -hat (ourteous e7"ressions are used,
;# Pra(ti(e
a# 4uided Pra(ti(e
4rou" "u"ils into 4 grou"s# 9se (ourteous e7"ressions in a(ting out the follo-ing
a# ma'ing a (all to a (lassmate
b# ma'ing a (all to a friend
(# ma'ing a (all to the tea(her
d# ending a (onversation -ith a friend
- The tea(her evaluates the grou" "resentations#
b# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e
*ill in the blan's -ith the (orre(t e7"ression from the bo7# Tea(her di(tates#
&# 2elloN 4ood LLLLLL#
/# This is 4loria LLLLLL#
0# LLLLLL# I s"ea' -ith =ora,
4# See you on Saturday# LLLLLLL#
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite your ans-ers (orre(tly to the follo-ing Cuestions#
&# +hat -ord of greeting begins over a tele"hone (onversation,
/# +hen ma'ing a (all -hat e7"ression is used -hen as'ing for someone,
0# +ho ends the (all the (aller or the re(eiver,
4# +hat does heAshe say,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite a tele"hone (onversation as'ing your (lassmate about the English Assignment be(ause you
-ere absent the "revious day#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
9ses (ourteous e7"ressions in re(eiving (alls on the tele"hone#
Values: %ourtesy Bn Tele"hone %onversation
II. Subject Matter:
%ourteous E7"ressions - Tele"hone %onversation: !e(eiving %alls
!eferen(es: *un in English 5Language6 Bala)adia et al ""# &?-&/
English %ommuni(ation Arts for the Elementary 4r# 4 ""# /$D/$J PEL%: S"ea'ing 0
.aterials: toy tele"hone voi(e ta"e -ritten model of tele"hone (onversation
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
+hi(h of the follo-ing tele"hone (onversation is ma'ing the right (all,
a# !od: 2ello,
<oi(e: +ho is s"ea'ing "lease,
b# Angelo: 2elloN 4ood evening# This is Angelo !eyes s"ea'ing# .ay I s"ea' to .rs#
(# <oi(e: This is .rs# Santos s"ea'ing
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties:
4ive the meaning through (onte7t#
a# 2old your line "lease# I@ll (all her#
b# Bne moment "lease# I@ll (all her#
2o- many of you have re(eived a (all as'ing for your mother but she is out, +hat did
you tell the (aller,
#. Presentatin:
Today -e@re going to listen to another tele"hone (onversation# Listen (arefully to the
e7"ressions used by the re(eiver of the (all#
&# Listening to a voi(e
P Intelle(tual 3is(ussion:
- +ho ans-ered the "hone,
- +hat are the (ourteous e7"ressions used by the re(eiver, 2o- about the (aller,
- +hat is the message of .rs# Suare1 to
/# !ead the tele"hone (onversations bet-een Ali and 3ina# 5See yesterday@s lesson6 then let the
"u"ils ans-er the follo-ing Cuestions#
&# +ho is the re(eiver of the (all,
/# +hat (ourteous e7"ressions did she use,
0# <alue Infusion:
2o- do -e s"ea' -hen re(eiving (alls,
4# 4enerali1ation:
+hat (ourteous e7"ressions are used by the re(eiver of (alls,
$# S'ill 3evelo"ment:
a# 4uided Pra(ti(e
&# The tea(her "re"ares stri"s of (ourteous e7"ressions in re(eiving (alls# 3istribute the
stri"s to the "u"ils and "lay a game by "osting them under the follo-ing headings#
&# !e(eiver is the Person %alled
/# Another Person is +anted
0# Person +anted is But
b# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e:
*ill in the blan's -ith the (orre(t e7"ressions#
&# LLLLLLL hold your line#
/# Bne LLLLLLL"lease# I@ll (all her#
0# I@m# LLLLLLLLL 2e@s out#
4# This is .ario LLLLLLLLLL#
$# .ay I ta'e a LLLLLLLLLL,
IV. Evaluatin:
%o"y the (ourteous e7"ression that is (orre(t for ea(h number#
&# Ana re(eived a (all from a friend# 2o- -ill she ans-er her,
a# Ees I@m Ana (# S"ea'ing
b# 2elloN .y friend# d# 2iN 4ood evening#
/# .r# !eyes (alls for your father but he is out#
a# *ather is not home#
b# I@m sorry he@s not home# .ay I ta'e a message,
(# I@m sorry# %all him ba('#
d# Please (all on another day#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
4rou" the (lass into 4# Be able to a(t out situations -hen re(eiving (alls#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes meaning of -ords -ith infle(tional endings through stru(tural analysis#
Values: Perseveran(e
II. Subject Matter:
+ords -ith Infle(tional Endings: 3ialogue - Tea(her .ade: The .oon
!eferen(es: *un in English 4 Language Bala)adia et al ""# &0-&48 English in a 3ynami( +orld
Pado et al ""## HH-&??
