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Mini chocolate cakes

Recipe Type: Dessert

Author: Laura Adamache
Prep time: 1 hour
Cook time: 1 hour
Total time: 2 hours
My mother in la!" Letitia" cele#rates her anniversary today and #ecause !e
can$t #e !ith her" % have prepared a small virtual &i't" as s!eet and &ood as
her( )appy #irthday" Mom* +e !ish you health" happiness and a day as lovely
as you are* +e love you very much*
%n&redients 'or mini cakes !ith a diameter o' 1, centimeters:
- e&&s
- 1., &rams o' caster su&ar
- 1/, &rams o' plain 0our
- 1, &rams o' cocoa po!der
- 2 #a&s o' vanilla su&ar
2anache 3llin&
- 2,, ml dou#le cream
- 2,, &rams dark chocolate
- 2/ &rams unsalted #utter
- 2 ta#lespoons o' !hite rum
- 2,, ml !ater
- 1,, &rams 'ructose41/, &rams caster su&ar
- 2 ta#lespoons natural vanilla e5tract
- 167 ta#lespoons o' 8randy or Marsala li9ueur
- 1,, &rams unsalted #utter
- 1, ta#lespoons su&ar
- 1, ta#lespoons cocoa po!der
- 12 ta#lespoons milk
- 1 &elatin sheet :2 &rams;
- 2/, &rams mar<ipan
- 1,, &rams dark chocolate :min ,= cocoa content;
- Su&ar hearts 'or decoratin&
- 1/, &rams chocolate 0akes
)o! to make the layers
+hip the !hole e&&s !ith the su&ar and the vanilla su&ar until they chan&e
color and their volume triples( Si't to&ether the 0our and the cocoa po!der(
2radually add the 0our and cocoa mi5 to the e&& #atter and &ently 'old them
in" 'rom #ottom to top(
8utter and 0our a rectan&ular pan :2.52,cm; and pour the #atter in( 8ake
the spon&e cake in the preheated oven at a temperature o' 1>,?C 'or a#out
2,62/ minutes(
Click on this link to &et some use'ul tips 'or a success'ul spon&e cake(
Remove the spon&e cake 'rom the oven" let it cool 'or a #it in the pan" then
0ip it over on a rack and let it cool 'or completely(
)o! to make the &anache 3llin&
Pour the dou#le cream in a saucepan and add the #utter( Simmer on very lo!
heat and make sure it doesn$t &et to a #oil* +hen the mi5ture &ets very hot"
remove 'rom heat and add the chocolate cut into very small pieces and the
rum( Stir until the chocolate is completely melted then let the mi5ture cool
do!n 'or a#out 1, minutes( A'ter 1, minutes" start to !hip it until it turns into
a li&htly colored 'rostin&( @ou !ill need appro5imately 1, to 1/ minutes until it
thickens( A'ter it is cool enou&h" leave it on the counter until you start puttin&
the cakes to&ether(
)o! to make the syrup
%n a small saucepan" mi5 the !ater and the 'ructose and simmer on lo! heat(
+hen the 'ructose is completely dissolved" put out the heat" add the #randy
and the vanilla e5tract and cover the saucepan !ith a lid( Let the syrup cool
)o! to make the icin&
Make sure to prepare the icin& a'ter you have assem#led the cakes( %n a small
saucepan add the #utter cut into pieces" the su&ar" the milk and the cocoa
po!der( Simmer on very lo! heat( +hen the #utter and the su&ar are
completely melted" put out the heat and add one sheet o' &elatin !hich
you$ve previously soaked in cold !ater 'or a#out ten minutes( The &elatin
should #e !ell drained #e'ore added into the icin&(
Please #e care'ul not to let the icin& reach to a #oil*
+hisk the icin& 'or a#out 1 or 7 minutes( The more you !hisk it" the shinier it
!ill #e( Let it cool(
The mar<ipan
% used ready6made mar<ipan this time #ecause % didn$t have any time to
prepare it mysel'( Anead the mar<ipan 'or a #it to so'ten it" then roll it out in a
sheet !ith a thickness o' 1"/ cm on a sur'ace li&htly po!dered !ith icin&
su&ar( Cut out circles !ith a lar&e cookie cutter(
Chocolate crescents
+rap some #akin& paper around a rollin& pin( Melt the chocolate in a dou#le
#oiler or in the micro!ave" let it cool 'or a #it :a#out / minutes;" then pour it
in a pipin& #a& and pipe strands o' chocolate on the rollin& pin( Put the rollin&
pin in the 'ree<er 'or 1,61/ minutes" then &ently peel oB the chocolate
)o! to assem#ly the cakes
Cut the spon&e cake into circles usin& cake rin&( Cut each cake into three
layers( Place the 3rst spon&e cake layer in the cake rin&" moisten it !ith 1 or
2 ta#lespoons o' syrup" add some &anache 3llin&" place the second spon&e
cake layer" moisten it" add the mar<ipan sheet and then the last spon&e cake
layer !hich should #e very li&htly moistened(
Put the cakes in the oven and start makin& the icin& as mentioned a#ove(
+hen the icin& is cold" remove the cakes 'rom the rin&s and place them on a
rack( Don$t
'or&et to protect your !orkin& area #y placin& a tray underneath the rack(
