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Older Horses Articles

Older Horse: Special Care & Nutrition

Senior Citizen Surgery
Managing The Horse In Old Age
Feeding the Geriatric Horse
! Tips For Caring For The Older Horse
"intering the Geriatric Horse
Helping #our Horse Through Its Golden #ears

Older Horse: Special Care & Nutrition

Special Care and Nutrition
$ue to i%pro&e%ents in nutrition' %anage%ent and health care' horses are li&ing longer' %ore
use(ul li&es) It*s not unco%%on to (ind horses and ponies li&ing +ell into their ,!*s and e&en -!*s)
"hile genetics play a deter%ining role in longe&ity' you too' can ha&e an i%pact) .y pro&iding
proper care and nutrition' you can help %a/e your horse*s golden years happier and %ore
Ti%e does ta/e its toll on %any 0ody syste%s) The horse*s digesti&e tract isn*t as e((icient as it
once +as) .ones and 1oints are less resilient) 2lderly horses %ay (eel the aches and pains o(
arthritis) The i%%une syste% is less relia0le' %a/ing older horses %ore suscepti0le to illness and
slo+er to reco&er (ro% 0oth disease and in1ury) 3arasite in(estations also ta/e a hea&y toll) Aged
horses are %ore prone to respiratory' eye and dental pro0le%s) 2lderly ani%als are also less a0le
to cope +ith en&iron%ental stresses' such as +ind' +et and cold) Additionally' hor%onal changes
%ay a((ect o&erall 0ody condition' hair gro+th' appetite and energy le&els) .ut +hile so%e signs
o( decline %ay 0e directly related to the aging process' others %ay ha&e an underlying %edical
pro0le%' so 0e sure to consult +ith your &eterinarian)
"hile e&ery (acet o( horse health care is i%portant' proper nutrition is &ital) As horses age' their
digesti&e syste%s 0eco%e less e((icient) Hor%onal and %eta0olic changes a((ect or inter(ere +ith
their a0ility to digest' a0sor0 and utilize essential nutrients in their (eed' especially protein'
phosphorus and (i0er) For these reasons' %any older horses 0ene(it (ro% co%plete rations +ith
0uilt4in roughage that are specially (or%ulated to co%pensate (or changes in their digesti&e
"hen selecting (eeds' e&aluate your choices 0y the (ollo+ing criteria) The senior diet should 0e:
Highly palata0le
2asy to che+ and s+allo+
Clean and dust4(ree to pre&ent or lessen the i%pact o( allergies or lung disease
3ro&ide ,456 protein
Contain enough high47uality (i0er to aid digestion
3ro&ide essential %inerals' including calciu% and phosphorus in the proper ratio
Include all essential &ita%ins' especially &ita%in C and .4co%ple8 &ita%ins
3ro&ide enough readily a&aila0le energy to %aintain proper 0ody condition
Include ade7uate' palata0le (at (ro% a &egeta0le source to pro%ote healthy s/in and hair'
aid digestion and 0oost energy inta/e
A horse that can che+ its (eed properly +ill +aste less o( it' get %ore nutrient &alue (ro% it and 0e
less li/ely to cho/e or colic) Ha&e your &eterinarian e8a%ine and (loat 9(ile: your horse*s teeth at
least once a year 44 t+ice annually i( the horse is o&er ,!) This +ill /eep his nipping and grinding
sur(aces in good +or/ing order) It also gi&es the &eterinarian a chance to trou0leshoot (or 0ro/en
or lost teeth' and chec/ (or tongue' gu% or other pro0le%s)
#ou %ay thin/ that turning your old ti%er out to pasture is the /indest (or% o( retire%ent) .ut
horses are indi&iduals) So%e en1oy 0eing idle; others pre(er to 0e a part o( the action)
"hate&er you do' don*t a0andon the horse) 3roper nutrition' care and e8ercise +ill help the
ani%al thri&e) $e&elop a total %anage%ent plan (or your senior citizen) <eep in %ind the (ollo+ing
3ro&ide a sa(e' co%(orta0le en&iron%ent' (ree o( hazards and +ith ade7uate shelter (ro%
+ind' rain' sno+' sun and 0iting insects)
Arrange (or routine dental care to /eep the teeth and %outh in good +or/ing order; at
least once per year is reco%%ended)
O0ser&e your horse on a regular 0asis) "atch (or changes in 0ody condition' 0eha&ior
and attitude) Address pro0le%s' e&en see%ingly %inor ones' right a+ay)
Feed a high47uality diet) A&oid dusty and %oldy (eeds)
Feed your older horse a+ay (ro% younger' %ore aggressi&e ones so it +on*t ha&e to
co%pete (or (eed)
For trou0led che+ers' +et the (eed to so(ten it or add enough +ater to %a/e a =slurry'= a
thic/' soup4li/e ration that the horse can drin/) Many horses that ha&e trou0le /eeping on
+eight can 0e (ed a 0ran %ash that %ay assist the% in digesting the (orage co%ponent o(
their diet)
Feed at %ore (re7uent inter&als so as not to upset the digesti&e syste%; ,4- ti%es daily is
3ro&ide plenty o( (resh' clean' tepid +ater) 28cessi&ely cold +ater reduces consu%ption
+hich can lead to colic and other pro0le%s)
Ad1ust and 0alance rations to %aintain proper 0ody conditions) A good rule o( thu%0 is to
0e a0le to (eel the ri0s 0ut not see the%)
3ro&ide ade7uate' appropriate e8ercise to %aintain %uscle tone' (le8i0ility and %o0ility)