.aterials: stri"s of senten(es "i(tures (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
As'ing Cuestions ans-erable by yes or no through "i(tures# Is the baby (rying, 3oes sister
s-ee" the yard, Are the (hildren "laying, Et(# +hat (an you say about our voi(e -hen -e
say the Cuestions,
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties: 9nlo(' the follo-ing -ords:
&# e7"lore 5give synonyms6
/# teles(o"e 5"i(ture6
0# lunar e(li"se 5illustration6
+ho is =eil Armstrong, 2o- many of you -ants to go the moon,
#. Presentatin:
a# +e@re going to listen to a (onversation of three boys# Let@s find out -hat they say about the
moon# 5dialogue -ritten on the (hart6
b# %om"rehension (he('-u"
&# +hy do "eo"le e7"lore the moon,
/# +ho invented the first magnifying teles(o"e to study the moon,
0# +hat hel"ed %olumbus save himself and his (re- from the Indians,
(# <alue Infusion:
3o you have a dream to e7"lore the moon, 2o- (an you be su((essful in that dream,
d# S'ill 3evelo"ment:
!ead -hat %arlos said about %olumbus# !ead also -hat +illiam said about %olumbus#
3o you re(ogni1e the (hange of voi(e at the end of the senten(e, +ho is doubtful,
e# 4enerali1ation:
+hen does a senten(e sho- an a(tion that is sure or (ertain, +hen does a senten(e sho-
an a(tion that is not sure or doubtful,
f# Pra(ti(e:
&# 4uided Pra(ti(e:
a# 4rou" "u"ils to "resent the follo-ing dialogues#
&# %e(ille: !osa is (oming to .anila,
.other: !osa is (oming to .anila# Everybody get your bags ready#
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite the di(tated senten(es (orre(tly and o""osite -rite doubtful or (ertain#
&# Eou@re alright,
/# Eou@re alright#
0# They@re singing#
4# She@s -riting#
$# =ena@s ans-ering the "hone,
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite 0 senten(es that e7"ress doubt and 0 senten(es that e7"ress (ertainly#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3edu(es meaning of unfamiliar -ords through "refi7es#
Values: !es"e(t for the flag#
II. Subject Matter:
9sing Prefi7es Story: The Phili""ine *lag Tells Its Story
!eferen(es: PEL% !# 0#/ *un in English 4 !eading ""# J&$ T#.# ""# H-&? Everyday
English 4 5!eading6 ""# H4-HD8 English in a 3ynami( +orld 4 5Language6 ""# /0&-/0/
.aterials: flash(ards (harts real ob)e(t 5flag6 (ut-outs
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
!evie-: 5through game6
3ire(tions: I@ll grou" you into 4# Ea(h grou" has $ members# +hen is say "go" the
member of ea(h grou" ta'e turn in -riting -ords -ith "refi7es on the board# Eou (an -rite
-ords as many as you (an -ithin / minutes# E7# 9n"re"ared uneasy#
The tea(her sho-s a real flag# +hat is this (lass, 5flag6# +hat (omes into your mind
-hen you see a flag, +hy do (ountries have their o-n flag,
9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties:
struggle- fight -ith
inde"enden(e - freedom from the rule of others
symbol - used to re"resent something
#. Presentatin:
&# The "u"ils read the motive Cuestion# 2o- did our "resent flag (ome to be,
/# The tea(her reads the story orally -hile the "u"ils read silently#
0# %om"rehension %he('-u"
a# +hy did Bonifa(io have a flag made - for the Gati"unan,
b# 3es(ribe the first flag of the Gati"unan# +hat events in Phili""ine history did this flag
"lay a "art in,
(# +hat other flags did the Gati"uneros have,
4# Infusion of <alue - As a *ili"ino ho- -ill you "rove your loyalty to our flag, Eour res"e(t
the flag,
D. Generali*atin:
+hat are "refi7es,
E. Practice E,ercises:
&# 4uided E7er(ises
Present some -ords 5-ithout "refi7es6# The "u"ils -ill (lassify the -ords that (an use the
"refi7 un mis re dis im ir# 3ire(tions: Eou -ill be given some (ut-outs Then "la(e ea(h
-ord under the "refi7 they belong#
treat honest
behave res"e(t
s"ell a""rove
/# Inde"endent E7er(ises:
4ive the meaning of ea(h -ord#
&# un(lean Q not dean
/# uneCual D# un"rote(ted
0# redire(t J# unfriendly
4# return H# uneasy
$# in(om"lete &?# unused
;# in(orre(t
IV. Evaluatin:
