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The Colosseum is also known as _____________

a. Circus Maximus
b. Flavian amphitheater
c. Amphitheatrum Castrense
d. Amphitheater of Statilius Taurus
(a) Circus Maximus was a popular entertainment venue during Ancient Rome. It was a 1850 x
280 foot arena. It can accommodate 150,000 patrons. It was originally a wooden structure but
after the continuous fire incidents the architects reabuilt it using bricks and concrete.
(c) Amphitheatrum Castrense is the second known amphitheater during Ancient Rome. Its
shaped was regular ellipse and 88 meters long by 75.80 wide. It was made of brick and three
storey high.
(d) Amphitheater of Statilius Taurus was built in 29 BCE and built by Titus Statilius Taurus. It
was not a large amphiheater than led Nero to built the Colosseum in 57 AD.
2. Its dome is known as the worlds largets unreinforced concrete.
a. Temple of Diana
b. Bath of Caracalla
c. Pantheon
d. Temple of Apollo
(a) Temple of Diana was a Roman Temple during Ancient Rome and was built during 6th
century BC . It was constructed by the combination efforts of cities of Asia Minor.
(b) Bath of Caracalla was the second largest bathhouse during Ancient Rome. It can
accommodate 1,600 bathers. The structure has hypocaust which was a system of burning coal to
have warm water. It was just not a bathhouse but a multifunctional leisure center (libraries,
spaces for exercise, art galleries and gardens).
(d) Temple of Apollo was also known as Apollinar. It was a Roman temple dedicated to Apollo.
It was a regular spot for senators meetings. The three columns are the strong foundation of it
that it made it to stand as of today made by Augustan.
3. It was the first and largest stadium during the Ancient Rome.
a. Colosseum
b. Circus Maximus
c. Stadium of Domitian
d. Circus of Maxentius
(a) The Colosseum was also known as Flavian Amphitheater. It was a vast ellipse 189m x
156.5m and has an arena proper which is an oval 84.47m x 54.86m. It can accommodate 50,000
to 80,000 spectators. It was the largest amphitheatre of Roman Empire. It started at 70 AD up to
80 AD. It was used for gladiatorial contests and entertainments at early medieval.
(c) Stadium of Domitian is also known as Circus Agonalis. It was made during 80 AD by
Emperor Domitianus which was a gift for the people of Rome. Most atheltic contests were done
there. It was the first permanent venue for athletic contests.
(d) Circus of Maxentius also known as Circus of Caracalla. It was the best perserved of all
Roman circuses and second to the Circus Maximus.
4. It was a comlex having two libraries, a basilica, markets and large temle and also has last and
largest imerial forum in Rome.
a. Trajans Forum
b. Circus Maximus
c. Forum of Augutus
d. Forum of Caesar
(b) Circus Maximus was a popular entertainment venue during Ancient Rome. It was a 1850 x
280 foot arena. It can accommodate 150,000 patrons. It was originally a wooden structure but
after the continuous fire incidents the architects reabuilt it using bricks and concrete.
(c) Forum of Augustus was one of the Imperial Forums during Ancient Rome and was built by
Augustus. It was a temple for honoring Mars and a place for legal proceedings. It was full of
different statues but most of it are Augustus statues.
(d) Forum of Caesar was also known as Forum Iulium or Forum Julium. It was built by Julius
Caesar. It was for the expansion of Forum Romanum. It was a placed for public business about
the Senate and a shrine for Julius Caesar.
5. He was the architect of Pantheon and favorite by Trajan.
a. Frontinus
b. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
c. Appollodorus of Damascus
d. Augustus
(a) Frontinus is one of the most noble senators of Ancient Rome. He lead the official reports of
every aqueducts and author of technical books about aqueducts. He also stated the laws relating
to uses and maintenance of the water supply system.
(b) Marcus Vitruvius Pollio was a Roman author, architect and civil engineer. He was best
known for his book, De Architectura. He is the Father of architectural acoustics. He described
the techniques of echeas (echoers) in theaters.
(d) Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire and first emperor. He expanded the Empire
all over the world. He developed the network of roads and rebuilt the city during his reign. He
built some structures like the Temple of Caesar, Baths of Agrippa, and Forum of Augustus.