.e &igilant in controlling pests and parasites) $e+or% at regular inter&als 9consult your
&eterinarian to esta0lish a schedule:)
Manage pastures and (acilities to reduce in(estations)
3ro&ide regular hoo( care) #our (arrier should tri% or shoe the horse +hether or not you
ride to %aintain proper hoo( shape and %o&e%ent) This +ill help pre&ent la%eness and
Groo% your horse (re7uently to pro%ote circulation and s/in health)
.e a+are that older horses are prone to tu%ors) >oo/ (or any unusual lu%ps or gro+ths
(ro% head to tail as +ell as 0eneath the tail 9especially on gray horses:)
3ro&ide ade7uate &entilation in 0arns) <eep pastures %o+n and +eed4(ree to reduce
allergens) ?educe dust in paddoc/s as %uch as possi0le to pre&ent respiratory distress)
Schedule routine chec/ups +ith your &eterinarian) Call i%%ediately i( you suspect a
"hile there is %uch you can do to /eep your older horse healthy and spry' so%e conditions
associated +ith aging re7uire %edical inter&ention) #our e7uine practitioner can identi(y and treat
such things as tu%ors' hor%one i%0alances' renal disease' Cushing*s syndro%e' arthritis'
reproducti&e pro0le%s and other %aladies) ?e%e%0er too' that older horses are at greater ris/ o(
de&eloping la%initis 9(ounder:' so proper nutrition is essential)
Schedule regular chec/4ups and /eep a good line o( co%%unication open +ith your &eterinarian)
A 7uic/ response to ail%ents' in1uries or a decline in (itness can /eep your older horse (ro%
ha&ing a serious or prolonged set0ac/) That %eans less +orry (or you and a 0etter 7uality o( li(e
(or your old (riend)
For %ore in(or%ation' contact your &eterinarian)
A%erican Association o( 27uine 3ractitioners
@!AB Iron "or/s 3ar/+ay' >e8ington' <# @!B
9CBD: ,--4!@A
posted 0y ?ose
posted: AEDE,!!B) >ast updated: AE,!E,!!B)

Senior Citi!en Sur"er#
$# %ritten $#: &arrie Grant' D(' DAC(S
There are %any (actors that &eterinarians and o+ners consider +hen a surgical treat%ent
is reco%%ended (or a horse) Cost' type o( surgery' se&erity o( surgery' co%plications' outco%e'
reha0ilitation ti%e' e8pectations and possi0le use o( the patient (ollo+ing the procedure' all play a
role in deter%ining i( the procedure +ill 0e per(or%ed) Se&eral years ago' old age +as a
signi(icant (actor in considering surgery) Old horses +ere not e8pected to sur&i&e colic surgery) In
the last (e+ years' +ith ad&ances in anesthesia and surgical techni7ues' %edical and surgical
treat%ent o( older horses has 0eco%e %ore co%%on) In so%e areas o( the country 9%ainly
ur0an:' a signi(icant nu%0er o( horses in %any practices are old horses still doing their 1o0s' still
en1oying li(e and proceeding into the Fgolden yearsG +ith their o+ners and %any ti%es the o+nersH
"hen an e7uine senior citizen needs surgery I especially e%ergency surgery 9such as (or colic:
I there is a concern that he +ill not sur&i&e the procedure 0ecause o( his age' and there(ore +hy
+ould surgery 0e per(or%ed as it +ould increase the disco%(ort to the patient and the e8pense to
the o+nerJ
Our ad&ice to the o+ner o( a senior horse is that as long as the horse has 0een in good health'
+ith nor%al +eight' and there isnHt a se&ere endoto8ic shoc/ situation' then the older horse has
the sa%e chance o( tolerating anesthesia and surgery as a younger horse +ould) The older horse
is o(ten %ore sensi0le during the reco&ery process than yearlings and un4handled t+o4year4olds)
This %a/es the% less li/ely to in1ure the%sel&es or trau%atize the surgical site during the
reco&ery process) Also' an older horse is usually &ery a%enda0le to the around4the4cloc/
handling that intestinal surgeries o(ten re7uire)
The %ost co%%on surgery (or older horses is (or the treat%ent o( colic) Older horses are %ore
li/ely to ha&e colic caused 0y lipo%as 9tu%ors: that strangulate the s%all intestine' or 0y ha&ing
the s%all intestine strangulated 0y 0eing entrapped in the epipolic (ora%en 9a s%all place
0et+een the 0o+el and li&er in younger horses that 0eco%es larger as the li&er shrin/s in size or
atrophies +ith the passage o( ti%e:) Strangulations o( the s%all intestine usually re7uire resection
o( the dead intestine and re1oining 9anasto%osis: o( the t+o ends o( healthy intestine) This can 0e
a co%plicated procedure' and the a(tercare can 0e intense +hile +e +ait (or the intestines to start
their nor%al %o&e%ent and pass ingesta do+nstrea% to the large intestine)
Older horses in Cali(ornia o(ten ha&e large stones 9enteroliths: that de&elop o&er the years and
(inally 0loc/ the intestine 0ecause o( their size) ?e%o&al o( these stones is usually a
straight(or+ard procedure +ith %ini%al a(tercare other than @B days o( stall rest to allo+ (or the
%idline incision to heal) Then they are (ine and ready to go 0ac/ to +or/)
The treat%ent o( eye conditions 9cancer and cataracts: is another reason (or general anesthesia
