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Algumas Interrupes da BIOS

CPU: Interrupo do microprocessador

BIOS: Servios do BIOS ,interrupo de Software.
Sinais IRQ: Interrupo de Hardware.
soft: Interrupo de Software

Vetor(hexa) Pedido Utilizao
INT 00h CPU Diviso por zero
INT 01h CPU Executed after every instruction while the trace flag is set
INT 02h CPU NMI, used e.g. by POST for memory errors
The lowest non-reserved interrupt, it is used exclusively for
debugging, and the INT 03 handler is always implemented by a
debugging program
Numeric Overflow. Usually caused by the INTO instruction when
the overflow flag is set.
Executed when Shift-PrintScreen is pressed, as well as when the
BOUND instruction detects a bound failure.
INT 06h CPU Cdigo invlido (ou cdigo de modo protegido no modo real)
INT 07h CPU Extenso no disponvel (coprocessador no presente)
INT 08h IRQ0 Relgio de tempo real (timer tick).
INT 09h IRQ1 Teclado.
INT 0Ch IRQ4 Portas seriais (COM1/COM3)
INT 0Dh IRQ5 Disco rgido.
INT 0Eh IRQ6 Drive de disquetes.
INT 0Fh IRQ7 Impressora.
Servios de Video
Instalado pela BIOS ou sistema operacional
Chamado por programas.
AH=00h Set Vi deo Mode
AH=01h Set Cur sor Shape
AH=02h Set Cur sor Posi t i on
AH=03h Get Cur sor Posi t i on And Shape
AH=04h Get Li ght Pen Posi t i on
AH=05h Set Di spl ay Page
AH=06h Cl ear / Scr ol l Scr een Up
AH=07h Cl ear / Scr ol l Scr een Down
AH=08h Read Char act er and At t r i but e at Cur sor
AH=09h Wr i t e Char act er and At t r i but e at Cur sor
AH=0Ah Wr i t e Char act er at Cur sor
AH=0Bh Set Bor der Col or
AH=0Eh Wr i t e Char act er i n TTY Mode
AH=0Fh Get Vi deo Mode
AH=13h Wr i t e St r i ng
INT 11h BIOS Configurao do equipamento
INT 12h BIOS Retorna o tamanho de memria
Servios de Disco de Nvel Baixos
Instalado pela BIOS ou sistema operacional
Chamado por programas.
AH=00h Reset Di sk Dr i ves
AH=01h Check Dr i ve St at us
AH=02h Read Sect or s Fr omDr i ve
AH=03h Wr i t e Sect or s To Dr i ve
AH=04h Ver i f i es Sect or s On Dr i ve
AH=05h For mat Tr ack On Dr i ve
AH=08h Get Dr i ve Par amet er s
AH=09h I ni t Fi xed Dr i ve Par amet er s
AH=0Ch Seek To Speci f i ed Tr ack
AH=0Dh Reset Fi xed Di sk Cont r ol l er
AH=15h Get Dr i ve Type
AH=16h Get Fl oppy Dr i ve Medi a Change St at us
Rutinas para a comunicaao via portas seriais RS232
AH=00h Ser i al Por t I ni t i al i zat i on
AH=01h Tr ansmi t Char act er
AH=02h Recei ve Char act er
AH=03h St at us
Servios de cassete (PC) ou extenses.
AH=4FH Keyboar d I nt er cept
AH=83H Event Wai t
AH=84H Read J oyst i ck
AH=85H Sysr eq Key Cal l out
AH=86H Wai t
AH=87H Move Bl ock
AH=88H Get Ext ended Memor y Si ze
AH=C0H Get Syst emPar amet er s
AH=C1H Get Ext ended BI OS Dat a Ar ea Segment
AH=C2H Poi nt i ng Devi ce Funct i ons
AH=0E8h, AL=01h ( AX = 0E801h) Get Ext ended Memor y
Si ze( Newer f unct i on, si nce 1994) . Gi ves r esul t s f or
memor y
si ze above 64 Mb.
Servios de teclado
AH=00h Read Char act er
AH=01h Read I nput St at us
AH=02h Read Keyboar d Shi f t St at us
AH=10h Read Char act er Ext ended
AH=11h Read I nput St at us Ext ended
AH=12h Read Keyboar d Shi f t St at us Ext ended
Servios de impressora - Usado pelo software para comunicar com
a impressora.
AH=00h Pr i nt Char act er t o Pr i nt er
AH=01h I ni t i al i ze Pr i nt er
AH=02h Check Pr i nt er St at us
Execute Cassette BASIC: True IBM computers contain BASIC in
the ROM to be interpreted and executed by this routine in the
event of a boot failure (called by the BIOS)
INT 19h BIOS Esta interrupo usada pela BIOS para carregar o SO.
Servios de Relgio em Tempo real - chamado por programas de
software para comunicar-se com o RTC
AH=00h Read RTC
AH=01h Set RTC
AH=02h Read RTC Ti me
AH=03h Set RTC Ti me
AH=04h Read RTC Dat e
AH=05h Set RTC Dat e
AH=06h Set RTC Al ar m
AH=07h Reset RTC Al ar m
INT 1Bh BIOS Tratamento de Ctrl-Break
Called automatically by INT 08; available for use by software
programs when a routine needs to be executed regularly
INT 1Dh Soft
Parmetros de controle do vdeo; Ponteiro para a VPT (Video
Parameter Table)
INT 1Eh Soft
Not to be called; simply a pointer to the DPT (Diskette Parameter
Table), containing a variety of information concerning the diskette
INT 1Fh Soft
Not to be called; simply a pointer to the VGCT (Video Graphics
Character Table), which contains the data for ASCII characters
80h to FFh
INT 41h Soft
Address pointer: FDPT =Fixed Disk Parameter Table (1st hard
INT 46h Soft
Address pointer: FDPT =Fixed Disk Parameter Table (2nd hard
INT 4Ah Called by RTC for alarm
INT 70h IRQ8 Called by RTC
INT 74h IRQ12 Mouse no PS/2 - uso geral em um PC
INT 75h IRQ13 Coprocessador aritmtico
INT 76h IRQ14 Controlador de disco rgido (controladora IDE primria)
INT 77h IRQ15 Uso geral (controladora secundria de disco)

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