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ICT Overload Protection Logic Write Up

1. ICT is design to take only full Load of two units i.e. 315 MVA
2. In case of all units are in running condition the loads towards 220 kV switchyard 315 MVA and
towards 400 kV switchyard 948 MVA.
3. In case all units towards 400 kV switchyard (unit#3 to 8) are in running condition and 400 kV
lines outage due to any fault, the power from Unit#3 to 8 shall go through 220 kV evacuation
lines via ICT.
4. In this case ICT will be overload as load of 400kV lines will 948MVA(Unit#3 to 8 are on full load)
and ICT capacity only 315 MVA.
5. In case all 400 kV lines outage this ICT will overload and trip subsequently unit no. 3 to 8 will
trip. However if protect ICT from overloading by tripping all the units expect two units, can be
saved from unnecessary tripping.
6. So it is suggested that the in case of Zero power flow in 400 kV lines and ICT over load alarm,
then units(unit#3 to 8) loaded on 400 kV will trip expect two units(Unit#3 to 8),as per Logic
diagram attached.
7. The logic for this proposed as following
Logic will be build in DCS as which units should trip in case of ICT overload this will work in auto.
Whenever Difference between No. of running units and no. of Unit selected for trip more than
two Unit selected for trip in Auto in sequence start from Unit#4.
For Example
All units are in stopped condition
Unit#3 started and then Unit#4 started
In this case No unit will select for Trip as Difference between No. of running units and no. of Unit
selected for trip less than two. No Unit will select for trip.
When Unit#5 also start(Load > 10 MW)
In this case unit#4 will select for Trip as Difference between No. of running units and no. of Unit
selected for trip more than two and Unit#4 will select for trip.
When Unit#6 also start(Load > 10 MW)
In this case unit#5 will select for Trip as Difference between No. of running units and no. of Unit
selected for trip more than two and Unit#5 will select for trip.
When Unit#7 also start(Load > 10 MW)
In this case unit#6 will select for Trip as Difference between No. of running units and no. of Unit
selected for trip more than two and Unit#5 will select for trip.
When Unit#8 also start(Load > 10 MW)
In this case unit#7 will select for Trip as Difference between No. of running units and no. of Unit
selected for trip more than two and Unit#5 will select for trip.
Also shift in charge can select Unit#8 for Trip if he wants, in this case Unit #7 trip block will reset
in auto.
Whenever any unit trip that Trip block will reset if set.
In case any unit trips which trip block not set then unit#8 trip block will reset first if set if not
unit#7 trip block will reset if not unit#6 trip block will reset if not unit#5 trip block will reset if
not unit#4 trip block will reset.
For Example
Unit#3,4,7,8 are in running condition
In This case Unit#4 and 7 selected for trip.
And after that if Unit#3 Trip then Trip Block of Unit#7 will reset in Auto.

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