and surgery on older horses)
"e also ha&e surgically treated co%pression o( the cer&ical spinal cord 9+o00ler: in a nu%0er o(
horses o&er B years o( age I the oldest 0eing ,C 9Thorough0red cha%pion' Seattle Sle+:) 2&en
though Sle+ only allo+ed his o+ner and longti%e groo%s 9To% and Carlos: to catch and handle
hi% in the stall' he had the nicest reco&ery (ro% a +o00ler surgery that I e&er had) He +as a
special horse +hen he +as young' and +hen he +as in his golden years' all he +anted +as to 0e
gi&en a chance)
Article courtesy o( AA23 2ducational 3artner' The Horse)
/ey+ords: older horse surgery' senior surgery )
posted: !E,5E,!!@) >ast updated: EE,!!@)

ana"in" T)e Horse In Old A"e
$# Ste*en Hau")en' D(
Age is so%e+hat relati&e in the horse' +ith so%e horses 0eing FoldG 0y the ti%e they are C
years o( age and others going strong at ,B years o( age) These di((erences can so%eti%es 0e
attri0uted to 0reed' genetics' health care and the type o( +or/ during pre&ious years) A(ter a
horse is %ature it is so%eti%es said that one year o( a horseHs li(e e7uals three years o( a
hu%anHs) So' the ,!4year4old horse is co%para0le to the 5!4year4old hu%an)
The physical signs that the older horse sho+s %ay &ary 0ut +ill o(ten include the (ollo+ing:
) >oss o( %uscle tone' resulting in a (la00y or Fpot40ellyG appearance
,) Change o( +eight distri0ution; they %ay deposit (at in one place yet appear s/inny in others
-) Change in (acial appearance' such as drooping o( the lo+er lip and deepening o( the poc/ets
a0o&e the eye
@) A hair coat changing color andEor rough' dull' long hairs that donHt shed out properly
The older horse is %ore li/ely to encounter %edical pro0le%s' +hich %ay include:
K $ental pro0le%s: 3oor teeth result in di((iculty in properly che+ing and digesting (ood) The
horseHs teeth constantly erupt' +ith each year +earing o(( a certain a%ount o( the tooth until
e&entually there is no longer any tooth le(t) For %any horses the loss o( their teeth and ina0ility to
che+ is +hat li%its their li(espan) A yearly e8a%ination o( the teeth is i%portant) Floating the teeth
re%o&es sharp points on the pre%olars and %olars and enhances the horseHs a0ility to che+ and
digest) In the &ery old horse the teeth %ay ha&e &ery little root le(t to hold the tooth into the gu%
and 1a+) .y (loating loose teeth it is possi0le to loosen these teeth (urther and ha&e the% (all out
sooner) .y e8a%ining and (loating these horses 0e(ore they get too old' +e can a&oid these
pro0le%s (ro% occurring)
K >i&er and /idney pro0le%s: These pro0le%s can sho+ a &ariety o( signs) The ani%al %ay 0e
dull' listless' stu%0ling or dragging the 0ac/ (eet) They %ay also ha&e a poor or e8cellent appetite
0ut 0e una0le to gain +eight) They %ay drin/ e8cess a%ounts o( +ater and urinate e8cessi&ely) A
0lood screen can help diagnose these pro0le%s' and treat%ent includes diet changes and
so%eti%es %edication)
K Hor%one pro0le%s: A:) Horses +ith a hypo thyroid are o(ten o&er+eight and lac/ energy) A
0lood test can deter%ine i( there is a pro0le%' and the horseHs (eed can 0e supple%ented +ith
%edication) .:) The adrenal gland is a s%all gland 0y the /idney) Adrenal glands so%eti%es are
e8hausted a(ter a 0ad +inter or period o( stress' resulting in a horse that drin/s large 7uantities o(
+ater and is a hard /eeper no %atter +hat it is (ed) C:) Tu%ors o( the pituitary gland 9a gland
located in the 0rain: can result in the adrenal gland producing too %any hor%ones) These horses
+ill ha&e a long' rough' curly coat' +hich usually ne&er sheds) They %ay also ha&e a greater loss
o( %uscle tone' resulting in a %ore pronounced s+ay0ac/)
K "eight pro0le%s: The o0ese horse %ay 0e seen in the %ore geriatric horse due to (eeding too
%uch' thyroid pro0le%s or lac/ o( e8ercise) The e8tra +eight puts additional stress on the horse
+ith lung and heart pro0le%s and aggra&ates arthritis' la%initis and na&icular disease) >ipo%as or
(atty tu%ors are %ore li/ely to 0e (ound in the older (at horse) These (atty tu%ors are generally
inside the horse and o(ten loo/ li/e a large %ushroo%) They can +rap around intestines' causing
0loc/ages' circulation collapse' colic and e&en death)
So%eti%es people thin/ that they do not (eed their horse anything' and yet it is still (at) Many
horsesH%eta0olic rates +ill slo+ do+n as their (eed is decreased) This allo+s the horse to
conser&e its energy stores +hen (eed is not a&aila0le) So%eti%es the only +ay to get this type o(
horse to lose +eight is to start the% on an e8ercise progra% to increase the %eta0olic rate)
Too %uch +eight loss can also 0e a pro0le% in %ore geriatric horses) As the horse ages' there is
o(ten a reduced e((iciency in the digesti&e syste%) It is 0elie&ed that the older horse %ay need a
! to ,!6 increase in (eed to %a/e up (or the loss o( e((iciency) ?esearchers ha&e deter%ined