!ead the senten(e after ea(h number# +rite the meaning of the underline -ord#
&# The boy did not "ass the test be(ause he -as un"re"ared for it# LLLLLLLLLLLL
/# I forgot ho- many ti('ets there -ere so I had to re(ount them# LLLLLLLLLLLLLL
0# The boys did the -rong thing be(ause they misunderstood the dire(tions# LLLLLLLLLLLL
V. "ssi'n-ent:
Add a "refi7 to ea(h -ord and -rite its meaning#
&# 'ind 0# friendly $# behave
/# "olite 4# (orre(t
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3edu(es meaning of unfamiliar -ords through "refi7es - un in im#
Values: Love for %ountry8 Pea(e and 9nity
Prefi7es - un in im
Story: In Sear(h of Pea(h and *reedom
!eferen(es: Everyday English 4 5!eading6 ""# H$-HD8 *un in English 4 5!eading6 ""# /-;
T#.# ""# 4-D PEL% !# 0#0#&
.aterials: "i(tures (ut-outs flash(ards
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
Tea(her sho-s a "i(ture (all on "u"ils to tell something about the "i(ture#
9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties:
The "u"ils give the meaning of ea(h -ord through a(tion and (onte7t (lues#
unha""y freedom
un-illing invade
sei1e foreigner
#. Presentatin:
&# !eading of the motive Cuestion by the "u"ils#
+hy did the datus de(ide to leave their native land,
/# 4uide Bral !eading
Pu"ils read the story orally FIn sear(h of Pea(e and *reedomI#
0# %om"rehension %he('-u":
The "u"ils ans-ers the motive Cuestions#
+hy did the datus de(ide to leave their native land,
4# Infusion of values:
2o- do -e sho- our love for our (ountry,
+hy should -e love our (ountry,
$# S'ill 3evelo"ment:
The "u"ils ans-er the Cuestions
&# 2o- did the "eo"le tell -hen they -ere living in Borneo,
/# 2o- did the "eo"le in Panay Live,
0# +hat is the root-ord in the -ord ha""y,
;# 4enerali1ation:
+hat do -e (all the syllable "la(ed before a -ord,
D# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises:
&# 4uided E7er(ises:
+rite the "refi7 of the follo-ing:
&# LLLLL (lean
/# LLLLL eCual
0# LLLLL (om"lete
4# LLLLL "olite
$# LLLLL (orre(t
/# Inde"endent E7er(ises:
+rite a "refi7ed -ord -hi(h means the same as the underlined -ord in ea(h
a# The la- is not fair to the -or'ers# LLLLLLLL
b# The treatment to "eo"le -as not eCual# LLLLLLLL
(# .any (hildren get si(' be(ause the "la(e is not sanitary#
IV. Evaluatin:
Add in im un re to the follo-ing -ords to form a ne- -ord#
&# "olite
/# (orre(t
0# vie-
4# honest
$# (om"lete
V. "ssi'n-ent:
List do-n &? -ords -ith "refi7es R in im and un then their meaning#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes meaning of -ords -ith suffi7es R full and less through stru(tural analysis#
Values: Love of %ountry
II. Subject Matter:
+ord -ith Suffi7es - ful and less
Poem: .y =ative Land
!eferen(es: Everyday English 4 !eading T: ""# $D-$J8 *un in English 4 !eading Bala)adia et al
""# 0?0$8 Bla1ing Trails *ran(is(o et at ""# JJ-JH H& PEL% !eading 0#0#&
.aterials: flash(ards -ords -ith suffi7es "i(tures of s(eni( "la(es in the Phili""ines
III. Prce!ure
". Pre.aratr/ "ctivities
The tea(her (ondu(ts a flash(ard drill on the -ords -ith "refi7es 5re mis dis im and un6#
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties:
9nlo(' the follo-ing -ords through "i(tures:
a# "ea(eful (# stately
b# grand d# restless
Sho- "i(tures of beautiful s(enes in the Phili""ines# +hat (an you say about the
#. Presentatin:
&# Today -e@re going to read a "oem# Let@s find out -hat things the "oet loves in his native land#
/# !eading the "oem by the tea(her# F.y =ative LandI T#.# ""# 0H
Intellectual Discussion
+hat does native land stand for, +hat things in his (ountry does the "oet love,
a# in first stan1a
b# in the se(ond stan1a
(# in the third stan1a
0# S'ill 3evelo"ment
+hat -ord is used to des(ribe lo-land "lains, *lo-ering tree, B"en sea, The tea(her
"osts on the board the -ords8 "ea(eful gra(eful and (areless# The tea(her as's: +hat is the
root-ord of the -ord "ea(eful#
4# 4enerali1ation:
+hat is a suffi7, +hat does a suffi7 do to a -ord,
$# Pra(ti(e:
a# 4uided Pra(ti(e
