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Addict Rehabilitation Program

William Pittman
PJM 310-2 Introduction to Project Management
Colorado State University Global Campus
Professor Ken Wallin
March 1, 2014


Statement of purpose: To develop and manage data collection to measure effectiveness of
existing drug counseling program.
Abstract: Recovery from drug addiction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon
(McIntosh& McKegany 47). Helping with a large number of abusers only adds to the
complexity of this phenomenon and, consequently, data must be collected and used properly to
best treat a large number of people effectively. Since studies indicate inconsistent or
inconclusive findings on the effectiveness or coercion in drug treatment ( Ladnier 117). This
program will be completely voluntary in nature.

Project Start date: 3/01/2014
Project End date: 3/01/2017
Phase 1: Set-up
The project has a scheduled start date of 3/01/2014 and will begin with hiring employees
to fill the roles necessary to collect data and locate employment opportunities for participants.
Three general clerks with 3 to 5 years of general and administrative experience will be hired in
addition to one human resource specialist with zero to two years of experience. A furnished 3
room office space will be sourced for the data collection project.
Phase 2: Initial Screening and Employment Assignment
After office and staff are in place, the first applicants are then screened by collection and

analysis of the initial enrollment data. Potential applicants are requested to provide the following
information which is then verified by a staff clerk. The reason for verification of this
information is because the data source ( human) fears reporting any information that might
contribute to a negative performance evaluation ( Meredith & Mantel Jr. pg. 442).
Applicant is over than 18 and less than 24
Applicant has been arrested for crime
Applicant is not a repeat offender.
Applicant is living with at least one family member that is a parent or guardian
Applicant is male.
As participants are screened and accepted into the program, the human resource specialist locates
jobs for each participant. This process of screening and placing will be ongoing due to the
variable time duration for each participant in the program.
After being accepted into the program, the second data collection period begins. This data is
collected weekly and used to check if the participant is complying with the ongoing requirements
of the program. The data collected and analyzed includes:
Checking repeat offender status
Drug testing results
Checking with employer to verify employment
Less than 24 years of age
Living with a family member that is parent or guardian
This process of initial and ongoing data collection will be continued throughout the lifecycle of
the project due to the varying nature of participation in the program.

Data Collection Method
Data will be collected and assessed in two distinct sets. Organization of data and attention to
rigor are essential when working with such large qualitative data sets ( White, Oelke, &
Friesen). The first set of data consists of the initial data collected from the program participants
and is collected once and hereafter will be referred to as Data Set 1. The second data collection
and assessment (Data Set 2) occurs weekly throughout the duration of the individuals
Data Set 1
The first condition participants must satisfy is the age requirement of between 18 and 24
years of age. This data will be collected via birth certificate from the potential participant and
the data will be assessed as a raw number and compared to the minimum age requirement first.
If the participant meets the minimum age requirement, the data is then put in the pool of
secondary data, not as a continuous item to be updated like other data but an item to be compared
to the maximum age cutoff. This data will be compared with the maximum age on a weekly
basis with Data Set 2 information. In the event that a participant exceeds the maximum age
requirement, go/no go controls will be initiated and, with the condition for age requirements as
false, the participant will no longer be able to continue the program.
The second piece of data to be collected and assessed is the participants arrest record.
The participant must satisfy the condition of being arrested at least one time for a drug related
crime but must not be considered a repeat offender. This information will be collected from the
potential participant and verified by their criminal background history.

The third piece of data initially collected in Data Set 1 is the potential participants
housing status; that is, are they living with at least one family member that is a parent or
guardian. This information will be collected from the potential participant and verified by the
family member they live with
The last piece of data collected is the simple true or false condition that the applicant is
male. This information will be assessed also by their birth certificate.
Data Set 2
Data Set 2 information sets will be collected and assessed weekly throughout the participants
duration in the program.
The first data entry collected during any Data Set 2 collection period is checking their
criminal background history to verify that repeat offender status has not been declared. If so
classified, the participant will be instructed to leave the program.
Second to be collected in Data Set 2 are the weekly drug test results. Clean drug test
results allows continuation in the program. Drug tests will be given and asses because drug
testing is the most efficient means of discovering employee drug abuse (Cranford 1809). If the
drug test data comes back as dirty, the participant is given one month to pass the weekly drug
test procedure. If the participant cannot pass a drug test within one month after failing, the
participant will be asked to leave the program.
Third to be collected is verification of employment from the participants employer. This
will be done via phone call to said employer and is considered a true/false condition. If the
participant is no longer employed, information is requested from both the participant and
employer for justification or reason for unemployment. Based on the employment status, a