that older horses need higher47uality protein' %ore digesti0le energy and increased %inerals as
co%pared to the %aintenance re7uire%ents o( the adult horse) Horses o&er ,! years o( age o(ten
ha&e the sa%e re7uire%ents as yearlings) Once an older horse loses +eight' it is %ore di((icult to
return it to good 0ody condition) So%eti%es no %atter +hat is (ed' the horse does not gain
+eight' 0ut clients ha&e reported good results +ith a &ariety o( (eeds and supple%ents)
Horses that still ha&e good incisors 9(ront teeth: can 0ene(it (ro% 0eing allo+ed to graze
throughout the day) I( the incisors are in poor condition' ho+e&er' the horse +ill ha&e di((iculty
grasping grass) The 0ac/ teeth consist o( ,@ pre%olars and %olars (or grinding the (ood) I( these
are not in good condition' the horse +ill ha&e trou0le che+ing) It %ay 0e necessary to crac/'
cri%p or %a/e gruels (ro% the grains' and roughes %ay ha&e to 0e chopped or %ade into so(t
cu0es or pellets) So%eti%es a co%plete (eed is ground and %i8ed into the consistency o(
oat%eal (or horses that cannot che+) Ln(ortunately' horses can cho/e (ro% pellets' and the lac/
o( ste% (i0er o(ten leads to colic) A high4energy supple%ent such as corn oil can 0e added to the
K Mita%ins: The older horse %ay ha&e certain %edical pro0le%s that re7uire &ita%in supple%ents)
Ho+e&er' ad%inistering large doses o( &ita%ins 0eyond those reco%%ended (or the yearling
horse are not al+ays 0ene(icial) .ecause o( the %eta0olis% in the older horse' it is not a0le to
deal +ith an e8cess o( &ita%ins' and o&er supple%enting %ay result in li&er and /idney da%age
or (ailure)
/ey+ords: geriatric care' geriatric horse' older horse' aging horse)
posted: DE-!E,!!-) >ast updated: DE-!E,!!-)

+eedin" t)e Geriatric Horse
$# D,G, Pu")' D(' S' Diplo-ate ACT' Diplo-ate AC(N .source:
Presented durin" t)e /00/ AAEP Annual Con*ention'
Orlando' +la, 1
"ith an aging population o( horses' the e7uine clinician has the opportunity to include %ore
geriatric %edicine into their practice) Horses could 0e e8pected to li&e +ell into their -!s or
0eyond' depending on %any (actors' including the le&el o( health care) 3ro0a0ly the single %ost
i%portant aspect o( geriatric care is proper nutrition) This short article +ill ser&e to highlight so%e
o( the salient points concerning the care o( geriatric horses)
General Aspects o( Feeding and Care
A horse greater than ,! years o( age should 0e considered a geriatric ani%al) O0&iously a health
care progra% designed (or the horse should ta/e into account the potential (or long4ter% sur&i&al'
i)e)' i( they are /ept (airly disease4(ree +hile young and into %iddle age' they +ill pro0a0ly ha&e a
0etter chance o( li&ing a longer' healthier li(e) Although all %anner o( ill health and disease %ay
e8ist' the practice o( geriatric e7uine %edicine' in %ost instances' should e%phasize 0ody +eight4
0ody condition score changes' dentistry' disease resistance and reco&ery and arthritic condition)
"hene&er presented +ith the geriatric horse' a co%plete physical e8a%ination including a
thorough oral e8a%ination should 0e per(or%ed) .lood should 0e collected (or a co%plete 0lood
count and seru% 0ioche%istry panel on the initial &isit in order to help identi(y %edical or
%eta0olic conditions that %ay e8ist) Co%pared 0lood para%eters 0et+een a group o( geriatric 9,!
yr o( age: and young horses 9NB yr o( age: and (ound only ele&ated %edian corpuscular &olu%e
and decreased plas%a ascor0ic acid concentrations) This decrease in plas%a ascor0ic acid
concentration %ay 0e associated +ith the increase incidence o( pituitary adeno%as in geriatric
horses) The raised le&els o( cortisol in these ani%als could result in gluconogenesis +ith a
depression o( ascor0ate production) As horses age' attention should 0e placed on %aintenance
o( 0ody condition' in the @4B45 range 94!: scale)
Many geriatric patients can 0e sa(ely (ed a %aintenance ration designed (or all horse +ithout
%odi(ication' i( they are a0le to %aintain a good 0ody condition) Chronic parasitis% can potentially
a((ect long4ter% digesti&e a0ility; there(ore strict attention to parasite pre&ention is para%ount (or
a long' healthy li(e) 3rotein' (i0er and phosphorous digestion and a0sorption %ay 0e reduced in
geriatric horses' +hereas calciu% digestion pro0a0ly does not change +ith age) It +as suggested
that these changes in digestion o( geriatrics +ere si%ilar to horses that had le(t colon resection) In
cases o( 0ody condition loss and no other e8isting disease' the horse should 0e (ed a &ery
palata0le' easily %asticated and digested' dust4(ree diet that has a slightly higher protein content
9,456:' %aintenance le&els o( calciu% 9N6:' and slightly ele&ated 3hosphorous content 9!)@4
!)5B6:' %aintaining a Ca:3 ratio o( close to )B: The supple%entation o( soy0ean %eal is an
e8cellent choice (or pro&iding a good 7uality protein) The addition o( so%e yeast cultures %ay
