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Possible essay questions for the human physiology final exam.

Only a select number of these questions will be asked, however, I will ask questions
related to all of these concepts within the multiple choice, true and false, and/or matching
question therefore, preparation of all these questions will help you do well on the final
exam. These questions are essentially a study guide.
Note it is possible that multiple choice, true and false, and/or matching questions may
include some questions or concepts that are NOT listed on this study guide, nonetheless,
these questions will be used exclusively for the essay questions.
I will not be able to provide the answers to these questions nor would it be fair to read
any of your answers that you may compose prior to the final exam! however, I have made
a sincere effort to ask questions "within this study guide# which reflect the material in
your notes, the powerpoint presentations and the book, so I feel very confident that you
have all the information necessary to answer these question "by using your notes,
powerpoint, and/or text.# $est of luck in your preparation for the final exam.
%astly, I have updated my powerpoint lectures on my homepage for the lectures listed
below "with bullets# so that they reflect only the material covered on the final "i.e. I
deleted the slides we did not cover and will not be on the final#. There is no reason for
you to re&print these powerpoint lectures, but you may like to confirm what is the 'last
slide( for each of the topics.
)ardiovascular *hysiology
+enal *hysiology
,I- lecture
+espiratory *hysiology
.nti&,I- lab "we used in its entirety#
Car#io$as%ular Physiology&
/# 0raw and label the structures of the heart and include the four ma1or blood vessels that
we discussed in class.
$eneath the drawing provide a stepwise list of movement of blood through the heart to the lungs
and systemic circulation beginning with entry of blood into the right atrium. Include the names of
the blood vessels through which the blood travels and whether the O2 or )O2 is of higher blood
2# 0raw a pacemaker action potential and then label the ions that move at each step, then
indicate whether ion movement is into or out of the cell.
3ow draw the pacemaker action potential under the affect of acetylcholine.
4hat ion movements have changed to alter this action potential5
6# 4hy do the pacemaker cells have a spontaneous depolari7ation5
8# 0raw a cardiac contractile cell action potential and then label the ions that move at each
step, indicate whether the ion movement is into or out of the cell.
9# 0raw a standard :); "as we recorded in lab# label each peak and identify what cardiac
function corresponds to each of these peaks.
<# 4hen is the treatment of angioplasty used and what does the treatment involve5
'enal Physiology
/# 4hat are the ma1or functions of the kidneys5
2# 0raw the nephron and label its parts.
6# 0iscuss how the movement of 3a=, glucose and water occur in the proximal convoluted tubule.
8# :xplain the mechanisms of caffeine and alcohol that result in increased urine output.
9# :xplain why we normally have voluntary control of urination.
<# 4hat is the difference between renal 'reabsorption and secretion(5 *rovide an example
of a compound that undergoes reabsorption and secretion "they can be different
compounds# and where in the renal tubule reabsorption and secretion are most likely to
># 4hat is ;?+ and how is it measured5
@# 3ame two diseases that we discussed that affect renal function5
Immune System
/. 4hat are the /
, 2
and 6
lines of defense and provide two examples of each5
2. 0iscuss the similarities and differences between cell mediated and antibody mediated
immunity. Include in your answer the specific cells involved in each of these processes,
the specific cell receptors involved in each of these processes and how each of these
systems provide protection against non&self.
6. 4hat are the differences between A,) I and A,) II5 4here do we find these receptors
and what are there function5
/. 4hat is the current hypothesis for the origins of ,I-&/ and what specific evidence
supports this hypothesis5
2. ,ow does ,I- replicate within the host cell5
6. 4hy has it not been possible to produce an effective vaccine against ,I-5
8. *rovide four possible means for ,I- transmission.
/# 4hat cells produce surfactant and what is the function of surfactant within the
respiratory tract5
2# 4hat is the mechanism that allows for air to move into and out of our lungs5 $e
sure to include how pressure gradients are established and how this determines
the direction of air flow.
6# 4hat effect does smoking have on the cilia of the epithelial cells of the trachea
and what specific chemical within smoke causes this effect5
8# *rovide the chemical reactions "by using chemical formulas# to show how most
)O2 is carried in the blood from the tissue to the alveolus and then also draw this
reaction as it occurs between the blood and the alveolus. Include in your answer
why our body must have this system for carrying most of our )O2 in the
bloodstream to our lungs.

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