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Cover Letter

Hello, my name is Jack and I think I'd be a great fit for RockPaperShotgun. I've been enoying
P! games since the original !iv and Sim !ity "###. $hat I think %ualifies me for the position,
ho&ever, is my e'perience &ith producing game related content.
In the past I have &ritten articles(
0ive cast and streamed games that &ere &itnessed by over 1##,### vie&ers(
3nd produced original video game series and material that amounts to over "1##4 hours of
video and audio content. I'm not only a capable broadcaster, but I enoy doing it. Interacting &ith fans,
creating a positive e'perience for the vie&er and having fun playing and &atching video games is
second nature to me and I &ould love to help &ith the video)live stream)series efforts of RPS.
5ames that I most enoy playing range from *1 minute affairs like 6inding of Isaac to grand
strategy such as the 7uropa or !iv series. 8y favorite game series of all time is 9he 7lder Scrolls
&here I think every chapter has a ne& and interesting take. 9he game I'm currently playing the most is
Hearthstone &here I am attempting to hit the legendary rank and before that I &as messing around &ith
:90 %uite a bit because that update &as ama;ing.
Ho&ever the biggest reason to consider my application is that I &ould enoy &hat I &as doing
every single day. $ork is stressful, and it do&nright sucks sometimes, but if I &ere &riting or making
content for this site I'd be having a blast and kno& that &ould shine through. In addition to RPS
hallmarks like <$ot I 9hink= I &ould enoy &riting pieces of competitive gaming, opinion pieces about
various gaming communities and ho& gaming shapes us in our al&ays/on societies.
6efore I close I'd like to sho& you t&o letters of reference from people I've &orked alongside in
the video game industry(
Aou can best reach me at and I look for&ard to hearing from you.
Personal statement
I aspire to enjoy gaming, entertain my audience and always have a joke to crack. I will strive to
give them something informative and entertaining with my content. ore than anything I want the
reader!viewer to come away from my content in a "etter mood.
#kill Perks
Charismatic Call
Gains a much greater$than$average chance at generating on$site responses or turning
%lesser viewers& into %greater su"scri"ers& when producing articles through a magic art
known only as %responds to comments often.&
Iron-forged Fingers
'aving "eaten and played a much larger amount of games than your average player,
this character(s inde) fingers have the strength of thum"s. *onversely, this character(s
thum"s are also +uite strong.
Wells of Wailing
,fter creating over -.// hours of video and audio work on gaming, this character(s
lungs now have a seemingly infinite storage of air. 0um"er of 1ms, 2rs and ,hhhh....(s
reduced "y two.
3ork history
Caster/Producer for,
from ,ugust -/44 until #eptem"er -/45
*reated articles and video content that reached over .//,/// uni+ue viewers.
3as asked to "roadcast for other organi6ations such as 2#7 and 8utch
#tarcraft league.
Tasked with creating over 4- hours a week of video content along with one
written article at a minimum.
,pril -//9 until 8ecem"er -//:
Tasked with technical writing for new applications and features.
I mean, imagine how fun that was. *ompared to this gig; 3hew.
<es, it was ,=7, "ut I was young and needed the gold pieces.
I honestly enjoy writing and just last month wrote an entire feature$length screenplay for
#uperman for fun. These days I enjoy reading non$fiction, playing cartoon card games and
waiting for the inevita"le >allout ? unveiling.
Naxx to meet you: A personal and gaming introduction.
HelloC 8y name is Jack and I'm a hypothetical ne& &riter for RPS. I'd like to make my debut
by talking to you about Hearthstone. :or those ust emerging from ?o;dormu's vorte', Hearthstone is
6li;;ard's foray into collectable card games. It has simple mechanics, a fun tutorial, everything can be
purchased &ith in/game currency and best of allD the ?a''ramas adventure is outC
<6ut Jack= you hypothetical readers might say, <isn't an e'pansion a bad time to pick up a PvP
gameE= Fuite the contraryC 3lthough Hearthstone has only been out a fe& months all cards have been
kno&n for over a year. 9his lead many players to think the meta is <stale.= 9hese players are kno&n as
$ith the ne& cards coming in and e'pansive ne& single player e'perience, I reckon there isn't a
better time to pick up the game. $hile the entire ?a'' e'perience is single player, there's a robust
<daily %uest= system in place that allo&s you gain a %uick .#/*## gold a day. 9here's also multiple
modes for PGP so you can put your an'iety to rest and play casually.
6ut finally the big reason &hy I push Hearthstone is that the competitive environment is entirely
safe. ?o racial or se'ual slurs, no threats of violence Hunless you count generic threats voiced by
cartoon charactersI. 7ven the most nervous and sensitive player out there can vie for rank &ithout
being insulted or demeaned.
0earn more about the pricing of ?a'' here
Jhttp())&&&"#*.)#>)#+)hearthstone/e'pansion/price)K or feel free to ask me
anything you'd like about the game in the comments belo&.
:inally, all you have to do to have access to the first of five &ings is log in anytime before
3ugust *2
C See you in gameC

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