i%pro&e nitrogen retention and predigestion or e8truded (eeds %ay aid in (eed digesti0ility)
?alston and .reuer de%onstrated i%pro&ed +eight gain' 0ody condition scores' and plas%a total
protein (or geriatrics (ed a pelletedEe8truded (eed' as co%pared to those (ed co%%ercially
prepared s+eet (eed) In that study' the e8truded (eed groups appeared to ha&e 0etter hair coats
and +ere %ore physically acti&e) Adding (at 94, cupsEhorseEday: to the diet o( these thin' yet
nor%al ani%als' +ill aid in %aintaining 0ody condition) $iets +ith lo+ (i0er or highly digesti0le (i0er
%ay also 0e o( &alue) Older horses %ay ha&e reduced esophageal (unctions and sali&ary
production) As cho/e appears %ore co%%on in aged horses that do not sali&ate or che+ +ell'
pelleted (eeds %ay need to 0e a&oided' unless presoa/ed in +ater)
Feeding (or Speci(ic 3ro0le%s
An annual' or pre(era0ly 0i4annual' oral e8a%ination should 0e per(or%ed on all geriatric horses)
Older horses %ay 0e a((licted +ith a &ariety o( (or%s o( dental disease) Oust as other parts o( the
0ody +ear out' so do the teeth) Geriatric horses tend to ha&e a lo+ered (i0er digesti0ility' %ay 0e
prone to cho/e and appear to ha&e a higher incidence o( colic caused 0y i%pactions) In an
Au0urn study o( re(erral colics' i%pactions co%prised CC6 o( the older horse colics &ersus ,D6 o(
colics (ro% horses o( all ages) >ong incisors or 0ro/en' %issing' %isshaped' sharp points andEor
%alaligned teeth are co%%on (indings on an oral e8a%ination in older horses)
"ith se&ere dental disease' the a0ility to %asticate long4ste% hay or +hole grains %ay 0e
depressed) I( dental disease is the only apparent pro0le%' pelleting 9i( %oistened or +et to a thic/
soup consistency:' grinding andEor e8truding all %ay help ingestion and digestion (eedstu((s)
Au0urn +or/ers reported relati&ely high short4ter% sur&i&al rates o( %edically treated colics
9D@6:' and surgical colics' +hich +ere reco&ered (ro% anesthesia 9A56:) The Au0urn study
reported that o( !@ re(erral colic cases in horses a0o&e A yr old' grazing di((iculty' lipo%as and
dental disease +ere the %a1or predisposing causes) Cohen suggested that so%e o( the (actors
predisposing to colic +ere 0eing stalled PB!6 o( the ti%e' recent 9N, +/: changes in housing and
0eing (ed +ater (ro% a 0uc/et; +hile access to a pond' access to pasture or (eeding e8truded
(eeds all decrease the incidence o( colic) One should 0e cognizant o( these (actors and (eed
geriatric accordingly) "hen possi0le' dental corrections should 0e %ade' 0ut care is ta/en to
a&oid o&er4correction) The addition o( 4, cups o( &egeta0le oil daily +ill greatly %aintenance o(
opti%u% 0ody condition in %ost cases o( thin geriatrics +ith unco%plicated dental disease)
O0&iously' +hene&er adding an energy rich su0stance such as &egeta0le oil' the addition should
0e %ade slo+ly o&er a ,4- +/ period) Feeding s%aller' %ore (re7uent %eals' increasing +ater
accessi0ility and reducing starch 9corn: inta/e %ay all i%pro&e digestion and reduce the
incidence o( GI disease)
Colorado +or/ers reported %ore se&ere clinical signs o( e7uine &iral arteritis in aged &ersus
young ani%als /ept in si%ilar condition' possi0ly due to a depressed i%%une syste%) The
addition o( Mita%in C 9! gra%sEday ad%inistered &ia oral: %ay increase anti0ody response in
geriatric horses) A higher incidence o( renal calculi in aged %ares and geldings (ed al(al(a hay
+as reported) In cases o( geriatric horses +ith renal disease' 0eet pulp and legu%e hay should
0e a&oided) Grass hay +ith a protein content o( C4!6' &egeta0le oils 94, cupsEd: i( the ani%al is
a lo+ 0ody condition score and supple%ented .4&ita%ins yeast: %ay all 0e 0ene(icial)
T+o to (our ounces o( .re+erHs yeast' +hich is rich in . &ita%ins' %ay also 0e o( &alue in renal or
hepatic disease) In the case o( hepatic disease' 0oth high (at and high protein diets should 0e
Geriatric horses +ith pituitary tu%ors %ay ha&e a reduced insulin response) Many o( these
ani%als %ay 0e (ound to ha&e hyperglyce%ia on a routine 0lood panel) Colorado +or/ers did
report a &ery high incidence o( pituitary or thyroid adeno%as' ! o( - horses) It is suggested that
these tu%ors %ay produce %eta0olic changes' +hich %ay alter %ineral 9particularly phosphorus:
0alance) In cases o( pituitary adeno%as and concurrent glucose intolerance' s+eet (eeds 9P-6
%olasses: should 0e a&oided) I( li&er (unction in these horses appears to 0e nor%al 0ased on
seru% che%istries' the addition o( 4, cups o( &egeta0le oil added o&er a ,4- +/ period %ay help
%aintain 0ody condition)
Arthritic conditions %ay cause chronic pain' resulting in a decreased a0ility to eat' +al/ and en1oy
retire%ent) The clinician should 0e cognizant o( these pro0le%s and ta/e steps to relie&e su((ering
through the use o( nonsteroidal anti4in(la%%atory drugs' chondroitin sul(ate and possi0ly non4