decision will be made regarding continuing participation in the program. Extenuating
circumstances may be considered on an individual basis.
Although already collected, the fourth data element of age will be assessed on a weekly
basis to ensure the applicant is still under 24 years of age.
The last piece of data within Data Set 2, housing status, is collected via family member
and confirmed by the participant. If the participant no longer lives with a family member, go/no
go control will be initiated and the participant will be required to leave the program.
For the purposes of this project, I will assume a grant of $500,000.00 over a period of 3
$500,000.00/3 = $166,666.67 per year budget
The costs incurred are mirrored directly to the data collection periods and job placement cost.
Data Set 1 Costs
Assessing birth certificate for age and gender:
0.5 hr @ $20/hr = $10.00
Assessing criminal background for crime committed and repeat offender status:
1.0 hr @ $20/hr = $20.00
Verification that potential clients meets housing conditions:
0.5 hr @ $20/hr = $10.00

Resulting in a total cost of data collection period one of $10.00+$20.00+$10.00 = $40.00
Job Placement
After data collection period 1, the participant will be found a job by the human resource
For our considerations, on average a participant will interview 3 times
1 hour @ $20/hr per each position found = $60.00
Data Set 2 costs
Checking repeat crime offender status
20 minutes @ $20/hr = $6.67
Weekly drug test
Checking with employer on employment status
10 minutes @ $20.00/hr = $6.67
Checking with family member for housing
10 minutes @ $20.00/hr =$6.67
These cost result in a total of $6.67+$30+$6.67+$6.67 = $50.01
With both data assessment periods quantified, the average Data Set 2 cost must be found
to compile an average cost per participant throughout their duration in the program. This is
important in assessing the number of participants that can participate in the program. It is hard to

asses an average time spent in the program. Some may immediately drop out of the program.
Some may stay for a period of months up to a year. Some may stay for up to two years.
10% drop out within one month
40% will stay for an average of 4 months
25 % will stay for an average of 8 months
25% will stay 8 months to 24 months, or an average of 12
Results in an average stay of ((10%*1mo) + (40%*4mo) + (25%*8mo) + (25%*12mo)) =
6.7 months
An anticipated average stay of 6.7 months and Data Set 2 collected weekly leaves us with:
30 days in a month *.7= 21 days or three data collection periods plus 4 collection
periods*6 months = an average of 27 of data 2 collection periods
Combining the cost of Data Set 1, job placement, and Data Set 2:
1 data 1 = $40
1 job placement = $60
27 Data Set 2 = 27*$50.01 = $1,350.27
Total average cost per client = $40+$60+$1,350.27 = $1,450.27

With a rough budget of $166,666.67 per year, approximately 123 participants could be involved
with the program per year.

3 Clerks @ $20.00/hr
$38,400.00/year * 3 =$115,200.00
Human Resource Specialist @ $20/hr * 1 qty
$38,400.00/year *1 = $38,400.00
Clerks plus HR=$153,600.00cost of employees per year
Our budget of $166,666.67-$153,600.00 leaves $13,066.67 per year for office expenses
Office expenses include
Leasing office space for 36 months @ $900 per month = $32,400 committed cost or
$10,800 per year.
Leaving $10,800-$13,066.67 or $2,266.67 for general office expenses yearly
Project management methods
The data collected in Data Set 1 and Data Set 2 will be assessed by a combination or cybernetic
and go/no-go controls mixed with human interpretation. The project will be monitored on a
weekly basis to assess its success based on elements collected in data sets one and two. The
assessment of success/quality includes these factors determined from data sets one and two:
Average length of time in the program
Outcome of participant
Weekly drug test results

Rate of recidivism in program
These inputs for determination of project success will be developed automatically via database
compilation of information and then compiled into a weekly report. The project will be
controlled numerically by computer, placing restrictions on new applicants based on current
number of participants. Risk for the project includes variations in reporting skills as well as the
willingness to record accurate data (Elazouni & Salem pg.1) This will be solved proactively
from the SMART aspect of achievable.


Cranford, M. (1998). Drug Testing and the Right to Privacy: Arguing the Ethics of Workplace
Drug Testing. Journal Of Business Ethics, 17(16), 1805-1815.
Meredith J.R. & Mantel Jr. S.J. (2012) Project Management: A Managerial Approach.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
White, D., Oelke, N. D., & Friesen, S. (2012). Management of a Large Qualitative Data Set:
Establishing Trustworthiness of the Data. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods,
11(3), 244-258.
& Creativity, 6(19), 116-120
McIntosh, J., & McKeganey, N. (2001). Identity and Recovery from Dependent Drug Use: the
addict's perspective. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 8(1), 47-59.
ELAZOUNI, A., & SALEM, O. A. (2011). Progress monitoring of construction projects using
pattern recognition techniques. Construction Management & Economics, 29(4), 355-370.

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