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1. What are BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA?

BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA are utility programs or Ora!le administration that are de"eloped #y
SAP. BR*TOOLS are in!reasingly repla!ing SAPDBA un!tions.
$. What BR*TOOLS are a"aila#le and %hat do these do?
BRBA&'(P) Data#ase #a!*up
BRAR&+,-.) Ba!*up o oline redo logs
BRR.STOR.) Restoration /restore0 o #a!*ups /see 1ote 23432$0
BRR.&O-.R) Restore5re!o"ery /1otes 23$6789 23432$0
BRSPA&.) Reorgani:ations /see 1otes 268278 and 4614;<0
BR&O11.&T) -arious administration tas*s /see 1ote 63;8360 su!h as !reation o
statisti!s /see 1ote 4<<22<0 or data#ase !he!*s
BR=(,) =raphi!al user intera!e or the BR*TOOLS /1ote 21167;0
BRTOOLS) Te>t?#ased user intera!e or the BR*TOOLS
;. Where !an , ind inormation a#out Support Pa!*ages9 installation and !ompati#ility?
Reer to SAP 1ote 1$861.
6. Whi!h releases o the BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA should #e used?
We strongly recommend that you only use Version 6.10 or higher. Only
these versions are updated on a regular basis.
4. What do , do i one o the BR*TOOLS or SAPDBA results in an error?
If you cannot fnd a solution in the S! notes" you should chec# $hether
a current patch for the tool still returns the same error. If so" create a customer
message under the component %&'(%'O)'(%.
2. +o% !an , ind out %hi!h release and pat!h le"el #elong to an installed tool?
&all the tool $ith the * 'V* option +for e,ample" *brconnect 'V *-. .he
result includes the follo$ing lines $ith release and patch level/
#ernel release 0release1
patch level 0patchlevel1
8. Whi!h operating system and data#ase users should #e used %ith BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA?
Operating system users)
o W,1DOWS)
With a manual call" 0sid1adm should be used for all tools. If you
start from (%12" sapservice0sid1 is automatically used.
o (1,@)
ll tools can be started as ora0sid1. .he tools that can be called
from (%12 +%)%&34!" %))&5IV6" %)&O776&.- can alternatively be started as
Data#ase user)
.he O!S8 user is recommended as the database user +*'u 9*-" because it
does not re:uire a pass$ord. lternatively" you can also use the S;S.6< user
+including the pass$ord-.
One e,ception is the %)&O776&. function * 'f chpass*" $hich can only be
used $ith S;S.6<.
&aution/ s of %)&O776&. 6. =0 Support !ac#age >?" you can also $or#
$ith the O!S8 user +*'u 9*-. s a prere:uisite" %)&O776&. must have been
started as the OS users 0sid1adm or ora0sid1" $hich allo$s the *&O776&. 9 S
S;S(%* +because it belongs to the *dba* group-.
o SAPDBA /menu un!tion0)
;ou can only use S;S.6< as the database user.
<. Where do , ind the parameter iles or the BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA?
The ollo%ing parameter iles e>ist)
SAPDBA) AORA&L.B+OC.5d#s5initDsidE.d#a
7. Where do , ind the log iles o the BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA?
Depending on the tool you are using9 the log iles are lo!ated in the ollo%ing dire!tories
/ASAPDATAB+OC. F 5ora!le5DsidE0)
ASAPDATAB+OC.5sapar!h) BRAR&+,-.
ASAPDATAB+OC.5sap!he!*) BR&O11.&T
, you %ant to use a dire!tory other than the standard dire!tories9 you must set the
SAPBA&'(P9 SAPAR&+9 SAP&+.&' or SAPR.OR= en"ironment "aria#les.
Depending on the a!tion you ha"e e>e!uted9 SAPDBA log iles are also stored in one o these
13. +o% !an , delete old log iles o the BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA?
Gou !an delete o#solete log iles %ith the BR&O11.&T parameter H? !leanupH. By deault9
logs that are older than ;3 days are deleted. , you %ant to !onigure a dierent time inter"al9
you !an use a num#er o !leanupB* parameters. Reer to the BR&O11.&T do!umentation or
urther details.
11. +o% do , re!ogni:e errors and %arnings in the BR*TOOLS log?
The entries in the log iles o the BR*TOOLS start %ith an a##re"iation BRI3?7JI3?7JI3?7J
I,W.J9 that is9 %ith the string HBRH9 ollo%ed #y three num#ers and one o the letters ,9 W or .