traditional therapies 9i)e)' acupuncture:) "ith chronic (ounder 9+hich %ay occur associated +ith
pituitary adeno%as:' starch inta/e should 0e curtailed and 0oth (eed and (i0er inta/e increased)
3roper %ineral inta/e should 0e addressed in order to %aintain ade7uate calciu% and
phosphorous inta/e) In cases o( chronic o0structi&e pul%onary disease' dusty hay should 0e
eli%inated (ro% the diet) I( geriatrics are (ed +ith younger' %ore aggressi&e horses' care should
0e ta/en to insure they ha&e access to ade7uate nutrients 9(ed separately:) Geriatric horses
should 0e o((ered sa(e' hazard (ree shelter)
/ey+ords: geriatric' arthritic conditions' pituitary' thyroid' reduced insulin response' calciu%Ephosphorous le&els )
posted: AE!E,!!-) >ast updated: AE!E,!!-)

20 Tips +or Carin" +or T)e Older Horse
The (ollo+ing article is pro&ided as a courtesy and ser&ice to the horse industry 0y the
A%erican Association o( 27uine 3ractitioners
>e8ington' <# 4 .ecause o( ad&ances in nutrition' %anage%ent and health care' horses are li&ing
longer' %ore use(ul li&es) ItHs not unco%%on to (ind horses and ponies li&ing +ell into their ,!s
-!s) "hile genetics play a role in deter%ining li(e span' you too' can ha&e an i%pact)
#ou %ay thin/ that turning your old4ti%er out to pasture is the /indest (or% o( retire%ent) .ut
horses are indi&iduals) So%e en1oy 0eing idle; others pre(er to 0e a part o( the action) "hate&er
you do' donHt ignore the horse) 3roper nutrition' care and e8ercise +ill help the ani%al thri&e)
Follo+ these guidelines to de&elop a total %anage%ent plan (or your older horse:
) O0ser&e your horse on a regular 0asis) "atch (or changes in 0ody condition' 0eha&ior and
attitude) Address pro0le%s' e&en see%ingly %inor ones' right a+ay)
,) Feed a high 7uality diet) A&oid dusty and %oldy (eeds)
-) Feed your older horse a+ay (ro% younger' %ore aggressi&e ones so it +onHt ha&e to co%pete
(or (eed)
@) Feed at %ore (re7uent inter&als so as not to upset the digesti&e syste%) T+o4three ti%es daily
is 0est)
B) 3ro&ide plenty o( (resh' clean' tepid +ater) 28cessi&ely cold +ater reduces consu%ption' +hich
can lead to colic and other pro0le%s)
5) Ad1ust and 0alance rations to %aintain proper 0ody conditions) A good rule o( thu%0 is to 0e
a0le to (eel the ri0s 0ut not see the%)
A) 3ro&ide ade7uate' appropriate e8ercise to %aintain %uscle tone' (le8i0ility and %o0ility)
C) Groo% your horse (re7uently to pro%ote circulation and s/in health)
D) .e a+are that older horses are prone to tu%ors) >oo/ (or any unusual lu%ps or gro+ths (ro%
head to tail as +ell as 0eneath the tail 9especially on gray horses:)
!) Schedule routine chec/ups +ith your e7uine &eterinarian) Call i%%ediately i( you suspect a
A 7uic/ response to ail%ents' in1uries or a decline in (itness can /eep your older horse (ro%
ha&ing a serious or prolonged set0ac/) That %eans less +orry (or you and a 0etter 7uality o( li(e
(or your old (riend) For %ore in(or%ation a0out caring (or the older horse' as/ your e7uine
&eterinarian (or the FOlder HorseG 0rochure' pro&ided 0y the A%erican Association o( 27uine
3ractitioners in partnership +ith .ayer Corporation' Ani%al Health' and 3urina Mills' Inc) Misit the
AA23Hs horse health +e0 site' +++)%yHorseMatters)co%' (or additional in(or%ation)
The A%erican Association o( 27uine 3ractitioners' head7uartered in >e8ington' <entuc/y' +as
(ounded in DB@ as a non4pro(it organization dedicated to the health and +el(are o( the horse)
Currently' AA23 reaches %ore than B %illion horse o+ners through its 5'B!! %e%0ers +orld+ide
and is acti&ely in&ol&ed in ethics issues' practice %anage%ent' research and continuing
education in the e7uine &eterinary pro(ession and horse industry)
posted: E@E,!!,) >ast updated: E@E,!!,)

%interin" t)e Geriatric Horse
$# Sara) Ralston' (D' P)D' Dipl, AC(N
$epending on +here you li&e' your e7uine co%panions %ay ha&e to tough it through harsh
conditions in the +inter %onths) Most horses' no %atter +hat age' entering into the +inter season
in good condition +ill do (ine on the sa%e routine +ith only %inor changes) .ut +hat a0out the
geriatric horseJ It is i%portant to realize the di((erence 0et+een old and geriatric) I( the aged
horse is in good 0ody condition' healthy and acti&e e&en at ,!R years' he is si%ply 1ust an older
horse' and it %ay not 0e necessary to %a/e any special preparations (or +inter) Ho+e&er' as
horses enter their senior years arthritis' dental a0nor%alities' +eight loss and endocrine
dys(unction are a (e+ conditions that %ay classi(y the aged horse as geriatric) "intering the
geriatric horse is so%e+hat %ore challenging' 0ut can 0e success(ully acco%plished)
As +ith hu%an athletes' years o( stress' in1uries and general +ear and tear can result in pain(ul
and crippling arthritic changes in older horses) Also as +ith hu%ans' the cold' da%p conditions o(