6. He rebuilt the city of Rome and the founder and first emperor of Rome.
a. Frontinus
b. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
c. Appollodorus of Damascus
d. Augustus
(a) Frontinus is one of the most noble senators of Ancient Rome. He lead the official reports of
every aqueducts and author of technical books about aqueducts. He also stated the laws relating
to uses and maintenance of the water supply system.
(b) Marcus Vitruvius Pollio was a Roman author, architect and civil engineer. He was best
known for his book, De Architectura. He is the Father of architectural acoustics. He described
the techniques of echeas (echoers) in theaters.
(c) Appollodorus of Damascus was a Greek engineer, architect, designer and sculptor. He was
the favorite by Trajan which he constructed the Trajans Column, Trajans bridge, and Trajans
forum and was the architect of Pantheon.
7. Father of Architectural acoustics during Ancient Rome.
a. Frontinus
b. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
c. Appollodorus of Damascus
d. Augustus
(a) Frontinus is one of the most noble senators of Ancient Rome. He lead the official reports of
every aqueducts and author of technical books about aqueducts. He also stated the laws relating
to uses and maintenance of the water supply system.
(c) Appollodorus of Damascus was a Greek engineer, architect, designer and sculptor. He was
the favorite by Trajan which he constructed the Trajans Column, Trajans bridge, and Trajans
forum and was the architect of Pantheon.
(d) Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire and first emperor. He expanded the Empire
all over the world. He developed the network of roads and rebuilt the city during his reign. He
built some structures like the Temple of Caesar, Baths of Agrippa, and Forum of Augustus.
8. He developed Christian churches and first christian emperor.
a. Gaius Julius Caesar
b. Augustus
c. Constantine the Great
d. Hadrian
(a) Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general, statesman, consul and notable author. He stated
laws for family having many childrens. Because of him being a dictatorship, many laws has been
passed by him that gives life and strength during Ancient Rome era. He was granted many
honors that one of his statues are along the kings statues.
(b) Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire and first emperor. He expanded the Empire
all over the world. He developed the network of roads and rebuilt the city during his reign. He
built some structures like the Temple of Caesar, Baths of Agrippa, and Forum of Augustus.
(d) Hadrian was a Roman emperor during 117 to 138. He rebuilt the Pantheon and constructed
the Temple of Venus and Roma. He built the Hadrians Wall which borded the Roman Britain.
He built libraries, baths, theaters and aqueducts
9. It serves as the road of Roman military for easy transportation of military supplies.
a. Appian Way
b. Via Latina
c. Via Lata
d. Via Flaminia
(b) Via Latina was a Roman road of Italy running 200 km to southeast of Rome. It was the
natural line of communication without the engineering having much difficulties.
(c) Via Latta also known as Via del Corso. It was the main street of Rome. It was known for its
straigth road characterized of having narrow alleys and piazzas. It was considered as wide street
during Ancient Rome.
(d) Via Flaminia was an ancient Roman road from Rome to Apennine Mountains . It was one of
the most convinient road during ancient times. It was constructed by Gaius Flaminius.
10. This monument wast built to pay tribute to Emperor Constantine.
a. Trajans Forum
b. Pantheon
c. Colosseum
d. Arch of Constantine
(a) Trajans Forum was the last and Largest imperial forum in Rome. It was a complex (basilica,
two libraries, markets, and large temple). It was created by Apollodorus of Damascus (famous
architect) and 300 m long and 185 m wide.
(b) Pantheon was a temple for all the Roman Gods. It started at 118 AD up to 125 AD. It was a
T-shaped plan. The dome has 142 foot diameter and became a Christian Church in 609 AD. The
porch has 8 large granite Corinthian columns at front row. Its dome was worlds largest
unreinforced concrete.
(c) The Colosseum was also known as Flavian Amphitheater. It was a vast ellipse 189m x
156.5m and has an arena proper which is an oval 84.47m x 54.86m. It can accommodate 50,000
to 80,000 spectators. It was the largest amphitheatre of Roman Empire. It started at 70 AD up to
80 AD. It was used for gladiatorial contests and entertainments at early medieval.

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