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Gambaran Peran Ganda Perempuan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Jakarta

Menurut Teori Gilligan

Dual Roles of Women Street Vendors in Jakarta According to Gilligan Theory
Inez Kristanti, Catherina Kartika Hapsari, Irwan Tanuwijaya, Gregorius Dewandoro
Guritno, Marlin Gabriella Rusli, ohanes Haryo !eno, "unike !ri Tyas !u#i
$ni%ersitas Katolik Indonesia &t'a aya
Tuntutan hidup yang makin tinggi di kota Jakarta membuat sejumlah perempuan
ikut terjun menjadi pedagang kaki lima. Namun kenyataannya mereka tidak bisa
terlepas dari peran utamanya sebagai istri dan ibu. Adanya tuntutan peran ganda
di kalangan pedagang kaki lima perlu dikaji lebih lanjut karena menurut Carol
Gilligan, perempuan lebih berfokus pada #are reasoning dalam
mempertimbangkan tindakan yang akan dilakukan. enelitian ini betujuan
meninjau peran ganda perempuan pedagang kaki lima le!at kerangka tahap
perkembangan moral perempuan dari Gilligan. "enggunakan pendekatan
kualitatif, penelitian ini me!a!an#arai se#ara mendalam $in(depth inter%iew)
pengalaman empat perempuan pedagang kaki lima dalam menjalankan peran
gandanya. %eempat partisipan yang terpilih se#ara purposi%e mempunyai &ariasi
asal daerah dan status pekerjaan suami. 'asil penelitian ini menunjukkan bah!a
masing(masing partisipan dapat menjalani peran gandanya sebagai pekerja dan
ibu rumah tangga dengan baik dibantu oleh orang(orang terdekat mereka.
"eskipun demikian, terdapat beberapa perbedaan mengenai #ara mereka
mengakomodir tuntutan kedua peran dan aspirasi pribadinya. erbedaan ini
dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan dimana mereka berasal !alaupun faktor tekanan
ekonomi serta pengalaman hidup partisipan juga berperan. artisipan dengan
tekanan ekonomi yang lebih besar #enderung tidak dapat menjadikan
pekerjaannya sebagai aspirasi pribadinya oleh karena keadaan yang terlalu
menekan. "ereka #enderung menempati le&el 'oral reasoning Gilligan dengan
mengorbankan keinginan pribadinya untuk bekerja. )leh karena itu, perlu ada
kajian lebih lanjut mengenai aplikasi dari teori perkembangan moral Gilligan
dalam masyarakat yang se#ara ekonomi tertekan dan terhimpit
To 'ake a li%ing in akarta be#o'e 'ore di**i#ult, *or#e wo'en to work as street
%endors+ &lthough in reality, these wo'en also ha%e pri'ary roles as housewi*e
,wi*e and 'other)+ Dual roles a'ong street %endors need to be studied *urther
be#ause, a##ording to Carol Gilligan, wo'en are 'ore *o#used on #are reasoning
in #onsidering the a#tion to be per*or'ed+ The goal o* this study is to re%iew the
'ultiple roles o* wo'en street %endors through a *ra'ework o* stages o* wo'en-s
'oral de%elop'ent by Gilligan+ $sing a .ualitati%e approa#h, these study in(
depth inter%iews *our wo'en street %endors in per*or'ing its dual role+ These
*our parti#ipants were sele#ted purposi%ely ha%e %ariations in origin and the
status o* husband/s job+ The results o* this study indi#ate that ea#h parti#ipant #an
lead a double role as workers and housewi%es properly assisted by the people
#losest to the'+ 0e%ertheless, there are so'e di**eren#es on how they
a##o''odate the de'ands o* both roles and personal aspirations+ This di**eren#e
is in*luen#ed by the #ulture in whi#h they originated although e#ono'i# *a#tors as
well as the e1perien#e o* li%ing, pressures parti#ipants also play a role+ 2e#ause
o* the situations are too pressing, parti#ipants with greater e#ono'i# pressures
tend not to 'ake the job as their personal aspirations+ They tend to o##upy the
'oral reasoning le%els at the e1pense o* their personal desire to work+ There*ore,
there needs to be *urther study o* the appli#ation o* Gilligan/s theory o* 'oral
de%elop'ent in a so#iety that is e#ono'i#ally depressed and oppressed+
The struggle to 'ake a li%ing in akarta is in#reasingly di**i#ult, *or#e so'e wo'en to work
as street %endors+ 3n the other hand, these wo'en ha%e their own pri'ary role as
housewi%es ,wi*e and 'other)+ The de'ands to bear those dual roles need to be studied
*urther as a response to what Carol Gilligan-s theory about wo'en ha%e 'ore *o#us on 4#are
reasoning- in #onsidering the a#tions they would per*or'+ The goal o* this study is to re%iew
the 'ultiple roles o* wo'en street %endors by stages o* wo'en-s 'oral de%elop'ent
*ra'ework by Gilligan+ $sing a .ualitati%e approa#h, this study #ondu#ted in(depth
inter%iews to *our wo'en street %endors in per*or'ing its dual roles+ These *our parti#ipants
were sele#ted purposi%ely to ha%e %ariations in origin and their husband-s o##upation+ The
results o* this study indi#ates that ea#h parti#ipant #an per*or' the dual roles as workers and
housewi%es properly with the support o* the person #losest to the'+ 0e%ertheless, there are
so'e di**eren#es on how they a##o''odate the de'ands o* both roles and personal
aspirations+ This di**eren#es are in*luen#ed by the #ulture in whi#h they originated although
e#ono'i# *a#tors as well as their li%ing e1perien#es o* ea#h parti#ipants also ha%e a role+
5arti#ipants with higher e#ono'i# pressure tend not to 'ake the job as their personal
aspirations+ They tend to o##upy the 'oral reasoning le%els by putting work be*ore their own
desire+ There*ore, *urther study on the i'ple'entation o* Gilligan/s theory about 'oral
de%elop'ent in a so#iety that is e#ono'i#ally depressed and oppressed are needed+

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