+inter %a/e arthritis pain e&en +orse) "ith the proper %anage%ent you can help) $o not /eep
your horse con(ined to a stall unless reco%%ended 0y your &eterinarian (or %edical purposes)
Ideally there should 0e (ree access to turnout' 0ut good shelter (ro% the ele%ents should also 0e
a&aila0le) The %ore the horse has an opportunity (or e8ercise the 0etter) It is not unco%%on (or
the arthritic horse to 0eco%e reluctant to lie do+n due to di((iculty in getting 0ac/ up) .e sure to
use enough 0edding in his stall i( you do need to 0ring hi% in) Not only +ill 0edding pro&ide
+ar%th' 0ut it +ill also pro&ide cushion (or el0o+s and hoc/s' pri%e spots (or a0rasions to occur i(
the horse struggles to get up or is do+n (or prolonged periods o( ti%e) I( his stall (loor is co&ered
+ith ru00er %atting and the stra+ or sha&ings are +et' this can 0e a &ery slippery sur(ace)
.lan/eting %ay also 0e needed in the %ore se&ere +inter cli%ates) 3roper (it is essential +hen
0lan/eting any horse) I( using a turnout rug' 0e sure the %aterial is +ater resistant and
0reatha0le) .lan/ets should only 0e used i( so%eone is a&aila0le to chec/ the% at least t+ice a
Older horses are %ore sensiti&e to se&ere +eather' 0e it heat or cold' and o(ten su((er +eight loss
+hen te%perature (luctuations are e8tre%e) Higher energy needs in +inter can 0e %et 0y
increasing (eed in a %ore highly digesti0le (or% such as pelleted or e8truded (eeds designed
speci(ically (or old horses) I%paction pro0le%s can 0e reduced 0y insuring (ree access to clean'
(resh' un(rozen +ater in the +inter) Oust 0rea/ing the ice in the tan/ +ill not 0e enough) There are
se&eral de&ices a&aila0le to help /eep +ater 0uc/ets and stoc/ tan/s (ro% (reezing and at %ore
opti%al te%peratures (or drin/ing) I( your horse does not drin/ +ell' (eed +ater soa/ed (eeds 94,
gallons o( +ater per (eeding: to help increase (luid inta/e) 3oor dentition can result in the ina0ility
to ade7uately che+ hay or (eed) The geriatric horse should ha&e its teeth chec/ed 0y an
e8perienced e7uine dentist at least e&ery si8 %onths) I( the horse has dental pro0le%s that are
not correcta0le 9%issing teeth' se&ere +a&e %outh: it +ill 0ene(it (ro% a diet o( =soups= o( soa/ed
hay cu0es or 0eet pulp plus pelleted or e8truded (eeds o((ered at least t+ice a day) Soa/ed (eeds
can easily (reeze in the +inter so only o((er a%ounts that can 0e consu%ed in a single %eal) ?ely
on the ad&ice o( your &eterinarian or nutritionist (or the proper recipe (or your horse)
?e%e%0er' +eight loss can certainly 0e due to %any other conditions) I( &accination' de+or%ing
and dental care schedules are up4to4date and your aged horse is still not %aintaining +eight'
ha&e your &eterinarian per(or% la0 +or/ to chec/ (or %eta0olic disorders' %ala0sorption' and li&er
and /idney dys(unctions)
Geriatric horses can li&e (or years co%(orta0ly) The +inter season' ho+e&er' pro&ides an e8tra
challenge) Ade7uate shelter' good (ooting +ith the a0ility to e8ercise (reely' (ree access to (resh'
un(rozen +ater' good 7uality hay and (eed are all necessary (or geriatric horses to sur&i&e the
ele%ents o( +inter +eather)
A0out the authors:
Sarah ?alston' MM$' 3h$' $ipl) ACMN' is an associate pro(essor in the $epart%ent o( Ani%al
Science at Coo/ College' ?utgers' The State Lni&ersity o( Ne+ Oersey) Her research recently has
(ocused on glucoseEinsulin %eta0olis% and gro+th in young horses) She has also done studies
on &ita%in supple%entation' transportation stress' and nutrition o( aged horses) >ori ?o0erts is
the $irector o( 2ducation (or the AA23)
posted: 5ECE,!!,) >ast updated: 5ECE,!!,)

Helpin" 3our Horse T)rou") Its Golden 3ears
$# L#dia iller' D(' AAEP' 4ill &eec)' D(' Dipl, AC(I

Fortunately (or our nation*s horse population' interest in e7uine geriatrics a%ong &eterinarians
and researchers has 0een increasing) As a result' it has 0een (ound that not only do senior
horses ha&e di((erent pre&enti&e care needs' 0ut also that certain disease conditions 0eco%e
%ore co%%on as horses age) Many o( the conditions +e associate +ith =old age= in the horse44
li/e la%eness' +eight loss' or poor shedding44actually %ight 0e pre&enta0le or treata0le)
Nor%al =+ear and tear= plus any o( these practices44long years o( an irregular e8ercise progra%'
poor riding' poor (ooting' and poor (oot care44can set a horse up (or la%eness) One co%%on
cause o( la%eness in the senior horse' degenerati&e 1oint disease 9$O$: or arthritis' %ay cause
pain +hich not only a((ects the horse*s gait' 0ut also %a/es proper (oot care di((icult) I( a horse is
una0le to stand co%(orta0ly or 0end its legs (or hoo( tri%%ing or shoeing' inade7uate (oot care
can result' %a/ing the original la%eness +orse) So%e senior horses re7uire pain4/illers
9analgesics: 0e(ore their (arrier*s appoint%ent to %a/e the procedure easier) Also' o+ners %ust