Ladle the icin& onto the cakes and make sure it per'ectly covers the sides o'
the cakes( Let them set 'or a#out 1, minutes then dress the sides in
chocolate 0akes and decorate !ith chocolate crescents and su&ar hearts(
@ou can serve them immediately or keep them in the 'rid&e( %' you !ant to
serve them later" make sure to take them out o' the 'rid&e 1, minutes #e'ore
%n&rediente pt mini torturi cu ciocolata de 1, cm diametru
1., & <ahar
1/, & 'aina
1, & cacao
2 plicuri <ahar vanilat
Crema &anache
2,, & 'risca lichida
2,, & ciocolata amara
2/ & unt
2 lin&uri rom al#
2,, & apa
1,, & 'ructo<a41/, & <ahar
2 lin&uri esenta vanilie naturala
167 lin&uri #randy4marsala
1,, &r unt
1, lin&uri rase <ahar
1, lin&uri rase cacao
12 lin&uri lapte
1 'oaie &elatina :2 &r;
%n plus
2/, & martipan
1,, & ciocolata amara : minim ,= continut cacao;
inimioare de <ahar pentru decor
1/, & 'ul&i de ciocolata
Preparare #lat
Mi5am ouale intre&i cu <aharul si <aharul vanilat pana cand se deschid la
culoare iar volumul lor s6a triplat( Amestecam 'aina cu cacao si le dam prin
sita( Adau&am treptat mi5ul de 'aina si cacao peste mi5ul de oua si <ahar si
amestecam cu mare &riCa de Cos in sus(
Tapetam" cu unt si 'aina" o 'orma dreptun&hiulara de 2.D2, cm si adau&am
Coacem pandispanul la 1>,?C" cuptor preincal<it" pentru 2,62/ minute(
Accesand urmatorul link" veti &asi cateva s'aturi importante despre un
pandispan reusit(
Scoatem pandispanul din cuptor" il lasam putin sa se raceasca in tava" apoi il
rasturnam pe un &ratar si il lasam sa se raceasca complet(
Preparare &anache
Punem 'risca lichida si untul intr6o craticioara pe 'oc 'oarte mic( Avem mare
&riCa sa nu 3ar#a** Cand este 'oarte 3er#inte" stin&em 'ocul si adau&am
ciocolata taiata in #ucatele mici si romul(
Amestecam #ine pana cand ciocolata este complet topita apoi lasam crema
sa se racesaca pentru cca 1, minute(
Dupa 1, minute" incepem sa o mi5am pana cand se trans'orma in crema si se
deschide la culoare( E sa aveti nevoie de cca 1,61/ minute pana cand crema
se va intari(
Dupa ce se raceste su3cient" o lasam pe masa din #ucatarie pana cand ne
apucam de asam#lat tortuletele(
Crema 2anache
Preparare sirop
Punem pe 'oc mic" intr6o craticioara" apa amestecata cu 'ructo<a( Cand
aceasta din urma s6a topit complet" stin&em 'ocul" adau&am #randy6ul si
esenta de vanilie si acoperim craticioara cu un capac(
Lasam siropul sa se raceasca(
Preparare &la<ura
2la<ura se prepara dupa ce ati asam#lat tortuletele(
Punem intr6o craticioara pe 'oc 'oarte mic" untul taiat in #ucatele" <aharul"
laptele si cacaua(
Cand untul si <aharul sunt complet topite" stin&em 'ocul si adau&am 1 'oaie
de &elatina #ine stoarsa pe care am tinut6o la inmuiat in apa rece cu 1,
minute inainte(
Aveti mare &riCa ca &la<ura sa nu 3ar#a in niciun ca<**
Amestecam &la<ura cu un tel in 'orma de para pentru 167 minute( Cu cat o
amestecam mai repede si mai mult" cu atat va 3 mai lucioasa(
E lasam apoi sa se raceasca(
De data aceasta am 'olosit martipan cumparat pentru ca nu am avut deloc
timp sa il 'ac(
Framantam putin martipanul ca sa se inmoaie" apoi il intindem intr6o 'oaie de
1"/ cm pe planul de lucru usor pudrat cu <ahar pudra( Decupam cu cercul"
Semicercuri ciocolata
%m#racam un 'acalet in hartie de copt( Topim ciocolata la #ain marie sau
microunde" o lasam sa se racesca putin : cca / minute;" apoi o punem intr6un
sac G poche si 'ormam pe 'acalet" dun&ulite de ciocolata( 8a&am 'acaletul la
con&elator pentru 1,61/ minute" apoi desperindem cu &riCa semicercurile de
Taiem pandispanul 'olosind o 'orma circulara(
Pandispan mini torturi
Taiem 3ecare tortulet in 1 'oi( Fi5am o 'oaie in cerc" o insiropam cu 162 lin&uri
de sirop rece" 'ormam un strat de &anache" adau&am o a doua 'oaie de #lat
pe care o insiropam" apoi adau&am cercul de martipan si inchidem tortuletele
cu ultima 'oaie pe care o insiropam putin(
Preparare mini torturi
8a&am torturile la 'ri&ider si ne apucam de pre&atit &la<ura asa cum am
e5plicat mai sus(
Cand &la<ura este rece" scoatem torturile din 'orme" le ase<am pe un &ratar
su# care ase<am o tava mare" si turnam &la<ura cu aCutorul unui polonic
peste torturi(
Avem &riCa ca &la<ura sa im#race per'ect si mar&inile torturilor(
Le lasam sa se scur&a #ine : cca 1, minute; apoi le im#racam mar&inile in
'ul&i de ciocolata si le decoram cu semicerculete de ciocolata si inimioare de
Le putem servi imediat sau le #a&am la 'ri&ider( %n ca<ul in care doriti sa le
serviti mai tar<iu" le scoateti cu 1, minute inainte din 'ri&ider(

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