&# The tea(her "osts t-o big (ir(les on the bla('board ea(h -ith the syllables -ful and
less# The tea(her distributes flash(ards of root-ords# The "u"ils -ill "ut the
root-ords around ea(h (ir(le# The "u"il says the (om"leted -ord them give its
E7# ful ho"e ho"e S ful T ho"eful full of ho"e
b# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e
&# Add a suffi7 to the -ord at the left to mean the underlined "hrase#
)oy &# >essi(a -as filled -ith )oy#
home /# After the great food the "eo"le -ere -ithout home#
(are 0# .i'e made his assignment -ithout (are#
fruit 4# The mango tree is full of fruits#
)ob $# .y father has no )ob#
IV. Evaluatin:
3ra- a line to mat(h the -ord and its meaning:
&# fruitless a# -ithout meaning
/# (olorless b# -ithout )ob
0# )oyful (# full of meaning
4# )obless d# -ithout (olor
$# meaningfui e# full of )oy
f# -ithout fruits
V. "ssi'n-ent:
.a'e a list of $ -ords -ith suffi7 -less and $ -ords -ith suffi7 -ful# +rite their meaning and use
them in senten(es#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify the (om"ound -ords -ritten as one#
Values: *riendliness
II. Subject Matter:
%om"ound +ords +ritten as Bne
3ialogue !eading - =e- %lassmate for >#>#
!eferen(es: Everyday English I< 5!eading6 ""# &$-&J PEL% L# 0 !# 0#/ + 0
.aterials: real ob)e(ts dialogue -ritten on .anila "a"er (ut-outs of heart
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
Tea(her "resents some real ob)e(tsA"i(tures and "u"ils name ea(h ob)e(t# %an -e form
another -ord out of these / -ords,
E7# arm S (hair - arm(hair
ball S "en - ball"en
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties
=e-(omer 5(onte7t (lues6
E7# .aria is from .anila# She is a ne-(omer in our "la(e#
2andbag 5real ob)e(t6
+el(ome 5a(tion (lues6
#. Presentatin:
&# The tea(her reads the dialogue -ritten in a (hart# F=e- %lassmate for >#>#I
/# The (lass reads the -hole dialogue#
0# 4rou" "u"ils into t-o and read "art for %armela and >#>#
$. Discussin:
&# +ho is the ne-(omer,
/# +ho is her (lassmate,
D. Value Infusin
2o- did >#># deal -ith his (lassmate,
E. S&ill Devel.-ent
+hat -ords in the dialogue (onsist of t-o -ords, The tea(her -rites the ans-er of the "u"ils
on the board# +hat are the / -ords found in these -ords,
ne-(omer - ne- S (omer
(lassmate - (lass S mate
(lassroom - (lass S room
(. Generali*atin:
+hat are (om"ound -ords,
G. Practice E,ercises:
&# 4uided E7er(ises 5using (ut-outs of hearts6
!ead the -ord then loo' for the "air to form a ne- -ord# 9se the %om"ound -ords in
board flag shine light room tooth
sun story boo' (lass "ole
fly bla(' house moon a(he
/# Inde"endent E7er(ise:
+rite the (om"ound -ord des(ribed in the senten(es belo-#
a# A (oat used for the rain is a LLLLLLL
b# A room -here -e ta'e a bat is a LLLLLLL
(# A go-n used at night is a LLLLLLL
d# A store that sells drug is a LLLLLLL
IV. Evaluatin:
Listen to the tea(her as she reads ea(h senten(e# +rite the (om"ound -ord in ea(h senten(e in
your ans-er sheet#
LLLLLL &# >ose ste""ed on an anthill#
LLLLLL /# I forgot my lun(hbo7 at home#
LLLLLL 0# !ats and ants live underground#
LLLLLL 4# Please lend me a storyboo'#
LLLLLL $# The "u"ils -ent inside the (lassroom#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite $ (om"ound -ords -ritten as one and use them in senten(es#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes meaning of unfamiliar -ords through (om"ound -ords -ritten as one#
Values: Industry
II. Subject Matter:
%om"ound +ords +ritten as Bne
Story: +hen I 4ro- 9"
!eferen(es: Stair-ays to English 4 5!eading6 ""# //-/J8 Everyday English 4 5!eading6 ""# &$-&J8
PEL% !# 0#/ +0
.aterials: real ob)e(ts "i(tures story -ritten on manila "a"er
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
%he('ing of Assignment
Pu"ils read the (om"ound -ords they have -ritten on their "a"er#
Let@s re(all -hat -e did yesterday# 9sing the flash(ards used the "revious day# Let the
"u"ils do the game-"aring -ords#
E7# shine sun moon light
Sho- some "i(tures of (ommunity hel"ers# Let the "u"ils identify ea(h hel"er and a(t out