re%e%0er that 1ust 0ecause a horse is not 0eing ridden' his or her (eet cannot 0e ignored; they
still re7uire regular attention and tri%%ing)
Horses e8periencing pain (ro% $O$ %ay re7uire analgesics' 0ut treat%ent should 0e under the
ad&ice o( a &eterinarian) Marious di((erent non4steroidal %edications %ay 0e used 9%ost
co%%only phenyl0utazone:' 0ut these %ay ha&e serious side e((ects +hen gi&en at high doses
andEor o&er a long period o( ti%e) Sto%ach and colon ulcers as +ell as /idney da%age are
potential side e((ects that can 0e (atal) Marious other su0stances ha&e 0een pro(essed to 0ene(it
horses +ith arthritis' 0ut there is little scienti(ic proo( o( their e((ecti&eness) Acupuncture is also
used +ith anecdotal reports o( success) Older horses +ith endocrine disorders and altered
i%%une (unction appear prone to la%initis and (oot a0scesses) These conditions especially
re7uire the co%0ined e8pertise and s/ills o( a &eterinarian and a (arrier)
%ei")t Loss
O+ners o( older horses %ight (ind that it is 0eco%ing harder and harder (or their horse to %aintain
their +eight) Although this condition can ha&e %any causes' inade7uate nutrition and poor teeth
are pro0a0ly the %ost co%%on) In general' as horses 0eco%e aged' they re7uire (oodstu((s that
are calorie4rich' easily che+ed and digested' and contain additional &ita%ins) Their %ineral inta/e
should 0e 0alanced) As horses* teeth gro+ out +ith age' they can 0eco%e loose or diseased'
%a/ing e((ecti&e che+ing not only i%possi0le' 0ut pain(ul) Tooth root a0scess' +hich can lead to
sinus in(ections' can produce a (oul odor (ro% the horse*s %outh or nostrils) I( this occurs' a
&eterinarian should 0e contacted) A(ter a0out the age o( B years' %ost horses should ha&e their
teeth chec/ed 0y a &eterinarian at least e&ery si8 %onths to help pre&ent such conditions) Also'
1ust 0ecause a horse is ad&anced in years doesn*t %ean he or she shouldn*t still 0e part o( a +ell4
rounded de+or%ing progra%)
Pituitar# Disease
Although aged horses tend to de&elop adeno%as 90enign tu%ors: o( the thyroid gland' these are
nearly al+ays non(unctional' re7uiring no attention unless their size causes pro0le%s' such as
+ith s+allo+ing) 3ro0a0ly the %ost co%%on endocrine disorder a((ecting the senior horse is
hyperplasia 9increased cell gro+th: o( the pituitary gland' o(ten re(erred to as a pituitary tu%or or
=Cushing*s $isease)= $espite the (act that not e&ery horse +ith this condition +ill e8hi0it the
=classic= signs o( the disease' certain changes are considered to 0e hall%ar/s:
hirsutis% 9e8cessi&e long' curly hair: delayed sheddingE(ailure to shed the +inter hair coat
%uscle +asting
a =pot 0elly=
cresty nec/
pu((iness a0o&e the eyes
la%initis or (ounder
increased suscepti0ility to in(ections
The =classic= case pro0a0ly does not re7uire testing to con(ir% pituitary dys(unction' 0ut the less
o0&ious cases do) Marious 0lood tests %ay 0e per(or%ed 0ut one4ti%e' 0aseline %easure%ents
are o(ten not &ery use(ul in the diagnosis o( this disease unless a &alue is e8tre%ely ele&ated or
%ore than one &alue is a0nor%al) For e8a%ple' consistently high 0lood sugar along +ith hall%ar/
signs o( the disease %ay 0e enough e&idence to 0egin treat%ent) In other cases' a
de8a%ethasone suppression test44+here the horse*s natural steroid le&el is %easured 0e(ore and
a(ter gi&ing this %an4%ade steroid44%ay 0e a %ore use(ul indicator o( pituitary (unction)
iscellaneous Conditions
As horses age' other diseases and conditions 0eco%e %ore co%%on) Neoplasia or &arious types
o( cancer can a((ect older horses) Clinical signs' diagnosis and treat%ent depend upon the organ
a((ected) Lnless there is one' single' accessi0le tu%or that can 0e re%o&ed' there %ight not 0e
an e((ecti&e treat%ent)
Senior horses also are %ore prone to certain types o( colic than young horses) O0&iously' poorly
che+ed (ood can 0e a pro0le%) >ipo%as tend to occur in %iddle4aged and older horses and can
strangulate intestine' re7uiring surgery)
As horses age' they o(ten de&elop cataracts andEor (loating %aterial in the (luid o( the eye)
Although these can result in i%paired &ision' horses see% to (unction 7uite +ell e&en +ith %a1or
changes in their eyes)
Although there are other conditions that a((ect the older horse' this o&er&ie+ co&ers the %ore
co%%on ones) Good' consistent care and an appropriate pre&enti&e health care progra% can do
a great deal to+ard %aintaining the +ell40eing o( our aged e7uine co%panions)
Lydia Miller, DVM, in conjunction with Jill Beech, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, New Bolton Center,
Univerity o! "ennylvania Colle#e o! Veterinary Medicine and AA$" %e%&er.
A-erican Association o5 E6uine Practitioners
7089 Iron %or:s Pi:e
Le;in"ton' <3 70922
.=0=1 />>?0278
posted: 5ECE,!!,) >ast updated: 5E5E,!!-)

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