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Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, most commonly in the thoracic region, with an associated

rotation of the vertebral bodies. The condition can be functional or structural in cause. An unequal
leg length and unequal muscle development are examples of a functional cause. Structural causes
may include a bony defect in the spine.
The Scoliosis Technique demonstrated should only be used as an example. Following his/her
evaluation, the practitioner will need to determine the location of the curvature and degree and
direction of rotation to the spine.
The Kinesio Taping Method will assist by either increasing or decreasing muscle tension and by
creating tension through the skin to facilitate an "unwinding" of the spinal rotation.
Example shown is for right thoracic curvature with left lumbar curvature causing right shoulder to be
forward and left shoulder to be back.

Application of a mechanical correction technique to provide a stimuli in which the body will adjust to
increased tension in the skin, with tension on the tails. For review, see mechanical correction
technique (pg. 22).
For the anterior superior region, begin by placing the base of the Kinesio Y strip (approximately 6-8
inches) two inches below the area to be treated, with no tension. With one hand, hold the base to
ensure no tension is added.

Have the patient move into back extension with rotation in the opposite direction of desired
correction. Apply light to moderate, tension (25-50% of available) to the tails of the Kinesio Y strip,
the "recoil" action of the tails will provide the stimulus to the skin.
Apply the tip of the tail with no tension. Prior to any further patient movement, initiate glue

Application of a fascia correction technique to provide a deeper stimuli to reduce tension within the
layers of the tissue, with tension on the base. For review, see fascia correction technique (pg. 27).
Begin with a Kinesio Y strip of approximately 6-8 inches. Place the base medial to the area to be
treated, with no tension. With one hand, hold the base to ensure no tension is added.

Have the patient move into back extension with rotation in the opposite direction of desired
correction. Apply light tension (25% of available) to the tails of the Kinesio Y strip with an oscillating
motion. Move the hand on the base along the Kinesio Y strip and initiate adherence to the skin.
Apply the end of the tails with no tension in a splayed out pattern to dissipate created forces.
Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.

For the anterior lower region, the technique applications qill be repeated, except the motions will be
reversed to provide stimulus in an opposite direction. The desired effect is to unwind the spine.

For the posterior superior aspect, tape should be applied on the opposite side from the anterior
superior aspect.
The desired effect is to unwind the spine.

For the posterior inferior aspect, tape should be applied on the opposite side of the anterior inferior
The desired effect is to unwind the spine.

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