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Omens, portents, signs

Vasthu Sastra by T. Selva

WAS it all coincidence? You make the decision about C. Deborahs e-mail that she sent
after reading my last column on omens involving cats and liards.
!n the first incident "hen she "as living in #ai"an$ a black cat crossing her %ath sto%%ed
and looked at her. &! "as stunned and felt something "as not right. Sure enough$ my
husband "as a victim of hit-and-run at the same time in a different %lace.
&!n the second case$ ! "as "alking to a sho% and a black cat crossed my %ath. 'ater on
the same day$ my sister-in-la" called me to say her father-in-la" had died$( said
She said in the third incident$ her husband "as su%%osed to go for his final chemothera%y
session and "hen they "ere leaving their a%artment$ they sa" a black cat. &! kne" it "as
a bad sign and "hen "e met the doctor$ he said my husband re)uired more chemothera%y
to combat his cancer$( she said$ adding that her husband died t"o years ago.
Deborah said there "ere other times "hen she received bad ne"s after seeing a black cat*
she is convinced omens involving these animals are not false notions.
+ollo"ing my last column$ ! received over ,-. e-mails and calls from readers sharing
e/%eriences and also "anting to kno" about the significance of the a%%earance and0or
actions of various animals.
1elo" are some more inter%retations of such omens.

Omens involving crows
Since ancient times$ cro"s have been regarded as intelligent birds$ hence the im%ortance
%laced on their behaviour.
Cro"-related omens de%end$ in some cases$ in "hich )uadrant it is in and at "hat time it
ca"s or %erforms an act.
A cro" ca"ing outside a house in the morning or evening indicates a visitor*
1eing hit by a cro"s dro%%ings is$ believe it or not$ a good sign2
A cro" "ith food in its beak is an indication the %ro%erty o"ner "ill receive health or
"ealth-related ne"s*
A cro" flying overhead is an indication of favourable ne"s*
+eeding a cro" is aus%icious as it "ill reduce %ossible ill effects in a %ersons life*
Seeing a cro" flying from the north-east at sunrise is an aus%icious sign*
!t is a good sign if a cro" a%%ears from the east as an o"ner is leaving the house*
A ca"ing cro" on a southern fence is inaus%icious*
!f a cro" beats at a %erson "ith its "ings or attem%ts to %eck the %erson$ he or she
"ill e/%erience ill luck and have a hostile encounter "ith friends*
!t is inaus%icious if a cro" takes anything from a house*
A cro" ca"ing on the roofto% is an indication of un%leasant challenges*
A cro" ca"ing as someone is leaving the house or starting "ork %ortends loss*
A flock of cro"s flying over the house is an indication of trouble*
Cro"s assembling around a house is inaus%icious and an indication of coming
A cro" flying into a house at night indicates forthcoming ne"s of bereavement*
A cro" that steals food from the kitchen is an indication that the %ro%ertys resident
"ill face defeat at his or her task on that day.
Omens involving dogs
Dogs are mans best friends$ as they say$ and they are regarded as intelligent and
domesticated animals.
1esides being a %et or a guard dog$ their %eculiar behavioural %atterns should not be
ignored because they have messages hidden in them.
!t is aus%icious if a dog brings a %ersons shoes to him or her before the start of a
A dog licking its o"ners feet is an indication of success and fame* if$ ho"ever$ it
licks its o"n feet before the start of its o"ners 3ourney$ its an indication of obstacles*
!t is aus%icious to see a dog "ith food in its mouth at the start of a 3ourney*
!f dogs are seen fighting in front of a house before the start of a 3ourney$ it indicates
that the %ur%ose of the 3ourney "ill not be achieved*
A dog urinating in a vehicle is aus%icious*
!t is inaus%icious for a dog to "ee% in a house com%ound as it indicates trouble
A break-in is likely to occur in a house if a dog scratches its "alls*
A dogs ho"ls indicates forthcoming un%leasant ne"s*
!t is inaus%icious if a dog lies "ith its head on the front ste% of a house.
A dogs sneee is inaus%icious.
Other omens
!n ancient times$ %eo%le believed many signs could foretell the likely result "hen
commencing "ork or a 3ourney. 4eo%le have learnt that these signs should not be ignored
as they could "arn of danger.
A strong breee or "ind 3ust before starting a 3ourney or on "ork is aus%icious*
!t is aus%icious to meet a s%iritual leader or %riest at the start of a 3ourney*
5eeting a ne"ly "ed cou%le before the start of a 3ourney is aus%icious*
!t is aus%icious to see a funeral %rocession coming from the o%%osite direction during
a 3ourney*
!t is inaus%icious to see a funeral %rocession going in the same direction as you*
!f a %erson stumbles at the start of a 3ourney$ the tri% should be %ost%oned as it can be
an indication of failure*
!f someone sto%s you and asks for directions at the start of a 3ourney$ it indicates
!f %ro%ertys %rayer lam% e/tinguishes by itself before the start of a 3ourney$ it
indicates difficulty*
!t is inaus%icious for the bride to see a funeral %rocession "hile she is on her "ay to
her "edding*
!t is inaus%icious for the bridegroom to see a funeral %rocession "hile returning from
his "edding.
Vasthu talks
#he columnist "ill give a talk on ho" to a%%ly 6asthu Sastras %rinci%les and live in
harmony "ith the environment in order to gain health$ "ealth$ ha%%iness and %eace of
mind on 7une ,, at 8.9.%m at Cinta Sayang :old ;esort$ 4ersiaran Cinta Sayang$ Sungai
4etani$ <edah.
Admission is by contribution of ;5,. to the 5alaysian =indu Sangam Sungai 4etani
branch. #o register$ contact 4arames at .,9->9? @.,?.
A similar talk "ill be held on 7uly - at 9%m at the A/celsior =otel in !%oh. Admission is
by contribution of ;5,. to the #aman <labang #amil school in Chemor. #o register$
contact :una at .,--?.B >C8B.
T. Selva, The Stars Maritime Editor, has spent years researching this ancient Indian
science of construction, better known as Indian feng shui. !e is a student of "th
generation #asthu Sastra Master $uvara% Sowma from &hennai, India. !e can be
contacted at tselvas'

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