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The silence in here is incredible. 1700 die in a week.

Hundreds of thousands in
three years. 7 million displaced.
But if we talk about it we're "trying to divert focus away from Gaza"
As if those 9 news stories out of 10 require that much extra attention.
/r/syriancivilwar is a much better place to follow this conflict. Though I warn
you: it can get very depressing at times just how bad and hopeless it is.
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[]Sliphe 42 points 2 hours ago
Muslims killing muslims isnt news, dont be so surprised. Check out latest news a
bout Israel killing muslims, its more least here in Reddit.
This is so sad, but then people are ignorant.
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[]IlllllllIIllllllIIIl 3 points 2 hours ago
If it's an issue of numbers to you then there are still way more things we shoul
d be focusing on than Syria any ways. Syria used to be it but then what was it c
hanged. The numbers were never there either so I don't get why you're so disappo
inted most people have moved on to other stuff now that the initial shock of Syr
ia wore off.
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[]Vagabond21 1 point 59 minutes ago
I said this before, but it reminds me of the Trayvon Martin case. People were ou
traged about the fact that Zimmerman killed Martin. Part of it due to the media
saying Zimmerman is white. You had Sharpton and Jackson crying foul and the like
s. But when it's blacks killing blacks like in chicago, silence.
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[]winkingwalnut -1 points 57 minutes ago
You say it's Muslims killing Muslims so it's not big news, then accuse others of
being ignorant
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[]Jalien85 7 points 2 hours ago
Sorry, what? Are people actually getting mad when articles about Syria are poste
d, saying that it's a distraction?
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[]Ansoni 12 points an hour ago
No. But when someone compared the type of titles that were used (Israel-Gaza are
much more emotional, for instance). That entire thread was considered a diversi
on by Israeli shills. Nevermind that at the time (around 1pm GMT two days ago II
RC) pretty much the entire front page of /r/worldnews was about Gaza, with 2 or
three articles about downed planes and not one discussion about Syria in the fir
st 4 pages (despite the news about the deadly weekend of fighting having just br
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[]Jalien85 0 points an hour ago*
Ok. But what I'm seeing looks like a lot of false logic. Mainly, the fact that p
eople are very passionate about the Israel/Palestine conflict = they don't know
or care about what's happening in Syria. As I've said elsewhere, I think the mai
n reason people are very passionate about Gaza is that the US government gives I
srael a LOT of money and continues to back them over and over again. Therefore A
mericans (and there's lots of them on Reddit) feel like there's something they c
an directly do about it. They also feel that by extension Israel is acting on th
eir behalf, and they have a BIG problem with that. I'm Canadian, and my Prime Mi
nister also 100% backs Israel and calls the other side terrorists, and this frus
trates me very much.
On the other hand, our leaders are not giving that kind of support to either sid
e in the Syrian conflict. As you said, it's very depressing and hopeless. There'
s a logic to people being more politically charged about one issue over another,
that does not mean anyone doesn't 'care' about Syria, which is the accusation I
'm seeing in these threads over and over.
EDIT: I stand corrected on the US backing the Syrian rebels. But as far as numbe
rs go, the last I saw was that US gives Israel 3 billion a year, compared to a p
roposed $500,000 for Syrian rebels. And the US has been back ing Israel for a ve
ry, very long time. My overall problem is still just this idea that caring about
one thing means you don't care about another.
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[]annoymind 7 points an hour ago
The US is supporting rebels in Syria. In fact quite recently they approved $500
million for the rebels...
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[]Ansoni 2 points an hour ago
I don't mind discussion about Gaza of course, and I don't mean to accuse people
of not caring about Syria by caring about Gaza more. What I'm referring to is pe
ople acting out at discussion of Syria. Yes, the article was about Gaza, but whe
n all the articles are about Gaza there's not much one can do.
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[]CrazyOlFella 0 points an hour ago
The Harper Government dick rides Israel soooo hard. It's incredible considering
the amount of Palestinian support among the Canadian population.
At least remain neutral.
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[]Jalien85 2 points an hour ago
Exactly. It shouldn't be our role to take either side in that mess. All we shoul
d do is mediate and provide humanitarian support.
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[]CrazyOlFella 1 point an hour ago
I absolutely agree. Here's hoping for a formidable Liberal push in the next elec
tion. Our current government is verging on moral bankruptcy.
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[]Menieres 0 points 51 minutes ago
Don't interrupt good victimhood cry.
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[]1gnominious 4 points an hour ago
You have to remember that we are supplying the rebel forces in Syria. It's not g
etting much attention because everything is going according to plan. We want to
overthrow Assad and have Syria in chaos. If Syria was on the front page everyday
people would start to question why we were supporting them.
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[]Menieres 0 points 52 minutes ago
So let me get this straight.
Isis is worse than Israel because more civilians are killed by Isis. Because Isi
s is worse we should not talk about Israel and concentrate on Isis.
Note let's apply the same reasoning to Hamas.
Hamas is better than Israel because they only killed 3 civilians compared to eig
ht hundred killed by Israel. We should not talk about Hamas and instead talk abo
ut Israel.
Finally. Apparently you think actively fighting Isis by sending in troops, weapo
ns, and money to people fighting them is "silence"
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[]Ansoni 2 points 41 minutes ago
No no no. I never said any of those things.
If anything, this is me accusing others of saying this but swapping Israel and I
SIS around.

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