/or e>ample9 BR341, or BR;13.0. The inal letter indi!ates %hether the entry represents an
inormation message /,09 a %arning message /W0 or an error message /.0.
1$. +o% , !an adKust the un!tions o H#r!onne!t ? ne>tH?
H#r!onne!t ? ne>tH !he!*s %hether the 1.@T si:e o o#Ke!ts must #e adKusted and perorms
the adKustment i reLuired. ,n !ertain !ases9 it may #e ad"isa#le to adKust the standard un!tion
/or e>ample9 to a"oid unne!essarily large 1.@T si:es or to e>!lude !ertain ta#les rom a
An upper limit !an #e deined or the 1.@T si:e /set #y BR&O11.&T0 %ith the parameter
ne>tBma>Bsi:e in Mor e>ample9 Hne>tBma>Bsi:e F 1=H limits the ma>imum
1.@T si:e to 1 giga#yte.
Gou !an use the parameter ne>tBe>!lude to spe!iy o#Ke!ts that are to #e e>!luded rom the
!he!* /or e>ample9 ne>tBe>!lude F SAPR;.T3330.
See the BR&O11.&T do!umentation or more !oniguration options.
1;. Why does H#r!onne!t ? !he!*H not re!ord a TABL.SPA&.BM(LL e"en though a
ta#lespa!e has already e>!eeded the threshold "alue?
With 4.O6@.67( fles" %)&O776&. also calculates the space that may
be available in the fle system. .%A6S!&6BC4AA $arning is only issued $ith
4.O6@.67( fles if the total of the freespace available in the tablespace and
$ithin the frame$or# of 4.O6@.67( e,ceeds the threshold value.
16. &an , use BRBA&'(P e"en i the data#ase !an no longer #e started?
In some cases +before you import a restore" for e,ample-" it may be
advisable to save the current status of the database as a precaution" even if you
can no longer open the database properly in the current status. Since it is only
possible to use %)%&34! if the database can be opened" you cannot run a
bac#up $ith this tool. In this case" you must use other tools for a bac#up or
e,ecute a simple fle system bac#up.
14. What do the return !odes o the BR*TOOLS mean?
Return &ode 3) Su!!essul e>e!ution
Return &ode 1) .>e!ution %ith %arning/s0
Return &ode $) Termination in the initiali:ation phase
Return &ode ;) .rror in the initiali:ation phase
Return &ode 6) Termination in the e>e!ution phase
Return &ode 4) .rror in the e>e!ution phase
Return &ode 2) A#ort
Return &ode 7) ,n e>e!ution
.hese return codes also correspond to the return codes logged in table
S(%5. Only for return codes 6 and D a diEerent S(%5 entry e,ists/ DDDD. .his
DDDD may appear constantly if" for e,ample" a %)F.OOA has been terminated
because of an error or if an online bac#up $as only recovered %6CO)6 the S(%5
update at the end of %)%&34!.
12. &an , also use the BR*TOOLS or SAP systems that do not ha"e SAP ABAP #asis?
;es" refer to 7ote 1>G=1 for more information.
.o use %)%&34!" %))&5IV6 and %))6S.O)6" see 7ote 2>0=?G.
If you only use H>66" e,ecute the sapdbaBadditional.s:l script from 7otes
6G?D=0 +6.=0 WI7(OWS-" 66I60= +6.=0 47I@-" I=D1=1 +7W>00=S WI7(OWS-
and I?116D +7W>00=S 47I@-.
In the case of <(<" see 7ote D2666?.
s of Version G. 00" an e,tended support of %)&O776&. is available
+7ote ID>>D=-.
18. Why does BRBA&'(P use &P,O e"en i TAP.B&OPGB&OCCA1D is set to DD?
(( is only used to bac#up large fles" such as the Oracle data fles.
Smaller fles" such as init0sid1.ora" are al$ays copied $ith &!IO. .herefore" &!IO
must al$ays be installed correctly to avoid errors.
1<. What is the importan!e o the HKidH parameter?
.he parameter *'Jid* is used to transfer a Job identifer" $hich enables
the system to map a %)F.OOAS run to an S! and (%12 Job. .his prevents some
of the problems described in 7ote 6?1=?>. Other$ise" this parameter alters
nothing about the e,ecution of %)F.OOAS.
17. Where !an , ind more inormation?
,normation a#out using BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA is a"aila#le in the SAP online
Additional inormation a#out other important topi!s is a"aila#le on SAP Ser"i!e Car*etpla!e
under the Lui!* lin* Hd#aoraH)

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