hisAher -or'
e7# "oli(eman mailman fireman dressma'er
9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
4ive the meaning of the follo-ing -ords#
earn 5(onte7t (lues6
"ea(eful 5(onte7t (lues6
e7#: .y father earns a living by farming#
The "oli(eman hel"s 'ee" our (ountry "ea(eful and orderly#
#. Presentatin:
a# Today -e@re going to read a story about (ommunity hel"ers#
b# Pu"ils read the motive Cuestion#
.otive Cuestion: +hat do the (hildren -ant to be -hen they gro- u",
(# !eading of the story by the tea(her -hile "u"ils listen# F+hen I 4ro- 9PI T#.# ""# 4/
&# Intelle(tual dis(ussion of the story:
a# +hat does >oey -ant to be,
b# +hat -ill >oey have in order to be al-ays ready,
(# +hat does %harlie -ant to be,
/# Infusion of <alues 5Industry6
+hen you gro- u" -hat do you -ant to be, 2o- -ill you do your -or' -hen you
have be(ome a LLLLLLLLLL#
d# 4enerali1ation:
+hat are (om"ound -ords, %om"ound -ords are / -ords )oined together to ma'e a ne-
e# E7er(ises:
+rite (om"ound -ord for ea(h "i(ture#
&# LLLLLLLLL 5ne-s"a"er6
/# LLLLLLLLL 5railroad6
0# LLLLLLLLL 5doghouse6
4# LLLLLLLLL 5hand bag6
$# LLLLLLLLL 5door'nob6
IV. Evaluatin:
+rite the meaning of the (om"ound -ord#
&# If a 'nob at the door is a door'nob -hat is a doormat, LLLLLLLLLLLL
/# If a store that sells shoes is a shoestore -hat is a boo'store, LLLLLLLLL
0# If a ne('la(e is used for the ne(' -hat is a shoela(e, LLLLLLLLLL
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite the t-o -ords and give the meaning of the follo-ing -ords# E7# bathroom - bath and room
room -here -e ta'e a bath#
&# moonlight 4# s(hoolhead
/# "layground $# flag"ole
0# housefly
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identifies the (om"ound -ords -ritten as t-o -ords#
Values: Patien(e and *aith in 4od
II. Subject Matter:
%om"ound +ords and Their %om"onents
!eferen(es: *un in English 4 Language Bala)adia et al - Story: "The Blind .an@s *aith" ""#$J-;&8
Everyday English 4 !eading ""#&$-&J PEL% 0#/
.aterials: flash(ards -ord (hart and "i(tures
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
%he('ing of Assignment
Tea(her sho-s "i(ture of blind man# +hat (an you say about the man in the "i(ture,
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties:
blind beggar - have you seen a blind beggar, - through a(tion
(ri""le -al' - through a(tion
se(urity guard - use "i(tures to under
#. Presentatin:
a# Today -e are going to read a story of a blind man# 5use guided oral reading6
b# Intelle(tual 3is(ussion:
&# In -hat -ay -as the blind beggar different from the usual beggars -e 'no-,
- +hy -as the blind beggar sitting by the roadside, /"d "aragra"h
- 2o- did the blind beggar sho- his faith,
- +hat did >esus do to ma'e the man see,
/# +hat (om"ound -ords are found on the first "aragra"h, Se(ond "aragra"h, Third
"aragra"h, Et(#
%# Infusion of values:
+hy did the blind man -ait for >esus by the roadside "atiently,
3# 4enerali1ation:
2o- are some (om"ound -ords -ritten, Some (om"ound -ords are -ritten as t-o -ords
and some are -ritten as one -ord#
E# Pra(ti(e:
&# 4uided:
*orm as many (om"ound -ords as you (an by "uttingA"airing t-o different -ords
-at(h altar boy (old
s(out end double dead
evil -ar -ater bead
/# Inde"endent Pra(ti(e
9se these (om"ound -ords in senten(es#
- flo-er girl - -aste bas'et
- fountain "en - meat ins"e(tor
- (lay "ot
IV. Evaluatin:
%hoose the right -ords to fill the blan' in ea(h senten(e#
bulletin board se(ond (ousins blind man
light bulb se(urity guard buffalo grass
&# =i(o@s and .anolo@s mothers are first (ousins so the boys are LLLLLLLLLLLL
/# The LLLLLLLLL -at(hed to ma'e sure that no one disturbed the bull#
0# The tea(her dis"layed the "u"ils are -or's on the LLLLLLLLL#
4# The LLLLLLLLLL gro"ed his -ay to-ards >esus#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
+rite $ (om"ound -ords -ritten as t-o -ords and use them in senten(es#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes meaning of (om"ound -ords -ritten as t-o -ords#
