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Yuk Yee Vuong

9. Cell Cycle, Mitosis


1. Describe division in a prokaryotic cell?
DNA replication followed by immediate cell division.

2. How many phases does the eukaryotic cell cycle consist of?

Interphase (g1,S,g2 phases) and M phase, 4 phases.

3. Name and describe three phases of interphase?

G1 RNA and protein synthesis starts, volume of the cell cytoplasm and organelles
increase rapidly. S- Nuclear DNA replication. G2- Cell growth continues.
4. Describe the centromeres, the centrioles, the mitotic spindle, and the kinetochores.
When do these structures appear during the cell cycle?

The centromere is a region in the middle of the chromosome involved in cell division
and the control of gene expression, appears during metaphase.

The kinetochore is formed on top of the centromeres. The kinetochores are the sites
where the spindles attach. Kinetochores and the spindle apparatus are responsible for
the movement of the two sister chromatids to opposite poles of dividing cell nucleus
during anaphase.

A centriole is a barrel shaped organelle found in most eukaryotic cells, though absent
in higher plants and fungi. The walls of each centriole are usually composed of nine
triplets of microtubules. Centrioles are involved in the organization of the mitotic
spindle and in the completion of cytokinesis.

The mitotic spindles function is to segregate chromosomes during cell division
(either mitosis or meiosis) to the daughter cells.
5. In what stages of the cell cycle is the cell tetraploid?

The cell is tetraploid in the stages after the S phase, after DNA replication until the
divides in cytokinesis, so it is tetraploid in the Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and

6. Do the cells grow during the M phase?

Growth continues throughout all the phases.

7. Explain the terms sister and daughter chromosomes?

Sister chromatids are the two newly synthesized daughter chromatids derived from
the same chromosome parent.
Yuk Yee Vuong
8. Is there any difference between plant and animal cytokinesis? Describe the
cytokinesis in yeast?

Yes there is a difference between plant and animal cytokinesis. In animal cytokinesis
the membrane enfolds and forms two new identical cells. Plant cytokinesis differs
significantly from that of animal cells in that instead of forming a contractile ring,
plant cells divide by the formation of cross walls between the two daughter cells.

9. Name and describe the checkpoints of the cell cycle?

G1 Checkpoint ensures that everything is ready for DNA synthesis.
G2 Checkpoint determines if the cell can now proceed to enter M phase (mitosis)
and divide.
Metaphase Checkpoint that ensures the cell is ready to complete cell division.

10. Explain the changes in the amount of DNA in cells during the cell cycle?

The amount of DNA in the M phase is double that of the amount of DNA in the

11. Why is it necessary to incubate the cells at 37 degrees celcius during cell staining
prior to flow cytometric analysis?

So that the cells continue cell division and activities as normal at body temperature.

12. Which phase of the cell cycle is affected by N6-dimethylaminopurine?

Affects M phase as it inhibits M phase promoting factor.

9.1 Analysis of the cell cycle using flow cytometry.

We compared these two graphs (See the next page) and saw that there was a much
lower number of cells in the second sample (treated) than the first sample. This
suggests that the chemical used to treat it suppresses the production of cells.

9.2 Mitotic Division in plant cells

Cells were observed with the 10x objective lens. Shape, size and chromosome number
of cells were seen in different stages of mitosis under the high magnification.

Yuk Yee Vuong

Fig. 3. K562 cells cultured under standard conditions for 48 h

Fig. 4. K562 cells cultured with N6-dimethylaminopurine for 48 h 39
Yuk Yee Vuong
9.3 Cell division by budding.

A specimen of suspension of yeast was prepared. Specimen was observed lower
objective first and then with the immersion objective.

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