Values: %aring for =atural !esour(es
II. Subject Matter:
%om"ound +ords -ritten as t-o -ords 3ialogue-*ield Tri" for =oli
!eferen(es: Everyday English I< !eading T: ""# &$-&J8 PEL% L 0 ! 0#/ + 0
.aterials: flash(ards "i(tures dialogue -ritten on the (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
!evie-: %om"ound -ords -ritten as one#
E7# sun S light T sunlight
moon S light T moonlight
2ave you gone to a field tri", Today -e@re going to read about a field tri" of a young
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties: through "i(tures (onte7t (lues
ri(e terra(es Q 5sho- "i(ture6
mountain side Q 5sho- "i(ture6
field tri" - (onte7t (lues
#. Presentatin:
&# The tea(her reads the dialogue about a field tri" -ritten in (hart -hile "u"ils read along
/# %om"rehension %he('-u":
o +hat did =oli see in Baguio,
o +here is the terra(es found,
o +hat did =oli@s family have,
0# Infusion of <alues
2o- (an -e avoid the destru(tion of our beautiful s"ots,
4# 4rou" "u"ils into t-o and read the "art for =oli and Ben#
$# +hat are the (om"ound -ords in the dialog,
;# 4enerali1ation:
+hat are (om"ound -ords, 2o- are they -ritten,
D# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises
a# 4uided E7er(ise - 4ame
&# 3istribute (utouts of vehi(les 5bus (ar )ee" et(6# !ead the (om"ound -ord at the
ba(' then use in a senten(e# 3ro" the (utouts in the a""ro"riate bo7#
%om"ound -ords %om"ound -ords
-ritten as one -ritten as t-o
/# Pair t-o -ords from the list to form (om"ound -ords# .at(h them -ith the
definitions belo-:
a# boy -ho hel"s a "riest
b# road (losed at one end
(# (onfli(t bet-een t-o (ountries
b# Inde"endent E7er(ise
+rite these senten(es then en(ir(le the (om"ound -ords# 53i(tation6
&# It has been Bs(ar@s dream to be a boy s(out#
/# Please dro" in at the gro(ery store and buy me sugar#
0# The *ren(h government gave *lores a "atent for his ele(tri( bulb#
IV. Evaluatin:
.at(h the -ords -ith their meanings# +rite only the letter of the (orre(t ans-er#
&# -ater lily a# a bed large enough for t-o "eo"le
/# double bed b# a -ater "lant -ith flat floating leaves
0# (lay "ot (# meaningless syllable made to sound li'e tal'
4# double tal' d# "ot not durable and made of (lay
$# s"ring time e# a "leasant season of the year#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
Loo' forAgive the meaning of these (om"ound -ords#
&# <i(e "resident 4# fruit tray
/# o"erating room $# s(hool building
0# hollo- blo('
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identifies (om"ound -ords -ritten as hy"henated#
Values: %ontentment of Everything +e 2ave
II. Subject Matter:
%om"ound +ords and Their %om"onents R 2y"henated
!eferen(es: *un in English 4 !eading Bala)adia et al ""# D4-D$8 Poem - +ho =eeds Aladdin@s Lam"8
Everyday English I< 5!eading6 ""# &$-&J PEL% L 0 ! 0#/ + 0
.aterials: "i(tures "oem on a (hart
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
%he(' your assignment
4ive the meaning of these (om"ound -ords: o"erating room meat ins"e(tor#
3o you believe in magi(, 2ave you seen a steel-framed bird flying, =o -hy,
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties:
steel-framed Q 5real ob)e(t6
(loud-li'e Q 5(onte7t (lue6
E7# +e (an see (loud-li'e "ath )ust after the air"lane "asses by#
#. Presentatin:
&# The tea(her reads the "oem -ritten in a (hart#
/# %om"rehension (he('-u"
&# +ho -as Aladdin,
/# +hat -as strange about his lam",
0# In the first stan1a -hat does the steel-framed bird signify,
4# Infusion of <alues
Be (ontented of -hat -e have#
$# +hat (om"ound -ords are found in the &St stan1a, Se(ond stan1a, Third stan1a, Et(#
The tea(her reads the "u"ils ans-er#
a# steel S framed T steel-framed
b# (loud S li'e T (loud-li'e
(# (hild S li'e T (hild-li'e
;# 4enerali1ation:
2o- are some (om"ound -ords -ritten,
D# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises:
a# 4uided
+rite these senten(es through di(tation#
- The good-hearted "rin(ess got the magi( "urse#
- The editor-in-(hief of Time maga1ine re(eived an a-ard#
- All the (o-s died of mount-and-foot disease#
- Lito@s good-for-nothing son -as al-ays idle#
(# Inde"endent:
+rite senten(es using the follo-ing (om"ound -ords#
a# steel-framed d# mother-in-la-
b# good-bye e# sister-in-la-
(# (loud-li'e "ath
IV. Evaluatin:
*ill in the blan' -ith the (orre(t (om"ound -ord in the "arenthesis#
&# The LLLLLLL here -as a-arded at last# 5goodhearted good hearted goodhearted6
/# There is LLLLLLLL in the grou"# 5goodfello-shi" good fello-shi"good-fello-shi"6
0# 2is father is a -ell-'no-n LLLLLL# 5attorney at la- attorney-at-la- attorney at-la-6
V. "ssi'n-ent:
4ive $ (om"ound -ords -ritten as hy"henated and use them in senten(es#
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes (om"ound -ords -ritten as hy"henated#
Values: Listening to elder@s or "arent@s advi(e
II. Subject Matter:
%om"ound +ords and Their %om"onents +ritten as 2y"henated
!eferen(es: Story- .ayor !at@s 3aughter - ada"ted8 English in a 3ynami( +orld ""# &D/-&D4 PEL%
L 0 ! 0#/ + 0
.aterials: flash(ards story on a (hart
III. Prce!ure:
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities:
%om"ound -ords -ritten as t-o -ords 54ame6 distribute (ut-outs of animals# !ead the
-ords at the ba(' and tell if the -ord is -ritten as t-o -ords then "aste it to the 1oo
(hartAfield (hart#
%ut-outs of Bird goat and et(# rat dog (at sna'e
+hen your "arents or elders give you advi(e do you listen and obey, +hat is the
"ur"ose of their advi(e,
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties: 5through "i(tures and (onte7t (lues#6
ne- Q 5sho- "i(ture6
#. Presentatin:
&# Today -e@re going to read a story of disobedient rat# Tea(her reads and "u"ils read along
/# %om"rehension %he('-u":
a# +ho is +hite !at, 3es(ribe her#
b# +hat did 4ray !at give +hite !at on his visit,
(# +hy is 4ray !at not -el(ome to .ayor@s family,
0# Infusion of values:
+e must listen and follo- the advi(e of our "arents#
4# 4rou" "u"ils into three# 2ave ea(h grou" read a "aragra"h#
$# +hat are the (om"ound -ords in the story#
made S to S order T made-to-order
mother S in S la- T mother-in-la-
father S in S la- T father-in-la-
;# 4enerali1ation:
2o- are these (om"ound -ords -ritten,
D# Pra(ti(e E7er(ises:
!ead the senten(es# Sele(tA+rite the hy"henated -ords#
&# Is a ne- "air of shoes usually -orn-out,
/# A (ivi(-s"irited "erson -or's for the (ommon good#
0# Is a ma'e-believe story a true-to-life story,
4# A made-to-order (a'e is deli(ious#
$# A -ould-be a(tor loves to be an a(tor#
IV. Evaluatin:
The senten(es are in(om"lete# Sele(t the a""ro"riate -ords from the bo7#
ma'e-believe steel-framed food-and-mouth guest-of-honor good-for-nothing #
&# & felt very nervous during my first ride on a LLLLLLL air"lane#
/# %o-s in %entral Lu1on have LLLLLLLLLL disease#
0# 3uring the a-ards night of the Gabataan Legion President 4.A -as the LLLLLLLLL#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9se these (om"ound -ords in senten(es#
&# made-to-order
/# -orn-out 4# -ould-be
0# (ivi(-s"irited $# editor-in-(hief
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3e(odes meaning of unfamiliar -ords using (onte7t (lues#
Values: %onservation Bf our *orest
II. Subject Matter:
3e(oding .eaning of 9nfamiliar +ords 9sing %onte7t %lues
Save Bur *orest
!eferen(es: PEL% "# &D 0#0# Everyday English 4 5!eading6 ""# &$$-&$J8 *un in English 4 5!eading6
""# &;J-&D&8 English in a 3ynami( +orld 4 ""# &DJ&DH
.aterials: illustration boards bottle manila "a"er "entel "en
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
+hat is the "i(ture all about, +hat are found in the forest,
Today -e are going to read about the im"ortan(e of forest in our lives#
9nlo('ing of diffi(ulties:
!ead the follo-ing senten(es and get the meaning of the underlined -ords through
(onte7t (lues#
&# Trees ma'e the soil ri(h -ith de(ayed leaves and bran(hes#
/# The roots of trees hel" "revent erosion#
0# The t-igs of a tree (an be used in building a fire#
#. 3)ile Rea!in':
9se 3ire(ted !eading Thin'ing A(tivity 53!TA6 5Save Bur *orest-Everyday English 4
!eading ""# &$$-&$;6
$. "fter Rea!in':
&# %om"rehension %he('-u"
&# +hat are the things that -e (an find in our forest,
/# 2o- do some "eo"le destroy our forest,
/# <alue Infusion
+hat (an -e do to save our forest,
0# Engagement a(tivities
Sele(t the meaning of the underlined -ord in the senten(e#
&# +e (an (onserve our soil by ta'ing (are of our forest#
/# +e de"end on the soil to ma'e a living# So -e must hel" "reserve our forest#
0# Bur forest trees "rovide homes for our -ildlife#
4# The tea(her dis(uss and e7"lain -hat is (onte7t (lues#
D. Generali*atin:
2o- do -e get meaning of some -ords,
E. Practice:
a# 4uided:
+rite do-n the follo-ing -ords as I di(tate#
&# (am"aign 4# aim
/# runner $# bulb
0# landed
b# Inde"endent E7er(ise
4ive the meaning through (onte7t (lues# En(ir(le the letter of the (orre(t ans-er#
&# The green thing landed inside the bas'et#
a# "art of the earth#
b# to (ome do-n or bring do-n and settle on a surfa(e
/# The aim of our government is to save our forest#
a# reason "ur"ose
b# to dire(t to-ard s"e(ifi( goal
IV. Evaluatin:
*ind the meaning of the underlined -ord used in the senten(e#
&# The forest su""lies us -ith -oods that -e need#
a# to serve as a substitute
b# give things that -e need
(# s(hool su""lies
/# Peo"le should train themselves to be res"onsible enough to save our forest#
a# to ride on a train
b# give things that -e need
(# s(hool su""lies
V. "ssi'n-ent:
*ind the meaning of the follo-ing in the di(tionary#
&# antennae 0# (roa' $# germinate
/# (y(le 4# (hir"
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
9ses the di(tionary to get the meaningAmeanings of a given -ord#
Values: Love of .other
II. Subject Matter:
9sing the 3i(tionary to 4et the .eaningAs of a 4iven -ord#
!eferen(es: PEL% Listening 0 S"ea'ing 0 !eading 0#4 +riting 0 ""# &;-&D8
English in 3ynami( +orld I< T: ""# &DJ-&J/8 Everyday
Poem: Lines for .other
.aterials: (harts (assette re(order
III. Prce!ure
". Preli-inar/ "ctivities
Arrange the follo-ing -ords in al"habeti(al order#
stars shells needle (ar
hos"ital turtle )e-el boo's
!ead ea(h senten(e (arefully# En(ir(le the homonyms#
&# .ira beat the dog that bit her#
/# They led the shee" into the shi"#
0# The steel "ost is still very strong#
#. Rea!in':
&# Pre-!eading A(tivity
a# .otivation
Sho- "i(ture of a mother# As' something about mothers#
b# 9nlo('ing of 3iffi(ulties
Substitute the underline -ord in the senten(e -ith a -ord that have the same
meaning in the bo7#
&# !ita has a slee' hands be(ause she does not -ash her (lothes#
/# Lino left the s"asm and -ent to bed#
0# .other began to (aress her baby to send him to bed#
/# +hile !eading:
%horal !eading by grou" -ith dire(ted !eading thin'ing ability 53!TA6
0# After !eading:
a# %om"rehension (he('-u"
&# +hat did the mother do -hen her (hild is si(',
/# +hat did mother tea(h her (hild,
0# +hy does mother "ossess a golden tou(h,
b# <alue Infusion:
2o- -ill you "ay the goodness of your mother,
(# S'ill 3evelo"ment:
4rou" A(tivity
The (lass is divided into 4 grou"s# Ea(h grou" sele(t 4 -ords from the "oem read#
Then use a di(tionary to find the meaningAmeanings of -ords# Let ea(h grou" -rite the
-ords and also the meaning#
d# 4enerali1ation:
+hat is a di(tionary, +hat are the ne(essary information -e get in a di(tionary#
e# Pra(ti(e E7er(ise
a# 4uided Pra(ti(e
9se the di(tionary in finding the meaning and meanings of the follo-ing -ord#
IV. Evaluatin:
!ead ea(h senten(e (arefully and -rite the meaning that fits the underlined -ord#
a# The -ood (utter trained his (hildren to gather food#
b# The green things landed in the bas'et#
(# Lots of "lant s"routed in the land#
d# Please try to rea(h the 'ite on the bran(hes#
V. "ssi'n-ent:
9se your o-n di(tionary to find the meaningAmeanings of the follo-ing -ords and use it in senten(e#
&# sti(' ;# do-n
/# bat D# drama
0# round J# head
4# fa(e H# bridge
$# tear &?# bright

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